Med Surg Cheat Sheet 1

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Electrolytes/Lab Normal Value S/S of Abnormality

Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP)
Sodium 135-145 LOC, Restlessness, Agitation
Cerebral edema, nausea, seizures
135-145 95-105 7-22 Glu Potassium 3.5-5 Muscle weakness, arrhythmias,

Renal Diagram
K CO2 Cr 70-110 peaked T waves, wide QRS complex
Ca Mg
3.5-5.0 22-28 0.7-1.4 Muscle weakness, cramps, rhabdo
8-10 1.5-2.5
Magnesium 1.5-2.5 Deep tendon reflex, BP, HR,
Phos muscle paralysis
2.5-4.5 Tetany, arrhythmias, (Torsades)
Plt Calcium 8-10 Polyuria, polydypsia, muscle
WBC 12-18
200K-450K weakness
Hct Coagulation
35-45 INR (Phosphorous &
PT Phosphorous 2.5-4.5 Effects of Ca calcium are inversely
9-11 secs 0.9-1.8
3.4-5.0 Liver Panel Effects of Ca proportional)
PTT (2-3 if on Warfarin)
AST ALT Ammonia 0-55 Encephalopathy
Aphos 10-50 1.5-2.5x normal if on Heparin
40-140 Insulins Name Onset Peak Duration
Rapid Insulin Lispro 15-30 min 0.5-2.5hrs 3-6 hrs

Normal Vital Signs Heart Rhythm Measurements (Humalog)

Insulin Aspart 10-20 min 1-3 hrs 3-5 hrs
BP <120 mmHg Systolic PR Interval 0.12-0.2 secs (Novolog)
<80 mmHg Diastolic QRS Complex 0.06-0.12 secs Insulin Glargine 10-15 min 1-1.5 hrs 3-5 hrs
QT Interval 0.4 secs
HR 60-100 Short Regular Insulin 30-60 min 1-5 hrs 6-10 hrs
Intermediate NPH Insulin 1-2hrs 6-14 hrs 16-24 hrs
RR 12-20
Long Insulin Glargine 70 min None 18-24 hrs
O2 90%-100% Blood Sugars
88%-92% for COPD Hot & dry —> Sugar high
Insulin Detemir 1-2 hrs 2-24 hrs Varies
Cold & clammy —> needs candy
Temp 97.8 F-99 F
Staging Pressure Ulcers
O2 Delivery Devices
Stage 1 — Non-blanch-able reddened area
Nasal Cannula 1-6 LPM Low-flow device. Used for stable patients. Extended use can be drying, may
— Intact Skin
add humidity
Stage 2 — Partial thickness skin loss
Simple Mask 6-10 LPM Low-flow device. Used for stable patients with consistent respiratory rate
involving epidermis, dermis, or both
No rebreather Mask 10-15 LPM Delivered up to 100% oxygen. One way flaps prevent room air form collecting
— May present as a blister or abrasion
within the mask during inspiration, & retention of CO2 during exhalation
Stage 3 — Full thickness skin loss
— Involves damage to or necrosis of
Fluid & Electrolytes: Monitor patients with severe diarrhea &/or vomiting
sub-q tissue
Intravascular: fluid inside the blood vessel for electrolyte imbalances
Stage 4 — Full thickness skin loss
Intracellular: fluid inside the cell (most of the body’s fluids) — Involving bone, tendon, or muscle
Extracellular: fluid outside the cell (interstitial fluid [fluid between the cell], blood, bone, connective tissue, water) showing
Unstageable — Full thickness with slough (scabbing)
Isotonic 0.9% NS, D5W, Lactated Ringers (LR) No osmotic force = water doesn’t move in or out of cells or escher (necrotic tissue)
Hypotonic 0.45% NS, 0.33% NS More dilute solutions (more water than solute) = water
moves into cells—> monitor for edema
Hypertonic 3% NS, 5% NS, D10W, D5W with 1/2 NS More concentrated solution (more solute than water) = water moves out of cells
Colloid Dextran, Albumin Fluid moves from interstitial to intravascular compartment —> given for severe hypovolemia

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