Stitch of The Week: Pattern #207

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loops left on hook.

Yarn over hook,

draw through all three loops.
 There will be an “unworked” stitch
left in the row below (behind the
newly made fptrc2tog stitch).
The remaining fptrc2tog stitches are worked
the same way – with the first arm of the V
worked around the same post as the last arm
of the previous stitch. After the first row
using this stitch the fptrc2tog stitch is
worked around the top of the previous
fptr2tog stitches rather than the dc posts.
Stitch of the Week Make a ch of 14 + 1 (plus add
multiples of 4 ch for each increase.
Pattern #207
Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in
each ch across, turn.
Diamond Trellis Stitch
Pattern Row 2: Ch 2 (counts as first dc), dc in
each sc across, turn.
Special Stitches: Front post treble 2
together (fptrc2tog). This makes a V-shaped NOTE: It is recommended to mark
stitch in front of the work with the two arms your stitches for Row 3, until you
of the V being worked around the posts of
learn this stitch pattern, to help with
the stitches 2 rows below. All the V’s
worked side by side make one half of the stitch placement. Place a stitch
diamond pattern. Work the first fptrc2tog as marker in first dc, [skip next 3 dc,
follows: place a stitch marker in next dc] rep
 Yarn over hook twice, insert hook across to within last dc, last dc does
horizontally in stich indicated in NOT get a marker.
instructions (from front to back to
front again), yarn over hook and
Row 3: Ch 1, (does not count as first
draw up a loop (4 loops on hook).
*Yarn over hook, draw through 2 st), skip first marked dc, working right
loops, repeat from *, 2 loops left on to left, fptrc around corresponding sc
hook (one arm of the V made). below 2nd dc of next 3 dc group
 Yarn over hook twice, skip 3 dc posts, between markers, * sc in each of the
insert hook horizontally in stitch next 3 dc between markers, behind
indicated in instructions, Yarn over fptrc just made, skip next marked dc,
hook and draw up a loop (5 loops on
working from left to right work first
hook). *Yarn over hook, draw
through 2 loops, repeat from *, 3 half of fptrc2tog in same sc 2 rows
below as previously worked fptrc around top of both posts at top center
leaving 2 lps on hook, working right to point of next fptrc2tog 2 rows below,
left work 2nd half of fptrc2tog around sc in each of next 3 dc between
corresponding sc below 2nd dc of next markers, behind st just worked, skip
3 dc group between markers (fptrc2tog next marked dc *, rep from * to *
completed), skip next marked dc*, rep across to within last 3 dc, fptrc2tog,
from * to * across to last 2 dc, skip working first half of fptrc2tog from
next marked dc, working left to right left to right around both posts at top
fptrc around same sc post used in the center point of fptrc2tog previously
last post worked for last fptrc2tog, sc worked 2 rows below leaving 2 lps on
in last st, turn. hook, work 2nd half of fptrc2tog from
right to left around top of last ending
Row 4: Rep Row 2. fptrc post 2 rows below, sc in each of
last 3 dc, turn.
For Row 5 Place stitch markers as
indicated. Skip first 2 dc, mark next Row 6: Rep Row 2.
dc, [skip next 3 dc, mark next dc]
across to within last 2 dc and ending Row 7: Place stitch markers same as
ch 2 turning ch, (do not mark last 3 for Row 3. Ch 1, (does NOT count as
sts). first st), skip first marked dc, working
right to left, fptrc around both posts of
Row 5: Ch 1, (does not count as a st), top point of first fptrc2tog 2 rows
sc in each of first 2 dc, skip next below, sc in each of next 3 dc between
marked dc, working from left to right markers behind st just worked, skip
fptrc2tog working first half of next marked dc, *working left to right
fptrc2tog around top of first fptrc post fptrc2tog around top of center point of
2 rows below, leaving 2 lps on hook, same fptrc2tog previously worked 2
working from right to left work 2nd rows below, leaving 2 lps on hook,
half of fptrc2tog around top of both work 2nd half of fptrc2tog from right to
posts at top center point of fptrc2tog 2 left around top of both posts at top
rows below, sc in each of next 3 dc center point of next fptrc2tog 2 rows
between markers behind st just below, sc in each of next 3 dc between
worked, skip next marked dc, markers, behind st just worked, skip
*fptrc2tog, working first half of next marked dc*, rep from * to *
fptrc2tog from left to right around top across to within last 2 dc, skip marked
of both posts at top center point of dc, working left to right fptrc around
fptrc2tog previously worked 2 rows top center point of last fptr2tog 2 rows
below, leaving 2 lps on hook, work 2nd below, sc in last st, turn.
half of fptrc2tog from right to left
Row 8: Rep Row 2.

Row 9: Rep Row 5.

Repeat Rows 6-9 for pattern.

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