The Benefits of Using Accounting Software in The Learning Process of Accountancy Students

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The benefits of using accounting software in the learning process of

accountancy students
(A Concept Paper)
Accounting software are becoming increasingly popular in the trade and commerce
industry. It simplifies the accounting cycle & processes and helps business owners to track
financial transactions and generate various financial reports. Financial tasks that were previously
performed manually are now automated through the aid of accounting software and systems,
reducing accounting costs. It also provides real-time reporting, making business owners more
updated and enabling them to make more informed financial decisions. As such, it is ever
important that accountancy students be familiar with various accounting software and systems.
According to Machera, R. & Machera, P. (2017), the integration of accounting software
in the curriculum enhances the accounting program. Furthermore, this integration assists
accountancy students in mastering skills needed during their internship as well as in the
corporate world after the completion of their Accounting Program. O’Connell, et al. (2003),
further assessed the learning benefits of employing accounting software in the classroom. This is
supplemented by Boulianne (2014), who discerned that accountancy students experienced better
knowledge acquisition in a case when using accounting software than students who completed
the case manually. The use of accounting software in the academe does not only benefit students,
but also benefit the instructors, as proved by Nori et al. (2016) – the use of accounting software
in teaching accounting courses is pivotal as it proves to be beneficial in enabling the achievement
of different teaching and learning goals simultaneously.
However, the researchers – who are accountancy students, observed that this is not the
case in their respective program. There are no accounting software and systems fully integrated
in their education. The researchers would like to determine the benefits of using accounting
software in the learning process of accountancy students. The researchers deem that traversing
this path would lead to the improvement of the status quo. Pursuing this research would be
significant to the following parties: (1) Accountancy Students, as this would enable them to self-
assess their skills and competencies required of them once they enter the corporate world; (2)
Accountancy schools and colleges, as it would enable them to evaluate their current accounting
program and improve upon it – producing technologically competitive accountancy students in
the modern world.
Boulianne, E. (2014). Impact of accounting software utilization on students' knowledge acquisition: An
important change in accounting education. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 22-

Machera, R. P., & Machera, P. C. (2017). Computerised Accounting Software; A Curriculum that
Enhances an Accounting Programme. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 372-385.

Nori, W. M., Kassim, C. K., Ahmad, S., & Nasir, N. (2016). The Use of Accounting Software for Effective
Teaching and Learning Introductory Accounting: A Pedagogical Discussion. The Social Sciences,

O'Connell, B., Beaman, I., Lange, P., & Smyrnios, K. (2003). An Experiment To Assess The Learning
Benefits Of Employing Accounting Software In The Classroom. The Review of Business
Information Systems, 49-58.

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