Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
Understanding Culture, Society and Politics
Culture, Society
and Politics
Society and Culture
Module 1
Elnora H. Cordoviz
Marvin M. Lunar
Mariel Eugene L. Luna
Editor/ Layout Artist
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
to explain the importance of cultural relativism in attaining cultural understanding.
The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations.
The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Use a separate sheet of paper for your
Guess What?
Fill each box with two examples based on your own opinion and experiences.
Knowledge 1.
Beliefs 1.
Customs 1.
Arts 1.
Morals 1.
Society and Culture
In this chapter we will discuss the concept of culture and society. Define nation-
state, personal identity and culture. We will expound on the significance of studying
culture and society. Understand man’s social experience and the different ways of
viewing politics.
Culture and society both focused on people. The practices and beliefs of people
form part of their culture. The society on the other hand is composed of the people with
similar beliefs and practices. The people’s nationality and language are not the sole
determination of their culture. Cultural differences are expected even on people who
speak the same language. Each person has a mixture of culture and possess unique
personal experiences.
Moreover, in the study of both society and culture knowledge, arts customs
beliefs and morals are quite important. Since knowledge is the person’s understanding
of something he believed as true. Arts refer to man’s personal expression of a thing or
situation which can be visual, auditory, etc. Customs refer to the people’s way of life in
a particular locality. Morals is about the goodness or badness of a character or about
the right or wrong behavior. Beliefs can be based on opinion about the existence of
something to be true even without basis.
Society and culture are intertwined. One cannot exist without the other. Along
with them is politics. Politics defines the way people in the society are governed and
directed. The family just for an instance has its own culture under the supervision of
the father and the mother. Just like the tribe or a clan or a nation, or a state. Every unit
is composed of people (society) governed by a leader sharing a pattern of life (culture).
We can realize that such activity in time continues and we were able to survive along
with changes.
Changes and development affect our lives and they are observable in our society
today. Work is made easier through machines and communication is even faster
through computers. Genetic engineering helped us produce disease resistant plants.
These changes resulted in the modernization of nation states.
Culture provides economic and social benefits. The very person of the individual
and of the whole community can be augmented as well as the standard of living by
improving the education and safety of the people.
Culture cannot exist without society and likewise. The society is composed of the
people sharing similar practices and beliefs, while culture is composed of those practices
and beliefs of the people.
A group normally shares a pattern of beliefs and behavior which is called culture.
In time, people change or develop their way of life.
What makes man unique is the diversity of their culture brought by his environment
and the way they grow. Factors on his environment affect not only his biological but
also his cultural and physical make-up causing man to change. Anthropologists
continuously study man along with his culture. Culture is believed to be acquired by
teaching man his way of life. That is, culture is learned. As man continues to interact,
a particular culture may be passed, thus we can say that a culture is shared. Man’s life
is represented by anything he does. He uses signs/symbols to be understood. We can
cay that culture itself is symbolic. As man lives, he travels and tend to adjust to his
new environment including people and lives with them. Culture is then adaptive.
Finally, everything man accumulated is said to be repeated in his life making a
particular pattern in his social interactions. Therefore, culture is patterned.
a man. That is bringing the best in him, shaping his values and beliefs. The way man
lives every day is society itself, culture and civilization as well.
Why is society important
1. Society forms man’s culture. The activity of man in the society defines his culture.
We will notice that people living in a particular society share culture among themselves.
2. Society supports its members. Many things may happen in the course of man’s
life. Whether good or bad we will notice that members of the society help each other
specially during difficult times.
3. Society works toward a common goal. Members of the society agree to meet a
common end by exerting their efforts collectively to attain a particular social condition.
Strong support system is a significant characteristic of the members of society.
4. Society regulates programs for the people. Primary programs of the government
are as well as management of the environment and the society’s resources for the welfare
of its members are the primary concern of the society in general.
5. Society forms social groups. As people relate with one another, they began to
establish a relationship which made them unite and agree with one another. People may
come from different ethnic groups but society put a bond on them to establish a social
group. Such social group may even last for a lifetime depending on the type of bond
among its members.
People in the society need to make decisions. They agree on a common end and
may even take actions to confirm their agreement. The study of politics will tell us that
people contract with each other to express their agreement. Politics made people to
struggle for power. The course in Political Science is taught in colleges and
universities. Political Science tells us the organization and practices of the state.
Politicians are the people involved in politics. They struggle for power in order to better
achieve their interest. That is to serve the people.
2. Politics is governance
The importance of management while maintaining bond with the people or
subjects is important in politics. A good leader is able to put his people at their best
without sacrificing the people’s trust. Good leaders are able to move their subjects
willingly without contradictions and hesitations.
3. Politics shapes characters and significant issues are valued.
Politics is public service. The heart of the politician is to uphold what is better
for the people. It is not necessary to be self-centered but to be people centered is
significant. Remember politics is not for the greedy but for the righteous..
( one observed in your community)
(describe your community)
(the type of governance in your locality)
B. Deepen Up
Directions: Write a story. You may use a separate paper for this.
Directions: Express what you have learned in this lesson by completing the sentences
below. You may use a separate sheet of paper for this.
1. Culture is ________________________________________________________________
3. These details help readers understand the significance of studying culture
and society by ___________________________________________________________
Directions: Write a short narrative about the changes in the culture of people in your
neighborhood or barangay during the quarantine period. Tell the reason for such
changes in culture. Use descriptive words to make your work vivid and interesting. You
may use a separate paper for this activity.
Assessment Rubrics:
• Rich detail, • Good detail, • Some basic • Limited detail,
Ideas and creative and generally detail, attempts little creativity or
Content original creative to be creative originality
• The language is • The language is • The language is • Sensory language
exceptionally often sensory. The sometimes is limited. The
sensory. The reader can often sensory. The reader had
reader can feel, feel, taste, see, or reader can difficulty feeling,
taste, see, or hear hear the poem. sometimes feel, tasting, seeing, or
the poem taste, see, or hear hearing the
throughout. • The language is the poem. poem.
generally “cut to
Language • The language is the bone,” mostly • The language is • Many unclear,
and Word “cut to the bone,” leaving only the somewhat “cut to unnecessary or
Choice leaving only the necessary or the bone.” Some ineffective words
necessary or powerful. unnecessary or or phrases are
powerful. ineffective words included
• For the most part, or phrases are
• Each word is words are included. • Little attempt has
carefully chosen carefully chosen been made to
to enhance the to enhance the • Some attempt has choose words for
poem. poem. been made to effect or
choose some inappropriate
words for effect word choices.
may not be
• Punctuation • Punctuation is • Some • Arbitrary
enhances meaningful meaningful punctuation.
Punctuation conveyance of throughout. punctuation.
and Spelling thoughts and • Several major
images. • Few minor • Several minor spelling errors.
spelling errors. spelling errors.
• Rarely any
spelling errors
Adapted from:https://etfoassessment.ca/media/intermediate/rubrics/
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer before the
_____3. How do you call the study of the organizations and practices of the state?
A. Anthropology C. Political Science
B. Policy D. Psychology
_____5. What do you call the concept you develop about yourself that evolves over the
course of your life?
A. Anthropology C. Personal identity
B. Culture D. Society
_____6. This means that man uses signs and symbols in order to be understood.
A. Social structure C. Social organization
B. Social system D. Symbolic
_____7. The students are made to understand the duties and obligations of being a
member of the society.
A. Anthropology C. Political arts
B. Citizenship education D. Social arts
_____10. This refers to the customary patterns of everyday life specifying what is
socially correct and proper.
A. Culture C. Laws
B. Folkways D. Mores
B. Directions: Write T if the statement is true, and write F if the statement is false
before the number.
___11. Culture is learned.
___12. Political position is inherited.
___13. Our culture is a mixture of different culture.
___14. It is right to judge others’ culture.
___15. Knowledge refers to information perceived and received to be true
1. Make a list, description and explanation of cultural practices in your community
that may be considered taboo or unacceptable.
2. As you watch news at this time of pandemic, how do politicians take part in
serving the people? You can take your local leader’s action (mayor of the city) as
an example.
15. Obedience
14. Faith in God
family T 15.
13. Sensitivity
older people in the
elders taking care of the
F 14.
12. Respect for Respect for the elders, T 13.
cooking 5. Morals F 12.
11. Way of Tattoo, dance T 11.
10. A 4. Arts D 10.
9. C accessories 9. C
Clothing, wearing of
8. C 8. C
3. Customs
7. D 7. B
after death
6. A Faith in God, Life
6. D
5. D 2. Beliefs 5. C
4. B weaving 4. D
3. C Painting, cloth 3. C
2. D 1. Knowledge 2. D
1. A 1. A
What’s in)
Pretest Guess What (under Assessment
1. Balena, E., et al. 2016. Understanding Culture, Society and Politics. Quezon
City” Educational Resources Corporation.
5, 2020. www.coursehero.com › file › MANS-SOCIAL-AND-C...
3. This is “Language, Society, and Culture”, section 3.4 from the book A Primer
on Communication Studies (v. 1.0). Licensed under a Creative Commons by-
nc-sa 3.0 license. https://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/a-primer-on-
4. Purpose of Society and its Importance. Accessed June 2, 2020.
5. What is the significance of studying culture society and politics? Accessed
June 4, 2020. https://brainly.ph/question/579807
6. What is Culture? Accessed June 3, 2020.
7. What is the importance to study society? Accessed June 3, 2020. What is
the importance to study society? – Quora. www.quora.com › What-is-the-