OOP Lab Report 02

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Lab 02 – Classes and Data Abstraction

1. Objectives:
Objective of this lab is to understand the importance of classes and construction of objects
using classes.
2. Introduction:
The fundamental idea behind object-oriented languages is to combine into a single unit both data
and the functions that operate on that data. Such a unit is called an object. A class serves as a
plan, or blueprint. It specifies what data and what functions will be included in objects of that
class. An object is often called an “instance” of a class Syntax:
Classes are generally declared using the keyword class, with the following format:

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3.2 Data Abstraction:
Abstraction is the process of recognizing and focusing on important characteristics of a situation or
object and leaving/filtering out the un-wanted characteristics of that situation or object. For example a
person will be viewed differently by a doctor and an employer.

• A doctor sees the person as patient. Thus he is interested in name, height, weight, age, blood
group, previous or existing diseases etc of a person
• An employer sees a person as an employee. Therefore employer is interested in name, age,
health, degree of study, work experience etc of a person.

3.3 Member Functions and Variables:

Member variables represent the characteristics of the object and member functions represent the
behavior of the object. For example length & width are the member variables of class Rectangle and
set_values(int,int), area() are the member functions.

3.4 Constructors:
It is a special function that is automatically executed when an object of that class is created. It has no
return type and has the same name as that of the class. It is normally defined in classes to initialize data

class_name( )

// Constructor body

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3.5 Destructors:
It is a special function that is automatically executed when an object of that class is destroyed. It has no
return type and has the same name as that of the class preceded by tild (~) character. Unlike
constructors, destructors cannot take arguments.

~ class_name ()

// Destructor body

3. In-Lab Tasks:
3.1. Task#01
Write a class that displays a simple message “I am object no. __”, on the screen
whenever an object of that class is created.

 Code:

using namespace std;

class Alpha


static int Count;



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cout<<"\n\n\t I'm The Object
Numeber :"<<Count<<endl;


int Alpha::Count=0;

int main()

Alpha C1,C2,C3,C4,C5;

 Output:

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3.2. Task#02

Write a program to calculate the number of objects created and destroyed for the counter

 Code:
using namespace std;

class Alpha
static int Count;
static int Destruc;


cout<<"\n\n\t Total Objects
cout<<"\n\n\t Total Objects

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int Alpha::Count=0;
int Alpha::Destruc=0;

int main()
Alpha C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7;

 Output:

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3.3. Task#03
Create a class that imitates part of the functionality of the basic data type ‘int’, call the
class Int. The only data in this class is an integer variable. Include member functions
to initialize an Int to 0, initialize it to an ‘int’ value, to display it, and to add two Int
values. Write a program that exercises this class by creating one uninitialized and two
initialized Int values, adding the two initialized Int values and placing the response in
uninitialized value and then displaying the result.

 Code:
using namespace std;

class INT
int Num;
void Single_Zero()
void Single_Intger(int A)
void Display()
cout<<"\n\n\t Value Stored In A:
void Sum(INT O4,INT O5)

int main()
INT O1,O2,O3;

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 Output:

1. Post-Lab Tasks:
1.1. Task#01
Create a class named time, the data members are hours, minutes and seconds. Write a
function to read the data members supplied by the user, write a function to display the
data members in standard (24) hour and also in (12) hour format.

 Code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Time
int Hours;
int Mins;
int Secs;

cout<<"\n\n\t Please Enter The Hours: ";
cout<<"\n\t Please Enter The Minutes: ";

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cout<<"\n\t Please Enter The Seconds: ";

void Display_24(int Hou, char Meri)

if(Meri=='P'|| Meri=='p' )
cout<<"\n\n\t Time In Standered 24 Hour Format
is :\t "<<Hou<<" Hour : "<<Mins<<" Miuntes :
"<<Secs<<" Seconds";

void Display_12(char Meri)

cout<<"\n\n\t Time In Standered 12 Hour
Format is :\t "<<Hours<<" Hour : "<<Mins<<" Miuntes :
"<<Secs<<" Seconds "<<Meri<<"M";


int main()
Time Alpha;
char Meridiem;
int Format;
int H;

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cout<<"\n\t Meridiem System : \n\t (1) A:Am \n\t
(2) P:Pm \n\n\t Please Enter The Meridiem Keyword : ";
Alpha.Display_24(H,Meridiem) ;
 Output:

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1.2. Task#03
Write a class marks with three data members to store three marks. Write three
member functions, set_marks() to input marks, sum() to calculate and return the sum
and avg() to calculate and return average marks. Write a program that exercises this
class by creating its objects and displaying results.
 Code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Student
int Stu_No_1;
int Stu_No_2;
int Stu_No_3;
int Sum;
int Summer();
int Average(int);
void Set_Mark();

void Student::Set_Mark()
cout<<"\n\n\t Please Enter The Marks of Student No
1 : "; cin>>Stu_No_1;
cout<<"\n\t Please Enter The Marks of Student No 2
: "; cin>>Stu_No_2;
cout<<"\n\t Please Enter The Marks of Student No 3
: "; cin>>Stu_No_3;

int Student::Summer()

int Student::Average(int Su)


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int main()
Student Alpha;
int Sum;
int Avg;
// Setting Marks Of Student
// Creating Sum Of All Student Numbers
// Creating Average Of The Students Marks
// Displaying Results
cout<<"\n\n\t Sum Of All The Marks Of Student =
cout<<"\n\t Average Of All The Student Marks =

 Output:

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2. Conclusion:
Classes support a powerful programming model by encapsulating related functionality into
objects. The benefit of organized code is especially important for maintenance, where changes
or enhancements can be limited to the objects that are affected by the
change. Classes enhance code reuse.

Advantages of Constructors:
 Automatic initialization of objects at the time of their declaration.
 Multiple ways to initialize objects according to the number of arguments passes
while declaration.
 The objects of child class can be initialized by the constructors of base class.

Advantages of Destructor:

It gives the final chance to clean up the resources that are not in use to release
the memory occupied by unused objects like deleting dynamic objects, close of the
system handles, used files.

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