Contemporary Arts Module 5

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Philippine Arts from the
1st Quarter: Module 5
The Different Contemporary Art Techniques, Performance Practices
and Local Art Materials in the Philippines

Remee Jane R. Catapang

Module Writer

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Lesson 5: The Different Contemporary Art Techniques,
Performance Practices and Local Art Materials in the

LEARNING  Researches on techniques and performance

COMPETENCIES practices applied to contemporary arts
 Discusses local materials used in creating art
 Critiques available materials and appropriate
 Explicates the use of materials and the application
of techniques

 Identifies the different techniques and performance

LEARNING practices applied to contemporary arts
OBJECTIVES  State the main characteristics for the “local” as the
material for the contemporary art.
 Demonstrates the ways by which local materials
and techniques can translate concepts and feelings
about the local and the experiential artwork.


Your dynamism in terms of art appreciation or even on doing art will be taken in
higher notched through this module. In the different art techniques, you will realize
how far contemporary artists have gone through in developing their crafts. Ingenious
and unconventional art materials will be tackled as well, which again signs of
innovativeness of our dear contemporary artists. By learning about the materials and
techniques, you will be able to critique and justify the materials and techniques used
by artists when appreciating their works. Your knowledge in this module may also be
applied in your own artwork. There is also activity in this module where you will be
challenged to create artwork using ingenious materials from within your community or
just inside your households.


True or False. Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

_____ 1. A musical technique is the ability of musicians to exert optimal control of their
vocal cords alone to produce the precise musical effects they desire.
_____ 2. Choreography on planned method has prescribed movements and forms from
the choreographer.
_____ 3. Mirroring is a dance technique wherein it is performed in sequence of moves
in reverse order.
_____ 4. Elito Circa Villaflor uses coffee as medium of his art.
_____ 5. Graffiti are writing or drawings that have been scribed, scratched, or painted
illicitly on a wall or other surface, often in a public space.
_____ 6. Digital Arts is an artistic work or practice that uses traditional medium or
_____ 7. Land art is an art form that is created in nature, using natural materials.
_____ 8. Bakbak is a strong brown outer fiber of rattan.
_____ 9. Nito is plant belonging to the family of fern used as raw materials in weaving.
_____ 10. Buntal fiber has supple ivory white strand and very delicate.

Analogy: Directions: The analogies below are word problems that consist of two-word
pairs. Look at the first pair and decide how the two words relate to each other. Then
select one of the words below, so the second pair of words have the same relationship.

1. Lines : Direction ; _________________ : Light

2. Shapes : 2 dimensional ; Forms: _________________
3. Tactile texture : actual surface ; __________________ : surface look alike
4. Symmetrical balance : mirror image ; _____________ : arrange around center
5. Pattern : repeating object ; _____________ : harmony of parts of artwork


Filipinos are proven to be one of the most creative and artistic people in the
world. The types of arts they produced in different regions are unique and truly a
product to take pride with. Philippines is very much blessed with natural resources
and by these Filipino artists are equipped to express their creativity through it.

ACTIVITY 1: Concept Mapping

When you heard the word techniques, what comes to your mind. Think of at least
six words that would describe the word techniques. How does it relate to
contemporary arts? Write a short explanation why did you choose those words.


What Is It

There are various techniques for different art forms. We can say in writing
techniques is the way a writer arranges words and thoughts to create literary art
works to express how they feel. Below are few suggested techniques in writing.

A musical technique is the ability of instrumental and vocal musicians to exert

optimal control of their instruments or vocal cords in order to produce the precise
musical effects they desire. Improving one's technique generally entails practicing

CPAR Q1 W4 3
exercises that improve one's muscular sensitivity and agility. This statement is based
music dictionary of Stanley Sadie. Here are few of techniques for both vocal and
instrumental musical techniques.

In drama, an acting technique is the skills of the actors uses his facial expression,
gestures and body movements to portray their role or character. For aspiring actors
here is the link you may want to consider that would enhance your acting skills.

Just like in music, dance has a lot of genre therefore each of it has different
techniques. But here are some general tips on how you will enhance your dancing

In dancing the sequencing to movement of dancer is very vital to the great

performance that term refers to choreography. In Britannica encyclopedia it is define
as the art of creating and arranging dances. The word derives from the Greek for
“dance” and for “write.”
The book of Angelita Perez suggest that there are two fundamentals dance method
in choreography. The planned method which has prescribe movements and forms
from the choreographer and the other is called improvisation method where in the
dancers has the freedom to interpret the general instructions of choreographer.
Several underlying techniques are commonly used in choreography for two or more
 Mirroring - facing each other and doing the same
 Retrograde - performing a sequence of moves in reverse order
 Canon - people performing the same move one after the other
 Levels - people higher and lower in a dance
 Shadowing - standing one behind the other and performing the same moves
 Unison - two or more people doing a range of moves at the same time

ACTIVITY 2: Groove It

Create a simple dance number using any of the Choreography techniques that we
have studied. If you need a partner or members in this activity you may ask the help
from any of your family members. This would be a great bonding and exercise. Don’t
forget to record it and send it to the face book group page of your class.
Criteria Points
Choreography 10 points
Performance 10 points
Entertaining 10 points

Art Techniques in Visual Arts

We can say that visual arts techniques is personal. A lot of time artist’s unique
techniques serve as their identity that make their artwork one of kind. Manipulating
and controlling their medium are sometimes the way of artists to execute their
techniques. Some of them are very innovative in using extra ordinary materials in their
artworks. Example of these are Elito Circa Villaflor and Sunshine Plata

CPAR Q1 W4 4
Elito Circa Villaflor, human blood as his medium Sunshine Plata, coffee as her medium

Techniques to Contemporary Visual Art Creations

1. Collage Are the techniques of an art production used in the visual arts, where
the artwork is made from on assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new
whole. Materials include magazines and newspaper clippings, ribbons, paints,
bits of colored or handmade papers, portions of other artwork or texts,
photographs, and other found objects, glued to a piece of paper or canvas.

2. De-collage Is the opposite of collage; instead of an image is being built up all or

parts of existing images, it is created by cutting, treating away or otherwise
removing pieces of an original image. The French word “De-collage” in English
means “ Take-Off” or “To become Unglued” or “To become unstuck”. Example of
de-collage include cut-up technique. Similar technique is the lacerated poster, a
poster in which one has been place over another or others, and the top poster
or posters have been ripped, revealing to a greater or lesser degree the poster or
posters underneath.

3. Graffiti are writing or drawings that have been scribed, scratched, or painted
illicitly on a wall or other surface, often in a public space. Graffiti range from
simple written words to elaborate wall paintings.

4. Land Art is an art movement in which landscape and the work of art are
inextricably linked. It is also an art form that is created in nature, using natural
materials such as soil, rock (bed rock, bolder, stones), organic media (logs,
branches, leaves), and water which introduced materials such as concrete,
metal, asphalt, or mineral pigments.

5. Digital Arts is an artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as an

essential part of the creative or presentation. Digital art is placed under the
larger umbrella term new media art. The techniques of digital art are used
extensively by the mainstream media in advertisement and by film-makers to
produce visual effects. Both digital and traditional artist use many sources of
electronic information and programs to create their work. Digital Art is a term
applied to contemporary art that uses the method of mass production or digital

6. Mixed Media refers to the artwork in the making of which more than one
medium has been employed. It refers to a work of visual art that combines
various traditionally distinct visual art media. For example, work on canvas
that combines paint, ink, and collage.

7. Print Making is the process of making artworks by painting, normally in the

paper. Prints are created by transforming ink from a matrix or through a
prepared screen to a sheet of paper or other material.

CPAR Q1 W4 5
ACTIVITY 3: Guess the Word
You have to guess the correct words or terminologies which are based on the odd
words and pictures that serve as clues.
1. Cool aged 4. They dzi et’al hearts

2. Lan dartz 5. Me eks - me they yah

3. Graph phi tea 6. Frend may king

Philippine Local Materials for Contemporary Arts

Philippines as a tropical country is blessed with natural resources. That is why

Filipino artists can maximize the use of these natural resources in creating art. Here
are some of the local materials found in the Philippines.

Materials Products
It is a leaf fiber composed of long
slim cells that form part of the textiles, furniture and
leaf's supporting structure. Lignin fixtures, handicrafts,
content is a high 15%. Abaca is novelty items, currency
prized for its great mechanical notes, ropes, slippers,
strength, resistance to saltwater hammock, etc.
damage, and long fiber length
The thick strong brown fiber of
abaca. It is an excellent raw Mat, bangkuay bin,
material used to export furniture boxes, bin, display jar,
Industry. The furniture products arm chair
from Bakbak give a distinctive and
exotic look.


CPAR Q1 W4 6
Is used a raw material in creating Kubing, bungkaka,
many products. It is used in tongatong, angklug,
construction, textile, musical pategteg, gabbang
instruments, weapon and more

It is a cylindrically shaped fiber. Bag, shoes, desk,
The supple ivory white strand is accessories, place mats,
quite durable, pliable and have braided, lampshades,
good dyeing qualities window blinds


Extracted from the leaves of Hats, bag, baskets,

matures buri palm, the fiber is memorabilia, boxes,
durable and resistant to moisture. tray, other woven

It is coconut fiber, is a natural floor mats, doormats,
fiber extracted from the outer brushes and
husk of coconut mattresses, in door
outdoor fiber carpet,
wall covering, geo textile
and more
It is plant belong to family of fern Bags, tray, lamp
that grow abundantly in the shades, decorative jar,
hinterlands of Mindanao. etc.


Is a tropical plant. It is processed Baskets, picture frames,

and transformed into splint being and bags
used as raw materials.


Belongs to palm family. There Baskets, picture frames,

are different types of rattan palms, bags, novelty items and
such as high or low climbers, furniture
single stemmed and clustered

CPAR Q1 W4 7
It is a large, erect, aquatic herb Baskets, hampers, bags,
plants. It is found in Central rugs, carpets,
Luzon and Mindanao. Abundant placemats, jar and other
in fresh water swaps, and newly decorative items
opened rice land at low altitudes.

Belongs to sea grasses. It is native Bags, decorative mats,
reed plant used in weaving. hampers, news paper
racks, table mat, waste
bin, tower candle
holder, wall décor etc.



Based on what you have learned in this module, can you come up with an artwork
where in you will adopt the techniques tackled and in terms of materials, you have the
freedom to choose any materials abundant in your community and even in your
Criteria Points


Multiple Choice:
Directions: Read each question very well. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it on your notebook.

_____ 1. It is the ability of instrumental or vocal musicians to exert optimal control of

their instruments or vocal cords in order to produce beautiful sound.
A. Acting techniques C. Choreography techniques
B. Musical techniques D. Dance techniques
_____ 2. It is the skills of the actors to use his facial expressions, gestures and body
movements to portray their role or character.
A. Acting techniques C. Choreography techniques
B. Musical techniques D. Dance techniques
_____ 3. Choreography is a method wherein the dancers have the freedom to interpret
the general instructions of choreographer.
A. Planned B. Mirroring C. Improvisation D. Shadowing
_____ 4. It is a choreography technique wherein dancers face each other and do the
A. Mirroring B. Retrograde C. Canon D. Shadowing
_____ 5. Art technique wherein the artwork is made from an assemblage of different
forms, thus creating a new whole.
A. De-collage B. Graffiti C. Mixed media D. Collage
_____ 6. Art technique where writing or drawings that have been scribed, scratched, or
painted illicitly on a wall or other surface, often in a public space.
A. De-collage B. Graffiti C. Mixed media D. Collage

CPAR Q1 W4 8
_____ 7. It is a leaf fiber composed of long slim cells that form part of the leaf's
supporting structure.
A. Abaca B. Buri C. Coir D. Pandan
_____ 8. It is a natural fiber extracted from the outer husk of coconut.
A. Abaca B. Buri C. Coir D. Pandan
_____ 9. It is a large, erect, aquatic herb plants usually found in fresh water swaps,
and newly opened rice land at low altitudes.
A. Abaca B. Tikiw C. Tikog D. Buri
_____ 10. It is plant belong to family of fern that grow abundantly in the hinterlands of
A. Buri B. Abaca C. Coir D. Nito


Contemporary art is often looked with skeptical eyes because of unique

characteristics and most of the time unconventional and out of the box. Most of
contemporary artists are experimental in nature. For you to widen your exposure on
Philippine Contemporary arts you are advised to research on new artists that used
extra ordinary materials and techniques. You may consider the link below.

CPAR Q1 W4 9

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