Sites To Visit in Yerushalayim

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‫יג׳ תשרי תשפ״ב‬

Dear Talmidei Sha’alvim,

Some of you have been asking about ideas for things to do during Bein Hazmanim
around Yerushalayim. Given our connection of thousands of years to the city and
the extremely rich history of Yerushalayim, every rock seems to have a story, and it
is challenging to limit a list to a few suggestions. While there are many more places
in the city to explore and many more things to do - here are some ideas that I hope
will be helpful for some of you.
Chag Sameach!
Ari Waxman

In and Around the Old City:

1) Kotel Tunnel Tour
A must see if you haven’t been there yet. Explore the full length of the western side
of Har HaBayit as you descend a few meters underground while going back 2,000
years in time while gaining a much better understanding of Har HaBayit.
Cost: Adult: 30 Shekel
Time: Tour takes about an hour and 15 minutes.
Make a reservation in advance at *5958 or here:

2) Virtual Tour of the Beit HaMikdash

The Western Wall Heritage Foundation invites you to take a virtual tour of the Beit
HaMikdash. In this exciting project, a computerized 3D model of the BHM”K has
been created with exceptional attention to every detail. Participants in the
experience wear headset-glasses that create a 360 degree field of vision, creating
for them the sense that they are actually standing in the BHM”K itself, and seeing it
as it looked 2,000 years ago.
Make a reservation here:
Cost: Adults - 31 Shekel
Time: 20 Minutes
Location: Next to the entrance to the Kotel Tunnel Tour. Ask at the desk.

3) Ir David
While we will have an optional trip to Ir David, you may want to take advantage of
Bein Hazmanim to tour this incredible site, where the story of Yerushalayim began.
It is very worthwhile to contact the office and get information regarding tours of Ir
David which will give you a much richer experience than walking through on your
own. Keep in mind that you have you have the option of walking through the water
tunnel or taking the dry route. There is also an option of seeing the 3-D film there.
Get more details here and at 02-6268700
Cost: Different Options Available. See website for details.
Time: Ranges from 1 hour - 2.5 hours.
Location: when walking out of Sha’ar Ashpot, away from the Kotel, make a left
downhill and then make the first right. You will see the entrance to Ir David
immediately on your left.

4) The Herodian Quarter Museum

Excavations in the 1970s towards building Yeshivat HaKotel exposed one of the
Jewish Quarter's most visually interesting site: the remains of exquisite mansions
from the late Bayit Sheini era. The geometrically patterned mosaic floors, still-
vibrant frescoes, and costly glassware and ceramics provide a peek into the life of
the wealthy in the days of Herod. Several small plastered cisterns, with broad steps
descending into them, have been identified as private mikvaot. The charred ceiling
beams and scorched mosaic floor and fresco at the southern end of the reception
hall bear witness to the Roman torching of the neighborhood in the late summer of
the year 70, exactly one month after the Beit HaMikdash itself had been destroyed.
Cost: 20 Shekel
Time: Approx. 45 minutes
Location: 1 HaKaraim Street.
[On the right hand side, right before you enter Yeshivat HaKotel]

5) Beit Plugat HaKotel (Opened in May 2018)

The story of a company of young members of the Beitar movement who protected
the Old City during the years of the British Mandate (1917 - 1948). Following the
Arab riots of 1929 the British restricted Jewish presence in the Old City and Kotel
area. During the years of 1936-1939 (the Arab uprising) there were many attacks
against Jews and this Beitar group was established to protect the Jewish residents
of the Jewish Quarter.
Beit Plugat HaKotel, in the building where the group was stationed, shows a 35
minute film and then an additional 10 minute film which tells the story of the group.
Sun.-Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Cost: 20 Shekel
Time: Approx. 50 minutes.
Location: Corner of Rechov HaYehudim and Rechov Plugat HaKotel
Tel. 072-394-4507

6) The Burnt House

A short film/small museum situated inside the remains of a house that was burnt by
the Romans during the time of the Great Revolt/Churban Bait Sheini in the year 70.
Read more here:
Cost: 20 Shekel
Time: 40 minutes
Location: Across the street and a few stores down from Holy Bagel as you head to
the Kotel.
7) The View from the Roof of the Churva Shule in the Old City
An incredible view of the Old City from the balcony of Beit Knesset HaChurva.
Cost: 10 Shekel (I think)
Time: 15 Minutes
Location: Beit Knesset HaChurva

8) Machon HaMikdash - The Temple Institute

Machon Hamikdash offers a nice opportunity to connect and gain clarity regarding
many different aspects of the Beit Hamikdash. The visit includes an exhibit of the
klei hamikdash including the Shulchan, Menorah, Mizbeach Hazahav and Bigdei
Kehuna as well as a marble model of the Second Bayit.
Cost: 35 Shekel
Time: 50 Minutes
Location: 40 Misgav Ladach Street (On the right, just before you descend the
steps to the Kotel from the Jewish Quarter.)
Best to reserve a spot beforehand at 02-626-4545.

9) Walk the Walls of the Old City

If you’re walking from Sha’ar Yaffo to the Kotel and you have a few extra minutes
and want to take a scenic route - before you enter the Old City walk a minute to the
right and you will find the entrance to “The Ramparts Walk”.
For a “self Guide” of what you see see this:
Cost: 20 Shekel
Time: 20 minutes. (Longer of you take your time looking at things along the way.)
Location: Starts at Sha’ar Yaffo and ends a bit before Sha’ar Ashpot/The Kotel.

10) David Citadel (Tower of David) Museum

While the core exhibit at this important museum is closed right now because it is
being renewed, parts of the museum are still open. Therefore, it is best to see their
website for details
or call 02-626-3333 or Reservations: *2884
Location: On the right after you enter Sha’ar Yaffo

Outside the Old City:

11) The Israel Museum

 Israel’s largest cultural institution and is ranked among the world’s leading art and
archeology museums. While there is a lot to see at the Israel Museum, there are a
number of stand-out highlights. The Shrine of the Book houses the Dead Sea
Scrolls which are some of the oldest Biblical scrolls ever found. Adjacent to this is
an amazing model of Bayit Sheini Era Yerushalayim which reconstructs the
topography and architectural character of the city as it was prior to its destruction by
the Romans in 66 CE.
Cost: Adults - 54 Shekel, Students - 39 Shekel
Time: 2-3 Hours

12) The Begin Museum (The Menachem Begin Heritage Center)

The museum tour lays out the story of Menachem Begin’s life and legacy.
Take part in an exceptional audio-visual experience that invites you to get to know
the fascinating life story of one of Israel’s most prominent leaders.
Cost: 25 Shekel
You must book a reservation beforehand at
Time: 1-1.5 Hours
Location: 6 Shin Alef Nachon Street (Near the Inbal Hotel)

13) The Herzl Museum

The Herzl Museum provides a unique audio-visual encounter with the visionary of
the Jewish State. It offers a thought-provoking, hour-long tour about the state of the
Jews according to Herzl. A visit to the Museum allows all to share in Herzl’s daring
aspirations, his deep disappointments and his turbulent personal journey. 
Those who participate in a visit at our museum will appreciate the challenges to
understanding Herzl’s legacy. 
Location: At the entrance to Har Herzl, near Bayit Vegan
Reservation Required: 02-632-1515
Time: 1 Hour

14) Museum of Underground Prisoners

The museum of the underground prisoners in Jerusalem resides in the “Russian
Women Pilgrim Hostel” that was built in the sixties of the 19th century, as part of the
Russian Compound. During the reign of the British mandate over Eretz Israel
(1917-1948), the hostel was transformed into a central prison where hundreds of
the underground fighters – the “Hagana”, “Etzel” and “Lechi” were imprisoned.
The prison had been reconstructed by the Ministry of Defense that established a
museum which describes through the narrative of the underground prisoners the
struggle for the establishment of the State of Israel.
Cost: 20 Shekel
Time: 1.5 Hours
Location: Mishol HaGevura 1, Russian Compound
15) Beit HaRav Kook
The Rav Kook Museum, also called Beit HaRav, is a memorial to the personality
and teachings of Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook (1865-1935), the first Chief
Ashkenazi Rabbi of pre-state Israel (from 1921until his death in 1935).The museum
is located in his former home and yeshiva which were built in the historic Beit David
complex in 1902.
Cost: Call to arrange a tour 02-6232560 and ask for price details
Time: 30 Minutes
Location: Rechov HaRav Kook 9

16) Givat HaTachmoshet - Ammunition Hill

Visit the heritage memorial dedicated to the Six-Day War at the Ammunition Hill.
This unique center offers numerous adventures and experiences that will give you a
glimpse into the historical events that led to the unification of Jerusalem in the Six-
Day War. On-site, you’ll take walks around the battle canals, bunkers, armored
vehicles from 1948, half-track tank, and an audio-visual presentation that will tell
you the moving stories of victory that took place here. It is the setting of the hardest
battle the Israeli army led with the Jordanians.
A new multimedia museum was established in the area three years ago. There you
can walk in the caves and hear the excited voices announcing “Har HaBayit
beyadeinu!”, see the flag that was hoisted over the Kotel at the end of the battle,
hear the original announcements of the IDF’s Spokesman and more.
Cost: From 15-42 Shekel. (Different options)
Time: From half hour - 1.5 hours.
Location: Opposite Ramat Eshkol

17) The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo
Location: Near Malcha
Cost: 63 shekel
Time: 1- 4 hours
(Speak to Eitan Dukas for details)

18) The Jerusalem Time Elevator Multimedia Show

Reservation Needed 02 624-8381 [Not sure if it has re-opened since Covid.]
Location: Mamilla

19) Yerushalayim Segway Tour

There are a number of different location options for this fun way of becoming more
familiar with Yerushalayim. 02-566-1441
(Agav, you can also check Segway options with Ir David. Number listed above)
20) ATV/Jeep/Bike Tours
Matzok - Based in Aminadav, suburb of Yerushalayim
02 643-1342ַ-jeep-tours/

Another company that has ATV and Jeep Tours:

And another one is here:


(Disclaimer: I don’t have any personal experience with any of these companies.)

21) Two Hikes Very Close to Yerushlayim

Finally, here are two hike suggestions which are very close to Yerushalayim. Even if public
transportation doesn’t work out for you, a cab from Yerushalayim shouldn’t be expensive to
and from these hikes. The websites here give details of the trails:

1) Sataf Trail

2) Yerushalayim Springs Trail

(I would have listed Yad Vashem, however we will be”H go there as a group on the
Friday before Shabbat Zachor.)

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