Student'S Guide: College Officials

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PROF. MARWIN M. DELA CRUZ, Ph.D. College President

MR. DARBY P. ESPERANZATE, MPA OIC, Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs /
College Registrar/Chief, Campus
DR. ROWENA S. NAVERA Vice President for Administration & Finance/
concurrent Campus Director - PhilSCA FAB
MRS. IMELDA F. NAVIGAR, CPA/MPA Chief Administrative Officer/Director for Finance
ASSOC. PROF. MARIA SISA T. DELA CRUZ, MA.Ed. College Board Secretary V
DR. RODERICK C. SANTIAGO Director, Flying School
DR. ALAN LINO SILVERIO J. AGUSTIN Dean, Institute of Computer Studies

ASST. PROF. RAMSEY S. FERRER, MATEL Dean, Institute of Liberal Arts & Sciences
ENGR. JEQ ZYRIUS A. SUDWESTE, MEAM OIC, Office of the Dean, Institute of Engineering
DR. WARLITO B. CARO OIC Office of the Campus Director, MBEAB Campus
ASST. PROF. GARLIE G. GONZALES Dean, Student Affairs
DR. NOEL R. NAVIGAR Director, Research & Extension
DR. ESTEBAN M. CORDOVILLA Director, Administrative Services
DR. ESTRELLA E. YAGO Director, Auxiliary Services/General Services/
College Librarian
ENGR.MAEVA CES JAVIER Director, Institutional Development Planning

ASST. PROF. JO-AN C. GARCIA, MPA Director, Admission
MR. JOHN MICHAEL SESE Director, Quality Assurance


 Integrity
 Academic Excellence
 Community and Industry Centered

Ref: BOT Res. No. 329-2018

December 08, 2018

Office of the Student Affairs

SY 2021 - 2022
M E S S A G E Republic of the Philippines
My warmest welcome to the freshmen and Office of Student Affairs
continuing students of the only higher education
institution in aviation sciences in the country,
PhilSCA. October 01, 2021


Congratulations, to the freshmen students for
successfully passing the stringent admission Welcome to Philippine State College of Aeronautics (PhilSCA)!
process and, to the continuing students for
keeping up with the course requirements of their We believe that establishing harmonious relationship with parents and
respective programs last academic year. guardian is an important component of a successful college experience for PhilSCA
students. We want to establish a collaborative bond between you and PhilSCA to
As beneficiaries of the RA 10931 also known as the Universal Access to realize our common goals of student learning development and success. We value
Quality Tertiary Education Act, I encourage you to become you as a partner in your student’s educational experience.
“kabataang magbabalik sa bayan”. Make yourselves worthy of the The OSA contact information: [email protected] / FB page:
initiative made for us by the government through its free higher Philsca Office of Student Affairs-Main Campus / SSC FB : PhilSCA Supreme Student
education program. Seize every opportunity to be able to realize your Council are designed to be your main source for information and updates for
dream and become globally competitive, locally responsive and communication and to publish news and appropriate information on a timely basis
culturally sensitive PhilSCAns. Fueled your passion and be successful, so to ensure that you have the information to connect you to valuable
that someday, you would be able to make your mark in the field of notices, events, resources and services which facilitate your involvement in the life
of your student.
aviation and give back to your family, your alma mater and the
country. The PhilSCA Student Manual 2010 is now undergoing necessary
amendments to meet the emerging needs of the students. For your reference,
Rest assured that the PhilSCA Faculty and administrative personnel will however, we have provided you with some of the most needed information to
take each one of you as a challenge by doing its earnest efforts to guide your student’s life in PhilSCA.
provide quality and excellent learning experience that would prepare
you to become world-class aviation professionals and productive In behalf of the PhilSCA family, welcome PhilSCAns!
citizens of the country.
Make PhilSCA your second home. Soar high, Iron Eagles! Truly yours,

Office of the Student Affairs



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The PhilSCA Seal:
PhilSCA’s Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives,
Brief History and Official Colors: A. RIGHT OF STUDENTS IN SCHOOL
A. VISION The College Seal is dominantly green,
In addition to other rights and subject to the limitations prescribed by law and regulations,
white, blue and golden yellow
Philippine State College of Aeronautics is a leading Higher symbolizing progress, prosperity, students of PhilSCA shall enjoy the following rights:
Education Institution in Aviation Sciences with a balance simplicity and transparency, and 1. The right to receive, primarily through competent instruction, relevant quality
Liberal Arts and Technology. vastness of the sky. education in line with national goals and conducive to their full development as
person with human dignity.
B. MISSION 2. The right to freely choose their field of study subject to existing curricula and to
The Philippine Eagle symbolizes leadership with vision,
righteousness and superiority in aeronautical technology. continue their course therein up to graduation, except in cases of academic
Philippine State College of Aeronautics continues to produce
The Circular Form signifies continuous endeavor for the deficiency, or violation of disciplinary regulations.
world class professionals in the aviation industry through
quality instruction, research, extension, resource betterment of the College in the accomplishment of its 3. The right to school guidance and counseling services for decisions and selecting the
management and industry partnerships. mandate. The seven rays stand for the seven original alternatives in fields of work suited to his/her potentials.
courses offered by the College. The torch with wings 4. The right of access to one’s own school records, the confidentiality of which the
C. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES represents education and knowledge in the field of aviation school shall maintain and preserve.
The programs and objectives of the College shall be 5. The right to the issuance of official certificates, diplomas, transcript of records,
and aeronautics. The white delta symbol depicts the primary
undertaken in such a manner as to reflect its aspiration to be grades, transfer credentials and other similar documents within thirty days from
the center for (a) professional and advanced technical training objective of the College which is towards aviation technology
in the field of aeronautics and liberal arts; (b) research and development and progress in the country. The three stars
6. The right to publish a student newspaper and similar publications, as well as the right
advanced studies, and (c) progressive leadership in its field of represent Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. The electrons
specialization as mandated by its charter. to invite resource persons during assemblies, symposia and other activities of similar
represent the Aviation Electronics Technology (Avionics).
In view of the above, the college shall strive to The green sampaguita leaves and flowers mean integrity and
7. The right to free expression of opinions and suggestions, and to effective channels of
implement programs and projects that shall: honor that the College must preserve. The green escutcheon
communication with appropriate academic channels and administrative bodies of the
1. transmit and disseminate knowledge and skills in the form of State emblem signifies the vast opportunity for
school or institution.
relevant to the manpower needs of the country; aeronautics and aviation career.
2. discover and disseminate new 8. The right to form, establish, join and participate in organizations and societies
knowledge/technology needed for the development recognized by the school to foster their intellectual, cultural, spiritual and physical
of the country; PhilSCA Hymn: growth and development, or to form, establish, join and maintain organizations and
3. enhance, preserve and disseminate national culture Words by: Lt. Cipriano S. Sonico societies for purposes not contrary to law.
and sports; and produce progressive leaders, Music By: Mr. Leonardo G. Quinto 9. The right to be free from involuntary contributions, except those approved by their
trained, skilled and semi-skilled manpower for own organizations or societies.
national development.
OhPhilSCA dear, for thee we stand;
D. BRIEF HISTORY And lift our voice of praise B. DUTIES OF STUDENTS
We offer all our minds and hands;
The Basa Air Base Community College was
Up high thy anthem raise. In addition to those provided for under existing laws, a student of PhilSCA shall:
established under AFP regulation G. 168 – 342 issued by
Department of National Defense – Armed Forces of the 1. Exert utmost effort to develop potentials for service, particularly by undergoing an
Our faith that keeps our hopes alive;
Philippines on April 1, 1968. This regulation governs the
Will echo through the air education suited to one’s abilities, in order that he/she may become an asset to
establishment operation, administration and supervision of family and to society.
Let wisdom be our constant guide;
Non-Military Schools in AFP Camps with the approval of the 2. Uphold the academic integrity of the school, endeavor to achieve academic
Your vision pure and fair
Department of Education, Culture and Sports. excellence and abide by the rules and regulations governing academic
Chorus: responsibilities and moral integrity.
In 1977, the Basa Air Base College
(BABC)established an annex in Nichols Air Base known as 3. Promote and maintain the peace and tranquility of the school by observing the rules
OhPhilSCA dear! OhPhilSCA dear! and discipline, and by exerting efforts to attain harmonious relationships with fellow
BABC- Annex using the classroom of the Pasay City South
Thy name we’ll keep within our hearts;
High School for afternoon and evening classes. In the same students, the teaching and academic staff and other school personnel.
Forever, oh Alma Mater dear!
year, by the virtue of PD 1078, the Basa Air Base College 4. Participate actively in civic affairs and in the promotion of the general welfare,
was converted into a full pledged college known as the particularly in the social, economic and cultural development of his community and in
Thy name we trust with ardent love; Our dignity and pride
Philippine Air Force College of Aeronautics (PAFCA). the attainment of a just, compassionate and orderly society.
All glory to our God above; For truth and arts we strive
5. Exercise his/her rights responsibly in the knowledge that he/she is answerable for any
House Bill 26650 was signed into law as Republic
That victory be without pretense; infringement or violation of the public welfare and of the rights of others.
Act. No. 7605 by then President Corazon C. Aquino on June
Our courage shield all fear
3, 1992 which converted PAFCA into a state college known
The core of learning excellence; Oh Alma Mater dear!
as the Philippine State College of Aeronautics (PhilSCA).
Repeat Chorus; Repeat last line of Chorus.
The PhilSCA colors shall be blue for vastness of the sky,
Note: To be sung with the right fist above the left breast and eyes
white for purity and transparency and golden yellow for focused on the PhilSCA flag while standing in full attention.
prosperity and progress. ( Federated SSC Resolution No.04 series 2010 dtd Oct.14, 2010)
------------------------Source: PhilSCA College Code
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Students are required to wear the departmental shirts during STUDENT ATTENDANCE of prohibited drugs, drug dependency, drunkenness,
Wednesdays; shop/laboratory uniforms during their hooliganism, vandalism and other offenses analogous to the
Chapter 4 shop/laboratory periods; the prescribed P.E. uniform during Every student shall attend classes promptly and regularly. foregoing. Transfer credentials of the erring student shall be
STUDENT CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE their P.E. classes and the NSTP uniform during their NSTP In all cases of absences, a student may only be re- issued upon promulgation.
classes. Rubber shoes and any other closed shoes and admitted to his/her classes upon presentation of a letter
denim pants/slacks worn with the departmental shirts and of excuse.signed by the parent/guardian with necessary 4) Expulsion – a penalty wherein the institution declares an erring
A. General Regulations NSTP uniform are allowed only during Wednesdays, PE, attachment such as medical certificate and other student disqualified for admission to any public or private
NSTP classes and in all types of activity rehearsals or reference. higher education institution in the Philippines. In any case,
The following are expected to be seriously complied with as practice. Wearing of slippers inside the campus is strictly the penalty of expulsion cannot be imposed without the
norms and behavior of every PhilSCA student: prohibited.  Regular attendance and punctuality is expected of approval of the Chairman of CHED. This penalty may be
every student both in class and in school activities, a imposed for acts or offenses involving moral turpitude or
a. Respecting other students’ culture and religion; Every student should honor their school uniform and avoid students will be duly penalized for unexcused absences constituting gross misconduct, which are considered criminal
b. Obeying campus rules on decency, dress code and wearing it in going to movie houses, nightspots, billiard halls, and habitual tardiness. pursuant to existing penal laws.
morality. hang-out and similar public places.  A student is considered tardy if he/she arrives within 15
c. Observing classroom, facilities and house rules. minutes after classes have started. If he/she arrives after (Source: MORPHE 2008)
d. Respecting teachers, employees, administrators, and Exemption from Uniform: 15 minutes he/she is considered absent. Classification of Offenses: Offensive behavior is categorized
other persons in authority. Working students may be exempt from wearing the PhilSCA  Students are held responsible for lessons and as either major or minor offenses.
e .All other acts in accordance with the well-established uniform provided he/she submits the following documents to assignment given during their absences.
rules and regulations of the College. the OSA: Certificate of Employment (indicating shift/duty a. Major offenses include those behaviors which seriously
 Two tardy marks are counted as an absence.
f. Outside the campus, students are expected to be normally hours), valid ID issued by the employer and current PhilSCA violate the preservation of life, property and dignity of the
 Classes missed due to late registration will be counted
upright, courteous and respectful of the rights of others. registration form. After verification of submitted documents, a College and student; and
as an absence.
permit is issued by the OSA which must be with the student  Prompt and regular attendance in all classes is required b.Minor offenses include all other offensive behaviors not
One of PhilSCA’s role is character formation, teaching of at all times. of all students from the first meeting of every course listed under the major offenses.
personal discipline. Preserving the school’s good name and  Students are encouraged to participate in activities such
reputation covers acts of all its members (students, faculty, A pregnant student may be granted exemption from wearing as Intramurals, College Week/Foundation Day programs, *OFFENSES AND SANCTIONS
employees and administrators) even if done outside the PhilSCA uniform provided she submits to the OSA a medical recognition programs and the like. The following are the major and minor offenses and their
College premises. certificate attesting the pregnancy.
corresponding sanctions:
The students especially, should conduct themselves outside MINOR OFFENSES (Category A)
the school premises befitting the status of a student of the I.D. Requirements The administrative penalties that may be imposed upon an
only State College of Aeronautics not only during class days erring student, for commission of any serious offense or SANCTIONS
Every student must wear the PhilSCA I.D. at all times inside violation of institutional disciplinary rules and regulations, OFFENSES
but also during non-class days. ST nd
the campus premises. ID cards shall be validated and are provided and categorized as follows: 1 Offense 2 Offense 3rd Offense
Dress Code for Students renewed every semester at the IGP Office. Lost ID must be
reported immediately at the OSA for issuance of temporary 1) Suspension – a penalty that allows the higher 1. Loitering during Counseling / 3 days 15 days
All students must follow the prescribed dress code of education institution to deprive or deny the erring student
pass which is valid for one (1) week only . If after a week, class hours, Summoned College suspensi
the College especially during non-uniform days. The from attending classes for a period not exceeding twenty
said ID could not be found, an Affidavit of Loss must be making at OSA Service & on
following attires are prohibited, namely: (20%) percent of the prescribed total class days for the
secured and corresponding fee will be paid at the Cashier’s unnecessary Summon of
a. above the knee skirts and shorts; Office. Present the O.R. at the IGP Office for the issuance of school term. A penalty of suspension for a period more noise such as Parents or
b. hip-hop shorts worn with rubber slippers; new ID card. Students must surrender their ID cards in any of than twenty percent of the total class days for the school singing or Guardian
c. sandos, sleeveless, spaghetti strap, backless, strapless, the following instances: withdrawal from all subjects prior to term shall be deemed suspension for a period equivalent boisterous
see-through, plunging blouses and shirts; the end of term, suspension, dismissal or expulsion. to 20% of the prescribed total class days for the school conversation
d. tattered pants; term. causing
e. shirts and blouses with indecent pictures, prints/texts, and Hairstyle and Other Body Adornments: 2) Non-readmission – a penalty that allows the institution annoyance
fraternity identity; to deny admission or enrollment of an erring student for
f. Slippers in any form or material is not allowed inside the  Haircut for the male students should be Barber’s Cut with the school term immediately following the term when the 2. Coming to Counseling / 3 days 15 days
campus; approximate length of 2x3; resolution or decision finding the student guilty of the school not in Summoned College suspensi
offense charged and imposing the penalty of non-
g. Cross-dressing.  Hair should not touch the upper part of the earlobes and the proper uniform at OSA/ No Service & on
readmission was promulgated. Unlike the penalty of
eyebrows; during uniform entry Summon of
exclusion, the student is allowed to complete the current
Wearing of Prescribed Uniform  Hair at the back should not reach the collar of their polo days or Parents or
Every student shall wear the complete uniform during school term when the resolution for re-admission was wearing an Guardian
promulgated. Transfer credentials of the erring student
uniform days. Male and female students must wear the  No sideburns or “patilla”; shall be issued upon promulgation.
attire not
prescribed white polo with paraphernalia and midnight  No remarkable fly-aways; befitting a
blue pants paired with closed black shoes, black socks 3)Exclusion – a penalty that allows the institution to
 No uneven trimmings; exclude or drop the name of the erring student from the
college student
and black belt. Only white undershirt/undergarment may be  No high-spikes, punk styles;
worn under the uniform. The uniform must be neatly roll of students immediately upon resolution for exclusion 3. Leaving the Counseling / 3 days 15 days
 No Colored/dyed/glittered hair;
tucked-in. was promulgated. This penalty may be imposed for acts room without Summoned College suspensi
 No Fancy haircuts and punk haircuts;
or offenses such as dishonesty, hazing, carrying deadly permission at OSA Service & on
 Only one (1) pair of earrings for female students; wearing of
weapons, immorality, selling and/or possession from the Summon of
earring in any body part is strictly prohibited.
instructor while Parents or
 No Visible tattoos in the arms, neck, face, hands, legs.
the class is Guardian
 Caps/bullcaps are not to be worn while inside the classroom
and campus premises. Page 4 of 6 going on.
4. Entering the room Counseling / 3 days College 6.Trespassing 3 day College 4. Submitting false or 8.Bringing inside the
without permission from Summoned Service & Summon (entry and exit Service &
15 days 15 days 30 days
misleading College premises
the instructor while the at OSA of Parents or through Summon of
class is going on Guardian suspension suspension suspension statements in official playing cards, and 15 days Suspension for the rest
unauthorized and Parents/ documents filed with suspension of the semester
prohibited areas). Guardian other gambling
the College,
5. Intentionally Counseling / 3 days College publishing or Exclusion devices, possession
disturbing classes by Summoned Service & Summon 7. Disturbing the 3 day College disseminating false of such devices and
15 days
shouting, chanting, at OSA of Parents or peace and order of Service & information about the indulging in any form
talking aloud or singing Guardian the school, unless Summon of 15 days 30 days
college, its officials, of betting or gambling.
in corridors properly classified Parents/ suspension suspension
employees, faculty
as major offense Guardian members and
6.Improper hairstyle Counseling / 3 days College
students. 9. Deadly and
including uneven cuts, Summoned Service & Summon 15 days 8. Unauthorized 3 day College Dangerous Weapons
spikes, tails and colors at OSA; for of Parents or suspension use of College Service &
inconsistent with the proper Guardian 15 days 30 days
5.Vandalism Carrying deadly and Expulsion
facilities i.e. Summon of
required haircut. haircut/hairst suspension suspension Committing acts of 15 days Suspension Exclusion dangerous weapons,
charging of Parents/
yle vandalism, writing, suspension for the rest
cellphones & other Guardian including knuckles,
electronic gadgets. drawing on walls and of the knives, pistol,
7.Littering in the Counseling / 3 days College Clean/paint semester
9. Unauthorized 3 day College pieces of furniture; explosives and
campus; intentionally Summoned Service & Summon wall,
15 days assembly of Service & breaking of glass incendiary materials
throwing/leaving behind at OSA/ 1 of Parents or windows,
suspension students within the Summon of 15 days 30 days windows,
thrash. day college Guardian etc/ within the premises
College during Parents/ suspension suspension
service showcases, cabinets,
class hours Guardian Replaceme-
electrical devices,
8.Public display of Counseling / 3 days College improper use of
10. Not wearing 3 day College
affection. Summoned Service & Summon 15 days tables and chairs, 10. Mass Action and
the College uniform Service &
at OSA of Parents or 15 days 30 days tools and machines Subversive Activities
suspension on uniform days Summon of
Guardian Suspension
inside College Parents/ suspension suspension in the shop.
1. j for the rest
premises. Guardian 15 days 30 days
9.Using vulgar, Counseling / 3 days College joining, instigating or of the
indecent, foul, obscene, Summoned Service & Summon 6. Cheating Grade of leading rallies, semester
15 days
profane or improper at OSA of Parents or Exclusion demonstrations and
suspension MAJOR OFFENSES: a. cheating in 5.0 or failed
other forms of
language. Guardian Sanctions
Offenses examinations and unapproved group
1ST Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense taking exams by action which create
MINOR OFFENSES (Category B) proxy disorder

Offenses 1ST Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 1. 15 days 30 days Suspension
Slander/Libel/Rum suspension suspension for the rest of 2. posting,
or Mongering In the semester 7. Liquor and distributing,
any form or Suspension
3 day College Prohibited Drugs. disseminating and
Service & writing/posting/sen circulating leaflets and for the rest
1. Smoking within the Summon of 15 days 30 days
ding e-mail, SMS
15 days 30 days of the
a. entering the 15 days 30 days Suspension other printed matters
College premises Parents/Guar suspension suspension or any form of
College in a drunken suspension suspension for the rest that tend to instigate semester
dian degrading
electronic state of the subversion towards
messages, semester
3 day College the government and
2. Disrespect towards obscene notes, b. bringing in and
Service & pictures and cause chaos to the
school authorities, staff 15 days 30 days drinking liquor in the
Summon of videos. College
and personnel Parents/Guar suspension suspension College premises
dian 2. Stealing
3. organizing and
Stealing of 15 days 30 days Suspension joining any fraternity,
3 day College any suspension and suspension for the rest of c. processing, Suspension
3. Posting printed Service & sorority and other
property replacement of and the semester selling, using or for the rest
materials in the College 15 days 30 days Expulsion student organizations
Summon of stolen item replacement and taking prohibited of the 30 days Expulsion
without permission suspension suspension
Parents/Guar of stolen item replacement which are not Suspension
drugs or substances semester
dian of stolen item authorized, create
in any form within the
disorder and
4. Viewing, reading 3 day College campus
3. Violence and Suspension for
disciplinary problems
objects, pictures or Service & Physical
15 days 30 days the rest of the to the College
literature that are Summon of Assault/ Expulsion
pornographic in nature Parents/Guar suspension suspension semester
dian Fighting
inside the
5. Lending one’s ID 3 day College 15 days 30 days classroom or
card, using another Service & suspension suspension within the
person’s ID card, Summon of campus
uniform, paraphernalia Parents/Guar premises
and other forms of dian
Page 5 of 6
11. Extortion 30 days 16. Any of other III. Administrative Due Process
suspension misbehavior or 1. Procedure:
Forcibly asking Exclusion and payment of Exclusion (a) Filing of Complaint. A disciplinary
and misconduct which A student charged with violating school rules and
money from amount proceeding may be instituted motu propio by
payment of may endanger or regulations is entitled to administrative due process.
anybody amount threaten the health the appropriate authority or upon the filing of a
or safety of an a) For MINOR offenses, Student Discipline complaint or an official report specifying the
individual in the Coordinator of the Institute/Campus shall receive acts or omissions which constitute a violation of
12. Participating in any Suspension for the rest of the Semester College premises such complaint, hear and receive evidence and any existing rules or regulations. The complaint
mob or riot within the or which may recommend necessary appropriate sanction to
College Premises. adversely affect the
shall be furnished to the person being
the Dean/Head, Student Affairs who is complained of known as the respondent.
student's welfare as
authorized to render his/her decision. Such (b) Answer. The respondent shall be required
members of the
13. Falsification of decision is final and executory, except when a
academic to answer in writing within three (3) days from
documents, penalty of suspension of more than three (3)
records and
Exclusion community. the receipt of the complaint or charge. He/She
days is imposed, in which case such decision may submit proof to substantiate his/her claim
credentials 17. Illegally picking Replace Replace Replace
fruits, flowers, and tree/plant tree/plant by tree/plant by
shall require concurrence of the President. or to refute the allegations in the complaint or
a. forging, any other produce by planting 10 planting 15 report.
falsifying or which are within the planting trees/plants trees/ plants b) For MAJOR offenses, The Student (c) Hearing. A hearing shall be conducted in
tampering premises of the 5 and 15 days and 30 days Disciplinary Tribunal shall hear and try the case
College records,
order to verify the truthfulness of the allegations
College trees/pla suspension suspension and impose the sanctions provided herein. The or claims of the complainant and the
documents, or nts Student Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) shall render respondent. Additional evidence may be
credentials or
its decision by a majority vote of all the members submitted by the parties in support of their
furnishing the 18. Gross misconduct Non re-admission to Exclusion within fifteen days after it receives the complaint. respective claims.
College with The decision and recommendation of the SDT (d) Investigation report. After the hearing, the
false or 19. Gross Acts of Non re-admission to Exclusion shall be forwarded to the Office of the President
immorality Student Disciplinary Tribunal shall issue its
fraudulent for approval or disapproval. Major offenses shall decision either dismissing the complaint or
information in 20. Cyber Crimes Expulsion be recorded in the Student Discipline File and finding the respondent to have committed any
connection with related activities shall be treated with outmost confidentiality.
an official
of the major offenses defined in this Manual as
document. 21. Threats of any Non re-admission to Exclusion well as the penalty to be imposed. The finding
form/medium IV. The Student Disciplinary Tribunal and recommendation of the Student
b. forging Exclusion
signatures of There shall be a Student Disciplinary Tribunal Disciplinary Tribunal duly signed by all the
22. Portrayal of untoward Suspension for the Exclusion/Dismissal/
authorities behavior or act, in any rest of the semester Expulsion in each of the campuses of PhilSCA composed of members thereof shall be forwarded to the
medium, designed to cause
five (5) members. The Dean/Chair, OSA acts as President for approval or disapproval.
sexual excitement and/or
depiction or description of Chairman together with the four (4) other members (e) Decision of the President. Upon receipt of
c. entering 30 days Suspension for the rest of
school with suspension the semester
licentiousness or lewdness
designated by the College President. The term of the investigation report, the President shall
fake or office of the members of the Student Disciplinary determine whether the report is with sufficient
tampered ID 23. Misappropriation or Payment and Exclusion Tribunal is for a period of one (1) year. basis or not, in which case, he/she shall either
embezzlement of approve or disapprove its findings and
Organization/Class 1. Powers: The powers of the Student
14. Malversation of 30 days Suspension recommendations. The decision of the
funds suspension for the rest Disciplinary Tribunal are as follows: President is final and executory.
and of the Expulsion
a. P2,000.00 and and 24. Membership / a) To hear and receive evidence on complaints
payment semester Recruitment in a Exclusion for major and minor offenses as provided under 2.
below payment Rights of the Respondent. Every
and fraternity/sorority or any Subsection 2, Section B, Chapter 12 hereof; respondent shall enjoy the following rights.
payment campus organization
not accredited by the b) To render decision and recommendation (1) The right to administrative due process as
Suspension Expulsion College. dismissing or imposing disciplinary actions, as herein provided such as:
for the rest and
b. more than the case maybe, based on substantial evidence (a) to be notified of the complaints raised
of the payment
P2,000.00 submitted by the complainant and the against him/her;
respondent; (b) To have a hearing for him/her to submit
payment c) To recommend rules and procedures in the proof in his/her behalf;
conduct of investigation and hearing of (c) To have a decision based on substantial
15. Violation of any
rule and
disciplinary cases. proof;
regulation As stated in CHED Memorandum 3. Jurisdiction. All major offenses under these (d) To be notified with the decision of the
promulgated by rules shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the tribunal or the President.
theCHED Student Disciplinary Tribunal, except minor offenses (e) To enjoy all the rights and privileges of a
which shall be under the jurisdiction of the Dean of student, pending final decision on the charges.
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