Metro Level 2 End-of-Year Test A

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  End-of-year Test A Class: TOTAL: / 100

1  ► 05  Listen and choose the
Grammar and Vocabulary
correct words. You will hear the 3 Complete the words in each list.
recording twice.
1 nurse chef journalist l  a  w  y    e  r
1 Todd is going to Hawaii for a week /
2 kick shoot hit t    r    w
two weeks  on vacation.
3 pay borrow save e        n
2 Todd has been / has never been to
Hawaii before. 4 skydiving caving rafting
b        g    e j        p
3 Todd is going to try surfing and sailing /
scuba diving on vacation. 5 animation talk show documentary
s        p o        ra
4 Liam wants to try / has tried surfing.
6 sleepover exhibition party
5 Todd’s mom is confident about /
c        k        t
afraid of flying.
1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 5 
1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 4 

2  ► 05  Listen again. Choose T (True),

4 Choose the correct answers.
F (False), or DS (Doesn’t Say). 1 They   aren’t   working on the weekend.
1 Todd has found out a aren’t b ‘m not c isn’t
information about 2 Is there     good on
Hawaii online. T   F DS
TV tonight?
2 Todd and his family are going a somewhere b no one c anything
to stay in an apartment
3 Alexia    
on the beach. T  F DS
to Europe in the fall.
3 Todd’s father has been
a is traveling b aren’t going c visiting
to Maui a lot of times. T  F DS
4 There’s     good to read
4 Todd has never been to
in this library.
the ocean before. T  F DS
a nothing b everywhere c someone
5 Todd has to take scuba
diving lessons. T  F DS 5 We     hanging out with Tom and his
friends tomorrow.
6 Todd’s mom has never
flown before. T  F DS a ’s b ’re c ’m
6 Fabio has been    
7 Todd’s parents want to
on his motorcycle.
have a cookout
on the beach. T  F DS a nothing b someone c everywhere
7 I    going to the
1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 6 
amusement park. I have to work.
a isn’t b ’m not c aren’t

1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 6 

Metro Level 2 End-of-year Test A 1

  End-of-year Test A

5 Complete the conversation with the 4 This road is pretty dangerous. Drive
correct words.    .

Abi: How’s your Saturday job, Tara? a carefully

Tara: It’s good, thanks. b slow

Abi: What do you 1  have   to do? c helpful

Tara: I have 2    serve 5 Snowboarding isn’t  

customers at the counter. skiing.

Abi: 3    you have to take a as good

the money? b as difficult as
Tara: Yes, 4    do. And I c easiest as
    to give them their change 6 I’d like to go out tonight, but I’m
and receipt.    .
Abi: What about Emily?     she a too tired
have to work at the counter, too?
b as tired as tired
Tara: No, she     . She looks
c not tired enough
after customers in the store.
7 Highway 38 is    
Abi: I think I’d like to do that.
than Highway 53.
1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 6  a the best
b as good
6 Choose the correct answers. c worse
1 My sister does karate really   well   . 8 The Hilton hotel is    
a late than the Hyatt.

b good a the most beautiful

c well b less comfortable

2 You can’t watch that movie because c as clean

you’re     young. 9 The police caught the criminals
a enough    .

b too a quickly

c not as b better

3 Japanese trains are c good

    1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 8 
trains in the world.
a cleaner
b as expensive as
c the fastest

Metro Level 2 End-of-year Test A 2 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

  End-of-year Test A

7 Order the words to make sentences 8 Complete the sentences with the
and questions. correct form of be going to and
the verbs. Use affirmative (),
1 park / here / you / motorcycle / can / your
negative (), or question forms.
  You can park your motorcycle here.  
buy eat go learn pay ride study
2 our / in / phones / we / can’t / use / class
take waste

1 We   aren’t going to waste   any more

3 chairs / sit / we / on / can / these / ?
money on bus tickets. ()
2 Mom    
4 the / into / dogs / can’t / café / bring / you   for my phone. ()
3     they    
  on vacation next month?
5 can / ball / goalkeepers / catch / the 4 Akio    
  the bus to college. ()
5 I   
6 into / the / dive / swimming pool / we /
  science in college. ()
can / ?
6 What     you    
  for dinner?
7 Dad    
1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 5 
  me a car when I’m 18. ()
8 When _______ he    
  to ski?
9 We    
  our motorcycles this week. ()

1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 8 

Metro Level 2 End-of-year Test A 3 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

  End-of-year Test A

9 Choose the correct words. 11 Match the questions 1–6 with the
short answers a–f.
1  Log out of  / Change / Install this
website before you go to another one. 1 Is Lucy having a sleepover
tomorrow?   b 
2 They sailed / drove / flew on a ferry
across the harbor. 2 Do you have to play baseball
on Friday?    
3 Is the detective investigating / chasing /
breaking into the robbery? 3 Can we swim in the river?    

4 Martha failed her exam. She’s feeling 4 Are you going to go to college?    
polite / miserable / rude. 5 Was Chen jogging in the park?    
5 Carla caught / won / scored three goals 6 Has Matt ever played basketball?    
in yesterday’s game.
a Yes, you can.
1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 4 
b No, she isn’t.
c No, he hasn’t.
10 Complete the sentences with the
d Yes, I am.
correct past progressive or
simple past form of the verbs. e No, I don’t.

1 We   were watching   (watch) TV when f Yes, he was.

we my friend came round. 1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 5 

2 Anna fell asleep while she

12 Complete the words.
a book.
1 When are you visiting your
3 Mom was walking up the stairs when the
r  e  l  a  t  i  v  e  s?
(ring). 2 I don’t often take the s    bw        .

4 It     (start) to 3 The restaurant serves

rain when we were doing track and field. tr    d    t        n        Mexican food.

5 He     (get 4 Marco wants to be a d    nt        t. What

off) the bus when he dropped his wallet. a terrible job!

6 We were already sleeping when Dad 5 There were some great b    rg            s

    (get back) at the sales.

from work last night. 6 Are you going to watch the

7 Simon     v    l        yb    l    game at school?

(break) his arm while he was 1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 5 

playing soccer.
8 When you called me, I
dinner with my parents.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 7 

Metro Level 2 End-of-year Test A 4 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

  End-of-year Test A

13 Complete the present perfect 14 Complete the words.

sentences, questions, and
1 Rachel is very e  a    s    y    g    o    i    n  g.
short answers.
She never gets stressed.
1 A Have you ever   seen   (see)
2 In London, we saw some
Fantastic Beasts?
h                        c buildings.
B No, I    .
I prefer them to the more
2 Toni has never     (eat) modern buildings.
Japanese food.
3 My dad is going to p        k       
3 A Has your sister ever     Jen from school.
4 It was raining heavily and Simon
(drive) an expensive car?
couldn’t go running. He felt
B No, she    . d                                        d.
4 I’ve never     (cry) during 5 Finding Dory is a famous
a movie. a                            n.
5 He’s     (met) Emma 6 Sam d                    s all the
Stone twice. costumes for our school plays. He’s very
6 A Have your friends ever artistic.
    (find) any money 7 The police officers a                     
on the sidewalk? d the criminal when they caught him
B Yes, they    . breaking into a store.
7 A Has your teacher ever 1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 6 
    (give) you 100%?
B Yes, she    .

1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 10 

Metro Level 2 End-of-year Test A 5 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

  End-of-year Test A

Earth’s weather and temperature) in

Reading different countries.

Gretchen Bleiler: Today, she writes articles about climate

Snowboarding Queen change for magazines. She sometimes works

with an environmental organization called
Every sport has its superstars, and Gretchen
Protect Our Winters. She has appeared on TV
Bleiler is the queen of snowboarding.
talk shows, and she has spoken at different
Gretchen was born in Toledo, the U.S., in
events around the world. Gretchen says that
1981 and spent her early years in Dayton,
snowboarding has given her everything, and
Ohio. Her life changed for the better when she
now she wants to give something back. She
was 10 years old and her family moved to
stopped snowboarding professionally in 2014,
Aspen, Colorado.
and no one can deny that she has enjoyed a
Gretchen loved the mountains in Aspen, and great career.
she started snowboarding at the age of 11.
She knew as a child that she wanted to 15 Read the text. Answer the questions.
compete in the Olympic Games, but Use full sentences.
snowboarding wasn’t an Olympic sport at 1 When was Gretchen Bleiler born?
that time. She also wanted to compete in
  She was born in 1981.  
The X Games, one of the most important
2 How old was she when she started
events in snowboarding.
Snowboarding is a fairly new sport. It’s
unusual because it’s a combination of three
sports in one: skateboarding, skiing, and 3 How many X Games medals has

surfing! Gretchen learned fast, and soon she won?

started entering competitions. When

snowboarding became an Olympic sport, she
4 What did she do in 2007?
was good enough to compete.

In her career, Gretchen has won many

different awards, including an Olympic silver 5 When did she stop snowboarding
medal and four gold X Games medals. In professionally?
2003, she was the U.S. snowboard Grand Prix
champion, and in 2007, she designed her own
line of snowboarding clothes. 1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 4 

Gretchen has traveled around the world and

gone snowboarding in many different
countries. While traveling, Gretchen has seen
the effects of climate change (changes in the

Metro Level 2 End-of-year Test A 6 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

  End-of-year Test A

16 Read again. Choose T (True),

F (False), or DS (Doesn’t Say).
1 Gretchen Bleiler is one of the
youngest female American
snowboarders. T  F  DS
2 When Gretchen was 10,
her family moved
to Austria. T  F DS

3 She has won two

Olympic gold medals. T  F DS

4 She loves snowboarding

because it’s fast
and it’s exciting. T  F DS

5 She has traveled all

over the world. T  F DS

6 She has appeared in

TV soap operas. T  F DS

7 Gretchen thinks that

skiing isn’t as difficult
as snowboarding. T  F DS

1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 6 

17 Read again. Choose the correct

1 Gretchen was born in  Toledo  / Dayton.
2 Snowboarding wasn’t an X Games /
Olympic sport when she was young.
3 When she started snowboarding, she
learned slowly / fast.
4 She became the World champion /
U.S. Grand Prix champion in 2003.
5 While she was snowboarding /
traveling, she saw the effects
of climate change.
6 She writes articles about
snowboarding fashion /
climate change for magazines.

1 point for each correct answer. Total points    / 5 

Metro Level 2 End-of-year Test A 7 EDITABLE © Oxford University Press 2018

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