Amazon Leadership Principles: Order ID: 0028913
Amazon Leadership Principles: Order ID: 0028913
Amazon Leadership Principles: Order ID: 0028913
Welcome to your guide…
Q1. Tell me about a time when you had to make a quick decision that was going to have a
significant impact on the organization?
Sample Answer:
I was managing a project for a very important client with a small group of people from different
departments across the organization. We literally only had 10 days left before the project had to be
completed, when the client contacted me with an urgent project specification change request. The
changes they were asking for would have a significant impact on the team’s ability to complete the
project on time, and it would also eat into our project budget. I had very little time to make a decision, and
so I decided to agree to the changes, primarily because two of our core values were flexibility and
customer focus. The client had been with us for a long time, and I saw their business as valuable for the
future health of the organization. Although we ended up making very little money from that project due to
the unexpected specification change request, the client was very happy with the results and they went on
to spend significant amounts of money with us in the future due to the strong relationship we had built up
with them.
Q2. Tell me about a time when you found a simple solution to a complex problem?
Sample Answer:
I was in a meeting in my previous job where the company’s sales figures were being discussed by the
managers. Although the sales figures were healthy, there was concern amongst the group that the
profitability was not as good as it should be, due to the marketing spend that was ongoing. At the end of
the meeting, I decided to try and find a solution to this problem. I met up with the marketing team, and
they explained to me the bulk of the marketing spend was going on Facebook and social media adverts.
After some investigative work, it became apparent that the team were not using Facebooks tracking
pixels that are designed to measure the performance of the advertising spend. I quickly informed them of
what I had found, and moving forward from that day on, the organization was able to measure accurately
the marketing return on investment. This allowed us to cease adverts that were not giving us any return,
which in turn increased profitability.
Q3. Describe a situation when you had to work with incomplete data or information?
Sample Answer:
I was working on an internal project for my previous employer that required me to work closely with
another member of staff from a different department. We had been working very well together for the
duration of the project, and we both had different skillsets and qualities that helped the project move
forward nicely. However, towards the end of the project, I received a call from my work colleagues
manager saying that she had been taken ill, and that I would need to finish the project on my own. The
only way for me to complete the project would be to use the limited information I had available, which my
colleague had previously passed on to me before she went off sick. In the evenings, after work, I carried
out lots of research to find out how to complete the elements of the project my work colleague had been
responsible for. I ended up taking an online course, and I also went online to a couple of technical chat
forums to ask for advice and information for the elements of the project I was struggling with. I am
pleased to say that, after many nights additional work, and also by using the limited information my
colleague had given to me, I was able to put the remaining pieces of the jigsaw puzzle in place and
complete the project on time and to the correct standards.
Q4. Tell me about a time when you had to take a calculated risk at work?
Sample Answer:
In a previous job, I had not been there that long when I was offered a promotion. This came entirely out
of the blue, and whilst I am very ambitious and enthusiastic, I decided to turn it down. The reason for me
turning down the opportunity was based on the fact I genuinely wanted to learn my new role to a high
standard, so I could then help the organization and my team develop. Although I feel I could have
performed well within the promotion, I did not want to risk my reputation and the performance of the
company, especially as I had only been there for a relatively short period of time. This was obviously a
risk on my part, as I may not have been offered the opportunity for promotion again. However, it proved
to be the right decision as my manager respected my choice, and I actually went on to be one of the
companies highest achievers.
Q5. Tell me how you would complete a project or task if you had limited time or resources?
Sample Answer:
I believe in the modern-world we need to make more effective use of outsourcers to complete specific
tasks, and that is what I would do if I had a difficult project to coordinate which had a tight budget and
limited resources. There are some excellent websites available such as,
and also where I could access experts from different industries such as graphic
design, web development, ecommerce and admin, etc. I would use these experts to carry out specific
project tasks where I was unable to hire someone internally. This approach would have a number of
benefits in the fact that I would not need to manage the people directly, and they would also only get paid
unless the project task was completed to my specification and also the required standards that I set. This
smart approach to project coordination would ensure I could manage multiple-tasks remotely and also,
more importantly, at a reduced cost. I would also put in the extra hours if time was limited. In the past, I
have worked on projects with extremely tight timescales, and when this type of situation occurs, I will
always work late into the night to make sure I meet the deadline.
Q6. Tell me about a time when you experienced conflict within a team?
Sample Answer:
I was part of a project team in a previous role which included six other team members. We were tasked
with delivering an important web-based, time-sensitive project for an important client. During the initial
stage of the project we got together as a team to discuss and agree upon the initiation-phase of the
project, and also an agreed action plan. From the very first meeting, two members of the team took an
instant dislike to each other, and their constant disagreements were causing conflict within the team. I
took control of the situation and spoke up during the meeting to express my concerns that, unless we all
agreed to put our differences aside, and work collaboratively as part of a team to achieve the project
aims, we would all be responsible for the failure of the project. As soon as I raised the issue it was clear
the two team members knew they had to put their differences aside, which they agreed to do so. From
that point on, the conflict was stopped dead in its tracks and the remainder of the project went smoothly
and according to plan.
Q7. Give me two examples of when you have gone above of beyond what was expected?
Sample Answer:
SITUATION: I can remember a number of occasions when I would go above and beyond for a customer.
One particular time comes to mind when I was speaking to a customer on the telephone about a product
they had recently ordered from our website. The product had, unfortunately, become damaged by the
courier company, and they needed to return it for a replacement. However, there was an additional issue
in the fact the customer really needed to use the product the next day, yet they were unable to, due to
the damage that had been caused.
TASK: I put myself in the shoes of the customer and I could genuinely feel her frustration. I decided to
take ownership of the situation and resolve the problem as it genuinely was not her fault the issue had
ACTION: I kept the customer on the line whilst I sourced a new ‘guaranteed delivery’ courier company
who was able to pick up and deliver a new replacement product within 24 hours. After some quick
searching, I managed to find a company, and whilst the customer was still on the line, I facilitated the
order. I then informed the customer that we would have a new product with her in time for the following
day, which she was absolutely thrilled about.
RESULT: The following morning I called the customer back to make sure the product had actually
arrived in time, which it had done. The customer then went on to leave a glowing review of our company
and I am pleased to say she has been a regular customer ever since.
Q7. Give me two examples of when you have gone above of beyond what was expected?
Sample Answer:
SITUATION – In my previous job, I was managing the telephone lines and responding to customer calls.
One day, an elderly gentleman telephoned to place an order online and he was clearly having problems
selecting the product he needed and also making the payment over the phone.
TASK – I saw it as my task to spend time patiently helping the gentleman choose the right products for
him and to also talk him through the payment process, reassuring him along the way.
ACTION – I started off my asking him a series of probing questions to ascertain which product he needed.
Once we had achieved that stage, I then explained in detail how we would use his payment details to
process the payment, and that his details were totally secure. I then took the payment details and his
address for delivery. I also upgraded him to our free express delivery service to provide further reassurance
customer was very happy with the service and he has since used our company again to buy products.
Q8. Have you ever failed at work? If so, tell me what happened and how you reacted?
Sample Answer:
SITUATION: I don’t like to fail, but if I do, I always take ownership, put things right, and above all, view it
as an opportunity to learn, grow and develop.
During a challenging and exciting project at work in a previous role, I was part of a team of talented
people who were working on the creation of a new product for an important client.
TASK: The task required us to work together as a team and use our combined expertise and experience
to create the product for the client within very strict timescales and specifications. The project should
have been a breeze, simply because we had done this type of work together many times before.
ACTION: We started out as usual with the project manager giving the team the usual brief. I can
remember thinking the brief was perhaps not clear enough for the specification required by the client, but
I chose not to say anything, which ended up being a huge mistake. Part-way through the project, it
became apparent we had missed a very important specification off the product, which ended up putting
us two weeks behind schedule.
RESULT: Although the client was forgiving and he allowed us additional time to complete the project, we
had failed to deliver on our promises as a team. During the team debrief, I disclosed I had concerns
during the initial team briefing, but I chose not to say anything. I apologized for not doing so. As a team,
we learnt a lot from that experience, and moving forward the same mistake never happened again.
Sample Answer:
SITUATION: In my previous job, a long-standing client who had brought in good business for a number
of years, made contact with us to say he was moving to a new service provider and that he no longer
required our services.
TASK: This was bad news for the company, and I saw it as my responsibility to try and keep hold of his
business. Although this would be a difficult challenge, the impact of losing the customer would be
ACTION: I reached out to the customer by telephone and asked him to meet me the next day over lunch.
He agreed, and in the time period between the telephone call and the meeting, I did my homework,
looked at how we could improve the service we currently provided for him, and also looked at the options
surrounding what he was paying for our services. At the meeting, I asked lots of questions about how our
service could be improved and what we could do to keep his business. It quickly became apparent he no
Q10. When have you had a disagreement at work, either with a work colleague or a manager?
Sample Answer:
SITUATION: I was working in an office and a customer emailed the team to complain about the errors
that they had found in one of our company newsletters. The newsletter was created periodically by
another department within the organization and its purpose was to generate new business for the
company. I took a look at the newsletter and I was shocked at the number of errors that were contained
within it.
TASK: I felt it was my responsibility to raise the issue with the department responsible for the creation of
the newsletter, so we could explore ways in which it could be improved. It was my view that the
newsletter, in its current format, was letting the business down.
ACTION: I spoke to the manager of the department and I was met with an immediate defensive attitude. I
was basically told to mind my own business and he disagreed with my suggestion the newsletter should
be improved. However, I persevered and I outlined the benefits of what a strong newsletter could bring to
our company. I also offered to proofread the newsletter before it went out, as this would then enable me
to suggest different ways in which we could improve the newsletter and use it to leverage new business.
RESULT: After some perseverance and tactful relationship building skills, the manager agreed for me to
work with them to improve the newsletter. Six months after I initially made contact, the newsletter was
seen as an integral part of the business and it was responsible for helping to promote new products and
also offer incentives and discounts for our loyal customer base.
Q11. Give me a situation where you have previously shown one of Amazon’s Leadership
Principles at work?
Sample Answer:
I have studied the 14 Amazon leadership principles I detail to make sure I can perform all of them as
required within the position of manager. One of them I believe I have been consistent in, in every role I
have undertaken so far, is that of INSISTING ON THE HIGHEST STANDARDS achievable. For
example, whilst working in my last team on a difficult project, a couple of team members suggested we
cut corners on one particular element of the project, to save time and to also allow us to ensure the
project was completed on time. I immediately disagreed and explained that this was not the way to do
things! I insisted that, instead of cutting corners, we all stayed behind an additional hour each day to do
the project tasks properly and to also make sure we get the job completed on time. Whilst this was an
unpopular suggestion, the most important thing for me was to do things right and to make sure the
project was completed on time. There are no excuses for projects being completed late and I would
always ensure everything is done to the highest standards achievable whilst working as a manager for
Sample Answer:
I was managing a team of people during a difficult recession back in 2009. The Company CEO gave me
the task of looking at how we could cut costs and save money during this very difficult period. I carried
out a costs base analysis of the team, and quickly realized two members of staff were not needed as
their work could be absorbed by both myself and one other team member. I put forward my proposal to
make the positions redundant, which my CEO agreed to. I followed the redundancy consultation process
to see whether we could come up with alternative roles for them within the company. Unfortunately, this
was not possible, and so I had to make the positions redundant. This decision was very unpopular
amongst the rest of the team. However, for the sake of the business and our future operations, I did not
hesitate in making this tough decision when needed.
Q13. Give me one thing you will like the most about being a leader with Amazon, and one thing
you will dislike?
Sample Answer:
The one thing I most like about leading and managing people is the challenge of consistently delivering team
goals for my employer through hard work, the creation of a robust strategic plan and also motivating and
inspiring my team to be the best they can be. In regard to the one thing I most dislike, it’s team members
who do not work to the best of their abilities. I have worked in a couple of teams before whereby some people
are happy to plod along and do the bare minimum. As a leader, I would always ensure the team I am leading
feel inspired and motivated to be the absolute best they can be at all times. I have high personal and
professional standards, and I would expect my team to be the same.
Q14. Tell me a time when you had to give bad news to a member of your team?
Sample Answer:
I was tasked with managing a team for my previous employer and it quickly became apparent to me that
a long standing employee was no longer effective in his role. After carefully analysing the team, I felt his
presence within the team was hindering our performance and I needed to make a difficult decision to
replace him. This was a tough decision simply because he was very popular amongst the other team
members, but I knew the only way I could move the team forward in the direction I needed was to move
him to a different department where I felt his skills would be put to better use. After obtaining approval
from the senior management team for the move, I held a meeting with the employee and explained to
him the reasons behind the move. He was clearly upset and disappointed and made it clear that he felt I
was making a big mistake. I stood by my decision and he moved departments the following week.
Initially, the team were upset about my decision and it took me a few weeks to motivate them and win
their support. However, I persevered and 6 months on, the team was performing to peak ability and it
quickly became the most productive team within the organization. I am not afraid to make difficult
decisions when needed and will never shy away from confrontation or challenges within this leadership
Q15. Give me an example when you led a team of people to achieve an organization’s goal or
Sample Answer:
In a previous role, I was tasked with leading and implementing change within my team based on the new
company Director’s vision and strategic aims. I started off by obtaining a clear brief from the company
Director on where they wanted my team to be in respect of their performance and targets. Once I had
obtained the brief, I held an in-depth team meeting to discuss the changes, the reasons for the changes
and how I wanted each member of the team to implement each stage of the change process along the
way. Throughout the change process, I held regular meetings and discussions with the team to answer
questions they had and to also provide relevant support as and when it was needed. Although some
members of the team found the changes initially difficult, I kept focusing on the end goal and the reasons
for the change. I also utilized effective communication skills to motivate each team member and provided
praise as and when each key stage of the change process was completed. After 4 months hard work, we
had successfully implemented the changes requested and the team and wider organization as a whole
worked in a much more productive and efficient manner.
Q16. Tell me about a time when you had to persuade someone to follow your course of action?
Sample Answer:
Whilst managing a previous team, I found myself in a position where our company website went down
late on a Friday afternoon. The following day we were due to launch a new product to our large database
and the website had to be back up in time for the following morning. I contacted a local web development
company and they initially stated they were unable to help as it was so late in the afternoon and
everyone was due to go home for the weekend. It was at this stage I had to use strong persuasion and
negotiation skills to get what I needed. I explained to them that our IT contract with an external provider
was coming to an end in 3 months’ time, and that we were on the lookout for a new, local organization to
manage our IT systems. I explained that we had experienced similar issues to the one we were
experiencing there and then, and that we no longer had faith in the company who took responsibility for
our website. I suggested to them that this was an opportunity for them to prove what they could do and
that, if they agreed to help us out in our hour of need, I would suggest to my Managing Director that we
seriously consider using their services if the costs are within our budget. At that stage, they agreed to
stay behind to help out the organization and by 10pm that evening, the issue was resolved and the
website back up and running. I feel I am a determined and resolute negotiator and will not stop until I get
the result I need for my employer.
to studying in the evenings, and also due to the fact the distance learning tutor who was allocated to support
me changed twice during the course.
TASK – It was my job to focus on the studying, to create a plan of action to make sure I put in the required
time, and to also spend time getting to know the new tutor so they were up to speed with my progress.
ACTION – I created schedule that dictated when I was going to study in the evenings, to make sure I kept
up-to-date with the course curriculum. I also dedicated time on the phone talking to the new tutor to make
sure she was aware of the areas I needed the most support in, and to also let her know of my reasons for
Q18. Give me an example at work where you improved how you did something to achieve a better
Sample Answer:
SITUATION – I recently dealt with a customer complaint at work. Whilst it was successful, I felt I could
improve in this area and so I volunteered to undertake a customer care training course.
TASK - The task required me to undertake and successfully complete an online customer care course via
the online learning platform Udemy. The goal was to improve my knowledge of customer care which would
in turn help the business improve.
ACTION – I started out by creating a plan of action of how I was going to study and, more importantly,
complete each module. This involved studying each night for one hour over a 2-week period. At the end of
each module, I assessed my knowledge by completing an online exam.
RESULT – After the two-week period was complete, I successfully passed the online course and received
a certificate of excellence. The end result was that I felt better equipped to provide customers with
enhanced care and attention, which was to the benefit of the company.
Q19. Tell me about a time when you learned something new that was outside of your comfort zone?
Sample Answer:
One day, whilst at work in a previous job, I had allocated an entire afternoon to work on my own personal
development. This was something I did once a month, and my employer encouraged it. I knew nothing at
all about marketing, as my role was to manage the customer service side of the business. I asked the head
of the marketing department if she would show me how the company marketed the business, as I felt this
would give me a deeper insight into how the business works and also how we target our customers. It
proved to be a great afternoon, as I learnt first-hand how the marketing team targets potential customers
using Google Pay-Per-Click adverts and also by using sophisticated adverts on Facebook based on
demographics. What I learnt the most, and also how this helped me in my role within the customer service
team, was that people type in specific search phrases into Google, and then our adverts appear for them.
Although I felt out of my comfort zone at times, this really helped me to understand how our customers end
up buying from us, based on their needs or requirements. This was a great experience for me and
something I got a lot from as it helped me to improve the service both me and team were providing our
Q20. Tell me about a time when you received criticism from a manager or a work colleague? How
Sample Answer:
I don’t receive criticism often; however, when I do, I always take it onboard positively with a view to
improving my performance at work. One situation actually springs to mind. I had been in my job for a long
time and felt very confident in my abilities and my level of competence. However, my manager called me
in to her office to say she was not happy with the speed it was taking me to complete a project I had been
working on. I had been given a set deadline to work to, and by using a plan of action that I always used
previously, I knew one hundred percent that the project would be delivered on time. My manager pointed
out to me that the project deadline was a guide and that I should actually be trying to complete my work
faster. After careful reflection of what she had said, and also my performance, I agreed that I should try
and work faster and smarter to get the project completed faster, as this would then help the company to
take on more work and, hence, improve profitability. The projects that I worked on thereafter were pretty
much all competed on average seven days faster, which over the year, meant I managed to take on more
work for the organization.
Q21. Tell me about a time when you analyzed information carefully to overcome a challenging task
or project?
Sample Answer:
When I initially joined my previous employer, I wanted to make an immediate and positive impact on the
business in order to repay the Director’s faith in my abilities to perform the role. I noticed that the
organization was not making effective use of the customer data it held and I saw this as a source of
untapped potential. I spent time speaking to the IT department to ascertain what information and data we
held and how it could be extracted and utilized to help improve company sales and performance. Once I
had analysed the date carefully, I realised that each customer was essentially left alone after they had
either come into contact with, or made a purchase from, our company. I then conducted a presentation to
the senior management team to explain how we could start utilizing this data to drive further sales and
increase the customer experience in order to obtain more constructive feedback and also increase
positive reviews online. Following my presentation, we set up a small team of people whose specific task
was to set up sales and marketing funnels specifically designed at increasing company reviewed and
improving overall customer service experience. The end result was, 12 months after the team was set
up, company revenue increase by 4%, which based on their annual turnover, was a significant amount.
Q22. Tell me a time when you had to make an effective decision under pressure?
Sample Answer:
SITUATION: Whilst at work in a previous role, a work colleagues started making inappropriate comments
The sample answers in this resource are collated from years of experience and research in the
recruitment sector. The answers confidently display the appropriate qualities and competencies
that the interviewer expects from successful candidates.
Read the sample answers carefully, and take note of what skills and competencies they
demonstrate. You might notice that, when the question asks for examples, the answer uses the
STAR method to construct the response:
Situation. Start off your response to the interview question by explaining what the ‘situation’ was
Task. Once you have detailed the situation, explain what the ‘task’ was, or what needed to be
Action. Now explain what ‘action’ you took, and what action others took. Also explain why you
Result. Explain to the panel what you would do differently if the same situation arose again. It is
good to be reflective at the end of your responses. This demonstrates a level of maturity and it
will also show the panel that you are willing to learn from every experience.
In order to get the best possible results, apply this system to your own examples and experiences
in working life. These sample answers are intended to inspire you to create your own responses
to the questions.
PassMyInterview is not responsible for anyone failing any part of any selection process as a result
of the information contained within this resource. PassMyInterview and their authors cannot accept
any responsibility for any errors or omissions within this resource, however caused. No
responsibility for loss or damage occasioned by any person acting, or refraining from action, as a
result of the material in this publication can be accepted by PassMyInterview.
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