Theoretical PV Potential
Theoretical PV Potential
Theoretical PV Potential
Global horizontal irradiance, the longterm amount of solar resource available on a horizontal
surface on Earth, measured in kWh/m2/day. It is the sum of direct (DNI) and diffuse (DIF)
Practical PV Potential
Photovoltaic power output of a PV system (specific yield); in this case, the longterm power
ouput produced by a utility-scale installation of monofacial modules fixed mounted at an
optimum tilt, measured in kWh/kWp/day
• Level 0 - Practical potential disregarding any land-use constraints
• Level 1 - Level 0 practical potential, excluding land with identifiable physical obstacles to
utility-scale pv plants
• Level 2 - Level 1 practical potential, excluding land possibly under land use regulations due
to nature and cropland protection
Economic PV Potential
Levelized cost of electricity - the lifetime costs associated with construction and operation of
the power plant divided by the electricity produced during this lifetime, measured in USD/kWh
(the lower the cost, the higher is the economic potential)
PV equivalent area
Presumed country area proportion to be covered by PV plants producing the equivalent of
yearly electricity consumption. The calculation assumes fixed-mounted, monofacial C-Si
modules with optimum tilt and row spacing. The estimated area includes both the active area
of PV modules and the area between the module rows.
PV seasonality index
Ratio between the highest and the lowest of monthly long-term PVOUT averages
DIF - Diffuse horizontal irradiance
DNI - Direct normal irradiance
GHI - Global horizontal irradiance
IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency
LCOE - Levellized cost of electricity
PVOUT - Photovoltaic power output
PV – Photovoltaic
Potencial fotovoltaico teórico
Irradiancia horizontal global, la cantidad a largo plazo de recurso solar disponible en una
superficie horizontal de la Tierra, medida en kWh / m2 / día. Es la suma de componentes
directos (DNI) y difusos (DIF).
DIF - Irradiancia horizontal difusa
DNI - Irradiancia normal directa
GHI: irradiancia horizontal global
IRENA - Agencia Internacional de Energías Renovables
LCOE - Coste nivelado de la electricidad
PVOUT - Salida de energía fotovoltaica
PV - Fotovoltaica