Lair Assault, Season 1 - Forge of The Dawn Titan

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The document discusses a D&D adventure module called 'Forge of the Dawn Titan' that involves players assaulting a temple complex dedicated to a fire primordial. It provides instructions on running D&D Lair Assault events and challenges players with an ultra-difficult single-session encounter.

The challenge is designed for characters of 5th level to play in a single game session as part of the D&D Lair Assault program. It is intended to be very difficult and potentially lethal for characters.

Player characters are required to be 5th level and are allowed to use any official 4th edition D&D sourcebooks for character creation within restrictions on magic items and equipment.

' '



Greg Bilsland and Mike Mearls

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300·89'104··001 EN
Outside the city ofNeverwintcr,ficndish cultists conspi1·e t.o unlock Lhe power ofafiery
primordial. Gods help the cily if they succeed!

Welcome to the D uNGEONS & DRAGONS L A IR ASSAUL'I' program! You hold in your
hands a booklet that contains an ultra-challenging encotmter designed to be
played in a single game session. Odds arc the player characters will be annihi·
lated, but that's part of the fun! ·
In this adventure, the heroes assault a temple complex cleclicated to the fire
primordial Maegera and come face to iace with their own mortality. Only the
most clever and canny adventuring party has any hope of survival.
As the DM, not only is it your job to challenge the player characters, but also to
kill them outright-all in good fun, of course. (Make sure your players know that!)
Don't play favorites or fudge die rolls, however. The encounter is difficult enough
that you can let the dice fall where they may.

Character Creation
Players should create characters of 5th level, using any official 4th edition
DuNGEONS & DRAGONS sources (print products available in stores or anything
currently available in the D&D Character Builder, including material such as
themes and backgrounds). Players can also use D&D Fortuuc CnrdsTM during the
A character has three magic items, one of 4th level or lower, one of 5th level
or lower, and one of 6th level or lower. The items can be of any rarity. The player
also has 840 gp to spend on other items, only two of which can be consun1ables.
The consumables must he of the character's level or lower.
Going into this challenge. players should understand that the encounter is
intentionally challenging, and characters and parties optimized lor success are
the most likely to succeed. Some players might know details about the challenge
from previous sessions, which they arc free to share with other players.

This section provides you with background information if you want to use this
encounter as part of an adventure, or want to add extra story to the challe nge.
The once-bustling mclropolis ofNcvcrwinter lies mostly in ruins after a
centnry of Nearly thirty years ago. a cataclysm created by a waking pri-
mordial struck the city, bringing fires, earthquakes, and evil portents. But even
that event could not kill the city completely. Now, widespread repair efforts have
given Neverwi nter new li fe under the stewardship of the Lord Protector. Dagult
Neverember, Open Lord ofWaterdeep.
Years before the cataclysm, cultists of 1\smodeus calling themselves the
Ashmadai ("Messengers of the Raging Fiend") began working in the region as
agents of the Thayan lich, Szass Tam. The exact nature of the bargain between
Szass Tam and the cult- or perhaps between Szass Tarn anc.l/\srnodcus himself-
remaius uuclcar, but S:tass Tam has a powerful magic scepter .in his possession
that the Ashmadai cultists consider a holy relic.
The Ashmadai have been split into two factions. One group, led by the dwarf
Pavria, is slavishly loyal to Asmodeus. The other group, kd by a lief! ing named
Mordai Veil, is manipulative and seeks to wield power, rather than pay homage
to it. The first gr oup-older and less intellectual-uses the scepter to serve Thayari
interests. The second group is less dedicated to Thay and has orchestrated the
Ashmadai's rise to power in the city through shady deals and manipulation.
Recently, Mordai Veil and his followers have been pushing the cult into
the open, marking buildings whose occupants have suffered the of the
cult with the sign ofAsmodcus. A few weeks ago, Mordai Vell niscovered the
catacombs of the 'iVaterclock Guild hidden beneath a large mausoleum in Never-
winter's graveyard. The Waterclock Guild was an organization of artisans famous
for building beautiful and intricate walerdocks ·w ithout the benefit of magic. It
also had a hand in designing the mech;misms that the dwarves ofGauntlgrym
u st>d to bind the primordial Maegera. Using the records he discovered in the
Waterclock Crypts, Mordai Yell has found a path under Mount Hotcnow that
bypasses Gauntlgrym, giving him access to the primordial and its power.
Jn this challenge. the characters confront Mordai Yell and his followers.
Mordai Yell resents the Ashmadai's forced relationship with the Thayans, and he
plots his own r ise to power. H e plans to fuse the power of the Nine Hells with the
might of the primordial Maegera to create a new scepter in the image oftl1e origi-
nal but with greater power.lfhe succeeds, Neverwiuter is doornc<.l.
Lord Neverember's allies axe busy dealing with threats ·within the city. For
this reason, he has beseeched the adventurers to eliminate Mordai Yell (offer-
ing a sizable reward if they are successful). Neveremuer put his best wizards to
work scrying the cultist, an <.I he was able to provide the party with a map of the
complex where Mordai Veil was viewed. The characters now journey through
tunnels in Mount Hotenow, speeding toward the Forge of the Dawu Titan, where
the tiefling works to complete the scepter.
Ref(lrc the encounter, choose the creatt1res that you want tu include in the lair
assault from each of the following level groups:

leve14 creatures: 2 hellfire warlocks or 2 seared devils

Level 5 creatures: 2 blazing skeletons or 2 fire bats
Level6 creatures: 2 fire temple champious or 2 servants of the fire lord
Level 7 crcatux·es: 8 fi re temple elt>cts or 2 hell hounds
T.evel 10 creatures: 1 fire elemental

Tryou'rc playing w ith four players. remove the pair oflcvcllive creatures. If
you're playing with six players, add a pair oflevel five creatures.

Placing Creatures and Terrain Features

Usc lhc Lair Assault play aid to record your placement of the creatures you chose
and the terrain fi.:aturcs for your reference. Place those creattm;s and terrain lea·
tures on the poster map when the characters see them.lf you don't have tlme to
select creature locations, use the sa mple arrangement at the back of this booklet.
W hen choosing creatme location s for placement, don't place more than three
creatures in a room (not including Mordai Yell, wh o is located in the Forge). Place
minions in groups of four; each minion group counts as one creature. Creatures
cannot begin the encounter in the Start Area.
In this cha llenge, the terrain features are three types of statu es. When choo1>·
iug statue locations for placement, plac:e a statue iu a corner of a room, adjacent
to two walls aud not adjacent to any doors. Place the following statues:
• 4 mundane statues (M)
+ 5 fire-spitting statues (S)
+ 1 bejeweled statue (J)

Nightmare Mode
Some players might want to add an extra difficulty to the challenge. If all players
agree, you can run the "nightmare mode" by adding an extra monster of each level. If
you do so, do not place more than four creatures in a room.

Statue Tra its

The statues are blocking terrain, and they become diiik ult terrain if destroyed.
A II the statues except for the bejeweled statue arc identica l, ;md it requires
a UC 22 Perception check lo distinguish the fire spitting statues from the
mundane ones. The fire-spitting statues shoot magic !lre from their mouths (see
page 11). The bejeweled statue has a red gem for one eye. Removing the gem
requires a minor action. A chaxacter carrying the gem gajns resist 5 fire and a +5
bonus to saving throws against ongoing lire damage. This resistance is not halved
as it is for other types offire resistance in the dungeon (sec next page).
Allow the players to introduce their characters before begiuuiug the: c:hllllenge.
The characters begin lhc cm:ounter havingjourneyed through Mount Hotenow
to reach the Forge of the Dawn Titan, where the Asmodeus cultist Mordai Vcll is
forging a powerful artifact u sing the power of a bow1d pri more] ia I.

What the Players Know

The players might know some of the details of the dungcuu prior to the encoun-
ter. However, they should not know the specifics of where certain features or
creatures will be located. Place the map of the dungeon (the version that appears
prior to round four), revealing only the creatures i.J1 lhc Entry Chamher initially.

When the players are ready to start, read:

You race throuah the twmels beneath Mount Hotenow, map in hand. The Asmodeu.s
cultist, Mordai Veil, is only minutes away.from completinv the creation ofan artifact that
willaivc him the power to subject Neverwinter to his will.
You tmn a corner and abruptly come to a series of tunnels unlike the rest. The walls
are no lonner rouah hewn stone but insteadfinely carved und etched with imaaes offire.
Sconces hold everburnina torches. The wide room before you contaillSfour shallow pools
ofclear liquid, which hold a number of.fin8er-lennthyellow fish. To your left is a set of
double doors. Two more sets ofdoors are across the room from you.
Chantinfl reverberates throuah tlte walls. Tire chant ina slops, and a male voice speaks.
"So, the Lord Protector sent some fools Lo stop me. No matter-you'll never reach me i11
time." The voice pauses and then cries out, "My lord Asmodeus! Great Maeaera! I beseech
you to help me destroy these interlopers." Tlte chant ina resumes, and you ft>el a wave of
manic wash over the area. The ruom seems to wow hotte1·.

Have the players place their miniatures or tokens in the Start /\rca a no roll initia-
tive. You should roll initiative for any creatures or traps in the Entry Chamber.

Tn addition, explain the following circumstances of the challenge:

+The characters have four minutes (20 rounds) to defeat Mordai Yell before he
!)ucceeds in crafting the scepter, causing them to lose tl1e challenge.
+ Mordai Veil is located in the Forge.
+There arc no short rests during the challenge, and the heroes have no time to
perform rituals before the challenge.
+Describe the general and challenge awards, but not the secret awards. Reveal
ouly the fulfilled secret awards after the encounter.
+Due to Maegera's primordial magic, a characters' fire resistance is halved
while in the dungeon (thh docs not affect resistance to all damage, such as a
goliath's stone's endurance power).

This section presents sorne guidelines for running the encounter.
One Initiative List: The easiest way to run D &D LAm AssAULT is to have a
single initiative list that you use throughout the encounter. W hen the characters
first encounter a creature or trap, roll initiative for it, unless that type of creature
or trap is already on the initiative list. For example, if there is a hell h ound in the
Entry Chamber, and the characters then find a hell hound in the Forge. that new
hell hound acts on th e same initiative as the first one (even if it was killed).
Sop histicated Tact ics: Even creatures with low Intelligence behave tacti-
cally. In its slumbering state, Maegera still exercises power over the statues and
denizens of the dungeon. Statues and monsters attack as long as t hey arc able to.
Readying Action s: A creature that has seen the characters might ready
actions or delay to act in concert with other monsters. For example, ifa charac-
ter op ens a door, spots a blazing skeleton . and then shuts the uoor, that skeleton
might ready an action to attack the next character to open the door.
Unopened Doors: Monsters do not op en doors characters haven't op ened.
They are n ot aware of what is going on in other rooms until doors to their rooms
are openeu. After that, a creature capable of opening a Jour can open it.

Dungeon Features
The following [catures and effects are consistent throughout the dungeon .
Illumination: All rooms are filled with bright light from everburning torches.
Ceiling: The ceiling is 10 feet above the floor.
D oors: The doors in the dungeon are iron and have no cracks or keyholes.
W ith the exception of the sealed doors (see the Collapsing Room), a door can be
opened with a minor action. However, uutil the end of the fourth round. a door
closes at the end of the turn in which it was opened. A character adjacent to a
door can nse a stanuard action to wedge open a door so it does not close.
Telep orting: The fires ofMacgcra have spilled into the planar firmament.
\1\Thcn any creature teleports while in the dungeon, tllat creature and each nea-
ture within 3 squares ofits square of departure take 10 fire da mage. The players
do not know about this effect prior to tcleporting, thO\Jgh the monsters do.
Walls: Climbing the walls requires a DC 15 Athletics check.

Round Four
At th e end of the fourth round , a wave orfire rips th rough the complex. Read:
You hear a distant rumble amid the sound "Suffer the wrath of my
master!" shouts Mordai Vel!. Suddenly,Jlames tear t11roueh the room, blastitt8 the doo rs
and walls, and iBnitinB you on fire.

Ma rk the location or each creature and statue on the play llici map, and then flip
over the p oster map and place lhose creatures and statues in the m atching 1ocll-
tlon s. The dungeon changes in the following ways.

Damage: Creatures take 10 fire damage and ongoing 5 fire damage (save
ends). The fire temple elects aren't subject to this effect unless in combat.
Doors: All doors cease to close automatically (see Dungeon Features).
Entrance Collapses: The entrance to the dungeon collapses, trapping the
characters inside the dungeon. It will take an hour to dig out.
Lava: Several rifts open up in squares across the dungeon, revealing pools of
lava that bubble up. Whenever a creature enters a lava square (including when
the rifts first appear) or ends its turn there, it takes 20 fire damage.
Ledges and Platforms: ln the Chamber of Platforms, parts of the corner
ledges and certain platforms (as well as the chains attaching them to the ceiling)
fall into the mud, disappearing. Any creature on a falling ledge or platform can
make a saving throw to jllmp to the nearest unoccupied square not in the mud.
On a failure, the creature falls 20 feet (taking falling damage). That creatw·e also
lakes 10 fire damage from the boiling mud.
Oil Ignites: The oil in the Entry Chamber ignites. Any creature in the oil
when it ignites takes 10 fire damage. Any creature ending its turn in the flames
takes 10 fire damage. The flames from the oil grant partial concealment to crea-
tures in those squares or against ranged attacks passing through them.
Portcullis: The bars of the portcullis warp. making it more difficult to open.
The Athletics DC to open the portcullis increases from 15 to 22.
Runes: The runes in the Corridor of Runes brighten. Any creature in or enter-
ing a rune square in the chamber gains vulnerable 10 fire instead of vulnerable
5 fire.
Weak Floot·: The cracked floor squares in the Collapsing Room fall. Any
creature in one of those squares falls 10 feet into lava, taking 2 0 fire damage. In
addition, any creature ending its turn in a lava square takes 20 fire damage.

Entry Chamber
This wide room contains four shallow pools, which are home to a number oftiny_fish.
There is a set ofdouble doors to your !eft, and two more sets ofdoors across the room.

This room has the following features.

Pools of Oil: Each pool is only a few inches deep aud coutains clear oil, which
at fir~l glance appear~ lo be water. A character observing the oil must succeed on
a DC 22 Perception check to realize it is not water. A character entering the oil
automatically realizes it is not water. A DC 15 Nature check is required to iden-
tify the oil as flammable.
1f one oft he pools is included in the area of a close or area attack that deals
fire damage, it ignites (see Round Four, Oil Ignites above).
Fish: Two sardine-sized yellow f-ish inhabit each of the pools (eight fish total).
A character in a pool can catch a fish as a minor action. A character that succeeds
on a DC 22 Natme check can identify the effect of eating a fish. Swallowing a
fish is a minor action. A consumed fish lets a character ignore the next 10 points
of fire damage he or she takes. Tf a character does not consume a caught fish
before the end ofhis or her turn, it ignites and burns to dust.
Chamber of Platforms
This room contains a series ofstone plaiforrns hanainafrom the ceilina by chains. Boilina
mud lies twenty feet beneath the platforms, tlte surface ofwhich is repeatedly punctu·
ated b;r powerfulaeysers. A triangular stone led8e is set in two of the room's comers, and
another ledge is across the chamber, with a set ofdouble doors behind it.

This room has the following features.

Platforms: The platlorms are suspended from the ceiling and are 20 feet
above the mud. They do not swing or rock when characters move across them.
Ledge: All the ledges in this room are 20 feet above the surface of the boiling
mud. Climbing the ledges or walls requires a DC 15 Athletics check.
Boiling Mud: A creatnre that falls into the boiling mud lakes 10 fire damage
in addition to any falling damage. Any creature ending its tnrn in a boiling mud
square takes 10 fire damage. Boiling muds squares are difficult terrain.
Geysers: Jets ofhot water constantly shoot up from the mud. Any creature that
start<; .its turn .i n a mud square has a chance ofbelng ejected into the air. Roll a
d20 (or have a player roll for his or her character). On a 10 or hight>J, the creature
is ejected into the air, landing prone in the nearest non-mud square of its choice.

Robe Chamber
A featureless tenfoot-widc corridor leads away to the riaht and left.

This room has the following features.

Closets: Each unlocked stone door (minor action to open) reveals a small
closet, which contains a robe. Donning a robe requires a standard action. A
character wearing a robe discovers that it grants its wearer resist 5 fire and a +5
bonus to saving throws against ongoing fire damage. This resistance is not halved
as are other types of fire n :sislauce in the du11geon (see page 5).
Portcullis: Opening the portcullis requires a move action and a successful
DC 15 Athletics check, or DC 22 after the fourth round. The portcullis provides
partial cover against melee and ranged attacks through it.

Collapsing Room
This rectangul,Ir room has a set of double doors at its far end. Oran8e liaht flickers from
hairline fractures running throughout most of Lhe room's floor.

This room has the following featu1·es.

Cracked Floor: Light from below flickers through the cracks in the floor. The
cracked floor squares are safe during the first four rounds, and then collapse.
Sealed Doors: The doors leading from tllis chamber to the Forge are false.
They cannot be opened normally. A character who tries to open them or who
succeeds on a DC 15 Perception check can distinguish that the doors are fr~lse.
Breaking through these doors requires a DC 2.6 Strength check.
Corridor of Runes
Lm"Be stone tiles embedded with runes cover thefloor of this narrow corridor. Double
doors are set into the left wall at theJar end of the corridor.

This room has the following features.

Runes: A creature that enters a r une square loses any fire resistance and
gains vulnerable 5 fire. These effects last until the end of the encou nter. (A char-
acter carrying the gem from the bejeweled statue or wearing the robes from the
Robe Chamber ignores this effect while holding the gem or wearing the robes.)
A character can identiFy the dTi.:ct or the runes, but doing so requires a standard
action and a successful DC 22 Arcana check.

The Forge
There m·e two exits from this chamber: a portcullis on one side of the room and a set of
double doors on the other. A lar9e, stone demon idol hold in&an iron bowl ofburninB oil
stands on a pedestal in the center ~fa pool of lava. A narrow channel in the stone.floor
allows !he lava tu flow Lu a alowina anvil, apparently fueline it with maaical eneray.

This room has the following features.

Anvil: The anvil glows hot from Mordai Veil's work. A creature that ends its
turn adjacent to the anvil take.s 5 fi re damage. The anvil is also blocking terrain.
Colum ns: The short columns adjacent to the anvil are difficult terrain.
Idol: The idol rises to t he ceiling (10 feet) and has two glowing red gems for
eyt:s. It holds a large, iron bowl fi lled with burning oil. When an unconscious
character starts his or her turn in the Forge, one oftbe statue's eyes grows
brighter. During that character's turn, the cha1·acter stands up and is dominated
until the end ofhts or her turn. The character remains unconscious and takes a
full complement of actions during his or her turn, chosen by you. In addition. the
dominated character can use encounter powers and daily powers instead of only
at-will powers. (To let lhe player participate, let him or her control the character
with the agreement that h e or she does what's in the party's worst interest.)
At the end of the character's turn, the effect ends, the brightened gem eye
darkens, and the character fa lls prone. After this dlcct happens twice (once fi>r
each gem), the idol 's magic van ishes and the flame in its bowl is extinguished.
A character can climb the idol with a successful DC 15 Athletics check.
Removing one of the gems requires a standard action and a successful DC 22
Thievery check. A jewel removed from the statue loses itc; magic and can no
longer affect characters. Each gem is worth 5,000 gp.
Lava Pool: A pool of"lava surrounds the demon idol, with a narrow channel
leading to the anviL Whenever a creature enters a lava square or ends its turn
there, it takes 20 fire damage. The channel doesn't count as lava squares.
Portcullis: Opening the portcullis requires a move action and a successfi.1l
DC 15 Athletics check, or DC 22 alter lhc fourth rou nc.l. The portcullis provides
partial cover aga inst melee and ranged attacks through it.

Dagger re, weapon) +At-W ill

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); + 9 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
@ Hellfire (fire, implementJ • At-Will
Attock: Ranged 'I 0 (one creature}; +9 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + 4 fire damage. and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
~ Concussive Inferno (fire, force, Implement) + Encounter
Attack: Close hurst 2 (enemies in the burst); +7 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + 2 fire and force damage, and the target is pushed up to 2 squares and knocked prone.
Miss: Half da and the warlock shes the to 2

.Effect: The warlock teleports, swapping positions with a creature within 10 squares of it th<Jt is
taking ongoing fire damage.
Str 15 (+4 ) Dex 16 (+5.) Wis ~ 2 (+3)
Con 18 (+.6) lnt 17 (+5) Cha ·rs (+ 6)
Alignment evil Languages Common

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature}; +9 vs. AC

Hit:2d6 + 5

·ChokingAshes (fire)+ At-Will

(riaaer: A creature marked by the devil uses an attack power that doesn't include it as a target
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The triggering creature takes 5 fire damage and is slowed until the
end of it$ next turn.
Str 13 (+3) Dex 14(+4) Wis 14(+4)
Con 18 (+6) lntTI (+2) Cha 9 (+1)
Alignment evil Languages Supernal
Fire-Spitting Sta tues (S) level 5 Trap
Object XP JOO
Detect Perception DC:)) to determine whether sl<Jlue is trapped or mundane
HP 50 Initiative +6
AC 17; Fortitude 17, Reflex 3, Will -
Immune disease, necrotic, poison, psychic, foru~d movement, all conditi ons, ongoi ng damage;
Resist 10 fire

® Fiery Bolt (fire) + At-Will

Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +ll v~. Renex
Hit: Jd6 + 3 fire damage, and the statue pushes the target 1 square.

Disable: Th ievery DC 2 2. Standard Ac lion. Suaess: The statue no longe r fu

Fire Bat (B) level 5 Skirmisher '

Mt'dium elemt.>!llJI!Jc<Jsl (fire) . XP 200
HP 60; Bloodied 30 Initiative +8
AC 19, Foditudc 17, Reflex 20, Will 14 Pe rception +8
Speed 2 (clumsy), fly 8
Resist 10 fire

<D Fiery Touch (fire) + At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. Reflex
Hit: ld6 + 4 fire damage, and ongoing~ fire damage (save ends).
+ Fiery Swoop (fire) + At-Will
Effect: The fire bat shifts up to 4 square~ and c.m rnove th rough enemies' squares during the
shift. Each time it P.nters an enemies' space for the first time during t he shift, it can use fiery
touch against th at enemy.
Str 6 (+0) Dex 19 (+6) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 12 (+3) lnt 2 (-J) Cha 7 (+O)
Alignment unaligned Languages -

Blazing Skeleton (Z) · level 5 Artille ry •

Medium natural animate (undead) XP JOO
HP ~3; Bloodied 26
AC 19, Fortitude 15, Reflex 18, Will16
Speed 6

llla:ting longsword (fire) + At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +10 vs. AC
Hie: 1d6 ~ 3 damage, and ongoing S fire cf;unage (save ends).
(j') Flame Orb (fire) + At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature);+10 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d4 + 4 damage, and ongoing 5 lire damage (save ends).
Str 13 (+3) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 15 (+'1)
Con 17 (+5) lnt 4 (-1) Cha 6 (+0)
Alignment unaligned la nguages -

......._ . .
A Hack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC

~ Dragon Breath (fiW + Encounter

Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); ~9 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 5 fire and the

Triaaer: An enemy marked by the champion moves on its turn.

1\ttm:k (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (triggering enemy);+11 vs. AC
Hit: 1d'12 + 6 d<Jrnagc, and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).
Str 21 ( ~8) De'X 11 (+3) Wis 12 (+4)
Con 16 (+6) lnt 10 (+3) Cha 18 (+7)
Alig nment chaotic evil Languages Common, Draconic
Equ ipment plate armor, full blade

HP 73; Bloodied 36
AC 20, Fortitude 18, Reflex 18, Will17
Speed b
Resist 10 fire
.1 ..
Wildfire Stride (fire)
Whenever the servant of the Fire lord moves at least 3 squares frorn where it began its turn, its
melee attacks dea l 5 extra fire until the end of Its next turn.

CD Scimitar (wea pon) +At-Will

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 6 damage.
+Immolating Slash (fire, weapon)+ At-Will
Attack: Melee ·1 (one creature):+10 vs. Rdlex
Hit: 1d8 5 fire

Gift of Fire (fire) + Re•cha...,.•-1:·:1

Effect: The servant grants each ally within 5 squares of It the gift of fire until the end of the ser-
vant's next turn. These allies' melee al'lacks deal 5 extra fire damage.
S.kills Diplomacy +'I 0
Str 10 (+3) Dex 17 (+6) W is 10 (+3)
Col11 7 (+6) lnt11 ~ ~3) Cha 15 ('1-S)
Alignment chaotic evil la ng uages Common, Elven, Primordial
Self-Immolation (fi~t.:)
Triaaer: The elect drops to 0 hit points. If fire damage reduces the elect to 0 hit points, it can
move its ~peed before making the following allack.
Attack (/mmecliote Interrupt): Close burst ·1 (creatures in the burst); +10 vs. Heflex
Hit: 5 fire damage.
Str 15 (+ 5) Dex 1J (+4) W is 8 (+2)
Con 10 (+ 3) lnt 9 (+2) Chan (+4)
Alignment chnotic evil languages Common
Equipment oil-soaked robes, sltort sword

·: H~II · Hound (H)> "·'··.·. · : ... ·· .. - Level 7 Brute ·

· Mcdi~·rn' ~~~mental beast (fire) XP 300
HP 96; Bloodied 48 Initiative +5
AC 19, Fortitude 20, Reflex 19, Will18 Perception +11
Speed 7
Resist 10 fire

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. AC

Hit: 1d8 + 6 fire damage.
~ Fiery Breath (fire) • Recharge ~ ~ fUl
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatu res in the blast); +10 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + S fire damage.
Str 14 (+5) Dex 14 ( t 5) Wis 17 (·t6}
Con16(+ 6) lnt2(-1) Cha 10 (+3)
Alignment unaligned Languages-
Mordai Veil (V) Le vel 8 Elite Controller ~
Medium natural humano id. tiefling XP 350
~I P 180; Bloodied 90 Initiative +12
AC 22, Fortitude 19, Reflex 20, Will 21 Perception +6
Speed 6 Low-light vision
Resist 20 fire
Actio n Points 1

Scepte r (fire, force, weapon)+ At-Wil l

Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +'13 vs. /\C
I lit: 2d6 -t 5 tire and force damage, and Mordai pushes the target up to J ~qu a res.
-i~ Chains of Maegera (fire, force, implement) + Recha rge~ lZJ
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (creatures in the burst); +11 vs. Reflex

I lit: 2d6 + 5 tire and force dama e, and the tar e t is immobiliLed until the end o f its next turn .

::r Soul Bu rn (charm, fire, psychic) + At Will (1/ round)

Attack: Close burst 5 (one creature In the burst); +11 vs. Will
Hi I : Jd8 + 5 fire and ps chic dama e, and Mordai Veil slides the tar e t u

Servant's Escape (teleportatlon) + Encounter

Trigger: Mordai Ve il hecomes first bloodied.
Effect (Free Ac!ior~: Mordai Ve il te iPports up to 6 squares and uses soul burn.
Str14 (+6) Dex "18 (+8) Wis14 (+6)
Con 18 (+8) lnt 19 (~ 8) Cha 20 (+9)
Alignme nt evil Languages Common
Equipmen t d agge r, scep ter

HP 9 9; Bloodied 49
AC 24, Fortitude 21, Reflex 23, Wi ll 22
Spee d 10, fly 6 (clumsy)
Vulnerable cold (see froze n in lal e)

Frozen in Place
Whenever the fire elemental ta kes colc.l damage, it cannot shift until thP end of its next turn.

Seething Fire (fire) + At-Will

Trigger: An attack hits the e le me ntal.
FffPct (Free Action): Each enemy adjacent to the elemental takes 5 fire damage.
Str 10 (+S) Dex J4 (+12) Wis 13 {+6 )
Con 11 (+5) lnt 5 (+2) Cha 6 (+3)
Alignment unaligned La nguages unde rstands Primordial

~. T~"~~~--------~-------===~~--------------------
In this Lair Assault challenge, characters can gain up to twenty awards. These
awards earn the players glory. A player can earn a total of200 glory for collecting
all of the awards. Have players record thetr awards and glory and report them on
the player tracking form. A player can earn each award only once for this chal-
lenge, regardless of the number of times he or she plays.

General Awards
Epic Win: Defeat the challenge on Nightmare mode- 20 glory.
I'll ReBack: You get a 20 or higher on a death saving throw - 10 glory.
It's Critmas: You score a critical hit- 5 glory.
Monster Slayer : Defeat every enemy creature in the dungeon - 20 glory.
Commando: You complete the challenge without using magic items or consum-
ables- 20 glory.
One Shot: You drop a nonminion enemy from full hit points Jown to 0 hit points
- 10 glory.
Racy Group: Your party defeats the challenge with a group ill which all the
characters are the same race - 10 glory.
Tough as Nails: You complete the challenge without spending a healing surge -
20 glory.
TPK: Every character in the party dies- 5 glory.
It's a Trap!: You disable a trap or hazard- 5 glory.

Challenge Aw~uds
Dungeon Mapper : Your group opens every door in the dungeon- 10 glory.
Give My R egards: You knock an enemy off a ledge or into lava 5 glory.
I Regret Nothing: You fall oifa ledge or into lava - 5 glory.
Lava Nice D ay: You d ic from lava- 10 glory.
Speed Demon: Complete the challenge iu five rounrls or fewer- 10 glory.
Treasu re Hunter: You recover the gem from the bejeweled statue- 5 glory.
Veil's Foil: Your group defeats the challenge - 10 glory.

Secret Awards
This challenge has three secret awards that the players can satisfy. At the end of
the challenge, reveal only the awards that were fulfilled.

Sudd en But Inevitable Retrayal (Secret 1): You drop one of your allies below
1 hit point - 10 glory.
I'm a Pretty Princess (Secret 2): You put on a set of robes from the Robe
Chamber - 5 glory.
Raw and Wriggling (Secret 3): Eat one of the fish in the entry chamber - 5
+ Mundane statues (M) + Hellfire warlock (W) + Hell hound (H)
+ Fire-spitting statues (S) + Fire bat (B) + Mordai Veil (V)
+ Bejeweled statue (J) + fire temple champion (C) + Fire elemental (F)
Each time you play this Record your glory earned
challenge, check offany ji-om each play session of
new accomplishments this D&D• Lair Assault
below to eam the points challenge and unlock special
listed. Try to collect as much online badges!
glory as you can! This challenge
has a maximum of200 points
0 One Shot - 10 glory
General Awards You drop a nonminion enemy from full hit points down
111ese awards are not specific to this challenge, to 0 hit points.
and are often present in other challenges as well.
0 Racy Grou p - 10 glory
0 Epic Win 20 glory Your part y defeats the challenge with a group in which
Defeat the challenge on Nightmare mode. all the characters are the same race.
0 I'll De Dack - 10 glory 0 Tough as Na ils - 20 glory
You get a 20 or h igher on a death saving throw. You complere the challenge without spending a healing surge.
0 It's Critmas - 5 glory 0 TPK - 5 glory
You score a critical hit. Every character in the party dies.
0 Mon ster Slayer - 20 glory 0 It's a Trap!- 5 glory
Defeat every enemy c:rcuture iu the duuw:ou. You disable a trap or hazard.
0 Com mando - 20 glory
You complete the challenge wit hout using m agic items or Login with your
consumables. Wizar·ds Community account at
FORGI: OF THE DAWN TITAN to report y our accomplishments!


Each lime you plc1y tl11s

challenge, check off any new
accomplisl!ments below to -

earn the points listed. Try to

collect as much xlory as you can!
'/his challenge has a maximum of

200 points possibh:.

Challenge Awards Secret Awards

Th ese awards arc specific to this challenge. 1hese awards are only revealed by the Dungeon Master when
0 Du ngeon Mapper - 10 glory
you've earned them. Write down the name of the award in
the space provided upon eaming it.
Your group opens every door in Lhe dungeon.
0 Give My negards - 5 glory 0 Secret 1 - 10 glor y
You knock an enemy off a ledge or into lava.
0 I n egret Nothing - 5 glory 0 Secret 2 - 5 glory
You fall off a ledge or into lava.
0 Lava Nice Day - 10 glory 0 Secret 3 - 5 glory
You die from lava.
0 Speed Demon - 10 glory Record your glory earned from eaclr play session ofthis D&D•
Com)Jlt:tc the challeugc iu live rounds or fewer. Lair Assault challenge and unlock special online badges!

0 Treasure Hunter - 5 glory l.ogin with your

You recover the gem from the bejeweled statue.
0 Yell's Foil - 10 glory r-----------------, Wizards Community account at
Your group defeats the FORGE OF THE DAWN TITAN to report y our accomplishments!
cha llenge. .G LORY. AWARDS

LET THE ASSAULT BEGIN! »>»>Set your timesfor your events. D&D Lair Assault
Inside this kit, you'll have all the materials you need to run sessions typically take about 2-3 hours, depending on
multiple sessions ofD&D Lair Assault, a play experience that how quickly the players succumb to the challenge. You
pits the most skilled players and DMs against each other in a might even schedule it before or after your D&D
viciously deadly challenge. What follows is a description of the Encounters sessions on Wednesday nights.
kit contents included, as well as some information on running
your event.
One WeeJ( Prior to Your First Sessions
Remember: This program is designed to be a recurring play »»» Give the challenge booklet and small reference map to
experience, wherein players will come back again and again to your DMs. Your DMs will need to read and prepare the
attempt lo defeat the challenge. Most will fail the first time adventure, so you'll want to give them at least a few days
through, so you should ensure that you have multiple sessions to do so. You can give them the rest of the kit contents
of Forge ofthe Oawn Titan scheduled for repeat play- on the day of the event.
»»»Let your players know they MUST bring their own
Kit Content Description characters of the appropriate level (5'h levelfor this
Each kit contains enough materials for 2 Dungeon Masters challenge). Character creation rules are very
(DMs). With the materials in this kit, these DMs cari run as straightforward, and are included on the next page of
many players as required through the D&D Lair Assault
this instruction sheet.
challenge. Each table can consist of 1 DM and up to 6 players
(4 or 5 per table is OK). Your kit contains the following
materials: On Your D&D Lair Assault Days
»»»Hand each ofthe players a glory awards card. They
• DM challenge pack (2 copies) . inside these shrink- can keep the same card for each play-through of the
wrapped packs, you'll find a challenge booklet (Forge of challenge, and continue to check off awards as they earn
the Dawn Titan) containing the game information, a small them.
reference map for the DM to mark monsterjtrap setups, a
do uble-sided poster map for use during play, and a sheet »»»Seat the DMs at their tables. Give each one of them
of custom tokens for use during play. Give the DMs the the poster map and token sheet.
challenge booklet and small reference map at least a few
days prior to your first session. »»»Instruct each player to find a table and a DM. Some
• Glory awards card (20 copies). Play~rs k~ep track of
players may have come as a group -make sure to
their awards earned for each play-through of the
challenge on the card, and can log into their Wizards
respect their choice, since the challenge is super-difficult
Community profile to earn badges for specific awards! If and they may want to play with a meticulously built
you need more cards, simply photocopy them. party.
• A poster advertising the challenge and tracking points
earned. One side serves as advertising for the D&D Lair »»»Play On! Remember, each session of D&D Lair
Assault program, and the other allows you to track all the Assault should last for approximately 2-3 hours.
players' points as they participate throughout the play
period. After The Event
• This instruction sheet and session tracking form. »»»Get th~ players' scores! Talk to each DM and have the
Hand out the tracking sheets to the DMs so they can fill in
players list themselves and mark up the tracking poster
the player information for you to report_
with ·all the glory awards they've earned. Let them know
that they can login to their Wizards Community account
How to Run D&D Lair Assault
online to unlock badges for their play.
Follow these steps to ensure a great play experience!
»»»DON'T FORGET TO REPORT! Collect the tracking
Immediately Upon Receiving This Kit
sheets at the end of the event, or keep this information
>»>» VerifY kit contents. Make sure everything is present
on Wizards Event Reporter. If you have questions on
in your kit. Contact your WPN representative if
reporting your play, please contact Wizards of the Coast
something is missing.
for ass is Lance. Do not let your reporting lapse!


Characters cannot be above or below this level. Any official D&D 4th Edition books are valid for character creation.


Characters receive the following equipment for their character. They cannot bring any other equipment.

• 1 magic item of 6 th level (or lower) of the player's choice

• 1 magic item of 5 1h level (or lower) of the player's choice

• 1 magic item of 4th level (or lower) of the player's choice

• 840 gold pieces (gp) to spend ori other equipment (mundane or magical) of the player's choice

• Restriction: No more than 1 rare magic item per character

• Restriction: No more than 2 consumable magic items (magic items lhal have a consumable power, such as
potions or ammunition)


D&D Fortune cards are legal for play in D&D Lair Assault sessions. They must adhere to the following rules.

• Legal Cards: All sets released by the date of the D&D Lair Assault session are legal for use. In addition, all
promo cards released by the date of play are legal for use.

• Deck Size: All D&D Fortune Card decks must contain 10 cards

• Deck Composition: All D&D Fortune Card decks must contain at least 3 attack, 3 defense, and ~ tactic
cards. You may have multiples of the same card in the deck.


You may replay the session with the same character or a different one, making whatever modifications necessary,
so long as the new character remains legal.
Th,c players think their characters
are invincible. It's time fc)r you
lo show them otherwise. Gather
your players- the tacticians, tl1e
rules experts, and the power
gamers- a:nd let them test their
mettle in D&D®LAIR AssAUL'l'.

l!oraeof the Dawn Titan is a

D UNGEONS & DRAGONs® Roleplayina
Game challenge designed for
the 201 1 fall installment of the
D&V LAIR ASSAULT official play
program. It inclmks one full-'
color battle map, one sheet of
tokens, a laminated play aid, and
information on the D &D LAm
AssA 11T.T program.

fltv~KW n·~ttK

TM & © 20ll Wlzurds of the Coost LLC in the U.S.A. and

ntlwr t·nuntrit·'· Pri11l~tl iu the U.S.A. B00000091 04

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