Roth Air Readme
Roth Air Readme
Roth Air Readme
Below are instructions for installing and using the plug-in. I hope it will prove useful to you.
In the Roth-AIR zip file you will find the plugin available as 64/32 bit VST and AU plug-ins for
both Windows and Mac. The file you’ll need for Windows is “Roth-AIR.dll” in the
“Windows 64 bit” or “Windows 32 bit” folder, and for Mac you’ll need either “Roth-AIR.vst” or
“Roth-AIR.component” in the “Mac 32/64bit” folder.
The following are the default installation folders for plugins on Mac OS X:
To install the VST, copy Roth-AIR.vst to the VST folder. To install the AU, copy
Roth-AIR.component to the Components folder. If you have set up a custom VST folder, you
need to copy the .vst there instead.
This folder is the default installation folder for plugins on Windows:
C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VstPlugins
To install the VST, copy Roth-AIR.dll to the folder. If you have set up a custom folder for VST
plugins, you need to copy the dll there instead.
Make sure you have selected the right version for your system - 64 bit will typically go into
...\Program Files\... and 32 bit into …\Program Files (x86)\...
by Rothmann
Roth-AIR uses a combination of multiband compression and waveshaping under the hood in
order to add more air and hi-fi presence to the audio. It can be used on a lot of audio sources -
Vocals, strings, synths and sound effects work quite well.
AIR: Adds most of the airy effect - It controls a combination of compression ratio and
saturation amount
THRESH: Sets the threshold of the compressor. Lower values give more extreme
FREQ: Sets the crossover frequency from which air is added. It goes from 1000Hz to 8000Hz
MIX: This mixes dry/wet between the original signal and the AIR effect - use this to dial in the
overall effect amount after setting the desired compression amount with “AIR” and “THRESH”.
I hope you have fun with Roth-AIR! If you have bugs, ideas or general feedback, please get in
touch with me at [email protected] :-)
by Rothmann