Solution Concentration: Concentrations

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Solution Concentration

 The amount of solute dissolved in a given amount of solvent

1. Dilute solution
 Has relatively low concentration
2. Concentrated solution
 Has relatively high concentration

Ways of expressing the concentration of solutions

 Note that if the problem does not indicate whether the given percent is for the solute or
solvent, it is understood that it is for the solute

I. Percent by Mass, Percent by Volume, Percent by Mass – Volume

 Importance:
 .

 Note that when the word mass or volume is not indicated in a given percent,
it is implied that the given percent is mass percent.

 Formula

Percent by Mass

mass of solute
mass percent of solute= x 100 %
mass of solution
mass of solvent
mass percent of solvent = x 100 %
mass of solution

Percent by Volume
volume of solute
volume percent of solute= x 100 %
volume of solution
volume of solvent
volume percent of solvent = x 100 %
volume of solution

Percent by Mass – Volume

mass of solute∈ grams
percent by mass−volume= x 100 %
volume of solution∈mL

 Sample Problems

 For the Teacher

1. If 28.5 g of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 is dissolved in enough water to

make 185 g of solution, what is the percent by mass of Ca(OH) 2 in the
Answer: 15.4 %

2. A wine contains 12% alcohol by volume. Calculate the volume (in mL) of
alcohol in 350 mL of wine.
Answer: 42 mL

3. A 50 mL of 12% by mass-volume solution was used in an experiment. How

many grams of solute does the solution contains?
Answer: 6.0 g

 For the Students

Mass Percent

1. A solute is prepared by dissolving 15.0 g of table salt in 70.0 g of H 2O. Find

(a.) the mass percent of solute, (b) the mass percent of the solvent.
Answers: a. 17.6 %
b. 82.4 %

2. How many grams of sucrose are dissolved in 400 g of a 12.0 % aqueous

solution of sucrose?
Answer: 48.0 g

3. How many grams of sodium hydroxide must be dissolved in 200 g of water

to produce a 4.00 % by mass aqueous sodium hydroxide solution?
Answer: 8.33 g

Volume Percent
1. A solution is made up of 20.0 mL of ethyl alcohol and 50.0 mL of water.
What is the volume percent of ethyl alcohol in the solution?
Answer: 28.6 %

2. How many milliliters of water are present in 250.0 mL of a 15.0 % by

volume aqueous hydrochloric acid solution?
Answer: 212.5 mL

 Quiz 1st Hour

1. Calculate the mass in grams of magnesium chloride (MgCl 2) that would be

needed to prepare 150 mL of a 20% by mass aqueous solution of the salt.
The density of the solution is 1.1 g/ml.
2. Calculate the percent by mass of the solution containing 8.60 g of salt in
95.0 g solution.
3. A solution is prepared by dissolving 20 mL of pure hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2) in enough water to make 200 mL of solution. What is the
concentration of the H2O2 solution?

II. Mole Fraction and Parts Per Million (ppm)

 Mole Fraction

 Importance:
 .

 Note that when the mole fraction of solute and solvent are added it must be
equal to 1.

 Formula
n solute
X solute=
n solute+ n solvent

n solvent
X solvent=
n solute+n solvent

mass solute
n solute=
mola mass of solute
mass solute
n solute=
mola mass of solute

X solute = mole fraction of solute

X solvent = mole fraction of solvent

 Parts Per Million (ppm)

- The number of grams of solute in a million grams of solution
- It is used when the solution is very dilute

 Importance:
 Used to express concentration of toxic substances

 Formula
mass of solute
parts per million= x 106
mass of solution

 Sample Problems

 Mole Fraction

 For the Teacher

1. A 50.0 g aqueous solution of phosphoric acid contains 10.0g of

phosphoric acid. Find (a) the mole fraction of solute, (b) mole fraction
of solvent.
Answer: a. 0.0439
b. 0.956

 For the Students

1. Calculate the mole fraction of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) in 8% aqueous H2SO4

Molar Masses: H2SO4 = 98.0 g/mol
H2O = 18.0 g/mol
Answers: H2SO4 = 0.01
H2O = 0.98

 Parts Per Million

 For the Teacher

1. A 2.00 kg sample of seawater was found to contain 0.120 mg of

lead. What was the ppm of lead in the sample?
Answer: 0.0600 ppm

 For the Students

 Quiz 2nd Hour

1. Calculate the mole fraction of each component of a solution containing
65 g of ethanol (C2H6O) in 350 g of water.
2. What is the mole fraction of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and water in a 20%
aqueous HCl solution?

III. Molarity and Molality

 Molarity
- The number of moles so solute per liter of solution
- Unit can be or M or molar

 Molality
- The number of moles so solute dissolved in 1 kg of solvent
- Unit can be or m or molal

 Importance:
 .

 Formula

n solute
Volume of solution ∈ L

mass of solute
( molar mass of solute)(Volume of solution∈ L)


n solute
mass of solvent ∈kg

mass of solute
( molar mass of solute)(mass of solvent ∈kg)

 Sample Problems

For the Teacher

1. What is the molarity of a 400.0 mL aqueous solution of table salt

containing 20.0 g of dissolved table salt?
Answer: 0.862 M

2. Calculate the molality of a solution prepared by dissolving 15.0 g of

ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) in 500.0 g of water/
Answer: 0.375 molal

For the Students

1. How many grams of sucrose (C12H22O11) are required to prepare 2.50 L

of solution whose concentration is 0.650 M?
Answer: 556 g

2. Calculate the molality of a 0.410 molar aqueous glucose solution

whose density is 1.15 g/mL.
Answer: 0.381 molal
3. What is the molality of a 60.5 % by mass of nitric acid (HNO 3)

4. Calculate the molality of a solution containing 2.80 moles of ethyl

alcohol (C2H6O) in 500 mL od solution.

5. Determine the molarity of a solution containing 2.40 g of NaCl in 40.0

mL of solution. Molar mass of NaCl = 58.45 g/mol.

 Quiz 3rd Hour

1. Calculate the molal concentration of a solution that contains 18 g

sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in 100 mL of water.
Molar Mass of NaOH = 40 g/mol

2. Determine the molar concentration of a solution that contains 25 g of

potassium hydroxide (KOH) in 250 mL of solution.
Molar Mass of KOH = 56 g/mol

3. Calculate the molality of a solution containing 10.8 g of ethylene glycol

(C2H6O2) in 360 g of water.

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