Worksheet - Reliability, Validity, and Norms

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Name: John Ernest J. Bunuan


● Use our class time to discuss answers to the following questions (found below).
● Appoint a group leader to facilitate the group discussion.
● Take turns in expressing your thoughts as regards the questions listed below.
● Be open to the thoughts or opinion of others.
● As you discuss, listen to the points shared by classmates.
● It is alright to learn from each other. In real life, we need to collaborate so that
we can solve our problems.
● After everyone has shared, it is then time to write your individual answers and
submit your worksheet on Monday (September 6, 2021)
● If you borrow some ideas from literature, then cite.

1. Why is there a need for us to learn the concepts Reliability and Validity?

As future psychometricians there’s a need for us to learn the concepts of Reliability and Validity
in order for our assessments to be free of bias and distortion. Reliability and validity are two
concepts that are important for defining and measuring bias and distortion.We strive to have
reliable, consistent instruments to measure our assessments properly.

2. In what particular work of a psychometrician should reliability, validity, and norms be


Psychometricians create tests to measure for diagnosing their patients. Thus , in making these
assessment’s reliability, validity, and norms should be considered. In order to provide test
creators and users with sufficient evidence of whether the instrument justifies what it claims.

3. What type of interpretation (criterion-referenced or norm-referenced) should govern the

following contexts?

a.Board exam rating - is a Criterion- Referenced assessment for it to compare each

examinee’s score to an established standard.The board exam rating are being evaluated
against an established standard, therefore, these examinations are considered criterion
referenced.It measured the skills and knowledge that a student has mastered

b. Becoming a Summa, Magna, or Cum laude in school- Is a Norm-referenced assessment

since students are being determined by ranking based on test achievement score.Scores are
given as a rank and they are based on other students scores. Similar to the ranking from Cum
laude , Magna, and Summa.

c. Being told that your IQ is superior compared to other young adults who took the same
kind of IQ test- is Norm-referenced since the IQ test is evaluated based on people's IQs who
took the same kind of exam. Adding more to that, examinees are being ranked and compared
as superior and inferior.
Note: After identifying whether it is criterion or norm referenced, be sure to discuss/justify your
answer. You will earn half the score only if you do not discuss or justify your answers.

4. While trying to accomplish your assignment/worksheet: Reliability (Test-retest, Split

half, Parallel forms), what realizations came to your mind in terms of:

1. your understanding of the topic/content?

I have understood that Test-Retest Reliability is an assessment or a test of a

person should give the same results whenever you apply the test.Parallel-forms
reliability evaluates different questions and question sets that seek to assess the
same construct.Parallel-Forms evaluation may be done in combination with other
methods, such as Split-half, which divides items that measure the same construct
into two tests and applies them to the same group of people.

2. your research and statistics skills?

During our psychological statistics subject , I have learned to hone my research

and statistics skills. The concepts and theories that been taught to us at that time
is helpful for me right now

3. your attitude in the face of problems?

I have some technical difficulties regarding the SPSS since my laptop is


4. your experience of collaboration?

The collaboration between my group is to be praised. Even though we are having

some technical difficulties we are able to find ways and give solutions to our task.

5. While learning the topic: Validity (and its types), what three questions came to your mind
and how did you resolve these questions? List the questions first, then provide discussion of
how you resolved/answered the question.

In my journey of learning the topic: Validity (and its types) , I have come across three questions
in mind and I have gathered references and sources that will help me to answer my queries.
The following questions and answers are stated below:

1. What best describes validity?

According to (Shuttleworth 2008) validity encompasses the entire experimental

concept and establishes whether the results obtained meet all of the
requirements of the scientific research method.
2. Why Validity Is Important to Psychological Tests?

According to (Cherry 2020) validity is the extent to which a test measures what it
claims to measure. It is vital for a test to be valid in order for the results to be
accurately applied and interpreted.Validity isn’t determined by a single statistic,
but by a body of research that demonstrates the relationship between the test
and the behavior it is intended to measure.

3. What are the different types of construct validity?

According to (Middleton 2019) there are four main types of validity:

1.Construct validity evaluates whether a measurement tool really represents the

thing we are interested in measuring. It’s central to establishing the overall
validity of a method.

2.Content validity assesses whether a test is representative of all aspects of the


3.Face validity considers how suitable the content of a test seems to be on the
surface. It’s similar to content validity, but face validity is a more informal and
subjective assessment.

4.Criterion validity evaluates how closely the results of your test correspond to
the results of a different test.


1.Shuttleworth, M. (2008). Validity and Reliability. Retrieved from:

2. Cherry, K. (2020).Why Validity Is Important to Psychological Tests. Retrieved from:

3. Middleton, F. (2019). The four types of validity . Retrieved from :

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