Stratmng 2

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Instruction: In the Interesting box, write down how each view contributes to achieving organizational success.

In the MY DECISION box, write down your recommendation on the most effective approach that must be
employed by global or local companies to achieve organizational success.

Friedman’s Traditional View Carroll’s Four Responsibilities of Business

Plus (Advantages) Minus (Disadvantages) Plus (Advantages) Minus (Disadvantages)

Friedman's customary The main disadvantage to This hypothesis centers This will assist organizations
perspectives is a benefit this is that they aren't more around the climate with turning out to be more
since it expands contributing and the local area eco-accommodating and will
the benefits he has while he anything to society and as opposed to zeroing in on permit them to
takes part in an open and individuals in light of the their benefits on account of understand that they have
free rivalry fact that as this they an obligation to reward their
without duplicity and they are zeroing in on their aren't disregarding any of current circumstance while
extortion, amplifying benefits benefits they ignore the the buyers' privileges and shielding it from
and assets is way that t aren't adding to harmful material. This
an extremely valuable hey ought to likewise be the annihilation of regular hypothesis, it'll permit them
technique on the grounds adding to the local area assets that they use in their to climb to a higher level on
that soon it tends to and individuals locally. business. the grounds that many
be utilized for the individuals nowadays use
improvement of the items that don't hurt the
organization and climate
the ventures of the
Interest Interest
This theory will allow most businesses to continuously grow This will assist organizations with turning out to be more
their businesses in a proper manner, it’ll also enlighten eco-accommodating and will permit them to understand
them on how to handle their funds properly and the that they have an obligation to offer back to their climate
business will become more efficient because their costings while shielding it from harmful material. With this
will lessen. hypothesis it'll permit them to climb to the next level on
the grounds that many individuals
nowadays use items that don't hurt the climate


I pick Caroll's four Responsibilities of Business since it permits them to zero in on their pay while being their waste and is
stressed over ensuring regular assets that business is superior to some other business.

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