Eng126 Sample Final Test June 2021 Test 1 Send SS

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Môn: 1
Khối lớp: ENG 126
Học kỳ: Năm học :
Thời gian làm bài: 55 phút

Part I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences

Not only I but also you..……the forms for next semester.
A. need
B. needs
C. is needing
D. has need
David, with his kids ……………swimming.
A. were gone
B. has gone
C. go
D. were going
3. (0.1 point)
The survey indicates that consumers believe product A is ____ to product B.
A. superior
B. like
C. the same
D. different
4. (0.1 point)
My wife and I ____ the company picnic last weekend
A. were attending
B. attend

C. attending
D. attended
5. (0.1 point)
The police officer standing over there was very _____ to me.
A. friend
B. friendly
C. friendliness
D. friendship
6. (0.1 point)
These factors will ____ affect the sales performance.
A. direct
B. direction
C. directly
D. directed
7. (0.1 point)
The young man has remained ____ about the incident until recently.
A. silence
B. silent
C. silently
D. silencer
8. (0.1 point)
His only ____ about his job is that he has to work on Saturday.
A. complaint
B. complement
C. compliment
D. accomplishment
9. (0.1 point)

One of the lawyers ____ an accountant, too
A. is
B. are
C. am
D. to be
10. (0.1 point)
The tour group was waiting ____ in the lobby, when the bus finally arrived
A. patent
B. patience
C. patient
D. patiently
11. (0.1 point)
The employees who ............ the best suggestions will receive a week’s paid trip to Hawaii.
A. offering
B. offer
C. to offer
D. offers
12. (0.1 point)
The police found ____ glass from the broken window on the ground.
A. a
B. some
C. an
D. one
13. (0.1 point)
I’ve made ………………… biscuits. Would you like one?
A. some
B. any

D. much
14. (0.1 point)
Sit here. There would be plenty of ……………for all of us.
A. roomes
B. rooming
C. roomed
D. room
15. (0.1 point)
A …………. number of people attended the conference.
16. (0.1 point)
Mr. David is …………. of dealing with unexpected problems in the company.
17. (0.1 point)
Everyone knows that it is a ………….market.
18. (0.1 point)
All the members were ………….during the meeting.
19. (0.1 point)
The president …………. retired last Monday.
20.(0.1 point)
We have ____ finished the job
A. nearby
B. nearly
C. nearer
D. near
21. (0.1 point)
That process is not ____ in the factory.
A. economical
B. economize
C. economically
D. economy
Part II. Choose the best answers to complete the following texts.
Questions 22-24 refer to the following email:
To: [email protected]
From: Sarah <[email protected]>
Subject: Supplies
I …(22)… not have enough time to check the supplies. I am really sorry about this. Can you
take a ……(23)…. and let me know what we need to order? There is a list that you can use to
help you. You …(24)…………it in the third drawer of my desk. I do not know how long it
will take you, but I would be really sorry to ask you to do it by yourself. I owe you a big
22. (0.1 point)
Choose the best answer
A. am
B. have
C. was
D. did
23. (0.1 point)
Choose the best answer
A. look
B. looks
C. looking
D. looked.
24. (0.1 point)
Choose the best answer
A. finds
B. will find
C. found
D. has found
Questions 25-27 refers to the following memo
To: All Trainees
From: Elliot
Re: Vacations
A number of you have e-mailed me recently about our vacation policies. I apologize that the
rules related to holiday time …..(25) ……in the training manual. We realized that many
updates for the training manual…… (26)…… The forms for requesting vacation leave ….
(27)…. available from the office manager. Your number of allowed vacation days depends
on your length of service with this company. Please see Judy, the Benefits Manager, for
more details. Judy can e-mail you for the information you need.
25. (0.1 point)
Choose the best answer
A. needs to print

B. are not printed
C. isn’t printed
D. not printing
26. (0.1 point)
Choose the best answer
A. requires
B. is required
C. are required
D. requiring
27. (0.1 point)
Choose the best answer
A. is
B. be
C. are
D. was
Questions 28-30 refers to the following memo

From: The Principal

To: All teachers
I have (28) ____ received several complaints from parents about teachers being late for
class. As you know, school policy (29) ____ always for all teachers to be in their
classroom five minutes before the lesson. This sets a good example for our students. We
cannot (30) _____ our students to be punctual if we are late ourselves.
All teachers must observe school policy.
28. (0.1 point)
Choose the best answer
A. already
B. yet
C. since
D. for
29. (0.1 point)
Choose the best answer
A. was
B. are being
C. is
D. were
30. (0.1 point)
Choose the best answer
A. expected
B. expect
C. expecting
D. expects
Part III. Give short answer to each of the following questions
Questions 31-33 refer to the following advertisement
Leading TV-advertising company with broadcast interests worldwide seeks a Specialist in
Audience Research. The specialist will design studies to determine consumer preferences and
write reports for use within the company. Candidates must have a college degree with courses in
research. Must also have experience in advertising. Outstanding oral, written, and computer
skills are necessary. Downtown location. Excellent benefits.
31. (0.7 point)
Who will use the reports the Specialist writes?
32. (0.7 point)
What qualifications should the candidate have?
33. (0.7 point)
What does this job involve?
Questions 34-36 refer to the following memo:

The XYZ Company
From: Briana Herbert
Date: Friday, May 17
To: Accounting Department staff
Re: Next week
I will be out of the office at an accountants’ conference next week, May 20-24. If you need
help during that time, please contact my assistant, Sherry Noyes.
Thank you.

34. (0.7 point)

Where will Briana Herbert be next week?
At a conference
35. (0.7 point)
Who is Sherry Noyes?
Briana Herbert’s assistant
36. (0.7 point)
Who should read this memo?
People who work in the accounting department
Read two emails the below and answer the questions
To: M. Takubo
From: J. H. Choi
Subject: Office rental
Mr. Takubo,
As we discussed on the phone, I am interested in renting an office for my accounting firm. We
are a small business, so the space doesn't need to be large, but a convenient location is
important. We need to be downtown and close to subway and bus lines. I hope you can find
something reasonably priced for us in that area. We hope to spend no more than $2,000 a month.
We have to leave our current office soon, so we need something that will be available by the end
of the month. Thank you for your help.
Jung Choi
To: J. H. Choi
From: M. Takubo
Subject: Downtown office
Ms. Choi,
I have an office to show you that I think you'll like. It is right downtown on State Street. Since it
is on the small side, the rent is somewhat lower than other offices in the area, although it's $500
more than the price you mentioned. I don't think you'll find a better price in such a convenient
location. The building is very clean, and the landlord keeps it well maintained. The office will
be available by the time you need it. I would like to show it to you soon.
Will tomorrow morning suit you? I can meet you at the office at 11-00. The address is 730 State
Street, Suite 900. Please let me know if this works for you.
M. Takubo
37. (0.7 point)
What is Ms. Choi looking for?
38. (0.7 point)
When does Ms. Choi need a new office?
39. (0.7 point)
How much does Ms Choi want to spend on renting an office?
40. (0.7 point)
Where does Mr Takubo want to meet Ms. Choi?

-----------This is the end of the test----------


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