online By Tanya
Astrology Reading
Hafsa, born 10/02/1998 at 22:25 (Timezone = GMT +1 hours) at 7e00 and 37n00
What follows is your personal natal chart information, as well as interpretations of the positions and
aspects in your chart.
With this report, you will find out the positions of the planets in your natal chart by sign. The most
personal of these are the Sun sign, Moon sign, Mercury sign, Venus sign, and Mars sign. Most
people already know their Sun sign. If your time of birth is known, you will also find out your
Ascendant, or rising sign, as well as the positions of the planets in the houses of your chart. Aspects
between the planets are also listed and interpreted.
Each paragraph of interpretation refers to an individual position in your chart. All of these positions
and aspects are some of the "parts" that make up a "whole"--you! Some of these interpretations will
be contradictory, just as people are contradictory. A person can be downright timid in love, and that
same person can be aggressive in business. Not only that, we evolve and grow throughout our lives,
facing challenges that help us to handle our positions and aspects in a different way. We all have
choices, and one of the largest benefits of astrology is the ability to understand ourselves better so
that we can work with our natal charts rather than against them. Any computerized report that
interprets the individual placements in a natal chart is somewhat disjointed, simply because the
different parts that make up the whole are not synthesized.
Some of the interpretations that follow are detailed, while others are brief. You can do some further
reading about different positions (such as Moon in Libra, Saturn in the 10th house, Moon conjunct
Mercury) in your chart by exploring our own site, other astrology sites, and by reading astrology
The Rising Sign colors your entire persona, endowing you with your own personal style. The Rising
sign is found on the cusp of the 1st House in your birth chart. It acts as a filter for the rest of your
chart, branding your whole self with its qualities. It’s like an exterior shell, presenting you to the
world and serving as a protective boundary. The rising sign affects your appearance and how you
Rising in Libra
People with Libra rising tend to be charming, refined, attractive in some manner, gracious,
appealing, indecisive, cooperative, sociable, creative, artistic, perhaps musically inclined,
harmonious, and wanting to please and not make waves. You seek the approval and support of
others. You may "need" the company of others and hate to be by yourself. You are apt to try too hard
to please others and compromise your own principles in order to be liked or to be popular. Yet you
can also be very self-centered. You have a difficult time saying "no". You cannot stand disorder and
disharmony and want everything to be balanced, poised, and harmonious. You like looking at all
sides of an issue before making up your mind. You love to compare things and find analogies. You
enjoy argument, yet you can be very diplomatic with a friendly exterior. Looks are important to you.
You tend to attract whatever it is that you need without any real effort on your part.
The sun represents your ego, the inner you, your essence, the unchanging part of you – the calm,
steady, deep and lasting force felt within you, enabling you to exert willpower, make decisions and
direct all the other parts of you life. The Sun represents your will, and its sign determines the
dynamic expression of the will, which is carried out through the activity of the other planets in the
horoscope. Remember, the sun sign is just the start of your portrait. Think of your horoscope as a
painting of you. The characteristics of your Sun sign are the first broad strokes that the artist first
lays down on the canvas. The artist outlines your general shape, the planes and angles of your face,
the way in which you hold your body. In the same way, your sun sign delineates your fundamental
character, your core. Are you introspective? Do you make friends easily? Are you pompous or plain,
generous or greedy? How do you cope with responsibility? Are you high-strung or easygoing? The
answers may be found in a study of your Sun's position by sign and house, and any aspects from it.
Sun in Aquarius
Aquarius natives tend to be friendly, original, intuitive, broadminded, nonconforming, different,
independent, freedom-loving, scientific, unusual, and helpful. They can also be impersonal,
unpredictable, tactless, rebellious, unconventional, stubborn, rigid, radical, bohemian and eccentric.
Aquarius natives like any work which calls for inventiveness and the detached application of special
rules or formulas.
Aquarius natives seek to share knowledge with others in order to bring about a better life for all.
Group activity is their customary mode of operation. Helping others so they can help themselves
appeals to an Aquarian.
Aquarius natives are friendly, yet detached. They have warmth, yet they seem distant. Although
appearing cold or aloof, they are not really indifferent to others. It's just that they are much more
concerned with humanity as a whole rather than any one particular individual. Since Aquarius
natives generally do not have large, pompous or stuffy egos, they rarely bother to exert themselves
to win approval or compliments.
Aquarius natives get excited about bringing new ideas and methods into old, traditional
environments. They are philosophical, visionary and idealistic. Feelings of friendship drive them to
try to improve the lot of everyone they can. Sometimes the people they want to help don't
understand these new ways and react negatively toward them. Sometimes Aquarius natives are
simply ahead of their time, although sometimes they are just cranks.
Aquarius natives have the determination and persistence to get ahead, but sometimes their energy
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level is relatively low, which causes them to drop projects before they are completed. Their minds
are analytical and scientific and they have the ability to think things through to an accurate
conclusion. Although they generally have good powers of concentration and are able to assimilate a
lot of information, there are times when they are just plain absentminded.
Aquarius natives usually get along well with others. They are generally not gossips, nor are they
petty. They do not like arguments, unless they feel there is a need to defend a person, an ideal or a
principle. Since Aquarius natives are so willing to listen to the new and different, they have little
patience with those who refuse to hear new concepts.
Sometimes Aquarius natives rebel just for the pleasure of it. They have been known to deliberately
do things in an attempt to shock people. Most Aquarius natives prefer not to be bound by schedules
and regulations, but can easily adapt to them if they must. But don't expect them to always be on
time for things.
Aquarius natives dislike people who are possessive of them, since they are generally not possessive
of people or things themselves. They give others a lot of personal freedom and they expect the same
in return. Since they are not particularly concerned as to what other people think of them, they often
do not bother forming opinions about other people's behavior.
In love, Aquarius natives want an intellectual companion with whom they can communicate. They
can be hesitant about making a total commitment such as marriage, or any other form of
partnership, because of their desire for independence. However, when an Aquarian marries, the
marriage is usually stable. They are loyal and faithful to their marriage partner, but are not prone to
excessive displays of affection, especially in public.
The sociable influence of Venus on this Decan brings an ability to understand that people don’t have
to be alike to get on with one another. In fact, the most interesting connections can be those that
cross countries and cultures and that celebrate the differences between individuals and their
circumstances. 3RD Decan Aquarians are tailor made for online dating, where they can link up with
kindred spirits without having to relinquish their physical freedom.
The Moon is as important as the Sun in your natal chart. The Sun sign is a part of you that is
apparent to others; it is what others see. The Moon sign is the part of you that you see. The Moon
represents your emotional nature and instinctive reactions – emotional responses based on past
experiences and unconscious habit patterns that you have developed. It comprises all the little
surface peculiarities, moods, and changes that have to do with physical life which are disturbing,
fleeting, and changing. It describes the way you behave in instances in which you haven’t had time
to think things through, your immediate emotional responses. Have you ever done something that
you immediately regretted and thought, “that’s not like me.” It may have been your Moon sign
qualities at work. The sign that the Moon is in shows what makes you feel emotionally nurtured,
secure, and satisfied. Because emotions run so deep, the Moon sign represents your greatest need.
It also shows how you nurture others. Most of the time, your Moon sign will only be apparent to
those who live with you, or people that are very close to you. In many ways, your Moon personality is
the one you keep hidden. It is your inner core, which feels hate, jealousy, fear, and has fantasies that
you often deny even to yourself. On the other hand, it is your Moon personality that spontaneously
feels and expresses joy and pleasure. It is the part of you that enjoys the little sensualities of life. The
Moon in your horoscope modifies your Sun sign; it brings new forces, different motivations, and
spiritual elements to the character of your Sun sign. For example, a Gemini-Sun person with Moon in
Taurus will be more dependable than a Gemini-Sun with Moon in Aquarius. Here is another reason
why we cannot define a person simply by their Sun sign. The Moon is also a symbol of fertility and
femininity; its sign colors one's relationship with the mother, and with women in general. In a male's
chart, it indicates the type of woman he feels most comfortable with. Although the Venus sign
indicates a male's romantic/erotic preference in partners, the Moon sign indicates the type of woman
he would choose as a lifelong mate (because the Moon "needs" are stronger than the Venus
"wants"). The Moon is constantly waxing and waning, from new Moon to full Moon and back. The
house position of the Moon in your natal chart shows the area of life where you tend to be the most
emotional, and where you often experience changing conditions. The house of the Moon also gives
clues to the type of activity that occurs on the domestic scene.
Moon in Leo
If you have the Moon in Leo, you are warm, generous, and loving in your affections and you bring
out great devotion and loyalty in your loved ones. You want to be worshipped and adored like the
king or queen you feel you are. You want and need a partner you can be proud of and your own pride
is very important to you. You cannot love someone you don't respect and aren't proud of. It is
important to you that you feel recognized and appreciated. Your feelings get hurt when you feel
ignored. You dislike emotional games and dishonesty. You are popular, generous, dignified, loyal and
ambitious and have a persevering, penetrating mind with leadership and creative ability. You
dramatize the events in your life and your feelings. On the negative side, you may be ego-oriented,
vain and/or ostentatious with a tendency to wear your heart on your sleeve.
You belong to the Full Moon Type if you were born from fifteen to eighteen and one-half days after a
New Moon (i. e., less than three and one-half days after Full Moon).
Your typical personal characteristics are: mental objectivity, the ability to make ideals concrete, to
receive illumination or "visions" and to give them symbolic expression, to fulfill the past; negatively,
a sense of being divorced from reality and divided against oneself.
The Descendant is all about ‘the other’, we recognise and can be attracted to the qualities of our
Descendant in others. When you’re near to a ‘Dc’ line on your Astro Map, the effect will be to
experience the qualities externallythrough others, meeting with the themes of that planet through
them, or identify them with its characteristics.
Descendant in Aries
You are drawn to courageous individuals who have no difficulty asserting themselves. Your partner
may appear as an athletic individual or entrepreneur. While your Libra rising can make you
indecisive and diplomatic, you may be drawn to a partner who either helps you make decisions or
makes them for you.
The Descendant is all about ‘the other’, we recognise and can be attracted to the qualities of our
Descendant in others. When you’re near to a ‘Dc’ line on your Astro Map, the effect will be to
experience the qualities externallythrough others, meeting with the themes of that planet through
them, or identify them with its characteristics.
Midheaven in Cancer
You come across to the public as intuitive, caring, and able to read situations on a deep level. Some
possible fields for you are pediatrics, healing therapies, child care, and education, intelligence
services, and social support. Your ability to tune into emotional moods makes you good at
influencing others in public service, or in commercial fields like advertising, marketing. You are
trusted and liked, and this helps you form webs of support that help you in your career through word
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of mouth. You'll likely find mentoring others a natural role. Your imaginative gifts find a channel in
the arts, and you could make a name as a translator of human emotion through your work.
Imuni Coeli
The Ilum Coli is linked to home, heritage, our family and foundations. Find yourself near an ‘Ic’ line
and your environment could be touched by the qualities of the planet – where you stay or reside,
who you live with or the sentiment of your living arrangements. It can affect how we feel about
settling down in a place and our perception of home and the environment – it can change our
feelings around where we come from too, permanently!
Hai hành tinh nổi bật nhất trên bầu trời là Mặt Trời và Mặt Trăng, chúng đóng vai trò đặc biệt trong
chiêm tinh học. Ngoài ra, còn có 10 hành tinh khác đóng vai trò cơ bản trong phân tích chiêm tinh.
Những hành tinh cho thấy nơi mà ta hành động, chúng là trung tâm năng lượng của thế giới.
Mercury is the planet of intelligence and communication. It governs our rational and intellectual
faculties, perception and reason, memory, speaking, and writing. Mercury reflects your capacity to
collect, sort, and communicate the knowledge you gain through your experiences and your senses. It
reflects the way you see, hear, understand, and assimilate information. Mercury is symbolic of that
child-like curiosity that drives your urge to know, and the ability to analyze and reason. Mercury also
has to do with transportation and short trips, and the nervous system. The positive manifestations of
Mercury include clever speech, eloquence, persuasiveness, success with public speaking and a
sharp, quick mind. The more negative manifestations include restlessness, a tendency to be critical,
sarcastic, argumentative and sly. The quick wit of Mercury can quickly turn into trickery. Lies,
deceit, fraud, swindling, and forgery are examples of Mercury’s negative power. The sign of Mercury
in your natal chart shows your style and preferences of communicating and learning. A strong
Mercury in one's chart, free of any negative aspects, indicates a brilliant mind.
Mercury in Aquarius
If you have Mercury in Aquarius, your thoughts tend to be unique, unusual, rapid and coming
completely out of the blue, eccentric, unconventional, scientific, weird and perhaps a bit ahead of
their time. You are a progressive and non-traditional thinker and are very open and receptive to new
technologies and breakthroughs and the latest discoveries in any field. You believe that humanity
can resolve their problems through creative intelligence using inventive minds and scientific
principles. You are a bit impatient with those who are conservative and unimaginative and those who
are afraid perhaps to think about and try new things and ideas. Keeping abreast of the latest
developments and technologies is fun for you. Reading science fiction helps give you food for
thought regarding radically new ways of looking at things. You have a strong humanitarian impulse,
an aptitude for organization and you enjoy being involved in cooperative group efforts or businesses
that are contemporary and innovative. You have a versatile, disciplined, practical and original mind.
You are intuitive and resourceful, with the ability to correctly judge human character and penetrate
the mask that others wear. You follow your own convictions regardless of what others think of you
and you have the ability to express your ideas clearly so that others easily comprehend. On the
negative side you can be eccentric, bohemian, radical, revolutionary and stubborn.
Venus is the planet of love, pleasure, and beauty. It represents your capacity to express affection and
to enjoy beauty. This includes your capacity to attract and appreciate the things of the world,
whether they are emotional, physical/material, mental, or spiritual things. It defines the type of
people you draw to yourself, based on your social values. Things ruled by Venus include: what kind
of sex appeal you posses, love affairs, the arts, beauty and beautiful things, adornment, affection, the
social graces, harmony, and friendship. Being the planet of pleasure, it points to the kinds of
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amusements you are drawn to and in what ways you spend your money. The position of Venus in
your natal chart can answer such questions as: What kind of lovers do you attract? Are you
flirtatious? Do you find happiness in your love affairs, or are you often disappointed? Where do your
creative talents lie? The sign of Venus gives important information about how you expresses yourself
in personal relationships, especially in love and marriage. It also indicates your attitude toward
money, personal possessions, creature comforts, and social and aesthetic values. Your Venus sign
also reveals your idea of the "perfect woman." In a male's chart, the Venus sign indicates the type of
woman that attracts him. In a woman's chart, the Venus sign indicates the qualities that she uses to
attract lovers. The house position of Venus indicates the type of people with whom you establish
relationships, both friendships and romances, and where you are most likely to find an artistic outlet.
Venus never travels far from the Sun. In your horoscope, it is always either in your Sun sign or in
one of the two signs immediately preceding or following your Sun sign. A well-aspected Venus
bestows charm, diplomacy, and tact. Some negative manifestations of Venus are self-indulgence,
jealousy, envy, lust, and of course, unfaithfulness.
Venus in Capricorn
If you have Venus in Capricorn, love and affections are expressed in cautious, reserved and serious
ways. You are probably not that demonstrative towards the ones you love. You care very much about
what other people think of you and you fervently desire love and appreciation, yet your reserved
responses make it appear that you are really very detached. Casual, superficial relationships don't
interest you at all. You are cautious and serious about love and you want a deep, genuine, lasting
love. You are old-fashioned and traditional regarding courtship and love, and will remain faithful to
your loved one in good times and in bad. You may be attracted to persons older than yourself,
someone who is emotionally mature and reliable and who can provide the security you desire. You
tend to be loyal, trustworthy, patient and steadfast. For you love may be weighed against practical
concerns or on the basis of security needs. Perhaps you'll marry for money or status. You have a
strong desire to protect yourself from being hurt and this may keep you from being as outgoing and
forward in love matters. You may be very fearful, selfish and jealous or cold and calculating if Venus
is badly aspected. There may be an intense ambition and desire for prestige and status. More about
Venus in Capricorn.
Mars is the exact opposite of Venus. Whereas Venus represents the female, Mars is all male.
Whereas Venus is about harmony, Mars is conflict, aggression, and outright war. Mars is the planet
of physical energy. It governs your sex drive, your forcefulness and your aggression. It is associated
with your desires and aspirations for emotional, physical, mental and spiritual things that stimulate
activity. You have to want something before you reach out and take it; Mars is the heated passion
behind action. Mars shows your ability to turn ideas into action. The sign of Mars in your natal chart
indicates your vitality, energy level, and style of action. In a female's chart, the Mars sign is one
factor suggesting the type of man she attracts. In its highest form, Mars represent your unleashed
energy and your human will – initiative. A controlled Mars can give a healthy dose of assertiveness
and ambition. At its worst, Mars energy makes one prone to anger, harshness and destructive
violence, impulsive behavior, danger, combativeness and every kind of cruelty. It’s up to you to use
this force constructively.
Mars in Pisces
If you have Mars in Pisces, your energies and aggressions tend to come out in non-combative and
noncompetitive ways. You are a bit of a pacifist and do not enjoy tackling anyone or anything head-
on in a directly confrontational manner. Working around people or situations or working behind the
scenes, in secret, is more your preferred style. If necessary, it is more your tendency to give up
something rather than to fight for it. Because your ego is not especially interested in personal
achievement, glorification, material advantage, or winning at the expense of someone else, you may
come across to others as weak-willed or ineffectual. Being on top, being the best, or being first
doesn't mean much to you, hence you can be quite happy in a supporting role, working for the
benefit of others or for a cause that you believe in. You may experience difficulties in planning clear
and definite goals for yourself in the real world. You are not sure what you want out of life, except
you instinctively seem to know that you do have and need to find a spiritual purpose. You have many
dreams, high ideals, and a strong mystical or religious impulse. You also have a creative imagination
and can successfully apply yourself to art or music. You are intuitive, humorous and diplomatic,
quiet on the outside, but restless within. On the negative side you can be indecisive, procrastinating,
too interested in the sensual side of life, and may resort to using drugs or alcohol as a way to escape
the pressures and responsibilities of dealing with everyday life. Learning self-control is important for
you. Take action, don't only day-dream.
Jupiter is the planet of good luck, optimism, success and generosity. Jupiter brings joy to life. Think
expansiveness and abundance, as Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter signifies
knowledge, higher leaning, breadth of vision, confidence, charity and good-will, frankness and
honesty. Jupiter’s knowledge is on a philosophical level (as opposed to Mercury’s day-to-day
cleverness). It is the broad view of the higher mind. Psychologically, Jupiter is the search for
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meaning or truth. As such, it represents law and justice, philosophy, religion, metaphysics, and
education. Jupiter encompasses the urge for self-improvement through participation in the larger
whole. It urges you to go forth exploring life. Jupiter's sign indicates what you idealize, what your
ethical, religious, and philosophical standards are. The sign also indicates where you express
expansiveness, where you do things on a large scale. Jupiter in your chart shows where you are
likely to receive financial and material benefits, and in turn, where you express generosity to others.
The House of Jupiter is where we tend to be optimistic, and the affairs of that House usually flow
easily. Jupiter’s qualities include benevolence (kindness), wisdom, morality, and spirituality. If
negatively placed in the chart, Jupiter’s energy can be manifested as self-righteousness,
excessiveness, squandering, exaggeration, over-indulgence, superficiality, and bigotry. However,
even when negatively positioned, Jupiter is protective and beneficial. Over-indulgence and excess
often lead to learning the lesson of restraint. Even with a negatively-aspected Jupiter, a person will
tend to "land on their feet" when problems arise in the areas signified by Jupiter's House.
Jupiter in Pisces
Attracts the most good fortune when you is charitable, tender, devoted, compassionate, looks out for
the underdog, and is giving. Values compassion and charity, and is motivated by a universal vision.
Peaceful personal philosophy. Faith in the goodness of life brings rewards.
Astrologers of the past regarded Saturn as "evil" and malignant, indicating dire misfortune and
misery wherever it was found in a chart. When Venus wishes for love, Saturn denies her. When
Jupiter promises good fortune, Saturn delays it. When Mercury brings news, Saturn degrades it, and
when Mars goes too hard or too fast, Saturn will crash him. But this is not necessarily bad. Saturn is
associated with the principles of limitation, restrictions, boundaries, safety, practicality, reality,
seriousness, and structures. Saturn is the laws, boundaries and limits set by society or karma.
Modern astrologers acknowledge that the hardships brought on by Saturn's limitations, compel one
to continue striving for a final product, that although delayed, will be solid and of real worth.
Saturn governs ambition, career, authority, hierarchy, and conforming social structures. It concerns
a person's sense of duty, discipline and responsibility, and their physical and emotional endurance
during hardships. Saturn is morose and cold, melancholic, and serious. By placement in your chart,
it indicates the area of life in which you may feel shame, for a time. This is the area where you have
lessons to learn. But this is where your disciplined hard work will lead to genuinely earned, long-
lasting success. At its best, Saturn endows organization and order. At its worst, Saturn’s energy is
manifested as selfishness. The sign of Saturn also gives clues to the kind of work for which a person
is suited and the kind of career he is likely to pursue.
Saturn in Aries
The best quality of Saturn is system and the best quality of Aries is leadership. Therefore, if you have
Saturn in Aries, you can be a very capable leader, one who knows what to do and is not afraid of
going out and doing it no matter what it takes or how long it takes. Combat and competitiveness
spur you on to greater achievements. Self-reliance is high within you and you probably feel that you
are more capable than those around you, hence you may end up doing all the work, which may
antagonize you if you feel that others are not holding up their end of things. Saturn's worst quality is
selfishness and Aries worst quality is interference with the plans of others. Therefore, you are also
capable of meddling and trying to run the affairs of others. You may run roughshod over them in
trying to get them to do your will rather than their own. You can be a real slave-driver. You dislike
restraint of any kind and do not take kindly to others telling you what to do. Remember this as you
give the orders. Obstructions, frustrations, and limitations come into play in your pioneering, self-
starting efforts. Freedom comes only through responsibility and discipline. Impatience can ruin all
the good work you try to do. Caution may need to be developed in the carrying out of your plans.
Stability and security are important to you and you work with those thoughts in mind. Feelings of
being inadequate may spur you on to tackle immense undertakings in order to feel more valued or
worthy. Stress from trying to accomplish too much may make you prone to headaches. Saturn in
Aries calls for you to be self-sacrificing.
Saturn here indicates you need to learn to cooperate with and to develop empathy for others. You
are perhaps cautious about marriage, but, when committed, may find it very difficult to leave your
marriage partner, even if you are unhappy. You may marry for security rather than love. Discipline is
needed in relationships.
There may be a very self-controlled and sometimes calculating attitude towards all forms of
partnership. You are inclined to seek a partner who will awaken your sense of responsibility and give
you a greater sense of purpose and will to succeed. For a woman there may be a subconscious desire
to marry a "father figure" and the partner may well feel an urge to organize your life on a more
effective basis.
The responsibilities of marriage or the fear of marriage may delay marriage. If Saturn is well
aspected in your natal chart, then this position usually indicates that one loyally abides by marriage
vows and faithfully carries out marital duties. With a well placed and well aspected natal Saturn, the
partner is likely to be a person of integrity, faithful, steady, reliable, industrious, persevering and
economical, perhaps not over-demonstrative and preferring deeds to words, and providing a real
anchor for the partnership.
If natal Saturn is badly aspected, then there is a tendency to endure an unhappy marriage rather
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than to lose face by breaking up. If you neglect to make your partner happy, your own happiness will
be affected in the same proportion. This position can also mean a second choice marriage, which
endures in spite of boredom, unhappiness and a lack of love. In other words you may have wanted to
marry someone else but settled on a second choice instead. The partner may act in such a way as to
become a burden, and may be uncommunicative, narrow in outlook, cold, and over-critical. In some
cases the spouse may be much loved, but prone to ill health. Marriage to a widow or widower is
Uranus represents the unconscious urge to become aware of your true inner individuality (the Sun).
Like a lightning bolt, Uranus symbolizes sudden flashes of insight, moments of revelation, and spurts
of creativity. Uranus’s energy is usually described as suddenness, revolution, change, shock, and
disruption. Like lightning, Uranus breaks into time and fractures our patterns. New ideas break into
ordinary streams of thought, bringing innovative solutions to stubborn problems. It is your intuition
awakening you to a world beyond our social structure. Uranus forces sudden changes when the
usefulness of the old is gone and something newer, something higher and better is ready to take its
place. Uranus encompasses technology and all types of electronic devices. Uranus speeds up the
mind, making it to bypass logic and arrive at conclusions by leaping from A to Z, shocking people.
Uranus seeks alternatives to the common and accepted forms. True to itself, the planet Uranus
stands out from the rest of the planets by orbiting around on its "side." The rest of the planets orbit
like a "spinning top," but Uranus insists on rolling on its side like a ball. At best, Uranus encourages
originality, versatility and independence. At worst, it encourages eccentricity, perversion and
rebellion. Uranus demands freedom.
Uranus in Aquarius
Uranus rules Aquarius, so these people will have many of the general Aquarian traits. They may be
friendly and humanitarian, but independent and emotionally detached. Uranus’s influence is greater
than usual here because it’s in its own sign. As always, its influence increases even more if Uranus is
a personal planet in the chart. Read more about Uranus in Aquarius.
Neptune represents the unconscious urge to dissolve the boundaries of your ego-centeredness in
order to ‘lose yourself’ in other realms of being. While Uranus breaks into our dimension to allow
momentary flashes of insight into other realms of existence, Neptune is those other realms. Neptune
dissolves life’s patterns in order to teach new meanings in the quest for universal wisdom. Neptune
represents things that aren’t quite as they appear, the illusive, and the unreal. It is the planet of
receptivity, imagination, cloudiness, confusion, delusion, illusion, and unreality. Neptune is also
associated with movies, acting, and compassion. Neptune can indicate mystical visions of a divine
creator, or an experience of the primordial chaos before creation (dangerously, the latter can drive
one to madness). Neptune can indicate spiritual healing and service to others, or becoming lost in a
foggy world of fantasy and dreams. More often than not, Neptune indicates confusion in the House
where it resides in your birth chart. A negatively positioned Neptune in the natal chart can indicate
a tendency to escape reality. The house and sign will indicate whether it be through mind-altering
drugs and alcohol, day-dreaming, sexual addiction, cult worship, psychosis, potential suicide, or
others. At its best, Neptune's energy inspires marvelous art, music, theatre, dance, poetry, and film.
Above all, Neptune represents the intangible, and makes it very real.
Neptune in Aquarius
You tend to dream, dreams of freedom and independence, unconventional dreams (Aquarius), but
you are not deterred. You can be idealistic about anyone who tries to reduce freedom and
independence, and even rebellious towards the. You are fiercely loyal to your beliefs and to your
friends (fixed). You can appear somewhat eccentric to the other generations, and you may acquire
associates who are cranky and artistic, perhaps musicians. You are sensitive and idealist and
sufficiently passionate (fire) to carry implement your ideals and aspirations.You may do this by
breaking down conventions and overcoming barriers in an unusual way and with unexpected results.
Pluto represents the unconscious urge to transform repressed ego-desire energies into group-desire
energies in order to live out your role in society’s evolution. Pluto represents sexuality (the act itself,
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as opposed to the energetic desire which is associated with Mars), obsessive desires, transformation,
power, and the ingredients of great wealth (investments, banking, loans, debt, mortgages). Pluto has
dominion over drastic changes that bring true upheavals. Since Pluto is the slowest-moving planet,
an entire generation will share the same Pluto sign, giving it historical importance. Drastic and
permanent changes in civilization as a whole can be linked to Pluto's movement through the signs.
On a personal level, the House that Pluto occupies in your chart will show how Plutonian energy is
manifested in your life. Pluto will transform those things in your life that require regeneration,
whether you desire it or not. You may experience dramatic crises or have to endure terrible
suffering where Pluto is involved in your chart, but for the purpose of healing. Pluto tears down only
to transform and regenerate what has been destroyed. Pluto is associated with recklessness, mental
obsession and compulsion, emotional resistance, and overall transcendence. It is also associated
with unsolved mysteries, secrets, and taboos.
Pluto in Sagittarius
You transform in a free and tolerant manner matters related to higher education and philosophy, and
in your vision of the future and your ideals. There may be significant changes in higher education in
this time. There may also be transformations in your attitudes to freedom and tolerance. There may
be greater long distance travel during this period to foreign places, perhaps even in space. This
generation are obsessed with foreign travel, and about life on other planets.
Chiron in Scorpio
Your awareness of attachment and loss is exceptionally well-developed, perhaps to the point that you
limit yourself in your relationships and with projects and goals. Because of your keen understanding
of power dynamics, personal psychology and motivations, jealousies, and intense emotions, you
make an authoritative guide and powerful counselor. However, applying your perceptions and
philosophies to your own life can be a challenge. Learning to embrace your feelings, attachments,
and the power of loss and recovery is another story altogether. Fear of loss of self is intense, yet you
are also drawn to situations where you might lose control or lose yourself.
Chiron in 2nd House
Chiron is associated with the emotional wounds we receive early on in our lives. The sign Chiron is
in dominates, but the house placement shows in which area the personality is motivated and into
which they will put their efforts. In the second house, it can indicate great self-confidence, so long as
there are physical comforts. There may have been little or no affection or even inappropriate
affection, in childhood. This could now be shown through stubbornness and a dismissive attitude to
others’ opinions. You could be a great teacher of self-worth, when you have dealt with your own
Lilith in Libra
Your main test will be in the area of personal relationships, ethics, and how you use your degree of
magnetism or attraction. If your Black Moon works well, everything will go wonderfully in these
matters. However, you can also be too uncompromising or perfectionist, especially with your partner
and social relationships. On the other hand, you might believe that society or your partner demand
too much from you. If you have Lilith in Libra, sex is your leading interest. Not just sex, but physical
beauty or giving great importance to the external aspect. Joy is expressed with sexual energy. It
takes only some perfume/cologne and a little alcohol to stimulate you and put you in the mood for
physical relations. But if Lilith has bad aspects, by birth or transit, you become aggressive and you
dramatize the sexual relationship. In this position, Lilith is not so dangerous, although she is
ruthless. You hide your vulnerability with cynicism.
For your Black Moon in Libra to work well: Think about what you really expect from others and to
what extent you want to get involved in your relationships. Learn to enjoy your one-to-one
relationships with serenity and peace. Look for inner beauty and harmony, not only external.
Trong chiêm tinh học, mục đích cuộc sống của bạn được mã hóa qua hai giao điểm của mặt trăng là
North Node (Long thủ) và South Node (Long vĩ). Các giao điểm này đối đỉnh nhau trong bản đồ sao.
Chúng không phải là các hành tinh, mà là các điểm toán học trên bản đồ rơi vào hai cung hoàng đạo
đối đỉnh. Ví dụ, nếu Long thủ ở Ma Kết, Long vĩ sẽ ở cung đối đỉnh là Cự Giải, vân vân…
Long vĩ tiết lộ món quà bạn mang đến kiếp này, điểm mạnh, vùng an toàn của bạn. Bạn bẩm sinh đã
giỏi giang trong những lĩnh vực này, và có thể bắt đầu giai đoạn đầu đời dựa trên những gì đã học từ
Long vĩ. Tuy điều này có thể khiến bạn thỏa mãn, nhưng chưa chắc nó đã nâng tầm bạn lên. Có một
cảm giác “đã ở đó, đã làm thế” trong phạm vi những hoạt động của Long vĩ. Và chắc chắn bạn đã ở
đó và làm thế ở nhiều kiếp trước. Chìa khóa nằm ở việc dùng Long vĩ làm bàn đạp hướng đến vận
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mệnh ở Long thủ, cũng như một người phải sống ở nước ngoài sẽ luôn cảm thấy thoải mái khi nói
tiếng mẹ đẻ tuy đã sống ở đất nước mới nhiều năm. Long vĩ là “quê nhà” của bạn trên lá số, có lẽ
không phải là nơi bạn muốn trú ngụ vĩnh viễn, mà là một nơi ấm cúng khi bạn cần cảm thấy có chốn
dành cho mình hoặc mình thuộc về một nơi nào đó.
Long thủ nằm ở cung hoàng đạo đối đỉnh với Long vĩ. Nó chiếu sáng vùng đất đang kêu gọi bạn,
nhưng để trèo lên được đỉnh này cũng giống như leo núi Everest. Bạn sẽ phải mang hành lý ít thôi,
và tuyển một người Sherpa bản địa đưa bạn lên. Đó là con đường quanh co bạn phải học. Các hoạt
động ở Long thủ yêu cầu phải mở rộng vùng an toàn của bạn. Một khi đã làm vậy, bạn sẽ kinh ngạc
trước việc mình cảm thấy đủ đầy đến thế nào. Nó giống như khởi đầu cho nhiệm vụ cuộc đời của bạn.
Càng sắp xếp bản thân sớm cho con đường này bao nhiêu, cuộc đời bạn càng rõ ràng mục đích bấy
nhiêu. Tuy nhiên, bạn sẽ thường quay lại với Long vĩ như một con át chủ bài – giống như quay về nhà
để biết được cội nguồn, cho dù bạn đã đi khắp thế giới.
Chúng ta thường nghĩ rằng vì chúng ta làm tốt việc gì đó – hay việc đó đến với chúng ta một cách dễ
dàng – thì đó là những gì chúng ta nên “làm” với đời mình. Tuy nhiên, đôi khi con đường bằng phẳng
không mang lại thỏa mãn về tinh thần. Có lẽ bạn đã đi mòn con đường này ở các kiếp trước rồi, và đã
sẵn sàng cho những điều mới mẻ hơn.
This position of South Node speaks of the time devoted to spiritual matters and prayer during your
past lives. Often these persons are the ones who spent several lives in monasteries and in solitude
serving some religion or sometimes – a sect. You have got a developed sense of beauty, sensitivity,
poetry, subtlety, compassion, an ability to sacrifice oneself, and idealism. You perceive the world as
a whole more than in its fragments. You tend to rely on intuition and inward more than on rational
mind. You seek for ideal and divine love as well as harmony.
Aim to preserve these qualities, but stay away from the negative aspects of Pisces: self-pity, reality
evasion, too big concentration on mystics as well as secrets or magic, and exaggerated approach
towards senses and untraditional capabilities. Seek to avoid fanaticism, sects, alcohol, medicine,
drugs, and any other long-lasting addiction. This can imprison you for a long time if you do not
remain alert and careful.
Your North Node is in Virgo. This position indicates that you should develop rational mind in this
life. This is the way of your evolution. Seek to discover concrete and clear answers to any of your
questions, even if they are linked with the untraditional capabilities, secrets or spiritual processes.
Do not let yourself be satisfied with the answer that you believe just because it is necessary to
Develop observation and the ability to notice details and integrate them into the whole. Nurture your
sense of duty, order, and cleanness. Do not avoid taking care of hygiene and health. You are bored to
care for everyday earthly matters, but this has to be done. It is very important that you named what
you feel and found an explanation for certain behavior. Do not aim to help everyone asking for help.
This way you would encourage toadyism rather then providing help. You find it difficult to say “no”
even if it is necessary to do so. Thus aim to develop an ability to distinguish what is your real duty
and seek to fulfill it even if it is not a very pleasant thing to do.
You would succeed in the following professions of Pisces: an artist and a priest. Nevertheless these
occupations would inhibit your evolution. Virgo’s professions would encourage it and would help to
recover balance. These professions are linked with numbers, rational, sober thinking, concrete craft
or science, and an ability to recognize details and process them. This is more scientific and practical
than mystic trend. The medical profession would also suit you. Huge and rich experience brought
from previous lives has to be concretized, “landed” on the ground, substantiated, and organized.
In astrology, Ceres rules food, agriculture, transitions in a female’s life, nurturing, motherhood, and
family relationships. With Ceres, there is a love of what is simple, natural, and good for you. There is
also a strong need to nurture and protect, as well as to treat other living beings, including animals,
with respect and reverence. Ceres is also connected to grief, as well as the possibility of destroying
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everything in one’s path in order to regain what was lost. It might also be connected to separation
and time-sharing, as Ceres in mythology had to strike a deal with Pluto who had abducted her
daughter, Persephone, wherein she was to return Persephone to him for part of the year.
Ceres in Pisces
Ceres in Pisces reflects the emotions of those around them. They want to understand and help
people through emotional crises. They are truly compassionate and they supply this through
nurturing. They love anything imaginative. It fills them with good feelings and makes them feel
nurtured. When feeling down, they may feel helpless or abandoned. They need time alone to de-
stress and re-energize themselves. Water is calming. Self-acceptance may depend on their ability to
be selfless.
Juno has definite shades of Pluto and Venus/Scorpio and Libra energy. We’re triggered where Juno is
in our charts, but it’s also a place of potential power and empowerment. Look to Vesta for devotion
or commitment to a person or cause; look to Juno for clues as to how we make the most of our
connections, and also in what way or area we are deeply bothered if we’re not treated with respect.
Most notably, Juno is the master of multi-tasking. She does so many things well, and people with
Juno strong in their charts are similar. She’s connected to marriage and union, in general, but she is
complicated, powerful, and political.
Juno in Libra
Juno in Libra wants balance and equality in their relationships. They want someone who will share
the chores of making decisions and who will consult with them on everything. They are attracted to
good manners and an attractive appearance. They want them to share their interests in social
activities and artistic things. They love romance. They tend to become competitive when the
relationship becomes unbalanced.
Pallas in Aquarius in the 5th House
Pallas (the Roman name for the Greek Athena) shows our ability to recognize patterns, to arrange
and re-arrange things.
Pallas in Aquarius
Pallas Athena in Aquarius sees all the future possibilities. They may find healing with the electrical
energies in the body like vibration, color, crystals, sound and light work best for them. They want to
create something new and exciting. They may focus their creativity on computer graphics, science
fiction art or new wave music. These are the artists who teeter on the cutting edge. They are the
revolutionaries defending humanitarian causes around the world and who organize protests from
grass roots. This combination makes patterns that are sheer genius, or maybe a bit insane. They are
gifted in solving the most difficult of problems with unusual solutions.
Vesta's placement in the horoscope shows where and how we can be dedicated, where we can focus
our energies to the greatest effect. But it also shows where, periodically, we have to withdraw and
"recharge our batteries." If we don't, we will become drained, and even sick.
Vesta also has an effect on our sexuality, but it is not the raw, animal drive of Mars or Pluto. It is
more of a reasoned choice, which is in tune with Vesta's affinity with the sign of Virgo.Lenore Cantor
told the following story in a lecture some years back.
She was going to visit the late Charles Emerson and she got stuck between floors in his elevator.
While she was waiting for the repair crew to arrive, Charles shouted down the elevator shaft:
"Lenore, where's your Vesta?" Vesta also rules small, confined places.
Vesta in Taurus
Vesta in Taurus is fixed in their routines. They follow their path steadily and are gifted artistically.
They take the time to focus and then find it rather hard to stop. They are persistent. They are
connected to fertility and the planet. This is a comfortable place. By settling in they produce amazing
results. They are practical.
The Twelve houses of the astrology chart define twelve areas of our life. The beginning of each of
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the houses is called the cusp.
The sign on a house cusp reveals the area of life in which the principle of that sign will be learned.
The principle manifests in more than one area of life, since the ruler, or ROVING DELEGATE of that
sign, carries the message to another house.
The ruler of a house is also important for revealing what we do to “act out” the principles of that
house. It shows how the matters of that house are realized, and thus relates very much to
experiences. For example, the ruler of the tenth house shows what we do to carve out an identity for
ourselves. The aspects that the ruler of a house makes help round out the whole picture. It is
interesting to note the aspect, if any, between the ruler of the Ascendant, for example, and the
Ascendant itself! If the ruler of the Ascendant is square the Ascendant itself, we usually have a
person who is unsure about how he or she should behave. It can be difficult for others to know what
to expect with this person, as he or she may be bold one day and timid the next.
Some might call you a homebody. You are someone who is very motivated by a need for security and
roots. You may “take after” a parent quite strongly–perhaps following in his or her footsteps or
resembling this parent. Even if you don’t have planets in Cancer, you display distinct traits of the
sign. You may invest a lot of energy into building your “nest”.
On a personal level, this is the house that represents the value we give to ourselves and everything
we do. In it, we are able to materialize our energy into something we can touch, use, or hold in our
hands, as if it was a natural consequence of the energy we carry in our body represented through
our first house. The second house of our chart is the field of habit, the food we eat, with the purpose
to feed our hunger created by the animal we carry in the first house. It is a source of income that
strengthens our body, leading to thoughts with quality. It correlates with the sign of Taurus, speaks
of one’s wealth, and is also called the house of value. Its Latin motto is lucrum, meaning “wealth.”
Matters of the second house are matters of personal belongings, possessions we want to have in this
lifetime, and the food we love to eat. It represents the point that defines the first, materialistic goal
of our existence. Seen through philosophical connections, it represents the influence our choice of
eating habits has on our financial situation. Cleansing our body through fasting or a healthy diet will
set us free from negative substances that accumulate in it. Consequentially, this will cleanse our
mind, leading to clearer financial choices instead of stealing the energy from our first house. This is
our personal recipe for empowering our strong financial background.
The second house is a reminder of the energy we focused in the right direction. Every
accomplishment we are not satisfied with because it didn’t provide us with what we needed in the
material reality, simply means our energy is not well-focused or used on matters in sync with our
body and our material existence. As soon as we start making money, we can be sure we are in some
kind of correlation with our true selves. However, if we are still not satisfied, we probably haven’t
followed our true calling that will someday make us whole. Whatever our situation, the second house
speaks of our level of personal fulfillment through material matters, the way we accept them, and
the way they satisfy our inner hunger.
If The 2nd House has a cusp in the sign of Scorpio, this speaks of finances left to us by our
ancestors. Depending on our genetic predispositions, this can be a blessing or a curse, since it
greatly depends on those that were here before we came to this world. It might seem like we have
little influence on our own wellbeing when this setting takes over. In order to find joy in the material
world, this is a position that challenges a person to find it in change and accept that the energy has
to flow and circle at all times. In the practical sense, this means that one has to give in order to
receive and there will never come a reward without it being earned through all sorts of deeds, life
choices and ancestry. This is also a position that can speak of a debt that has to be repaid, and isn’t
always easy to comprehend or enjoy.
You are able to earn money through your own industry. You will find security thanks to your patient
work and perseverance. Your practical and realistic sense allows you to do very well in your
professional activity. It is important for you to establish a healthy sense of values, because your
remuneration is based on that.
The third house is also called “The House of Communications” and its motto translates to “brothers”
from the Latin term fratres. It relates to the sign of Gemini on a more personal, physical level, and
speaks of the insides of our mind. The main thing its positioning describes is the way one thinks and
the processes in our heads that lead us in a certain direction. As such, it is extremely important in
personal chart analysis, for it gives us the information on a person’s state of mind, just like the first
house speaks of the state of one’s body, or the fourth the state of emotions and heart.
Areas of Life
The third house is a place of brothers and sisters and all relatives and family members that our
genetic material isn’t in closest connection to. It represents our mind, our way of thinking, writing
and reasoning, in a way speaking of our human, rational side that makes us more or less smart for
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practical or less practical issues in life. This is a house greatly influenced by the element of the sign
it falls into, as it strongly relates to emotions when it begins in a Water sign, proactive fiery thoughts
when in Fire, practical side in Earth, and social contacts in Air signs.
Other than these, the third house is also a house of transportation and active learning through
seminars, short educational courses, or certificated trainings. It represents our early education on
the elementary school level, intelligence and closely linked ability for happiness and childish joy. It is
a place where our neighbors live, and a house of short travel and local trips, hikes, or walks. Among
other things, it is our car with all of its characteristics, color and brand, as well as our hiking
outdoor equipment. In addition, it will be in sync with technical equipment we often use in our
everyday activities, especially if they are means of communication, such as laptops or mobile phones,
or any other gadget that we put our hands on.
With , we instantly see someone who talks a lot. This is a position for philosophical thinkers and
people of wide perspectives, opinions that always shift to more positive views, and the ability to use
their beliefs in the scope of their practical existence. It can also speak of solutions that always seem
distant, in case lack of direction in life is accented and one has no knowledge on their own true path
and destination. In a positive setting, these people are optimists, travelers and teachers, blessed by a
giving nature and a mind that is always ready to learn. In a negative one, they get lost, talk
excessively, while thinking and talking rather than actually acting in their own best interest.
Scattered opinions and expressions will easily take over when they are tired and lost in their path
through life.
The mind of the person is prone to all sorts of amusements, sports and intellectual enjoyments. This
is not however a particularly good placement for the children of the individual as this creates
problems in their own life. Depending on the condition of the finance rulers, this house will either
bring benefits or losses to the individual which could indeed be speculative in some respects.
The fourth house is the house of home and family. It is our deepest emotional core, our roots and our
genetic inheritance, as seen through the family tree and our ancestors with all of their relationship
issues, conflicts, fears and dreams. It is a mysterious and our most common place, our house of habit
and connection to the core of the Earth, just as it is our ability to find infinite, unconditional love,
and constant closeness to another human being. This is the house that relates to the sign of Cancer,
and its Latin motto genitor translates to “parent”, as if it was on a mission to show the importance of
one person that made us feel at home, no matter if it is our actual parent or simply – ourselves.
Areas of Life
When we speak of our personal, emotional basis for satisfaction, we are definitely speaking about
our fourth house. Not only does it say everything we need to know about our upbringing and the
home we grew up in, but it also points out the most important issues we have built in relation to the
parent of opposite sex. It is the house of heritage and all things we hold dear, and we will often see
people with accented fourth house as collectors who stick to their routine, and have a certain fear of
change deeply rooted in their need to stick to peaceful, homey feelings and choices.
Although it is often mistaken for the house of tradition, we have to understand that fourth house
represents closeness. Tradition itself is seen through the sign of Capricorn and the opposing tenth
house, as something that gives the ultimate feeling of responsibility, recognized through respect of
the elders, and among them – our ancestry. Fourth house in its core can be linked to family
traditions that serve only to keep the family together, and only for as long as they don’t bring spasm
into one’s world and the feeling of strong responsibility that doesn’t feel good. The best way to
understand matters of the fourth house in their most beautiful light is through closeness we have
with our mother, and those we laugh with, caress, care for, and those that thaw our hearts in the
hardest of times.
This is the house that represents our emotional core and our ability to be satisfied, happy and smile
from the heart. It is a house of home, family, motherly feelings, as well as our private business, how
clean and innocent we feel, and our ability to open up. It is our final destination as the house that
represents our grave, and our starting point seen though genes we chose for this lifetime, there to
close the circle of one life from its beginning to end.
There is no reason to make it prettier than it is – is never easy. In the best possible scenario, this is a
position that gives one the ultimate faith in the Universe, and a strong connection to God. With a
deeply seeded need to take responsibility, this is an individual who often takes too much of it,
usually grabbing some for every mistake made by their parents. This is a typical position that gives
one the sense of guilt for wrongness they suffered at home, and creates a lot of pressure and
coldness in one’s emotional world. Dissatisfaction and the strict regime at their primal home can
give a strong foundation for the tenderness and love in the family they create, and this is the most
beneficent use of such a position, however hard or challenging it might get.
The fourth ruler in an angle is a powerful testimony to a profitable life, particularly after marriage
takes place. As the seventh house is the house of movement, travel and change, the person will also
earn his livelihood through frequent journeys. The affliction of the fourth ruler in the seventh house
causes dissatisfaction in married life though.
When we are speaking about pleasure, we are speaking about the fifth house. It is that part of
everyone’s chart that points to joyous activities, creativity, entertainment and playful nature of the
child within. Personal expression hides in this house and anything in good relation to it will give one
the ability to evolve, grow, and find real satisfaction in this lifetime through activities that will fill
their energy pool and make them feel alive. All colors of the world are set in this house, and this is
exactly why we need to find its best symbolism and the strongest point in order to reach true
creativity and express through something constructive and beautiful. Its Latin motto Nati translates
to “Children”, referring not only to the children we raise, but to our own child within.
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Areas of Life
The fifth house of one’s personal horoscope is one of the most important houses for astrological
interpretations. It is often cast aside as just a simple regular point in the zodiacal circle, but the
truth is, it represents our personal sign of Leo and the place that pulls us strongly with its gravity, as
our own individual Sun’s home. Everything that defines our fifth house represents the exact thing
that can make us happy and creative, and we should always follow all signals it sends in order to find
personal fulfillment and satisfaction. This is exactly why it is so difficult to have Saturn or the sign of
Capricorn set in it, for they cool it down, make us mature before our time, and bring spasm into the
place of joyful, childish ignorance and the ability to be spontaneous and free.
This is the house of all children, primarily our own, but also our approach to any child in our lives. It
is a place filled with innocent love, connecting us to all premarital relationships, our first love
experiences, and sexual pleasures that are fun, carefree and filled with joy. It is a house of
recreation, sports, theater, and playing, speaking of our ability to creatively express and be social
and well-adjusted to leisure opportunities life throws our way. It is a house of romance, everything
that brings us joy as well as games and gambling, leading to the ultimate role of it on a personal
level, creative self-expression.
The 5th House cusp in Aquarius speaks of strange priorities and people who dare to dream big.
Aquarius is a sign of innovations, higher communications, and the network we are all unconsciously
wired to, so this is often a signal that someone has a strong impulse to create something
extraordinary, different, new, and incredible, if they only find a way to express their true inner
personality. Love has to be real in order to last, or it will just be a series of failures, casual flings,
and relationships that burst into flames as soon as some time goes by. With so much change, it is not
easy to hold on to clear priorities, but friends will help greatly and the love for the divine will
definitely pull the person out of any trouble ahead. This is a position for gamblers, good and bad,
depending on planetary positions, and speaks of the ability to test luck with bravery and a “silly” but
obviously productive attitude that everything will be alright in the end.
This is an excellent placement and indicates that kids may eventually lead and reside in a foreign
land and therefore attain distinction in their lives. This of course is dependant on the dignity of the
fifth ruler and the aspects that are formed to that planet, but usually this is a encouraging
placement. This brings a spiritual energy to the marriage and a lucky period from that time on and
also endows the person's partner a spiritual inclination. If this fifth ruler is afflicted the person may
seek satisfaction in extramarital affairs.
If this fifth ruler is afflicted in the fourth it may well cause health difficulties to the children. The
trinal ruler in an angle is excellent for political and professional success as the fifth ruler aspects the
tenth house. If this planet is advantageous, the person will mete out his judgement fairly and
impartially. A malefic here will point towards a cruel mind. The mother will have a long life and
according to Vedic conventions if this ruler is strong the person is likely to have a predominance of
female progeny.
The Sixth house of each horoscope represents the carrier of health and physiological issues and
conditions in this lifetime. It is the state of our body with its energy and stamina defined by the first
house. Whatever the situation presented through our sixth house, our presumptions need to find
confirmation through the intensity of problems or qualities of the Ascendant and its ruler, for they
give out the first physical image and our primal, animalistic strengths and weaknesses. In its core,
the sixth house of a natal chart is a place of routine that provides us with good nutrition, health, and
satisfaction, corresponding to the sign of Virgo and speaking of our practical, everyday life. Its Latin
motto is Valetudo, meaning “health”, defining this as its primary role in our chart.
Areas of Life
When it comes to matters of the sixth house, we will see a place of work and our daily organization,
including our food intake, sleep pattern, schedules, lists, cleanliness, and our overall readiness to
take on daily responsibility. It is important to understand that similar to the sign of Virgo, it is a
house of modesty and accomplishments that are reached only for the wellbeing of others. This is the
exact spot that teaches us where to find our limits and our balance in what we give and what we
receive, and one of the most challenging positions for the seventh house ruler, making our partners
fixable, incomplete, and often immature.
The sixth house is a house of routine, tasks and duties that we take care of every day, our job and
our ability to value our work, especially in connection to the second house. It speaks of caretaking,
but primarily the care we show for ourselves, and all manifestations through help for other people
only speak about our tendency to fix ourselves, our own state of heart and mind, and the flow of our
lives. It connects us to the Earth in those practical ways, through small things in life that need to
satisfy us and help us support ourselves without anybody’s help. As such, it represents all helpers
that come into our lives, starting from our employees, cleaners, babysitters and cooks, to all of our
pets who help us hang on to our healthy routine and ground us with their inability to wonder off into
mental spheres.
With , there is something shady about the approach to a healthy lifestyle. Energy can get really low
and reality can start seeming faded and lost, as if it was impossible to keep both feet on the ground
however hard one might try. This is a position that speaks of psychosomatic problems and as such,
always gives one the talent and the ability to heal, others as well as themselves. However, reaching
the point in which the secrets beyond the sign of Pisces are entangled can be difficult, and unless a
person already has a strong basis for medical or humanitarian work, it won’t always be easy to find a
path that leads in the right direction. Faith and reality will intertwine, and one has to have infinite
wisdom and patience, always ready to follow what seems like their mission in order to remain vital
and strong.
The mind of the person is badly afflicted by the sixth ruler in the fifth and the extent of this will be
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found through the dignity or otherwise of the sixth ruler and its aspects. Generally this is
troublesome for the children and causes diseases and disputes with them, as well as bringing mental
instability for the individual themselves. Vedic astrology stipulates that the properties of the person
will be old and dilapidated. The individual should seek expert advice before investing in land and
houses with this placement.
One spends excessive amounts of money on the residence and may overcapitalize, particularly if this
sixth ruler is afflicted. The mother of the individual becomes his enemy and doesn't support him
even from the outset of life. As the fourth house also rules vehicles, it's an unsavory position
indicating troubles and breakdowns through mechanical devices such as cars. The connection to the
sixth ruler with the fourth house damages ones contentment and this makes it difficult for the
person to find any sweetness in life.
Matters of the seventh house are always set in the outside world and relationships we tend to create.
Its Latin motto is Uxor and this translates to “spouse” with its specific role as a mirror to our own
Self found in other people. Although it is often referred to as the house of marriage, it rules all of our
relationships, partnerships and things we recognize in other people as a reflection of us. It
correlates to the sign of Libra representing our primal balance and our ability to connect with others
in the closest possible way. This incarnation provides us with a task to find peace in relation to
something specific, and this is seen through the sign on the seventh house cusp, planets inside this
house, and its ruler.
Areas of Life
All areas of life that fall under the scope of the seventh house are in a way a reflection of the first
house of a personal chart. Just as the first house is who we are, seventh house is who everyone else
is, best seen through a relation between our physical body and the outer body of circumstances. It is
a house of our partners, and speaks of our attitude towards everyone we meet and get in touch with.
Also, it is a house of marriage and partnerships of any kind, including business partners, and all
positive things seen in it show our attraction to qualities we admire in others, especially those we
come in close, intimate relationships with.
This house is also our out into the public and very often we will see the Sun or the Ascendant ruler of
famous people set in their seventh house. As our final judgment, it speaks of legal matters and law in
general, just like it was touched by Astraea or Iustitia, ladies of justice among deities of ancient
times. This is our touch with tact, represents diplomatic relationships of all kinds, and speaks of
intense, obvious bonds with those who openly disagree with our personality, methods or choices. As
such, it connects us to all known enemies and those we come into conflict with.
With The 7th House set in the sign of Aries, tact is not seen very often in close relationships. There is
always something hidden in the culture of conflict that needs to be learned, and the most typical
scenario speaks of one’s tendency to dismiss the benefits of conflict, avoiding it even though it would
be constructive and useful. This will represent a challenge in creating clear boundaries and in any
case of repression, it will speak of anger and aggression linked to intimate bonds. In a very positive
setting, this is a position that points to resourcefulness and vigor of a partner, and a strong
attraction filled with rich sexual experiences in marriage and serious relationships that a person has.
As soon as constructive conflict is accepted and strong boundaries set towards those who endanger
one’s wellbeing, this becomes an energizing seventh house that gives strength and makes us feel
A spirit of fun, romance, and playfulness is important to you when it comes to your close
relationships. You tend to depend upon a companion to stimulate your own creativity or to bring out
your “inner child”. You are unlikely to marry for any other reason but love, as there is an idealistic
and romantic side to you. This sometimes indicates that you look for a creative and expressive
partner, or that you partner with someone in a creative endeavor on a professional level. You tend to
seek a companion who enjoys similar diversions and hobbies as you do. You are quite dependent on
the encouragement of your partner, and you thrive on attention from a companion. You are
threatened by a person who is detached or impersonal. A relationship that is playful, reassuring, and
encouraging is most attractive to you. You feed on the emotional energy of a partnership, deriving
confidence from your association. You may be “in love with love”, and you tend to approach any new
association with a fresh and idealistic attitude.
When we speak of the eighth house of a personal horoscope, we can say with full confidence that
this is the most hated of all houses. The strange thing hides in the fact that there is really nothing to
hate here except ourselves and our own limitations, fears, and taboos. This is a house that hides all
things that are dirty, our trash and our anger, our emotions, relationships and things that we need to
set free from, as well as everything we push under the rug, refusing to deal. In its final
manifestation, this is the house of death, coming as the end of the road after too many things have
been dismissed for our body to handle, but also as an inevitable part of life. It is also called the
House of Reincarnation, while its Latin motto mors literally means “death.”
Areas of Life
Eighth house relates to the sign of Scorpio and always speaks of hate and revenge, in whatever
shape, color or manifestation we see it in our lives. It rules all things that are dead, buried and gone.
The key mystery of it is in the fact that it also magically speaks of our conception. To truly
understand rivers of our eighth house, we have to fully accept that there is no beginning without an
end and vice versa. Any planet set in our eighth house is a planet we fail to see in all its glory. Even
when Mars or Pluto are here, given their strong dignity due to the connection this house has with
Scorpio, they still tend to be dismissed and thrown into trash, one way or the other. What’s one
man’s gain is another man’s loss, and this is best seen though the symbolism of the eighth house, for
it represents someone else’s possessions and everything we get from those who left us behind.
This is a house of change, all curves and bumps in the road, and everything our unconscious has to
send our way to protect us from life-threatening situations or throw us into them. This is the place of
danger and fear as much as it is a place of liberation. Its seed thrown from its preceding seventh
house is strangely connected to relationships. We can see that all people we shoved aside
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accumulate here and create spasms, dissatisfactions, and more fears since we didn’t allow change
and acceptance. As all things that are taboo, this is a place where all intimate sexual relationships go
and one where we can find all kinky preferences, choices hard to understand by others, and things
we are ashamed of. In another extreme, this is a house of committed and deep relationships, those
that shine beyond vows of marriage, giving promise for lives that are yet to come.
The beauty of the eighth house is seen through our ability to transform, break our cocoons and
become colorful, flying butterflies. It is a place of regeneration and one we turn to when we are
wounded and lost, so carefully estimate the position of all that is hidden there. It will show us a path
of our shadows and what we have to face in order to grow, as well as all we need to turn to when we
aren’t happy, or when we have something that needs to be forgiven, changed, or simply accepted as
it is. This is a place that transforms us into better people, so it is really not a house to hate but rather
to worship.
Taurus is a sign that celebrates life while The 8th House is the one to destroy it. One of the greatest
oppositions of the zodiac is seen in this position and change will come as this slow, difficult
interference with life that simply has to break at some point. There is something too different from
what one’s primal nature would desire in this position, and to mend differences between personal
and the collective might come as extremely hard for this person. Joy is found in bizarre choices, and
changes are truly hard to accept. Transformation is slow and has to be enjoyed or it won’t happen at
all. This leads to all sorts of problems in letting go of people, circumstances, career ventures and
even physical waste. These are the people that have to throw used and broken things into trash and
don’t want the energy of broken material treasures tainting their emotional world.
One's inner happiness is dependant on good placements of the fourth lord and beneficial planets and
aspects to this fourth sector. As a result of the eight lord, one's peace of mind is severely afflicted.
This results in continually seeking happiness but never finding it. Such things as education, vehicles
and other fixed assets like property may be subjected to ongoing troubles, litigation and loss. As the
fourth house is one of the rudimentary angles and pillars of the horoscope, also relating to the
mother, one's early life and maternal relationship is less than satisfactory. Naturally, benefic planets
can neutralize some of these negative influences but again, the eighth ruler having influence here is
undesirable. One wanders and can't find a satisfactory place to live and could even end up in exile.
The ninth house is the house of philosophy, perspective and travel. Its Latin motto iter translates to
“journeys” and this is exactly what this house speaks about. It is a place of higher mind and
understanding beyond everything found in our material world, beyond our boundaries and limits of
our body. One whole ends in the eighth house of a horoscope, and the ninth comes as a natural
consequence, sparking all sorts of questions about the afterlife and everything that will come after
something is dead and gone. It hides our ability to move on from a dead point and very often we will
see that people stuck in a moment, unable to move on from certain events and traumas, have some
sort of difficulty in connection to their ninth house.
Areas of Life
In its primary role, this is the house of education and travel. It carries all of our teachers and gurus
within, shown in our lives through different people, circumstances, spaces and cultures. Everything
that widens our perspective, teaches us something new, and helps us move forwards is in our ninth
house. It carries our life philosophy and religion, as well as matters of law and ethics. It allows
expansion and growth in our lives, showing us our personal direction, highways we have to take, and
setting us free from any fear of change we carry in our eighth house while showing us the image of
all things that will come after it.
Every time we look at our ninth house, we have to search for its true potential in the house
preceding it. We cannot have a wide perspective, gain knowledge and show true dignity and our
noble selves if we are afraid. Fears damage the quality and width of our lives given by the ninth
house. Even if it is positioned very good, with its ruler extremely well set, we will still fail to find the
right approach to religion and have narrow perspectives if our eighth house is tainted with fear,
dismissal and avoiding change. Each fear we shake off will lead us to new knowledge, higher
education, country, or relationship. This is exactly why the ninth house is the house of second
marriage, for it comes after a change we made because the first one failed.
leads to growth through communication. These individuals will learn new things quickly and with
passion, while at the same time having trouble holding on to large chunks of knowledge or finding
synthesis for everything they’ve learned. To mend the troubles found in overthinking, they need to
also learn to stay concise and focused on one point at a time. If they have too many goals at once,
they will rarely manage to reach any of them, and the most important thing has to teach, is how one
should think and use their words. If they find true emotional intimacy, it will usually give them a
strong basis to improve their approach and help them thrive in fields of oratory skills, public
exposure, trade, and information technology.
Here we see a combination of the fortunate ninth ruler with the fourth sector of property. If Mars as
well is endowed with strength the individual can acquire fortune through real estate. Because the
ninth house involves travels, the person finds it hard to settle unless of course the fourth house is a
fixed sign. Many journeys and cultural variety is indicated in their living conditions. The philosophies
of the individual are also rooted in his childhood and have a strong impact upon his life. Unless badly
afflicted, this combination is a lucky one for the individual.
The eleventh house in a chart is analogous to the sign of Aquarius on a personal level. This is a
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house of friendship, but also this strange point in a horoscope in which we find ways to communicate
with our inner personality and the outer Universe. It is the third house from the ninth house, the one
ruling deities and religion, so the eleventh house basically represents the way God speaks to us. This
is our perception of faith, beliefs, religion, and everything that gives purpose to our existence. It will
push us towards humane activities and choices made for the wellbeing of entire mankind. Its Latin
name benefacta translates to “friendship” and this is, without a doubt, its primary role.
Areas of Life
Apart from ruling friendships in our lives, this is the house of our personal liberation. It is a place
where we set free from obligations, make turns, recognize our wishes, and realize how great our
minds are. This is a house that represents all non-profit organizations, different groups, clubs and
societies, as well as higher associations and acquaintances of like-minded attitudes. This house is
here to support us and blow wind in our sails, as a place where we find people who approve of our
personality without judgment.
The nature of this house is strangely linked to matters of the third house, and it will present
speeding, older siblings, and everyone in our lives we will talk to in a spontaneous, liberated
manner. It is a place where our work gives benefits, the house of our pension and the money we put
aside after we’re done with all regular responsibilities. It is the house that rewards all of our career
efforts and everything that was done with a goal to truly evolve and become a better person. This is
a place of all wishes and desires, and a house we all have to visit often enough to understand the
collective a little better.
With , the image of friendships easily becomes more important than actual friends. On one hand, this
is obviously a very important issue in a person’s life, and on the other, they tend to socialize only
with people who make them look good. Self-recognition comes through other people and it can be
difficult to steer clear of control and people who impose their will and show disrespect. The key to
creating healthy relationships with this position is to put everyone’s individuality to focus. This
doesn’t mean one should neglect their own inner being, but rather that each relationship formed
should have a deep personal understanding and respect. Once they realize how each of their friends
or siblings is special, without becoming envious or strangely tied to them as if they should become
someone else, they will start to surround themselves by honest people with warm hearts. Desired
respect can be hard to reach if they don’t have enough respect for themselves.
Speculative matters can go quite well when the Ruler of the 11th House is in the fifth. Study the
aspects to the Ruler of the 11th House as gamblers are born when malefic aspects are found. Jupiter
in hard aspect to planets such as Mars, Uranus and Rahu will be notoriously prone to producing the
gambling tendency. On the other hand, if these planets are well dignified the individual can have
several children and gain great happiness through his relationship with them.
There is always something strange about the twelfth house and however hard we try to define it, we
can be sure its meaning will slip through our fingers as soon as we start thinking we caught it. This
is a house with the Latin name carcer, meaning “prison” and it can quite literally turn your life into
prison in any imaginable way. It is also called The House of Self-Undoing. The natural progress of
our Self goes through that logical row of houses, the second after the first, the third after the
second, etc. If we realize that the twelfth house speaks of something entirely different, moving
backwards from our first house to the twelfth, and right there behind our back, we have to ask
ourselves how special it actually is and which way does it help us evolve. Or does it help at all?
Areas of Life
This is the house of dreams, of our subconscious and everything mysterious and hidden from plain
sight. It speaks of imprisonment, no matter if it is actual prison sentence or any ties we are held
back by in this lifetime. In general, this is the house that represents all things behind our back, all
things left behind, and as such speaks most vividly of our past life experience. Things it hides can be
clearly seen by people around us, and our friends might see its secrets as a normal part of their
everyday routine, for this is the second, “logical” house from the eleventh. This is the field of
greatest knowledge we can find in close friends and social contacts, and while some of us will get its
best through gossip, others will get it through spiritual guidance and support.
Apart from its rule of prisons, the twelfth house also speaks of all places of seclusions, such as
hospitals and mental institutions. It is elusive and secretive, we cannot see what’s inside it before we
close our eyes, and even then it is a dreamland that has yet to be deciphered. It is our place of
solitude and reflection, retreat and self-sacrifice, while at the same time being our comfortable bed
and our most beautiful land of desires, talents and imagination. This house speaks of all those things
we do not know and there for don’t understand, and we have to be very careful not to disturb its
waters in order to see things clearly to the bottom.
If The 12th House is in Virgo, we can almost imagine the mechanism in a person’s mind making
them seem stupid when they want to show how smart they are, and incredibly intelligent at the most
unpredictable situations. They will rely on their brains while practical matters will keep some of
their mystery at all times. Ties created here will have to do with old, used things, those that can or
cannot be fixed. That halfway principle of Virgo can be quite difficult when we speak of someone’s
twelfth house, for dreams tend to get crushed by reality, sensitivity by common sense, and vice
versa. If a person with wants to find happiness, they have to realize where their true talent lies, so
they can use it and share it with the world. Very often their talents will be found in writing, detailed
analysis or communication with the strangest of beings here on planet Earth.
If positive planets associate with the ruler of the twelfth the person will be quite happy in life and
can actually gain some property as a result, however it's not particularly auspicious for the mother
who may die early or may not see eye to eye with the individual himself. Usually the person will take
up residence in a away from the place of birth.
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If the planets represent energies and cosmic forces that manifest in different ways, then the
planetary aspects show how these energies and forces tend to act and react, one with another, if the
will of the person is not brought into play to change them. It is the spiritual task of each person to
use the positive energies in such ways so as to change the negative energies into positive energies.
Negative energies are simply energies that are either misdirected, misapplied, or applied in too
great a quantity. One of our purposes in life is to transform the negative energies into positive ones
through the use of our Will.
You need to balance your mind and your emotions by bringing reason to your emotional reactions.
You tend to be totally logical at times or totally emotional. You have a keen mind, but can have a
sharp tongue which hurts other people. You should hesitate before speaking to make sure that your
words are a constructive and accurate blend of feelings and reason. You are high-strung, restless
and nervous and can be very irritable at times. You have a great need to be understood and loved.
You are a serious and reserved person who appears to others as cold, aloof, unfeeling and uncaring.
You are not necessarily these things, it's just that you are very cautious in letting anyone see the real
you or in letting people get close to you. You want to love and be loved, but you find this very
difficult. You need to remember that you first have to give love to get love. And you can't buy real
love. It doesn't work that way. You find it difficult to enjoy yourself in a light-hearted, open and
playful way. You understand work, duty and responsibility a lot better than you understand feelings,
affection and love. Rarely do you do anything for pleasure. If something involves work or getting
something done, then that is pleasure for you. Other people do not understand that about you. There
are times, though, when you procrastinate and put off attending to necessities with the result that
duties tend to pile up. You need to learn how to balance the seriousness with life and the enjoyment
of life.
You may become romantically involved with people who do not value you or treat you well. You need
to learn to love and value yourself before you will find happiness in love. Security is very important
to you, yet you do not know how to feel secure. Your fear of loss, of money, property, loved ones,
etc., makes you very insecure. This negativity colors all your relationships for the worse. You must
learn how to trust again. You must learn how to face your fears, even if it is painful. This is the only
way you will ever overcome them.
You have the tendency to lose your faith and your optimism when life presents problems with which
you must cope. It's fine to have a well-developed sense of responsibility, but you must also learn to
trust in divine wisdom which has attracted these difficulties to you to help you develop personal and
soul growth. You better than most can understand that the purpose of life is not happiness, but
experience. Yet that does not mean you have to live your entire life feeling miserable. You may feel
lonely, but this is because you are unwilling or unable to see that people really do love you. As I have
mentioned previously, the problem may lie in your own opinion of yourself. You must first become a
loving person yourself in order to attract love.
You may become defensive about expressing your real likes and dislikes for fear of being criticized
or put down. You may have a jealous and possessive streak in you such that when you are in a
relationship, you do anything and everything in your power to try to hold on to what you have. Of
course this makes your partner feel as though they are in prison and they will try to escape the first
chance they get, which is what you are fearful of in the first place. You must realize that you can
never hold on to anything that doesn't want to be held on to. Love is free and there should be no
contingencies placed upon it. You need to accept the difficulties you experience in life as spiritual
lessons. These lessons are attempting to help you establish better values.
You have a secret side to you and will not reveal your intentions to others until it best suits your
purpose. You want to know everything about others, yet at the same time you do not want to tell
them anything. You always try to keep the upper hand, no matter what the subject or situation. You
love intensity and whether the outcome is good or bad does not matter half as much as long as the
experience you gained was intense. Power struggles and relationships with a strong
dominance/submissiveness motif are also likely.
You have enormous energy reserves, stamina and endurance and you need to remember that those
around you do not as a rule share this same characteristic. Don't drive the people around you too
hard for they probably do not have the ability to withstand all the stress, hard work and pressure
that you are able to endure. You don't want to be known as a slave-driver, do you? Don't laugh.
Learn to control and properly channel your energies.
With all that has been said, it should be obvious to you that you are capable of extraordinary effort
and great achievement if you will direct your energies along positive lines. You can be a great force
for good or ill, it all depends on how you direct your mind, your will and your desires.
Try to better learn how to work more in harmony with others. Cooperation will truly get you further
ahead than competition. You don't want to make enemies on your way the ladder because you will
meet those same enemies on the way down. And you will go down if you use under-handed or illegal
methods to carry out your plans. Listen to other people's ideas and consider them for you may hear
something you hadn't thought about before and learn from it. Even though you think you are mostly
right, you can still learn a thing or two by listening and keeping an open mind. Give people a chance
to express themselves and don't give them all the answers even if you know them. That way you will
be serving them and building up treasure for yourself at the same time. One last point, it might be
wise for you to remember that being excessively stubborn can easily turn friends into enemies.
You have a strong desire for love and beauty and involving yourself in some type of creative activity,
whether it be art, music, sculpture or poetry, would help to satisfy this inner craving. This aspect
brings a certain charisma and you seem to naturally draw people around you. You like to socialize
and are happiest when surrounded by others. You have a great need to give and receive affection
from others. You are warm and demonstrative in your affection for others. You are very much alive
and others find this very appealing. Fulfillment and harmony in love is likely for you because you
know what you want and need in a romantic sense and you express those desires honestly and
openly. You have no hidden agendas. You are a non-combative individual who likes peace and
serenity. You put a lot of energy into your emotions.
A Stellium is a configuration that occurs when three or more planets are in the same sign or are in
the same house. To be truly significant, a stellium should have four or more planets involved. This
places much focus upon the affairs ruled by this house and the tendencies shown by the sign
involved. Strong will power, self-awareness, and a direct stimulation to action will be shown in these
A Grand Trine occurs when three planets are placed an equal distant apart, approximately 120° from
each other. This is less common than the T-Square but is much more beneficial in its effects. This
configuration suggests that you have earned some special advantages to be enjoyed in this life. The
trines indicate a harmonious flow of energy and potential for creative self-expression. Sometimes,
however, the Grand Trine confers too much stability and leads to inertia and a lack of motivation to
dynamic action.Many with Grand Trines do not accomplish as much as they could and should in life,
simply because the easy flow of events does not necessarily stimulate to achievement and ambition.
The T Square
This type of configuration occurs when two planets oppose each other and both are squared by a
third planet. The T-square is a difficult combination of aspects as it indicates the need to overcome
many obstacles, but at the same time, it produces a strong driving ambition to do so. The tension
and awareness created by the two planets in opposition must be resolved by the planet receiving the
double square. This third planet becomes a focal point of much importance in your chart.The T-
square causes a lot of difficulty in the life but they also spark action and the drive necessary to
achieve. Living with the demands of a T-square can be very challenging, but when the energy of this
configuration is well-directed by a mature individual, it often leads to significant accomplishments.
The T-square is an impetus to success that many famous people have.
The Yod
A Yod occurs when two planets in sextile (60° apart) and both form an inconjunct (a 150°angle) with
a third planet. The third planet in the inconjunct represents the action point of the Yod; the mid
point between the other two planets is the reaction point.This is also referred to as the Finger of God
or the Finger of Fate and is an uncommon configuration.The configuration is usually troublesome
and difficult to handle during childhood but can develop into an ingenious force in later period. This
configuration is often foudn in the charts of spritual persons of repute.
The Grand Cross consists of four or more planets spread at intervals of approximately 90°. This is a
very uncommon byt powerful configuration. A cross or two oppositions is formed in the chart. This
configuration generally indicates a person living under continuous stress and facing a seemingly
never ending series of challenges. This aspect places your life in a constant state of tension and
upheaval. The Grand Cross is very rare. It characterizes an individual who should be concerned with
people and personal or intimate relationships, rather than criticism, ideals, and values. It is hard for
you to avoid spilling your energies in diverse and related directions. Many obstacles will interfere
with the realization of goals.
The Kite
In general, a Kite is an aspect configuration that starts with a triangular aspect figure (e.g., usually a
Grand Trine or Yod). A fourth planet makes an opposition to one of these planets, forming a
symmetrical figure. The opposition forms the "spine" of the kite.
The fourth planet can act as a grounding principle, kind of like a lightning rod channels lightning
energy into the ground. The opposition aspect often brings conflict, polarization, disagreement and
stress, although it is also dynamic and motivating. It is a challenge to be triumphed; a problem to be
solved; a disagreement to be negotiated.
Some astrologers believe that the conflict of the opposition planets must be resolved and mastered
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before it is possible to gain positive and productive access to the energy of the triangle figure (Grand
Trine, Yod, etc.).
In the case of the Grand Trine Kite, some astrologers feel that the ease and harmony of the Grand
Trine can also be a resource available to help us deal with the conflict of the opposition, providing a
positive outlook, natural ability and an unobstructed flow of energy.
Generally, this configuration is considered to be a "mild" aspect pattern in that it generally does not
generate a lot of discomfort, resistance, or mystic rectangle example require convoluted actions in
order to gain productivity. The individual with a Mystic Rectangle does gain considerable benefit
from the planetary configuration's balance and structure. There is a high degree of synchronization
between the four planets when the Mystic Rectangle is triggered. Unfortunately, understanding and
acknowledging the balance is not the rule - the individual must consciously react with awareness
and mindful endeavors. Placing too much attention onto any one of the four placements will throw
the energies out of balance and set the individual's well-intended efforts adrift.
The power of the Mystic Rectangle takes practice in order to gain the most benefit from it. The
masculine reception of the Mystic Rectangle is expressed through an extrovert nature by the
individual. The feminine reception of the configuration is expressed through an introvert nature. The
problem arises through the two oppositions which can cause the individual to bounce out of control
between four opposing influences. The sextiles and trines must be used to unify and support the
polarities. Another danger for individuals with this pattern is to become too self-contained and over-
powered by the influences. Once the individual has learned how to harness the energies of the
configuration, the decisions and choices in life become much easier to initiate and participate in.
Retrograde Planets
You have the retrograde planets below
Dominant Fixed
People with 6 or more fixed points focus their attention on their values and goals, and the
satisfaction of their desires. Slow to start, they are nevertheless powerhouses once they determine
their course of action. They resist changing direction, and refuse to be pushed, pulled or pressured.
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Sun type
The Sun’s functions and Issues: Self-concept, identity, self-expression, self-worth, self-confidence.
The Sun is the core of our being, and the Sun’s sign, house, and aspects give us a sense of who we
are and what we’re capable of–in brief, it’s our identity. You’d be listing your Sun’s qualities if you
described yourself as “I’m the kind of person who . . . ” When the Sun is underemphasized or
challenged by difficult aspects, the person can be self-effacing and experience low self-esteem, a
poor self-concept or even self-hate.
Traits associated with a strong Sun: Gifted with Solar Power, this somewhat regal individual has a
strong need to shine. All the self words are emphasized: self-worth, self-development, self-
expression, self-confidence or self-consciousness, self-obsession, and even selfishness.
When the Sun is over-emphasized, the person can be narcissistic, egocentric, make excessive
demands for attention, and be a show-off. At worst, the person can have a big ego and an insatiable
need to be noticed and applauded, even the center of attention.
Moon type
Score 100 Click Here To Check the Scores
Issues for the Moon: the home, family, roots, mother figures and being a mother, nurturing,
dependency, security, the emotions, ties to the past and our ancestors, memory, food, the female
reproductive system and its cycles, beliefs about the role of women, responsiveness, instinct.
The Moon by nature is traditional and conservative—an ancient, feminine energy that yearns for
family and roots. It’s security-minded, safety-conscious, and wants to preserve the past, so it can be
sentimentally attached to Mom and to possessions and mementoes that remind us of happier times.
It’s home cooking with an old family recipe and going back to our old home town for our high school
reunion. It’s how we deal with our emotions, our dependency needs, nurturance, and issues around
Mercury type
Trang 45 By Tanya
Score 62 Click Here To Check the Scores
The sign Mercury is placed in very important and can affect the results strongly because an air or
fire sign can be very communicative, but a water sign may not. A person with a high score but
Mercury in Pisces would express it in a very different way than one with the same score in Aries. No
written interpretation can fully explore your individual chart, but briefly, here are some qualities you
might find in someone who has a strong Mercury vs. one with few supporting chart features.
Issues for Mercury: how we communicate, our manner of speaking, clarity of thought and
expression, perception, learning skills, the way we learn best, our thinking processes, concentration,
information gathering, writing, manual dexterity, powers of persuasion, ability to transfer skills.
Traits associated with a strong Mercury: “mercurial,” curious, talkative, glib, overly cerebral,
restless, changeable, the grasshopper mind, and the perpetual student.
If you had a high score, you’re an over-achiever in the matters of Mercury: However, here are some
of the traits you may share: verbal, bright, funny, quick-witted, restless, distractible, with an ever-
shifting focus, a natural mimic, good with either words or hands (seldom both), a quick learner,
curious, an avid reader, love to talk, many skills, and able to form connections between ideas or
Venus type
Score 36 Click Here To Check the Scores
Issues for Venus: Relating–loving, sharing, closeness; expressing and attracting love, commitment,
warmth and attractiveness, personal and social connections, cooperation and compromise, the
search for harmony, sensual pleasures, luxury, charm and social graces, making self and
surroundings beautiful and harmonious, fashion, fine and decorative arts.
If you had a high score, you’re an over-achiever in the matters of Venus: Venus’s sign is very
important, but here are some of the traits you may share: attractive, stylish, artistic, affectionate,
romantic, sensual, sociable, charming, gracious, considerate, sometimes vain and fickle.
Mars type
- Mars in the Mystic Rectangle - Mars, North Node, Chiron, Vertex (+5)
Issues for Mars: what makes us angry or frustrated, how we express or deal with anger, how we
assert ourselves, what energizes us, how we lead others, how we use energy, how we “go for it,”
what inner drives impel us to take action, what situations motivate us, how comfortable we are with
taking the initiative, what arouses competitiveness and the desire to conquer, and how avidly we
pursue sexual expression.
No written interpretation can fully explore your individual chart, but briefly, here are some qualities
you might find in someone who has a strong Mars vs. one with few supporting chart features.
If you had a high score, you’re an over-achiever in the matters of Mars: Mars’s sign is very
important, but here are some of the traits you may share: boundless energy, drive, desire,
competitiveness, fire in the belly, aggressively seeking a desired end, leadership, initivative,
courage, sexually active, athletic, passionate, irritabile, impatient, and rash.
Saturn type
Saturn Issues: Structure, discipline, desire for quality and accomplishment, maturity, age, passage
of time, authority, perseverance, self-discipline, realism, accountability, learning from experience,
ability to face and deal with reality, establishing limits/boundaries, raising the bar, standards, taking
If you had a high score, you may be an over-achiever in the matters of Saturn–and probably just
about everything else. You probably are a steady, stable, reliable worker, and a comfort to your
elderly parents.
What would it be like if you were TOO Saturnian? You’d be rigid, stodgy, perfectionistic,
conservative, hypercritical, authoritarian; fearful, depressed and probably workaholic, and you
probably wouldn’t be wasting your time on something as frivolous as this.
Uranus type
Uranian people (and people under Uranus transits) have little choice but to strike out on their
own—they are impelled to action by restlessness, a creative itch, and a discomfort with the status
The Uranian type can be in perpetual conflict with society. The more they express their individuality,
however, the more starkly they stand out against the conforming masses, and the more vulnerable
they become to society’s fear of people who are different.
It can be an achingly lonely position, and one typical solution is forming an in-group with people who
share the same ideals and concerns. We can observe the tendency to form in-groups in many kinds
of Uranians—from teenagers, to creative people of various sorts, to active radicals, all the way to
astrological associations. More extreme examples would be gangs of Goth street kids or computer
hackers with their closed and secret chat rooms. (You’ll find sources of more detailed interpretations
Uranus Issues: Individuality, finding one’s uniqueness and where particular fit into groups,
friendship, eccentricity, inventiveness, technology, independence, freedom, breaking with the past,
becoming your own authority, adolescence.
Pluto type
Pluto has a wide range of expressions. At the unevolved level, Plutonians can engage in manipulating
or coercing others, abuses of power, battles for control, resentments and grievances, failing for
spite, and being a target of other people’s projections.
At the evolved level, the expressions can include transforming, healing, and empowering themselves
and people and conditions they care about. Plutonians can have a natural gift for psychology, the
healing arts, and understanding what makes people tick.
Pluto Issues: Power and control, trust, to discover and analyze what lies beneath the surface and
eliminate the undesirable, separateness, holding on to things or feelings, revenge, death and
endings, rebirth, healing, and transformation.
If you had a high score, you’re an over-achiever in the matters of Pluto: You’re probably a Plutonian
and therefore extremely strong in some the qualities listed above—the positive ones, the negative
ones, or more likely both ends of the spectrum at once. You may alternate between isolation and
being joined at the hip in obsessive relationships; in the worst of times, you could be controlling;
mistrustful; emotional intensity; bitter, vengeful. And/or you may be dedicated to healing yourself,
and as you learn how to do that, can become a natural healer and catalyst in the lives of people
around you.
Chiron type
- Chiron in the Mystic Rectangle - Mars, North Node, Chiron, Vertex (+5)
If your points total more than 25, you’ve got a high CQ and should really start looking for a
farrier—one of those folks that puts shoes on horses, because you’re a centaur through and through!