Apache Iotdb: Time-Series Database For Internet of Things

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Apache IoTDB: Time-series Database for Internet of Things

Chen Wang1,2 , Xiangdong Huang1∗ , Jialin Qiao1 , Tian Jiang1 , Lei Rui1 , Jinrui Zhang3 , Rong Kang1 ,
Julian Feinauer4 , Kevin A. McGrail5 , Peng Wang6 , Diaohan Luo1 , Jun Yuan1 , Jianmin Wang1 ,
Jiaguang Sun1
1 School of Software, Tsinghua University, 2 EIRI, Tsinghua University, 3 Microsoft, 4 Pragmatic Industries GmbH,
5 InfraShield.com, 6 Fudan University

[email protected]
ABSTRACT As an illustrative example, a single wind turbine can generate hun-
The amount of time-series data that is generated has exploded due dreds of data points every 20 ms [7] to monitor conditions, detect
to the growing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and faults and make decisions. Future operations can then be decided
applications. These applications require efficient management of the by a set of sophisticated queries against the acquired time-series by
time-series data on both the edge and cloud side that support high data scientists. Typical uses are signal decomposition and filtration,
throughput ingestion, low latency query and advanced time series segmentation for different working conditions, and failure pattern
analysis. In this demonstration, we present Apache IoTDB managing matching.
time-series data to enable new classes of IoT applications. IoTDB Consequently, the IoT-related service market has spawned new
has both edge and cloud versions, provides an optimized columnar workloads on time-series processing blended by:
file format for efficient time-series data storage, and time-series data- Edge computing: As edge devices have gained more computa-
base with high ingestion rate, low latency queries and data analysis tional power and edge computing has grown more popular, managing
support. It is specially optimized for time-series oriented operations time-series data and supporting advanced analysis on the edge side is
like aggregations query, down-sampling and sub-sequence similarity trending. It requires the time-series database to be capable of running
search. An edge-to-cloud time-series data management application on both edge and cloud side, while remaining well organized for
is chosen to demonstrate how IoTDB handles time-series data in real- data synchronization.
time and supports advanced analytics by integrating with Hadoop Long-life, large volume historical data: The volume of data
and Spark. An end-to-end IoT data management solution is shown in IIoT is large. For example, the sensors on a Boeing model 787
by integrating IoTDB with PLC4x, Calcite, and Grafana. airliner produce upwards of half a terabyte of data per flight [8].
Compared with data center monitoring applications where the data
PVLDB Reference Format: is kept for a week or month, industrial users usually choose to keep
Chen Wang1,2 , Xiangdong Huang1∗ , Jialin Qiao1 , Tian Jiang1 , Lei Rui1 , all historical data for audit and statistical analysis of the whole life
Jinrui Zhang3 , Rong Kang1 , Julian Feinauer4 , Kevin A. McGrail5 , Peng cycle of devices.
Wang6 , Diaohan Luo1 , Jun Yuan1 , Jianmin Wang1 , Jiaguang Sun1 . Apache High throughput data ingestion: As illustrated in the wind tur-
IoTDB: Time-series Database for Internet of Things. PVLDB, 13(12): 2901 - bine example, the database needs to handle the ingestion of tens of
2904, 2020. millions of time-series data points per second stably in a 24×7×365
doi:10.14778/3415478.3415504 manner. It becomes more challenging when the arrival of time-series
data cannot be guaranteed to be in order due to various device and
1 INTRODUCTION network problems including device failure, weak communication
Nowadays, IoT applications are becoming increasingly popular in signal or network congestion.
many areas. Examples can be found in consumer electronics in- Low latency and complex queries: Queries are typically used in
cluding smart home devices, wearables and connected healthcare three scenarios. (1) The value of the latest data point is required for
as well as in industrial applications with the rise of Industrial IoT real-time monitoring with a short on boarding interval. (2) Applica-
(IIoT). Compared to traditional time-series usage for IT such as tions, like those for fault detection, regularly retrieve time-series data
infrastructure monitoring, the major characteristics of these IoT ap- having a timestamp or time window filter for given time-series IDs,
plications are real-time data management with lower latency and and the results are ordered by time. (3) The interactive, exploratory
more advanced analytics on the time-series datasets. Furthermore, queries by data scientists are more complicated and unpredictable,
when IoT is used in industrial applications, intelligent equipment where conditions on value and similarity of sub-sequence are applied
usually produces one to two orders of magnitude more data than on arbitrary lengths of historical time-series.
consumer-oriented IoT devices. This makes it even harder for ana- Advanced data analytics: Besides queries, advanced IoT data
lytics to produce valuable insights in a reasonable amount of time. analytics like signal processing and machine learning algorithms
are also necessary for data scientists to process the historical data.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 International
License. Visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ to view a copy of
However, the support by big data ecosystems such as Apache Spark
this license. For any use beyond those covered by this license, obtain permission by requires ETL from time-series database and keeping two costly
emailing [email protected]. Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights copies of huge historical data respectively.
licensed to the VLDB Endowment.
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Vol. 13, No. 12 ISSN 2150-8097. Time-series databases, like OpenTSDB [9] and KairosDB [2], are
doi:10.14778/3415478.3415504 built on top of existing NoSQL stores but suffer from insufficient

Chen Wang1,2 , Xiangdong Huang1∗ , Jialin Qiao1 , Tian Jiang1 , Lei Rui1 , Jinrui Zhang3 , Rong Kang1 , Julian Feinauer4 , Kevin A. McGrail5 , Peng Wang6 , Diaohan Luo1 ,
Jun Yuan1 , Jianmin Wang1 , Jiaguang Sun1

Cluster Engine present a unique time-series ID. The Metadata Management module
Raft Protocol
Hadoop manages the naming space of devices with a tree structure. For in-
Restful Partitioner Eco- stance, Location1.Windfarm2.Manufactuer3.Turbine4 is a full path
APi systems
Single-node IoTDB to describe a single wind turbine. The design of IoTDB chooses
to store the data in an open native time-series file format for both
Metadata Management

Index Query Engine Spark


Manager Adaptor database access with Query/Storage Engine and Hadoop/Spark ac-
Cache Data Reader Manager
+ Manager cess against a single copy of the data. It also serves as a distributed
Language time-series database, where data is partitioned by grouping of time-
Time Ordered Memtable Hive series in Cluster Engine among different nodes while time-based

Out-of-order Memtable Adaptor

data slicing is implemented on each node to improve the perfor-

Native File Sync Storage Engine

API mances. IoTDB provides an SQL-like language, native API, and
Index O3- restful API to access the data. We then introduce the main features
TsFile D-File TsFile
Client File TsFile in the following subsections.
series PLC data
TsFile TsFile
register MQTT etc.. 2.1 Uniform Edge-Cloud Design
PLC Controller Edge-side IoTDB TsFile Lib
In IoT scenario, edge computing and cloud side deployment are
IoT Devices
equally important. Therefore, IoTDB is designed to fit three deploy-
ment models: 1) file-based storage or embedded time-series database
Figure 1: Main modules of IoTDB on edge appliance like Raspberry PI, 2) standalone time-series data-
base on Industrial PC and 3) distributed time-series database or
performance and poor compression for IoT workloads. InfluxDB Hadoop cluster with TsFile storage format.
has about 10x improvements on these aspects [5], but still has a gap Typically, IoT devices collect data from sensors and industrial
on query performance especially when aggregating large amounts of controllers, and send data to data center using customized or stan-
historical data. In practice, Parquet [3] is the choice for time-series dard protocols like MQTT in real-time. However, in some cases, the
storage for analytics and OLAP workloads with Hadoop ecosystem, edge intelligence requires real-time analytics, such as fault alerts,
but it requires ETL from the time-series database. Moreover, opti- to retrieve data from a local data store. Therefore, IoTDB has a
mization is needed to support native time-series data for both storage lightweight, embedded version to be deployed on the IoT devices,
and query efficiency beyond columnar storage. where the minimal runtime memory requirement is 32MB and com-
In this demo, we introduce Apache IoTDB [1], a native time-series putation is supported with an ARM7 processor. Local storage is also
storage format and database for both edge and cloud computing. It mandatory to prevent data loss in case of the temporary network
has the following key features: (1) IoTDB has a lightweight archi- outage. In this scenario, TsFile Lib allows the devices to persist
tecture running on the edge appliances, and a cluster version for data in TsFile format, and afterwards the generated TsFiles can be
the data center under the same code base, as well as efficient data directly synchronized and merged with active IoTDB instance on
synchronization from edge to cloud. (2) IoTDB provides a novel the cloud using the File Sync module.
columnar file format, called TsFile (Time-series File), as the main On the cloud side, using the Cluster Engine, a raft-based protocol
storage format to optimize the data organization, size reduction, and is implemented to manage multiple IoTDB nodes. In the cluster
query performance with time-series data. (3) IoTDB supports high mode, data partitions can be defined according to both time slice
throughput ingestion by an elaborate buffering design and storage and time-series ID. The distribution of data and query operations are
strategy to handle frequent out-of-order data ingestion and sorted completely transparent to the end users.
data query. (4) IoTDB leverages metadata in TsFiles and index files
to support low latency queries and complex similarity search. (5) 2.2 TsFile Format
TsFile, as the file format of IoTDB, can also be accessed directly in TsFile is the primary data file format for time-series data storage
Hadoop ecosystem by Spark and Hive for data analysis. in IoTDB. Figure 2 shows the structure of the TsFile. TsFile is
Currently, IoTDB supports the ingestion rate up to 30 million similar to Parquet but optimized for time-series data. A TsFile mainly
data points per second on a single node, and the latency of hundreds consists of two parts: the data content (Chunks, Pages) and the
of milliseconds for raw data queries and tens of milliseconds for index. Each chunk stores the data of a time-series for a certain time
aggregation queries on billions of data points. A more comprehensive range. Inside a chunk, the data is split into several pages, which
functional and experimental evaluation can be accessed in public [4]. is the fundamental unit of the data storage on the disk. Each page
IoTDB has been deployed in the production environment by several stores data points in a pair of columns, i.e. the timestamps and the
industry users. value. Timestamps are encoded by second order difference and the
value field supports compression algorithms like bitmap, Gorilla,
2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW RLE, etc. to save disk space. Snappy is also employed for advanced
The architecture of IoTDB is shown in Figure 1. IoTDB is designed compression on historical data.
to manage huge volumes of time-series data points from IoT de- To accelerate the query, the data in the chunks of each time-series
vices, where one data point is logically depicted as (<device, sensor, is ordered by time in TsFile. In this way, queries with time range
timestamp, value>. Herein the device and sensor identifiers together filters can quickly skip the chunks out of the given time window.

Apache IoTDB: Time-series Database for Internet of Things

Chunk Group Differential (D) files are used for infrequent update and deletion
Chunk Header: Page
operations where updates are only for correction in case of data
Chunk 1
Summary Info quality issues and deletion is for truncating the data older than a cer-
…… Page Header:
Page 1 Summary Info tain timestamp. The log-style records are appended in the versioned
Chunk m
Column for D-file, and will be similarly merged to TsFile as O3-TsFile. The
… timestamp: query will sequentially scan the D-file to get the latest value, if the
Group Footer T1, T2, …, Tn
Page n
target time-series exists.
Column for
Chunk V1, V2, …, Vn

Chunk Group 2.4 Queries

Summary Info The Query Engine takes full advantage of the time-ordered property
of TsFiles to reduce I/O and latency for queries with time and value
predicates. TsFiles’ file, chunk and page level Summary Info signifi-
cantly prune the unnecessary access of TsFiles in IoTDB. For the
Figure 2: The structure of TsFile potential page hit in TsFile, O3-TsFile and D-file, sequential scans
will be applied to verify the results. Moreover, the latest data point
query is retrieved from the memory Cache without accessing a file.
To accelerate interactive and exploratory queries, we proposed
For further query performance improvement, the max/min time, the
PISA [6] index for aggregation and down-sampling queries and KV-
max/min value, count and average of data points for each series are
match [10] indexes for sub-sequence similarity search. All indexes
pre-calculated and stored as Summary Info in the level of the file,
are managed by Index Manager. In IoTDB, the PISA index is built on
chunk, and page, which significantly accelerates the filtration and
top of the Summary Info of pages by constructing variant of segment
aggregation operations. The TsFile Index part is organized at the
trees and forming a forest to support 𝑂 (log 𝑛) time complexity for
end of a TsFile, to quickly locate the data chunks of a given time-
aggregation and down-sampling queries while minimizing the loss of
series. TsFile differs from Parquet and ORC by separately storing
the insertion throughput. The leaf and internal nodes in the tree-based
the metadata corresponding to each time-series to avoid accessing
index are considered as data points of a time-series and thereby the
metadata for unmatched columns.
index file of PISA is in the TsFile format. KV-match index supports
sub-sequence matching under either ED or DTW distance while
2.3 Data Ingestion avoiding scanning full time series. When creating a KV-match index
Apart from the batch file loading, the Storage Engine is the main on a time-series, the related TsFiles will attach index files one to
component providing real-time data ingestion. The high throughput one while the index file is in the key-value format. Then, users can
ingestion is a key requirement of an IoT database, but out-of-order specify “similar(target time-series, distance bound, start time, end
data presents the major technical challenge. The arrival of data is time)" sub-clause to find similar sub-sequences.
not guaranteed in order due to many factors like re-transmission Using the above design, the latest data query, which is the most
because of a temporary device or network failure. However, on the importance for device monitoring, has the extreme low latency as
other hand, the time-ordered property of the data inside and among the data is cached in memory. Query against raw data with time filter
TsFiles is necessary for efficient query processing. could also be achieved with low latency with our optimizations, but,
To achieve the high write throughput, the Storage Engine buffers for the case of out-of-order data, the query latency may increase duo
data in memory as a memtable first with a write-ahead log. Since to the unfinished data compaction.
the time complexity of finding the ordered position is 𝑂 (log 𝑛),
IoTDB’s design gives up the ordering of newly ingested data in the
memtable. When flushing a memtable into a TsFile, the ordering and
flushing operations are pipelined against different time-series data, 2.5 Integration with Big Data Ecosystem
therefore the utilization of available CPU time for ordering during IoTDB supports TsFiles persistence on the local file system and
I/O helps IoTDB improve the data ingestion throughput further. HDFS directly. We implement TsFile’s HDFS interface for MapRe-
Another acceleration of ingestion is the vectorized write interfaces duce, SerDe interface for Hive, and the Data Sources API of Spark to
in Storage Engine in the case of batch arrival data. The pointer of integrate TsFile with MapReduce, Hive, and SparkSQL respectively.
the data array is saved in the memtable, hence memory copy and TsFile can tell Hive and Spark where the data is for a given time
potential Garbage Collection hereafter is avoided. range, what the file schema is, and how to decode the data. In this
In some cases, the late arrival data is out of the time range of manner, SparkSQL can push filter conditions down to the TsFile Lib
memtable. The Storage Engine saves such out-of-order data sepa- to reduce unnecessary disk I/O.
rately into Out-of-Order (O3) TsFiles first and then merges them into Moreover, IoTDB has been integrated with many other big data
TsFiles periodically in the background. Comparing with the normal open source systems including Flink, RocketMQ, Calcite, PLC4X,
TsFile, the only difference in O3-TsFile is that the time window of and Grafana. The integration in these systems helps to extend IoTDB’s
different chunks may overlap, which incurs a merge-sort of multiple capabilities to manage the life cycle for time-series data from data
chunks against a matched query. collection to data visualization.

Chen Wang1,2 , Xiangdong Huang1∗ , Jialin Qiao1 , Tian Jiang1 , Lei Rui1 , Jinrui Zhang3 , Rong Kang1 , Julian Feinauer4 , Kevin A. McGrail5 , Peng Wang6 , Diaohan Luo1 ,
Jun Yuan1 , Jianmin Wang1 , Jiaguang Sun1

IoTDB> select avg(sensor0) from

root.plc4jDemo.sensor group by
([now()-1h, now()), 1s);
IoTDB> show timeseries;

(a). Show timeseries (b). Down-sampling

measuring Edge Side Cloud Side
PLC !"#$%&$'(

file sync

JDBC (c). KV-match index (d). File Sync

Figure 4: Some basic queries in IoTDB
Figure 3: Data management from the edge to the cloud

scala> spark.sql(select *
jdbc:calcite> select count(*) from tsfile_table).show()
3 DEMONSTRATION from (select sensor0 from
root.plc4jDemo where device =
… and time >… and time <…)
IoTDB System: We first demonstrate IoTDB’s usage on the edge
side. We install a Raspberry PI with a Mitsubishi programmable (a). Calcite Integration (b). Spark Integration
logic controller (PLC) , an industrial distance measuring sensor
and a gyroscope sensor as an intelligent IoT device. An IoTDB is
deployed on the Raspberry PI to manage the time-series data locally.
The Raspberry PI collects distance-measuring data at a frequency of
100 Hz from the PLC and the data is ingested into IoTDB locally. The
edge IoTDB synchronizes the generated TsFiles to the cloud every (c). Zeppelin Integration (d). Grafana Integration
10 seconds. The angle changes (x, y, z, accelerated-x, accelerated-y,
and accelerated-z) from the gyroscope are collected at a frequency of
Figure 5: IoTDB integration for advanced functions
5 Hz, IoTDB JDBC is used to send the data to the cloud in real-time.
Figure 3 shows the real sensors, the PLC and the Raspberry Pi with
IoTDB. When the sensors are moved, we can see the visual time write and query optimizations are also discussed. These contribu-
series being updated on the left top screen. tions are demonstrated with a proof of concept application. This
On the cloud, an IoTDB instance receives both the batch TsFiles illustrates how time-series data is managed, visualized, explored and
and the streaming data points in real-time. The effect of the File Sync analyzed in IoT world using Apache IoTDB.
is shown in Figure 4 (d). In the IoTDB-CLI console (Figure 4 (a)),
we can see there are 7 time-series in IoTDB. Figure 4 (b) shows that ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
an aggregation query to down-sample the distance measuring data As an incubating Apache project, there are many contributors de-
from 100 Hz to 1 Hz. Figure 4 (c) shows using KV-match index to get voted to IoTDB. We thank all those who contribute to the community.
the most similar sub-sequence from the distance time-series curve
when given a sample curve. Figure 4 (a) to (c) are all finished by REFERENCES
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