Multiple Choice: Encircle The Letter of The Best Answer

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Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the best answer

1. In this stage, one is adjusting to the happenings of his life and one needs to adjust to
understand everything especially in death.
A. Adolescence C. Late Maturity
B. Early Adulthood D. Middle Age

2. The following are developmental tasks in early Childhood EXCEPT

A. Learning to talk C. Learning to get along with age mates
B. Learning to take solid foods D. Learning to control elimination of wastes

3. The following are developmental task of early adulthood EXCEPT.

A. Rearing children C. Starting an occupation
B. Managing a home D. Adjusting to aging parent

4. Developmental task of an adolescent where in Adolescents learn through interacting

with others in more adult ways and physical maturity plays an important role in peer
A. Achieving mature relations with both sexes
B. Achieving masculine or feminine social role
C. Accepting one’s physique
D. Achieving emotional independence of adults

5. Which of the following statements best describe the developmental task of late
adulthood EXCEPT?
A. Adjusting to death of spouse
B. Meeting social and civic obligations
C. Establishing satisfactory living quarters
D. Helping teenage children to become happy and responsible adults

6. The developmental stage wherein it begins with rapid physical changes like dramatic
gains in height, in weight, changes in body contour, and development of sexual
characteristics such as enlargement of breasts, development of pubic and facial hair,
deepening of voice.
A. Adolescence C. Middle Childhood
B. Infancy D. Late Adulthood

7. Time for adjustment to decreasing strength and health, life review, retirement and
adjustment to new social roles
A. Adolescence C. Middle Childhood
B. Infancy D. Late Adulthood

8. Time of establishing personal & economic independence, career development, selecting

a mate, learning to live with someone in an intimate way, starting a family & rearing
A. Adolescence C. Middle Adulthood
B. Early Adulthood D. Late Adulthood

9. The developmental stage wherein fundamental skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic
are mastered.
A. Early Childhood C. Middle Childhood
B. Middle Adulthood D. Late Adulthood

10. He defines developmental tasks as one that “arises at certain period in our life, the
successful achievement of which leads to happiness and success with later tasks while
failure leads to unhappiness, social disapproval, and difficulty with later task”.
A. Erick Ericson C. John Locke
B. John Santrosk D. Robert Havighurts

11. Which of following statement is NOT true about adolescence developmental task?
A. Adolescents have one foot in childhood and one foot in adulthood
B. Parents and adults have an important role to play in, and can have a positive impact
on, the lives of adolescents.
C. A developmental task represents our culture's definition of “normal" development at
different points in the life span.
D. Adults should not provide adolescents some room to make their own decisions and
to be accountable for the consequences of those decisions.
12. Which of the following statement could help you, teenager, to become a responsible
adolescent prepared for adult life EXCEPT.
A. Take care of your health and hygiene
B. Give in to temptations and bad acts sometimes.
C. Focus on your studies and do well in all your endeavors.
D. Establish open and good communication with parents and guardians.

13. Accepting one’s physique, achieving emotional independence of adults and preparing
for marriage and family life and preparing for an economic career are examples of what
developmental stage?
A. Adolescence C. Middle Adulthood
B. Early Adulthood D. Late Adulthood

14. Which of the following statement is an act of a responsible adolescent?

A. Think a lot before doing something.
B. Set aside probable consequences before acting.
C. Forget to self-control and self-discipline.
D. Let your teenage hormones get into you

15. As an adolescent becoming more self-sufficient means

A. To learn to work with others for a common purpose
B. To develop an outlook toward life based on what is important
C. To develop affection for parents without dependence upon them
D. To develop career/vocational goals and ways to reach these goals.

Test 2.
Column A is composed of the developmental stages while column B is composed of the
developmental tasks according to Santrock. Match Column A with Column B.


1. PRE NATAL- a. Puberty occurs and traumatic life

PERIOD stage for child and parent
b. Embryonic stage-2 weeks- 2
months- formation of vital organs
2. INFANCY and systems
c. Beginning psychological activities;
like language, symbolic thought,
sensorimotor coordination and
social learning
CHILDHOOD d. Vocabulary and pronunciation
continue to expand, climbs stairs
with alternating feet and can
4. MIDDLE & LATE briefly stand on one foot
CHILDHOOD e. Both large and small muscle well-
developed and developed
complex motor skills
5. ADOLESCENCE f. Physical changes begin to occur;
hair begins to thin and gray,
6. EARLY wrinkles appear, hearing and
ADULTHOOD vision decrease and muscle lose
g. Physical deterioration (brittle
7. MIDDLE bones, poor coordination, some
memory problems) and coping
with retirement and forms of
h. Physical development complete,
emotional maturation continues to
develop and usually learned to
Test 3.

Put a label on each group of developmental task according to Robert Havighurst 6

developmental stages and developmental tasks.

Infancy and Early Childhood Middle Childhood Adolescence

Early Adulthood Middle Adulthood Late Adulthood

1. Middle Childhood
Developmental stage

Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary games

Building a wholesome attitude toward oneself
Learning to get along with age mates
Learning an appropriate sex role
Developing fundamental skills in reading, writing and calculating
Developing concepts necessary for everyday living
Developing conscience, morality, and a scale values

2. Adolescence
Developmental stage
4. Later Maturity
Developmental stage
Achieving mature relations with both sexes
Achieving masculine or feminine social role
Adjusting to decreasing strength and health
Accepting one’s physique
Adjusting to retirement and reduced income
Achieving emotional independence of adults
Adjusting to death of spouse
Preparing for marriage and family life
Establishing relations with one’s own age group
Preparing for an economic career
Meeting social and civic obligations
Acquiring values and an ethical system to guide behavior
Establishing satisfactory living quarters
Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior
5. Infancy and Early Childhood
Developmental stage

Learning to walk
Learning to take solid foods
Learning to talk
Learning to control the elimination of body wastes
Learning sex differences and sexual modesty
Acquiring concepts and language to describe social and physical reality
Readiness for reading
Learning to distinguish right from wrong and developing a conscience

6. Early Adulthood
Developmental stage

Selecting a male
Learning to live with a partner
Starting a family
Rearing children
Managing a home
Starting an occupation
Assuming civic responsibility

Test 5.

Put a check (/) beside those statements that are correct and an (X) beside those that are
wrong. If your answer is an X explain why.

X 1. Developmental tasks are only for the first 3 stages of human development.

 Developmental tasks are for the 6 or 8 developmental stages.

/ 2. Failure of achieving developmental tasks in an earlier stage means failure for the
learner to master developmental task in the next level

/ 3. Preschool age corresponds to early childhood stage.

x 4. Adolescence is middle and late childhood stage.

 The Adolescence age bracket is 13-18 years old, whereas,

middle and late childhood bracket is 6-11 years old.

Achieving mature relations with both sexes

Achieving masculine or feminine social role
Accepting one’s physique
Achieving emotional independence of adults
Preparing for marriage and family life
Preparing for an economic career
Acquiring values and an ethical system to guide behavior
Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior
1. Achieving mature relations with both sexes
Adolescents learn through interacting with others in more adult ways. Physical maturity plays an
important role in peer relations. Adolescents who mature at a slower or faster rate than others
will be dropped from one peer group and generally will enter a peer group of similar maturity.
For early-maturing girls (girls whose bodies are fully developed at a young age), entering into a
peer group of similar physical maturity can mean a greater likelihood of early sexual activity.
Parental monitoring can be a useful boundary-setting tool during the accomplishment of this
developmental task because it allows parents to place limits on adolescents' outside activities.

2. Achieving masculine or feminine social role

Each adolescent develops his or her own definition of what it means to be male or female. Most
adolescents conform to the sex roles of our cultural view of male (assertive) and female (passive)
characteristics. Yet these roles have become more relaxed in the last 30 years. As adults, we need
to provide opportunities for adolescents to test and develop their masculine and feminine social
roles. For example, we need to encourage males to express their feelings and encourage females
to assert themselves more than they have in the past.

6. Preparing for an economic career

In American society, adolescents reach adult status when they are able to financially support
themselves. This task has become more difficult now than in the past because the job market
demands increased education and skills. Today, this developmental task is generally not achieved
until late adolescence or young adulthood, after the individual completes his/her education and
gains some entry-level work experience.

7. Acquiring values and an ethical system to guide behavior

Adolescents gain the ability to think abstractly and to visualize possible situations. With these
changes in thinking, the adolescent is able to develop his or her own set of values and beliefs.
Discussing these newly forming ethical systems with parents and other adults can be a great help
to adolescents in accomplishing this developmental task. In addition, parents may want to
provide adolescents with hypothetical situations that challenge their emerging values, to help the
adolescents evaluate the strength and appropriateness of those values.

8. Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior

The family is where children learn to define themselves and their world. Adolescents must learn
to define themselves and their world in the context of their new social roles. Status within the
community beyond that of family is an important achievement for older adolescents and young
adults. Adolescents and young adults become members of the larger community through
financial and emotional independence from parents, which in turn teaches them the value of
socially responsible behavior.

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