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Computers in Pharmaceutical Technology By: R C Dhakar, Dept of Pharmacy, IEC-CET, Gr Noida



The computer has become a very common tool in all areas of science and technology, and there seems to be no end in sight for
future applications. With the proliferation of the Internet and the developments in computer technology and manufacturing, the
ratio of price-to-performance of computers continues to decrease. This has resulted in the development of a number of
computer applications. The field of pharmaceutical technology has also benefited from the use of computers and will continue
to benefit as the professionals in the field gain more familiarity with computers. This chapter will discuss some examples of
existing computer applications and issues to be addressed when applying computers in pharmaceutical technology and
assessing their future applications.


Computers have been successfully utilized in pharmaceutical technology to improve productivity, collaborate with
other professionals, and to provide solutions for time-consuming manual tasks. For purposes of discussion, the
various computer applications are classified as follows:

Computers as data analysis and data management tools

Along with the advances in computer hardware, software development also advanced rapidly and resulted in the
development of database management packages, such as Oracle, Sybase, and Microsoft Access. By using these
packages, a number of computer-based systems can be developed in-house in order to organize data and
information and then to query the data in a number of ways. In either case, the challenge with these systems is to
determine what type of information has to be stored in the database and how it can be retrieved in a number of
ways. These systems, when designed properly and implemented with active user participation, minimize the
paperwork and improve the productivity of personnel involved. Data and information management systems are
usually built by the in-house data processing department or acquired from a vendor to meet the needs of users in a
given organization.
Computers in Pharmaceutical Technology By: R C Dhakar, Dept of Pharmacy, IEC-CET, Gr Noida

A. Material inventory system

This system maintains a running inventory of raw materials used in manufacturing. It will be updated at regular
intervals when new materials arrive, as well as when materials are drawn out. This system is useful in tracking
existing inventory, lot numbers, and quantities of raw materials needed for manufacturing a product, as well as
other pertinent information. Some systems also accommodate the need to reserve a certain lot of raw material for
use in manufacturing a particular batch of the product to be used for a stability or clinical study. A sample output
from a material inventory system is shown in Fig. 1.

B. Formulation information system

This system can be used to store the information on raw materials. Typically, the lot numbers of the ingredient, the
name of the ingredient, amount per dosage form, percent composition, weight of the batch, and the actual amount
of each ingredient are stored in these systems. Other information, such as manufacturing summary, shipping
history, and relevant storage information, is also stored. The system’s greatest benefit is its different retrieval
methods. For example, during product recalls, audits, or tracking an excipient problem, one might be interested in
determining all the batches of products made using a particular lot of raw material. This system can also be used to
archive the formulation information generated during formulation screening studies. Consequently, data collected
in this fashion can be utilized for subsequent statistical analysis. This system can also act as a repository of
information that might be helpful in serving as a knowledge base to develop new formulations.

C. Clinical supplies inventory system

In pharmaceutical R&D, a number of clinical trials are conducted to determine the therapeutic effectiveness of
potential new drugs and novel dosage forms of well-established drugs. In order to provide the necessary clinical
supplies in a timely manner and to plan for the manufacture of needed supplies, clinical supplies inventory systems
are used.

D. Clinical supplies labeling

The clinical pharmacy is often called upon to supply complex labeling requirements for investigational drugs used
in clinical studies. Depending on the number of patients and investigators, several hundreds or even thousands of
Computers in Pharmaceutical Technology By: R C Dhakar, Dept of Pharmacy, IEC-CET, Gr Noida

labels with randomized patient and investigator numbers are prepared. Well-designed computer programs eliminate
the manual labor involved in hand-numbering each label. The computer also sorts the labels by investigators and
treatment groups, and prints the labels accordingly.

E. Stability information systems (SIS)

Stability information systems are designed to organize these data and help retrieve the needed information to
establish an expiration date for a product. The stability information is also submitted to the regulatory agencies,
such as FDA, from time to time in support of investigational new drug applications (INDAs), new drug
applications (NDAs), new dosage forms, abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs), biological license
applications (BLAs), and product license applications. When it is time to initiate a study, the computer is used to
generate the stability calendar. Using this calendar and the protocol, the list of samples for chemical, physical
observations, and microbiology analysis of a given time period is generated. The chemical analysis results and the
physical observations are stored in a database for further retrieval. The cumulative chemical data are retrieved in
the form of tables for inclusion in a regulatory report. The data can also be presented in a graphic form, which
makes it easy to review large amounts of data in a short time. Other programs that are used to carry out statistical
analysis can access the required data from the stability database.

F. Analytical information systems (AIS)

The analytical laboratory generates vast amounts of data and information while developing analytical methods,
supporting product stability studies, and aiding formulation development. The analytical laboratory needs sample
management in addition to the management of data it generates. These information are sorted by project,
laboratory location, etc. The system also generates reports of analysis, cumulative analytical data, and other types
of reports needed by an organization.

G. Quality assurance information system (QAIS)

Several systems are used by the quality assurance unit to help carry out quality assurance functions. One such
system helps the quality assurance function track information on chemical raw materials, package components,
intermediate raw materials, and finished products. Using other systems, the quality assurance function compares
the physical, chemical, and biological test data generated with the specifications established on products or
package components and determines whether the product is released or rejected. Production personnel can access
these systems online and determine the status of the materials they have produced or determine the status of raw
materials to be used in production.

Interactive Voice Response Systems (IVRS)

An IVR system is a specially configured personal computer that contains unique voice software that enables a
sound-based interface between a user and the system via a telephone. On the most basic level, these systems let
callers exchange information with a computer over the telephone without a human intermediary. Popular
applications of IVR systems include banking by phone, flight scheduling, and shipment tracking. In the last five
years, IVR systems have gained acceptance in the management of clinical trials. Some of the current uses include
randomization of patients, drug supply inventory management, real-time patient enrollment status, and emergency
Computers in Pharmaceutical Technology By: R C Dhakar, Dept of Pharmacy, IEC-CET, Gr Noida

code breaking in double blind clinical trials. These systems enable the conduct of clinical trials in multiple
countries by providing customized voice prompts in various languages.

Figure 2: A sample stability protocol generated by using a computer program

Group Collaboration Tools (GCT)

The exponential growth in Internet technologies has allowed companies to set up private Internets, known as
Intranets, for effective sharing of information and online meetings where the participants can see each other to
collaborate on projects. These tools help to archive project documentation and provide capabilities for searching
information across several projects with ease. Some current uses of these tools include collaboration between
geographically distributed pharmaceutical R&D and manufacturing plants on process technology data and

Document Management and Publishing Systems (DMPS)

In the last 15 years, the size of a typical new drug application has grown from thousands of pages to several
hundred thousand pages. To cope with this and to help speed up the submission process, a number of software
tools have been developed. These tools provide control and access to documents in a collaborative environment
and help publish electronic and paper copies of submissions.

Internet-Based Applications and Tools

Easy navigation of the Internet led to the development of software applications that use web pages for data
collection, analysis, browsing, and reporting. As a result, it is becoming easier to deploy software that gathers
patient enrollment status information and certain types of clinical trial data. In addition, a number of search tools

Computers in Pharmaceutical Technology By: R C Dhakar, Dept of Pharmacy, IEC-CET, Gr Noida

have been developed that query information across several hundred million pages of information currently
available on the Internet. Examples of these tools include Alta Vista, Excite, and HotBot. More information on
these tools can be found on,, and

Project Management Systems (PMS)

The successful development of a new pharmaceutical product requires careful planning of various activities and
resources, as well as tracking the project’s progress. A small project is not difficult to monitor manually; however,
multiple projects benefit from an automated tool to support the planning process as well as the monitoring of
various activities. In addition, these systems will help develop ‘‘what if ’’ scenarios for the resources in the new
projects as well as help to terminate the projects. Several project management systems currently available on the
market are designed to fulfill these needs.

Problem-Solving Applications

The computer is an excellent tool for statistical analysis of data and for solving mathematical problems.
Commercial software packages are generally used for statistical analysis. The scientist often works with the
statistician to design an experiment and determine the most appropriate statistical method to analyze the collected
data. Custom-designed software or commercial software that allows tailoring is generally used to solve
mathematical problems.

A. Spreadsheet Software

This software is available commercially for almost all types of computers and is becoming a valuable tool to solve
mathematical problems. The data are entered in the form of tables, the mathematical formulae are defined, and at
the push of a button the answer is obtained. The user can easily modify the formula as well as add rows or columns
of data and obtain the results easily and quickly. As such, this software enables the user to determine ‘‘what-if ’’
scenarios for the problem at hand. It also is extremely valuable in helping the pharmacist compute percent
composition and the amount of each ingredient necessary for preparing different strengths of dosage forms. In
addition to providing the computational ability, the software also enables the user to prepare data and information
in the form of tables and plots.

B. Expiry Date Prediction

Expiration dating, required on the label of a drug product by good manufacturing practices (GMPs), is arrived at by
analysis of data collected on samples exposed to storage conditions defined in a stability protocol. The
establishment of an expiry date has evolved from ‘‘eyeballing’’ the time–temperature plot on graph paper and
drawing an approximate regression line, to the rigorous application of physical–chemical laws and sophisticated
statistical analysis using computers.[1] Using the speed and accuracy available from the computer and expert
advice from a statistician, the pharmaceutical scientist can try various statistical models to fit the data and arrive at
an optimal expiration date.

C. Pharmacokinetics

For a number of years, computers have been successfully utilized in pharmacokinetics [2].

Computers in Pharmaceutical Technology By: R C Dhakar, Dept of Pharmacy, IEC-CET, Gr Noida

 To fit blood-level data to the appropriate model (single, two, or multiple compartments) and to calculate
model parameters, such as absorption rate constant, elimination rate constant, half-life, and volume of

 To evaluate bioavailability parameters, such as peak plasma concentration, time of peak concentrations,
and area under the concentration time curve obtainable from a blood-level curve; [4].

 To calculate dosage regimens in patients with renal failure.[3].

In this context, computers will be of immense help in developing predictive models that might assist in the scale-up
of animal data to humans and predicting the concentration of drugs in human body fluids. Microcomputers are also
used to systematize, speed up formulation, simplify manufacturing processes, and reduce the number of needed
bioavailability studies through simulated models and plasma level predictions. Commercially available software
packages, such as WINNONLIN, SAS, and other custom designed programs, are generally used to solve the often
complex mathematical formulae encountered in pharmacokinetic research and applications.

D. Statistical modeling in data analysis

Communication Aids

The computer has become an excellent tool for communication. It can store information entered by one user and
send a signal to another user who then reads the information. When several computers are connected through a
network, users of one computer can send information to other users in the network almost instantaneously. This
feature makes the computer a powerful and effective communication medium for organizations with various
remote locations. Examples of communication aids are discussed below.

A. Electronic mail (e-mail)

With the proliferation of the Internet, e-mail has become an integral part of browsers, such as Netscape Navigator
and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Electronic mail provides almost instantaneous communication to remote users,
helps improve the productivity of firms operating on a worldwide basis, and improves communication with
regulatory agencies.

B. Distributed information management systems (DIMS)

Computers in Pharmaceutical Technology By: R C Dhakar, Dept of Pharmacy, IEC-CET, Gr Noida

Using the concept of distributed data processing, the company sets up a data processing center at each location and
connects these centers by networks. In this setup, common data management systems running at each site make it
easy for the company to work on the same project at several sites and funnel the information back and forth. For
example, a company conducting toxicology or stability studies can consolidate the information at one site and use
it for generating regulatory reports or for other purposes. In addition, these systems help transfer technology
developed at one site to another site and allow access to data generated from other sites.

Electronic Laboratory Notebooks

Many laboratory instruments available on the market today contain built-in microprocessors that process data
collected on samples and display or send the answer to a computer. In addition, they may have an interface that
attaches to an external computer for processing the data generated by the instrument. With regard to experiments or
analyses performed frequently, it is often desirable to interface the instrument to a computer to aid in the
subsequent analysis of data. Some of the commonly encountered systems following:

A. Chromatography systems

The computer has become a valuable tool in automating chromatographic techniques, especially high performance
liquid chromatography (HPLC). In automated systems, the output from an HPLC detector is digitized through an
analog-to-digital (A/D) converter, the digitized information is stored in the computer, and the data is analyzed to
compute the final result. The inherent disadvantages associated with a strip chart recorder are overcome in
automation because the computer enables the analytical chemist to change calculation parameters (e.g., the base
line, peak start, and peak end) as needed. As a result, the number of repeat analyses to be performed is minimized.
The computer, utilized as a systems controller, is especially useful in applications that require techniques such as
column switching and solvent gradients.

B. Automated dissolution systems

The application of computers to solid dosage form dissolution allows for nearly complete automation. Analyst
intervention is limited to the analysis setup. The computer executes all other steps by controlling the system
devices, such as the sampling pump and the spectrophotometer generally used for analysis. Typically, a fraction of
the sample solution is pumped into a spectrophotometer flow-through cell, where its absorbance is measured. The
computer uses the absorbance reading to perform calculations and reports the analysis results in a tabular or
graphic format. Sampling, analysis, quantitation, data handling, and reporting are all performed by the computer
according to the analysis parameters specified before each run or included in a setup table.[6] Automation has
played a key role in the development of dissolution systems, which attempt to simulate changes in pH in the
gastrointestinal tract or the presence of bile salts.[7]

C. Microprocessor-based balances

Some organizations use these balances to automate the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) weight variation test.
In this application, the printer attached to the balance prints a hard copy of the individual weights of the dosage
form as well as the average and standard deviation.[8]

Process Control
Computers in Pharmaceutical Technology By: R C Dhakar, Dept of Pharmacy, IEC-CET, Gr Noida

Computerized process-control systems are used to measure process variables through sensors at predefined
intervals, make appropriate decisions, and take appropriate actions to keep the process under control. In an open-
loop process-control operation, the computer records sensor readings, compares readings against standards, and
notifies human operators of needed actions to regulate devices. In more complex closed loop process-control
operations, the computer records the measurements, makes the comparisons with standards, and transmits signals
to the regulating devices to make the necessary changes.[9] Two examples are automated tableting and automated

Instrumented tablet presses with computer interfaces allow the pharmaceutical scientist to study the mechanism of
compaction and the relationship of the mechanism to tablet-compaction properties and formulations. In addition,
automated systems are useful to develop compression profiles for reference purposes, to control weight of tablets
during development and production, and to monitor punch wear. This automation reduces the burden on personnel
faced with the requirements of quality control.[10]

Regulatory Issues Affecting Use of Computers

As previously described, the use of computers and computerized systems in the pharmaceutical industry is growing
at a rapid rate. Some of the systems used in the industry range in complexity from the use of personal computers
for performing simple tasks (word processing, e-mail, Internet access) to the use of powerful computers in process-
control applications. In addition, to help eliminate or reduce paper usage, the pharmaceutical industry has
implemented a number of electronic batch record systems in drug substance and product manufacturing to keep
track of process documentation. As the regulatory authority, FDA wants the computerized systems to be validated
and requires manufacturers to comply with regulations that cover electronic records and signatures (see The FDA’s General Principles of Validation Guideline [12] defines
validation as establishing documented evidence that provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process will
consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes. This definition
applies to computer systems as well as to the processes. To date, the industry has done a good job in validating
computerized systems and is beginning to address the implications of electronic records/signature rule.

Computer-based training

Future Trends

The computer provides solutions to problems that can be defined in a language it understands. Although the
computer works faster than humans, it still lacks the human qualities of intuition, insight, and experience. A great
deal of effort has been expended in the development of computer languages and software tools that allow for ease
in writing programs and obtaining desired solutions. In spite of this, researchers still need programmers to translate
their requirements to the computer; it is probably unrealistic at this time to assume that they can do away with
programmers. The challenge facing scientists today is to determine ways in which to help non-experts accomplish
sophisticated tasks with computers. In this regard, Internet technologies have helped a great deal by implementing
simple-to-use and standardized navigation techniques for accessing and interacting with information on a personal
computer. Any savvy Internet user can now buy airline tickets, shop for electronic items, and search the Internet
for information on diseases, product specifications, etc. This trend will continue for the foreseeable future. Human
Computers in Pharmaceutical Technology By: R C Dhakar, Dept of Pharmacy, IEC-CET, Gr Noida

genomics is another area that is beginning to benefit from the use of computers. Researchers have just begun
amazing discoveries in this particular field. As more information on the human genome is discovered, we will
begin to understand human diseases at a gene level, thus allowing researchers the opportunity to discover cures for
deadly diseases.


1. Vadas, E.B. Stability of pharmaceutical products. In Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy; Mack Publishing
Company: Eaton, PA, 1995; 639–647.

2. Danek, A. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 1978, 16, 345–350.

3. King, F.G.; Dedrick, R.L.; Farris, F.F. J. Pharmacokinet. Bonham 1986, 14, 131–155.

4. Tsuji, A.; Nishide, K.; Minami, H.; Nakashima, E.; Terakasi, T.; Yamana, T. Drug Metab. Dispos. 1985, 13, 729–739.

5. Aiache, J.S.; Turlier, M.; Tanguy, A. Eur J. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 1984, 9, 89–102.

6. Pagone, F.M. Pittsburgh Conference and 2 Exposition Abstracts, Atlantic City, NJ, 1986; No. 280.

7. Wickman, A.; Pagone, F.M. Pittsburgh Conference and 2 Exposition Abstracts, Atlantic City, NJ, 1986; No. 280.

8. Paruta, A.N.; Breon, T.L.; Greene, D.S. Computerized weight-variation testing for uncoated tablets and capsules. In
Automation of Pharmaceutical Operations; Fraad, D.J., Ed.; Pharmaceutical Technology Publications: Springfield, OR, 1983;

9. Sanders, D.H. Computers Today; McGraw-Hill: New York, 1983; 595–596.

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