Soil As An Innovative Sustainable Flooring Material
Soil As An Innovative Sustainable Flooring Material
Soil As An Innovative Sustainable Flooring Material
Abstract— The natural material, earth, has been used in the financial limitations, together with a lack of support and
construction industry for thousands of years. There is a great knowledge, is the most significant factor to introduce and
deal of research worldwide, including in Sri Lanka, related to invent appropriate sustainable housing solutions. Further, it
earth as a construction material. Therefore, earth used as a
is important to support and promote sustainable housing for
flooring material has been investigated and according to the
results obtained in previous studies, it was identified that earth
small housing cooperatives and individual householders who
can be used for this purpose. However, there is a need to build and renovate their houses. Therefore, researchers or
investigate the requirement of a wash coat and identify a engineers need to invent environmentally-friendly
suitable material to surface finish, matching with the service construction materials, techniques, and new technologies,
requirement of the floor finish. Hence, this study was focused to using existing local resources in order to reduce negative
have a better understanding of the possibility to use synthetic impacts on the environment. The innovation of any
resin as a surface coating for soil flooring. This paper presents construction material or techniques should be done by
the preliminary experimental results to introduce the top considering several aspects, such as the use of renewable
surface finishing layer for the soil floor. Soil floor samples were local raw materials, maintaining quality, cost, and suitability
cast according to the mix design identified for soil flooring in
previous research. Novolac resin and Hexamethylenetetramine
of building materials, as well as social aspects such as health
(HMTA) hardener were used to prepare the surface coating. and happiness of the residents.
Samples were tested for several aspects. According to the When considering building construction, the floor in a
primary experimental results, it can be concluded that there is building is the main and also the most frequently used part of
a possibility to use this resin as the top surface coating for soil a building. At present, there are several conventional floor
flooring material. finishing materials, such as ceramic tile, terrazzo, marble,
vinyl, etc. in Sri Lanka as well as worldwide. Most of these,
Keywords— sustainable construction, Stabilized soil, conventional floor finishing materials are not produced in
synthetic resin, flooring materials,
sustainable ways. The production and transport of such
materials lead to relatively high levels of environmental
pollution, high embodied energy, high initial cost, etc.
Unlike other species, who seek a balance with nature, However, there are some sustainable construction materials
humans are concerned only with immediate satisfaction of such as bamboo and wood, as well as earth and adobe blocks
their "needs," even though, that may cause the collapse of the that can be used in some parts of a building. They create local
ecosystem of which they are an integral part. At present, employment and promote local craftsmanship, which can be
unplanned development carried out continuously, due to truly sustainable. These materials and new technologies
these unlimited needs, has a tremendous undesirable effect on based on traditional building methods can be developed for
the environment and ecosystem. Among several industries, the construction of housing, and at the same time they are
the construction industry is one of the largest and most active sustainable and affordable for the urban-poor communities,
industries. This industry has a highly unfavorable effect on especially in developing countries.
the environment due to carbon dioxide emissions, a large The use of sustainable and locally suitable building
amount of raw material consumption, etc., clearly resulting in materials, such as bamboo, wood, compressed earth blocks,
an unsustainable situation. The projected increase in the and adobe blocks can be very promising with regard to
world’s population and their needs, in terms of buildings, will sustainability. As a result, this century has witnessed several
further escalate the consumption of non-renewable materials remarkable achievements in sustainable construction through
and the emission of greenhouse gases, as well as the development of construction materials that have less
accumulation of wastes [1, 2]. harmful effects on the environment, less demand for non-
Therefore, the continuous on-going urban growth is renewable resources, etc. while managing its required
causing a search for sustainable, low-cost housing delivery properties, maximum user-friendliness, and comfortability.
systems to fulfill these demands for low-income groups in Among several such materials, soil can be considered as the
developing countries [3]. Within this context construction most suitable construction material with respect to the
materials and construction techniques are very important environment, because earth has low embodied energy for its
towards more sustainable construction and development [2]. manufacturing method, and also zero embodied energy for
However, there are many factors to be considered when being raw material, if earth and only earth is used [4].
introducing sustainable construction systems. Household
Developed soil Portland cement Water
MUD concrete mix for Fig. 4. Prepared clay cement mix and application process
floor base
Clay plaster was applied in two layers. The first layer was
applied and kept 24 hr. in a moist condition for hardening the
Fig. 1. Mud concrete preparation process surface. Then the surface was sandpapered by using No. 180
water sandpaper. Next, same clay cement putty mix was
applied as the second layer. After 24 hrs., the second layer
was sandpapered by using No. 400 sandpaper. Then The
prepared soil floor sample is ready to apply the top finishing
layer. Fig. 5 showed the prepared floor samples for the
Floor application of the top surface finishing layer.
Cubic samples
Fig. 2. Prepared floor sample and cubical samples
Fig. 5. Prepared floor samples for application of top surface layer after
applying clay plaster
After the surface was dry, the samples were heated using an
LP gas flame. Fig. 8 below showed the burning process. Then
the samples were sandpapered by No. 1000 sandpaper for
smoothing the surface. Next, the same rein mix was applied
as the second layer and heated again. The same procedure
was applied for resin application and burning for the second
layer. This second layer was washed with a tile cleaner liquid. Fig. 10. Compressive strength test procedure
Fig. 9 showed the final surface appearance of the soil
D. Determination of Compressive strength The soil-based floor consists of basically three main layers of
filler, plaster and washed coat. The filler is having the mud
To determine the compressive strength, axial compressive concrete made out of the soil (Gravel 35%, sand 60%, and
strength tests were carried out in accordance with the BSEN fine particles 5%) stabilized with 18-20% cement. The
12390-3:2009. An axial compressive load was applied using thickness of the filler is 75 mm. Moisture percentage was
a universal compressive strength testing machine with a observed as 18%-20%. The compressive strength of mud
capacity of 2000 kN under a constant rate of 6.8 kN/s until concrete was 12-15 kN/mm2. The compressive strength
the failure of the specimen. Fig. 10 showed the cube variation with the cement content is shown in Fig. 11.
specimen’s testing.
20 impact of construction,” Build. Environ., vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 1119–
1126, Dec. 2001, doi: 10.1016/S0360-1323(00)00054-8.
Compressive strength (MPa)