A Study of English Reading Strategies and Reading Motivation Used by Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology Students

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A Study of English Reading Strategies and Reading Motivation Used by Thai-

Nichi Institute of Technology Students

Conference Paper · February 2018


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Asst.Prof.Dr.Bundit Anuyahong
Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology


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A Study of English Reading Strategies and
Reading Motivation Used by Thai-Nichi Institute
of Technology Students
English Department, College of General Education and Languages
Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
[email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract— The purposes of this research were 1) to study English I. INTRODUCTION

reading strategies and reading motivation of Thai-Nichi Institute
of Technology students 2) to compare using English reading Operating under the philosophy of “disseminating
strategies and reading motivation of Thai-Nichi Institute of knowledge, building economic base”, Thai Nichi Institute of
Technology students according to genders, ages, majors and level
of academic years and 3) to gather opinions and suggestions
Technology (TNI)’s main objective is to produce graduates
about English reading strategies and reading motivation of Thai- equipped with knowledge in technological advancement and
Nichi Institute of Technology students. competence in industrial management.
Research samples were 542 undergraduate students at Apart from technological knowledge and
Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology in 2011 academic year, management skills, all TNI programs also focus on the
derived through simple random sampling technique. Instruments development of students’ language skills, particularly skills in
used for gathering the data were the rating-scale and open-ended communicating in Japanese and English. In order to achieve
questionnaire. Statistics used for analyzing the data were this objective, students are required to study English for at
frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, least 3 core courses [1].
and content analysis.
Strategy training in language learning has been topical
Research findings were as follows: since 1970s and a large amount of work has been done on
1. Students had a high level of English reading identifying the strategies used by both successful and less
strategies using and English reading motivation, when successful learners. Lately, there is an increasing interest in
considered in each aspect. It was found that both using English the role of strategies and motivation on reading instruction.
reading strategies and English reading motivation were shown as While previous reading research has focused on reading
high level. strategy use among good and poor readers, researchers are
2. Students with different genders had no differences in examining readers’ awareness of strategies during the reading
English reading strategies using and motivation in English process. Reading strategy knowledge or awareness is
reading in total and in each aspect.
3. Students with different ages had no differences in
knowledge about learners’ themselves, the tasks they face, and
English reading strategies using and motivation in English the strategies they use [2]. Applying reading strategies in the
reading in total and in each aspect. language learning field, it refers to the action that one uses for
4. Students with different academic majors had planning, organizing, evaluating, and monitoring of his or her
statistically significant differences in English reading strategies language learning [3].
using and English reading motivation on overall at the level of Reading plays an essential role in our lives. It is so much a
.05. When considered in each aspect, it was found there were part of everyday living that one can hardly imagine life
statistically significant differences in using English reading without it. Reading is also uniquely individual and flexible.
strategies and English reading motivation at the level of .05. Recently, reading retains its importance as an important skill
5. Students with different level of academic year had no
differences in English reading strategies using and motivation in
for learners of any language. For most of them, it is the most
English reading in total and in each aspect. significant skill to master in order to ensure success in
6. Students at Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology in learning (Alderson, 1984). Furthermore, reading strategies
academic year 2011 had additional suggestions as following: to function to monitor and regulate reading strategies [4, 5].
teach reading for main ideas; to teach vocabulary; to use English These include “checking the outcome of any attempt to solve
movies and cartoon in teaching-learning; to increase teaching a problem, planning one’s next move, monitoring the
materials in modern form. effectiveness of any attempted action, testing, revising, and
evaluating one’s strategies for learning” [2]. For example,
Keywords— English Reading Strategies, English Reading skimming any text for key information requires a critical
Motivation strategy, while evaluating the effectiveness of skimming as a
technique involves strategies [4]. Some researchers classify

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Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, May 17-18, 2012
reading strategies according to the time they are used – before, C. Research Instrument
during, or after reading. Others categorize these strategies as The questionnaire was divided into three sections. The first
either global or local according to the part of the text on which section consisted of personal data, such as genders, ages,
they focus [6]. Aebersold and Field [7] maintain that while majors and academic years of studying. The second section
reading, people’s minds constantly engage in different consisted of 60 questions in 2 aspects; English reading
complex processes. They start by processing information at strategies and motivation in English reading in 2 major areas:
the sentence level by using bottom-up strategies. They focus thirty items of using English reading strategies and thirty
on identification of a word’s meaning and grammatical items of motivation in reading English. Respondents used 5
category, on sentence structure, on text details, and so forth. point scale to answer this section, which are 1= “Strongly
During this process, readers constantly check their own disagree,” 2= “Disagree,” 3= “Neither agree nor disagree,” 4=
schemata to see if the new information fits using top-down “Agree,” 5= “Strongly agree.” The third section was open-
strategies such as background knowledge and prediction ended questionnaire which consisted of 2 aspects; English
[8,13]. reading strategies and motivation in English reading.
Teaching-learning English language of TNI students
has problem in reading and they also lack of motivation in D. Data analysis
reading because instructional contents are not interesting. The The collected data was analyzed using SPSS/PC
contents are not suitable to culture and to using in daily life of (Statistical Package for Social Sciences/Personal computer).
TNI students. Wanida Duanglit [9] advocated that problem in The statistics used for analyzing the data were frequency,
teaching reading was instructional contents because difficulty percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, and
of content and it was not suitable to recent situation and the content analysis.
learners were not interested and did not understand culture of
language. Thus, instructional management must depend on III. RESULT
learner’s interesting and ability that make motivation in The result of this research divided into 3 phases.
reading of the learner. Phase 1: The results of demographic variables of TNI
In conclusion, the researcher created English reading undergraduate students.
strategies and motivation questionnaire which passed
checking from experts for survey English reading strategies TABLE 1
and motivation of TNI students in first semester, academic
year 2011 and the results derived from research will be
The results of demographic variables of TNI
guideline in improvement and development instruction and students
instructional materials in the next occasions.
Demographic data of respondents N %
1. Gender
Research Purposes 1.1 male 347 64
The purposes of this research were 1) to study English 1.2 female 195 36
reading strategies and reading motivation of Thai-Nichi Total 542 100
2. Age
Institute of Technology students, 2) to compare using English 2.1 17 years 23 4.2
reading strategies and reading motivation of Thai-Nichi 2.2 18 years 222 41.0
Institute of Technology students according to genders, ages, 2.3 19 years 187 34.5
2.4 20 years 77 14.2
majors and level of academic years, and 3) to study opinions 2.5 21 years 33 6.1
and suggestions about English reading strategies and reading Total 542 100
motivation of Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology students. 3. Majors
3.1 Automotive Engineering 114 21.0
3.2 Production Engineering 58 10.7
3.3 Computer Engineering 44 8.1
II. RESEARCH METHOD 3.4 Information Technology 94 17.3
3.5 Media Technology 96 17.7
A. Populations and Samples 3.6 Industrial Management 37 6.8
This research was a survey method in English reading 3.7 Business Japanese 99 18.3
Total 542 100
strategies and reading motivation used by TNI students which 4. Level of Academic Year
consisted of populations and samples as follows: 4.1 First year 307 56.6
Populations of this study were 1,200 of the TNI students 4.2 Second year 195 36.0
4.3 Third year 35 6.5
in the first semester of 2011 academic year. 4.4 Fourth year 5 0.9
Samples of this study were 542 TNI students in the first Total 542 100
semester of 2011 academic year derived through simple
random sampling technique.
B. Variables in study Phase 2: The results of using English reading strategies
1) English reading strategies of TNI students. and motivation in English reading of Thai-Nichi Institute
2) Motivation in English reading of TNI students. of Technology students

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Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, May 17-18, 2012
Table of comparing English reading strategies using and
English reading motivation in total and in each aspect
TABLE 2 according to majors
Table of mean and standard deviation of using English ANOVA

reading strategies and reading motivation of TNI students in Components SS df MS F p

each aspect and in total 1. Using Between 8.893 6 1.482 6.555 0.000*
English reading Groups
strategies Within 120.968 535 0.226
Components N S.D. Level 129.861
Total 541
1. Using English reading 542 3.55 0.48 high 2. English Between 6.274 6 1.046 6.055 0.000*
strategies reading Groups
motivation Within 92.390 535 0.173
2. English reading motivation 542 3.56 0.42 high Groups
Total 542 3.56 0.39 high Total 98.664 541
Total Between 7.070 6 1.178 8.227 0.000*
Within 76.632 535 0.143
Phase 3: The results of comparing English reading strategies Groups
using and English reading motivation according to genders, ages, Total 83.702 541
majors and level of academic years of Thai-Nichi Institute of *Statistical Significance at .05 level

Technology students. In case of statistical significance at .05 level

was found. Scheffe’s method will be tested. The table indicated that students with different
academic majors had statistically significant differences in
TABLE 3 English reading strategies using and English reading
Table of comparing English reading strategies using and motivation on overall at the level of .05. When considered in
English reading motivation in total and in each aspect each aspect, it was found there were significant differences on
according to genders using English reading strategies and English reading
Male (N=347) Female (N=195)
motivation at the level of .05.
Components t p
S.D. S.D. Moreover, the result was found that students with
1. Using English reading 3.53 0.50 3.59 0.46 -1.193 0.234 different academic majors had significant differences in
2. English reading 3.56 0.44 3.54 0.39 0.429 0.668 English reading strategies using and motivation in English
motivation reading when considered in each aspect it was found that
Total 3.55 0.40 3.57 0.36 -.509 0.611
*Statistical Significance at .05 level students from Information Technology had difference in
English reading strategies using with students from
The table resulted that students with different genders had no Automotive Engineering, Production Engineering, Industrial
differences both English reading strategies using and Management, and Business Japanese. When considered in
motivation in English reading in total and in each aspect. English reading motivation, it was found out that students
from Information Technology have difference in English
TABLE 4 reading motivation with students from Automotive
Table of comparing English reading strategies using and Engineering, Production Engineering, and Business Japanese
English reading motivation in total and in each aspect and students from Multimedia Technology also had difference
according to ages in English reading motivation with students from Production
ANOVA Engineering. In total, it was found out that students from
Components SS df MS F p Information Technology had difference in English reading
1. Using English Between 1.684 4 0.421 1.764 0.135
reading strategies Groups
strategies and English reading motivation with students from
Within 128.176 537 0.239 Automotive Engineering, Production Engineering, Industrial
Groups Management, and Business Japanese.
Total 129.861 541
2. English reading Between 0.335 4 0.084 0.458 0.767
motivation Groups TABLE 6
Within 98.329 537 0.183
Table of comparing English reading strategies using and
Total 98.664 541 English reading motivation in total and in each aspect
Total Between 0.701 4 0.175 1.134 0.340 according to level of academic year
Within 83.001 537 0.155 ANOVA
Total 83.702 541 Components SS df MS F p
1. Using English Between
*Statistical Significance at .05 level 1.398 3 0.466 1.952 0.120
reading strategies Groups
128.463 538 0.239
The table resulted that students with different ages Total 129.861 541
had no differences in both English reading strategies using 2. English reading Between
0.057 3 0.019 0.104 0.958
motivation Groups
and motivation in English reading in total and in each aspect. Within
98.607 538 0.183
Total 98.664 541
TABLE 5 Total Between
0.306 3 0.102 0.659 0.578
Within 83.396 538 0.155

International Conference on Business and Industrial Research ©ICBIR 2012

Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, May 17-18, 2012
Groups 5. Teacher should take songs and pictures to 5 2.38
Total 83.702 541 0.466 teach in classroom.
*Statistical Significance at .05 level 6. Each vocabulary should be translated by 2 0.94
The table showed that students with different level of IV. DISCUSSION
academic year had no differences in English reading strategies
using and motivation in English reading in total and in each According to the study and data analysis, the results
aspect. of this study could be discussed as follows.
The result of English reading strategies using and
Phase 4: The results of study opinions and suggestions of TNI English reading motivation of TNI students in two areas was
undergraduate students in two components; English reading high. In this way, it might concern with reasons as follows.
strategies using and English reading motivation. Frequency and 1. English reading strategies using was high which
content analysis are presented in this phase. the TNI undergraduate students were able to analyze content
of reading passages including its background knowledge and
TABLE 7 using mental operations when they approach a text and make
Table of frequency and percentage of number of opinions and sense of what they read which related to view of Barnett [8]
suggestions of TNI undergraduate students in two components who suggests that reading strategies are the mental operations
namely; English reading strategies using and English reading incorporated when readers approach a text and make sense of
motivation what they read. These mental operations can include
Opinions and suggestions N Fre. %
English reading strategies using 205 skimming, scanning, reading for meaning, and separating
Opinions 162 79.02 main ideas from supporting details. Likewise, Feng and
1. Reading for main ideas makes me 47 22.92
understand efficiency
Mokhtari [10] advocated that readers resort to several
2. Reading is the primary skill to improve. 32 15.60 strategies in their attempts to make sense of what they read.
3. Knowing vocabulary is one of the most 25 12.19 Achieving reading comprehension involves a number of other
important issues.
4. English movies and cartoon will help 19 9.26 cognitive strategies. Readers use these additional cognitive
students to enjoy learning. strategies [11].
5. Slow reading is a trick to get an idea. 14 6.82 Furthermore, TNI undergraduate students used the
6. Being able to read and translate is 8 3.90
sufficient. process of reading involves the use of higher-level
7. English is important in working placement. 7 3.41 comprehension strategies, such as inferencing, predicting, and
8. English reading articles sometimes make 5 2.43
me feel boring.
problem-solving. Therefore they were able to use plans,
9. Speaking in real circumstance is better than 3 1.51 tactics, actions that they implement to facilitate
learning in classroom. comprehension [12]. From the results of research showed that
10. Speaking is more important than reading. 2 0.98
Suggestions 43 20.97 TNI undergraduate students used interactive strategies and
1. Teaching materials should be increased 14 6.82 decoding method to help review contents of reading passage
2. Conversation should be more promoted. 11 5.36 because interactive strategies take into account interaction
3. New English article should be taught 8 3.90
regularly. between bottom-up and top-down skills that readers use while
4. Difficult vocabulary should be taught 5 2.46 reading [13-17]. Moreover, Eskey [18] advocated that
5. Sentence structures should be teaching. 3 1.46
successful reading begins with fluent decoding, but this must
6. Slang vocabulary should be taught in the 2 0.97 be accompanied by the reader's construction of a meaning for
class. the text, which goes beyond decoding. Although every text
English reading motivation 212
Opinions 145 68.40
provides information for the reader, the meaning of the text is
1. Watching movies makes me motivation in 41 19.33 ultimately determined by readers who can relate that
reading English information to their prior knowledge.
2. Reading in reader’s interesting area is 33 15.56
helpful. 2. English reading motivation was high level which
3. Starting with easy vocabulary is one of 26 12.26 might be from TNI undergraduate students set goals in
motivations for students to understand.
4. Asking students to translate the article 19 8.96
reading and motivated themselves to get a good grade. Hence,
shows positive result. they tried very hard to read and decode it which is reliant with
5. Interpreting English article is preferred. 16 7.54 notion of Dornyei [19] who advocated that a learner may be
6. A good grade is strong motivation to learn. 5 2.35
7. Teachers should emphasize on games and 3 1.46
highly motivated in reading if he or she thinks that the chance
chat to make a fun classroom environment. of getting a task properly done is high and regards such a
8. Weak English basic forced the students to 2 0.94 completion of task as meaningful and significant. Receiving
be lower level than their friends
Suggestions 67 31.60 recognition or good grades are intrinsic motivation because it
1. Teaching materials should be from English 26 12.26 is an individual’ internal drive to do an activity and intrinsic
novels, history and magazine.
2. Onside activities for practicing 17 8.01
motivation is in evidence whenever students’ natural curiosity
communication skill should be promoted. and interest energize their learning [20-22].
3. New Technology should be used to support 10 4.71 Motivation in English reading is one of the most
student’s learning
4. Teacher should increase and focus on other 7 3.30 significant factors to enhance students in reading English. In
skills such as grammar to make a specific this concern, teachers should prepare the students by
considering individual’s differences. The theorist, Willis &

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Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, May 17-18, 2012
Hodson [23], who advocated that different students have using and motivation in English reading in total and in each
different interests and modalities therefore allowing students aspect. 3) Students with different academic majors had
to read in the ways they prefer by providing a medium for statistically significant differences in English reading
attaining individual pleasure and enlightenment. For example, strategies using and English reading motivation on overall at
books with audio cassettes can facilitate audio learners’ the level of .05. When considered in each aspect, it was found
reading while books with more illustrations and cartoons can there were significant differences on using English reading
increase visual learners’ interest in reading. Furthermore, strategies and English reading motivation at the level of .05.
reading very easy material builds confidence and makes it On the other hand, students with different academic
clear to students that this is a different kind of reading practice majors had significant differences in English reading
from what they are probably used to [24]. strategies using and motivation in English reading when
3. The point of view of the TNI undergraduate considered in each aspect it was found that students from
students towards English reading strategies using and English Information Technology had significant difference in English
reading motivation was ranked as a high level because they reading strategies using with students from Automotive
understood how to use English reading strategies. This was Engineering, Production Engineering, Industrial Management,
also caused a high English reading strategies using which and Business Japanese. When considered in English reading
related with the statement of the educational theorist, Day and motivation, it was found that students from Information
Bamford [24], who reported that a high English reading Technology had significant difference in English reading
strategies using tended to keep the meaning of the passage in motivation with students from Automotive Engineering,
mind, read in broad phrases, skip words, and posses a positive Production Engineering, and Business Japanese and students
self-concept. Moreover, reading strategies make the TNI from Multimedia Technology also had significant difference
students identify bottom-up, top-down, interactive and schema in English reading motivation with students from Production
theory which relates to the opinions of the expert, Gough [25] Engineering. In total, it was found that students from
notes that in the 1950s and 1960s the predominant reading Information Technology had significant difference in English
strategies were thought to be "bottom up", based on the reading strategies and English reading motivation with
smallest meaningful unit of sound. Meaning was derived in a students from Automotive Engineering, Production
linear manner. First readers decoded letters, then words, Engineering, Industrial Management, and Business Japanese.
phrases and sentences to make sense of the printed symbols. 4) Students with different level of academic year had no
These decoding strategies were carried out automatically and differences in English reading strategies using and motivation
unconsciously. Theorists considered these "bottom up" based in English reading in total and in each aspect. Furthermore,
strategies to play a great role in comprehending the reading students at Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology in academic
text. Through the 1970s, prominence was given to "top down" year 2011 had additional suggestions as following: to teach
models, where the meaning precedes the structure. Readers reading for main ideas; to teach vocabulary; to use English
rely on their background knowledge (schema) and their movies and cartoon in teaching-learning; to increase teaching
previous experience to comprehend the meaning of the text materials in modern form.
and to confirm or correct their understanding [26, 27, 11, 17,
Moreover, motivation and attitudes through reading According to the study, the useful suggestions for further
are very important for achievement in learning which the development and improvement were demonstrated as follows.
theorist, Alexander and Filler [28] proposed that learners’ 1. Recommendation for this study
attitudes towards reading are their feelings about reading, such 1.1 From the results of the study found that TNI
as whether they enjoy reading, and they should influence the undergraduate students used English reading strategies and
learners’ degree of involvement in reading. English reading motivation in high level. So, TNI
administrators should support modern reading materials in the
V. CONCLUSION library and in the classroom. On the other hand, teachers
should teach higher level strategies to students and support
The TNI students used English reading strategies and TNI undergraduate students in reading and provide
English reading motivation at high level ( = 3.56) when supplementary materials both in classroom and outside
considered in each aspect. It was found that using English classroom.
reading strategies at high level ( = 3.55) and English reading 1.2 The results of the study from opinions and
suggestions were presented as students have an opportunity to
motivation at high level ( = 3.56). Moreover, the results of
have special or extra advanced class listening, speaking, and
comparing English reading strategies using and English
writing skills.
reading motivation according to genders, ages, majors and
2. Recommendation for further study
level of academic years of Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology
2.1 A survey of English listening and speaking
students as follows. 1) Students with different genders had no
strategies using and English listening-speaking motivation
differences in English reading strategies using and motivation
should be proposed for next study.
in English reading in total and in each aspect. 2) Students with
different ages had no differences in English reading strategies

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Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, May 17-18, 2012
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Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, May 17-18, 2012

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