Model COC Exam ITSS 2 CODE002

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Project Information:

Given the necessary tools, equipment and information, you are expected to perform the
following three projects.
The assessor should ask oral questions on which s/he is not satisfied by the candidate’s

Assessment Venue: Well Equipped Assessment Centre or real work place

Total time for all projects: 4: 25 minutes

Project 1: Operate Database Application

Total time for this project – 1: 55 hours

On this project you are required to create a database and he/she will be creating tables,
relationship, forms, queries and reports. You will be provided with the necessary
information to perform this project.

Competencies covered:
1. EIS ITS2 01 0811 Operate Database Application

Instruction: Under this project you are expected to perform the following eight tasks
based on the information provided:-

Task 1: Create a database

Time allotted: 0:05 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task you create a new blank database with the name ‘College’
and save it on the desktop.

IT-Support II COC Model Exam 2013 E.C|

Task 2: Create the following tables
Time allotted: 0:20 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task you are expected to create two tables named ‘Student’ and
‘Department’ based on the following information. Use ‘StudID’ as primary key for
Student table and ‘DeptID’ for Department table under the database created in
Task 1

Table 1: Student
Field Data Type
StudID Text
StudName Text
Sex Text
DateOfBirth Date/Time
DeptID Text

Table 2: Department

Field Data Type

DeptID Text
DeptName Text
Faculty Text

Task 3: Create relationship between tables

Time allotted: 0:10 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task you are required to create relationship between the two
tables of the database. [Note: make sure you have created a one-to-many
relationship using the proper attributes.]

IT-Support II COC Model Exam 2013 E.C|

Task 4: Create data entry form

Time allotted: 25 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task you are expected to create a data entry form which
contains attributes of both tables. [Hint: The data entry form must contain the following
attributes (DeptID, DeptName, Faculty, StudID, StudName, Sex, DateOfBirth)]

Task 5: Add buttons on the data entry form

Time allotted: 0:10 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task you are expected to add buttons named Save Record,
Next Record, and Previous Record on the data entry form

Task 6: Enter the following sample data in the tables using the data entry form
created in Task 5.

Time allotted: 15 minutes

Instruction: -Under this task you are expected to enter the data given below using the
data entry form.


DeptID DeptName Faculty

Dpt1 IT Informatics
Dpt2 Economics FBE


StudID StudName Sex DateOfBirth

St001/2006 Abebe Kebede Male 10/01/1990
St002/2006 Meron Taye Female 08/09/1987
St003/2006 Melat Sirak Female 01/12/1985
St004/2006 Teshome Hayilu Male 01/02/1991
St005/2006 Hana Bekele Female 11/11/1989

Note: The first three students are in IT department and the rest two are in Economics

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Task 7: Create query

Time allotted: 0: 20 minutes

Instruction: -Under this task you are expected to create a Query that should accept
department name as a parameter and then displays ‘DeptName’, ‘StudID’, ‘StudName’,
and ‘DateOfBirth’. Save it by the name ‘StudsInDept’.

Task 8: Create a report

Time allotted: 0: 20 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task you are expected to create a Report that Contains
‘DeptName’, ‘StudID’, ‘StudName’, and ’Sex’ attributes. Save it by the name ‘Dept’

Project -2. Administrating network and using the Internet

Total time for this project: 1: 45 Hours
On this project you are expected to install, configure, maintain and troubleshoot local
area network and peripherals. In addition, he/she is expected to demonstrate how to
browse and get information from the Internet.

Competences covered:-

1. EIS ITS2 03 0811 Administrate Network and Hardware Peripherals

2. EIS ITS2 04 0811 Care for Network and Computer Hardware
3. EIS ITS2 05 0811 Access and Use Internet

Instruction: - Under this project you are expected to perform the following eight tasks
based on the information provided

Task 1: Install and configure a network

Time allotted: 0:30 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task, you are required to prepare two appropriate network
cables to connect two computers using switch/hub.
Note: you should demonstrate how to use cable tester

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Task 2: Create and share a folder on the network

Time allotted: 0:10 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task, you are expected to create a folder called ‘Student’ on one
of the computers and share the folder to the other computer.

Task 3: Install and share a printer on the network

Time allotted: 0:20 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task, you are expected to install and share a printer on the first
computer and he/she is expected to add that printer to the second computer and print a
test page.

Task 4: Configure the Internet

Time allotted: 0:10 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task, you are expected to configure the Internet connection
based on the following information. [Note: The values for IP address, input
mask, default gate way, and preferred alternate DNS server will be given by
the assessor at the assessment venue.]

 IP Address
 Input mask
 Default Gate way
 Preferred Alternate DNS server
Task 5: Make Google website the home page of your browser

Time allotted: 0:05 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task, you are expected to set Google as the home page to
her/his browser.

Task 6: Find, and share information from the Internet

Time allotted: 0:20 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task you are expected to search at least a paragraph of
information about computer networking from the Internet and put it on a Notepad file and
IT-Support II COC Model Exam 2013 E.C|
then save the Notepad by the name ‘Network’ in the ‘Student’ folder which was created
previously on Task-2.

Task 7: Print shared document

Time allotted: 0:05 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task you are expected to print the shared document called
‘Network’ which was created on Task 6.
Task 8: Block a website

Time allotted: 0:05 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task you are expected to block the website

Project 3 Disassembling and assembling a computer (UC 02, 06)

Total time for this project: 0:45 minutes

Instruction: Under this project you are expected to disassemble and reassemble a
computer by perform the following three tasks based on the information provided:-

Competences Covered
1. EIS ITS2 02 0811 Update and Document Operational Procedures
2. EIS ITS2 06 0811 Implement Maintenance Procedures
3. EIS ITS2 07 0811 Maintain Equipment and Consumables
4. EIS ITS2 08 0811 Apply Problem Solving Techniques to Routine Malfunction

Task 1: Disassemble the parts of a computer

Time allotted: 0:15 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task you will be provided a fully functional computer and she/he
is expected to disassemble the devices like CD-Drive, hard disk drive, data cable and
RAM …following the standard computer maintenance procedures.

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Task 2: Reassemble the dismounted parts of a computer

Time allotted: 0:15 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task you are going to reassemble the dismounted CD-Drive,
Hard disk drive, Data cables and RAM and make the computer operational again.

Task 3: Create technical documentation

Time allotted: 0:15 minutes

Instruction: - Under this task you are expected to prepare a technical document for
his/her computer based on the following information.

 RAM Size
 Hard Disk Capacity and Type
 Processor Speed


 Installed operating system type and version

 Installed application soft ware’s with their versions (at least three)
 utility software’s (at least three)

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Materials and supplies per candidate
No Item description Quantity unit Specification
1 Connector 8 pcs RJ45
2 Paper 3 pcs A4 size
3 Network cable 4 pcs UTP CAT 5/6

Tools, Instruments & Equipment

No Item description Quantity unit Specification
1 Personal computer 2 pcs Pentium Iv, 512 MB RAM, 20GB HDD
free; 1.8GHZ processor,
2 Cable tester 1 pcs Analog / Digital cable tester
3 Switch/hub 1 pcs 8 Ports
4 Crimper 1 pcs Functional
5 Printer(shared) 1 pcs Laser jet
6 Installed Software 3 pcs  Windows XP sp3
 Ms Office 2007
 Drivers (all)

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Note: Materials and tools may be modified by the Assessor, depending on the actual
job performed, and location & the standard installation practices of the country.

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