Lesson 5 - ETHICS

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Lesson 5


1. What’s your favorite line from the song, My Way/Born This Way? Why is it your favorites?
 “I planned each charted course, each careful step along byway.” This statement
reminds me once more that I always have a plan while making life decisions. I've
always taught how to be wise in life and how to make wise decisions.

2. Does the song suggest choice or freedom, why?

 As I looked up additional information about the song, I discovered that the singer,
Pual Anka, composed it after visiting France and returning to New York, reflecting
about how he lived is not by choice but by his own free will.

3. If a beast like a dog could sing the same song, could the dog be honestly singing what song
 The beast dog or a dog could still be expresses in honest way, if we will represent dog
as a human, no matter what he/she is, bastard or decent one they can still express
their true words within them.

1. Bernard Haring says “Morality is for persons” What does that mean?
 Morality is a cultural phenomenon that differs among many people around the world.
Nature has no morals and only has rational capabilities can endure. As the result, the
mores and tradition that a social group creates for itself serves as the culture
2. “Ought implies can “is an ethical formula ascribed to Immanuel Kant. What does it mean?
 In this view, it is an agent has a moral obligation to carry out a specific action only if it
is attainable for him or her to do so.
3. Does Kant’s statement, ought implies I can” make you understand why morality or ethics
cannot apply to the lower forms of animals?
 Animals cannot be moral in all of the ways that human may be moral because of their
lack of knowledge of self. They can, however, be moral in the same manner that we
can and they can be inspired to act by moral emotion, which are emotion that have
the well-being of others as their intentional purpose.
4. “Two roads diverge in the woods; I look the ones less traveled by and that made all the
difference.” – Robert Frost
Does the quote imply choice and ethics or morality? How?
 We have choices in making decisions in life, as we do all the time, and those choices
can be two or more, but we can only walk or choose the path that you believe is the
best road in life.

Explain why only human beings, not the brutes, can be ethical.

 Only human have the ability to behave ethically and the other reason to prioritize
human interest is that only human being have the ability to act morally.


What choice have you made in life recently? Are you happy with that choice? Are you
grateful you have the capacity to choose freely?

 My parents asked if I wanted a laptop or a camera, and I chose the other which is the
camera since I can earn money from it and because I need it the most for my business
photography, and I am glad and content with my decision.

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