The Role of Integrated Management Strategy in Improving The Productivity of Workers: A Study On Jordan Investment and Finance Bank
The Role of Integrated Management Strategy in Improving The Productivity of Workers: A Study On Jordan Investment and Finance Bank
The Role of Integrated Management Strategy in Improving The Productivity of Workers: A Study On Jordan Investment and Finance Bank
Key-words: Organizations apply various management strategies to systematically
Integrated management achieve the needs of their stakeholders. As the number of
strategy improvement management strategies are mushrooming, the need has arisen to
productivity integrate them into one holistic management system that addresses
Jordan various stakeholder requirements in an integrated manner.
However, the dynamics of the integration process are not yet fully
understood and research has yet to establish how the integration of
management strategies gives rise to the productivity of workers. This
paper explores the contents of the literature and reviews on
integrated management strategy for a better understanding of the
content, context and the process of integrated management
strategy, discusses about the key strategies in integrated
management strategy design and implementation and briefs on the
critical success factors in integrated management strategy
implementation. This research is based on Jordan Investment and
Finance Bank as a case; it reveals that integration system able to
improve the
productivity of workers.
The modern definition of quality extends beyond accountability. The International Organization for
products/ services specifications to encompass the Standardization (ISO) has developed standards for some of
requirements of a variety of stakeholders. these MSs such as ISO 9000 for quality management,
Stakeholder requirements vary from ensuring ISO 14000 for environmental management, and the
employees’ health and safety, sustainability, ISO 10001, 10002, 10003 series for customer
customer satisfaction, and transparency in satisfaction complaint systems. These standards are in
organizational affairs to execution of business wide use and are sought by customers (Wilkinson and
processes in a socially responsible manner. To meet Dale 2001). Future development is warranted because
stakeholder requirements in a systematic manner, past studies: 1) omit a systematic consideration of the
organizations employ certain management systems (MSs) integration process based on empirical data and 2)
such as quality, environment, health and safety, and lack a focus on how
Corresponding author.
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Department of Business Administration, Al-lsra University, Amman, Jordan
Received 10 March 2020; Received in revised form 22 March 2020; Abstract Accepted 23 March 2020
Article Accepted 12 August 2020, Available online 05 September 2020.
1090-9516/ @ 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
integration brings about organizational changes and
how organizations can manage the integration
process to maximize benefits. The purpose of this
research is to understand the dynamics of integration
of MSs as a first step for effective management of
integration and its outcomes. It thus focuses on the
social, technical, and behavioral changes that
accompany integration and lead to operational
performance improvement and outputs.
The 2009 annual report indicates that the bank’s total balance sheet was JD667 million, the customers’ deposits 2.0 Literature Review
JD477.6 million, net direct credit facilities JD315.3 million, net income around JD24 million, total net profits JD7.2 There is no definite mention of what constitutes an IMS or what should be the elements of IMS. Karapetrovic and
million, shareholders’ equity JD93.2 million, paid up capital JD70 million (the paid up capital was raised in 2010 to Jonker addressed IMS as “a System of Systems”. An IMS is as composite of interdependent processes that operate
reach JD77.5 million), 273 employees, and eleven branches. New additions also included three subsidiaries owned harmoniously, share the same pool of human, material, information, infrastructure and financial resources and are
by the bank; Mawared for Brokerage, Al Imdad, and a leasing company. This is a quick idea of the success all aimed towards fulfillment of set goals to the satisfaction of the stakeholders (Karapetrovic and Jonker, 2003). IMS
accomplished by the bank since its establishment until today. is the organizational structure, resources and procedures used to plan, monitor and control project quality, safety
and environment (Griffith, 1999).
In the meantime and following the rapid developments, the bank, under the leadership of the founder Nizar
Jardaneh, supported by the Board of Directors and the General Manager, realized that the region was moving The four guiding principles (elements) put forth by Hardjono et al. (1995) can be applied for process of IMS
toward inter-economic activities and other global ventures. implementation. The four elements “Direction, Consistency, Coherence, and Feedback” considered together form
the basis of a holistic approach for organizing the IMS implementation in the organization. ‘Direction’ denotes the
The cooperation between Jordan and Palestine was very significant which encouraged the initiative to establish Al organization’s preference for the change and the preselected aims (here it means the organizations intention to
Quds Bank for Development and Investment as an affiliate bank in Palestine. It commenced its operations at its integrate and implement the desired MSS/sector specific standards). ‘Consistency’ focuses on the vertical translation
headquarters in Gaza City on January 18, 1997. It later relocated its operations to Ramallah in 1999 and (vertical fit) of the organizations preference for change and common aims into objectives and strategies.
POW= Productivity of workers
IMS= Institutional management system
OHS= Occupational health & safety
WE= Working environment
5.2 Mean Std. Deviation of Each Question
Question N Minimum Maximum Mean
Do you enjoy our company’s culture? 350 1.00 5.00 1.8195 1.10592
Do you feel connected to your
351 1.00 5.00 2.0514 0.93188
How open to change are we as an
348 1.00 5.00 2.1519 1.06262
Do your managers value your
348 1.00 5.00 2.2000 1.07325
Do you feel valued for your
350 1.00 5.00 2.2659 1.19120
Do your superiors communicate
company news effectively and in a 349 1.00 5.00 2.3642 1.19917
timely manner?
Does management seem invested in
344 1.00 5.00 1.8971 1.05480
the success of the team?
How transparent do you feel the
345 1.00 5.00 2.1810 1.05415
management is?
Do you think that work is distributed
350 1.00 5.00 2.1821 1.12357
evenly across your team?
Do you find your work meaningful? 352 1.00 5.00 2.1368 1.14072
Does our company offer adequate
opportunities for promotions and 351 1.00 5.00 1.9484 1.00440
career development?
Does our company give you the tools
and technologies you need to do your 348 1.00 5.00 2,1686 1.11473
job well?
Do you feel as though your job
347 1.00 5.00 2.2486 1.25921
responsibilities are clearly defined?
Do you feel like your job utilizes your
349 1.00 5.00 2.0460 1.14543
skills and abilities as much as it could?
How happy are you at work? 347 1.00 5.00 2.0259 1.14169
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68% 32%
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44% 56%
Related with productivity Not Related
43% 57%
Related with productivity Not Related
64% 36%