Electrical Contractor Agreement

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— Phone: 1974 4441 409% CITY GATE tere easter tal ets ORPTALTY HOTEL MANAGEMENT P.0. Box 889 | CR. No. BBM CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT “This Contractor Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement” or Contract), ‘entered into this O8-May 2021 with reference number: 10004-CGH-RSS-2021 ands between: CITY GATE HOTEL, a company organized and existing under the laws ofthe State of tar, with Commercial Registration Number 88114, with its registered office at 19 Al Matar Street, Al Ghani, Doha, State of Gatzr, duly represented by ts Chaleman, Mr. Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed {1M AlThani (Hereinafter re‘erred to a¢ “lent”) AND [RSS TRADING AND CONTRACTING a company organized and existing under the laws ofthe State ‘of Qatar, with Commercial Registration Number 141648 with its registered office at .0. Box 191054, Doha, State of Qatar, duly represented by Mr. RAKIBUL ISLAM with QJD: 28005023461 (Hereinafter referred to as Contractor”) (Referred individually as "Party" and collectively as “Partes) 41. PREAMBLE WHEREAS the Gient wishes to commission the Contradtor for Contractor works related ‘to The complete supply and installation Earthing works comprises the following as per the tender document of City Gate Hotel ("Project") located on 10 Al Matar Street, Al Ghanim, Doha, Qatar. WHEREAS, the Contract cocument consists of contract agreement, attached 800, and contractor offer letter togetver all entered by Client with the Contractor in connection of works WHEREAS: the document forming the contrat are to be taken as mutually explanatory for one another including the 800 znd offer letter. ‘SCOPE OF WORK 2i__ The scope of work l the supply and Installation Earthing works comprises as per the [BOQ attached at annexure 1 and with the offer letter dated 04/05/2021 with reference RSSTC-SUB/MEP-2021-170 hereinafter referred to as "Works" 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 3.4 The Contract shall become effective upon sgning the Contract by the parties and the effective date shall be the date of the Contract 3.2 Any part of work done prior te contract wil be deemed and to have been performed pursuant to this contract. 4. PAYMENT TERMS AND BILLING “41 The cost of work as cetermined by the 800 is QAR 156.000 (aatar Riyal One Hundred Ffty-sixthousand only), 3s lump sum amount herelnafter referred to as “Project Value"), the detalls of which & given in the BOA attached. 42 The payment procedure shall be as follows: en's nits Page tof {Contractors ntiats a Phone: 1976 44s) 4996 CITY GATE PopRabERie le leony Nos aor nec Po. Box 851m No. oom ‘Advance Payment ("Advance Payment”) shall be 70% of the Project Value against the submission of the Inoice and paid prior to stat the Works. 30% Balance amount of the Project Value shall be paid ater 100% hand our complete project. ‘The Contractor shall provie a security cheque ("Securlty Cheque") with same value as the ‘advance payment of 70% of Project Valuein the name ofthe client. 5._ DELIVERABLES AND PENALTIES 5.1 The Works shall be completed within 20 days of date of Advance Payment, and this shall 3a 52 be considered asthe duration ofthe Project Duration”) Ifthe Contractor, due to his sole default, falls to complete the Works by the Date of Complete, the Contrctor willbe liable to pay penalties as follows: ‘© Panaty of Q&R 2,000 / day past the Date of Completion. 6. Penaties accumulathg to maximum 10% of the Project Value WARRANTY 7a Contractor shall pronde a 3-year warranty items that installed by him from the date of completion. 8. CONTRACTOR OBLIGATIONS ar ‘EA The Contractor shall be responsible for the Works as Sipulated under BOQ as well as 82 adhere to the demanded rate of progress fr the Works. ‘The Contractor shall Comply with al reasonable instructions and directions given tit by ‘the Gent in writing and shall not act upon any instructions or directions of a third party without receiving prior written authorization from the Client. ‘The Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that it completes the Works in timely manner. ‘The Contractor shall ensure that its personnel is competent to cary out the Works and willbe carted out wth due diligence and ina workmanlike manner tothe satisfaction of the Client and shal comply with applicable standards, procedures, quality control requirements and ary other reasonable operational requirements, ‘The Contractor shal keep the Cllent fully and properiy informed on all aspects of the ‘works and promptly provide the Ltent with such information, reports and comments Felating to the Work as it may request from time to time. ‘The Contractor shall keep the Project site free of any wreckage, rubbish, or other debris arising out of orn connection with the Works. The Contractor shall ensure that no damage is dane to the existing structure of the Project other than whats necessary fr the completion of the Works, Any addtional or G lent’ nits Page 20f4 Contractor's inital — Phone: 974 4441 00% CITY GATE eee aotel alee oSPTALITY HOTEL MANAGEMENT P.0, Box 889 | CR, No. Bane adjacent damage dore by the Contractor or its personnel may be attributed to Contractor and the Client will resover the damage costs from the Contractor. 88 The Contractor shall ensure that all manpower and labor used in the fulfilment of the ‘Works is legal and insured. Contractor shall ensure proper safety and industry practices In place to avoid such damages tothe best extent. In ase of any accidents related to the manpower and commissioning of the Works shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor, 89 The Contractor shall uly notify the Client in the fllowing cases: Any defects which are nat attributable to the Works in accordance with this Contract or ‘to-any fllue of Contractor to comply with this obligation under this contract ‘+ Any under covering or testing which does not establish the Works in accordance to this 8.10 Ifthe Contractor does not comply within 7 days of notice given by Client, the Client may ‘arty out all the necessary work and recover the cost from the Contractor or set off balance amount against to the Contractor. ‘CONFIDENTIALITY “Ril Proprietary Information disdosed by one Party to the other Party hereunder shall be ‘maintained in confidence ard shall nt be disclosed to any Third Party or used for any purpose. ‘excopt as expressly permitted without the prior written consent of the Party that disclosed the Proprietary Information to the other Party during the term ofthis Agreement. This Agreement shallot be bound by any non-disclosure when regulatory agencies require such disclosure, 210 ENTIRE AGREEMENT “This Agreement represents the ene and integrated Agreement between the Parties and supersedes all rior negotiations, representations, or Agreements, either written or oral, regarding the business contemplated hereby. This Agreement may be amended only by writen Instrument signed by the patesto this Agreement. 111, GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION 111 This Agreement and any dispute arising out of i shall be governed by and construed in ‘accordance with the laws ofthe State of Qatar. 11.2 Good faith In the event of any dspute or fference arising between the Parties out of Correlating to the agreement orto any breach oft, one ofthe Parties shall servea Dispute Notice of such dspute onthe other Party tothe dispute which shall identify the disputed issues and allow the ether Party to understand the dspute, and the parties shallendeavor tosettle such dispute To this effect senior executives of the relevant parties shall consult ‘and negotiate with each other, n good faith and understanding oftheir mutual interests, to,reacha just and equitable solution satisfactory to the relevant partie lent’ ntiats Page 304 ‘Contractors nats = Phone: 1974 Mash 4006 CITY GATE wonweitygate-natel.com OSPFALITY HOTEL MANAGEMENT P10. Box 1889 | CR.No. Bama 4113 any Dispute arses between the Parties where such Dispute not resolved pursuant to above clause within fifteen (15) days of the date of the Dispute Notice or such longer period as the Parties may gree in writing, then either Party may refer the Dispute to the ‘Civil and Commercial Courts of Qatar for final resolution. 212, ATTACHMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT. = Contractor Commercial Registration = Contractor Offer Letter and 800 (a/E/1105/Rev-00) ‘© Parent Company Commercial Registration 213, SIGNATURE ‘TN WITNESS WHEREOF the partes hereto have duly executed this Agreement this on the date ‘mentioned in the beginning of this Contact. Pred Pee) ‘Me. Sheikh Ahmed Mohammed M AL-Thani Cy Gate Hotel ND ON BEHALF OF CONTRACTOR (SIGNATURE & STAMP) i RARTBUL ISLAM SS TRADING AND CONTRACTING. Cent's ntils Page 40 contractors ntials Se Phone: 1974 446) 4884 € CITY GATE See area ea NOSPRALTY HOTEL HUnACENERT P.O. Box 1859 | CR. No, 884 CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT “his Contractor Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement” or "Contracts entered into this 04-May 2021 with reference number: 10005-CGH- SS-2021 and is between CITY GATE HOTEL, acompany organized and exstng under the laws ofthe State ‘of Qatar, with Commercial Registration Number 88114, with its repstered office at 19 Al Matar Street, A! Ghanim, Ochs, State of Gator, duly represented by its ‘Chairman, Me, Shelsh Ahmed Mohammed J M AL-Thani (Hereinafter referred to as “Clent”) AND RSS TRADING AND CONTRACTING a company organized and existing under the laws ofthe State of Qatar, with Commercial Registration Number 141648 with its registered office at P.O. Box 91054, Doha, State of Qatar, duly represented by Mr. RAKIBULISLAM with QID: 28005022461 (Hereinafter referred to as *Contractor") (Referred individually as “Party” and coletively os “Partes) 3. PREAMBLE ‘Zo WHEREAS the Cient wishes to commision the Contradior for Contractor works related to the supply and installation of missing light fting, wiring, and al accessores for ll building (Ground Mezzanine, 1 10 10 floor, and two basements, all flectrical accessories should be In good and working condition of City Gate Hotel ("Project") located on 10 Al Matar Street, Al Ghani, Doha, Gata. WHEREAS, the Contract document consist of contract agreement attached 800, and contractor offer letter together all entered by Client with the Contractor in connection of works WHEREAS: the doctments forming the contract are to be taken as mutually explanatory for one another including the 80G and offer letter. 3. SCOPE OF WORK 3A Thescope of workis the supp and installation Earthing works comprises 2 per the B0Q attached at annexure 1 and with the offer letter dated (04/05/2021 with reference RSSTC-SUB/MEP-2021-170 (hereinafter refecred 10 as "Works fs A somone ME x _- 4 ; lent intiats Page ots Contractors intits Phone: +974 44a [email protected] wwweltygate-hotel.com P.0, Box 1859 | CR. No. 88114 CITY GATE 441 The Contract shall become effective upon signing the Contract by the parties andthe effective date shal be the date ofthe Contract. 42 Any part of wrk done prior to contract willbe deemed and to have been performed pursuant to this contract. 5,_ PAYMENT TERMS AND BILLING 54 Thecostof work as dotermined by the 800s QAR 673.000 (Catar Riyal ‘Si Hundred seventy-three thousand only), as lump sum amount (hereinafter referred o a "Project Valuo"), the details of which is given in ‘the BOQ attache. |A. Conduct and Missing Wire Resolve and recovered including supply energized. ‘@Rs:127,000.00 '. Complete suppy and installation damage lights and Socket. ‘@RS:186,000.00 . Complete suppy and installation damage Switches. ‘@RS:152,000.00 . Complete sup and installation damage MCC, MCB and ELCAS oF CBS. (QRS:56,000.00 E, Testing and Commissioning complete building LC service network. {QRS:110,000.00, 4. Complete Supply ondinstallation Bectrcal Digital tight Control Fane! ‘and Stabiizer wih Ampier ‘QRS: 42,000.00 6.4. Thepayment procedure shall be as follows: ‘+ Advance Payment ("Advance Payment") shal be 50% ofthe Project Value ‘against the submission of the Invoice and paid prior to start the Works. 20% Projet Value shall be paid after completion 50% works. 20%6of Projet Value shall be paid after completion 75% works. 5 Balance amount ofthe Project Value shall be paid after 100% hand our complete project ‘+ _596Balance amount ofthe Project Value shall be paid after 120 days hand ‘our complete project. ‘The Contractor shall provide a security cheque (‘Security Cheque") with same value as the advance payment of 50% of Project Value in the name ofthe cent 17_DELIVERABLES AVD PENALTIES TA The Works shallbe completed within 75 days of date o¥Advance Payment, and this shallbe considered asthe duration af the Project (Duration) 7.2 ifthe Contractor, due to his sole default, ails to complete the Works by the Date of Complete, the Contractor will be liable o pay pais Ps follows: 4 Cent's Page 20f5 (Contractor's ini 4006 CITY GATE bigot eta OcPALTY MorELwaNAceaENT P.0, Box 859] CR. No. 8814 ‘+ Penalty of AAR 2,000 / day past the Date of Completion. Penalties accumulating to maximum 10% of the Project Value WARRANTY 9.1 Contractor stall provide @ 3-year warranty items that installed by him from the date of ‘completion, 110, CONTRACTOR OBLIGATIONS “TOA The Contractershallbe responsibie forthe Works as stipulated under BOO, as well as adhere tothe demanded rate of progress forthe Works 10.2 The Contractor shall Comply with all reasonable instructions and directions given to it by the Client in writing and shall not act upon any instructions or directions of a third party without receiving prior written authorization from the Glen. 103 The Contractor shall tke all reasonable steps to ensure that i completes the Works in timely manner. 104 The Contractor shall ensure that its personnel s competent to carry cut ‘the Works andwill be carried out with due dligence and in @ workmanlike ‘manner tothe satisfaction ofthe Client and shall eomply with applicable standards, procedures, quality control requirements and any other reasonable operational requirements. 4105 The Contractor shall keep the Client fully and properly informed on al aspects of the Works and promptly provide the Client with such information, reports and comments relating to the Works as it may Fequest rom time to time. 10.6 The Contractor shal keep the Project ste free of any wreckage, rubbish, ‘or other debris arising out of or in connection withthe Works 10.7 The Contractor shall ensure that no damage is done to the existing structure ofthe Project other than what is necessary for the completion ‘of the Works. Any additional or adjacent damage done by the Contractor ‘orits personnel may beatrbuted to Contractor and the Client wl recover the damage costs from the Contractor. 30.8 The Contracter shall ensure that all manpower and labor wed in the fulfillment of the Works is legal and insured. Contractor shall ensure ‘rope safetyand industry practices in place to avoid such damages to the best extent. In case of any accidents related to the manpower and commissioning of the Works shall be the sole responsiblity of the Contractor. df 109 The Contractor shall duly notify the Client inthe fol Cent's itis Page 3015, Contractor's nis =~ Phone: 976 4461 4084 CITY GATE srrciggate hotel om ‘+ Any defects which are not attributable to the Works in accordance with ‘this Contract orto any failure of Contractor to comply with this obligation under this contract ‘= Any under covering or testing which does not establish the Works in acoordance to this contract 10.10 ifthe Contrador does not comply within 7 days of notice given by Client, the Client may carryout all the necessary work and recover the cost fram the Contractar oF set off balance amount against to the Contractor. 11, CONFIDENTIALITY All Proprietary information disclosed by one Party to the other Party hereunder shallbe maintained in confidence and shall not be disclosed to any Third Party or used for any purpose except as expressly permitted without the prior writen consent ofthe Party that disclosed the Proprietary Information to the other Paty during the term of this Agreement. This Agreement shall not be bound by any ‘non-disclosure when regulatory agencies require such disclosure. 212, ENTIRE AGREEMENT ‘This Agreement represents the entire and integrated Agreement between the Parties and supersedes al prior negotiations, representations, or Agreements, ether writen or oral regarding the business contemplated hereby. This ‘Agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed bythe parties to this Agreement 13, GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION 131 This Agreement and any dispute arising out of it shall be governed by and construed in zecordance with the laws of the State of Qatar 132 Good faith: Inthe event of any dispute or difference arising between the Paties out ofor relating to the Agreement orto any breach of it, one of the Parties shall serve a Dispute Notice of such dispute on the other Paty to the dsputewhich shall identify the disputed issues and allow the other Party to understand the dispute, and the partes shall endeavor to settle such dispute To tis effect senior executives ofthe relevant parties shall consult and negotiate with each other, in good faith and understanding of their mutual interests, to reach a just and equitable solution satisfactory tothe relevant parties. 13.3 If any Dispute arises between the Parties where such Dispute is not resolved pursuant to above clause within fifteen (15) days ofthe date of the Dispute Notice or such longer period as the Parties may Agree In = Phone: 974 6401 4094 CITY GATE welygneRte ay Vc swore unaoanet Bovmortiee [eno eon 10005-2001 writing, then either Party may refer the Dispute to the Civil and Commercial Courts of Qatar for final resolution. 114, ATTACHMENTS TO THE AGREEMENT = Contactor Commercial Registration Contractor Offer Letter and 800 RSSTC-SUB/MEP.2021-170 ‘© Parent Company Commercial Registration 115, SIGNATURE IN WITNESS WHEREGF the parties hereto have duly executed ths Agreement this, fn the date mentioned inthe beginning ofthis Contract. ‘Shell Ahmed Mohammed M A-TRani City Gate Hotel Pcie a cet [SS TRADING AND CONTRACTING lent’ itis Page 5 of Contractor's nas

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