Safety Data Sheet Ilmenite

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Document Title: Safety Data Sheet — limenite Page No: 1of9) Doc No: GQTableMark007e Rev No: 006, ‘Compiled by: Hd Burger ‘Approved by: Effective date: November 2019 Marketing Manager 12, 13, 14, 22. Safety Data Sheet - limenite IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING. PRODUCT IDENTIFIER Common/Trade Name limerite EC Number 308-551-1 ‘This product is exempt from registration according to the provision of Article 2(7) REACH Regitralion Number gra annex v (7) of REACH ‘CAS Number 98072-94-7 Harmonized Tariff Code 2505,00.00.5 Product Description Natural occurring mineral, sand-ike material Chemical formula FeTiOs RELEVANT IDENTIFIED USES OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND USES ADVISED AGAINST Identified uses Production of UGI SUB / PROG 2, 3, 4, 8b, 22, 26/ ERC1 Production of titanium dioxide SU/ PC 9a/ PROC 2, 3, 4, 8b, 14, 22, 28/ERC 1 Production of titanium tetrachloride SUB / PROC 2, 3, 4, 8b, /ERC 1 Please refer to the ECHA website for more detalls regarding the meaning of the codes DETAILS OF THE SUPPLIER OF THE SAFETY DATA SHEET (SDS) Company Tronox Mineral Sands (Pty) Ltd Address River Falls Office Park Ground Floor, Wild Pear Building Doomkloof, Centurion, 0157, South Africa Emall address of person [email protected] ‘responsible for this SDS EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER Telephone 427 35 340 8103, Information limitations Not applicable HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION CLASSIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE OR MIXTURE Product definition ‘Mono-constituent substance Regulation (EC) Number 1272/2008 (CLP/GHIS) Directive 67/548/EEC (DSD) Not classified ‘See Section 16 for the full ext of the R phrases or H statements declared above ‘See Section 11 for more detailed information on health effects and symploms Not classified LABEL ELEMENTS Signal word No signal word Other hazards which do not When converted to Titanium Dioxide Pigment by downstream users, airborne resull in classification particles may be generated. Titanium dioxide was classified as possible ‘carcinogens, IARC 2B (based on animal studies, particle overload, however, in human epidemiological study all is negative) “TRONOX 2% WARNING: Used outside of the document library this document is UNCONTROLLED ‘and may be outdated. Document Titie: Safety Data Sheet — Iimenite Page No: 2 of 9 Doc No: GOTableMark00te Rev No: 006 ‘Compiled by: HJ Burger ‘Approved by: Effective date: November 2079 Marketing Manager 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS 3.4. SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE ‘Mono-constituent substance : Classification Product Identifiers % ‘Regulation (EC Type Ingredient Name sgulation (EC) No. | Inaradiont Namo oriseucec | Regt ice Timenite mineral | EC: 308-851-1 erie) CA: A072 4-7 100 | Noteclassified | Not classified A Additional information The ilmenite comprises of the ilmenite mineral of various TiO2 and FeO compositions. Different elements are in a solid solution in the crystal structure where its nol possible to identity the minor and trace elements as free oxides. For more details on the composition, please refer to the Certificate of Analysis. The principal hazard is due to inhalation of dust. The normal grain size of imenite precludes it from being an inhalation hazard. Avoid the creation of dust during handling and processing There are no additional ingredients present which, within the current knowledge of the supplier, are classified and contribute to the classification of the substance and hence require reporting in this section. Occupational exposure limits, if available are listed in Section & 4. FIRST AID AND MEASURES 4.4. DESCRIPTION OF FIRST AID MEASURES Eye contact Immediately flush eyes with plonty of water, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Check for and remove any contact lenses. Get medical attention if iritation occurs. Inhalation Move exposed person to fresh air. Get medical attention if symptoms occur ‘skin Contact Wash with soap and water. Gel medical attention if symptoms occur Ingestion Wash out mouth with water. Get medical attention if symptoms occur Protection of fist alders No special protection is required. See Section 8 for information on appropriate personal protective equipment 4.2, MOST IMPORTANT SYMPTOMS AND EFFECTS, BOTH ACUTE AND DELAYED Potential acute health effects Eye contact 'No known significant effects or critical hazards Inhalation 'No known significant effects or critical hazards Skin contact No known significant effects or critical hazards Ingestion No known significant effects or critical hazards Over-exposure signs/symptoms Eye contact No specific data Inhalation No specific data ‘Skin contact No specific data Ingestion No specific data INDICATION OF ANY IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION AND SPECIAL TREATMENT NEEDED Notes to physician Treat symptomatically. No specific treatment Specific treatments, No specific treatment “TRONOX = WARNING: Used outside of the document library this document is UNCONTROLLED ‘and may be outdated, Document Title: Safety Data Sheet — limenite Page No: 3 of 9 Doc No: GOTableMark00te Rev No: 006, ‘Compiled by: HJ Burger ‘Approved by: Effective date: November 2079 Marketing Manager 6, _ FIREFIGHTING MEASURES 5.1. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Suitable extinguishing media Use an extinguishing agent suitable for the Surrounding fre Unsuitable extinguishing media None known 5.2. SPECIAL HAZARDS ARISING FROM THE SUBSTANCE OR MIXTURE Hazards from the substance or ae No specific fre or explosion hazard Hazardous combustion products None 5.3. ADVICE FOR FIREFIGHTERS Special protective equipment for mena No fire or explosion hazard exists 6, ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES 6.1. PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS, PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES For non-emergency personnel Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see Section8) For non-emergency personne! Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see Section 8) 6.2. ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS Environmental precautions Avoid dispersal of spilled material and runoff and contact with sol, waterways, drains and sewers 6.3. METHODS AND MATERIALS FOR CONTAINMENT AND CLEANING UP ‘Small pis Recycle if possible. Waste must be disposed of according to applicable regulations Large spits Recycle if possible. Waste must be disposed of according to applicable regulations, Avoid creating dusty conditions and prevent wind dispersal 6.4. REFERENCE TO OTHER SECTIONS See Section 1 for emergency contact information ‘See Section 8 for information on appropriate personal protective equipment See Section 13 for additonal waste treatment information 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE 7A. PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING Protective measures ‘Avoid creating dusty conditions and prevent wind dispersal. Put on appropriate personal protective equipment (see Section 8) 7.2. CONDITIONS FOR SAFE STORAGE, INCLUDING ANY INCOMPATIBILITIES Store in accordance with local regulations. Avoid creating dusty conditions and prevent wind dispersal 8, EXPOSURE CONTROLS 8.1. CONTROL PARAMETERS Occupational exposure limits No exposure limit value known 8.2. EXPOSURE CONTROLS “TRONOX 2 Appropriate engineering controls Good general ventilation should be sufficient to control worker exposure to airbome contaminants. Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation ‘or other engineering controls to keep worker exposure to airborne contaminants below any recommended or statutory limits, WARNING: Used outside of the document library this document is UNCONTROLLED ‘and may be outdated. Document Title: Safety Data Sheet — limenite Page No: 4 0f9 Doc No: GOTableMark001e Rev No: 006, od by: HJ Burger ‘Approved by: Marketing Manager Effective date: November 2019 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Eye protection Skin protection Body protection Other skin protection Respiratory protection 9.2. OTHER INFORMATION No additional information “TRONOX 2 8.3. INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION MEASURES, SUCH AS PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 8.4, ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE CONTROLS, ‘Avoid creating dusty conditions and prevent wind dispersal 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES 9.1. INFORMATION ON BASIC PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Granular, solid b. Colour Black & Odour Odourless 4. Odour threshold Not applicable e pH Not applicable {Melting point 1050 °C {G. Initial bolting point and boiling range Not applicable h. Flash point Not applicable |. Evaporation rate Not applicable |. Flammability (solid, gas) Not applicable Burning time Not applicable 1. Burning rate Not applicable 1. Upperiowerfammatiliy © eos it appicale fn. Vapour pressure Not applicable ©. Vapour density Not applicable P. Bulk density £2900 kgim? 4. Granulometyy 106 um 1. Relative density 4.2 kgm? s. Solubiliy(ies) Insoluble in the following materials: cold water and hot water, ‘methanol, diethylether, n-octanol and acetone |. Partition coefficient: n-octanoliwater Not applicable u.Auto-igntion temperature Not applicable ¥v. Decomposition temperature Not applicable Viscosity Not applicable x. Explosive properties Not applicable y. _ Oxidizing properties, Not applicable Safety glasses, overal, suitable gloves Safety eyewear should be used when there Is a likelihood of exposure. Recommended: safety glasses No special protection required. Recommended: Wear sultabie gloves No special protective clothing requited. Recommended: Overall ‘Appropriate footwear and any additional skin protection measures should be selected based on the task being performed and the risks involved. Use a propery fitted, air purifying or ai-fed respirator complying with an approved standard if a risk assessment indicates this is necessary. Respirator selection must be based on known or anticipated exposure levels, the hazards of the product and the safe working imits of the selected respirator. WARNING: Used outside of the document library this document is UNCONTROLLED ‘and may be outdated, Document Titlo: Safety Data Sheet — limenite Page No: 5 of 9 Doc No: GOTableMark001e Rev No: 006, Compiled by: HY Burger ‘Approved by Marketing Manager Effective date: November 2019 10. 10.1 STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Reactivity 10.2. 10.3. Chemical stability Possibility of hazardous reactions 10.4. 105. 108. Conditions to avoid Incompatible materials Hazardous decomposition products 11. TOXICOLOGY INFORMATION 14. Acute Toxicity No specific test data related to reactivity available for this product or its ingredients ‘The product is stable Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous reactions will not ‘occur None known None known Under normal conditions of storage and use, hazardous decomposition should net be produces INFORMATION ON TOXICOLOGICAL EFFECTS Initation/Corrosion Productingrediont Name Result Species Dose Exposure uGI LD50 Oral Rat [> 2000 mgrkg Conclusion/Summary ‘Acute toxicity inhalation: Testing could not be initiated (OECD Guideline 403. EPA OPPTS 870.1300 Conclusion/Summary Reproductive Toxicity Conclusion’Summary ‘Teratogenicity Concluston’Summary Specific target organ toxicity (single exposure) Specific target (repeated exposure) Aspiration hazard organ toxicity “TRONOX 2 Foie ene "wero —~id aoe | Bone | expnue | Oberon Uci | EveeRecness tne corintvan | Rabin | 0 | “40085 | rehoue ‘Skin — Primary dermal irritation index ‘hours | Ska rato | 0 | fs | ra nous skin Non rating testa. OECD 404 eyes Non tating othe eyes. OECD 408 Reapatony Noniraing tthe respaion sytem ConcusonSummary in Non ensierto skin, OCD 406 Hutenent Conctusion’Summary Wo mutagenic eect carcinogen hen converted to Ttaniun doi pigments by downsteam Users, airborne particles may be generated. Titanium dioxide was classified ‘as possible carcinogens, IARC 2B (based on animal studies, paricle ‘overtoad. However, in human epidemiology studies all negative.) ‘No known significant effects or critical hazards [No known significant effects or crtcal hazards, Not available Not avaitable Not available INFORMATION ON LIKELY ROUTES OF EXPOSURE Route of entry anticipated: Oral, Dermal and inhalation WARNING: Used outside of the document library this document is UNCONTROLLED ‘and may be outdated. Document Title: Safety Data Sheet — limenite Page No: 6 0f9 Doc No: GOTableMarkO0te. Rev No: 006, ‘Compiled by: HJ Burger ‘Approved by: Effective date: November 2019 Marketing Manager 44.3, POTENTIAL ACUTE HEALTH EFFECTS Inhalation No known significant effects or ertical hazards Ingestion No known significant effects or ectical hazards Skin contact [No known significant effects or crtical hazards Eye contact [No known significant effects or crical hazards 11.4. SYMPTOMS RELATED TO THE PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS. Inhalation No specife data Ingestion No specific data Skin contact No specife data Eye contact No specific data 11.8. DELAYED AND IMMEDIATE EFFECTS AND CHRONIC EFFECTS FROM SHORT- AND LONG-TERM EXPOSURE ‘Short term exposure Potential immediate effects Not available Potential delayed effects Not available Long term exposure Potential immediate effects Not available Potential delayedeffects Not available 11.6. POTENTIAL CHRONIC HEALTH EFFECTS ‘Concusion/Summary Not available General No known significant effects or eitical hazards Carcinogenicity No known significant effects or ertical hazards Mutagenicity No known significant effects or ertical hazards Teratogenicity ‘No known significant effects or entical hazards Developmental effects ‘No known significant effects or entical hazards Fortity efects ‘No known significant efects or ertcal hazards 11.7. OTHER INFORMATION \Wnen converted to Titanium Dioxide Pigment by downstream users, airborne particles may be generated. Titanium dioxide was classified as possible carcinogens, |ARC 2B (based on animal studies, particle overload, however in human epidemiology studies all negative) TRONOX 2% WARNING: Used outside of the document library this document is UNCONTROLLED ‘and may be outdated. PeT veve 126. AQUATIC TOXICITY Organism uptake potential Toxicity to aquatic fe Radioactive hazard ‘Aquatic pollution potential Footnote: “TRONOX 2 Document Title: Safety Data Sheet = limente Page NorT af Doe No: GOTableMarkODIe Rev No: 006 Compiled by: HJ Burger ‘Approved by: Effective dato: November 2078 Marketing Manager 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION 124, Toxicry [igre ane Test esutt Species [Exposure Ue Sedmert | OPPTS 3501735 Whee Sediment Tokiy | NOEG > 100 060 ppm Compartment | invertebrates, Fresh wat fresh water LHyalelia azteca | 28 days ‘ones —| OECD 208 Seeding Emergenae ard Tore ‘Compartment. Seeding Growth Test NOEC > 100.000 ppm vulgare 20 days E0208 Soong EIGEN BAT = E60 208 Sesing E NOEG> 100000 on | Lectca sativa | 78 daye OECD He Sol Mea, NOET : Miers organi anatonnaton Ted NoeC> 100000 0m | MST mame | 224a¥8 ‘are onan (E00 232 Colembsin production festa : ox woe ronrem | “Fatma” | 28a aa : a ESOS oT Aaiiie, _| 0600201 Aig, Gowh inhbon Test cia ‘Aloe | 72 hous ‘OECD 292 Dap sp, Asie niobate ss ‘SECO-He Daphnia sp: feae Ecs0> 10onat | ceptna | rove (OEC07208 Fish Acute Toxic Test Mae ECHO? Taome | ign | so hows EGO ZO9 Aatated Sage esas : = CEDB ATE Aa fete HEC > ttamgt | Mico-oanism | 3 howe ‘OECD201 Alga Grown nnbton Test | Chen €C50> Imo | Agee | 28 days CConcision’Summary Not cassied 122. PERSISTENCE AND DEGRADABILITY Conctsion’Summary Not really biodegradable 123, BIO-ACCUMULATIVE POTENTIAL Product Ingredient | — “Logp. Product’ Ingredient aang 1 et Potent aT UGi : : 5 ust 424, MOBILITY IN SOIL Soilwater patton coeficent (Ke) Not avaiable Mobily Not avaiable RESULTS OF PBT AND vPvB ASSESSMENTS Not applicable PBT specified Not applicable vPVvB specified Not readily. Not soluble at pH and temperature of natural seawater and fresh water ‘Non-toxic. inorganic material with no leaching of elements at pH and temperature of natural seawater and fresh water. Low risk (Refer to UN GHS Annex 9) Low tisk. Not classified as radioactive material in terms of IAEA guidelines Low Risk. Inorganic, natural chemical components and easily dispersed by natural ‘movement ‘As per definition, UN GHS Annex 9, the material is classified as a “dificult substance" to test. Reference to aquatic toxicity is limited to available scientiic knowledge and specifically based references and hypothesis. WARNING: Used outside of the document library this document is UNCONTROLLED ‘and may be outdated. Document Title: Safety Data Sheet — limenite Page No: 6 of 8 Doc No: GQTableMark001e ‘Compiled by: HJ Burger “Approved by Marketing Manager Effective date: November 2019, 13, DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Recycle if possible. The generation of waste should be avoided or minimized Method of disposal Hazardous waste whenever possible, Dispose of surplus and non-recyclable products vi waste disposal contractor ‘Within the present knowledge of the supplier, this product is not regarded as hazardous waste, as defined by the EU Directive 91/689/EEC 14, TRANSPORT INFORMATION mormio[ANOIADWR [woo [tara | 14.1, UN Number Notreguated | Notregusted | Notregusted | Notreguted | 142, UN Proper Shiping Name : : : _ 143, ‘Trangportnazars classes) : : 2p 144, Packing Group : : 145. Environmental Hazards — No 146. Special Precautions for User No We No | Notavalabi 14.7, ional nformaton Notavaiable | Notavalabie | Notevalabie : 148. TTangpor in Buk cording Annex of Complan’ wih MBSC Code 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION 45:1. SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS SPECIFIC FOR THE SUBSTANCE OR MIXTURE EU Regulation (EC) No, 1907/2006 (REACH) ‘Annex XIV ~ List ofeubstances subject to authorization substances of very None a the components re Pigheoncer fisted ‘Annex XVIl~ Restrictions onthe manufacture, placing onthe mate 26 USE yer appicabe of cea dangerous substances, mires and aries, Other EU Regulations Europe ventory “wis materia sted Black List Chemicals Not ites Prony List Chemicals Not ated Integrated poluton prevention and conta it (IPPC) ~ Ar Not ted Integrated potion prevention and conta st (IPPC) ~ Water Not ited Inerational Regulations Chemical Weapons Convention List Schedule | Chemical Not ates Chemical Weapons Convention List Schedule Chemicals Not ates Chemica Weapons Convention List Schedule Chemicals Notited 182, CHEMICAL SAFETY ASSESSMENT Compete “TRONOX 2 WARNING: Used outside of the document library this document is UNCONTROLLED. ‘and may be outdated. Document Title: Safety Data Sheet — limenite Doc No: GOTableMark00ie Rev No: 006 ‘Compiled by: HJ Burger ‘Approved by: Effective date: November 2019 Marketing Manager 416. OTHER INFORMATION “Indicates information that has been changed from previously issued version Abbreviations and Acronyms ATE = Acute Toxicity Estimate CLP = Classification, Labeling and Packaging Regulation [Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008] DNEL = Derived No Effect Level EUH statement = CLP ~ specific hazard statement PNEC = Predicted No Etfect Concentration RPN = Reach Registration Number Procedure to Derive the Classification According to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (CLP/GHS) Classification Justification Not classified Full text of abbreviated H statements Not applicable Full text of classifications (CLP/GHS) Not applicable Full ext of abbreviated R statements Not applicable Full ext of classifications (OSD/DPD) Not applicable Date of printing 10 March 2021 Date of Issue/date of revision November 2019 Version 06 Disclaimer ands (Pry) Li, its employees, directors, agents, subsidiaries, affiates or related companies shall not assume any lability of whatsoever ‘cause (including consequential damages) for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained inthis SDS. Final determination of sultabilty of any material is the sole responsibilty ofthe user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with cautions. Although hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exis. “TRONOX 2 WARNING: Used outside of the document library this document is UNCONTROLLED and may be outdated.

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