Oracle Project MFG User Guide

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Oracle® Project Manufacturing

User's Guide
Release 12.1
Part No. E13680-06

December 2014
Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide, Release 12.1

Part No. E13680-06

Copyright © 2000, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author:     Sujata Patnaik

Contributing Author:     Liang Wei, Elaine Lin, Satya Anur, Rashmi Ranjan Mohanty

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1 Project Manufacturing
Overview of Project Manufacturing......................................................................................... 1-1
Oracle Project Manufacturing Integration................................................................................1-3
Project Manufacturing Flow..................................................................................................... 1-4
Project Manufacturing Features................................................................................................ 1-5
Project Definition...................................................................................................................... 1-6
Project Budgeting...................................................................................................................... 1-6
Project Setup for Manufacturing ............................................................................................. 1-7
Project Contract Management................................................................................................... 1-8
Project Sales Management........................................................................................................ 1-9
Project Manufacturing Planning ............................................................................................ 1-10
Project Manufacturing Execution........................................................................................... 1-12
Project Inventory..................................................................................................................... 1-13
Project Manufacturing Costing............................................................................................... 1-14
Project Billing.......................................................................................................................... 1-16
Project Quality Management.................................................................................................. 1-17
Special Features....................................................................................................................... 1-18

2 Setup Parameters
Project Manufacturing Parameters........................................................................................... 2-1
Project Manufacturing Controls............................................................................................... 2-9
Locators in Project Manufacturing..........................................................................................2-11

3 Project Definition
Assigning Project Parameters................................................................................................... 3-1
WIP Accounting Classes ........................................................................................................... 3-8
Seiban Number Wizard............................................................................................................. 3-9
Defining Seiban Numbers...................................................................................................... 3-11
Creating a Project with Lot Type Seiban Numbers................................................................ 3-13
Modifying an Existing Project with Lot Type Seiban Numbers............................................3-17

4 Project Manufacturing Validations

Project Manufacturing Validations.......................................................................................... 4-1
Common Validation.................................................................................................................. 4-1
Validations in Purchasing......................................................................................................... 4-2
Validations in Inventory........................................................................................................... 4-3
Validations in WIP.................................................................................................................... 4-3
Validations in Shipping............................................................................................................ 4-6

5 Task Auto Assignment

Overview of Task Auto Assignment........................................................................................ 5-1
Task Auto Assignment Process................................................................................................. 5-2
Task Auto Assignment FlexSequence...................................................................................... 5-2
Task Auto Assignment Rules Window.................................................................................... 5-6
Defining Material Task Assignment........................................................................................ 5-7
Resource Task Assignment....................................................................................................... 5-9
WIP Material Task Assignment.............................................................................................. 5-10
Copy Task Auto Assignment Rules........................................................................................ 5-12
Setup for Common Project in Task Auto Assignment........................................................... 5-14

6 Model/Unit Numbers
Overview of Model/Unit Number Effectivity.......................................................................... 6-1
Model/Unit Number Effectivity Example.................................................................................6-2
Generating Model/Unit Numbers............................................................................................. 6-4
Maintaining Model/Unit Numbers........................................................................................... 6-6

7 Inventory Transfers
Overview of Inventory Transfers..............................................................................................7-1
Recording Borrow/Payback Transactions ................................................................................ 7-2
Project Inventory Inquiries....................................................................................................... 7-5
Payback Supply and Demand................................................................................................... 7-8

Project Mass Transfer.............................................................................................................. 7-15

8 Project Manufacturing Inquiry

Overview of the Project Manufacturing Inquiry......................................................................8-1
Viewing Project Details............................................................................................................ 8-2
Details for Project Manufacturing Inquiry............................................................................... 8-3
Project Details in Project Manufacturing Inquiry.................................................................... 8-5
Details for Seiban Inquiry........................................................................................................ 8-7
Project Manufacturing Column Details....................................................................................8-8
Expenditures and Commitments.............................................................................................. 8-8
Purchase Orders, Requisitions, Quotations, RFQs, and Blanket Releases.............................. 8-9
WIP Jobs.................................................................................................................................. 8-12
Sales Orders and Onhand Availability.................................................................................. 8-15
Line Schedules......................................................................................................................... 8-18
Cost Activity ........................................................................................................................... 8-19
Viewing Project Cost Activities.............................................................................................. 8-20

9 Transfer of Invoice Charges

Transfer of Invoice Charges Overview..................................................................................... 9-1
Define Expenditure Types for Invoice Charges....................................................................... 9-1

10 Reports and Processes

Project Schedule Exception Report - WIP............................................................................... 10-1
Project Schedule Exception Report - Procurement Activities................................................ 10-2
Project Schedule Exception Report - Sales Order................................................................... 10-4
Overdue Project WIP Jobs Report .......................................................................................... 10-5
Overdue Project Procurement Activities Report ................................................................... 10-6
Overdue Undemanded Project Sales Orders Report ............................................................. 10-8
Project Schedule Exception Notification................................................................................ 10-9
Transfer Project Invoice Charges Request............................................................................ 10-12

A Windows and Navigator Paths

Project Manufacturing Windows and Navigator Paths........................................................... A-1

B Workflows
Overview of Project Manufacturing Workflows .....................................................................B-1
PJM Contract Type Project Definition Process........................................................................ B-2
PJM Indirect Type Project Definition Process......................................................................... B-6
Project Manufacturing Integration Exception Process........................................................... B-10

Summary of the Project Manufacturing Integration Exception Process............................... B-14



Send Us Your Comments

Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide, Release 12.1

Part No. E13680-06

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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.1 of the Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide.
This guide is intended for users of the Oracle Project Manufacturing application. See
Related Documents for more about Oracle Applications product information.
See Related Information Sources on page x for more Oracle E-Business Suite product

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1  Project Manufacturing
2  Setup Parameters
3  Project Definition
4  Project Manufacturing Validations
5  Task Auto Assignment
6  Model/Unit Numbers
7  Inventory Transfers
8  Project Manufacturing Inquiry
9  Transfer of Invoice Charges

10  Reports and Processes
A  Windows and Navigator Paths
B  Workflows

Related Information Sources

• Oracle Project Manufacturing Implementation Guide

• Oracle Work In Process User's Guide

• Oracle Inventory User's Guide

• Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide

Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your
instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate
for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.
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Integration Repository through the Integration Repository responsibility. Users who
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Oracle Integration Repository through the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility.

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record of changes.

Project Manufacturing

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview of Project Manufacturing
• Oracle Project Manufacturing Integration
• Project Manufacturing Flow
• Project Manufacturing Features
• Project Definition
• Project Budgeting
• Project Setup for Manufacturing
• Project Contract Management
• Project Sales Management
• Project Manufacturing Planning
• Project Manufacturing Execution
• Project Inventory
• Project Manufacturing Costing
• Project Billing
• Project Quality Management
• Special Features

Overview of Project Manufacturing

Oracle Project Manufacturing supports companies in the Engineer-To-Order,
Make-To-Order, Seiban, and Aerospace and Defense industries. These industries plan,
track, procure, and cost based on project, contract, or Seiban numbers.
Oracle Project Manufacturing supports the following key areas:

Project Manufacturing    1-1

• Contract/Sales management and fulfillment, including drop shipments

• Advanced supply chain planning

• Costing

• Procurement

• Shop floor execution, including Flow Manufacturing integration

• Project inventory tracking including Warehouse Management Integration

• Project manufacturing quality management

• Assemble-To-Order and Pick-To-Order environments

In addition, Oracle Projects provides the following main features:

• Work breakdown structure definition

• Project management system integration

• Budgeting and funding

• Cost tracking and control

• Cash forecasting

• Billing

• Revenue recognition

• Archive and purge

The following key features are supported specifically for the Aerospace and Defense
• Model/unit effectivity (serial effectivity)

• Borrow payback

• Hard and soft full pegging across the supply chain

• Group netting

• Actual costing (moving weighted average method)

• Complete integration with Oracle Advanced Planning and Scheduling

1-2    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

• Integration with Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning

Related Topics
See the Overview in the Oracle Project Contracts User's Guide
Overview of Cost Management, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide
Overview of Flow Manufacturing, Oracle Flow Manufacturing User's Guide
Overview of Bills of Material, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
Overview of Configure to Order, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
Overview of On-hand and Availability, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Serial Number Control, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Overview of Oracle Quality, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Overview of Budgeting, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide
Bills Receivable Overview, Oracle Receivables User's Guide

Oracle Project Manufacturing Integration

Oracle Project Manufacturing is fully integrated with the Oracle Projects, Oracle
Financials, Oracle Human Resources, Oracle Customer Relationship Management,
Oracle Business Intelligence System, and Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Management
product suites. The following figure depicts the integration points.

Related Topics
See the Overview in the Oracle Project Contracts User's Guide

Project Manufacturing    1-3

Overview of Cost Management, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide
Overview of Flow Manufacturing, Oracle Flow Manufacturing User's Guide
Overview of Bills of Material, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
Overview of Configure to Order, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
Overview of On-hand and Availability, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Serial Number Control, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Overview of Oracle Quality, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Overview of Budgeting, Oracle General Ledger User's Guide
Bills Receivable Overview, Oracle Receivables User's Guide

Project Manufacturing Flow

A contract cycle begins with a bid and proposal process by Sales and Engineering. This
process includes review of profit margins and actual status on similar projects,
calculation of a high-level project schedule to determine a rough-cut project duration,
engineering reviews with optional new product introduction, infinite or
constraint-based capacity simulation, procurement analysis for contract specific
out-sourcing and requests for supplier quotes. The final result is a bid.
After the customer awards the contract, you define the project work breakdown
structure and the budgeting and reporting requirements then submit for approval. The
work breakdown structure represents all project activities including tasks, sub-tasks,
work packages, activities, and milestones.
Project demand enters into the execution and planning system. The planning system
runs a single or multiple plans across the supply chain and optimizes as needed based
on constraints. Simulation of alternates provides the information required to determine
the optimal scenario. The system analyzes specific project exception messages at the
outcome of each planning run. It forwards the planning results to procurement and the
shop floor for execution. You can route drop shipped material directly to procurement
from order management, bypassing planning.
Shop floor execution uses discrete work orders, flow schedules, or a combination to
manufacture (sub)assemblies. Procurement uses either blanket releases or standard
purchase orders, based on the project specific supplier quotes, for procured material.
The system tracks all project specific material (hard pegged) separately in the system,
and permits borrowing or permanent transfers from one project to another. Also, you
can track project specific quality data and analyze defects and non-conformances.
During execution, the system collects direct and indirect actual costs by project. You can
analyze costs for a specific project or across multiple projects. Based on actual costs, you
can perform earned value analysis, progress billing, and revenue recognition. During
the execution phase the system collects quality data and analyzes it by project.
After the project is shipped and installed at the customer site, final billing,

1-4    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

reconciliation, and close-out execute.

Related Topics
Creating Projects, Oracle Projects Fundamentals
Overview of Shipping, Oracle Shipping Execution User's Guide

Project Manufacturing Features

The following figure illustrates project manufacturing features. It also depicts the
dependencies between the various products used to provide a full project
manufacturing solution.

Related Topics
Project Definition, page 1-6
Project Budgeting, page 1-6
Project Setup for Manufacturing, page 1-7
Project Contract Management, page 1-8
Project Sales Management, page 1-9
Project Manufacturing Planning, page 1-10
Project Manufacturing Execution, page 1-12
Project Inventory, page 1-13
Project Manufacturing Costing, page 1-14

Project Manufacturing    1-5

Project Billing, page 1-16
Project Quality Management, page 1-17
Special Features, page 1-18

Project Definition
To define a project work breakdown structure, you can use one of the following
• Define the project structure in a third party project management system and
transfer the structure into Oracle Projects. Use basic setup data from Oracle Projects,
such as project resources, project calendars, and project templates, directly in your
third party project management system. Depending on the project management
system, you need the Oracle Projects Connect or Oracle Projects Activity
Management Gateway product to accomplish this.

• Define the project structure directly in Oracle Projects.

• Define the project structure using the Seiban Number Wizard.

Before you release the project to collect manufacturing costs, define the project-related
manufacturing parameters for costing and planning purposes. For example, you need to
decide whether to allow netting of materials within a project group across multiple
projects or to track manufacturing costs separately by project or for a group of projects.
You can also use project attachments to enter project or contract specific documentation.

Related Topics
Seiban Number Wizard, page 3-9
Creating Projects, Oracle Projects Fundamentals
Overview of Projects and Tasks, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Project Budgeting
To track costs against budgets, you can define your budgets in Oracle Projects. You
define budgets directly in Oracle Projects or import budgets from external systems.
Oracle Projects' main budgeting features are:
• Multiple Budget Versions You can use Oracle Projects to create multiple budget
versions that include all of the costs for your project, such as engineering costs, item
costs, manufacturing costs, and overheads. Having multiple budget versions
enables you to revise your estimate-to-complete many times during a project. Each
project can compare the current or baseline budget with earlier versions for
analytical reporting.

1-6    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

• Unlimited Budget Types You can create different types of budgets. You can create
cost budgets, revenue budgets, forecasted revenue budget, approved cost budget,
and more.

• Time Phased Budgeting You can create time periods or use existing calendars in
Oracle General Ledger or Oracle Projects to establish multiple budgeting periods.

• Budget Extensions You can use budget extensions to accommodate your

company's budgeting needs.

• Budget Baselining and Approval You can baseline a budget and use a
workflow-supported approval process for approving your budget.

Budgeting related documents, such as spreadsheets, can be included as budget


Related Topics
Overview of Project Budgets, Oracle Projects User's Guide

Project Setup for Manufacturing

After your project structure and budgeting have been defined in Oracle Projects, you
need to define the Project Manufacturing parameters for your project. These include:
• Default WIP Accounting Class

• Cost Group

• Borrow Payback Variance Accounts

• Planning Group

• Task Auto-Assignment parameters

• Expenditure types if you selected the parameter Transfer to PA in the Project

Manufacturing Organization Parameters

• Project manufacturing costing information:

• Link project expenditure types to manufacturing cost elements and cost

• Link new manufacturing departments to new projects expenditure


• Define expenditure types for IPV, ERV, Freight, Tax, and Miscellaneous Invoice

Project Manufacturing    1-7


• Define expenditure types for purchase price variance in a Standard Costing

organization and Direct Item in an Enterprise Asset Management organization

• Define borrow payback accounts

Related Topics
Project Manufacturing Parameters , page 2-1

Project Contract Management

Project contract management supports contract management needs of project driven
organizations including: authoring of different types of contract documents, workflow
based contract administration and change management, contract funding, deliverable
tracking with ERP integration, contract costing, and contract billing.
The Deliverable Tracking System (DTS) is the center of Contract Execution and tracks
all execution activities related to a contract. The DTS integrates with other major
components of the Oracle e-Business Suite, including: Oracle Projects, Oracle Project
Manufacturing, Oracle Advanced Planning and Scheduling, Oracle Procurement, and
Oracle Shipping Execution. Oracle Project Manufacturing integration allows you to:
• Use Project MRP to plan your contract deliverables

• Collect costs against a contract through projects and tasks during execution

DTS is also used to track all contract activities such as planned receipts and shipments,
mailing of an initial engineering drawing or progress report submissions. You can also
view and track contract related information from other Oracle applications. Key
features in Oracle Project Contracts include:
• Contract document authoring

• Deliverable tracking

• Contract document change management

• Contract hold management

• Contract funding

• Contract billing methods

• Robust subcontracting

1-8    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

• Contract flow-down

• Role-based security

Related Topics
See the Overview in the Oracle Project Contracts User's Guide
Overview of ERP Integration, Project Contracts Implementation Guide

Project Sales Management

Project sales management activities include recording customer quotation documents,
project specifications, quotation and sales order information, and fulfillment.
Oracle Project Manufacturing supports:
• Project Quotations and Sales Orders Oracle Order Management enables you to
specify quotation and sales orders. A quotation can be copied easily to a sales order.
Quotation, and sales order lines can be linked to projects and project tasks.

• Project Return Material Authorization (RMA) Oracle Order Management enables

you to process Project RMAs using the line type category 'Return.' Examples of the
line types available are return for credit without receipt of goods, return for credit
with receipt of goods, and return for replacement.

• Project Assemble-To-Order (ATO) and Pick-To-Order (PTO) Oracle Project

Manufacturing enables you to use Oracle Configurator with Oracle Order
Management with propagation of project and task on the configured model,
options, and included items. For ATO, the Final Assembly Schedule process creates
a WIP Job with the configuration's project and task.

• Project Drop Shipments You can specify a project and task on a sales order line
and use drop shipment to automatically create a project purchase requisition.
Drop-shipped materials ship directly from supplier to customer.

• Project Fulfillment Oracle Order Management and Oracle Shipping Execution

support delivery-based shipping with user-definable picking rules for order
fulfillment. After manufacturing is complete, finished goods are picked
automatically from the project inventory upon pick release. You can also pick all
items for a project and task.

• Project Order Import If you use external systems to capture order information you
can use Order Import to import external sales orders or quotations, including
project and task references.

Project Manufacturing    1-9

Related Topics
Order Import, Oracle Order Management User's Guide
Drop Shipments, Oracle Order Management User's Guide

Project Manufacturing Planning

To drive project manufacturing planning, you must enter demand in the system. The
system supports three ways to enter demand:
• Forecasts You can enter a forecast and link a forecast entry to a project and task.

• Sales Orders You can enter a sales order and link a sales order line to a project and
task. You can use Order Import to import sales orders.

• Master Demand/Master Production Schedule You can enter a master schedule and
link a master schedule entry to a project and task. Forecasts and sales orders can be
sources for a master schedule.

After you enter demand in the system, you can start the planning cycle. You can
execute a planning cycle for a plan that spans one organization or an entire supply
You must be able to separate all sources of supply and demand by project, identify
components as shared or project specific, track existing inventories by project, and
provide visibility to all supply and demand associated with a project.
Oracle Project Manufacturing provides:
• Hard Pegging You can plan material requirements while respecting hard pegs on
all supply orders and generate planned orders with project/task references. Each
item can be hard or soft pegged, thereby enabling various pegging methods within
a bill of material. Hard pegging is also supported in a supply chain planning

• Soft Pegging You can plan materials and soft peg them to the demand. Soft
pegging is also supported in a supply chain planning scenario.

• Group Netting You can net within a planning group (multiple projects) and you
can soft peg items to the projects within the project group.

• Common Supply Netting You can net excess common (non-project) supply to hard
pegged demand.

• Graphical Pegging to Project You can use the object navigator to view your
pegging information, such as project, task and sales order, graphically.

1-10    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

• Planner Workbench You can use the Planner Workbench to view project
exceptions, a project horizontal plan, supply and demand per project, and unit
number to simulate new or existing project demand, and to release planned orders
by project.

• Forecast by Project/Task You can link a project work breakdown structure to a

forecast entry and run the forecast demand through the planning system. This
enables you to plan long-term capacity and procurement for your projects.

• Master Schedule by Project/Task You can load the MDS/MPS from a project
forecast with project sales orders or manually link a project work breakdown
structure to a schedule entry. You can have project and non-project demand in one

• Project Exception Messages The planning system generates project related

exception messages including: items allocated across projects and tasks, items with
excess inventory in a project or task, items with shortage in a project or task,
reschedule-in, reschedule-out, and cancellation. You can use the workflow-based
exception messages to define collaborative scenarios between internal and external

• Single Planning Run for all Projects You can run a single plan for multiple projects
at once, and eliminate the need to run planning project by project.

• Project Planning Simulation You can enter new supply and demand entries for
new project and tasks or change existing supply and demand due dates directly in
the Planner Workbench. Online net-change simulation allows you to view the
results of your changes in minutes. This enables you to respond easily to scenarios
of fluctuating and unexpected demand or to project management system
rescheduling results.

• Multi-Organization/Multi-Plant and Supply Chain Projects You can consolidate

all costs for the products you manufacture for the same project in multiple plants in
Oracle Projects. You can use Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning to plan
projects across a supply chain with appropriate propagation of project and tasks on
internal orders and demand and supply entities.

• Constraint-Based Optimization You can use Oracle Advanced Supply Chain

Planning to optimize your project material and capacity plans using a variety of
constraints and objective functions.

• Borrow Payback Supply and Demand The planning engine recognizes borrow
payback supply and demand.

Related Topics
See the Overview in the Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning User's Guide

Project Manufacturing    1-11

Overview of Optimization, Oracle Advanced Planning and Scheduling Implementation and
User's Guide

Project Manufacturing Execution

The planning cycle results in planned orders that are fed into the execution system:
• Internal orders driven by inter-company supply

• WIP Discrete Jobs for make items (Project Work In Process)

• Flow Schedules for make items (Project Work In Process)

• Purchase Requisitions or Blanket Releases for buy items (Project Procurement)

The execution system addresses the inventory, shop floor, and procurement activities.
Project manufacturing costs are collected during execution.

Project Work In Process

Oracle Project Manufacturing supports the following features for Project Work In
• Project WIP Jobs You can create WIP Jobs with project/task references. Project
Manufacturing supports standard and non-standard WIP Jobs. You can create
Standard Project WIP Jobs automatically and release them from the Planner

• Project Outside Processing You can use existing outside processing functionality to
support Project Outside Processing. The system transfers the project/task on the
work order once the outside processed purchase requisition generates.

• Project Repair Orders You can link non-standard WIP Jobs to a project / task to
capture project repair.

• Project Flow Schedules You can use flow schedules in a work order-less
production environment. Flow schedules can be created and released from the
Planner Workbench or Line Scheduling Workbench.

Project Procurement
Oracle Project Manufacturing supports the following features for Project Procurement:
• Project Requisitions You can create requisitions with project/task references. You
can define project requisitions for inventory and expense destination types and you
can implement project requisitions automatically from the Planner Workbench.

1-12    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

• Project Purchase Orders You can create purchase orders with project/task
references. You can define project purchase orders for inventory and expense
destination types.

• Project Blanket Releases You can create purchase blanket releases with project/task
references. You can implement project blanket releases automatically from the
Planner Workbench.

• Project RFQs You can create purchase Request For Quotations (RFQ) manually or
auto-create an RFQ from a requisition. You can request multiple quotes within one
vendor RFQ.

• Project Supplier Quotes You can create purchase vendor quotes manually or create
a quote from an RFQ.

Related Topics
Overview of Outside Processing, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Overview of Requisitions, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Overview of Purchases Orders, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Purchase Order Types, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Overview of Sourcing, RFQs and Quotations, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide
Overview of Creating Discrete Jobs, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Overview of Non-Standard Discrete Jobs, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

Project Inventory
Tracking inventory by project and dealing with permanent and temporary transfers
from one project to another or from common inventory to project inventory is essential
for a project-based environment. Oracle Project Manufacturing supports:
• Project Inventory You can use project locators to segregate inventory by project.
Purchase order receipt locators validate automatically for project purchase orders.
You can reference existing project locators or dynamically create project locators
upon receipt. The issue, back-flush, and completion locators validate automatically
for project WIP jobs and associated material. Similar logic applies in processing
flow schedules using work order-less completions.

• Project Material Transactions You can use existing material transactions such as
Miscellaneous Issue/Receipt, Move Orders, PO Receipt, WIP Issue, WIP Return, and
WIP Completion.

• Permanent Project to Project Transfers You can use project transfer transactions to

Project Manufacturing    1-13

transfer material from one project to another with appropriate transfer of inventory

• Temporary Project to Project Transfers You can use borrow payback transactions
to borrow material from one project to another, and ensure payback against the
original value.

• Common-to-Project and Project-to-Common Transfers You can use project

transfer transactions to transfer material from common inventory to project
inventory and vice versa, with the appropriate transfer of inventory value.

• Project Mass Transfers You can use the mass transfer wizard to initiate the mass
transfer of material from one project to another based on criteria you define, with
the appropriate transfer of inventory value. The system generates notifications of
approval for the from and to project managers, if the project managers are different.

• Consigned Material from Supplier You can perform implicit and explicit
consumption of consigned items to demand/supply documents with project
references, with appropriate transfer of inventory value into a project.

• Project Warehouse Management You can enable Warehouse Management and

Project Manufacturing in the same organization. You can receive, move,
manufacture, pick and ship material owned by a project. You can leverage
warehouse resource management, warehouse configuration productivity
performance analysis, task scheduling, advanced pick methodologies, and value
added services.

After completion of the assembly on the project sales order lines, the goods can be
shipped to the customer for installation.

Related Topics
Project Mass Transfer, page 7-15
Defining Stock Locators, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Defining Pick Methodologies, Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide
Overview of Inventory Transactions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Project Manufacturing Costing

During the execution phase, project-related costs can be collected in four ways:
• Import of costs from external systems directly into Oracle Projects' Transaction

• Entry of direct labor and expenses directly into Oracle Projects using time and

1-14    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

expense entry.

• Collection of manufacturing labor, material, and manufacturing overhead in Oracle

Cost Management as a result of Work In Process and Inventory transactions.

• Import of manufacturing costs from external systems using Oracle Manufacturing

Transaction Import.

For expense purchases, the invoice costs flow to a project through Oracle Payables. For
inventory purchases, the purchase costs flow to a project through Oracle Cost
Management upon receiving into destination. As soon as invoices are matched,
approved, and posted to the General Ledger, you can transfer the appropriate invoice
charges (IPV, ERV, Freight, Tax, and Miscellaneous) to Oracle Projects, using the
Invoice Charge Transfer Request.
For inter-company costs, the system transfers costs at cost group value (determined by
FOB point), either collapsed into the material element or with elemental details.
Oracle Project Manufacturing supports project costing with the following features:
• Cost Groups You can create cost groups and link cost groups to projects to identify
and separate costs by item and by project. Costs are tracked using perpetual
weighted average costing. You can use one cost group for multiple projects if you
want to establish a weighted average cost by item for a group of projects.
You can create cost groups and link cost groups to projects to identify the accounts
in a Standard Costing organization. You maintain standard costs at the organization
You can create cost groups and link them to projects to identify layer costs by item
in a Last in First out (LIFO) or First in First out (FIFO) costing organization. Costs
are maintained in layers each with its own cost.

• Linking Project Expense Organizations to Manufacturing Departments You can

link project expense organizations to manufacturing departments to allow for
departmental cost visibility and analysis for a project.

• Common Project You can define a common project to collect cost for all common
material transactions into Oracle Projects. You can use standard tools such as
Expenditure Inquiry and Project Status Inquiry to analyze your common project,
view commitments and actuals, and compare common and project-specific costs.

• Linking Project Cost Elements To Manufacturing Cost Elements You can create
user-defined project cost elements (Oracle Projects expenditure types), and
manufacturing cost (sub)elements. You can map project cost elements into user
categories for analysis and reporting. Oracle Project Manufacturing enables you to
link manufacturing cost elements (labor, material, overhead, outside processing),
resources, and departments to project cost elements. This allows you to track all
costs within a project for the following sources: purchasing, project direct labor and

Project Manufacturing    1-15

expenses, shop floor activity, or external systems.

• Manufacturing Cost Collector The Manufacturing Cost Collector enables you to

transfer manufacturing costs to Oracle Projects. The engine derives all required
information such as expenditure organization, expenditure date, and project cost
element, automatically. The system transfers all manufacturing costs to the Oracle
Project Transaction Import for project cost distribution. The Cost Collector also calls
the Task Auto Assignment Rules to assign tasks to costed transactions when you
run a project-only manufacturing scenario.

Oracle Projects supports costing with the following additional features to keep track of
project progress, actual-versus-planned budget, control of project purchase
commitments, and reporting:
• Project Status Inquiry Use this feature to research project facts. You can drill up
and down on the project work breakdown structure and obtain project summary
information, detailed transaction information. You can also obtain project
commitments, revenue, invoices, unbilled costs, backlog, and receivable
information. The project status inquiry extension enables you to pull project
information from any part of the database. You can export data in online queries to
a desktop spreadsheet and reporting tools, to meet the requirements of your

• Project Comparison You can use Oracle Projects to compare baseline and current
project budgets.

• Project Status Reporting Oracle Projects supports a large number of project status
reports to analyze your project financial status.

• Project Expenditure Types You can create project cost elements (expenditure types)
and group these elements into categories.

Related Topics
Overview of Expenditures, Oracle Project Costing User Guide
Expenditure Types, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide
Applying Overhead Rate by Oracle Projects, Cost Management User's Guide

Project Billing
Oracle Projects is the repository for all project costs. You can use these costs for earned
value analysis. The result of the earned value analysis can trigger project billing.
Within the Project Manufacturing solution, there are three ways to accomplish billing:
• Drive billing from Oracle Order Management using order types (workflow) that

1-16    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

interface to Oracle Receivables.

• Drive billing from Oracle Project Billing using billing schedules that interface to
Oracle Receivables.

• Use a combination of the first two methods. For example, you might drive project
billing from Oracle Project Billing and spare-part billing from Oracle Order
Management. If you use Oracle Shipping Execution to ship project-related
assemblies, but not to bill for them, use order types (workflow) that do not interface
to Oracle Receivables to avoid double billing.

Related Topics
Oracle Project Billing, Oracle Projects Fundamentals User Guide
Oracle Project Billing User Guide

Project Quality Management

You can implement Oracle Quality for managing project quality. Oracle Quality in
combination with Oracle Project Manufacturing supports:
• Project Quality Collection Elements You can use project and task as quality
collection elements.

• Specify Project on Quality Collection Plan You can specify a project on a quality
collection plan.

• Specify Project as a Collection Trigger You can specify a project as a trigger for a
quality collection plan.

• Specify Project as Criteria for Skip Lot and Sampling You can specify a project as
one of the criteria for Skip Lot and Sampling Inspections in Oracle Quality.

• Project Quality Data Collection You can use manual entry, or the Oracle Quality
Data Collection open interface to collect project and task related quality

• Project Quality Analysis You can use project and task as selection criteria for
quality analysis.

Related Topics
Overview of Collection Elements, Oracle Quality User's Guide
Overview of Collection Plans, Oracle Quality User's Guide

Project Manufacturing    1-17

Special Features
Oracle Project Manufacturing provides additional special features:
• Model/Unit Effectivity (Serial Effectivity) You can define unit effective items and
bills of materials, which allows you to implement product structure variations
driven by unit number effectivity as opposed to date effectivity. You can engineer,
sell, plan, produce, procure, ship, and track against a unit number. You can also use
Model/Unit Effectivity in a non-project based environment.

• Task Auto Assignment Workbench You can use the Task Auto Assignment
Workbench to define material, WIP material and resource rules for task allocation.
It supports scenarios that run the manufacturing side under project control. Task
Auto Assignment supports a myriad of rules to assign tasks dynamically to
project-only manufacturing transactions for more flexible costing scenarios. For
example, instead of allocating all costs for a work order to one task, you can
implement rules that allow certain resource cost to be allocated to one task, other
resource costs to another task, and material costs to be allocated to yet another task.

• Project Manufacturing Inquiry/Seiban InquiryThis provides a real-time look at

the project execution status in the Supply Chain. The Project Manufacturing/Seiban
Numbers details pages allow you to access information on Projects and Project
Manufacturing data such as: project sales orders, project procurement documents,
project discrete jobs with material and operation details, project cost activity, project
flow schedules, project cost group with history, project budgeting, project
expenditures, and project commitments. It also enables you to access details at the
project or task level.

• Manufacturing Project Definition This workflow-based process guides you

through the setup steps required to define a project manufacturing project. The
process keeps track of completion and can notify a user on steps to be done or

• Project Schedule Exceptions This workflow-based process assists you in

identifying project schedule inconsistencies. Inconsistencies are sent to project and
task managers. The process monitors overdue work and out of sync work orders,
procurement documents, and sales orders; as wells as out of sync planning entries.

• Seiban Number Wizard The Seiban Number Wizard guides you in the definition of
seiban numbers. Seiban numbers are unique numbers using Project Manufacturing
without Oracle Projects. For ETO-type seiban or lot-type seiban, you can define a
multi-level project structure in Oracle Projects, or a top-level project structure that
can be generated through the wizard.

1-18    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Related Topics
Overview of Model/Unit Effectivity, page 6-1
Overview of Task Auto Assignment , page 5-1
Overview of Project Manufacturing Inquiry, page 8-1
Seiban Number Wizard, page 3-9

Project Manufacturing    1-19

Setup Parameters

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Project Manufacturing Parameters
• Project Manufacturing Controls
• Locators in Project Manufacturing

Project Manufacturing Parameters

Use the Project Manufacturing Parameters window to enter all Project Manufacturing
setup information at the inventory organization in a single place. The Project
Manufacturing Parameters window includes the following setup attributes:
• Enable Project References

• Allow Cross Project Issues

• Allow Cross Unit Number Issues

• Allow Cross Project Pick Wave Allocation

• Cost Group Option

• Project Control Level

• Common Project

• Common Project Tasks

• Material

• Resource

Setup Parameters     2-1

• WIP Material

• WIP Person Resource as Straight Time

• GL Posting Option

• PJM Clearing Account

• Default Expenditure Types


• Direct Item

Invoice Transfer
• Default IPV Expenditure Type

• Default ERV Expenditure Type

• Default Freight Expenditure Type

• Default Tax Expenditure Type

• Default Miscellaneous Invoice Charges Expenditure Type

Borrow Payback
• Default Payback Variance Accounts
• Material

• Material Overhead

• Resource

• Outside Processing

• Overhead

Note: Project Manufacturing functionality is not available with Oracle

Shop Floor Management and Oracle Process Manufacturing

2-2    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

To set up the General Attributes:
1. Navigate to the Project Manufacturing Parameters window.

2. Optionally, select Enable Project References check box.

This enables Project References for the organization. You can associate project
number and, optionally, task numbers with various supply and demand entities in
the organization.

Note: If the LCM Enabled check box is selected in the Inventory

Organization Parameters window, you cannot select the Enable
Project References check box in the PJM Parameters window.

3. Optionally check Allow Cross Project Issues check box.

Check this box to allow cross project issues for projects belonging to the same
planning in the inventory organization, and to allow cross unit issues based on
Warehouse Management picking rules in a Warehouse Management organization.
Allow Cross Project Issues enables you to issue material from one Project or Task to
another Project or Task during Component Issue/Return to a discrete job or
repetitive schedule or flow schedule or Sales Order Pick (but not during Sales Order
Issue). The two projects should belong to the same planning group but can be from
different cost groups.

Setup Parameters     2-3

If no planning group is defined for the organization, Allow Cross Project Issues will
allow material issues between all projects and tasks for the organization. Note that
should both projects have no planning group associated, the projects are considered
as belonging to same planning group.

4. Optionally check Allow Cross Unit Number Issues check box.

Check this box to allow cross unit number issues for projects belonging to the same
planning in the inventory organization, and to allow cross unit issues based on
Warehouse Management picking rules in a Warehouse Management organization.

5. Optionally check Allow Cross Project Pick Wave Allocation check box.
Check this box to allow Cross Project Sales Order Pick Wave Allocation based on
WMS Picking Rules if using WMS Org.

6. Select the Cost Group Option. You can designate your cost group by project or by
inventory. This should be set to Project if you want to use Project cost group based
accounting. This should be set to inventory if you want to use cost group
accounting based on inventory. Recommended setting for PJM Orgs using Oracle
Projects for Cost Collection is "Project".

7. Select the control level for the inventory organization: project or task.
If you enable Project References and choose the Project Control Level, you can
associate projects and, optionally, tasks with the supply and demand entities.
If you enable Project References and choose the Task Control Level, you must
associate tasks when you associate a project with supply and demand entities.

8. Optionally, select a Common Project.

Select a project which has been defined in Oracle Projects. If you do not use Oracle
Projects, you do not need to perform this setup.
Selecting a common project enables you to track the cost of manufacturing
transactions that are not associated with a specific project. This enables you to
budget for common costs and to view commitments and actual, and budgeted costs
for your common project on the standard Project Status Inquiry. You can set up a
different Common Project for each inventory organization.
When you run the Cost Collector, the Common Project value set up on the PJM
Organization Parameters window is assigned to all transactions related to common
items. The common cost group cost of each item is used for common transactions.
Tasks are assigned for common project transactions based on the Task Auto
Assignment Rules for the common project. See: Setup for Common Project in Task
Auto Assignment, page 5-14.

9. Select a Material task if you selected a common project.

This field is available only if Work in Process is installed, and Cost Collection is

2-4    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

enabled for the current organization This rule becomes the default Material rule in
the Task Auto Assignment rules window.

10. Enter a Resource task if you selected a common project.

This field is available only if Work in Process is installed, and Cost Collection is
enabled for the current organization This rules becomes the default Resource rule in
the Task Auto Assignment rules window.

11. Select a WIP Material task if you selected a common project.

This field is available only if Work in Process is installed, and Cost Collection is
enabled for the current organization. This rule becomes the default WIP Material
rule in the Task Auto Assignment rules window.

12. Save your work.

To set up Costing attributes:

1. Navigate to the PJM Organization Parameters window and select the Costing tab

2. Optionally select the WIP Person Resource as Straight Time checkbox. Checking
this box allows you to transfer WIP Resource employee transactions to Oracle
Projects as WIP Straight Time. If you select this option, you can include WIP
Straight Time hours in Oracle Projects' summarization of hours for billing
calculations. You can use Oracle Projects Burden Schedules to apply overhead to

Setup Parameters     2-5

WIP Straight Time transactions.
See Work in Process Resource Employee Transactions, Oracle Cost Management
User's Guide.

3. Choose your GL Posting Option. The choices are Manufacturing and Projects. This
should be set to Projects if you want to use Oracle Projects as the single source for
posting all transactions (manufacturing and non manufacturing) to the General
Ledger. When you select the option to post the General Ledger in Oracle Projects,
you can use Projects Burden Schedules to apply overhead to Project Manufacturing
transactions. If you select this option and continue to apply overhead in
Manufacturing, the overhead amount will be imported into Projects as raw (not
burdened) cost.
See Applying Overhead Rate by Oracle Projects, Oracle Cost Management User's

4. If you selected Projects as your GL Posting Option, you must select an Account
Option If you set this to Use AutoAccounting, All accounts are derived using the
accounting rules engine in Oracle Projects. Inventory transactions are transferred to
Projects as Inventory with No Accounts and WIP transactions are transferred as
WIP with No Accounts. If you set this option to Send Accounts to PA – Cost Group
and WIP Accounting Class valuation accounts are transferred to Projects. Inventory
transactions are transferred to Projects as Inventory with Accounts and WIP
transactions are transferred as WIP with Accounts.

5. Select your PJM Clearing Account. You must set an account as the PJM Clearing
account when using the AutoAccounting. The PJM clearing account is used for
balancing debit or credit when the user performs project transfer transactions.

6. Enter a Purchase Price Variance (PPV) Default Expenditure Type. This field is
updateable only if you are in an organization that uses standard costs.

7. Enter a Direct Item Default Expenditure Type. This field is updateable only if you
are in an Enterprise Asset Management enabled organization.

To set up Invoice Transfer attributes:

1. Navigate to the PJM Organization Parameters window and select the Invoice
Transfer tab region. You must check these boxes if you wish to transfer any invoice
charges for an invoice charge type. For each box you check, you must select an
expenditure type for the appropriate invoice charge type.

2-6    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

2. Optionally, check the IPV check box, and enter the default Expenditure Type.
Select an expenditure type that has been associated with expenditure type class
Inventory. This value is defaulted into the Project Parameters window for each
project and can be updated for a project.
If an Invoice Price Variance generates when approving an inventory/shopfloor
related invoice, the Invoice Charge transfer process uses the IPV expenditure type
defined in the Project Parameters window along with the IPV amount, IPV account
and Expenditure Organization to transfer the IPV amount for the project to Oracle

3. Optionally, check the ERV check box, and enter the default Expenditure Type.
Select an expenditure type associated with expenditure type class Inventory. This
value is defaulted into the Project Parameters window for each project and can be
updated for a project.
If an Exchange Rate Variance is generated when approving an inventory/shopfloor
related invoice, the Invoice Charge transfer process uses the ERV expenditure type
defined in the Project Parameters along with the ERV amount, ERV account from
Oracle Payables and Expenditure Organization to transfer the ERV amount for the
project to Oracle Projects.

4. Optionally, check the Freight check box and enter the default Expenditure Type.
Select an expenditure type associated with expenditure type class Inventory. This

Setup Parameters     2-7

value defaults into the Project Parameters window for each project and can be
updated for a project.
If you use Receipt based Matching for your Invoice, and enter Freight on the
distribution when approving an inventory / shop floor related invoice, the Invoice
Charge transfer process uses the Freight expenditure type defined in the Project
Parameters window along with the freight amount, freight account from Oracle
Payables and expenditure organization from the purchase order to transfer the
freight amount for the project to Oracle Projects.

5. Optionally, check the Tax check box, and enter the default Expenditure Type.
Select an expenditure type associated with expenditure type class Inventory. See: .
This value defaults into the Project Parameters window for each project and can be
updated for a project.
If a distribution is generated for Tax when performing receipt based matching for
an inventory/shop floor related invoice, the Invoice Charge transfer process uses the
ERV expenditure type defined in the Project Parameters window along with the
miscellaneous amount and account from invoice distributions and expenditure
organization from the purchase order to transfer the Miscellaneous charge for the
project to Oracle Projects.

6. Optionally, check Default Miscellaneous Charges check box, and enter Expenditure
Type check.
Select an expenditure type associated with expenditure type class Inventory. This
value defaults into the Project Parameters window for each project and can be
updated for a project.
If a distribution generates for Miscellaneous Charge when you perform receipt
based matching for an inventory/shop floor related invoice, the Invoice Charge
transfer process uses the Miscellaneous Charge tax expenditure type defined in the
Project Parameters window along with the tax amount, tax account defined in
Oracle Payables and Expenditure Organization from the purchase order to transfer
the tax amount for the project to Oracle Projects.

7. Save your work.

To set up Borrow Payback Attributes:

1. Navigate to the PJM Organization Parameters window and select the Borrow
Payback tab region.

2-8    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

2. Optionally, enter the Default Payback Variance Accounts.
Select elemental payback variance accounts from the list of valid accounts to be
used as default for all projects for the inventory organization. This set of accounts
defaults to the cost group and can be updated for each cost group. The difference
between the average cost at the time of payback and the original borrowing cost
posts to this set of accounts for the borrowing project cost group. See: Cost
Structure, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide.

3. Save your work.

Related Topics
Project Manufacturing Controls, page 2-9

Project Manufacturing Controls

The PJM Organization Parameter window includes conditional logic to enable/disable
fields and tab pages based on other organization settings. The following table illustrates
the PJM organization parameters controls.

Setup Parameters     2-9

Field / Tab Page Conditional / Dependency Logic

Project Control Level Enabled and Required if Enable Project

References check box is checked

Allow Cross Project Issues Enabled if Enable Project References check

box is checked

Common Project Enabled if Cost Collection is enabled for this

organization and Enable Project References
check box is checked

Invoice Transfer Tab Page Visible if Oracle Payables is installed or

implemented; Enabled if Oracle Payables is
installed or implemented and Enable Project
References check box is checked

Borrow Payback Tab Page Enabled if Enable Project References check

box is checked

Transfer to PA check boxes (IPV, ERV, Enabled if Oracle Payables is installed or

Freight, Tax and Miscellaneous) implemented and Enable Project References
check box is checked

Expenditure Types (IPV, ERV, Freight, Tax Enabled if:

and Miscellaneous)
Oracle Payables is installed or implemented

Enable Project References check box is


Corresponding Transfer to PA check box is


When you check the Enable Project References check box for a new inventory
organization, or change the Enable Project References check box to checked from
unchecked in an existing inventory organization, the window invokes an API to modify
the stock locator FlexField to add Project and Task segments.

Related Topics
Project Manufacturing Parameters, page 2-1
Expenditures, Oracle Project Costing User Guide.

2-10    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Locators in Project Manufacturing

Locator Flexfield
Oracle Project Manufacturing reserves segment19 and segment20 of the Stock Locator
key flexfield to store the project and task numbers. You should not attempt to modify
these two segments.
If you are installing Oracle Project Manufacturing for the first time, the system
automatically enables segment19 and segment20 of the Stock Locator key flexfield when
you create the first inventory organization and check the Enable Project References
check box. You can then enable additional segments to reflect your physical stock
location layout.
If you are installing Oracle Project Manufacturing in an existing Oracle Applications
installation and currently use segment19 and segment20 of the Stock Locator key
flexfield, change the current flexfield schema and use other segments. The system does
not support automatic conversion.

Project Locator
A project locator is a locator with a project or project and task reference. It is also a
logical partition of a physical location. Project locators are used to track project hard
pegged material. Project inventory needs to be stocked in a project locator and needs to
be transacted in and out of a project locator. Since locators can be dynamically created,
it is not necessary to predefine project locators.

Common Locator
A common locator is a locator without a project or project and task reference. It is also a
real, physical location. Common locators are used to track common (soft pegged)

Note: Although a project locator is a logical partition, the system still

regards it as a physical locator for physical and cycle counting.

Project locators differ from common locators by the existence of values in the project
and task segments in the flexfield definition of the Locator. If the structure of the
physical location is Row/Rack/Bin, the structure of the Locator flexfield would be
Row/Rack/Bin/Project/Task. For example, the concatenated value for a common item in
Row 1, Rack 4, Bin 2 would be 1/4/2// while the concatenated value for a project item in
Row 1, Rack 4, Bin 2, Project C4501, Task 2.1 would be 1/4/2/C4501/2.1.

Use of Locator
Use project locators to track inventory by project. If an inventory item needs to be

Setup Parameters     2-11

identified by project, you need to turn Locator Control on for the item.
Since locators can be created dynamically (Locator Control = Dynamic Entry Allowed at
item level), you do not need to predefine all project locators. Oracle Project
Manufacturing provides defaulting and validation logic in order to keep the use of
project locators transparent.

Related Topics
Inventory Attribute Group, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Defining Stock Locators, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

2-12    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Project Definition

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Assigning Project Parameters
• WIP Accounting Classes
• Seiban Number Wizard
• Defining Seiban Numbers
• Creating a Project with Lot Type Seiban Numbers
• Modifying an Existing Project with Lot Type Seiban Numbers

Assigning Project Parameters

You need to associate a project number or a seiban number with a Planning Group, a
Cost Group, and a Default WIP Accounting Class.

To set up project parameters:

1. Navigate to the Project Parameters window.

2. Select the desired parameter option. The options are as follows:

• Project- Select this option to setup one project across all organizations.

• Organization- Select this option to setup multiple projects for one organization.

3. Optionally, check Do not ask me in the future, if you do not want this window to
appear again.

Note: Checking this box sets the profile option PJM: Parameter
Form View By Option

Project Definition    3-1

4. Choose OK.

Note: If you chose to set project parameters by organization instead

of project, the organization appears in the main heading, and
different projects appear in the tabbed regions of the window.

5. Enter the project or seiban number you want to associate with a planning group. If
you are updating an existing assignment, query the existing record and make the
necessary changes.

6. Select the desired project or organization.

7. Select a planning group if applicable.

If you plan material requirements by a group of projects, rather than by each
individual project, you need to define a planning group and to assign all the
projects to this planning group. If you plan material requirements only by a single
project, you do not need to associate the project with any planning group. You can
also associate a project to a single planning group.
For more information about planning groups. See: Defining Planning Group
Lookups, in Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP User's Guideand Oracle Supply Chain
Planning User's Guide..

8. Select a Cost Group.

When you enter a project, the Cost Group field is enabled. You must select a Cost

3-2    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Group from the list of valid Cost Groups for a project.

Note: If you set project parameters by organization instead of

project, the organization appears in the main heading, and different
projects appear in the tabbed regions of the window.

The list of values includes the Common Cost Group and the user defined cost
groups. The list of user defined cost groups includes only those cost groups with
valid accounts and with Project selected in the Cost Group window. Weighted
average costing for Inventory and WIP is maintained at the Cost Group level.
Therefore, if you want to keep weighted average costing at the project level, you
must assign the project to its own Cost Group. See: Overview of Average Costing,
Oracle Cost Management User's Guide and Overview of Standard Costing, Oracle Cost
Management User's Guide.

9. Optionally enter a WIP Accounting Class.

You can choose any WIP accounting class associated with the selected cost group in
the WIP Accounting Classes for Cost Groups window in Cost Management.
When you create project jobs or complete work order-less schedules for a project,
the default WIP accounting class is defaulted if an accounting class, based on the
assembly item category set, cannot be found. You can override it, but only with
another accounting class assigned to the cost group. See: Associating WIP
Accounting Classes with Categories, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide .

Note: When you create a project WIP job either manually or

through MRP, the system checks if you assigned a default WIP
accounting class to this WIP job's item category and cost group in
the Default WIP Accounting Classes for Categories window. If you
have, the program uses this WIP accounting class for the job. If you
have not, the program uses the WIP accounting class you entered
for the project.

10. Enter the project effective from/to date if applicable.

You can setup effective dates for a project in an inventory organization. The project,
project-task and Project Parameter start/end dates are validated in various project
document definitions through the use of a Project Manufacturing API. The system
generates warnings when the exceptions are encountered during the definition of
the document or request. You can create extensions to this API to include business
specific rules.

11. Select the Invoice Transfer tab.

Project Definition    3-3

12. Enter an expenditure type for IPV.

This field is mandatory in a Project Manufacturing organization, if you selected the

Transfer to PA IPV option. You can use the default IPV expenditure type or modify it
to choose any one of expenditure types associated with expenditure type class
If a variance generates when approving an inventory or a shopfloor (outside
processing) related invoice, the Invoice Charge transfer process uses the IPV
expenditure type, IPV amount, IPV account, and the Expenditure Organization you
have defined to transfer the IPV amount for the project to Oracle Projects.
For outside processing, choose an expenditure type that is associated with the
expenditure type class of Work in Process.

13. Enter an expenditure type for ERV.

This field is mandatory in a Project Manufacturing organization, if you selected the

Transfer to PA ERV option. You can use the default ERV expenditure type or modify
it to choose any one of expenditure types that has been associated with the
expenditure type class Inventory.
If a variance generates when approving an inventory or a shopfloor (outside
processing) related invoice, the ERV transfer process uses the ERV expenditure
type, ERV amount, ERV account, and the Expenditure Organization you defined to
transfer the ERV amount for the project to Oracle Projects.
For outside processing, choose an expenditure type that is associated with the
expenditure type class of Work in Process.

3-4    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

14. Enter an expenditure type for Freight.

This field is mandatory in a Project Manufacturing organization, if you selected the

Transfer to PA Freight option. You can use the default Freight expenditure type or
modify it and choose any one of expenditure types associated with the expenditure
type class Inventory.
If you use receipt based matching for your invoice, and freight is entered on the
distribution when approving an inventory or shopfloor (outside processing) related
invoice, the invoice charge transfer process uses the freight expenditure type
defined in the Project Parameters window. It also uses the freight amount and
freight account from Oracle Payables, and the expenditure organization from the
purchase order to transfer the freight amount for the project to Oracle Projects.
For outside processing, choose an expenditure type that is associated with the
expenditure type class of Work in Process.

15. Enter an expenditure type for Tax.

This field is mandatory in a Project Manufacturing organization, if you selected the

Transfer to PA Tax option. You can use the tax expenditure type that has defaulted
from the PJM Org Parameter window or modify it and choose any one of
expenditure types associated with the expenditure type class Inventory.
The method you choose to match tax to your invoiced items determines which
expenditure type is assigned to the tax you enter on the Payables Invoice window.
You can allocate tax at the line match level or you can enter tax as an invoice
distribution line and manually allocate it to item distributions.
If you allocate tax at the match to line level as described below, tax entered on the
invoice is charged to the IPV expenditure type:
• You can select the option of matching the supplier invoice to the purchase order
or purchase order receipt on the shipments form of the purchase order. When
you enter the Payables invoice, you select the same matching method that you
chose on the purchase order.
• On the Match to Purchase Order window of Invoice Entry, you can check
the Allocate check box next to each matching line to allocate tax, freight,
and miscellaneous charges to the matched lines.

• Tax matched to a purchase order or receipt line on this form is designated

as an invoice price variance - the difference between the tax amount
allocated on the invoice and the tax entered on the purchase order line. In
Oracle Projects you see the Invoice Price Variance expenditure type on the
transaction for tax allocated on the invoice.
If you allocate tax at the invoice distribution line level as described below,
tax entered on the invoice is charged to the tax expenditure type:

Project Definition    3-5

• You can select the same matching method on the invoice as you selected on
the purchase, but do not check the Allocate check box.

• You can enter a new distribution line for tax on the Invoice Distributions
window and choose Allocate.

• You can manually allocate the tax to any of the item distribution lines.
Tax matched on this form is designated as a tax and is charged to the tax
expenditure type which you set up on the Project Parameters window.

For outside processing, choose an expenditure type that is associated with the
expenditure type class of Work in Process.

16. Enter an expenditure type for Miscellaneous charge.

This field is mandatory in a Project Manufacturing organization, if you selected the

Transfer to PA Miscellaneous option. You can use the default Miscellaneous
expenditure type that has defaulted or modify it and choose any one of expenditure
types associated with the expenditure type class Inventory.
If a distribution generates for Tax when performing receipt based matching for an
inventory or shopfloor (outside processing) related invoice, the Invoice Charge
transfer process uses the ERV expenditure type, the miscellaneous amount and
account from invoice distributions, and the expenditure type from the purchase
order to transfer the miscellaneous amount for the project to Oracle Projects.
For outside processing, choose an expenditure type that is associated with the
expenditure type class of Work in Process.

17. Select the Task AutoAssignment Tab.

3-6    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

18. Enter a Material Task if necessary.

19. Enter a Resource Task if necessary.

20. Enter a WIP Material task if necessary.

21. Select the Other Tab.

Project Definition    3-7

22. Enter a Purchase Price Variance (PPV) Default Expenditure Type. This field is
updateable only if you are in an organization that uses standard costs.

23. Enter a Direct Item Default Expenditure Type. This field is updateable only if you
are in an Enterprise Asset Management enabled organization.

24. Save your work.

Related Topics
Overview of Task Auto Assignment, page 5-1
Project Manufacturing Parameters, page 2-1
Creating an Organization, Using Oracle HRMS - The Fundamentals
Task Auto Assignment FlexSequence, page 5-2
Expenditure Types, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide

WIP Accounting Classes

You can set a Default WIP Accounting Class for Maintained Work Orders at the task

3-8    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

To set WIP accounting classes at the task level:
1. Navigate to the WIP Accounting Classes by Tasks window.

2. Select a Task Number from the list of values.

3. Select the discrete WIP accounting class from the list of values in the Standard field
if applicable.

4. Select the desired Maintenance task from the list of values. This field is available
only if the organization is Enterprise Asset Management enabled.

Related Topics
WIP Accounting Class Defaults, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Defining Project Cost Groups, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide

Seiban Number Wizard

Oracle Project Manufacturing provides you with the capability to define a reference
number, and link demand and supply entities to this number in Oracle Order
Management, Oracle Purchasing, Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP, Oracle Work In
Process, Oracle Inventory, and Oracle Quality. This reference number can be used to
represent the contract number, Seiban Number, or any identifier that needs to be listed
on the supply or demand entities.
When you install Oracle Project Manufacturing, you may choose to implement the
product with or without Oracle Projects. When you implement Oracle Project
Manufacturing without Oracle Projects, you track the manufacturing activities and
corresponding costs by Project. Tasks are not available, and you cannot define a Work

Project Definition    3-9

Breakdown Structure.
The Seiban Number Wizard enables you to define Seiban numbers, and to create or to
modify projects using top-level task structures. For example, use the Seiban Number
Wizard is used for project creation in Lot Type Seiban environments.

Seiban Number Generation Process Flow

Defining Seiban Numbers, page 3-11

Creating a Project with Lot Type Seiban Numbers, page 3-13

3-10    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Defining Seiban Numbers

To define seiban numbers:

1. Navigate to the Seiban Wizard.

2. Select Using Seiban Number.

3. Select Next. The Seiban Numbers window is displayed.

Project Definition    3-11

4. Enter a Seiban number and name unique within an Operating Unit.

5. Save your work.

6. Optionally, choose Parameters to navigate to the Project Parameters window.

7. In the Project Parameters window, select the Organization. The list contains that
have project level control.

3-12    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

8. Optionally, select values for the following fields:
• Cost Group, if you are using Average as your costing method.
• WIP Accounting Class

• Planning Group

9. Save your work.

Related Topics
Seiban Number Wizard, page 3-9
Creating a Project with Lot Type Seiban Numbers, page 3-13
Modifying an Existing Project with Lot Type Seiban Numbers, page 3-17
Creating Projects, Oracle Projects Fundamentals

Creating a Project with Lot Type Seiban Numbers

You can use the new project and tasks in Oracle Projects and Oracle Project
Manufacturing. You can use the Seiban Number Wizard to generate a project structure
with only top-level tasks. This is typically used in a lot-type Seiban environment but is
also usable in a non-Seiban environment.
All conditions related to Oracle Projects integration apply.

• Define a project template. See:
Defining Project Templates, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide.
Project Templates, Oracle Projects Fundamentals User Guide.

To define a project with lot type seiban numbers:

1. Navigate to the Seiban Wizard window.

2. Select Using Project Number.

3. Choose Next.

4. Select Create a New Project.

5. Choose Next.

Project Definition    3-13

6. Select a template.

7. Enter the following:

• Project Number
• Project Name

• Start Date of the project

• Completion Date of the project

8. Optionally, check the Submit Approval Window.

9. Choose Next.

3-14    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

10. Enter the following:

Parameter Meaning Example

Prefix (optional) All tasks the Seiban Wizard A

generates begin with this

Suffix (optional) All tasks the Seiban Wizard -B

generates end with this

Starting Number The first task generated. 1

Ending Number This is the last task that 25

could be generated. The
actual ending task number
depends on the increment
parameter you select.

Increment by Generate task numbers If this value is 1 then the

increment by this value. tasks would be 1, 2, 3, and
so on.

Project Definition    3-15

Parameter Meaning Example

Numeric Width (optional) This value causes leading If this value is 2 then the
zeros to appear before the tasks listed above would be
task number, ensuring a 01, 02, 03, and so on.
fixed length for the task
numbers. If you do not
specify a value, there will be
no leading zeros.

The list of tasks generated in this example would be A01-B, A02-B, A03-B, and so

11. Choose Next.

12. Choose Finish.

Related Topics
Seiban Number Wizard, page 3-9
Defining Seiban Numbers, page 3-11
Modifying an Existing Project with Lot Type Seiban Numbers, page 3-17

3-16    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Modifying an Existing Project with Lot Type Seiban Numbers

To modify a project with lot type Seiban numbers:

1. Navigate to the Seiban Wizard.

2. Select Using Project Number.

3. Select Next.

4. Select the Add to an existing project.

5. Choose Next.

Project Definition    3-17

6. Select a Project Number.

7. Choose Next.

3-18    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

8. Enter the following:

Parameter Meaning Example

Prefix (optional) All tasks the Seiban Wizards C

generates begin with this

Suffix (optional) All tasks the Seiban Wizard -D

generates end with this

Starting Number The first task generated. 1

Ending Number This is the last task that 100

could be generated. The
actual ending task number
depends on the increment
parameter you select.

Increment by Generated task numbers If this value is 2 then the

increment by this value. tasks would be 1, 3, 5, and
so on.

Project Definition    3-19

Parameter Meaning Example

Numeric Width (optional) This value causes leading If this value is 3 then the
zeros to appear before the tasks listed above would be
task number, ensuring a 001, 003, 005, and so on.
fixed length for the task
numbers. If you do not
specify a value, there will be
no leading zeros.

The list of tasks generated in this example would be C001-D, C003-D, C005-D, and
so on.

9. Choose Next.

Related Topics
Seiban Number Wizard, page 3-9
Defining Seiban Numbers, page 3-11
Creating a Project with Lot Type Seiban Numbers, page 3-13

3-20    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Project Manufacturing Validations

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Project Manufacturing ValidationsProject manufacturingvalidation
• Common Validation
• Validations in Purchasing
• Validations in Inventory
• Validations in WIP
• Validations in Shipping

Project Manufacturing Validations

The following paragraphs contain project manufacturing validations. Types of
validations are as follows:
Common, page 4-1
Purchasing, page 4-2
Inventory, page 4-3
Work in Process, page 4-3
Shipping , page 4-6

Common Validation
The system validates the project and task segments of a locator based on the value of
the Project Control Level parameter you set up in Organization Parameter. The
following table describes the validation logic:

Project Manufacturing Validations    4-1

Project Control Level Project Segment Task Segment

Null Cannot enter any value. Cannot enter any value.

Project Optional. If Project is entered, Task is

optional. If Project is not
entered, Task cannot be

Task Optional. If Project is entered, Task is

mandatory. If Project is not
entered, Task cannot be

Validations in Purchasing
The following explains purchase order transactions, including deliveries, returns, and

Purchase Order Delivery Transaction

When you perform a Purchase Order Delivery transaction for a project purchase order,
the system defaults the project and task from the distribution line of the purchase order
to the receiving locator.
If you define Item Transaction Defaults for receiving locators for specific items in
Inventory set up (provided these are physical locators), the system concatenates the
default locator with the project and task references from the purchase order distribution
line when it is received into inventory.
If you update the project and task on the receiving locator, they must match the project
and task exactly on the distribution line of the purchase order.

Purchase Order Return Transaction

When you perform a Purchase Order Return transaction, the system defaults the project
and task from the purchase order distribution line to the from locator.
If you update the project and task segments of the from locator on a purchase order
return, they must match the project and task exactly on the purchase order distribution

Purchase Order Adjustment Transaction

When you perform a Purchase Order Adjustment transaction, the system defaults the
project and task from the purchase order distribution line to the locator.

4-2    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

If you update the project and task segments of the locator on a purchase order
adjustment, they must match the project and task exactly on the purchase order
distribution line.

Note: You cannot use a project locator for all the above transactions if
the purchase order distribution does not have project and task.

Validations in Inventory
The system applies the Common Validation logic to the following transactions:
• Miscellaneous Issue

• Miscellaneous Receipt

• Subinventory Transfer

• Locator Transfer

• Interorganization Transfer (Direct)

• Internal Order Interorganization Transfer (Intransit)

• Cycle Count Adjustment

• Physical Count Adjustment

Validations in WIP
Validations performed in Work In Process include discrete job completion and
materials information.

Project Discrete Job Completion Locator

When you create a project discrete job (either manually or from the Planner
Workbench), the system defaults the project and task from the project discrete job to the
project and task segments of the completion locator. If you have assigned a completion
locator (common locator) to the routing, the system concatenates the common locator
segments with the project and task to create a project locator.
When you update the project and task on the Project Discrete Job, the system re-defaults
the project and task segments of the Completion Locator.
If you update the project and task segments of the Completion Locator, they must
match the project and task exactly on the Project Discrete Job header. They cannot be

Project Manufacturing Validations    4-3

Project Discrete Job Completion Transaction
When you perform a Completion Transaction, the system defaults the Completion
Locator from the Project Discrete Job header.
If you update the project and task segments of the Completion Locator, they must
match the project and task exactly on the Project Discrete Job header. They cannot be

Project Discrete Job Material Requirements

When you define a project discrete job for an item that has a bill of material, the bill is
copied to the project discrete job. If the components are hard pegged (their pegging
attribute is set to either Hard Pegging or End Assembly/Hard Pegging), then the system
defaults the project and task from the project discrete job header to their supply locator.
If you have assigned supply locators (common locator) on the bills of material, the
system concatenates the supply locators with the project and task to create a project
If you update the project and task on the project discrete job, the system re-defaults the
project and task segments of any hard pegged components.
If you update the project and task segments of the supply locator for any components of
a project discrete job, they must either match the project and task exactly on the project
discrete job or be null.
If the components are soft pegged, (their pegging attribute is set to either Soft Pegging or
End Assembly/Soft Pegging) the system does not default the project and task segments
to the supply locators. You can optionally override the default and assign the project
and task to the supply locator. The system validates the project and task against the
project and task from the project discrete job header.

Project Discrete Job Component Issue Transaction

The system validates the supply locator for a Component Issue Transaction for a project
discrete job. The supply locator must satisfy one of the following criteria:
• No project/task reference on the supply locator.

• The project and task on the supply locator must match the project and task exactly
on the project discrete job.

• Same project but different task, if you check the parameter Allow Cross Project Issues
in the PJM Organization Parameters window.

• A different project with the same planning group association but not necessarily the
same cost group as the project on the project discrete job if you check the parameter
Allow Cross Project Issues in the PJM Organization Parameters window.

4-4    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Project Discrete Job Return Assembly to WIP Transaction
If you enter or update the project and task segments of the completion locator on a
Return Assembly to WIP Transaction, they must match the project and task exactly on
the project discrete job.

Project Discrete Job Component Return Transaction

If you enter or update the project and task segments of the supply locator on a
Component Return, they are validated and must satisfy one of the following criteria:
• No project/task reference on the supply locator.

• The project and task on the supply locator must exactly match the project and task
on the project discrete job.

• Same project but different task, if you check the Allow Cross Project Issues

• A different project with the same planning group association but not necessarily the
same cost group as the project on the project discrete job, if you check the Allow
Cross Project Issues parameter.

Project Work Order-less Completion

When you perform a project work order-less completion, you must specify the
assembly, quantity, project, or project and task, and other information. If you have set
up a default completion locator on the routing, the system defaults it in the transaction
for the transaction. If you have not set up a default completion locator, you can specify
one for the transaction. When the transaction is saved, the system defaults the project
and task from the transaction to the completion locator. The project and task
information on the transaction and the locator segments project and task must match.
When you perform a work order-less completion against a project flow schedule, the
system defaults the project and task information from the flow schedule into the project
and task fields and into the project and task segments in the locator. If you enter or
update the project and task segments of the locator on the Work order-less completion
transaction, they must match the project and task exactly on the project flow schedule
Work order-less completion automatically backflushes all operation pull, assembly pull,
and push components. The system builds the supply locators for the components by
concatenating the supply locator from the item and the project or project and task you

Note: You cannot use a project locator as completion locator or supply

locator for all the above transactions against a non-project (common)
discrete job.

Project Manufacturing Validations    4-5

Validations in Shipping
Validations in shipping include, validating pick release.

Pick Release
When you perform Pick Release for a project sales order, the system ensures that you
can only pick release from the project locators that have the same project and task as the
sales order line, unless you are in a Warehouse Management organization.
When you select Allow Cross Project Pickwave Allocation in the Project Parameters
page, pick release is allowed from project locators that have different project and tasks
for the sales order. While the Rule Engine takes precedence, the Allow Cross Project
Pickwave Allocation check box has to be enabled for the Rule Engine to work with
allocation from different projects and tasks.

Note: The Allow Cross Project Pickwave Allocation check box in the
Project Parameters page does not control cross project allocation in
non-WMS Organizations.

Related Topics
See Setting Up Picking Rules in the Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide
Overview of Pick Release, Oracle Shipping Execution User's Guide
Completing Discrete Jobs, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Overview of Building Discrete Jobs, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Project Jobs, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide
Approving Physical Inventory Adjustments, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Approving Cycle Count Adjustments, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Performing Miscellaneous Transactions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Transferring Between Subinventories, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Inter-Organization Transfers, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Receiving Transactions, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide

4-6    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Task Auto Assignment

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview of Task Auto Assignment
• Task Auto Assignment Process
• Task Auto Assignment FlexSequence
• Task Auto Assignment Rules Window
• Defining Material Task Assignment
• Resource Task Assignment
• WIP Material Task Assignment
• Copy Task Auto Assignment Rules
• Setup for Common Project in Task Auto Assignment

Overview of Task Auto Assignment

Task Auto Assignment enables you to manage manufacturing activities by project and
to collect manufacturing costs by tasks. Task Auto Assignment provides a flexible way
to specify how to allocate material and resource costs to different tasks within a project.
For example, when you establish the work breakdown structure for a project, you might
decide to track certain procured items by a specific task and others by a different task.
You might also decide to designate different tasks for different manufacturing
departments to track specific resource and overhead costs.
Additionally, a one-time setup feature, FlexSequence, enables you to change the seeded
hierarchy of the attributes in the Task Auto Assignment window.

Related Topics
Task Auto Assignment Flex Sequence, page 5-2
Task Auto Assignment Rules Window , page 5-6

Task Auto Assignment    5-1

Setup for Common Project in Task Auto Assignment, page 5-14

Task Auto Assignment Process

After Inventory and WIP transactions are costed and before they are cost collected, Task
Auto Assignment assigns a task to each transaction based on rules defined in the Task
Auto Assignment Rules window. When the transaction costs are transferred to Oracle
Projects, costs are collected under the desired task. The Task Cost Collector calls Auto
Assignment Rules during cost transfer.

Related Topics
Overview of Task Auto Assignment , page 5-1
Task Auto Assignment Flex Sequence, page 5-2
Task Auto Assignment Rules Window , page 5-6
Setup for Common Project in Task Auto Assignment, page 5-14

Task Auto Assignment FlexSequence

Use the Task Auto Assignment FlexSequence window to define how to display
materials, resource costs, and WIP Materials on the Task Auto Assignment Rules
window. You enter the sequence number, attributes and the corresponding prompts
that display on the Task Auto Assignment Rules window. You control which attributes
display and the corresponding rank according to task allocation on the Task Auto
Assignment Rules window.
1. Navigate to the Task Auto Assignment FlexSequence window. The Task Auto
Assignment FlexSequence window opens with the material tab highlighted.

5-2    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

2. Enter a Sequence Number on the Material Tab. The Sequence number determines
the order the attributes display on the rules window.

3. Select an Attribute from the list of Values. The available choices are as follows:
• Category
• Item Number

• PO Number

• Procured

• Subinventory
The prompt field populates automatically with the attribute name.
However you can change the prompt if desired.

4. Select the Resource Tab.

Task Auto Assignment    5-3

5. Enter a Sequence Number on the Resource Tab. The Sequence number determines
the order the attributes display on the rules window.

6. Select an Attribute from the list of values. The available choices are as follows:
• Operation
• WIP Prefix

• Assembly

• Department
The prompt field populates automatically with the attribute name.
However you can change the prompt if desired.

7. Select the WIP Material Tab.

5-4    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

8. Enter a sequence number on the WIP Material tab. The sequence number
determines the order the attributes display on the rules window.

9. Select an Attribute from the list of values. The available choices are as follows:
• Component
• Assembly

• Category

• Subinventory

• WIP Job Prefix

• Department

• Operation

• Transaction Type
The prompt field populates automatically with the attribute name.
However you can change the prompt if desired.

10. Save your work.

Related Topics
Overview of Task Auto Assignment, page 5-1
Task Auto Assignment Rules Window, page 5-6

Task Auto Assignment    5-5

Components, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
Operations, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
Defining a Department, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
Overview of Items, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Defining Subinventories, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Overview of Item Categories, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Overview of Purchase Orders, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide

Task Auto Assignment Rules Window

The Task Auto Assignment Rules window enables you to define task assignment rules
for material, resource, and WIP material transactions for a given organization. The
choices are as follows:
• Material Task Assignments- The system uses this information to assign a task
number for inventory and material overhead transactions. You can select any
combination of the following:
• Item

• Purchase Order Number

• Item Category

• Procured

• Resource Task Assignments- The system uses this information to assign a task
number for WIP resource transactions. You can select any combination of the
• Department

• Operation

• Assembly Item

• WIP prefix

• WIP Material Assignments- The system uses this information to assign a task
number for WIP Material Transactions such as WIP Materiel Issue, or WIP Material
Completion. You can select any combination of the following:
• Component

5-6    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

• Assembly

• Category

• Subinventory

• WIP Prefix

• Department

• Operation

• Transaction type of issue or completion

Defining Material Task Assignment

The Material Task Assignment tab enables you to associate a task with an item,
purchase order number, item category, subinventory, and procured flag. Task Auto
Assignment examines these factors and finds a rule that matches the material
transaction. It then assigns a task to the transaction. Material transactions include
miscellaneous receipt, miscellaneous issue, project transfer, purchase order receipt,
purchase order return, WIP material issue, WIP material return, and WIP completion.
If more than one rule matches the values of these attributes, Task Auto Assignment
looks for the rule that corresponds to the highest priority attribute. Attributes decrease
in priority from left to right. For example, suppose you have defined two rules for
project 1 in your Los Angeles organization. Both rules contain an Item Number A, but
one rule is based on a procure flag and the other on a subinventory name.

Task Item P.O. Number PO Flag Category Subinventor


T1 A   X    

T2 A       Stores

When you deliver a purchase order for item A into subinventory Stores, Task Auto
Assignment matches the transaction with the first rule and assigns task T1 to the
transaction. It picks the first rule, even though both contain matching fields, because the
attribute procure flag has been assigned a higher priority than the attribute
subinventory. The system uses the second rule when a project transfer is done.

To assign tasks to material transactions:

1. Navigate to the Material tab in the Task Auto Assignment Rules window.

Task Auto Assignment    5-7

2. Select a Project Number.

3. Select an Organization.
The LOV includes only organizations that have the project control level set to
Project and Project Cost Collection enabled for that inventory organization.

4. Select a Task Number.

This number must correspond to a task defined in Oracle Projects.

5. Optionally, enter a value for one or more of the following fields:

• PO Number- This is the purchase order number defined in Oracle Purchasing.
The LOV for this field shows only purchase order numbers with no receipts.
• Item Number- This number refers to the item number defined in Oracle

• Category- This is the Inventory Category of the item.

• Subinventory- This is the destination subinventory used in a transaction.

• PO Flag- This value can be set to Yes or null. If set to Yes, the system
assigns cost for procured items to the corresponding task.

Note: You cannot enter values in both the Item Number

5-8    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

field and the Category field for the same rule since you
associate only one Inventory Category to an item. You
cannot enter values in both the Procured field and the P.O.
Number field for the same rule.

6. Save your work.

Resource Task Assignment

The Resource Task Assignment tab enables you to associate a task with an operation,
WIP prefix, assembly, and department. For example, you might use different prefixes
for different types of work orders. Regular work orders may have a prefix of Wxxx,
while rework orders have the prefix RWxxx. Task Auto Assignment examines the
values entered in these fields and finds a rule that matches a resource transaction. It
then assigns the task to the resource transaction.
If more than one rule matches the transaction, Task Auto Assignment looks for the rule
that corresponds to the highest-priority attribute. Attributes decrease in priority from
left to right. For example, suppose you have defined two rules for project 1 in your Los
Angeles organization. Both rules contain an operation code Final Inspection, but one
rule is based on a WIP prefix and the other on a department code.

Task Operation Code WIP Prefix Assembly Department


T1 Final Inspection WIP    

T2 Final Inspection     AS2

When you perform a resource transaction for WIP2305 in the Final Inspection operation
in the AS2 department, Task Auto Assignment matches the transaction with the first
rule and assigns task T1 to the transaction. The reason it picks the first rule, even
though both contain matching fields, is that WIP prefix has a higher priority than
Department Code.

To assign WIP labor and overhead tasks:

1. Navigate to the Task Auto Assignment Rules window.

2. Select the Resource tab.

Task Auto Assignment    5-9

3. Select a Project Number.

4. Select a Task Number.

This number corresponds to a task defined in Oracle Projects.

5. Optionally, select a value for one or more of the following fields:

• Operation- A specific standard operation associated with the task.
• WIP Prefix- This enables you to assign specific tasks based on WIP Prefix.
Only non-released jobs show in the LOV. You can also enter a job number
created in Oracle Work in Process.

• Assembly- If you want to assign the task to a particular assembly, enter the
assembly item number in this field.

• Department- The department associated with the task.

6. Save your work.

WIP Material Task Assignment

The WIP Material tasks assignment tab enables you to enter rules for assigning tasks to
WIP Material transactions for a given project and organization. This allows you so
associate a task with a component, assembly, subinventory, WIP Prefix and transaction

5-10    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

type of issues or completion. If you do not setup WIP material rules, the system defaults
to basic material rules.

To assign tasks to project manufacturing transactions:

1. Navigate to the Task Auto Assignment Rules window.

2. Select the WIP Material Tab.

3. Select a Project Number.

4. Select a Task Number.

This number corresponds to a task defined in Oracle Projects.

5. Optionally, select a value for one or more of the following fields:

• Component- A component item associated with the assembly item.

• Transaction Type- Select a transaction type of Issue or Completion. Issue

transactions are component issues and returns, and negative component issues
and returns. Completion transactions are assembly completions and returns. If
you select a transaction type of completion, the Component, Standard
Operation, and Department fields are disabled.

• Operation- The specific standard operation associated with the task.

• WIP Prefix- This enables you to assign specific tasks based on WIP Prefix. Only

Task Auto Assignment    5-11

non-released jobs show in the LOV. You can also enter a job number created in
Oracle Work in Process.

• Assembly- If you want to assign the task to a particular assembly, enter the
assembly item number in this field.

• Department- This department associated with the task.

• Category- This is the Inventory Category of the transacted item. If you enter a
category for the item, you cannot enter a Component item, or an assembly item.

• Subinventory- This is the destination subinventory for the transacted item.

Related Topics
Defining a Department, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
Creating a Standard Operation, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
Defining Discrete Jobs Manually, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide
Components, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

Copy Task Auto Assignment Rules

If two projects contain a similar task structure, you can copy Task Auto Assignment
Rules from one project to another.

To copy task auto assignment rules:

1. Navigate to the Copy Rules window.

5-12    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

2. Select the desired Copy Rules For option from the drop down menu. Choices are as
• Current Organization- Copies the rules to the project for the current
• All Organizations- Copies the rules to the project for all organizations.

3. Enter the project number from which to copy the Task Auto Assignment Rules.

4. Select the desired Copy Option. Choices are as follows:

• Merge- Combines the rules for the two projects.
• Replace- Replaces the current rules with the copied rules.

5. Select the desired Match Option from the drop down list. The choices are as follows:
• Use Default Task-If the task structures for the project are not identical, the
system uses the default task of the current project to copy a rule.
• Skip Rule- If the task structures for the project are not identical, the system
does not copy the rule.

6. Choose Copy to copy the rules to the current project.

Task Auto Assignment    5-13

Related Topics
Task Auto Assignment Flex Sequence, page 5-2
Task Auto Assignment Rules Window , page 5-6
Setup for Common Project in Task Auto Assignment, page 5-14

Setup for Common Project in Task Auto Assignment

You can optionally set up a common project to hold the cost of manufacturing
transactions that are not associated with a specific project. This enables you to budget
for common costs and view commitments, actual and budgeted cost for your common
project on the standard Project Status Inquiry.
You can assign a common project if Cost Collection is enabled for the inventory
organization and Project Reference Enabled check box is checked. You can set up a
different common project for each inventory organization. You specify the common
project number on the PJM Organization Parameters window.
Task numbers for the common project are entered n the PJM Organization Parameters
window for an inventory organization. Default rules for the Common Project are
derived from the values entered in the PJM Organization Parameters and available in
the Task Auto Assignment Rules window. When you run the Cost Collector, the
common project is assigned to all transactions related to common items and the task
number are assigned based on the rules set up in the Task Auto Assignment Rules
For example, in Inventory Organization Los Angeles:
Common project in the PJM Organization Parameter = P2-Common
Task Auto Assignment Rules set up are as follows:

Task PO Number PO Flag Item Category Subinventory


The rule above results in all material transactions for common items to be assigned to
task 3.

Task Operation WIP Prefix Assembly Department


The rule above results in all resource transactions for common items to be assigned to

5-14    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

task 2.
When you perform a receiving transaction for a common (non-project) purchase order,
and run the Cost Collector, the material transaction are assigned the project
P2-Common and the task 3.0 based on the above setup.

Task Comp. Txn Op. WIP Dept Cat. Subinv Assem

Type Prefix


The rule above results in all WIP Material transactions for common items to be assigned
to task 2.

Related Topics
Task Auto Assignment FlexSequence, page 5-2
Task Auto Assignment Rules Window, page 5-6
Setup for Common Project in Task Auto Assignment, page 5-14

Task Auto Assignment    5-15

Model/Unit Numbers

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview of Model/Unit Number Effectivity
• Model/Unit Number Effectivity Example
• Generating Model/Unit Numbers
• Maintaining Model/Unit Numbers

Overview of Model/Unit Number Effectivity

You can control the effectivity of changes to bills of material and routings with
model/unit number effectivity. When you specify a model/unit number as the
effectivity, you can enter a particular change for a specific deliverable end item. The
change can be effective for that item and all subsequently produced items, for only one
model/unit number of the product family, or for a contiguous block of model/unit
numbers. This technique does not use date to control effectivity and therefore provides
a convenient way to specify engineering changes for products requiring a long lead
time. This change can occur at any level in the bill of material structure of the end item.
Model/unit effectivity provides many versions of the same end item part number. A
model/unit number consists of the alphanumeric prefix for the model/unit number of
the end item followed by the specific item number.

Note: Model/unit numbers are unique across organizations.

Note: If you want to issue material across unit numbers, you must
select the Allow Cross Unit Number Issues parameter in the Project
Manufacturing Parameters window.
See also

Model/Unit Numbers    6-1

Related Topics
Generating Model/Unit Numbers, page 6-4
Maintaining Model/Unit Numbers, page 6-6
Model/Unit Effectivity, Oracle Project Manufacturing Implementation Guide

Model/Unit Number Effectivity Example

The following figure demonstrates the use of model/unit effectivity to define item
configurations. In the following figures, shaded boxes for items F-90 Jet 10-101, Exhaust
Nozzle 20-101, Control System 30-101, and Fan Frame 30-103 represent a model/unit
effective item. All other items are date effective.

You can define components of a model/unit effective item to be effective for a single
model/unit number (for example, Fan Casing1 40-301), or defined to be effective for a
range of model/unit numbers (for example, Fan Casing2 40-302)
Note the following in the above bill of material definition:
1. Model/unit effective items can have date effective items or other model/unit
effective items as components. For example, F-90 Jet (10-101), has both date effective
(20-102 and 20-103) and model/unit effective (20-101) items as its components.

2. All components in the bill of a model/unit effective item must be effective for a
single model/unit number or for a range of model/unit numbers. This is also true
for date effective components of model/unit effective assemblies. For example, even

6-2    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

though Core (20-102) is a date effective item, you must specify a model/unit number
when the item appears on the bill of a model/unit effective parent, F-90 Jet (10-101).
Although components for a (sub)assembly could be comprised of date effective
items, you would still need to define their unit effectivity if the (sub)assembly is
unit effective.

3. Bills for date effective assemblies cannot have unit effective components and you
cannot enter model/unit effectivity on these bills. For example, Rotor Assembly
(40-303) is a date effective component in the bill of model/unit effective item Fan
Frame (30-103). The bill of Rotor Assembly can have only date effective items as its
components and you cannot specify model/unit numbers on the bill.

Explosion of an end item with a specific unit number yields different configurations of
the same end item.
The following figure shows the configuration for F-90 Jet (Item Number 10-101) with a
model/unit number F90-01.

Note: Only those model/unit number items with an 01 in their effective

range are included.

Similarly for a model/unit Number of F90-06, the configuration are as shown in the
following figure.

Model/Unit Numbers    6-3

Related Topics
Overview of Model/Unit Number Effectivity, page 6-1
Generating Model/Unit Numbers, page 6-4
Maintaining Model/Unit Numbers, page 6-6
Model/Unit Effectivity, Oracle Project Manufacturing Implementation Guide

Generating Model/Unit Numbers

Use the Generate Model/Unit Numbers window to define and generate model or unit
numbers associated with a specific end item number.

Note: Only those model/unit number items with an 06 in their effective

range are included.

Before generating model/unit numbers, you should do the following:

• Install Oracle Project Manufacturing

• Set up Project Organization Parameters

6-4    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

To generate model unit numbers:
1. Navigate to the Generate Model/Unit Numbers window.

2. Enter the following parameters:

• Select the item number.
• Enter the Prefix.

• Enter the Start number.

• Enter the Count, or quantity of numbers needed.

• Enter the Numeric Width or number of digits for each item number.

3. Choose Submit.

Related Topics
Overview of Model/Unit Number Effectivity, page 6-1
Model/Unit Effectivity Example, page 6-2
Maintaining Model/Unit Numbers, page 6-6
Model/Unit Effectivity, Oracle Project Manufacturing Implementation Guide

Model/Unit Numbers    6-5

Maintaining Model/Unit Numbers
Use the End Item Model/Unit Number windows to view and define new model/unit
numbers. You can add or modify comments only on previously defined model/unit

To view or modify model/unit numbers:

1. Navigate to the End Item Model/Unit Numbers window.

2. Select an end item.

3. View or enter the following:

• End Item Model
• Unit Number

• Comment

4. Save your work.

Related Topics
Overview of Model/Unit Number Effectivity, page 6-1
Model/Unit Effectivity Example, page 6-2
Generating Model/Unit Numbers, page 6-4

6-6    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Model/Unit Effectivity Example, page 6-2
Model/Unit Effectivity, Oracle Project Manufacturing Implementation Guide

Model/Unit Numbers    6-7

Inventory Transfers

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview of Inventory Transfers
• Recording Borrow/Payback Transactions
• Project Inventory Inquiries
• Payback Supply and Demand
• Project Mass Transfer

Overview of Inventory Transfers

Inventory Transfer enables parts to be moved between projects and manages the
replenishment accounting. The transaction is recorded and repayment made to the
lending project when the borrowing project receives a replenishment order. The
original cost of the material is transferred to the lending project, and the borrowing
project absorbs the difference in cost.
You can:
• Determine project inventory shortages and surpluses.

• Record borrow transaction.

• View borrow/payback related exception messages while planning your items.

• Manage inter-project loan balances.

• Implement orders (purchase orders or WIP jobs) to fulfill payback demand.

• Optionally view borrow/payback transactions using the dedicated transaction


• View outstanding loan summary balances and detail borrow/payback transactions.

Inventory Transfers    7-1

• Locate project on-hand to payback.

• Record payback transaction.

• Reschedule payback

• Permanently transfer all items from one project to another project.

Related Topics
Recording Borrow/Payback Transactions, page 7-2
Project Inventory Inquiries, page 7-5
Project Mass Transfer, page 7-15
Payback Supply and Demand, page 7-8

Recording Borrow/Payback Transactions

Borrow/Payback lets you transfer material between projects within your current
organization. Borrow/Payback transactions apply to temporary project-to-project
transfers. For additional information, see: Viewing Material Transactions, Oracle
Inventory User's Guide. When you enter a payback transaction, the system automatically
allocates the payback transaction to borrow transactions using a FIFO algorithm.

To enter a borrow/payback transaction:

1. Navigate to the Project Transfer window.

7-2    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

2. Enter the date and time of entry for the transaction.
The date you enter is controlled by the INV:Transaction Date Validation profile
option. See Oracle Inventory Profile Options, Oracle Inventory User's Guide .

3. Select the desired transaction type. The available choices are as follows:
• Project Borrow- Borrows items from a project
• Project Payback- Payback borrowed items to a project

• Project Transfer- Transfer Items to another project

4. Optionally, enter the source of the transaction type.

5. Optionally, indicate if you want inventory information to be defaulted from the

serial number.

6. Choose Transaction Lines in the Project Transfer window.

Inventory Transfers    7-3

7. Enter an inventory item to transfer. If you choose to default inventory information
from the serial number, enter a serial number.

8. Optionally, enter the revision for the item. You must enter a value here if the item is
under revision control.

9. Enter the subinventory to which to transfer material. Enter the same subinventory
in the Subinventory and To Subinv fields to transfer material between locators.

10. Enter the locator to which to transfer the item. In the Project Manufacturing
environment, the project and task are stored as segments in the locator flexfield.

11. Optionally, enter a lot number for the item. If you want to enter multiple lot
numbers, complete the remaining steps, then choose the Lot/Serial button to display
the Lot Entry window.

12. Select a unit of measure. This can be the primary unit of measure (the default) or
any valid alternate unit of measure.
If you enter an alternate unit of measure, Oracle Inventory issues the quantity you
specify in this unit of measure. Oracle Inventory also converts the quantity to the
primary unit of measure so that it can correctly update the on-hand quantity.

13. Enter the quantity of the inventory item to transfer, based on the unit of measure
you specified. If the item is under dual unit of measure control, the secondary unit
of measure and the secondary quantity populate automatically in the Secondary
UOM and Secondary Quantity fields.

7-4    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

14. Optionally, enter a reason code for the transaction. For example, you can use reason
codes to allow you to mark exceptional charges to support a quality data collection
and reporting system.

15. Optionally, enter up to 240 characters of free text that describes the transaction.

16. Select the Scheduled Payback Date. This field is mandatory for transfer type

17. Optionally, choose Lot/Serial. See: Assigning Serial Numbers, Oracle Inventory
User's Guide .

18. Save your work to process the transaction.

Project Inventory Inquiries

You can determine your project shortages and surpluses through inquiries such as:
• Inventory on-hand inquiry

• Supply and demand view

• Borrow/Payback inquiry for outstanding inter-project loan balances in Project


To view Borrow/Payback/Transfer Status information:

1. Navigate to the Find Project Borrow/Payback window.

2. In the Find/Borrow/Payback Transaction window:

• Select Borrowing Project

Inventory Transfers    7-5

• Optionally, enter Borrowing Task

• Select Lending Project

• Optionally, enter Lending Task

• Optionally, select Item Number and its Revision

• Optionally, enter Aging Bucket. The default is 30 days.

3. Choose Find.

The following information is displayed in the Project Borrow/Payback Summary

window: Item Number, Rev, quantity in aging buckets, and Outstanding Quantity.

4. Select an item to display its borrowing project and task and its lending project.

5. Select an item row and choose Details to access the Project BorrowPayback Details
folder window.

7-6    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

The number and name for the following information is displayed in the upper
portion of the window: Borrowing Project, Borrowing task, Lending Project,
Lending Task, and Item/Revision. Line details are shown for the following
information: Transaction Type, Transaction ID, Borrow Txn ID, Transaction Date,
Scheduled Date, Loan Quantity, Outstanding Qty, Payback Quantity, and Aging

To drill down to the transaction detail:

1. Select an Item.

2. Choose Transaction to drill down to the transaction in the Material Transactions

window. See: Viewing Material Transactions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide.

To Reschedule Payback:
1. Select a row on the Project Borrow/Payback Details window.

2. Choose the Reschedule Payback button to drill to the Reschedule Payback window.

Inventory Transfers    7-7

You can view the scheduled payback date and can enter a new payback date in this

3. Save your work.

Related Topics
Recording Borrow/Payback Transactions, page 7-2

Payback Supply and Demand

Two order types exist in Project MRP to distinguish demand and supply resulting from
a borrow/payback transaction in Project Manufacturing. Planning recognizes a
scheduled project payback transaction as a supply for the lending project and a demand
for the borrowing project. The scheduled payback date is used as the supply date for
the lending project and demand date for the borrowing project. The two order types
1. Payback Demand

2. Payback Supply

You can use these order types to search for borrow/payback demand/supply. You can
also see these order types on the planner workbench. The following example illustrates
how payback demand and payback supply are treated in a plan.
If you want to view the payback demand and payback supply on the horizontal
material plan, check the Payback Demand and Payback Supply check boxes under
See Reviewing the Horizontal Plan, in Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP User's Guide and
Oracle Supply Chain User's Guide.

7-8    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Plan Options
Reservation Level: Project Task Hard Pegging Level: Project Task
On performing the following borrow transactions for Item SB-1:

Item Quantity Lending Project Borrowing Payback Date


SB-1 60 P1,T1 P2,T2 Period 1

SB-1 50 P3,T3 P4,T4 Period 3

The results of running MRP with the above transactions along with some additional
MDS demands is shown below. In the example below, the demand for 80 (P1,T1),
100(P3, T3) and 150 (P2,T2) are MDS demands. The example assumes a zero lead time
for the item.

SB-1 MRP Planned Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

Demand 80 (P1,T1)   150 (P2,T2)

60 (P2,T2) Payback 50 (P4,T4) Payback

demand demand

Scheduled Receipts 60 (P1,T1) Payback   50 (P3,T3) Payback

supply supply

Planned Orders 20 (P1,T1)   100 (P2,T2)

60 (P2,T2) 50 (P4,T4)

Since the borrowed quantity of 60 is scheduled to be paid back in period 1, a payback

demand is created for project P2, T2. This also results in a corresponding payback
supply for project P1, T1. Similarly the second borrow/payback transaction for item
SB-1 results in payback demand for 50(P4, T4) and payback supply for 50(P3, T3) in
period 3.
Notice that the planned orders carry the project and task references of the borrowing
project. Also, the payback supply is treated as firm and MRP does not suggest any
reschedules or cancellations for the payback supply.

Costing of Borrow Transactions

The system costs borrow transactions in the same manner as a regular transfer from the

Inventory Transfers    7-9

lending project to the borrowing project. If the lending project and the borrowing
project belong to the same cost group, or if the borrow transaction is between two tasks
within the same project, the system does not perform average cost recalculation because
the transferred item remains in the same cost group.

Costing of Payback Transactions

For the borrowing project, the system decrements the on-hand quantity by the payback
quantity and credits the borrowing cost group inventory valuation by the payback
quantity extended by the current average cost of the payback item. The system records
any difference between the current average cost and the original borrow transaction as
a variance.
For the lending project, the system increases on-hand quantity by the payback quantity
and debits the lending cost group inventory valuation by the payback quantity
extended by the original borrowing cost. The average cost of the payback item is
re-averaged based on the new aggregate inventory valuation for the item and the
current on-hand quantity.
In the example of a borrow/payback transaction shown in the table below, Project B is
the borrowing project and Project L is the lending project. If a payback transaction was
allocated to multiple borrow transactions, the increase in inventory valuation for the
lending project is the sum of the allocated payback quantity extended by the original
borrowing cost for each borrow transaction.

Description Quantity Each ($) Total ($)

Beginning Balance in      
Cost Groups for Item

Cost Group for 0 0 0

Project B

Cost Group for 5 10 50

Project L

Project B borrows      
Quantity 1 Item A

Transaction Detail for      

Borrow Transaction

DebitProject B Cost 1 10 10
Group Inventory

7-10    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Description Quantity Each ($) Total ($)

Credit Project L Cost (1) (10) (10)

Group Inventory

Project B issues Item      

A to WIP

Transaction Detail for      

WIP Issue

Debit Project B WIP 1 10 10

Job Accounting Class

Credit Project B Cost (1) (10) (10)

Group Inventory

Project B Receives      
Quantity 20 Item A @

Debit Project B Cost 20 12 240

Group Inventory

Credit PO Receipt 20 12 240

Accrual Account

Balance in Cost      
Groups for Item A

Cost Group for 20 12 240

Project B

Cost Group for 4 10 40

Project L

Project B does      
Payback Transaction
to Project L

Inventory Transfers    7-11

Description Quantity Each ($) Total ($)

Transaction Detail for      

Payback Transaction

Debit Project L Cost 1 10 10

Group Inventory

Credit Project B Cost (1) (12) (12)

Group Inventory

Debit Project B Cost 2

Group Payback
Variance Account

If the borrowing project and the lending project belong to the same cost group, or if the
payback transaction is between two tasks within the same project, the average cost in
the borrowing project is not recalculated because the transfer item remains in the same
cost group, and no variance is recorded.
The following table shows the effect of a Borrow/Payback between two tasks on the
same project.

Description Quantity Each ($) Total ($)

Beginning Balance in      
Cost Group for Item

Project Locator for 0 10 0

Project B, Task 1

Project Locator for 5 10 50

Project B, Task 2

Project B Task 1      
borrows Quantity 1
Item A from Task 2

Transaction Detail      
for Borrow

7-12    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Description Quantity Each ($) Total ($)

Debit Project B Cost 1 10 10

Group Inventory

Credit Project B Cost (1) (10) (10)

Group Inventory

Project B Task 1      
issues Item A to WIP

Transaction Detail      
for WIP Issue

Debit Project B WIP 1 10 10

Job Accounting Class

Credit Project B Cost (1) (10) (10)

Group Inventory

Project B Task 1      
Receives Quantity 20
Item A @ $12

Debit Project B Cost 20 12 240

Group Inventory

Credit PO Receipt 20 12 240

Accrual Account

Balance in Cost      
Group for Item A

Project Locator for 20 11.67 233.33

Project B, Task 1

Project Locator for 4 11.67 46.67

Project B, Task 2

Inventory Transfers    7-13

Description Quantity Each ($) Total ($)

Project B Task 1 does      

Payback Transaction
to Task 2

Transaction Detail      
for Payback

Debit Project B Cost 1 10.00 10.00

Group Inventory

Credit Project B Cost (1) (11.67) (11.67)

Group Inventory

Debit Project B Cost     1.67

Group Payback
Variance Account

Balance in Cost      
Group for Item A

Project Locator for 19 11.60 220.40

Project B, Task 1

Project Locator for 5 11.60 46.40

Project B, Task 2

The payback transaction results in the reduction of the cost group cost of the item from
$11.67 to $11.60. This reduction is caused by re-averaging at the borrow cost, with the
difference of $1.67 (24 items @ $.07) charged to the payback variance account.

Posting of Borrow / Payback Variance to Projects

You can define a new Borrow/Payback variance account at the cost group level. The
difference between the current average cost and the original borrowing cost posts to the
new account for the borrowing project cost group.
In addition, the variance amount is posted to Oracle Projects against the borrowing
project as a material expenditure.

7-14    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Related Topics
See Overview of Project MRP in Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP User's Guide and Oracle
Supply Chain Planning User's Guide.

Project Mass Transfer

Project mass transfer enables you to transfer all items of a project to another project, and
sends appropriate workflow notifications to the project manager. If the project manager
on the from and to projects is different, an approval is required from both project
managers before the system processes the transaction. If the project manager is the same
for both projects, the system generates a notification.

To mass transfer items to another project:

1. Navigate to the Project Mass Transfer Wizard.

2. Enter the Transfer date.

3. Optionally, select the transaction Reason from the list of values.

4. Optionally, enter a transaction reference. This reference appears in the workflow


5. Select a transaction process mode. See: Setting Transactions Processing Profile

Inventory Transfers    7-15

Options, Oracle Inventory User's Guide.

6. Choose Next.

7. Select the item Range from the drop down list. The values are as follows:

• All Items- Transfers all items from the project to a different project.
• Specific Item- Transfers all on-hand quantity of an item from one project to
another project.

• Category- Transfers all items assigned to a category from one project to

another project.

8. Enter the Item Number if you selected Specific Item in the range field.

9. Enter the Category if you selected Category in the range field.

10. Choose Next.

7-16    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

11. Enter the Transfer from Project Number. This is the project from which you are
transferring the items.

12. Enter the Transfer to Project Number. This is the project to which you are
transferring the items.

13. Choose Next.

14. Select one or more tasks to transfer the items to different tasks. In a Project
controlled organization, you can also select project to transfer the items to the
project level.

Inventory Transfers    7-17

15. Choose Next

16. Choose Start to initiate the Transfer.

7-18    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

17. Choose finish.

Inventory Transfers    7-19

Related Topics
Overview of Item Categories, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Overview of Items, Oracle Inventory User's Guide
Defining Transaction Reasons, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

7-20    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Project Manufacturing Inquiry

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Overview of the Project Manufacturing Inquiry
• Viewing Project Details
• Details for Project Manufacturing Inquiry
• Project Details in Project Manufacturing Inquiry
• Details for Seiban Inquiry
• Project Manufacturing Column Details
• Expenditures and Commitments
• Purchase Orders, Requisitions, Quotations, RFQs, and Blanket Releases
• WIP Jobs
• Sales Orders and Onhand Availability
• Line Schedules
• Cost Activity
• Viewing Project Cost Activities

Overview of the Project Manufacturing Inquiry

You can use the project manufacturing inquiry to analyze Oracle Projects and Oracle
Project Manufacturing data. You can access the project and project and task details from
the two options respectively. You can also access the selected transactional details. This
inquiry provides you with access to all project information.
In the Project Manufacturing Inquiry, you can search for a project using project number,
project name, or project description. You can then access details for a project from the
list of projects that matched your search criteria. The following information is provided
for each project: project number, project name, project description, project type, start
date, project status, end date, category, and organization name.

Project Manufacturing Inquiry     8-1

In the Project details page, you can view the project information and review additional
details for the project including budgets, expenditures, commitments, RFQs, quotations,
requisitions, purchase orders, blanket releases, sales orders, onhand balances, onhand
values, WIP jobs, line schedules, and cost activities. All inquiries in the Project details
page display the project header information and include project number, project name,
project description, project type, start date, project status, end date, category, and
organization name.
In the Task details page, you can view the task information. Available details include
RFQs, quotations, requisitions, purchase orders, blanket releases, sales orders, onhand
balances, WIP jobs, and line schedules. All inquiries in the Task details page display the
task header information and include project number, project name, project description,
task number, task name, manager, task start date, and task end date.

Viewing Project Details

Profile Options
Before you can use the Project Manufacturing Inquiry, the following profile names must
be defined in the System Administrator responsibility at the Site level:
• PA: Reporting Budget 1 (Cost) (Default: Approved Cost Budget)

• PA: Reporting Budget 2 (Cost) (Default: Forecasted Cost Budget)

• PA: Reporting Budget 3 (Revenue) (Default: Approved Revenue Budget)

• PA: Reporting Budget 4 (Revenue) (Default: Forecasted Revenue Budget)

• MO: Operating Unit (Default: Vision Project Manufacturing)

To launch the project manufacturing inquiry:

1. Select one of the following methods:
• Navigate to the Project Manufacturing Inquiry from the Navigator menu in
Oracle Applications,

• Use the web browser through the self service applications.

If you enter through the web browser you need to provide a user name and
password to log into the system. Then select the Project Manufacturing Inquiry

2. Select the desired inquiry type.

8-2    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

• Project Manufacturing Inquiry
You can access all Oracle Projects and Oracle Project Manufacturing
information for a particular project.
• Seiban Inquiry
With this inquiry type, you can access all Oracle Project Manufacturing
information for a particular Seiban number.

3. Select the search criteria. The following search criteria are available by default for
each inquiry type.
• Project Manufacturing Inquiry
• Project Number

• Project Name

• Project Description

• Manager Name

• Project Status

• Project Organization Name

• Seiban Inquiry
• Project Number

• Project Name

• Operating Unit

Once you select a project from the list of projects that matched your search criteria,
you can access the details.

Related Topics
Profile Options, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide

Details for Project Manufacturing Inquiry

Use the Projects details page to view inquiry details for project manufacturing
information. Select a project using the Project Number, Project Name, Manager, Project
Status, Project Organization or Project Type.

Project Manufacturing Inquiry     8-3

When you select a project, you can access the following information for each project:
project number, project name, start date, completion date, manager name, project status,
project organization name, project type.

You can select the Details tab to view: PTD revenue, PTD cost, PTD margin, YTD
revenue, cost, YTD margin, YTD margin percentage, YTD revenue, YTD cost, YTD
margin, YTD margin percentage, total revenue budget, backlog, backlog percentage,
commitments, and total cost.

8-4    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

The calculations for the displayed views are as follows:
PTD Margin = PTD Revenue - PTD Burdened Cost
PTD Margin% = PTD Margin/ PTD Revenue
ITD Margin = ITD Revenue - ITD Burdened Cost
ITD Margin% = ITD Margin / ITD Revenue
YTD Margin = YTD Revenue - YTD Burdened Cost
YTD Margin% = YTD Margin/ YTD Revenue
Backlog = Primary Budgeted Revenue Amount - ITD Revenue (if ITD revenue is >
Primary Budgeted revenue amount then backlog = 0)
Backlog% = Backlog / Primary Budgeted Revenue Amount
Total Cost = Total Cost ITD + Committed Burden Amount

Project Details in Project Manufacturing Inquiry

In the Project details page, you can view the project information and review additional
details for the project including expenditures, commitments, RFQs, quotations,
requisitions, purchase orders, blanket releases, sales orders, onhand balances, onhand
values, WIP jobs, line schedules, and cost activities.

Project Manufacturing Inquiry     8-5

You can also access the task details by selecting a task number in the task summary,
which includes a list of valid tasks for a project. The task summary contains details on
the task number, task name, description, manager, start date, and end date. All
inquiries in the Project details page display the project header information and includes
project number, project name, project description, project type, start date, project status,
end date, category, and organization name.

Task Details in Project Manufacturing Inquiry

You can also select Task details from the view list and access the following task
information and project/task details related to: RFQs, quotations, requisitions, purchase
orders, blanket releases, sales orders, onhand balances, WIP jobs, and line schedules. All
inquiries in the Task details page display the task header information including project
number, project name, project description, task number, task name, manager, task start
date, and task end date.

8-6    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Details for Seiban Inquiry
The following information is provided for each project in the Seiban Inquiry page and
you can search for a project on the basis of: project number, project name, and operating

Details in Seiban Numbers Inquiry

In the Seiban Numbers details page, you can view the project information and you can
then choose to review additional details for the project including RFQs, quotations,
requisitions, purchase orders, blanket releases, sales orders, onhand balances, onhand
values, WIP jobs, line schedules and cost activities. All inquiries in the Seiban Numbers
details page displays the project header information and includes project number,
project name, project description, project type, start date, project status, end date,
category, and organization name.

Project Manufacturing Inquiry     8-7

Related Topics
Project Manufacturing Column Details, page 8-8

Project Manufacturing Column Details

You can view the column details for each specific project or task in the Project
Manufacturing Inquiry. The following is a list of the column details:
• Expenditures and Commitments, page 8-8

• Purchase Orders and Requisitions, page 8-9

• WIP Jobs, page 8-12

• Sales Orders and Onhand Values , page 8-15

• Line Schedules, page 8-18

• Cost Activity , page 8-19

Expenditures and Commitments

To view expenditures for a project

• Select Expenditures from the view list in the Project Details page and click Go.
The following information is displayed: task number, expenditure type,
expenditure category, revenue category code, expenditure organization, and
expenditure item date. When you select a task number, you can view the following

8-8    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

details: project functional currency code, burdened cost, accrued revenue, bill
amount, quantity, UOM, project currency code, project burdened cost, project raw
revenue, project bill amount, non labor resource, non labor resource organization,
bill transaction currency code, bill transaction, bill amount, supplier name,
employee name employee number, and job name.

To view project commitments

• Select Commitments in the view list in the Project Details page for the selected
The following information is displayed: task number, task name, commitment
number, expenditure type, expenditure organization, commitment date,
commitment type, and supplier. When you select a specific task number you can
view, task name, commitment line number, quantity, UOM, project currency code,
commitment amount, burdened cost, requester, buyer, need by date, promised date,
approved, approved date, denom currency code, denom raw cost, denom burdened
cost, account currency code, account raw cost, account burdened cost, account rate
date, account rate type, account exchange rate, receipt currency code, receipt
currency amount, receipt exchange rate, project rate date, project rate type, project
exchange rate, transaction source, commitment rejection code, and description.

Purchase Orders, Requisitions, Quotations, RFQs, and Blanket Releases

The following steps describe how to view purchase orders, project requisitions,
quotations, and blanket release details in the Project Manufacturing/Seiban Inquiry.

Project Manufacturing Inquiry     8-9

To view purchase orders:
1. Select Purchase Orders in the view list in the Project/Task/Seiban Numbers details
Purchase order summary includes the following information for each project
purchase order: PO number, item number, document type, order date, amount, and
currency. The purchase order summary lines also display the amounts at the PO
Line number, Shipment number, and the Distribution number. When you select a
PO number, you can view details relating to currency, status, revision number,
revised date, supplier, supplier site, ship-to location, ship via, freight term, FOB,
buyer, bill to location, payment term, item description, and unit number.

To view project requisitions:

1. Select Requisitions from the view list in the Project/Task/Seiban Numbers details
The following information is displayed: requisition number, item number, creation
date, type, approval status, total, and currency. Select a requisition number to view
the following details: description, approver, closed, cancelled, preparer, item
description, and unit number.

8-10    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

To view project quotations:
1. Select Quotations from the view list in the Project/Task/Seiban Numbers details
The following information is displayed: quotation number, quotation type,
quotation class, quotation status, and RFQ number. Select a quotation number to
view details on effective date, expiration date, supplier, and buyer.

To view project RFQs:

1. Select RFQs from the view list in the Project/Task/Seiban Numbers details page.
The following information is displayed: RFQ number, status, buyer, reply date, and
close date.

To view project blanket releases:

1. Select Blanket Releases in the Project/Task/Seiban Numbers details page.

Project Manufacturing Inquiry     8-11

The following information is displayed: PO number, release number, item number,
document type, order date, amount, and currency. The summary lines also display
the amounts at the PO Line/Shipment/Distribution level. Select a PO number to
view details on status, closure status, revision number, revised date, printed date,
supplier, supplier contact, supplier site, ship-to-location, ship via, freight terms,
FOB, buyer, bill-to-location, payment terms, item description, and unit number.

WIP Jobs

To view project WIP jobs:

1. Select WIP Jobs in the Project/Task/Seiban Numbers details page.

8-12    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

The following information is displayed for each WIP job: Job Name, Job Class, Job
Status, Organization Name, Assembly, Start date, Job description, , Assembly
Description, Unit Number, Completion Date, Start Quantity, UOM, Quantity
Completed, Quantity Remaining, Quantity Scrapped, and BOM Revision.

2. You can view the desired details for each WIP job by selecting the operations and
the components view in the page.

To view project components:

1. Click View Components in the project WIP Jobs page and select an item.

Project Manufacturing Inquiry     8-13

The following information is displayed: item, primary UOM, operation sequence
number, WIP supply type, supply subinventory, supply locator, item description,
department code, component serial, comments, quantity per assembly, required
quantity, quantity issued, and quantity open.

To view operations for a project:

1. Click View Operations in the project WIP Jobs page and select an operation
sequence number.

8-14    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

The following information is displayed: operation sequence number, operation
code, department code, description, scheduled quantity, quantity rejected, quantity
scrapped, quantity completed, description, quantity in queue, quantity running,
quantity waiting to move, first unit start date, first unit completion date, last unit
start date, last unit completion date, previous operation sequence number, next
operation sequence number, count point type, count point, autocharge, backflush,
minimum transfer quantity, and date last moved.

2. Select View Operation Components to view the list of components at the selected
The following information is displayed: item, primary UOM, operation sequence
number, WIP supply type, supply subinventory, supply locator, item description,
department code, component serial, comments, quantity per assembly, required
quantity, quantity issued, and quantity open

Sales Orders and Onhand Availability

The following procedures describe how to view sales orders and onhand availability.

To view onhand balances for your project:

1. Select Onhand Balances for your project in the Project/Task/Seiban Number details

Project Manufacturing Inquiry     8-15

Onhand balances are displayed by organization, by item, by subinventory and by
locator for each project. The following information is displayed: organization name,
item, item description, subinventory, locator, primary UOM, and total onhand

To view project sales orders:

1. Go to Sales Orders in the Project/Task/Seiban Numbers details page for the selected
project and choose an order number.

The following information is displayed: order number, item number, order

category, order type, order amount, order currency, order date, request date, PO
number, freight terms, payment terms, customer number, customer name, cancelled
flag, ship to location, ship method, ship priority, allow partial ship, bill to location,
tax exempt, item description, and unit number.

8-16    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

To view project onhand values:
1. Select Onhand Values for a project in the Project/Task/Seiban Numbers details page
and select an item.

Onhand values are displayed based on item, organization and cost group. The
following information is displayed: item number, organization name, cost group,
quantity onhand, unit cost, extended inventory value, currency, cost group
description, extended material value, total material overhead value, extended
resource value, total outside processing value, and extended overhead value.
Extended value is calculated as follows:
extended inventory value = quantity onhand * unit cost
You can see the extended value of each of the cost elements as extended material
value, extended material overhead value, extended resource value, extended
outside processing value, and extended overhead value.
To access the cost history details of an item, click on an item to view the Item Cost
History page. Select a transaction and access the cost history details of the
transaction which include: transaction costed date, transaction date, prior costed
quantity, primary quantity, new quantity, transaction type, cost change, actual cost,
actual material, actual material overhead, actual resource, actual overhead, prior
cost, prior material, prior material overhead, prior resource, prior overhead, new
cost, new material, new material overhead, new resource, and new overhead.

Project Manufacturing Inquiry     8-17

Line Schedules

To view project line schedules:

1. Select Line Schedules from the list in the Project/Task/Seiban Numbers details
page.The following information is displayed: line, planned quantity, quantity
completed, and variance quantity.

2. Select the line to view the following item information: includes line, item number,
planned quantity, quantity completed, and variance quantity.

3. You can access the detailed, daily and weekly line schedules for each line in the
Schedule Items window.

To view line schedule details:

1. Select Detail for the selected line schedule.
The following information is displayed: line, project number, task number, source,
schedule number, item number, start date, completion date, planned quantity,
quantity completed, and variance quantity.

To view the daily schedule:

1. Select Daily button for the selected line schedule.
The following information is displayed: line, item number, scheduled date, planned
quantity, quantity completed, and variance quantity.

8-18    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

To view the weekly schedule:
1. Select Weekly for the selected line schedule.
The following information is displayed: line, item number, scheduled date, planned
quantity, quantity completed, and variance quantity.
You can use OA Personalization to customize the columns displayed on Project
Manufacturing Inquiry. You can change/customize column prompts and display
sequences also.

Note: Check with the system administrator for more information

on changing/customizing columns

The PJM Inquiry utilizes the views which were designed for Oracle Projects
Discoverer Workbooks. All amount columns are from the
PA_RPT_PRJ_SUMMARY view. Project attributes are from the
All amounts are based on the current Projects reporting period. Although this
period is not shown on the PJM Inquiry, the amounts are based on the most recent
summarization of the current reporting period.
Note that the Expenditure Drill may not foot with the project summary amounts
due to the fact that the Expenditure Drill contains all expenditure items, including
those that may not be summarized.

Cost Activity
The Cost Activity Workbench summarizes manufacturing costs by element according to
task or project. It provides a tool for summarizing manufacturing costs for a project to
facilitate reconciliation with cost in Oracle Projects. Using this Workbench, you can see
project totals at the cost element level for on-hand inventory, work-in-process, and sales
order issues as well as project and cost group variances and standard and average cost
update amounts. You can access details that comprise the totals displayed on the
Workbench. For example, you can see a listing of WIP jobs that comprise the WIP
Value, items that comprise the onhand value, sales orders that comprise the sales order
issues, and purchase orders that comprise the purchase price variance. Note that sales
order issues are added back into the total on the Workbench to reflect total incurred
manufacturing cost (not inventory balance) to match the cost held in Oracle Projects.
Cost Group level variances, such as Average and Standard Cost Updates, are not
passed to Oracle Projects. These adjustments are included in a separate section of the
Workbench for easy identification in reconciling cost between Manufacturing and
Oracle Projects.
SeeViewing Project Cost Activities, page 8-20

Project Manufacturing Inquiry     8-19

Viewing Project Cost Activities

To view project cost activity:

1. Select Cost Activities from the list on the Project/Seiban Numbers details page.
The Cost Activity workbench displays the cost accounts for the project. You can
view the details for each cost source. The displayed information is as follows:

• Cost Source-The costing source such as the WIP Value Summary, WIP
Variance, Purchase Price Variance, Sales Order Issues, Project Level Variances,
and Onhand Value. Select a source summary, you can see the individual details
such as item value.

• Material- The raw material/component cost at the lowest level of the bill of
material determined from the unit cost of the component item

• Material Overhead-The overhead cost of material, calculated as a percentage of

the total cost, or as a fixed charge per item, lot, or activity. You can use material
overhead for any costs attributed to direct material costs. If you use Work in
Process, you can also apply material overhead at the assembly level using a
variety of allocation charge methods.

• Resource- Direct costs, such as people (labor), machines, space, or

miscellaneous charges, required to manufacture products. Resources can be
calculated as the standard resource rate times the standard units on the routing,
per operation, or as a fixed charge per item or lot passing through an operation

8-20    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

• Outside Processing-This is the cost of outside processing purchased from a
supplier. Outside processing may be a fixed charge per item or lot processed, a
fixed amount per outside processing resource unit, or the standard resource
rate times the standard units on the routing operation. To implement outside
processing costs, you must define a routing operation, and use an outside
processing resource.

• Overhead- The overhead cost of resource and outside processing, calculated as

a percentage of the resource or outside processing cost, as a fixed amount per
resource unit, or as a fixed charge per item or lot passing through an operation.
Overhead is used as a means to allocate department costs or activities. For
example, you can define multiple overhead sub-elements to cover both fixed
and variable overhead, each with its own rate. You can assign multiple
overhead sub-elements to a single department, and vice versa.

• Total-The total of the cost elements for the cost source.

Related Topics
Viewing Project Details, page 8-2
Cost Structure, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide
Profile Options, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide

Project Manufacturing Inquiry     8-21

Transfer of Invoice Charges

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Transfer of Invoice Charges Overview
• Define Expenditure Types for Invoice Charges

Transfer of Invoice Charges Overview

This process enables you to transfer Invoice Price Variances (IPV), Exchange Rate
Variances (ERV), Tax Rate Variances (TRV), and other special charges including freight,
tax and miscellaneous costs for invoices matched to project PO distributions or receipts
with a destination of Inventory or Shop Floor. The amounts are transferred to Oracle
Projects as project expenditures.
The invoice amount for a purchased inventory item may not match the purchase order
cost because of a difference in item price, a change in the exchange rate for items
purchased in a currency other than the functional currency of the Set of Books, or
additional charges such as freight, tax, and other miscellaneous charges.
You can recognize actual paid invoice cost for your purchased inventory items in Oracle
Projects. You can transfer any difference between the AP invoice amount and the PO
amount for project and common project inventory items to Oracle Projects.

Define Expenditure Types for Invoice Charges

The process uses the different expenditure types (IPV, ERV, Freight, Tax, and
Miscellaneous Charges) held in the Project Parameters window for each project. Default
expenditure types specified in the PJM Organization Parameters window are used for
common project related invoices. If you do not check the Transfer to PA checkbox in the
PJM Organization Parameters window for a particular invoice charge type, the transfer
program assumes you do not wish to transfer any invoice charges for that charge type.

Transfer of Invoice Charges    9-1

To transfer invoice chargers:
1. Match the invoice to project purchase orders or receipts. See: Entering Purchase
Order Matched Invoices,

2. Allocate tax, freight, and miscellaneous charges. You can allocate these charges to
multiple projects if the purchase order has multiple distributions to more than one
• You can remove holds, if any.

3. Validate the invoice.

• Perform 'Create Accounting'.

• View the accounting entries to ensure Create Accounting status is set as Yes to
transfer variances from Accounts Payable to Oracle Projects.

4. Post the invoice to the General Ledger using the Payables Accounting Process. The
transfer to GL can be run as a separate process or as a part of the Payables
Accounting Process.

5. Once the invoice has been accounted, submit the concurrent program Transfer
Project Invoice Charges. See:Transfer Project Invoice Charges Request, page 10-12 .

6. If you have chosen not to submit the PA Transaction Import from the Transfer
Project Invoice Charges program, submit the Transaction Import to PA concurrent
If you are submitting the PA transaction import as a separate process, run the
request for the source = Inventory to import the invoice charges to PA.
Use Review Transactions window to verify the data that has been transferred to
Oracle Projects and resolved any problems that the Transaction Import program has

7. Optionally, run a process that adds the invoice charges to the on-hand value of
items in the project cost group to balance your inventory cost to the cost held in
Oracle Projects. For additional information, see: Project Manufacturing Costing,
Oracle Cost Management User's Guide.

Receipt Adjustments
The invoice charge transfer process does not transfer any receipt adjustments made
after the invoice has been matched to a receipt.

9-2    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Non-Recoverable Tax
Only non-recoverable (VAT) tax is picked and transferred to PA.

Transfer of Project Inventory Items

You can transfer an item from one project to another at the current average cost of
the item in the sending project cost group. If you previously transferred invoice
charges to Oracle Projects for the sending project item prior to making the project
cost transfer to another project, the additional invoice charges does not
automatically transfer to the receiving project. You should run the Average Cost
Update - Transfer Invoice Variance process to update the cost of the item in the
sending project cost group prior to transferring the item to another project. An
example appears below.
PO cost of Qty 1 of Item X in Project S Cost Group = $10
Invoice Cost of Item X for Project S = $12
You run the process to transfer Invoice Charge of $2 to Oracle Projects for Item X,
but you do not run Average Cost Update - Transfer Invoice Variance
You transfer Qty 1 of Item X from Project S to Project R @ $10 (average cost in
Project S cost group)
Project S in Oracle Projects has the following expenditures:
$10 - PO Cost of Item X
$2 - Invoice Charge for Item X
($10) - Project Cost Transfer of Item X to Project R
Result $2 Invoice Charge for Item X remains on Project S after item is transferred. If
you had run Average Cost Update - Transfer Invoice Variance for Item X in Project
S Cost Group prior to making project cost transfer, Item X would have been
transferred at $12 and no cost would remain in Oracle Projects for Item X in Project

Related Topics
Matching to Receipts, Oracle Accounts Payable User's Guide.
Entering Purchase Order Matched Invoices, Oracle Accounts Payable User's Guide.

Transfer of Invoice Charges    9-3

Reports and Processes

This chapter covers the following topics:

• Project Schedule Exception Report - WIP
• Project Schedule Exception Report - Procurement Activities
• Project Schedule Exception Report - Sales Order
• Overdue Project WIP Jobs Report
• Overdue Project Procurement Activities Report
• Overdue Undemanded Project Sales Orders Report
• Project Schedule Exception Notification
• Transfer Project Invoice Charges Request

Project Schedule Exception Report - WIP

You can launch the exceptions report for a single project or range of projects. This
compares the project schedule dates with the dates on the WIP jobs. The report lists
exceptions for all project WIP jobs that satisfy the following conditions:
• WIP Job is not complete, closed, or cancelled.

• The Job start date is earlier than Task Start Date or the Job WIP Job is not complete,
closed, or cancelled.

• The Job start date is earlier than Task Start Date or the Job completion date is later
than the task completion date after providing for the defined tolerance. Create only
one exception notification per WIP Job.

• Either the WIP Job start date or WIP job completion date appears within the
specified date range.

Reports and Processes    10-1

Report Submission
Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Project Schedule
Exception Report - WIP.

Report Parameters

Order by
Select the sequence the output display sequence. You can choose from organization/job
name, organization/project number/task number, or organization/exception days. This
is a required value with a default value of organization/job name.

Tolerance Days
Enter a number that is positive or negative, if you do not want the default of 0. This is a
required value. In the calculations, an exception is not raised if the corresponding
manufacturing activity date is on the tolerance date.

Item From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending item
numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Project Number From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending
project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates.
This is an optional parameter.

See Also
Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Project Schedule Exception Report - Procurement Activities

You can launch the exceptions report for a single project or range of projects. This
compares the project schedule dates with the dates on the various procurement
documents such as Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, Blanket Release, RFQs, and
Quotes. The report lists the procurement documents that violate the project schedule

Report Submission
Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Project Schedule

10-2    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Exception Report - Procurement.

Report Parameters

Order by
Select the output sequence to display. You can choose from exception days, project
number/task number, or document number. This is a required value, default value is
document number.

Tolerance Days
Enter a number that is positive or negative, if you do not want the default of 0. This is a
required value. In the calculations, an exception is not raised if the corresponding
manufacturing activity date is on the tolerance date.
Select Yes to include exception data about the document type on the report.

Purchase Requisition
Lists all project purchase requisitions that satisfy the following conditions:
• The requisition is not Cancelled, Rejected, or Closed.

• The requisition need by date lies outside the task start and end dates by more than
the defined tolerance days.

• The requisition need by date lies within the specified date range.

Lists all project RFQs that satisfy the following conditions.
• The RFQ is not Closed.

• The RFQ due date is later than the task completion date.

• The RFQ due date lies within the specified date range.

Lists all project quotations that satisfy the following conditions:
• The quotation is not Closed.

• The quote effectivity end date is earlier than the task end date by more than the
specified tolerance.

• The quote effectivity end date lies within the specified date range.

Reports and Processes    10-3

Purchase Order
Lists all project purchase order lines that satisfy the following conditions:
• The PO is not Closed, Rejected, or Cancelled.

• The need by date or promised date is outside the task start and end dates by more
than the specified tolerance.

• The need by date or promised date for the PO line lies within the specified date

Blanket Release
Lists all project blanket release lines that satisfy the following conditions:
• The Blanket Release is not Closed, Rejected, or Cancelled.

• The need by date or promised date is outside the task start and end dates by more
than the specified tolerance.

• The need by date or promised date for the Blanket Release line lies within the
specified date range.

Item From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending item
numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Project Number From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending
project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates.
This is an optional parameter.

Project Schedule Exception Report - Sales Order

You can launch the exceptions report for a single project or range of projects. This
compares the project schedule dates with the dates on the sales order documents. The
report lists all project sales order lines that satisfy the following conditions:
• The sales order line has not been ship Confirmed, Cancelled, or Closed.

• The Promised Date or the Need by Date for the Sales Order line lies outside the task
start and end dates by more than the tolerance days you specify.

10-4    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

• The sales order promised date or the need by date lies within the specified date

Report Submission
Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Project Schedule
Exception Report - Sales Orders.

Report Parameters

Order by
Select the output sequence to display. You can choose from exception days, project
number/task number, or document number. This is a required value, default value is
document number.

Tolerance Days
Enter a number that is positive or negative, if you do not want the default of 0. This is a
required value. In the calculations, an exception is not raised if the corresponding
manufacturing activity date is on the tolerance date.

Item From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending item
numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Project Number From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending
project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates.
This is an optional parameter.

Overdue Project WIP Jobs Report

This report lists all the open Project WIP jobs that have not been completed on or after
the project schedule completion date. You can launch the exceptions report for a single
project or range of projects. The report lists all project WIP jobs that satisfy the
following conditions:
• WIP Job is not Complete, Closed, or Cancelled.

• List of all open jobs that have exceeded the respective project/task completion dates.

• Project/task completion date lies within the specified date range.

Reports and Processes    10-5

Report Submission
Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Overdue Project
WIP Jobs Report.

Report Parameters

Order by
Select the output sequence to display. You can choose between organization/job name
and organization/project number/task number. This is a required value with a default
value of organization/job name.

Assembly From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending
assembly item numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Project Number From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending
project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates.
This is an optional parameter.

Overdue Project Procurement Activities Report

This report lists all the project procurement documents that have not been completed
even after the Project/Task schedule completion date. You can launch the exceptions
report for a single project or range of projects. The report lists all project procurement
documents that satisfy the following conditions:

Purchase Orders
• The PO status should not be Closed, Rejected, or Cancelled.

• List of all Purchased order lines where receipts have not been booked by the
scheduled completion date of the project/task.

• The Project/Task completion date lies within the specified date range.

Blanket Releases
• The Blanket Release status should not be Closed, Rejected, or Cancelled.

10-6    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

• List of all Blanket Release lines where receipts have not been booked by the
scheduled completion date of the project/task.

• The Project/Task completion date lies within the specified date range.

Purchase Requisitions
• The Requisition status should not be Closed, Rejected, Returned, or Cancelled.

• No purchase orders have been created from the purchase requisition.

• The Project/Task completion date lies within the specified date range.

Request For Quotations

• The RFQ status should not be Closed.

• List of all RFQs that are not closed by the scheduled completion date of the
project/task. That is, the status is either In Process, Active, or Printed. A Closed
status means that all the suppliers have responded to the RFQ.

• The Project/Task completion date lies within the specified date range.

• The Quotation status should not be Closed

• List of all quotations that are either In Process or Active and Not Approved by the
scheduled completion date of the project/task.

• The Project/Task completion date lies within the specified date range.

Report Submission
Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Overdue Project
Procurement Report.

Report Parameters

Order by
Select the output display sequence. You can choose between project number/task
number and document number. This is a required value with a default value of
document number.
Select Yes to include exception data about the document type on the report. The default
value for Purchase orders is Yes. For the rest of the documents it is No. This is a
required value.

Reports and Processes    10-7

Item From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending item
numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Project Number From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending
project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates.
This is an optional parameter.

Overdue Undemanded Project Sales Orders Report

This report lists all the project sales orders that have not been demanded on or after the
Project/Task scheduled start date. You can launch the exceptions report for a single
project or range of projects. The report lists all undemanded project sales orders that
satisfy the following conditions:
• Sales order lines should not be Cancelled or Closed.

• List of all sales order lines that have not been demanded by the project/task
scheduled start date.

• Source Type is Internal.

• The Project/Task scheduled start date lies within the specified date range.

Report Submission
Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Overdue
Undemanded Project Sales Orders.

Report Parameters

Order by
Select the output display sequence. You can choose between (sales) order number and
project number/task number. This is a required value with a default value of order

Item From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending item
numbers. This is an optional parameter.

10-8    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Project Number From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending
project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates.
This is an optional parameter.

Project Schedule Exception Notification

You can launch the notifications request for a single project or range of projects. This is
a workflow-based concurrent request that compares the project schedule dates with the
dates on the various project WIP Jobs, Purchase Orders, Purchase Requisitions, Blanket
Release, RFQs, Quotes, Sales Orders, MDS, MPS, and Forecast entries. The successful
completion of the request results in notifications being sent to you about exception
situations. You can also choose to notify the Project/Task Manager by specifying the
appropriate parameters in the request. The Project Schedule Exception Report is
handled by Oracle Workflow technology.
For information on customizing this process, see Appendix B: Workflows

Report Submission
Navigate to the Project Schedule Exception window. Select the process Project Schedule
Exception Notifications.

Report Parameters

Document Type (Optional)

Select one of the following options:

Generate exceptions for all project forecast entries that satisfy the following conditions:
• The forecast date or forecast end date lies outside the task start and end dates by
more than the tolerance days specified.
• The forecast date or the forecast end date lies within the specified date range.

• The current forecast quantity is not zero.

Generate notifications for all the project MDS entries that satisfy the following

Reports and Processes    10-9

• The MDS schedule date or the schedule end date lies outside the task start and end
dates by more than the tolerance days specified.
• The MDS schedule date or the schedule end date lies within the specified date

• The MDS current quantity is not zero.

Generate notifications for all the project MPS entries that satisfy the following
• The MPS schedule date or the schedule end date lies outside the task start and end
dates by more than the tolerance days specified.
• The MPS schedule date or the schedule end date lies within the specified date

• The MPS current quantity is not zero.

Sales Order
Generate exceptions for all project sales order lines that satisfy the following conditions:
• The sales order line has not been ship Confirmed, Cancelled, or Closed.
• The Promised Date or the Need by Date for the Sales Order line lies outside the
task start and end dates by more than the tolerance days you specify.

• The sales order promised date or the need by date lies within the specified date

Purchase Requisition
Generate exceptions for all project purchase requisitions that satisfy the following
• The requisition is not Cancelled, Rejected, or Closed.
• The requisition need by date lies outside the task start and end dates by more
than the defined tolerance days.

• The requisition need by date lies within the specified date range.

Generate exceptions for all project RFQs that satisfy the following conditions:
• The RFQ is not Closed.

10-10    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

• The RFQ due date is later than the task completion date.

• The RFQ due date lies within the specified date range.

Generate notifications for all project quotations that satisfy the following conditions:
• The quotation is not Closed.
• The quote effectivity end date is earlier than the task end date by more than the
specified tolerance.

• The quote effectivity end date lies within the specified date range.

Purchase Order
Generate notifications for all project purchase order lines that satisfy the following
• The PO is not Closed, Rejected, or Cancelled.
• The need by date or promised date is outside the task start and end dates by
more than the specified tolerance.

• The need by date or promised date for the PO line lies within the specified date

• Project Schedule Exception Notifications report will not send notification for
canceled purchase order lines.

Blanket Release
Generate notifications for all project blanket release lines that satisfy the following
• The blanket release is not closed, rejected or cancelled
• The need by date or promised date is outside the task start and end dates by
more than the specified tolerance

• The need by date or promised date for the blanket release line lies within the
specified date range

Generate exceptions for all project WIP jobs that satisfy the following conditions:
• WIP Job is not Complete, Closed, or Cancelled.

Reports and Processes    10-11

• The Job start date is earlier than Task Start Date or the Job WIP Job is not
Complete, Closed, or Cancelled.

• The Job start date is earlier than Task Start Date or the Job completion date is
later than the task completion date after providing for the defined tolerance.
Create only one exception notification per WIP Job.

• Either the WIP Job start date or WIP job completion date lies within the
specified date range.

Tolerance Days
Enter a number that is positive or negative, if you do not want the default value of 0.
This is a required value. In the calculations, an exception is not be raised if the
corresponding manufacturing activity date is on the tolerance date.

Select the user name where the notifications need to be sent. Default is the user name
from login.

Notify Project Manager

Select Yes to have the notification sent to the project manager. Default value is No.

Notify Task Manager

Select Yes to have the notification sent to the task manager. Default value is No

Item From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of items, enter the beginning and ending item
numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Project Number From/To

To restrict the notifications for a range of projects, enter the beginning and ending
project numbers. This is an optional parameter.

Date From/To
To restrict the notifications for a range of dates, enter the beginning and ending dates.
This is an optional parameter.

Transfer Project Invoice Charges Request

This process allows you to transfer Invoice Price Variances (IPV), Exchange Rate
Variances (ERV), Tax Rate Variances (TRV), and other special charges including freight,
tax and miscellaneous costs for invoices matched to project PO distributions or receipts
with a destination of Inventory or Shop Floor. The amounts are allocated to Oracle

10-12    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Projects as project expenditures.

Report Submission
Navigate to the Transfer Costs to Projects menu option. Select Invoice Charges as the
option. This results in the selection of the process Transfer Project Invoice Charges.

Report Parameters

Project Number
You can specify a single project to transfer or leave it null for all projects.

Expenditure Through Date

You can specify the ending expenditure date or leave it null for all.

Run Report
You can optionally run the execution report before submitting the Transaction Import
program. Default is No.

Submit Transaction Import

You can optionally submit PA Transaction Import program upon completion of the
transfer program. Default is No.

Note: For transferring invoice charges related to PJM Organizations

with the GL Posting option set to "Projects", you should not invoke the
PRC: Transaction Import process from Transfer Invoice Charges
request.Separately run the transaction import process by specifying the
correct Transaction Source (Inventory with Accounts and Inventory
with No Accounts respectively).

Reports and Processes    10-13

Windows and Navigator Paths

This appendix covers the following topics:

• Project Manufacturing Windows and Navigator Paths

Project Manufacturing Windows and Navigator Paths

For windows described in other manuals:
Brackets ([]) indicate a button.

See Refer to this manual for a complete

window description

BOM Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

IN Oracle Inventory User's Guide

MRP Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP User's Guide

PA Oracle Projects Fundamentals User's Guide

WIP Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

SYS Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's

Guide Documentation Set

User Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Although your system administrator may have customized your navigator, typical
navigational paths include the following:
Note: Text in brackets ([]) indicates a button.

Windows and Navigator Paths    A-1

Window Name Navigation Path

Projects Project Manufacturing > Project Definition >


Agreements Project Manufacturing > Project Definition >


Budgets Project Manufacturing > Project Definition >


Project Parameters Project Manufacturing > Project Definition >

Project Parameters

FlexSequence Project Manufacturing > Project Definition >

Task AutoAssignment > FlexSequence

Rules Project Manufacturing > Project Definition >

Task AutoAssignment > Rules

Seiban Number Wizard Project Manufacturing > Project Definition >

Seiban Number Wizard

Manufacturing Costs Project Manufacturing > Control > Transfer

Cost to Projects > Manufacturing Costs

Invoice Charges Project Manufacturing > Control > Transfer

Cost to Projects > Invoice Charges

Project Transaction Import Project Manufacturing > Control > Project

Transaction Import

Rejected Transactions Project Manufacturing > Control > Rejected


Update Project Summary Project Manufacturing > Control > Update

Project Summary

Transaction Project Manufacturing > Control > Borrow,

Payback, Transfer > Transaction

Status Project Manufacturing > Control > Borrow,

Payback, Transfer > Status

A-2    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Window Name Navigation Path

Projects Mass Transfer Wizard Project Manufacturing > Control > Borrow,
Payback, Transfer >Mass Transfer

Maintain Model/Unit Numbers Project Manufacturing > Model/Unit

Effectivity > Maintain Model/Unit Numbers

Generate Model/Unit Numbers Project Manufacturing > Model/Unit

Effectivity > Generate Model/Unit Numbers

With Projects Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Web

Workbenches > With Projects

Without Projects Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Web

Workbenches > Without Projects

Projects Only Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Web

Workbenches > Projects Only

Project Status Inquiry Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Project

Information > Project Status Inquiry

Percent Complete Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Project

Information > Percent Complete

Project Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Project

Information > Expenditure Inquiry > Project

All Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Project

Information > Expenditure Inquiry > All

Revenue Review Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Project

Information > Revenue Review

Sales Orders and Returns Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation
Information > Sales Orders and Returns

Requisitions Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Purchases > Requisitions

Purchase Orders Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Purchases > Purchase Orders

Windows and Navigator Paths    A-3

Window Name Navigation Path

Purchase Item History Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Purchases > Purchase Item

On-hand Quantities Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Material > On-hand Quantities

Item Information Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Material > Item Information

Item Search Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Material > Item Search

Serial Information Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Material > Serial Information

Bills Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Bills > Bills

Comparison Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Bills > Comparison

Item Usage Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Bills > Item Usage

Routings Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Routings > Routings

Standard Operations Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Routings > Standard Operations

Departments Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Routings > Departments

Resource Usage Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Routings > Resource Usage

Operations Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Work in Process > Operations

A-4    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Window Name Navigation Path

Material Requirements Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Work in Process > Material

Resource Requirements Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Work in Process > Resource

Discrete Jobs Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Operation

Information > Work in Process > Discrete Jobs

Receiving Information Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Transaction

Information > Receiving Information

Material Transaction Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Transaction

Information > Material Transaction

Transaction Summary Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Transaction

Information > Transaction Summary

Move Transaction Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Transaction

Information > Move Transaction

Resource Transactions Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Transaction

Information > Resource Transactions

Material Distributions Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Accounting

Information > Material Distributions

WIP Distributions Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Accounting

Information > WIP Distributions

WIP Value Summary Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Accounting

Information > WIP Value Summary

Item Costs Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Accounting

Information > Item Costs

Item Cost for Cost Items Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Accounting
Information > Item Cost for Cost Items

Windows and Navigator Paths    A-5

Window Name Navigation Path

Cost Indented Bills Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Accounting

Information > Cost Indented Bills

Project Status Inquiry Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Accounting

Information > Project Status Inquiry

Project Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Accounting

Information > Expenditure Inquiry > Project

All Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Accounting

Information > Expenditure Inquiry > All

Revenue Review Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Accounting

Information > Revenue Review

Invoice Review Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Accounting

Information > Invoice Review

Funding Inquiry Project Manufacturing > Inquiry > Accounting

Information > Funding Inquiry

PJM Organization Parameters Project Manufacturing > Setup > PJM

Organization Parameters

Organizations Project Manufacturing > Setup >

Manufacturing > Organizations

Organization Hierarchy Project Manufacturing > Setup >

Manufacturing > Organization Hierarchy

Organization Parameters Project Manufacturing > Setup >

Manufacturing > Organization Parameters

Subinventories Project Manufacturing > Setup >

Manufacturing > Subinventories

Stock Locators Project Manufacturing > Setup >

Manufacturing > Stock Locators

Planning Groups Project Manufacturing > Setup >

Manufacturing > Planning Groups

A-6    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Window Name Navigation Path

WIP Accounting Class Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > WIP Accounting Classes

Cost Groups Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Cost Groups

Departments Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Departments

Expenditure Types Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Expenditure Types

Exp Types for Cost Elements Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial
Accounting > Exp Types for Cost Elements

Material Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Sub Elements > Material

Resources Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Sub Elements > Resources

Overheads Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Sub Elements > Overheads

Defaults Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Sub Elements > Defaults

Types Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Financials > Accounting
Calendar > Types

Accounting Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Financials > Accounting
Calendar > Accounting

Transaction Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Financials > Accounting
Calendar > Transaction

Books Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Financials > Books

Windows and Navigator Paths    A-7

Window Name Navigation Path

Daily Rates Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Financials > Currencies > Daily

Period Rates Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Financials > Currencies > Period

Currencies Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Financials > Currencies >

Segments Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Key > Segments

Values Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Key > Values

Aliases Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Key > Aliases

Rules Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Key > Rules

Groups Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Financials > Flexfields > Key >

Define Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Key > Security >

Assign Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Key > Security >

Accounts Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Key > Accounts

Segments Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Descriptive >

A-8    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Window Name Navigation Path

Values Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Descriptive > Values

Define Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Descriptive >
Security > Define

Assign Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Descriptive >
Security > Assign

Sets Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Validation > Sets

Values Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Validation > Values

Define Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Validation >
Security > Define

Assign Project Manufacturing > Setup > Financial

Accounting > Flexfields > Validation >
Security > Assign

Project Information Project Manufacturing > Reports > Project


Transaction Information Project Manufacturing > Reports > Transaction


Accounting Information Project Manufacturing > Reports > Accounting


Scheduling Exceptions Project Manufacturing > Reports > Scheduling


Set Project Manufacturing > Reports > Set

Notifications Project Manufacturing > Notifications

Request Project Manufacturing > Other > Request

Windows and Navigator Paths    A-9

Window Name Navigation Path

Profile Project Manufacturing > Other > Profile

Change Organization Project Manufacturing > Other > Change


A-10    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide


This appendix covers the following topics:

• Overview of Project Manufacturing Workflows
• PJM Contract Type Project Definition Process
• PJM Indirect Type Project Definition Process
• Project Manufacturing Integration Exception Process
• Summary of the Project Manufacturing Integration Exception Process

Overview of Project Manufacturing Workflows

Oracle Project Manufacturing uses Oracle Workflow technology to provide guided
walk-throughs of all steps required to define project manufacturing contract and
indirect projects and to generate notifications for scheduling exceptions.
Oracle Workflow is a complete workflow management system that supports business
process definition and automation. Its technology enables automation and continuous
improvement to business processes, routing information of any type according to
user-defined business rules. Oracle Workflow contains a graphical user interface that
enables you to modify workflow processes to suit your business needs.
Oracle Project Manufacturing comes with the following workflows:
• Project Manufacturing Project Definition [Contract] workflow guides you through
the setup steps required to define a project manufacturing contract project. This
workflow is seeded with one process, the PJM Contract Type Project Definition

• Project Manufacturing Project Definition [Indirect/Capital] workflow guides you

through the setup steps required to define a project manufacturing indirect or
capital project. This workflow is seeded with one process, the PJM Indirect Type
Project Definition process.

Workflows    B-1
• Project Manufacturing Project Schedule Exception Notification workflow allows
you to define the notifications sent for schedule exceptions. This workflow is seeded
with one process, the Project Manufacturing Integration Exception Process.

PJM Contract Type Project Definition Process

The PJM Contract Type Project Definition process provides a workflow-based approach
to organize and launch the application forms needed to setup a project manufacturing
contract project. The process provides sequential access to the needed windows from
Oracle Projects, Oracle Master Scheduling, Oracle Work in Process, Oracle Cost
Management, and Oracle Project Manufacturing.
The PJM Contract Type Project Definition process can be accessed through Oracle
applications and through Workflow Builder. Use the Workflow Builder to customize
the process.

To access the PJM Contract Type Project Definition Process

1. Choose the Process tab on the navigator. The processes you can access are
displayed on the upper left.

2. Select the PJM Contract Type Project Definition Process.

Customizing the PJM Contract Type Project Definition Process

Processes can be customized using the Oracle Workflow Builder. When you customize
the PJM Contract Type Project Definition process, only projects defined after you
customize it are affected.

To display the process in the Oracle Workflow Builder

1. Choose Open from the File menu, and connect to the database.

2. Select Project Manufacturing Project Definition [Contract] to open it.

3. Expand the data source, then expand the item type Project Manufacturing Project
Definition [Contract].

4. Expand the Processes branch within the item type.

5. Double-click on the PJM Contract Type Project Definition Process to the display the
diagram in a process window.

Required Modifications
There are no required modifications for this workflow process.

B-2    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Customization Example
You can customize the PJM Contract Type Project Definition process by adding or
deleting steps to the process, by changing process names and descriptions, and by
changing step icons. For example, you might choose to remove Task Auto Assignment
(step 16) from this process if your organization is at a project control level of task.

Customizations That Are Not Supported

Each type of customization is supported for the PJM Contract Type Project Definition.
However, the order of steps must take prerequisites for each form opened into account
for the process to operate smoothly.

Creating a New Custom Process

You can use the PJM Contract Type Project Definition process as a basis for developing
your own project definition processes.

Project Manufacturing Project Definition [Contract] Item Type

The PJM Contract Type Project Definition process is associated with an item type called
Project Manufacturing Project Definition [Contract]. All the available processes
associated with an item type are listed under that item type in the Workflow Builder.
Currently, the only available process for this item type is the PJM Contract Type Project
Definition process.
The Project Manufacturing Project Definition [Contract] item type has two attributes
associated with it. These attributes reference information in the demonstration
application tables. The attributes are used and maintained by function activities
throughout the process.

Display Name Description Type Length/Format/

Lookup Type

User Name Name of user Text  

defining project

Project Number Number of project Text  

being defined

Summary of PJM Contract Type Project Definition Process

To view the properties of the PJM Contract Type Project Definition process, select the
process in the navigation tree and choose Properties from the Edit menu. This process
has a result type of None, indicating that when the process completes, it does not end
with any particular result, such as End (Approved) or End (Rejected). Instead, its
subprocesses end with specific results.

Workflows    B-3
This process is runnable, indicating that it can be initiated as a top level process to run
by making calls to the Workflow Engine CreateProcess and StartProcess APIs.
The PJM Contract Type Project Definition process is designed to provide maximum
flexibility for you. Hence, no step in the process is required in order to complete
additional steps. You can select a project for which prerequisite steps have been
completed before going on to the next step.
In order to provide this flexibility, the PJM Contract Type Project Definition process
does not send message attributes from one step to the next.

PJM Contract Type Project Definition Process Activities

The following is a description of each activity listed by the activity's display name.

Start (Node 1)
This is a standard activity that marks the start of the process.

• Result Type - None

• Prerequisite activities - None

• Item Attributes Set by Function - None

Define Project (Node 2)

This step opens the Oracle Project forms required to define a project.
• Message - Define Project

• Respond Message Attributes - Form PA_PAXPREPR_PROJECT

Define Project Agreement (Node 3)

This step opens the Oracle Project forms required to define a project agreement.
• Prerequisite Activities - Previous step

• Message - Define Project Agreement

• Respond Message Attributes -Form PA_PAXINEAG_AGREEMENT

Define Revenue Budget (Node 4)

This step opens the Oracle Project forms required to define a revenue budget.
• Message - Define Project Revenue Budget

• Respond Message Attributes - Form PA_PAXBUEBU

B-4    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Review Budget Approval (Nodes 5 and 7)
This step opens the Oracle Project forms required to review budget status for a project.
• Message - Review Budget Status

• Respond Message Attributes- Form PA_PAXBUEBU

Define Cost Budget (Node 6)

This step opens the Oracle Project forms required to define cost budget for a project.
• Message - Define Project Cost Budget

• Respond Message Attributes -Form PA_PAXBUEBU

Review Project Approval (Node 9)

This step opens the Oracle Project forms required to review project approval.
• Message - Review Project Status

• Respond Message Attributes -Form PA_PAXPREPR_PROJECT

Define Planning Group (Node 10)

This step opens the Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP forms required to define a planning
• Message - Define Planning Group

• Respond Message Attributes -Form MRP_FNDLVMUL_PLANNING_GROUP

Change Inventory Organization (Node 11)

This step opens the Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP forms required to change the
Inventory organization.
• Message - Change Organization

• Respond Message Attributes - Form MRPCHORG

Define WIP Accounting Classes

This step opens the Oracle Work in Process forms required to define the WIP
accounting class.
• Message - Define WIP Accounting Class

• Respond Message Attributes -Form WIP_WIPSUMCL

Workflows    B-5
Define Cost Group (Node 13)
This step opens the Oracle Cost Management forms required to define the cost group.
• Message - Define Cost Group

• Respond Message Attributes - Form CST_CSTFDCGA

Define Project Parameters (Node 14)

This step opens the Oracle Project Manufacturing form required to define the project
• Message - Define Project Parameters

• Respond Message Attributes -Form PJMFDPJP

Setup in Another Organization (Node 15)

This step refers you to Node 11 if additional organizations are desired for the project.
• Message - Continue Setup in Another Inventory Org?

Define Task Auto Assignment Rules (Node 16)

This step opens the Oracle Project Manufacturing form required to define the task auto
assignment rules.
• Message - Define Task Auto Assignment Rules

• Respond Message Attributes -Form PJMFTAAR

PJM Indirect Type Project Definition Process

The PJM Indirect Type Project Definition process provides a workflow-based approach
to organize and launch the application forms needed to setup a project manufacturing
contract project. The process provides sequential access to the needed forms from
Oracle Projects, Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP, Oracle Work in Process, Oracle Cost
Management, and Oracle Project Manufacturing.
The PJM Indirect Type Project Definition process can be accessed through Oracle
applications and through Workflow Builder. Use the Workflow Builder to customize
the process.

To access the PJM Indirect Type Project Definition Process

1. Choose the Process tab on the navigator. The processes you can access are
displayed on the upper left.

B-6    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

2. Select the PJM Indirect Type Project Definition Process.

Customizing the PJM Indirect Type Project Definition Process

Processes can be customized using the Oracle Workflow Builder. When you customize
the PJM Contract Type Project Definition process, only projects defined after you
customize it are affected.

To display the process in the Oracle Workflow Builder

1. Choose Open from the File menu, and connect to the database.

2. Select Project Manufacturing Project Definition [Indirect/Capital] to open it.

3. Expand the data source, then expand the item type Project Manufacturing Project
Definition [Indirect/Capital].

4. Expand the Processes branch within the item type.

5. Double-click on the PJM Indirect Type Project Definition Process to display the
diagram in a process window.

Required Modifications
There are no required modifications for this workflow process.
Customization Example
You can customize the PJM Indirect Type Project Definition process by adding or
deleting steps to the process, by changing process names and descriptions, and by
changing step icons. For example, you might choose to remove Task Auto Assignment,
Node 12, from this process if your organization is at a project control level of task.

Customizations That Are Not Supported

Each type of customization is supported for the PJM Indirect Type Project Definition.
However, the order of steps must take prerequisites for each form opened into account
for the process to operate smoothly.

Creating a New Custom Process

You can use the PJM Indirect Type Project Definition process as a basis for developing
your own project definition processes.

Project Manufacturing Project Definition [Indirect/Capital Item Type

The PJM Indirect Type Project Definition process is associated with an item type called
Project Manufacturing Project Definition [Indirect/Capital]. All the available processes
associated with an item type are listed under that item type in the Workflow Builder.
Currently, the only available process for this item type is the PJM Indirect Type Project
Definition process.

Workflows    B-7
The Project Manufacturing Project Definition [Indirect/Capital] item type has two
attributes associated with it. These attributes reference information in the
demonstration application tables. The attributes are used and maintained by function
activities throughout the process.

Display Name Description Type

User Name Name of user defining project Text

Project Number Number of project being Text


Summary of the PJM Indirect Type Project Definition Process

To view the properties of the PJM Indirect Type Project Definition Process, you select
the process in the navigation tree and choose Properties from the Edit menu. This
process has a result type of None, indicating that when the process completes, it does
not end with any particular result, such as End (Approved) or End (Rejected). Instead,
its subprocesses end with specific results.
This process can be performed, which indicates it can be initiated as a top level process
to run by making calls to the Workflow Engine CreateProcess and StartProcess APIs.
The PJM Contract Type Project Definition process is designed to provide maximum
flexibility for you. Hence, no step in the process is required in order to complete
additional steps. You can select a project for which prerequisite steps have been
completed to go on to further steps. In order to provide this flexibility, the PJM Contract
Type Project Definition process does not send message attributes from one step to the

PJM Indirect Type Project Definition Process Activities

The following is a description of each activity listed by the activity's display name:

Start (Node 1)
This is a standard function activity that mars the start of the process.

• Result Type - None

• Required - Yes

• Prerequisite activities - None

• Item Attributes Set by Function - None

B-8    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

• Item Attributes Retrieved by Function - None

Define Project (Node 2)

This step opens the Oracle Project forms required to define a project.
• Message- Define Project

• Respond Message Attributes- form PA_PAXPREPR_PROJECT

• Send Messages Attributes

Define Cost Budget (Node 3)

This step opens the Oracle Project forms required to define the cost budget.
• Message- Define Cost Budget

• Respond Message Attributes- Form PA_PAXIBUEBU

Review Budget Approval (Node 4)

This step opens the Oracle Project forms required to review budget status for a project.
• Message- Review Budget Status

• Respond Message Attributes - Form PA_PAXIBUEBU

Review Project Approval (Node 5)

This step opens the Oracle Project forms required to review project approval.
• message- Review Project Status

• Respond Message Attributes- Form PA_PAXPREPR_PROJECT

Define Planning Group (Node 6)

This step opens the Oracle Master Scheduling/MRP forms required to define a planning
• Message - Define Planning Group

• Respond Message Attributes - Form MRP_FNDLVMUL_PLANNING_GROUP

Change Inventory Organization

This step opens the Oracle Master scheduling/MRP forms required to change the
inventory organization.

Workflows    B-9
• Message - Change Organization

• Respond Message Attributes - Form MRPCHORG

Define WIP Accounting Class (Node 8)

This step opens the Oracle Work in Process forms required to define the WIP
accounting class.
• Message - Define WIP Accounting Class

• Respond Message Attributes - Form WIP_WIPSUMCL

Define Cost Group (Node 9)

This step opens the Oracle Cost Management forms required to define the cost group.
• Message - Define Cost Group

• Respond Message Attributes - Form CST_CSTFDCGA

Define Project Parameters (Node 10)

This step opens the Oracle Project Manufacturing form required to define the project
• Message - Define Project Parameters

• Respond Message Attributes - Form PJMFDPJP

Setup Another Organization (Node 11)

This step refers you to Node 11 if additional organizations are desired for the project.
• Message - Continue Setup in Another Inventory Org?

Define Task Auto Assignment Rules (Node 12)

This step opens the Oracle Project Manufacturing form required to fined the task auto
assignment rules.
• Message - Define Task Auto Assignment Rules

• Respond Message Attributes - Form PJMFTAAR

Project Manufacturing Integration Exception Process

When you submit a Project Schedule Exception Notification request, Oracle Project

B-10    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Manufacturing uses Oracle Workflow technology in the background to handle the
notification process. Oracle Workflow defines the approval notification options
hierarchy available in the request parameters. You can use the Workflow Builder
interface to modify your notification process.
The project manufacturing project schedule exception notification workflow consists of
a single process, which is viewable in the Workflow Builder as a diagram. You can
modify the objects and properties.

Customizing the Project Manufacturing Integration Exception Process

Processes can be customized using the Oracle Workflow Builder. When you customize
the Project Manufacturing Project Schedule Exception Notification workflow, only those
schedule exception notification requests that are submitted after you have customized it
are affected. You can add or remove document types or alter the responsibilities to be
notified for a given document type.

To display the workflow in the Oracle Workflow Builder:

1. Choose Open from the File menu, and connect to the database.

2. Select PJM Project Schedule Exception Notification to open it.

3. Expand the data source, then expand the item type PJM Project Schedule Exception

4. Expand the Processes branch within the item type.

5. Double-click on the PJM Integration Exception Process to the display the diagram in
a process window.

Required Modifications
There are no required modifications for this workflow process.
You can customize the PJM Integration Exception process by adding or deleting steps to
the process, by changing process names and descriptions, and by changing step icons.
Customization Example
You might choose to customize this process by adding planners or buyers to the
notification cycle.

Customizations That Are Not Supported

Each type of customization is supported for the PJM Integration Exception Process,
however, the order of steps must take prerequisites for each form opened into account
for the process to operate smoothly.

Creating a New Custom Process

You can use the PJM Integration Exception Process as a basis for developing your own

Workflows    B-11
project definition processes.

Project Manufacturing Project Schedule Exceptions Notifications Item Type

The Project Manufacturing Integration Exception process is associated with an item
type called Project Manufacturing Project Schedule Notifications. All the available
processes associated with the item type are listed under that item type in the Workflow
Builder. Currently, the only available process for this item type is the Project
Manufacturing Integration Exception process.
The Project Manufacturing Project Schedule Notifications item type also has numerous
attributes associated with it. These attributes reference information in the
demonstration application tables. The attributes are used and maintained by function
activities and notification activities throughout the process.

Display Name Type

Organization Name Text

Document Type Text

Date Type Text

Tolerance Days Number

Project Start Date Date

Project End Date Date

Task Start Date Date

Task End Date Date

Project Name Text

Task Name Text

WIP Job Name Text

Job Start Date Date

Job End Date Date

Item Number Text

B-12    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

Display Name Type

Requestor Text

Exception Subject Text

Exception Body Text

SO Number Text

SO Requested Date Date

SO Promised Date Date

Forecast Name Text

Forecast Start Date Date

Forecast End Date Date

Requisition Number Text

Need by Date Date

RFQ Number Text

Due Date Date

Quotation Number Text

Effectivity Start Date Date

Effectivity End Date Date

MDS Name Text

PO Number Text

Requested Date Date

Promised Date Date

Workflows    B-13
Display Name Type

Release Date Date

Project Number Text

Task Number Text

Status Text

Quantity Number

Job Type Text

Start Quantity Number

Quantity Completed Number

Warehouse Text

Ship to Location Text

Ordered Quantity Number

Delivered Quantity Number

Forecast Set Text

Project Manager Role

Task Manager Role

Open Form Form

Item Description Text

Line Number Text

Summary of the Project Manufacturing Integration Exception Process

To view the properties of the Project Manufacturing Integration Exception Process,
select the process in the navigation tree and choose Properties from the Edit menu. This

B-14    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide

process has a result type of None, indicating that when the process completes, it does
not end with any particular result, such as End (Approved) or End (Rejected). Instead,
its subprocesses end with specific results.
This process is runnable, indicating that it can be initiated as a top level process to run
by making calls to the Workflow Engine CreateProcess and StartProcess APIs. The
workflow begins at node 1. At node 2, this workflow branches depending on whether
the document is a WIP, SO, Forecast, PR, RFQ, quotation, MDS, MPS, purchase order,
or blanket release exception notification. If a choice is not made, the process is initiated
for all options. At nodes 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, and 57 the workflow notifies the
requestor and locates the appropriate project manager for notification. At nodes 4, 10,
16, 22, 28, 34, 40, 46, 52, and 58 the workflow locates the appropriate project manager for
notification. At nodes 5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, and 59 the workflow sends
notification to the appropriate project manager. At nodes 6, 12, 17, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54,
and 60 the workflow locates the appropriate task manager for notification. At nodes 7,
13, 18, 25, 31, 37, 43, 49, 55, and 61 the workflow sends notification to the appropriate
task manager.

Project Manufacturing Integration Exception Process Activities

The following is a description of each activity listed by the activity's display name. You
can create all the components for an activity in the graphical Workflow Builder except
for the PL/SQL stored procedures that the function activities call. All function activities
execute PL/SQL stored procedures which you must create and store in the Oracle
RDBMS. The naming convention for the PL/SQL stored procedures is:
<PACKAGE> is the name of the package that groups all of the procedures.
<PROCEDURE> represents the name of the procedure.
To view the package and procedure names used by the Project Manufacturing
Integration Exception process, view the Properties page for each function activity. For
example, the function activity Set Document Type uses the <PACKAGE.<PROCEDURE>

START (Node 1)
This is a Standard function activity that simply marks the start of the process.

Select Document (Node 2)

This function activity determines the document type: WIP, SO, Forecast, PR, RFQ,
quotation, MDS, MPS, purchase order, or blanket release exception notification.

Exception Notification to Requestor (Multiple Nodes)

Nodes: 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39, 45, 51, and 57. This activity sends schedule exception

Workflows    B-15
notification to the requestor.

Find Project Manager (Multiple Nodes)

Nodes: 4, 10, 16, 22, 28, 34, 40, 46, 52, and 58. This activity locates the appropriate project
manager(s) for notification.

Exception Notification to Project Manager (Multiple Nodes)

Nodes: 5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53, and 59. This activity sends schedule exception
notification to the project manager(s).

Find Task Manager (Multiple Nodes)

Nodes: 6, 12, 17, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, and 60. This activity locates the appropriate task
manager(s) for notification.

Exception Notification to Task Manager (Multiple Nodes)

Nodes: 7, 13, 18, 25, 31, 37, 43, 49, 55, and 61. This activity sends schedule exception
notification to the task manager(s).

B-16    Oracle Project Manufacturing User's Guide


borrow payback
Transfer of material between projects where applicable unit cost is moved from the
lending project to the borrowing project. The transaction is recorded, and repayment is
made to the lending project when a replenishment order is received by the borrowing
project. The original cost of the material is transferred to the lending project and the
borrowing project absorbs the difference in cost.

common locator
A locator flexfield without project or task segment values. A common locator represents
a physical location.

common project
A project, defined in Oracle Projects, that will hold the costs for the common
(non-project) items. Every common costed transaction will be processed through the
cost collector and receive the "common project" destination.

cost element
A classification for the cost of an item, including material, material overhead, resource,
outside processing, and overhead.

cost group
An attribute of a project which allows the system to hold item unit costs at a level below
the inventory organization. Within an organization, an item may have more than one
cost if it belongs to different cost groups. Item costing can be specific to a single project
if each project has a distinct cost group, or specific to a group of projects if all projects in
that group are assigned to the same cost group.

cost sub–element
A subdivision of cost element. You can define unlimited cost sub–elements for each cost

date effectivity
Method to control the configuration of an assembly by assigning date ranges for the

parent/component relationships. Component selection by MPS and MRP is based upon
which components are valid for the date the components are required.

default material task

Task to which project material costs are allocated if no matching rules are found for
material task assignment. It is a rule with no material task assignment criteria specified.

default resource task

Task to which project resource costs are allocated if no matching rules are found for
resource task assignment. It is a rule with no resource task assignment criteria specified.

Effectivity is used to control the addition or removal of a component or an operation
from a bill of material or an assembly process. Effectivity control may be managed by
model/unit number (also known as serial number effectivity) or by date.

end item unit number

End Item Unit Number, sometimes abbreviated as Unit Number, uniquely identifies
which bill of material to be used for building a specific Model/Unit Number Effectivity
controlled item.

Exchange Rate Variance (ERV)

The difference between the exchange rate for a foreign-currency invoice and its
matched purchase order.

expenditure organization
For timecards and expense reports, the organization to which the incurring employee is
assigned, unless overridden by organization overrides. For usage, supplier invoices,
and purchasing commitments, the incurring organization entered on the expenditure.

expenditure type
An implementation–defined classification of cost that you assign to each expenditure
item. Expenditure types are grouped into cost groups (expenditure categories) and
revenue groups (revenue categories). Expenditure types include: IPV, ERV, Tax,
Freight, and Miscellaneous.

invoice charges
Includes Invoice Price Variance (IPV), Exchange Rate Variance (ERV), Freight, Tax, and
Miscellaneous Charges. In Release 11i, the invoice charges are transferred from Oracle
Payables to Oracle Projects for each project using the invoice charge transfer process.

Invoice Price Variance (IPV)

Difference between the purchase price and the invoice price paid for a purchase order

receipt. Upon invoice approval, Oracle Payable automatically records Invoice Price
Variance to invoice price variance account.

lot type seiban

Also known as Mass production seiban. Project represents a model, task represents a lot
for that model; Project+Task represent the Seiban Number; all costs for all lots are
collected into a project for analysis purposes.

model/unit number effectivity

A method of controlling what components go into making an end-item based on an
assigned end item model/unit number. An end item model/unit number field is an
alphanumeric field that is usually concatenated with a model prefix and a sequential
unit number, e.g. FAN-0001. Unique configurations are specific by defining
parent-component relationships for a particular end item model/unit number. Multiple
unique configurations can be established for a single end-item part by assigning
different model/unit number effectivities.
A Model is a control element that identifies a particular configuration of an end item
and associates it with one or more contracts (e.g. Boeing 747). However, this
information is embedded as a prefix in naming the unique end item model/unit number
identifier, there is no link to ATO/PTO model items. A unit is a specific end item (e.g. a
tail number) within the model designation.
Subassemblies or components at levels beyond major assembly can be under date
effectivity control if there is no need to identify its configuration by end item unit
number. You need to decide how deep in your bill structure that you are planning to
use Model/Unit Number Effectivity into the inventory so that you can distinguish your
various configuration. Once you identify a part to be under model/unit number
effectivity control, all its parent assemblies has to be under model/unit number
effectivity control.
Component selection by MPS and MRP is based upon which components are valid for
the specific end item model/unit numbers.

permanent transfers
Seeproject transfers

planning group
A grouping mechanism that allows you to group multiple projects for planning and
netting purposes. Projects within the same planning group can share supply.

A unit of work that can be broken down into one or more tasks. A project is the unit of
work for which you specify revenue and billing methods, invoice formats, a managing
organization and project manager, and bill rate schedules.

You can charge costs to a project, and you can generate and maintain revenue, invoice,
unbilled receivable, and unearned revenue information for a project.

project blanket release

An actual order of goods and services with a project and task reference against a
blanket purchase agreement.

project drop shipment

A process of having the supplier provide the items directly to your customer for a
project or task. The sales order is linked to a project and task. The purchase requisition
is linked to the same project and task. The procurement cost is collected in Oracle

project flow schedule

Flow schedule with project and task references.

project inventory
Inventory owned by a project and task. You can segregate inventory by project using
project locators.

project job
A standard or non–standard WIP discrete job with a project and task reference.

project details page

Details page to view information related to a project for manufacturing and/or project
costing activities. The manufacturing information viewed could be, WIP jobs, line
schedules, procurement activities, and so on. Project costing information such as
expenditures, commitments can also be viewed here.

project locator
A locator with project and task segment values. A project locator is a logical partition of
a physical location by project and task.

project manufacturing
A type of manufacturing environment where production requirements are driven by
large projects. You can plan, schedule, process, and cost against a specific project or a
group of projects. If Oracle Project Manufacturing is installed and the Project References
Enabled and Project Control Level parameters are set in the Organization Parameters
window, you can assign project and, if required, task references to sales orders, planned
orders, jobs, requisitions, purchase orders, and other entities within Oracle
Manufacturing. If the Project Cost Collection Enabled parameter is also set, you can
collect and transfer manufacturing cost to Oracle Projects.

project manufacturing costing
A series of features in Project Manufacturing designed to support manufacturing
costing in a project manufacturing environment. Project Manufacturing Costing allows
you to track item cost by project or a group of projects, and transfer project related
manufacturing transaction costs to Oracle Projects.

project manufacturing organization

A new organization classification added in Release 11i. Allows the organization to be
setup for Project manufacturing activities. Also see project manufacturing.

project move orders

Manage project material movement between subinventories by creating (manually or
automatically), approving, and transacting material (project) move orders.

Project MRP
A series of features in Project Manufacturing designed to support manufacturing
planning processes in a project manufacturing environment. Project MRP allows you to
segment all sources of supply and demand by project and task. This allows the planning
process to net and plan supply by project and task.

project purchase order

A purchase order with a project or project and task reference.

project requisition
A requisition with a project or project and task reference.

project sales order

A sales order with a project or project and task reference.

project transfers
Transfer of material between projects where the cost is moved with the material and
there is no repayment required.

project work order-less completion

A WIP transaction that you can complete assemblies for a project and task without
referencing a job or repetitive schedule. Project work order-less completion
automatically backflushes all operation pull, assembly pull, and push components from
project locators for hard pegged components and from common locators for non-hard
pegged components.

seiban details page

The details page to view data related to manufacturing activities for a seiban number.

The manufacturing information viewed could be WIP jobs, line schedules, procurement
activities, and so on. Project costing information such as expenditures, commitments
can also be viewed here.

seiban manufacturing
A type of manufacturing environment where demand and supply are identified by
Seiban numbers to peg supply to demand. This numbering system is widely used in
Japan and Korea.

seiban number
An abbreviation for a manufacturing number in Japan and Korea. It is the key
production control number for all manufacturing entities including sales order, planned
order, requisition, purchase order, and discrete job.

serial effectivity
Seemodel/unit number effectivity

serial number control

An Oracle Manufacturing technique for enforcing use of serial numbers during a
material transaction thus enabling the tracking of serialized items throughout their
movement in and out of inventory.

soft pegging
A pegging item attribute value. You can peg supply to demand for items with soft

A subdivision of project work. Each project can have a set of top level tasks and a
hierarchy of subtasks below each top level task. See alsowork breakdown structure.

task details page

The details page to view manufacturing information related to a project-task. The
manufacturing information viewed could be WIP jobs, line schedules, procurement
activities, and so on.

temporary transfers
Seeborrow payback

unit number
Seeend item unit number

unit number effectivity
Seemodel/unit number effectivity


Borrow/payback Inventory
Transactions, 7-2 transactions, 1-13
Borrow payback, 2-10 validations, 4-3
overview, 7-1
setup, 2-8 L
Locators, 2-11
C flexfield, 2-11
Common project, 2-4, 2-10
costing, 1-15 M
task auto assignment
Model/unit number effectivity
setup, 5-14
Overview, 6-1
transfers, 1-14
Model/unit numbers
Cost activity, 8-19
Generating, 6-4
Cost collector, 1-16
Maintaining, 6-6
activity, 8-19
borrow, 7-10
common project, 1-15 Order import, 1-9
cost groups, 1-15
linking cost elements, 1-15 P
payback, 7-10 Payback
reschedule, 7-7
D Supply and demand, 7-8
Defining Planning
expenditure types, 9-1 forecasts, 1-10
rules, 5-7, 5-9, 5-10 sales orders, 1-10
seiban numbers, 3-11 Procurement, 1-12
Drop shipments, 1-9 blanket releases, 1-13
overdue activities, 10-6
purchase orders, 1-13

requisitions, 1-12 Sales orders, 1-9
RFQ, 1-13 overdue
schedule exception, 10-2 undemanded project, 10-8
supplier quotes, 1-13 planning, 1-10
Profile options, 8-2 Schedule exception
Project, 8-5 procurement, 10-2
ATO, 1-9 sales order, 10-4
drop shipments, 1-9 work in process, 10-1
fulfillment, 1-9 Seiban numbers, 8-3
order import, 1-9 defining, 3-11
parameters inquiry
assigning, 3-1 details, 8-7
procurement, 1-12 lot type
blanket releases, 1-13 modify, 3-17
purchase orders, 1-13 Setting up
requisitions, 1-12 borrow payback, 2-8
RFQ, 1-13 project manufacturing parameters, 1-7
supplier quotes, 1-13 Project MRP
PTO, 1-9 defining Seiban numbers, 3-11
quotations, 1-9 Subinventories
RMA, 1-9 transfers, 7-2
sales orders, 1-9
schedule exception notification, 10-9 T
Task, 8-6
common, 1-14
Task auto assignment, 5-1
permanent, 1-13
common project, 5-14
temporary, 1-14
material, 5-7
work in process, 1-12
overview, 5-1
Project manufacturing, 8-3
resource, 5-9
execution, 1-12
rules, 5-6
locators, 2-11
defining, 5-7, 5-9, 5-10
overview, 1-1
WIP material, 5-10
parameters, 2-1
Transactions, 1-13
parameters, 1-7
between subinventories, 7-2
validation, 4-1
invoice charges, 2-6, 9-1, 10-12
common, 4-1
inventory, 4-3
purchasing, 4-2
shipping, 4-6 Validations
work in process, 4-3 common, 4-1
Purchase orders, 1-13 inventory, 4-3
purchasing, 4-2
S shipping, 4-6
work in process, 4-3
Sales order
schedule exception, 10-4

PJM Contract Type Project Definition Process,
PJM Indirect Type Project Definition Process,
Project Manufacturing Integration Exception
Process, B-10
Work in process, 1-12
overdue, 10-5
outside processing, 1-12
schedule exception, 10-1
validations, 4-3


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