Entity Authentication

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Entity Authentication


Entity authentication is a technique designed to let one

party prove the identity of another party.

An entity can be a person, a process, a client, or a


The entity whose identity needs to be proved is called

the claimant;

the party that tries to prove the identity of the claimant

is called the verifier.
Data-Origin Versus Entity Authentication

There are two differences between message

authentication (data-origin authentication), and entity

1) Message authentication might not happen in real

time; entity authentication does.

2) Message authentication simply authenticates one

message; the process needs to be repeated for each
new message. Entity authentication authenticates the
claimant for the entire duration of a session.
Verification Categories

Something known

Something possessed

Something inherent

The simplest and oldest method of entity

authentication is the password-based
authentication, where the password is
something that the claimant knows.
Fixed Password

First Approach
User ID and password file
Second Approach

Hashing the password

Third Approach

Salting the password

Fourth Approach

In the fourth approach, two identification techniques are

combined. A good example of this type of authentication
is the use of an ATM card with a PIN (personal
identification number).

In password authentication, the claimant

proves her identity by demonstrating that
she knows a secret, the password.

In challenge-response authentication, the

claimant proves that she knows a secret
without sending it.
In challenge-response authentication, the claimant
proves that she knows a secret without sending it to
the verifier.

The challenge is a time-varying value sent by the
verifier; the response is the result
of a function applied on the challenge.
Using a Symmetric-Key Cipher

First Approach Unidirectional Authentication

Nonce challenge

Cannot be replayed by Eve.

Second Approach Unidirectional Authentication

Timestamp challenge

Assumed that the clocks are synchronized.

Authentication can be done with only one message

Third Approach Bidirectional authentication

Order of RA and RB are changed to prevent

Replay attack of the third message.
Using Keyed-Hash Functions

Instead of using encryption/decryption for entity

authentication, we can also use a keyed-hash function

Keyed-hash function
Using an Asymmetric-Key Cipher

Verifier encrypts the challenge with the

Public key of the claimant.

Claimant decrypts the challenge with her

private key.

Sends the challenge back to the verifier.

Using an Asymmetric-Key Cipher

First Approach

Unidirectional, asymmetric-key authentication

Second Approach

Bidirectional, asymmetric-key

Bob is authenticated.

Alice authenticated.
Using Digital Signature
Claimant uses private key for signing.
First Approach
Digital signature, unidirectional
Second Approach
Digital signature, bidirectional authentication
Authentication protocols

SK – session key, the

subsequent transmission
takes place with this key.
The permanent secret key
is exposed for few transm-
Authentication using Public-Key

1. Give me EB Directory
4. Give me EA

5. Certified EA
2. Certified EB
3. EB (A, RA)

6. EA (RA, RB , KS)

7. KS (RB)

Biometrics is the measurement of physiological or

behavioral features that identify a person
(authentication by something inherent).

Biometrics measures features that cannot be guessed,

stolen, or shared.

Several components are needed for biometrics, including

capturing devices, processors, and storage devices.

Before using any biometric techniques for authentication,

the corresponding feature of each person in the
community should be available in the database. This is
referred to as enrollment.



Physiological Techniques

Fingerprint Hands

Iris Voice

Retina DNA

Behavioral Techniques



Several applications of biometrics are already in use. In

commercial environments, these include
access to facilities,
access to information systems,
transaction at point-of-sales, and
employee timekeeping.

In the law enforcement system, they include

investigations (using fingerprints or DNA) and forensic

Border control and immigration control also use some

biometric techniques.

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