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ae Nw EXAM STUDY. . WORKBOOK: - VOLUME I eo Ne 1s SS Third EditionSP. sen et EEE of Contents Invoduction ‘The Safety Professional coe Professional Codes ofConduct BCSP Certifivation Mawix About the ASP Exam... . Benefits of Certification... ce Overview of the AS ‘ification Process... The ASI Exan: Taking the Computer Based beam. Frequently Asked Questions about the Computer Exe Applied Study & Exam Techniques . Select Study References for the ASP Exain Select an Approved Calculator... Domain 1: Mathematics... Calculator Review Problems Calculator Review Answers .. Chemistry and Industrial Hy Chemistry and Industrial H. Chemistry and Industrial 1) Electrical Calculations Electrical Questions Electrical Answers Radiation Calculations .. Radiation Questions Radiation Answers. Structural and Mechanical Calculations Structural and Mechanical Questions Structural and Mechanical Answer: Engineering Control Calculations . Engineering Control Question Engineering Control Answers Physics Calculations . Physics Questions .. Physics Answers Financial Principles Caleulations Financial Principles Question Financial Principles Answet ny Calculations ne Questions ne Answers .Statistics Calculations Statistics Questions. Statistics Answers... Performance Metrics and Indicators... Performance Metrics and Indicator Questions Performance Metrics and Indicator Answer: Domain 2: Safety Management Systems. Safety Management Systems Questions Safety Management Systems Answets..... Domain 3: Ergonomics... NIOSH Lifting Equation. Ergonomics Questions .. Ergonomics Answers Domain 4: Fire Prevention and Protection . Hydrostatics and Hydraulics Formulas Fire Prevention and Protection Questions Fire Prevention and Protection Answers . Domain 5: Occupational Health... Occupational Health Questions .. Occupational Health Answers Domain 6: Environmental Management. Environmental Management Question: Environmental Management Answers.. Domain 7: Training Education, and Communication . Training Education, and Communication Questions Training Education, and Communication Answers .. Reference List.......Introduction ‘There are three major objectives of this workbook 1. Provide candidates the knowledge and skills to successfully attain the Associate Safety Professional® (ASP) certification. y examination. | Serve asa guide in preparing for the Certified Safety Professional” (CSP) 4, Enhance skills, knowledge and abilities asa safety professional. This workbook is designed to be used as 2 resource for self directed study in preparation for the ASP exam. In the fast ‘track three day workshop conducted by SPAN® Safety Workshops, participants are provided expert guidance and ee the same content presented in these workbooks. This curriculum is also ised in the SPAN® CertBoK™ Exam Prep Online Learning Management system (LMS). ‘Workshops are conducted periodically throughout the ¥« ar so that professionals nertake the examination as they are prepared. Visit the SPAN website for workshop dates and locations. www. ‘The exam is designed for candidates with 1 year of professional safety experience with a bachelor's degree and 3 years’ experience with an associate's degree. Depending on the university, candidates may qualify as a Graduate Safety Professional (GSP). Generally, it takes the avetael safety and health practitioner about 40-100 hours of dedicated self-study, in addition to a vrotkshop, to adequately prepare for the examination. The self-study can The workbook is divided into two volumes designed for generally be accomplished in about 4 fo 12 ‘weeks depending on individual needs. self-study and facilitated professional development workshops. After each section of the veetcbook there are fully developed explanations for the answer selected for each question. In many cases information about all the selections offered as possible answers will be included to assist in developing a better understanding Ofthe subject. These sessions are designed to allow the safety professional to measure progress during the extended program of self-study that is normally required to pass the certification exams.a Considerable effort has been made to fully develop and explain the concepts and techniques discussed. However, given the differences in the background and experience of the safety practitioners sitting for the ASP examination, itis impossible to explain all concepts to all candidates. The materials are based on. the exam blueprint and subject matter expertise. Browse through the rest of the first volume stopping and actually reading whenever a subject or question is of interest. Study the explanations to all the questions as these represent much of the exam philosophy and may add significant value to in preparation. These are only suggestions. After reviewing the workbook, establish a study plan. There are voluminous resources available for each domain of the exam blueprint. Simply stated, chance favors the prepared mind and candidates should have a study plan. Budget adequate time to master the material. js designed to optimize study time. There is no extraneous or "nice to know" information in this workbook. All of the information is important. Concentrating on the areas emphasized in the text should reduce research and study time considerably. The BCSP exams have changed very dramatically in the past few years and SPAN@ conducts ongoing research and development to ensure the accuracy and quality of the curriculum based on the actual exam blueprint. This workbook does not contain actual ASP test questions and uses a question and answer format with detailed explanations.. Difficult concepts or theories may have material be presented in a table, diagram, illustration, or a paraphrased format. This method is used to allow broad coverage of the material and optimize study efforts. The beginning sections of the workbook are devoted to enhancing knowledge and skills in: © The exam process © Study and testing techniques © Applied Math and Science problems Content may serve as preliminary exercises to engage the analytical portions of the brain and help prepare candidates for the mathematical components of the exam. The problems are representative of the exam based on the blueprint.From the introductory section, the workbook progresses to individual areas on cach of the seven ASP exam blueprint domains, These seven blueprint domains utilize the question and answer format designed to mimic the type of ‘questions offered on the exam. Explanations are offered to reduce research time considering the examination covers @ tremendous amount of subject matter. ‘The questions presented are representative ofthe questions found on the acta) examination(s). For this reason, candidates must understand the area (areas) to ‘which the question is pertaining. Many times this will require additional study. However, do not stray too far from the subject or direction and focus will be lost. Follow what the workbook attempts to provide. Approximately 59% of the scored questions must be answered correctly t0 pass the ASP examination . mastery of the concepts contained herein, Become familiar with the subject areas contained in the workbooks through repetition will help to identify areas of strength and weakness unigue to every individual ‘The assumption is made that only fully qualified safety practitioners will attempt to sit for the ASP examination, which means everyone using this workbook has a solid foundation in the Safety and Health field. Given this assumption, no attempt has been made to provide a basic safety text. Rather, the problems presented in this book are representative of questions, that may be expected to appear on the ASP examination and based on the exam blueprint. The workbook is designed as a guide and depending upon an individual's knowledge baseline, additional research may be required. ‘The challenge of achieving certification is a difficult task. Embrace the journey of professional development in preparation for the exam. ‘The modern safety professional must be an adaptive leader and lifelong learner. This curriculum has been carefully checked for accuracy, but errors may exist. Should and an error be discovered, contact the author via
[email protected]
5 —_— The Safety Professional A safety professional is one who applies the expertise gained from a study of safety science, principles, and other subjects and from professional safety experience to create or develop procedures, processes, standards, specifications, and systems to achieve optimal control or reduction of the hazards and exposures that may harm people, property or the environment. A Certified Safety Professional® (CSP) is a safety professional who has met and continues to meet the criteria established by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP) and is authorized by the BCSP to use the Certified Safety Professional® title and the CSP credential. ‘To perform their professional functions, individuals practicing in the safety profession generally have education, training and experience from a common body of knowledge. They need to have a fundamental knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, physiology, statistics, mathematics, compute r science, engineering mechanics, industrial processes, business, communication and psychology. Professional safety studies include industrial hygiene and toxicology, design of engineering hazard controls, fire protection, ergonomics, system and process safety, safety and health program management, accident investigation and analysis, product safety, construction safety, education and training miethods, measurement of safety performance, human behavior, environmental safety and health, and safety, health and environmental laws, regulations and standards. Many have backgrounds or advanced study in other disciplines, such as management and business administration, engineering, education, physical and social sciences and other fields. Others have advanced study in safety, and this additional background extends their expertise beyond the basics of the safety profession. Because safety is an element in all human endeavors, the performance of these functions, in a variety of contexts in both public and private sectors, often employ specialized knowledge and skills. Typical settings are manufacturing, insurance, risk management, government, education, consulting, construction, healthcare, engineering and design, waste management , petroleum, facilities management, retail, transportation and utilities. Within these contexts, they must adapt their functions to fit the mission, operations and climate of their employer. Not only must individuals practicing in the safety profession acquire the knowledge and skills to perform these functions effectively in their employment context, through continuing education and training they staywae current with new technologies, changes in laws and regulations, and changes in the workforce, workplace and world business, political and social climate, [As part of their positions, these individuals must plan for and manage resources and funds elated t o their functions. They may be responsible for supervising a diverse staff of professionals. By acquiring the knowledge and skills of the profession, developing the mind set and wisdom to act responsibly in the employment context, and keeping up with changes that affect the safety profession, the required safety professional functions are able to be performed Pith confidence, competence and respected authority. (ANSI/ASSE 2590) Se O Basic Principles of Safety (Petersen, 2003) * 1) Anunsafe act, an unsafe condition, and an accident ae all symptoms management systems problems. BD Cieurmstances that will produce severe injuries ae predictable and can be identified and controlled. 3) Safety should be managed like any other company funetion, Management should direc the safety effort by setting achievable goals and by planning, organizing, and controlling to achieve them. BD The key to effective line safety performance is management procedures that fix accountability 3) The fnetion of safety isto locate and define the operational exros tat allow accidents to occur. This function can be carried out in two ways: a. by asking why accidents happen - searching for their root causes . b,_by asking whether certain known effective controls are being utilized. @) The causes of unsafe behavior can be identified and classified. Some of the Classifications are Overload (the improper matching of a person's capacity wit the toad); Traps, and the worker's decision to error. Each eause is one which can be controlled. 7) In most eases, unsafe behavior is normal human behavior iti the result of normal people reacting to their environment, Management’ job isto change the environment that leads to unsafe behavior. 8) There are three major subsystems that must be dealt with in building an effective safety system: the physical; the managerial; the behavioral 9) __ The safety system should fit the culture of the organization. 70) There is no one cight way to achieve safety in an organizations however, fora salty system to be effective, it must mect certain criterions. The system must: Force Supervisory performance; Involve middle management; Have top management visibly Showing ther commitment; Have employee paticipation; Be flexible: Be perceived as positive.- 7 ET Professional Codes of Conduct Ethies is a rational reflection upon good and evil (without weighing in on the question of heaven or hell, angels and demons). The word ethics tefers to our identification of the “good” in any given situation as well as the rationale for the identification. Ethics engages each of us at the level of the thought, the reasoning process that goes into every decision we make, whether for our own happiness or that of another, Sound ethical judgment arises when proper habits of thought have given way to confidence in the right conduct and in doing it ‘As safety consultants (and mature adults), there is no flight fiom precisely this Kind of deliberation. We have to make choices that are responsible, defensible, and appropriate. Decide upon the highest good and order all ofthe others, the lesser goods, ina hierarchy. This could be applied to a tisk assessment or matrix. ‘There are rigorous professional guidelines and regulations regarding ethics for a safety professional. Below is a list of some of them: * Board of Certified Safety Professionals Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct American Society of Safety Engineers’ Code of Professional Conduct ‘American'Industrial Hygiene Association and American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Joint Ethical Principles American Board of Industrial Hygiene Code of Ethics International Code of Ethics for Occupational Health Professionals Federal Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct (48 CFR 3.10) American Society of Civil Engineers Code of Ethics . National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics Institute of Hazardous Materials Managernent Code of Ethics eee cee As a safety professional you should be familiar with the codes of conduct pertinent to your work, However, in and of themselves, they are insufficient. You must also develop a robust code of personal ethics. The avoidance of wrong is not the same as doing right. As safety professionals we must honor a high ethical standard, one that encompasses not just ourselves but our clients, colleagues, and community, You must not only behave ethically; you must strive to encourage ethical behavior in others.“BCSP. Code of Ethi HOLD paramount the safety and health of people, the protection of the environment and protection of property in the performance of professional duties and exercise their obligation to advise employers, clients, employees, the public, and appropriate authorities of danger and unacceptable risks to people, the environment, or property. BE honest, fair, and impartial act with responsibility and integrity. Adhere to high standards of ethical conduct with balanced care for the interests of the public, employers, clients, employees, colleagues and the profession. Avoid all conduct or practice that is likely to discredit the profession or deceive the public. ISSUE public statements only in an objective and truthful manner and only when founded upon knowledge of the facts and competence in the subject matter. UNDERTAKE assignments only when qualified by education or experience in the specific technical fields involved. Accept responsibility for their continued professional development by acquiring and maintaining competence through continuing education, experience, professional training and keeping current on relevant legal issues. ‘AVOID deceptive acts that falsify or misrepresent their academic or professional qualifications. Not misrepresent or exaggerate their degree of responsibility in or for the subject matter of prior assignments. Presentations incident to the solicitation of employment shall not misrepresent pertinent facts concerning employers, employees, associates, or past accomplishments with the, intent and purpose of enhancing their qualifications and their work. CONDUCT their professional relations by the highest standards of integrity and avoid compromise of their professional judgment by conflicts of interest. When becoming aware of professional misconduct by a BCSP certificant, take steps to bring that misconduct to the attention of the Board of Certified Safety Professionals. ‘ACT in a manner ite of bias with regard to religion, ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability. SEEK opportunities to be of constructive service in civic affairs and work for the advancement of the safety, health and wellbeing of their community and their profession by sharing their knowledge and skills.9 En BCSP Certification Matrix csp | ASP | GSP | OHST | CHST | STS/ CET STSC [Tiinimam | Bachelors | Bactelors | Bechelors | High Tigh Schoo! | WA Tigh Soto Education | degres' or | degrevor | or Master's | School |] Diploma or Diploma or ‘Associates | Associates | degree? — | Diplomaor | GED GED degree’ _| veuree GED. Minimum | NIAT NA NX NA Na Whose | Delveror ‘Training SHRE’ | 210 hours of ars using? Minimum | isarsor | tsearot [No Tyanof [Sscasot [2yeas” | Holdan Work experience” | experience” | experience | experience | construction | supervisory, | authonzed, Experience | And required? | experience” | experience” | credential Hold an Or authorized 4 years work credential® experience ‘Application — | 5160 3160 Na 310) SHO 380 30 ees. Examination | 5550 550 Na 300 $00 sis 33007 S100 ‘S100 Wx 3100 3100 S00 3105 Extension Fees Renewal Fees | CSP=S150 Csr sad | OFST) | CHST? | STSS0 [CET SIG 8120 ‘AOHST: stig Passing Scores | CSP: wx 66.5% Chie | are 549%, GE 72.0% Recertification | 25 points | 25 points | VA Bopoins | 20poms | S0hours of | 20 poine™ (Spear eyeley saiery and teal courses Min any field 2 Iya safety and health or related field 3 fromm an ABETASAC or ABI acreited QAP program “Not Applicable 5 softy, Health nd Environmental * tn safety, heath and environmental-lated eas 7 Where satery i at est 50%, preventative, groesioral level with breadth and depth of sary duties # ASP, CIH, CMIOSH, CRSP, GSP, SISO 9 Where safety is atleast 50%, preverstive, professional level with breadth and depth ofsafey duties © s4ust achieve the CSP within eligibity time period once CSP experienc requirement is met ° A least 35% of primary job duties involve sfery and ea "© A least 35% of primary job duties involve safety ad health © Related tothe STS indstry exam for which candies applying (work expeience mst bea minimum pat time (18 Isweek] to qualify 1SP, CBSP. CPPS, CFSIA, CHMM, CHE, CHST, C1, CMIOSH, CPMSIA, CRSP, CSP, Drinking Water Opera, FSIA, NRRPT, OHST, REM, Wastewater Operator, Water and Wastewater Sposa "Or by retaking the STS exam or earing he OHST, CHST, ASP or CSP 8 With 3 of these points in attending a training, development or instructional technology classIo i About the ASP Exam Shortly after the turn of the century there began appearing in this country. persons practicing the art and science of safety work. These practitioners came from different academic backgrounds and had a multitude of work experience ranging from operations to engineering. They all had one common goal, promoting the safety and health of employees. Until the Certified Safety Professional® certification program began, they also had no standard measure of qualification. The Associate Safety Professional® (ASP) is currently its own certification by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP). With few exceptions, one must attain the ASP before achieving the Certified Safety Professional” (CSP) designation, which is the Gold Standard in safety certification. ‘The BSCP was chartered by the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) in 1969, to establish a method of measuring qualifications for the safety profession. The Board established qualification standards and began issuing certification shortly after being founding. Although chartered as an independent, separately- incorporated board, the BCSP has several sponsoring organizations which provide members to the BCSP Board of Directors. These sponsoring organizations are as follows: «American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) © American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHAY «National Safety Council (NSC) ° Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) «Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) * International System Safety Society (ISSS) . National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) . ‘National Environmental Training Association (NESHTA)The BCSP’s certifications are accredited by independem, third-party organizations that regularly evaluate certification requirements. Accreditation assures: 1. Governance — Nominations/elections — Peer participation ~ Public paiticipation v . Financial disclosure — Stability and financial condition — Budget details 3. Fairness to candidates 4, Examinations — Validity — Reliability — Passing scores Recertification a . Independence from preparation =~ '. Management systems International Accreditation is provided by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI 17024/ISO)"”. National Accreditation is achieved through both the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA)'* and the Council of Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards (CESB)”. The ASP is the first step in attaining the CSP designation, which is the premier certification in the safety profession. No other single means of measuring safety and health practitioners’ qualifications is as widely accepted or respected. At publication of this workbook, there are over 12,000 Associate Safety Professionals® and over 14,000 Certified Safety Professionals®. asp, CSP. ‘8 ASP, CSP, OHST, CHST, STS ’ cerResults from an assessment process, Results from an educational process Typically requires some amount of professional experience For novice and experienced professionals “Awarded by a third-party, standard- setting organization ‘Awarded by training and educational programs or institutions Indicates master/competency as measured against a defensible set of standards, usually by application or exam Indicates completion of a course or series of courses with a specific focus; is different than a degree granting program. Standards set through a defensible, industry-wide process (job analysis/role delineation) that results in an outline of required knowledge and skills ‘Course content set a variety of ways (faculty committee; dean; instructor; occasionally though defensible analysis of topic care) Typically results ina designation to use after one’s name; may result ina document to hang on the wall or keep ina wallet Usually listed on a resume detailing education; may result in a document to hang on the wall Has on-going requirements to maintain; individual must demonstrate knowledge of content; holder must demonstrate he/she continues to meet requirements js the end result; individual may or may not demonstrate knowledge of course content at the end of a set period in time Benefits of Certification ‘The process of certification commands a considerable amount of effort. Many safety practitioners wonder ifthe advantages of certification justify all the effort ‘The average person holding the CSP credential today earns nearly $25,000 more than others in the safety field who hold no certification. The latest survey from the BSCP indicated that the average salary of those holding the CSP certification is approximately $98,000.The primary advantage of certification is that it provides a credential. The ASP/CSP indicates that a safety professional has achieved a standard level of qualification as judged by their professional peers. This level of qualification is important in establishing credibility within the ever growing field of Safety, Health and Environment (SH&E). Employment opportunities are much greater for personnel holding CSP certification, the courts recognize the certification as a step toward authentication as an expert witness, and it is almost always required to do consultant work in the field of safety today. There are several reasons that should cause candidates to think about starting the process of obtaining cettification right now. + A growing trend by states to license safety professionals, much like physicians, engineers, architects, and other professionals. Some states have that authority under their duty to "protect the health, safety and ‘welfare of the public." + Substantial support to modify existing safety and health laws to acknowledge certified "safety specialists". Some projects require a certified professional to be on staff. Certified Safety and Health professionals obtain employment earlier and receive greater compensation than non-certified employees. + As the requirements increase, the examinations may become even more dynamic, complex, difficult to pass and expensive, both in time and financial investments. These and other recent developments add up to a future environment where a certification is going to be the desired/required credential. Being an ASP will become much more important, more lucrative, and more difficult to obtain. Like the other professional certification/registration examinations, the ASP and CSP exams should be taken as early in one's career as possible.dh Overview of the ASP Certification Process The following information concerning the requirements for certification may have changed after publication. It is strongly suggested candidates contact the BCSP for current information. For exact requirements, go to the BCSP web site and review the ASP complete guide. There are common questions by potential candidates such as “What do I have to do to get the ASP?” Apply Online Pay Application Fee Submit Academic Transcripts Maintain Certification year Cycle Purchase and Schedule Exam The ASP is a certification awarded by BCSP to individuals who meet all of the requirements established by the Board. It is one of several approved credentials that can qualify an individual to sit for the CSP examination. Along with the education and experience requirements, candidates must successfully complete the examinations.ASP/GSP/CSP Qualifications Those candidates possessing other acceptable registration or certification may waive the ASP exam, Currently, the only acceptable means for waiving the first exam is possession of the following certifications/designations: Associate Safety Professional (ASP) Graduate Safety Practitioner (GSP) Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (CMIOSH) Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) Professional Member of Singapore Institution of Safety Officers (SISO) Diploma in Industrial Safety by Government of India ee es All others must successfully complete the ASP prior to receiving the CSP certification. Minimum Academic Requirement: « Associate’s in Safety (SH&E-related and from an accredited school) © Bachelor's in any field (ftom an accredited” school) «Bachelor's from a QAP School (BCSP Qualified Academie Program for GSP) co The Graduate Safety Practitioner (GSP) designation is a path offered to the CSP certification for qualifying ABET-ASAC”or AABI” graduates. ©. GSPs receive a waiver of the ASP examination Experience Requirement: « 3 Years Minimum plus the Academic Requirement © Qualifying Criteria for Experience co Full-Time Position (or Part-Time > 900 hrs/yr) © Professional safety is primary function (& 50% of position) © Primary responsibility must be the prevention of harm to people, property, or the environment © Must be at professional level (responsible charge) 3 Acoredited School is one that is recognized by the US Department of Education or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) 2 Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)-Applied Science Accreditation Commission (Asac) ® Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABN,. lb i ©. Breadth: Safety Tasks, Hazard Types, etc. © OHSTICHST count as one year of experience Pass the ASP and CSP examinations leading to the CSP certification (with some exceptions that waive the ASP exam, including the GSP designation). Recertification Requirements: 25 Points Every 5 Years © 10 Point Categories (Some with Point Limitations) © Practice Membership Service Publishing, Presenting, Patents Writing Exam Questions Professional Development Conferences Safety-Related Courses, Seminars, Quizzes Continuing Education «New Advanced Degree © Other Certifications/Re-Examination eoeee ‘A candidate for certification may take the ASP exam after meeting the academic/experience requirements. The ASP is truly a Safety Fundamentals test. Tecovers the basic academic knowledge expected of a safety professional at the entry level. Before taking the Comprehensive Practice Exam, the academic/experience requirements must be met, passing scores must be recorded on the ASP (unless waived by other registration or certification) and the candidate must have four years of acceptable professional safety experience. When a candidate has successfully completed the Comprehensive Practice Examination, they are designated a "Certified Safety Professional” (CSP)./? —_—_ ‘The entire process of certification generally takes from 3 to 6 months, allowing plenty of time to PLAN an individual study program. Costs associated with the certification process are as follows: Minimum Formal Education | Minimum Bachelor's degree in any field or an Associate's in safety, health or the environment or a closely related field Training Prerequisite NA Work Experience ‘At least | year of experience where safety is at least 50%, pteventative, professional level with breadth and depth of safety duties ‘Application Fees $160 Examination Fees $350 Eligibility Extension Fees $100 Renewal Fees $140 Passing Scores 58.9% Recertification (5-year cycle) | 25 points ‘The above information is accurate as of this printing. For more current information, candidates should contact the Board at: Board of Certified Safety Professionals 2301 W. Bradley Avenue Champaign, IL 61821 Phone (217) 359-9263 Fax (217) 359-0055 www. besp.org18 i The ASP Exam Blueprint BCSP examination blueprints are based on surveys of what safety professionals do in practice. The ASP examination is required for candidates to demonstrate knowledge of professional safety practice at the ASP level. The top levels, called domains, represent the major functions performed by safety professionals at the ASP level. Each domain is divided among several topics listing knowledge areas of that domain. Each domain heading is accompanied by a percentage label which represents the proportion of the actual ASP examination devoted to that domain, Domain 1: Mathematics 13% Domain 2: Safety Management Systems 23% Domain 3: Ergonomics 13% Domain 4: Fire Prevention and Protection 11% Domain 5: Occupational Health 11% Domain 6: Environmental Management 15% Domain 7: Training, Education, and Communication 9% ‘The ASP certification exam is designed to measure the broad spectrum of fundamental knowledge required in professional safety practice. Accordingly, many basic questions on the application of science, engineering and management fundamentals will be encountered. While some items test applied knowledge, the applications are basic; typically dealing with simple rather than complex problems, calculations and situations. ‘The computerized test consists of 200 questions covering 7 domains, and candidates are allowed 5 consecutive hours to complete all sections.a Chemistry and Industrial Hygiene Calcuiations Knowledge of: 1. Corrosives 2. Flammables 3. Toxic materials 4, Chemical reactions Financial Principles Topic? Knowledge of: Electrical 1. Power, impedance, energy, and resistance Calculations 2. Are flash 3. Circuits Topie 3 Knowiedge of Radiation 1. Decay Calculations 2. Half-life 3. Source strength Topie4 ‘Knowledge of Structural and 1. Loading and storage capacity Mechanical 2. Rigging and load Calculations Topie 5 Knowledge of Engineering Control | 1, Ventilation and system design Caleulations 2, Fire suppression and system design 3. Noise 4. Climate conditions (e.g, WBGT, wind chill, heat stress) 5. Fall protection Topic 6 Knowledge of Physics Calculations | |. Movement (@.g., acceleration, velocity, momentum) = 2. Friction 3. Kinetic and potential energy 4. Gas laws Topic7 Knowledge of 1. Cost benefit analysis (e., cost of risk) 2. Life cycle cost 3. Net present value 4, Return on investment Knowledge of 1. Descriptive statistics (e.g, central tendency, variability) 2. Correlational statistics (e.g., Pearson's r, Spearman's tho) 3. Inferential statistics (e.g, chi-square, t-test) 4, Probability (e.g. odds of success, Poisson) Topic 9 Performance Metrics and Indicators Knowledge of I. Lagging indicators (e.g, incidence rates, lst time, direct costs of incidents) 2, Leading indicators (e.g, inspection frequency, safety interventions, employee performance evaluations, training frequency, near miss, near ht, and close call reporting) 3. Effects of losses[ee Topie t Risk Management and Hazard Control Process Knowledge 1. Identification methods 2. Examine and analyze risks 5, Selection of contral methods (e.g. financial justification, hierarchy of controls) 4, Implementation of controls 5. Monitor and reevaluate 6, Risk transfer (c.g. insurance, incident management) Topie2 ‘Knowledge of Management 1, Emergency, crisis, disaster response planning, business continuity Processes 2. Incident investigation (e.g., data collection, analysis) 3. Inspections and audits Topied Knowledge oft Project {. Evaluation of cost, schedule, performance, and risk Management 2, Assigning responsibilities and accountabili Topie 4 Knowledge of Systems Safety 1. Risk analysis methods (e.g, job safety analysis, hazard and operability analysis, failure mode and effects analysis, fault tree analysis, fishbone, what-if ‘and checklist analysis, change analysis) 2, Process safety management Topie 5 Knowledge of Fleet Safely 1. Driver Behavior (e.g. defensive driving, distracted driving) 2. Vehicle inspections 3, Safety features (e.., restraint systems, automatic and anti-lock braking systems) 4, Crash and collision investigation Topie 6 Knowledge of a Safety Programs | I, Hazard Communication and Globally Harmonized System 2, Workplace Violence 3. Control of hazardous energy 4, Excavation, trenching, and shoring 5. Confined space 6. Physical security 7, Fall protection 8, Wellness programs 9. Substance abuseTopie 1 Knowledge of: Human Factors | 1. Fitness for duty 2, Organizational, behavioral, and psychological influences 3. Stressors 4. Risk factors (e.g. repetition, force, posture, vibration) 5. Work design 6. Aging workforce Topie 2 Knowledge of: Measurement and | 1. Quantitative methods(e.g., Anthropometry, NIOSH lift equation) Monitoring 2, Qualitative methods (¢.g., Rapid Upper Limb Assessment [RULAJ, Rapid Whole Body Assessment (REBA]) Topie3 ‘Knowledge of: Controls |. Material handling (e.g. manual, powered equipment, lifling devices) 5. Weitten plans, procedures, and training 2. User-centered design 3. Human-machine interface 4, Work practice controls (e.g, job rotation, work hardening) Sane ee eau nin Ne ‘Topic 1 Fire and Explosion Hazards ‘Knowledge of: 1. Chemical 2. Electrical (e.g., Static electricity, serge) 3. Natural hazards (eg, lightning, flooding, drought) 4, Structural (e.g., combustible, non-combustible) 5. Mechanical (eg., heat generated by friction) 6. Hot work (e.g., welding, cutting, brazing) | ‘Management Topie2 Knowledge of Fire Controls, |. Fire Science (e.g., combustible dust (fire peitagon}, fire triangle, fire tetrahedron) 2. Detection 3. Suppression '£ Segregation and separation (eg, flammable materials storage, ventilation) 5, Housekeeping 6. Grounding and bonding Topic 3 ‘Knowledge of: Fire and 1. Written plans, procedures, and work practices (eg, Incident Command Emergency system, fire brigade) 2. Life safety (e.g. Elements of design)Knowledge Topic 1 f Biological 1. Sources (2... viral, bacterial, parasitic, fungus) Hazards and | 2. Exposure assessment Controls 3. Control strategies Topic 2 Knowledge of Chemical 1, Sources (e.g, assessment, control strategies, symptoms, target organs) Hazards and | 2. Exposure limits (e.g, PELs, TLVs, STELs, RELS) Controls 3, Routes of entry (e.g, inhalation, ingestion, absorption, injection) 4, Acute and chronic exposures 5. {neompatibilties and reactivity of agents 6, Nano-technolog; Topic 3 Kaowledge of Physical 1 Noise Hazards and Vibration Controts 3. Radiation 4, Electrical ee aaa / Topic 1 Knowledge of, Environmental | 1. Disaster preparedness (¢.g., manmade, natural) Hazards 7, Environmental hazards awareness (e.., biological mold), chemical, waste, vermin) 3. Remediation 4. Water (@g,, storm, waste, permitting) 5. Air (e.g, quality, [AQ, permitting) 6. Land and conservation (e.g. solid waste, recyeling, sustainability) Topie 2 Knowledge of Engineering | |. AirPollution Controls 2, Segregation and separation 3, Substitution and selection of alternative design strategies 4. Hazardous materials containment and design 5. Water Pollution 6. Above ground (AST) and underground (UST) storage tanks 7. Ventilation (e.g, HVAC, local exhaust) 8, Land Pollution Topie3 Knowledge of Administrative | 1. Conservation (e.g., reuse, recycle, reduce) Controls and | 2. Housekeeping Practices 3. Warnings (e.g, signs, signals) 4, Written plans, procedures, work practices (¢.g., decontamination) 5. Environmental management system standards 6, Sustainability Topie 4 Knowledge oft Hazardous 1. Transportation (e.g,, placarding, manifesting) Waste Storage | 2. Storage and documentation and Disposal | 3. Spill prevention, containment, and response 4, Waste removal, treatment and disposalTopic E Knowledge ‘Training and 1. Aduit learning theory and techniques Education 2. Data collection, needs analysis, and feedback Methods 3, Behavior and performance modification 44 Presentation tools (e.g.. computer based, group meeting) 5, Assessing competent} Topie2 Knowledge of Communication | |. Interpersonal communication (e.g., er0ss generation) and Group 2. Methods of facilitating teams Dynamics 3. Multidisciplinary teamwork 4, Negotiation strategy 5. Conflict resolution 6, Mentoring ‘The current examination consists of 200 questions to be completed in five (5) hours. Questions about the pass rate, passing score, standard deviation, etc., should be addressed to: Board of Certified Safety Professionals 2301 W. Bradley Avenue ‘Champaign, IL 61821 Phone 217.359.9263 Toll Free 800.330.2284 Fax 217.359.0055 www.besp.org24 ee Taking the Computer Based Exam One major goal of the BCSP is to offer certification examinations with a high degree of validity and reliability to promote a fair assessment of a candidate's competency as a safety and health practitioner. Testing on computer is done via Pearson VUE ( Examinations can be taken every business day at many locations ‘throughout the world. Many locations also have evening and Saturday hours. Candidates must complete an application and return it, supporting information and application fee ($160) to the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP). Once a candidate has been approved and has paid the examination fee ($350), the Board will mail an examination authorization letter. Once received, candidates have 120 days to arrange for an actual examination date. Arrangements are made directly with Pearson VUE via on-line or via the national toll free number 888.269.2219. Some Pearson VUE Testing Centers are busier than others, so schedule early if possible. ‘At the Pearson VUE centers, a candidate signs in, presents identifications and is seated at a computer workstation. The center provides laminated graph paper ‘anda marker. There is a short orientation and practice program to acquaint candidates with the examination procedure. During actual testing a small clock in the monitor screen corner keeps track of the remaining time. ABSOLUTELY NO NOTES OR REFERENCE MATERIALS ARE ‘ALLOWED! Laminated graphing paper and writing utensils will be provided, but candidates must provide personal calculators. After finishing the computerized examination, a pass-fail grade will be given. A detailed score report will be mailed at a later date from the BCSP. For worldwide locations, look at the web site EEE Frequently Asked Questions about the Computer Exam NOTE: Remember the best and most current source of information on procedures and policies for the computer test is directly from the BCSP at (217) 359-9263 and Question How do the questions appear on the computer screen? How do I make answer selections? Can back up or mark questions so that 1 can come back to them? Do I need to be a computer whiz to take this test? Answer Examination questions appear one at a time and look very similar to the questions in the workbook. With a mouse or keys, the candidate selects the preferred answer and moves on to the next question. Questions may be marked for further review or skipped and revisited later. After the last question, a list appears and shows item numbers, answers selected and questions marked or skipped. Since the computer test is very “friendly” candidates do not have to be computer literate to take this exam. Question Can you bring food or drinks into the exam room? ‘Answer No. All candidates are given a small locker for personal belongings, including snacks, purses, watches, ete, Access to this locker may or may not be allowed depending upon the testing center. Question What can I take into the exam room? ‘Answer Only the allowed one or two calculator(s) and ID cards are permitted. Everything else must go into personal lockers. Question What is furnished in the exam cubicle? ‘Answer One laminated sheet of paper, one marker and the computer monitor, keyboard and mouse.26 ee Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer ‘What is the workstation/cubicle like? It is generally very nice, although this may vary with different Pearson VUE Centers. Cubicles are large, with a desktop about 3° 4, excellent lighting, in a very quiet setting, with comfortable, padded adjustable chairs. The keyboard and mouse take up all space in front of the monitor, so calculations must be done off to the side. Are there any children in the exam room? No. The room is for adult testing only. All children activities are in separate areas of the Pearson ‘VUE Center. How many other people are in the room? ‘There are multiple workstations in the exam room, The number of people varies with time and day. The proctor has a view of the entire room via glass window and corner mirrors on the ceiling. Testing is also taped by video and audio monitoring. Can I take breaks? Yes, as many and as often as necessary. However, the clock keeps running and signing out is required each time, along with a finger print check. Do I need ID's? One ID with photo and signature is mandatory. Photograph and a finger print are done during sign-in. Do I need my Authorization letter with Candidate ID Number? This letter is usually not required, but it is advised to take it just in case. The ID number is always needed when scheduling examination appointments.24 a Question Can I schedule the exam any time? Answer No. Certain times are designated for professional exams. Book testing slot several weeks in advance to secure the desired time and day. Question __ Is there enough time to finish the exam? ‘Answer This is very subjective. Most candidates have found there was plenty of time to finish testing and have adequate review time, but other people did not finish in the allotted time. ‘The time per question (1.5 minutes) is the same as the written exam and the authors found the computer not to be a factor in this area. Question Are there graphs to interpret? How are clear are the graphics? ‘Answer Yes, there are a limited number of graphs to read. They are alittle harder to read on the screen, but not significantly. Graphics are quite acceptable. Question Are the math formulas provided? ‘Answer If'a problem required a formula(s), then they should be provided in the question. General Comments ‘The computer exam is a positive, convenient way to take the exam, The Pearson VUE people were friendly and helpful. The cubicles are quiet and well lit and the chairs are relatively comfortable. There is adequate table space and the computer was user friendly and non-threatening. Conditions may vary considerably between testing locations. Please contact authors at 417-724-8348 or Email
[email protected]
. Feedback is greatly appreciated, A listing of Pearson VUE center locations is available through the Pearson VUE website. More complete information can be obtained by calling or faxing the Board of Certified Safety Professionals. Good Luck on the exam!28 i Applied Study & Exam Techniques ‘The examination blueprint outlines how the items on an examination ate distributed across domains and tasks/topics. Some keys to success include: Analyzing knowledge gaps and identify strengths and weaknesses Designing a solid examination study plan Developing test-taking strategies Proper use of the calculator. Pepe Converting your subject strengths and weaknesses into a study plan is likely to increase your overall examination score. Scoring well in one subject area can compensate for a weaker score in another subject area. However, there may not be enough items in your strong areas to achieve a passing score. Note that knowledge and understanding are essential in passing the examination. Relying only on simulated examination items is not the best way to increase knowledge and understanding. Use simulated items to provide insight into the areas in which you should engage in additional study. Knowing how to take the examination will help improve your score. The examination uses multiple-choice items with only one correct answer and three incorrect answers. Remember, the goal is to get as many items correct as possible. There is no penalty for selecting an incorrect answer. However, only correct answers count toward reaching the passing score. «Read the items carefully. o Psychometricians design multiple choice questions so that all the possible answer choices are plausible. Use deductive and inductive reasoning to eliminate detractor answer choices. © Understand the problem. © Consider the context co What is given? What is wanted? ¢ Use examination time wisely. © Conduct multiple passes solving the "easy" problems first and saving the challenging problems for the end. © Complete all items. o Blank answers are scored as Wrong answers.24 —_— While studying resources, identify main thoughts or themes in the literature review. Draw on your experience and on professional and study references and rewrite important ideas in your own words. This helps you remember the . concepts in context. Additional references are listed later in the workbook, In establishing a good study regiment, it is important to find a place conducive to studying. A good study area should meet the following criteria: «The study place should be chosen exclusively for the purpose of studying. Avoid using a garage, workshop, family room or other area that represents recreation or other distractions. Find a location that represents a study island, where study is the only activity. «Selected study area should have good lighting, ventilation. be temperature controlled, comfortable and quiet. «A large table or desk to spread necessary readily available study and reference materials is a must. The purpose is to dedicate a comfortable, personal space with minimal interruptions. Securing a good place to study should eliminate as many external distractions as possible. Also, candidates should consider how to minimize internal distractions. Total elimination of external distractions is often possible; however, total elimination of internal distractions is nearly impos} ible and can only be minimized through focused thought. Helpful hints for focusing the mind for studying include the following: 1. Set realistic time limits, determining what to study and keeping with a schedule. Studying a subject too long at one time can lead to daydreaming which reduces study effectiveness. 2. Personal factors can be distracters and result in additional frustration. All efforts should be attempted in avoiding personal issues. Rescheduling the ASP test date may be a consideration if serious personal problems exist. . Minimize dealing with outside details. Having too many obligations and/or responsibilities enables “brain creep”. Consider keeping a notebook in the study area and jotting down appointments and details of projects as these brainstorms appear. It’s impossible to totally prevent these details from surfacing, but by documenting them, it may free the mind to resume studies. woZo pu | Being physically and mentally prepared to study is beneficial, Much of the following suggestions are common sense, but probably deserve repeating. © Eata well-balanced diet. Increase protein intake; a proper level of blood sugar enhances studying effectiveness. oo Get plenty of sleep. Establish and maintain a regular work/rest cycle. ‘co Exercise is beneficial for more than just an exam preparation. Consider choosing a form of exercise that provides enjoyment and relaxation. ‘o Avoid mental fatigue. Allocate down time for breaks. The average supervisor should study for the ASP exam for two to four weeks. DO NOT attempt to cram overnight. ‘This section is designed to assist with mastering a learning methodology. This workbook uses a Question & Answer format that allows candidates to concentrate on areas that are unfamiliar and avoid over studying material in ‘areas where the candidate already possess enough knowledge to pass the exam. The research has been completed by the authors that have actually taken the exam and researched the blueprint areas of interest, developing targeted learning outcomes. This allows candidates to determine if their current level knowledge is adequate, or ifa more in-depth understanding is required. Fundamental to this technique is a good core of questions. The technique is intended to be useful to practitioners who have mastered the skills and tasks necessary to perform in the safety and health arena. ‘As adult learners, most of us are not fond of the process of study. However, most adults do enjoy the process of learning. ‘The difference lies in the ability to retain what is important to the accomplishment of a goal and reject what is not important. When utilizing this workbook properly, the authors believe candidates can master those areas necessary to achieve the goal of passing the ASP examination with minimum effort on research and actual study. The technique also has some very beneficial side effects. Candidates will also find that the learning process will enhance skill sets in becoming an improved and more proficient safety and health practitioner.St EEE However, the process assumes candidates have the discipline to do the research and study the material where deficiencies may exist. Attempting to study using only the material presented in this workbook, becomes a risk for not being adequately prepared for the examination. ‘The steps to using the Q & A method: 1. Dead reckoning: using existing knowledge. experience, and test taking, strategies, attempts to answer the question. 2. Process check: reviews the results of each practice session, and then studies the explanation. 3, Validate knowledge: was this a known or an unknown concept? Is the answer achieved with current knowledge base or the correct answer achieved by an educated guess or dumb luck? Note: This is a critical stap in the Q&A learning process and determines if one can proceed or needs to gain more knowledge on the subject. Additionally. is the knowledge base on this subject broad enough to answer questions of similar difficulty on the subject? "True genius is an uncluttered mind armed with only relevant knowledge"(John R. Monteith) 4, Filter: either move on or take notes. When comfortable with knowledge on the subject move on to the next question. However, if the current evel of knowledge on the subject or other aspects of the subject feels inadequate, then take additional notes about the information that is needed. The authors recommend candidates write in the workbook margins right next to the question. 5, Enhance deficiencies: Research and study deficient knowledge areas. After completing a set of questions and writing notes on information to study, a knowledge deficiency study plan can be developed. Then research and study the material necessary to enhance the required knowledge. The authors advise focusing on notes in the workbook and staying on subject. It is very easy to wander onto some other interesting subject and lose sight of the desired learning outcome. Keep the goal in mind to pass the test the first time!32 ne ‘A look at a representative question, answer and explanation will tend to illustrate and explain the process. 1. Which of the following is true concerning the electrical Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter? A.) _ Itis aslow acting device. B.) _ It interrupts the electric power within 1/40th of a second. C.) It will detect line-to-line faults. D.) _Itis not designed for personnel protection. 1. The correct answer is B because Tn certain situations the NEC requires installation ofa ground: fault circuit interrupter (GECD, but not everyone knows how it works, A GECT is specifically designed to protect people against electric shock from an electrical system, and it monitors the imbalance of current between the ungrounded (hot) and grounded (neutral) conductor of a givencircuit. Dont let the name confuse you — these devices will operate on a circuit that does not have an equipment-grounding conductor. With the exception of small amounts of leak-age, the current returning fo the power supply ina typical 2-wire circuit will be equal to the current leaving the power supply. If the difference between the current leaving and returning through the current transformer of the GFCT exceeds 5 mA (61 mA), the solid-state circuitry opens the switching contacts and de- energizes the circuit. Whenever the amount going differs from the amount returning by a set trip level the GFCI interrupts the electric power within 1/40th ofa second. How much will candidates need to know about the subject of GFCIs? That isa key question an exam candidate should be asking right now. If electrical work represents a strong area, a candidate probably has significant knowledge about the GFCI and is comfortable with this question and the general subject. Another possibility is that one is basically knowledgeable on the subject, but could use some more ‘focused descriptors. ‘Another scenario may be that a candidate knows very little about GFCIs, requiring more focus on concept details and application techniques. How far into the topic does a student need to explore? The level of detail in the_ 33 no example question may serve as a representative indicator. Beyond the basics, another key indicator is the repetition of the workbook question. Content frequently appearing with only minor changes in question format indicates that the subject matter is important and authors anticipate the actual exam will have several questions dealing with that subject. The Q & A method of studying is a proven method. ‘The basic outline is delivered with questions and students can then determine individual levels of subject knowledge. When additional knowledge is required, they can conduct more research and study to develop the required knowledge or skill. This Tearing technique has proven to be successful for many different levels of adult learners because the individual determines what material to study. Again, please contact the authors at
[email protected]
with any questions or feedback on these study materials. Select Study References for the ASP Exam BCSP maintains a list of examination references for each certification at Examination items are not necessarily taken directly from these sources. However, BCSP believes these references represent the breadth and depth of coverage of safety, health, and environmental practice. However, it has been the author's experience that the following references are the ones that have proven to be the most valuable to safety practitioners studying for this exam. | Safety and Health for Engineers by Roger Brauer. 2nd Edition. American Society of Safety Engineers. Written by the Technical Director of the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, the information covered in this publication ranges from line safety through management. . Safety Professional's Reference and Study Guide by David Yates. CRC Press. A "quick desk reference" for the experienced, practicing safety professional in comprehensive or specialized practice. 3. Pocket Guide to Safety Essentials by Daniel Snyder. National Safety Council. This is a quick reference guide to fundamental principles of safety management. 4. Accident Prevention Manual for Business and Industry, Administration ‘and Programs (13th Edition). National Safety Council (NSC). This is ‘volume one of two in the latest series of Accident Prevention Manuals vBy iS produced by NSC. It represents a combined effort of many authors, but is assembled in a standardized manner that is very logical and prevents duplication or conflicting theories. It is truly an exceptional text. Things are changing in safety and health very quickly, but since the most current research is always the best, attempt to get the 13" Edition. The 10" and 11” Editions are also very useful, but the 13" has been restructured and is most current. 5, Accident Prevention Manual for Business and Industry, Engineering and Technology (13th Edition). This is the old stand-by Accident Prevention Manual with a new name. It is the second volume in a two volume set. The 10" and 11" Editions are also very useful, but the 13" has been restructured and is most current. Accident Prevention Manual for Business and Industry, Environmental ‘Management (13th Edition). National Safety Council (NSC). This book is organized into three general parts: (1) General Framework, (I) Waste Management, and (III) Special Concems. This is the fourth volume in a four volume set. 7. Consensus standards such as ANSI, NFPA, 1SO are also referenced in the exam, The following is a partial list of applicable consensus standards: eS Consensus Standards: « ANSI-ASSE Z10- Occupational Health & Safety Management ‘Systems . ANSI ASSE Z490- Practices and Criteria for Safety & Health Training . ANSI/ASSE Z590.2-2003 ~ Criteria for Establishing the Scope and Functions of the Professional Safety Position ANSI/ Z590.3-2011 — Prevention Through Design BSI 18001-Safety & Health Managements systems JS 14000 Environmental Managements Systems TSO 31000 Risk Management Principles ISO 30010 Risk Management Assessment Techniques 1SO 19011 Auditing Management Systems NEPA 10 Fire Extinguishers NEPA 13 Sprinkler Systems NEPA 30 Flammable Liguids NEPA 70E Electrical NFPA 101 Life Safety Code35 KAN DARIO RUE Ty Uae a 8. Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene (Sth-6th Edition) by Barbara Plog, et al. National Safety Council, This is an exceptional text with rewritten chapters on The Skin and Occupational Dermatoses, Noaionizing Radiation, Thermal Stress, Biological Hazards, General Ventilation, and Occupational Heaith Nursing. 9. Fire Protection Handbook (21st Edition). National Fire Protection Association. This is an outstanding reference book covering many other areas of mishap prevention, in addition to fire prevention and protection. The 16”, 17%, 18", 19" or 20th editions are acceptable. 10. Chemistry of Hazardous Materials (2" thru 6" edition) by Eugene Meyer. Prentice-Hall, Inc. This is a superior text for elementary instruction on applied chemistry in the safety and fire fields. Written for the fire service, the book is readily available in almost all fire departments. This book is relatively inexpensive and makes an excellent desk reference. Ifyou need some chemistry help, this is an excellent resource. 11.Product Safety Management and Engineering (5th Edition), American Society of Safety Engineers, by Willie Hammer. This fairly new book on the market is exactly what is needed for the product safety and system safety portions of the ASP and CSP examination. It is a superior, well- written book. Mr, Hammer has a unique method of allowing readers to gasp and understand difficult concepts involved in product safety. The system safety sections are also excellent, including useful section on sneak- circuit analysis. 12. ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Handbook, Manual of Recommended Practices, American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists 13.Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices, American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists ‘The purpose of our exam study workbook is to give study effort direction. This workbook effectively narrows down the enormous amount of test material which must be mastered. Knowing what to study is not enough. Candidates must also study the right material, specifically, the right reference material. Finding the right books from which to study is probably the most important single element in developing a personal study plan. It is imperative to take some time and do it right.BE DAN BAA LUE A TUE Select an Approved Calculator The ASP and CSP exams all require the use ofa good scientific calculator. Those taking BCSP examinations will be allowed to bring one or two calculators into the secure examination facility; any calculator brought into the examination must be ftom the brands and models listed below. « Casio models FX-100, 200 or 300 series « Hewlett Packard models HP 10, 12, or 17 series © Texas Instruments models TI-30 series Make sure you know how to use your calculator(s) so you don’t waste valuable time trying to understand how to use it once the examination clock starts, Itisa good idea to practice working solutions and to be able to recall the correct calculator procedures. Different versions of the above brands and models will be permitted. For example, the TI-30X IIS and hp 30s calculators will be allowed, as they are versions of, permitted brands and models. When purchasing a calculator for this effort, look for the following features: 1. First, and most importantly, the calculator should have a well-illustrated instruction manual. The manual should be large enough to read, not an inch by an inch and a half, It should have examples of problems and answers with illustrations. . 2. In addition to suggestions made by the Board, the authors believe the calculator should have these functions (in order of importance): « Astatistical function capable of calculating mean, standard deviation and correlation. © A change sign function for numbers and exponents © Auniversal power function ¢ Scientific notation © Combinations, permutations and factorialsOFAN wanin vse 3. Lastly, the caleulator should be large enough for each individual’s use. Many modern calculators have such small keys that it is nearly impossible to hit just one key at a time. Since test-takers will be doing a considerable amount of work during this study effort, attempt to make it as user-friendly as possible. Many items on this list are personal preference. Evaluate these suggestions with respect to personal science and math skills to determine which functions are most relevant. During this course of study, several statistical problems involving the calculation of standard deviation, both population and sample, will be encountered. Determining standard deviation requires making a table, determining absolute values, squaring numbers, etc, in other words, and significant manipulation. Obviously, solving each problem unassisted would greatly hinder your progress on a five and a half hour test that allows @ minute and a half per question! Ifa calculator will perform this function with a single key stroke (after data input), there is little doubt which method is recommended. Likewise, coefficient of correlation calculations are very complicated and time consuming to do with x and y tables. Operations that take seconds on a good calculator may require five or more minutes to set up on paper. Undoubtedly, it is wise time management to utilize a calculator to do much of the work. ‘Additionally, you save a lot of mental effort by not having to be concerned about applying the correct formulas. ‘The same rationale holds true for scientific notation, combinations, permutations and factorials, ‘The problems involving probability and reliability all require use of these tools, some to a greater extent than others. Thus, it is definitely an advantage to search for the best possible calculator to assist with these exams. A selected number of calculators will serve candidates well during the ASP and CSP study effort. SPAN® International Training Safety Workshops includes the 7/-30X IIS series calculator as part of the workshop because it has an adequate instruction booklet, performs all required functions, is easy to use and read and, should if one wishes to buy a spare, it can be purchased through SPAN for $25. The HP1ObIL is also highly recommended for the ASP and CSP3B SrA BARI oLUE A ate exams for the financial calculations. Solutions using the HP1OBII Financial Caiculator When you take the calculator out of the package you will have to reset the number of interest payments per year. First clear the memory (2% function C) and watch the display, if (| P_Y) appears you're set, if (12. P_Yx) appears do the following to reset the number of interest payments per year. Enter the number (1) then press the (2" function Key) then the (PMT Key)...that's it Now clear the memory and (1 P_Yr) should display. NOTE: Always clear the memory prior to starting a new question (2% funetion ©).Topic 1 Chemistry and Industrial Hygiene 1. Corrosives 2. Flammables Calculations 3, Toxie materials Pate Ly 4. Chemical reactions Topic 2 Knowledge of Electrical 1. Power, impedance, energy, and resistance Calculations 2. Are Hash pase 6 3. Circuits Topic 3 Knowledge of Radiation 1. Decay Calculations 2. Half-life eee 7X? _| 5 Sourestenstn Topie 4 ‘Knowledge of: Structural and 1. Loading and storage capacity Mechanical (S 2. Rigging and load Caleulations Topie 5 ‘Knowledge of Engineering Control | |. Ventilation and system design Caleulations 2, Fire suppression and system design 3. Noise Page =F — | 4. Climate conditions (e.g, WBGT, wind chill, heat stress) 5. Fall protection Topie 6 ‘Knowledge of: Physics Caleulations | 1. Movement (e.g., acceleration, velocity, momentum) rc 2. Frition JOD 3, Kinetic and potential energy we 4, Gas laws Topic 7 Knowledge of Financial Principles | 1. Cost benefit analysis (e.g. cost of risk) 2. Life eyele cost 3. Net present value 4, Return on investment Knowledge of: 1. Descriptive statistics (e.g., central tendenoy, variability) 2. Correlational statistics (e.g, Pearson's r, Spearman's ric) 3. Inferential statistics (eg., chi-square, t-test) 4, Probability (c.2., odds of success, Poisson) Topic 9 Performance Metrics and Indicators lid at Knowledge of: I. Lagging indicators (e.,, incidence rates, lost time, direct costs of incidents) 2. Leading indicators (e.g.ninspection frequency, safety interventions, employee performance evaluations, training frequency, near miss, near hit and close call reporting) 3. Effects of losses40 BI panna. Calculator Review Problems Solve the following using your calculator. Note: Rounding of numbers for the examination is not a problem. Due fo the differences in calculator accuracy, the test will use approximate answers that will not be affected by reasonable rounding errors 1. Calculate $69.95 - 10% discount 2. Calculate 14 x 356 Calculate x x 3.6 5. Calculate 5” 6. Calculate “*'Y2535... 7. Caleulate log 15.32. 8. Calculate 90+ 16.61 x logio 2 9, Caloulate 1 -e?* 10. Cateulate 454 SrAN BAaAmoLUYA YU 1 il. Calculate 4. 12. Calculate (64)"*, 13. Calculate sine 30... 14. Calculate aresine of (4x5) 15. Calculate (5x4) 70 +50 16. Calculate —12— .. 5x5 17, Caleulate ¥4.5 x 2 18. Calculate 4+ Note: Rounding of numbers for the examination is not a problem. Due to the differences in calculator accuracy, the test will use approximate answers that will not be affected by reasonable rounding errors.lz SPAN” LAAWLOLUUL Wusmmueven + Calculator Review Answers as. #6 AB. Calculate $69.95 - 10% discount On the Th 69.95 - 10% x 69.95 Calculate 14 x 356 On the TI: 14 x 356 = Calculate x x 3.6" On the Ti: 3.6 = (x6) Catculate vo | On the Th: (112 x 6)/ (9) = 22535, Calculate 5°. On the Th 544.87 = Calculate **” (On the Th 4.87 V(2535; Caloulate log 15.32. On the TI: logi5.32 = Calculate 90 + 16.61 x logi2 On the Th: 90+ 16.61 x log2= Calculate 1 -e* On the TI: 1 - e%- Calculate 45 On the TI: 454-1 or 4!1S. 16. 43 OPA Bano Tua’ Calculate On the TH: 1/4 Calculate (64)! On the Th: 644 (1/2) or 644 1: Calculate sine 30. On the TI: sin30 = Calculate arcsine of 0.5 On the TE sin" 0.5 = (4x5) (5x4) On the Th: (4x 5)/(5 x4) = Calculate Calculate 5x5 On the TI: ((70 + 50)/ 12)/ (5% 5)= Calculate V4.5 x 2....... On the Th: V4.5 x 2)= ehebed Calculate On the Tl: Lad (112/243 /3.14/748=1y U7 F 4 > Deo 1.143
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Margot Lee Shetterly
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (932)
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
From Everand
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
Angela Duckworth
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (619)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
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The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2120)
Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
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Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Phil Knight
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (546)
The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
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The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
Ben Horowitz
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (357)
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
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Her Body and Other Parties: Stories
Carmen Maria Machado
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (831)
Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
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Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future
Ashlee Vance
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (476)
Bad Feminist: Essays
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Bad Feminist: Essays
Roxane Gay
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1058)
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
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The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
Siddhartha Mukherjee
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (275)
Steve Jobs
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Steve Jobs
Walter Isaacson
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (814)
The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1953)
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
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Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Frank McCourt
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (443)
Brooklyn: A Novel
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Brooklyn: A Novel
Colm Toibin
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2029)
The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
Meik Wiking
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (425)
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2272)
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
Fredrik Backman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (4851)
The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (99)
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
Viet Thanh Nguyen
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (125)
Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1949)
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (270)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4255)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (235)
The Woman in Cabin 10
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The Woman in Cabin 10
Ruth Ware
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2587)
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (232)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
Hilary Mantel
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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08 - Groove - Cutting - Machine Checklist
1 page
08 - Groove - Cutting - Machine Checklist
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (75)
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (139)
John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2411)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (883)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (45)
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
M.L. Stedman
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SHELL Drilling HSE Handbook
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SHELL Drilling HSE Handbook
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
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