Summative Test: Computer Systems Servicing-Ii 1 QUARTER SY:2020-2021
Summative Test: Computer Systems Servicing-Ii 1 QUARTER SY:2020-2021
Summative Test: Computer Systems Servicing-Ii 1 QUARTER SY:2020-2021
1. VDU
2. Keyboard
3. Monitor
4. Light Pen
Q.2. A light-sensitive device that converts the printed text, drawing, or other images into digital
form is called ____.
1. Plotter
2. Printer
3. Scanner
4. OMR
Q.3. Which device has the limitation that we can only read it but cannot modify or erase it?
1. Floppy Disk
2. Hard Disk
3. Tape Drive
4. Compact disk
Q.4. Sometimes the mouse pointer moves erratically. This is because of ___.
Q5. A specialized program that allows user to utilize in a specific application is classified as
1. Application programs
2. Relative programs
3. Relative programs
4. Replicate programs
2. Busses
3. Bays
4. Flash memory
1. CPM
2. PPM
3. DPI
4. LPM
1. a short abbreviation for the data word stored at the operand address
2. a short abbreviation for the operand address
3. shorthand for machine language
4. a short abbreviation for the operation to be performed
1. Single directional
2. Multi-directional
3. Bidirectional
4. None of the above
1. Macro preprocessor
2. Macro processor
3. Macro pro-processor
4. Assembler
1. CPU
2. Hard Disk
3. Floppy Disk
4. ALU
Q.14. As Humans are called Homo Sapiens, _____ is called the Silico Sapiens.
1. Computers
2. Robots
3. Hardwares
4. Monitors
1. Bus packages
2. File packages
3. Database packages
4. Software packages
1. Programming
2. Process
3. High-level Language reading
4. Data releasing
Q.17. A device that is used to transmit data over telecommunications lines is called ____.
1. Drive bays
2. Data Busses
3. Drive platforms
4. Modems
1. CPU
2. ALU
3. Control Units
4. Processors
Q.19. In a typical computer operation, which of the following memories is put in use?
1. ROM
2. HDD
3. CND
4. RAM
Q.20. The basic goal of computer processors is to convert the given data into ____
1. Programs
2. Information
3. Contents of Main memory
4. Texts, Tables and Graphs
Q21. Which among the following is not a peripheral hardware device in a computer system?
1. Keyboard
2. Optical Drive
3. Printer
4. HDD
Q22. Computers process data under the control of sets of instructions called____.
1. Computer data
2. Computer programs
3. Computer buses
4. Computer instructions
Q.23. A microprocessor unit, a memory unit, and an input/output unit form a ____.
1. Microcomputer
2. CPU
3. Compiler
4. ALU
1. Firmware
2. Assembly language programs
3. Flowchart instructions
4. BASIC interpreter instructions
1. 7
2. 9
3. 8
4. 16