AI2003 Computer Network
AI2003 Computer Network
Section 1
Introduction: Introduction to computer network, LAN, MAN, WAN, PAN, Ad-hoc Networks,
Network Architectures- Client-Server, Peer To Peer, Network Topologies- Bus, ring, tree, star, mesh,
hybrid. Communication Models- OSI Model, TCP/IP Model, Design issues for layers.
Physical Layer: Transmission media- Guided media, unguided media. Transmission Modes- Simplex,
Half-Duplex and Full-Duplex. Network Devices- Hub, Repeater, Bridge, Switch, Router, Gateways
and Brouter. Line Coding Schemes- Unipolar, Polar and Bipolar. Modulation- Narrow band signal,
spread spectrum signal, FHSS, DSSS.
Logical Link Control: Logical Link Layer- Services to Network Layer, Framing, Error Control and
Flow Control. Framing in LLC- framing challenges, types of framing. Error Control in LLC- error
detection, error correction, Parity Bits, Hamming Codes (11/12-bits) and CRC. Flow Control
Protocols- Unrestricted Simplex, Stop and Wait, Sliding Window Protocol. WAN Connectivity- PPP
and HDLC.
Medium Access Control: Channel Allocation-Static and Dynamic, Multiple Access Protocols- Pure
and Slotted ALOHA, CSMA, WDMA, IEEE 802.3 Standards and Frame Formats, CSMA/CD, Fast
Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n and IEEE 802.15 and IEEE 802.16 Standards, Frame
formats, CSMA/CA.
Section 2
Network Layer: Switching techniques, IP Protocol, IPv4 and IPv6 addressing schemes, Subnetting,
NAT, CIDR, ICMP, Routing Protocols- Distance Vector, Link State, Path Vector, Routing in Internet-
RIP, OSPF, BGP, Congestion control and QoS, MPLS, Mobile IP, Routing in MANET- AODV, DSR.
Application Layer: Domain Name System (DNS), Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Email:
SMTP, MIME, POP3, Webmail, FTP, TELNET, Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP), Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
1. Write a program using TCP sockets for wired networks to implement a. Peer to Peer Chat b.
Multi User Chat Demonstrate the packets captured traces using Wireshark Packet Analyzer
Tool for peer-to-peer mode.
2. Implementation of shortest path protocol
3. Implementation of string encryption and decryption
4. Implementation of character stuffing and destuffing
5. Execution and analysis of Network commands
6. To find out details of network from IP addressing scheme using ‘C’ code
7. Implement real time Internet route optimization.
8. Implement Broadcast Server System.
9. Implement a real time voting System.
10. Real time packet capture and analysis for malwares in wireless networks.
Case Study:
1. Amplitude and Frequency Modulation Technique
2. Digital to Analog and Analog to Digital converters
3. Study of Various VPNs
4. IoT Solutions to Current Network Requirement
5. Unix Solutions for Broadcast System
1. Communication Protocol
2. Emerging Trends in Computer Networks
3. Use of IOT in Networks
4. Cloud based Network Solutions for real world problems
5. Recent Trends in Computer Security
1. 1.Survey of wireless Technologies
2. Survey of Congestion control methodologies
3. Survey of Bluetooth Technology
4. Survey of Virtual Private Networks
5. Survey of ADHOC Networks
Assessment Scheme:
1. MSE
2. ESE
3. LAB