Use of Artificial Intelligence in CRM Domain
Use of Artificial Intelligence in CRM Domain
Use of Artificial Intelligence in CRM Domain
troves of data, or offering guidance to inexperienced sales reps, we've compiled a list
in which companies can deploy an AI solution to reduce their efforts and improve
their profits. Artificial Intelligence is all around us. Perhaps the concept is still
new to few people, but it already has a huge impact in your daily routine.
When you contact Uber, Alexa, Amazon or the voice assistants on your
smartphone like Siri, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology works to make
life easier for you. Who hasn’t searched on Netflix to find recommendations
to watch a movie? AI algorithms have definitely helped influence your
decision about what to watch next.
But you might think: Where does the need of using my current CRM with AI
come from?
When Artificial Intelligence and CRM meet, the result is a match made in
heaven. And here’s why.
To be filled in