4.2.09 AOAC of Fi Cial Method 984.13 Pro Tein (Crude) in An I Mal Feed and Pet Food

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09 Heat flask at 5-min boil rate (burner preheated and adjusted to

AOAC Official Method 984.13 bring 250 mL H2O at 25°C to rolling boil in 5 min) until dense
Protein (Crude) in Animal Feed and Pet Food white fumes clear bulb of flask, swirl gently, continue heating
Copper Catalyst Kjeldahl Method additional 90 min. (Note: Reagent proportions, heat input, and
First Action 1984
di ges tion time are crit i cal fac tors—do not change.) Cool,
Final Action 1994
cautiously add 250 mL H2O, and cool to room temperature.
A. Principle (Note: If bumping occurs during distillation, volume of H2O may
Sam ple is di gested in H 2 SO 4 , us ing CuSO 4 as cat a lyst, be increased to ca 275 mL.)
converting N to NH3 which is distilled and titrated. Pre pare ti tra tion beaker by add ing ac cu rately mea sured
B. Reagents appropriate volume standard acid solution to amount of H2O such
(a) So dium hy drox ide.—Pel lets, flakes, or so lu tion with that condenser tip will be sufficiently immersed. Add 3–4 drops
spe cific grav ity ≥1.36, low N. Dis solve ca 450 g NaOH in H 2O, indicator solution, B(c).
cool, di lute to 1 L. Add 2–3 drops of tributyl citrate to digestion flask to re duce
(b) Alundum.—Boiling stones, 8–14 mesh (Thomas foaming; add another 0.5–1.0 g alundum granules. Slowly, down
Sci en tific Co., No. 1590-D18). side of flask, add sufficient NaOH solution, B(a), such that
(c) Methyl red in di ca tor.—Dissolve 1 g methyl red (Na salt) mixture will be strongly alkaline. Immediately connect flask to
in 100 mL metha nol.
distillation apparatus, mix completely, and distil at ca 7.5 min
(d) Hy dro chlo ric stan dard so lu tion.—0.5M, or sul fu ric acid
boil rate until ≥150 mL distillate is collected in titration beaker.
stan dard so lu tion, 0.25M. Pre pare as in 936.15 (see A.1.06) or
Titrate excess standard acid in distillate with standard NaOH
890.01 (see A.1.14).
solution. Correct for blank determination on reagents. Calculate % N.
(e) So dium hy drox ide stan dard so lu tion.—0.1M. Pre pare as
When standard HCl is used:
in 936.16 (see A.1.12).
After standardizing both acid and base individually, also check
N, % (w/w) = [(Macid)(mLacid ) – (mLbk)(MNaOH)
one against the other. In ad dition, check en tire method by
– (mLNaOH)(MNaOH)][1400.67]/mg test portion
analyzing NIST Standard Reference Material No. 194, NH4H2PO4,
certified 12.15% N, and high purity lysine⋅HCl. When standard H2SO4 is used:
C. Apparatus
(a) Digestion.—Use Kjeldahl flasks with capacity of 500–800 mL. N, % (w/w) = [(Macid)(2)(mLacid ) – (mLbk)(MNaOH)
(b) Distillation.—Connect digestion flask to distillation trap by – (mLNaOH)(MNaOH)][1400.67]/mg test portion
rubber stopper and connect distillation trap to condenser with low-S
tubing. Outlet of condenser tube should be <4 mm diameter. where mL NaOH = mL standard base needed to titrate distillate;
mLacid = mL standard acid used for that distillate; mLbk = mL
D. Determination standard base needed to titrate 1 mL standard acid minus mL
Weigh 0.250–1.000 g test portion into digestion flask. Add 15 g standard base needed to ti trate re agent blank car ried through
K2SO4, 0.04 g anhy drous CuSO4, 0.5–1.0 g alundum granules, method and dis tilled into 1 mL stan dard acid; M acid = molarity
and 20 mL H2SO4. (Add additional 1.0 mL H2SO4 for each 0.1 g of stan dard acid; M b a s e = molarity of stan dard base.
fat or 0.2 g other organic matter if test portion weight is >1 g.) Cal cu late per cent crude pro tein, de fined as 6.25 × percent
ni tro gen, or 5.7 × per cent ni tro gen for wheat grains.
Include at least one assay of high purity lysine⋅HCl in each
day’s run as check of correctness of digestion parameters. If Reference: JAOAC 67, 869(1984).
recovery is not complete, make appropriate adjustments. Revised: March 1996


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