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Asian J.

Management; 7(3): July - September, 2016




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n u
t s
) i
w If we define Organizational Excellence (OE) as a means of
measuring customer’s, employer’s and shareholder’s
a n
n e
v s
u s
l E
a c
t e
i l
n l
. e
o n
5763 M
100, dels are widely used by the
India companies around the
K for business
ssor improvement.
and These models include
1 HOD,Deming prize model,
Malkolm Baldrige or
h VTU,
DSCE American Model for
D Business Excellence,
S Dayan EFQM-model, and The
c anda Australian Business
h SagarExcellence
o Institu
Framework, “The 4P”
l tions,model and Kanji’s
a Shavi
r ge Business
, MalleExcellence model. This
paper presents an analysis
shwarof these existing models of
V a Business excellence.
i Hills,Except
s Kumaraswamy Layout,
Kanji’s Business
v Bengaluru, Karnataka 560078
Excellence model all
other models are
ding Author
v National Quality
a Award winning models
r from different
[email protected]
a om, countries and it is not
y hemalatha.
a clear as to how to
implement these
T com models. It was found
e that Kanji’s Business
c Excellence
h A model has the clarity of
n B measurement or
l S implementation as
o T compared to the other
g R models.
i A
a Business excellence,
l T Deming prize model,
: Malkolm Baldrige model,
U EFQM-model, The
n B Australian Business
i u Excellence Framework,
v s
e “The 4P” model, Kanji’s
r i Business Excellence
s n model.
i e
t s
y s
e If a company is trying to
B x
a achieve excellence, it
c needs to
n e
g measure for excellence (Laura Struebing, 1996). (stakeholders) satisfact
a l Excellence is definitely associated with outstanding organization in order
l l performance. It was Peters and Waterman in their book evaluation of the organ
o e “In search of excellence” has introduced the term clear that knowing wha
r n
‘Excellence’. Focusing on the attributes of performance organizational stakeho
e c
excellence, Peters and Waterman described 42 of the success of a business in
- e
5 best-run companies in the USA and tried to provide Business Excellence
6 m some general principles that could be applied to any business practices, and
0 o organisation. The eight factors, which they believe results that have been v
contribute to organizational excellence.

Asian J. Management. 2016; 7(3): 236-244.

DOI: 10.5958/2321-5763.2016.00036.6
(Andreea et al, 2010).


Major models of Business excellence are discussed in - The collection and use of in

this paper:- Makinganalyses,Theintroduction

Deming prize model: standardization,Managementproc
In 1951 Deming’s Quality Award is being established in assurance, How the system app
Japan by applying the concept of total quality control effects of the impact of TQC (To
(Total Quality Control). This Japanese model is not upon the quality, service, delive
sufficiently transparent by itself. The checklist for future - if there is a plan for achie
assessment while applying the Japanese model for
Deming’s award follows the following criteria: Malkolm Baldrige (MB) or A
determining of corporate policy, assessment of the work Business Excellence
organization and administration, practicing of education In 1987, the model initiated by U
and dissemination of knowledge. basis for winning the national Ma
Quality Award .The prize is tradit
In addition, the following items are being assessed: year by the President of the USA
Management of the profits, Cost management, in Washington. The award is bein
Management providers, Management of production tribute to the American compa
processes, Management of primary and current assets, performance of their products / se
Management of measuring equipment, Human Resource
Management, Definition of labour relations, Educational Criteria for performance excell
programs, The development of new products, are:-
Management research, Relationship with the vendors, Leadership:
Procedures for resolving complaints, grievances, Use What does the establishment of th
information from customers, Quality Assurance, Service denote, (values, expectations an
for customers / users, Relationship with the customer.
Application of the Deming’s circle includes special responsibility),
assessments that should show how the system relates to:
Source; - Elizabeta et al, 2013

Strategic Planning: Focus

on customers and market:
Effectiveness of strategic and
business planning, The way in
which companies determine the
development or performance plans
by focusing on and expectations
of customers and market, but also
customer’s and operational
F performance requirements, way in
i which they established the
g relationships and
assess their satisfaction,
Asian J. Management; 7(3): July - September, 2016
ent and
Informati management:
on and Performance
analysis: in an effort to
Effectiven create a full
ess of the human
informatio potential that
n and will enable
analysis in the creation of
the high-
direction performance
of organization,
excellence Management
and processes:
market Effectiveness Model, Source; –
success, of the system EFQM website:
and processes http://www.efqm
Human for ensuring .org/welco.htm
resources the quality of
developm products /
Business practices
nine areas,
results: against
Enablersan organization
and four results. canFive
enablers contributes
Trend itself. are-Leadership,
results and performance Policy and
comparison Strategy,
with People, achievemen
on dated 12-Dec-

in key businessandareas (customer
resources, satisfaction,
Processes. Four results concern re
finance EFQM-model
andinclude-1) or
The European
market products result,2)
and services, Customer
human result,3)
Excellence Society European c
model:result,4) Key performance results.
resources, suppliers, partners, and operations). (Elizabeta EFQM model is also taken by a

et al, 2013) used well-
as an instrument for self-evaluation and as a managemen

as Renault, Fiat, organization
Philips, British Telecom,
tool, KLM
linking the stage.
Ionica etand
Ciba wrotefounded
the most popular
corporate European and influential
strategy, critical for
model inQuality
Management. is theThey
measurement onesystems,
the Business The use of
Downloaded From IP -

US government Balanced
Baldrige Score
National Card.
theQuality (Hardjono
Malcolm Award and Marcel,
Baldrige Award
criteria, which2001)
had much sim
Model (also
been commonly “benchmark”
successfullyknown as thein
introduced the comparison
Baldrige model,
United States by ofthatBusiness
the Baldrige criteria, with
time. Together Excellence
or The teamModel
a small for outputs
of experts, in the entire
the CEOs
developedThe Baldrige universe
a European model of organizations
provides now
framework, known asthe
a systems using thetool. But
EFQM-model, or its
for understanding original
performance design
the as a diagnostic
management Business tool raises
and reflects
model of serious
1989. Thedoubts about
EFQM its effectiveness
model includes as a
Asian J. Management; 7(3): July - September, 2016

management tool. (Shulver and Lawrie, 2007). Factors The Australian framework is built around eight
related to improved worker participation, group work, business excellence principles; –
motivation and communication are essential for the 1. Lead by example, provide clear direction, build
successful adoption of EFQM model and the obstacles organizational alignment and focus on sustainable
mentioned by the organizations using EFQM model are achievement of goals.
lack of resources and the time and training to work with 2. Understand what markets and customers value, now
the EFQM model. (Saizarbitoria et al, 2011). Doeleman and into the future, and use this to drive organizational
et al, 2013 mentioned the strength of EFQM excellence design, strategy, products and services.
model as it differentiates result criteria and enabler 3. Continuously improve the system.
criteria because of which it can be used in Management 4. Develop and value people’s capability and release
Control System by defining key success factors, their skills, resourcefulness and creativity to change and
performance indicators, targets and enabling actions. improve the organization.
They also mentioned that the model requires shared 5. Develop agility, adaptability and responsiveness
commitments and aims, and delivers a common language based on a culture of continual improvement, innovation
as a vital element of a learning organization. They and learning.
further wrote:- The use of the model improves an 6. Improve performance through the use of data,
organization’s results, The model offers room for information and knowledge to understand variability and
idiosyncratic interpretations and is mainly descriptive, to improve strategic and operational decision-making.
Consensus can be reached with the aid of the model over 7. Behave in an ethically, socially and environmentally
the diagnosis and possible, Improvements; and this responsible manner.
reveals potential sources of competitive advantage, The 8. Focus on sustainable results, value and outcomes.
model creates the possibility of integrating the (http://www.bpir.com/total-quality-management-
organization’s development into the management control business-excellence-models-bpir.com.html)
cycle, The model has proven to be an effective tool for
comparison and benchmarking purposes, both between and “The 4P” model:
within organizations, The focus on the relationships Dahlgaard -Park and
among the criteria contributes to coherent organizational Dahlgaard (1999) suggested 2008)
development, A participative approach in the model’s a model of organizational Figure 3
Source; - Dahlgaard and
application promotes commitment to the arrangements and excellence, called “the 4P” Dahlgaard, 2008
thereby the realization of the intended improvements, model, in which the people
Intrinsic motivation is a precondition for successful dimension is recognized and This model suggests that the
implementation, Leadership is an important driving force of emphasized as the primary basis for achieving the
quality improvement and for the effective implementation enabler. According to the organizational excellence is
of the EFQM Excellence Model. model building quality or to have excellent people, led
excellence into the by the leaders. Excellence
following 4P develops people create the excellent
The Australian Business Excellence Framework Organizational Excellence partnership that creates
The Australian Business Excellence Framework (ABEF) is (OE): 1. People, 2. excellence processes and
an integrated leadership and management system that Partnership/ Teams, 3. products. This all elements
describes the elements essential to organizations sustaining Processes of work, together are the basis for
high levels of performance. It can be used to assess and 4.Products / service defining the characteristics
improve any aspect of an organization, includingproducts. (Dahlgaard and of excellent organization,
leadership, strategy and planning, people, information and Dahlgaard, which over time can become
knowledge, safety, service delivery, product quality and a foundation for building
bottom-line results. BEF is based on enduring principles of excellent communities and
organizational improvement that societies i.e., excellent
are interpreted according to individual business settings world (Lisiecka and
using seven ‘Categories’ and seventeen sub-categories, or Gwiazda, 2012).
‘Items’. The seven business settings (Categories) are
the following: Information and knowledge; leadership;
customer and market focus; strategy and planning; people;
process management, improvement and innovation; success
and sustainability. (Ionică et al, 2010)

Asian J. Management; 7(3): July - September, 2016

Kanji’s Business Excellence model: prevention. Leadership serves as a prime which must be
Kanji’s Business Excellence model (1998) emphasis on transmitted through all the principles and core concepts
TQM principles, inclusion of critical success factors and to achieve business excellence. Kanji’s Business
model validation. Kanji’s Pyramid model (1996) is Excellence model is an improvement model because it
translated into a structural model of business excellence. performs simultaneous computation of mathematical
Kanji’s model consists of four principles: delight the equations of factor relationships to obtain factor indices
customer;managementbyfact; people-based and business excellence indices which allow
management; and continuous improvement. Each organizations to compare themselves against the
principle is divided into two core concepts, that is: different organizations with whom they are competing
customer satisfaction and internal customers are real; all (Kanji and Wong, 1999).
work is process and measurement; teamwork and people
make quality; continuous improvement cycle and


Unlike other Business Excellence model Kanji’s

with the content of critical success factors, latent
Business Excellence model is not one of any national
variables and the path coefficients among each two
quality awards (NQAs). Kanji developed a pyramid
criteria. All parameters will be put in the SEM
model and explained the principle of total quality
further calculated BEI scores by using the partial least
management (TQM). He improved the pyramid model
Downloaded From IP - on dated 12-Dec-2016

to squares (PLSs) method. This method includes a lot


F be the KBEM. KBEM is also developed together with
ig a regression analysis. Once BEI scores have
u been
re measurement system in order to use as the
4 measurement calculated, the organization can make
use of these BEIs
S tool or the assessment tool when an organization
ur applies by using them to plan which criteria need
ce to be
;- the KBEM to improve its organizational performances.
K improved.
Kanji developed Kanji’s Business Excellence Index.
i's KBEI is an index that used to represent how excellence
B The measurement system of KBEM has achieved wide
u an organization has been reached according to the
n results acceptance among practitioners. Complexity
es of the
s from the questionnaire together with advance statistical
process in the measurement system of KBEM and
ce calculation. Furthermore, Kanji also developed
ll an lacking of participation of people in
n organization in
ce approach which can be used to determine which
improving organizational performances are the two
d improvement on each criterion will have the
el greatest deficiencies of the measurement system of
( KBEM. . Lot
a influences to the overall result of the BEI. This of
nj resources: money, time, and people are needed in
i, approach is called Excellence Seeker’s Approach. In
solving these complex calculations. According to
0 the
KBEM, measurement standard is also important in o re equally important from Leadership to organization
measurement system of KBEM, all calculation processes f would like to solve these calculations, it
measuring organizational performances. However, the t BE of the KBEM. In Kanji’s model the BEI or KBEI is
were based on advanced statistical calculations and h a wastes the time and resources of the organization.
e Even
standard of the measurement system of KBEM is
methods: SEMs, PLS and other regressions. Therefore, B single index number from 0 to 100. In order to
different from other BEMs and NQAs. In KBEM, each E calculate though these calculations can be done by
in order to calculate all parameters required in the M normal
criterion has equally weighting which means all criteria the BEI, Structural Equation Model (SEM) was applied
processes, it is difficult to get the result. If an a statistical software, specialists are needed to
Asian J. Management; 7(3): July - September, 2016
measureme improved
t nt model
h are:- By using the
S ranked order
o Step I: number and
n Gathering the
g Informatio characteristic
s n of causal
i In this relationship
t step, of the
h KBEM KBEM, area
i questionna to be
p ire will be improved
o distributed
can be
r to the
analyzed and
n prospectiv
c e people or
Since the
h organizatio
ns. KBEM is a
a cause-effect
i Step II:
Sorting the BEM,
Mean performances
a between
n Scores of
d All Criteria causes and
After effects are
related. In
Downloaded From IP - on dated 12-Dec-2016

J collecting

informatio order to
n from the determine
g distributed area to be
, questionnai improved,
re in Step significant
2 I, the differences
0 performanc between the
1 e mean ranked order
2 scores for numbers of
, each each pair of
criterion cause and
p will be effect criteria
r calculated. will be
o Then, all explored.
p score will Differences
o be ranked between the
s in order. To ranked order
e be easier numbers of
d for finding each pair of
area to be cause and
a improved, effect criteria
all ranked will be
R order marked as
a numbers the
n will be put significant
in the difference
i when the
model of ranked order
the KBEM. numbers are
Step III: over the pre-
Analyzing described
B difference
a Exploring gap. Once
T the Area to area to be
hi be improved
was i as the
determine n implement original
d, priority ation of measurement
of the that area to system of the
significan be KBEM. This
t improved measurement
difference should be model
s will be implement emphasizes
arranged. ed. on the
This involvement
represents Step V: of people in
what Checking the
improvem and organization.
ent should Evaluating
be made the (Songsithipor
in which Performan nchai and
order. ces Steps Jang, 2012)
of the also
Step VI: ranking- discussed
Discussin based about the
g and Kanji’s Tools of the
Discoveri business Use of the
ng of the excellence Ranking-
Improve measureme Based
ment nt model Kanji’s
Technique can be Business
s repeated Excellence
Discussio when the Measurement
n among organizatio Model. In
people n would order to
who work like to utilize the
closed to improve its steps of the
sources or organizatio ranking-
problems nal based Kanji’s
of area to performanc business
be es. excellence
improved measurement
would Under this model, there
help the measureme are two main
organizati nt model, tools need to
on to find not so be deployed.
the much The first tool
appropriat resources is the Kanji’s
e methods are needed business
to as it uses excellence
improve only a questionnaire
that simple which was
organizati ranking chosen to
on method to be the
performa discover source of
nce. the area to information
be for the
People ranking-
whose improved based
work for Kanji’s
related to organizatio
the nal
problem performanc
or people es. There is
model. There
who have no
complex are 59
idea of
statistical statements in
ent also calculation total. The
need to be needed to questionnaire
included be adapted ranges from
two tot systematic
seven hK way to
statement a implement
s to assesss TQM.
the tm (Mohd
Yusuf and
performa e
nce of
each S
criterion o
in thes
The other
tool to
be m
deployed o
in the p
ranking- r
ent model
is the
model of
Since the
model of
ip in
effect of
criteria in
Science and Applied
Management , Volume 2, Issue 2,

Ozkan Tutuncu, Deniz

Table 1- Kucukusta, Total Quality
Literature Management Vol. 18, No. 10,
study 1083–1096, December 2007
1 Maria Leticia
Santos- Presented by Dd. Dipl.-Vw. Malte
Vijande, Luis Kaufmann, The Berlin International
I. Alvarez- Economics Congress 2012, March
Gonzalez, Int. 7th-10th, 2012
Journal of
Asian J.
nt; 7(3):
July -
Article title Measurement Outcome
TQM and firms EFQM excellence Researchers found positive causal
performance: An EFQM model (1992) relationship between the EFQM’s Enablers
excellence model research and firms’ Results. Researchers concluded
based survey that adopting EFQM Excellence Model
contributes to firms outperforming
competition and it has universal usability
within the European context.
Relationship between EFQM excellence Authors formulated following three
Organizational model hypothesis for the study:-H1: There is a
Commitment and EFQM correlation between OC and BEM,
Business Excellence H2: BEM components are perceived as more
Model: A Study on important than OC components,
Turkish Quality Award H3: Affective commitment is perceived more
Winners important among other OC dimensions.
Following were the findings-1) There is a
high correlation between OC and BEM, 2)
BEM variables are perceived
more important than the OC variables,
3) Affective commitment is perceived to be
more meaningful on the road to business
The impact of corporate EFQM model It was found by the author that the EFQM
social responsibility on model provides guidelines regarding how
business performance – much weight should be given to different
can it be measured, and if “enablers” and “results” criteria within the
so, how? overall performance measurement. Thus it
provides an ideal framework for the
measurement of CSR activities and their
influence on Business Performance. They
further concluded that to measure the impact
of CSR on business performance indirectly, it
is necessary to measure changes in
stakeholder satisfaction levels due to
investments in Corporate Social
4 H.J. Doeleman, S. ten Have and Empirical evidence on EFQM model Authors tried to find o
C.T.B. Ahaus , Total Quality applying the European that performance is enh
Management and Business Foundation for Quality interventions in the cri
Excellence (2013): Management Excellence Excellence Model. The
Model, a literature review use of the model impro
results, the model has p
effective tool for comp
benchmarking purpose
within organisations an
important driving force
improvement and for t
implementation of the
5 Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park 1and Jens A Strategy for Building 4P model Researchers concluded
J. Dahlgaard2, Sustainable Innovation shows a valid structure
Excellence-A Danish building sustainable or
Study innovation excellence.
6 Prof. Alan Brown, Nang Yan Challenges to Business Australian Author found out that
Business Journal – 1.1 – 2012 Excellence: Some Business experienced more chal
empirical evidence Excellence model Strategy. Three issues
this area, i.e., the proce
strategy, strategy comm
engagement of people
Challenges are identifi
leadership and people.
were identified in the p
7 ERDOGAN KOC, Total Quality Total Quality Business Authors concluded tha
Management Management and Business Excellence ensure customer satisfa
Vol. 17, No. 7, 857–877, Excellence in Services: (Kanji, 1998) and could be established th
September 2006 The Implications of All- SERVQUAL TQM and Business Ex
Inclusive Pricing System (Parasuraman et would allow tourism fi

Asian J. Management; 7(3): July - September, 2016

on Internal and External al., 1988) models monitor and improve their performances
Customer Satisfaction in while reducing their costs. They also used the
the Turkish Tourism SERVQUAL model offered by Parasuraman
Market et al.’s (1988) for the evaluation of the
service quality.
8 GOPAL K. KANJI1 and Business Excellence Kanji’s Business Authors selected Kanji’s Business Excellence
ALFRED WONG2 model for supply chain Excellence model model to find out the inadequacies of the
TOTAL QUALITY management existing SCM models and to create a new
MANAGEMENT, VOL. 10, NO. structured model for SCM. They found out
8, 1999, 1147± 1168 that there should be room for improvement in
communication with suppliers and involving
suppliers in the value creation activities of
the companies. They came out with the new
SCM model which reflected that the `soft’
factors, i.e. customer focus and cooperative
relationship have more statistically
significant relationships with business
excellence than the `hard’ factors, i.e.
information management, integrated process
or the construct of management by fact.
9 Gurhan Uysal, Journal of US- Total Quality Malcolm Baldrige Author concluded that the Baldrige aims to
China Public Administration, Management Awards: Quality Award, achieve organizational performance via
ISSN 1548-6591 April 2012, Performance Acquisition European Quality business results; EFQM aims to achieve
Vol. 9, No. 4, 451-457 Award (EFQM), business excellence; Deming Prize aims to
Deming Prize achieve organizational quality. The study
recommended Deming Prize as it increases
organizational quality inside the firms.
10 J.Dodangeh, M.Y. Rosnah, A Review on Major Malcolm Baldrige Authors concluded that no framework
N.Ismail, Y.Md.Ismail, Business Excellence Quality Award, provides outstanding opportunities for
M.R.Biekzadeh, J.Jassbi, technics Frameworks European Quality business excellence.
technologies education Award (EFQM),
management, Vol 7, No 3, 2012 Deming Prize
performance- can it be measured,
If so, how? The Berlin
International Economics
CONCLUSION: about the implementation of Congress 2012, March 7th-10th.
EFQM excellence model, Malcolm Baldrige Quality these models. KBEM which 4. Elizabeta Mitreva1, Nako
Award, 4P model, Deming Prize model, Australian is not an NQA model is Taskov1, Vladimir Kitanov1,
Oliver Filiposki1 and Tatjana
Business Excellence model and Kanji’s Business intended for the Dzaleva (2013), Models of TQM
Excellence model are the models discussed in this paper. measurement of Strategy in the World and the
Deming prize focus on quality control and assurance, performance from the Need for Macedonian Model of
Excellence, Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci.
production process and statistical quality control, if the internal stakeholders’ point Technol., 16(1) pp. 69-79.
organization focuses on TQM they can go for Deming of
Prize model. Baldridge Award focus on human resources view with clarity in
5. Gopal K Kanji and Alfred Wong,
Business Excellence Model for
development and management and customer satisfaction, implementation. supply chain management (1999),
EFQM focuses on several areas like leadership, policy and Total Quality Management, Vol.
strategy, human resources management, partnerships and REFERENCES: 10, No. 8, 1147 1168.
resources, processes, customer result, human resources Andreea Ionică, Virginia Băleanu, 6. Gurhan Uysal (April 2012), Total
result, society result and key performance result, The Eduard Edelhauser, Sabina Quality Management Awards:
Irimie (2010), TQM and Performance acquisition,
purpose of 4P model is to build quality into people as the Business Excellence, Annals Journal of US-China Public
essential foundation for improving partnerships, processes of the Administration, ISSN 1548-
and products which will lead to excellence, Australian University Of Petroşani, 6591 , Vol. 9, No. 4, 451-
Business Excellence Framework (ABEF) assure Economics, 10(4), 125-134. 457
sustainable performance by helping to Chi-Kuang Chen 7.
Sarasin H.J. Doeleman, S. ten Have and
Songsithipornchai, Jiun-Yi Jang C.T.B. Ahaus (2013), Empirical
asses and improve many aspects of an organization, (2012),
evidence on applying the
Kanji’s Business Excellence model has been formulated Does Kanji’s Business European Foundation for Quality
with the purpose of helping the organizations to measure Excellence Model Work Management Excellence Model, a
Well? A Study from the literature review, Total Quality
their performance.
Measurement Aspect, Management and Business
Proceedings of the Asia Excellence.
Out of the above discussed models of excellence, apart Pacific Industrial
from Kanji’s model all others are NQA (National Engineering 8.
and Heras-Saizarbitoria, Inaki,
Management Systems Casadesus, Martí and Marimon,
Quality Award) models which can be used as a self Frederic (2011), The impact of ISO
assessment tool by organizations. But there is no clarity 9001 standard and the EFQM
Dd. Dipl.-Vw. Malte Kaufmann model: The view of the assessors,
(2012), the impact of corporate Total Quality Management and
social responsibility on business

Asian J. Management; 7(3): July - September, 2016

Business Excellence, 22: 2, 197-218.

9. http://www.bpir.com/total-quality-management-business-excellence-models-
10. Ionica, A.; Băleanu, V.; Edelhauser, E.; Irimie, S. (2010), TQM and Business Excellence, Annals
of the University of Petroşani, Economics, 10(4), 125-134.
11. J. Dodangeh, M.Y. Rosnah, N.I smail, Y. Md. Ismail, M.R. Biekzadeh, J. Jassbi (2012), A Review
on Major Business Excellence Frameworks, techniques Technologies Education Management,
Vol 7, No 3
12. Krystyna Lisiecka; Ewa Czyż-Gwiazda (2012), Quality Management A Way To Business
Excellence, Socio-economic Research Bulletin, Issue 3 (46), p. 1.
13. Laura Struebing (December 1996), assistant editor, Quality Progress, Measuring for Excellence.
14. Maria Leticia Santos-Vijande, Luis I. Alvarez-Gonzalez (2007), TQM and firms performance: An
EFQM excellence model research based survey, Int. Journal of Business Science and Applied
Management , Volume 2, Issue 2.
15. Michael Shulver and Gavin Lawrie ( 2007), The Balanced Scorecard and the Business Excellence
Model, Working Paper presented at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management,
8th Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference: “Cost and Performance in Services and
Operations” held at University of Trento, June 18-20.
16. Ozkan Tutuncu, Deniz Kucukusta (December, 2007), Relationship between Organizational
commitment and EFQM excellence model: a study on Turkish Quality award winners, Vol. 18,
No. 10, 1083–1096.
17. Prof. Alan Brown (2012), Challenges to Business Excellence: some empirical evidence, Nang
Yan Business Journal – 1.1.
18. Prof. Gopal K Kanji (2007), Performance Measurement: A System Approach for Excellence.
Downloaded From IP - on dated 12-Dec-2016

Kanji quality Culture Ltd, Sheffield Technology Parks , Arundel Street, Sheffield, S1 2NS, UK

19. Shari Mohd Yusuf and Elaine Aspinwall (2000), Total Quality Management implementation
frameworks: comparison and review, Total Quality Management, Volume 11, Number 3.
20. Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park and Jens J. Dahlgaard (2008), A Strategy for Building Sustainable Innovation
Excellence-A Danish Study, corporate sustainability as a challenge for comprehensive management,
contributions to management science, 2008
21. Teun W. Hardjono and Marcel van Marrewijk (2001), The Social Dimensions of Business
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