Analysis of Temporary Skeletal Anchorage Devices Used For En-Masse Retraction: A Preliminary Study

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Analysis of temporary skeletal anchorage

devices used for en-masse retraction:
A preliminary study
Seong-Hun Kim,a Young-Suk Hwang,b Andre Ferreira,c and Kyu-Rhim Chungd
Uijongbu and Seoul, Korea, and Birmingham, Ala

Introduction: The aim of this preliminary study was to analyze the results of en-masse incisor and canine re-
traction with temporary skeletal anchorage devices (TSADs) as the exclusive source of anchorage. Methods:
A retrospective clinical investigation supported by preliminary case reports was performed comparing pre-
treatment cephalometric radiographs with those taken after en-masse retraction of the 6 anterior teeth.
The sample consisted of 17 nongrowing patients with an average age of 24.4 6 3.71 years. The average re-
traction period was 13.94 6 5.37 months. No brackets or bands were placed on the posterior dentition during
retraction. A total of 34 TSADs were used as the only source of anchorage. Thirty sand-blasted, large-grit,
and acid-etched C-implants and 4 miniplates with tubes were used. These TSADs were designed to with-
stand heavy and dynamic retraction forces applied to the maxillary anterior dentition, thereby eliminating
the need for bonded or banded anchor teeth. The cephalometric radiographs were analyzed for differences
between pretreatment and postretraction variables that included skeletal, dental, and soft-tissue relation-
ships. Results: Significant incisor and canine retraction was achieved in all patients. During the retraction pe-
riod, the posterior teeth showed a tendency for extrusion and mesial tipping. Conclusions: En-masse
retraction of the 6 anterior teeth can be accomplished by using TSADs as the only source of anchorage. Max-
imum anchorage was achieved without appliances in the posterior dentition. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop

arious treatment techniques and biomechanical chorage is often described as reciprocal movement of
approaches have been suggested over the past anterior and posterior teeth into the extraction sites.
decades to achieve en-masse retraction of ante- When extractions are planned to relieve crowding or
rior teeth with minimal or no anchorage loss.1,2 Anchor- reduce incisor protrusion, anchorage control assumes
age has been classified based on the magnitude of a central role in the selection of a biomechanical ap-
mesial movement of the posterior teeth during anterior proach.3 Auxiliary appliances such as headgears, transpa-
retraction.2 Maximum anchorage should result in mini- latal arches, and Nance buttons have been used to achieve
mal movement of the posterior teeth. Minimal anchor- maximum anchorage. The disadvantages of these appli-
age results in extraction space closure primarily by ances might be the need for several laboratory steps and
mesial movement of the posterior teeth. Moderate an- significant patient compliance. Intra-arch mechanics
with differential moments have been proposed as alterna-
tives for anchorage control.4-6 Although limited or no pa-
Assistant professor, Division of Orthodontics, Department of Dentistry,
Catholic University of Korea, Uijongbu St. Mary’s Hospital, Uijongbu, Korea. tient cooperation is required, the significant chair-side
Private practice, Seoul, Korea. time and the increased difficulty of patient hygiene are
Assistant professor, Department of Orthodontics, University of Alabama, disadvantages of this biomechanical approach.7
Birmingham, Ala.
President, Korean Society of Speedy Orthodontics, Seoul, Korea. More recently, implants have been suggested as an
Partly supported by the Korean Society of Speedy Orthodontics and the alumni alternative method for anchorage control.8-18 Most
fund of the Department of Dentistry and Graduate School of Clinical Dental articles describing the use of implants for temporary
Science, Catholic University of Korea.
The authors report no commercial, proprietary, or financial interest in the prod- skeletal anchorage incorporate them into traditional
ucts or companies described in this article. biomechanical schemes such as sliding mechanics.12-18
Reprint requests to: Seong-Hun Kim, Division of Orthodontics, Department of However, sliding efficiency might be adversely affected
Dentistry, Catholic University of Korea, Uijongbu St. Mary’s Hospital, 65-1
Geumoh-dong, Uijeongbu, Gyeonggi-do 480-717, South Korea; e-mail, from friction on bracket slots and tubes. We believe that
[email protected]. a better system combines temporary skeletal anchorage
Submitted, June 2007; revised and accepted, August 2007. devices (TSADs) with light continuous forces, the
Copyright Ó 2009 by the American Association of Orthodontists. ability to control tooth movement, minimum friction,
doi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2007.08.023 and no need for patient compliance.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kim et al 269
Volume 136, Number 2

Table I. Demographic distribution of the subjects

Malocclusion Retraction Finishing Treatment
Subject Sex Age class Extraction Type of appliance period method period

1 M 28 y 3 mo I #14,24,34,44 CI 15 mo FA 19 mo
2 F 20 y 8 mo II #14,24,34,44 CI 14 mo No 14 mo
3 F 24 y 5 mo I #14,24,34,44 CI 19 mo TP 21 mo
4 F 22 y 1 mo I #14,24,34,44 CI 8 mo FA 13 mo
5 F 22 y II #14,24,35,45 CI 19 mo TP 20 mo
6 F 31 y 5 mo I #14,24,34,44 CI 12 mo No 12 mo
7 F 27 y 2 mo II #14,24,34,44 CI 11 mo FA 16 mo
8 F 22 y 6 mo I #14,24,35,45 CI 15 mo No 15 mo
9 F 19 y II #14,24,35,44 CI 6 mo FA 12 mo
10 F 23 y 4 mo I #14,24,34,44 CI 10 mo FA 14 mo
11 F 30 y I #14,24,34,44 CI 12 mo FA 14 mo
12 F 29 y 2 mo I #14,24,34,44 CI 8 mo FA 14 mo
13 F 23 y 11 mo I #14,24,34,44 CI 23 mo TP 24 mo
14 F 23 y 1 mo II #14,24,36,46 CI 21 mo FA 23 mo
15 F 25 y 8 mo I #14,24,34,44 CI 12 mo FA 15 mo
16 F 19 y I #14,24,34,44 CT 23 mo No 23 mo
17 F 23 y II #14,24,35,45 CT 9 mo No 10.5 mo

F, Female; M, male; CI, C-implant; CT, C-tube; No, no orthodontic appliance; TP, tooth positioner; FA, fixed orthodontic appliance.

In a recent reports, TSADs were used as the only in Table I The sample included 16 women and 1 man.
source of anchorage for en-masse retraction of the 6 max- Their mean age at the start of the treatment was 24.4
illary anterior teeth.19-21 No appliances were placed in the 6 3.71 years (range, 19-31.41 years). Their most com-
maxillary or mandibular posterior dentition. The TSADs mon complaint was anterior dental protrusion. Eleven
used by Chung et al21 were designed to accommodate subjects had cephalometric values that indicated Class
archwires that could slide during retraction and resist I bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion, and 6 had a Class
the force levels necessary for various applications. The II skeletal pattern. The subjects had a wide range of
authors claimed that the absence of appliances on the pos- space deficiency, but crowding was not recorded in
terior teeth did not preclude controlled tooth movement. this study. One patient had the mandibular first molars
Furthermore, they claimed high efficiency because of extracted instead of the mandibular premolars because
low friction and fewer periodontal problems because of of the severely compromised condition of her teeth.
the hygienic nature of the system.11,19-21 Therefore, cephalometric measurements for the man-
The aim of this study was to evaluate the treatment dibular molar position were excluded in this patient.
effects of specially designed TSADs as the sole source All patients were treated by 2 clinicians (K.S.H. and
of anchorage during en-masse retraction of the 6 maxil- C.K.R.) at Uijongbu St Mary’s Hospital in Korea.
lary anterior teeth after extraction of the premolars. A This preliminary report and the associated data were re-
secondary objective was to analyze the behavior of the viewed by the Institutional Review Board at Uijongbu
posterior dentition during the anterior retraction phase St Mary’s Hospital Catholic Medical Center of the
of treatment. Catholic University of Korea.
The TSADs used in this study (Fig 1, A)—C-im-
plants (C-implant Company, Seoul, Korea)—are sand-
MATERIAL AND METHODS blasted, large-grit, and acid-etched (SLA) surface
Retrospective data were obtained from pretreatment treated mini-implants. The implant size is 1.8 mm in di-
and postretraction lateral cephalograms of 17 patients ameter and 8.5 mm in length; it has 2 parts: a screw and
who met the following criteria: nongrowing, treatment a head.20 Thirty mini-implants were placed in the inter-
plan included maxillary and mandibular premolar ex- septal bone between the maxillary second premolars and
tractions, maximum anchorage was required, TSADs first molars. Initial loading was 4 weeks after placement.
were used as the sole source of anchorage, and no appli- In 2 cases of narrow interdental space and extended max-
ances were placed in the maxillary posterior dentition illary sinus, 4 miniplates with tubes (C-tube, Gebrüder
during the retraction phase of treatment. Martin GmbH, Tuttlingen, Germany) were placed. No
The subject’s ages at treatment start, the duration of C-implants were used in these 2 subjects (Fig 1, B
active treatment, and the numbers of subjects are shown and C).21
270 Kim et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 2009

Fig 1. TADs used in this study: A, SLA surface-treated

C-implant; B and C, miniplate with tube (C-tube).

TSAD-dependent en-masse retraction is the novel

treatment approach presented here, called ‘‘biocreative
therapy’’ (Fig 2). Our objective was to achieve indepen-
dent en-masse retraction of the anterior teeth while avoid-
ing the use of orthodontic appliances in the posterior
segments during the retraction period.22 This concept
evolved because partially osseointegrated mini-implants
or plates can easily endure multi-directional heavy forces
even while supporting orthodontic archwires.21,22 Fig 2. TSAD-dependent en-masse retraction mechanics
In 17 patients, 0.022-in preadjusted edgewise (biocreative therapy): A and B, type A mechanics, with
brackets were placed on the maxillary 6 anterior teeth no appliances on the posterior dentition; C and D, type B
(Fig 2, C and D). Full appliances were placed in the man- mechanics, with no appliances on the maxillary posterior
dibular arch. During initial alignment, 2.5-oz elastics or dentition; E and F, type C mechanics, with fixed appliances
elastic chains delivering 0.7 N of force were applied to on all posterior dentition. Anterior retraction and maxillary
the canines. The canines were retracted while the 4 max- posterior intrusion were performed simultaneously.
illary anterior teeth were aligned. En-masse retraction of
ence plane, with forward movement of the centroid
the maxillary anterior teeth began once a 0.016 3 0.022-
point assigned a positive value. Vertical movement of
in stainless steel archwire was placed. Elastics were
the maxillary first molars was determined from palatal
applied directly to the brackets because uprighting of
plane superimpositions. Anteroposterior movement of
the incisors was desired (Fig 2, C). An 0.018 3 0.025-
the mandibular teeth was assessed by measuring the dis-
in stainless steel archwire with soldered hooks was
tance from the centroid point to the mandibular lingual
used for retraction when torque control was needed
cortex, whereas vertical movement was determined
(Fig 2, D). Closed nickel-titanium springs (1.2 N) or
from superimposition on the mandibular plane (MP).
4.5 oz elastics were used for en-masse retraction. Once
Angular changes were assessed by measuring the long
it was achieved, short-term fixed appliances, tooth posi-
axe’s inclination of the maxillary first molars to the
tioners, or clear aligners were used for finishing.
sella-nasion line (SN) and the mandibular first molar’s
Cephalometric headfilms were analyzed. Soft-tis-
long axes to the MP. The cephalometric measurements
sue, skeletal, and dental measurements were made as re-
we used are shown in Figures 3 and 4.
ported by Park et al16 and Gosh and Nanda.23 When
there were double images, a midpoint was used. Poste-
rior dental linear measurements used the centroid point: Statistical analysis
the midpoint on a horizontal line between the greatest The means and standard deviations for the 19 variables
mesial and distal convexity of the crowns. were calculated. Pretreatment to postretraction changes
To determine the amount of horizontal movement of for each variable were analyzed with paired t tests. To eval-
the maxillary teeth, the pterygoid vertical plane (PTV) uate tracing and measurement errors, the experimental
determined by Enlow et al24 was used. The PTV line procedures of the records of 17 patients (34 sets of cepha-
was transferred from the pretreatment tracing to the lograms) were repeated 3 weeks later.25 Results of the
postretraction tracing, providing a consistent reference Pearson correlation coefficient, used to compare the sec-
plane. Anteroposterior movement of the maxillary first ond measurement to the first for each variable, showed
molars was measured perpendicular to the PTV refer- above 0.98 at the 95% confidence interval.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kim et al 271
Volume 136, Number 2

Fig 3. Soft-tissue and skeletal cephalometric analysis: 1, upper lip to E-line; 2, lower lip to E-line;
3, SN to palatal plane angle (SN-PP); 4, SN-anatomic occlusal plane angle (SN-Occ); 5, SN to man-
dibular plane angle (SN-Mn); 6, pterygoid vertical plane to A point (PTV-A); 7, pterygoid vertical plane
to B point (PTV-B); 8, lower anterior face height (LAFH; ANS-Me).

Table II.Comparisons of cephalometric measurements

before treatment (T1) and after retraction (T2)
T1 T2
Mean 95% CI Mean 95% CI T2– T1

Soft tissue

Upper lip 2.12 1.34–2.9 0.25 0.47–0.98
to E-line

Lower lip 4.4 3.5–5.3 1.69 0.87–2.52
to E-line
SN-PP 10.39 9.19–11.59 10.43 9.27–11.59
SN-Occ 20.17 18.20–22.14 20.79 18.70–22.88

SN-Mn 40.55 38.03–43.06 41.09 38.58–43.60
PTV-A 48.48 47.16–49.79 48.45 47.21–49.70
PTV-B 43.16 40.89–45.43 42.69 40.50–44.89 *
Fig 4. Dental cephalometric analysis, angular and linear ANS-Me 77.11 75.01–79.21 78.25 76.11–80.38 †

measurements: 1, SN to maxilliary incisor angle (SN-U1); Dental

2, SN to maxillary first molar angle (SN-U6); 3, mandibu- angular

lar plane to mandibular incisor angle (MP-L1); 4, mandib- SN-U1 108.9 105.1–112.6 93.52 89.80–97.25

ular plane to mandibular first molar angle (MP-L6); SN-U6 70.09 67.58–72.61 72.10 69.29–74.92

MP-L1 98.64 95.66–101.6 86.78 83.53–90.03
5, pterygoid vertical plane to maxillary incisor tip dis- ‡
MP-L6 81.16 79.95–82.38 77.49 75.91–79.06
tance (PTV-U1); 6, pterygoid vertical plane to maxillary
first molar centroids distance (PTV-U6); 7, palatal plane linear
to maxillary incisor tip distance (PP-U1); 8, palatal plane PTV-U1 58.91 56.98–60.84 53.06 51.34–54.79 ‡

to maxillary first molar centroids distance (PP-U6); PTV-U6 22.35 20.93–23.77 23.09 21.67–24.50 †

9, mandibular lingual cortex to mandibular first molar PP-U1 32.58 31.47–33.68 33.21 32.26–34.15

centroids (LC-L6); 10, mandibular plane to mandibular PP-U6 22.12 21.11–23.14 22.85 21.84–23.86

incisor tip (MP-L1); 11, mandibular plane to mandibular LC-L6 15.79 14.34–17.25 13.89 12.15–15.63
first molar centroids (MP-L6). MP-L1 48.88 47.09–50.68 48.18 46.38–49.97 *

MP-L6 33.98 32.78–35.18 34.72 33.48–35.96

*P \0.05; †P \0.01; ‡P \0.001.

The mean retraction period was 13.94 6 5.61 and significant changes in the soft-tissue, skeletal, and
months, and the mean overall treatment time was dental measurements between pretreatment and postre-
16.44 6 4.31 months. The means, standard deviations, traction are listed in Table II.
272 Kim et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 2009

Fig 5. Pretreatment photographs and panoramic radiogram.

A statistically significant difference was found be- illary canine. The clinical examination showed anterior
tween the pretreatment and postretraction measure- protrusion, midline discrepancy, anterior crossbite of
ments in the anterior dentition. SN to maxillary incisor the maxillary lateral incisors, and a Class II left canine
(SN-U1) angle and mandibular incisor to MP angle relationship (Fig 5). Radiographic examination showed
(MP-L1) decreased significantly (P \0.001) after en- a skeletal Class I relationship with bimaxillary dentoal-
masse retraction (–15.33 6 6.85 and –11.85 6 6.06 , veolar protrusion (Fig 5, I). Based on the patient’s
respectively). Soft-tissue changes were also significant, complaints, and the clinical and cephalometric find-
whereas the upper and lower lips to E-line moved poste- ings, the following treatment plan was formulated:
riorly –1.87 6 0.91 mm and –2.75 6 1.80 mm, respec- (1) implantation of 2 C-implants (1.8-mm diameter,
tively. The maxillary molars showed mesial movement 8.5-mm length) between the maxillary second premo-
(PTV-U6, 0.74 6 1.01 mm; P \0.01), extrusion (PP- lar and first molar; (2) extraction of the first premolars
U6, 0.72 6 0.91 mm; P \0.01), and mesial tipping and placement of maxillary anterior and full mandibu-
(SN-U6, 2.01 6 2.28 ; P \0.05). The mandibular lar fixed appliances; (3) C-implants used for maxillary
molars showed slight extrusion during en-masse retrac- anterior retraction and as hooks for Class III intermax-
tion (MP-L6, 0.86 6 0.92 mm; P \0.01). illary elastics; and (4) finishing and detailing with fixed
Brackets were attached to the maxillary anterior and
CASE REPORT mandibular dentition, and a 0.016 3 0.022-in stainless
A woman, aged 23 years 4 months, complained of steel utility archwire was used to retract the maxillary
poor facial harmony and misalignment with a high max- anterior dentition. This archwire was bent for vertical
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kim et al 273
Volume 136, Number 2

Fig 6. Progress intraoral photographs: A-C, 1 month after treatment; D-F, 6 months after treatment;
G-I, 11 months after treatment; J-L, 13 months after treatment.

correction of the maxillary right canine during anterior DISCUSSION

retraction (Fig 6, A-C). Class I and Class III elastics The technique described here is the result of several
from the C-implants were used for en-masse retraction years of observation and clinical application of TSADs.
(Fig 6, D-F). Full retraction of the maxillary anterior When compared with previously published retraction
dentition was performed (Fig 6, G-I). After 14 months methods, the mechanics in this report are different be-
of active treatment, all fixed appliances were debonded, cause the posterior teeth are not bracketed or
and fixed retainers were placed in both arches. Based on bonded.12-18 The mean retraction period was 13.94 6
the cephalometric analysis and clinical examination, we 5.61 months. The mean overall treatment time was
deemed the results to be acceptable. The patient was 16.44 6 4.31 months. The periods for fixed appliances
pleased with the treatment result despite the overre- were also relatively short, averaging 4.1 months. Usu-
tracted dentition and incomplete extraction space clo- ally, fixed appliances are applied for a short time to
sure (Figs 7, 8, and 9). the posterior dentition during the finishing stages to
274 Kim et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 2009

Fig 7. Posttreatment photographs and panoramic radiogram.

Fig 8. Lateral cephalograms: A, pretreatment and B, before debonding.

improve the occlusal relationship and achieve better in- with arch length discrepancies less than 1 mm required
terdigitation. No posterior appliances were used in 5 tooth positioners or clear aligners, and 9 patients had
subjects, who had complete extraction space closure posterior teeth bonded to achieve ideal occlusion. Post-
and reasonable occlusal relationships. Three patients treatment measurements were not included in this study,
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics Kim et al 275
Volume 136, Number 2

chorage for orthodontic tooth movement but do not re-

main absolutely stationary like an endosseous implant
throughout orthodontic loading. In our study, we did
not examine whether the C-implants remained fixed or
whether they moved mesially during the treatment
Even though the sample size was small (n 5 17), this
study showed statistically and clinically significant re-
sults in anterior tooth movement supported exclusively
by TADs. The maxillary and mandibular first molars
showed statistically significant horizontal and vertical
movements. The mesial drifting of the posterior denti-
tion was less than 1 mm vertically and 1 mm horizon-
tally. Although a direct comparison cannot be made,
this amount of horizontal movement is similar to other
Fig 9. Superimposed tracings: pretreatment (black) and
studies in which anterior teeth were retracted with other
posttreatment (red).
means of maximum anchorage.5,34 The MP angle
opened slightly as a result of the combined maxillary
since the primary focus was to evaluate the effect of and mandibular vertical movement of the molars. In
en-masse retraction by using TSADs exclusively. this study, we performed intra-arch retraction in the man-
Osseointegration is the direct structural and func- dible as shown in the case report. This might affect the
tional connection between living bone and the surface mesial movement of the mandibular molars and the set-
of a load-carrying implant. Clinically, it means ankylo- tling of the maxillary molars to the opposing dentition.
sis of the implant-bone interface.26 Osseointegration Some clinicians might have concerns about this
can be useful in an orthodontic mini-implant when re- technique, since there is no control over the posterior
sistance to rotational force is needed. A mini-implant dentition during the retraction phase of treatment. How-
that aids orthodontic treatment requires a relatively little ever, all subjects in this study required only minor treat-
bone-to-implant contact. ment after anterior retraction. Postretraction treatment
The retention portion of the C-implant has a higher aimed to coordinate arch forms and detail the occlusion.
osseointegration potential27-32 compared with smooth The ability to align and retract the anterior dentition
titanium mini-implants and is better able to resist the ro- in a maximum-anchorage environment without the sup-
tational tendency during heavy dynamic loads.20,32 Oh port of the posterior teeth is a novel approach. This tech-
et al,30 in an animal study, compared the removal torque nique requires minimal patient compliance and could
value between SLA C-implants and smooth titanium decrease treatment time. Canine retraction, alignment
ones. After 6 weeks of loading, the SLA group had of anterior teeth, and en-masse retraction are accom-
a higher mean removal torque value (8.29 Ncm) than plished with adequate torque control at an early stage
the smooth group (3.34 Ncm), and histologic analysis of treatment. The latter is accomplished by directing
showed greater new bone formation along the screw the retraction forces to soldered lever arms, creating bet-
in the SLA group. Ko et al31 also found significantly ter moment-to-force ratios.
higher removal torque values in the SLA group than This technique might have the additional benefit of
in machined group, even though the implants were re- decreasing periodontal disease because of the difficulty
moved and reimplanted. of cleaning orthodontic appliances. In cases of peri-
The human histologic and histomorphometric find- odontal disease in which anchorage is provided by the
ings of Seo et al32 of retrieved SLA C-implants showed posterior teeth, the mobility and the periodontal condi-
52.6% of mean bone-to-implant contact, excluding the tion of the anchor teeth can deteriorate.35,36
upper smooth-surfaced 2-mm portion of the mini- Further studies are needed to determine the treat-
implant, and called it a partially osseointegrated mini- ment effects of en-masse retraction with TADs based
implant. The authors believed that the increased on skeletal pattern and posttreatment stability.
osseointegration potential of the C-implant was because
of its surface characteristics and the placement protocol
that allowed it to heal for 4 to 6 weeks before loading. CONCLUSIONS
In a cephalometric study of zygomatic miniscrews, Based on the findings of this preliminary report, we
Liou et al33 concluded that miniscrews are stable an- concluded the following.
276 Kim et al American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
August 2009

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