Jimera, Jann Kaila - Me

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Assignment #1

Jann kaila Jimera

The head is the part of the body that is
located at the top of the body. It includes
the most crucial organ of the body, the
brain. Also, the exterior parts like hair,
ear, chin, mouth, nose, eye, forehead,
cheek, lip, and temple.
Upper section
Eyes Hair Ear

-In humans, specialized -Body part that helps

sense organ capable of - Is the part of the
head that is made of to hear the sounds
receiving visual images,
which are then carried to creatin. It grows outside. Its shape is
the brain. out of the skin. elliptic.

Chin Mouth Nose

-The part above the -The nose is the

-It is used to, talk,
mouth. When a organ that enables
eat, kiss. The red
person talks, this you to smell. It is
zone on the mouth
part moves at the located just in the
is called lips.
same time. center of the head.
Upper section

+ +
Cheek lips
The soft part of your The flat part of One of the two soft
face that is below your the face, above parts that form the
eye and between your the eyes and upper and lower edges
mouth and ear.
below the hair. of the mouth.

+ +
The lower part One of the two
The part of the of your face parts of the body
body that joins that moves at each side of the
the head to the when you open neck that join the
your mouth. arms to the rest of
the body.
The middle
Elbow waist
-The upper front The part of the
-The part in
part of the body body above and
of humans between the middle of
slightly narrower
the stomach and the arm where
than the hips.
the neck, it bends.
containing the
heart and lungs.

hips stomach

The area below the An organ in the body

waist and above the where food is
legs at either side digested, or the soft
of the body, or the front part of your
joint that connects body just below the
the leg to the upper chest.
part of the body.

+ +

Either of the two

The part of the Any of the long,
long parts of the body at the end of
the arm that is
thin, separate
upper body that are parts of the hand,
attached to the used for holding,
shoulders and have moving, touching, especially those
the hands at the and feeling things. that are not
end. thumbs.
Lower part
The middle joint of
the leg that allows
the leg to bend

The rounded back part of the foot.

The part of the body at the bottom
of the leg on which a person or
animal stands.

Any of the five separate parts at
the end of the foot
Body types
People are born with an inherited body
type based on skeletal frame and body
composition. Most people are unique
combinations of the three body types:
ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.
Are long and lean, with little body fat,
and little muscle. They have a hard
time gaining weight. Fashion models
and basketball players fit this
category. While most of us love to
hate these genetically-blessed
individuals, some male ectomorphs
may not be thrilled with their narrow-
chested frames, and some female
ectomorphs long for more womanly
On the other hand, have lots of body
fat, lots of muscle, and gain weight
easily. "Football lineman tend to be
endomorphs -- they're heavier and
rounder individuals," says Colby. "And
they don't have to necessarily be
overweight. Both Oprah Winfrey and
Marilyn Monroe are classic examples of
The athletic, solid, and strong. "They're
not overweight and not underweight,"
says Colby, "and they can eat what
they want without worrying too much
about it." They both gain and lose
weight without too much effort.

mans biological make up
and fitness
Multiple choices

Your biological make-up is

what is biological how your body is put
make -up This includes your genetic
information, your physical
body, and everything which
goes into making your body.
Your fitness means how
healthy you are. You are
born with your biological
make-up and cannot change
that, but you can exercise
and improve your
What is biological It is the ability to survive to
reproductive age, find a
fitness? mate, and produce offspring.

Basically, the more offspring

an organism produces during
its lifetime, the greater its
biological fitness. Given that
differences in survival and
number of offspring
produced depend mainly on
an individual's DNA,
biological fitness is usually
discussed in terms of most
and least successful genes, or
the human skeletal system
The skeletal portion of the system
serves as the main storage system
for calcium and phosphorus.
The importance of this storage is
to help regulate mineral balance in
the bloodstream. When the
fluctuation of minerals is high,
these minerals are stored in bone;
when it is low, minerals are
withdrawn from the bone.
the human skeletal system

The skeleton also contains critical components of the

hematopoietic (blood production) system. Located in long
bones are two distinctions of bone marrow: yellow and
red. The yellow marrow has fatty connective tissue and
is found in the marrow cavity. In times of starvation, the
body uses the fat in yellow marrow for energy.

The red marrow of some bones is an important site for

hematopoeisis or blood cell production that replaces cells
that have been destroyed by the liver. Here, all
erythrocytes, platelets, and most leukocytes form in bone
marrow from where they migrate to the circulation.
human major muscle group
Human Muscles
Muscles are considered the
only tissue in the body that
has the ability to contract
and move the other body

About 40% of your body

weight is made up of muscle
The Chest Muscles
The main muscle group of the chest is the pectorals. A well-developed
chest is very important because it will add major size to your inner upper

The pectorals or pecs are the large chest muscles. They are full of thick
muscle fiber and add bulk to the upper body.
The chest is divided into two parts, pectoralis major, and pectoralis minor.
They provide support when you hold objects in front of your body and they
are activated when you reach across your body.
The Back Muscles:
The back is the most complex major muscular structure
in the entire body.

Latissimus Dorsi
The lats facilitate the body in pulling movements and compliment the arms in
pursuing various physical activities like pulling something into your body, or when
you take something down from a shelf above your head.

They originate from the spinal cord and merge into the scapular bone. These
muscles can’t be seen but they play a vital role in strengthening the scapulae
and all the back movements.
The traps control the scapulae or the shoulder blades and play an important role in
shrugging and neck movements. They are used to tilt and turn the head and neck
and shrug the shoulders. They also provide support when you lift items over your

Teres Muscle
This muscle lies underneath the ‘lats’. It works with the lats as well as the
rotator cuffs. Exercises like single arm lat pulldowns and pullovers target this
muscle directly. Compound exercises like deadlifts, shoulder presses, and rows
also target this muscle.

Erector spinae
The erector spinae or spinal erectors is a set of muscles that straighten and
rotate the back. They are actually deep muscles that help to extend the spine
and are key in posture.
The Arms and Shoulder Muscles:
The biceps help control the motion of both the shoulder and elbow joints. At the elbow,
the biceps are essential in lifting, and at the shoulder, they help with moving the arms
sideways, forward and upwards.

These muscles help stabilize the shoulder joint and allow the elbow joint to be
straightened. The triceps are utilized in passing and shooting a basketball, and
help with finite movements such as in writing, drawing or even push and pull.

This muscle group is used on all side of body lifting motions. They provide support
when you carry things and help keep carried items away from the motion path of the
thighs. The deltoid muscle consists of 3 parts: anterior deltoid, medial deltoid, and
posterior deltoid.
The Abdominal Muscles:
Every bodybuilder’s favourite muscles are the abdominals. The abdominals assist in the
breathing process and protect inner organs. They are key in twisting motions, such as a
golf swing or looking behind yourself.

The obliques help support the spine from the front. They are also vital in keeping a good
Other important abdominal muscles include:
Gluteus medius:
It controls the level of the hips and allows the thighs to rotate

Gluteus maximus:
It allows you to extend your upper leg, spread it, and turn it outward.

Serratus anterior:
A group of muscles connected to the rib cage, which help stabilize the shoulder.

Psoas major:
These muscles connect the lower part of the spine to the ilium and the femur and aids in flexing the hips.
The Legs and Buttocks Muscles:
Its main function is to bend your knees and help propel your body forward in such
activities as walking, running, jumping, or doing a Krav Maga kick.

They are key muscles in the movement of the legs backward and sideways.
The glutes also help you maintain balance in walking or running.
Other important abdominal muscles include:
Gluteus medius
Gluteus maximus
Serratus anterior
Psoas major
They are key muscles when you lift your heels up, such as when you walk, run, and go
upstairs. They are also important for explosive moves such as sprinting, jumping and

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