Illustrative Problem On Cash Budget: ST ND RD TH
Illustrative Problem On Cash Budget: ST ND RD TH
The COVENTRADE CORP. has sought your assistance in preparing its cash budget for next year’s
operations and provides you with the following information:
Dividends (130,000)
The corporation has adopted the policy of requiring a minimum cash balance equal to 40% of
the succeeding quarter’s requirements for operations. Beginning cash balance is P 60,000 and desired
year-end balance is P 15,000.
One year 15% bank loans may be obtained (in multiples of P 5,000) at the start of the quarter
with interest payable at the end of the same period. In case the cash balance exceeds 160% of the
required minimum balance, the difference (in multiples of P 50,000) may be placed in commercial
papers (qualified as cash equivalents) at the start of the succeeding quarter to earn a minimum of 12%
per annum with interest collectible at the end of the quarter.
Budgeted Cash
Disbursement (190,000) (300,000) (200,000) (250,000) (940,000)
Interest on
commercial -0- -0- 3,000 -0- 3,000
(schedule A)
Cash in excess
of required minimum -0- 170,000 73,000 153,000 153,000
Cash balance, end (120,000) 250,000 173,000 303,000