Ometrical Optics Exercise

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1 6 .

5 6 | Geometrical Optics

Solved Examples

JEE Main/Boards µ in the direction of one of the diameters. At what

distance from the center of the sphere, will the rays be
Example 1: A person sees the point A on the rim at the focused? Assume that µ < 2.
bottom of a cylindrical vessel when the vessel is empty
Sol: For refraction of light ray from surface of sphere,
through the telescope T. When the vessel is completely
filled with a liquid of refractive index 1.5, he observes µ µ µ1 − µ2
the distance of image is obtained by 1 − 2 = .
a mark at the center B, of the bottom, without moving v r R
the telescope or the vessel. What is the height of the The ray refracted at one surface becomes object for the
vessel if the diameter of its cross section is 10 cm? opposite surface.
For the first refraction surface:
Sol: The vessel is filled with a liquid of refractive index
µ 1 = 1, µ 2 = µ ,u = −∞ , v = ?, r = + R
µ when the ray from B reaches the telescope.
µ 1 µ −1 µR
∴ µ sin i = 1.0 x sin r , ... (i) ∴ − = v
v −∞ R µ −1
where ∠r =∠ADC, ∠i =∠BDC
For refraction at the second surface:
R 2R
=sin i = , sin r I’ serves as an object for the second surface. Now,
R 2 + h2 h2 + (2R)2 µ1 =µ (since light travels from sphere to air) and
µ2 = 1,
where h is the height of the liquid, and R is the radius
of the vessel.  µR  R (2 − µ )
u ==
BI' +  − 2R  =
T  µ −1  µ −1
(It is positive because light travels from the left to the
right, and the distance is also in the same direction.)
r v = ?, r = − R .

1 µ (µ − 1) 1 − µ R (2 − µ )
 = 1.5 D
i ∴ − = or v
h v R (2 − µ) −R 2 (µ − 1)

This distance is positive and is referred from the second

∴ Distance of the focal point from the center
5 cm 5 cm
R (2 − µ ) µR
= = +R .
Substituting these values in Eq. (i), 2 (µ − 1) 2 (µ − 1)

R 2R 2 R 2 + h2
= = ⇒ µ . Q
R 2 + h2 h2 + ( 2R ) h2 + ( 2R )
2 2 P

 µ2 − 1 
( ) ( )
A C B I I’
4R 2 µ2 −=
1 h2 4 − µ2 ⇒=h 2R  
 4 − µ 

(1.5)2 − 1 5
=h 10 = 10 = 8.45cm . Example 3: A rectangular glass block of thickness
4 − (1.5)2 7
10 cm and refractive index 1.5 is placed over a small
coin. A beaker is filled with water of refractive index 4/3
Example 2: A parallel beam of light rays is incident on to a height of 10 cm and is placed over the block.
a transparent sphere of radius R and a refractive index
P hysi cs | 16.57

(i) Find the apparent position of the object when it is 1 1 −1 3

viewed from normal incidence. = sin−= sin
= 480 .
µw 4
(ii) Draw a neat ray diagram.
Obviously, therefore, TIR takes place earlier at the
(iii) If the eye is slowly moved away from the normal, at water–air interface.
a certain position, the object is found to disappear due
to the TIR. At which surface, does this happen and why?
Example 4: How long will the light take in travelling a
distance of 500 m in water? Given that µ for water is 4/3
Sol: The image of coin formed at upper surface of block,
and the velocity of light in vacuum is 3x1010 cm/s. Also
becomes object for beaker containing water. The image
calculate the equivalent path.
µ1 µ2 µ1 − µ2
thus formed at distance v is given by − = . c
v r R Sol: The velocity of light in a medium is given as v = .
4 µ
For the first surface: µ= , µ= 1.5,
3 1
The optical path travelled by light is  = µ × d where d
u= −10 cm, R = ∞, v = ? is the distance travelled in water.
4 4 . We know that
− 1.5
3 − 1.5 3 80
= ⇒ v1 =
− cm Velocity of light in vaccum
v1 −10 ∞ 9 µ= .
Velocity of light in water
I’ serves as an object for the second surface. For the
second surface: 4 3x1010
= .
Note: This is an alternative to the apparent depth 3 Velocity of light in water
relation. Velocity of light in water = 2.25 x 1010cm/s.
 80  170
u= −BI' = − (BA + AI') =−  10 + =− cm 500x100
 9  9 Time
= taken = 2.22x10−6 sec.
µ1 = , µ2 =1, R =∞ , v 2 =?
3 Equivalent optical path
4 4
1− = µ x dis tance travelled in water
∴ − 3= 3 ⇒ v= 14.2cm
v2 170 ∞ 4
− = = x500 666.64m.
9 3
θc: critical angle for glass–water interface
Example 5: In the figure shown, for an angle of
1 1 incidence i at the top surface, what is the minimum
= sin−1 ⇒ θc =sin−1 refractive index needed for TIR at the vertical face?
w w
µg µa × aµg


1 −1 8
= sin−1 .= sin
= 62.70 Sol: Total internal reflection of light occurs inside body
3 3 9
x when the angle of incidence is greater than critical
4 2
The critical angle for water–air interface angle θC and according to Snell’s law θC = sin−1  
Applying the Snell’s law at the top surface,
1 6 . 5 8 | Geometrical Optics

sini .
µ sin r = ... (i)
For TIR, the vertical face A

µ sin θc =
1 i
Using geometry, θc= 90° − r i

µ sin(90 − r)= 1 r 1 
⇒ µ cos = ... (ii)

On squaring and adding Eqs (i) and (ii), we get

∴ µ2 sin2 r + µ2 cos2 r = 1 + sin2 i

⇒ µ= 1 + sin i. 

Example 6: A point source of light is placed at the

bottom of a tank containing a liquid (refractive index =
Sol: The angles of prism add up to 180o.
µ) up to a depth h. A bright circular spot is seen on the
surface of the liquid. Find the radius of this bright spot. α 900 − A
From the figure, =
=i 900 − α ; =i 900 −=
α A … (i)
Sol: The light waves incident on the surface of the water
at an incident angle greater than critical angle will get Also, =β 90 −=2i 900 − 2A
reflected in side water. This light waves forms cone in
γ 900 −=
and = β 2A
the volume of the tank. Thus we get relation of critical
R Thus, γ = r = 2A
angle as tan θC =
h From geometry,
R A+γ+
= γ 1800. or =
A = 360 .

c c
Example 8: A lens has a power of +5 dioptre in air.
What will be its power if completely immersed in water?

3 4
Given µ=
g ; µ=
2 3
Sol: According to the lens maker’s formula the focal
Rays coming out of the source and incident at an angle
greater than θc will be reflected back into the liquid; 1  µ1  1 1 
length 1/f is = − 1   − 
therefore, the corresponding region on the surface will f  µ2   R1 R 2 
appear dark. As it is obvious from the figure, the radius
of the bright spot is given by Let fa and fw be the focal lengths of the lens in air and
water, respectively, then,
h sin θc hsin θ 1 µw
R h tan =
= θc R
⇒= =Pa = and Pw .
cos θc 1 − sin θc2
fa fw
1 h = = 20cm .
fa 0.2m
= sin θc ; =∴R .
µ 2
µ −1 Using the lens maker’s formula,
Example 7: The cross section of the glass prism has the  
form of an isosceles triangle. One of the equal faces is Pa =
= µg − 1 ) R1 − R1   ... (i)
coated with silver. A ray of light incident normally on  1 2 
the other equal face and after getting reflected twice
1  µg  1 1 
emerges through the base of prism along the normal. = − 1  − 
Find the angle of the prism. fw  µ w   R1 R 2 
 
P hysi cs | 16.59

Example 10: Two equiconvex lenses of focal lengths 30

1  µg − µ w  1 1  cm and 70 cm, made of material of refractive index =
w =    −  …(ii)
fw  µ w   R1 R 2  1.5, are held in contact coaxially by a rubber band round
 
their edges. A liquid of refractive index 1.3 is introduced
Dividing Eq. (ii) by Eq. (i), we get,
in the space between the lenses filling it completely.

µg − µ w 1 1
) Find the position of the image of a luminous point
object placed on the axis of the combination lens at a
Pa µ µ − 1
w g (
3 µw ) distance of 90 cm from it.
 1   3  +5
⇒ Pw Pa   =
=  D Sol: This system is combination of three lenses. Two
 3  4  4 lenses of glass one lens of liquid. Add the powers to
get total power.
Example 9: The distance between two point sources
of light is 24 cm. Find out where you would place a
R1 = R 2 = f1= 30cm (As µ= 1.5) .
converging lens of focal length 9 cm, so that the images
of both the sources are formed at the same point. Similarly, R 3= R 4= f2= 70cm .
Sol: For lens the distance of the image formed from The focal length of the liquid lens (in air),
1 1 1
the lens is given by − = where u, v and f are
1  1 
v u f
distance of object, distance of image and focal length f3
= ( µ − 1)  R1 − 
R 3 
 2


(1.3 − 1)  −130 − 70
1 
1 1 1  1
For S1 : − = =  = −
ν1 −x 9   70 1 2 3 4

1 1 1 ν
∴ = −  … (i) (b) m =
ν1 9 x u
1 1 1
For S2 : − =
ν2 − ( 24 − x ) 9
 … (ii)
∴m1 =
(5.0 − 4.0 ) =
−0.25 ,
1 1 1
( −4.0 )
∴ = − .
ν2 9 24 − x
and m2 =
(5.0 − 1.0 ) = −4.00 .
f=9 cm ( −1.0 )
Hence, both the images are real and inverted, the first
S1 S2 is magnification −0.25, and the second is −4.00.

JEE Advanced/Boards
x 24-x
Since, the sign convention for S1 and S2 is just opposite. Example 1: A 4-cm-thick layer of water covers a 6-cm-
Hence, thick glass slab. A coin is placed at the bottom of the
slab and is being observed from the air side along the
ν1 = −ν2 . normal to the surface. Find the apparent position of the
1 1 coin from the surface.
⇒ =

ν1 ν2 Air
1 1 1 1 Water
∴ −= − 4cm h1
9 x 24 − x 9
Solving this equation, we get x = 6 cm. Therefore, the Glass
lens should be kept at a distance of 6 cm from either 6cm h2
of the object. Coin

Sol: As the thick layer of water is placed over the

glass slab. The coin placed beneath the glass slab will
1 6 . 6 0 | Geometrical Optics

appear to shift upwards due to both glass and water by focal length for crown glass f ω
distance s. This apparent shift is thus given by = = −
focal length for flint glass f '
 1   1  9 325 5 1 5
s = s1 + s2 =  1 −  × h1 +  1 − ×h =
− × − ;
= = −  … (i)
µ2  2 520 9 8 8f
 µ1   f

The total apparent shift is As the focal length of the combination is 100 cm,

 1   1  1 1 1 1 5 3 1
s = h1  1 −  + h2  1 − = + = − = = .
 F f f ' f 8f 8f 100
 µ1   µ2 
37.5cm .
f = × 100 =
 1   1  8
s = 4 1 −  + 6 1 −  = 3 cm.
 4 / 3   3 /2 −8 −8 75
f' = × f= × = −60 cm .
5 5 2
Air The achromatic doublet requires a convex lens of focal
length 37.5 cm made of crown glass and a concave lens
4cm h1 Water of focal length 60 cm made of flint glass.

Glass Example 3: A 20-cm-thick slab of glass of refractive

6cm h2 S index 1.5 is placed in front of a plane mirror and a pin
is placed in front of it in the air at a distance of 40 cm
Coin from the mirror. Find the position of the image.
Thus, h = h1 + h2 − s = 4 + 6 − 3 .
Sol: The slab of thickness t forms the image of the
= 7.0 cm. object O at the point O’.
The slab shifts the image of object by ( t − t µ ) . O’
Example 2: An achromatic lens of focal length 100 cm serves as an object for the plane mirror.
is made up of crown and flint glass lenses. Find the
Object distance for the mirror is MO.
focal length of each lens. Given that for crown glass
µν =1.5245, µr =1.5155 and for flint glass µ'ν =1.659
and µ'r =1.641.

Sol: The focal length of the combination of lens is given

1 1 1 O O’ M I” I’
by = + .
F f1 f2
If µ and µ’ are mean refractive indices for crown and
flint glasses, respectively, then,
µν + µr 1.5245 + 1.5155 20 100
=µ = = 1.52 . = 40 − = cm .
2 2 3 3
µ'ν + µr' 1.659 + 1.641 Since in a plane mirror, object distance = image
=µ' = = 1.65 .
2 2 distance.
The dispersive powers ω and ω ' for crown and flint 100
glass, respectively, are MI' MO
= = '
cm .
µν − µr 1.5245 − 1.5155 0.009 9 Now, I' serves as an object for the slab again.
=ω = = =
µ −1 1.52 − 1 0.52 520 20 20
I' is shifted to I" by 20 − =cm .
1.5 3
µ'ν − µ'r 1.659 − 1.641 0.018 9
=ω' =
µ −1
= =
1.65 − 1 0.65 325 ()
∴ Distance of the final image I" from the mirror
100 20 80
To have an achromatic combination, = − = cm .
3 3 3
P hysi cs | 16.61

Example 4: The convex surface of a thin concavo– For the image to be informed at the same point as the
convex lens of glass of refractive index 1.5 has a radius object
of curvature 20 cm. The concave surface has a radius
u=2F =2 × 7.5 =15cm.
of curvature of 60 cm. The convex side is coated with
silver and placed at a horizontal surface as shown in The object should be placed at a distance of 15 cm
the figure. from the lens on the optical axis.
(b) If fw is the focal length of lens in water, the focal
length F’ of this combination is given by

1 1 1 1 1 1
= + + + +
F' fw fg fm fg fw

1 2 2 1
(a) Where a pin should be placed on the optical axis = + +  ... (ii)
F ' fw fg fm
such that its image is formed at the same place?
(b) If the concave part is filled with water of refractive fg 60 = cm, fm 10 cm .
index 4/3, find the distance through which the pin
The value of fw is calculated by using the relation,
should be moved, so that the image of the pin again
coincides with pin.  1 1 
= ( a
µ w − 1  − 
 R1 R 2 
Sol: When the convex side of the concavo–convex lens
is coated with silver, the combination becomes a mirror.
This combination consist two lenses and one mirror 1 4  1  1
⇒ = − 1  =
placed close to each other. The powers of all the three fw  3 60
  180
will be added. When the water is filled on concave side,
fw = 180 cm.
we get plano-convex water lens whose focal length
is found by lens makers formula. This combination Substituting these values in Eq. (ii), we get
consists of four lenses (two lenses of glass and two
1 2 2 1 90
lenses of water) and one mirror. = + + ; F =
F' 180 60 10 13
(a) The refraction takes place from the first surface, 2 × 90 180
reflection from the lower surface and finally refraction
u= 2F
= = cm.
13 13
from the first surface of focal lengths fg , fm and fg ,
respectively. The combined focal length F is given by Displacement of the pin

1 1 1 1 2 1 180 15
= + + = +  … (i) =u − u' =15 − = =1.14 cm.
F fg fm fg fg fm 13 13

=fm R=
2 /2 20
= / 2 10 cm. . Example 5: The radius of curvature of the convex face
of plano-convex lens is 12 cm, and its µ =1.5.
The value of fg can be obtained by using the formula
(a) Find the focal length of the lens.
 1 1 
= ( a
µg − 1  − 
 R1 R 2 
The plane surface of the lens is coated with silver.
(b) At what distance from the lens, will the parallel rays
incident on the convex surface converge?
 1 1 
=(1.5 − 1)  20 − 
60  (c) Sketch the ray diagram to locate the image, when a

point object is placed on the axis at a distance of 20 cm
fg = 60 cm. from the lens.

Substituting these values in Eq. (i), (d) Calculate the image distance when the object is
placed as in (c).
1 2 1 2
= + =
F 60 10 15 Sol: Use the lens maker’s formula to find the focal
15 length of the plane-convex lens. When the plane side of
= = 7.5cm. the lens is coated with silver, the combination becomes
1 6 . 6 2 | Geometrical Optics

a mirror. This combination consist two lenses and one 1 1 1

+ =.
mirror placed close to each other. The powers of all the ν u F
three will be added.
For F = 12 cm, u = +20cm and ν =?
(a) The focal length f of lens of refractive index µ is
given by the formula. 1 1 1 1
= − =
ν 12 20 30
1  1 
= ( µ − 1)  R1 − .
R 2 
ν =30 cm.
 1
A real image is formed.
In case of plano-convex lens,
R1 = ∞ , R 2 = −12cm, µ =1.5 Example 6: An object O is placed at a distance of 15
cm from a convex lens A of focal length 10 cm and its
1 1  image I1 is formed on a screen on the other side of the
∴ =
(1.5 − 1)  12 
lens. A concave lens B is now placed midway between A
 
and I1 , then the screen is moved back 10 cm to receive
f = 24 cm. a clear image I2.
(b) The focal length, fm, of plane-silvered surface is Find (a) The focal length of the concave lens and
infinity. The focal length F of the plano-convex lens,
when the plane surface is coated with silver is given by (b) Linear magnification of the final image.

1 1 1 1 2 1 Sol: The convex lens forms the image of the object at

= + + = + point I1. This image acts as the object for concave lens
F f fm f f ∞
and the final image is formed at I1’.
f 24
∴ F= = = 12cm. For refraction through convex lens,
2 2
u1 = OP = − 15cm .
Such a lens behaves like a concave mirror of focal
length 12 cm. The parallel rays converge at a distance f =+10 cm, ν1 =PI1 .
of 12 cm from the silvered surface. 1 1 1
Using − =
ν u f


P Q I1 I2

12 cm
15 cm 15 cm 15 cm 10 cm
(c) The figure shows the ray diagram of the image
formed by this lens when the object is placed at a 1 1 1 1  1  3−2 1
= + = + = =
distance of 20 cm from the lens. The light is incident ν1 f u 10  −15  30 30
from the right to the left.
⇒ ν1 = 30 cm .
I1 serves as a virtual object for lens B. For refraction
through lens B,

u2 =
QI1 =
PI1 − 15 =
30 − 15 =
ν2 =15 + 10 =+25cm .
1 1 1 1 1 3−5 2
=− = − = =−
f ν u 25 15 75 75
(d) For a lens, 75
− −37.5cm,
P hysi cs | 16.63

The negative sign implies it is a concave lens.

and µ2 =− ( 0.6 + 0.4 ) =−1.0 cm
ν1 ν2
Linear magnification =
u2 ( 4 / 3) − 1 ( 4 / 3) − 1
30 5 10
ν2 ( −1) −0.2
= × = − =−3.33
15 3 3 ν2 =−0.5 cm
The negative sign shows that the final image is The final image I2 is formed at a distance of 0.5 cm to
inverted. the left of the second surface P2 . The final image is at
a distance of 0.5 − 0.4 = 0.1cm to the left of the first
Example 7: A parallel beam of light travelling in water surface as shown in figure.
( µ =4 / 3) is refracted by a spherical air bubble of (b) The ray diagram is already shown in the figure drawn.
radius 2 mm placed in water. Assume that the light rays
to be paraxial.
Example 8: An object is placed at a distance of 12 cm
(a) Find the position of the image due to refraction at to the left of a diverging lens of focal length −6.0 cm. A
the first surface and the position of the final image. converging lens with a focal length of 12.0 cm is placed
(b) Draw a ray diagram showing the positions of both at a distance d to the right of the diverging lens. Find the
images. distance d that corresponds to a final image at infinity.

f = 6.0 cm f = 12 cm


I2 P1

 = (4/3)

0.6 cm 4 cm 12 cm D
5 cm
Sol: The concave lens forms the image of the object at
Sol: The image of the object formed by the first point say I1. This image acts as the object for convex
refraction by the water-glass surface acts as the object lens and the final image is formed at say I1’.
for the second refraction at glass-water surface. 1 1 1
Applying lens formula − = twice, we have
(a) For the refraction from a single spherical surface, ν u f
we have 1 1 1
− = ... (i)

µ1 ( µ2 − µ1 ) .
ν1 −12 −6

ν u R 1 1 1
− = ... (ii)
Let P1 be pole at the first surface and P2 to be pole at ∞ ν1 − d 12

the second surface. At P, Solving Eqs (i) and (ii), we have
µ1 =( 4 / 3) ; µ2 =1; R = +0.2cm, u1 = ∞ . ν1 =− 4cm .
1 ( 4 / 3) 1 − ( 4 / 3) And d = 8cm .
So − = .
ν1 ∞ +0.2
Example 9: A solid glass sphere with a radius R and
∴ ν1 =−0.6 cm .
a refractive index of 1.5 is coated with silver over a
The first surface will form a virtual image I1 at a distance hemisphere. A small object is located on the axis of the
0.6 cm to the left of P1 as shown in the figure. sphere at a distance 2R to the left of the vertex of the
un-silvered hemisphere. Find the position of the final
This image acts as an object for the second surface. So image after all refractions and reflections have taken
for the second surface at P2 , place.
µ1 =1, µ2 =( 4 / 3 ) , R =−0.2cm
1 6 . 6 4 | Geometrical Optics

Sol: The image formed by first refraction at air-glass 1 1 1 2

Second reflection: Using + = = with proper
spherical surface acts as the object for the concave ν u f R
mirror. The image formed by the mirror acts as the sign conventions, we have
object for spherical glass-air spherical surface.
1 1 2 R
The ray of light first gets refracted, then reflected and + =− ∴ ν2 = −
then again refracted. For the first refraction and then ν2 ∞ R 2
reflection, the ray of light travels from the left to the
µ2 µ1 µ2 − µ1
right, while for the last refraction it travels from the Third refraction: Again using − =
right to the left. Hence, the sign convention will change ν u R
accordingly. with reversed sign convention, we have


1.5 R R/2
µ2 µ1 µ2 − µ1
First refraction: Using − = with proper 1.0 1.5 1.0 − 1.5
ν u R − =
ν3 −1.5R −R
sign conventions, we have
⇒ ν3 =−2R ;
1.5 1.0 1.5 − 1.0 i.e. final image is formed on the vertex of the silvered
− = ∴ ν1 =∞ .
ν1 −2R +R face.

JEE Main/Boards

Exercise 1 Q.4 State the conditions for TIR of light to take place.
Calculate the speed of light in a medium, whose critical
angle is 45o.
Q.1 A ray of light incident on an equilateral glass prism
shows a minimum deviation of 30°. Calculate the speed
Q.5 An object is placed at the focus of concave lens.
of light through the glass prism.
Where will its image be formed?

Q.2 Where an object should be placed from a

Q.6 Draw a graph to show the variation of the angle of
converging lens of focal length 20 cm so as to obtain a
deviation ‘D’ with that of the angle of incidence ‘I’ for
real image of magnification 2?
a monochromatic ray of light passing through a glass
prism refracting angle ‘A’. Hence, deduce the relation.
Q.3 What changes in the focal length of (i) a concave
mirror and (ii) a convex lens occur, when the incident
Q.7 Draw a ray diagram of an astronomical telescope
violet light on them is replaced with red light?
in the normal adjustment position. Write down the
expression for its magnifying power.
P hysi cs | 16.65

Q.8 A spherical surface of radius of curvature R separates 1 1 1

Q.16 Derive the lens formula, = − for a concave
a rarer and a denser medium. Complete the path of the f v u
incident ray of light, showing the formation of the real lens, using the necessary ray diagram.
image. Hence, derive the relation connecting an object
Two lenses of power 10 D and −5 D are placed in
distance ‘u’, image distance ‘v’, radius of curvature R
and the refractive indices n1 and n2 of the two media.
Briefly explain how the focal length of a convex lens (i) Calculate the power of the new lens.
changes, with an increase in wavelength of incident
(ii) Where should an object be held from the lens so as
to obtain a virtual image of magnification 2?

Q.9 (a) Draw a labelled ray diagram to show the

Q.17 Two thin lenses of power +6 D and −2 D are in
formation of the image by a compound microscope.
contact. What is the focal length of the combination?
Write the expression for its magnifying power.
(b) How does the resolving power of a compound Q.18 Define the refractive index of a transparent
microscope change and when? medium. A ray of light passes through a triangular
(i) Refractive index of the medium between the object prism. Plot a graph showing the variation of the angle
and the objective lens increases and of deviation with an angle of incidence.
(ii) Wavelength of the radiation used is increased.
Q.19 (a) (i) Draw a labeled ray diagram to show the
formation of image in an astronomical telescope for a
Q.10 Draw a labeled ray diagram to show the image
distant object.
formation I of a refractive-type astronomical telescope.
Why should the diameter of the objective of a telescope (ii) Write three distinct advantages of a reflecting-type
be large? telescope over a refracting-type telescope.
(b) A convex lens of focal length 10 cm is placed
Q.11 A beam of light converges to a point P. A lens coaxially 5 cm away from a concave lens of focal length
is placed in the path of the convergent beam at a 10 cm. If an object is placed 30 cm in front of the convex
distance of 12 cm from P. At what point, does the beam lens, find the position of the final image formed by the
converge if the lens is combined system.
(i) A convex lens of focal length 20 cm.
Q.20 A converging lens is kept coaxially in contact with
(ii) A concave lens of focal length 16cm?
a diverging lens – both the lenses being of equal focal
Do the required calculations. lengths. What is the focal length of the combination?

Q.12 A double convex lens of glass of refractive index Q.21 (a) (i) Draw a neat labeled ray diagram of an
1.6 has its both surfaces of equal radii of curvature of astronomical telescope in the normal adjustment.
30 cm each. An object of height 5 cm is placed at a Explain briefly its working.
distance of 12.5 cm from the lens. Calculate the size of
(ii) An astronomical telescope uses two lenses of power
the image found.
10 D and 1 D. What is its magnifying power in the
normal adjustment?
Q.13 Why does the bluish color predominate in a clear
(b) (i) Draw a neat labeled ray diagram of a compound
microscope. Explain briefly its working.

Q.14 How does the angle of minimum deviation of (ii) Why must both the objective and the eyepiece of a
a glass prism of a refractive index 1.5 change, if it is compound microscope have short focal lengths?
immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.3?
Q.22 Draw a labeled ray diagram of a reflecting
Q.15 Draw a labeled ray diagram, showing the image telescope. Mention its two advantages over the
formation of an astronomical telescope in the normal refracting telescope.
adjustment position. Write the expression for its
magnifying power.
1 6 . 6 6 | Geometrical Optics

Q.23 (i) An object is placed between two plane mirrors (C) The boy cannot see his feet.
inclined at 60o to each other. How many images do
(D) The boy cannot see neither his hair nor his feet.
you expect to see?
(ii) An object is placed between two plane parallel Q.5 A point source of light S is placed in front of
mirrors. Why do the distant images get fainter and two large mirrors as shown. Which of the following
fainter? observers will see only one image of S?

Q.24 The magnifying power of a compound microscope S

is 20. The focal length of its eye piece is 3 cm. Calculate
the magnification produced by the objective lens.

Q.25 An astronomical telescope having a magnifying A

power of 8 consists of two thin lenses 45 cm apart. Find
the focal length of the lenses.
(A) Only A (B) Only C
(C) Both A and C (B) Both B and C
Exercise 2
Single Correct Choice Type Q.6 In the figure shown if the object ‘O’ moves toward
the plane mirror, then the image I (which is formed after
successive reflections from M1 & M2 , respectively) will
Q.1 Two plane mirrors are inclined at 70o . A ray incident move:
on one mirror at an angle of θ after reflection falls on
the second mirror and is reflected from there parallel to (A) Toward right
the first mirror, θ is: (B) Toward left
o o
(A) 50 (B) 45 (C) With zero velocity O

(C) 30o (D) 55o (D) Cannot be determined M2 M1

Q.2 There are two plane mirror with reflecting surfaces Q.7 A point source of light is 60 cm away from a screen
facing each other. Both the mirrors are moving with and is kept at the focus of a concave mirror that reflects
the speed of ν away from each other. A point object is light on the screen. The focal length of the mirror is 20
placed between the mirrors. The velocity of the image cm. The ratio of average intensities of the illumination
formed due to the nth reflection will be on the screen when the mirror is present and when the
(A) nv (B) 2nv mirror is removed is:

(C) 3nv (D) 4nv (A) 36:1 (B) 37:1

(C) 49:1 (D) 10:1
Q.3 A man of height ‘h’ is walking away from a street
lamp with a constant speed ‘ ν ’. The height of the street Q.8 A concave mirror is placed on a horizontal table,
lamp is 3h. The rate at which the length of the man’s with its axis directed vertically upward. Let O be the
shadow is increasing when he is at a distance of 10h pole of the mirror and C its center of curvature. A point
from the base of the street lamp is: object is placed at C. It has a real image, also located at
(A) ν / 2 (B) ν / 3 C (a condition called auto-collimation). If the mirror is
now filled with water, the image will be:
(C) 2ν (D) ν / 6
(A) Real and will remain at C
Q.4 A boy of height 1.5 m with his eye level at 1.4 m (B) Real and located at a point between C and ∞
stands before a plane mirror of length 0.75 m fixed on (C) Virtual and located at a point between C and O
the wall. The height of the lower edge of the mirror
above the floor is 0.8 m. Then, (D) Real and located at a point between C and O

(A) The boy will see his full image.

Q.9 In the diagram shown below, a point source O is
(B) The boy cannot see his hair. placed vertically below the center of a circular plane
P hysi cs | 16.67

mirror. The light rays starting from the source are Q.13 When the object is at distances u1 and u2 , the
reflected from the mirror such that a circular area A on images formed by the same lens are real and virtual,
the ground receives light. Now, a glass slab is placed respectively, and of same size. Then, the focal length of
between the mirror and the source O. What will be the the lens is:
magnitude of the new area on the ground receiving
1 1
light? (A) uu
2 1 2
(B) (u + u2 )
2 1
Circular plane mirror Circular plane mirror
(C) u1u2 (D) 2 (u1 + u2 )

Q.14 Parallel beam of light is incident on a system of

two convex lenses of focal lengths f1 = 20 cm and f2 =
10 cm. What should be the distance between the two
Circular plane mirror lenses so that rays after refraction from both lenses get
(A) A
(B) Greater than A
(C) Less than A
(D) Cannot say, as the information given is insufficient

Q.10 In the figure ABC is the cross section of a right-

angled prism, and BCDE is the cross section of a glass
slab. The value of θ , so that light incident normally
(A) 60 cm (B) 30 cm (C) 90 cm (D) 40 cm
on the face AB does not cross the face BC, is (given
sin−1 ( 3 / 5 ) = 37o )
Q.15 An object is placed at a distance of 15 cm from a
convex lens of a focal length 10 cm. On the other side
B E of the lens, a convex mirror is placed at its focus such
that the image formed by the combination coincides
with the object itself. The focal length of the convex

mirror is



(A) θ ≤ 37o (B) θ > 37o

(C) θ ≤ 53o (D) θ < 53o O

Q.11 A small source of light is 4 m below the surface

of a liquid of refractive index 5/3. In order to cut off
all the light coming out of liquid surface, the minimum (A) 20 cm (B) 10 cm (C) 15 cm (D) 30 cm
diameter of the disc placed on the surface of liquid is:
(A) 3m (B) 4m (C) 6m (D) ∞ Q.16 Look at the ray diagram shown, what will be the
focal length of the 1st and the 2nd lens, if the incident
light ray is parallel to emergent ray.
Q.12 A point source of light is placed at a distance h
below the surface of a large deep lake. What is the st
percentage of light energy that escapes directly from Incident
the water surface? µ of the water=4/3? (Neglect partial
(A) 50% (B) 25% (C) 20% (D) 17% 5 cm 5 cm
1 6 . 6 8 | Geometrical Optics

(A) −5cm and −10cm (B) +5cm and +10cm π π

(A) cm (B) cm
(C) −5cm and +5cm (D) +5cm and +5cm 8 12
5π π
(C) cm (D) cm
Q.17 A point object is kept at the first focus of a convex 36 7
lens. If the lens starts moving toward right with a
constant velocity, the image will Q.22 Light ray is incident on a prism of angle A= 60°
and refractive index µ = 2 . The angle of incidence at
(A) Always move toward right
which the emergent ray grazes the surface is given by
(B) Always move toward left  3 −1 1 − 3 
(C) First move toward right and then toward left. (A) sin−1   (B) sin−1  
 2   2 
   
(D) First move toward left and then toward right.    2 
(C) sin−1   (D) sin−1  
 2   3
 
Previous Years’ Questions

Q.1 A student measures the focal length of convex lens

by putting an object pin at a distance ‘u’ from the lens
Q.18 A ray incident at an angle 53° on a prism emerges and measuring the distance ‘v’ of the image pin. The
at an angle of 37° as shown. If the angle of incidence graph between ‘u’ and ‘v’ plotted by the student should
is 50° , which of the following is a possible value of the look like (2002)
angle of emergence
v (cm) v (cm)

37 (A) (B)

O u (cm) O u (cm)

v (cm) v (cm)

(A) 35° (B) 42° (C) 40° (D) 38° (C) (D)

Q.19 A prism has a refractive index and a refracting O u (cm) O u (cm)
angle 90°. Find the minimum deviation produced by Q.2 An experiment is performed to find the refractive
the prism. index of glass using a travelling microscope. In this
experiment, distances are measured by  (2003)
(A) 40° (B) 45° (C) 30° (D) 49°
(A) A vernier scale provided on the microscope
Q.20 A certain prism is found to produce a minimum (B) A standard laboratory scale
deviation of 38° . It produces a deviation of 44° when
(C) A meter scale provided on the microscope
the angle of incidence is either 42° or 62° . What is the
angle of incidence when it is undergoing a minimum (D) A screw gauge provided on the microscope
(A) 45° (B) 49° (C) 40° (D) 55° Q.3 Two transparent media of refractive indices
µ1 and µ3 have a solid lens shaped transparent
material of refractive index µ2 between them as shown
Q.21 A thin prism of angle 5° is placed at a distance
in the figures in Column II. A ray traversing these media
of 10 cm from the object. What is the distance of the
is also shown in the figures. In Column I, the different
image from the object? (Given µ of prism = 1.5)
P hysi cs | 16.69

relationships between µ1 , µ2and µ3 are given. Match (A) The ray gets totally internally reflected at face CD.
them to the ray diagram shown in Column II. (2007) (B) The ray comes out through face AD.
(C) The angle between the incident ray and the
Column I Column II emergent ray is 90o.
(D) The angle between the incident ray and the
(A) µ1 < µ2 (p) emergent ray is 120o.

2 1
3 Q.5 The focal length of a thin biconvex lens is 20cm.
When an object is moved from a distance of 25 cm
in front of it to 50 cm, the magnification of its image
(B) µ1 > µ2 m
(q) changes from m25 to m50 . The ratio 25 is (2005)

Q.6 An object at distance 2.4 m in front of a lens forms

2 1
3 a sharp image on a film at distance 12 cm behind the
lens. A 1-cm-thick glass plate of refractive index 1.50 is
interposed between lens and film with its plane faces
(r) parallel to film. At what distance (from lens), should the
(C) µ2 =µ3 object be shifted to be in sharp focus on film? (2009)
(A) 7.2 m (B) 2.4 m (C) 3.2 m (D) 5.6m
3 1
Q.7 A spectrometer gives the following reading when
used to measure the angle of prism.
(D) µ (s)
Main scale reading: 58.5°
Vernier scale reading: 09 divisions
3 2 Given that 1 division on the main scale corresponds
to 0.5°. Total divisions on the vernier scale are 30 and
(t) match with 29 divisions of the main scale. The angle of
the prism from the above data (2011)
(A) 58.59° (B) 58.77°
1 (C) 58.65° (D) 59°

Q.8 An initially parallel cylindrical beam travels in a

medium of refractive index µ ( I ) = µ0 + µ2 I , where µ0
Q.4 A ray OP of monochromatic light is incident on and µ2 are positive constants, and I is the intensity of
the face AB of prism ABCD near vertex B at an incident the light beam. The intensity of the beam is decreasing
angle of 60o (see figure) If the refractive index of the with an increasing radius.
material of the prism is 3 , which of the following is As the beam enters the medium, it will (2013)
(are) correct? (2009)
(A) Diverge
(B) Converge
0 o (C) Diverge near the axis and converge near the
C (D) Travel as a cylindrical beam 4

Q.9 The initial shape of the wave in front of the beam is

o  (2000)
A (A) Convex
1 6 . 7 0 | Geometrical Optics

(B) Concave (A) The spectrum of visible light whose frequency is

more than that of green light will come out to the air
(C) Convex near the axis and concave near the periphery
(D) Planar
(B) The entire spectrum of visible light will come out of
the water at various angles to the normal.
Q.10 An object 2.4 m in front of a lens forms a sharp
image on a film 12 cm behind the lens. A glass plate (C) The entire spectrum of visible light will come out of
1cm thick, of refractive index 1.50 is interposed between the water at an angle of 90° to the normal.
lens and film with its plane faces parallel to film. At (D) The spectrum of visible light whose frequency is
what distance (from lens) should object be shifted to less than that of green light will come out to the air
be in sharp focus on film?  (2012) medium.
(A) 7.2 m (B) 2.4 m (C) 3.2 m (D) 5.6 m
Q.15 Monochromatic light is incident on a glass prism
Q.11 The graph between angle of deviation ( δ ) of angle A. If the refractive index of the material of the
and angle of incidence (i) for a triangular prism is prism is µ , a ray, incident at an angle θ , on the face AB
represented by:  (2013) would get transmitted through the face AC of the prism
provided:  (2015)


O i O i B C

     1  
(C) (D) (A) θ − sin−1 µ sin  A − sin−1    
   µ   
O O 
i i   1  
(B) θ > cos−1 µ sin  A + sin−1    
   µ   
Q.12 Diameter of plano-convex lens is 6 cm and
thickness at the centre is 3 mm. If speed of light in    1  
material of lens is 2 × 108 m / s , the focal length of the (C) θ < cos−1 µ sin  A + sin−1    
   µ   
lens is:  (2013)
(A) 20 cm (B) 30 cm (C) 10 cm (D) 15 cm    1  
(D) θ > sin−1 µ sin  A − sin−1    
   µ   
 3
Q.13 A thin convex lens made from crown glass  µ = 
 2
has focal length f. When it is measured in two different Q.16 Assuming human pupil to have a radius of 0.25
cm and a comfortable viewing distance of 25 cm, the
4 5
liquids having refractive indices and , it has the minimum separation between two objects that human
3 3 eye can resolve at 500 nm wavelength is:  (2015)
focal lengths f1 and f2 respectively. The correct relation
between the focal lengths is:  (2014) (A) 30 µm (B) 100 µm

(A) f2 > f and f1 becomes negative (C) 300 µm (D) 1 µm

(B) f1 and f2 both become negative

Q.17 In an experiment for determination of refractive
(C) f1= f2 < f index of glass of a prism by i − δ , plot, it was found that
(D) f1 > f and f2 becomes negative a ray incident at angle 35° , suffers a deviation of 40°
and that it emerges at angle 79° . In that case which of
the following is closest to the maximum possible value
Q.14 A green light is incident from the water to the
of the refractive index ?  (2016)
air – water interface at the critical angle ( θ ) . Select the
correct statement (2014) (A) 1.6 (B) 1.7 (C) 1.8 (D) 1.5
P hysi cs | 16.71

JEE Advanced/Boards

Exercise 1 Q.5 A balloon is rising up along the axis of a concave

mirror of radius of curvature 20 m. A ball is dropped
from the balloon at a height 15 m from the mirror when
Q.1 Two flat mirrors have their reflecting surfaces the balloon has velocity 20 m/s. Find the speed of the
facing each other, with an edge of one mirror in contact image of the ball formed by a concave mirror after 4 s?
with an edge of the other so that the angle between [Take: g = 10 m / s2 ]
the mirrors is 60° . Find all the angular positions of
the image with respect to x-axis. Take the case when
Q.6 An observer whose least distance of distinct vision
a point object is between the mirrors at (1, 1). Point of
is ‘d’ views his own face in a convex mirror of radius
intersections is (0, 0) and 1st mirror is along the x-axis.
or curvature ‘r’. Prove that the magnification produced
Q.2 In the figure shown, AB is a plane mirror of length cannot exceed .
40 cm placed at a height 40 cm from ground. There d + d2 + r 2
is a light source S at a point on the ground. Find the
minimum and maximum height of a man (eye height) Q.7 A surveyor on one bank of canal observes the
required to see the image of the source if he is standing images of the 4-inch mark and 17-ft mark on a vertical
at a point P on the ground as shown in the Fig. staff, which is partially immersed in the water and held
A against the bank directly opposite to him. He see that
40 cm

the reflected and refracted rays come from the same

point which is the center of the canal. If the 17-ft mark
B and the surveyor’s eye are both 6 ft above the water
level, estimate the width of the canal, assuming that the
40 cm

S P refractive index of the water is 4/3. Zero mark is at the

bottom of the canal.
20 cm 40 cm

Q.8 A ray of light travelling in air is incident at a grazing

Q.3 A plane mirror of circular shape with radius r=20 angle (incident angle = 90° ) on a long rectangular slab
cm is fixed to the ceiling. A bulb is placed on the axis of of a transparent medium of thickness t−1.0 (see figure).
the mirror. A circular area of radius R=1 on the floor is The point of incidence is the origin A (0, 0). The medium
illuminated after the reflection of light from the mirror. has a variable index of refraction n(y) given by
The height of the room is 3 m. What is the maximum
distance from the center of the mirror and the bulb so n( y ) =
ky 3/2 + 1 1.0 m−3/2 ,
, where k =
that the required area is illuminated?  
the refractive index of air is 1.0
Q.4 A concave mirror of focal length 20 cm is cut into y
two parts from the middle, and the two parts are moved Air P(x₁, y₁)
perpendicularly by a distance 1 cm from the previous
principal axis AB. Find the distance between the images
t. 1m

formed by the two parts?

B(x, y)
M1 Medium x
10 cm (0, 0) Air

1 cm
(i) Obtain a relation between the slope (dy/dx) of the
O 1 cm trajectory of the ray at a point B (x, y) in the medium
and the incident angle at that point.
(ii) Find the value of n sin i.
(iii) Obtain an equation for the trajectory y(x) of the ray
in the medium.
1 6 . 7 2 | Geometrical Optics

(iv) Determine the coordinate ( x1 y1 ) of point P, where

the ray intersects the upper surface of the slab–air I
boundary. o
(v) Indicate the path of the ray subsequently.
Q.9 A uniform, horizontal beam of light is incident O 10 m
upon a quarter cylinder of radius R = 5 cm and has W
a refractive index 2 / 3 . A patch on the table at a Q.14 The diagram shows five isosceles right-angled
distance ‘x’ from the cylinder is unilluminated. Find the prisms. A light ray incident at 90° at the first face
value of ‘x’? emerges at the same angle with the normal from
the last face. Find the relation between the refractive

Q.15 Two rays travelling parallel to the principal axis

2 4
R X 1 3 5

Q.10 An opaque cylindrical tank with an open top has

strike a large plano-convex lens of a refractive index
diameter of 3.00 m and is fully filled with water. When
of 1.60. If the convex face is spherical, a ray near
the sunlight reaches at an angle of 37° above the
the edge does not pass through the focal point
horizon, sunlight ceases to illuminate any part of the
(spherical aberration occurs). If this face has a radius
bottom of the tank. How deep the tank is?
of curvature of 20.0 cm and the two rays are at
= h1 0.50
= cm and h2 12.0 cm from the principal axis,
Q.11 A beam of parallel rays of width b propagates in then find the difference in the positions where they
a glass at an angle θ to its plane face. The beam width cross the principal axis.
after it enters into air through this face is _______ if the
refractive index of glass is µ .

C x
b Glass R

Q.16 A room contains air in which the speed of sound
Q.12 A parallel beam of light falls normally on the first is 340m/s. The walls of the room are made of concrete,
face of a prism of a small angle. At the second face, it is in which the speed of sound is 1700m/s. (a) Find the
partly transmitted and partly reflected, and the reflected critical angle for the TIR of sound at the concrete–air
beam strikes at the first face again and emerges from boundary. (b) In which medium must the sound be
it in a direction by making an angle 6°30' with the undergone the TIR?
reversed direction of the incident beam. The refracted
beam has undergone a deviation of 1°15' from the
Q.17 A rod made of glass ( µ =1.5 ) and of square cross
original direction. Find the refractive index of the glass
section is bent as shown in the figure. A parallel beam
and the angle of the prism.
of light falls perpendicularly on the plane flat surface A.
Referring to the diagram, d is the width of a side, and
Q.13 A light ray I is incident on a plane mirror M. The R is the radius of inner semicircle. Find the maximum
mirror is rotated in the direction as shown in the figure d
by an arrow at a frequency 9 / π rev / sec . The light value of ratio so that all the light rays entering the
reflected by the mirror is received on the wall W at a glass through surface A emerge from the glass through
distance 10 m from the axis of rotation. When the angle surface B.
of incidence becomes 37o, find the speed of the spot (a
point) on the wall?
P hysi cs | 16.73

of the bulb. (c) At this 7.50-m distance, a convex lens is

set up with its axis pointing toward the bulb. The lens
has a circular face with a diameter of 15.0 cm and a
focal length of 30.0 cm. Find the diameter of the image
d of the bulb formed on a screen kept at the location of
the image. (d) Find the light intensity at the image.

A 3
Q.23 A thin plano-convex lens fits exactly into a plano-
concave lens with their plane surface parallel to each
other as shown in the figure. The radius of curvature
Q.18 A prism of refractive index 2 has a refracting of the curved surface R = 30 cm. The lenses are
angle of 30° . One of the refracting surfaces of the made of different material having a refractive index
prism is polished. For the beam of monochromatic light =µ1 3 / 2and
= µ2 5 / 4 as shown in the Fig.
to retrace its path, find the angle of incidence on the
refracting surface.

1=3/2 1=5/4
Q.19 An equilateral prism deviates a ray by 23° for
two angles of incidence differing by 23° . Find µ of the

Q.20 A ray is incident on a glass sphere as shown

in the figure The opposite surface of the sphere is
partially coated with silver. If the net deviation of the
ray transmitted at the partially silvered surface is 1/3rd
(i) If plane surface of the plano-convex lens is coated
of the net deviation suffered by the ray reflected at the
with silver, then calculate the equivalent focal length
partially silvered surface (after emerging out of the
of this system and also the nature of this equivalent
sphere), find the refractive index of the sphere.

Partially (ii) An object having a transverse length of 5 cm in

silvered placed on the axis of equivalent mirror (in par 1) at
a distance 15 cm from the equivalent mirror along
the principal axis. Find the transverse magnification
produced by the equivalent mirror.

Q.24 Two identical convex lenses L1 and L2 are placed

at a distance of 20 cm from each other on the common
principal axis. The focal length of each lens is 15 cm,
and lens L2 is placed right to lens L1. A point object
Q.21 Two thin similar watch glass pieces are joined
is placed at a distance of 20 cm left to lens L1 on
together front to front, with rear convex portion is
the common principal axis of two lenses. Find where
coated with silver, and the combination of glass pieces
a convex mirror of radius of curvature 5 cm should
is placed at a distance α =60 cm from a screen. A
be placed to the right of L2 so that the final image
small object is placed normal to the optical axis of the
coincides with the object?
combination such that its two times magnified image
is formed on the screen. If air between the glass pieces
is replaced by water ( µ =4 / 3) , calculate the distance Q.25 A thin equiconvex lens of glass of a refractive
through which the object must be displaced so that a index µ =3 / 2 and a focal length 0.3 m in air is sealed
sharp image is again formed on the screen. into an opening at one end of a tank filled with water
( µ =4 / 3) . On the opposite side of the lens, a mirror
is placed inside the tank on the tank wall perpendicular
Q.22 A spherical light bulb with a diameter of 3.0 cm
to the lens axis, as shown in the figure. The distance
radiates light equally in all directions, with a power of
4.5π W. (a) Find the light intensity at the surface of the between the lens and the mirror is 0.8 m. A small object
is placed outside the tank in front of the lens at a
bulb. (b) Find the light intensity 7.50 m from the center
distance of 0.9 m from the lens along its axis. Find the
1 6 . 7 4 | Geometrical Optics

position (relative to the lens) of the image of the object (A) f/2, I/2 (B) f, I/4
formed by the system.
(C) 3f/4, I/2 (D) f, 3I/4
0.9 m 0.8 m
Q.5 An object is placed in front of a thin convex lens
of focal length 30 cm, and a plane mirror is placed 15
cm behind the lens. If the final image of the object

coincides with the object, the distance of the object
from the lens is
(A) 60 cm (B) 30 cm
(C) 15 cm (D) 25 cm

Q.6 A converging lens of a focal length 20 cm and

Exercise 2 diameter 5 cm is cut along line AB. The part of the lens
shaded in the diagram is used to form an image of a
Single Correct Choice Type point P placed 30 cm away from it on line XY, which is
perpendicular to the plane of the lens. The image of P
Q.1 An object is placed in front of a convex mirror will be formed.
at a distance of 50 cm. A plane mirror is introduced
covering the lower half of the convex mirror. If the
distance between the object and the plane mirror is 30
2 cm 2 cm
cm, there is no gap between the images formed by the B
two mirrors. The radius of the convex mirror is: 5 cm A
(A) 12.5 cm (B) 25 cm
(C) 50 cm (D) 100 cm 30 cm

Q.2 An infinitely long rod lies along the axis of a (A) 0.5 cm above XY (B) 1 cm below XY
concave mirror of a focal length f. the near end of the
rod is at a distance u>f from the mirror. Its image will (C) On XY (D) 1.5 cm below XY
have a length.
Q.7 A screen is placed 90 cm away from an object. The
(A) f 2 / (u − f ) (B) uf / (u − f) image of the object on the screen is formed by a convex
lens at two different locations separated by 20 cm. The
(C) f 2 / (u + f ) (D) uf / (u + f ) focal length of the lens is
(A) 18 cm (B) 21.4 cm
Q.3 A luminous point object is moving along the
principal axis of a concave mirror of a focal length 12 (C) 60 cm (D) 85.6 cm
cm toward it. When its distance from mirror is 20 cm,
its velocity is 4 cm/s. The velocity of the image in cm/s Q.8 In the above problem, if the sizes of the images
at that instant is: formed on the screen are 6 cm and 3 cm, then the
(A) 6 toward the mirror height of the object is nearly:

(B) 6 away from the mirror (A) 4.2 cm (B) 4.5 cm

(C) 9 away from the mirror (C) 5 cm (D) 9 cm

(D) 9 toward the mirror

Q.9 A concave mirror cannot form

Q.4 A thin lens has a focal length f, and its aperture (A) A virtual image of a virtual object
has a diameter d. It forms an image of intensity I. Now (B) A virtual image of a real object
the central part of the aperture up to diameter (d/2)
is blocked by an opaque paper. The focal length and (C) A real image of a real object
image intensity would change to (D) A real image of a virtual object
P hysi cs | 16.75

Multiple Correct Choice Type

Q.10 A reflecting surface is represented by the equation 1 2

2L  πx 
= y sin   ,0 ≤ × ≤ L . A ray travelling horizontally
π  L 
becomes vertical after reflection. The coordinates of
the point(s) where this ray is incident is

(A) µ1 < µ2 < µ3 (B) µ12 − µ22 > µ32

(C) µ12 − µ32 > µ22 (D) µ12 + µ22 > µ32

Q.13 For refraction through a small angle prism, the

angle of deviation:
(A) Increases with an increase in RI of prism.
(B) Will decrease with an increase in RI of prism.
 L 2L   L 3L  (C) Is directly proportional to the angle of prism.
(A)  ,  (B)  , 
4 π  3 π  (D) Will be 2 D for a ray of RI = 2.4 if it is d for a ray of
   
RI = 1.2.
 3L 2L   2L 3L 
(C)  ,  (D)  , 
 4 π   3 π 
    Q.14 For the refraction of light through a prism
(A) For every angle of deviation, there are two angles
Q.11 In the figure shown, consider the first reflection at of incidence.
the plane mirror and second at the convex mirror. AB
(B) The light travelling inside an equilateral prism is
is object.
necessarily parallel to the base when prism is set for a
minimum deviation.
(C) There are two angles of incidence for a maximum
(D) The angle of minimum deviation will increase if
refractive index of prism is increased keeping the
10cm 10cm 120cm outside medium unchanged if µp > µs .
Q.15 A man of height 170 cm wants to see his complete
image in a plane mirror (while standing). His eyes are at
(A) The second image is real, inverted by 1/5th a height of 160 cm from the ground.
magnification w.r.t. AB.
(A) Minimum length of the mirror=80 cm.
(B) The second image is virtual and erect by 1/5th
(B) Minimum length of the mirror=85 cm.
magnification w.r.t. AB.
(C) Bottom of the mirror should be at a height 80 cm
(C) The second image moves toward the convex mirror.
or less.
(D) The second image moves away from the convex
(D) Bottom of the mirror should be at a height 85 cm.

Q.16 A flat mirror M is arranged parallel to a wall W

Q.12 In the diagram shown, a ray of light is incident
at a distance l from it. The light produced by a point
on the interface between 1 and 2 at an angle slightly
sources S kept on the wall is reflected by the mirror and
greater than the critical angle. The light undergoes
produces a light spot on the wall. The mirror moves
TIR at this interface. After that, the light ray falls at
with a velocity v toward the wall.
interfaces 1 and 3, and again it undergoes TIR. Which
of the following relations should hold true?
1 6 . 7 6 | Geometrical Optics

Wall O
l A


(A) The spot of light will move with the speed v on the Q.19 A lens is placed in the XYZ coordinate system such
wall. that its optical center is the origin and the principal axis
is along the x-axis. The focal length of the lens is 20 cm.
(B) The spot of light will not move on the wall. A point object has been placed at the point (-40 cm, +1
(C) As the mirror comes closer, the spot of light will cm, −1 cm). Which of the following are correct about
become larger and shift away from the wall with a coordinates of the image?
speed larger than v. (A) x = 40 cm (B) y =+1 cm
(D) The size of the light spot on the wall remains the (C) z = +1 cm (D) z=−1 cm
Q.20 Which of the following can form a diminished,
Q.17 Two reflecting media are separated by a spherical virtual and erect image of your face.
interface as shown in the figure. PP’ is the principal axis;
µ1 and µ2 are the medium of refraction, respectively, (A) Converging mirror (B) Diverging mirror
then, (C) Converging lens (D) Diverging lens

2 1 Assertion Reasoning Type

Q.21 Statement-I: If a source of light is placed in front
of rough wall, its image is not seen.
Statement-II: The wall does not reflect light.
(A) If µ2 > µ1 , then there cannot be a real image of a
real project. (A) Statement-I is true, and statement-II is true;
statement-II is correct explanation for statement-I
(B) If µ2 > µ1 , then there cannot be a real image of a
virtual object. (B) Statement-I is true, and statement-II is true; statement
-II is NOT the correct explanation for statement-I.
(C) If µ1 > µ2 , then there cannot be a virtual image of a
virtual object. (C) Statement-I is true, and statement-II is false.
(D) If µ1 > µ2 , then there cannot be a real image of a (D) Statement-I is false, and statement-II is true.
real object.
Q.22 Statement-I: As the distance x of a parallel ray
Q.18 A luminous point object is placed at O. whose from axis increases, the focal length decreases
image is formed at I as shown in the figure. AB is the
optical axis. Which of the following statements are
correct? X
(A) If a lens is used to obtain an image, the lens must
be converging. P A C Axis

(B) If a mirror is used to obtain an image, the mirror

must be a convex mirror having a pole at the point of
intersection of lines OI and AB. Statement-II: As x increases, the distance from the
pole to the point of intersection of a reflected ray with
(C) Position of the principal focus of mirror cannot be
the principal axis decreases.
(A) Statement-I is true, and statement-II is true;
(D) I is a real image.
statement-II is correct explanation for statement-I.
P hysi cs | 16.77

(B) Statement-I is true, and statement-II is true; (A) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true, and
statement-II is NOT the correct explanation for statement-II is the correct explanation for statement-I.
(B) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true, and
(C) Statement-I is true, and statement-II is false. statement-II is NOT the correct explanation for
(D) Statement-I is false, and statement-II is true.
(C) Statement-I is true, and statement-II is false.
Q.23 Statement-I: When an object dipped in a liquid is (D) Statement-I is false, and statement-II is true.
viewed normally, the distance between the image and
the object is independent of the height of the liquid
Comprehension Type
above the object.
Statement-II: The normal shift is independent of Paragraph 1: Spherical aberration in spherical mirrors
the location of the slab between the object and the is a defect that is due to the dependence of focal length
observer. ‘f’ on the angle of incidence ' θ ' as shown in the figure
is given by
(A) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true, and
statement-II is the correct explanation for statement-I. R
R− sec θ ,
(B) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true, and
statement-II is NOT the correct explanation for where R is radius of curvature of mirror and q is the angle
statement-I. of incidence. The rays that are close to the principal axis
are called marginal rays. As a result, different rays focus
(C) Statement-I is true, and statement-II is false. at different points and the image of a point object is
(D) Statement-I is false, and statement-II is true. not a point.

Q.24 Statement-I: When two plane mirrors are kept Q.26 If fp and fm represent the focal length of paraxial
perpendicular to each other as shown in the figure (O is and marginal rays, respectively, then the correct
the point object), three images will be formed. relationship is:
(A) fp = fm (B) fp > fm
(C) fp < fm (D) none

Q.27 If the angle of incidence is 60o, then the focal

O length of this ray is:
(A) R (B) R/2
(C) 2R (D) 0
Statement-II: In case of a multiple reflection, the image
of one surface can act as an object for the next surface. Paragraph 2: A student is performing Young’s double
(A) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true, and slit experiment. There are two slits S1 and S2. The
statement-II is the correct explanation for statement-I. distance between them is d. There is a large screen
at a distance D (D >>d) from the slits. The setup is
(B) Statement-I is true, statement-II is true, and shown in the following figure. A parallel beam of light
statement-II is NOT the correct explanation for is incident on it. A monochromatic light of wavelength
statement-I. λ is used. The initial phase difference between the two
(C) Statement-I is true, and statement-II is false. slits behave as two coherent sources of light is zero.
The intensities of light waves on the screen coming
(D) Statement-I is false, and statement-II is true. out of S1 and S2 are same, i.e. I0 . In this situation, the
principal maximum is formed at point P. At the point
Q.25 Statement-I: Keeping a point object fixed, if a on screen where the principal maximum is formed, the
plane mirror is moved, the image will definitely move. phase difference between two interfering waves is zero.
Statement-II: In case of a plane mirror, the distance
between a point object and its image from a given
point on mirror is equal.
1 6 . 7 8 | Geometrical Optics

point P (see figure). The value of α is

t (µ − 1) t (µ − 1)
S (A) sin−1 (B) cos−1
d d
O d P
S t (µ − 1)D tD
(C) sin−1 (D) sin−1
d d

Q.28 The total deviation suffered by the ray falling on Q.34 Match the Column
the mirror at an angle of incidence 60o is
Column I Column II
(A) 180o (B) 90o
(A) Conversing system (p) Convex lens
(C) Cannot be determined (D) None
(B) Concave lens (q) Concave lens
(C) A virtual image is formed by (r) Concave mirror
Q.29 For paraxial rays, focal length approximately is
(D) Magnification < 1 is possible (s) Convex mirror
(A) R (B) R/2
(C) 2R (D) none

Q.30 Which of the following statements are correct Previous Years’ Questions
regarding spherical aberration:
(A) It can be completely eliminated. Q.1 A student performed the experiment of
determination of the focal length of a concave mirror
(B) It cannot be completely eliminated, but it can be by u-v method using an optical bench of length 1.5
minimized by allowing either paraxial or marginal rays m. The focal length of the mirror used is 24 cm. The
to hit the mirror. maximum error in the location of the image can be 0.2
(C) It is reduced by taking mirrors with large aperture. cm. The five sets of (u, v) values recorded by the student
(in cm) are: (42, 56), (48, 48), (60, 40), (66, 33) and (78,
(D) None of these. 39). The data set (s) that cannot come from experiment
and is (are) incorrectly recorded, is (are) (1999)
Q.31 Initially, the distance of third minima from principal
(A) (42, 56) (B) (48, 48)
maxima will be
(C) (66, 33) (D) (78, 39)
3λD 3λD
(A) (B)
2d d
Q.2 A light beam travels from Region I to Region IV
5λD 5λD (See figure). The refractive index in Regions I, II, III and
(C) (D) n n
4d 2d IV are n0 , 0 and 0 , respectively. The angle of incidence
6 8
Q.32 A glass slab of thickness t and refractive index θ for which the beam misses entering Region IV (as in
µ is introduced before S2 . Now, P does not remain the figure): (2004)
the point of principal maximum. Suppose the principal
Region I Region II Region III Region IV
maximum forms at a point P’ on screen, then PP’ is
equal to n0 n0 n0
tD ( µ − 1 ) tD ( µ − 1 ) 2 6 8
(A) (B)
d 2d
0 0.2 m 0.6 m
D (µ − 1) D (µ − 1)
(C) (D) 3 1
t d (A) sin−1   (B) sin−1  
4 8
Q.33 Use the statement given in previous question. 1 1
Now, a parallel beam is incident at an angle α w.r.t. line (C) sin−1   (D) sin−1  
  3
OP, such that the principal maximum again comes at
P hysi cs | 16.79

Q.3 An optical component and an object s placed (C) The intensity of the characteristics X-rays depends
along its optical axis are given in column I. The distance on the electrical power given to the X-ray tube.
between the object and the component can be varied.
(D) Cutoff wavelength of the continuous X-rays depends
The properties of images are given in column II. Match
on the energy of the electrons in the X-ray tube.
all the properties of images from column II with the
appropriate components given in column I. Indicate
your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles of
1 1
the 4 x 4 matrix given in the ORS. (2006) Air Air
(A) (B)
Meta-material Meta-material 2
Column I Column II 2


S (p) Real image

1 1
Air Air
S (q) Virtual image (C) (D)
Meta-material Meta-material
2 2


(r) Magnified image Paragraph: Most materials have a refractive index n >1.
Therefore, when a light ray from air enters a naturally
sin θ1 n2
occurring material, then by the Snell’s law, =
sin θ2 n2
(D) , it is understood that the refracted ray bends toward
(s) Image at infinity
the normal, but it never emerges on the same side
of the normal as the incident ray. According to the
electromagnetism, the refractive index of the medium is
given by the relation, n =   = ± ε1µ1 , where c is the
Q.4 Two beams of red and violet colors are pass v
separately through a prism (angle of the prism is 60o). speed of electromagnetic waves in vacuum, v is its speed
In the position of minimum deviation, the angle of in the medium, ε1 and µ1 are the relative permittivity
refraction will be (2007) and permeability of the medium, respectively. In a
normal material, both ε1 and µ1 are positive, implying
(A) 30o for both the colors positive n for the medium. When both ε1 and µ1 are
(B) Greater for the violet color negative, one must choose the negative root of n. Such
materials with negative refractive indices can now be
(C) Greater for the red color artificially prepared and are called meta-materials.
(D) Equal but not 30o for both the colors They exhibit a significantly different optical behavior,
without violating any physical laws. Since n is negative,
it results in a change in the direction of propagation
Q.5 Which one of the following statements is WRONG
of the refracted light. However, similar to the normal
in the context of X-rays generated from an X-ray tube?
materials, the frequency of light remains unchanged
upon refraction even in meta-materials. (2012)
(A) The wavelength of the characteristics X-rays
decreases when the atomic number of the target
(B) The cutoff wavelength of the continuous X-rays
depends on the atomic number of the target.
1 6 . 8 0 | Geometrical Optics

Q.6 For light incident from air on a meta-material, the (B) Real and at a distance of 16 cm from the mirror
appropriate ray diagram is  (C) Virtual and at a distance of 20 cm from the mirror
(D) Real and at a distance of 20 cm from the mirror

1 1 Q.10 The image of an object approaching a convex

mirror of a radius of curvature 20 m along its optical
(A) (B)
25 50
Air Air

Meta-material Meta-material axis moves from m to m in 30 s. What is the

2 3 7
2 speed of the object in km/h? (2011)

Q.11 A bi-convex lens is formed with two thin plano-

convex lenses as shown in the figure. Refractive index n of
1 1 the first lens is 1.5 and that of the second lens is 1.2. Both
Air the curved surfaces are of the same radius of curvature R
Meta-material Meta-material
= 14 cm. For this bi-convex lens, for an object distance of
2 2 40 cm, the image distance will be –  (2012)

n = 1.5 n = 1.2
Q.7 Choose the correct statement.

(A) The speed of light in the meta-material is v= c n .

(B) The speed of light in the meta-material is v= .
(C) The speed of light in the meta-materials is v = c. R = 14 cm
(D) The wavelength of the light in the meta-material (A) – 280.0 cm (B) 40.0 cm (C) 21.5 cm (D) 13.3 cm
( λm ) is given by λm =λair n , where λair is the
wavelength of the light in air. Q.12 A transparent slab of thickness d has a refractive
index n (z) that increases with z. Here z is the vertical
distance inside the slab, measured from the top. The slab
Q.8 A biconvex lens is formed with two thin plano- is placed between two media with uniform refractive
convex lenses as shown in the figure. Refractive index n indices n1 and n2 ( > n1 ) , as shown in the figure. A ray
of the first lens is 1.5 and that of the second lens is 1.2. of light is incident with angle θ1 from medium 1 and
Both curved surfaces are of same radius of curvature emerges in medium 2 with refraction angle θf with a
R = 14 cm. For this biconvex lens, for an object distance lateral displacement l. (2016)
of 40 cm, the image distance will be (2009)
Which of the following statement (s) is (are) true?
n = 1.5 n = 1.2
n1 = constant 1


R = 14 cm

Q.9 A biconvex lens of focal length 15 cm is in front of

n2 = constant l 2
a plane mirror. The distance between the lens and the
mirror is 10 cm. A small object is kept at a distance of

30 cm from the lens. The final image is  (2011)
(A) Virtual and at a distance of 16 cm from the mirror
P hysi cs | 16.81

(A) n1 sin
= θi n2 sin θf Q.16 A right angled prism of refractive index µ1, is
placed in a rectangular block of refractive index µ2,
(B) n1 sin θ=
i (n2 − n1 ) sin θf which is surrounded by a medium of refractive index
(C) l is independent of n2 µ3 , as shown in the figure. A ray of light ‘e’ enters the
(D) l is dependent on n (z) rectangular block at normal incidence. Depending
upon the relationships between µ1 , µ2 and µ3 , it takes
one of the four possible paths ‘ef’, ‘eg’, ‘eh’, or ‘ei’.
Q.13 A small object is placed 50 cm to the left of a thin
convex lens of focal length 30 cm. A convex spherical f
mirror of radius of curvature 100 cm is placed to the
right of the lens at a distance of 50 cm. The mirror is 45

tilted such that the axis of the mirror is at an angle e g

θ= 30° to the axis of the lens, as shown in the figure. 1
 (2015) i h
f = 30 cm
2 3

(-50, 0) (0, 0) Match the paths in list I with conditions of refractive
R = 100 cm indices in list II and select the correct answer using the
codes given below the lists: (2013)
50 cm

(50+503, -50) List I List II

P. 1. µ1 > 2 µ2
If the origin of the coordinate system is taken to be at e→ f
the centre of the lens, the coordinates (in cm) of the
point (x, y) at which the image is formed are (2016) Q. 2. µ2 > µ1 and µ2 > µ3
e→ g

(A) 25, 25 3 ) (
(B) 125 / 3, 25 / 3 ) R.
e→ h
3. µ1 = µ2

(C) (50 − 25 3 , 25 ) (D) (0, 0)

S. 4. µ2 < µ1 < 2 µ2 and
e→ i
Q.14 A ray of light travelling in the direction
1 ˆ
i + 3 ˆj( ) µ 2 > µ3

is incident on a plane mirror. After reflection, it travels

along the direction

1 ˆ
i + 3 ˆj . The angle of incidence Codes:

is (2013) P Q R S
A 2 3 1 4
(A) 30° (B) 45° (C) 60° (D) 75°
B 1 2 4 3
Q.15 The image of an object, formed by a plano-convex C 4 1 2 3
lens at a distance of 8 m behind the lens, is real and is
D 2 3 4 1
one-third the size of the object. The wavelength of light
inside the lens is times the wavelength in free space.
The radius of the curved surface of the lens is  (2013) Q.17 A transparent thin film of uniform thickness
and refractive index n1 = 1.4 is coated on the convex
(A) 1 m (B) 2 m (C) 3 m (D) 4 m
spherical surface of radius R at one end of a long solid
glass cylinder of refractive index n2 = 1.5 , as shown
in the figure. Rays of light parallel to the axis of the
cylinder traversing through the film from air to glass
1 6 . 8 2 | Geometrical Optics

get focused at distance f1 from the film, while rays of

List I List II
light traversing from glass to air get focused at distance
f2 from the film. Then (2014) R -r

S r

(A) f1 = 3R (B) f1 = 2.8R

(C) f2 = 2R (D) f2 = 1.4R

Q.18 A point source S is placed at the bottom of a (A) P-1, Q-2, R-3, S-4
transparent block of height 10 mm and refractive index
2.72. It is immersed in a lower refractive index liquid as (B) P-2, Q-4, R-3, S-1
shown in the figure. It is found that the light emerging (C) P-4, Q-1,R-2, S-3
from the block to the liquid forms a circular bright spot
(D) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4
of diameter 11.54 mm on the top of the block. The
refractive index of the liquid is  (2014)
Q.20 Consider a concave mirror and a convex lens
Liquid (refractive index = 1.5) of focal length 10 cm each,
separated by a distance of 50 cm in air (refractive
Block index = 1) as shown in the figure. An object is placed
S at a distance of 15 cm from the mirror. Its erect image
(A) 1.21 (B) 1.30 (C) 1.36 (D) 1.42 formed by this combination has magnification M1 .
When the set-up is kept in a medium of refractive index
Q.19 Four combinations of two thin lenses are given in 7/6, the magnification becomes M2 . The magnitude
list I. The radius of curvature of all curved surfaces is r M2
is (2015)
and the refractive index of all the lenses is 1.5. Match M1
lens combinations in List I with their focal length in
list II and select the correct answer using the code given
below the lists.  (2014) Q.21 Two identical glass rods S1 and S2 (refractive
index = 1.5) have one convex end of radius of curvature
10 cm. They are placed with the curved surfaces at a
List I List II
distance d as shown in the figure, with their axes (shown
P 2r by the dashed line) aligned. When a point source of
light P is placed inside rod S1 on its axis at a distance of
50 cm from the curved face, the light rays emanating
from it are found to be parallel to the axis inside S2 .
The distance d is  (2015)

Q r/2
S1 P S2

50 cm d

(A) 60 cm (B) 70 cm
(C) 80 cm (D) 90 cm
P hysi cs | 16.83

Q.22 A monochromatic beam of light is incident at (C) NA of S1 placed in air is the same as that of S2
60° on one face of an equilateral prism of refractive 4
index n and emerges from the opposite face making an immersed in liquid of refractive index .
angle θ (n) with the normal (see the figure). For n = 3
dθ (D) NA of S1 placed in air is the same as that of S2 placed
the value of θ is 60° and = m. The value of m is in water.
Q.24 A parallel beam of light is incident from air at an
angle α on the side PQ of a right angled triangular
prism of refractive index n = 2 . Light undergoes total

internal reflection in the prism at the face PR when α
has a minimum value of 45° . The angle θ of the prism
is  (2016)

Paragraph 1: Light guidance in an optical fiber can
be understood by considering a structure comprising
of thin solid glass cylinder of refractive index n1
n =2
surrounded by a medium of lower refractive index n2.
The light guidance in the structure takes place due to Q
successive total internal reflections at the interface of
the media n1 and n2 as shown in the figure. All rays (A) 15° (B) 22.5° (C) 30° (D) 45°
with the angle of incidence i less than a particular value
im are confined in the medium of refractive index n1. Q.25 A plano-convex lens is made of a material of
The numerical aperture (NA) of the structure is defined refractive index n. When a small object is placed 30
as sin im cm away in front of the curved surface of the lens, an
image of double the size of the object is produced.
n1 > n2 Due to reflection from the convex surface of the lens,
another faint image is observed at a distance of 10 cm
away from the lens. Which of the following statement(s)
Cladding n2

is(are) true?  (2016)
i n1 (A) The refractive index of the lens is 2.5
(B) The radius of curvature of the convex surface is
45 cm
(C) The faint image is erect and real
(D) The focal length of the lens is 20 cm
Q.23 For two structures namely S1 with n1 = 45 / 4
and n2 = 3 / 2 and S2 with n1 = 8 / 5 and n2 = 7 / 5
and taking the refractive index of water to be 4/3 and
that of air to be 1, the correct option(s) is(are)  (2015)

(A) NA of S1 immersed in water is the same as that of

S2 immersed in a liquid of refractive index
3 15
(B) NA of S1 immersed in liquid of refractive index
is the same as that of S2 immersed in water 15
1 6 . 8 4 | Geometrical Optics

MASTERJEE Essential Questions

JEE Main/Boards JEE Advanced/Boards

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
Q.11 Q.12 Q.24 Q.3 Q.4 Q.8
Q.13 Q.22 Q.23

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
Q. 3 Q.5 Q.7 Q.6 Q.9 Q.11
Q.8 Q.10 Q.18 Q.24 Q.25 Q.30
Q.23 Q.27 Q.37 Q.31 Q.33

Answer Key

JEE Main/ Boards

Exercise 1
Q.1 2.12 × 108 ms−1 Q.2 u=−30 cm
3 × 10
Q.4 m / s Q.5 The image is formed on the same side of object.
Q.9 (b) (i) When the refractive index of the medium increases, the resolving power increases.
(ii) When the wavelength of the radiation increases, the resolving power decreases.
Q.11 For convex lens +7.5 cm, for concave lens +48 cm.
Q.12 A virtual image of height 10 cm is formed at a distance of 25 cm from the lens on the same side of the object.
Q.14 The angle of deviation is decreased.
Q.16 (i) +5 D; (ii) 10 cm Q.17 25 cm Q.20 feq = ∞
Q.21 (ii) -10 Q.23 (a) 5 Q.24 2.14
= f0 40cm;
= fe 5cm

Exercise 2

Single Correct Choice Type

Q.1 A Q.2 B Q.3 A Q.4 C Q.5 B Q.6 A
Q.7 D Q.8 D Q.9 A Q.10 A Q.11 C Q.12 D
P hysi cs | 16.85

Q.13 B Q.14 B Q.15 B Q.16 C Q.17 D Q.18 D

Q.19 C Q.20 B Q.21 C Q.22 A

Previous Years’ Questions

Q.1 D Q.2 A Q.3 A → p, r; B → q, s, t; C → p, r, t; D → q, s
Q.4 A,B,C Q.5 6 Q.6 D Q.7 C Q.8 B Q.9 D
Q.10 D Q.11 B Q.12 B Q.13 D Q.14 D Q.15 D
Q.16 A Q.17 D

JEE Advanced/Boards
Exercise 1
Q.1 (i) 75o (ii) 165° (iii) 195° (iv) 285° (v) 315°
Q.2 160 cm; 320 cm Q.3 75 cm Q.4 2 cm Q.5 80 m/s Q.7 16 ft
(iii) y = k 2 ( x / 4 ) (iv) 4.0,1;
Q.8 (i) tan=
θ = cot i (ii)1
(v) It will become parallels to x-axis Q.9 5 cm Q.10 h=5.95 m Q.11 Same Q.12 1.625
Q.13 1000 m/s Q.14 µ12 + µ32 + µ52 = 2 + µ22 + µ24 Q.15 9 m

1 d 1 43
Q.16 (a) sin−1   (b) air Q.17   = Q.18 45° Q.19
5  R max 2 5
Q.20 3 Q.21 15 cm toward the combination
2 2
Q.22 (a) 5000 W / m (b) 0.02 W / m (c) 0.214 cm (d) 24.56 W / m2
Q.23 +60, +4/5 Q.24 5.9 cm, 10.9 cm
Q.25 90 cm from the lens toward right

Exercise 2

Single Correct Choice Type

Q.1 B Q.2 A Q.3 C Q.4 D Q.5 B Q.6 D

Q.7 B Q.8 A Q.9 A

Multiple Correct Choice Type

Q.10 B, D Q.11 B, C Q.12 B, C Q.13 A, C Q.14 A, B, D Q.15 B, C
Q.16 B, D Q.17 A, C Q.18 A, D Q.19 A, C Q.20 B, D

Assertion Reasoning Type

Q.21 C Q.22 A Q.23 D Q.24 D Q.25 D

Comprehension Type
Q.26 B Q.27 D Q.28 D Q.29 B Q.30 B Q.31 D
Q.32 A Q.33 A
1 6 . 8 6 | Geometrical Optics

Match the Column

Q.34 A → p, r; B → q, s; C → p, q, r, s; D → p, q, r, s

Previous Years’ Questions

Q.1 C, D Q.2 B Q.3 A → p, q, r, s; B → q; C → p, q, r, s; D → p, q, r, s
Q.4 A Q.5 B Q.6 C Q.7 B Q.8 B Q.9 B
Q.10 3 Q.11 B Q.12 A, C, D Q.13 A Q.14 A Q.15 C
Q.16 D Q.17 A, C Q.18 C Q.19 B Q.20 7 Q.21 B
Q.22 2 Q.23 A, C Q.24 A Q.25 A, D


JEE Main/Boards (ii) Focal length of a concave lens depends on the

refractive index µ of the medium which in-turn
depends upon the wavelength of light. µ decreases with
Exercise 1 increasing wavelength. So for red light µ will decrease.
1  1 1 
 A + δm   90  1 As per lens maker’s formula  = (µ − 1)  −   as
sin   sin  
2 2  f  R1 R 2  
Sol 1:=
µ  =   =  = 2 2
A  60  1 / 2 µ decrease, f increase.
sin sin  
2  2 
Here A = 60 , δm = 30 .
o o Sol 4: Total internal reflection (TIR) takes place when
light travels from denser medium towards rarer medium
c c 3 × 108 and at the interface the angle of incidence exceeds θc,
Now μ = ⇒v= ⇒v= = 2.12×108 ms-1
v µ 2 the critical angle, and the incident beam is completely
reflected at the boundary (interface). Critical angle
1 1 1  µ 
Sol 2: Lens Formula: − =. Let object is θc =sin−1  Rarer 
v u f µ
 Denser 
placed at distance x from lens and image is found
1 1 1 c
at distance y from lens. For real image v is positive 45= sin−1   ⇒ = ⇒ µ= = 2
  µ 2 v
v +y
v= + y, u = − x, m = == −2 (For real image m
u −x c 3 × 108
1 1 1 1 1 ⇒ v= = = 2.12 × 108 ms−1
is negative) ⇒ y = 2x …..(i) − = − = (f is 2 2
v u y −x 20
positive for convex lens)
Sol 5: Lens formula.
1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
⇒ + = (using (1)) ⇒ = ⇒ x= = 30 cm − (for concave lens f is ( − ) ve)
2x x 20 2x 20 v u f
1 1 1
u=-30 cm Now for u = − f, − =
v −f −f
1 1 1 2 f
Sol 3: (i) Focal length of a concave mirror is independent =− − =− ⇒ v =−
v f f f 2
of the medium and wavelength of light. So there will
not be any change. Image is virtual, diminished and on the same side as
P hysi cs | 16.87

Sol 6:  Putting these expressions with proper signs, in eqn. A,

n1 n2n2 − n1
we get + =
m −u v R1

1  1 1 
Lens Maker’s Formula: (n− 1) 
= − 
f  R1 R 2 
L1=L2 As wavelength of light increases, the refractive index n
r1=r2 decreases and from the lens maker formula we see that,
as n decreases, f increases.
The variation of angle of deviation δ with the angle
of incidence i of the ray incident on the first refracting
surface of the prism is shown in figure. For one angle of Sol 9: (i) Magnifying power:
incidence it has a minimum value δmin . At this value the
ray passes symmetrically through the prism. vD 
m=   for normal adjustment
u  fe 
Sol 7: For relaxed eye, intermediate image should lie at v D
first focus of eye piece or ue = fe
=  1 +  for final image at D, least distance for
u fe 
B f0 fe clear vision.
1 2µ sin θ
(ii) Resolving Power: =
R =
∆d λ
Fo Fe
A O A’ F’e E
µ → Refractive index of the medium between the
B’ object and the objective.
λ → Wavelength of light.

f0 Eye piece
Magnification M∞ = Vo Uo
uo fo
Sol 8: Reflection from a spherical surface: Here n1 < n2 . h F
Ray leaves point O and focuses at point I. Snell’s Law at ’
point P n1 sin= θ1 n2 sin θ2 or n1 θ1 = n2 θ2 (For small


 B Q₂ 
O M C I Image
n₁ n₂
Here we see that
u R
(i) as µ increases, R increases.

From geometry of figure


θ1 = α + β, β = θ2 + γ
 P’ E
n1 P P’’ O ’ 
Eliminating θ1and θ2 we get =
β ( α + β) + γ
n2 O’

Or n1 α + n2=
γ (n2 − n1 ) β ……….(A)
Now angle at C is=
β =(S arc(PM))
S S Q’’
Also in paraxial approximation
= α and
= γ
u v
(ii) as λ increases, R decreases.
1 6 . 8 8 | Geometrical Optics

Sol 10: Refracting astronomical telescope: It consists of Sol 14: Angle of minimum deviation δm and angle of
an objective lens of a large focal length (fo) and large
aperture, also an eye lens of small aperture and focal  A + δm 
sin  
length.  2 
prism A are related as, µ =
(i) Magnification when final image is formed at D, A
sin  
fo  fe  2
⇒m=−  1 +  and length of telescope, Glass prism of refractive index 1.5 is immersed in a
fe  D
liquid of refractive index 1.3 so the relative refractive
fe D 1.5
L = |fo| + index of the prism decreases. µ=' = 1.15
fe + D 1.3
So as per above equation as A is constant for a prism,
Sol 11: (i) Lens formula as µ decreases, δm also decreases.

1 1 1
− = Sol 15: [Refer question 7 solution]
v u f
u=+12 cm, f =
+20 cm
Sol 16: Consider an object O placed at a distance u
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
⇒ = + = + =  + = from a convex lens as shown in figure. Let its image I
v u f 12 20 4  3 5  4 × 15 after two refractions from spherical surfaces of radii R1
⇒v=+7.5 cm (positive) and R2 (negative) be formed at a distance v
from the lens. Let v1 be the distance of image formed
1 1 1 4 −3 1
(ii) f = −16 cm ⇒ = − = = by refraction from the refracting surface of radius R1.
v 12 16 48 48 This image acts as an object for the second surface.
⇒v=+48 cm Using,

µ2 µ1 µ2 − µ1
1  1 1  − =
Sol 12: = (µ − 1)  −  v u R
f  R1 R 2  Incident light

Here R1 = +30 cm ;R 2 = −30 cm; µ = 1.6

1  1  2 1 R₂ R₁
⇒ = (0.6 )   × 2= = ⇒ f + 25 cm
f 30
  50 25
O C₂ 1 1 C₁ I
1 1 1 1 1 1 2
u=12.5 cm, = + = − = −
v f u 25 12.5 25
h2 v −25
⇒v= −25 cm , m = = = = 2 +ve
h1 u −12.5
u v
⇒ h2 =2h1 =2 × 5 cm =10 cm
µ2 µ1µ2 − µ1
Image is virtual and erect, on the same side as the twice, we have − = 
....(i) ... (i)
v1 u R
µ1 µ2 µ1 − µ2
and − = ....(ii) ... (ii)
v v1 −R 2
Sol 13: Predominance of bluish colour in a clear sky
is due to the phenomena of scattering of light in the Adding Eqs. (i) and (ii) and then simplifying, we get
atmosphere around earth. If size of the air particles
are smaller than the wavelength, the scattering is 1 1  µ2  1 1 
− =  − 1  −  .....(iii) ... (iii)
proportional to 1 / λ 4 . This is the Rayleigh’s law of v u 
scattering. The light of short wavelengths are strongly  µ1  R1 R 2 
scattered by the air molecules and reach the observer. This expression relates the image distance v of the
image formed by a thin lens to the object distance u
Among the shorter wavelengths, the colour blue is
and to the thin lens properties (index of refraction and
present in large proportion in sunlight.
radii of curvature). It is valid only for paraxial rays and
P hysi cs | 16.89

only when the lens thickness is much less then R1 and Sol 19: (a) (i)
R2. The focal length f of a thin lens is the image distance Q
that corresponds to an object at infinity. So, putting
u= ∞ and v = f in the above equation, we have
 P’ E
P P’’ O ’ 
1  µ2  1 1 
= − 1 
 −  ....(iv) O’
f  µ1  R1 R 2 
If the refractive index of the material of the lens is µ
and it is placed in air, µ2 =µ and µ1 =1 so that Eq. (iv)
1  1 1  (ii) Reflector telescope advantages:
= (µ − 1)  −  ....(v)
f  R1 R 2  1. Reflector telescopes do not suffer from chromatic
This is called the lens maker’s formula because it can aberration because all wavelengths will reflect off the
be used to determine the values of R1 and R2 that are mirror in the same way.
needed for a given refractive index and a desired focal 2. Support for the objective mirror is all along the back
length f. side so they can be made very BIG.
Combining Eqs. (iii) and (v), we get 3. Reflector telescopes are cheaper to make than
1 1 1 refractors of the same size.
− = ....(vi) which is known as the lens formula.
v u f 4. Because light is reflecting off the objective, rather
(i) P = P1 + P2 = 10D − 5D = 5D than passing through it, only one side of the reflector
telescope’s objective needs to be perfect.
1 1 v
(ii)f = = =0.2m =20 cm; m =+ 2= (b) f1 = +10 cm, f2 = -10 cm, u = -30 cm.
P 5D u
⇒v= 2u 1 1 1 1 1 2
= + = − = ⇒ v1 =15 cm
v1 f1 u1 10 30 30
For virtual image m is positive
So for the concave lens
1 1 1 1 1 1
= + ⇒ − =
v f u 2u u 20 u2 =
+(15 − 5) cm =
+10 cm
1 1
⇒− = ⇒ u = −10 cm B f0 fe
2u 20

Sol 17:
Fo Fe
1 1 O A’ F’e E
P = P1 + P2 = 6 − 2 = 4D ⇒ f = = = 0.25m A
P 4D B’
⇒f= 25cm

Sol 18: The speed of light in vacuum is a universal 

constant denoted by c. When a light wave travels in a 1 1 1 1 1
transparent material, the speed is decreased by a factor =+ = + 0 ⇒ v2 =
= ∞
v 2 f2 u2 −10 10
µ , called the refractive index of the material.
speed of lightin vacuum Final image will be formed at infinity.
speed of light in the material 1 1 1 1 1
Sol 20: = + = − =0 ⇒ F =∞
For graph refer figure of question 6. F f1 f2 f f

Sol 21: (i) Astronomical Telescope for normal

It consists of two converging lenses placed coaxially.
1 6 . 9 0 | Geometrical Optics

The one facing the distant object is called the objective eyepiece. The final image is then formed at infinity.
and has a large aperture and a large focal length. The It is erect with respect to the first image and hence,
other is called the eyepiece, as the eye is placed close inverted with respect to the object. The eye is least
to it. It has a smaller aperture and a smaller focal length. strained in this adjustment as it has to focus the parallel
The lenses are fixed in tubes. The eyepiece tube can rays coming to it. The position of the eyepiece can also
slide within the objective tube so that the separation be adjusted in such a way that the final virtual image is
between the objective and the eyepiece may be formed at the near point. The angular magnification is
changed. increased in this case. The ray diagram in figure refers
to this case.
vo ue
(ii) Magnifying power of a Compound microscope is
vo fo
v D 
− 0   → normal adjustment and
h F u0  fe 
v  D
Objective − 0  1 +  → final image at D.
u0  fe 

Now for large magnification, m is to be large, so fe

should be small and u0 should be small. Now object
Image is placed at a distance u0 from the objective which is
slightly greater than its focal length fo. So for u0 to be
When the telescope is directed towards a distant object
small, fo should also be small.
PQ, the objective forms a real image of the object in its
focal plane. If the point P is on the principal axis, the
image point P’ is at the second focus of the objective. Sol 22: Refer question 19.(a).(ii)
The rays coming from Q are focused at Q’. The eyepiece
forms a magnified virtual image P”Q” of P’Q’. This Sol 23: When two plane mirrors are placed at an angle
image is finally seen by the eye. In normal adjustment, θ to each other, the object is kept between them, then
the position is so adjusted that the final image is 360ο
formed at infinity. In such a case, the first image P’Q’ is the numbers of images observed is n = . If n is
formed in the first focal plane of the eyepiece. The eye
even then number of image is (n-1).
is least strained to focus this final image. The image
can be brought closer by pushing the eyepiece closer 360ο 360ο
So here = = 6⇒ n = 6 − 1 = 5
to the first image. Maximum angular magnification is θ 60
produced when the final image is formed at the near (b) At each reflection some of the light energy is lost
point. due to absorption at the mirror surface. So the intensity
f p 10D of the reflected ray goes on decreasing at multiple
(ii) m =− 0 =− e =− =−10 reflections due to parallel mirrors.
fe pο 1D
Here the objective has large focal length and smaller v D 
Sol 24: For compound microscope m = − ο  
Power. uο  fe 
(normal adjustment)
(b) (i) Figure shows a simplified version of a compound
microscope and the ray diagram for image formation.  v   25 cm  v ο −60 −12
−20 =  − ο    ⇒− = = = −2.4
It consists of two converging lenses arranged coaxially.  u
 ο   3cm  uο 25 5
The one facing the object is called the objective and
the one close to the eye is called the eyepiece or ocular. For final image at least distance:

The object is placed at a distance u0 from the objective v  D v  25 

− ο  1 +  ⇒ − 20 = − ο  1 +
m= 
which is slightly greater than its focal length f0 . A real 
uο  
fe  uο  3 
and inverted image is formed at a distance v 0 on the
other side of the objective. This image works as the vο −20 −5 × 3 v
object for the eyepiece. For normal adjustment, the ⇒− = = ⇒ − ο = −2.14
uο 28 / 3 7 uο
position of the eyepiece is so adjusted that the image
formed by the objective falls in the focal plane of the
P hysi cs | 16.91

−fο left with speed 3v. So its second image will more away
Sol 25: Astronomical telescope =
m → normal towards right with speed 3v w.r.t mirror 2. Hence speed
adjustment w.r.t O will be 3v+v=4v
fo Hence for nth image v image = 2nv
⇒ −8 = − ⇒ fo = 8fe

L = fο + fe = 45 cm ⇒ 8fe + fe = 45 cm h 3h
Sol 3: (A) tan θ= = lim
⇒ fe 5cm=
= and fe 40 cm y 10 h + y x →∞

⇒ 10h + y= 3y ⇒ y = 5h
Exercise 2 For general case
Single Correct Choice Type
Sol 1: (A)
L₂ M₁ h v

δ1 180o − 2θ; =
= δ2 180o − 2=
θ ' 70o + 90o − θ ' S
10h = x y

3h h
70 tan θ = = ⇒ 3y = x + y ⇒ 2y = x
x +y y

dy dx dy 1
N’ ⇒ 2. = ⇒ = .v
90 -’ dt dt dt 2

’ 2
 ’ Sol 4: (C) A is head and E is feet of man. C is the eye.
The mirror can be placed anywhere between the centre

line BF (of AC) and DG (of CE) to get full image from

head to feet.
So here CE=1.4 m. So DE should be 0.7 m. But mirror is
⇒ θ ' =20 ο 0.8 m from ground so feet will not be visible. The upper
edge of mirror is at height (0.8+0.75) m equal to 1.55 m
α = 180o − 70o − (90o − θ ') = 180o − 70o − 70o which is more than BE.
α 40o ⇒=
= θ 90o −=
α 50o
Sol 2: (B) With respect to mirror1 the object is going B
array from mirror. So first image will also more away x
w.r.t mirror 1 with same speed v. So with respect to (x + y)
object O the image speed is y

1 2 G
O Man

AC 0.1
BE = BC + CE = + CE = + 1.4
2 2
= 0.05 + 1.4 = 1.45m

So head will be visible.

v image1 = v image1,mirror1 + v mirror 1,obj = v + v = 2v

Now this image becomes object for mirror 2. With

respect to mirror 2 the image is going away towards
1 6 . 9 2 | Geometrical Optics

Sol 5: (B) Rays from S going right from the normal will When the mirror is present
not reach the bottom horizontal mirror as they will hit
the inclined mirror and get deviated. So C will see only Pθ12 h P
Intensity = and tan θ = ⇒=
the image formed by inclined mirror. 4 πh1 2 20 4 π × (20)2

Intensity when mirror present

Sol 6: (A) Object O moves towards M1 so image 1 due Ratio =
Intensity when mirror object
to M1 will move towards left i.e. towards M2 .
For M2 we have formula for speed of image as P P
 v 2  du 4 π × (20) 4 π × (60)2 10
dv = =
= −   . So negative sign means final image P 1
dt  u2  dt
  4 π × (20)2
2 due to M2 will move opposite to image 1 i.e. towards
right. Sol 8: (D) As a result of water the apparent height of
source will be beyond C, at C’. OC’ = Rμ. So its image I’
Sol 7: (D) Intensity incident will not be formed at C but it will be formed between
C and focus F of the mirror. But again in the return
= path of rays they will be again refracted at water to
4 × (area on which lightis incident)
air boundary and final image I will be further shifted
When the mirror is not present, light is reaching the downwards towards O.
screen up to height h. Maximum area on which light is
incident = πh2
Intensity = and
4 πh2 I’
h Ph 2 I R
tan θ = ⇒
= = F
60 2
4 πh × (60)2
4 π × (60)2


 Sol 9: (A) The slab will cause a lateral shift in the
incident rays as well as in the reflected rays from the
circular mirror MM’. Now the angle of emergence θ1
will be equal to the angle of incidence in case of a slab.

M M’
 C 1 1 B
s  60


 The rays reaching the edge M of the circular mirror
F after passing through the glass slab will be leaving the
20 source O at a greater angle (θ1 ) with the normal as
compared to the angle (θ) when there is no slab. But
due to symmetry of incident and reflected rays, the
reflected rays from the edge M, after passing through
the slab will reach the some point Q on the ground
where they would have reached when there was no
P hysi cs | 16.93

Here we have, OQ=QP, both without and with slab, r

between source O and mirror MM’.

Sol 10: (A) B E


90 -

Ω = 2π(1 − cos θc )
3 6
n= n=

2 5 If total intensity is I then, intensity per unit solid angle is
A C D .So intensity through the circular area is,
4 π.
6 /5
90 − θ ≥ θc = sin−1  ; I
3/2 I
= .2π (1 − cos θc )

90 − θ ≥ sin−1   ;
5 I' (1 − cos 48.59 ) I
ο ο =⇒ = ⇒ 16.9 %
90 − θ ≥ 53 ⇒ θ ≤ 37 I 2 I

1 1 1 1 1 u1 − f
Sol 13: (B) = + = − =
Sol 11: (C) v1 f ( − u1 ) f u1 f u1
1 f u1 f u2
=h 4m ; θc = sin−1   =v1 = and v 2
µ u1 − f u2 − f
 1  −1  3  v1
= sin−1=
  sin
=   37
ο v −f
Now m1= = =
5 / 3 5 u −u1 u1 − f
r 3h 3 × 4m −f
tan θc = ⇒ r = htan 37ο = = and m2
= = .also | m1 | | m2 |
h 4 4 u2 − f
r r
Now m1 is negative (real image) and m2 is positive
(virtual image). So we have,
h f −f
= ⇒ u2 − f =−u1 + f
c u1 − f u2 − f
u1 + u2
⇒ u1 + u2 = 2f ⇒ f =
⇒ diameter = 6m
2r = Sol 14: (B) The image formed by first lens will lie at its
second lens focus. This image will act as an object for
the second lens. For the rays to become parallel after
−1 1 3 passing through the second lens, the object for second
Sol 12: (D)
= θc sin= sin−1=
  48.59
µ 4
  lens should lie on its first focus. Thus the distance
between the two lenses will be equal to sum of their
Solid angle subtended at source of light O by the
focal lengths.
circular area of radius r is
D = f1 + f2 = 20 cm + 10 cm = 30 cm
1 6 . 9 4 | Geometrical Optics

Sol 15: (B) Image formed by lens be at distance v1 from Speed of image with respect to object is
1 1 1 1 1 3−2 1 v I,O
= v I,L + vL,O
lens. = + = + = =
v1 f1 u1 10 −15 30 30
 dv 
=v I,O   + ( − v)
v1 = 30 cm from lens.  dt (towards left) (towards right)

Sol 18: (D) At first refracting surface we have,

sini1 = µ sin r1 . So as i1 decreases, r1 also decreases.
Now for prism r1 + r2 =A (constant). So as r1 decreases,
10 cm r2 increases. At the second refracting surface we have,
µ sin r2 =sin i2 . So as r2 increases, i2 also increases. So
out of all choices D is most appropriate as amount of
For convex lens, u2 = +(30 - 10) cm = +20 cm
increase in i2 should be less than amount of decrease
v2= +20 cm, because rays retrace their path after in i1.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sol 19: (C) For prism with refracting angle A, we have
+ =⇒ = + = ⇒ f2 =+ 10 cm
v 2 u2 f2 f2 20 20 10
 A + δm 
sin   o
= µ  2=  ⇒ 3 sin (90 + δm ) / 2
Sol 16: (C) For first lens, convergent ray becomes A 2 sin 45o
parallel to principal axis after refraction. sin
So f1 = +5 cm. 3  90o + δ  90o + δ
⇒ sin  m 
⇒= m
60 o
For second lens, ray parallel to principal axis becomes 2  2  2
 
convergent and parallel to incident ray.
⇒=δm 120o −= 90o 30o


 A + δm A + 38ο
Sol 20: (B) At min deviation
= im =
X 2 2

5 cm Now δ= (i1 + i2 ) − A; Here i1= 42o

, δ 44o
i2 62ο=
So focal will length of second lens will be x as shown ⇒ 44 ο= (42ο + 62ο ) − A ⇒ A= 104 ο − 44 ο= 60o
in figure.
h h 60o + 38o
tan θ = = ⇒ x = 5 cm ⇒ f2 = x = 5 cm ⇒ im
= = 49ο
5 x 2

Sol 17: (D) Let as work in the frame of reference Sol 21: (C)

1 1 1 M
attached to the lens. Lens formula: − =
v u f
Differentiating w.r.t. time,
dv du
− v −2 − ( −u−2 ) =0 ; (f is constant) I
x O
dt dt P

dv  v 2  du δ = (µ − 1) A; µ = 1.5
⇒ =  
dt  u2  dt
o 2.5 5 π
δ 0.5 × 5=
= 2.5o ⇒ =
δ =
π =
Initially when u=f, v → ∞ so speed image is very large 180 360 72
and finally when u → ∞ , v → f and the speed of image
OP ≈ OM ≈ IM = 10 cm; ∆x = δ × (OM) = 10 δ cm
is very low (nearly zero). With respect to lens, as object
moves left, the image also moves left.
P hysi cs | 16.95

π 5π Sol 4: (A, B, C) Using Snell’s law

∆x= × 10 cm= cm
72 36
O o
Sol 22: (A) At second refracting surface o
A P 135
µ sin r2 =
1sin 90 C
1 1 60
o 45
⇒ sin r2 ==
µ 2
⇒ r2 =  i r1 r2
o 75o
⇒ r1 = A − r2 = 2
ο ο ο
= 60 − 45 = 15

⇒ At first refracting surface , sin i1 =

µ sin r1
3 −1 3 −1
⇒ sin
= i1 15ο
2 .sin = 2. = 1 1
2 2 2 sin–1 < sin–1
3 2
 3 −1
sin−1 
⇒ i1 = . Net deviations is 90º
 2 
 

Sol 5:
Previous Years’ Questions
1 1 1
− =
v u f
1 1 1
Sol 1: – = = constant u u u u+ f 
v u f or − 1 = or = 
v f v  f 
Sol 2: (A) An experiment is performed to find the
v  f 
refractive index of glass using a travelling microscope. ∴ m ==  
In this experiment, distances are measured by a vernier u u+ f 
scale provided on the microscope.
 20 
m25  −25 + 20 
Sol 3: (A) → since µ1 < µ2 , the ray of light will bend = = 6
m30  20 
towards normal after first refraction.  
 −50 + 20 
(B) → µ1 > µ2 , the ray of light will bend away from the
normal after first refraction. ∴ Answer is 6.
(C) → µ2 =µ3 means in second refraction there will be
no change in the path of ray of light. Sol 6: (D) Case I: u = – 240 cm, v = 12, by lens formula

(D) → Since µ2 > µ3 , ray of light will bend away from the 1 7
normal after second refraction. f 80

Therefore the correct options are as under. 1 35

Case II: v = 12 – =
3 3
(A) → p, r
2 1
(normal shift = 1 – = )
(B) → q, s, t 3 3
(C) → p, r, t 7
(D) → q, s 80

u = 5.6
1 6 . 9 6 | Geometrical Optics

1 1  1 
Sol 7: (C) L.C =
60 f
= ( µ − 1)  R1 − 
R 2 
 1
Total Reading = 585 + = 58.65
60 1 3  1 
=  − 1  
f 2   15 
Sol 8: (B) As intensity is maximum at axis.
f = 30 cm
\ µ will be maximum and speed will be minimum on
the axis of the beam.
Sol 13: (D)
(µ − 1)
∴Beam will converge.
f  µ 
 − 1 
 m 
Sol 9: (D) For a parallel cylindrical beam, wave front will
be planar. 3 
f1  − 1
 = 
⇒ 4
Sol 10: (D) Case I: u = -240 cm, v = 12, by Lens formula f 3/2 
 − 1
1 7 4/3 
f 80
⇒ f1 =
1 35
Case II: v = 12 − =
3 3 3 
 − 1
f2 2
 2 1
 Normal shift = 1- =  =   = −5
 3 3 f 3/2 
 − 1
 5 / 3 
80 ⇒ f2 < 0
u = 5.6

Sol 14: (D) As frequency of visible light increases

Sol 11: (B) Self-explanatory refractive index increases. With the increase of
refractive index critical angle decreases. So that light
Sol 12: (B) having frequency greater than green will get total
internal reflection and the light having frequency less
R 2 = d2 + (R − t )
than green will pass to air.

 t Sol 15: (D) At face AB,
R 2 − d2= R 2 1 − 
 R  sin θ = µ sin r 

At face ACr ' < θc A

d r r’
A − r < sin−1 B C
t µ
∴ r > A − sin−1
 1
∴ sin r > sin  A − sin−1 
d2 2t  µ
1− =1−
R 2 R
sin θ  1
> sin  A − sin−1 
(3) =
90 µ  µ 
= = 15 cm
2 × ( 0.3 ) 6
  1 
θ > sin−1 µ sin  A − sin−1  
  µ 
P hysi cs | 16.97

Sol 2:
Sol 16: (A) θ =1.22 λ

Minimum separation = 25 × 10−2 =
θ 30 µm )
Sol 17: (D) δ = i + e − A ⇒ A = 74°
120 cm

 A + δmin  A G
sin   D
 2  5 sin  37° + δmin 
=µ =  
A 3  2  40 cm 40 cm
sin  
2  F
B  C
5 5
µmax can be , so µ will be less than 40 cm
40 cm
3 3 
Since δmin will be less than 40° , so P
5 5
µ< sin 57° < sin 60° ⇒ µ < 1.446 20 cm 40 cm
3 3
By similar triangles
So the nearest possible value of µ should be 1.5
∆ BCD  ∆ BFE; so EF =
3 × CD
Because BF= 3 ×BC

= EF 120 cm ⇒
= EP 160 cm
JEE Advanced/Boards
∴ Minimum height of eye is 160 cm.
Exercise 1 And similarly maximum height will be
E'P = 80 + 3 × 80 = 320cm
 3 −1 3 −1
= 1: OB OP
= sin15 ο
 
 2 2  2
  Sol 3: By property of similar triangles,
Number of image
y 20 cm
(1, 1) x
60 A 20 20
P x
(0, 0) (1, 0) 3-x

(1, -1) D
360 360
= − 1= − 1= 5
θ θ
x 300 cm
∆ MAB  ∆MCD; =
20 cm y

+ 20 100 cm;= ⇒ y 80 cm
20 × 300 cm
= = 75cm
1 6 . 9 8 | Geometrical Optics

Sol 4: Relation between speed of image and speed of object

M1 for lens is

axis of M₁ 10 cm  v 2  du  ( −30)2 
dv dv
I₂ =  2 . ⇒
=   . 20m s−1 (downward)
dt  u  dt dt  ( −15)2 
1cm O 1cm    
A dv
1cm 1cm (4) × 20 ms−1 =
= 80m s−1 (downward)
axis of M₂
Sol 6: Refer theory

1 1 1 Sol 7: Apply Snell’s law:

+ = ;f = −20 cm ,u =−10 cm
v u f
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 −1 1 1=
× sin θ sin(90 − ϕ)
− =− ⇒ = − = = ⇒v=20 3
v 10 20 v 10 20 20 20
d 4 d×3
v 20 1× = ×
M= =
− =2 2 3
u ( −10) 30 + d 1024 + d2

Image will be erect with respect to the axis of each

mirror. Distance between images is 2 cm. 1024 + d2= 4 36 + d2

Sol 5: OS=15 m; OC =20 m

2 2
6 +d
Height of ball after 4 s is, S
6 ft
 Vertical shaft

1 feet = 12 inch
C  1' = 12"
Speed s = 20m/s d d
S 90°-

1 1'
H = 15 + 20 × 4 − × 10 × 16 = 15 + 80 − 80 = 15m 4”
2 o

Speed of ball after 4 s is, sball = 20 − 10 × 4

On squaring both sides,
⇒ sball = −20 ms−1
20 − 40 =
1024+9d2=16(36+d2) ; 1024+9d2=576+16d2
So ball is moving downward with speed of 20 ms-1 and
is at height 15 m above the mirror. 448
7d2=448; d2= = 64
20 7
So u=-15 m, and f = m = −10 m
−2 d= 8 feet, width=2d=16 feet

1 1 1
Mirror formula + = gives Sol 8: At any point by Snell’s law
v u f
1sin 90 =n(y). sin (90o − θ);
1 1 1 1 1 2 − 3 −1
= − = − = = (kg3/2 + 1)1/2 cos θ
v −10 ( −15) 15 −10 30 30
⇒v= −30 cm
P hysi cs | 16.99

Here angle of incidence at B(x, y) is i = 90° – θ dy

[From (1)
= tan θ = 1 ⇒ θ = 45ο [From (i) put
put yy =
= 1]
sin 45o 1
r (1 1)1/2 =2 ⇒
n =+ =
sin r 2
 ⇒ sin r = 1 ⇒ r = 90ο
i B(x, y)
⇒ Ray of right becomes parallel to x axis.
(0, 0) Sol 9: At first refracting surface the rays will pass un-
deviated. At the second refracting surface the rays are
refracting from denser to rarer medium and hence
suffer Total Internal Refraction if i > θc
cos θ =
(ky + 1)1/2
dy 1 ky 3/2 + 1 − 1
⇒ tan θ= = = = ky 3/2 B
dx 2 1
(i) Now as
=i 90o − θ ⇒=
θ 90o − i So = tan=
θ cot i R h
(ii) Initial angle at air is 90° and n=1. At point B(x, y) c 90-c
angle of incidence is i.
So we have by Snell’s law A D P
1.sin 90ο = n sin i
⇒ n sin i = 1  3
=θc sin−1  =⇒ θc sin−1=
  60ο
dy µ  2 
(iii) Now, = k y 3/ 4 [From (i)]
[From(1)]  
y x = 90o − θc
From right ∆ BCD, ∠BCD
y dy
x yy ++1/ 4
1/ 4
⇒ ∫∫ 3/ 4 ==
⇒ ∫∫ kk dx
dx ⇒ +1 / 4 ==
⇒ kk xx
y 3/ 4 0 +1 / 4 o 3
0 0 From ∆ ABD,=
h R sin θ=
c R sin 60= R
kk xx x
4 2
⇒ +1/ 4
⇒ yy +1/=4 ⇒ yy kk 22  x  …(ii)
= .......(2)
= 4 ⇒ =  4  .......(2) 3 3R
4 4
  o o
=DC h cot (90= − θc ) h cot30
= R= . 3
2 2
(iv) For the point P, we have y=1.0 m k=1 R
= R , AD= R cos= θc
4 4 2
2x x
⇒y= k   gives 1 =   ⇒ x = 4.0 m R 3R
4 4 AC =AD + DC = + =2R;
2 2
(v) At P, we have x = pc = AC − AP = 2R − R = R = 5cm
(0, 1)
(2, 1)

1 6 . 1 0 0 | Geometrical Optics

Sol 10: o
For reflection of reflected ray at first face of prism


h r i
=1 15'


3.0 m o
6 30'
sin i sin 37 4 3 3/5
=µ⇒ = µ = ⇒ sin r = =
sin r sin r 3 h +9 2 4/3
1 3 400
⇒ = ⇒ 400 = 9 (h2 + 9) ⇒ h2 = −9 6.5
h +9 30 9 µ sin 2r =sin 6.5 = π
180 1

= h = 5.95 m
9 6.5π 6.5π
⇒= rµ
⇒=  … (iii)
180 360

From (i), (ii) & (iii) we get

sin i
Sol 11: = µ All the ray in the bean are deviated
sin r 1.25 π
by same angle so width of beam will not change after 1.25 = (µ − 1) A = µ A − A .....(4) … (iv)
180π = (µ − 1) A = µ A − A .....(4)
it goes over to air. 1806.5 π
and 6.5 π = µ A.....(5)

and 360 = µ A.....(5) … (v)

i ii Subtract (iv) from (v) to get

  Glass (6.5 − 2.5)π π
= A⇒A = rad = 2 ο
Air 360 90
r r and put value of A in (v) to get

6.5 π 90
=µ × ⇒
= µ 1.625
360 π

Sol 13: For a given incident ray, if the mirror is rotated

ο ο
Sol 12: δ = (µ − 1) A = 1 15' = 1.25 = (µ − 1) A  … (i) through an angle θ , then the reflected ray turns
through an angle of 2 θ . So if angular speed of mirror
A. Here r1 = 0,
Now for prism r1 + r2 = is ω then the angular speed by which the reflected ray
r2 = r is rotated is 2 ω.
⇒ r =A  ... (ii) 9 r e v 18 rad
ωrefl = 2 × ω = 2 × = × 2π
π sec π sec
36 rad s−1
ωrefl =
µ12 + µ32 sin2 r5 = 1 + µ22 ....(C)
From (iv)
µ3 cos r5 =
µ 4 sin r7 ...(D) P hysi cs | 16.101

µ12 + µ32 = 1 + µ22 + µ24 sin2 r7 .......(E)
vref vB From (v) µ5 sinr9 =
µ 4 cos r7 ......(F)
B (E) and (F) gives
µ12 + µ32 + µ52 sin2 r9 = 1 + µ22 + µ24 .....(G)
i From (vi) µ5 cos r9 =
1 ....(H)
(G) and (H) gives
i i ⇒ µ12 + µ32 + µ52 = 2 + µ22 + µ24
M A Sol 15: Snell’s law at spherical surface for the first ray
O µ sin i1 = sin r1
10 m

i = 37ο , we have
OB = vB
cos(90 − i) r1
OA 10 10 i2
= = = m vref h1
sin i sin 37 3 / 5  R
90-i i1
50 x1
⇒ OB =m C
3 i
⇒ speed vrefl = ωrefl × [OB]

50 i  h1  h1 R2
⇒ v refl =36 × m s−1 =600m s−1 ⇒ 1.6 = ⇒ h12=
+ x12
3 
R  h12 + x12 2.56
v ref v ref 600
= = =
cos(90 − i) sin i 3 / 5 202
⇒ 0.52 + x22= ⇒ x2= 12.49 m
= 200 × 5= 1000 m / s. 2.56

Similarly for second ray

Sol 14: 1 sin90 = µ1 sin r1 ........(i)
µ1 sin r2 =
µ2 sin r3 ........(ii)  h2  h2 R2
⇒ 1.6 =  ⇒ h22=
+ x22
µ2 sin r4 =
µ3 sin r5 ........(iii) R  h22 + x22 2.56

µ3 sin r6 =
µ 4 sin r7 ........(iv) 202
⇒ x22= − 122 ⇒ x2= 3.5 m
µ 4 sin r8 =
µ5 sin r9 ........(v) 2.56
µ5 sin r10 =
1 sin 90........(v i) ⇒ ∆x2= x1 − x2= 9 m

Also as all prisms are isosceles right angled prisms, we Sol 16: (a) For total internal reflection at the concrete-
have air interface we have critical angle

r1 + r2 = r3 + r4 = r5 + r6 = r7 + r8 = r9 + r10 = 90o.....(viii) sin θc µ2 v1 340m / s

= = =
From equations (i), (ii) and (viii) we get, sin90 µ1 v 2 1700m / s

1 = µ1 sinr1 ; µ2 sin r3 =
µ1 cos r1 1 1
⇒ sin θc = ⇒ θc = sin−1  
⇒ µ12 = 1 + µ22 2
sin r3 .....(A) 5 5
From (iii) µ3 sin r5 = µ2 cos r3 ......(B)
(b) The concrete is a rarer medium for sound because
(A) and (B) gives the speed of sound is higher in concrete, while air will
µ12 + µ32 sin2 r5 = 1 + µ22 ....(C) be denser medium for sound as the speed of sound is
lower in air. So for TIR, sound must travel in air which is
From (iv)
denser medium in this case.
µ3 cos r5 =
µ 4 sin r7 ...(D)
µ12 + µ32 = 1 + µ22 + µ24 sin2 r7 .......(E)
From (v) µ5 sinr9 =
µ 4 cos r7 ......(F)
1 6 . 1 0 2 | Geometrical Optics

Sol 17: The outer most ray of the beam , ray 1, will Sol 19: Angle of deviation is gives as δ= (i1 + i2 ) − A
be tangential to the circular surface of rod at point P
Hence i2 – i1 = 23°, A =60°, δ =23°
and hence angle of incidence is 90°, hence greater than
critical angle, and hence will travel tangentially at all ⇒
⇒ 23
⇒ 23°°==
ii1 + i − 60
+ ii222 −
i11 + − 60
points of the circular portion from P to P’. ⇒ ii1 + i == 83 °  ...(1) … (i)

⇒ i11 + + ii222 83 °
= 83° ...(1)...(1)
⇒ iii22 −
⇒ − ii11 == 23
23°°°  ...(2)
...(2) … (ii)
i ⇒ 2 − i1 = 23 ...(2)
From (i) and (ii) we get i1 = 30°, i2=53°
R Snell’s law at first refracting surface.
P Q Q’ P’


i1 i2
A B r1 r2

ray 1 ray 2 1 2 o o
60 60
The inner most ray of the beam, ray 2, will be incident
on the inner circular surface at angle i. 1 1
sini1 =µ sinr1 ⇒ =µ sinr1 ⇒ sinr1 =
From the geometry of figure we see that, 2 2µ
CQ = R; CA= R +d Snell’s law at second refracting surface.
R=(R+d) cos (90 - i) ⇒ R = (R + d) sin i 1 4 4
µ sinr2 = sini2 ⇒ sinr2 = . =
Here angle i will be the least of all angles of incidence µ 5 5µ
of ray 2 during its path inside the critical rod. So, if i is Now r1+r2=60°
greater than critical angle then ray 2 will surfer TIR at all
point in circular rod.

1 R 1 1 1 d A
sini > ⇒ > ⇒ > ⇒1+ < µ
µ R+d µ d µ R
1+ i
d d
⇒ < (µ − 1) ⇒   = (µ − 1) = 1.5 − 1
R  R max
d 1
⇒  =
 R max 2 90-i
Sol 18: In a prime r1+r2=A;
Here r =r, r =0o, A=30o ⇒ r =30o  …..(i)
1 2 3 3
⇒ sin(r1 + r2 ) = ⇒ sinr1 cosr2 + cosr1 sinr2 = ⇒ μ
At first refracting surface 2 2
1 16 1 4 3
sin i 1 1 ⇒ . 1− + 1− . =
= µ = 2 ⇒ sin i = (sin30o ) 2 = 2   = 2µ 25µ 2
4µ 5µ
2 2
sin r 2
  2

⇒ i =45
P hysi cs | 16.103

Sol 20: Deviation suffered by the transmitted ray is Sol 21: When air is filled between two similar glass
= 1 (60oo
(60 − ) + (60oo
− rr1 ) + (60 − − rr11 ))
1 1
120 − 2r1 ...........(1)
...........(1) Pe 2PL + PM
= 120 − 2r 1
… (i)
Deviation suffered by the reflected ray after emerging
1 1  µL − µm  1 1 
out of sphere. = PL = where   − 
fL fL  µm  R1 R 2 
o o o
δ= (60o − r1 ) + (180o − 2r1 ) + (60o − r1 )
2 (60 − r1 ) + (180 − 2r1 ) + (60 − r1 )
δ2 300oo − 4r1 ..........(2)
= 1  1 − 1  1 1  1
δ2 300 − 4r1 …(ii)
= ..........(2) ⇒   −  ⇒ = 0
fL  1  R −R  fL
Now δ1 = δ2 ⇒ 3δ1 =δ2 .......(3)
 …(iii) air air
From (i), (ii) and (iii) we get = air +

1 R
o Then PL=0 PM = − where fM = = −
fM 2

(since mirror is concave)

i r Given that screen is placed at a distance 60 cm from the

m=− ⇒ Two times magnification means
3(120° − 2r=
1 ) 300° − 4r1 m=-2, then v=2u ⇒ 60=2u ⇒ v=30cm
⇒ 360° − 6r=
1 300° − 4r1
 1 1 R
⇒ +2r1 = +60° ⇒ r1 = 30o ......(4) …(iv) For equivalent combination Pe =− ⇒ fe =− = −
fe Pe 2
Snell’s law of point P
Apply mirror formula to the equivalent combination of
0 u
r1 Q I
r1 i1=60o v=60 cm
R R Screen
1 1 1
+ =
v u fe
1 1 1 1 1 2 R
r1 ⇒ + = ⇒− − = −  since fe = − 
−60 −30 fe 60 30 R 2

air air
= w +

sin60 3 /2
=µ⇒µ= ⇒µ= 3 Again if air between the glass pieces is replaced by
sinr1 1/2 water.

Pe 2PL + PM
1 6 . 1 0 4 | Geometrical Optics

1 1  µ1 − 1   1 1  (d) Light intensity at image is the intensity focused by

=PL = where    −  the lens.
fL fL  1  40 − 40 
1 1 0.02 × π (7.5)2 × 10−4 W
⇒ ( µ w =4 / 3) ⇒ PL = ⇒ PM =− Iimage =
60 fM  0.214  −4 2
4π   × 10 m
 2 
1 R
Where = − (for concave mirror) Iimage = 24.56 Wm−2
fM 2

1 R
= − (for concave mirror) Sol 23: Focal length of Plano - concave lens
fM 2
2 2 1 1 1
PM= = = (µ1 − 1)  − 
R 40 f1 ∞ R
1 3  1  1
⇒ Pe = 2PL + PM = − 1 −  = − ⇒ f1 =−60 cm
f1  2  30  60
1 2 5 1
2× + = = Focal length of plano-convex lens
60 40 60 12
1 1 1 
1 = (µ2 − 1)  − 
− ⇒ fe =−12 cm f2  ∞ −R 
1 5  1  1
1 1 1 =  − 1  = ⇒ f2 = 120 cm
Again apply + = f1  4 30
  120
v u fe

1 1 1 (i) Plane surface of Plano-convex lens is silvered. So the

⇒ + = ⇒ u =−15 cm equivalent focal length of the system,
−60 u −12
1 1 1 1 1 1
When air is filled between the gap, object distance=30 Power = = + + + +
−F f1 f2 −fm f2 f1
when water is filled between the gas, object distance=15
cm, Then, object is displaced by 15 cm towards the fm = focal length of planemirror = ∞
combination. 1 2 2 2 2 −1
⇒ =+ = − + =
−F f1 f2 60 120 60
⇒ +F = +60 cm
Sol 22: (a) At surface light intensity
4.5 πW 1.125 × 10 4 4 −2 Focal length = 60 cm
I = 4.5 πW ⇒ I 1.125 × 10
Wm −2
= I 4 π.(1.5)2 4.5
4 2
m ⇒ I 1.125
2.25 × 10 Wm−2
The equivalent system behaves as a convex mirror.
= I 4 π.(1.5)=2
× 10 −4
m2 ⇒I 2.25 Wm
= 5000 4 πWm −22 × 10 −4 m2
.(1.5) 2.25
= 5000 Wm−−22 1 1 1
(ii) Mirror formula + =. Hence u = -15 cm,
= 4.5 πWWm v u f
= IP = 4.5 πW 0.02Wm−2 −2 f = +60 cm
=(b) IP4 π.(7.5)
= 4.52 m
πW2 0.02Wm−2
= IP 4= π.(7.5)22 m22 0.02Wm 1 1 1 1 4 1
u = 4 π.(7.5)
−7.5m = m
−750cm ⇒ = − = + =
u = −7.5m = −750cm v 60 −15 60 60 2
f =u += −7.5m =
30cm −750cm
f = +30cm ⇒v= +12cm
f = +30cm
v −12 4
Magnification, m =− = ⇒m=
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 7 u −15 5
− = ⇒ = + = − = =
v u f v f u 30 750 750 375
375 Sol 24: Image from L1:
⇒ v = cm,
7 L1 L2

v 375 / 7 1 I2
Magnification, m = = ⇒m= −
u −750 14
20 cm
P2 R
3.0 cm
M C I1
⇒ diameter of imageof bulb,d1 = = 0.214 cm
14 P1
20 cm 40 cm
P hysi cs | 16.105

1 1 1 1 1 4 −3 1 Add (iii) and (iv)

= + = − = =
v1 f u 15 20 60 60 3 4 3
− −1 +
⇒ v1 =
60 cm from L1 1 1 2 3 2
+ =
v 6 30 30
For lens L2: 1 2 1 −1
⇒ =− = ⇒ v6 =
−90 cm
1 1 1 8+3 v 6 90 30 90
u2 =
+40 cm, =+ =
v 2 15 40 120 from lens (right from lens)
120 So final image is 90 cm right of lens.
⇒ v2 =
+ cm from L2
This final image should lie at the centre of curvature of
convex mirror, so MC = R = 5 cm Exercise 2
120 120 − 55
So,P2M= P2C2 − MC= − 5= cm Single Correct Choice Type
11 11
65 Sol 1: (B) Distance of image due to plane mirror from

= x cm
= 5.91cm
11 object will be 60 cm. So OO’ =60 cm. So distance of
image from convex mirror PO’ =[OO’-OP]=10 cm
Sol 25: For equi-convex lens radius R= f= 30 cm
Refraction at surface I: Air to glass
3 M P
3/2 1 2  ..............(i) ... (i) O O’
− =
v1 ( −90) +30 cm
30 cm 20 cm
Refraction at surface II: Glass to water M’

4 3
− 1 1 1
4/3 3/2 3 2  ..............(ii) ⇒Mirror formula + = will give focal length of
− = ... (ii) v u f
v2 v1 −30 cm
mirror by putting u=-50 cm, v=+10 cm,
Add (i) and (ii)
1 1 1 4 2 25
3 4 3 So, = − = = ⇒ f=
−1 − + f 10 50 50 25 2
4 1 2 3 2
+ =
3v 2 90 30 Radius of curvature R=2f =25 cm
4 2 1
⇒ =− ⇒ v2 =
+120 cm
3v 2 90 90
near end
For mirror, image of lens acts as object. F

For mirror u3=+ (120-80) = 40 cm (right from mirror)

So v3 = -40 cm (left from mirror)
Sol 2: (A) Mirror formula
Refraction from surface II after reflection from mirror.
1 1 1 1 1 1 u−f fu
u4=-40 cm (left from surface II) + = ⇒ = − = ⇒v= .
v u f v f u fu u−f
3 4
− At near end |u|> |f|. u and f both are negative .
3/2 4/3 2 3  ... (iii)
− = .........(iii)
v5 −40 +30 So v is negative. At far end we have u = −∞ . So mirror
Refraction at surface I: Glass to air 1 1 1 1
formula gives = − = ⇒ v ∞ =f .
3 v ∞ f −∞ f
1 3/2 2 .........(iv) For near point |vnear| > |f|.
− =  ... (iv)
v6 v5 −30
1 6 . 1 0 6 | Geometrical Optics

Image length 1 1 1
Sol 6: (D) Lens formula − =; u = -30 cm,
v u f
fu fu − uf + f 2
| v near | − | v ∞=| f
u−f u−f f = 20 cm
⇒ ∆I =
2 cm
Sol 3: (C) Velocity of image
 v  du dv
2  v  2 h1 0.5 cm
−  ;
= =
−  .4 cm s−1 . axis
dt  u2  dt dt  20 2 
   
From mirror formula
1 1 1 3−2 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 −5 1 = − = = ⇒ v = 60
=− ⇒ = − = − = =− v 20 30 60 60
v f u v −12 −20 20 12 60 30 v 60
Magnification m = ⇒ m = =−2 ⇒ h2 =−2h1
dv  900  −1
u −30
⇒v=−30 cm ⇒ =−  4 cm s = −9 cm s−1
dt  400  So h2 =−2 × 0.5cm =−1cm (below axis)
So Image of P is 1.5 cm below XY.
Sol 4: (D) Area of mirror, A1 = π .
Sol 7: (B) Distance between object and screen is D,
Area left after putting opaque, displacement of lens is d, and so focal length of lens is
d2 d2 d2 D2 − d2 902 − 202
A2 = A1 − π d2 = π d2 − π d2 =f = = 21.4 cm
A2 = A1 − π 16 = π 4 − π 16 4D 4 × 90
16 4 16
d2  1  3 πd22 3
⇒ A2 = π d2  1 − 1  =
3 πd =3 A1
⇒ A2 = π 4  1 − 4  =4 4 = 4 A1 Sol 8: (A) Object size
4  4 4 4 4

3 O= I1 × I2 = 6 cm× 3 cm
Focal length will not change and intensity become I.
O = 4.24 cm

Sol 5: (B) Rays should fall normally on plane mirror.

This will happen if rays become parallel to principal axis 1 1 1
Sol 9: (A) + =
after passing through lens. So OL = f=30 cm. v u f
Let u = + x (virtual) and |f| = -f (concave mirror)
1 1 1 −x − | f | |f|x
⇒ =− − = ⇒v= → ( −)ve
v |f| x |f|x −x − | f |

L So v is always negative when u is positive (+x).

15 cm Multiple Correct Choice Type

Sol 10: (B, D) Slope of reflecting surface at the desired

point will be tan 45 = 1

dy  πx  πx π L
= 2cos   = 1 ⇒ = ⇒x=
dx  L  L 3 3

 L  2L π 3L
⇒ y=  sin  =
3 π 3 π
P hysi cs | 16.107

Sol 11: (B, C) Length of object is AB = (50-20) cm δ +A

=30 cm. After first reflection from plane mirror AB is sin  m 
δ µ  2 
inverted to B1A1 with distance from convex mirror as If m is minimum deviation, p =
shown in figure. µs A
sin  
Image of A in convex mirror
So as µp increases , δm also increases.
60 cm
u1 Sol 15: (B, C) The minimum length of a plane mirror to
B1 A1 A’ B’ see one’s full height in it is , where H is the height of
u2 = 90cm v2 man. The mirror can be placed anywhere between the
centre line BF (of AC) and DG (of CE). Eye is at C.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A
=− ⇒ = − = ⇒ v1 =
+30cm x
v1 f u1 v1 60 −60 30 F
Image of B in convex mirror C
(x + y)
1 1 1 1 1 3+2 1
= − = − = =
v 2 f u2 60 −90 180 36 D
⇒ v2 =
+36 cm ⇒ A'B' =
(36 − 30)cm =
6 cm y
1 Man
Second image A’B’ is virtual and   of magnification
w. r. t. AB and erect. 5
Sol 16: (B, D) The distance PQ1 and PQ2 will not change
as the mirror MM’ moves with speed v perpendicular
i to its length.
P S P Q1 Wall Q2

i’ i’

Now formula for speed of image for convex mirror

dv v 2 du
is, = . As object moves towards mirror, the M’ M
dt u2 dt
image also moves towards the mirror.
Sol 17: (A, C) µ2 > µ1 Rays from real object will be
deviated away from radius of curvature and hence
Sol 12: (B, C) i + i’ =90o from figure will becomes more diverging. For virtual object the
At point P, µ1 sin i > µ2  … (i) deviated rays may converge on the principle axis.
µ1 > µ2 : For virtual object the deviated rays will
At Q, µ1 sini' > µ3 or µ1 cosi > µ3  … (ii)
converge on principle axis.
Squaring and adding (1) and (2) to get
For real object the refracted ray will deviate towards
µ12 > µ22 + µ32 ⇒ µ12 − µ22 > µ32 ⇒ µ12 − µ32 > µ22 radius of curvature and may coverage on principle
Sol 13: (A, C) Angle of deviation δ= ( µ -1)A.
Sol 18: (A, D) The image formed by a convex mirror is
always, virtual and erect. So convex mirror cannot form
Sol 14: (A, B, D) Angle of deviation δ= (i1 + i2 ) − A . i1
inverted image of OA. Option B and C are ruled out.
is angle of incidence and i2 is angle of emergence and
angle of incidence and emergence are interchangeable.
1 6 . 1 0 8 | Geometrical Optics

Sol 19: (A, C) u = -40 cm; f = +20 cm R

f =R− sec60 = R − R = 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
− = ⇒ = + = − =
v u f v f u 20 40 40
v 40 = 180o − 2 × 60=
Sol 28: (D) Deviation o
60o . Ans (D)
⇒ v =+40 cm, and magnification m = =
u −40
⇒ m =−1 ⇒ y and z coordinate’s values will change o
their sign but magnitude will remain the same. 60
⇒ y image =
−1 , zimage =
+1 R
Sol 20: (B, D) Convex mirror and concave lens for
diminished, virtual, correct image of object.

Assertion Reasoning Type

R − sec0 =
Sol 29: (B) f =
Sol 21: (C) The wall does reflect light, but the reflection is 2 2
irregular. Reflected rays are deviated in different directions.
Sol 30: (B) Spherical aberration cannot be completely
eliminated, but it can be minimized by allowing either
Sol 22: (A) This phenomena is called spherical paraxial or marginal rays to hit the mirror.
aberration. The rays close to the principal axis are
focused at the geometrical focus F of the mirror as
given by mirror formula. The rays farthest from the Sol 31: (D)
principal axis are focused at a point somewhat closer (2n − 1)λD
to mirror. = ymin = (n 1,2,...........)
dactual 5λD
Sol 23: (D) For object in liquid. dapparent = For n =
+3, ymin =
µ 2d
 1
For a slab: normal shift ∆x= t  1 −  where t is Sol 32: (A) Shift in the fringe due to the glass slab is
thickness of slab.  µ
∆y = (µ − 1)t where t is thickness of glass slab. Due to
Sol 24: (D) Two image will be formed one for each glass slab path of ray from S2 gets increased by (µ − 1)t .

Sol 25: (D) If a plane mirror is moved such that its Sol 33: (A) Path of rays 1 is more than path of ray 2 by
perpendicular distance from the point object does not a distance dsin α . Draw perpendicular S2M from S2 to
change, then the image will not move. ray 1.

Comprehension Type S1

Sol 26: (B) Paraxial rays are focused at the geometrical 

focus F of the mirror. The marginal rays are focused at a O
point F’ somewhat closer to the mirror.
Sol 27: (D) y

X ∠MS2S1 =
α and MS1 =
d sin α

This path difference is suffered before passing the slits

S1 & S2. After passing through the slits, path of ray from
P hysi cs | 16.109

S2 is increased by (µ − 1)t . For net path difference to be hc

zero at point P we have, Sol 5: (B) lcutoff = (independent of atomic number)
M Sol 6: (C) The refractive index n for meta-material is
 sin θ1
1 Hence is negative.
sin θ2
Thus if θ1 is negative, θ2 will be negative. So the current
2 choice is C.

d sin α = (µ − 1)t c c
Sol 7: (B) N= = v= which is choice B
 (µ − 1)t  v n
⇒ α =sin−1  
 d  v
Also frequency ν = since v remains unchanged
Match the Column v air v m
λair λm
Sol 34: A → p, r; B → q, s; C → p, q, r, s; D → p, q, r, s
vm vm c
⇒ λm = λair × =λair × ×
v air c v air

Previous Years’ Questions =λair ×

nair  c
 v = 
nm  n

1 1 1 λair
Sol 1: (C, D)
+ (mirror formula)
u n
= (
 nm n=
and nair 1 )
F = – 24 cm
So choice D is wrong

Sol 2: (B) Critical angle from region III to region IV

 1   1 
n0 / 8 3 Sol 8: (B) PT = (1.5 – 1)  – 0  + (1.2 – 1) 0 – 
θc =  14   –14 
n0 / 6 4
0.5 0.2 1
= + =
Now applying Snell’s law in region I and region III 14 14 20

n0 f = + 20 cm
n0 sin
= θ sin θC
1 1 1
1 13 1 – =
or sin
= θ sin=
θC = v –40 20
6 64 8
1 1 1 1
1 = – =
∴ θ =sin−1   v 20 40 40
\ v = 40 cm
Sol 3: (A, C, D) In case of concave mirror or convex lens
image can be real, virtual, diminished, magnified or of
same size. Sol 9: (B) Object is placed at distance 2f from the lens.
So first image I1 will be formed at distance 2f on other
(B) In case of convex mirror image is always virtual (for
side. This image I1 will behave like a virtual object for
real object).
mirror. The second image I2 will be formed at distance
20 cm in front of the mirror, or at distance 10 cm to the
Sol 4: (A) At minimum deviation ( δ = δm ) : left hand side of the lens.
A 60o
r1= r2= = = 30o (For both colours)
2 2
1 6 . 1 1 0 | Geometrical Optics

Now applying lens formula Hence, l will depend on n (z) but not on n2.

10 cm

I1 n1 = constant 1 1
6 cm
30 cm 10 cm 20 cm
1 1 1 d
− =
v u f
1 1 1
∴ − = n2 = constant l
v +10 +15 2

or v = 6 cm
Therefore, the final image is at distance 16 cm from the
mirror. But, this image will be real.
This is because ray of light is travelling from right to Sol 13: (A) First Image I1 from the lens will be formed
left. at 75 cm to the right of the lens.
Taking the mirror to be straight, the image I1 after
Sol 10: (3) For v1 = m, u1 = – 25 m reflection will be formed at 50 cm to the left of the
7 mirror.
v2 = m, u2 = – 50 m On rotation of mirror by 30° the final image is I3.
25 18 So x = 50 – 50 cos 60° =25 cm.
Speed of object = × = 3 km/h.
30 5 and y = 50 sin 60° =25 3 cm.

Sol 11: (B)

For the combination

1 ( µ1 − 1) + ( µ2 − 1) 50 cm

feq R R 30

feq = 20 o
I2 (0, 0)
Here u = - 40, f = 20

v = 40 50 cm

Sol 14: (A) Let angle between the directions of incident

Sol 12: (A, C, D) From Snell’s Law ray and reflected ray be θ

θi n ( d) sin=
n1 sin
= θd n2 sin θf
The deviation of ray in the slab will depend on n (z)
θ (
1 ˆ
i + 3 ˆj )

2 (
1 ˆ 1
) (
i + 3 ˆj . ˆi + 3 ˆj
2 )
P hysi cs | 16.111

1 ∴ f1 = 3R
cos θ = −
2 For glass to air.
θ 120°
= 1 1.4 − 1.5 1 − 1.4
= +
f2 −R −R
Sol 15: (C) ∴ f2 =

r 5.77
Sol 18: (C) tan θc = = ≈ 3
h 10
Liquid r
24 m 8m
C C h
λa 3
µ =
λm 2 µ
⇒ sin θc = 
1 µ −1 1
⇒= =
f R 2R 1
µ 2.72 ×= 1.36
1 1 1
⇒ = −
f v u 1  1 
Sol 19: (B)
= ( µ − 1)  R1 − 
R 2 
1 1 1  1
⇒ − =
8 −24 2R

3+1 1
⇒ =
24 2R f=R f = 2R f = -2R

1 1 1
Use = +
feq f1 f2
Sol 16: (D) P → (2); Q → (3); R → (4) ; S → (1)
1 1 1 2 R
P. µ2 > µ1 .... (towards normal) (P) = + = ;f =
feq R R R eq 2
µ2 > µ3 .... (away from normal)
Q. µ1 =µ2 .... (No change in path) 1 1 1 1
(Q) = + = ; feq = R
feq 2R 2R R
∠ i= 0 ⇒ ∠r = 0 on the block.
R. µ1 > µ2 .... (Away from the normal) 1 1 1 1
(R) =
− − − ; feq =
= −R
µ2 > µ3 .... (Away from the normal) feq 2R 2R R

1 µ1
µ1 × =µ2 sinr ⇒ sin r = . 1 1 1 1
(S) = − = ; f =2R
2 2 µ2 feq R 2R 2R eq
Since sin r < 1 ⇒ µ1 < 2 µ2

S. For TIR: Sol 20: Image by mirror is formed at 30 cm from

mirror at its right and finally by the combination it is
1 µ2
45° > C ⇒ sin 45° > sin C ⇒ > ⇒ µ1 > 2 µ2 formed at 20 cm on right of the lens. So in air medium,
2 µ1 magnification by lens is unity. In second medium,
Sol 17: (A, C) For air to glass µ = . focal length of the lens is given by,
1.5 1.4 − 1 1.5 − 1.4
= +
f1 R R
1 6 . 1 1 2 | Geometrical Optics

 1  Sol 23: (A, C) θ ≥ c

1 (1.5 − 1)  R1
 −
10 =  1 R 2  ⇒ f 35 cm ⇒ 90° − r ≥ c
1  1.5  1
− 1   −
1  2 ⇒ sin ( 90° − r ) ≥ c
f  

7/6   R1 R 2  ⇒ cos r ≥ sin c
So in second medium, final image is formed at 140 cm to sin i n1 n
Using = and sin c = 2
the right of the lens. Second medium does not change sinr nm n1
M Mm M n12 − n22
the magnification by mirror.=
So 2 = 2 2
7 We get, sin2 im =
M1 Mm M 2
1 1

Putting values, we get, correct options as A & C

Sol 21: (B) For Ist refraction
1 1.5 1 − 1.5
− = nm  n1
v −50 −10 r
50 cm

For IInd refraction

1.5 1 1.5 − 1 Sol 24: (A) i = β + θ

− =
∞ −x +10 For α= 45° ; by Snell’s law,
20 cm
70 cm

Sol 22: Snell’s Law on 1st surface: = n sin r1 
sin r1 =  …(i) n =2
4n2 − 3
⇒ cos r1 =1 − =
4n2 2n
1 × sin=
45° 2 sin β

r1 + r2 = 60°  …. (ii) ⇒ β= 30°

Snell’s Law on 2nd surface: For TIR on face PR,

n sin =
r2 sin θ  1 
β + θ = θc = sin−1   = 45°
Using equation (i) and (ii)  2

nsin ( 60° − r1=

) sin θ ⇒ θ= 45° − β= 15° .
 3 1 
n cos r1 − sin r1  =sin θ Sol 25: (A, D) For refraction through lens,
 2 2 
1 1 1 v
d  3  2  dθ − = and −2 =
  4n − 3 − 1  = cos θ v −30 f u
dn  4    dn
∴ v =−2u =60 cm
For θ= 60° and n = 3
∴f =+20 cm

⇒ 2
P hysi cs | 16.113

For reflection
1 1 2
+ = ⇒ R = 30 cm
10 −30 R

(n − 1)  R1  =
1 1
 
  f 20
∴n =
The faint image is erect and virtual.

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