Effecting of Medium Composition On Biomass and Ginsenoside Production in Cell Suspension Culture of Ha Et Grushv
Effecting of Medium Composition On Biomass and Ginsenoside Production in Cell Suspension Culture of Ha Et Grushv
Effecting of Medium Composition On Biomass and Ginsenoside Production in Cell Suspension Culture of Ha Et Grushv
Abstract. We established cell suspension culture on Panax vietnamensis and some attempts have
been made to increase ginsenoside yield of ginseng cell culture through manipulation various
culture íactors and process variable. Half and fiill strength MS medium were found to be equally
suitable for both biomass as well as ginsenoside production. The biomass production and
ginsenoside yield vvere obtained 9.8 g/L DW and 6.81 mg/g DW, respectively. The eíĩect of initial
sucrose concentrations were also investigated in suspension cultures of p. vietnamensis for
biomass and production of ginseng saponin (secondary metabolite). The íĩnal dry ccll weight was
increased from 5.4 to 10.3 g/L with an increase of initial sucrose concentration from 20 to 50 g/L,
but an even higher sucrose concentration of 60 g/L seemed to repress the ccll growth, íiirther
increase of sucrose concenừation upto 70 g/L led to a decrease in ginsenoside accumulation and
biomass production. The maximum growth and ginsenoside production was obtained for nitrogen
concentration of 30 mM.
Kev\vords: MS strength, sucrose, nitrogen, auxin, and cytokinin.
Effects o f application sole nitrate (NOj ) Stock cell culture and culture condỉtion
and in combination with ammonium (N H /) on
Suspended cells o f p. vietnamensừ were
production of ginscng saponin and
initiated through callus induction from the
polysaccharides by suspension cultures of
cultivated plant root [5]. The cell line was
Panax ginseng were observed by [4]. The
maintained in MS liquid medium supplemented
results indicated that the specific production
with 3 mg/L indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), 0.1
(content) o f ginseng ỊK)lysaccharide was not
mg/L o f kinetin and 30 g/L sucrose. The pH
signiíicantly affected by alteration o f the N
was adjusted to 5.8 before autoclaving.
source and the saponin production was
Cells were cultivated in 300 ml conical
relatively higher within the initial N
ílasks w ith a working volume 100 ml on a
concentration o f 5 mM with nitrate alone or a
rotary shaker in darkness at a rotation speed of
(N 0 3)/(NH 4+) ratio o f 2:1.
105 rpm and a culture temperature o f 25°c.
In this paper, we established cell suspension Cells cultivated for 15 days were used in the
culture o f ginseng ccll and some attempts have experiment and the inoculum size 6 g/flask
been made to increase biomass and ginsenoside (fresh weight). The other cultural conditions
yield o f Ngoe Linh ginseng cell culture. were done as described by [6].
N .T . T h a n h e t al. / V N U ịo u r n a l o f S cien c e, N a tu r a l S c ie n c e s a n d T e c h n o lo g y 2 3 (2 0 0 7 ) 2 6 9 -2 7 4 271
2. Effect o f different sucrose concentrations relatively high sucrose level was beniíĩcial to
on cell growth and ginsenoside production secondary metabolite synthesis [8]. For
The effect o f initial sucrose concentration example, [9] reported that the triacylglycerol
(0, 20, 30, 50, 60 and 70 g/L) was also content o f the cells o f oil seed rape could be
investigated in suspension cultures o f p. increase about 8-fold on a fresh weight basis
vietnamensis for biomass and production of when sucrose concentration in the growth
ginseng saponin (secondary metabolite). The medium was raise from 2 to 22% (w/v). [10,
íĩnal dry cell weight was increased from 5.4 to 11] found that the optimal concentration of
10.3 g/L with an increase o f initial sucrose sucrose for cell growth was between 30 and 50
concentration from 20 to 50 g/L, but an even g/L and upto 70 g/L sucrose inhibited cell
higher sucrose concentration o f 60 g/L seemed growth, while the ginsenoside content shovved a
to repress the cell grovvth. Further increase of steady increase with sucrose concentration of
sucrose concentration upto 70 g/L led to a upto 60 g/L. Based on our results it can be
decrease in ginsenoside accumulation and concluded that high sucrose level and secondary
biomass production (Table 2). On the contrary metablite production is not a general
of our results, several authors suggested that a phenomenon and depends on plant species.
272 N .T . T h a n h e t a i / V N U Ị o u m a l o f S cien c e, N a tu r a l S à e rtc e s a n d T e c h n o lo g y 2 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 2 6 9 -2 7 4
Table 2. EÍTect of diíĩerent sucrose concentrations on ccll growth and ginsenoside production
O n
0 00 5.4c 1.52 2.92 4.42
20 u
158a 9.6a 2.32 4.31 6.63
30 165a 9.9a 2.95 4.01 6.96
50 171 a 10.3a 2.13 4.69 6.82
60 134b 8.1b 1.49 3.42 4.91
70 93c 5.6c 1.25 2.81 4.06
zMean separation by Duncan’s multiple range test at p < 0.05
Table 3. EíTect of diíĩerent niứogen concentration on cell growth and ginsenoside production
This work was supported by grants from the [6] N.T. Thanh, L .v . Can, K.Y. Paek, The
Department o f Science and Technology, adventitious root cultures o f Ngoe Linh ginseng
(Panax vietnamensis Ha et Grushv), Proceeding
Vietnam National University Hanoi
of N ational Conference on Life Sciences,
(QG.06.14), and Basic Research Program in
Vietnam, 2007, pp 828-831.
Life Sciences, Ministry o f Science and
[7] K .w . Yu, Production o f the useful metabolites
Technology (6.090.06) to Hanoi University of
through bioreactor culture o f Korean ginseng (p .
Science, Faculty o f Biology. The authors are
ginseng c . A. Meyer). Ph.D. thesis, Chungbuk
also gratefưl to Dr. Niranjana H. Murthy for
National University, South Korca, 2000.
reading English manuscript.
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274 N.T. T h a n h t i aỉ. / V N U Ị o u m a l o f S c ie n c e, N a tu r a l S c ie n c e s a n d T e c h n o lo g y 2 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 2 6 9 -2 7 4
Ảnh hưởng mồi trường nuôi cấy đến sự tăng trưởng sinh khối
và sự tích lũy sản phẩm ginsenoside trong nuôi cấy tế bào lỏng
của Sâm Ngọc Linh (Panax vietnam ensỉs Ha et Grushv.)
Để sản xuất sinh khối và sản phẩm trao đổi chất thứ cấp ginsenoside, các thí nghiệm nuôi cấy tế
bào lỏng cùa Sâm Ngọc Linh (Panax vietnamensis Ha et G nishv.) đã được tiến hành với các thành
phần khác nhau cùa môi trường nuôi cấy. Đổi với nồng độ môi trường MS cho thấy với tỷ ]ệ 50 hoặc
100% là thích hợp cho sự tích luỹ sinh khối tế bào và sự tổng hợp sản phẩm thứ cấp ginsenoside.
Nồng độ đường trong môi trường nuôi cấy cũng được thay đổi, kết quà cho thấy 30 g/L là thích hợp
cho sự tích luỹ sinh khối tế bào và sự tổng hợp sản phẩm ginsenoside. Sinh khối khô tăng từ 5.4 đến
10.3 g/L khi tăng nồng độ đường từ 0 đến 50 g/L. Tiếp tục tăng nồng độ đường sẽ kìm hãm sự sinh
trường tế bào cũng như sự tổng hợp ginsenoside. Tương tự, ờ nồng độ 30 mM nitrogen là tối ưu cho
sự sinh trưởng tế bào và sự tích luỹ sản phẩm trao đổi chất thứ cấp ginsenoside.
Từ khóa: Nồng độ môi trường MS, đường, nitơ, auxin và cytokinin.