Owth and Contribution

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Growth and Contribution of Bangladeshi RMG Sector :

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Perspectives

Md. Sahid Hossain

Department of Accounting & Information Systems
Bangladesh University of Professionals
[email protected]
Cell: +8801922192258

The research investigates the growth and contribution of Ready-Made Garment (RMG) sector of Bangladesh.
In doing so, author has taken data from Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association
(BGMEA) website and conducted some structured interviews at various levels of people associated to the
sector as well. After analyzing the information found in both secondary data source and primary source, the
author has concluded that the sector is growing rapidly though some hindrances are being faced at a regular
interval.The study recommends government and other regulatory authorities to take necessary steps for the
protection and further development of this sector. Finally, the study expects playing crucial role in creating
consciousness among the stakeholders about the sector and its contribution to the economic development
of Bangladesh.
Keywords : RMG, Growth, Contribution, Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Bangladesh.

1.0 Introduction
About 30 million people of Bangladesh are engaged with the RMG sector directly or indirectly. This sector
helps in creating employment, reducing poverty and empowering rural women. Though the primary stage of
the sector was not bright enough, nowadays it is flourishing very rapidly.
The research is based on a developing country like Bangladesh as it has specialization in the area of garments
sector.There are scarcity of research on the growth and contribution of Bangladeshi RMG sector encompassing
both qualitative and quantitative research perspectives. Prior researches only focused either on qualitative
perspective or quantitative perspective. The most lucrative sector of the country is garments industry. Since
the sector contributes 80% of the national GDP(Manik & Bajaj, With Lower Garment-Industry Wages’,
Bangladesh Moves in on China, 2010)and employs 3.5 million people among them 85% are women (BGMEA,
2010), it logically demands research on the growth and contribution of this sector to the national economy
as most of the investors are concerned about the issue(Kamal & Deegan, 2011). However, previous literatures


ISSN 1817-5090,VOLUME-47, NUMBER-04, JULY-AUGUST 2019
also reveal lots of negative issues regarding child become an important issue regarding outsourcing
labor, human rights abuse, accidents and deaths due since 1990, Bangladesh has utilized the opportunity
to lack of safety measures of this sector (Islam & in this regard (Linfei & Qingliang, 2009).
Deegan, 2008).
The structures of the paper are as follows. Research 4.0 Prior Research
objectives are described in section 2.Then, a summary As Bangladesh has the advantage of producing
of Bangladeshi garments sector has been provided RMG items at lower labor cost in the world, it
in section 3. After this, prior literatures have been specializes in the production of low cost RMG
stated in section 4. Following this, research methods items. The specialized organizations will ensure
are explained in section 5. At the end, results are
strict compliance with building standards and run
analyzed in section 6 and concluding remarks have
regular inspection programs. This sector now
been given in section 7.
becomes one of the largest contributors of the
economy of Bangladesh. Cheap labor, enough skill
2.0 Research Objectives
and development in the supportive sectors attract
The primary objective of the paper is to give a
the world-famous brands like H & M, Zara, Macy’s,
clear idea about the growth and contribution of the
Wal-Mart etc., (Khan, 2016).
Ready-Made Garments sector of Bangladesh. The
specific research objectives are: The Ready-Made Garments sector of Bangladesh has
a) Determining the contribution and potentials of observed a remarkable growth since its beginning.
the Ready-Made Garments sector to the overall RMG export industries’ annual compound growth
economy of the country. rate in Indonesia (31.2%), Mauritius (23.8%) and
Dominican Republic (21.1%) in comparison to that
b) Understanding the competitiveness and
challenges of the Ready-Made Garments sector of Bangladesh(81.3%) over the 1980-87 periods.
of Bangladesh. About 78% Bangladesh’s export earnings comes
from garments sector. This sector has greater
3.0 RMG sector of Bangladesh potential than any other sectors of Bangladesh in
comparison of employment and foreign earnings.
In the financial year 2013-14, this sector earned
almost US$ 24.5 billion from export which is the 80 It also contributes in the reduction of poverty
percent of overall export earnings of that financial (Chowdhury & Islam, 2015).
year. In that time, the sector employed about 4.2 After a long struggle, garment employees achieved
million people among them 80% were female. their minimum wage structure. This sector needs
Bangladesh is now at the take-off stage towards to be free from all types of anarchy and unrest.
graduating from Least Developed Country. It has Authority should ensure mutual understanding, win-
set the vision of economic, social and technological win situation, proper work environment, job security
improvement by 2021. RMG sector of the country
and accurate compensation package. Balanced
also set an aim to increase production and export
progress of a country depends on proper utilization
about US$ 50 billion by 2021. To attain this target,
of its resources and managing human resources
skilled and trained man power is needed. RMG
workers and agents should get incentives in this effectively. There should be a good balance between
regard (ActionAid Bangladesh, 2016). worker’s demand and industries return (Azad, 2014).

Wal- Mart, K-Mart, Reebok, Nike, Gap,Tesco, Zara, Li Though there are many of good news, every year
& Fung, H& M are the major popular Multi National many garments workers of Bangladesh die due to
Company customers of Bangladesh from Europe, lack of safety measures and fire accidents. From
USA and other developed countries. The country 1990, around 700 garments workers died because of
has relatively lower labor cost compared to others the fire accidents in different factories of the country
countries (Doshi, 2006).The country has the highest (Pramual, 2010). This kind of loss of lives depicts the
amount garment export among the developing unpreparedness of the garment factories regarding
nations after China and Turkey (Kamal & Deegan, fire accidents (Birchall & Kazmin, 2010). Labor laws
2011). As Corporate Social Responsibility has


ISSN 1817-5090,VOLUME-47, NUMBER-04, JULY-AUGUST 2019
and factories act must be maintained by the garments industries for safety issue. Besides, ILO convention
provides details safety guidelines for the garment industry worldwide (Kamal & Deegan, 2011).

5.0 Research method

This research is based on both secondary and primary data. The author was guided by both qualitative and
quantitative research here. For quantitative analysis, the secondary data of membership and employment,
export of RMG and total export of Bangladesh, main apparel export items from Bangladesh, value of total
apparel export, Bangladesh’s RMG export to European Union, Bangladesh’s RMG export to non-traditional
market are collected from BGMEA website.Then the data were analyzed in MS excel and STATA software for
the presentation of descriptive statistics. For qualitative analysis, primary data were collected from interviews.
The interview program was conducted within the Dhaka district. Author conducted 20 interviews with
various stakeholders of RMG sector. Different interviews of stakeholders like specialists, owner, executives
and workers of RMG sector were conducted to make the research more reflective to the real scenario. He
spent more than 3 weeks to collect information from the interviewees. Potentiality of the sector, contribution
to the national economy, advantages and disadvantages, future challenges, climate change and carbon emission
problems were the key issues discussed during the interviews.

6.0 Findings
6.1. Quantitative Analysis
6.1.1 Membership and Employment

Descriptive Statistics of Membership and Employment

N Minimum Maximum Mean

Valid N (list wise) 32

Source : Calculated by Author based on data available at (Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, 2017)

Table-1 shows the statistical analysis of the membership and employment of Bangladeshi RMG sector from
financial year 1984-85 to financial year 2015-16. This result indicates that the both the number of garment
factories and workers have been increased rapidly throughout the last 3decades.

6.1.2 Export of RMG vs.Total Export of Bangladesh

Table-2: Descriptive Statistics of Export of RMG and Total Export of Bangladesh

N Minimum Maximum Mean

EXPORT_OF_RMG_in_million_US$ 33 31.57 28094.16 7.3575E3
TOTAL_EXPORT_OF_BANGLADESH_in_million_US$ 33 811.00 34257.18 9.6505E3
Percentage_OF_RMG’S_TO_TOTAL_EXPORT 33 3.89 82.01 62.3679
Valid N (list wise) 33

Source : Calculated by Author based on (Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, 2017)

Table-2 describes the statistical analysis of export of RMG and total export of Bangladesh. There are 33
observations from financial year 1983-84 to 2015-16.The contribution of RMG sector to the national export
is about 82.01% and still it is increasing day by day.


ISSN 1817-5090,VOLUME-47, NUMBER-04, JULY-AUGUST 2019
6.1.3 Main Apparel Export Items
Table-3 : Descriptive Statistics of Main Apparel Export items from Bangladesh

N Minimum Maximum Sum Mean
Shirts_in_Million_US$ 23 760 2317 28268 1229.05
Trousers_in_Million_US$ 23 81 6319 51342 2232.25
Jackets_in_Million_US$ 23 127 3774 26210 1139.58
T_Shirt_in_Million_US$ 23 226 6119 52405 2278.46
Sweater_in_Million_US$ 21 70 3182 28057 1336.03
Valid N (list wise) 21

Source : Calculated by Author based on (Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, 2017)

Table-3 describes the statistical analysis of the main apparel export items from Bangladesh.Total observations
for sweater are 21 and shirt, trouser, jacket, t-shirt are 23 each from financial year 1993-94 to financial year
2015-16. Among them, trousers and t-shirts have generated most of the export revenue for this sector.

Table-4 : Descriptive Statistics of the Value of Total Apparel Export

N Minimum Maximum Sum Mean
Woven_in_Million_US$ 24 1240 14739 129510 5396.25
Knit_in_Million_US$ 24 205 13355 109132 4547.17
Total_in_Million_US$ 24 1445 28094 238642 9943.42
Valid N (list wise) 24

Source : Calculated by Author based on (Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, 2017)

Table-4 indicates the statistical analysis of the value of total apparel export from financial year 1992-93 to
financial year 2015-16.Woven items are contributing more to the total apparel export for the last 2 decades.

6.1.4 Bangladesh’s RMG Export to World

Table-5 : Descriptive Statistics of Bangladesh’s RMG Export to EU

N Minimum Maximum Mean
FY 2015-16 (in millions) 27 1.03 4653.13 6.3531E2
Valid N (list wise) 27

Source : Calculated by Author based on (Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, 2017)

Table-5 shows the statistical analysis of Bangladesh’s RMG export to EU for the financial year 2015-16. There
are 27 countries of EU used as observations.The lowest export was to Estonia and the highest export was to
Germany during the FY. It also confirms that EU is the largest export market for Bangladeshi RMG products.

Table-6 : Descriptive Statistics of Bangladesh’s RMG Export to Non-Traditional Markets

N Minimum Maximum Mean
FY 2015-16 (in millions) 12 45.89 1151.67 3.5979E2
Valid N (list wise) 12

Source : Calculated by Author based on (Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, 2017)


ISSN 1817-5090,VOLUME-47, NUMBER-04, JULY-AUGUST 2019
Table-6 indicates the statistical analysis of Bangladesh’s RMG export to Non-Traditional market for the
financial year 2015-16. The lowest export was to Chile and the highest export was to “other countries” of
non-traditional market during the FY. It concludes that the growth of Bangladeshi RMG sector in increasing
not only in the traditional market but also in non-traditional market.

6.1.5 Threats
Table-7 : Competitiveness of RMG sector
Factors Bangladesh India Vietnam Pakistan
Minimum Wage $69 $71 $78 $79
Productivity 77% 92% 90% 88%
Bank Interest >16% 8% 13% 7%

Source : (Islam M. S., 2015)

From table-7, it is certain that Bangladeshi RMG sector lacks in productivity.This is because of unskilled labor
force. Though the minimum wage rate is lower, the bank interest rate is higher in Bangladesh. If bank interest
rate can be reduced, factory owners can put more money in this sector to ensure skilled labor, quality prod-
uct and sufficient wages to the workers. Thus, productivity can also be improved.

Source : (Islam M. S., 2015)

Figure-1 shows that Bangladesh is the second-largest cotton importing countries in the world. This sector is
highly depended on cotton which has to import from outside. If there is sudden problem of cotton shortage,
the sector will have to face a lot of problems. This big problem for the Bangladeshi RMG sector is not to be
self-sufficient in cotton production.

6.2. Qualitative Analysis

6.2.1. Potentiality of the sector
All the interviewees agreed that the future of Bangladeshi Ready-Made Garments sector is very bright.
Among them, interviewee #6 said, “Bangladesh produces 100% quality products, fulfills all the demands of the
international buyers and has neat and clean work environment. These facilities will reach this sector at the
peak of success very soon.” Interviewee #11 added, “As Bangladesh has the cheapest labor cost in producing
garment products, it has the competitive advantages to expand rapidly.”


ISSN 1817-5090,VOLUME-47, NUMBER-04, JULY-AUGUST 2019
6.2.2. Contribution to the National Economy accident in a regular interval with huge damage, loss
Most of the interviewees stated that the of employment if investment is lost are the major
contribution of RMG sector to the country’s challenges coming ahead to this sector.”
economy is significant. Interviewee #13 added,
“Rural economy is also being developed through 6.2.5. Climate Change and Carbon Emission
the contribution of this sector.” Interviewee #19 Issues
also added, “Most firms acknowledge three internal Climate change is a vital issue for the world nowadays.
factors: favorable government policy, cheap labor It causes different natural calamities almost every
force, entrepreneurial skills.” year. Most of the interviewees stated that the sector
6.2.3. Advantages and Disadvantages is not significantly responsible for climate change.
Interviewee #2 described. “Only dying and washing
Advantages and Disadvantages of Ready-Made
factories are responsible for carbon emission not
Garments sector were thoroughly described by
the whole garment industry.”
the interviewees. Interviewee #2 described, “Good
productivity, quality, low price, proper health and
safety compliance add value to this industry, while 7.0 Conclusion
low payment, not timely payment to the workers and
This paper investigated the growth and contribution
high bank interest rate create significant damage to
of Ready-Made Garments sector in Bangladesh. The
this sector.” Interviewee #10 added, “Infrastructural
understanding between the buyer and supplier is
and political problems are being confronted by
now better than before. At present, Bangladesh is
most of the factories of Bangladesh.” According to
the world-second largest apparel exporter. If the
interviewee #12, “Though cheap labor, availability of
growth continues, within few years Bangladesh will
labor is the strength of this sector, it faces energy
be the world-largest apparel exporter. Workers’
crisis also.” Interviewee #15 also added, “Domestic
unrest, political violence, lack of utility services,
supply of raw material and diversified production
non-compliance issues, high interest of bank loans,
has made this sector a great success story.”
increment of workers’ wage, terrorism, low price of
6.2.4. Challenges Ahead RMG products, unavailability raw materials in home
Lots of challenges are coming ahead to this sector country are some of the problem of this sector.
in Bangladesh. Interviewee #2 described, “Political Proper guidelines of the regulatory authorities
violence and terrorism are the major challenges like BGMEA, BKMEA and government support is
to this sector.” Interviewee #3 said, “In near future, badly needed to reach the sector at the peak of
our foreign buyers may switch to other countries. the success. Good work environment and payment
They may not be interested in direct buying from should be ensured to workers. Different financial
Bangladesh.” Interviewee #11 added, “Demand of and non-financial incentives should be given to their
the Ready-Made Garments sector of Bangladesh dependents also. The relationship between owner
may be declined due to compliance issues in future. and worker should be developed. New market
Macro-economic factors may also be affected should be searched immediately before it’s too late.
here.” Interviewee #12 replied, “After 10-15 years, Hartal, political violence, workers’ unrest should be
Bangladesh will shift from LDC. Then, it will be not stopped. Fire safety instruments should be installed
eligible to get quota facilities. Compliance is another in every factory. Proper building code should be
factor to be worried.” According to interviewee #13, maintained. After doing all these things, we can hope
“Huge competition is waiting for Bangladeshi Ready- to have a perfect Ready-Made Garments sector
Made Garments sector. Poor work environment in Bangladesh which will lead the world garment
and demonstration of the workers will hurt this industry one day.
sector enough in near future.” Interviewee #15 also
added, “Bangladeshi Ready-Made Garments sector
is losing its trust in the foreign market for non- ActionAid Bangladesh. (2016, April 15). Retrieved from Three years Post Rana
compliance issues. Recent loss of GSP facility will Plaza: Changes in the RMG Sector.

damage this sector in any other ways.” Interviewee Azad, D. M. (2014). Satisfaction of Garments Workers towards Current Salary
Structure in Bangladesh: An Analysis. Dhaka University Journal of Business
#20 also added, “Unrest among the workers, fire Studies, 1-31.


ISSN 1817-5090,VOLUME-47, NUMBER-04, JULY-AUGUST 2019
Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association. (2017, January Linfei, Z., & Qingliang, G. (2009). Corporate social responsibility in China.
1). Retrieved February 2, 2017, from http://www.bgmea.com.bd/home/ World Academy of Science, Enginering and Technology, 218-222.
Manik, J., & Bajaj, V. (2010). With Lower Garment-Industry Wages’, Bangladesh
Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association. (2017). Moves in on China. Retrieved from The New York Times: www.nytimes.
Retrieved February 2, 2017, from http://www.bgmea.com.bd/home/about/ com
Pramual. (2010). Fire deaths highlight garment workers’ risks. Retrieved
BGMEA. (2010). A Success Story of RMG Sector. Retrieved from www.bgmea. December 16, 2010, from www.ucanews.com
Birchall, J., & Kazmin, A. (2010). Western brands in Bangladesh safety push.
Retrieved from The Finacial Times: www.ft.com Appendix-1: Interview Question
Chowdhury, M. S., & Islam, M. T. (2015). An Anlysis of the Production Function 1. Is there any growth in the RMG sector of Bangladesh? If so, what is the
of Ready-Made Garment Industry in Bangladesh: A Case of Tex-Town trend now?
Group Limited. International Journal of African and Asian Studies. 2. What are the prospects of RMG sector in Bangladesh? What should be
Doshi, G. (2006). Overview of Bangladesh Garments Industry. Retrieved from done to achieve those prospects?
Ezine Articles: http://ezinearticles.com 3. What are the contributions of RMG sector to the economy of Bangladesh?
Islam, M. S. (2015). Textile & Clothing Sector in Bangladesh: Prospects & How are they contributing?
Challenges. 4. What are strengths and weaknesses of RMG sector of Bangladesh?
Islam, M., & Deegan, C. (2008). Motivations for an organisation within a 5. What are the challenges coming ahead toward the RMG sector of
developing country to report social responsibility information: evidence Bangladesh? How to tackle those challenges?
from Bangladesh. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 850-874.
6. Is the work environment of RMG sector is satisfactory in Bangladesh? If not,
Kamal, Y., & Deegan, C. (2011). Corporate Social and Environmental-related what are the measures should be taken to improve the work environment
Governance Disclosure Practices: In the Textile and Garments Insdustry, in the RMG sector of Bangladesh?
Evidence from a Developing Country. RMIT Conference.
7. How much responsible the RMG sector of Bangladesh for climate change?
Khan, M. O. (2016). Economic Impact of Rana Plaza Collapse. International What are the measures should be taken to reduce carbon emission?
Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial

Appendix-2: List of Interviewees

#of Interviewee Occupation Interview Date

1 Entrepreneur (Pabna Knit Design Ltd., Pabna Knitting Ltd) 07-01-2017

2 Manager (Pabna Knit Design Ltd., Pabna Knitting Ltd) 07-01-2017

3 Manager (Pabna Knit Design Ltd., Pabna Knitting Ltd) 07-01-2017

4 Worker (Pabna Knit Design Ltd., Pabna Knitting Ltd) 07-01-2017

5 Worker (Pabna Knit Design Ltd., Pabna Knitting Ltd) 07-01-2017

6 Worker (Pabna Knit Design Ltd., Pabna Knitting Ltd) 07-01-2017

7 Manager (Pabna Knit Design Ltd., Pabna Knitting Ltd) 07-01-2017

8 Manager (Pabna Knit Design Ltd., Pabna Knitting Ltd) 07-01-2017

9 Manager (Pabna Knit Design Ltd., Pabna Knitting Ltd) 07-01-2017

10 Student, IER, University of Dhaka 07-01-2017

11 Lecturer, Dept. of Economics, DU 15-01-2017

12 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics, DU 18-01-2017

13 Lecturer, Dept. of Economics, DU 23-01-2017

14 Lecturer, Dept. of Economics, DU 23-01-2017

15 Student, Dept. of Economics, DU 23-01-2017

16 Student, Dept. of Economics, DU 23-01-2017

17 Manager, Dekko Group 26-01-2017

18 Manager, Dekko Group 26-01-2017

19 Manager, Multi National Company 30-01-2017

20 Student, Dept. of Economics, DU 31-01-2017


ISSN 1817-5090,VOLUME-47, NUMBER-04, JULY-AUGUST 2019

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