Mud Rushes and Methods of Combating Them

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Mud rushes and methods of combating T

them a
by R. Butcher*, T.R. Stacey†, and W.C. Joughin‡ s
The following historical information, n
extracted from the literature, does not deal
with mud rushes associated with rockpasses. It
Synopsis is included because it identifies important P
aspects that are relevant to all mud rushes. It a
Mud rushes are hazardous occurrences that have occurred
frequently in mines in South Africa, and have been the cause of
also reinforces the information obtained from p
the Maroelabult enquiry. e
numerous fatalities in the past. Mud rush incidents not associated
with accidents are believed to be common occurrences that are not
Mud rushes associated with mining in
South Africa were first observed at De Beers r
generally reported. Many such incidents are probably associated
with the operation of chutes and box fronts. This paper describes and Kimberley mines in the late nineteenth
the conditions necessary for mud rush occurrences, postulated mud century, with many fatalities being attributed
rush mechanisms, and methods of combating the mud rush hazard. to their occurrence. In these events, the mud
rush problem is ascribed to the breakdown of
kimberlite and shale in the mine muck pile,
with the addition of rainwater via the open
mine (Hunt and Daniel, 1952). Since both
kimberlite (Bartlett, 1992) and shale contain
Introduction clay minerals, it can be assumed that these
comminuted rocks, in combination with water,
Mud rushes are sudden inflows of mud from were the source of mud in the diamond mines.
drawpoints or other underground openings. The sections and plans of Dutoitspan and
Mud rushes can and have posed a major Wesselton mines, presented by Hunt and
hazard to safety in underground mining. Daniel (1952), indicate that the shale
Statistics of accidents associated with originated from the upper Karoo slopes, with
rockpasses over the past ten years have been the kimberlite being present in the muck pile,
summarized by Stacey and Erasmus (2005). possibly due to under-extraction of the
The rapidity of the mud inflow is such that chamber. This under-extraction was caused by
escape of personnel in its path is most water-related ground control problems. Since
unlikely, with terrible consequences for safety. chambering is a combination of shrinkage
Mud rushes are also directly responsible for stoping and sub-level caving (Peele, 1942),
severe damage to infrastructure. Considerable with a muck pile being formed after
violence, in the form of an air blast, is often chambering had been carried out, the
associated with a mud rush. Such an air blast possibilities of comminution of the shale and
event can also be the cause of accidents and kimberlite rocks existed. In addition, the muck
severe damage to mine infrastructure. pile would also consist of a certain percentage
Published literature on mine mud rushes is of dolerite, attributed to slope failure, and this
very limited, despite the perception that mud rock may not have been broken down during
rushes are a serious problem in the mining the mining and caving process.
industry. Six well-documented incidents (not
associated with rockpasses), where mining
operations had suffered major in-rushes or
continual in-rush problems, were identified in
the literature. The recent disaster at * Lightning Nickel.
† School of Mining Engineering, University of the
Maroelabult Mine (Matthee, 2005) represents
a documented case of a mud rush from a
‡ SRK Consulting
rockpass. It is probable that there is reluctance
© The South African Institute of Mining and
to publicize mud rushes in which accidents Metallurgy, 2005. SA ISSN 0038–223X/3.00 +
resulted, and there would similarly be little 0.00. This paper was first published at the SAIMM
interest in writing up incidents for public Colloquium, Design, Development and Operation of
consumption. Rockpasses, 16–17 November 2004.


The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 105 REFEREED PAPER DECEMBER 2005
Mud rushes and methods of combating them
It would appear that the mud rushes were also related to November 1974, which resulted in a mud rush into the
active mining and drawing of the kimberlite, since mud underground workings. It was concluded that the dam wall
pushes are described as occurring only at loading places failed with a flow slide mechanism, triggered by a piping
(Hunt and Daniel, 1952). failure through the dam wall. Once the wall had broken, the
The importance of the contribution of water in mud retained slimes became fluid and flowed into the Bafokeng
rushes is further described by Hunt and Daniel (1952). It shaft. The classic bottle-shaped scar associated with flow
was recognized in the latter part of the nineteenth century, slides was observed at the dam breach area. The major
during the mining at Kimberley Mine, that the mud rush factors contributing to the failure were:
problem could be partially combated by increasing mine the layering of coarse and fine particles, which could
drainage with the development of water drainage tunnels. have facilitated piping
These excavations were started in 1891, with the galleries the use of the slimes dam as a storage facility for rain
being situated in the country rock outside the perimeter of water, leading to increased pore water pressures
the pipe. Water tunnels were developed below the base of the construction techniques that were applicable to gold
shale in the Ventersdorp lava, which is the main aquifer. tailings and not platinum tailings dams.
These tunnels were only partially successful since they did Midgley (1978) reports that the dam failed after a period
not prevent rain water from reaching the muck pile. Much of intense rainfall—75 mm over a two-to four-hour period
water still ran down from the lava/shale contact into the the night before. This again emphasizes the role of water in
muck pile. mud rushes. A scrutiny of the diagrams from this paper
The importance of drainage galleries as a method of mud shows that the dam was situated in close proximity to the
rush prevention was recognized as early as 1899 at shaft. This indicates that a potential mud rush hazard always
Wesselton Mine. When underground mining began at this existed.
mine, it was thought that a far greater mud rush risk existed, Rudd (1978) states that the slimes dam failed very
because mine water pumping volumes were greater and the quickly, destroying mine buildings and winding houses and
main shale/lava contact was deeper. The importance of the flooding the shaft with slimes. Twelve men lost their lives. It
main shale aquifer, and the need to dewater it, were is estimated that 3 million m3 of slimes escaped. This
recognized from the commencement of mining. Hunt and indicates the hazard potential of a mud rush caused by a
Daniel (1952) describe the development of the first water slimes dam failure.
tunnel at this mine in 1899. However, this did not stop the Fleischer and Sandy (1976) present the results of an
occurrence of mud rushes, with 20 lives being lost to mud investigation into an in-rush of tailings into the Mufulira
rushes between 1919 and 1950. In one instance, 12 lives Mine on the Zambian copperbelt in 1970. In this mud rush
were lost. As a result of this, it was decided to increase the 89 people were killed when workings were engulfed by
groundwater drainage capacity of this mine by developing a 450 000 m3 of slimes. The report also deals briefly with the
series of new tunnels. factors that led up to the mud rush. The mine used slusher
At Dutoitspan Mine, the development of a drainage block caving and open stoping without mud rush incidents
gallery system started in 1908, with the need to prevent being recorded. The main tailings dam, which failed, was
muck pile water ingress being recognized earlier. Two present above the mine workings for many years. However,
drainage tunnels were initially developed 20 m and 45 m when the mining method changed to sublevel caving, the
from surface, and it appears that these tunnels were situation changed, with higher extraction rates occurring.
relatively successful in reducing the frequency of mud Although not stated in the report, it is possible that isolated
rushes. draw occurred. This in turn led to the in-rush of tailings. It
The water drainage tunnel systems described by Hunt was further thought that the tailings in some parts of the
and Daniel (1952) appears to have been the first line of dam may have been of a finer grade with greater moisture
defence in the prevention of mud rushes. A further measure content, and thus with a greater ability to flow.
included the development of drawpoints located at the pipe Fleischer and Sandy (1976) hypothesize that a clay layer
contact. These excavations were used to extract wet ground below the dam may have acted as flexible base and may have
and prevent the formation of underground mud. It is also accommodated a certain degree of ground deformation in
probable that this drawing may have increased the muck pile previous years associated with the block caving. The
porosity, thus enhancing drainage. Reference is made to the geotechnical investigations that were conducted on the failed
ability of weathered kimberlite to hang up, by acting as a tailings dam, to stabilize the slimes in order for operations to
plug of mud. From this, it can be hypothesized that a resume, are also described. It was found that tailings’ flow
weathered kimberlite mud plug could occur in the muck pile would not occur if moisture contents were low enough.
above the workings, reducing drainage and increasing the Tailings would consolidate if dewatered sufficiently and
potential for mud formation. would form a dry plug with a limited mud rush potential.
The need to evacuate personnel rapidly is mentioned by Neller, Oliver and Sandy (1973) describe the associated
Hunt and Daniel (1952), and a system of guards and air problems attributed to the major mud rush at Mufulira,
whistles was introduced at Wesselton Mine in the 1950s. namely the threat of mine flooding caused by the destruction
Such precautions were taken to prevent underground of mine pump chambers. This threat was overcome by the
workers from being cut off in adjacent excavations by mud design of a temporary mine pumping system using mobile
rushes. submersible pumps. Additional problems mentioned by the
Jennings (1978) documents investigations relating to the authors were the extensive damage to mine infrastructure
failure of the No. 1 slimes dam at Bafokeng Mine on 11 and the problems of rehabilitation.

818 DECEMBER 2005 VOLUME 105 REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Mud rushes and methods of combating them
The threat of a mud rush due to tailings not only comes into the accident (Matthee, 2005) indicated that water was r
from slimes dam, but also can be ascribed to the failure of allowed to accumulate in the rockpass from which the mud
underground backfill. Bryant et al. (1994) describe an rush occurred. There was no control mechanism in place to
incident that occurred during mining at Carolusberg Deep prevent the mud rush from occurring. Blockage of the n
Mine. This mine used vertical crater retreat (VCR) stoping to rockpass was observed shortly before the failure, but clearly s
extract a pipe-shaped copper orebody. The orebody was the observers did not realise the importance of such an a
mined with 20 m x 20 m VCR stopes, which were then post- observation. The mine standard required a drainpipe to be
filled with a mixture of tailings, cement and blast furnace installed at tipping areas to divert water that could otherwise
slag. The mining sequence started with coning of the panel enter the passes. These pipes were reported to be frequently t
and then mining by VCR blasting. The panels were then out of place or badly installed, which clearly affected their i
backfilled, with mining of the adjacent panels not beginning ability to drain the water away satisfactorily. The findings of o
until the backfill had reached its 45-day compressive the enquiry indicated a system failure of the risk
strength (normally 1.5 MPa). Other mining rules were that management system. The management of risks associated
no panel would be mined if three sides of the stopes with unsatisfactory drainage measures, absent control
consisted of under-strength fill. The paper describes the mechanisms, and non-reporting of blockages in passes was P
events that led up to the failure of the fill, the main aspects apparently inadequate. a
being: In summary, mud rushes have affected mining operations
fill dilution of ore from the current operational stope in South Africa for over 100 years, with many fatalities being
attributed to them. Few detailed case histories on mud rushes
noticeable slumping of fill on the upper levels.
exist. However, the reviewed literature suggests that these r
The authors give no reason why the backfill failed. The
consequences of the failure were the death of four events are related to:
mineworkers, and the total inundation of two production comminution of rocks containing clay minerals
levels, the ramp system for five levels and the main haulage. failure of slopes that comprise clay minerals
The literature on mud rushes associated with box-holes, failure of tailings dams associated with subsidence
ore passes and chutes is almost non-existent. Hang-ups in and/or the drawing of ore
passes and box-holes, and blockages at chutes are often liquefaction of tailings or backfill with direct flow into
occurrences that may result in mud rushes. The presence of underground workings.
fines, which produce ‘sticky’ material, promotes conditions
There is strong evidence that the presence of water in
that are favourable for the formation of hang-ups and
general, including rain and/or groundwater, has a major
blockages. The ‘sticky’ material is also the mud that is then
influence on the occurrence of mud rushes. In this respect,
available to flow in the mud rush. The sources of the ‘mud’
the paper by Hunt and Daniel (1952) shows the efforts made
include those identified for major mud rushes, but can also
to reduce the groundwater regime and hence its effects on the
be the accumulation of fines produced by comminution of
rock, and backfill used in the mining operation. Similarly, occurrence of mud rushes. The experiences from Beattie Mine
sources of water include rainwater and groundwater, but show that underground workings are threatened by mud
more commonly would be drilling and operation water and rushes due to open pit mine slope failures, provided that
water from leaking or burst pipes. connections exist between the pit and underground
These types of mud rushes usually occur as a result of excavations. From the information reported by Hunt and
bad mining and operational practices. Unlike the major mud Daniel (1957), and that contained in the Mufulira Mine
rushes, which have been described above and in which the disaster report, the in-rush of mud or slimes corresponds
location of and potential time of occurrence of the hazard is with the drawing of ground and the change of mining
unknown, the potential hazard with box-holes, passes and method.
chutes is usually known because of the hang-up, blockage or
other conditions. The actual hazard is the mud rush that can Sources of mud and environment for mud rush
occur when the chute is opened or the hang-up is cleared. To occurrence
minimize the hazards in these cases, hang-ups and
blockages should be prevented by avoiding the tipping of From the review of literature and mud rush accident reports,
oversized and foreign material, keeping the material in the sources of mud that have been involved in mud rush
pass or box-hole moving regularly, clearing accumulations of occurrences are the following:
sticky material (pagging) regularly, and preventing water readily weatherable materials such as shale and
from entering passes and box-holes. In essence, these
kimberlite, which occur in the ore and country rocks
actions represent good management of the facilities. Special
tailings impoundments, which are located on surface
chute designs and chute operating procedures have been
above or adjacent to mine workings
developed to minimize the mud rush hazard at these
backfill placed in underground stopes for support or
locations (Prins, 1995).
disposal purposes
The general rockpass issues presented above are all
relevant to the accident at Maroelabult Mine that occurred in in the case of box-holes and passes, mud and fines,
December 2004 when a mixture of mud and water flowed from whatever source, that can form ‘sticky’ material.
from a rockpass into a decline shaft under construction, From the historical information mentioned earlier, it can
inundating seven workers at the face of the shaft. Five other be deduced that four elements are required for a mud rush to
workers were injured in the event. The report of the enquiry occur:

The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 105 REFEREED PAPER DECEMBER 2005 819
Mud rushes and methods of combating them
potential mud-forming materials must be present mechanism for a diamond mine, in which initial open
water must be present pit mining was succeeded by underground cave
a disturbance of the mud, in the form of drawing or mining, is shown in Figure 1. Although this
other mining activity, must occur mechanism is illustrated for a diamond operation, it is
discharge points must be present through which the conceptually applicable to other operations as well
mud can enter the mine workings. Secondary waste capping/muck pile mud rush
Evidence from mud rush occurrences suggests that all mechanisms—the above mechanism may be regarded
four elements must be present at once for a mud rush to as a ‘major’ mechanism. However, there are two other
occur. The implication is that, even if only one of the secondary internal mud rush mechanisms. These are,
elements is absent, a mud rush will not occur. firstly, rapid muck pile compaction, illustrated in
Figure 2, which can be seen as the mechanism
responsible for mud pocket discharge; and reduced
Mud rush mechanisms
muck pile/waste capping drainage, the mechanism of
There is no single mechanism for the occurrence of mud which is shown in Figure 3.
rushes in mines. Mud rushes can be classified as external Mixed mud rushes can be ascribed to the creation of mud
mud rushes or internal mud rushes. from a combination of the above sources.
Mud rush mechanisms from box-holes and rockpasses
External mud rushes result from mud generated
are straightforward. The ‘sticky’ material formed from the
externally by the deposition of tailings and mine
fines and water adheres to the sides of the box-hole or
backfills. In-rushes of material from slope failures are
rockpass, and to the box or chute structure. This restriction
also classified under this heading. External mud rushes
impedes the flow of material and causes further agglom-
are those in which the mud is produced externally to
eration and ultimately a blockage. In addition, sticky material
the physical underground environment
particles may adhere together to form, effectively, much
Internal mud rushes involve mud produced by the larger particles. These may be large enough to lead to hang-
comminution of shale or other clay-forming country ups in box-holes and passes. Once a blockage or hang-up
rocks, and clay mineral rich ores, within the cave muck has occurred, rock, further fines and water can accumulate
pile. Fines that accumulate as a result of the mining above the restriction, providing a driving force for a mud
process are also involved in the internal process. Mixed rush, which occurs when the chute is open or some
mud forming materials are also grouped in this disturbance of the blockage material occurs.
category—even though some material is formed
outside the underground environment, this material
Trigger mechanisms and warning signs
mixes with internal mud.
External mud rushes Only two possible mud rush triggers exist—disturbance and
water. This is because these two factors control the discharge
External mud rushes are produced from three main sources: process of the mud rush. Disturbance creates the conditions
In-rush of tailings or slimes—the inflow of tailings or necessary to allow free mud discharge, and water acts as a
slimes can occur directly, or indirectly as a result of mobilizing force for the mud, either by changing the material
dam wall rupture, from which the material can flow properties of the mud, or by applying a pressure, due to an
unaided towards a shaft, adit or open bench, resulting increasing head of water.
in an in-rush of tailings underground
Failure of placed backfill in underground stopes—this
type of failure could occur due to the placement of poor In the case of underground stopes, the following are
quality backfill, during the filling if a barricade considered to be warning signs (i.e. possible disturbances)
ruptures, and once the fill has been placed for mud rushes:
Mud rushes due to open pit slope failures—in cases in the poor design of stope, back, crown pillars and
which underground mining of an orebody has been sidewalls
preceded by open pit mining, the influx of mud into the the collapse of open stope rib pillars leading to
workings is due to the failure of an open cut slope back/crown pillar failure and surface subsidence
directly above underground mines workings opening the ingress of groundwater into the stope, weakening
some way to the surface mining, resulting in the in- the rock mass.
rush of slope material to the underground workings. In the case of box-holes and rockpasses, the disturbance
Internal mud rushes is generally the opening or movement of the chute or box
Internal mud rushes have been experienced for approxi-
mately 100 years at Kimberley mines. The mud is formed Water
internally during drawdown of the waste capping above the It is clear that water has had a role in mud formation and the
orebody. Mixed mud rushes are included in this classifi- in-rush triggering process. The following are considered to be
cation, due to the mixing of internally and externally possible mud rush warning signs:
generated mud materials within the muck pile. The proposed Lack of a correctly designed mine drainage system
internal mud rush mechanisms are given below. Poor maintenance of the mine drainage system. In this
Muck pile/waste capping mud rushes—the proposed respect, particular note must be taken of the following:

820 DECEMBER 2005 VOLUME 105 REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Mud rushes and methods of combating them
Shale weathers and
slages in plope n
and sloughs
water flows
towards waste cap
Shale weathers further in pit bottom
Pit bottom

Shale Variable
drawn into void ratio
waste cap
downward during
of waste
Shale mixed
cap and
muck pile with remnant
Comminuted shale and
kimberlite collects a
rock kimberlite in waste cap void
comminuted Rainwater mixes with
to release
ground materials to form
mud pockets e
waste ore interface
drawing of dilution


Ore muck pile

As the mud pocket enters the draw Mud pockets

column, it moves towards the drawpoint As drawing increases, dillution from
until mud rush occurs the waste cap reports to the draw
points (ore/waste is close to drawpoint)
If excess extraction occurs, mud pockets
may enter the draw column

Figure 1—Muck pile mud rush

Muck pile head

driving force


A large rock arch occurs

in the draw column

A void is created as material

below the arch is extracted

Rock arch inhibits downward

movement of draw column

Under the head of the muck pile

or drawing from adjacent drawpoint
the rock arch colllapse

As the draw column compacts

the mud pocket is discharged

As mud is forced along the drift

miner air is compressed, causing
an air blast


Figure 2—Secondary mud rush mechanism

The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 105 REFEREED PAPER DECEMBER 2005 821
Mud rushes and methods of combating them
Beginning of mine life

Mine pumping = Rain (W1)

water (W1+W2) - muck pile absorption
+pit evaporation + mine reticulation

Pit Groundwater
Shaft Waste cap
water W1 + w2 evaporation of water from
base of pit

Muck pile
U/G Excavation

Water (W1+W2) - muck pile absorption - pit evaporation

Reduced muck pile / waste cap drainage

Rain (W1)
Mine pumping =
water (W1+W2) - muck pile absorption + muck pile
retention + pit evaporation + mine reticulation

Pit Groundwater
Shaft Waste cap
water W1 + w2 loss as above

Water retained in
muck pile

U/G Excavation
Mud pockets reduce
muck pile drainage

Water (W1+W2) - muck pile absorption - water

retention due to poor drainage - pit evaporation

Figure 3—Reduced drainage from muck pile/waste capping

- if the mine drainage system consists of a network Risk assessment

of drainage galleries: the collapse of these tunnels,
and the calcification and blockage of drain holes As part of their requirement to identify hazards in terms of
and underground drains the Mine Health and Safety Act, mines must address the
- if mine dewatering is achieved by the use of potential for mud rushes. The primary risks in the occurrence
borehole pumps: the vandalism and theft of of mud rushes are:
pumps, and the collapse of dewatering boreholes the accumulation of water
- blockage of surface drainage trenches by the accumulation of mud-forming minerals, both
undergrowth, and their collapse internally and externally
- surface ponding the proximity of the mud to the drawpoint or discharge
decreasing mine pumping rates over time point
small underground floods and mud rushes the freedom for the mud to discharge.
the increased presence of water underground. If such a risk assessment identifies that a significant mud
With regard to box-holes and passes, which contain rush hazard exists, the mine should be classified as a mud
material and in which there is water entry, a warning sign rush prone mine. The commonly observed condition of
will be the absence of water draining from the chute or box rockpasses and box fronts in many South African mines
front. The implication is that a blockage has occurred, indicates that most mines would have a significant
allowing water and material to build up behind it. probability of mud rush occurrence. It is to be noted that the

822 DECEMBER 2005 VOLUME 105 REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
Mud rushes and methods of combating them
enquiry into the disaster at the Maroelabult Mine indicated a a set of underground mud rush precautions should be r
failure of the risk assessment system with regard to drainage compiled
the appointment of a competent person to be
of water and a control mechanism.
responsible for mud rush control n
Preventive measures mud rush incidents should be recorded in the s
SAMRASS database. a
Implementation of preventive measures will reduce the risks
of mud rushes.
Compilation of underground mud rush precautions c
At every mine where a historical, major mud rush hazard or t
General preventive measures potential mud rush hazard exists, as determined by a risk i
In mining operations in which backfill is used as regional assessment, a set of underground mud rush precautions o
support (cut and fill, open/VCR stoping, post-filling and post- should be compiled. These precautions should be focused on
pillar mining operations), fill quality is vital: the evacuation and identification of workers in a mud rush n
backfill should be designed according to best current hazard area. The following must be included:
practice a record book or other means of recording the number P
a backfill quality control programme must be and names of personnel working in the hazard area. a
implemented, where acceptability of fill strength is This book must be kept in a prominent position at the
entrance and exit of each area. It must be signed by all
judged according to established concrete practice
statistical analysis techniques personnel entering, working in, visiting and leaving e
a mine dewatering system and other measures must be the area. The position should be identified by a r
implemented to prevent the ingress of groundwater flashing light and signs
into filled stopes. All mines using backfilling must a mud rush warning system, consisting of sirens or
have a system of preventing fill decantation water from alarms, should be installed in the hazard area. These
accumulating in stopes and other workings alarms must be sounded in the event of a mud rush
backfill barricades should be designed with a sufficient an evacuation procedure, showing the means of escape
factor of safety to prevent backfill runaway. from the affected area and the further actions to be
taken if deemed prudent
The hazards associated with blockages and hang-ups in a notification procedure to ensure that the responsible
chutes, box-holes and rockpasses should be prevented by the officials are informed of the in-rush as quickly as
following: possible
minimizing the quantity of water that flows into these a closure procedure for any mine services that may
excavations hamper rescue efforts.
correct design of box/chute fronts and chute operating Copies of the precautions must be placed at the entrance
systems and exit of all potential in-rush areas. These procedures
draining of water from behind box front structures should be communicated to all personnel concerned, on a
regular removal of pagging from the surface of the monthly basis, at the working place.
box-hole and pass, and from the surfaces of the box or
Recording of mud rush incidents
chute front structure
regular drawing of material to ensure that the rock Mud rush incidents should be included in the list of
column is kept moving and does not consolidate. reportable incidents. They should be reported to the
At all mud rush prone mines, methods should be in place Department of Minerals and Energy, and recorded in the
for the sealing of old workings and abandoned drawpoints SAMRASS database of accidents and incidents. The following
information should be forwarded to the Department of
from where mud discharge could occur. Methods of slowing
Minerals and Energy for inclusion in the SAMRASS database:
or preventing the flow of mud to other operational levels via
mud transport excavations, such as shafts, box-holes, date and time of in-rush
passes, haulages, etc, must be determined and implemented. location of mud rush (location indicated on a plan)
Special note should be taken of the need to secure those how far the mud pushed and the quantities discharged
passes and shafts which may facilitate mud flow to percentage extraction for the discharge drift and the
operational workings. drawpoint
mine pumping and rainfall records.
Procedural measures for the prevention of mud
rushes Conclusions
The first procedural step is to classify mines as mud rush Although this paper has dealt largely with mud rushes that
prone or non-mud rush prone operations, based on a risk have not been associated with rockpasses, the following
assessment as indicated above. Should a mine be classified general conclusions relevant to rockpasses can be drawn:
as a mud rush prone mine, the following measures should be for a mud rush to occur, four elements must be
implemented: simultaneously present. These are the occurrence of
the compilation of a mandatory code of practice for the potential mud-forming materials, water, a discharge
prevention of mud rushes, as provided for by the Mine point into the mine workings (the chute, box front or
Health and Safety Act. This code of practice should be pass opening), and a disturbance of some form (such
reviewed independently on an annual basis as opening the chute)

The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy VOLUME 105 REFEREED PAPER DECEMBER 2005 823
Mud rushes and methods of combating them
control of water entering rockpasses is critical to the HARTLEY, W.K. Changes in mining methods in the Kimberley Mines of De Beers
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824 DECEMBER 2005 VOLUME 105 REFEREED PAPER The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

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