Financial Aid

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PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.

Financial Aid

July 2020
PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Financial Aid
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Preface: Preface......................................................................................................................................xxxv
Understanding the PeopleSoft Online Help and PeopleBooks.........................................................xxxv
Hosted PeopleSoft Online Help................................................................................................. xxxv
Locally Installed Help................................................................................................................ xxxv
Downloadable PeopleBook PDF Files.......................................................................................xxxv
Common Help Documentation...................................................................................................xxxv
Field and Control Definitions................................................................................................... xxxvi
Typographical Conventions....................................................................................................... xxxvi
ISO Country and Currency Codes............................................................................................ xxxvi
Region and Industry Identifiers............................................................................................... xxxvii
Translations and Embedded Help............................................................................................ xxxvii
Using and Managing the PeopleSoft Online Help........................................................................xxxviii
PeopleSoft CS Related Links........................................................................................................ xxxviii
Contact Us......................................................................................................................................xxxviii
Follow Us.......................................................................................................................................xxxviii
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Financial Aid......................................................................................39
Financial Aid Overview........................................................................................................................39
Financial Aid Business Processes.........................................................................................................39
Financial Aid Integrations.................................................................................................................... 41
Financial Aid Implementation.............................................................................................................. 41
Additional Information for Getting Started with Financial Aid...........................................................43
Common Elements Used in Financial Aid...........................................................................................43
Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle.................................................................45
Understanding the Financial Aid Awarding Cycle...............................................................................45
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................... 46
Establishing Aid Years..........................................................................................................................47
Pages Used to Establish Aid Years................................................................................................47
Defining Federal Aid Years........................................................................................................... 47
Associating Federal Aid Years with Academic Years................................................................... 48
Setting Up Your School Codes.............................................................................................................48
Pages Used to Set Up School Codes............................................................................................. 49
Defining Your School Code........................................................................................................... 49
Defining Your Campus OPEID Codes...........................................................................................50
Associating School Codes with an Aid Year.................................................................................51
Establishing Defaults............................................................................................................................ 51
Understanding Defaults.................................................................................................................. 52
Pages Used to Establish Defaults.................................................................................................. 53
Defining Installation Level Defaults..............................................................................................53
Creating Aid Processing Rule Sets................................................................................................ 60
Linking Aid Processing Rule Sets to Careers and Programs.........................................................61
Establishing Careers and Programs...................................................................................................... 61
Pages Used to Establish Careers and Programs............................................................................ 62
Listing Valid Careers for the Aid Year.......................................................................................... 63
Defining Valid Programs for Aid Year and Career........................................................................64
Associating Careers with School Codes........................................................................................ 65
Defining Valid Terms for Careers..................................................................................................66

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. iii


Assigning Financial Aid Career Types.......................................................................................... 68

Activating an Aid Year for a Student...................................................................................................69
Pages Used to Activate an Aid Year for a Student........................................................................69
Activating an Aid Year Manually.................................................................................................. 70
Activating an Aid Year in Batch....................................................................................................70
Reviewing NSLDS Codes.................................................................................................................... 71
Page Used to Review NSLDS Codes............................................................................................ 72
Reviewing the NSLDS Code Table............................................................................................... 72
Defining Aid Year Rollover................................................................................................................. 73
Understanding Aid Year Rollover..................................................................................................73
Pages Used to Define Aid Year Rollover...................................................................................... 74
Setting Up Term Values Cross Reference......................................................................................75
Setting Up Aid Year Rollover........................................................................................................75
Reviewing Table Rollover Options................................................................................................79
Chapter 3: Setting Up Financial Aid Terms........................................................................................... 87
Understanding Financial Aid Terms.....................................................................................................87
Defining the Parameters for Creating Financial Aid Terms.................................................................87
Page Used to Define the Parameters for Creating Financial Aid Terms........................................88
Setting Up Financial Aid Terms.................................................................................................... 88
Setting Up Cost Codes......................................................................................................................... 89
Pages Used to Set Up Cost Codes.................................................................................................90
Defining Cost Codes...................................................................................................................... 90
Chapter 4: Setting Up Student Budgets.................................................................................................. 93
Understanding Student Budgets Setup................................................................................................. 93
Budget Components....................................................................................................................... 93
Budget Assignment Formulas........................................................................................................ 94
Defining Budget Components.............................................................................................................. 94
Common Elements Used in This Section...................................................................................... 94
Pages Used to Define Budget Components................................................................................... 95
Defining Budget Categories........................................................................................................... 95
Defining Budget Items................................................................................................................... 98
Defining Budget Formulas........................................................................................................... 100
Defining Budget Formula Groups................................................................................................103
Defining Budget Assignment Trees............................................................................................. 104
Creating Budget Groups..................................................................................................................... 105
Pages Used to Create Budget Groups..........................................................................................105
Defining Detailed Budget Groups................................................................................................105
Defining Generic Budget Groups................................................................................................ 107
Preparing for Background Budget Assignment..................................................................................107
Pages Used to Prepare for Background Budget Assignment.......................................................108
Specifying Careers........................................................................................................................108
Assigning Automated Budget Categories.................................................................................... 109
Creating Budget Assignment Run Controls.................................................................................111
Chapter 5: Setting Up Packaging Basics...............................................................................................115
Understanding Packaging Basics........................................................................................................115
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................. 115
Common Element Used in Packaging Basics..............................................................................116
Award Adjustment Reasons......................................................................................................... 116
Early Financial Aid Offers...........................................................................................................116
Awarding versus Packaging......................................................................................................... 116
Financial Aid Item Types.............................................................................................................116

iv Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Defining Packaging Variables.............................................................................................................117

Understanding Packaging Variables............................................................................................. 117
Pages Used to Define Packaging Variables................................................................................. 118
Defining Package Rating Components........................................................................................ 119
Entering Institution-Specific Variables.........................................................................................120
Populating Rating Components in Batch.....................................................................................121
Populating Rating Components Manually................................................................................... 122
Entering Additional Packaging Variables.................................................................................... 123
Defining Disbursement Plans and Split Codes.................................................................................. 124
Understanding Disbursement Plans and Split Codes...................................................................124
Pages Used to Define Disbursement Plans and Split Codes....................................................... 125
Creating Disbursement Plans....................................................................................................... 126
Setting Up Disbursement IDs...................................................................................................... 127
Setting Up Disbursement Split Codes......................................................................................... 129
Defining Split Code Formulas..................................................................................................... 130
Setting Up Aggregate Aid.................................................................................................................. 135
Understanding Aggregate Aid......................................................................................................135
Pages Used to Set Up Aggregate Aid..........................................................................................136
Reviewing Aggregate Levels....................................................................................................... 136
Establishing Aggregate Programs................................................................................................ 138
Creating Aggregate Aid Limits....................................................................................................139
Creating Aggregate Area Translations......................................................................................... 149
Selecting Aggregate Areas for Institutions.................................................................................. 151
Setting Up Award Messages...............................................................................................................152
Pages Used to Set Up Award Messages...................................................................................... 152
Defining Award Messages............................................................................................................152
Setting Up Loan Fees......................................................................................................................... 153
Page Used to Add Loan Fees...................................................................................................... 154
Creating Loan Fees.......................................................................................................................154
Defining Financial Aid Item Types.................................................................................................... 156
Pages Used to Define Financial Aid Item Types.........................................................................156
Defining Financial Aid Item Type Descriptions..........................................................................157
Viewing Item Type Detail............................................................................................................ 159
Defining Awarding and Rounding Rules..................................................................................... 160
Defining Disbursement and Anticipated Aid...............................................................................166
Setting Term Minimum and Maximum Award Limits................................................................ 169
Defining Default Disbursement Plans and Split Codes............................................................... 171
Attaching Loan Fees.....................................................................................................................172
Defining Gap Financial Aid Item Types......................................................................................175
Budgeting Fiscal Limits......................................................................................................................176
Understanding Fiscal Limits........................................................................................................ 176
Pages Used to Budget Fiscal Limits............................................................................................ 177
Assigning Fiscal Limits to Financial Aid Item Types................................................................. 177
Reviewing Fiscal Fund Status......................................................................................................180
Reviewing Fiscal Fund Notes...................................................................................................... 181
Reviewing Fiscal Limits for Aggregate Areas............................................................................ 182
Packaging for Pell Grant Eligibility................................................................................................... 183
Pages Used to Package for Pell Grant Eligibility........................................................................183
Loading Pell Schedules into Pell Table Enablement Tables........................................................183
Comparing Published Pell Schedules with Existing Pell Table Data.......................................... 185
Preparing for Early Financial Aid Offers...........................................................................................186

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Understanding Early Financial Aid Offers.................................................................................. 186

Page Used to Prepare for Early Financial Aid Offers................................................................. 187
Setting Up Early Financial Aid Offer Categories........................................................................187
Setting Up Restricted Aid...................................................................................................................187
Understanding Restricted Aid...................................................................................................... 188
Pages Used to Set Up Restricted Aid.......................................................................................... 188
Defining Restricted Aid Basic Information................................................................................. 189
Defining Award Limits and Requirements.................................................................................. 190
Attaching an External Organization.............................................................................................191
Assigning a Committee................................................................................................................ 191
Setting Up Award Adjustment Reasons............................................................................................. 192
Pages Used to Set Up Award Adjustment Reasons.....................................................................193
Creating Award Adjustment Reasons.......................................................................................... 193
Chapter 6: Setting Up External Awards............................................................................................... 195
Understanding External Awards......................................................................................................... 195
Types of External Award Data.....................................................................................................195
Data Sources and Methods to Obtain External Awards...............................................................195
Data Flow of External Awards to Student Award Tables............................................................ 196
Special Consideration for Student Financial Payments............................................................... 197
Awarding Loan Certifications as External Awards...................................................................... 197
Setting Up External Award Processing.............................................................................................. 197
Pages Used to Set Up External Award Processing...................................................................... 198
Defining External Award Types...................................................................................................198
Defining External Award Sources................................................................................................199
Cross-Referencing External Award Attributes to Financial Aid Item Types............................... 199
Defining Search and Match Criteria...................................................................................................202
Page Used to Define Search and Match Criteria......................................................................... 203
Defining Search and Match Criteria for the External Award Load Process................................ 203
Planning for File Parser and External Award Processing.................................................................. 204
Using the Context Definition....................................................................................................... 204
Using the File Mapping Definition..............................................................................................205
Reviewing the External Award Staging Tables............................................................................205
Chapter 7: Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging.............................................................219
Understanding Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging........................................................................ 219
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................. 219
Understanding Packaging Plans................................................................................................... 219
Using Equation Engine in Packaging.................................................................................................220
Viewing and Editing Equations.......................................................................................................... 224
Understanding the Equation Engine.............................................................................................224
Page Used to View and Edit Equations....................................................................................... 225
Reviewing Field Names for Equations........................................................................................ 225
Using Packaging Data Source and Equation Engine................................................................... 225
Rounding in Packaging Using Equations.................................................................................... 229
Reviewing Equations.......................................................................................................................... 230
Page Used to Review Equations.................................................................................................. 231
Viewing Equations as Algebraic Expressions..............................................................................231
Reviewing Equation Examples........................................................................................................... 232
Packaging Selection Equation...................................................................................................... 233
Packaging Calculation Equation.................................................................................................. 233
Verifying Student Is Enrolled Equation....................................................................................... 234
Creating Equity Item Type Groups.................................................................................................... 237

vi Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Understanding Equity Item Type Groups.................................................................................... 237

Page Used to Create Equity Item Type Groups...........................................................................238
Defining Equity Item Type Groups............................................................................................. 238
Creating Related Item Type Groups...................................................................................................238
Understanding Related Item Type Groups...................................................................................239
Page Used to Create Related Item Type Groups......................................................................... 239
Defining Related Item Type Groups............................................................................................ 239
Defining Packaging Plans...................................................................................................................240
Understanding Packaging Plan Setup.......................................................................................... 240
Pages Used to Define Packaging Plans....................................................................................... 241
Defining Packaging Plan IDs.......................................................................................................242
Setting Up FM Packaging Target.................................................................................................244
Setting Up IM Packaging Target................................................................................................. 245
Defining Packaging Equity Limits and Offsets........................................................................... 246
Defining Loan and Work Packaging Limits................................................................................ 249
Defining Packaging Rules: Item Type Selection, Sequence and Limits...................................... 251
Setting Packaging Rule Award Limits......................................................................................... 254
Defining Packaging Rules: Award Status, Disbursement Plan and Split Code........................... 255
Chapter 8: Setting Up Repackaging...................................................................................................... 259
Understanding Repackaging Strategy and Rules................................................................................259
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................. 259
Repackaging Strategy................................................................................................................... 260
Repackaging Students with Multiple Careers..............................................................................260
Increase Rule................................................................................................................................ 261
Decrease Rule............................................................................................................................... 262
Original Package Plan Rule......................................................................................................... 262
Validate Entire Package Rule.......................................................................................................263
Validate Item Type Rule...............................................................................................................263
Setting Up a Repackaging Plan..........................................................................................................264
Pages Used to Set Up a Repackaging Plan................................................................................. 264
Excluding an Item Type from Repackaging................................................................................ 264
Defining Repackaging Rules........................................................................................................265
Examples of Repackaging Rules..................................................................................................269
Setting Up Repackaging Processing...................................................................................................277
Pages Used to Set Up Repackaging Processing.......................................................................... 278
Defining the Context for a Repackaging PS Query.....................................................................278
Setting Up a Population Selection PS Query for Repackaging................................................... 279
Setting Up a Batch Repackaging Selection Using Equations......................................................280
Chapter 9: Setting Up Loan Counseling............................................................................................... 281
Understanding Loan Counseling.........................................................................................................281
Pages Used for Loan Counseling Setup...................................................................................... 281
Selecting the Loan Counseling Version....................................................................................... 282
Selecting an Item Type Loan Entrance Interview Disbursement Requirement........................... 282
Mapping the OPEID and COD Routing ID to Institutions..........................................................283
Defining Loan Counseling Types.................................................................................................284
Specifying Loan Counseling Attributes....................................................................................... 285
Defining Search/Match for Loan Counseling Data Import..........................................................287
Chapter 10: Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans.................................................................................... 291
Prerequisites for Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans.......................................................................... 291
Setting Up Loan Participants..............................................................................................................291
Understanding Loan Participants................................................................................................. 291

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Pages Used to Set Up Loan Participants..................................................................................... 292

Adding or Updating Lender Information.....................................................................................293
Identifying Lenders as Loan Participants.................................................................................... 294
Updating Guarantor Information..................................................................................................295
Identifying Guarantors as Loan Participants................................................................................296
Adding or Updating Servicer Information...................................................................................297
Identifying Servicers as Loan Participants.................................................................................. 298
Setting Up Loan Types....................................................................................................................... 299
Pages Used to Set Up Loan Types.............................................................................................. 300
Defining Loan Types.................................................................................................................... 300
Linking CommonLine Loan Types to NSLDS Loan History Information.................................. 302
Assigning Loan Checklists...........................................................................................................303
Setting Up Loan Validation Edits.......................................................................................................303
Understanding Loan Validation Edits.......................................................................................... 304
Pages Used to Set Up Loan Validation Edits.............................................................................. 304
Defining Validation Edit Messages..............................................................................................304
Creating Loan Validation Edit Sets..............................................................................................308
Selecting Equations for the Hold and Release Process......................................................................310
Page Used to Set Equations for Hold and Release......................................................................310
Selecting Equations for Hold and Release...................................................................................310
Creating Loan Destinations................................................................................................................ 311
Understanding Creating Loan Destinations................................................................................. 312
Pages Used to Create Loan Destinations..................................................................................... 312
Defining Loan Destination Profiles............................................................................................. 312
Defining CommonLine Options...................................................................................................315
Defining Loan Destination Edits..................................................................................................317
Specifying Loan Processes................................................................................................................. 318
Pages Used to Specify Loan Processes........................................................................................318
Specifying Loan Processes...........................................................................................................318
Setting Up Loan Origination.............................................................................................................. 320
Understanding Loan Origination..................................................................................................320
Pages Used to Set Up Loan Origination......................................................................................323
Specifying a Default Loan Agency..............................................................................................323
Setting Up Loan Destination Defaults......................................................................................... 324
Setting Up Process Demographic Data.............................................................................................. 325
Pages Used to Set Up Process Demographic Data......................................................................325
Setting Up Process Demographic Data........................................................................................326
Setting Up Electronic Data Interchange............................................................................................. 328
Understanding EDI Manager........................................................................................................328
Pages Used to Set Up Electronic Data Interchange.....................................................................329
Creating EDI Entity Codes.......................................................................................................... 329
Setting Up Financial Aid EDI Destinations.................................................................................332
Setting Up EDI Partner Profiles.................................................................................................. 333
Setting Up Profile Defaults.......................................................................................................... 334
Setting Up EDI Internal Partners................................................................................................. 334
Setting Up EDI External Partners................................................................................................336
Setting Up Loan Transfer IDs......................................................................................................337
Reviewing Loan Action Codes...........................................................................................................339
Pages Used to Review Loan Action Codes................................................................................. 339
Viewing Loan Action Codes........................................................................................................ 339
Chapter 11: Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)........................................................ 341

viii Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Common Element Used in Common Record CommonLine (CRC).................................................. 341

Setting Up Loan Participants for CRC...............................................................................................341
Pages Used to Set Up Loan Participants..................................................................................... 341
Setting Up Guarantors, Lenders, and Servicers for CRC............................................................ 341
Setting Up Loan Types for CRC........................................................................................................ 342
Pages Used to Set Up Loan Types.............................................................................................. 343
Defining Loan Types.................................................................................................................... 343
Linking CommonLine Loan Types to NSLDS Loan History Information.................................. 345
Assigning Checklists.................................................................................................................... 346
Setting Up Loan Validation Edits for CRC........................................................................................347
Understanding Loan Validation Edits.......................................................................................... 347
Pages Used to Set Up Loan Validation Edits.............................................................................. 348
Defining Validation Edit Messages..............................................................................................348
Creating Loan Validation Edit Sets..............................................................................................352
Selecting Equations for the Hold and Release Process for CRC....................................................... 354
Page Used to Set Equations for Hold and Release......................................................................354
Selecting Equations for Hold and Release...................................................................................354
Creating Loan Destinations for CRC................................................................................................. 355
Understanding Creating Loan Destinations for CRC.................................................................. 356
Page Used to Create Loan Destinations...................................................................................... 356
Defining Loan Destination Profiles for CRC.............................................................................. 356
Defining Loan Processing Levels for CRC................................................................................. 358
Defining Loan Destination Validation Edits for CRC................................................................. 359
Specifying Loan Processes for CRC.................................................................................................. 360
Pages Used to Set Up Loan Processes........................................................................................ 360
Defining Loan Processes for CRC...............................................................................................361
Setting Up Loan Origination for CRC............................................................................................... 362
Understanding Loan Origination for CRC...................................................................................362
Pages Used to Set Up Loan Origination for CRC.......................................................................365
Specifying a Default Loan Agency for CRC...............................................................................365
Setting Up Loan Destination Defaults for CRC.......................................................................... 366
Setting Up Process Demographic Data for CRC............................................................................... 367
Pages Used to Set Up Demographic Data for CRC.................................................................... 367
Setting Up Process Demographic Data for CRC.........................................................................368
Setting Up Certification Requests for CRC....................................................................................... 370
Page Used to Set Up Certification Requests............................................................................... 370
Defining Search Match Criteria for CRC.................................................................................... 370
Reviewing Loan Action Codes for CRC............................................................................................371
Page Used to Review Loan Action Codes...................................................................................371
Reviewing Loan Action Codes.................................................................................................... 371
Chapter 12: Setting Up Direct Loans.................................................................................................... 373
Overview of Direct Lending...............................................................................................................373
Before You Begin............................................................................................................................... 373
Setting Up Financial Aid Item Types.................................................................................................374
Pages Used to Set Up Financial Aid Item Types........................................................................ 374
Defining Financial Aid Item Types............................................................................................. 375
Setting Up Financial Aid Item Type Awarding Rules................................................................. 376
Setting Up Financial Aid Item Type Award Attributes............................................................... 377
Setting Up Financial Aid Item Type Award Limits.....................................................................377
Setting Up Financial Aid Item Type Disbursement Rules...........................................................378
Setting Up Financial Aid Item Type Loan Fees.......................................................................... 379

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ix


Setting Up Promissory Notes in Campus Community.......................................................................380

Setting Up Direct Lending..................................................................................................................383
Pages Used to Set Up Direct Lending.........................................................................................384
Viewing EDI Profile Defaults...................................................................................................... 387
Setting Up Loan Destination Profiles for Direct Lending........................................................... 388
Setting Up Global Direct Lending Change Parameters............................................................... 390
Setting Up Loan Institution Table for Direct Lending COD....................................................... 392
Setting Up Destination Defaults for Direct Lending................................................................... 395
Setting Up Attended School Routing ID's...................................................................................396
Setting Up Loan Report Packages for Direct Lending................................................................ 397
Setting Up DL Serial Promissory Note Table............................................................................. 399
Setting Up Loan Servicer Table for Direct Lending....................................................................400
Setting Up Loan Transfer IDs for Direct Lending...................................................................... 403
Setting Up Loan Types for Direct Lending................................................................................. 404
Setting Up 150 Percent Direct Subsidized Loan Limit (SULA)................................................. 412
Viewing System Administration Information.....................................................................................416
Pages Used to View System Administration Information........................................................... 416
Viewing Loan Action Codes........................................................................................................ 417
Viewing Direct Lending Change Fields.......................................................................................417
Chapter 13: Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing.......................................................................... 419
Common Elements Used in Pell Payment Processing....................................................................... 419
Setting Up Pell Funding Method........................................................................................................419
Understanding Pell Funding Method........................................................................................... 419
Defining Pell Funding Method.................................................................................................... 419
Setting Up Pell Payment Information................................................................................................ 420
Pages Used to Define Pell Payment Information........................................................................ 420
Defining Pell Payment Setup....................................................................................................... 420
Copying Pell Payment Options.................................................................................................... 424
Changing Pell Payment Default Information...............................................................................424
Setting Up Pell Reporting Identification Data and Processing Options.............................................426
Page Used to Set Up Pell Reporting Identification Data and Processing Options.......................426
Defining Pell Reporting Identification Data................................................................................ 426
Setting Up Pell Multi-Campus Identification.....................................................................................428
Page Used to Define Pell Multi-Campus Identification.............................................................. 428
Defining Pell Multi-Campus Identification..................................................................................428
Setting Up Severity Levels for Pell Comment Codes........................................................................429
Pages Used to Define Severity Levels for Pell Comment Codes................................................ 429
Defining Severity Levels for Pell Comment Codes.................................................................... 429
Copying Pell Comment Codes.....................................................................................................431
Defining Reconciliation Periods......................................................................................................... 431
Page Used to Define Reconciliation Periods............................................................................... 431
Defining Reconciliation Periods.................................................................................................. 431
Chapter 14: Setting Up the Perkins MPN............................................................................................ 433
Understanding the Perkins MPN Setup..............................................................................................433
Setting Up the Perkins MPN.............................................................................................................. 433
Pages Used to Set Up the Perkins MPN..................................................................................... 433
Defining Perkins MPN Options................................................................................................... 434
Defining Type of Name, Address, and Telephone Number Usage..............................................435
Defining MPN Requirement for Financial Aid Item Types........................................................ 436
Chapter 15: Setting Up Disbursement Rules........................................................................................ 439
Understanding Disbursement Rules....................................................................................................439

x Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................. 439
Disbursement Rules......................................................................................................................439
Disbursement Proration Rules......................................................................................................441
Global Disbursement Rules..........................................................................................................441
Item Type Disbursement Rules.................................................................................................... 441
Authorization and Disbursement Calendars.................................................................................442
Disbursement ID Table Review................................................................................................... 442
Defining User Edit Messages............................................................................................................. 443
Understanding User Edit Messages............................................................................................. 443
Page Used to Define User Edit Messages................................................................................... 443
Creating User Edit Messages....................................................................................................... 443
Setting Up Disbursement Proration Rules..........................................................................................444
Page Used to Set Up Disbursement Proration Rules...................................................................445
Defining a Proration Scheme....................................................................................................... 445
Defining Global Disbursement Rules.................................................................................................446
Pages Used to Define Global Disbursement Rules......................................................................446
Defining Basic Global Rules for Authorization.......................................................................... 446
Assigning Service Impacts, Tracking Groups, and User Edit Messages..................................... 449
Defining Item Type Disbursement Rules........................................................................................... 450
Pages Used to Define Item Type Disbursement Rules................................................................ 451
Defining Authorization Rules for a Financial Aid Item Type..................................................... 451
Defining Additional Restrictions..................................................................................................456
Assigning Checklists, Tracking Groups, Service Indicators, and User Edit Messages................458
Setting Up Authorization and Disbursement Calendars.....................................................................460
Pages Used to Set Up Authorization and Disbursement Calendars.............................................460
Defining the Authorization Calendar........................................................................................... 460
Defining the Disbursement Calendar........................................................................................... 461
Chapter 16: (GBR) Setting Up Student Loans Company................................................................... 467
Understanding SLC.............................................................................................................................467
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................. 467
Setting Up SLC Processing................................................................................................................ 467
Pages Used to Set Up SLC Processing........................................................................................468
Defining SLC Options..................................................................................................................468
Defining Search Match Options...................................................................................................472
Defining Liability Periods............................................................................................................ 473
Completing Prerequisites for SLC FTE Calculation................................................................... 474
Completing Prerequisites for Reporting Part-time and Full-time Academic Loads.....................476
Chapter 17: Setting Up Return of Title IV Funds............................................................................... 477
Understanding Return of Title IV Funds............................................................................................477
Common Elements Used in Setting Up Return of Title IV Funds.....................................................477
Defining Title IV Funds Item Types.................................................................................................. 477
Page Used to Define Item Types for RTIVF............................................................................... 477
Defining Title IV Funds Financial Aid Item Types.....................................................................478
Defining Institutional Charges............................................................................................................ 479
Page Used to Define Institutional Charges.................................................................................. 479
Setting Up Institutional Charges.................................................................................................. 479
Chapter 18: (CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis.................................................................... 481
Understanding CNAS..........................................................................................................................481
Defining CNAS...................................................................................................................................481
Pages Used to Set Up CNAS.......................................................................................................482
Defining CNAS Rules..................................................................................................................484

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Reviewing CNAS Message Tables.............................................................................................. 485

Defining CNAS Options - Table 1.............................................................................................. 485
Defining CNAS Options - Table 2.............................................................................................. 487
Defining CNAS Options - Table 3.............................................................................................. 489
Defining Financial Parameters for Minimum Wage.................................................................... 491
Defining Financial Parameters for MSOL Setup.........................................................................492
Defining Financial Parameters for Parent MSOL Setup............................................................. 493
Defining Financial Parameters for Tuition and Fees................................................................... 493
Defining Financial Parameters for Parent Weekly CSL Contribution......................................... 494
Defining Financial Parameters for Parent Weekly OSL Contribution......................................... 495
Defining Financial Parameters for Parent Yearly Income........................................................... 495
Defining Financial Parameters for Program Weekly Maximum Entitlements.............................496
Defining Financial Parameters for Prestudy Tax Deductions Setup............................................ 496
Defining Financial Parameters for Study Period Tax Deductions Setup..................................... 497
Defining Financial Parameters for Spouse Tax Deductions Setup.............................................. 497
Defining Financial Parameters for Parent Federal Tax Deductions.............................................498
Defining Financial Parameters for Parent Provincial Tax Deductions........................................ 499
Defining Financial Parameters for Part-time Maximum Entitlements.........................................499
Adding a Full-time or Part-time Canadian Application...............................................................500
Setting Up Cost Codes................................................................................................................. 500
Chapter 19: Managing Financial Aid Terms........................................................................................ 503
Understanding Managing Financial Aid Terms..................................................................................503
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................. 503
Methods to Build Financial Aid Terms....................................................................................... 503
Building Financial Aid Terms Online................................................................................................ 504
Common Elements....................................................................................................................... 504
Pages Used to Build Financial Aid Terms Online.......................................................................505
Setting Overrides for Financial Aid Term................................................................................... 506
Building a Financial Aid Term.................................................................................................... 507
Viewing Term Build Details........................................................................................................ 512
Overriding Census Date Locking.................................................................................................513
Viewing Academic Advisor Information..................................................................................... 516
Viewing Campus Information...................................................................................................... 516
Viewing Academic Level and Load Information.........................................................................517
Viewing Academic Statistics........................................................................................................520
Viewing Transfer Credit Information...........................................................................................524
Viewing Term Statistics for a Student's Other Career................................................................. 526
Viewing a List of the Student's Classes.......................................................................................527
Viewing Loan, Graduation, and Budget Information.................................................................. 528
Viewing Changes in a Student's FA Term Information............................................................... 532
Viewing Student Records Term Information............................................................................... 533
Viewing Withdrawal Information.................................................................................................536
Building Financial Aid Terms Manually............................................................................................537
Building Financial Aid Terms in Batch............................................................................................. 537
Understanding Building Financial Aid Terms in Batch...............................................................537
Pages Used to Build Financial Aid Terms in Batch.................................................................... 538
Creating FA Term Driver Records...............................................................................................538
Creating Financial Aid Terms in Batch....................................................................................... 539
Using the Financial Aid Term Census Report................................................................................... 539
Page Used to Identify Students Not Enrolled After Census with Award Balances......................540
Identifying Students Not Enrolled After Census with Award Balances...................................... 540

xii Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Updating Financial Aid Progress Units..............................................................................................540

Page Used to Update Financial Aid Progress Units.................................................................... 541
Updating Financial Aid Progress Units....................................................................................... 541
Chapter 20: Working with Student Budgets.........................................................................................543
Understanding Student Budgets..........................................................................................................543
Budget Calculations......................................................................................................................543
Common Elements Used in Student Budgets.................................................................................... 543
Assigning Budgets in Batch............................................................................................................... 544
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................. 544
Pages Used to Assign Budgets in Batch......................................................................................544
Selecting Students for Batch Budget Assignment....................................................................... 546
Viewing Batch Student Budget Review.......................................................................................546
Processing Formulas to Determine Budget Amounts.................................................................. 548
Processing Trees and Tuition....................................................................................................... 549
Moving Student Budgets..............................................................................................................549
Maintaining Budget Tables.......................................................................................................... 549
Applying Pell Adjustments.......................................................................................................... 550
Assigning Budgets Online.................................................................................................................. 550
Pages Used to Assign Budgets Online........................................................................................ 550
Creating Budgets Online.............................................................................................................. 551
Reviewing Term Budget Information.......................................................................................... 552
Maintaining a Term Budget................................................................................................................552
Pages Used to Maintain a Term Budget...................................................................................... 553
Maintaining an Existing Term Budget or Creating a Term Budget............................................. 553
Reviewing Students' Budget Information...........................................................................................555
Page Used to View Student's Budget Information.......................................................................555
Viewing Students' Budget Information........................................................................................ 555
Chapter 21: Defining Application Processing Options........................................................................ 557
Prerequisites for Defining Application Processing Options...............................................................557
Working with Applications................................................................................................................. 557
Understanding Application Processing Options.......................................................................... 557
Pages Used to Work with Applications....................................................................................... 558
Defining Application Source Rank.............................................................................................. 559
Reviewing Admit Level Associations..........................................................................................560
Setting Up Academic Career Assignments from the Financial Aid Application.........................561
Setting Up Financial Aid Processing..................................................................................................562
Understanding Financial Aid Processing Setup...........................................................................563
Pages Used to Set Up Financial Aid Processing......................................................................... 564
Defining ISIR Data Load Options 1............................................................................................566
Defining ISIR Data Load Options 2............................................................................................569
Defining ISIR Data Load Options 3............................................................................................571
Defining ISIR Institutional Search Match................................................................................... 573
Setting Severity Levels for ISIR Reject Reasons........................................................................ 575
Setting Severity Levels for ISIR Comment Codes...................................................................... 577
Setting Up Financial Aid EDI Transactions................................................................................ 578
Setting Up Commit Levels for COBOL Processes......................................................................579
Reviewing Cross-References.............................................................................................................. 580
Pages Used to Review Cross-References.................................................................................... 580
Reviewing ISIR SAR Cross-References...................................................................................... 580
Reviewing Institutional Application Cross-References............................................................... 582
Setting Up PROFILE Data Load Parameters.....................................................................................582

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Page Used to Set Up PROFILE Data Load Parameters.............................................................. 583

Setting Up PROFILE Data Load Parameters.............................................................................. 583
Chapter 22: Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications.............................................................. 589
Understanding Federal Financial Aid Application Processing...........................................................589
Processing Inbound Files.................................................................................................................... 590
Pages Used to Process Inbound Files.......................................................................................... 590
Understanding the FA Inbound Process.......................................................................................591
Importing Federal Data Files....................................................................................................... 594
Loading ISIR Files....................................................................................................................... 595
Managing Suspended ISIRs................................................................................................................595
Pages Used to Manage Suspended ISIRs.................................................................................... 595
Using ISIR Suspense Management..............................................................................................597
Viewing Detailed Status Information from the ISIR Load Process............................................. 599
Viewing Information Generated by CPS for the ISIR.................................................................601
Viewing ISIR Reject Codes......................................................................................................... 603
Reviewing Corrected Fields......................................................................................................... 603
Managing ISIRs Suspended in Batch.......................................................................................... 604
Making ISIR Corrections....................................................................................................................608
Understanding ISIR Corrections.................................................................................................. 609
Pages Used to Make ISIR Data Corrections................................................................................611
Using the ISIR Correction Component........................................................................................613
Reviewing FAFSA Student Information...................................................................................... 614
Reviewing FAFSA Parent Information........................................................................................ 617
Correcting Assumptions and School Code Information.............................................................. 619
Viewing EFC Status and Database Matches................................................................................621
Processing Outbound Files................................................................................................................. 623
Pages Used to Process Outbound Files........................................................................................624
Moving Records to Outbound Staging Tables.............................................................................624
Creating Outbound Files for CPS................................................................................................ 625
Viewing Outbound Staging Table Files....................................................................................... 626
Viewing Outbound Staging Table Data....................................................................................... 626
Processing Rejected ISIR Correction Files........................................................................................ 626
Pages Used to Process Rejected ISIR Correction Files............................................................... 626
Loading Error Files...................................................................................................................... 626
Making Corrections to Rejected ISIR Corrections...................................................................... 627
Working with ISIRs............................................................................................................................ 629
Pages Used to Work with ISIRs.................................................................................................. 630
Adding Your Institution to a Student's ISIR................................................................................630
Sending FAFSA Signature Receipt Information..........................................................................630
Using the Batch Message Print Page...........................................................................................631
Deleting ISIR and NSLDS Information............................................................................................. 631
Pages Used to Delete ISIR and NSLDS Information.................................................................. 632
Deleting ISIR Records................................................................................................................. 632
Deleting NSLDS Records............................................................................................................ 634
Viewing ISIR History......................................................................................................................... 636
Pages Used to View ISIR History............................................................................................... 636
Viewing ISIR Reports.........................................................................................................................637
Pages Used to Produce ISIR Reports.......................................................................................... 637
Using the ISIR Reject/Assumption Report.................................................................................. 638
Reviewing ISIR Correction Audits.....................................................................................................638
Chapter 23: Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications.................................... 641

xiv Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Maintaining Institutional Financial Aid Applications........................................................................ 641

Common Elements Used in This Section.................................................................................... 641
Pages Used for Institutional Applications....................................................................................643
Reviewing Student Information................................................................................................... 643
Reviewing Custodial Parent Information.....................................................................................648
Reviewing Non Custodial Parent Information.............................................................................653
Reviewing Processing Messages and Institutional Questions..................................................... 655
Reviewing All Computed Data for Student and Parents............................................................. 656
Loading and Managing PROFILE Records....................................................................................... 660
Pages Used to Load and Manage PROFILE Records................................................................. 661
Loading PROFILE Applications.................................................................................................. 661
Viewing PROFILE Load Summaries...........................................................................................663
Managing Suspended PROFILE Records.................................................................................... 667
Reviewing Institutional Correction Audits......................................................................................... 670
Page Used to Review Institutional Correction Audits................................................................. 671
Viewing Institutional Correction Audits...................................................................................... 671
Deleting PROFILE Records.........................................................................................................671
Chapter 24: Processing INAS................................................................................................................. 673
Defining Federal and Institutional Methodologies............................................................................. 673
Understanding IM and FM...........................................................................................................673
Pages Used to Define FM and IM...............................................................................................674
Defining Global and Federal Options.......................................................................................... 675
Using EFC Proration Options...................................................................................................... 678
Defining FM Budget Durations................................................................................................... 679
Defining IM Budget Durations.................................................................................................... 680
Defining IM Tax and Assessment Parameters............................................................................. 681
Defining EFM Yes and No Options............................................................................................ 685
Defining IM Value Parameters 1................................................................................................. 686
Defining IM Value Parameters 2................................................................................................. 686
Defining IM Yes and No Options................................................................................................687
Defining Minimum Student Contribution.................................................................................... 690
Defining Asset Options................................................................................................................ 691
Defining Home and Asset Projections.........................................................................................693
Defining Minimum Parental Contribution................................................................................... 695
Defining Budget Options............................................................................................................. 695
Using FM and IM Extensions to Override Options........................................................................... 697
Pages Used to Override Options in ISIR Corrections................................................................. 697
Overriding INAS Federal Extension Options.............................................................................. 698
Overriding INAS Institutional Extension Options 1....................................................................700
Overriding INAS Institutional Extension Options 2....................................................................704
Overriding INAS Institutional Extension Options 3....................................................................705
Overriding INAS Institutional Extension Options 4....................................................................707
Overriding INAS Institutional Extension Options 5....................................................................709
Overriding Expected Family Contribution (EFC).............................................................................. 710
Pages Used to Override and View EFC.......................................................................................711
Accessing Federal EFC Overrides............................................................................................... 711
Using the Federal EFC Override Function.................................................................................. 712
Accessing Institutional EFC Overrides........................................................................................713
Using the Institutional EFC Override Function...........................................................................714
Using Estimated FM EFC Values.......................................................................................................715
Using INAS Simulation...................................................................................................................... 715

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. xv


Understanding the Steps for INAS Simulation............................................................................716

Pages Used for INAS Simulation................................................................................................ 717
Common Page Elements for the INAS Simulation Component.................................................. 717
Working with Student Income and Assets...................................................................................719
Overriding the INAS global policy Options at the Student Level...............................................719
Working with Student Information.............................................................................................. 720
Working with Parent Income and Assets.....................................................................................722
Working with Parent Information................................................................................................ 722
Working with Assumption Overrides...........................................................................................723
Using INAS Batch Calculations......................................................................................................... 725
Page Used to Make INAS Batch Calculations............................................................................ 725
Calculating the INAS in Batch.................................................................................................... 725
Viewing Federal EFC Information..................................................................................................... 726
Pages Used to Review Federal EFC Information........................................................................ 726
Reviewing Federal EFC Summary Information.......................................................................... 728
Viewing Institutional EFC Information.............................................................................................. 728
Understanding Institutional EFC Calculations.............................................................................728
Pages Used to View Institutional EFC........................................................................................ 728
Reviewing an Institutional EFC Summary.................................................................................. 732
Reviewing Need Summary................................................................................................................. 733
Pages to View Need Summary.................................................................................................... 733
Viewing Need Summary Information.......................................................................................... 733
Reviewing INAS Assumption Codes................................................................................................. 734
Pages Used to Review INAS Assumption Codes........................................................................734
Reviewing INAS FM Assumption Codes....................................................................................735
Reviewing INAS IM Assumption Codes.....................................................................................735
Chapter 25: Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid.............................................................................737
Setting Up Verification Options......................................................................................................... 737
Pages Used to Set Up Verification Options.................................................................................737
Setting Up Tolerances.................................................................................................................. 737
Mapping Institutional Marital Statuses........................................................................................ 739
Verification Field Numbers.......................................................................................................... 741
Verifying Resource and Household Information................................................................................ 741
Pages Used to Verify Resource and Household Information.......................................................742
Viewing Financial Aid Administrator Information......................................................................744
Verifying Household Information................................................................................................ 745
Verifying Tax Data....................................................................................................................... 747
Verifying W-2 Information...........................................................................................................750
Verifying Federal Untaxed Income.............................................................................................. 751
Verifying Federal Additional Financial Information....................................................................752
Verifying Institutional Untaxed Income.......................................................................................752
Verifying Institutional Other Taxable Income............................................................................. 754
Consolidating Forms.....................................................................................................................756
Viewing Federal Consolidated Tax Data..................................................................................... 757
Viewing Institutional Consolidated Tax Data.............................................................................. 757
Working with Auto Verification......................................................................................................... 758
Pages Used for Auto Verification................................................................................................ 758
Using Auto Verification............................................................................................................... 759
Editing Student Level Tolerances................................................................................................ 761
Editing Verification Status........................................................................................................... 762
Comparing Verification Results................................................................................................... 763

xvi Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Using Batch Verification.....................................................................................................................764

Pages Used for Batch Verification............................................................................................... 764
Processing Batch Consolidation...................................................................................................765
Viewing Batch Consolidated Tax Data........................................................................................ 765
Processing Batch Verification...................................................................................................... 766
Using Batch Verification Summary............................................................................................. 767
Using Batch Verification Detail................................................................................................... 768
Managing Ability to Benefit...............................................................................................................768
Understanding Ability to Benefit................................................................................................. 768
Pages for Managing Ability to Benefit........................................................................................769
Updating SEC Descriptions......................................................................................................... 769
Creating and Managing Ability to Benefit.................................................................................. 770
Creating Ability to Benefit Data in Batch................................................................................... 771
Using NSLDS Data and Processes.....................................................................................................772
Understanding NSLDS Data and Processes................................................................................ 773
Pages Used to Review and Process NSLDS Data....................................................................... 774
Generating Financial Aid History or Transfer Student Monitoring Inform File Requests...........776
Loading Financial Aid History and Transfer Student Monitoring Files...................................... 778
Setting Up NSLDS Data Load Parameters..................................................................................778
Understanding the Process NSLDS Files Logic.......................................................................... 781
Processing NSLDS Files.............................................................................................................. 781
Using NSLDS Suspense Management.........................................................................................782
Generating NSLDS FAT Load Error Reports.............................................................................. 785
Using NSLDS Change Review.................................................................................................... 786
Processing NSLDS Alert File Information.................................................................................. 787
Reviewing NSLDS General Aggregate Information................................................................... 788
Viewing Details of NSLDS Aggregate Data............................................................................... 793
Viewing NSLDS Pell Information............................................................................................... 796
Viewing NSLDS ACG Grant Details.......................................................................................... 797
Viewing NSLDS NSG Grant Details...........................................................................................798
Viewing NSLDS TEACH Grant Details......................................................................................799
Viewing NSLDS IASG Grant Details......................................................................................... 800
Viewing NSLDS Additional Information.................................................................................... 801
Using the NSLDS Data Push Process......................................................................................... 802
Viewing Application History.............................................................................................................. 806
Pages Used to View Application History.................................................................................... 806
Reviewing Application History....................................................................................................807
Chapter 26: Satisfactory Academic Progress........................................................................................809
Understanding SAP.............................................................................................................................809
Overview of SAP Calculations.................................................................................................... 809
Eight Tests for SAP......................................................................................................................811
Student Selection Criteria for SAP Evaluation............................................................................818
Batch, Online, and Simulation Processes.................................................................................... 819
Pass 1 and Pass 2 Evaluations..................................................................................................... 819
Setting Up SAP...................................................................................................................................820
Pages Used to Set Up SAP..........................................................................................................821
Defining SAP Status Codes......................................................................................................... 822
Setting Up Rules for Statuses and Actions and the Academic Standing, Maximum Attempted
Units, and Maximum Attempted Term Tests...............................................................................825
Setting Up Tests for Minimum Current or Cumulative GPA, Current or Cumulative Earned
Units, and Two-Year GPA............................................................................................................829

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. xvii


Setting Up Course, Award, and Grade Exclusions...................................................................... 839

Setting Up SAP Communications................................................................................................842
Setting Up Evaluation Terms for Aid Year Processing............................................................... 845
Setting Up Evaluation Terms for Term Processing..................................................................... 845
Defining SAP Application Engine libraries.................................................................................846
Processing and Maintaining SAP....................................................................................................... 848
Pages Used to Process and Maintain SAP...................................................................................848
Running the SAP Batch Process..................................................................................................849
Maintaining Student SAP.............................................................................................................853
Viewing the Satisfactory Academic Progress Field.....................................................................857
Defining Student-Specific Career Exceptions..............................................................................858
Defining Student-Specific Term Exceptions................................................................................859
Defining Student-Specific Aid Year Exceptions..........................................................................861
Creating SAP Communications....................................................................................................862
Simulating a Student SAP Calculation........................................................................................ 863
Reviewing Students from a Batch Run........................................................................................866
Chapter 27: Preparing for Awarding and Packaging..........................................................................867
Making Early Financial Aid Offers....................................................................................................867
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................. 867
Pages Used to Make Early Financial Aid Offers.........................................................................867
Creating Early Financial Aid Offers............................................................................................ 868
Viewing Admission Application Information.............................................................................. 869
Selecting Your Application Data Source for Awarding..................................................................... 870
Entering Veteran Education Benefits..................................................................................................872
Page Used to Enter Veteran Education Benefits..........................................................................873
Entering Other Educational Resource Information......................................................................873
Processing Other Educational Resources.....................................................................................873
Reviewing the Student's Packaging Status......................................................................................... 874
Pages Used to Review the Student's Packaging Status................................................................875
Reviewing the Packaging Status Summary Page........................................................................ 876
Viewing Database Matches.......................................................................................................... 884
Reviewing the U.S.E.D. Database Match Process.......................................................................893
Reviewing Pell Information......................................................................................................... 894
Overriding Pell Eligibility Calculation Setup Values.................................................................. 897
Reviewing the Student's Financial Aid Status....................................................................................899
Page Used to Review the Student's Financial Aid Status............................................................900
Reviewing the Financial Aid Status Page....................................................................................900
Managing Aggregate Aid....................................................................................................................904
Pages Used to Manage Aggregate Aid........................................................................................ 904
Updating Aggregate Aid Information.......................................................................................... 905
Assigning Aggregate Sources...................................................................................................... 907
Using Mass Change for Packaging Status Attributes.........................................................................908
Pages Used to Use Mass Change for Packaging Status Attributes..............................................909
Selecting Students.........................................................................................................................909
Reviewing Selected Students....................................................................................................... 909
Moving Students into Financial Aid Batch Update.....................................................................910
Updating Packaging Status Attributes......................................................................................... 910
Awarding Restricted Aid.....................................................................................................................911
Understanding Restricted Aid...................................................................................................... 911
Pages Used to Award Restricted Aid...........................................................................................912
Entering a Student's Restricted Aid............................................................................................. 912

xviii Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Entering Committee Comments................................................................................................... 914

Entering Committee Member Comments.................................................................................... 915
Evaluating a Student's Restricted Aid..........................................................................................915
Chapter 28: Awarding and Packaging Students.................................................................................. 917
Understanding Awarding and Packaging Students.............................................................................917
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................. 919
Understanding Manual Awarding, Auto Packaging, and Auto Select Packaging.............................. 919
Online Manual Awarding............................................................................................................. 920
Auto Packaging.............................................................................................................................920
Auto Select Packaging................................................................................................................. 921
Need Summary............................................................................................................................. 921
Need Summary Validation........................................................................................................... 922
Understanding Mass Packaging..........................................................................................................922
Awarding Online................................................................................................................................. 923
Pages Used to Award Online....................................................................................................... 923
Viewing Need Summary Information.......................................................................................... 924
Viewing Term Summary Information.......................................................................................... 926
Using Auto Packaging and Auto Select Packaging.....................................................................928
Viewing Award Disbursement Detail...........................................................................................938
Documenting Award Adjustments............................................................................................... 941
Awarding Students Manually....................................................................................................... 942
Using Professional Judgement..................................................................................................... 942
Performing Mass Packaging Using Application Data........................................................................944
Pages Used to Perform Mass Packaging Using Federal Application Data..................................944
Running Mass Packaging Selection............................................................................................. 945
Reviewing Students Selected for Mass Packaging...................................................................... 946
Assigning Packaging Plans to Students....................................................................................... 946
Reviewing Packaging Plans Assigned by Query......................................................................... 948
Reviewing Packaging Plans Assigned by Packaging Plan.......................................................... 948
Processing Mass Packaging......................................................................................................... 948
Reviewing Mass Packaging Results................................................................................................... 949
Pages Used to Review Mass Packaging Results......................................................................... 950
Reviewing Mass Packaging Summary Information.....................................................................950
Reviewing Student Eligibility and Need Information..................................................................951
Reviewing Student Award Information........................................................................................953
Reviewing Mass Packaging Errors.............................................................................................. 954
Chapter 29: Awarding Pell Grants........................................................................................................ 959
Awarding Pell Grants..........................................................................................................................959
Understanding Pell Grant Awarding............................................................................................ 959
Defining Pell Eligibility Calculation (PEC) Setup...................................................................... 961
Defining Aggregate Aid Limit Percentage Maximums for Pell Grants.......................................966
Calculating Pell Grants.................................................................................................................967
Packaging Pell Grants Using Pell Table Enablement Tables.......................................................981
Repackaging Pell Grants.............................................................................................................. 982
Awarding Pell Grants Manually...................................................................................................982
Awarding Pell Grants using Professional Judgment.................................................................... 982
Reinstating a Canceled Pell Grant Award....................................................................................982
Awarding Pell Grants for Post-Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate Candidates.......................... 982
Chapter 30: Managing Self-Service Awards......................................................................................... 985
Managing Batch Processing................................................................................................................985
Understanding Managing Batch Processing................................................................................ 985

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. xix


Page Used to Manage Batch Processing......................................................................................985

Using Administrative Self-Service Inquiry Pages..............................................................................985
Pages Used to View Administrative Self-Service Activity..........................................................986
Use Self-Service Activity.............................................................................................................987
Viewing Self-Service Awarding Activity Details........................................................................ 988
Removing a Student in Needs Review or Rejected Status.......................................................... 988
Viewing Self-Service Batch Summary.........................................................................................988
Viewing Self-Service Requests.................................................................................................... 989
Chapter 31: Managing External Award Reporting............................................................................. 991
Understanding External Award Processing........................................................................................ 991
Manually Adding External Award Data............................................................................................. 992
Pages Used to Add External Award Data....................................................................................992
Adding External Awards by Type................................................................................................992
Adding Award Disbursement Details...........................................................................................995
Adding External Awards by Student............................................................................................998
Viewing Award Summary............................................................................................................ 999
Managing Existing External Award Transactions............................................................................ 1000
Pages Used to Manage Existing External Award Transactions................................................. 1000
Managing External Award Data.................................................................................................1001
Managing External Award Data by Type...................................................................................1005
Managing External Award Data by Status.................................................................................1007
Viewing and Loading a Student's External Award Data............................................................1009
Processing Data from a File............................................................................................................. 1011
Prerequisites................................................................................................................................ 1011
Pages Used to Process Data from a File....................................................................................1012
Loading External Award Data from a Data File........................................................................1012
Viewing Summary Results of a File Load.................................................................................1012
Viewing Award Disbursement Details....................................................................................... 1016
Processing Student Financial Payments........................................................................................... 1016
Understanding Student Financials Payments............................................................................. 1016
Page Used to Process Student Financial Payments................................................................... 1017
Receiving Student Financials Payments as External Awards.................................................... 1017
Example of Reporting a Student Financial Payment as an External Award.............................. 1018
Loading Data to the Student Award Table....................................................................................... 1021
Understanding the External Award Load Process......................................................................1021
Pages Used to Load Data to the Student Award Table..............................................................1022
Loading External Awards in Batch............................................................................................ 1022
Viewing External Award Load Summary Data..........................................................................1025
External Award Error Messages.................................................................................................1026
Chapter 32: Managing Repackaging................................................................................................... 1033
Understanding Repackaging............................................................................................................. 1033
Running the Need Summary Validation Process..............................................................................1034
Page Used to Run the Need Summary Validation Process........................................................ 1034
Selecting Students for Need Summary Validation.....................................................................1034
Performing Batch Repackaging........................................................................................................ 1034
Pages Used to Perform Batch Repackaging.............................................................................. 1035
Selecting Students for Repackaging...........................................................................................1036
Reviewing Students Selected for Batch Repackaging............................................................... 1037
Assigning Repackaging Plans to Selected Students.................................................................. 1037
Reviewing Repackaging Plans Assigned by Query...................................................................1038
Reviewing Repackaging Plans by Students............................................................................... 1038

xx Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Repackaging Groups of Students............................................................................................... 1039

Reviewing Batch Repackaging Summary..................................................................................1039
Reviewing Eligibility and Need After Repackaging..................................................................1040
Reviewing Batch Repackaging Details...................................................................................... 1042
Reviewing Batch Repackaging Errors....................................................................................... 1043
Performing Online Repackaging.......................................................................................................1045
Pages Used to Perform Online Repackaging.............................................................................1045
Repackaging an Individual Student........................................................................................... 1045
Review a Repackaging Result.......................................................................................................... 1048
Repackaging Process Behavior.................................................................................................. 1048
Example of a Decrease Repackaging Plan................................................................................ 1049
Chapter 33: Managing Special Cases in Packaging...........................................................................1061
Managing Special Cases When Packaging Students........................................................................1061
Understanding Awarding and Packaging Students.................................................................... 1061
Awarding for Additional Terms................................................................................................. 1062
Awarding for Non-Standard Terms............................................................................................ 1062
Awarding Without Application Data..........................................................................................1062
Awarding for Increased Grade Level Eligibility........................................................................1063
Adding Awards Using the Same Financial Aid Item Type........................................................1065
Re-awarding a Canceled or Declined Item Type....................................................................... 1066
Canceling Awards with Disbursements......................................................................................1066
Sequencing Loan Awards........................................................................................................... 1068
Processing Direct Loan Adjustments......................................................................................... 1068
Adjusting CommonLine Loan Item Types.................................................................................1072
Awarding for Multiple Careers.........................................................................................................1073
Understanding Awarding for Multiple Careers..........................................................................1073
Using Award Entry Pages for Multiple Careers........................................................................ 1074
Packaging Sequential Careers.................................................................................................... 1075
Packaging Replacement Careers................................................................................................ 1077
Making Award Adjustments with Multiple Careers.................................................................. 1078
Using Auto Packaging with Multiple Careers........................................................................... 1080
Using Mass Packaging with Multiple Careers...........................................................................1080
Understanding Multiple Award Period Processing...........................................................................1081
Processing Awards for Multiple Award Periods Employing Passive/Active Mode......................... 1082
Understanding Passive/Active Mode in Multiple Award Period Processing............................. 1082
Processing Sequential Award Periods........................................................................................ 1083
Processing Simultaneous Award Periods................................................................................... 1088
Using Passive/Active Mode in Manual Packaging.......................................................................... 1091
Understanding Passive/Active Mode in Manual Packaging...................................................... 1091
Processing Sequential Award Periods........................................................................................ 1093
Awarding for a Single Award Period Followed by Both Award Periods................................... 1095
Awarding for Both Award Periods Followed by a Single Award Period................................... 1097
Awarding Conditional Aid for Multiple Award Periods.................................................................. 1099
Distributing Awards When a Shortage of Need Exists in One Award Period..................................1101
Protecting Disbursements During Awarding.................................................................................... 1103
Understanding Disbursement Protection....................................................................................1103
Illustrating Disbursement Protection for Fully Disbursed Terms.............................................. 1106
Illustrating Even Across Disbursements by Term with Disbursement Protection Turned Off... 1109
Illustrating Even Across Disbursements by Term with Disbursement Protection Turned On....1110
Illustrating Even Among First Disbursement for Term with Disbursement Protection Turned
Off............................................................................................................................................... 1111

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. xxi


Illustrating Even Among First Disbursement for Term with Disbursement Protection Turned
Reviewing One-Term DL Loan Functionality..................................................................................1113
Understanding One-Term DL Loan Functionality..................................................................... 1114
Page Used to Define a Single-Term Loan................................................................................. 1114
Defining a Single-Term DL Loan.............................................................................................. 1114
Awarding a Single-Term Loan After the Midpoint....................................................................1115
Associating Rules with One-Term DL Processing.................................................................... 1115
Reviewing Disbursement ID Scenarios..................................................................................... 1115
Managing Origination from Two-Term Loan to One-Term Loan.................................................... 1122
Chapter 34: Reviewing Awards............................................................................................................ 1123
Common Elements Used in Reviewing Awards.............................................................................. 1123
Reviewing Award Activity................................................................................................................1123
Pages Used to Review Award Activity......................................................................................1123
Reviewing FA Term Data.......................................................................................................... 1124
Reviewing Aggregate Aid................................................................................................................ 1124
Understanding Aggregate Aid Review...................................................................................... 1124
Pages Used to Review Aggregate Aid.......................................................................................1125
Reviewing Aggregate Aid Summary......................................................................................... 1125
Reviewing Aggregate Aid by School........................................................................................ 1127
Viewing Aggregate Detail.......................................................................................................... 1129
Reviewing Aggregate Program Summary..................................................................................1129
Reviewing Student Packaging Status by Date................................................................................. 1130
Pages Used to Review Student Packaging Status by Date........................................................ 1130
Reviewing ISIR Summary Information by Date....................................................................... 1131
Reviewing Award Summary by Date.........................................................................................1131
Reviewing Award Summary Information by Category.................................................................... 1132
Pages Used to Review Award Summary Information by Category...........................................1132
Reviewing Award Summary Information.................................................................................. 1132
Reviewing Total Award Summary Information................................................................................1133
Pages Used to Review Total Award Summary Information...................................................... 1133
Reviewing an Annual Award Summary.....................................................................................1134
Reviewing Anticipated Aid.............................................................................................................. 1134
Pages Used to Review Anticipated Aid.....................................................................................1134
Reviewing Anticipated Aid by Term......................................................................................... 1135
Reviewing Anticipated Aid by Item Type................................................................................. 1135
Expiring Anticipated Aid..................................................................................................................1136
Pages Used to Expire Anticipated Aid...................................................................................... 1136
Expiring Anticipated Aid........................................................................................................... 1137
Expiring Anticipated Aid in Batch............................................................................................ 1137
Reviewing Overaward Amounts.......................................................................................................1138
Page Used to Review Overaward Amounts...............................................................................1138
Generating the Overaward Report............................................................................................. 1138
Chapter 35: Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards.................................................................1141
Selecting Students and Creating a FAN Extract File....................................................................... 1141
Understanding FAN Processing................................................................................................. 1141
Pages Used to Select Students and Create a FAN Extract File................................................. 1142
Assigning FAN Communications Manually.............................................................................. 1143
Assigning FAN Communications Using Mass Change............................................................. 1143
Reviewing Students Selected for Award Notification............................................................... 1144
Selecting Students to Include in the Extract File.......................................................................1145

xxii Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Creating the FAN Extract File and Producing the FAN Letter..................................................1147
Setting Up FAN Printing Using the Forms Engine..........................................................................1151
Understanding Forms Engine FAN Printing.............................................................................. 1151
Pages Used to Set Up FAN to Print Using Forms Engine........................................................ 1152
Setting Up FE Award Notification Form Types........................................................................ 1152
Setting Up FA Demographic Use Information.......................................................................... 1153
Setting Up the Sort Order.......................................................................................................... 1154
Setting Up a Printer....................................................................................................................1155
Setting Up FE Award Notification Equations............................................................................1156
Setting Up FE Award Notification Defaults.............................................................................. 1156
Printing FE FAN Using Forms Engine............................................................................................ 1160
Pages Used to Print FAN Using Forms Engine.........................................................................1160
Processing and Printing FE FAN Letters in Batch.................................................................... 1161
Processing and Printing an Individual FE FAN Letter.............................................................. 1165
Viewing FE Award Notification Inquiries................................................................................. 1168
Viewing Award Notification Summary......................................................................................1168
Reprinting FE FAN Letters........................................................................................................ 1169
Modifying FE FAN Form Letter Templates.....................................................................................1170
Changing an Address................................................................................................................. 1170
Changing Messages and Instructions......................................................................................... 1170
Setting Up and Accessing a College Financing Plan.......................................................................1171
Understanding the College Financing Plan................................................................................1171
Pages Used for College Financing Plan.................................................................................... 1172
Setting Up Group Options......................................................................................................... 1172
Setting Up Institution Information............................................................................................. 1174
Setting Up Budget Mapping...................................................................................................... 1179
Setting Up Award Mapping....................................................................................................... 1180
Mapping Housing....................................................................................................................... 1181
Defining Interest Rates and Work Hours...................................................................................1181
Assigning College Financing Plan Groups................................................................................ 1182
Viewing the College Financing Plan......................................................................................... 1183
Chapter 36: Processing CommonLine Loans......................................................................................1185
Understanding CommonLine Loan Processing................................................................................ 1185
CommonLine Loan Outbound Process Flow.............................................................................1185
Inbound File Processing............................................................................................................. 1186
Managing Promissory Notes.............................................................................................................1187
Pages Used to Manage Promissory Notes................................................................................. 1188
Entering Stafford Promissory Note Data................................................................................... 1189
Reviewing Biographical and Demographic Data.......................................................................1191
Reviewing Promissory Note Action Status................................................................................1191
Entering PLUS Promissory Note Data...................................................................................... 1191
Creating Loan Reference and Cosigner Relationships.............................................................. 1193
Entering Alternative Loan Promissory Note Data..................................................................... 1194
Tracking CommonLine Master Promissory Note Usage........................................................... 1196
Originating CommonLine Loans...................................................................................................... 1197
Understanding the Loan Origination Process............................................................................ 1197
Pages Used to Originate CommonLine Loans...........................................................................1201
Originating CommonLine Loans................................................................................................1202
Reviewing Loan Origination Information........................................................................................ 1203
Pages Used to Review Loan Origination Information...............................................................1203
Updating Borrower Information.................................................................................................1204

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. xxiii


Updating Loan Demographic Data............................................................................................ 1207

Entering Loan Relationship Information....................................................................................1209
Reviewing Student Loan Eligibility...........................................................................................1209
Managing FFELP Serial Loan Processing................................................................................. 1211
Validating CommonLine Loans........................................................................................................ 1215
Pages Used to Validate CommonLine Loans.............................................................................1215
Validating CRC Loans................................................................................................................1216
Validating CommonLine 4 Loans.............................................................................................. 1216
Reviewing CommonLine Validation Edit Error Messages........................................................ 1217
Reviewing CommonLine Loan Status Information................................................................... 1217
Managing Loan Origination Transmission Data.............................................................................. 1221
Pages Used to Manage CommonLine Loan Origination Transmission Data.............................1221
Viewing a Student's Originated Loans.......................................................................................1222
Viewing Loan Application Summary.........................................................................................1222
Viewing Loan Origination Information..................................................................................... 1222
Viewing Loan Origination Change............................................................................................ 1224
Viewing Loan Period Change.................................................................................................... 1224
Overriding Loan Origination Transmission Data.......................................................................1225
Viewing Loan Disbursement Activity.............................................................................................. 1227
Pages Used to View Loan Disbursement Activity.....................................................................1227
Reviewing Loan Disbursement Activity.................................................................................... 1228
Reviewing Loan Disbursement Actions.....................................................................................1229
Reviewing Loan Disbursement Changes................................................................................... 1229
Reviewing Cancelled and Reinstated Loans..............................................................................1230
Reviewing Loan Award Disbursement Information.................................................................. 1230
Reviewing Loan Award Transmission Status............................................................................ 1231
Processing CRC Loan Files..............................................................................................................1231
Pages Used to Process CRC Loan Files.................................................................................... 1231
Selecting Validated CRC Loan Records to Outbound............................................................... 1233
Creating CL 4 Loan Files.................................................................................................................1233
Pages Used to Create CL 4 Loan Files..................................................................................... 1234
Selecting Validated CL 4 Loan Files to Outbound.................................................................... 1234
Generating CL 4 Loan Files to Transmit...................................................................................1234
Renaming CommonLine 4 Files................................................................................................ 1235
Reviewing and Managing CRC XML Files.....................................................................................1235
Pages Used to Review and Manage CRC XML Files...............................................................1236
Viewing CRC Loan File Transactions....................................................................................... 1236
Monitoring CRC Award Load Status.........................................................................................1237
Reviewing and Managing CL 4 Loan Files..................................................................................... 1238
Page Used to Review and Manage CL 4 Loan Files.................................................................1239
Viewing CL 4 EC Queue Records.............................................................................................1239
Receiving and Processing CRC Inbound Files................................................................................ 1240
Understanding CRC Disbursement Files................................................................................... 1241
Pages Used to Receive and Process CRC Inbound Files.......................................................... 1241
Loading CRC Inbound Files to Staging Tables......................................................................... 1241
Viewing CRC Inbound Details.................................................................................................. 1241
Processing CRC Inbound Files from Staging Tables to Application Tables..............................1242
Receiving and Processing CL4 Inbound Files................................................................................. 1243
Pages Used to Receive and Process CommonLine Inbound Files.............................................1244
Loading CL 4 Inbound Files to Staging Tables.........................................................................1244
Viewing CL 4 Inbound Application Response Details.............................................................. 1245

xxiv Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Viewing CL 4 Inbound EFT Details..........................................................................................1247

Processing CL 4 Inbound Files from Staging Tables to Application Tables............................. 1247
Reviewing CL 4 Status and Phase Codes..................................................................................1247
Managing Loans on Hold................................................................................................................. 1253
Pages Used to Manage Loans on Hold......................................................................................1253
Reviewing Loans on Hold......................................................................................................... 1254
Reviewing Loan Origination and Loan Action Status...............................................................1257
Reviewing Loan Disbursement Detail....................................................................................... 1258
Processing Loan Changes................................................................................................................. 1258
Understanding Changes to Originated Loans............................................................................ 1259
Pages Used to Process CommonLine Loan Changes................................................................ 1261
Changing Loan Dates and Student Grade Level....................................................................... 1262
Changing Loan Period Start and End Dates.............................................................................. 1263
Changing the Student's Grade Level and Graduation Date....................................................... 1264
Generating and Viewing @1-07 Loan Adjustment Information................................................1265
Processing Cancellations and Reinstatements............................................................................1266
Processing Disbursement Level Changes.................................................................................. 1267
Processing Loan Increases......................................................................................................... 1269
Processing Address, Phone, and Email Address Changes for CRC Loans................................1270
Creating Change Transaction Files............................................................................................ 1271
Receiving and Processing Change Application Response Files................................................ 1271
Accepting Change Transactions Manually.................................................................................1272
Managing Disbursement Hold and Release Processing................................................................... 1272
Understanding the Hold/Release Process...................................................................................1272
Prerequisites................................................................................................................................ 1273
Pages Used to Manage the Hold/Release Process..................................................................... 1273
Running the Set Hold/Release Process...................................................................................... 1274
Resolving Change Transaction Errors.............................................................................................. 1274
Pages Used to Change Transaction Errors.................................................................................1274
Identifying Change Error Records............................................................................................. 1275
Reviewing Error Messages.........................................................................................................1275
Resolving Error Messages and Running Loan Adjustments..................................................... 1276
Processing School Certification Request Applications.................................................................... 1276
Understanding School Certification Requests............................................................................1276
Pages Used to Process Certification Requests...........................................................................1276
Processing Certification Requests for CRC............................................................................... 1278
Processing School Certification Requests for CL4....................................................................1280
Adjusting Loan Disbursements Manually........................................................................................ 1281
Pages Used to Adjust Loan Disbursements Manually...............................................................1281
Modifying Disbursements.......................................................................................................... 1281
Chapter 37: Processing Direct Loans.................................................................................................. 1287
Understanding Direct Lending..........................................................................................................1287
Viewing Packaging Results Before Origination............................................................................... 1288
Page Used to Update School Codes.......................................................................................... 1288
View Packaging Results............................................................................................................. 1288
Update School Codes................................................................................................................. 1288
Re-awarding Direct Loans with New Disbursement Plans.............................................................. 1289
Originating Direct Loans and Viewing Loan Status Summary Information.................................... 1289
Pages Used to Originate Direct Loans and Display Loan Status Summary Information........... 1290
Originating Direct Loans............................................................................................................1290
Viewing Loan Status Summary Information............................................................................. 1291

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. xxv


Processing and Reviewing Direct Lending Origination Information............................................... 1295

Pages Used to View Loan Change Transmission Information.................................................. 1296
Processing and Reviewing Borrower Bio/Demo Data...............................................................1297
Processing and Reviewing Miscellaneous Borrower Data........................................................ 1300
Processing and Reviewing Financial Data.................................................................................1308
Processing and Reviewing Loan Application Acknowledgement Data.....................................1312
Viewing and Overriding Bio/Demo Data for Direct Lending..........................................................1317
Pages Used to Override Bio/Demo Data for Direct Lending.................................................... 1317
Viewing Direct Loan Name Information................................................................................... 1318
Overriding Direct Loan Phone Information...............................................................................1319
Viewing Direct Loan Address Information................................................................................1320
Overriding Direct Loan Email Information............................................................................... 1320
Overriding Direct Loan Application Information...................................................................... 1321
Overriding PLUS Credit Decisions............................................................................................1322
Overriding Informed Borrower Information.............................................................................. 1323
Overriding and Viewing Direct Loan Origination Data and Action Messages................................ 1324
Pages Used to Override and View Direct Loan Origination Data and Action Messages........... 1325
Overriding Direct Loan Origination Data..................................................................................1325
Viewing Direct Loan Origination Action Messages.................................................................. 1328
Reviewing the Loan Origination Action History.......................................................................1328
Reviewing Direct Loan Disbursement Actions......................................................................... 1335
Reviewing Direct Loan SULA Response.................................................................................. 1342
Reviewing Loan Exception Messages....................................................................................... 1343
Updating Loan Dates........................................................................................................................ 1344
Page Used to Update Loan Dates.............................................................................................. 1344
Updating Loan Dates..................................................................................................................1344
Creating and Using Promissory Notes............................................................................................. 1346
Pages Used to Create and Use Promissory Notes..................................................................... 1347
Creating a Promissory Note Communication Record................................................................1348
Printing Direct Loan Master Promissory Notes.........................................................................1350
Signing and Reviewing Direct Loan Promissory Notes............................................................ 1351
Creating Batch Signatures for DL Promissory Notes................................................................1355
Viewing Promissory Note Action History and Loan Disbursement Messages................................ 1357
Page Used to View Promissory Note Action History and Loan Disbursement Messages......... 1357
Viewing Promissory Note Action History................................................................................. 1357
Viewing Loan Disbursement Messages..................................................................................... 1358
Processing Direct Loan Manifests.................................................................................................... 1358
Pages Used to Process Direct Loan Manifests.......................................................................... 1359
Creating a Direct Loan Manifest............................................................................................... 1359
Editing a Direct Loan Manifest................................................................................................. 1360
Printing PLUS and Stafford Loan Manifests............................................................................. 1360
Using EC Queue Status with Direct Loan Processing..................................................................... 1361
Page Used to Review the EC Queue Status.............................................................................. 1361
Reviewing the EC Queue Status................................................................................................1361
Viewing Direct Loan EC History..................................................................................................... 1362
Pages Used to View Direct Loan EC History............................................................................1362
Entering Data to Review DL EC History.................................................................................. 1364
Processing Direct Lending Origination Changes............................................................................. 1364
Page Used to Process Direct Lending Origination Changes......................................................1364
Setting Change Parameters for Direct Loan Origination Changes............................................ 1364
Understanding Direct Lending Change Processing..........................................................................1365

xxvi Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Processing a Bio/Demo Change.................................................................................................1365

Processing an Award Change.....................................................................................................1366
Processing a Rejected Origination Change................................................................................1366
Managing Direct Lending Cash Transactions.................................................................................. 1367
Understanding Direct Lending Cash Management.................................................................... 1368
Managing Direct Lending Cash Transactions............................................................................1368
Entering Cash Summary Data.......................................................................................................... 1368
Page Used to Enter Cash Summary Data.................................................................................. 1369
Entering Institutional Data for Cash Transactions..................................................................... 1369
Importing School Account Statement Data...................................................................................... 1370
Page Used to Load the SAS File............................................................................................... 1370
Loading the SAS File.................................................................................................................1370
Viewing School Account Statement Data........................................................................................ 1371
Pages Used to View Data Import Information...........................................................................1371
Working with the DL School Account Statement and the DL Reconciliation Reports.................... 1372
Pages Used to Generate DL School Account Statement and Reconciliation Loan Destination
Reports........................................................................................................................................ 1372
Generating the DL School Account Statement Report.............................................................. 1373
Generating the DL Reconciliation Report................................................................................. 1373
Running Direct Loan Reports...........................................................................................................1379
Pages Used to Run Direct Lending Reports.............................................................................1380
Using the Generic Run Control Page for Direct Lending Reports............................................ 1381
Generating the Direct Lending Loan Booking Status Report....................................................1381
Using Demographic Data Selection for Loan Origination............................................................... 1381
Chapter 38: Managing Loan Counseling............................................................................................ 1383
Managing Loan Counseling Data..................................................................................................... 1383
Pages Used to Manage Loan Counseling Data..........................................................................1383
Viewing Loan Counseling Data................................................................................................. 1384
Adding Loan Counseling Data...................................................................................................1386
Processing COD Loan Counseling Data....................................................................................1388
Managing Suspended COD Loan Counseling Records............................................................. 1390
Processing NSLDS Loan Exit Counseling Data........................................................................1392
Managing Suspended NSLDS Loan Exit Counseling Records................................................. 1393
Viewing NSLDS Loan Exit Counseling Staging Table Data.....................................................1395
Chapter 39: Processing Pell Payments................................................................................................ 1399
Understanding Pell Payment Processing.......................................................................................... 1399
Pell Payment Processing............................................................................................................ 1399
Pell Processing Action Codes.................................................................................................... 1399
Creating Pell Origination Records....................................................................................................1401
Page Used to Create Pell Origination Records..........................................................................1401
Generating Pell Origination Records......................................................................................... 1401
Managing Pell Origination................................................................................................................1402
Pages Used to Manage Pell Origination.................................................................................... 1402
Reviewing Results of Pell Origination...................................................................................... 1402
Reviewing Pell Processing Status.............................................................................................. 1408
Reviewing Pell Origination Action Detail................................................................................. 1411
Viewing Pell Disbursement Data......................................................................................................1411
Page Used to View Pell Disbursement Data..............................................................................1411
Reviewing Pell Disbursement Results....................................................................................... 1411
Changing Career Statuses................................................................................................................. 1415
Understanding Changing Career Statuses.................................................................................. 1415

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. xxvii


Page Used to Change Careers....................................................................................................1415

Changing a Student's Career...................................................................................................... 1415
Selecting Pell Data Request Types...................................................................................................1416
Understanding Pell Data Requests............................................................................................. 1417
Pages Used to Create Pell Data Request Types.........................................................................1417
Selecting Data Requests............................................................................................................. 1417
Sending Pell Data Requests..............................................................................................................1418
Pages Used to Send Pell Data Requests.................................................................................... 1418
Selecting Outbound Pell Data Requests.................................................................................... 1419
Verifying Outbound Pell Data Requests...........................................................................................1419
Pages Used to Verify Outbound Pell Data Requests................................................................. 1419
Reviewing Outbound Pell Data Requests.................................................................................. 1419
Generating Outbound Pell Data Requests........................................................................................ 1421
Page Used for Generating Outbound Pell Data Requests..........................................................1421
Generate the Outbound Pell Data Request................................................................................ 1421
Receiving Inbound Pell Data Requests............................................................................................ 1421
Pages Used to Receive Inbound Pell Data Requests................................................................. 1421
Loading Pell Acknowledgment Files......................................................................................... 1422
Moving a Pell Data Request to the Database............................................................................ 1422
Verifying Inbound Pell Data Requests............................................................................................. 1422
Pages Used to Verify Inbound Pell Data Requests....................................................................1423
Importing Pell Grant Reports........................................................................................................... 1425
Pages Used to Import Pell Grant Reports..................................................................................1425
Importing and Reviewing Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) Files............................................. 1426
Importing and Reviewing School Account Statement (SAS) and SAS Disbursement on
Demand Files..............................................................................................................................1427
Tracking Requests for Funds From GAPS.......................................................................................1428
Pages Used to Track Requests for Funds From GAPS............................................................. 1429
Reviewing Requests for Funds From GAPS............................................................................. 1429
Managing Item Type Detail....................................................................................................... 1431
Entering Cash Transaction Notes...............................................................................................1431
Chapter 40: Using Perkins MPN Functionality..................................................................................1433
Understanding Perkins MPN Functionality......................................................................................1433
Determining a Valid Perkins MPN...................................................................................................1433
Printing the Perkins MPN.................................................................................................................1434
Page Used to Print Perkins MPN...............................................................................................1434
Printing the Perkins MPN.......................................................................................................... 1434
Tracking Perkins MPN Information................................................................................................. 1435
Understanding Tracking Perkins MPN Information.................................................................. 1435
Pages Used to Track Perkins MPN Information........................................................................1435
Viewing Perkins MPN Information........................................................................................... 1435
Reviewing and Entering Data.................................................................................................... 1437
Reviewing and Entering References.......................................................................................... 1438
Viewing Perkins MPN Data............................................................................................................. 1439
Pages Used to View Perkins Loan Information.........................................................................1439
Viewing Perkins MPN Loan Indebtedness Information............................................................ 1440
Viewing Perkins MPN Dates, History, and Repayment Schedules........................................... 1441
Chapter 41: Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid................................................................... 1443
Understanding Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid.............................................................. 1443
Prerequisites................................................................................................................................ 1443
Authorization and Disbursement................................................................................................1443

xxviii Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Background Authorization and Disbursement........................................................................... 1444

Online Authorization and Disbursement....................................................................................1444
Anticipated Aid...........................................................................................................................1445
Service Impacts on Disbursement Authorization.......................................................................1445
Managing User Edit Messages......................................................................................................... 1445
Pages Used to Assign User Edit Messages................................................................................1446
Assigning User Edit Messages Manually.................................................................................. 1446
Assigning User Edit Messages in Batch....................................................................................1447
Running Background Authorization and Disbursement...................................................................1450
Understanding Background Authorization and Disbursement...................................................1450
Common Elements Used in This Section.................................................................................. 1451
Pages Used to Run Background Authorization and Disbursement Processes........................... 1452
Authorizing Financial Aid in Batch...........................................................................................1452
Disbursing Financial Aid in Batch.............................................................................................1453
Disbursing Aid Manually..................................................................................................................1455
Pages Used to Disburse Aid Manually...................................................................................... 1455
Authorizing and Disbursing Aid Manually................................................................................1456
Reviewing Authorization and Disbursement Failure Messages................................................ 1457
Disbursing Aid with Overrides.........................................................................................................1458
Pages Used to Disburse Aid with Overrides............................................................................. 1459
Authorizing and Disbursing Aid Using Overrides.....................................................................1459
Reviewing Authorization and Disbursement Results....................................................................... 1460
Page Used to Review Authorization and Disbursement Results............................................... 1460
Reviewing a Student's Authorization and Disbursement Activity............................................. 1460
Reviewing Award Summary Information.................................................................................. 1462
Chapter 42: (GBR) Using Student Loans Company..........................................................................1463
Common Elements Used in Student Loans Company..................................................................... 1463
Importing SSAR Files.......................................................................................................................1464
Understanding SSAR Files.........................................................................................................1464
Page Used to Load SSAR Files................................................................................................. 1465
Loading SSAR Files...................................................................................................................1465
Managing SSAR Suspensions.......................................................................................................... 1466
Understanding SSAR Suspensions.............................................................................................1466
Page Used to Review and Manage Unmatched or Unprocessed SSAR Data............................1466
Reviewing and Managing Unmatched or Unprocessed SSAR Data......................................... 1466
Generating SSAC Data..................................................................................................................... 1469
Understanding SSAC Data.........................................................................................................1469
Pages Used to Generate SSAC Data..........................................................................................1470
Adding SSAC Data Manually....................................................................................................1470
Generating SSAC Data...............................................................................................................1471
Importing HEBSS Files.................................................................................................................... 1472
Understanding HEBSS Files...................................................................................................... 1472
Page Used to Load HEBSS files............................................................................................... 1473
Loading HEBSS Files................................................................................................................ 1473
Managing HEBSS Suspensions........................................................................................................ 1473
Understanding HEBSS Suspensions.......................................................................................... 1473
Page Used to Review and Manage Unmatched or Unprocessed HEBSS Data..........................1474
Reviewing and Managing Unmatched or Unprocessed HEBSS Data....................................... 1474
Importing ACR and SISF Files........................................................................................................ 1476
Understanding ACR and SISF Files.......................................................................................... 1476
Page Used to Load ACR and SISF Files...................................................................................1477

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. xxix


Loading ACR and SISF Files.................................................................................................... 1477

Managing ACR and SISF Suspensions............................................................................................ 1478
Understanding ACR and SISF Suspensions.............................................................................. 1478
Page Used to Review and Manage Unmatched or Unprocessed ACR and SISF Data.............. 1478
Reviewing and Managing Unmatched or Unprocessed ACR and SISF Data............................1478
Running the ACR At Fee Evaluation Process................................................................................. 1480
Understanding ACR At Fee Evaluation.....................................................................................1480
Page Used to Calculate the At Fee Code for ACR Records......................................................1481
Calculating the At Fee Code for ACR Records........................................................................ 1481
Running the Calculate FTE Process.................................................................................................1482
Understanding the Calculate FTE Process.................................................................................1482
Page Used to Calculate FTE...................................................................................................... 1482
Calculating FTE for SLC Reporting.......................................................................................... 1483
Exporting the ACR Response File................................................................................................... 1484
Understanding the ACR Response File..................................................................................... 1484
Page Used to Export the ACR Response File........................................................................... 1484
Exporting the ACR Response File.............................................................................................1484
Importing Remittance Report Files.................................................................................................. 1485
Understanding Remittance Report Files.................................................................................... 1486
Page Used to Load Remittance Report Files............................................................................. 1486
Loading Remittance Report Files...............................................................................................1486
Viewing Remittance Staging Data....................................................................................................1487
Page Used to View Remittance Imported Data......................................................................... 1487
Viewing Remittance Imported Data...........................................................................................1487
Viewing SLC Student Data.............................................................................................................. 1488
Pages Used to View Student Data............................................................................................. 1488
Viewing SSAR Student Data..................................................................................................... 1489
Viewing SSAR Name and Address Data...................................................................................1490
Viewing SSAC Student Data..................................................................................................... 1491
Viewing SSAC Export Data.......................................................................................................1493
Viewing ACR and SISF Student Data.......................................................................................1493
Viewing Attendance Confirmation Data by Liability Period.....................................................1496
Viewing HEBSS Student Data...................................................................................................1496
Reconciling Tuition Fee Payments................................................................................................... 1499
Understanding Tuition Fee Payments Reconciliation................................................................ 1499
Pages Used to Reconcile Tuition Fee Payments........................................................................1499
Viewing the Remittance Report File Summary......................................................................... 1500
Viewing the Remittance Data to Student Award Data Comparison.......................................... 1500
Viewing Student Award Details................................................................................................. 1501
Viewing the FA Disbursement Data to SF Item Data Comparison........................................... 1503
Viewing FA/SF Details...............................................................................................................1504
Updating HEI Course Database Data...............................................................................................1504
Understanding the HEI Course Database.................................................................................. 1504
Page Used to Exchange HEI Course Database Data................................................................. 1505
Exchanging HEI Course Database Data.................................................................................... 1505
Maintaining HEI Data.......................................................................................................................1506
Understanding HEI Data............................................................................................................ 1506
Common Elements Used in this Section................................................................................... 1506
Pages Used to View and Update HEI Data............................................................................... 1507
Viewing and Updating HEI Institution Data..............................................................................1507
Viewing and Updating HEI Location Data................................................................................1509

xxx Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Viewing and Updating HEI Course Data...................................................................................1509

Chapter 43: Processing Return of Title IV Funds............................................................................. 1513
Common Elements Used in Processing Return of Title IV Funds...................................................1513
Managing Data to Calculate Return of Title IV Aid........................................................................1513
Pages Used to Manage Data to Calculate Return of Title IV Aid............................................. 1513
Managing Return of Title IV Aid Enrollment Session Data..................................................... 1514
Managing the Return of Title IV Aid........................................................................................ 1517
Using the Return of Funds Worksheet............................................................................................. 1521
Pages Used to Generate a Valid Calculation............................................................................. 1521
Generating a Valid Calculation.................................................................................................. 1522
Recalculating TIV Aid Information........................................................................................... 1524
Recalculating Percentage of TIV Aid Earned Using Credit Hours........................................... 1524
Viewing Institutional and Budget Charges................................................................................ 1527
Calculating Return Amounts...................................................................................................... 1528
Reviewing Loan Debts for Withdrawn Students....................................................................... 1528
Reviewing Grant Funds for Withdrawn Students...................................................................... 1529
Tracking Student and School Return Information............................................................................1529
Pages Used to Track Student and School Return Information.................................................. 1529
Tracking Return Information......................................................................................................1530
Tracking Post-Withdrawal Disbursement...................................................................................1531
Viewing Allocation of Post-Withdrawal Disbursements........................................................... 1533
Reviewing Post-Withdrawal Disbursements.............................................................................. 1534
Entering Return TIV Aid Notes.................................................................................................1534
Tracking Return of Title IV Funds...................................................................................................1534
Pages Used to Track Return of TIV Funds............................................................................... 1535
Tracking Student Return of Title IV Funds............................................................................... 1535
Tracking School Return of Title IV Funds................................................................................ 1539
Reviewing Post-Withdrawal Disbursement Tracking Data........................................................1541
Reviewing Return of Title IV Funds Student Summary.................................................................. 1545
Page Used to Review Return of TIV Funds Student Summary.................................................1545
Reviewing the Summary of Student Return of TIV Funds....................................................... 1545
Generating Return of Title IV Funds Withdrawal Report................................................................1549
Pages Used to Generate the Return of Title IV Aid Report...................................................... 1549
Generating Return of TIV Funds Report................................................................................... 1550
Viewing Career Totals................................................................................................................ 1551
Chapter 44: Managing Work-Study.................................................................................................... 1553
Understanding Work-Study...............................................................................................................1553
Managing Work-Study Jobs..............................................................................................................1553
Pages Used to Manage Work-Study Jobs.................................................................................. 1554
Assigning a Work-Study Job......................................................................................................1554
Viewing a Student's Total Award Package.................................................................................1556
Viewing Earnings Summary.......................................................................................................1557
Viewing General Job Information, Work Location, and Compensation.................................... 1557
Viewing Salary Components...................................................................................................... 1559
Viewing the Student's Work History................................................................................................ 1561
Chapter 45: Using the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate...........................1563
Understanding the FISAP Report..................................................................................................... 1563
Students Selected for the Report................................................................................................1564
Assessments and Expenditures...................................................................................................1565
Information on Eligible Aid Applicants.................................................................................... 1565
Distribution of Program Recipients and Expenditures by Type of Student............................... 1566

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. xxxi


Producing the FISAP Report............................................................................................................ 1566

Page Used to Produce the FISAP Report.................................................................................. 1566
Generating the FISAP Report.................................................................................................... 1567
Using FISAP Queries................................................................................................................. 1568
Chapter 46: Using Common Origination and Disbursement............................................................1571
Reviewing COD Setup......................................................................................................................1571
Creating COD Files.......................................................................................................................... 1572
Page Used to Create COD Files................................................................................................ 1572
Creating a COD File for Pell.....................................................................................................1572
Creating a COD File for Direct Loans...................................................................................... 1574
Processing COD Names and Addresses.................................................................................... 1577
Reviewing COD Data....................................................................................................................... 1577
Common Elements Used in This Section.................................................................................. 1578
Pages Used to Review COD Data............................................................................................. 1580
Viewing COD Document Information....................................................................................... 1582
Viewing Document Response Information................................................................................ 1582
Viewing COD School Information.............................................................................................1582
Viewing Reporting School Summary Information.................................................................... 1582
Viewing Reporting School Response.........................................................................................1583
Viewing Attended School Response.......................................................................................... 1583
Viewing Student Biographical and Demographic Information..................................................1583
Viewing Student Address Information.......................................................................................1583
Viewing Student Phone Number Information............................................................................1583
Viewing Student Response Data................................................................................................ 1584
Viewing a Student's Award Information.................................................................................... 1584
Viewing Responses to Award Rejections and Corrections........................................................ 1584
Viewing Additional Loan Information.......................................................................................1585
Viewing Loan Response Information.........................................................................................1585
Viewing Borrower Information.................................................................................................. 1585
Viewing Borrower Address Information....................................................................................1585
Viewing Borrower Phone Number Information.........................................................................1585
Viewing Borrower Response Data............................................................................................. 1585
Viewing Disbursement Information........................................................................................... 1586
Viewing Responses to Disbursement Rejections and Corrections.............................................1586
Loading COD XML Files.................................................................................................................1586
Page Used to Load COD XML Files........................................................................................ 1586
Loading a COD XML File.........................................................................................................1586
Submitting Documents......................................................................................................................1587
Using Common Origination Message Classes................................................................................. 1587
Chapter 47: Using Forms Engine.........................................................................................................1591
Using the Components of Forms Engine......................................................................................... 1591
Pages Used with the Forms Engine Components...................................................................... 1591
Using the Application Designer................................................................................................. 1592
Creating and Modifying Forms..................................................................................................1592
Using the Form Image Text Repository.....................................................................................1593
Uploading Form Image Text...................................................................................................... 1593
Reviewing Form Groups............................................................................................................ 1594
Using Output Destination Formats............................................................................................ 1594
Specifying Font Names.............................................................................................................. 1594
Using PostScript Fonts............................................................................................................... 1594
Using the Inquire On Form Data Page...................................................................................... 1595

xxxii Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Purging Form Data............................................................................................................................1595

Modifying a Form.............................................................................................................................1595
Adding Data to the Form Data Tables............................................................................................. 1596
Setting Up Images.............................................................................................................................1596
Setting Up a Background Image................................................................................................1597
Setting Up a Foreground Image.................................................................................................1597
Changing a Logo...............................................................................................................................1597
Chapter 48: Using Financial Aid Web Services................................................................................. 1601
Understanding Financial Aid Web Services..................................................................................... 1601
Using the SFA_FINANCIAL_AID Web Service.............................................................................1602
Entity Registry............................................................................................................................1602
Description Language.................................................................................................................1602
Service Operations......................................................................................................................1602
Setting Up the SFA_FINANCIAL_AID Web Service...............................................................1603
Using SFA_FINANCIAL_AID Service Operations.........................................................................1603
Using the SOAP Get Student Awards Service Operation..........................................................1603
Post Installation Troubleshooting..................................................................................................... 1625
Verifying Web Service Security Settings................................................................................... 1625
Publishing the Web Services......................................................................................................1626
Chapter 49: (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis... 1627
Understanding Using CNAS.............................................................................................................1627
Defining the CNAS File Load Parameters.......................................................................................1627
Page Used to Define the CNAS File Load Parameters............................................................. 1627
Defining Data Load Parameters................................................................................................. 1627
Loading and Viewing CNAS Data................................................................................................... 1628
Pages Used to Load and View CNAS Data...............................................................................1628
Loading CNAS Data.................................................................................................................. 1629
Viewing CNAS Load Results 1................................................................................................. 1629
Viewing CNAS Load Results 2................................................................................................. 1631
Managing CNAS Suspense...............................................................................................................1632
Pages Used to Manage CNAS Suspense................................................................................... 1632
Reviewing CNAS Suspense....................................................................................................... 1633
Processing CNAS Suspense....................................................................................................... 1633
Adding an Application Source Code for Canadian Applications.....................................................1634
Page Used to Add an Application Source Code........................................................................1634
Adding an Application Source Code......................................................................................... 1634
Maintaining Full-Time Student Data................................................................................................1634
Common Elements Used in This Section.................................................................................. 1635
Pages Used to Maintain Full-Time Student Data...................................................................... 1635
Entering Student Personal Information...................................................................................... 1636
Overriding Institutional CNAS Options.....................................................................................1637
Entering Student Family Status and Residency Information..................................................... 1638
Entering Student Study Period Information...............................................................................1640
Entering Student Financial Data................................................................................................ 1641
Entering Parent Data.................................................................................................................. 1643
Entering Spouse Information......................................................................................................1645
Entering Signature and Next of Kin Information...................................................................... 1646
Maintaining Part-Time Student Data................................................................................................1648
Common Elements Used in This Section.................................................................................. 1648
Pages Used to Maintain Part-Time Student Data...................................................................... 1648
Entering Student and Dependency Information.........................................................................1648

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. xxxiii


Entering Student and Spouse Financial Information................................................................. 1650

Entering Study Period Information............................................................................................ 1652
Reviewing CNAS Calculation Results............................................................................................. 1653
Pages Used to Review CNAS Calculation Results....................................................................1653
Viewing Results of CNAS Calculation 1...................................................................................1653
Viewing Results of CNAS Calculation 2...................................................................................1655
Viewing Results of CNAS Calculation 3...................................................................................1656
Viewing Audits..................................................................................................................................1656
Pages Used to View Audits....................................................................................................... 1656
Viewing Changes Made to Applications....................................................................................1657
Viewing Changes Made to Extension Data............................................................................... 1657
Inserting an ISIR Row...................................................................................................................... 1657
Page Used to Insert an ISIR Row..............................................................................................1658
Create ISIR Records for Mass Packaging................................................................................. 1658
Appendix A: Financial Aid Reports.................................................................................................... 1659
Financial Aid Reports: A to Z..........................................................................................................1659

xxxiv Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Understanding the PeopleSoft Online Help and PeopleBooks

The PeopleSoft Online Help is a website that enables you to view all help content for PeopleSoft
applications and PeopleTools. The help provides standard navigation and full-text searching, as well as
context-sensitive online help for PeopleSoft users.

Hosted PeopleSoft Online Help

You can access the hosted PeopleSoft Online Help on the Oracle Help Center. The hosted PeopleSoft
Online Help is updated on a regular schedule, ensuring that you have access to the most current
documentation. This reduces the need to view separate documentation posts for application maintenance
on My Oracle Support. The hosted PeopleSoft Online Help is available in English only.

To configure the context-sensitive help for your PeopleSoft applications to use the Oracle Help Center,
see Configuring Context-Sensitive Help Using the Hosted Online Help Website.

Locally Installed Help

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Downloadable PeopleBook PDF Files

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are available in the online help.

Common Help Documentation

Common help documentation contains information that applies to multiple applications. The two main
types of common help are:

• Application Fundamentals

• Using PeopleSoft Applications

Most product families provide a set of application fundamentals help topics that discuss essential
information about the setup and design of your system. This information applies to many or all
applications in the PeopleSoft product family. Whether you are implementing a single application, some
combination of applications within the product family, or the entire product family, you should be familiar
with the contents of the appropriate application fundamentals help. They provide the starting points for
fundamental implementation tasks.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. xxxv


In addition, the PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide introduces you to the various elements of the
PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture. It also explains how to use the navigational hierarchy, components,
and pages to perform basic functions as you navigate through the system. While your application or
implementation may differ, the topics in this user’s guide provide general information about using
PeopleSoft applications.

Field and Control Definitions

PeopleSoft documentation includes definitions for most fields and controls that appear on application
pages. These definitions describe how to use a field or control, where populated values come from, the
effects of selecting certain values, and so on. If a field or control is not defined, then it either requires
no additional explanation or is documented in a common elements section earlier in the documentation.
For example, the Date field rarely requires additional explanation and may not be defined in the
documentation for some pages.

Typographical Conventions
The following table describes the typographical conventions that are used in the online help.

Typographical Convention Description

Key+Key Indicates a key combination action. For example, a plus sign

(+) between keys means that you must hold down the first key
while you press the second key. For Alt+W, hold down the Alt
key while you press the W key.

. . . (ellipses) Indicate that the preceding item or series can be repeated any
number of times in PeopleCode syntax.

{ } (curly braces) Indicate a choice between two options in PeopleCode syntax.

Options are separated by a pipe ( | ).

[ ] (square brackets) Indicate optional items in PeopleCode syntax.

& (ampersand) When placed before a parameter in PeopleCode syntax,

an ampersand indicates that the parameter is an already
instantiated object.

Ampersands also precede all PeopleCode variables.

⇒ This continuation character has been inserted at the end of a

line of code that has been wrapped at the page margin. The
code should be viewed or entered as a single, continuous line
of code without the continuation character.

ISO Country and Currency Codes

PeopleSoft Online Help topics use International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country and
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ISO country codes may appear as country identifiers, and ISO currency codes may appear as currency
identifiers in your PeopleSoft documentation. Reference to an ISO country code in your documentation

xxxvi Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


does not imply that your application includes every ISO country code. The following example is a
country-specific heading: "(FRA) Hiring an Employee."

The PeopleSoft Currency Code table (CURRENCY_CD_TBL) contains sample currency code data. The
Currency Code table is based on ISO Standard 4217, "Codes for the representation of currencies," and
also relies on ISO country codes in the Country table (COUNTRY_TBL). The navigation to the pages
where you maintain currency code and country information depends on which PeopleSoft applications
you are using. To access the pages for maintaining the Currency Code and Country tables, consult the
online help for your applications for more information.

Region and Industry Identifiers

Information that applies only to a specific region or industry is preceded by a standard identifier in
parentheses. This identifier typically appears at the beginning of a section heading, but it may also appear
at the beginning of a note or other text.

Example of a region-specific heading: "(Latin America) Setting Up Depreciation"

Region Identifiers
Regions are identified by the region name. The following region identifiers may appear in the PeopleSoft
Online Help:

• Asia Pacific

• Europe

• Latin America

• North America

Industry Identifiers
Industries are identified by the industry name or by an abbreviation for that industry. The following
industry identifiers may appear in the PeopleSoft Online Help:

• USF (U.S. Federal)

• E&G (Education and Government)

Translations and Embedded Help

PeopleSoft 9.2 software applications include translated embedded help. With the 9.2 release, PeopleSoft
aligns with the other Oracle applications by focusing our translation efforts on embedded help. We
are not planning to translate our traditional online help and PeopleBooks documentation. Instead we
offer very direct translated help at crucial spots within our application through our embedded help
widgets. Additionally, we have a one-to-one mapping of application and help translations, meaning that
the software and embedded help translation footprint is identical—something we were never able to
accomplish in the past.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. xxxvii


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xxxviii Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 1

Getting Started with Financial Aid

Financial Aid Overview

Important! Financial Aid Notification (FAN) letter is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained
for this product, but no new development will be produced for FAN. It is strongly recommended that you
use Communication Generation (Comm Gen) instead. For more information on Comm Gen, see "Using
the Communication Generation Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Financial Aid automates federal and institutional financial aid processing for a more efficient operation. It
provides flexibility and helps you manage financial aid activity for applicants and students.

With this application, you can:

• Receive and track financial aid applications.

• Design cost of attendance assessment by defining budget categories, items, and formulas.

• Manage need analysis, packaging, disbursement, and loan processing.

• Process origination and disbursement for FFELP, Direct Loan, and Pell Grant programs.

• Calculate federal Pell awards.

• Use award plans to automatically package students.

• Match financial aid sources to eligible students.

• Modify financial aid notification letters.

• Maintain federal compliance with annual regulatory updates for ISIR, Pell, Direct Loan, FISAP, and
other federal updates.

• Post financial aid to student accounts.

• Provide students with self-service access to view, accept, and decline awards.

• Manage student work-study programs.

Financial Aid Business Processes

Financial Aid supports local management and awarding of federal aid, state aid, institutional aid,
departmental aid, and scholarship funds. After you set up the system based on your institution's rules
and practices, you can begin to receive and track financial aid applications. The awarding practice takes
place when your institution receives the ISIR, PROFILE, or institutional application. After you load need

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 39

Getting Started with Financial Aid Chapter 1

analysis data, the system activates the student for the aid year. Activation of the aid year is the first step in
updating student data for financial aid processing.

You can manually award a student or use award plans to automatically package a student. The Packaging
process finds the best combination of aid to meet a student's financial need. Disbursing aid to students
involves authorizing each disbursement. The system checks the disbursement rules that you have defined
and determines whether a particular award can be disbursed. For the aid cycle to be successful, you must
verify selected students, handle ISIR corrections, process budgets, track requested documents and loan
applications, and monitor spending and reconciliation of funds.

The following process flow illustrates the Financial Aid business process:

Image: Financial aid business process

Financial Aid Business Process

40 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 1 Getting Started with Financial Aid

Financial Aid Integrations

Financial Aid integrates with the following applications within PeopleSoft Campus Solutions:

Image: Financial Aid integrations

Financial Aid Integrations

PeopleSoft Campus Community

Financial Aid integrates with Campus Community to receive personal, demographic, and relationship

PeopleSoft Student Records

Financial Aid integrates with Student Records to create financial aid term data to determine financial aid

PeopleSoft Recruiting and Admissions

Financial Aid integrates with Recruiting and Admissions to create prospect data and provide early
financial aid offers.

PeopleSoft Student Financials

Financial Aid integrates with Student Financials to manage financial aid and track student disbursements,
charges, and payments.

Financial Aid Implementation

Financial Aid enables you to generate a list of setup tasks for your organization based on the features
that you are implementing. The setup tasks include the components that you must set up, listed in the
order in which you must enter data into the component tables, and links to the corresponding PeopleSoft

Financial Aid also provides component interfaces to help you load data from your existing system into
Financial Aid tables. Use the Excel to Component Interface utility with the component interfaces to
populate the tables.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 41

Getting Started with Financial Aid Chapter 1

This table lists all of the components that have setup component interfaces:

Component Component Interface References

AGGR_AID_TBL SFAA_AGGR_AID_TBL See Setting Up Aggregate Aid.

AID_YEAR_CAR_TERM SFAG_AID_YR_CAR_TERM See Defining Valid Terms for Careers.






The following is a list of tasks that you should complete as part of setting up your financial aid system:

• Design your financial aid awarding cycle. Decide how you want to implement your operational
structure, awarding practices, and institutional procedures to work with your system.

• Associate the financial aid year with your school code and identify all possible careers for each aid
year and school code.

• Specify which academic careers qualify for financial aid and set up the terms for each financial aid

• Establish general financial aid processing defaults on the Financial Aid Defaults page. Default values
can remain the same for many aid years and apply to students regardless of their career.

• Assign the appropriate rule sets for need analysis calculations and financial aid processing.

• Set up level/load rules with the student records staff. Set up and build financial aid terms.

• Set up student budgets. Create budget categories and budget items within each category. Use budget
formulas and budget trees to set eligibility criteria for each budget item.

• Set up global application processing options.

• Set up financial aid item types and define packaging and awarding rules.

• Set up processing options for all loans awarded to your students by your institution.

• Define Pell installation defaults, Pell institution identification, and payment information.

• Establish disbursement rules.

• Define which financial aid item types are used for Return of Title IV Fund calculations.

• Set up self-service options.

42 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 1 Getting Started with Financial Aid

Other Sources of Information

In the planning phase of your implementation, take advantage of all PeopleSoft resources of information,
including the installation documentation, data models, business process maps, and troubleshooting

See PeopleTools: Setup Manager

Additional Information for Getting Started with Financial Aid

Additional, essential information describing the setup and design of your system appears in two
companion volumes of documentation: Campus Solutions Application Fundamentals documentation and
Campus Community Fundamentals documentation.

See "Campus Solutions Overview" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals).

See "Campus Community Overview" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

For information about deferred processing, see "Additional Information for Getting Started with Campus
Solutions" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals).

Common Elements Used in Financial Aid

Academic Career Designates all course work undertaken by a student at your
academic institution that you group together in a single student
record. For example, a university that has an undergraduate
school, a graduate school, and several professional schools can
define an undergraduate career, graduate career, and a separate
career for each professional school.

Academic Institution A separate entity, such as a university or college, that runs

independently from other like entities and has its own set
of rules and business processes. Throughout your student
administration system you use Academic Institution as a key
value to group data into tables and search against those tables to
extract data.

Academic Plan An area or areas of study that a student declares after the student
is admitted to an academic program. Academic plans are linked
to academic careers or academic programs.

Academic Program The entity to which a student applies, is admitted, and ultimately
graduates. Rules such as academic standing, honors/awards, and
repeats are attached at the academic program level.

Academic Sub-plan Academic subplans can be defined as minors, concentrations, or

specializations. They are directly linked to an academic plan.

Academic Year The period of time you define as one school year.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 43

Getting Started with Financial Aid Chapter 1

Aid Year Used in Financial Aid to designate a year of accounting for

financial aid awarding.

Career See Academic Career.

Institution See Academic Institution.

Item Type Identifier that classifies an item on a customer's account. Item

types enable schools to uniquely categorize a customer's bill.

44 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding


Understanding the Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

The financial aid awarding cycle is a set of recurrent operations used by institutions when they process
and manage student data to evaluate, award, and disburse federal, state, institutional, and private funding.
The typical financial aid processing cycle may encompass multiple academic years. Institutions process
continuing students for the current aid year and, at the same time, process applications for the upcoming
aid year.

One of the first steps in setting up your awarding cycle is to define the boundaries of each financial aid
year to maintain separate and unique financial aid years throughout a student's educational career. In
addition to setting up the aid year, your institution must associate the financial aid year with your school
code or codes and identify all possible careers for each aid year and school code. School codes are defined
by the U.S. Department of Education and are used to track a student's aggregate aid history. An institution
might have separate school codes for a medical school and a law school. Because school codes do not
share careers, you must link each school code and academic career separately.

You must specify which academic careers qualify for financial aid and set up valid terms for each
financial aid career. Doing so provides the general guidelines to award and process aid within the award
year. For example, your institution might have an evening degree program that does not award financial
aid or offer financial aid for all of its academic terms.

The actual Awarding process takes place when your institution receives the first Institutional Student
Information Records (ISIRs), PROFILE, or institutional application. The ISIR is the need analysis
from the Department of Education to establish a student's need for financial aid. PROFILE is the need
analysis form the College Board. Institutional applications are institution-specific need analysis forms.
For new students, awards are made and notifications are sent on an ongoing basis up to the beginning and
sometimes well into the award year for which the students are admitted. For continuing students, the goal
is to mail notifications before the close of the academic year. The financial aid process of awarding entails
need analysis and, for continuing students, checking academic progress.

In addition to the awarding cycle, the following processes must occur in the financial aid office for each
aid cycle:

• Loading ISIRs and PROFILE applicant data.

• Entering institutional application information.

• Verifying selected students.

• Handling ISIR corrections.

• Processing budgets for the current and upcoming award years.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 45

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

• Tracking requested documents and loan applications.

• Monitoring all spending and reconciliation of funds.

• Managing origination and disbursement of Title IV/Campus Based programs.

• Providing ongoing loan entrance and exit counseling.

• Defining aid year rollover.

Before implementing the Financial Aid system, examine how your financial aid office and your institution
function. To take advantage of the flexibility of the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system, decide how you
want to implement your operational structure, awarding practices, and institutional procedures within the
Financial Aid system.

When you prepare to set up the Financial Aid system:

• Decide what data elements you want converted for use in your new system if you are moving from a
legacy system.

• Identify and decide which academic careers are valid for awarding and processing of financial aid
after you establish your institution's academic structure.

The creation and design of academic careers is carried out primarily by the staff that operates
PeopleSoft Student Records.

See Creating Aid Processing Rule Sets.

• Identify which terms and sessions are valid for awarding and processing of financial aid after you
establish your institution's academic structure.

The design and creation of terms and sessions is carried out primarily by the staff that operates
Student Records.

See "Defining Term Values" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)

See "Setting Up Time Periods" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)

See "Defining Enrollment Action Reasons" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application

See "Defining Terms, Sessions, and Session Time Periods" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2:
Application Fundamentals)

• Determine all aspects that need to be considered for the setup process.

Consider your institutional and financial aid office needs in broad terms. This plan should include
such items as your term structure, the Title IV school codes for your institution, your packaging
policies, your disbursement patterns, financial aid fund information, and any business practices that
are unique to your institution.

46 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Establishing Aid Years

To set up aid years, use the Define Federal Aid Years (FED_AID_YR_TBL) and Define Financial Aid
Years (AID_YEAR_TABLE) components.

This section discusses how to:

• Define federal aid years.

• Associate federal aid years with academic years.

Pages Used to Establish Aid Years

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Federal Aid Year Setup FED_AID_YR_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Set up the Federal Aid Year
Related > Financial Aid > table.
Aid Year > Define Federal
Aid Year > Federal Aid Year

Financial Aid Year AID_YEAR_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Associate a valid federal aid
Related > Financial Aid > year with the academic year
Aid Year > Define Financial of your institution.
Aid Years > Financial Aid

Defining Federal Aid Years

Access the Federal Aid Year Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid Year >
Define Federal Aid Year > Federal Aid Year Setup).

Image: Federal Aid Year Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Federal Aid Year Setup page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This table defines the aid year according to the standards set by the U.S. Department of Education. You
must define all aid years that you are processing in this table.

Enter the days that the aid year begins and ends.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 47

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

Associating Federal Aid Years with Academic Years

Access the Financial Aid Year page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid Year >
Define Financial Aid Years > Financial Aid Year).

Image: Financial Aid Year page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Financial Aid Year page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Aid Year Select the federal aid year to be associated with your academic
year start and end dates.

Academic Year Start Date and Enter the dates that your institution's academic year begins
Academic Year End Date and ends. Academic year start and end dates are reported
on the origination record to the Common Origination and
Disbursement (COD) system.

Setting Up Your School Codes

To set up school codes, use the School Code Table (TIV_SCHOOL_CODE), Campus OPEID
(SFA_COD_CAMP_OPEID), and School Codes for Institutions (INST_SCHOOL_CDS1) components.

A school code is assigned to each institution participating with the Department of Education and is
used as an identification code during Electronic Data Exchange (EDE). In addition to its use in EDE
processing, the Title IV school code is used to track a student's aggregate aid history.

This section discusses how to:

• Define your school code.

• Define your Campus OPEID codes.

48 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

• Associate federal aid years with an aid year.

Pages Used to Set Up School Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

TIV School Code TIV_SCHOOL_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Review the Title IV School
Information (Title IV school Related > Financial Aid > Code Table and enter a
code information) Aid Year > School Code description and address
Table > TIV School Code information for your school
Information code.

Campus OPEID SFA_COD_CAMP_OPEID Set Up SACR > Product Use this page to setup campus
Related > Financial Aid > OPEID codes and defaults.
Aid Year > Campus OPEID
Codes > COD Campus

School Codes for Institution INST_SCHOOL_CDS Set Up SACR > Product Link an aid year with the
Related > Financial Aid > Department of Education
Aid Year > School Codes for Title IV school codes for your
Institution > School Codes institution.
for Institution

Defining Your School Code

Access the TIV School Code Information page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid
Year > School Code Table > TIV School Code Information).

Image: TIV School Code Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the TIV School Code Information page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 49

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

You can add or correct information on this page if the U.S. Department of Education has made an error or
omission in the description or address information for your institution.

Title IV Inst Code DL Participant Select if your institution participates in the federal Direct
(Title IV institution code direct loan Lending Program. No processing is associated with this field.

Defining Your Campus OPEID Codes

Access the OPEID Codes page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid Year > Campus
OPEID Codes > COD Campus OPEID > Campus OPEID).

Image: Campus OPEID page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Campus OPEID page.

Use this page to set up campus OPEID codes for campuses and designate default codes.

COD requires schools to report a student's physical campus of attendance as the Enrollment School
Code using the 8 digit OPEID codes assigned to your institution. You may enter as many unique
combinations as is required to support your processing. However only one unique Campus and OPEID
Code combination can be designated as the default for COD disbursement use. COD processing uses
Campus OPEID setup and the Campus field on a student's Financial Aid Term record to determine what
OPEID Code should be reported to COD as the Enrollment School Code. The Enrollment School Code
is maintained at an individual disbursement level and can be overridden for an individual student on the
student's COD Origination record. Once an actual disbursement has been reported to COD, the field is no
longer be available for override.

The Enrollment School Code can also be updated on both the Loan and Pell origination disbursement
records with the Population Update process.

See Reviewing Pell Disbursement Results.

See Viewing Loan Status Summary Information.

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Campus Select a campus to assign an OPEID Code to.

OPEID Code Enter the OPEID code for the selected campus.

50 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Default OPEID Code Check this box if you want the this Campus and OPEID Code
combination to be the default value used for this campus in
COD processing.

Associating School Codes with an Aid Year

Access the School Codes for Institution page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid
Year > School Codes for Institution > School Codes for Institution).

Image: School Codes for Institution page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the School Codes for Institution page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

School Code Select the school code that you want to associate with the
displayed aid year. If your institution has more than one school
code, you can add rows and enter as many school codes as you

Copy from Previous Year Click to copy the school codes entered for the previous aid year
to the current aid year. This process overrides any information
that you have entered for the current aid year.

Establishing Defaults
To set up defaults for Classic and Fluid interfaces, use the Installation Defaults (INSTALLATION_FA)
and Aid Processing Rule Setup (FA_DFLT_RULE_SET) components.

This section provides an overview of defaults and discusses how to:

• Define installation level defaults.

• Create aid processing rule sets.

• Link aid processing rule sets to careers and programs.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 51

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

Understanding Defaults
Many of the setup pages in the Financial Aid system are specific to an aid year or a career. However,
the various processes in the system use certain general financial aid processing values as default values.
These default values remain the same for many aid years and apply to students regardless of their
career. Therefore, these defaults are established on one page, the Financial Aid Defaults page, which is
not keyed by aid year or career, and are applied to all institutions in your system. When you establish
your installation defaults, select the values that represent the majority of your institutions, careers, and

Financial Aid provides additional flexibility in creating aid processing defaults. If certain careers or
programs require default values that vary from the installation defaults, you can establish aid processing
rule sets at either a career-specific or program-specific level to define alternate values for selected
defaults. These default options include:

• Academic and nonstandard base weeks.

• Pell Grant eligibility calculation criteria.

• Gap financial aid item types.

• Packaging data source defaults.

• Institutional application source.

• Pell number of terms.

The aid processing rule set can then be associated with the career that varies from the installation defaults,
or the program that varies from both the career and installation defaults.

Set up aid processing rule sets only for those combinations of aid year and career that differ from each
other and from your installation defaults and for those combinations of aid year and program that differ
from each other, from the associated career level defaults, and from your installation defaults.

Associate these rule sets with the appropriate aid year and career combination on the Valid Careers for
Aid Year page or with the appropriate aid year and program combination on the Valid Programs for Aid
Year and Career page. If a career or program does not vary from the installation defaults, you do not need
to establish and assign an aid processing rule set for that career or program.

Note: If no careers or programs differ from the installation defaults, you do not need to create aid
processing rule sets, and you can leave the Aid Processing Rule Set column blank on both the Valid
Careers for Aid Year and Valid Programs for Aid Year and Career pages.

Because the default aid processing rules for an individual student can be defined at the program, career, or
installation level, various financial aid processes check for defaults in the following order to ensure that
the correct aid processing rules are used:

1. Aid processing rule set associated with the student's program.

2. Aid processing rule set associated with the student's career.

3. Installation defaults specified on the Financial Aid Defaults page.

52 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Pages Used to Establish Defaults

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Financial Aid Defaults INSTALLATION_FA Set Up SACR > Install > Define general financial aid
Financial Aid Installation > processing defaults at the
Financial Aid Defaults installation level.

Aid Processing Rule Setup FA_DFLT_RULE_SET Set Up SACR > Product Create aid processing rule
Related > Financial Aid > sets that you can use to define
Aid Year > Aid Processing defaults at the career and
Rule Setup program level that differ from
the installation default values.

Defining Installation Level Defaults

Access the Financial Aid Defaults page (Set Up SACR > Install > Financial Aid Installation > Financial
Aid Defaults).

Image: Financial Aid Defaults page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Financial Aid Defaults page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Academic Base Weeks Enter the number of weeks that define your institution's
Academic Award Period (AAP). Several financial aid processes
use this value to calculate eligibility and to calculate prorated
expected family contribution (EFC).

Valid values are 0.0 to 99.9.

Non-Standard Base Weeks Enter the number of weeks that define your institution's Non-
Standard Award Period (NSAP). Several financial aid processes
use this value to calculate eligibility and to calculate prorated

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 53

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

EFCs. Non-standard terms are usually summer terms or inter-


Valid values are 0.0 to 99.9.

Pell 3 Academic Weeks Only Select so the Pell Grant calculation uses only Academic Base
Weeks as the Academic Program's Weeks of Instruction for
Formula 3. If not selected, the Pell Grant calculation sums the
Academic Base Weeks and Non-Standard Base Weeks together
to determine the Academic Program's Weeks of Instruction.

Note: Academic Base Weeks and Non-Standard-Base Weeks

are added together to determine an Academic Program's Weeks
of Instruction. This Weeks of Instruction value serves as the
denominator in the percentage calculation for a student's
number of enrolled weeks in a term when calculating Pell Grant
eligibility for Formula 3— FA Load, Formula 3—Current Load,
and Formula 3 — Full-time Load.

INAS Rule Set (institutional need Select an INAS rule set to define need analysis calculation
analysis system rule set) options for your student population that do not have an
academic career specified in the Financial Aid Term record or in
the Student Career Term table. You can use a different rule set
for any career or program by establishing a relationship between
the career and rule set on the Valid Careers for Aid Year page
(AID_YEAR_CAREER) or the program and rule set on the
Valid Programs for Aid Year and Career page (AID_YEAR_

The INAS rule set value provides full flexibility to determine

how need analysis is performed. You load the INAS Rule
Set table into the system by using a data mover script that is
delivered to your institution each year in a regulatory release.

Select the INAS Rule Set from these values: CSS Rules,
Health Pro (health professional), or Ugrd/Grad (undergraduate/

The INAS rule sets are delivered as translate values and should
not be changed or altered in any way. You can create additional
INAS rules sets for your institution by creating additional
translate values.

Pell Calculation Start Enter the option to use for Pell calculations made before the
student's academic term start date. Values are:

Enrollment Current Load (For use only with 2009 and prior
Aid Years): Directs the Pell calculation to use the Current Load
value from Financial Aid Term to determine which Federal Pell
Grant disbursement schedule to use when it is calculating the
student's eligibility for a Pell Grant. The Current Load value
uses the number of units that the student is currently enrolled in,

54 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

plus the number of units from already completed sessions in the

term to determine the student's load for the term.

Enrollment FA Load (For use only with 2009 and prior Aid
Years): Directs the Pell calculation to use the FA Load value
from Financial Aid Term to determine which Federal Pell Grant
disbursement schedule to use when it is calculating the student's
eligibility for a Pell Grant. The FA Load value uses the number
of financial aid eligible units that the student is enrolled in for
the term to determine the student's load.

Formula 1 — FA Load (For use only with 2010 and future Aid
Years): Directs the Pell calculation to divide the Pell Grant
award by the Pell Number of Terms and uses the student's actual
FA Load for each term.

Formula 1 — Full-time (For use only with 2010 and future Aid
Years):Directs the Pell calculation to divide the Pell Grant by
the Pell Number of Terms and uses Full-time as the student's FA
Load for each term.

Formula 3 — Current Load (For use only with 2010 and future
Aid Years): Directs the Pell calculation to sum the Academic
Base Weeks and Non-Standard Base Weeks values to determine
an Academic Program's Weeks of Instruction. This value
serves as the denominator in the percentage calculation for
student's number of enrolled weeks in a term. This mode uses
the Current Load value from Financial Aid Term to determine
which Federal Pell Grant schedule to use when it is calculating
the student's eligibility for a Pell Grant. The Current Load value
uses the number of units in which a student is currently enrolled
("In Progress" from the Financial Aid Term Session Detail)
plus the number of units from completed sessions in the term to
determine the student's load for the term.

Formula 3 — FA Load (For use only with 2010 and future Aid
Years): Directs the Pell calculation to sum the Academic Base
Weeks and Non-Standard Base Weeks values to determine an
Academic Program's Weeks of Instruction. This value serves
as the denominator in the percentage calculation for a student's
number of enrolled weeks in a term. This mode uses the FA
Load value from Financial Aid Term to determine which
Federal Pell Grant schedule to use when it is calculating the
student's eligibility. The FA Load value uses the number of
financial aid eligible units in which the student is enrolled for
the term to determine the student's load.

Formula 3 — Full-time Load (For use only with 2010 and future
Aid Years): Directs the Pell calculation to sum the Academic
Base Weeks and Non-Standard Base Weeks values to determine
an Academic Program's Weeks of Instruction. This value serves
as the denominator in the percentage calculation for a student's
number of enrolled weeks in a term. This mode uses Full-

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 55

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

time as the FA Load value when it is calculating the student's


Full Time (For use only with 2009 and prior Aid Years):
Directs the Pell calculation to always use the full time Federal
Pell Grant disbursement schedule to determine the student's
eligibility for a Pell Grant regardless of the student's enrollment.

Half Time (For use only with 2009 and prior Aid Years):
Directs the Pell calculation to always use the half time
Federal Pell Grant disbursement schedule to determine the
student's eligibility for a Pell Grant, regardless of the student's

Pell Calculation Midterm Enter the load value to use for Pell Grant calculations made on
or after the student's academic term start date but before the
student's term census date. The available values match those for
Pell Calculation Start.

Pell Calculation Census Enter the load value to use for Pell Grant calculations made
on or after the student's term census date. The available values
match those for Pell Calculation Start.

Pell Number of Terms Enter the number of terms that define the Academic Program.
Although this value should match the TERM_TYPE on the
ACAD_CAR_TBL, there is no cross-check between the two to
ensure that these values correlate. Packaging uses this value to
distribute a Pell Grant across the student's enrolled terms when
making a Pell Grant calculation using the Formula 1 - FA Load,
Formula 1 - Full-time, Full Time, or Half Time Pell calculation
values. If you select Formula 1 — FA Load or Formula 1 —
Full-time, you must populate the Pell Number of Terms field.

Gap Item Type Select the gap financial aid item type that you created for this
instance. Gap is an artificial figure that instructs Packaging to
set aside an amount of unmet need to be funded later. It prevents
full funding to any student to conserve funds or to provide room
to award other types of aid in the future. The gap financial aid
item type that you enter here is used when you assign a gap
packaging rule in a packaging plan.

See Defining Gap Financial Aid Item Types.

Packaging Data Source Select which application data to use when packaging a student
for financial aid. The system also tells the Equation processor
which application data to gather for use in equations.

Fed Only (federal only): This is the default value that instructs
Packaging to gather data from the ISIR_** records. When Fed
Only is selected, students are packaged only if they have federal
application data (ISIR) available. If Fed Only is selected and the
student has no ISIR data, the student is not packaged and the
following error message is displayed during packaging:

56 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Student has no ISIR data.

Fed, Inst (federal, institutional): Instructs Packaging to

gather federal application data (ISIR) if available. Otherwise,
Packaging gathers institutional application data (PROFILE).
If neither federal nor institutional application data exists for
the student, the student is not packaged and the following error
message is displayed during packaging:

Student has neither ISIR nor Institutional data.

Inst Only (institutional only): Instructs Packaging to gather data

from the INST_** records. When Inst Only is selected, students
are packaged only if they have institutional application data
(PROFILE or institutional application) available. If Inst Only is
selected and the student has no PROFILE data, the student is not
packaged and the following error message is displayed during

Student has no Institutional data.

Inst, Fed (institutional, federal): Instructs Packaging to gather

institutional application data (PROFILE, or institutional
application) if available. Otherwise, Packaging gathers federal
application data (ISIR). If neither institutional nor federal
application data exists for the student, the student is not
packaged and the following error message is displayed during

Student has neither ISIR nor Institutional data.

Aggregate Source Select the source for aggregate lifetime totals that Packaging
should reference when determining lifetime limits. Values are:

NSLDS: Packaging uses National Student Loan Data System

(NSLDS) aggregate history totals that have been pushed into the
aggregate tables for packaging.

PS: This is the default value. Packaging uses the existing

undergraduate and graduate totals currently maintained by the
institution on the aggregate tables for packaging.

Note: Aggregate Source is set either at the installation default

level or individually for each student on the Packaging Status
Summary or award page components.

Inst Application Source (institutional Enter the institutional application used when you select Fed,
application source) Inst, Inst Only, or Inst, Fed as the Packaging Data Source. You
can select Inst App (institutional application), or Profile.

CNAS FM Rule Set (Canadian need Enter the rule set that defines the CNAS calculation guidelines
analysis system federal methodology that use federal methodology.
rule set)

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 57

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

CNAS IM Rule Set (Canadian Enter the rule set that defines the CNAS calculation guidelines
need analysis system institutional that uses institutional methodology.
methodology rule set)

Last Loan Batch Sequence Enter a new sequence number of the last loan batch ID code
processed. The system automatically updates this field each time
a CommonLine or Direct Loan transaction file is created. You
may need to update this if a conflict occurs.

Loan Counseling Version Select the Loan Counseling Version for use throughout
the system. This selection controls what components of
Loan Counseling are available and how Authorization
and Disbursement processing evaluates loan counseling
requirements to release funds for disbursement. This selection
also controls how loan counseling is displayed on the Packaging
Status Summary page.

• Simple: Select to limit the management of loan counseling

to annual evaluation and processing. This is the default

• Expanded: Select to enable multiple loan counseling setup

options: annual , multiple aid year, and student self-service,

Do Not Use PKG Data Source (do not Select this check box to have the system not check for either
use a packaging data source) an existing federal application (ISIR) or an institutional
application (such as PROFILE) when accessing the Award Entry

Clear this check box to have the system check for the existence
of either a federal application or an institutional application
when accessing the Award Entry component. If the student
doesn't have either application, a warning message appears.

Use Pell Table If selected, the system uses the Pell Table Enablement program
(FAPPKPTE) to calculate Pell awards (applies to Aid Year
2016 and forward). Electing to use the Pell Table Enablement
program implies downloading of the Pell Grant Payment and
Disbursement Schedules from the Department of Education, and
loading them into the system for Packaging to use to evaluate
your students for Pell grant eligibility.

If not selected, the system uses the old Pell Program

(FAPPKPEL) to calculate Pell awards.

58 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Note: To calculate Pell grants for Aid Years 2016 and 2017
(Award Years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017), Oracle supports
both the current Pell Program FAPPKPEL delivered as a
Critical Update, and the new Pell Table Enablement feature
Beginning with Aid Year 2018 (2017-2018), Oracle plans to
discontinue the old Pell Program (FAPPKPEL) and support only
the Pell Table Enablement program to calculate Pell grants.

Background Errors Allowed Enter the number of background errors that your institution
wants to allow during background processing before the system
terminates the run. You may want to set this field to a number
greater than one. If you do not increase this value, background
processing stops after encountering only one error.

Last Packaging Batch Nbr (last Displays the number that the system generates when you run the
packaging batch number) Mass Packaging process.

Use PELL Crossover Logic Select this check box if you want the system to a check the
summer/crossover term to determine if a Pell Grant award for
that term would be higher if it is awarded using the Additional
Pell Item Type for the current Aid Year (e.g. Aid Year 2018) or
the Initial Pell Item Type in the forward Aid Year (e.g. Aid Year

If selected and the award would be higher for the forward

Aid Year, the system awards zero Pell Grant for the summer/
crossover term under the Additional Pell item type the current
Aid Year. If the Pell Grant award for the summer/crossover term
is higher using the current Aid Year, it will award the amount as
Additional Pell.

If not selected, the system awards Pell Grant for the summer/
crossover term as Additional Pell in the current Aid Year
without additional checks against the forward Aid Year.

CIP Code Year (Classification of Enter the CIP code table year.
Instructional Program Code Year)
From AY 2021, the COD origination process looks at this field
to determine the value to use in the <ProgramCIPCodeYear>

Activation Indicators
Freshman Loan 30 Day Delay Select to ensure that loans awarded to first-time, first-year
students are assigned to a disbursement plan with the 30 Day
Delay Loan Plan option selected.

Pell Just In Time Institution Select if your institution participates in the Just-In-Time
program for Pell funding. This sets the Just-In-Time flag.
When this flag is set, the Pell Disbursement Outbound process
compares the disbursement date to the system date and does not

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 59

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

process outbound records if the process date is more than three

days from the disbursement date found on student award tables.
Based on accepted origination and disbursement records, the
funds for the requested disbursement are directly deposited into
your institution's account.

FFELP Serial MPN Activation Select to indicate that your institution qualifies for serial master
(federal family educational loan promissory note (MPN) processing. The field controls the
program serial master promissory note default settings of the serial MPN fields in the CommonLine
activation) loan destination profile components. Select even if you have
groups within your institution that do not qualify for serial MPN
processing based on a regulatory or school policy.

Audit FA Term Build (audit financial Select to cause the system to write a row to the audit table if any
aid term build) changes occur to audited fields when you rebuild an FA term.
View changes to the audited fields for a student using the FA
Term Field Audits page. If you clear this check box, you cannot
view the FA Term Field Audits page.

New Features
Fluid Self Service Select to indicate that Fluid features for Financial Aid Self
Service have been adopted and to access the Disbursement page.
By default, this check box is deselected.

This check box is used to determine whether the settings on the

Disbursement page are applied to the Fluid interface.

See "Setting Up Disbursement Options" (PeopleSoft Campus

Solutions 9.2: Self Service).

Related Links
Selecting Your Application Data Source for Awarding
Adding an Application Source Code for Canadian Applications
Defining Packaging Plans
Awarding Pell Grants

Creating Aid Processing Rule Sets

Access the Aid Processing Rule Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid
Year > Aid Processing Rule Setup).

60 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Image: Aid Processing Rule Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aid Processing Rule Setup page.

Create as many rule sets as necessary for your business practices. The aid processing rule sets created on
this page can be associated with a combination of aid year and academic career or aid year and academic

Enter a value for all fields on this page. The fields in the Fields for use on Career level only group box
cannot differ for programs within the same career. If you are defining aid processing rule sets for multiple
programs within a career, the values that you select in this group box should be the same for both aid
processing rule sets. If you select different values, Packaging uses the values from the first aid processing
rule set associated with the career for these fields.

The fields on this page correspond to those on the Financial Aid Defaults (INSTALLATION_FA) page.

Note: The Pell Number of Terms field is at the Academic Program Level.

Related Links
Defining Installation Level Defaults

Linking Aid Processing Rule Sets to Careers and Programs

Complete the Valid Career for Aid Year page. (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid
Year > Valid Careers for Aid Year).

Related Links
Listing Valid Careers for the Aid Year

Establishing Careers and Programs

Important! Financial Aid Notification (FAN) letter is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained
for this product, but no new development will be produced for FAN. It is strongly recommended that you
use Communication Generation (Comm Gen) instead. For more information on Comm Gen, see "Using
the Communication Generation Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 61

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

To set up careers and programs, use the Valid Careers for Aid Year component (AID_YEAR_CAREER),
Valid Programs for Aid Year component (AID_YEAR_PROGRAM), Careers for School Codes
component (SCHOOL_CAREER1), Valid Terms for Career component (AID_YR_CAR_TERM), and
the Define Career Types component (CAREER_TYPE). Use the AID_YR_CAR_TERM_CI component
interface to load the data into the tables for this component interface.

This section discusses how to:

• List valid careers for the aid year.

• Define valid programs for aid year and career.

• Associate careers with school codes.

• Define valid terms for careers.

• Assign financial aid career types.

Pages Used to Establish Careers and Programs

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Valid Careers for Aid Year AID_YEAR_CAREER Set Up SACR > Product List all academic careers
Related > Financial Aid > that are eligible for financial
Aid Year > Valid Careers for aid during an aid year for
Aid Year an academic institution
and assign the appropriate
rule sets for need analysis
calculations and for financial
aid processing.

Copy Careers for Aid Year AID_YR_CAR_COPY Click the Copy button on the Copy valid careers from one
Valid Careers for Aid Year combination of academic
page. institution and aid year to

Valid Programs for Aid Year AID_YEAR_PROGRAM Set Up SACR > Product Assign rule sets for need
and Career Related > Financial Aid > analysis calculations and
Aid Year > Valid Programs assign financial aid processing
for Aid Year > Valid rule sets that are specific to a
Programs for Aid Year and program.

Copy Programs for Aid Year AID_YEAR_PROG_COPY Click the Copy button on the Copy program-level defaults
and Career Valid Programs for Aid Year from one combination of
and Career page. academic institution, aid year,
and career to another.

Careers For School Codes SCHOOL_CAREER Set Up SACR > Product Specify the valid careers that
Related > Financial Aid > exist for each Title IV school
Aid Year > Careers for code at your institution.
School Codes

Copy Careers for School Code SCHOOL_CAR_COPY Click the Copy button on the Copy valid careers from one
Careers for School Codes combination of academic
page. institution, aid year, and
school code to another.

62 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Valid Terms for Careers AID_YR_CAR_TERM Set Up SACR > Product Define the eligible
Related > Financial Aid > financial aid terms for each
Aid Year > Valid Terms for combination of academic
Careers career and aid year after
you have specified the valid
careers for each aid year.

Financial Aid Career Type CAREER_TYPE Set Up SACR > Product Associate each of your
Related > Financial Aid > academic careers with a
Financial Aid Terms > financial aid career type.
Define Career Types >
Financial Aid Career Type

Listing Valid Careers for the Aid Year

Access the Valid Careers for Aid Year page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid
Year > Valid Careers for Aid Year).

Image: Valid Careers for Aid Year page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Valid Careers for Aid Year page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Insert additional rows for all academic careers for this aid year at your institution.

INAS Rule Set (institutional need Select an Institutional Need Analysis (INAS) rule set to define
analysis system rule set) need analysis calculation options to associate with this career.

The INAS rule set value provides full flexibility to determine

how need analysis is performed. You load the INAS Rule Set
table into the system using a data mover script delivered to your
institution each year in a regulatory release.

Select the INAS Rule Set from these values: CSS Rules, Health
Pro (health professional), or Ugrd/Grad (undergraduate/

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 63

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

The INAS rule sets are delivered as translate values and should
not be changed or altered in any way. You can create additional
INAS rules sets for your institution by creating additional
translate values.

CNAS FM Rule Set (Canadian Need Select the CNAS rule set that provides calculation guidelines
Analysis System federal methodology that define general need analysis to use for processing with
rule set) federal methodology. This value is whatever your institution set
up as CNAS rule sets such as CSL (Canada Student Loan) and
OSL (Ontario Student Loan).

CNAS IM Rule Set (Canadian Select the CNAS rule set that provides calculation guidelines
Need Analysis System institutional that define general need analysis to use for processing with
methodology rule set) institutional methodology. This value is whatever your
institution set up as CNAS rule sets such as CSL (Canada
Student Loan) and OSL (Ontario Student Loan).

Aid Processing Rule Set For careers that have different default processing values from
those specified at the installation level (on the Financial Aid
Defaults page), select the aid processing rule set that you created
that contains the correct default processing values for this career.
For Pell Grant Awarding purposes, you might consider creating
unique Pell Calculation Rule Sets by Academic Career.

Copy Click this button to access the Copy Careers for Aid Year page
and copy valid careers from one combination of academic
institution and aid year to another.

Related Links
Establishing Defaults

Defining Valid Programs for Aid Year and Career

Access the Valid Programs for Aid Year and Career page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial
Aid > Aid Year > Valid Programs for Aid Year > Valid Programs for Aid Year and Career).

Image: Valid Programs for Aid Year and Career page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Valid Programs for Aid Year and Career page.

Enter only those programs that require a different need analysis or aid processing rule set than the
installation defaults or the rule sets assigned to the program's career. If none of the academic programs

64 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

within a career requires rule sets that differ from the career's rule sets, do not set up any programs for that
career on this page.

For each academic program that you enter on this page, enter only those fields that differ from the career's
value or the installation default value. For example, if the academic program uses the same INAS rule set
as the career, but requires a different aid processing rule set, populate only the Aid Processing Rule Set
field on this page. For Pell Grant Awarding purposes, you might consider creating unique Pell Calculation
Rule Sets by Academic Program. For example, if an Academic Program supports a Leading Summer
term, you might create a unique Pell Calculation Rule Set that distinguishes it from an Academic Program
that doesn't support a Summer term.

Click the Copy button to access the Copy Programs for Aid Year and Career page and copy program-level
defaults from one combination of academic institution, aid year, and career to another.

Related Links
Listing Valid Careers for the Aid Year
Establishing Defaults

Associating Careers with School Codes

Access the Careers For School Codes page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid
Year > Careers for School Codes).

Image: Careers For School Codes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Careers For School Codes page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Aggregate Aid processing uses this information about school codes and careers to track a student's
financial aid history at your institution. The loan system uses this information to create loan institution
records during setup.

Academic Career Select an academic career that is valid for the displayed aid year
and school code. You can select only academic careers that you

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 65

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

have defined as valid for the displayed aid year on the Valid
Careers for Aid Year page.

Copy Click this button to access the Copy Careers for School Code
page and copy valid careers from one combination of academic
institution, aid year, and school code to another.

Defining Valid Terms for Careers

Access the Valid Terms for Careers page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid
Year > Valid Terms for Careers).

Image: Valid Terms for Careers page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Valid Terms for Careers page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Defining the valid terms for each financial aid career provides the system with general guidelines for
awarding and processing financial aid within the academic year.

66 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Term Select a term for which financial aid is awarded. Values include
only the terms identified in the Term/Session Table (TERM
_TABLE) for the career. After you enter a term value and
exit the field, the Descr and Short Desc fields are populated
automatically. These values are defined on the Term Values
Table page (TERM_VALUES_XREF).

Note: FA Term uses the valid careers for aid year and valid
terms for career setup tables to determine which aid year a term
should be linked to. If you set up future terms, you must set up
the corresponding aid year for those future terms. For example,
if you had not set up 2006-2007 and were to run FA Term only
for 2005-2006, the system would not recognize a term outside of
the 2005-2006 academic/aid year.

Award Period Select a term or set of terms associated with a period of

enrollment for the purposes of need analysis and awarding.
The term's award period supplements the EFC adjustment
calculation as it relates to calculations that are not nine-month
calculations. Packaging uses the award period to apply active
or passive mode correctly during multiple award period
processing. It is also used to manage the type of data to extract
for the financial aid notification (FAN) letter.

Academic: Indicates that the term is part of the standard

academic year, and is generally associated with the nine-month
EFC calculation. This is the default value.

Non Std (nonstandard): Indicates that the term is a nonstandard

term, such as an inter-session or summer term, and is generally
associated with calculations that are other than nine-month EFC

Loan Period Start and Loan Period Select the dates that the loan period begins and ends. Student
End Records supplies default dates. These dates are required for each
term to build a valid loan period dynamically. The start date
should correspond to the first day of instruction for the term and
the end date should correspond to the last day of instruction for
the term. When the Loan Origination record is built, the system
calculates the loan period using the earliest loan period start date
and latest loan period end date from the terms contained within
the disbursement plan assigned to the loan award.

You can change period start and end dates at a student's

individual loan origination level.

Payment Period Start Date Select the Payment Period Start Date. The initial value defaults
to the Loan Period Start date. Any update to the Loan Period
Start date on this page also updates the Payment Period Start
Date automatically; however, users can specify a different
Payment Period Start Date.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 67

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

Anticipated Aid Display Date SSF_FINANCIALS web service uses the value in this field
to determine whether or not to extract information about
anticipated aid.

If you set a date, SSF_FINANCIALS web service uses the

value in this field as the starting date from which to extract
information about anticipated aid until the expiration of the aid.
If you do not set a date, SSF_FINANCIALS web service is
unable to extract information about anticipated aid.

See "Using the SSF_FINANCIALS Web Service" (PeopleSoft

Campus Solutions 9.2: Student Financials).

Note: This field is for CS Financial Aid Anticipated Aid only.

Related Links
"Defining Term Values" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)
"Setting Up Time Periods" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)
"Defining Enrollment Action Reasons" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)
"Defining Terms, Sessions, and Session Time Periods" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application
Understanding Passive/Active Mode in Multiple Award Period Processing

Assigning Financial Aid Career Types

Access the Financial Aid Career Type page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Financial Aid Terms > Define Career Types > Financial Aid Career Type).

Image: Financial Aid Career Type page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Financial Aid Career Type page.

When a student has more than one academic career, Financial Aid Term statistics are combined for all
academic careers that have the same financial aid career type. For example, if a student has two academic
careers (undergraduate engineering and undergraduate) and the FA Career Type field is Undergraduate
for both academic careers, Financial Aid Term statistics are combined for the two academic careers.

If the FA Career Type field is not the same for a student with multiple academic careers, the academic
career primacy rules are used. The term statistics for the academic career with the higher primacy is used
for the FA Term data. The term statistics for the academic career with the lower primacy are defined as
other; you can view these statistics on the FA Term Other Units page.

68 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

The FA Career Type field is located on ACAD_CAR_TBL.

Note: If you do not assign financial aid career types, the system associates all academic careers with the
Undergraduate career type by default and combines statistics for all your academic careers.

FA Career Type Select the financial aid career type to associate with the
displayed academic career. You have only one active effective-
dated row for each academic career. If you need to change
the career type associated with the academic career, select a
different value in this field. The Financial Aid system delivers
the following translate values; you can add additional translate

E: Extended Education.

G: Graduate.

P: Professional.

U: Undergraduate. This is the default value.

Activating an Aid Year for a Student

This section discusses how to:

• Activate an aid year manually.

• Activate an aid year in batch.

Loading electronic data for the student automatically activates the student for the aid year. If you do not
expect to use electronic data from an outside source such as ISIR or PROFILE, you can manually activate
an aid year for an individual student or a group of students.

For example, if you need to post external awards, such as outside scholarships or Student Financial
transactions, before ISIR or PROFILE activity, you can activate the aid year using the batch process for
that selected population.

Pages Used to Activate an Aid Year for a Student

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Aid Year Activation AID_YEAR_ACTIVATE Financial Aid > Aid Year Activate an aid year for a
Activation > Manage student manually.
Financial Aid Years >
Student Aid Year Activation

Aid Year Activate SFA_RUNCTL_ACTADYR Financial Aid > Aid Year Activate an aid year for a
Activation > Process student in batch.
Financial Aid Years > Aid
Year Activate

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 69

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

Activating an Aid Year Manually

Access the Student Aid Year Activation page (Financial Aid > Aid Year Activation > Manage Financial
Aid Years > Student Aid Year Activation).

Image: Student Aid Year Activation page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Aid Year Activation page.

Use this page to create and manage aid years for an individual student ID. After you add a row, enter an
aid year to activate and save your work.

Important! Before activating an aid year for a student, ensure that the student has personal, biographical,
and demographic data in PeopleSoft Campus Community. To verify this information or add the student,
select Campus Community > Personal Information > Biographical.

Activating an Aid Year in Batch

Access the Aid Year Activate page (Financial Aid > Aid Year Activation > Process Financial Aid
Years > Aid Year Activate).

70 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Image: Aid Year Activate page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aid Year Activate page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the Aid Year Activate process to create an aid year for a group of students.

Population Selection
Selection Tool Select from Equation Engine, PS Query, or External File.
Additional parameters are displayed for your selected tool.

Query Name Appears only when PS Query is selected. Select a population

selection query that joins with the bind record SFA_ACTADYR

Select Values to Update

Academic Institution Enter the academic institution that the student is attending
during the aid year.

Aid Year Enter the aid year that you want to activate for the student.

Reviewing NSLDS Codes

To set up NSLDS codes, use the Maintain NSLDS Codes component (NSLDS_CODES1).

This section discusses how to review the NSLDS Code Table.

The U.S. Department of Education defines the NSLDS loan status codes, which are updated each year in
a regulatory release. The NSLDS database is maintained by the Department of Education and provides a
student's complete Pell Grant and loan history and their current status. You can view NSLDS status codes
in the View NSLDS History component.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 71

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

Page Used to Review NSLDS Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

NSLDS Code Table NSLDS_CODE_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Review the NSLDS codes.
Related > Financial Aid >
Application Processing >
Maintain NSLDS Codes >
NSLDS Code Table

Reviewing the NSLDS Code Table

Access the NSLDS Code Table page ((Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > Maintain NSLDS Codes > NSLDS Code Table).

Image: NSLDS Code Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS Code Table page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

NSLDS Status Code (National Displays the two-letter code defined by the U.S. Department of
Student Loan Data System status code) Education.

NSLDS Code Type (National Student Indicates the type of action associated with the status code. A
Loan Data System code type) status code can have a type of Cancelatn (cancellation), Default,
Deferment, or General. This field is for informational purposes

Title IV Eligible Indicates whether the NSLDS status code affects eligibility for
Title IV aid. Review the default values to determine whether
they apply to your institutional business rules. If this check box
is selected, the student is still eligible for Title IV aid when the
NSLDS status code appears on his or her database record. If the
check box is cleared, the student is not eligible for Title IV aid
when the NSLDS status code appears on their database record.
If the check box is unavailable, the NSLDS status code has no
effect on eligibility.

72 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

This check box is for informational purposes only; no

processing is associated with it.

Note: You can change the NSLDS Code Table if you find an error or if the U.S. Department of Education
makes midyear regulatory changes.

Defining Aid Year Rollover

To set up aid year rollover, use the Term Values Cross Reference (TERM_VALUES_XREF) and Aid Year
Setup (AID_YEAR_SETUP) components.

This section provides an overview of aid year rollover and discusses how to:

• Set up term values cross-reference.

• Set up aid year rollover.

• Review table rollover options.

Understanding Aid Year Rollover

This section addresses many processing setup tables.. After you set up your source processing for the
award year, you can use aid year rollover to set up award year processing on an annual basis.

Aid year rollover provides an automated way for you create aid-year-specific setup tables from year to
year. Two pages support this process: Aid Year Setup and Term Values Cross Reference. You must follow
three steps to initiate this process.

1. Run the Aid Year Setup process (FA_AID_YEAR) to create General Aid Year and Aggregate Aid
Limit tables (AGGR_AID_TBL).

2. Populate the Term Values Cross Reference table (TERM_VALUES_XREF).

3. Run the Aid Year Setup process to create remaining tables that are eligible for this process.

You can use the Aid Year Setup page (RUNCTL_AID_YEAR) to define the setID, institution, and aid
year that you want to copy from one aid year to the next. In addition, the system provides options for
effective date usage, rollover for active or inactive rows, and a choice of tables to be copied forward
to a target year.

The following dependencies are built into this process:

1. You must create or process General Aid Year tables first.

2. You can select General Aid Year and Aggregate Aid limits at the same time.

If you select both, the system always runs General Aid Year before Aggregate Aid Limits.

3. You cannot run General Aid Year or Aggregate Aid Limits if you have Term Value Cross Reference-
dependent setup options activated.

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Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

4. All options listed below Term Values Cross Reference depend on setup of the Term Values Cross
Reference table.

5. Term Values Cross Reference depends on Term Values and Term/Session setup by records.

This enables rollover to associate a term from the base year to a term in the target year.

6. You must run FA Term setup (RUN_CNTL_FATRMP) as a single option to check and update the
tables as needed for the target year and then proceed with the remaining options.

Many tables created subsequently use the FA Term tables created as prompt tables.

7. Budget Tables depend on FA Term table creation for career term values.

8. FA item types depend on aggregate aid limits.

If Aggregate Area is populated in FA Item Type (FINANCIAL_AID_ITEM) for source year, the
system verifies that aggregate aid limits are set up for the target year. If the Aggregate Area is blank,
the system bypasses the dependency. The rollover of disbursement IDs and disbursement split codes is
included in FA Item Type tables setup.

9. Disbursement rules are keyed by FA Item Type and depend on FA Term and FA Item Types table

10. Disbursement Rules setup copies all effective-dated rows from the source year using the same
effective dates.

Therefore, you must adjust the effective dates for the new aid year before you can run the
authorization and disbursement processes. Adjust the effective dates in the Disbursement
Authorization Calendar, Disbursement Rules: Global, and Disbursement Rules: Item Type

11. Packaging table setup depends on the creation of the FA Item Types table.

12. Return of TIV depends on the creation of the Budget table.

13. Loan Tables depend on the creation of the FA Item Types table.

14. Pell payment depends on records setup of ACAD_CAR_TBL and ACAD_PROG_TBL.

Pages Used to Define Aid Year Rollover

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Term Values Cross Reference TERM_VALUES_XREF Set Up SACR > Product Set up term value cross-
Related > Financial Aid > reference to process all
Aid Year > Term Values rollover options except
Cross Reference for General Aid Year and
Aggregate Aid Limits.

Aid Year Setup RUNCTL_AID_YEAR Set Up SACR > Product Create aid-year—specific
Related > Financial Aid > setup tables from year to year.
Aid Year > Aid Year Setup

74 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Setting Up Term Values Cross Reference

Access the Term Values Cross Reference page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid
Year > Term Values Cross Reference).

Image: Term Values Cross Reference page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Term Values Cross Reference page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Set up the Term Values Cross Reference page to process all options except General Aid Year and
Aggregate Aid Limits. Confirm that your records department has set up term values for the target aid year
being created and has also associated each term with the appropriate career in the Term/Session table.
Term values that are set up in Cross Reference that do not exist in Student Records are not created for the
tables being processed. Verify term setup in Student Records before you set up your Term Values Cross

From Term Enter the terms from your source year.

To Term Enter the terms to be created by associating them with the

appropriate From Term value.

Setting Up Aid Year Rollover

Access the Aid Year Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid Year > Aid
Year Setup).

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Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

Image: Aid Year Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aid Year Setup page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: You must perform a separate aid year rollover for each set of setID and institution combinations.

After selecting your rollover options, click the Run button to run the FA_AID_YEAR process.

Carefully review the message log generated by this process. Although you can access the message log
several ways, to get additional details, click Process Monitor to locate the appropriate process instance for
this process. Click Details and then click Message Log. For each process action, you can click Explain to
review additional information about the action taken or the action that you might need to take.

Aid Year Criteria

SetID Select the setID. In cases in which institution and setID are
keys, the system rolls only those rows found that match on
both the setID and institution. For example, the Loan Fee Table
is keyed by setID and institution, so if you specify SetID =
GLAKE Institution = PSUNV, the system does not create rows
for SetID of PSUNV with Institution PSUNV for the aid year
created by the process.

76 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Institution Select the institution to process the source year and copy to the
target year.

Copy From Aid Year Select the source aid year.

Copy To Aid Year Select the target aid year.

Override Aid Year Select to override setup tables in the target year for which they
might already be created. When you select this check box, the
system rolls over a new record along with records that have
already been rolled over. If you have updated the tables in the
target year either manually or after you have run the aid year
process, and you run aid year rollover again with this check
box selected, the system overwrites the updated target data with
source year data. If the check box is cleared and you have made
changes to the source year data, the system does not roll these
changes forward to the target year if the target table has already
been created.

The Override Aid Year option works differently for budgets.

When you select the Budget Table option and Override Aid Year
is not selected, the system rolls forward only new rows added in
the source year to the target year. This way, data that has been
rolled previously is preserved, and the system adds new source
year data to it.

Rollover Inactive Rows Select to roll forward to the target year an inactive row if it
is the latest row in the table being processed. If you select
this option for disbursement rules or budgets, the system rolls
forward any inactive row in the source year to the target year.
The system assigns any inactive rows created in the target year
an inactive status.

Target Year Effective Date Options

Eff Date of Today (effective date is Select to insert the current date for all effective-dated rows
today's date) created except for disbursement rules and budgets.

Use Eff Date from Source Table (use Select to insert the date used in base year rows for all effective-
effective date from the source table) dated rows created in the target year.

Eff Date of 01/01/1900 (effective date Select to (with the exception of disbursement rules and budgets)
of January 1, 1900)) roll forward only the latest effective-dated row from the source
year to the target year. The process rolls over rows to the new
aid year using one of three effective-dated choices, and if
applicable, existing sequence, process, criteria, and so on.

For disbursement rules and budgets, the process rolls forward

all active rows and always uses the source date as the effective
date. You must manually adjust these dates. For all options, the
process does not roll over inactive rows unless you select the
Rollover Inactive Rows option.

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Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

Effective Date Select a static date as the Effective Date for all effective-dated
rows except for disbursement rules and budgets.

Note: If you specify a date in this field, you cannot select any of
the other Target Year Effective Date Options.

General FA Tables Setup

Aid Year Tables Select to move general Aid Year source tables to target year
tables. You must run General Aid Year first.

Aggregate Aid Limits Select to move Aggregate Aid Limits source tables to target
year tables. You can select Aggregate Aid Limits to run with
General Aid Year tables. If you select both, the system always
runs General Aid Year tables before Aggregate Aid Limits.

Additional FA Tables Setup

Before you can update any of the following tables, you must set up the Term Values Cross Reference page
(Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid Year > Term Values Cross Reference).

FA Term Tables (financial aid term Select to move FA Term source tables to target year tables.
tables) Run FA Term setup as a single option to check and update the
tables as needed for the target year and then proceed with the
remaining options.

Budget Tables Select to move Budget source tables to target year tables.
Budget tables depend on FA Term table creation for career term

FA Item Type Tables (financial aid Select to move FA Item Type source tables to target year tables.
item type tables) FA Item Types depend on Aggregate Aid Limits. If Aggregate
Aid Limits do not exist in the source and target year, the system
bypasses the dependency. The rollover of disbursement IDs and
split codes is included in FA Item Type tables setup.

Disbursement Rules Tables Select to move Disbursement Rules source tables to target
year tables. Disbursement Rules are keyed by FA Item Type
and depend on FA Term and FA Item Type table creation.
Disbursement Rules setup copies all effective-dated rows from
the source year using the same effective dates. Thus, you must
adjust the effective dates for the new aid year before you can
run the authorization and disbursement processes. Adjust the
effective dates in the Disbursement Authorization Calendar,
Disbursement Rules: Global, and Disbursement Rules: Item
Type components.

Packaging Tables Select to move Packaging source tables to target year tables.
Packaging table setup depend on FA Item Types table creation.

78 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Return of TIV Tables Select to move Return of TIV source tables to target year tables.
Return of TIV depends on Budget Table creation.

ISIR Tables (Institutional Student Select to move ISIR source tables to target year tables. You
Information Record tables) cannot run this process without first setting up the Term Values
Cross Reference.

Loan Tables Select to move Loan source tables to target year tables. Loan
tables depend on FA Item Types table creation. You cannot
run this process without first setting up the Term Values Cross

Loan Tables includes the CL4 Loan Destination Profile tables.

Because CL4 Loan Destination Profiles cannot be deleted
or inactivated, the process copies data to the target year even
though loan agencies associated with the destination might no
longer be valid, making the destination itself invalid.

To avoid copying invalid CL4 Loan Destination Profiles,

the process compares each loan agency (Lender/Guarantor/
Servicer) associated with the loan destination against Loan
Agency Defaults setup. If any loan agency OPEID from the CL4
Loan Destination Profile matches an OPEID setup on the Loan
Agency Defaults page, the destination is not copied to the target

Note: During the Aid Year Setup process, the Loan Agency
Default tables are copied before the CL4 Loan Destination
Profile tables are copied. This enhancement uses Loan Agency
Default values from the target year when comparing OPEIDs.

Pell Tables Select to move Pell Payment source tables to target year tables.
Pell Payment depends on Records setup of ACAD_CAR_TBL
and ACAD_PROG_TBL. You cannot run this process without
first setting up the Term Values Cross Reference.

PROFILE Tables Select to move PROFILE source tables to target year tables. You
cannot run this process without first setting up the Term Values
Cross Reference.

Shopping Sheet Tables Select to move Shopping Sheet source tables to target year
tables. Oracle recommends that you roll over the Budget and FA
Item Type tables prior to rolling over Shopping Sheet tables.

Reviewing Table Rollover Options

The following tables are eligible for rollover for the new year. The order in which they appear for each
setup option is the processing order.

General Aid Year

This table displays rollover options for general aid year:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 79

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

Record Name Page Name

FED_AID_YR_TBL Federal Aid Year Table

AID_YEAR_TBL Aid Year Table

AID_YEAR_CAREER Valid Careers for Aid Year

AID_YEAR_PROG Valid Programs for Aid Year

TIV_SCHOOL_TBL School Code Table

INST_SCHOOL_CDS School Codes for Institution

SCHOOL_CAREER Careers for School Codes

FA_APP_SRC_TYP Application Source Rank

FA_APP_SRC_TBL Application Source Rank

FA_APP_SRC_RANK Application Source Rank

SS_FA_INSTALL Self-Service Options

Aggregate Aid Limits

This table displays rollover options for aggregate aid limits:

Record Name Page Name

AGGR_LIMIT_TBL Aggregate Aid Limits

AGGR_LVL_LIMITS Aggregate Aid Limits

FA Term
This table displays rollover options for FA Term:

Record Name Page Name



AID_YR_CAR_TERM Valid Terms for Career

This table displays rollover options for budgets:

80 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Record Name Page Name

RUN_CNTL_BDGT_P Budget Assign Run Control

BUDGET_CATG_TBL Budget Categories

BDGT_ASIGN_CNTL Budget Assignment

RUN_CNTL_FABDGT Budget Assign Run Control

BDGT_ASIGN_TERM Budget Assignment


BUDGET_GRP_TBL Budget Groups

BUDGET_ITEM Budget Items


BDGT_FORMLA_TYP Budget Formulas

BDGT_FORMLA_TBL Budget Formulas

BDGT_FORMLA_DFN Budget Formulas

BDGT_TREE_TBL Budget Trees

BDGT_FRMULA_GRP Budget Formulas

BDGT_ASIGN_CATG Budget Assignment

FA Item Type Tables

This table displays rollover options for FA item types:

Record Name Page Name

ITEM_TYPE_FA Financial Aid Item Types

ITEM_TYPE_FISCL Fiscal Item Type

ITM_TP_TERM_LMT Financial Aid Item Types

LN_FEE_TBL Loan Fee Table

ITEM_TYP_FA_FEE Financial Aid Item Types

DISB_PLAN_TBL Disbursement Plan Table

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 81

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

Record Name Page Name

DISB_ID_TBL Disbursement ID Table

DISB_SPLIT_CD Disbursement Split Codes

DISB_ID_SPLIT Disbursement Split Code Formulas

ITEM_TP_FA_DISB Financial Aid Item Types

AWD_MESSAGE_TBL Award Messages

Disbursement Rules
This table displays rollover options for disbursement rules:

Record Name Page Name

DISB_CAL_TBL Disb/Authorization Calendar

AUTH_CAL_TBL Disb/Authorization Calendar

AUTH_CAL_DATA Disb/Authorization Calendar

DISB_CAL_DATA Disb/Authorization Calendar

DISB_RULE_GLB Disbursement Rules Global

DISB_RULE_SRV Disbursement Rules Global

DISB_RULE_ITM Disbursement Rules Item Type

DISB_RULE_CHK Disbursement Rules Item Type

DISB_RULE_ITS Disbursement Rules Item Type

DISB_RULE_USR Disbursement Rules Global

DISB_RULE_ITU Disbursement Rules Item Type

DISB_RULE_TRK Disbursement Rules Global

DISB_RULE_ITK Disbursement Rules Item Type

This table displays rollover options for packaging:

82 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Record Name Page Name

AWD_ADJ_RSN_TBL Award Adjustment Reasons

FA_INST_DEFN Institutional Mass Packaging

FA_INST_CRIT Institutional Mass Packaging

FA_INST_CRITLST Institutional Mass Packaging

PKG_RTNG_CMP_TBL Packaging Rating Components

PKG_EQUITY_LMT Pkg Equity Item Types

PKG_EQUITY_ITM Pkg Equity Item Types

PKG_REL_ITM_TBL Pkg Related Item Type Group

PKG_REL_ITM_TYP Pkg Related Item Type Group

PKG_PLAN_TBL Packaging Plan

PKG_RULE_TBL Packaging Plan

FA_BPKG_DEFN Mass Packaging Definition

FA_BPKG_CRIT Mass Packaging Definition

FA_BPKG_CRITLST Mass Packaging Definition

RSTRC_AID Restricted Aid Table

RSTRC_AID_ORG Restricted Aid Table

RSTRC_AID_COM Restricted Aid Table

RSTRC_AID_MEM Restricted Aid Table

Return of Title IV
This table displays rollover options for return of Title IV:

Record Name Page Name




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Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

Record Name Page Name


This table displays rollover options for ISIR:

Record Name Page Name




INAS_FM_ASMPTN INAS Assumption Codes

This table displays rollover options for loans:

Record Name Page Name

LN_TYPE_TBL Loan Type Table

LN_TO_NSLDS_TYP Loan Type Table

LN_ITEM_TBL Loan Type Table

LN_RPT_ITEM Loan Report Definitions

LN_PNOTE_TBL Loan Type Table

LN_RPT_COL Loan Report Definitions

LN_ACTNTYPE_TBL Loan Action Code Table

LN_ACTN_PRG_TBL Loan Action Code Table

LN_ACTNMSG_TBL Loan Action Code Table

LN_ACTNCD_TBL Loan Action Code Table

LN_DESTPROF_TBL Loan Destination Profile

LN_DEST_CATGRY Loan Destination Profile

LN_DEST_EDIT Loan Destination Profile

84 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle

Record Name Page Name

LN_INSTUTN_TBL Loan Institution

LN_INSTN_CNTACT Loan Institution

LN_INST_DEST Loan Institution

LN_EDIT_DFLT Loan Edit Defaults

LN_EDITDFLT_DTL Loan Edit Defaults

LN_RPT_PKG Loan Report Packages

LN_RPT_LNK02 Loan Report Packages

LN_DL_CHG_XREF Direct Lending Change fields

LN_DL_INST_PARM Loan DL Inst Change Hold/Susp

LN_PN_TYPE_TBL DL Serial Prom Note Table

LN_EDIT_TBL Loan Edits/Messages

LN_AGENCY_DFLT Loan Agency Defaults

SFA_COD_LN_ATTD Attended School Routing ID

SFA_LNDR_SEL Lender Select Setup

SFA_LNDR_DTL Lender Select Detail

SFA_LN_DTL Lender Select Detail

SFA_LN_CNSL_SU2 Loan Item Type

Pell Tables
This table displays rollover options for Pell payment:

Record Name Page Name

PELL_PMT_OPTION Pell Payment Setup

PELL_PMT_CAREER Pell Payment Detail


PELL_COMNT_TBL Pell Comment Codes

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 85

Setting Up Your Financial Aid Awarding Cycle Chapter 2

This table displays rollover options for PROFILE:

Record Name Page Name

INAS_IM_ASMPTN INAS Assumption Codes


Shopping Sheet
This table displays rollover options for Shopping Sheet.

Record Name Page Name

SFA_SS_SETUP Group Options & Institution Information

SFA_SS_SETUPCOA Budget Mapping

SFA_SS_SETUPAWD Award Mapping (Award Group Mapping)

SFA_SS_SETUPAW2 Award Mapping (Item Type Inclusion Exceptions)

86 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 3

Setting Up Financial Aid Terms

Understanding Financial Aid Terms

A financial aid term is a combination of a period of time that your school determines as an instructional
accounting period and an academic career. Your institution defines the financial aid terms during the setup
process. Because some institutions might not offer financial aid for all of their academic terms, only the
terms eligible for financial aid are set up for each financial aid career. For example, if your institution
does not offer financial aid for an intersession term, you would not set up the intersession term as a valid
term for a career. To receive financial aid, a student must be enrolled in a valid program leading to a
degree or certificate and must meet satisfactory academic progress standards.

Financial Aid enables you to maintain actual or projected enrollment data for a specific financial aid
term for a student. Because PeopleSoft Campus Solutions also allows concurrent term enrollments in
different academic careers and academic programs, the information maintained using the financial aid
term is then used to determine a student's financial aid load, level, budget, and award. A financial aid term
record is built for only one combination of career and program. If students are enrolled in multiple careers
or programs, then career primacy information is used to determine which combination of career and
program information is built in the financial aid term. The FA Term Other Units page displays units taken
for the other career or program. Use the FA Term component to provide student term data for financial
aid processing. The system tracks academic detail for each financial aid applicant on the financial aid
term table. This information includes the student's career, primary program, academic plan, enrollment,
academic level and standing, and financial aid standing. The financial aid office uses this data to validate
a student's eligibility to receive aid, to establish a student's budget, and to proceed toward the Awarding

Many downstream financial aid processes, such as building student budgets, awarding students,
originating student loans, requesting Pell funds, and disbursing aid to students, depend on having the
financial aid term information built. Financial aid terms can be built with specific enrollment data or with
projected data. Enrollment data is the enrollment statistics for a specific term from PeopleSoft Student
Records. Projected data is projected statistics that come from many of the academic setup tables, such
as the Level/Load Rules component, the Session Table page, the Academic Career Table component,
and the Academic Program Table component. You must understand these tables and be familiar with the
information that they contain to ensure the proper use and building of the financial aid terms.

The information that you enter on the FA Term Setup page determines whether the financial aid terms can
be built using only enrollment data or changes to enrollment data (updates), or whether they can be built
using projected data in addition to enrollment data (updates and projections). To provide an additional
control on what type of data to use when building the financial aid terms, you can direct the financial aid
term build process to use either updates and projections or updates only.

Defining the Parameters for Creating Financial Aid Terms

To set up financial aid terms, use the Set Up Financial Aid Term component (FA_TERM_SETUP).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 87

Setting Up Financial Aid Terms Chapter 3

You identify the terms that you want the financial aid term process to build for a student. Because your
institution might not offer financial aid for all of its academic terms, you must specify which academic
terms are also financial aid terms on the Valid Terms for Career page.

This section discusses how to set up financial aid terms.

Page Used to Define the Parameters for Creating Financial Aid Terms
Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Term Setup RUN_CNTL_FATRMP Set Up SACR > Product Establish the processing rules
Related > Financial Aid for building financial aid
Term > Setup Financial Aid terms for academic careers.
Term > FA Term Setup

Setting Up Financial Aid Terms

Access the FA Term Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid Term > Setup
Financial Aid Term > FA Term Setup).

Image: FA Term Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Term Setup page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Enter a row for every academic career that you assign.

Select Select the check box to the left of each term to use in the
automatic financial aid term build process when building terms
in projection.

Term Displays all of the terms that you associated with this
combination of aid year and academic career on the Valid Terms
for Careers page. If you do not select a term on this page, no
FA Term information is built for the term when building terms
in projection. If enrollment data exists for a term, that term
is always built, even if the term is not selected on this page.

88 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 3 Setting Up Financial Aid Terms

During packaging, if your disbursement plan covers a term that

does not have FA Term information, the system generates an
error during the validation process.

Session Displays the default session, such as a regular academic session

or an Open Entry or Open Exit session, as established on the
Session Table page in the Term/Session Table component. If
your institution has more than one session for a term, this page
displays only the default session.

Weeks of Instruction Displays the number of weeks of instruction for the default
session, established on the Session Table page in the Term/
Session Table component.

Census Dt (census date) Displays the date used to capture the student's enrollment for the
term, established in the Census Date field on the Session Table
page in the Term/Session Table component. If no FA census date
is defined for the term on the FA Term Setup page, the financial
aid term build process uses this census date to determine when
to stop building terms with projected data and when to discard
all terms built with projected data.

FA Census Dt (financial aid census To stop building terms with projected data, and to discard all
date) terms built with projected data after a certain date in the term,
enter that date in this field. The term can no longer be built as
a projection after the date that you enter in this field, and any
projections for that term become inactive.

Lock This lock is for census date activation. Select this check box
to lock certain student enrollment fields as of either the census
date or the financial aid census date. If both dates exist, the
financial aid census date is used. If you run the financial aid
term build process on or after the census date, the system does
not change the data in these fields. You can override this lock at
the student level on the financial aid term component. The fields
that are locked are FA_LOAD (Financial Aid Load field on the
Acad Level page) and UNT_TAKEN_FA (Taken field in the
Term column on the Statistics page) on the FA Term table. The
BUDGET_REQUIRED field (on the Financial Aid Info page) is
changed to No Assign after the census date.

If the term has no census date or financial aid census date, this
check box has no effect. If the check box next to the term is
cleared, then the Lock check box has no effect, even if it is

Setting Up Cost Codes

This section discusses how to define cost codes.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 89

Setting Up Financial Aid Terms Chapter 3

Pages Used to Set Up Cost Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Cost Code Setup CAN_COST_CODE Set Up SACR > Product Define cost codes and the
Related > Financial Aid > number of financial aid weeks
Canadian Application for each combination of
Processing > CNAS Cost institution, aid year, career,
Code > Cost Code Setup academic program, loan year,
and term.

Copy Cost Code COST_CODE_COPY_SEC Click the Copy Cost Code Copy cost codes from a
button on the Cost Code Setup previous aid year or another
page. career for the current aid year
and career that you are setting

Defining Cost Codes

Access the Cost Code Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Canadian
Application Processing > CNAS Cost Code > Cost Code Setup).

Image: Cost Code Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cost Code Setup page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Canadian institutions use cost codes to report financial aid calendars, length of financial aid award
periods, and cost of attendance information to the Canada Student Loan program. The FA Term build
process uses this information to determine the student's cost code and financial aid number of weeks and
then populates the new fields on the student FA Term page.

Academic Program Select an academic program for which you want to define a cost

Loan Year Select a year in school to associate with the academic program
for the cost code. Values are:

0: First Year, Never Attended

1: First Year, Previously Attended

2: 2nd Year

3: 3rd Year

90 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 3 Setting Up Financial Aid Terms

4: 4th Year

5: 5th Year

A: 1st Year Graduate

B: 2nd Year Graduate

C: 3rd Year Graduate

D: 4th Year or more Graduate

G: Graduate/Professional

FA Weeks (financial aid weeks) Enter the number of weeks in the term for financial aid
purposes. The number of weeks for financial aid can be different
from the number of weeks in the term.

Start Date and End Date Enter the dates that the instructional period begins and ends for
financial aid purposes. This field is populated by default with
the term start date and term end date from the Term/Session
Table component. The start and end dates for financial aid can
be different from the start and end dates of the term.

Cost Code Enter the cost code to associate with this combination of career,
program, and year in school.

Regulated Program Indicate whether the program is regulated by Ontario Student

Assistance Program (OSAP). Regulated programs might be
subject to tuition and fee caps and therefore handled differently
in the Ontario Student Loan (OSL) assessment of a student's
contribution and need. Values are:

N: Nonregulated program

R: Regulated program

Copy Cost Code Click to access the Copy Cost Code page and copy the list of
cost codes from an established combination of institution, aid,
year, and career to the current combination that you are setting

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Setting Up Financial Aid Terms Chapter 3

92 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4

Setting Up Student Budgets

Understanding Student Budgets Setup

At the beginning of the aid-processing year, you create budgets that detail the cost of attendance (COA)
for each term a student is enrolled. The COA is an estimate of a student's educational expenses for the
period of enrollment. The budget helps establish a student's need (COA minus the student's expected
family contribution), which permits the financial aid office to award need-based aid.

This section discusses:

• Budget components.

• Budget assignment formulas.

Budget Components
To create budgets, you first create budget categories—budget components such as tuition, housing, books,
transportation, and fees. Then you create individual budget items within each category. Budget items have
different budget amounts to account for different student needs. For example, within the housing budget
category, you might have budget items for students living with parents or relatives, living on campus, and
living off campus. The amount for each item might differ depending on whether the student is enrolled
part time or full time. After you define budget items, you define criteria for determining which budget
item within a budget category a student is assigned using budget formulas and budget trees.

After defining budget components, you can create predefined budgets to suit groups of similar students,
such as undergraduate freshmen or married graduate students. These predefined budgets are budget
groups and they can be detailed or generic. Detailed budget groups permit you to assign budgets to
students by using predefined budget categories, budget items, and budget amounts. Alternatively, generic
budget groups permit you to have the system determine the student's budget by using predefined budget
categories along with budget formulas and budget assignment controls. When you use generic budget
groups, the system assigns budget amounts to the student by invoking budget formulas tied to budget
categories and determining which criteria the student meets. You can use generic budget groups when
creating students' budgets either in batch or online.

To create student budgets in batch or online for an individual student, the system can use either
the same rules as in batch or the predefined budget groups. In the Assign Budgets component
(BUDGET_ASSIGNMENT), establish the career and term of a budget, and then list the budget categories
that should be assigned to students for each term. If you define generic budget groups, you can use
a generic budget group to assign categories instead of adding budget categories individually. For
background processing only, define the budget run control, which selects the careers and terms for which
to assign budgets, as well as work table maintenance options.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 93

Setting Up Student Budgets Chapter 4

Budget Assignment Formulas

Budget formulas and trees provide criteria for selecting which students receive a particular budget item.
If you do not define a budget formula or tree for a budget item, students do not receive that budget item
unless you assign it manually. Budget formula selection criteria are based on the values from selected
database fields. Housing formulas, for example, could calculate various housing amounts for on-campus,
off-campus, parent-supplied, and married housing.

Define a budget formula for all budget items that do not vary based on postal code (distance). To select
budget items based on distance (such as transportation costs), use a budget tree.

Defining Budget Components

To set up budget components, use the Budget Categories (BUDGET_CATG_TBL), Budget Items
(BUDGET_ITEM_TABLE), Budget Formulas (BUDGET_FORMULA), and Budget Trees
(BUDGET_TREE_TBL) components. Use the BUDGET_ITEM_TABLE component interface to load the
data into the tables for this component interface.

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

• Define budget categories.

• Define budget items.

• Define budget formulas.

• Define budget formula groups.

• Define budget assignment trees.

Common Elements Used in This Section

Formula Number Displays a system-generated number assigned to each formula
that you add. Each effective-dated row has a separate sequence
of formula numbers.

Processing Order This order ranks each budget item relative to the other items
within the budget category. The system evaluates the budget
items against the student's record and assigns budget items in
the order defined by this rank.

Amount Displays the budget amount for the selected budget item code.

94 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4 Setting Up Student Budgets

Pages Used to Define Budget Components

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Create Budget Categories BUDGET_CATG_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define the various
Related > Financial Aid > components of your
Budgets > Budget Categories institutional budget, such
as tuition, books, and

Copy Budget Category Data BUDGET_CATG_COPY Click the Copy Setup Data Copy setup data on the Create
button on the Create Budget Budget Categories page from
Categories page. one combination of academic
institution and aid year to

Create Budget Items BUDGET_ITEM_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Define budget items, term
Related > Financial Aid > amounts, and Pell annual
Budgets > Budget Items > amounts assigned to a student
Create Budget Items for each budget category.

Copy Budget Item Data BUDGET_ITEM_COPY Click the Copy Setup Data Copy information on the
button on the Create Budget Create Budget Items page
Items page. from one combination of
academic institution, aid year,
and budget item category to

Budget Formula BUDGET_FORMULA Set Up SACR > Product Create formulas that define
Related > Financial eligible students for a budget
Aid > Budgets > Budget item.
Formulas > Budget Formula

Copy Budget Formula Data BDGT_FORM_COPY Click the Copy Setup Data Copy setup data on the
button on the Budget Formula Budget Formula page from
page. one academic institution, aid
year, and budget category
combination to another.

Budget Formula Groups BUDGET_FORMULA_GRP Set Up SACR > Product Designate the student groups
Related > Financial applicable to the formula in
Aid > Budgets > Budget progress. For example, you
Formulas > Budget Formula can have special awarding
Groups considerations for your
student athletes who are also
honor students.

Create Budget Trees BUDGET_TREE_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Assign a particular detailed
Related > Financial Aid > value, or tree node, to a
Budgets > Budget Trees > budget item.
Create Budget Trees

Defining Budget Categories

Access the Create Budget Categories page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Budgets > Budget Categories).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 95

Setting Up Student Budgets Chapter 4

Image: Create Budget Categories page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Budget Categories page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Category Enter a four-character code for each budget component. All

academic careers share budget categories.

You must create a tuition budget category called TUIT to

select the Match Fees check box on the Disbursement Rules:
Global - Indicators page. When you select this check box, the
authorization process automatically checks for the amount of
tuition using the TUIT budget category.

Item Class The system calculates the federal COA and institutional COA
(optional) by totaling the budget categories—and, therefore,
budget items—designated for each COA. A budget category's
item class designates whether the budget category contributes
to the federal and institutional COA or contributes only to
the institutional COA. The federal COA is the sum of budget
amounts for budget categories designated as Federal. The
institutional COA is the sum of budget amounts for budget
categories designated as either Federal or Institutional. For
example, books are a federal budget category and count towards
both the federal COA and institutional COA, while a computer
is an institutional budget category and counts only towards the
institutional COA. Leave this field blank if the budget category
does not contribute to either the federal or institutional COA.

Pell Category This field is available only for budget categories with an item
class of Federal. The Pell category associates this budget
category (and the category's budget items) with the Pell budget

96 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4 Setting Up Student Budgets

(Pell Annual COA), the Pell Less Than Half-Time budget (Pell
LTHT Annual COA), and Alternate Pell budget (Alternate Pell
Annual COA). If a budget category does not count toward the
Pell budget, Pell LTHT budget, or Alternate Pell budget, leave
this field blank. Otherwise, select from the following:

Books: Designates the cost of books. Budget items with this

Pell category are included in the Pell COA and Pell LTHT COA

Child Care: Designates dependent child care costs. Budget

items with this Pell category are included in the Pell COA
and Pell LTHT COA (if allowed), and the Alternate Pell COA

Disability: Designates disability-related costs for a student.

Budget items with this Pell category are included in the Pell
COA calculation and Alternate Pell COA calculation.

Fees: Designates a fee charged by the institution. Budget items

with this Pell category are included in the Pell COA and Pell
LTHT COA calculation.

Housing: Designates housing costs. Budget items with this Pell

category are included in the Pell COA calculation.

Loan Fees: Designates estimated loan fee costs if the student

receives loans. Budget items with this Pell category are included
in the Pell COA calculation.

Personal: Designates an estimated amount for miscellaneous

personal costs. Budget items with this Pell category are included
in the Pell COA calculation.

Transport: Designates transport costs. Budget items with this

Pell category are included in the Pell COA and Pell LTHT COA

Tuition: Designates tuition costs only (does not include student

activity fees and other types of fees). Budget items with this
Pell category are included in the Pell COA and Pell LTHT COA
calculation and the Alternate Pell COA calculation.

Note: If your institution charges fees in lieu of tuition or charges

enrollment-based fees in addition to tuition charges, assign these
tuition fees a Pell category of Tuition. The alternate Pell cost of
attendance is calculated by summing the budget items with Pell
categories of Tuition, Child Care, and Disability.

Copy Setup Data Click to access the Copy Budget Category Data page, from
which you can copy the information from one combination of
academic institution and aid year to another.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 97

Setting Up Student Budgets Chapter 4

Related Links
Awarding Pell Grants

Defining Budget Items

Access the Create Budget Items page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Budgets >
Budget Items > Create Budget Items).

Image: Create Budget Items page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Budget Items page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

You can have multiple budget items for each category. If the budget amounts within a category differ
depending on the type of term, you must create a separate budget item for each term.

Budget Item Code Enter a code to identify budget items within a category. For
example, the Housing budget category could have separate
budget items for students living on campus, off campus, with
parents, and in married student housing.

Budget Item Amount Enter the amount per term for this budget item. Financial aid
budgets, except for Pell budgets, are term-specific, so each
budget item should reflect the term amount for that budget item.

Budget Multiplier Select to multiply the budget item amount by a student's value
for a particular field. Then select a field from the available list.
The system takes the budget item amount and multiplies it by
the value of the budget multiplier field. The available budget
multiplier fields are:




98 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4 Setting Up Student Budgets









Use the budget multiplier to build budget items on a per unit

or per week basis. For example, if you charge tuition based
on the number of units that a student takes, you can enter the
per unit amount as the budget item amount. Then select the
Budget Multiplier check box and select a field that represents
units (options include FA units taken, units anticipated, units in
progress, and current units).

The budget multiplier can also reduce the budget item amount
for students who are not taking a full load or who receive a
refund. Because these field values are a percentage, they can
reduce the budget item amount. For example, to adjust a books
budget item based on the student's course load, you select the
Budget Multiplier check box and select COURSE_LD_PCT
as the multiplier. Full-time students would receive 100 percent
of the budget item amount, three-quarter-time students would
receive 75 percent, and so on.

Pell Annual Amount Available only for budget categories assigned to a Pell category
on the Create Budget Categories page. Enter the annual—not
term—Pell budget for this item.

The budget multiplier does not affect the Pell annual amount.

Note: Because graduate students are not eligible for Pell Grants,
leave this field blank for graduate students.

Pell Less Half Annual Amount Available only for budget categories assigned to a Pell category
on the Create Budget Categories page. Enter the annual—not
term—Pell budget for this item. Displays the Pell amount for
less than half-time enrollment.

Copy Setup Data Click to access the Copy Budget Item Data page and copy the
information on this page from one combination of academic
institution, aid year, and budget item category to another.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 99

Setting Up Student Budgets Chapter 4

Defining Budget Formulas

Access the Budget Formula page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Budgets > Budget
Formulas > Budget Formula.

Image: Budget Formula page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Budget Formula page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Effective Date
The Effective Date field on this page dictates which effective-dated translate table to use when retrieving
valid values for each Field Name used in the Formula Definition. For example, the U.S. Department of
Education changed the Housing Code value for the 2009-2010 aid year as follows: 2 is With Parent and 3
is Off Campus. To accommodate this change, the Effective Date field on the Housing Type translate table
was changed to 31–Oct-2009.

Note: Always review Budget formulas when valid field values are updated. A new effective-dated row
may be necessary to use the proper field values.

Formula Detail
Budget Item Code Select the budget item for which you are defining a formula.

Budget Multiplier Selected if you selected it on the Create Budget Items page. The
multiplier field that you selected also appears.

Copy Setup Data Click to access the Copy Budget Formula Data page and copy
setup data on the Budget Formula page from one academic
institution, aid year, and budget category combination to

100 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4 Setting Up Student Budgets

Formula Definition
Create a budget formula to define a student's eligibility for this item. For example, if the student must be
an undergraduate, the field name would be ACAD_CAREER, the operation would be = (equals), and the
field value would be UGRD.

Field Name A set of predefined fields that enable you to compose selection
criteria to assign budget items. The Values for Field Name
subtopic lists the available values.

Note: If you select STDNT_GROUP as the field name, use

the Budget Formula Groups page to specify field values and
operations for the STDNT_GROUP criteria.

Operation Indicates the relationship between the field name and its field
value used to select students. The Available Operations subtopic
describes the functions of the available values.

Field Value Select a field value that indicates the required value of the field
from Field Name. The system displays only field values related
to the selected field name.

AND/OR Select an AND/OR connector to indicate that other field names,

statements, or criteria must be included in this formula. For
example, a student must be an undergraduate AND have full
time enrollment for a book allowance; the graduate student must
be a graduate AND be enrolled in fall OR spring terms to be
eligible for a study trip allowance. If you create conditional
statements, the system processes only simple OR statements.
Each conditional statement must be mutually exclusive.

Note: Do not select an AND/OR connector in the last row of

your formula.

Values for Field Name

This table lists all available field names from which you compose selection criteria to assign budget items.

Select only field names that are valid for the particular aid year.

Budget Formula Field Names






Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 101

Setting Up Student Budgets Chapter 4

Budget Formula Field Names























Available Operations
This table describes the operations that are available to establish the relationship between the field name
and its field value used to select students.

102 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4 Setting Up Student Budgets

Operation Description

< Less than

<= Less than or equal to

<> Not equal to

= Equal

> Greater than

>= Greater than or equal to

BLK Is blank

LIK Like

Defining Budget Formula Groups

Access the Budget Formula Groups page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Budgets > Budget Formulas > Budget Formula Groups).

Image: Budget Formula Groups page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Budget Formula Groups page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page only if you indicate the field name STDNT_GROUP within the Formula Definition group
box on the Budget Formula page.

Operation Enter the relationship between the student group and its value.

Field Value Enter the value for the student group.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 103

Setting Up Student Budgets Chapter 4

AND/OR Select an AND/OR connector to include more than one student

group in the criteria statement. For example, the student must
be an athlete AND an honor student. Do not select an AND/OR
connector in the last row of your formula.

Related Links
"Managing Student Groups" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student Records)

Defining Budget Assignment Trees

Access the Create Budget Trees page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Budgets >
Budget Trees > Create Budget Trees).

Image: Create Budget Trees page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Budget Trees page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Financial Aid delivers a tree that contains all of the postal codes in the United States, which you can use
to assign budget amounts based on geographic distance to your institution.

Important! The FA_ZIPCODE_REGION Budget Tree is delivered with the system. Changing the
delivered tree or adding a budget tree requires code changes to accommodate a new tree name and
ongoing system support. To create an institution-specific tree without making coding changes, use the
same name as the delivered tree.

Budget Item Code Select the budget item for which you are using a tree to
determine the student's eligibility.

Field Name Enter the field name against which to compare tree values. The
default value is Postal, which indicates that postal codes in the
tree should be compared against the student's postal code.

Operator Select Within or Not Within to have the system look within or
outside of the field name, in or out of the postal code in this
example. For example, you assign 400.00 USD to students

104 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4 Setting Up Student Budgets

whose postal region is within Region 2. Then, you assign 600.00

USD to all students whose postal region is not within Region 2.

Tree Name and Tree Node Displays the name and node of the tree being used to determine
whether the student should be assigned this budget amount. The
default tree is FA_ZIPCODE_REGION.

Creating Budget Groups

To set up budget groups, use the Budget Groups component (BUDGET_GROUP_TABLE). Use the
BUDGET_GROUP_TABLE_CI component interface to load the data into the tables for these component

Budget groups define a budget for groups of similar students, such as undergraduate freshmen, out-of-
state residents, or married graduate students. You can use a budget group to assign a term budget online to
a single student quickly. For example, you can create a budget group for undergraduate in-state residents
for the 2005 spring term. Then you can create a term budget for spring 2005 using this budget group for a
resident undergraduate student on the Student Budget Maintenance page.

This section discusses how to:

• Define detailed budget groups.

• Define generic budget groups.

Pages Used to Create Budget Groups

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Create Budget Group BUDGET_GROUP_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Group budget items and
Related > Financial Aid > associate the budget group
Budgets > Budget Groups > with selected students within
Create Budget Group a specific aid year, career, and

Copy Budget Group Data BDGT_GROUP_COPY Click the Copy Setup Data Copy setup data on the Create
button on the Create Budget Budget Group page from one
Group page. budget group code, academic
institution, aid year, academic
career, and term combination
to another.

Defining Detailed Budget Groups

Access the Create Budget Group page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Budgets >
Budget Groups > Create Budget Group).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 105

Setting Up Student Budgets Chapter 4

Image: Create Budget Group page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Budget Group page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Cost of Attendance (Term)

The values in this group box change when you add or subtract budget items or alter budget item amounts.

Inst COA (institutional cost of Displays the sum of all budget items assigned to this budget
attendance) group that have an item class of Federal or Institutional.
The Packaging routine uses this COA during awarding if
you designate institutional methodology as the packaging
methodology at the financial aid item type level.

Fed COA (federal cost of attendance) Displays the sum of all budget items assigned to this budget
group that have an item class of Federal. The Packaging
routine uses this COA during awarding if you designate federal
methodology as the packaging methodology at the financial aid
item type level.

Pell COA (Pell cost of attendance) Displays the sum of all Pell amounts from the budget items
assigned to this budget group. The Packaging routine uses this
COA when awarding Pell Grants.

Pell LTHT (Pell less than half-time) Displays the sum of all Pell amounts from the budget items
assigned to this budget group. The Packaging routine uses this
COA when awarding Pell Grants for students enrolled less than

Other Page Elements

Category and Item Code Select the budget category and item code to assign to this group.

106 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4 Setting Up Student Budgets

Amount Displays the appropriate budget item amount. You can override
this amount for this budget group only. This is a per term

Pell Amount Displays the appropriate budget item amount for the Pell
budget. You can override this amount for this budget group only.
This is an annual amount.

LHT Pell Amount (less than half-time Displays the less than half-time Pell amount.
Pell amount)

Currency Displays the correct currency type for the Amount and Pell
Amount fields. You can change the currency.

Item Class Indicates whether the budget category contributes to the federal
and institutional COA or contributes only to the institutional

Copy Setup Data Click to access the Copy Budget Group Data page, and copy the
setup data on this page from one budget group code, academic
institution, aid year, academic career, and term combination to

Defining Generic Budget Groups

Access the Create Budget Group page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Budgets >
Budget Groups > Create Budget Group).

If you plan to use background budget assignment, you can create a generic budget group code without
specifying categories, item types, or amounts. This budget group code acts as a template during
background budget assignment. Based on the budget formulas for which the student qualifies and the
budget assignment table, the system automatically builds a budget for the student.

To create a generic budget group:

1. Add a new budget group code.

2. Enter a description and short description.

You do not have to populate the fields in the grid. You can leave them blank and save the record.

Preparing for Background Budget Assignment

After you establish your institution's budget categories, budget items, budget formulas and trees, and
budget groups, you must complete three more steps before you can use online or batch background budget
assignment. If you are not going to assign budgets in batch, you do not have to complete these three steps.

To set up background budget assignment, use the Budget Assignment (BUDGET_ASSIGNMENT) and
Budget Assignment Run Control (BUDGET_ASGN_RUNCTL) components.

This section discusses how to:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 107

Setting Up Student Budgets Chapter 4

1. Specify careers.

Specify the careers for which you want to assign budgets.

2. Assign automated budget categories.

List the budget categories that should be used to create a term budget for each term.

3. Create budget assignment run controls.

Specify the academic careers and terms to which you want to assign budgets during background
budget assignment.

Related Links
Assigning Budgets in Batch
Assigning Budgets Online

Pages Used to Prepare for Background Budget Assignment

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Assign Career BUDGET_CONTROL Set Up SACR > Product Specify a career for which
Related > Financial you want to assign budgets
Aid > Budgets > Budget during background budget
Assignment > Assign Career assignment by establishing
an effective-dated row for
the career. You must add
additional careers from the
search page.

Assign Budget Category BUDGET_ASSIGN_CATG Set Up SACR > Product Assign budget categories to
Related > Financial each term that is valid for the
Aid > Budgets > Budget combination of career, aid
Assignment > Assign Budget year, and academic institution.

Create Budget Run Controls BUDGET_ASGN_RUNCTL Set Up SACR > Product Select which careers
Related > Financial and terms to use when
Aid > Budgets > Budget running background budget
Assignment Run Control > assignment.
Create Budget Run Controls

Specifying Careers
Access the Assign Career page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Budgets > Budget
Assignment > Assign Career).

108 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4 Setting Up Student Budgets

Image: Assign Career page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign Career page.

Establish an effective-dated row for each combination of career, aid year, and academic institution to
which you want to assign budgets using the Student Budget Assign process (FAPBDGTS).

Assigning Automated Budget Categories

Access the Assign Budget Category page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Budgets > Budget Assignment > Assign Budget Category).

Image: Assign Budget Category page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign Budget Category page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

If you have not set up generic budget groups to use with background processing, you must list each
budget category individually. During background budget assignment, the system assigns the appropriate

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Setting Up Student Budgets Chapter 4

budget item and amount to each student using the budget formulas or trees that you set up for each budget

Bdgt Group (budget group) If you have established generic budget groups for batch budget
processing, enter the budget group code. The page automatically
displays the budget categories that you assigned to this budget

Category Enter the budget category to assign to the selected term's budget.
Make sure that the category is valid for the selected term. For
example, a summer term might not include housing costs, while
a fall term includes housing costs.

Error Type Select the action to take when the system encounters an error in
assigning a value to a student for this budget category. Values

None: The system does not take any action when it encounters
an error.

Skip: The system skips the record for which it encountered the
error and does not assign a value to that record.

Stop: The system stops all processing when it encounters an


Warning: The system warns you of the error but continues

processing. No budget item is assigned to the student for the
budget category for which the system encountered the error. The
student receives a zero dollar amount for that budget category
and a warning that the student failed the budget assignment
criteria for that budget category.

For example, you might assign the child care budget category
a skip error type because not all students are parents and,
therefore, would not be eligible for a dependent child care
allowance. You might assign the fees budget category a stop
type because all students need to have a particular fee amount in
their budgets. You might assign a warning for the books budget
category based on the student's career. If the career does not
match the book criteria defined in the budget assignment setup,
the system does not assign a book budget item and displays
a warning. You can then reevaluate the assignment criteria to
ensure correct definition.

Processing Rule Select whether a formula, tree, or other assigned possibilities—

such as tuition calculations—determine the amount assigned to
the student for this budget category. Values are:

Formula: The system uses a budget formula to determine the

budget item amount assigned to the student.

Tree: The system uses a budget tree to determine the budget

item amount assigned to the student. When you select this

110 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4 Setting Up Student Budgets

option, a Name field appears and displays the name of the tree
used to define the budget category.

Tuition: The system calculates the student's tuition budget item

amount by running the Tuition Calculation routine. The Tuition
Calculation routine can be run either by Student Financials or
Financial Aid; the Use Actual/Projected Tuition check box on
the Create Budget Run Controls page specifies which Tuition
Calculation routine to use.

Name Displays the name of the tree used to determine which budget
item is assigned to a student. This field appears only when you
select Tree as the processing rule.

Description You can edit the default description to specify how the rule is
used. This can be different from the description on the Create
Budget Categories page. For example, the book budget category
might have a description of Books on the Create Budget
Categories page, but be listed as Book Allowance Fall 2002 on
this page.

Comments The default value is the budget category description, but you
can edit the description to provide more information about the
processing of this budget category.

Use the top set of scroll arrows to view rows with different effective dates. Use the middle set of scroll
arrows to view different terms. Use the bottom set of scroll arrows to view additional budget categories
for a specific term and budget group combination.

Creating Budget Assignment Run Controls

Access the Create Budget Run Controls page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Budgets > Budget Assignment Run Control > Create Budget Run Controls).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 111

Setting Up Student Budgets Chapter 4

Image: Create Budget Run Controls page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Budget Run Controls page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define each combination of career and term in its own row.

Career Select the career of the students for which the system assigns
budgets when you run the Student Budget Assign process
(FAPBDGTS). To include another career, insert another row.

Term Select the term for which the system assigns budgets when you
run the Student Budget Assign (FAPBDGTS) process. To run
the process for multiple terms for a career, insert another row.

Use Actual/Projected Tuition Select to use the tuition value that the tuition calculation in
Student Financials generates based on tuition group rules that
incorporate Student Records data. If Student Financials has not
yet calculated tuition for this term and this check box is selected,
the tuition returned is 0.00 USD.

If the check box is cleared, then Financial Aid calculates the

student's tuition based on rules established in Student Financials
for financial aid tuition groups. The tuition amount calculated
by Financial Aid is only an estimated tuition amount.

Delete and Status Select to have the system delete records in the work table
according to the status that you select. The Status field appears
when you select this check box. Values for the Status field are:

A—Delete All: The system deletes all records in the work table.

E—Those with Errors: The system deletes only the records in

the work table that have errors.

I—Those in Progress: The system deletes the records in the

work table that are still in progress. These are records that the

112 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4 Setting Up Student Budgets

system has not moved to the student's budget tables and is still

Reset and Status Select to have the system reset the Budget Required field on
the Financial Aid Info page. The Status and Value fields appear
when you select this check box. Values for the Status field are:

A—Reset All: The system resets the Budget Required field for
all records in the work table.

E—Those with Errors: The system resets the Budget Required

field only for the records in the work table that have errors.

I—Those in Progress: The system resets the Budget Required

field on FA Term for the records in the work table that are still
in progress. These are records that the system has not moved to
the student's budget tables and is still processing.

Value Appears when you select the Reset check box. Specify the value
to set the Budget Required field to on the student's Financial Aid
Term record for each processed term. Values include:

E—Error During Budget Assignment: An error occurred during

the Budget Assignment process.

I—In Progress: Budget assignment is currently in progress for

this student for the given terms.

N—No Budget Assignment: The system sets the student's

Financial Aid Term Budget Required field to this value, and
selects the student the next time that you generate batch budgets.

Y—Yes Assign Budget: The system sets the student's Financial

Aid Term Budget Required field to this value, and selects the
student the next time that you generate batch budgets.

Note: The Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Delete (student budget assignment - delete) process (FAPBDGTD) uses
the options that you define in the Table Maintenance Options group box.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 113

Setting Up Student Budgets Chapter 4

114 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5

Setting Up Packaging Basics

Understanding Packaging Basics

The items covered in Understanding Packaging Basics are the basic items required for all three modes of
packaging (manual, auto, and mass). If your institution is only going to use manual awarding, you only
need to perform setup tasks in Understanding Packaging Basics. If you are going to use Auto Packaging
or Mass Packaging, you must perform the setup tasks outlined in the Setting Up Auto Packaging and
Mass Packaging.

This section lists prerequisites and common elements and discusses:

• Award adjustment reasons.

• Early financial aid offers.

• Awarding versus packaging.

• Financial aid item types.

Related Links
Using Equation Engine in Packaging
Creating Equity Item Type Groups
Creating Related Item Type Groups
Defining Packaging Plans

Before you begin to set up your institution's financial aid item types and your awarding and packaging
rules, you must:

• Set up your institution's installation defaults and other basic elements of the financial aid application
processing cycle (such as aid year and valid careers for aid year).

• Set up your item types for financial aid in PeopleSoft Student Financials—you cannot set up your
financial aid item types until you have set up item types.

• Establish your financial aid terms.

• Review the concepts of tablesets and setIDs.

If you plan to use admissions rating components as criteria for awarding certain awards, you must:

• Have a list of the rating components used by the admissions office at your institution.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 115

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

• Know what the various rating components are used for and what names have been used for them in
PeopleSoft Recruiting and Admissions.

See "Setting up Applicant Evaluation" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Recruiting and

See "Setting Up Student Response" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Recruiting and Admissions).

Before using the Equation Processor you should know what fields are valid for use in equations and
what their names are. A list of valid fields can be found in the "Using the Equation Processor" section.
Packaging equations are used for queries and selections from the database and to calculate values.

See Viewing and Editing Equations.

Common Element Used in Packaging Basics

Copy Used to access a page where you can copy data you have
already entered into something new you are creating. For
example, you can copy information from one financial aid year
to another aid year or from one career to another career within
the same aid year.

Award Adjustment Reasons

Financial aid counselors use award adjustment reasons to document why they made a change to the
student's award. Award adjustment reasons are available for you to edit, add to, or delete. Award
adjustment reasons are required by the Professional Judgement page, and they can also enhance your
ability to track patterns in awarding.

Early Financial Aid Offers

If you plan to offer early financial aid awards, and you want to use broad categories of aid instead of
specific awards, you must set up these broad categories from which a student could be awarded early
financial aid. For instance, you can create categories for scholarships, loans, grants, and work-study.
When you actually create an early financial aid offer, you use these categories instead of financial aid item

Awarding versus Packaging

A note about terminology: Awarding and packaging are terms that are often used interchangeably. In this
book, awarding is used to mean the activity of choosing one financial aid award at a time for a student.
Packaging is used to refer to a process in which many awards are given to a student at one time to make a
financial aid award package.

Financial Aid Item Types

Financial aid item types are selected item types that your institution has assigned to the funds awarded as
financial aid. The item type is used to map the financial aid award transaction to the appropriate general
ledger account during the general ledger process. The way item types are classified governs whether they
are considered as financial aid item types.

116 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Setting up your item types for financial aid requires several major steps:

1. Add keywords on the Keywords page to simplify the search for a financial aid item type in a search
dialog box.

Keywords that you might use for your item types include grants, loans, work (for work-study),
scholarship, and merit.

Note: Financial aid and bursar offices should work together to set up your keywords so that a
keyword standard can be defined for your institution.

2. Set up the item types used by financial aid in the Item Types component.

3. Set up financial aid item types.

4. Set up fiscal item types to define the amount of spending money for a particular fund.

Note: Use the same setID for all of your financial aid item types.

Related Links
"Understanding Student Financials General Setup" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student

Defining Packaging Variables

To set up packaging variables, use the Package Rating Components component

This section provides an overview of packaging variables and discusses how to:

• Define package rating components.

• Enter institution-specific variables.

• Populate rating components in batch.

• Populate rating components manually.

• Enter additional packaging variables.

Understanding Packaging Variables

Many fields are already available in Financial Aid, but the Packaging Variables component enables you
to create additional institutionally defined variable fields for use in the Packaging process. You can define
character variables, numeric variables, and yes or no flags. Package rating components are also included
as packaging variables.

Use the package rating components that you define here to define specific student populations for
packaging. For example, you may want to select all students with total SAT I scores over 1000 for a
particular award. This could be done by assigning the SAT I criteria used by Recruiting and Admissions
to one of the package rating components. Then, when defining your population of students for packaging,

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Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

you would include the package rating component that referred to SAT I score in your selection formula.
Package rating components are defined for each career. You must have a different group of package
rating components for each career that utilizes package rating components in packaging plans. Enter the
admissions rating components and GPA types in any order, but keep track of which items you enter for
each package rating component for future reference.

The Rating Component 1 and 2 pages in the Packaging Variables component enable you to enter or to
view package rating component information. Package rating components correspond to admissions rating
components. You can enter package rating component information manually or using a background

To enter package rating component information manually:

1. Select the admissions rating components to use as package rating components in the Package Rating
Components component.

2. Enter the student's values on the Rating Components 1 page or Rating Components 2 page.

To enter package rating component information in batch:

1. Select the admissions rating components to use as package rating components in the Package Rating
Components component.

2. Run the Assign Packaging Rtng Component (assign packaging rating component) process
(FAPKGCMP) on the Assign Packaging Rating Components page.

3. Review values returned by the process on the Rating Components 1 page or Rating Components 2

You can change the field names on these pages by using the Application Designer. For example, if you
use a character variable to represent a student's county of residence, you can change Var Char 1 to County.
If you do not change the field names, make a note of what each variable value represents for future

Pages Used to Define Packaging Variables

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Package Rating Components PKG_RTNGCMP_TABLE1 Set Up SACR > Product Define package rating
1 and Package Rating Related > Financial Aid > components. Select the
Components 2 PKG_RTNGCMP_TABLE2 Awards > Package Rating admissions rating components
Components > Package and the GPA types that
Rating Components 1 you want to be available
and Packaging Rating for packaging equations as
Components 2 package rating components.

User Variables STDNT_VAR_CHAR Financial Aid > Awards > Enter institution-specific
Award Processing > Assign variable values for a student.
Packaging Variables > User

118 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Assign Packaging Rating RUNCTL_FA_PKG_RC Financial Aid > Awards > Populate rating components
Components Award Processing > Assign in batch. Move selected
Packaging Ratings > admissions rating components
Assign Packaging Rating and GPA types and their
Components associated values to the
Package Rating Components
1 and 2 pages.

Rating Component 1 and STDNT_VAR_CMP1_7 Financial Aid > Awards > Populate rating components
Rating Component 2 Award Processing > Assign manually. View or manually
STDNT_VAR_CMP8_14 Packaging Variables > Rating enter the student's particular
Component value associated with each
package rating component.

Additional Variables STDNT_VAR_CA Financial Aid > Awards > Enter values for packaging
Award Processing > Assign variables setup using
Packaging Variables > the Common Attribute
Additional Variables Framework.

Defining Package Rating Components

Access the Package Rating Components 1 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Awards > Package Rating Components > Package Rating Components 1).

Image: Package Rating Components 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Package Rating Components 1 page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Component #1-20 Enter the admissions rating component or GPA type that you
want to use as a package rating component. You can enter
values in any fields in any order.

Note: To select a GPA type, you must first select the SR check
box next to that field.

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Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

SR (student records) Determines what values you can select in the Component field.
Select to have only GPA types available for selection.

Entering Institution-Specific Variables

Access the User Variables page (Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Packaging
Variables > User Variables).

Image: User Variables page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the User Variables page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Var Char 1-10 (character variable) Enter any alphabetic characters such as words, phrases, or

For example, you can use a character variable to define a

particular student interest, such as an interest in psychology,
that helps determine eligibility for a scholarship, such as a
psychology merit scholarship.

Var Num 1-10 (numeric variable) Enter numeric variables to define anything that has a numeric
value such as percentages, integers, or dollar amounts. You can
use numeric variables to define formulated numeric values such
as test scores plus GPA or a raw index of a student's financial
need. If you do not enter a value in numeric variable field, the
zeros remain in the field. The format for this field is numeric.

User Variable Y/N Flag #1-10 Yes/No Flags can be defined for any variable field with a Y or
N value. An example of when you might use a Yes/No Flag is
the Ability To Benefit test. Select the check box to indicate yes.
Clear the check box to indicate no. The value that you enter
should be true for the student whose name appears in the top
portion of the page.

120 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Populating Rating Components in Batch

Access the Assign Packaging Rating Components page (Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing >
Assign Packaging Ratings > Assign Packaging Rating Components).

Image: Assign Packaging Rating Components page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign Packaging Rating Components page. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Process Components From

Select the criteria that you want the system to use when selecting students for processing.

Admissions Rating Components Select this option to use admissions criteria for selecting
students. Use this option if you want the process to select data
from the admissions evaluation area. If you select this option,
you cannot enter any criteria in the Records Criteria group box.

Stdnt Records Special GPA (student Select this option to enter Student Records criteria for selecting
records special grade point average) students. Use this option if you want the process to select
data from the Student Special GPA page in Student Records.
If you select this option, you cannot enter any criteria in the
Admissions Criteria group box.

Both Select this option to enter both admissions and student records
criteria for selecting students. Use this option to have process
select data from both admissions and special GPA data.

Other Page Elements

Overwrite Select to overwrite the previous values entered in the Packaging
Variables Rating Components page for the students included in
this batch.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 121

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Admissions Criteria
Enter the Recruiting and Admissions criteria that the system should use to select students for processing.

Admit Term Students who were admitted during the selected term are
included in the process.

Stdnt Lvl (student level) Students whose student level is equal to or higher than the
selected value are included in the process. The student level
corresponds to where the student is in the admissions process or
indicates that they are an accepted or continuing student.

Evaluation Status Students whose evaluation status matches the selected value
are included in the process. The student's evaluation status is
related to where a student is in the admissions process. You can
select: CM (committee evaluation in progress), FN (final), HD
(on hold), or IP (in progress).

Evaluation Code Students whose evaluation code matches the selected value are
included in the process.

Records Criteria
Enter the Student Records criteria that the system should use to select students for processing.

Term - Student FA Term Select the financial aid term that should be used to select the
student's career, academic program, and academic plan for
comparison against the match criteria.

Term - Student Spcl GPA (term - Select the term from which the process should select the GPA
student special GPA) types and the corresponding GPA value.

Match Level Select Academic Career, Academic Program, Academic Plan or

Academic Sub-Plan as the matching criteria.

Run Run the Assign Packaging Rtng Component (assign packaging

rating component) process (FAPKGCMP) when you are ready
to process students. Run this process periodically so that when
rating components are used, the values are current.

Related Links
"Setting up Applicant Evaluation" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Recruiting and Admissions)
"Setting Up Student Response" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Recruiting and Admissions)

Populating Rating Components Manually

Access the Rating Component 1 page ((Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign
Packaging Variables > Rating Component).

122 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Image: Rating Component 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Rating Component 1 page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The package rating components are divided over two pages, Rating Component 1 page and Rating
Component 2 page, with ten components per page. Package rating components are mapped to Recruiting
and Admissions or Student Records criteria on the Package Rating Components page. If you are
populating the package rating components in batch, run the Assign Packaging Rtng Component (assign
packaging rating component) process (FAPKGCMP) periodically, so that when you use the package
rating components the values are current.

Component # (component number If you have run the Assign Packaging Rating Component
(FAPKGCMP) process, the package rating components set
up on the Package Rating Components 1 and 2 pages are
populated in this field and the student's value for that component
is displayed in the corresponding Value field. Whether or not
you have run the above process, you can select an admissions
rating component and enter the corresponding value manually.

Value # (value number) A numeric field that represents the student's value for the
corresponding package rating component. If you have run the
Assign Packaging Rtng Component (FAPKGCMP) process, this
field is automatically populated but you can change the value. If
you are entering package rating components manually, enter the
correct value.

Entering Additional Packaging Variables

Access the Additional Variables page (Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Packaging
Variables > Additional Variables).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 123

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Image: Additional Variables page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Additional Variables page.

Enter values for packaging variables setup using the Common Attribute Framework.

Note: To be available on this page, Attributes must be associated with the STDNT_PKG_VAR record in
the Common Attribute setup.

See "Associating a Common Attribute to a Record" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus

Defining Disbursement Plans and Split Codes

To set up disbursement plans and split codes, use the Disbursement Plan Table component
(DISBURSE_PLAN_TBL), the Disbursement ID Table component (DISBURSE_ID_TBL), the
Disbursement Split Code component (DISB_SPLIT_CD), and the Disbursement Split Cd Formula
component (DISB_ID_SPLIT).

This section provides an overview of disbursement plans and split codes and discusses how to:

• Create disbursement plans.

• Set up disbursement IDs.

• Set up disbursement split codes.

• Define split code formulas.

Understanding Disbursement Plans and Split Codes

Financial aid funds are awarded to students based on an annual or aid year amount, but you would
rarely deliver these funds to students in one lump sum, unless the student is in attendance for only one
term. Disbursement plans specify when and how much of a particular award to disburse, by term, to the

124 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

student's account in Student Financials. For example, if your institution has two terms, you may disburse
awards once per term or you may disburse multiple times within a term. Disbursement plans are defined
by career, so if you have a law school on semesters and your undergraduates are on quarters, you can
define different disbursement plans for each career.

Before you begin, you must gather all the possible target disbursement dates for the different student
populations that your institution supports. For example, students enrolled in the law school begin classes
10 days prior to all other academic programs. You must also have a good understanding of any special
disbursement patterns a fund may have. For example, you may have an institutional fund that is disbursed
in one lump sum for the year or perhaps disbursed on a monthly basis.

Pages Used to Define Disbursement Plans and Split Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Disbursement Plan DISBURSE_PLAN_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Create disbursement plans,
Related > Financial Aid > by aid year, that you offer for
Awards > Disbursement Plan each career at your institution.
Table > Disbursement Plan Disbursement plans are
high level structural schemes
possible within an academic

Copy Disbursement Plan Data DISB_PLAN_COPY Click the Copy button on the Copy the information on
Disbursement Plan page. the Disbursement Plan page
from one combination of aid
year, career, and academic
institution to another.

Disbursement ID DISBURSE_ID_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Set up disbursement IDs and
Related > Financial Aid > terms for each disbursement
Awards > Disbursement ID that should be associated
Table > Disbursement ID with the disbursement
plan. Disbursement IDs
identify all the possible target
disbursement dates within a
specific period.

Copy Disbursement ID Data DISB_ID_COPY Click the Copy button on the Copy the information on the
Disbursement ID page. Disbursement ID page from
one combination of academic
institution, aid year, academic
career, and disbursement plan
to another.

Disbursement Split Code DISB_SPLIT_CD Set Up SACR > Product Set up disbursement
Related > Financial Aid > split codes, or various
Awards > Disbursement Split disbursement patterns for
Codes > Disbursement Split this disbursement plan.
Code Disbursement split codes
are created to provide a
label to the various patterns
of disbursement IDs. For
example, equal disbursement
across terms, or fall only

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 125

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Copy Split Code Data SPLIT_CODE_COPY Click the Copy button on Copy the information on the
the Disbursement Split Code Disbursement Split Code
page. page from one combination
of academic institution, aid
year, and academic career to

Disbursement Split Formula DISB_ID_SPLIT Set Up SACR > Product Define split code formulas,
Related > Financial Aid > or disbursement percentages
Awards > Disbursement Split for the split codes you created
Cd Formula > Disbursement based on the disbursement
Split Formula split code descriptions—this
setup provides the specific
percentage distribution to
each disbursement ID created
within a disbursement plan.

Copy Split Code Formulas ID_SPLIT_COPY Click the Copy button on the Copy information on the
Disbursement Split Formula Disbursement Split Formula
page. page from one combination
of academic institution, aid
year, and academic career to

Creating Disbursement Plans

Access the Disbursement Plan page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Disbursement Plan Table > Disbursement Plan).

Image: Disbursement Plan page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disbursement Plan page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

126 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Disbursement plans must account for all possible patterns that you use to disburse money to a student.
For example, if your institution supports quarter-based terms, you might have a plan for all three quarters,
fall and spring quarter, fall and winter quarter, winter and spring quarter, and then a plan for each quarter
alone. That way, no matter what the student's attendance pattern is, you have a disbursement plan
defined to match that pattern. Define at least one disbursement plan for each career. For clarity, you may
want to make your disbursement plan code or value consistent across careers. Your disbursement plan
defines the pattern for disbursement of financial aid funds. For example, at a semester-based institution,
disbursements can occur in the fall semester only, the spring semester only, or both semesters. Each of
these patterns would be defined as a separate disbursement plan.

Note: Special consideration is required for loan item types that are processed using the Campus Solution
Loan Processing module. When a loan is originated, the scheduled disbursement amounts and associated
disbursement ID are carried forward to the Campus Solutions Financial Aid Loan Origination process.
All Direct Lending loan item types can support the concept of a disbursement plan and split code
scheme that supports multiple disbursement IDs within a term. COD currently supports up to 20 total
disbursements per loan application for both Stafford and PLUS loans. Some examples:
1. A disbursement plan of two semesters (fall and spring) can be setup to convey a total of 10
disbursement IDs, each term assigned with 5 disbursement IDs. However, the first term defined within the
disbursement plan and split code is not allowed to have a zero percentage defined for the first term.
2. A disbursement plan of three quarters (fall, winter and spring cannot be used to award a winter and
spring DL PLUS loan.
3. To facilitate increases and change processing for a Stafford or PLUS one term direct loan MPN item
types, you should set up and define at least four disbursement IDs for the term.
All non-Direct Lending programs must have disbursement plan and split code schemes that do not
include any zero percentages or zero amounts in any disbursement ID. This includes any alternative
loans processed using the CommonLine file format and process. All non-DL loans with a zero amount
associated with a disbursement ID are rejected during the initial origination process. For example, a
disbursement plan of three quarters (fall, winter, and spring) cannot be used to award a winter and spring
TERI loan.

Plan Enter a two-character code (alphanumeric) for the disbursement

plan. You should use sequential numeric codes (such as 01, 02,
03) rather than skipping numbers (02, 01, 03).

Description Enter descriptions that easily distinguish one plan from another
for easy identification.

30 Day Delay Loan Plan Select to indicate that the associated disbursement plan has a 30-
day delay for the first loan disbursement. A first-time freshman
receiving a loan cannot receive the first disbursement for the
loan until 30 days into the term. You need to establish a separate
disbursement plan for this instance. Review the setup for the 30-
day rule for your institution on the Financial Aid Defaults page.

See Defining Installation Level Defaults.

Setting Up Disbursement IDs

Access the Disbursement ID page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Disbursement ID Table > Disbursement ID).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 127

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Image: Disbursement ID page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disbursement ID page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Disbursement IDs provide all the possible target disbursement dates with a specific disbursement plan.
Disbursement split codes and formulas create the disbursement patterns and distribution percentages to
each applicable disbursement ID. When you run the disbursement and authorization processes to disburse
aid to a student's account, the system reviews a comprehensive set of rules to ensure the eligibility of aid
to a student's account. For example, a federal SEOG award may be targeted to disburse on the first day of
the term; however, aid is not disbursed until a student completes the verification process.

Disbursement ID Enter a two-digit number for each term's disbursement that

occurs in the disbursement plan identified at the top of the
page. The number indicates the aid year sequence for the
disbursements for this plan. For example, you may assign your
fall term an 01 disbursement ID, winter term an 02, and spring
term an 03. The aid year sequence for this disbursement plan
would be 01, then 02, and then 03. Disbursements process in
sequential order within a disbursement plan.

Ensure that if the term includes a nonstandard term, such as

a summer term, the nonstandard term is placed in the correct
sequence. For example, if the disbursement plan includes a
disbursement during the summer term and your institution has
a leading summer term, the disbursement IDs for the summer
term must come before those for terms in the academic award

If your disbursement plan has the 30-Day Delay check box

selected, define a disbursement ID to accommodate this
condition with the appropriate disbursement date.

Term Select the academic term to which this disbursement ID applies.

The system populates the Award Period, Disbursement Date,
and Loan Request Dt (loan request date) fields based on the
selected term when you move out of this field. Verify that the

128 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

term is associated with an award period compatible with the

award periods spanned by the disbursement plan.

Award Period Displays the award period associated with the selected term.
Verify that the term corresponds to the correct award period. To
correct the award period, use the Valid Terms for Career page to
change the term's award period.

Disbursement Date This is the date on which financial aid should be applied to the
student's account. After the term value is entered, the system
defaults a disbursement date of 10 days prior to the term begin
date, which is defined in Student Records on the Term/Session
Table component. You can override this date. If you plan to
disburse more than once a term, the disbursement date for each
disbursement ID needs to correspond to when you want the
disbursements to initially occur. For example, for a monthly
disbursement during the fall term, the first disbursement ID
could use the defaulted date, for example August 15. The next
disbursement ID would have a disbursement date of September
15, the third disbursement ID would have a disbursement date of
October 15, and so on.

Note: Current federal guidelines state that federal financial aid

cannot be disbursed to a student more than 10 days prior to the
first day of the term, and that federal financial aid should be
disbursed separately for each term.

Loan Request Dt (loan request date) Enter the date you are requesting loan funds to be sent from the
lender to your institution. The default loan request date is 13
days prior to the term start date, which is the current federally
defined legal maximum.

Note: The loan request date is carried forward to the Loan

Origination pages where the date can be modified. Care should
be taken to ensure that loan request dates remain in sync.

Setting Up Disbursement Split Codes

Access the Disbursement Split Code page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Awards > Disbursement Split Codes > Disbursement Split Code).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 129

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Image: Disbursement Split Code page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disbursement Split Code page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Disbursement split codes put a label to various disbursement schemes that instruct the system how to
divide an award disbursement amount among terms. For example, if your institution has three terms, you
would want one split code to split disbursements equally among the three terms. You usually have more
than one split code per disbursement plan depending on the business practices of your institution and the
needs of your financial aid office. You define the distribution percentages to these split codes further in
the Disbursement Split Code Formula setup. You can configure all disbursements on a individual award
basis; however, it is better to for you to define most of the schemes in advance.

Split Code Enter a two-character code for the split code you are defining
for this disbursement plan. You can define the split code with
numbers or characters.

Description Enter a description that distinguishes one plan from another for
easy identification. For example, a split code of Two Semesters
could indicate disbursements should be split in two—one for fall
term and one for spring term.

Defining Split Code Formulas

Access the Disbursement Split Formula page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Awards > Disbursement Split Cd Formula > Disbursement Split Formula).

130 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Image: Disbursement Split Formula page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disbursement Split Formula page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Split code formulas define what percentage of the award should be disbursed for each disbursement ID
for each disbursement plan and split code combination. Define the split code formula for each split code
that you have defined for your institution.

Even Split Option Select a value in this field to split the award amount equally
among all terms or equally among all disbursements in a term,
instead of manually splitting the award using percentages. This
field affects how disbursement-protected awards are distributed
when they are modified.

If you select an Even Split Option, you cannot enter any values
in the percentage fields.

See Protecting Disbursements During Awarding.

In the following discussion, term target amount refers to the

total disbursement amount within the term.

• (none): Do not select an even split option if you want

to define percentages for each disbursement instead of
evenly distributing the disbursements. You must enter the
percentage of the total award each disbursement ID should
receive in the Percentage field. The total of all percentages
entered must equal 100.00.

• Even across disbs by Term (even across disbursements by

term): Select this option to evenly distribute an award across
terms. The award is distributed evenly across the number
of terms and evenly across the number of disbursements
within each term. For example, the student's award is 3,000.
00 USD for three terms and there are two Disbursement IDs
per term. The term target amount is 1,000.00 USD for each
term and 500.00 USD for each disbursement ID in the term.

Note: This option can be used when you want to spread Pell
Grant across multiple Disbursement IDs per term.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 131

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

• Even across disbs for One Term (even across disbursements

for one term): Select this option to evenly distribute an
award among all Disbursement IDs in a single term.

• Even among first disb by Term (even among first

disbursement by term): Select this option to evenly
distribute an award among only the first disbursements
of each term within a disbursement plan regardless of the
number of disbursements in the term.. For example, the
student's award is 3,000.00 USD for three terms and there
are two disbursement IDs per term. The term target amount
is 1,000.00 USD for each term and the first disbursement ID
of that term only.

Note: This option is used by Direct Lending loan item types.

This option supports multiple Disbursement IDs per term to
allow for loan increases and award changes for DL Stafford
and DL PLUS MPN processing.

• PELL: User-defined Splits: Select this option to manually

define percentages for each disbursement using the
following parameters:

1. The sum of all percentages entered must total 100.00


2. The sum of the percentages for each term must equal.

If there are an odd number of terms (e.g., 3 terms for a
quarter-based school), a 0.01 percent tolerance is permitted
on percentages carried to the hundredths place (e.g., 33.

3. You are able to specify 0.00 percent for a given Disb ID

as long as the term percentages are equal.

4. Because the percentages across terms must be equal, the

system compares each term's percent to the other terms.
You can, however, exclude terms from this comparison by
selecting the Exclude Term check box. If you do this, the
selected term is not considered when determining if all the
terms' percentages are equal. Select the Exclude Term check
box to prevent a 0.00 percent term from being counted
during the "equal percents" comparison.

When using the PELL: User-defined Splits option for

Pell Grant awarding, the system first determines the term
percentage and uses that as the denominator and uses the
user-defined Disb ID percent as the numerator to determine
the disbursement amount. Then the term award amount is
multiplied by this fraction to determine the award amount
that for that particular Disb ID.

132 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

For example, a two-term, semester-based school results in a

percentage of 50 percent for each term. Assuming an annual
award is 1,000.00 USD, then the term award amount is 500.
00 USD per term. If the institution sets up four Disb IDs per
term as follows:

FALL Disb ID 01 = 15%

FALL Disb ID 02 = 0%

FALL Disb ID 03 = 35%

FALL Disb ID 04 = 0%

SPRING Disb ID 05 = 15%

SPRING Disb ID 06 = 0%

SPRING Disb ID 07 = 35%

SPRING Disb ID 08 = 0%

Then, the system makes the following calculations:

FALL Disb ID 01 = (15/50) * 500.00 = 150.00

FALL Disb ID 02 = (0/50) * 500.00 = 0.00

FALL Disb ID 03 = (35/50) * 500.00 = 350.00

FALL Disb ID 04 = (0/50) * 500.00 = 0.00

SPRING Disb ID 05 = (15/50) * 500.00 = 150.00

SPRING Disb ID 06 = (0/50) * 500.00 = 0.00

SPRING Disb ID 07 = (35/50) * 500.00 = 350.00

SPRING Disb ID 08 = (0/50) * 500.00 = 0.00

Note: Only 0.00 percent terms can be excluded. You cannot

exclude non-zero percent entries.

Note: This option can only be used with Pell Financial Aid
Item types.

Note: When using this option, the Pell award is not returned
as a custom split so that during any subsequent award
validation, these percentages continue to be honored.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 133

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Total Disbursement The sum of the percentages that you have entered. Your
percentages must add up to 100 percent for the entire year.

Percentage This field is not available if you select an even split option.
Select the percentage of the total award you want to disburse for
the given disbursement ID. Your percentages should match the
description of your split codes. For example, for a two-semester
disbursement plan, if your split code is set up for a 40/60 split
between terms, the percentages for each semester would be
40 percent for the fall disbursement ID and 60 percent for the
spring disbursement ID.

Midpoint Select to identify the midpoint date.

This field is available when the Even Split Option is Even

across disbs for One Term and communicates which Disb ID
reflects the midpoint of the term.

Exclude Term Select the Exclude Term check box to prevent a 0.00 percent
term from being counted during the matching process.

Note: This field is available when selecting the Even Split

Option PELL: User-defined Splits.

Comparison of Even Split Option Values

Here's a comparison of four Even Split Options using an annual 1000.00 USD award amount over two
terms (500.00 USD per term) and eight Disbursement IDs (all amounts in USD). The PELL: User-defined
Split option is based on the example in the Even Split Option field description:

Even Split Fall Term Fall Term Fall Term Fall Term Spring Spring Spring Spring
Option 01 02 03 04 Term 05 Term 06 Term 07 Term 08

Even across 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00
Disbs by

Even 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

First Disb
by Term

Even across 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Disb for
One Term

134 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Even Split Fall Term Fall Term Fall Term Fall Term Spring Spring Spring Spring
Option 01 02 03 04 Term 05 Term 06 Term 07 Term 08

PELL: 150.00 0.00 350.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 350.00 0.00


Setting Up Aggregate Aid

To set up aggregate aid, use the Aggregate Level Translation component (AGGR_LVL_XREF), the
Aggregate Programs component (AGGR_PROG_TABLE), the Aggregate Aid Limits component
(AGGR_AID_TBL), the Aggregate Area Translation component (SFA_AGGR_AREA_XREF), and the
Aggregate Area for Institution component (SFA_NSLDS_AGG_INST.

This section provides an overview of aggregate aid and discusses how to:

• Review aggregate levels.

• Establish aggregate programs.

• Create aggregate aid limits.

• Create aggregate area translations.

• Selecting aggregate areas for institutions.

Understanding Aggregate Aid

To ensure that a student does not exceed annual and lifetime limits for certain award programs, it is
critical that the system maintain and assess a complete aid history when determining aid eligibility. The
system provides several setup options and methods to maintain aggregate or history aid to ensure that
eligibility requirements and award limits are followed.

The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) provides an integrated, historical view of all of a
student's Title IV loans and grants during all stages of the awards' life cycles – from aid approval through
disbursement, any overpayments, repayment, delinquency, and closure. To use NSLDS data in the
Awarding and Packaging processes, NSLDS must be loaded, pushed to aggregate aid tables, and the
Packaging process must be directed to use NSLDS as an aggregate source to assess how much aid had
been used towards lifetime limits.

See Using NSLDS Data and Processes.

See Managing Aggregate Aid.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 135

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Pages Used to Set Up Aggregate Aid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Aggregate Level Cross- AGGR_LVL_XREF Set Up SACR > Product Review aggregate levels and
Reference Related > Financial Aid > link the NSLDS Loan Year
Awards > Aggregate Level definitions from the U.S.
Translation > Aggregate Department of Education
Level Cross-Reference with your institution's specific
aggregate level values and
descriptions for aggregate

Aggregate Program AGGR_PROG_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Establish aggregate aid
Related > Financial Aid > program limits for Stafford
Awards > Aggregate programs for both FFELP and
Programs > Aggregate Direct Lending.

Aggregate Aid Limit AGGR_AID_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Create aggregate aid limits
Related > Financial Aid > for annual and aggregate aid
Awards > Aggregate Aid limits to meet your business
Limits > Aggregate Aid processing rules.

Copy Aggregate Aid Limits AGGR_AID_COPY Click the Copy button on the Copy aggregate aid limit
Aggregate Aid Limit page. setup from one aggregate
area/aid year/effective date
combination to another.

Aggregate Area-NSLDS SFA_AGGR_AREA_XREF Set Up SACR > Product Create translations for each
Cross reference Related > Financial Aid > of your aggregate areas to
Awards > Aggregate Area one of the NSLDS aggregate
Translation > Aggregate categories.
Area-NSLDS Cross reference

Aggregate Areas for SFA_NSLDS_AGG_INST Set Up SACR > Product Identify aggregate areas to be
Institution Related > Financial Aid > evaluated for an institution
Awards > Aggregate Area for during the NSLDS Push Data
Institution > Aggregate Areas process.
for Institution

Reviewing Aggregate Levels

Access the Aggregate Level Cross-Reference page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Awards > Aggregate Level Translation > Aggregate Level Cross-Reference).

136 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Image: Aggregate Level Cross-Reference page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aggregate Level Cross-Reference page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system populates this table.

Aggregate Level A two-digit alphanumeric code that you assign to describe

a student's year in school. Use the Description and Short
Description fields to provide a full description of the student's
year in school or aggregate level. To support cumulative
aggregate processing all aggregate levels must conform to a
sequential structure to apply award history balances against
aggregate cumulative limits. If your institution deems it
necessary to introduce a new Aggregate Level than what is
provided, then you must follow the same hierarchical structure
that each level's two-character aggregate level collate in
ascending sequence.

NSLDS Loan Year Select the U.S. Department of Education NSLDS loan year
value that you want to associate with each aggregate level
appearing on the page.

NSLDS loan year values are delivered with your system as

translate values. These translate values should not be changed or
modified in any way.

Graduate Level Select if the associated aggregate level/NSLDS loan year

combination is a graduate or postgraduate level. This identifies a
student with the associated aggregate level as either a graduate/
professional or undergraduate for the purpose of determining
federal eligibility.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 137

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Establishing Aggregate Programs

Access the Aggregate Program page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Aggregate Programs > Aggregate Program).

Image: Aggregate Program page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aggregate Program page.

Aid program limits link aggregate areas together to enable you to combine limits between subsidized and
unsubsidized loan aggregate area limits.

The following four loan programs are the only values available for selection:

Value Description

Direct - Stafford (DSTF) Defines the Stafford aggregate area program subsidized and
unsubsidized eligibility limits for Direct Lending. Links the
Stafford aggregate area program limitations between the
subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford limits.

Direct - HEAL (DLHL) Currently does not support aggregate aid processing for the
HEAL program. Defines the HEAL Stafford aggregate area
program subsidized and unsubsidized eligibility limits for
Direct Lending. Links the HEAL Stafford aggregate area
program limitations between the subsidized and unsubsidized
Stafford limits.

FFELP - Stafford (FSTF) Defines the Stafford aggregate area program eligibility
limits for FFELP. Links the Stafford aggregate area program
limitations between the subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford

FFELP - HEAL (FLHL) Currently do not support aggregate aid processing for the
HEAL program. Defines the HEAL Stafford aggregate area
program eligibility limits for FFELP. Links the HEAL Stafford
aggregate area program limitations between the subsidized and
unsubsidized Stafford limits.

Although the loan programs are delivered with Financial Aid and are hard-coded, you must activate
the loan program link by adding the description to each loan program and linking it to the appropriate
aggregate aid limits.

138 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Creating Aggregate Aid Limits

You have several rule options available within the aggregate aid limit setup. You can define aggregate
areas for:

• Undergraduate and graduate grade level groups. For example grade levels 0 - 5 would sum toward an
undergraduate limit

• Individual academic levels

• Cumulative limits across aid years

An optional Multiple Pass Processing (MPP) option automates mid-year grade level limit increases. The
MPP option is currently not available for any aggregate area defined as federal Stafford Loan (Subsidized
or Unsubsidized.)

Access the Aggregate Aid Limit page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Aggregate Aid Limits > Aggregate Aid Limit).

Image: Aggregate Aid Limit page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aggregate Aid Limit page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: The Aggregate Aid Limit setup page dynamically displays options based on the source and type of

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 139

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Warning! Because financial aid item type information is shared across the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions
database, you must use the same aggregate area for all financial aid item types for the same type of
aid. For example, if you have separate subsidized Stafford financial aid item types for graduates and
undergraduates, both subsidized Stafford financial aid item types must point to the same subsidized
Stafford aggregate area. You have the option to associate an aggregate area with one or many financial aid
item types. If you have multiple institutions, coordinate aggregate areas and aid types to ensure that aid
limits are calculated correctly for students who may be receiving aid from multiple institutions.

Aggregate Program If this aggregate area belongs to the federal Stafford program
select the appropriate aggregate program. Aggregate program
limits link aggregate areas together to enable you to combine
limits between subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loan
aggregate area limits.

Source Select the funding source. You can select Federal, Institutnl
(institutional), Other, Private, or State. The value that you enter
here must match the source of the financial aid item type. If it
does not, you cannot associated this aggregate area with the
financial aid item type, because the aggregate area does not
appear as an option in the Aggregate Area field on the FA Item
Type 1 page.

Federal ID This field is available only if you select Federal as the source.
Select the value that identifies the type of federal aid the
aggregate area tracks.

Values are: GAANN (Graduate Assistance in Areas of National

Need), Grad PLUS, HEAL, HPSL, LDS, Javits (Jacob K. Javits
Fellowship), NIH (National Institute of Health), NSF (National
Science Foundation),Nursing Ln (nursing loan), Other (Other
Federal Fund), PCL, PELL Grant, PLUS, Perkins Ln (Perkins
Loan), SEOG, Subsidized, TEACH, Unsubsidized, or Work

Note: You must define the federal ID for all federal aggregate
areas currently used in your system. Also, be sure that your
federal financial aid item types have the same federal ID as the
aggregate area with which they are associated. For example,
your Pell Grant financial aid item types and your Pell Grant
aggregate area should both have a federal ID of Pell Grant. You
must select the correct federal ID to have the federal aggregate
area use the correct limits.

Financial Aid Type Select the value that identifies the type of financial aid this
aggregate area tracks.

Pell Grant Select to activate Pell-only processing rules if you are defining
a Pell Grant aggregate area. This check box is available only if
you select Grant as the financial aid type.

140 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Loan Program Select the type of loan program tracked by the aggregate area.
This field is available only if you select Loan as the financial aid

Loan Interest Attribute Indicates whether the government pays the interest on the loan.
This field is available only if you select Loan as the financial aid

Subsidized: The government pays the interest on the loan while

the student is in school, during the six-month grace period, and
during any deferment periods.

Unsub (unsubsidized): The government does not pay the interest

on the loan.

Max Terms (maximum terms) Enter the maximum number of terms that students can receive
this type of aggregate aid during their lifetime, regardless of
career. This is optional for most aggregate areas but should
be defined and used in accordance with the requirements of a
particular source of funding. This field is currently not used in

Undergrad Lifetime (undergraduate Enter the maximum amount of this type of aggregate aid that
lifetime) students can receive during their undergraduate career. This is
optional for many aggregates but should be defined and used
in accordance with the requirements for a particular source
of funding. This field is mandatory for the following federal
aggregate areas: Perkins, subsidized Stafford, and unsubsidized

Graduate Lifetime Enter the maximum amount of this type of aggregate aid
that students can receive during their graduate career. This
is optional for many aggregate areas but should be defined
and used in accordance with the requirements for a particular
source of funding. This field is mandatory for the following
federal aggregate areas: Perkins, subsidized Stafford, and
unsubsidized Stafford. The Grad Limit Rule determines whether
undergraduate aid counts toward this graduate lifetime amount.

Failure to establish undergraduate and graduate lifetime limits

for Perkins, subsidized Stafford, and unsubsidized Stafford
aggregate areas can result in the Packaging process awarding
more than the lifetime maximum amounts the student is eligible
to receive.

Indep Undergrad Lifetime This field appears when Source is Federal, Financial Aid Type is
Loan, and Loan Interest Attribute is Unsub. Enter the maximum
amount that supports the Independent Undergraduate Lifetime
limit for Unsubsidized loans.

Dep Undergrad Lifetime This field appears when Source is Federal, Financial Aid Type is
Loan, and Loan Interest Attribute is Unsub. Enter the maximum

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 141

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

amount that supports the Dependent Undergraduate Lifetime

limit for Unsubsidized loans

Grad Limit Rule (graduate limit rule) Identifies whether the graduate lifetime amount should be
calculated as distinct from or cumulative with the undergraduate

Cumulative: The student's undergraduate amount of this

aggregate aid is counted towards the graduate limit. For
example, you use a cumulative graduate limit rule when a
student is eligible for up to 40,000.00 USD in Perkins loans for
both undergraduate and graduate careers, only 20,000.00 USD
of which can be awarded during the undergraduate career.

If students received the full 20,000.00 USD during their

undergraduate enrollment, they may not receive more than
20,000.00 USD in their graduate enrollment—totaling 40,
000.00 USD between their undergraduate and graduate
enrollments. No student receives more than 40,000.00 USD
during undergraduate and graduate enrollments.

Total graduate amounts on the various aggregate summary pages

reflect undergraduate accumulations if the aggregate area is
defined as cumulative.

Distinct: The undergraduate and graduate limits are tracked

separately. For example, you use a distinct graduate limit
rule when a student is eligible for up to 20,000.00 USD as an
undergraduate and up to 40,000.00 USD as a graduate, for a
total of 60,000.00 USD.

Aggr Lvl (aggregate level) List each aggregate level that has an annual aggregate limit.
Aggregate levels and their accompanying definitions come from
the Aggregate Level Cross-Reference page.

Aggregate Limit Enter the maximum amount of aggregate aid that can be
awarded while the student is at the associated academic level
within a particular aid year. This aggregate limit can set the
award amount returned by the Packaging process. This field
is optional for most aggregate areas. This field is mandatory
for the following federal aggregate areas: Pell, SEOG, Perkins,
subsidized Stafford, and unsubsidized Stafford.

Cumulative Limit Enter the maximum amount of aggregate aid that can be
awarded while the student is at the associated aggregate level.
Entering a value here activates cumulative aggregate level
checking and allows aggregate level limits across aid years.

For example, the federal Perkins loan program sets a limit

of 8,000.00 USD for any student who has not completed
two academic years of undergraduate work. In the example
of the federal Perkins loan, aggregate levels U0, U1, U2 all

142 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

would have a cumulative limit set to 8,000.00 USD and annual

aggregate limits set to 4,000.00 USD.

Independent Annual Limit This field appears when Source is Federal, Financial Aid Type
is Loan, and Loan Interest Attribute is Unsub. Enter maximum
amount that supports the Independent Undergraduate Annual
Aggregate Level limit for Unsubsidized loans.

Dependent Annual Limit This field appears when Source is Federal, Financial Aid Type
is Loan, and Loan Interest Attribute is Unsub. Enter maximum
amount that supports the Dependent Undergraduate Annual
Aggregate Level limit for Unsubsidized loans

Multi-Pass Processing mid-year level Select this check box to have the Awarding and Packaging
change processes automatically determine increased aid eligibility if
multiple grade levels are present for the student.

First Pell Percentage This field appears when the Aggregate Area has been activated
as a Pell Grant. Enter 100.00 to ensure students are fully
awarded a first Pell Grant (Pell1). If you enter any value
less than 100.00, students are not fully awarded a Pell1. To
calculate a student's remaining eligibility percentage for a Pell1,
Packaging subtracts the Total Percent Used (Percent Scheduled
Used from Aggregate Aid plus the Total Percent Used from
prior Pell1 awards in the system) from this field.

Lifetime Eligibility Maximum This field appears when the Aggregate Area has been activated
as a Pell Grant and Aid Year is 2013 and beyond. Enter the
maximum percentage for a student's Lifetime Pell Eligibility.
For example, when the United States Department of Education
says that a student cannot exceed 12 full-time semester terms
(translated as 600 percent), then you would enter 0600.0000
in this field. An individual student's Lifetime Eligibility Used
percentage plus current year system-generated Pell Grant award
cannot exceed this maximum percentage.

Second Pell Percentage This field appears when the Aggregate Area has been activated
as a Pell Grant. Enter 150.00 to ensure that students are
fully awarded a Pell2. If you enter any value less than 150.
00, students are not fully awarded a Pell2. To calculate a
student's remaining eligibility percentage for a Pell2, Packaging
subtracts the Total Percent Used (Percent Scheduled Used from
Aggregate Aid plus the Total Percent Used from prior Pell1 and
Pell2 awards in the system) from this field.

Using Aggregate Areas with Multiple Pass Processing

An optional feature that you set on the Aggregate Aid Limit page is the Multi-Pass processing (MPP)
option. Federally funded financial aid programs require strict eligibility requirements and borrowing
limits. Most level limits increase as a student progresses in his or her studies. A student who has already
borrowed up to the annual level limit within an academic year can receive additional funds if the annual
level limit increases because a student advances or progresses to a new grade level with a higher-level

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 143

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

limit. Financial Aid provides two procedural options to accommodate and award for an additional
increase due to grade level changes. Option one is to use multiple or unique item types with different
disbursement plans and split codes to support the additional eligibility. The other option is to select the
Multi-Pass Processing check box.

Note: MPP is currently unavailable for loan programs that are originated within Financial Aid, such as
Direct, FFELP, Health, and Perkins loan programs. Additional information and examples are available on
how to handle the awarding loan programs across multiple NSLDS loan years.

See Awarding for Multiple Careers and Managing Special Cases When Packaging Students.

The following table compares aggregate areas with limits to aggregate areas without limits for use in
awarding item types and tracking activity:

Activity Aggregate Areas with Level Limits Aggregate Areas Without

Aggregate Levels or Level Limits

Awarding Item Types with Aggregate • Must use separate financial aid • Can award across aggregate levels
Aid item types to award for multiple (NSLDS loan years) without using
aggregate levels (NSLDS loan separate financial aid item types for
years) in the same aid year. each aggregate level.

• Total amount of the award is • Award amount is not restricted by

restricted by NSLDS loan year. NSLDS loan year.

The only restriction on the award is

the lifetime limit.

Tracking Aggregate Activity The total award is determined and The aggregate amount is apportioned
tracked by the aggregate level of the first among all aggregate levels associated
nonzero disbursement of the award. with the terms spanned by the award.

Multi-Pass processing directs the Awarding and Packaging process to evaluate and produce multiple
internal award entries, each of which reflect a separate set of scheduled disbursement amounts for
every change in a student's NSLDS grade level eligibility. That is to say, this process first produces an
award with scheduled disbursements according to the lowest level limit, and then generates residual
disbursement amounts as the aggregate level limits are increased based on a change in the student's
NSLDS level. After these individual awards have been created, the Packaging process internally
consolidates all of the scheduled disbursements into a single composite award reflecting the sum total of
the individual aggregate level increases for the aid year.

Note: Because split percentages here are successively reapplied during this process, the final consolidated
scheduled disbursement award amounts are not necessarily an accurate reflection of the actual split
percentages that would normally be expected.

The following two examples illustrate how the Packaging process proceeds if an item type is associated
with an aggregate area with Multi-Pass processing selected and then with Multi-Pass processing cleared.

Example 1 – Multi-Pass Processing (MPP) check box selected.

This example represents an extreme student scenario to help clearly demonstrate the Multi-Pass
processing logic. The example shows an increased aggregate limit for each aggregate level; this

144 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

demonstrates how the Packaging process iterates through each step as the award schedule disbursement
are being built up, before the disbursements are consolidated into a single award:

Item Type = 900000000810, Mackor Scholarship Grant

Disbursement Plan = 04

Disbursement Split Code Formula = Even among first disbursement for Term

Aggregate Area FIRE - Level Limits setup

U1 = 2,000

U2 = 4,000

U3 = 5,000

First internal pass based on U1 eligibility:

Term Aggregate Award Item Type Aggregate Split Code Disb Detail
Level Sequence Area

Fall U1 01 900000000810 FIRE 01- even 666.66

Winter U2 01 900000000810 FIRE 01- even 666.67

Spring U3 01 900000000810 FIRE 01- even 666.67

Second internal pass to accommodate increased eligibility from U1 to U2:

Term Aggregate Award Item Type Aggregate Split Code Disb Detail
Level Sequence Area

Fall U1 01 900000000810 900000000810 01- even 0

Winter U2 01 900000000810 900000000810 01- even 1,000.00

Spring U3 01 900000000810 900000000810 01- even 1,000.00

Third internal pass to accommodate increased eligibility from U2 to U3:

Term Aggregate Award Item Type Aggregate Split Code Disb Detail
Level Sequence Area

Fall U1 01 900000000810 FIRE 01- even 0

Winter U2 01 900000000810 FIRE 01- even 0

Spring U3 01 900000000810 FIRE 01- even 1,000.00

Final posted award: Item Type = 900000000810 5,000 USD (note overall award did not exceed the
highest level limit. In this example 5,000 USD):

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 145

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Term Student's Aggregate Award Item Type Aggregate Split Code Disb Detail
NSLDS Level used Sequence Area
Level to assess

Fall U1 U1 01 900000000810 FIRE 01- even 666.67

Winter U2 U2 01 900000000810 FIRE 01- even 1,666.67

Spring U3 U3 01 900000000810 FIRE 01- even 2,666.67

The Aggregate Summary page displays the aggregate level detail when MPP is selected.

Image: Aggregate Summary page with MPP

This example illustrates the Aggregate Summary page with MPP selected.

Example 2 – Multi-Pass Processing (MPP) check box not selected.

Item Type = 900000000810, Mackor Scholarship Grant

Disbursement Plan = 04

Disbursement Split Code Formula = Even among first disbursement for Term

Aggregate Area FIRE - Level Limits

U1 = 2,000

U2 = 4,000

U3 = 5,000

Only one pass evaluated – Final posted award: Item Type = 900000000810 2,000 USD:

146 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Term Student's Agg Level Award Seq Item Type Agg Area Split Code Disb Detail
NSLDS to assess
Level limit

Fall U1 U1 01 900000000810 FIRE 01 - even 666.67

Winter U2 U1 01 900000000810 FIRE 01 - even 666.67

Spring U3 U1 01 900000000810 FIRE 01 - even 666.67

The following Aggregate Summary page displays aggregate level detail when the MPP is not selected. In
this example, the aggregate level U1 is used to determine the aggregate limit balance to draw eligibility
from. After the award has been determined, the system spreads the disbursements for that level among all
disbursement terms:

Image: Aggregate Aid Summary page with MPP not selected

This example illustrates the Aggregate Aid Summary page with MPP not selected.

Note: When the Multi-Pass processing option is not selected at the aggregate aid level, you must award
additional unique item types associated to the same aggregate area to award the increase in grade level

Example 3

Item Type = 900000000815, Mackor Scholarship Grant II

Disbursement Split Code Formula = Even among first disbursement for Term

Aggregate Area - Level Limits

U1 = 2,000

U2 = 4,000

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 147

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

U3 = 5,000

Only one pass evaluated - Final posted award: Item Type = 900000000810 2,000 USD:

Term Student's Aggregate Award Item Type Aggregate Split Code Disb Detail
NSLDS Level used Sequence Area
Level to assess

Fall U1 U1 01 900000000810 FIRE 01 - even 666.67

Winter U2 U1 01 900000000810 FIRE 01 - even 666.67

Spring U3 U1 01 900000000810 FIRE 01 - even 666.67

Only one pass evaluated - Final posted award: Item Type = 900000000815 2,000 USD:

Term Student's Aggregate Award Item Type Aggregate Split Code Disb Detail
NSLDS Level used Sequence Area
Level to assess

Fall U1 N/A 02 900000000815 FIRE 05 - 0% 0.00

Winter U2 U2 02 900000000815 FIRE 05 - 50% 1,000.00

Spring U3 U2 02 900000000815 FIRE 05 - 50% 1,000.00

Only one pass evaluated - Final posted award: Item Type = 900000000816 1,000 USD:

Term Student's Aggregate Award Item Type Aggregate Split Code Disb Detail
NSLDS Level used Sequence Area
Level to assess

Fall U1 N/A 03 900000000816 FIRE 04 - 0% 0.00

Winter U2 N/A 03 900000000816 FIRE 04 - 0% 0.00

Spring U3 U3 03 900000000816 FIRE 04 - 100% 1,000.00

The following Aggregate Summary page displays the result of using three separate financial aid item
types used to accommodate and award the increase in eligibility due to NSLDS grade level changes. All
of the financial aid item types must be associated to the FIRE aggregate area:

148 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Image: Aggregate Summary page with results of three FA item types

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aggregate Summary page with results of three FA
item types.

Creating Aggregate Area Translations

Access the Aggregate Area-NSLDS Cross-reference page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial
Aid > Awards > Aggregate Area Translation > Aggregate Area-NSLDS Cross reference).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 149

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Image: Aggregate Area-NSLDS Cross-reference page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aggregate Area-NSLDS Cross-reference page. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

To use NSLDS data in the Awarding and Packaging processes, you must complete this setup before
loading and pushing NSLDS data into packaging aggregate tables.

Aggregate Area Select the aggregate area to which you want to map an NSLDS
aggregate category. If you have created multiple aggregate areas
to correspond to a single NSLDS aggregate category, then enter
the same number of instances of aggregate areas to correspond
to the NSLDS aggregate category.

NSLDS Aggregate For each aggregate area, select one of the available NSLDS
aggregate categories. The aggregate programs used by the
NSLDS Aggregate Push are:Grad PLUS (Graduate PLUS
Loan), Pell, Perkins (Perkins Loan), SEOG, Subsidized,
TEACH, or Unsub.

150 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Selecting Aggregate Areas for Institutions

Access the Aggregate Areas for Institution page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Awards > Aggregate Area for Institution > Aggregate Areas for Institution).

Image: Aggregate Areas for Institution page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aggregate Areas for Institution page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to select, for an Institution, which Aggregate Areas are evaluated when the NSLDS Data
Push process is run.

All Aggregate Areas Select this button to retrieve aggregate areas defined in the
Aggregate Area-NSLDS Cross Reference setup component.
Select row insert [+] or row delete [-] to adjust the list of
aggregate areas to be associated with the Institution.

Related Links
Using the NSLDS Data Push Process

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 151

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Setting Up Award Messages

Important! Financial Aid Notification (FAN) letter is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained
for this product, but no new development will be produced for FAN. It is strongly recommended that you
use Communication Generation (Comm Gen) instead. For more information on Comm Gen, see "Using
the Communication Generation Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

To set up award messages, use the Award Messages component (AWARD_MESSAGES).

Award messages can be linked to financial aid item types and then included on Financial Aid Notification
(FAN) letters to students. The delivered setID MODEL provides many of the basic award messages
needed. However, you can add new messages or modify existing messages.

This section discusses how to define award messages.

Related Links
Defining Disbursement and Anticipated Aid

Pages Used to Set Up Award Messages

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Award Messages AWRD_MESSAGE_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define award messages that
Related > Financial Aid > can be linked to financial aid
Awards > Award Messages > item types.
Award Messages

Copy Award Messages AWD_MESSAGE_COPY Click the Copy button on the Copy award messages from
Award Messages page. one setID and aid year
combination to another.

Defining Award Messages

Access the Award Messages page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards > Award
Messages > Award Messages).

152 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Image: Award Messages page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Messages page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

For your setID and current processing aid year, create a financial aid message code of OTHR with
a description that specifies that the item type be printed as part of Other Resources and to check the
Estimate of Resources section of the notification.

Code Enter the four-character code that identifies the award message.
This field is alphanumeric, and you can use less than four
characters for the code.

Description Enter the text of the award message. The message in this field is
printed on the student's FAN letter.

Setting Up Loan Fees

To set up loan fees, use the Loan Fee Setup component (LOAN_FEE_TABLE).

Set up loan fees in the Loan Fee Table to ensure that the correct loan fees are deducted from each loan
financial aid item type at the time of awarding. Loan fees are origination and insurance fees that are
deducted from the gross amount of the loan. When defining a loan financial aid item type, attach the
appropriate loan fees on the FA Item Type 6 page. Remember to create loan fee information for all loan
types at your institution.

This section discusses how to create loan fees.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 153

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Page Used to Add Loan Fees

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Fee Table LOAN_FEE_TABLE Set up SACR > Product Create and maintain loan fees.
Related > Financial Aid >
Awards > Loan Fee Setup >
Loan Fee Table

Creating Loan Fees

Access the Loan Fee Table page (Set up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards > Loan
Fee Setup > Loan Fee Table).

Image: Loan Fee Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Fee Table page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Fee Type Select the value that indicates the purpose of the loan fee. Be
sure to select R—Rebate if the loan fee is an interest rebate, used
for the Direct Loan interest rebate.

Note: Any Direct Loan with a zero rebate, must still have a
Loan Fee Type attribute defined on the Financial Aid Item Type
setup. Once a Direct Loan record is created and based on the
Financial Aid Item Type, the appropriate XML Interest Rebate
tag is reported to COD.

Loan Fee Option Select the value that indicates how the amount of the loan fee is

Flat: The loan fee is a flat amount. If you select this value, you
must select a Loan Fee Rule and enter the loan fee amount.

154 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Percentage: The amount of the loan fee is a percentage of

the student's award amount. If you select this value, you must
indicate the percentage in the Loan Fee Percent field.

Loan Fee Rule This field is available only if you select Flat in the Loan Fee
Option field. The loan fee rule determines how the Packaging
process distributes the loan fee amount among disbursements.

All in 1st Disbursement: The entire loan fee amount is

subtracted from the first disbursement.

Weighted Across Disbursements: The loan fee amount is split

among the disbursements according to the disbursement split
code percentages.

Loan fee options and loan fee rules are delivered with the
system as translate values that cannot be modified in any
way. The Packaging process bases certain calculations on
these values and changing them would have unforeseen

Loan Fee Percent This field is available only if you select Percentage in the Loan
Fee Option field. The loan fee amount is this percentage of the
total award amount.

Loan Fee Amount This field is available only if you select Flat in the Loan Fee
Option field. Enter the total loan fee amount.

Processing Direct Loan Interest Rebate

The up-front Direct Loan interest rebate amount of 1.5 percent of the gross disbursement is calculated
at the disbursement level for each Direct Subsidized, Direct Unsubsidized, and Direct PLUS loan. The
rebate amount is added after the 3 percent loan fee is subtracted from the gross disbursement amount.
For example, a student receives a Direct Loan of 1,000.00 USD for the fall 2004 term. The net disbursed
amount is 985.00 USD because the 3 percent loan fee of 30.00 USD is deducted from the gross amount of
the loan, and the 1.5 percent rebate of 15.00 USD is added back into the loan.

The Packaging process calculates loan fee amounts for each loan award in a student's financial aid
package. These loan fee amounts are set up on the Loan Fee Table page and can be a flat fee or a
percentage of the award amount. When setting up the loan fee for the interest rebate feature, you must
establish the interest rebate with a loan fee type of R—Rebate. Each loan financial aid item type can have
various loan fees associated with it.

The Packaging process evaluates the loan fee type. The interest rebate loan fee type is processed
differently than other loan fee types. The system processes interest rebate loan fee types using the
Department of Education's recommended formula. An interest rebate loan fee is processed after all other
loan fees have been applied to the loan award.

The interest rebate amount, as calculated by the Packaging process, is written to a field on the various
packaging and awarding tables. Each Direct Loan financial aid item type disbursement balance has an
associated interest rebate amount and an associated loan fee amount.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 155

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Related Links
Attaching Loan Fees

Defining Financial Aid Item Types

To set up financial aid item types, use the Financial Aid Item Types component

In the Financial Aid Item Types component you can define parameters for your financial aid item types.
In addition to awarding financial aid item types, you can set up gap financial aid item types.

This section discusses how to:

• Define financial aid item type descriptions.

• View item type detail.

• Define awarding and rounding rules.

• Define disbursement and anticipated aid.

• Set term minimum and maximum award limits.

• Define default disbursement plans and split codes.

• Attach loan fees.

• Define gap financial aid item types.

Related Links
"Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student Financials)

Pages Used to Define Financial Aid Item Types

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Item Type 1 ITEM_TYPE_FA_1 Set Up SACR > Product Define financial aid item type
Related > Financial Aid > descriptions, enter effective
Awards > Financial Aid Item dates, and enter other basic
Types > FA Item Type 1 information for your financial
aid item types.

Item Type Detail ITEM_TYPE_TBL_SEC Click the description of the View item type detail
item type on the FA Item Type information from the item
1 page. type table for this financial aid
item type.

Copy FA Item Type Data ITEM_TYPE_FA_COPY Click the Copy button on the Copy financial aid item type
FA Item Type 1 page. setup data from one setID,
item type, aid year, and
effective date combination.
combination to another.

156 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Item Type 2 ITEM_TYPE_FA_6 Set Up SACR > Product Define awarding and rounding
Related > Financial Aid > rules. Establish how the
Awards > Financial Aid Item financial aid item type affects
Types > FA Item Type 2 FM or IM need and enter
rounding and remainder rules
for the financial aid item type.

Equation Dtl (equation detail) PKG_EQUATION_SEC Click the Equation Detail link View the packaging equation
on the FA Item Type 2 page. attached to the Selection
Criteria field.

Note: The Equation Detail

link only appears if you
have a value selected in the
Selection Criteria field.

FA Item Type 3 ITEM_TYPE_FA_3 Set Up SACR > Product Define disbursement

Related > Financial Aid > and anticipated aid rules.
Awards > Financial Aid Item Update anticipated aid
Types > FA Item Type 3 information, authorization for
disbursement, and award letter
Note: Applies to CS Financial
Aid Anticipated Aid only.

FA Item Type 4 ITEM_TYPE_FA_4 Set Up SACR > Product Set minimum and maximum
Related > Financial Aid > award limits by the type
Awards > Financial Aid Item of term (term category) as
Types > FA Item Type 4 required.

FA Item Type 5 ITEM_TYPE_FA_5 Set Up SACR > Product Define default disbursement
Related > Financial Aid > plans and split codes for
Awards > Financial Aid Item each academic career, which
Types > FA Item Type 5 enables you to enter data
quickly on the award entry
pages manually as well as
for award rules on packaging

FA Item Type 6 ITEM_TYP_FA_LN_FEE Set Up SACR > Product Attach loan fee codes for loan
Related > Financial Aid > item types.
Awards > Financial Aid Item
Types > FA Item Type 6

Defining Financial Aid Item Type Descriptions

Access the FA Item Type 1 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Financial Aid Item Types > FA Item Type 1).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 157

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Image: FA Item Type 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 1 page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Click the description of the item type to access the Item Type Detail page and view information from the
item type table including the effective date and minimum and maximum transaction amounts.

Financial Aid Type Select the type of financial aid or category of funding.

Source Select the source of this financial aid funding.

Federal ID This field is available only if you select Federal as the source.
Select the federal program associated with this item type. To
have the correct federal program rules applied during financial
aid processing, you must select the correct federal program in
this field.

Values are: GAANN (Graduate Assistance in Areas of National

Need), Grad PLUS, HEAL, HPSL,IASA (Iraq/Afghan Service
Award, LDS, Javits (Jacob K. Javits Fellowship), NIH (National
Institute of Health), NSF (National Science Foundation),Nursing
Ln (nursing loan), Other (Other Federal Fund), PCL, PELL
Grant, PLUS, Perkins Ln (Perkins Loan), SEOG, Subsidized,
TEACH, Unsubsidized, or Work Study.

Note: When packaging a student whose parent was killed in

Iraq or Afghanistan in service of the United States armed forces
after September 11, 2001:
- if the student is Pell Grant eligible, use Professional Judgment
to award the student a maximum Pell Grant.
- if the student is not Pell Grant eligible, use any of the
packaging methods (manual, auto, batch) to award the student
an IASA in the amount of a maximum Pell Grant.

Aggregate Area Select an aggregate area to associate with this item type if you
want to limit or track aggregate aid for this financial aid item

158 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

type. Each financial aid item type can be associated with only
one aggregate area, but an aggregate area may be composed of
several financial aid item types.

Institution Reporting Cd (institution Enter a user-defined institutional reporting code for this item
reporting code) type. This optional field is available for your institutional
reporting needs.

MPN Required This field appears when you select aFederal ID of Perkins Ln.
Select to indicate that an MPN is required for the financial aid
item type awarded to the student. The Perkins MPN electronic
signature and print processes use this flag to determine which
financial aid item types should be assessed if an MPN is

If selected, the financial aid disbursement authorization

process requires a valid Perkins MPN before the award can be
authorized and disbursed.

Additional Pell This check box appears when you select a Federal ID of
PELL Grant. Select to indicate that this financial aid item type
represents a Pell2 (Additional Pell Grant).

Note: It is recommended that you create new item types and corresponding financial aid item types when
enabling the new Perkins MPN process. This enables you to track new Perkins MPNs and does not have a
negative effect on those individuals who currently have a signed and valid Perkins MPN on file.

Viewing Item Type Detail

Access the Item Type Detail page (click the description of the item type on the FA Item Type 1 page).

Image: Item Type Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Item Type Detail page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Charge Priority List Identifies the charge priority list assigned to the item type. The
system uses charge priority lists for financial aid item types
that have payment application restrictions. Charge priority lists
tell the system how to distribute excess funds and the types of
charges towards which the item type can be applied.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 159

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Minimum Transaction Amount and Displays the minimum and maximum annual amount
Maximum Transaction Amount established for this item type on the Item Type Amount Edits

Refundable Indicator Indicates whether the item type can be refunded later. This value
comes from the Item Type - Miscellaneous Edits page.

Taxable PeopleSoft Payroll uses this field to calculate withholdings on

awards of this item type. If you do not use PeopleSoft Payroll,
clear this check box. This value comes from the Item Type -
Miscellaneous Edits page.

Related Links
"Defining Charge Priority List Rules" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student Financials)

Defining Awarding and Rounding Rules

Access the FA Item Type 2 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Financial Aid Item Types > FA Item Type 2).

Image: FA Item Type 2 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 2 page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Awarding Rules
Fed/Inst Affected (federal/institutional Select which need this financial aid item type reduces.
Federal Only: This financial aid item type should reduce only
federal need and not reduce institutional need.

160 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Both Fed and Inst (both federal and institutional): This financial
aid item type should reduce federal and institutional need. If
your institution is using institutional awarding, select this value.

Meet Need/Cost Select how need—based on your selection the Fed/Inst Affected
field—is adjusted or reduced when you award this financial
aid item type. Financial Aid maintains an unmet need balance
(COA minus EFC minus aid awarded) and an unmet COA
balance (COA minus aid awarded). Select a value to determine
how awards of this financial aid item type affect these two

Conditional: Indicates an award made without regard to budget

or need if federal aid has not been awarded at the time of this
award. However, if federal aid precedes this award, conditional
awards behave like special need/cost awards.

Cost Only: The awarded amount affects only the unmet COA

Need Only: The awarded amount affects only the unmet need

No Effect: The awarded amount does not affect the unmet need
or unmet COA balances. Ensure that you understand the results
before using this option.

Special Need/Cost: The Packaging process first determines

whether unmet need exists. The system always reduces unmet
need first. Then the process compares the remaining unmet
COA against the student's EFC and awards up to the lesser of
the two. This is the preferred attribute for unsubsidized Stafford
and PLUS loans. Special need/cost aid reduces both the unmet
need and unmet COA balances.

Straight Need/Cost: The awarded amount affects both the unmet

need and unmet COA balances.

Packaging Methodology Select the need—federal or institutional—the Packaging process

should use to determine the amount for awards of this item type.

Federal Methodology: The Packaging process uses FM need

to determine the award amount. FM need is the federal cost of
attendance minus the student's FM EFC. Use this attribute for
federal item types.

Institutional Methodology: The Packaging process uses IM need

to determine the award amount. IM need is the institutional cost
of attendance minus the student's IM EFC.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 161

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Note: If you use institutional methodology to estimate federal

awards prior to the beginning of the federal awarding cycle
(January 1st), selecting Institutional Methodology for federal
awards enables a more realistic remaining need calculation.
The remaining need calculation is more realistic because you
have an institutional EFC but no federal EFC, and, therefore, the
system uses IM need rather than FM need. You must effective
date these federal financial aid item types so that beginning
January 1, the packaging methodology is Federal Methodology
to ensure the system uses FM need rather than IM need when
awarding federal sources of aid.

Selection Criteria To use an equation to select a population of students eligible to

receive this item type, select the equation here. For example,
you define a particular population of students to be awarded,
such as students who have exceptional grade point averages
and whose FM need is high. You create a packaging equation to
select this student group, then link this student group to this item
type by selecting the equation in this field.

The Equation Detail link appears only after you select an


See Viewing and Editing Equations.

Need Based Select if need is considered when awarding this item type. This
check box is used for reporting only.

Equity Award Select to evaluate this financial aid item type as an equity award.
Equity awards are considered to be "free money" to students
such as grants or scholarships. Financial aid item types defined
as equity awards adhere to the equity limit established in a
packaging plan where the equity financial aid item type is a
packaging rule.

See Defining Packaging Equity Limits and Offsets.

Auto Package Select to have the financial aid item type available for selection
in automated packaging—Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging.
To have this financial aid item type available for use in
packaging plans, you must select this check box.

Disbursement Protection If this check box is selected, the Packaging process protects
the disbursed portion of this financial aid item type from being
reduced during repackaging sessions using any packaging
method—Auto, Mass, or Manual Packaging. After you enable
disbursement protection, an award of this financial aid item
type cannot fall below the disbursed amount. When using
manual packaging, especially for custom splits, the accept
balance cannot be less than the disbursed balance on the Award
Disbursement Detail page. The only way to reduce a disbursed
amount when disbursement protection is active is to adjust the
award on the Professional Judgement page.

162 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Do not activate disbursement protection for Direct Loan

financial aid item types. The treatment of Direct Loan
adjustments is similar to the processing behavior invoked by
disbursement protection.

Important! If you do not select this check box, disbursed

amounts can be reduced and recalculated.

See Protecting Disbursements During Awarding.

Self Help Award Select if this item type is work-study or a loan. This field is for
informational or reporting purposes only.

Lock Award Select if you want to lock awards of this financial aid item
type automatically when awarding as part of a packaging
plan. Locking an award prevents Auto and Mass Packaging
from automatically canceling this award. All awards that you
manually enter are automatically locked, whether this check box
is selected or not.

See Using Auto Packaging and Auto Select Packaging.

Package Only Once Select to prevent this financial aid item type from being awarded
more than once to the student for the aid year for the same
career, even if the student is eligible to receive the award during
a subsequent Packaging process.

For this check box to function properly, you must keep the
following in mind:

To preserve the award made with the first instance of the

financial aid item type, you must lock the first instance of
the item type, selecting the Lock check box on the award
entry page. If the first instance of the financial aid item type
is not locked on the award entry page, the first instance of the
financial aid item type is canceled and may be replaced by
a future instance of the financial aid item type. Although a
financial aid item type is not awarded more than once, unless
you lock the first instance, it can be replaced by any future

If the student has multiple careers across terms—Undergraduate

for Term 1 and Graduate for Term 2—the Package Only Once
check box does not prevent a financial aid item type from being
awarded once for each career for the student. This could cause
the financial aid item type to be awarded more than once in
the aid year, but only once for each career. This is because
the Package Only Once attribute is not evaluated when the
first career's awards are passed to the second career as passive

The Package Only Once attribute does not work if two instances
of the financial aid item type exist within a packaging plan. This
is because the first instance is not yet posted before the second

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 163

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

instance is considered. In this case, both instances are awarded

if the student is eligible.

Auto assign lowest sequence This check box only appears if Meet Need/Cost is Conditional.
Select to have awards of this financial aid item type
automatically assigned the lowest possible sequence number
in the student's financial aid package when you enter the
conditional award on the Manual Student Packaging page only.
For example, this check box is selected, and a student's package
already contains three awards with sequence numbers of 10,
20, and 30. You enter a new conditional award, and the system
assigns the conditional award a sequence number of 09. If the
check box is cleared, the system assigns the new conditional
award a sequence number of 40.

Automatically assigning conditional awards the lowest sequence

number is useful when you have individuals outside the
financial aid office (such as departmental office staff) entering
conditional awards (like departmental scholarships) on the
Manual Student Packaging page. The financial aid office staff
can then review the student's package to see if the conditional
award affects the student's need with other forms of aid.

If the conditional award entered by individuals outside the

financial aid office is not automatically assigned the lowest
sequence number, the student's need may be met before the
Packaging process reaches the conditional award. Consequently,
the student may not receive the conditional award.

Equation Detail Click to access the Equation Summary page to view the
packaging equation attached to the selection criteria.

Rounding Rules
Rounding Option Select how you want awards of this financial aid item type
rounded when rounding is necessary. Values are:

10 dollars: The Packaging process rounds award amounts to the

nearest 10-dollar amount.

100 dollars: The Packaging process rounds award amounts to

the nearest 100-dollar amount.

5 dollars: The Packaging process rounds award amounts to the

nearest 5-dollar amount.

Dollar: The Packaging process rounds award amounts to the

nearest dollar.

None: The Packaging process does not round award amounts for
this financial aid item type.

164 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Round Direction Select the direction you want the Packaging process to use when
rounding award amounts. If you select None as the rounding
option, do not select a round direction.

Down to: The Packaging process truncates, or rounds, the award

amount down to the nearest dollar, 5 dollar, 10 dollar, or 100
dollar amount, depending on the selected rounding option.

Nearest: The Packaging process rounds the award to the nearest

dollar, 5 dollar, 10 dollar, or 100 dollar amount, depending on
the selected rounding option. The process determines the dollar
amount to which the award amount is closest, and then rounds
up or down accordingly.

Up to: The Packaging process rounds the award amount up

to the nearest dollar, 5 dollar, 10 dollar, or 100 dollar amount,
depending on the selected rounding option.

Award Remainder Rule When an award is rounded and split across disbursements,
there can be an odd dollar or cent amount left over. The award
remainder rule indicates where you want the Packaging process
to place odd amounts.

1st-Cents: If cents remain, the Packaging process assigns the

remaining amount to the first scheduled disbursement.

1st-Dllrs (1st dollars): If dollars remain, the Packaging

process assigns the remaining amount to the first scheduled

Last-Cents: If cents remain, the Packaging process assigns the

remaining amount to the last scheduled disbursement.

Last-Dllrs (last dollars): If dollars remain, the Packaging

process assigns the remaining amount to the last scheduled

Fee Remainder Rule This field is available only for financial aid item types with a
financial aid type of Loan on the FA Item Type 1 page. Select
how the Packaging process handles remaining dollars or cents
after loan fees have been applied to an award. You can either
select a value in this field, or you can select the Truncate Fees
check box, but not both.

First Disb − Cents: If cents remain, the Packaging process

assigns the remaining amount to the first scheduled

First Disb − Dollars: If dollars remain, the Packaging

process assigns the remaining amount to the first scheduled

Last Disb − Cents: If cents remain, the Packaging process

assigns the remaining amount to the last scheduled

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Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Last Disb − Dollars: If dollars remain, the Packaging

process assigns the remaining amount to the last scheduled

Truncate Fees Select to disregard any cents left over after the Packaging
process has applied loan fees to the award amount. Use only for
Direct Lending loans. You can select this check box, or you can
select a value in the Fee Remainder Rule field, but not both.

Defining Disbursement and Anticipated Aid

Access the FA Item Type 3 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Financial Aid Item Types > FA Item Type 3).

Image: FA Item Type 3 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 3 page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Pass Anticipated Aid Select when an award appears as anticipated aid in the student's
Student Financials record. Awards appear as anticipated aid on
the student's account when the status of the award matches the
value in this field. For example, if you select Accepted, and an
award of this financial aid item type has a status of Accepted,
the award appears as anticipated aid on the student's bill. For
loan awards, the net amount of the loan (award amount minus
any loan fee adjustments) is displayed as anticipated aid.

Accepted: Awards of this financial aid item type with a status of

accepted or authorized appear as anticipated aid.

Authorized: Awards of this financial aid item type with a status

of authorized appear as anticipated aid.

None: Awards of this financial aid item type never appear as

anticipated aid. For example, you do not want work study to

166 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

appear as anticipated aid in this system because work study

funds are not allocated to the student until the money is earned.
Therefore, you select None for the work study financial aid item

Offered: Awards of this financial aid item type with a status of

offered, accepted, or authorized appear as anticipated aid.

Anticip Aid Expiration Days An expiration date accompanies each anticipated aid amount
(anticipated aid expiration days) and enables you to "expire" a financial aid item type if the
criteria for its awarding are not met by the date you assign.
The number of days you enter in this field works with several
other dates on the anticipated aid record to determine when to
expire the anticipated aid. Date is the date the award becomes
anticipated aid. Apply Date is the date you are requesting to
apply the disbursement to the student's account. The expiration
date is the later of the two calculated dates:

Date plus the number of anticipated aid expiration days


Apply Date plus the number of anticipated aid expiration days

Print as Other Resource In addition to veteran's benefits and Americorp benefits, you
can identify another resource item type that prints as another
resource under the award section of the FE FAN. The system
does not count this other resource amount in the annual and
term totals. It displays this amount in the estimated resources
section of the FE FAN as other resources. Select to print the
other resource item type under the award section on the FAN.

The following table provides an example of how the expiration date is determined—for the fall 2004
term, in this example:

Expiration Days Date Apply Date Expiration Date

45 02/18/2004 08/14/2004 09/29/2004

45 07/30/2004 08/14/2004 09/29/2004

45 08/30/2004 08/14/2004 10/14/2004

Disbursement Method Identify where Financial Aid transfers any disbursed financial
aid amounts.

No: The funds are not disbursed into the student's Student
Financials account because the student is paid directly. Work-
study financial aid item types use this disbursement method.

Stdnt Acct (student account): The disbursed amount is

transferred to the student's account in Student Financials.

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Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Auto Cancel Item Type If an existing award of a particular financial aid item type
should be automatically canceled when an award of this
financial aid item type is subsequently awarded manually on
either the Student Aid Package page or the Manual Student
Packaging page, enter the financial aid item type to be canceled
in this field. This enables you to award using an estimated
financial aid item type and then replace it with the actual
financial aid item type when funds have been approved or
certified. For example, you may have estimated a state grant and
then replaced the award with an actual state grant award. This
feature functions only during manual awarding. It does not work
with auto packaging or mass packaging.

Signature Required Select if you require a signature from the student for the student
to receive this particular financial aid item type as part of
an award. For example, you could use this for a loan where
the student must sign a promissory note before any money is
disbursed. This field is for informational purposes only; it has
no effect on loan processing.

Manual Authorization Select to disburse this financial aid item type using manual
authorization. The system cannot authorize this financial aid
item type for disbursement using the background authorization
process if you select this check box. One use of this feature is
for scholarships where you must review a roster or have checks
that must be verified prior to authorization of the aid.

Include in Transcript Indicates that the financial aid item type should appear on
the financial aid transcript (FAT). This field is not supported
because U.S. Department of Education no longer supports the

Print Letter Option Select whether to print awards of this financial aid item type on
the FAN letter or a custom letter, or to not print notification of
the award at all.

Custom: Awards of this financial aid item type are printed in an

institutionally configured standard letter of your choice rather
than the delivered FAN letter. If you select this value, you must
specify a standard letter code value in the Award Letter Print

As an example, you may want to generate a specific scholarship

letter for the JP Memorial award recipients. The custom option
enables you to modify the letter by inserting the JP Memorial
awarded amount within the letter, which you must specify by its
standard letter code in the Award Letter Print field.

Never: Awards of this financial aid item type are never printed
in the FAN letter or an institutionally modified letter.

Print: Awards of this financial aid item type are printed on

the FAN letter. You must also indicate whether awards of

168 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

this financial aid item type should be treated as award items

or as other resources—such as student contribution and
parent contribution—using the Print as Award Item and Other
Resource options.

Print as Award Item Available only if you select Print in the Print Letter Option
field. Select to have awards of this financial aid item type
included in the total aid offered amount on the FAN letter and
listed as awards.

Other Resource Available only if you select Print in the Print Letter Option
field. Select to have awards of this financial aid item type
considered as resources and included in the other resources total
on the FAN letter, but not listed as awards.

Award Letter Print Available only if you select Custom in the Print Letter Option
field. Select the standard letter code of the letter to modify using
the award amount.

Award Message (Optional) To have a specific award message print on an award

notification or a custom letter for awards of this financial aid
item type, select the award message in this field. The award
messages available for selection are defined on the Setting Up
Award Messages page.

Related Links
"Defining Letter Codes" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)
"Setting Up Institution Sets" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Self Service)

Setting Term Minimum and Maximum Award Limits

Access the FA Item Type 4 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Financial Aid Item Types > FA Item Type 4).

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Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Image: FA Item Type 4 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 4 page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Term Category Select the term type for which you are specifying minimum and
maximum award limits. The automated Packaging process uses
the financial aid item type term limits from this page, annual
item type limits from the Item Type page, fiscal limits, financial
aid item type annual limits from the packaging plan, and, if
defined, any aggregate area limits to determine the correct
amount to award. Term category values are delivered with your
system as translate values. These values are used extensively in
Student Records. Coordinate any revision of these values with
student records staff.

Insert additional rows to add more term categories.

Minimum and Maximum Enter the minimum and maximum award limits for terms of
the associated term category. Remember that this amount is per
term, not per aid year. To ensure that the Packaging process
processes without fault, minimums should not be less than 1.00
USD. You must set this field to a nonzero amount for your gap
financial aid item types.

If the maximum award limit is 400.00 USD (for a term), the

item type limit is 1,000.00 USD (for the aid year), and your
institution has two semester terms, the maximum award for this
financial aid item type is 800.00 USD (400.00 USD for each
term). If your institution has three quarter terms, the maximum
amount based on the term maximum amount is 1,200.00 USD
(400.00 USD for three terms) but this exceeds the item type
limit for the aid year. The actual maximum for this financial aid
item type is 1,000.00 USD—the item type limit for the aid year.
The financial aid item type term maximum cannot override the
item type maximum.

170 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Related Links
"Defining Terms" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)

Defining Default Disbursement Plans and Split Codes

Access the FA Item Type 5 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Financial Aid Item Types > FA Item Type 5).

Image: FA Item Type 5 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 5 page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Disbursement Rules
Disbursement plans determine the disbursements across terms, award period, and aid year, but students
may not necessarily attend all terms defined for the disbursement plan. The Missing Term Enrollment
field specifies if disbursements should be split evenly among the remaining terms for which the student
is actually enrolled. Select the Split evenly across valid term check box to have the award split among
the remaining enrolled terms for the student. For example, if the disbursement plan is for fall, winter, and
spring quarters, but the student is only enrolled for fall and spring with the Split evenly across valid term
check box selected, the award amount is split evenly between the fall and spring terms.

Clear the Split evenly across valid term check box to have the award amount split according to
the relative percentages of the valid terms. For example, a disbursement plan calls for a split of
20%/40%/40% among three terms, but only the first two terms are valid for the student. To determine the
relative percentages of the first two terms, the system first adds the disbursement split percentages for
the two valid terms (20% + 40% = 60%). Then the system divides each term's original percentage by the
new total percentage (60%). So the first term has a relative percentage of 33.33% (20% / 60% = .3333)
and the second term has a relative percentage of 66.37% (40% / 60% = .6667). The Packaging process
then determines each term's award amount by multiplying the total award amount by each term's relative

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 171

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Note: The Split evenly across valid term check box is not available for Pell Grants because Pell amounts
for each term are derived at the term level based on financial aid term data, federal EFC, and Pell COA
and cannot be just distributed evenly among the valid enrollment terms.

Note: Select a Default Disbursement Plan that encompasses all terms (Academic and Non-Standard) in
which the student may receive a Pell Grant. Although Packaging does not use the Split Code specified
here when calculating Pell Grant, a default Split Code is required.

See Calculating Pell Grants

Default Disbursement Splits

Defining default disbursement plans and split codes decreases the amount of data entry during the
establishment of packaging plans and on the award entry pages. You can establish different default
disbursement plans and split codes for each career. Insert a row for additional institution/career

Disbursement Plan Enter the default disbursement plan for the financial aid item
type when awarded for the selected career and institution.

Split Code Enter the default split code for the financial aid item type when
awarded for the selected career and institution.

Related Links
Defining Default Disbursement Plans and Split Codes

Attaching Loan Fees

Access the FA Item Type 6 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Financial Aid Item Types > FA Item Type 6).

172 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Image: FA Item Type 6 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 6 page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Program
If the loan financial aid item type is associated with an aggregate area on the FA Item Type 1 page, the
Loan Program and Loan Interest Attribute fields display the values you selected in the corresponding
fields on the Aggregate Aid Limit page for the associated aggregate area. You cannot change these values
on this page. If the loan financial aid item type is not associated with an aggregate area, you can select the
appropriate value for these two fields on this page.

Loan Program Enter the type of loan program tracked by the aggregate area.

Loan Interest Attribute Enter whether the loan servicer pays the interest on the loan.

Subsidized: The loan servicer pays the interest on the loan while
the student is in school, during the repayment grace period, and
during any deferment periods.

Unsubsidized: The loan servicer does not pay the interest on the

Loan Fees
Enter the loan fees that you want to associate with the loan financial aid item type, including Direct Loan
interest rebate fees. You must set up loan fees on the Loan Fee Table page before assigning loan fees to a
financial aid item type. The Packaging process uses the loan fees that you assign to calculate the loan fee
amount (based on the awarded amount) and to determine from which disbursements to subtract the loan
fee amount. Anticipated aid and anticipated disbursements display the net amount of the award—the total
award amount less the loan fee amount, plus a Direct Loan interest rebate if eligible. You can add as many
loan fees as needed to reflect all of the loan fee types that apply to this financial aid item type. When you
enter a loan fee, the system populates the Loan Fee Type, Loan Fee Rule, Loan Fee Option, Fee Percent,
and Flat Fee fields with the corresponding values set up on the Loan Fee Table page.

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Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Note: To properly calculate the net financial aid amount that appears on a student's billing statement, you
must attach the appropriate loan fees to the financial aid item type.

See Setting Up Loan Fees.

Calculating Actual Loan Fees for CommonLine Loans

For some loan financial aid item types, the estimated loan fees determined during the Packaging process
may not reflect the actual fees charged by the loan servicers. Loans processed using the CommonLine
loan business process can have the loan fees in the student's package automatically updated with the
actual loan fee amounts determined by the loan servicer. The estimated loan fees are automatically
updated when the loan is guaranteed by the loan servicer and a CommonLine application response record
is processed for the student. If you adjust the student's loan award after the loan fees are updated, the
Packaging process uses the actual loan fee rate used by the loan servicer (instead of the loan fees assigned
to the financial aid item type) to calculate loan fees for the new award amount.

See Reviewing CL 4 Status and Phase Codes.

Calculating Direct Loan Interest Rebate

You must insert the Direct Loan rebate loan fee you set up on the Loan Fee Table page on the FA Item
Type 6 page for all Direct Loan financial aid item types. The up-front interest rebate amount of 1.5
percent of the gross disbursement is calculated at the disbursement level for each Direct Subsidized,
Direct Unsubsidized, and Direct PLUS loan. The interest rebate amount is added after the 3 percent loan
fee is subtracted from the gross disbursement amount. For example, a student receives a Direct Loan of
1,000.00 USD for the fall 2004 term. The net disbursed amount is 985.00 USD because the 3 percent loan
fee of 30.00 USD is deducted from the gross amount of the loan, and the 1.5 percent interest rebate of
15.00 USD is added back into the loan.

The loan fee and interest rebate amounts are truncated. This means the system removes cents and uses
the remaining whole dollar amount. The dollar value is not rounded up or down. When calculating the
combined fee and interest rebate amount and the loan fee amount, the process carries the result out to
three decimal places.

Note: Gross disbursement calculations do not change with the interest rebate implementation. Dollar
figures are rounded to the nearest dollar. All disbursements are equal except in cases where a variance
may be applied to the last disbursement.

Note: Direct Loans with a zero rebate or no longer eligible for a rebate must still have a Loan Fee Type
defined as a ‘rebate’ added as an attribute on the Financial Aid Item Type setup.

The following table uses a 3,500.00 USD loan amount and is an example of determining combined fee
and interest rebate amount, disbursement net amount, loan fee amount, and interest rebate amount for
three disbursements:

174 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Disburse- Gross Step 1 — Step 2 — Step 3 — Step 4 — Step 5 — Step 6 —

ment Disburse- Com Fee/ Truncated Disburse- Loan Fee Truncated Interest
Number ment Interest Com Fee/ ment Net Amount Loan Fee Rebate
Amount Rebate Interest Amount Amount Amount
Amount Rebate

1 1167 USD 1167 х (.03 - . 17 1167 - 17 = 1167 х .03 = 35 1150 - (1167 -

015) = 17.505 1150 35.01 35) = 18

2 1167 USD 1167 х (.03 - . 17 1167 - 17 = 1167 х .03 = 35 1150 - (1167 -

015) = 17.505 1150 35.01 35) = 18

3 1166 USD 1166 х (.03 - . 17 1166 - 17 = 1166 х .03 = 34 1149 - (1166 -

015) = 17.49 1149 34.98 34) = 17

Totals 3500 USD 3449 USD 104 USD 53 USD

Related Links
Setting Up Loan Fees

Defining Gap Financial Aid Item Types

Use gap financial aid item types to establish an amount of financial aid that is not met at a particular point
in time by a packaging plan.

To create a gap financial aid item type:

1. Verify that a gap item type exists in the Item Types component (Set Up SACR > Product Related >
Student Financials > Item Types).

If you need to create a gap item type, define only the Initial Setup page. When you add the item type,
you could use a series of 9s as the ID to distinguish this item type from other item types because a
gap item type is unique – not shown on award letters and not part of the student's award record. On
the Initial Setup page, enter a description, short description, and any applicable keywords (based on
your institution's keyword scheme). Then clear the GL Interface Required check box and select the
Financial Aid option in the Classification group box.

2. Add a new financial aid item type, selecting the gap item type in the add dialog box.

3. Complete the fields in the Financial Aid Item Types component as you do for any other financial aid
item type.

Keep in mind that when you use the gap in a packaging plan, the Packaging process treats the gap
financial aid item type as it does any other financial aid item type, honoring the values and rules that
you establish in the Financial Aid Item Types component and the percentage of the Total Need field in
the packaging plan. For example, a packaging plan's FM percentage of Total Need field has a value of
50 percent, the gap financial aid item type has a term limit of 5,000.00 USD, and you have a student
with an FM need of 8,000.00 USD. The Packaging process assigns a gap of only 4,000.00 USD to
the student, because that is 50 percent of the student's FM need, even though this is less than the term

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Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

4. Set your default gap financial aid item type at the installation level on the Financial Aid Defaults

You can also set default gap financial aid item types at the academic career or academic program
level, using aid processing rule sets.

See Establishing Defaults.

Budgeting Fiscal Limits

To set up fiscal limits, use the Fiscal Item Types component (ITEM_TYP_FISCAL).

This section provides an overview of fiscal limits and discusses how to:

• Assign fiscal limits to financial aid item types.

• Review fiscal fund status.

• Reviewing fiscal fund notes.

• Review fiscal limits for aggregate areas.

Understanding Fiscal Limits

Use the Fiscal Item Types component to set up your financial aid item type fiscal detail. These are the
fiscal amounts that you want Financial Aid to adhere to when awarding and disbursing the financial aid
item type. You must set up fiscal limits for each financial aid item type—if a financial aid item type does
not have fiscal limits, you cannot award it.

If you have not set up fiscal limits:

• During manual packaging you receive message 9531: "There is no entry in the ITEM_TYPE_FISCL
table for the Item Type associated with this award.

Please check Set Up SACR > Product Related > Awards > Fiscal Item Types to determine whether
Fiscal Limits have been defined for the Item Type being packaged. If Fiscal Limits have not
been defined, please add them. If Fiscal Limits have been defined, please contact your System
Administrator for assistance."

• During Auto or Mass Packaging, you receive message 9532: "There is no entry in the
ITEM_TYPE_FISCL table for the Item Type associated with this Packaging Rule.

Please check Set Up SACR > Product Related > Awards > Fiscal Item Types to determine whether
Fiscal Limits have been defined for the Item Type being packaged. If Fiscal Limits have not
been defined, please add them. If Fiscal Limits have been defined, please contact your System
Administrator for assistance."

176 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Pages Used to Budget Fiscal Limits

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Assign Fiscal Limits ITEM_TYPE_FISCL Set Up SACR > Product Assign fiscal limits to
Related > Financial Aid > financial aid item types.
Awards > Fiscal Item Define the maximum amount
Types > Assign Fiscal Limits of money that can be offered,
accepted, and disbursed for a
financial aid item type.

Fiscal Item Type Audit SFA_IT_FISCAL_SEC Set Up SACR > Product Click this link to view details
Related > Financial Aid > about changes to the Assign
Awards > Fiscal Item Fiscal Limits page.
Types > Assign Fiscal
Limits > click Audit Fields

Fiscal Fund Status ITEM_TYPE_FISCL2 Set Up SACR > Product Review the status of a
Related > Financial Aid > financial aid item type's fiscal
Awards > Fiscal Item fund.
Types > Fiscal Fund Status

Fiscal Fund Notes ITEM_TYPE_FISCL3 Set Up SACR > Product Enter comments regarding a
Related > Financial Aid > fund for informational use by
Awards > Fiscal Item your financial aid staff.
Types > Fiscal Fund Notes

Fiscal Aggregate Summary AGGR_AREA_FISCL Financial Aid > Fund Review detailed fiscal
Management > Fiscal information for an aggregate
Aggregate Summary > Fiscal area. You cannot enter
Aggregate Summary budgeted amounts for an
aggregate area; the values
on this page are the sum of
all financial aid item types
associated with this aggregate

Assigning Fiscal Limits to Financial Aid Item Types

Access the Assign Fiscal Limits page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Fiscal Item Types > Assign Fiscal Limits).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 177

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Image: Assign Fiscal Limits page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign Fiscal Limits page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Budgeted − Offer The maximum source of funding you can offer for this financial
aid item type.

Budgeted − Accept The maximum source of funding that can be accepted for this
financial aid item type.

Gross − Offer The sum of all gross offered amounts from each student who
received this financial aid item type award. For example, if the
student were initially offered 800.00 USD, then 800.00 USD
would be added to this sum. If the student was later offered 300.
00, 800.00 USD would still be the gross offered amount.

Gross − Accept The sum of all gross accepted amounts from each student who
received this financial aid item type award. For example, if the
student initially accepted 800.00 USD, then 800.00 USD would
be added to this sum. If the student later accepted 300.00, 800.
00 USD would still be the gross accepted amount.

Reductions − Offer The sum of the reduced offer amounts from each student for this
financial aid item type. If a student is offered 800.00 USD for
this item type and later the offer is reduced to 600.00 USD, then
200.00 USD is added to the sum. If the award is reduced again
for the student, then the additional reduction amount is added to
the sum.

Reductions − Accept The sum of the reduced accept amounts from each student for
this financial aid item type.

Net − Offer The sum of the current offer amounts for this financial aid item

178 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Net − Accept The sum of the current accept amounts for this financial aid item

Available − Offer The remaining source of funding available to award students for
this financial aid item type. Equals the Budgeted − Offer minus
the Net − Offer.

Available − Accept The remaining amount available for students to accept for this
financial aid item type. Equals the Budgeted − Accept minus the
Net − Accept.

Count − Offer The number of students (unduplicated) who have been offered
an award of this financial aid item type. Does not include
students that have canceled or declined awards.

Count − Accept The number of students (unduplicated) who have accepted an

award of this financial aid item type. Does not include students
that have canceled or declined awards.

Highest − Offer The sum of all the highest offer amounts from each student who
received this financial aid item type award. If a student were
initially offered 500.00 USD, then 500.00 USD would be added
to this sum. If the student was later offered 800.00 USD, then
500.00 USD would be subtracted and 800.00 USD would be
added to the sum because it is the highest amount offered to the
student. This amount enables you to know what your maximum
total offer amount is for this financial aid item type.

Highest − Accept The sum of all the highest accepted amounts from each student
who received this item type award. This amount enables you
to know what your maximum total accepted amount is for this
financial aid item type.

Here is an example of how the amounts in the Gross, Reductions, Net, and Highest columns are
calculated. This example tracks only one student. On the page itself, the values shown are added to
similar values for all other students who are awarded the financial aid item type.

Award Activity Gross Reductions Net Highest

Offer 1,000 USD 1,000 USD 0 USD 1,000 USD 1,000 USD

Cancel Award 1,000 USD 1,000 USD 0 USD 1,000 USD

Increase to 200 USD 1,200 USD 1,000 USD 200 USD 1,000 USD

Increase to 1,000 USD 2,000 USD 1,000 USD 1,000 USD 1,000 USD

Reduce to 500 USD 2,000 USD 1,500 USD 500 USD 1,000 USD

Cancel award offer 2,000 USD 2,000 USD 0 USD 1,000 USD

Budgeted − Disbursements The amount you want to budget for the total disbursements of
this financial aid item type.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 179

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Paid − Disbursements The amount that has been authorized and disbursed to students
from this financial aid item type.

Potential Payments − Disbursements The remaining amount available to disburse to students for this
financial aid item type. Equals the Budgeted − Disbursements
minus the Paid − Disbursements.

Audit Fields Click this link to view the Fiscal Item Type Audit page.

Image: Fiscal Item Type Audit page

This example illustrates the fields on the Fiscal Item Type Audit page.

Warning! Once the Fiscal Item Type Audit Trail has been established with manual changes to the
Budgeted Offer, Accept or Disbursement balance, running the Aid Year Rollover process (Audit Process
Type of FA_AID_YEAR) with the "Override Aid Year" attribute selected deletes all of the existing Audit
Trail rows and newly creates the Fiscal Item Type Audit Trail.
Because the Fiscal Item Type Audit Trail is a child table to the ITEM_TYP_FISCL table, Aid Year
Rollover deletes the parent ITEM_TYP_FISCL table as part of the override action. The effect is that all
previous audit trail entries are lost. If you wish to retain the audit trail entries before running subsequent
Aid Year Rollover jobs, consider downloading the Fiscal Item Type Audit Trail entries contained in the
grid into an Excel spreadsheet for retention.

Reviewing Fiscal Fund Status

Access the Fiscal Fund Status page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Fiscal Item Types > Fiscal Fund Status).

180 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Image: Fiscal Fund Status page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Fiscal Fund Status page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Give financial aid staff who need to know this information but who you do not want to have the ability to
change the budgeted amount for a fiscal fund access to this page instead of the Assign Fiscal Limits page.

Cancelled Amount Displays the sum of the awards of this financial aid item type
that have been cancelled.

Cancelled Count Displays the number of students that have cancelled awards of
this financial aid item type.

Declined Amount Displays the sum of the awards of this financial aid item type
that have been declined.

Declined Count Displays the number of students that have declined awards of
this financial aid item type.

Reviewing Fiscal Fund Notes

Access the Fiscal Fund Notes page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards > Fiscal
Item Types > Fiscal Fund Notes).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 181

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Image: Fiscal Fund Notes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Fiscal Fund Notes page.

Enter comments regarding a fund for informational use by your financial aid staff.

Reviewing Fiscal Limits for Aggregate Areas

Access the Fiscal Aggregate Summary page (Financial Aid > Fund Management > Fiscal Aggregate
Summary > Fiscal Aggregate Summary).

Image: Fiscal Aggregate Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Fiscal Aggregate Summary page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Budgeted − Authorized The maximum source of funding that can be authorized for this
aggregate area.

182 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Net − Authorized The sum of the current authorized amounts for this financial aid
item type. When this amount equals the budgeted amount, no
further awards for this aggregate area can be authorized.

Packaging for Pell Grant Eligibility

Beginning with Aid Year 2016 (Award Year 2015-2016), you can import the Department of Education's
published Federal Pell Grant (Regular and Alternate) Payment and Disbursement Schedules directly into
your system to evaluate Pell awards.

This section discusses how to:

• Load the Department of Education's published Federal Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement
schedules into the Pell Table Enablement (PTE) tables.

• Compare the Department of Education's published Pell schedules with the existing values in the
system’s PTE tables.

Pages Used to Package for Pell Grant Eligibility

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Table Enablement Load SFA_PELL_SCH Set Up SACR >Product Import Federal Pell Grant
Run Control Related >Financial (Regular and Alternate)
Aid >Awards >Pell Table Payment and Disbursement
Load Schedules as MS Excel files
(*.xlsx) to award Pell Grants.

Pell Table Comparison Run SFA_PELL_XML Set Up SACR >Product Identify in *.xml format,
Control Related >Financial data differences between
Aid >Awards >Pell Table the schedules in the system’s
Compare Pell Table Enablement tables
and those published by the
Department of Education.

Loading Pell Schedules into Pell Table Enablement Tables


Access the Pell Table Enablement Load Run Control page Set Up SACR >Product Related > Financial
Aid >Awards >Pell Table Load

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 183

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Image: Pell Table Enablement Load Run Conrol Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Table Enablement Load Run Conrol Page. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Aid Year Select the Aid Year for which to load the Department of
Education's published Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement
Schedules into the system. The earliest permissible Aid Year is
2016. Attempting to load an earlier Aid Year triggers an error

Note: Oracle has loaded both the Regular and Alternate Pell
Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules for Aid Year
2016 (Award Year 2015-2016). Beginning with Aid Year 2017
(Award Year 2016-2017), if you choose to use the Pell Table
Enablement feature when awarding Pell Grants, you will need to
load the published schedules from the Department of Education.

Schedule Type Select the schedule type.

Regular: Regular Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement


Alternate: Career Pathway Alternate Pell Grant Payment and

Disbursement schedules.

Attachment Use the standard Add, Delete, and View Attachment buttons
to upload, delete, or view the *.xlsx file's corresponding Pell

Attach only MS Excel (*.xlsx) versions of Federal Pell Grant

Payment and Disbursement Schedules for loading to the
Pell Table Enablement tables: SFA_PELL_SCHED (regular
schedules) and SFA_PELL_ALT (alternate schedules). PDF
formats are not supported.

Note: The file name for the attachment has a 64-character limit. Edit the file name accordingly if the
schedule file name published by the Department of Education exceeds the limit.

If the Pell tables contain data for a given Aid Year/Schedule Type combination, and you load another
instance of that combination, the system deletes the existing data and repopulates the PTE tables with the
contents of the most recent upload.

This functionality allows you to update the system’s Pell tables for a given Aid Year. For example,
if during the award year, Congress updates already published schedules to reflect revised Pell award

184 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

amounts, you need to upload the revised schedules into the system, and the Packaging routines use the
revised schedules in its evaluation and awarding of students.

Note: For Aid Year 2016, the system's Pell Table Enablement tables have been preloaded with the Award
Year 2015-2016 Federal Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules (both Regular and Alternate).
Therefore, simply select the Use Pell Table attribute on the Financial Aid Installation setup table to award
Aid Year 2016 Pell grants.

Warning! Do not alter, in any manner, the content of the published Excel spreadsheets containing the
Department of Education's Federal Pell Grant (Regular and Alternate) Payment and Disbursement
Schedules. The Pell Table Enablement Load program logic interrogates specific values in each of the
schedules—any alteration in content may result in failure to load or an incorrect load.

Comparing Published Pell Schedules with Existing Pell Table Data

Use this comparison routine to compare the published schedules against existing system data, review the
results for any mismatches, and update the system tables with the source schedules, if needed. If neither
the schedules nor the PTE tables have been altered, these values should always match.


Access the Pell Table Comparison Run Control page Set Up SACR >Product Related >Financial
Aid >Awards >Pell Table Compare.

Image: Pell Table Comparison Run Control Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Table Comparison Run Control Page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Aid Year Select the Aid Year for which to perform a comparison of
the Department of Education's published Federal Pell Grant
Payment and Disbursement Schedules against the system’s
existing PTE data. The earliest permissible Aid Year is 2016.
Attempting to load an earlier Aid Year triggers an error

Schedule Type Select the schedule type.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 185

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Regular: Regular Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement


Alternate: Career Pathway Alternate Pell Grant Payment and

Disbursement schedules.

Attachment To perform a comparison, first save a copy of the spreadsheet as

an XML file type in MS Excel. Use the standard Add, Delete,
and View Attachment buttons to upload, delete, or view the
(converted) XML file's corresponding Pell Schedule.

Note: Ensure that the file name of the uploaded corresponding

XML schedule is limited to 64 characters.

Delete Results Select this button to clear out the Compare Results window.

Compare Results Summary Identify the number of mismatches (up to 300) found during the
comparison between the attached schedule and PTE table.

Update Selected Select this button to update the system tables for selected
mismatched rows.

Update All Select this button to update the system tables for all of the
identified mismatched rows.

If there are more than 300 mismatches, you are prompted to

reload the corresponding Pell Schedule using the Pell Table
Enablement Load Run Control.

Preparing for Early Financial Aid Offers

To set up early financial aid categories, use the Early Financial Aid Categories component

This section provides an overview of early financial aid offers and discusses how to set up early financial
aid offer categories.

Understanding Early Financial Aid Offers

Early financial aid offers are a recruiting tool used by admissions and financial aid departments to provide
preliminary financial aid offers to prospective students. The early financial aid offer is constructed
independently of financial aid rules and procedures.

You can associate an early financial aid offer with each admission application a prospective student
submits. This feature is especially useful for graduate and professional schools that make financial aid
offers to hot prospects and is used by financial aid and undergraduate admission offices to provide a
competitive advantage in their freshman recruitment process.

Early financial aid offers are made using general financial aid categories that you define on the Early
Aid Categories page. Create early financial aid offer categories for all the types of financial aid that you
are using for early awarding. For example, you may want to create separate early financial aid offer

186 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

categories for grants, scholarships, work-study, and loans. When creating the early financial aid offer
you could specify the estimated amount to be awarded in each category. If you want to display only an
estimated total award amount you can define a general category, such as Estimated Financial Aid, and use
only this category in the early financial aid offer.

Page Used to Prepare for Early Financial Aid Offers

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Early Aid Categories ERLY_FA_CTG_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Set up early financial aid
Related > Financial Aid > offer categories. Specify the
Awards > Early Financial types of aid your institution
Aid Categories > Early Aid considers for an early
Categories financial aid offer.

Setting Up Early Financial Aid Offer Categories

Access the Early Aid Categories page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Early Financial Aid Categories > Early Aid Categories).

Image: Early Aid Categories page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Early Aid Categories page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Comments Enter a more detailed description of the early financial aid offer
category in this field. You can set up this description to print on
your early financial aid offer letter.

Setting Up Restricted Aid

To set up restricted aid, use the Restricted Aid Table component (RESTRCTD_AID_SETUP).

This section provides an overview of restricted aid and discusses how to:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 187

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

• Define restricted aid basic information.

• Define award limits and requirements.

• Attach an external organization.

• Assign a committee.

Related Links
"Setting up Applicant Evaluation" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Recruiting and Admissions)
"Setting Up Student Response" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Recruiting and Admissions)

Understanding Restricted Aid

Restricted aid includes awards such as scholarships, fellowships, and institutional or private funds with
more subjective eligibility requirements. Restricted aid does not refer to federal monies. Awarding
restricted aid makes use of the rating scheme and committee features of PeopleSoft Campus Community.
Use the Restricted Aid Table component to set up all of the parameters and conditions for awarding your
institution's restricted funds.

Note: If you are using a review process for evaluating candidates for restricted aid, you must define a
rating scheme. You must also complete the pages in the Managing Organization Data and Managing
Committee Data sections of the PeopleSoft Campus Community Fundamentals documentation.

See "Understanding Organization Data" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

See "Creating Committees" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community) and "Assigning
Committee Members" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Pages Used to Set Up Restricted Aid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Restricted Aid Detail 1 RSTRC_AID1 Set Up SACR > Product Define basic information
Related > Financial Aid > about the restricted aid
Awards > Restricted Aid award, including whether
Table > Restricted Aid Detail an application is required
1 and whether the award is

Restricted Aid Detail 2 RSTRC_AID2 Set Up SACR > Product Define award limits and
Related > Financial Aid > requirements. Enter the
Awards > Restricted Aid number of awards, maximum
Table > Restricted Aid Detail and minimum award amounts,
2 and application requirements.

Restricted Aid Org/Contact RSTRC_AID3 Set Up SACR > Product Attach an external
(restricted aid organization/ Related > Financial Aid > organization to the restricted
contact) Awards > Restricted Aid aid type and view the
Table > Restricted Aid Org/ contact information for that
Contact organization.

188 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Restricted Aid Committees RSTRC_AID5 Set Up SACR > Product Assign a committee to
Related > Financial Aid > evaluate candidates. Review
Awards > Restricted Aid a list of individual committee
Table > Restricted Aid members and their roles
Committees within the committee.

Defining Restricted Aid Basic Information

Access the Restricted Aid Detail 1 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Restricted Aid Table > Restricted Aid Detail 1).

Image: Restricted Aid Detail 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Restricted Aid Detail 1 page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Restricted Aid Type Identify the restricted aid as a fellowship or scholarship.

Renewable Select if the restricted aid is a renewable aid source.

Application Required Select whether an application is required, and if so, what kind
of application. You can select External, Internal, or No App (no

Application Deadline and If an application is required, enter the date it must be turned in
Application Submit Location and where to submit it.

Duration Enter a numeric value for the duration of the restricted aid type
and then indicate in the adjacent field whether this is Days,
Months, Terms, or Years.

Development Code Enter a code of up to four alphanumeric characters. The

development code is institution-specific and assists with
institutional reporting needs.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 189

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Defining Award Limits and Requirements

Access the Restricted Aid Detail 2 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Restricted Aid Table > Restricted Aid Detail 2).

Image: Restricted Aid Detail 2 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Restricted Aid Detail 2 page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Number of Awards Enter the number of awards that you can make from this
restricted aid type.

Bill Donor Select if you bill the donor when the aid is awarded.

Total Funding Enter the total funding amount for this restricted aid type.

Min Amt (minimum amount) and Enter the minimum and maximum amounts that you can award
Max Amt (maximum amount) for this restricted aid type.

Item Type Enter the financial aid item type associated with this restricted
aid type.

Application Requirements Select the checklist that applicants must finish to apply for this
restricted aid type.

Report Requirements Select the checklist that contains the reporting requirements a
staff member fulfills for this restricted aid type.

Recipient Requirements Select the checklist that contains the tasks award recipients must

Rating Scheme Select the rating scheme that outlines the selection process.
Rating schemes are set up in Recruiting and Admissions.

190 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Related Links
"Understanding Checklists" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Attaching an External Organization

Access the Restricted Aid Org/Contact page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Awards > Restricted Aid Table > Restricted Aid Org/Contact).

Image: Restricted Aid Org/Contact page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Restricted Aid Org/Contact page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

External Org ID (external Select the organization ID that represents the organization
organization ID) associated with this restricted aid type. To view any additional
organizations associated with this restricted aid type, use the
scroll arrows.

Comment Displays an explanation of the selected organization. Enter any

additional information about the organization into this field.

Contact Name Displays a contact person at the organization. To view additional

contacts, use the scroll arrows.

Contact Nbr (contact number) Indicates that more than one contact person exists, or
differentiates between different contact information for the same
contact person.

Phone Displays the contact person's phone number.

Assigning a Committee
Access the Restricted Aid Committees page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Awards > Restricted Aid Table > Restricted Aid Committees).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 191

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

Image: Restricted Aid Committees page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Restricted Aid Committees page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Committee Enter the committee that evaluates the candidates.

Committee Type Indicates the type of committee.

Comment Enter additional information about the committee in this field.

Evaluator ID Enter the ID of a committee member.

Committee Role Enter the individual's role within the committee.

Related Links
"Understanding Committee Templates" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)
"Creating Committees" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)
"Assigning Committee Members" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Setting Up Award Adjustment Reasons

To set up award adjustment reasons, use the Award Adjustment Reasons component

Award adjustment reasons are institutionally defined reasons indicating why an award may be adjusted.
Award adjustment reasons can be used for clarification when modifying an award and also for statistical
tracking purposes. You can enter an award adjustment reason any time that you change an award on the
award entry pages, but award adjustment reasons are required on the Professional Judgement page. Some
sample award adjustment reasons come pre-delivered with Financial Aid, but you can modify, add, and
delete these.

This section discusses how to create award adjustment reasons.

192 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up Packaging Basics

Pages Used to Set Up Award Adjustment Reasons

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Award Adjustment Reasons AWRD_ADJ_RSN_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Create or modify award
Related > Financial Aid > adjustment reasons.
Awards > Award Adjustment
Reasons > Award Adjustment

Copy Adjustment Reasons AWD_ADJ_RSN_COPY Click the Copy button on the Copy award adjustment
Award Adjustment Reasons reasons from one aid year
page. and institution combination to

Creating Award Adjustment Reasons

Access the Award Adjustment Reasons page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Awards > Award Adjustment Reasons > Award Adjustment Reasons).

Image: Award Adjustment Reasons page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Adjustment Reasons page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Code Enter a three-character code that represents the award

adjustment reason.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 193

Setting Up Packaging Basics Chapter 5

194 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6

Setting Up External Awards

Understanding External Awards

Important! Financial Aid Notification (FAN) letter is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained
for this product, but no new development will be produced for FAN. It is strongly recommended that you
use Communication Generation (Comm Gen) instead. For more information on Comm Gen, see "Using
the Communication Generation Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

This section discusses:

• Types of external award data.

• Data sources and methods to obtain external awards.

• Data flow of external awards to student award tables.

• Special consideration for Student Financial payments.

• Awarding Loan Certifications as external awards.

Types of External Award Data

In most instances, external awards are already determined for a student by an external entity. However,
information about a student's external award must be accounted for and posted to a student's award
package to determine the effect on a student's total financial aid package and financial need.

External award or resource data can originate from various sources:

• State agencies providing data on state grant awards.

• Internal academic departments providing data on departmental scholarship awards.

• Students directly providing information about outside or private scholarship and grant awards.

• Student financial department providing payment transactions that have already been acknowledged on
a student's (SF) account, such as waivers or third-party contract payments.

Data Sources and Methods to Obtain External Awards

External award or resource data can be communicated to the financial aid office in various formats and

• Data files, such as state grant roster files or internal departmental scholarship files.

• Manual data entry required when a student submits paper financial aid notifications that indicate
outside or private scholarship awards.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 195

Setting Up External Awards Chapter 6

• Entries from students who enter outside or private scholarships and grants in Self Service.

• Data included in other nonfinancial aid specific records, such as waiver and third-party contract
payments already posted to a student's (SF) account.

• School Loan Certification Requests, which differ from all other external awards. The borrower applies
for a loan directly with the servicer and the servicer requests that the school certify the borrower's

External award data processing is built around a core set of External Award Staging records that maintain
the external award transaction data. Every external award transaction entered is keyed with a set of
transaction key values and provided a processing status as it relates to the loading of that transaction into
the student award records.

Data Flow of External Awards to Student Award Tables

The following diagram shows a high-level flow of data.

Image: Data flow of external awards to student award tables

Data flow of external awards to student award tables

Various data sources update the core set of External Award staging tables. After external award data
or transactions update the staging tables, a separate External Award Load process is run to determine
whether and how the external award data is to update the student award tables. The result of the External
Award Load process updates the processing status field maintained for each external award transaction.

196 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Setting Up External Awards

Special Consideration for Student Financial Payments

The Student Financial and Financial Aid teams need to determine which payments to represent on a
student's award package. Then use the External Award process to acknowledge payments, waivers, and
third-party credits that have already been posted to a student account. Payments posted to a student
account can be defined as a one-to-one mapping to a (Financial Aid) item type or a many-to-one

To set up the mapping, complete the external award attribute setup. Then update the External Award tab
on the (Student Financial) Item Type setup table. Run a separate SF External Award process to capture
and assess mapped payments and credits to a financial aid item type. The SF External Award process
creates external award transactions in the External Award Staging tables.

Awarding Loan Certifications as External Awards

The outcome of the External Award process updates award data in a student award package. A school
loan certification request can become a candidate for a type of external award. The External Award
process has options to identify the potential awarding of a loan certification request. School loan
certifications are the only type of external award that is evaluated for federal need eligibility, based on the
type of loan certification request.

Federal Stafford loan certification uses the Related Item Type setup to identify the subsidized and
unsubsidized Stafford financial aid item types. The Stafford Loan Certification Awarding process
evaluates the student's current federal need and posts the appropriate subsidized and unsubsidized award
combination. If the student does not demonstrate need, the process returns an error message that the
student is not eligible.

Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) and Alternative school loan certification requests require
a single financial aid item type.

Note: Use this option only if your school incorporates the processing of school loan certification request
applications in Commonline version 4 (CL4) or Common Record CommonLine (CRC.) Awarding loan
certification requests as an external award accomplishes the awarding step within the loan certification
process for CL4 or CRC.

Setting Up External Award Processing

This section discusses how to:

• Define external award types.

• Define external award sources.

• Cross-reference external award attributes to financial aid item types.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 197

Setting Up External Awards Chapter 6

Pages Used to Set Up External Award Processing

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

External Award Type SFA_EA_TYPE Set Up SACR > Product Define external award types.
Related > Financial Aid >
External Awards > Define
External Award Types >
External Award Type

External Award Source SFA_EA_SOURCE Set Up SACR > Product Define external award
Related > Financial Aid > sources.
External Awards > Define
External Award Sources >
External Award Source

External Award Cross SFA_EA_TYPE_XREF Set Up SACR > Product Cross-reference external
Reference Related > Financial Aid > award attributes to financial
External Awards > Item Type aid item types.
Cross Reference > External
Award Cross Reference Use if a financial aid item
type is not defined on an
external award transaction.
Use cross-reference setup
to map Student Financial
payments to a financial aid
item type award.

Defining External Award Types

Access the External Award Type page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > External
Awards > Define External Award Types > External Award Type).

Image: External Award Type page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Award Type page.

198 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Setting Up External Awards

The external award type is a high-level description of the type of external award to be processed. External
award type is completely user-defined. Definitions help with categorizing and reporting external award
data collected.

Defining External Award Sources

Access the External Award Source page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > External
Awards > Define External Award Sources > External Award Source).

Image: External Award Source page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Award Source page.

Use this page to define the sources of external awards, such as your state, other departments at your
institution, your Human Resources department, Student Financials, or a general category of student-
reported awards. A unique program code can be further defined within an external award source code.
These attributes are completely user-defined. Use the definitions to categorize and report collected
external award data.

Cross-Referencing External Award Attributes to Financial Aid Item Types

Access the External Award Cross Reference page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
External Awards > Item Type Cross Reference > External Award Cross Reference).

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Setting Up External Awards Chapter 6

Image: External Award Cross Reference page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Award Cross Reference page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to map Type and Source values that you entered on the External Award Type page and the
External Award Source page to an existing financial aid item type. You can map many external awards
with similar attributes to the same financial aid item type. For example, a school can combine several
outside scholarship programs in a single financial aid item type. The external award attributes may differ,
but all map to the same financial aid item type.

Note: If mapping many to one financial aid Item Type, ensure that the reporting code is Append. This
ensures that the financial aid Item Type award represents a comprehensive total.

Use the Enable Sequencing option on this page for more control over where in a student's financial aid
package incoming external awards should be inserted. When you enable sequencing, a Sequence column,
a second Item Type column, and a second Item Type Description column are revealed in the grid. If
External Award Sequencing is not enabled, incoming external awards are sequenced above existing
awards; except for Loan Certifications, which are sequenced below all awards.

The Student Financial External Awards process uses the cross-reference mapping and external award
attributes mapped on the Student Financial item type setup to determine which (SF) payments to process
and report as external award transactions.

Enable Sequencing Select this check box to enable the Sequence and second Item
Type columns which allow you to select the desired sequence
for each incoming external award item type.

Award Type Select an award type that you entered on the External Award
Type page.

Source Select an award source that you entered on the External Award
Source page.

Program Code Use depending on the granularity of detail that you need in order
to map an external award to a financial aid item type. Select an

200 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Setting Up External Awards

award source program code that you entered on the External

Award Source setup page.

Item Type Select the external award financial aid Item Type (in the first
Item Type column in the grid, directly after the Program
Code column) to associate with this row's type and source

Different combinations of external award attributes can be

mapped to the same Item Type. For example, you could
categorize several outside scholarships with their own
combination of type, source, and program code. However,
each combination would map to a single Item Type for award

Note: If you are mapping several attribute combinations to a

single Item Type, each external award transaction must have
a reporting code of Append to ensure that the correct added
amount is posted.

Self Service Select the check box for each row of information that should
appear for the student on the Report Aid from Other Sources
Self Service pages. In Self Service, students can then select the
award type from a drop-down list box. If an award does not
appear in a drop-down list box, the student can enter the award
in free form.

See "Understanding Campus Self Service for Financial Aid"

(PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Self Service).

Sequence Select where in the student's package the external award Item
Type should be inserted:

• (blank) - default: If no sequence is defined, the external

award Item Type is inserted into the last position (highest
sequence number).

• First: The external award Item Type is inserted into the first
position (lowest sequence number).

• Last: The external award Item Type is inserted into the last
position (highest sequence number).

• Before: The external award Item Type is inserted before the

Item Type specified in the second Item Type column.

• If there is no Item Type specified in the second Item

Type column or if the Item Type specified in the second
Item Type column is not found in the student’s package,
the external award Item Type is inserted after Need
Based awards.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 201

Setting Up External Awards Chapter 6

• If there are no Need Based awards found in the student's

package, the external award Item Type is inserted into
the first position (lowest sequence number).

• After: The external award Item Type is inserted after the

Item Type specified in the second Item Type column.

• If there is no Item Type specified in the second Item

Type column or if the Item Type specified in the second
Item Type column is not found in the student’s package,
the external award Item Type is inserted after Need
Based awards.

• If there are no Need Based awards found in the student's

package, the external award Item Type is inserted into
the last position (highest sequence number).

• After Need Based: The external award Item Type is inserted

after Need Based awards.

If there are no Need Based awards found in the student's

package, the external award Item Type is inserted into the
first position (lowest sequence number).

Need-based awards are defined by a Straight Need/Cost

value in the Meet Need/Cost field on the FA Item Type 2
setup page.

See Setting Up Financial Aid Item Type Awarding Rules.

Item Type In this second Item Type column, select the Item Type before
or after which the external award Item Type should be inserted.
This field is only enabled when Before or After is selected in the
Sequence column.

Description Displays the description of the Item Type specified in the second
Item Type column.

Defining Search and Match Criteria

This section discusses how to define search and match criteria for the External Award Load process.

202 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Setting Up External Awards

Page Used to Define Search and Match Criteria

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

External Award Search Match SFA_EA_SRCH_MATCH Set Up SACR > Product Define search and match
Rules Related > Financial Aid > criteria for use by the External
External Awards > Search Award Load process.
Match Rules > External
Award Search/Match Rules

Defining Search and Match Criteria for the External Award Load Process
Access the External Award Search Match Rules page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial
Aid > External Awards > Search Match Rules > External Award Search/Match Rules).

Image: External Award Search Match Rules page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Award Search Match Rules page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The External Award Stage process uses the Search/Match utility when running the External Load for an
external file. You create your own search/match rules and search/match parameters for each File Mapping
definition. The process determines whether an existing ID matches a transaction identified within an

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 203

Setting Up External Awards Chapter 6

external award data file. Each external award data file must be related to a File Mapping definition
defined within the File Parser utility.

The following table lists the search fields specific to External Award Stage processing that are relevant
when you are defining search/match rules.

External Award Stage Fields Search Rule Search Field

National ID NationalIDRule NATIONAL_ID

Last Name LastNameSrchRule LAST_NAME_SRCH

First Name FirstNameSrchRule FIRST_NAME_SRCH

Date of Birth DateOfBirthRule BIRTHDATE

Middle Name MiddleNameRule MIDDLE_NAME

No Match Found Select Suspend or Ignore as the action for the External Award
Load process to take when no match is found.

Match(es) Found Starting from the lowest search order, select Update, Suspend,
or Ignore as the action for the External Award Load process to
take when a match is found. In this example, 10 is the lowest
and most restrictive search rule.

Related Links
"Setting Up Search/Match" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Planning for File Parser and External Award Processing

Use the File Parser utility to map external award data files and convert data to the External Award staging
tables. The delivered External Award context definition defines the target External Award staging tables,
fields, and mapping action. Use this section to determine how to create File Parser mapping definitions
for external award processing.

This section discusses how to:

• Use the context definition.

• Use the file mapping definition.

• Review the External Award staging tables.

Using the Context Definition

The context definition identifies the target table that the File Parser populates with external data. A
context definition identifies the hierarchy of the target record structure and fields available to be mapped
and updated. Your Campus Solution database is provided with the context definition for the External
Award process. The External Award context definition contains the External Award Stage records and

204 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Setting Up External Awards

fields, which are the target records for mapping any external data file for the External Award process.
Do not change any record or fields defined in the External Award context definition unless you need to
reduce the number of fields that are visible for mapping.

Using the File Mapping Definition

Use the File Mapping Definition component to map and define a data file to be converted to target staging
tables. The key element in a File Mapping definition is the context definition to be referenced. After you
identify the context definition, identify the external data file layout. The external fields are then mapped
to the available target records and fields.

Use the File Definition tab to identify the context definition and general attributes of the data file to be
processed. Use the External Award Load context definition for external files that contain data that you
want to convert and update the external award staging tables. If your external file has multiple row types,
then only identify the row types that have data that you want to convert.

Use the File Layout tab to identify the external file fields and format.

Use the Mapping tab to define how the target staging table and fields are updated when the external
file is processed. For example, your external file probably contains a field comparable to the required
SFA_EA_REPORT_CD field on the staging table record SFA_EASTAGE_DTL. On the Mapping tab for
this field, set the Mapping Action field to Default Value and enter A=Append, R=Replace, or N=New.
When the external file is processed, the SFA_EA_REPORT_CD field is then populated with that value.

Reviewing the External Award Staging Tables

The record layout and field definitions describe the External Award staging tables. The layout also
identifies which fields are visible for mapping in the File Parser Mapping Definition component. The four
records are:

• SFA_EASTAGE_HDR: The header record, which contains the highest keys.

• SFA_EASTAGE_DTL: The award details at an annual award level.

• SFA_EASTAGE_DSB: Award disbursement details.

• SFA_EASTAGE_CNT: Summary counter and amounts.

External Award Stage Header Record and Fields

This is the parent record to the SFA_EASTAGE_DTL and SFA_ESTAGE_DSB records.

Field Name Description Visible for Mapping Comment

SFA_EA_TRANS_NBR Transaction number Key assigned by the system.

TRANSACTION_DATE Transaction date Assigned by the File Staging


PROCESS_INSTANCE Process instance

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Setting Up External Awards Chapter 6

Field Name Description Visible for Mapping Comment

SFA_EA_TRANS_SRCE Transaction source Assigned by the system.

01 = Manual Entry, 02 =
External Data file, 03 =
Loan Certification file (not
currently used), 04 = Student
Financials Feed, 05 = Self

OPRID User ID Assigned by the File Staging


SCCFP_MAP_ID File mapping ID Assigned by the system.

FILENAME File name Assigned by the File Staging


CPS_SCHOOL_CODE School code Yes Not currently used.

Context Definition is Visible

for Mapping.

SFA_EA_STDNT_COUNT Transaction student count Field exists on the SFA_

EASTAGE_CNT record. If
mapped, the field is used to
capture source transaction
student count.

SFA_EA_AWARD_TOTAL Transaction award total Field exists on the SFA_

EASTAGE_CNT record. If
mapped, the field is used to
capture source transaction
award total.

SFA_EA_RSLT_COUNT Actual count Number of row counts in

source is external file.

SFA_EA_RSLT_TOTAL Actual total Sum of awards in SFA_

EASTAGE_DT, when source
is external file.

SFA_EA_FILE_STATUS File read status Assigned by the File Staging


PKG_STATUS_CD Packaging status Error number. Assigned by

File Staging process.

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Chapter 6 Setting Up External Awards

External Award Stage Detail Record and Fields

This is the child record to the SFA_EASTAGE_HDR record.

Field Name Description Visible for Mapping Comment

SFA_EA_TRANS_NBR Transaction number Key assigned by the system

SFA_EA_SEQNO Sequence number Key assigned by the system

NATIONAL_ID National ID Yes Available as a Search/Match

element. If EMPLID is
provided, the Search/Match
routine is bypassed.

BIRTHDATE Date of birth Yes Available as a Search/Match

element. If EMPLID is
provided, the Search/Match
routine is bypassed.

LAST_NAME Last name Yes Available as a Search/Match

element. If EMPLID is
provided, the Search/Match
routine is bypassed.

FIRST_NAME First name Yes Available as a Search/Match

element. If EMPLID is
provided, the Search/Match
routine is bypassed

MIDDLE_NAME Middle name Yes Available as a Search/Match

element. If EMPLID is
provided, the Search/Match
routine is bypassed.

EMPLID Employee ID Yes If EMPLID is provided, then

Search/Match parameters are
bypassed during the External
Award Load process.

INSTITUTION Academic Institution


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Setting Up External Awards Chapter 6

Field Name Description Visible for Mapping Comment

ACAD_CAREER Academic Career Yes (Optional) The External

Award Load process uses an
active career, as determined
from the FA Term record for
the student ID. If the student
has multiple careers within
one aid year, the External
Award Load process errors
out with a message indicating
that the student has more than
one active career. If you are
running the External Award
Load process from batch,
you can allow the External
Award Load process to post
an external award transaction
to the first active career found.

208 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Setting Up External Awards

Field Name Description Visible for Mapping Comment

SFA_EA_PROC_STAT Processing Status The processing status of the

External Award transaction:

• Unprocessed: All
transactions start with
this value except student-
reported aid (Self

• Processed: Indicates
a successful External
Award Load.

• Error:

• Adjusted: Assigned
as a result of Multi-
Career batch option,
Term Mismatch batch
option, or a reduction by
the Engine (in the case
of a loan certification

• Duplicate: Assigned
during EA Load. If the
reporting code is New
and the student's award
package already has
Financial Aid Item Type
posted, the External
Award Load process
returns Duplicate.
The status can also be
changed manually to

• Suspend: Based on the

Search/Match option.

• Skip: Based on the

Search/Match option,
Multi-Career batch
option, or Term
Mismatch batch option.

• In Progress: Assigned
to transactions selection
for a particular External
Award Load process.
Thus, if the program
terminates during

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Setting Up External Awards Chapter 6

Field Name Description Visible for Mapping Comment

processing, batch
transactions remain at
this status. Change the
value manually for the
batch to be selected again
by the External Award
Load process.

• Reported: Assigned to
all new External Awards
with data source of Self

SFA_EA_PROC_DTTM Date/Time Processed

SFA_EA_EA_TYPE External Award Type Yes (Optional) If no financial aid

item type is provided, then
external award attributes of
Type, Source, or Program
code are reviewed against
External Award Cross-
Reference item type setup.

SFA_EA_SOURCE External Award Source Yes (Optional) If no financial aid

item type is provided, then
external award attributes of
Type, Source, or Program
code are reviewed against
External Award Cross-
Reference item Type setup.

SFA_EA_PROGRAM_CD External Award Program Yes (Optional)


SFA_EA_LOAN_CERT Loan Certification Yes (Optional) Indicates external

award data is based on a Loan
Certification Request. If yes,
then a corresponding Related
Item Type Group or Item Type
value must be identified. If
yes, Reporting Code becomes
New by default.

See Awarding Loan

Certifications as External

210 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Setting Up External Awards

Field Name Description Visible for Mapping Comment

SFA_EA_REPORT_CD Reporting Code Yes (Required) Determines how

transaction data is posted to a
student's award package:

• New: If item type to be

posted already exists,
the External Award
Load process sets the
transaction to Error.
This is used ideally for
external awards reported
once each aid year.

• Replace: The default

value when you are
entering transactions
manually. Use this value
to change existing annual
and disbursement details
of an award. If item
type to be posted does
not already exist, the
External Award Load
process treats transaction
as if Reporting Code
value were New. Be
careful when using
the Replace value and
providing only term
amount details. See NET
_AWARD_AMT field
to understand how field
amount is determined.

• Append: Use this value

to add an amount to
an existing award.
Append transactions can
increase the annual award
amounts for specific
disbursement IDs. If
item type to be posted
does not already exist,
the External Award
Load process treats
the transaction as if
Reporting Code is New.

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Setting Up External Awards Chapter 6

Field Name Description Visible for Mapping Comment

ITEM_TYPE Item Type Yes If this field is blank, the

External Award Load process
uses the External Award Item
Type Cross Reference setup to
determine the item type to be
added or updated.

REL_ITEM_TYPE Related Item Group Yes Available only when Loan

Certification equals Yes.
This value is intended to
determine Stafford eligibility.
The Related Item Type
group should identify both
Subsidized and Unsubsidized
Stafford item types.

See Awarding Loan

Certifications as External

DESCR Description Yes (Optional) Enter a 30-

character award description.
The description is displayed in
Self Service.

212 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Setting Up External Awards

Field Name Description Visible for Mapping Comment

DISBURSEMENT_PLAN Disbursement Plan Yes (Optional) If provided, the

disbursement plan (DP) is
used. If the disbursement plan
is not provided, the default
DP from the item type's career
default DP/Split Code (SC) is
used. If no default DP/SC is
defined for career, a DP/SC is
used from the student's term
enrollment. If a DP/SC is not
found, External Award Load
errors out the transaction.

For Replace/Append
transactions, this must be
the same value used on
the posted (noncanceled)
award. A Split code does
not need to be provided if
a Disbursement Plan code
exists. Providing only a
Disbursement Plan code
allows the External Award
Load process to establish the
term disbursement structure
and define the specific
distribution based on amounts
provided in transaction.

SPLIT_CODE Split Code Yes (Optional) If provided,

this split code is used to
determine the disbursement
split formula. Split code is set
to XX if disbursement data
is provided on the External
Award transaction.

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Setting Up External Awards Chapter 6

Field Name Description Visible for Mapping Comment

NET_AWARD_AMT Net Award Amount Yes (Optional) The annual amount

to be posted. If scheduled
disbursement amounts are
provided, the cumulative
scheduled disbursement
amounts must equal the
net award amount. If this
field is blank, and scheduled
disbursement detail is
provided, then the net award
amount is assigned the sum
of scheduled disbursement

DISBURSED_AMOUNT Disbursed Amount Yes (Optional) The total disbursed

amount to be posted. If
disbursement detail amounts
are provided, the cumulative
amounts must equal the
disbursed amount. If this field
is blank and disbursement
detail is provided, then
disbursed amount is assigned
the sum of the disbursement
detail amounts.

Note: The disbursed amount

on the posted award is
updated only when the
disburse method for the item
type is No.

SFA_EA_PAY_STATUS Paid Status Yes (Optional) Indicates that

the annual amount has been
fully paid to the student. If
you select Yes, the annual
disbursed amount is equal to
the net award amount.

Note: The disbursed amount

on the posted award is
updated only when the
Disburse method for the item
type is No.

214 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Setting Up External Awards

Field Name Description Visible for Mapping Comment

SFA_EA_ADJ_REASON Adjustment Reason Yes (Optional) Use this 3-

character field to capture
additional information. Any
data mapped to this field is
visible when you are viewing
external award transaction

SFA_EA_INELIGIBLE Ineligibility Reason Code Yes (Optional) Use this 3-

character field to capture
additional information. Any
data mapped to this field is
visible when you are viewing
external award transaction

SFA_EA_SUSPEND_RSN Suspense Reason 1-character suspense code.

Currently not being used.

SFA_EA_LOAD_ERROR Load Error Code External Award Load Error

Message codes are maintained
in the Message Catalog/
Message Set Number =
14402/Message Set range

SFA_EA_SS_VISIBLE Self Service Visible Code Yes/No. This field is

available on the Award Detail
component for each external
award transaction. Select Yes
to show the DESCRLONG
value as award detail in Self

FIN_AID_TYPE Financial Aid Type Used by External Award Load

process to evaluate award

DESCRLONG Description Used with the SFA_EA_SS_

VISIBLE field. If the Visible
field is selected, descriptions
entered are available for
the student to view in Self
Service, Reporting Outside
Aid-Award Details.

External Award Stage Disbursement Record and Fields

This is the child record to the SFA_EASTAGE_DTL record.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 215

Setting Up External Awards Chapter 6

Field Description Visible for Mapping Comment

SFA_EA_TRANS_NBR Transaction number A key assigned by the system.

SFA_EA_SEQNO Sequence number A key assigned by the system.

SFA_EA_DISB_SEQNO Disbursement Sequence Yes. (Required) A key assigned

by system. It represents each
unique disbursement detail for
the transaction.

If you map several

disbursement detail rows
from an external file, when
you define the mapping, set
Mapping Action to become
a 2-digit numeric value by
default. This ensures that
the key is created when the
external file is processed.

STRM Term Yes (Optional) If provided, the

External Award Load process
determines whether it is valid
with the student's enrollment.
If a disbursement ID is
not provided, then the first
disbursement ID for STRM is

DISBURSEMENT_ID Disbursement ID Yes (Optional) Use to append the

disbursement amount to an
existing award.

SCHEDULED_AWARD Scheduled Award Yes The scheduled or allocated

disbursement amount at the
disbursement sequence level.

DISBURSED_AMOUNT Disbursed Amount Yes The disbursed or paid amount

at the disbursement sequence

Note: The disbursed amount

on the posted award is
updated only when the
Disburse method for the item
type is No.

216 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Setting Up External Awards

Field Description Visible for Mapping Comment

SFA_EA_PAY_STATUS Paid Status Yes (Optional) Identify the paid

status at the disbursement
sequence level. If you
select Yes, the disbursement
sequence amount is equal to
the resulting scheduled award

Note: The disbursed amount

on the posted award is
updated only when the
Disburse method for the item
type is No.

External Award Stage Counter Record and Fields

This is the child record to the SFA_EASTAGE_HDR record.

Field Name Description Visible for Mapping Comment

SFA_EA_TRANS_NBR Transaction number A key assigned by the system.

SFA_EA_STDNT_COUNT Yes If mapped, this field is

used to capture source
transaction student count,
but no processing logic is
associated with the field.

SFA_EA_AWARD_TOTAL Yes If mapped, this field is used

to capture source transaction
award total, but no processing
logic is associated with the

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 217

Setting Up External Awards Chapter 6

218 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass


Understanding Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

The items covered in Understanding Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging are required only for Auto
Packaging or Mass Packaging. You must also perform the basic setup tasks outlined in the general
awarding setup.

This section lists prerequisites and provides an overview of packaging plans.

Before setting up your packaging plans, perform the following steps to define your institution's needs:

1. Define the populations of students who may have unique needs and for what awards they are eligible.

Your student populations might include undergraduate students, graduate students, and medical
students. Within your graduate population you might have students in a teacher credential program,
masters level students, and Ph.D. level students. Within your undergraduate and graduate populations
you might group students by their academic program or plan, such as sociology or physical education.
Medical students might be grouped by their year in the program, for example first year or fourth
year. For reasons of equity, especially if your institution cannot meet all students' financial need,
you may want to group students by their financial need, as determined by subtracting Expected
Family Contribution (EFC) from cost of attendance (COA). In that case, you may have a population
defined as undergraduate students with need greater than 10,000.00 USD and another group defined
as undergraduates with a need less than 10,000.00 USD.

2. Determine which awards students in each group are eligible for or which awards you want to give
certain students, and in which order these awards should be offered.

Each financial aid award that your institution offers may apply to all students or to only a specific
group of students. For example, only undergraduates are eligible for Pell Grants and only students
from California are eligible for Cal Grants, but you might have a University Grant for which all
students are eligible regardless of their career or residency. You are now ready to start grouping
awards together into a packaging plan.

Understanding Packaging Plans

Using Financial Aid, you can create packaging plans that give the system instructions on how to award or
package a student with various financial aid awards. You should create your packaging plans to meet the
needs of your various groups of students. Packaging plans are used when groups of students are packaged
in a background process (Mass Packaging) or when the system automatically packages an individual
student online (Auto Packaging). A packaging plan groups together financial aid awards and enables

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 219

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

you to set specific rules for how that group of awards should be given to students. You can also specify
other important parameters in a packaging plan, such as how much federal need the packaging plan meets
and how the aid is disbursed to students. The packaging plan can incorporate nearly all decisions that a
financial aid counselor makes when creating a financial aid package with specific financial aid awards.
Because a packaging plan is set up to make decisions that a financial aid counselor would, the packaging
plans must reflect your institution's financial aid awarding philosophy so that the automated process
works most effectively for you.

If you have a group of similar awards, such as endowed restricted funds, which have very specific target
populations, you might want to group these awards together into a related item type group. You can define
the group and include it in a packaging plan as an individual award, instead of adding individual restricted
aid financial aid item types to packaging plans.

Individual financial aid item types can be part of as many packaging plans as you prefer. Some financial
aid item types can be in every packaging plan, such as an unsubsidized Stafford loan.

Not all financial aid item types in a packaging plan are issued to all students who are selected for that
packaging plan. The packaging plan assigns financial aid item types to students based on selection criteria
defined for each financial aid item type and the overall packaging rules set up as part of the packaging
plan. For example, a packaging plan includes ten different financial aid item types, but a student receives
only five of the ten financial aid item types because of eligibility requirements or because the student's
financial need is met. Although you are not packaging students in this section, it is important to know
how packaging plans are used to set them up effectively.

After you group your individual financial aid item types in your various packaging plans, decide in
what order you want the various awards to be made. This decision depends heavily on your institution's
financial aid packaging policies. The automated Packaging routines process individual financial aid item
types in a designated order within each packaging plan. The automated Packaging routine continues
awarding up to a dollar limit or a percentage of need defined in the packaging plan, or up to the cost of
attendance, depending on the type of awards that are included in the packaging plan. Because awards
are packaged in a specific order up to the defined limit, you may want to sequence entitlement awards
near the top of the packaging plan to ensure that they are awarded. You might want to put less desirable
awards, such as unsubsidized loans, lower in the order.

In addition to selecting and sequencing awards in the packaging plan, you must set up several other
parameters. Define packaging targets, award limits, equity limits, loan award limits, work award limits,
and the disbursement schedule for each award. For award-related limits and disbursements, you can use
the default value for the award—as defined in your financial aid item type setup—or you can define
values to be used for the award when it is included in a packaging plan.

Throughout the setup of your packaging plans you can use equations to identify a population of students
or to perform calculations. Use the Equation Engine to create these equations.

Using Equation Engine in Packaging

Equation Engine can read any table for which you have security access and can perform various
arithmetic operations and external call subroutines.

Note: If you plan to use equations, you must set them up before you set up packaging plans. Similarly, if
you plan to use Mass Packaging, set up equations to be used as part of that process.

220 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

You must be familiar with the fields that you can use in equations to understand what student data is
available for selection or calculation. Equations are written in statements similar to spoken phrases. For
example, if you want to write an equation that calculates different award amounts based on a student's
grade level, using the Global A_AMOUNT option, you would first write:

If the student's grade level is freshman, then I want to award 8,000.00 USD; if the student's grade level is
sophomore, then I want to award 8,500.00 USD; if the student's grade level is junior, then I want to award
9,000.00 USD, and if the student's grade level is a senior or higher, then I want to award 9,500.00 USD.

This sentence can be written as an equation:

Line Number Equation Keyword Operand Type Operand Comment



3 String A





7 Global EQ EMPLID


9 Global EQ AID_YEAR



12 IF



15 <=

16 Value 1



19 Number 8000.00000



Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 221

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Line Number Equation Keyword Operand Type Operand Comment



24 =

25 Value 2



28 Number 8500.00000





33 =

34 Value 3



37 Number 9000.00000





42 >=

43 Value 4



46 Number 9500.00000



222 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging


In the example, NSLDS_LOAN_YEAR is the field name for academic level. The first section
of the equation assigns the global variables needed by the equation engine to identify the proper
NSLDS_LOAN_YEAR. The second section tells the system which table, field, and field values are to
be evaluated by the equation (NSLDS_LOAN_YEAR value = freshman, sophomore, junior, and so on).
Based on the table/field value, the 'Assign Global A_AMOUNT' statement instructs the system to award
the student a particular dollar value (if the student is a sophomore, award the student 8,500.00). When
using the Equation Engine, you are guided in the writing of your equation by the various field prompts
and their values.

As another example, if you are creating a packaging plan for your graduate career and you need to select
all students with a graduate career, you would write an equation using A_SELECT: I want to select all of
my students whose career equals graduate.

This sentence can be written as an equation:

Line Number Equation Keyword Operand Type Operand Comment


2 String





6 Global EQ EMPLID


8 Global GE STRM


10 IF



13 =

14 String GRAD



17 String GRAD

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 223

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Line Number Equation Keyword Operand Type Operand Comment




21 String F




In the example, ACAD_CAREER is the field name for career. The first section of the equation assigns
the global variables needed by the equation engine to identify the proper Career. The second section tells
the system which table, field, and field values are to be evaluated by the equation (ACAD_CAREER =
GRAD). Based on the table/field value, the 'Assign Global A_SELECT' statement instructs the system to
select the student, in this example, for the particular packaging plan (if the student's career equals GRAD,
assign the student to 'Graduate' packaging plan).

Related Links
"Understanding Equations" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)

Viewing and Editing Equations

This section provides an overview of the Equation Engine and discusses how to:

• Review field names for equations.

• Use packaging data source and equation engine.

• Round in packaging using equations.

Understanding the Equation Engine

The Equation Engine is a very powerful tool that enables you to develop a variety of formulas. The
equations are used to select a specific population of students for packaging as well as to calculate award
amounts and other numeric values. The Equation Engine uses algebraic equations and Boolean formulas,
and it enables you to link equations. Equations are used when defining a packaging plan, setting award
maximums and limits, and assigning groups of students to a financial aid item type, equity group, or
related item type group.

Before you write an equation, define the information that you want the equation to provide. If you want
the equation to provide a listing for a group of students, decide exactly what the process for selecting
those students is and then create an equation using the global statement 'ASSIGN GLOBAL A_SELECT'
= T' structure. You need to assign this kind of equation as 'Fin Aid Packaging Select Eqtns' for its
application prompt. By doing this, you are presented with only Selection Type Equations in Packaging

224 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Setup. If you want the equation to provide a calculated value such as an award maximum, decide where
the value is derived from and how it is calculated and then create an equation using the Global statement
'ASSIGN GLOBAL A_AMOUNT Number ####.##' structure. You need to assign this kind of equation as
'Fin Aid Packaging Amount Eqtns' for its application prompt. By doing this, you are presented with only
Calculation Type Equations in Packaging Setup.

Page Used to View and Edit Equations

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Equation Editor EQUATION_EDITOR Set Up SACR > Common View and edit equations.
Definitions > Equation
Engine > Equation Editor

Reviewing Field Names for Equations

Any field in the database can be accessed and used in developing equations if you have defined the table
or view in Equation Data Tables (Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Equation Engine > Equation
Data Tables) and the relevant Equation Tree Security has been granted to the table or view (Set Up
SACR > Security > Equation Tree Security > Tables and Views).

Some delivered packaging equations are system-specific and some are demonstration-specific. System-
specific packaging equations contain the prefix FAPK* while demonstration-specific packaging equations
contain the prefix FAPD*.

FAPK = Packaging System Equations. Do not modify any equation with the FAPK* prefix as these
equations are used as part of the internal Equation processing of Dual Sourced fields (ISIR vs. IM fields)
for Financial Aid Auto and Mass Packaging.

FAPD = Packaging Data Equations are a sample set equations provided as part of the demo database.
These equations serve as examples of creating various types of packaging equations supported by the
Equation Engine routine.

Related Links
"Understanding Equation Engine" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)

Using Packaging Data Source and Equation Engine

The Equation Engine is equipped to handle dual-sourced fields for packaging purposes—same or
similar fields that are sourced from the ISIR or an institutional application (PROFILE, or institutional
application) that packaging uses. The Equation Engine determines which source data to use.

Equations with the prefix FAPK* are system equations that handle the dual-sourced nature of these
ISIR or institutional fields. To use these equations, you must create a new equation and invoke a CALL
statement to the applicable FAPK system equations and then assign a global variable in your newly
created equation. The system uses the Packaging Data Source together with these FAPK system equations
fields to return the corresponding value from the appropriate Packaging Data Source. Review the
delivered FAPD* equations to see how the corresponding FAPK equations are implemented.

Note: To ensure that the dual-sourced equations behave correctly, do not modify them.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 225

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Access the Equation Editor page (Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Equation Engine > Equation

Image: Equation Editor page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Equation Editor page.

The Equation Table group box displays the equation description and creation information. Use the
Equation Detail group box to view and edit an approximate algebraic representation of the equation. Use
the scroll bar to view the entire equation.

Equations use dual source fields. Refer to the following table for more details.

226 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Equations with Dual
Source Fields

Equation Name Description Field Name 1 RecName Field Name 2

































Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 227

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Equations with Dual
Source Fields

Equation Name Description Field Name 1 RecName Field Name 2






















Packaging Data Source Control Equations

The following equations are key equations that the Equation Engine uses as internal triggers in its routine
when determining what table to call to obtain correct data:

Warning! Do not modify or remove these equations.

Equation Name Description

FAPKGDATASRC Get Packaging Data Source



228 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Equation Name Description






Rounding in Packaging Using Equations

The Packaging routine does not round up to whole dollar amounts when your equation yields a decimal
result for a packaging limit. If the result contains decimals, the Packaging routine produces the following
error message: Message # 9146 Cannot disburse in whole dollars; award contains cents.

For equations that need to yield a whole dollar result, you must use a rounding equation. Use one of two

• Option 1:

1. Create your A_AMOUNT equation, and at the bottom of the equation, insert a Call statement to
the delivered sample equation FAPDROUNDAWD.

2. Review the FAPDROUNDAWD equation to determine the number of places beyond the decimal
point that you want (0=integers or whole numbers, 1, 2, and so on).

3. Ensure that the Packaging System Equation EQROUND is called as part of FAPDROUNDAWD.

• Option 2:

1. Create your A_AMOUNT equation, and at the bottom of the equation, append the contents of the
delivered sample equation FAPDROUNDAWD to your newly created equation—making sure that
you Assign ROUND_IN, ROUND_PLACES (including the number of places beyond the decimal
point that you want A_AMOUNT to contain), and ROUND_RESULT.

2. Ensure that the Packaging System Equation EQROUND is called as part of your newly created

Note: For this rounding logic to work properly, it is imperative that all elements of FAPDROUNDAWD
are employed and that EQROUND is called as part of that routine—these components should not be
modified by you or anyone on your staff.
Here is an example of the Equation Editor page, showing the FAPDROUNDAWD equation:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 229

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Image: Example Equation Editor page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Example Equation Editor page.

Related Links
"Understanding Equations" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)

Reviewing Equations
This section discusses how to view equations as algebraic expressions.

230 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Page Used to Review Equations

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Review Equations SCC_EQUATION_VIEW • Set Up SACR > View equation as algebraic

Common Definitions > expressions.
Equation Engine >
Review Equations

• Click Equation Detail on

the Related Item Type
Group page, Packaging
Plan page, FM Target
page, IM Target page,
Equity Rule page,
Packaging Limits page,
or the Packaging Rules 1

Viewing Equations as Algebraic Expressions

Access the Review Equations page (Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Equation Engine > Review

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 231

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Image: Review Equations page

This example illustrates the Review Equations page.

This page displays the equation name and an approximate algebraic representation of the equation. You
cannot edit the equation on this page. Use the scroll bar to view the entire equation.

Note: This summary is a representation of the equation that you created on the Equation Editor page. The
Equation Editor page determines how your equation functions.

Reviewing Equation Examples

This section contains examples of equations. It details three equations that are used to create loan
validation edits for financial aid. These equations are delivered with the system as part of the Loan
Validation process. This section discusses these equations:

• Packaging selection.

• Packaging calculation

• Verifying student is enrolled.

232 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Packaging Selection Equation

Sample Packaging Selection Equation resulting in a ASSIGN GLOBAL A_SELECT = True or False
result. This equation provides an answer to the question Is a student an undergraduate? (FAPDUGRADS,
Verify Student is an Undergrad):

Line Number Equation Keyword Operand Type Operand Comment

1 IF


3 =

4 String UGRAD



7 String T




11 String F



Packaging Calculation Equation

Sample Packaging Calculation Equation resulting in a ASSIGN GLOBAL A_AMOUNT = numeric
value result. This equation provides an amount Set the award amount for an early admission student
(FAPDEARLYADM, Set early admission amount):

Line Number Equation Keyword Operand Type Operand Comment


2 IF





Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 233

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Line Number Equation Keyword Operand Type Operand Comment




8 Global EQ EMPLID


10 Global EQ AID_YEAR



13 IF



16 =

17 Value 1



20 Number 2500.00000




24 Number 1250.00000



Verifying Student Is Enrolled Equation

This equation provides an answer to the question Is a student enrolled (U_FA_LOAD, Verify Student is

Line Number Equation Keyword Operand Type Operand Comment

1 IF

234 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Line Number Equation Keyword Operand Type Operand Comment



4 <>

5 Prompted Value C C = Cancelled


7 IF

8 Table U_FA_TERM_VW

9 Field TERM_SRC

10 <>

11 Prompted Value T T = Term


13 ASSIGN Global Variable RESULT

14 String FAILED


16 ASSIGN Global Variable HR_MSG_SET_NBR

17 String 21100


19 ASSIGN Global Variable HR_MSG_NBR

20 String 00005



23 IF

24 Table U_FA_TERM_VW

25 Field FA_LOAD

26 =

27 Prompted Value F F = Full Time

28 OR

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 235

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Line Number Equation Keyword Operand Type Operand Comment

29 Table U_FA_TERM_VW

30 Field FA_LOAD

31 =

32 Prompted Value H H = Half Time

33 OR

34 Table U_FA_TERM_VW

35 Field FA_LOAD

36 =

37 Prompted Value T T = Three Quarters


39 ASSIGN Global Value RESULT

40 String PASS



43 ASSIGN Global Value RESULT

44 String FAILED


46 ASSIGN Global Variable HR_MSG_SET_NBR

47 String 21100


49 ASSIGN Global Variable HR_MSG_NBR

50 String 00004





55 ASSIGN Global Variable RESULT

236 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Line Number Equation Keyword Operand Type Operand Comment

56 String FAILED


58 ASSIGN Global Variable HR_MSG_SET_NBR

59 String FAILED


61 ASSIGN Global Variable HR_MSG_NBR

62 String 00003



Creating Equity Item Type Groups

To set up equity item type groups, use the Packaging Equity Item Type component

This section provides an overview of equity item type groups and discusses how to define equity item
type groups.

Understanding Equity Item Type Groups

Equity funds are "free money" for students, such as grants and scholarships, and can include parent and
student contributions. Equity limits are established as part of the packaging plan and equity offsets reduce
the amount of equity funds available to a student. Financial aid item types that are defined as equity
awards are applied toward the equity limit when they are awarded.

Equity item type groups enable you to group together financial aid item types, regardless of their defined
equity attribute, for consideration as equity offsets within a packaging plan. You can designate a financial
aid item type not defined as an equity award as an equity item type by including it in an equity item type
group. Using equity item type groups, a group of financial aid item types can be treated as equity awards
in one packaging plan but not in another. You do not need to include financial aid item types defined as
equity awards in equity item type groups, but nothing prevents you from doing so.

Related Links
Defining Awarding and Rounding Rules

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 237

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Page Used to Create Equity Item Type Groups

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Equity Item Group PKG_EQUITY_GROUP Set Up SACR > Product Define an equity item type
Related > Financial Aid > group. Add or delete financial
Awards > Packaging Equity aid item types from an
Item Types > Equity Item existing group.

Defining Equity Item Type Groups

Access the Equity Item Group page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Packaging Equity Item Types > Equity Item Group).

Image: Equity Item Group page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Equity Item Group page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Item Type Select a financial aid item type to include in this equity item
type group. All financial aid item types, whether they have been
defined as an equity award or not, are available for selection.
Insert a new row to add additional financial aid item types to the
equity item type group.

Creating Related Item Type Groups

This section provides an overview of related item type groups and discusses how to define related item
type groups.

238 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Understanding Related Item Type Groups

To set up related item type groups, use the Related Item Type Group component

Related item type groups are used to award a group of similar funds, such as institutional or endowed
restricted funds, in a specific order until the group maximum is met. For example, an institution may have
more than 200 endowed or restricted funds from which to award a student. By implementing a related
item type group, you can group these funds together in discrete categories for quick evaluation through
packaging plans. If the related item type is used in a packaging plan, the packaging plan maximum may
also affect the amount awarded from the related item type group. When a related item type is used in a
packaging plan, only the financial aid item types for which a student qualifies are actually awarded.

Page Used to Create Related Item Type Groups

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Related Item Type Group PKG_REL_ITEM_GROUP Set Up SACR > Product Define related item type
Related > Financial Aid > groups. Add or delete
Awards > Related Item Type financial aid item types from
Group > Related Item Type an existing group.

Defining Related Item Type Groups

Access the Related Item Type Group page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Awards > Related Item Type Group > Related Item Type Group).

Image: Related Item Type Group page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Related Item Type Group page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 239

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Group Maximum and Maximum Enter the maximum dollar amount and the maximum number of
Number of Awards awards that can be awarded to one student from this related item

Selection Criteria Select an equation that defines the group of students to select for
this related item type group from a list of the equations that you
created using the Equation Engine. This field is optional; you
can use it to refine the group of students who are considered for
these awards.

Equation Detail This link appears only if you enter an equation in the Selection
Criteria field. Click to access the Review Equations page and
view the selected equation written as an algebraic expression.

Item Type Select a financial aid item type to include in this related item
type group. Insert rows to add additional financial aid item types
to the related item type group.

Processing Order Enter the order in which you want the system to evaluate the
associated financial aid item types, with the lowest number
evaluated first.

Defining Packaging Plans

This section provides an overview of packaging plans setup and discusses how to:

• Define packaging plan IDs.

• Set up FM packaging target.

• Set up IM packaging target.

• Define packaging equity limits and offsets.

• Define loan and work packaging limits.

• Define packaging rules: item type selection, sequence, and limits.

• Set packaging rule award limits.

• Define packaging rules: award status, disbursement plan, and split code.

Understanding Packaging Plan Setup

To set up packaging plans, use the Packaging Plan component (PACKAGE_PLAN_TABLE).

You can set up as many packaging plans as you want. Each plan can have a different set of awards, with
different award limits, targeted for different populations of students. Your philosophy about financial aid
awarding informs the setting up and adding of packaging plans. Packaging plans are aid year-specific but
can be copied from year to year and modified to reflect any changes for the new aid year. Packaging plans
are also career-specific.

240 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Before you define your packaging plans, identify your various student populations and their eligibility
for various types of financial aid. Creating a flow chart and ranking the various awards available for each
group of students may help you to define what each packaging plan should include and what rules it
should incorporate.

Pages Used to Define Packaging Plans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Packaging Plan PACKAGE_PLAN_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Define your packaging
Related > Financial Aid > plans. When you first add a
Awards > Packaging Plan > packaging plan you are asked
Packaging Plan to enter a career to associate
with the plan and a packaging
plan ID. Packaging plans are

Review Equations SCC_EQUATION_VIEW Click Equation Detail on the View a packaging equation
Packaging Plan page, FM written as an algebraic
Target page, IM Target page, expression.
Equity Rule page, Packaging
Limits page, or the Packaging
Rules 1 page.

Copy Package Plan Data PACKAGE_COPY Click the Copy button on the Copy packaging plan ID
Packaging Plan page. information from one
combination of institution,
aid year, academic career,
packaging plan, effective
date, and processing order to

FM Target PKG_PLAN_FED_TRGT Set Up SACR > Product Set up the packaging target
Related > Financial Aid > for the packaging plan using
Awards > Packaging Plan > federal methodology (FM).
FM Target

IM Target PKG_PLAN_INST_TRGT Set Up SACR > Product Set up the packaging target
Related > Financial Aid > for the packaging plan using
Awards > Packaging Plan > institutional methodology
IM Target (IM).

Equity Rule PACKAGE_PLAN_LIMIT Set Up SACR > Product Define packaging equity
Related > Financial Aid > limits and offsets.
Awards > Packaging Plan >
Equity Rule

Packaging Limits PACKAGE_PLAN_LMT2 Set Up SACR > Product Define loan and work award
Related > Financial Aid > limits for this packaging plan.
Awards > Packaging Plan > You can define different limits
Packaging Limits for federal methodology and
institutional methodology.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 241

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Packaging Rules 1 PACKAGE_RULE_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Define financial aid item
Related > Financial Aid > types, gap financial aid item
Awards > Packaging Plan > types, and related item type
Packaging Rules 1 groups to the packaging plan.
Assign a processing sequence,
the percentage of the student's
remaining need to meet, and
the minimum and maximum
award amounts.

Packaging Rule Award Limits PKG_RULE_LIMIT_SEC Click the Spending Limit Set packaging rule award
Preferences link on the limits by further defining
Packaging Rules 1 page. spending limits for the
financial aid item type in the
packaging plan.

Packaging Rules 2 PACKAGE_RULE_DISB Set Up SACR > Product Define the default award
Related > Financial Aid > action, disbursement plan, and
Awards > Packaging Plan > split code for each financial
Packaging Rules 2 aid item type used in the
packaging plan.

Defining Packaging Plan IDs

Access the Packaging Plan page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Packaging Plan > Packaging Plan).

Image: Packaging Plan page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Packaging Plan page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Processing Order When the Mass Packaging process has to evaluate many
packaging plans during a run, the processing order determines
the sequence in which the selected packaging plans are
reviewed. The Mass Packaging routine processes the packaging
plan with the lowest processing order number first.

242 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Award Period Select the award period to which the packaging plan applies.
The packaging plan's award period is particularly important
during multiple award period processing.

Academic: The packaging rules in this packaging plan

apply to the academic award period. If existing awards have
disbursement plan/split code combinations that indicate they
belong to the academic award period, the existing awards
are reevaluated and may be changed or canceled. If the
disbursement plan/split code combinations indicate the existing
awards belong to the non-standard award period, the existing
awards are not reevaluated. If the disbursement plan/split code
combinations indicate the existing awards belong to the both
award periods, only the portion of the existing awards that
belong to the academic award period are reevaluated.

Both: The packaging rules in this packaging plan apply to the

both award periods. All existing awards are reevaluated and
may be changed or canceled.

Non Std (non-standard): The packaging rules in this packaging

plan apply to the non-standard award period. If existing awards
have disbursement plan/split code combinations that indicate
they belong to the non-standard award period, the existing
awards are reevaluated and may be changed or canceled. If the
disbursement plan/split code combinations indicate the existing
awards belong to the academic award period, the existing
awards are not reevaluated. If the disbursement plan/split code
combinations indicate the existing awards belong to the both
award periods, only the portion of the existing awards that
belong to the non-standard award period are reevaluated.

Description For reference, you can include the career that uses this
packaging plan in the description for easy identification.

Selection Criteria Select an equation that determines which students are selected
for evaluation with this packaging plan during a Mass
Packaging run. You set up these equations with the Equation

Equation Detail This link appears only if you enter an equation in the Selection
Criteria field. Click to access the Review Equations page and
view the selected equation written as an algebraic expression.

Copy Click this button to access the Copy Package Plan Data page
and copy packaging plan ID information from one combination
of institution, aid year, academic career, packaging plan,
effective date, and processing order to another.

Related Links
Understanding Multiple Award Period Processing

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 243

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Setting Up FM Packaging Target

Access the FM Target page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards > Packaging
Plan > FM Target).

Image: FM Target page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FM Target page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

The packaging target is defined either as a percentage of the student's financial need or a specific dollar
amount or both. For example, the target could be to award students up to 75 percent of their FM need or
up to 12,000.00 USD, or to award 75 percent of their FM need up to 12,000.00 USD. When you populate
this page, the packaging plan evaluates the student's FM need. The packaging plan then attempts to award
students up to the target amount. You can also establish award amount limits for this packaging plan that
are more restrictive than those defined at the financial aid item type level.

FM Packaging Target
% of Total Need (percentage of total Enter the percentage of the student's FM need that you want this
need) packaging plan to meet.

Disable Percentage Select this check box if you want the packaging target to be
determined by a maximum amount only. Clear if you want to
use a maximum amount as well as a percentage to determine the
packaging target. If you are not entering a maximum amount,
you must clear this check box. When you select both % of Total
Need and Maximum Amount you can indicate, for example, that
the packaging plan is to meet 80 percent of FM need but only up
to a maximum of 5,000.00 USD.

Maximum Amount Enter the maximum amount of financial aid to be awarded by

this packaging plan.

Select Constant to use a specific, constant dollar amount as the

packaging target.

244 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Select Equation to invoke an equation to determine the dollar

amount to be used as the FM packaging target. The values in
this field include all of the equations that you created using the
Equation Engine.

Equation Detail This link is available after you select an equation. Click to view
the Review Equations page.

Note: FFELP or Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans are treated differently by the packaging targets
and limits. These awards are not limited by the packaging target because the eligibility for these awards
allows them to be given up to the aggregate level maximum without regard to an artificial limit.

FM Packaging Target Limit

Follow Item Type Limits Select this option to invoke the financial aid item type limits
established on the FA Item Type 4 page.

Override at Plan Level for Select this option to establish award amount limits that differ
from those at the financial aid item type level for financial aid
item types in a specific meet need/cost category. The meet need/
cost categories that you can select in this field are Conditional,
Cost Only, No Effect, and Special Need/Cost.

Maximum Amount Enter the new packaging plan-specific limit for the financial aid
item types that you specified in the Override at Plan Level for

Select Constant to use a specific, constant dollar amount as the


Select Equation to use an equation to determine the dollar

amount used as the limit. The values include all the equations
that you created using the Equation Engine.

Equation Detail This link is available after you select an equation. Click to view
the Review Equations page.

Note: The cost of attendance is always the maximum limit for awarding with a packaging plan except
when awarding No Effect awards.

Related Links
Defining Awarding and Rounding Rules

Setting Up IM Packaging Target

Access the IM Target page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards > Packaging
Plan > IM Target).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 245

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Image: IM Target page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the IM Target page.

The packaging target is defined either as a percentage of the student's financial need or a specific dollar
amount or both. For example, the target could be to award students up to 80 percent of their IM need or
up to 8,000.00 USD, or to award 80 percent of their IM need up to 8,000.00 USD. When you populate
this page, the packaging plan evaluates the student's IM need. The packaging plan then attempts to award
students up to the target amount. You can also establish award amount limits for this packaging plan that
are more restrictive than those defined at the financial aid item type level.

The fields on this page match those on the FM Target page.

Related Links
Setting Up FM Packaging Target

Defining Packaging Equity Limits and Offsets

Access the Equity Rule page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards > Packaging
Plan > Equity Rule).

246 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Image: Equity Rule page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Equity Rule page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Equity packaging enables you to ensure that similar populations of students—all graduates, all teacher
credential candidates, all first-time freshmen, all students whose EFC equals zero, and so on—are
packaged equally with "free" money from federal, state, institutional, or private sources. The equity target
amount—referred to in our system as the equity limit—can be reduced or offset by parent contribution,
student contribution, Social Security benefits, equity item type groups, or any combination of these
resources. The Packaging routine prevents the student from being awarded an equity award amount (from
the equity aid financial aid item types included as packaging rules) that exceeds the equity target amount.

Equity Limit
Maximum Amount Enter the maximum amount of financial aid to be awarded from
equity item types for this packaging plan. You must enter an
amount or an equation to make the fields in the Offset group box

Select Constant to use a specific, constant dollar amount as the

equity limit. Enter the dollar amount in the field to the right of
the Equation option.

Select Equation to invoke an equation to determine the dollar

amount used as the equity limit. The values include all the
equations that you created using the Equation Engine.

Equation Detail This link is available after you select an equation. Click to view
the Review Equations page.

Reduce the equity amount awarded by the packaging plan by selecting one or more of the offset check
boxes. If you select any FM offsets, the IM offsets are not available, and vice versa.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 247

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Parent Contribution (FM) (parent Select this check box to use the amount that the student's
contribution Federal Methodology) parent is expected to contribute—as calculated using federal
methodology from federal application data—as an offset. The
amount used for this field depends on the award period to which
this packaging plan is assigned. If the packaging plan designates
the award period as:

• Academic, the Packaging routine uses the prorated parent

contribution on the academic award period record.

• Non-standard, the Packaging routine uses the prorated

parent contribution on the non-standard award period

• Both, the Packaging routine uses the sum of the academic

prorated parent contribution and the non-standard prorated
parent contribution as an equity offset.

Student Contribution (FM) (student Select this check box to use the amount that the student
contribution Federal Methodology) is expected to contribute—as calculated using federal
methodology from federal application data—as an offset. The
amount used for this field depends on the award period to which
this packaging plan is assigned. If the packaging plan designates
the award period as:

• Academic, the Packaging routine uses the prorated student

contribution on the academic award period record.

• Non-standard, the Packaging routine uses the prorated

student contribution on the non-standard award period

• Both, the Packaging routine uses the sum of the academic

prorated student contribution and the non-standard prorated
student contribution as an equity offset.

Social Security Benefits (FM) (social Select this check box to use the amount of Social Security
security benefits Federal Methodology) benefits received by the student as an equity offset. This amount
comes from federal application data.

Parent Contribution (IM) (parent Select this check box to use the amount that the student's parent
contribution Institutional Methodology) is expected to contribute—as calculated using institutional
methodology from institutional application data—as an offset.
The amount used for this field depends on the award period
to which this packaging plan is assigned. If the packaging plan
designates the award period as:

• Academic, the Packaging routine uses the prorated parent

contribution on the academic award period record.

• Non-standard, the Packaging routine uses the prorated

parent contribution on the non-standard award period

248 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

• Both, the Packaging routine uses the sum of the academic

prorated parent contribution and the non-standard prorated
parent contribution as an equity offset.

Student Contribution (IM) (student Select this check box to use the amount that the student is
contribution Institutional Methodology) expected to contribute—as calculated using institutional
methodology from institutional application data—as an offset.
The amount used for this field depends on the award period
to which this packaging plan is assigned. If the packaging plan
designates the award period as:

• Academic, the Packaging routine uses the prorated student

contribution on the academic award period record.

• Non-standard, the Packaging routine uses the prorated

student contribution on the non-standard award period

• Both, the Packaging routine uses the sum of the academic

prorated student contribution and the non-standard prorated
student contribution as an equity offset.

Social Security Benefits (IM) Select this check box to use the amount of Social Security
(social security benefits Institutional benefits received by the student as an offset. This amount comes
Methodology) from institutional application data.

Equity Item Types Select this check box to use an equity item type group as an
offset. The Equity Item Group field becomes active when you
select this check box.

Equity Item Group Select an equity item type group to use as an offset. You cannot
select an equity item type group without selecting the Equity
Item Types check box. Equity item type groups are defined on
the Equity Item Group page.

See Creating Equity Item Type Groups.

Defining Loan and Work Packaging Limits

Access the Packaging Limits page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Packaging Plan > Packaging Limits).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 249

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Image: Packaging Limits page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Packaging Limits page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Limits
Enter a maximum amount awarded by this packaging plan for federal loans and institutional loans.

Federal Maximum Enter the maximum amount of financial aid from federal loans
to be awarded for this packaging plan. The Packaging routine
determines whether a loan is a federal loan using the Source
field value from the FA Item Type 1 page; if the source is F—
Federal, then the loan counts toward this limit.

Select Constant to use a specific, constant dollar amount as the

federal loan limit. Enter the dollar amount in the field to the
right of the Equation option.

Select Equation to use an equation to determine the dollar

amount used as the federal loan limit. The values include all the
equations that you created using the Equation Engine.

Institutional Maximum Enter the maximum amount of financial aid from institutional
loans to be awarded for this packaging plan. The Packaging
routine determines whether a loan is a institutional loan using
the Source field value from the FA Item Type 1 page; if the
source is I—Institutional, then the loan counts toward this limit.

Select Constant to use a specific, constant dollar amount as the

institutional loan limit. Enter the dollar amount in the field to
the right of the Equation option.

Select Equation to use an equation to determine the dollar

amount used as the institutional loan limit. The values include
all the equations that you created using the Equation Engine.

250 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Equation Detail This link is available after you select an equation. Click to view
the Review Equations page.

Work Limits
Enter a maximum amount awarded by this packaging plan for federal work-study and institutional work-

Federal Maximum Enter the maximum amount of financial aid from federal work-
study to be awarded for this packaging plan. The Packaging
routine determines whether a work-study award is a federal
work-study award using the Source field value from the FA Item
Type 1 page; if the source is F—Federal, then the work-study
award counts toward this limit.

Select Constant to use a specific, constant dollar amount as the

federal work-study limit. Enter the dollar amount in the field to
the right of the Equation option.

Select Equation to use an equation to determine the dollar

amount used as the federal work-study limit. The values include
all the equations that you created using the Equation Engine.

Institutional Maximum Enter the maximum amount of financial aid from institutional
work-study to be awarded for this packaging plan. The
Packaging routine determines whether a work-study award is a
federal work-study award using the Source field value from the
FA Item Type 1 page; if the source is I—Institutional, then the
work-study award counts toward this limit.

Select Constant to use a specific, constant dollar amount as the

institutional work-study limit. Enter the dollar amount in the
field to the right of the Equation option.

Select Equation to use an equation to determine the dollar

amount used as the institutional work-study limit. The values
include all the equations that you have created using the
Equation Engine.

Equation Detail This link is available after you select an equation. Click to view
the Review Equations page.

Defining Packaging Rules: Item Type Selection, Sequence and Limits

Access the Packaging Rules 1 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Packaging Plan > Packaging Rules 1).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 251

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Image: Packaging Rules 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Packaging Rules 1 page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

You should complete the Packaging Rules 1 page in conjunction with the Packaging Rules 2 page.

Item Types
If you are setting up a Pell-only repackaging plan, you can only enter Pell Grant financial aid item types
as a packaging rule and you must use the Item Type option.

Sequence Nbr (sequence number) Determines the order in which the system processes the
associated packaging rule within the packaging plan.

Gap Select this option to hold a defined amount that the Awarding
process does not award. A gap is a place holder or limit
condition. Use it as a means of stretching funds by not covering
all unmet need, or use it as a method of reserving unmet need
for specific institutional funds or additional external awards

The Packaging routine first reviews the aid processing rule

assigned to the student's program, and uses the gap financial
aid item type associated with the aid processing rule. If an aid
processing rule is not associated with the program or no gap
financial aid item type has been assigned to the aid processing
rule, the Packaging routine reviews the aid processing rule
assigned to the student's career (as specified on the Valid
Careers for Aid Year page) to determine the gap financial aid
item type. If no aid processing rule has been assigned to the
student's career, or no gap financial aid item type has been
assigned to the aid processing rule, the Packaging routine uses

252 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

the gap financial aid item type entered on the Financial Aid
Defaults page.

Note: Because the Packaging routine dynamically determines

the gap financial aid item type based on defaults (aid processing
rule set or installation defaults), you do not (and cannot) enter
the gap financial aid item type on this page. You receive a
conversion program to blank out the financial aid item type if
the packaging rule is a gap packaging rule for your existing

Item Type Select this option to associate a financial aid item type with this
packaging plan. Enter the financial aid item type that you want
the packaging plan to award. For a financial aid item type value
to be available, the financial aid item type must be defined as an
auto package award.

See Defining Awarding and Rounding Rules.

Related Item Group Select this option to associate a related item type group with this
packaging plan. Enter the related item type group that you want
the packaging plan to award.

Selection Criteria Enter an equation in this field if additional awarding selection

criteria are to be used specifically with this plan for this
particular financial aid item type.

Equation Detail This link is available after you have select an equation. Click to
view the Review Equations page.

% of Total Package (percentage of Enter the percentage of the student's remaining unmet need
total package) that this financial aid item type can cover. For example, you
could indicate that no more than 10 percent of the student's
remaining unmet need can be awarded from a university grant.
The percentage amount can include one decimal place, for
example 8.5 percent.

Spending Limit Preferences Click this link to access the Packaging Rule Award Limits page
and further limit or control spending for the financial aid item
type in this specific packaging plan.

Limited By
Set additional maximum and minimum limits for this financial aid item type in this specific packaging
plan. When Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging determine award amounts and when you run the
Validation process, all eligibility rules, aggregate limits, minimum and maximum award limits, fiscal fund
availability, and financial aid item type rules are checked. When determining the maximum award limit,
the lowest maximum award limit from the maximum limits set at the item type, financial aid item type,
aggregate aid, fiscal item type, and packaging plan levels is used. The minimum award limit used is the
lowest minimum award limit from the minimum limits set at the item type, financial aid item type, and
packaging plan levels.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 253

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Minimum Enter the minimum amount of financial aid from this financial
aid item type to be awarded per term for this packaging plan.

Select Constant to assign a specific, constant dollar amount as

the award minimum. Enter the dollar amount in the field to the
right of the Equation option.

Select Equation to invoke an equation to determine the dollar

amount used as the award minimum.

Maximum Enter the maximum amount of financial aid from this financial
aid item type to be awarded per term for this packaging plan.

Select Constant to assign a specific, constant dollar amount as

the award maximum. Enter the dollar amount in the field to the
right of the Equation option.

Select Equation to invoke an equation to determine the dollar

amount used as the award maximum.

Equation Detail This link is available after you select an equation. Click to view
the Review Equations page.

Setting Packaging Rule Award Limits

Access the Packaging Rule Award Limits page (click the Spending Limit Preferences link on the
Packaging Rules 1 page).

Image: Packaging Rule Award Limits page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Packaging Rule Award Limits page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Select one of the four options for limiting the total amount awarded for this financial aid item type.
The spending limit that you set up here affects this financial aid item type only when it is used in this
packaging plan.

No Spending Limit No fiscal limits are set when awarding this financial aid item
type in this packaging plan. By selecting this option, the
packaging plan awards as much money as is needed for each
student who receives this packaging plan. You can use this
option to forecast how much money you would need from this
financial aid item type for the upcoming fiscal year.

254 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Be extremely careful when you select this option. Use it only

when you are running Mass Packaging in simulation mode.

Use Remaining Fund Balance This is the default value. The financial aid item type can be
awarded up to the maximum amount available in the specified
fiscal item type fund.

Specify Amount Enter a fixed dollar amount as the limit to be awarded from this
financial aid item type per student.

% of Original Fund Balance The financial aid item type can be awarded up to the indicated
(percentage of original fund balance) percentage of the available fiscal item type fund balance (not
the budgeted, or original, fiscal item type fund balance). For
example, you could limit spending for each student for the
University Grant to no more than 1 percent of the University
Grant's available fiscal balance of 800,000.00 USD. In this
example, you would have 8,000.00 USD to award from the
University Grant financial aid item type for this student.

Related Links
Budgeting Fiscal Limits

Defining Packaging Rules: Award Status, Disbursement Plan and Split

Access the Packaging Rules 2 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Packaging Plan > Packaging Rules 2).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 255

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

Image: Packaging Rules 2 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Packaging Rules 2 page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

You should complete the Packaging Rules 2 page in conjunction with the Packaging Rules 1 page.

Item Type Defaults

The system identifies the sequence number of the proposed award and whether the packaging rule is for a
financial aid item type, related item type group, or gap item type.

Award Action Enter the default award action that you want the system to use
when awarding this financial aid item type to the student. The
default award action appears in the Action field on the award
entry pages for the financial aid item type associated with this
packaging rule.

B-Offer/Accept: The Packaging routine awards this financial aid

item type as accepted. Both the Offered and Accepted fields on
the award entry pages are populated with the same amount when
the award is made. You may want to use this value for grants
and scholarships.

O-Offer: The Packaging routine awards this financial aid item

type as offered only. Only the Offered field on the award entry
pages is populated when the award is made. The Accepted field
remains at zero. You must subsequently accept, decline, or
cancel this award for future processing.

See Awarding Online.

256 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging

Disbursement Plan
Use Item Type Default This is the default option. Select to use the default disbursement
plan established for this financial aid item type. The system
automatically populates the Disb Plan (disbursement plan) field
on this page with the default disbursement plan specified in the
financial aid item type setup.

Override Default Select to set up a different default disbursement plan for this
financial aid item type when used with this packaging plan. You
must enter the desired default disbursement plan in the Disb
Plan field.

Disb Plan (disbursement plan) The disbursement plan instructs the system what pattern of
disbursement to use for this financial aid item type.

Split Code
In this group box, you can decide whether to use the default disbursement split for this financial aid item
type or select a specific disbursement split to use for this financial aid item type in this packaging plan.

Use Item Type Default This is the default option. Select to use the default split
code established for this financial aid item type. The system
automatically populates the Split Code field on this page with
the default split code.

Override Default Select this option to set up a different default split code for this
financial aid item type when used with this packaging plan.
Enter the new default split code in the Split Code field.

Split Code Defines how the award disbursements are split among terms.

Note: The selected split code is used unless the student's enrollment pattern varies from the pattern
defined by the chosen split code. In that case, the system returns a custom split code and disbursement
plan that match the student's actual enrollment. For example, if the split code divides the award evenly
between three quarters of the academic year, but the student is only attending two of the three quarters,
the system splits the disbursement between two terms instead of three.

Related Links
Defining Default Disbursement Plans and Split Codes
Defining Financial Aid Item Types

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 257

Setting Up Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging Chapter 7

258 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 8

Setting Up Repackaging

Understanding Repackaging Strategy and Rules

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

• Repackaging strategy.

• Repackaging students with multiple careers.

• Increase rule.

• Decrease rule.

• Original package plan rule.

• Validate entire package rule.

• Validate item type rule.

Before using Repackaging plans:

• Create related item type groups.

• Create a flat file to define the repackaging selection population using any flat file editor.

• Create a query to define the repackaging selection population using PS Query.

• Create an equation to define the repackaging selection population as Batch Repackaging Selection
(A_SELECT) using the Equation Engine.

• Create an equation to define the repackaging plan assignment population as Fin Aid Packaging Select
Eqtns (financial aid packaging select equations) (A_SELECT) using the Equation Engine.

• Review the Don't Repackage attribute on Financial Aid Item Types to determine which awards should
be excluded from Repackaging. Set the attribute accordingly.

Note: The Don’t Repackage attribute does not apply to packaging plans or to repackaging plans that
use the “Original Package Plan” repackaging rule.

• Review the default disbursement plan and split code at the financial aid item type level. Repackaging
uses this when inserting new or validating existing awards.

Note: Unlike Packaging, locked awards are always preserved and unchanged for Repackaging. Even if
the student is overawarded, the Repackaging process retains a locked award in its entirety.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 259

Setting Up Repackaging Chapter 8

Repackaging Strategy
Repackaging, or reevaluating awards, maintains a package that adheres to the packaging philosophy of
your institution. The objective of the repackaging strategy is to resolve unmet need or need overaward.
When additional awards are posted for a student after an original set of awards is established, or when
additional funding becomes available, Repackaging can automate the Re-Awarding process.

Factors that may necessitate Repackaging include, but are not limited to:

• Reevaluation of Pell Grant eligibility.

• Update of state awards.

• Receipt of outside scholarships.

• Posting of departmental awards.

• Notification from the Bursar Office.

• Loan Certification Requests.

• Funding increases.

• Attrition.

You can define repackaging rules based on the population being reevaluated. To structure repackaging
rules to protect certain awards, use the Don't Repackage attribute on the financial aid item type.

Note: The Don’t Repackage attribute does not apply to repackaging plans that use the “Original Package
Plan” repackaging rule.

The basic repackaging rules and uses are:

Increase Insert new awards into the student's existing package to fill
unmet need.

Decrease Reduce one or more awards in the student's package to address

an overaward condition.

Original Package Plan Use the Packaging plan most recently used to repackage this

Validate entire package Reconsider the student's entire set of awards for continued
eligibility and award amount.

Validate item type Reconsider a specific award for the student for continued
eligibility and award amount.

As with Packaging plans, Repackaging plans can include a single rule or a combination of rules. The
options and available parameters vary by rule.

Repackaging Students with Multiple Careers

The Mass Packaging and Repackaging processes handle students with multiple careers similarly. For
multiple repackaging plans for careers, the order in which these repackaging plans are invoked determines

260 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 8 Setting Up Repackaging

the award outcomes. As part of both repackaging setup and Repackaging processing, you must specify
which career or the order of careers to reevaluate.

On the Repackaging Plan setup component, assign the processing order sequentially by career. Then,
on the run control options for the Repackaging process, specify the careers that should be repackaged.
For example, Career1 RPKG1, Career1 RPKG2, Career2 RPKG1, Career2 RPKG2 might be the order.
The system repackages the student for each career based on the processing order associated with the
repackaging plan.

Note: If no awards exist on the student's package for a particular career, the student is not repackaged for
that career, and the user receives the following message: 9590 - Student has no awards for the specified
Academic Career.

For Auto Repackaging, select the career against which the student will be repackaged and then click the
Repackage button. If you specify a repackaging plan before clicking the Repackage button, the system
ensures that the selected plan matches the selected career before repackaging the student. If you do not
specify a repackaging plan before clicking the Repackage button, the system evaluates the selection
criteria and the processing order of the repackaging plan table, and then it processes the student for the
first matching repackaging plan for that career. If it does not find an eligible repackaging plan, the student
is not repackaged.

Increase Rule
If a student has any remaining unmet need, use this rule to attempt to increase the student's existing
package with a specific item type or related item type group. You must designate a default disbursement
plan and split code at the FA item type level to repackage the student with this item type.

If the item type being evaluated already exists in the student's original package and the student
demonstrates additional eligibility for the item type during repackaging, then a second instance of that
item type is awarded. Eligibility includes checking aggregate limits, need determination, and federal
eligibility requirements. Posting combines the two instances into a single instance. Posting also assigns
attributes from the first (original) instance, such as sequence number, award status, and lock attributes,
to the adjusted award. The disbursement plan must match for both instances or posting of the second
instance fails. If the disbursement plans match, but the split code differs between the two, a custom split
(XX) is posted.

If the item type being evaluated does not already exist in the student's original package and the student
demonstrates eligibility for the item type during repackaging, the award is handled as a new award.

If the student does not demonstrate eligibility for the award during repackaging, the award is returned as a
0 USD award with a message describing the failed eligibility.

You can use the Increase rule to offer additional awards with an award action of Offer or Offer/Accept.
This award action is only available for the Increase packaging rule. (Remember that when the first and
second instances of an award are combined during posting, the combined award possesses the attributes
of the first instance).

You can use multiple Increase rules in a repackaging plan to increase the student's package. You specify
the sequence for these rules within the plan.

At the repackaging rule level, you can target your increase population by specifying a need threshold
for the increase to occur. Need threshold can be based on Federal unmet need, Federal unmet Cost of
Attendance (COA), Institution unmet need, or Institution unmet COA. For example, if all students who

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 261

Setting Up Repackaging Chapter 8

have a sizable unmet need have an increase applied to them, the threshold can be a Federal unmet need
amount that is greater than 1,000 USD.

Decrease Rule
Use this rule for overaward situations, either overages in need or COA. You can reduce the student's
package based on one of these decrease methods:

• Bottom-Up Reduction. The Repackaging process reduces the student's package by the overaward
amount beginning with the highest sequenced award. It processes through to the lowest sequenced
award until the student is no longer in an overaward condition. The system might cancel or reduce
multiple awards to eliminate the overaward condition.

• Item Type. The Repackaging process reduces the student's package based on the selected item type. If
the item type is in the original package, the item type is reduced or canceled based on the overaward
amount. If the item type is not in the original package, no reduction occurs.

• Reduce Awards by type/source. The Repackaging process reduces the student's package based
on award type, award source, or both. For example, the type might be Loan and the source might
be Federal, Institution, State, or Private. The student package is reduced starting with the lowest
sequenced award matching the type and source combination through to the highest sequenced award
until the student is no longer in an overaward condition. The system might cancel or reduce multiple
awards to eliminate an overaward condition.

Note: An overaward condition can exist even after an item type is canceled.

At the repackaging rule level, you can target your decrease population by specifying a need threshold
for the reduction to occur. Need threshold can be based on Federal overaward, Federal overaward COA,
institution overaward, or institution overaward COA. For example, if all students who are in an overaward
condition should have a decrease applied to them, the threshold can be a Federal overaward amount that is
greater than zero.

You can choose to reduce or cancel awards below their disbursed amounts by overriding the
Disbursement Protection attribute established on the FA Item Type 2 page.

Original Package Plan Rule

Use this rule to repackage the student but maintain the award rules and percentage of awards of the
original packaging plan used to package the student. The system reevaluates the student's package using
the same eligibility rules and limit controls (aggregate, package plan, item type) as used in the packaging

Note: Do not combine other repackaging rules with this rule in a repackaging plan.

If the student was not previously packaged by the Auto Packaging feature or the Mass Packaging feature
and no packaging plan ID exists, an attempt to repackage with this rule fails. This error message is sent:
Bypassed during Repackaging Process - no assigned Packaging plan found.

You can choose to reduce or cancel awards below their disbursed amounts by overriding the
Disbursement Protection attribute established on the FA Item Type 2 page.

For the Original Package Plan rule, the Repackaging process:

262 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 8 Setting Up Repackaging

• Cancels all awards except those loaded by the External Award process and locked awards.

• Reduces all disbursement protection awards down to the disbursed amount or below if the Reduce/
Cancel Disbursed Amount check box is selected.

• Repackages the student, reevaluating from lowest sequence number to highest sequence number.

For example, if a student was originally eligible for a Student Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
because the student filed early and money was available but then during repackaging SEOG funds are
no longer available or the student now fails to meet the eligibility criteria, the student is not awarded the
SEOG during repackaging unless it is a locked award.

Validate Entire Package Rule

Use this rule to validate all awards contained in the package. This rule is useful when you must ensure
continual eligibility and an award amount in the student's package. You can also use this rule when a
student receives an external award and you must confirm that the outside scholarship has not created an
overaward condition.

If you use this rule, also using an Increase or Decrease rule with need thresholds handles the case in
which using this rule results in either an unmet need or an overaward condition.

To reevaluate your students for continued Pell Grant eligibility due to enrollment changes, you must insert
a Validate Item Type Rule for your Pell item type. To accomplish this, you must specify two repackaging

• Validate item type = Pell item type

• Validate entire package

This rule processes awards from the lowest sequenced award to the highest sequenced award, and it does
not reduce locked awards. It protects external awards and disbursement-protected awards from changes.

Optionally, select the Reduce/Cancel disbursed amount parameter if you want to reduce or cancel awards
below their disbursed amounts. This attribute overrides the Disbursement Protection attribute established
on the FA Item Type 2 page.

Validate Item Type Rule

Use this rule to validate any specific item type. To validate more than one item type, insert a rule for each
item type in a repackaging plan. If you use this rule, you should also use an Increase or Decrease rule with
need thresholds in case the use of this rule results in either an unmet need or an overaward condition.

Before using this rule, ensure that the selected financial aid item type has a default disbursement plan
and split code value on the FA Item Type page or Repackaging fails. For example, when validating Pell
Grants, you must have an associated default disbursement plan and split code value defined on the FA
item type page setup.

To reevaluate your students for continued Pell Grant eligibility due to enrollment changes, you must insert
a Validate Item Type rule for your Pell item type.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 263

Setting Up Repackaging Chapter 8

Setting Up a Repackaging Plan

This section discusses how to:

• Exclude an item type from repackaging.

• Define repackaging rules.

This section also provides examples of repackaging rules.

Pages Used to Set Up a Repackaging Plan

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Item Type 2 ITEM_TYPE_FA_6 Set Up SACR > Product Define meet need/cost,
Related > Financial Aid > packaging methodology, and
Awards > Financial Aid Item several lock and rounding
Types > FA Item Type 2 attributes.

Repackaging Plan SFA_RPKG_PLAN_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define repackaging

Related > Financial Aid > population and rules, and
Awards > Repackaging establish the sequence of
Plan > Repackaging Plan the repackaging rules. Also,
define the repackaging rules
within the repackaging plans.

Excluding an Item Type from Repackaging

Access the FA Item Type 2 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Financial Aid Item
Types > FA Item Type 2).

Image: FA Item Type 2 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 2 page.

264 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 8 Setting Up Repackaging

Select the Don't Repackage check box if this item type should be protected during repackaging. If this
check box is selected, this award is not to be modified during repackaging unless the repackaging rule
explicitly includes this item type. Even if this check box is selected, if this item type is specified on
the repackaging plan setup, its presence negates the Don't Repackage action and exposes the award to

Note: The Don't Repackage attribute does not apply to packaging plans or to repackaging plans that use
the "Original Package Plan" repackaging rule.

Defining Repackaging Rules

Access the Repackaging Plan page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Repackaging Plan > Repackaging Plan).

Image: Repackaging Plan page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Repackaging Plan page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Repackaging Target
Most of the target fields are similar to the fields used to create packaging plans.

Processing Order Enter a sequence number to define the order in which

batch repackaging and auto select repackaging evaluate the
repackaging plan table for selection.

When the Repackaging process has many repackaging plans

to evaluate, the processing order determines the sequence in
which the selected repackaging plans are reviewed, from lowest
processing order number to highest.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 265

Setting Up Repackaging Chapter 8

Award Period Select a value to define the award periods for which the student
is reevaluated during repackaging. Select Academic, Non-
standard, or Both.

Selection Criteria Select an equation to identify which students are evaluated by

this repackaging plan. You have defined these equations as
Fin Aid Packaging Select Eqtns (A_SELECT) using Equation

FM Need Target (Federal Define the Federal Methodology need to be met during
Methodology need target) repackaging. Define the target as a constant amount, an
equation, or a percent of the student's financial need.

IM Need Target (Institution Define the Institution Methodology need to be met during
Methodology need target) repackaging. Define the target as a constant amount, an
equation, or a percent of the student's financial need.

Repackaging Rule
Rule Nbr (rule number) Enter a number that indicates the sequence in which this rule is
evaluated when you have multiple rules in a repackaging plan.
For a single-rule plan, enter 1.

Repackaging Rule Select a rule from these values:

• Increase: Insert new awards into the student's existing

package to fill an unmet need.

• Decrease: Reduce one or more awards in the student's

package to address an overaward condition.

• Original Package Plan: Use the packaging plan most

recently used to repackage this student.

• Validate entire package: Reconsider the student's entire set

of awards for continued eligibility and award amount.

• Validate item type: Reconsider a specific award for the

student for continued eligibility and award amount.

Need Threshold This field appears only for the Increase rule or the Decrease
rule. Select a value for the selected rule.

For the Increase rule, select one of these values to determine

whether the student meets the need threshold:

• Federal unmet need

• Federal unmet COA

• Institution unmet need

• Institution unmet COA

266 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 8 Setting Up Repackaging

For the Decrease rule, select one of these values to determine

whether the student meets the need threshold:

• Federal overaward

• Federal overaward COA

• Institution overaward

• Institution overaward COA

Tolerance Appears only for the Increase rule or the Decrease rule. Specify
the monetary amount for the Need Threshold value:

• For the Increase rule, if an unmet need exceeds the tolerance

amount, the student is evaluated for an increase in funds.

• For the Decrease rule, if the overaward exceeds the

tolerance amount, the student is evaluated for a reduction in

If the Need Threshold field is left blank (the default value), then
the tolerance amount is 0.

Method Appears only for the Increase, Decrease, or Validate item type
rule. Select a value for the selected rule:

• For the Increase rule, select to increase the student's

funds by a single Item Type or a Related Item Group.
Corresponding fields that appear define the item type or
item type group.

• For the Decrease rule, select to decrease the student's funds

by reducing awards by Item Type or Bottom-Up Reduction,
or to Reduce Award by type/source. Item Type reduces
specified awards. Bottom-Up Reduction reduces awards
starting from the last or highest sequence number award.
Reduce Award by type/source reduces awards that match to
specified types, sources, or both. It reduces awards starting
from the first or lowest sequence number award.

• For the Validate item type rule, select Item Type to evaluate
a single award. To evaluate more than one item type, insert
multiple Validate item type rules into your repackaging plan.

Item Type Appears only for the Increase, Decrease, or Validate item type
rule and the Item Type method. Select a financial aid item type
number of award to be evaluated.

Sequence Appears only for the Increase rule and the Item Type method.
Indicate where in the package this item type should be inserted:
First (lowest sequence number), Last (highest sequence
number), Before a specified item type, After a specified item
type, or After need based award. If no need-based award exists,
the award is placed first. Need-based awards are defined by a

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 267

Setting Up Repackaging Chapter 8

Straight Need/Cost value in the Meet Need/Cost field on the FA

Item Type 2 page.

Note: The subsidized loan is a Straight Need/Cost item type

and it precedes the unsubsidized loan, a Special Need/Cost item
type. If both a subsidized loan and an unsubsidized loan exist
in the student's package during a Repackaging increase and
the increase sequence is After need based award, a new award
might be inserted following the subsidized loan because it is
the last need-based award. That is, the new award can appear
between the subsidized and unsubsidized loan.

Disbursement Plan/Split Code Appear only for Increase and Validate Item Type rules.

Enter the Disbursement Plan and Split Code you want to use in
this rule.

When inserting a new repackaging rule, the values default to the

those from FA Item Type for the corresponding career. If left
blank, Repackaging uses the values from FA Item Type for the
corresponding career.

For an Increase rule, the system always uses the values entered
here, if any.

For a Validate Item Type rule, Repackaging:

• for an existing non-zero award, uses the Disbursement Plan/

Split Code value tied to the award;

• for an existing canceled Pell Grant award, uses the

Disbursement Plan/Split Code value first from the
Repackaging Rule, if populated. Otherwise, it uses the
Disbursement Plan/Split Code value from FA Item Type for
the corresponding career.

Note: When the Repackaging Rule is Validate Entire Package

and the award status is either Offered or Offer/Accept,
Repackaging uses the Disbursement Plan/Split Code tied to the
award and not the Disbursement Plan/Split Code tied to the item

Minimum Appears only for the Increase rule. Enter a constant dollar
amount or an equation name as the minimum that the
Repackaging process should attempt to award.

Maximum Appears only for the Increase rule. Enter a constant dollar
amount or an equation name as the maximum that the
Repackaging process should attempt to award.

Limited by Appears only for the Validate item type rule. Leave it blank,
which is the default, to set no limits. Select Constant to enter a
dollar amount, Equation to enter an equation name, or Original

268 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 8 Setting Up Repackaging

Award driven by the offered amount or the accepted amount

based on the award action tied to the award.

Validate remainder of package Appears only for the Increase, Decrease, or Validate item
type rules and the Item Type method. Select this check box to
validate remaining awards from the point of rule to the end of
the package. This option does not reduce locked awards. To
validate only the selected item type, clear this check box.

Reduce/Cancel disbursed amount Appears only for the Decrease, Validate item type, Original
Package Plan, and Validate entire package rules. Select this
check box to override the Disbursement Protection attribute
established on the FA Item Type 2 page and to reduce or cancel
awards below their disbursed amounts.

Related Item Group Appears only for the Increase rule and the Related Item Group
method. Select a group of item types previously defined on
the Related Item Type Group component (PKG_REL_ITEM_
GROUP) to increase a student's package.

Note: The system can review an unlimited number of item types

in a related item group, but it can insert only up to nine new
awards into the student's existing package during repackaging.
Because the sequence numbers increase in tens, as many as nine
numbers can be inserted between existing awards. For example,
if sequence 30 is SEOG and sequence 40 is Univ Grant, nine
new awards can be inserted between SEOG and Univ Grant (31
through 39) using the Related Item Group method.

Examples of Repackaging Rules

This section shows examples of how these rules are used in a plan to resolve specific situations:

• Increase rule - example 1.

• Increase rule - example 2.

• Multiple Decrease rule.

• Validate item type rule.

• Multirule plan to evaluate the entire package.

Increase Rule - Example 1

Access the Repackaging Plan page and select Increase in the Repackaging Rule field.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 269

Setting Up Repackaging Chapter 8

Image: Example of an Increase repackaging rule with a Related Item Group method

This example illustrates an Increase repackaging rule with a Related Item Group method.

This example demonstrates how all students with a Federal unmet need greater than 100 USD are
evaluated for several grants with the objective of increasing funds in their package by a maximum of 5000

This table lists key parameters for the Increase rule and describes each parameter:

Parameter Description

Need Threshold and Tolerance Set the target need to be evaluated to a need threshold: Federal
unmet need, Federal unmet COA, Institution unmet need, or
Institution unmet COA. Then establish a dollar threshold or
Tolerance. For example, you could evaluate all students with a
Federal Unmet Need greater than or equal to 2,000 USD.

Method Insert a single item type or a related item type group.

When the method is Item type, specify where to insert the

award into the student's package. Note that if the new award
follows any Special Need/Cost Item types and unmet need still
exists, the Special Need item type fills unmet need before the
new item type is evaluated.

Minimum and Maximum Define the award minimum or maximum as a constant dollar
amount or an equation.

270 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 8 Setting Up Repackaging

Increase Rule - Example 2

Access the Repackaging Plan page.

Image: Example of the Repackaging Plan page (Increase rule)

This example illustrates the Repackaging Plan page (Increase rule).

This example shows a repackaging plan setup to award an additional amount of 8,000 USD, using the
Frank Lee Scholarship item type, with an award action of Offer/Accept.

Access the Student Aid Package page.

Image: Example of the Student Aid Package page with an award in Offered status

This example illustrates the Student Aid Package page with an award in Offered status.

This example shows that the student has an existing award (Frank Lee Scholarship) for 2,000 USD in
Offered status.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 271

Setting Up Repackaging Chapter 8

Image: Example of the Student Aid Package page after Repackaging

This example illustrates the Student Aid Package page after Repackaging.

This example shows that the repackaging plan has awarded the student a second instance of the Frank Lee
Scholarship for an additional amount of 8,000 USD.

Image: Example of the Student Aid Package page with the combined award after posting

This example illustrates the Student Aid Package page with the combined award after posting.

When you post the awards, the system combines the two instances of the Frank Lee Scholarship item type
into a single award of 10,000 USD.

Note: The system sets the final award action to Offered status because the first instance of the Frank Lee
Scholarship was in Offered status.

Multiple Decrease Rule Plan

Access the Repackaging Plan page and select Decrease in the Repackaging Rule field.

272 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 8 Setting Up Repackaging

Image: Example of the Repackaging Plan page with multiple decrease rules (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the Repackaging Plan page with multiple decrease rules (page 1 of 2).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 273

Setting Up Repackaging Chapter 8

Image: Example of the Repackaging Plan page with multiple decrease rules (2 of 2)

Example of the Repackaging Plan page with multiple decrease rules (page 2 of 2)

In this example, students who meet the criteria defined in the FAPDDECTEST equation are evaluated
for a decrease in funding, first by Federal overaward and then by Federal overaward COA. The process
evaluates federal loans before institutional loans. Any disbursed amounts are ignored.

This table lists the Decrease parameters and describes each:

Parameter Description

Need Threshold and Tolerance Set the target need to be evaluated to a Need Threshold:
Federal overaward, Federal overaward COA, Institution
overaward, or Institution overaward COA. Establish a
threshold amount in the Tolerance field. For example, you
could evaluate all students who have an overaward of at least 1

274 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 8 Setting Up Repackaging

Parameter Description

Method If you select Item Type. you must select an Item Type name.

If you select Reduce awards by type/source, you can enter a

type, a source, or both.

Select Bottom Up to reduce the student's package by the

overaward amount beginning with the highest sequenced

Reduce/Cancel disbursed amount Overrides the Disbursement Protection attribute on Financial

Aid Item Type Set Up. Use this value if you want to reduce or
cancel award amounts below the disbursed amounts.

Validate Item Type Rule

Access the Repackaging Plan page and select Validate item type for the repackaging rule.

Image: Example of the Validate item type rule with an Item Type method

This example illustrates the Example of the Validate item type rule with an Item Type method.

In this example, students are reevaluated for eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant. After the Pell Grant is
adjusted as needed, the remainder of the package is reevaluated.

This table lists the appropriate parameters and describes each one:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 275

Setting Up Repackaging Chapter 8

Parameter Description

Validate remainder of package The system works from that point in the repackaging plan of
the Validated Item Type rule down through the package.

Reduce/Cancel disbursed amount Overrides the Disbursement Protection attribute on Financial

Aid Item Type Set Up. Use this check box if you want to
reduce or cancel award amounts below the disbursed amounts.

Multirule Plan to Validate the Entire Package

Access the Repackaging Plan page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Repackaging Plan > Repackaging Plan).

Image: Example of a multiple-rule Repackaging Plan page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates a multiple-rule Repackaging Plan page (page 1 of 2).

276 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 8 Setting Up Repackaging

Image: Example of a multiple-rule Repackaging Plan page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates a multiple-rule Repackaging Plan page (page 1 of 2).

A plan that validates students against their entire package should first validate Pell Grants, then recheck
for eligibility, and finally account for overawards because locked awards won't be reduced. That is:

• Rule 1: Validate item type. Specify the item type for Pell Grant to reevaluate the student for a Pell
Grant. Based on eligibility criteria, the student might be eligible for the same amount, a higher
amount, or a lower amount.

• Rule 2: Validate entire package. This rule checks the student's eligibility and federal need.

• Rule 3: Increase using an item type. This rule ensures that any student who lost a Pell Grant and
thereby gained unmet need or who otherwise still had up to 500 USD of unmet need could be
evaluated for a Repackaging Scholarship between 10 and 5,000 USD.

• Rule 4: Decrease. Specify the need threshold as Federal overaward and use the bottom-up method. If
the student has gained (more) Pell Grant eligibility and, as a result, created an overaward condition,
then this rule reduces other awards until the overaward condition is removed. Reduction starts from
the bottom up, that is, from the highest sequenced award to the lowest.

Setting Up Repackaging Processing

Before using the Repackaging process:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 277

Setting Up Repackaging Chapter 8

• Set up context definition.

• Set up selection mapping.

• Set up a Population Selection PS Query for Need Summary Validation with bind record

• Set up a Population Selection PS Query for Repackaging with bind record SFA_BRPKGX_BIND or

• Define an Equation for Repackaging Population Selection. Define two equations, the first with an
application prompt: Fin Aid Packaging Select Eqtns (A_SELECT); and the second with an application
prompt: Batch Repackaging Selection (A_SELECT).

• Set up a Population Selection Equation for Repackaging with application prompt: Batch Repackaging

This section discusses how to:

• Define the context for a repackaging PS Query.

• Set up a population selection PS Query for repackaging.

• Set up a batch repackaging selection using equations.

Pages Used to Set Up Repackaging Processing

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Context Definition SCCPS_CNTXT_DFN Set Up SACR > System Define the context for a
Administration > Utilities > Repackaging PS Query.
Population Selection >
Context Definition > Context

Selection Mapping SCCPS_CNTXT_MAP Set Up SACR > System Set up population criteria in a
Administration > Utilities > PS Query for Repackaging.
Population Selection >
Context Definition >
Selection Mapping

Defining the Context for a Repackaging PS Query

Access the Context Definition page (Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Population
Selection > Context Definition > Context Definition).

278 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 8 Setting Up Repackaging

Image: Context Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Context Definition page.

Setting Up a Population Selection PS Query for Repackaging

Access the Selection Mapping page (Set Up SACR > System Administration > Utilities > Population
Selection > Context Definition > Selection Mapping).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 279

Setting Up Repackaging Chapter 8

Image: Selection Mapping page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Selection Mapping page.

For a PS Query for repackaging, include INSTITUTION and AID_YEAR as part of the criteria to be used
by the Repackaging run control. Your query must include one of the following bind variables:

• SFA_BRPKGX_BIND, which does not require a career. Use if your query is not career-dependent.

• SFA_BRPKG_BIND, which requires a career. Use if your query is career-dependent.

Related Links
"Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Setting Up a Batch Repackaging Selection Using Equations

You can set up an equation for batch Repackaging selection in the same way that you set up a population
selection PS Query.

Set up any required fields on the equation before using it to select students for batch repackaging. Create
two equations, the first with an application prompt: Fin Aid Packaging Select Eqtns (A_SELECT); and
the second with an application prompt: Batch Repackaging Selection (A_SELECT). The second equation
has a CHOOSE EQUATION command that identifies the first equation. By including this CHOOSE
instruction and specifying the application prompt as Batch Repackaging Selection, you can then select it
for Batch Repackaging Population Selection.

280 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 9

Setting Up Loan Counseling

Understanding Loan Counseling

There are two different versions of Loan Counseling available in the system, Simple and Expanded,
one of which is chosen as part of the Financial Aid Default settings for installation of the system.
Understanding Loan Counseling outlines the two versions and how they are used to set up and manage
both entrance and exit loan counseling data. Entrance loan counseling data can be used to impact the
authorization and disbursement of financial aid.

The Simple version of Loan Counseling allows for the identification and management of loan counseling
requirements on an annual basis.

The Expanded version of Loan Counseling allows for the identification and management of loan
counseling requirements on either an annual or multi-year assessment basis. In addition, loan counseling
requirements can be optionally extended to self-service.

Pages Used for Loan Counseling Setup

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Financial Aid Defaults INSTALLATION_FA Set Up SACR > Install > Select Loan Counseling
Financial Aid Installation > Version for managing loan
Financial Aid Defaults counseling requirement.

Disbursement Rules: Item DISB_RULE_ITM1 Set Up SACR > Product Indicate if Item Type requires
Type - Indicators Related > Financial Aid > an entrance interview.
Disbursement > Define Item
Types Rules > Indicators.

NLSDS OPEID Cross SFA_OPEID_XREF Set Up SACR > Product Map the incoming OPEID
Reference Related > Financial Aid > on the NSLDS Exit Loan
Loans > Loan Counseling > Counseling file to the correct
NLSDS OPEID Cross Institution.

COD Routing ID Cross SFA_COD_ID_XREF Set Up SACR > Product Map the incoming Routing ID
Reference Related > Financial Aid > on the COD file to the correct
Loans > Loan Counseling > Institution.
COD Routing ID Cross

Define Loan Type SFA_LN_CNSL_XREF Set Up SACR > Product Define loan-counseling
Related > Financial Aid > requirements by loan type.
Loans >Loan Counseling >
Define Loan Counseling
Options > Define Loan Type

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 281

Setting Up Loan Counseling Chapter 9

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Counseling SFA_LN_CNSL_SETUP Set Up SACR > Product Define the entrance and
Related > Financial Aid > exit interview URLs and
Loans >Loan Counseling > associated attribute
Define Loan Counseling
Options > Loan Counseling

Loan Counseling Search/ SFA_LN_SRCHMCH Set Up SACR > Product Define search and match
Match Parameters Related > Financial Aid > criteria for use when
Loans >Loan Counseling > processing both COD
Set DL Loan Counseling Entrance Loan Counseling
Search Match and NSLDS Exit Loan
Counseling data files.

Selecting the Loan Counseling Version

Access the Financial Aid Defaults page (Set Up SACR > Install >Financial Aid Defaults >Financial Aid

Note: For a complete description of this page:

See Establishing Defaults.

Loan Counseling Version Select which version of Loan Counseling for use throughout
the system. This selection controls what components of
Loan Counseling are available and how Authorization and
Disbursement processing evaluates entrance loan counseling
requirements to release funds for disbursement. This selection
also controls how loan counseling is displayed on the Packaging
Status Summary page.

• Simple – Select to limit the management of loan counseling

to annual evaluation and processing. This is the default

• Expanded – Select to enable multiple loan counseling setup

options: annual , multiple aid year, and student self-service,

Selecting an Item Type Loan Entrance Interview Disbursement Requirement

Access the Disbursement Rules: Item Type - Indicators page (Set Up SACR >Product Related >Financial
Aid >Disbursement >Define Item Types Rules >Indicators).

Note: For a complete description of this page:

See Defining Item Type Disbursement Rules.

Loan Entrance Intervw Reqloan Select this check box to have the authorization process
entrance interview required determine whether a student must complete loan entrance
counseling for awards of this item type.

282 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 9 Setting Up Loan Counseling

If your school selects a Loan Counseling Version of Simple

in the Financial Aid Defaults setup, the authorization process
checks the student's NSLDS history for a prior Stafford, Direct,
or Supplemental Loan for Students (SLS) loan. If the system
finds a record, it authorizes the item type for disbursement.
If no prior loan history exists, the student is assumed to be a
new borrower, and the Loan Entrance Interview Status field on
the Packaging Status Summary component is checked for the
student's current status.

If your school selects a Loan Counseling Version of Expanded

in the Financial Aid Defaults setup, the authorization process
reviews the student's loan counseling history on the Loan
Counseling page to determine whether the student has satisfied
the requirement.

See Managing Loan Counseling Data.

Mapping the OPEID and COD Routing ID to Institutions

Access the NSLDS OPEID Cross Reference page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Loans > Loan Counseling > NLSDS OPEID Cross Reference).

Image: NSLDS OPEID Cross Reference page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS OPEID Cross Reference page.

Use this page to map the incoming OPEID on the NSLDS Exit Loan Counseling file to the correct

OPEID Enter an OPEID. The OPEID must be 8 alphanumeric

characters, and is the combination of the 6 digit school code and
the 2 digit school (branch) location code.

Active Select this check box to activate the OPEID/Institution

combination. This check box is checked (activated) by default
when a new row is added. This option is used by the batch
process to know which mapped values to use.

Access the COD Routing ID Cross Reference page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Loans > Loan Counseling > COD Routing ID Cross Reference).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 283

Setting Up Loan Counseling Chapter 9

Image: COD Routing ID Cross Reference page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the COD Routing ID Cross Reference page.

Use this page to map the incoming Routing ID on the COD file to the correct Institutions.

Routing ID Enter a Routing ID. The Routing ID must be 8 alphanumeric

characters. If necessary, pad the Routing ID with leading zeros
to reach 8 numeric characters.

Active Select this check box to activate the Routing ID/Institution

combination. This check box is checked (activated) by default
when a new row is added. This option is used by the batch
process to know which mapped values to use.

Defining Loan Counseling Types

Access the Define Loan Type page (Set Up SACR >Product Related >Financial Aid > Loans >Loan
Counseling >Define Loan Counseling Options >Define Loan Type).

Use the Define Loan Type page to define types of loan counseling based on similar repayment options,
interest rates, payment schedules, or other borrowing requirements.

284 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 9 Setting Up Loan Counseling

Image: Define Loan Type page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Loan Type page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Code Enter a user-defined name and description for a group of loans
that have the same loan counseling requirements.

Source Select the funding source.

If you select Federal, also select the Loan Type, such as

Stafford, Perkins, Grad PLUS or PLUS.

If you select Institutnl, Private, or State, also select the SetID

and Item Type.

Loan Type If you select Federal as a Source, select a Loan Type. Selection
of a Loan Type of Stafford applies loan counseling requirements
to financial aid item types with a Federal ID of Subsidized
or Unsubsidized. This unifies Stafford loan counseling
requirements for Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford awards.

Specifying Loan Counseling Attributes

Access the Loan Counseling page (Set Up SACR >Product Related >Financial Aid > Loans >Loan
Counseling >Define Loan Counseling Options >Loan Counseling).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 285

Setting Up Loan Counseling Chapter 9

Image: Loan Counseling page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Counseling page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Entrance Interview Requirement

Note: You can only select Multi Year or Annual; not both.

Multi Year Select if a loan-counseling entrance interview is required only


286 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 9 Setting Up Loan Counseling

Annual Select if a loan-counseling entrance interview is required each

aid year that the student borrows this type of loan.

Entrance Counseling URL Enter URL to display in Self Service.

Exit Interview Requirement

Note: It does not matter if you select Multi Year or Annual for the Exit Interview Requirement. The
selection has no direct impact to the Exit Interview functionality.

Exit Counseling URL Enter URL to display in Self Service.

Use Default Exit Date Select this check box to specify the default exit date for
activating your exit interview URL. If this check box is selected,
the Exit Date Calculation Choice is displayed. If it is not
selected, the Exit Date is displayed.

Exit Date Calculation Choice Select the number of days from the exit or program completion
date to start displaying the exit interview link to students.

If you select Multi-Year, the system uses the student's

graduation date to calculate the number of days based on the
Exit Date Calculation Choice value. For example, if the value
is 15 and the graduation date is June 30, the link will appear on
June 15.

If you select Annual, the system uses the last day of the term
and subtracts the value in the Exit Date Calculation Choice
check box. For example, if the value is 15 and the last day of the
term is June 15, the link will appear on May 30.

Exit Date Enter or select the calendar date on which to start displaying the
exit interview link. This field displays when Use Default Exit
Date is not selected.

Defining Search/Match for Loan Counseling Data Import

Access the Loan Counseling page (Set Up SACR >Product Related >Financial Aid >Loans >Loan
Counseling >Set DL Loan Counseling Search).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 287

Setting Up Loan Counseling Chapter 9

Image: Loan Counseling Search/Match Parameters page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Counseling Search/Match Parameters page.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Both the Process COD Counseling Data and Process Exit Counseling Data processes use the Search/
Match parameters to determine whether an existing ID in the database matches a record in the
corresponding staging tables. The following table lists the limited search fields specific to counseling

Data Field Search Field Rule

National ID NationalIDRule

Last Name LastNameSrchRule

First Name FirstNameSrchrule

Middle Initial MiddleNameRule

Date of Birth DateOfBirthRule

Note: Search Field Rule "MiddleNameRule" must be defined to only search on the first character.

No Match Select Add or Suspend as the action when no match is found.

Match(es) Found Starting from the lowest search order, select Update or Suspend
as the action to take when a match is found. In this example, 10
is the lower and most restrictive search rule.

288 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 9 Setting Up Loan Counseling

Related Links
"Understanding Search/Match" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 289

Setting Up Loan Counseling Chapter 9

290 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Prerequisites for Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Before you can set up CommonLine 4 loans, you must define general financial aid processing defaults.
On the Financial Aid Defaults page (INSTALLATION_FA), select the FFELP Serial MPN Activation
(federal family educational loan program serial master promissory note activation) check box in the
Activation Indicators group box if your school participates in serial MPN processing.

Related Links
Establishing Defaults

Setting Up Loan Participants

To set up loan participants, use the Maintain Lender Codes component (LENDER_LOAD_MAINT),
Define School Lenders component (LOAN_LENDER_TABLE), Maintain Guarantor Codes component
(GUAR_LOAD_MAINT), Define School Guarantors component (LOAN_GUAR_TABLE), Maintain
Loan Servicer Codes component (SRVCR_LOAD_MAINT), and Define School Servicers component

This section provides an overview and discusses how to:

• Add or update lender information.

• Identify lenders as loan participants.

• Update guarantor information.

• Identify guarantors as loan participants.

• Add or update servicer information.

• Identify servicers as loan participants.

Note: You must enter all loan servicers in both CommonLine 4 setup components and Common Record
CommonLine (CRC) setup components until loan servicers transition from CommonLine 4 to the newer
CRC protocol.

Understanding Loan Participants

Participants in the loan process include lenders, guarantors, and loan servicers. To streamline the loan
process, identify all loan participants and understand their electronic loan processing requirements and
agreements with your institution. The loan participants tables are not institution or aid-year specific.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 291

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Pages Used to Set Up Loan Participants

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Lender Load Maintenance LENDER_LOAD_MAINT Set Up SACR > Product View, update, or add
Related > Financial Aid > lender information for your
Loans > CommonLine 4 > institution. This page is the
Maintain Lender Codes > main repository of lender
Lender Load Maintenance information maintained by the

Lender Electronic Address (search) Click the Electronic Address View or enter the mailbox
link on the Lender Load type (internet or private
Maintenance page. communication network) and
mailbox ID (internet address).

Lender Contact Information LNDR_LD_CNT_SEC Click the Contact Address View or update additional
link on the Lender Load information about lender
Maintenance page. contacts.

Edit Address OE_ADDR_USA_SEC Click the Edit Address link on Edit or update address
the Lender Load Maintenance information.

Loan Lender Table LOAN_LENDER_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Add lenders by copying
Related > Financial Aid > them from the Lender Load
Loans > CommonLine 4 > Maintenance table. This page
Define School Lenders > contains all lenders from the
Loan Lender Table Lender Load Maintenance
table that process loans for
your institution.

Lender Electronic Address (search) Click the Electronic Address Edit or update electronic
link on the Loan Lender Table addresses.

Lender Contact Information LEND_ADDR_SEC Click the Contact Information Edit or update lender contact
link on the Loan Lender Table information.

Lender Information LOAN_LENDER_INQ Financial Aid > Loans > Review lender information.
CommonLine Management >
View CL4 Lenders > Lender

Guarantor Load Maintenance GUAR_LOAD_MAINT Set Up SACR > Product View, update, or add
Related > Financial Aid > guarantor information for
Loans > CommonLine 4 > your institution. This page
Maintain Guarantor Codes > is the main repository of
Guarantor Load Maintenance guarantor information
maintained by the institution.

Loan Guarantor Table LOAN_GUAR_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Identify the guarantors that
Related > Financial Aid > your institution uses for
Loans > CommonLine 4 > processing loans. You can
Define School Guarantors > add guarantors by copying
Loan Guarantor Table them from the Guarantor Load
Maintenance table.

292 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Guarantor Contact GUAR_ADDR_SEC Click the Contact Address View or enter additional
Information link on the Loan Guarantor information about guarantor
Table page. contacts.

Guarantor Electronic Address (search) Click the Electronic Address Edit or update electronic
link on the Loan Guarantor addresses.
Table page.

Guarantor Contact GUAR_ADDR_SEC Click the Contact Address Edit or update guarantor
Information link on the Loan Guarantor contact information.
Table page.

Servicer Load Maintenance SRVCR_LOAD_MAINT Set Up SACR > Product View, update, or add
Related > Financial Aid > servicer information for your
Loans > CommonLine 4 > institution. This page is the
Maintain Loan Servicer main repository of servicer
Codes > Servicer Loan information maintained by the
Maintenance institution.

Loan Servicer Table LOAN_SERVICE_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Identify the servicers that your
Related > Financial Aid > institution uses for processing
Loans > CommonLine 4 > loans and add new servicers.
Define School Servicers > You can add servicers by
Loan Servicer Table copying them from the
Servicer Load Maintenance

Servicer Electronic Address (search) Click the Electronic Address Edit or update electronic
link on the Loan Servicer addresses.
Table page.

Servicer Contact Information SERV_ADDR_SEC Click the Contact Information Edit or update servicer contact
link on the Loan Servicer information.
Table page.

Servicer Information LOAN_SERVICE_INQ Financial Aid > Loans > Review information about the
CommonLine Management > loan servicers that you set up
View CL4 Loan Servicers > on the Loan Servicer Table
Servicer Information page.

Adding or Updating Lender Information

Access the Lender Load Maintenance page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Loans > CommonLine 4 > Maintain Lender Codes > Lender Load Maintenance).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 293

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Image: Lender Load Maintenance page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Lender Load Maintenance page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Edit Address Click to edit or update an address.

Electronic Address Click to edit or update an electronic address.

Contact Address Click to edit or update a contact address.

Identifying Lenders as Loan Participants

Access the Loan Lender Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
CommonLine 4 > Define School Lenders > Loan Lender Table).

294 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Image: Loan Lender Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Lender Table page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Lender ID Displays the ID assigned by the system to the lender associated

with the loan.

Lender OE Code (lender office of Select a lender office of education code. When you select a
education code) lender office of education code, the system uses data from the
lender load maintenance database and automatically populates
the rest of the information.

To add a lender to the Lender Load Maintenance table, complete the fields manually.

Updating Guarantor Information

Access the Guarantor Load Maintenance page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Loans > CommonLine 4 > Maintain Guarantor Codes > Guarantor Load Maintenance).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 295

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Image: Guarantor Load Maintenance page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Guarantor Load Maintenance page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Mailbox ID Enter mailbox identification. The mailbox ID is the address

where data files are sent when the files are transmitted using the
internet or a private communication network.

Mailbox Type Select an internet provider or communication network.

Identifying Guarantors as Loan Participants

Access the Loan Guarantor Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
CommonLine 4 > Define School Guarantors > Loan Guarantor Table).

296 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Image: Loan Guarantor Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Guarantor Table page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

To add new guarantors, you must first define them on the Guarantor Load Maintenance page.

Guar ID (guarantor identification) Displays the number assigned by the system to identify the
guarantor for loan processing. The system delivers the majority
of guarantor codes.

OE Cd (office of education code) Select an office of education code. When you select an office
of education code, the system automatically populates the
rest of the fields with information from the Guarantor Load
Maintenance table.

Edit Address Click to update or review address information.

Electronic Address Click to update or review electronic address information.

Contact Address Click to update or review contact address information.

Adding or Updating Servicer Information

Access the Servicer Load Maintenance page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Loans > CommonLine 4 > Maintain Loan Servicer Codes > Servicer Loan Maintenance).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 297

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Image: Servicer Load Maintenance page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Servicer Load Maintenance page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Destination OE Code (destination Select an office of education code. When you select an office
office of education code) of education code, the system automatically populates the
rest of the fields with information from the Guarantor Load
Maintenance table.

Lead Time Enter the number of days prior to the first disbursement date that
changes can still be made to the student's loan before the data is
sent to the school. This is for information purposes only.

Edit Address Click to update or review address information.

Identifying Servicers as Loan Participants

Access the Loan Servicer Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
CommonLine 4 > Define School Servicers > Loan Servicer Table).

298 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Image: Loan Servicer Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Servicer Table page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Servicer ID (servicer identification) Displays the number used to identify the servicer associated
with the requested loan.

OE Cd (office of education code) Select an office of education code. When you select an office of
education code, the system automatically populates the rest of
the fields with information from the Servicer Load Maintenance

Proc Lead Time (process lead time) Enter the number of days that a loan destination needs to freeze
its data to prepare for a transfer to the school. For example, if
the lead time is five days, changes can be made to the student's
loan only five days prior to the first disbursement.

Edit Address Click to update or review address information.

Electronic Address Click to update or review electronic address information.

Contact Address Click to update or review contact address information.

To add a servicer that is not included on the Servicer Load Maintenance table, complete the fields

Setting Up Loan Types

To set up loan types, use the Create Loan Types component (LOAN_TYPE).

This section discusses how to:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 299

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

• Define loan types.

• Link CommonLine loan types with National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) loan history

• Assign loan checklists.

Pages Used to Set Up Loan Types

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Type Table LOAN_TYPE_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Define the types of loans that
Related > Financial Aid > your institution uses in the
Loans > Create Loan loan origination processes.
Types > Loan Type Table

CommonLine/NSLDS Xref LOAN_TYPE_TABLE2 Set Up SACR > Product Link loan types defined for
Related > Financial Aid > CommonLine processing with
Loans > Create Loan the borrower's loans reported
Types > CommonLine/ by the NSLDS.

Checklist Setup LOAN_TYPE_DOCUMENT Set Up SACR > Product Assign a checklist to be

Related > Financial Aid > generated when a loan is
Loans > Create Loan originated.
Types > Checklist Setup

Defining Loan Types

Access the Loan Type Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > Create
Loan Types > Loan Type Table).

Image: Loan Type Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Type Table page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

When you set up a loan financial aid item type, you include specific conditions for processing the loan.
You must complete the Loan Type Table page to complete the setup.

300 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Do Not Copy Select this option to prevent the Loan Type from being copied
during the Aid Year Rollover process.

Loan Category Select from Alt Loan (alternative loan), PLUS, Sub/Unsub
(subsidized/unsubsidized), Subsidized, and Unsubsidized. If you
select PLUS, a Graduate PLUS Indicator check box displays.
Select the check box for Grad PLUS loans.

Loan Program Select from Alternative, Direct, FFELP, Health, Perkins, State,
and University.

For example, to set up Stafford loans processed through

CommonLine, you might specify the loan category as Sub/
Unsub and the loan program as FFELP. To set up an alternative
loan program processed through CommonLine, specify the loan
category as Alt Loan (alternative loan), and the loan program as

Loan Refund Indicator Select from:

Borrower: Select to have the borrower of the loan receive any

refunds or overage. For example, the borrower would be a
parent or guardian for a PLUS loan.

Student: Select to have the student to receive any refunds from

the loan.

You can override this field at the loan application level. Note
that additional setup is required in Student Financials to
generate refunds to the proper recipient.

The system enforces the selected requirements during loan validation when utilizing the corresponding
loan edit.

Loan References Required Enter reference information on the Promissory Note Plus and
Promissory Note Alt pages and Loan Origination components
(SFA_CRC_ORIG). Enter the number of references required in
the Nbr Ref Rq (number of references required) field.

Loan Cosigner Required If you select this check box, enter the number of cosigners
required in the Nbr Csg Rq (number cosigners required) field.

Cosigner Required Amount Enter the minimum loan amount that requires a cosigner.
Enter cosigner information on the Promissory Note Plus and
Promissory Note Alt pages and Loan Origination components
(SFA_CRC_ORIG). Note that this requirement is enforced by
the loan servicer and not the loan validation process.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 301

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Loan Fee Rate Enter the loan fee rate to print on the promissory note for this
loan type. Ensure that the loan fee rate matches the loan fee
setup for the item type that you associate with this loan type.

Loan Item Types

SetID Select a setID and an item type. You can associate multiple
item types with the same loan type. You cannot share item
types across multiple loan types. For example, to define FFELP
Stafford loans, enter the subsidized and unsubsidized item types.

Note: Based on the business processes defined by your institution, you might need to create multiple loan
types for the same loan program.

The system displays the loan fee, description, loan fee amount, loan fee type, and loan fee percent for the
item type selected. These values are associated with the item type when you set up the financial aid item
type on the Loan Fee Table page.

Related Links
Attaching Loan Fees

Linking CommonLine Loan Types to NSLDS Loan History Information

Access the CommonLine/NSLDS Xref page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Loans > Create Loan Types > CommonLine/NSLDS Xref).

Image: CommonLine/NSLDS Xref page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CommonLine/NSLDS Xref page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

When you originate a CommonLine loan, the system uses the information set up on this page to search
for similar loans in the borrower's NSLDS history. If a prior loan is found, the system uses the prior loan

302 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

information to derive the new loan's destination. This optional feature can be set up in the Loan Institution
setup page.

Alternative Loan Type Cd The system uses this code to notify loan agencies about the
(alternative loan type code) type of alternative loan. Alternative loan codes are assigned by

NSLDS Loan Type Select a loan type to translate the NSLDS loan type that is
defined in the NSLDS tables.

For more information, see

Assigning Loan Checklists

Access the Checklist Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > Create
Loan Types > Checklist Setup).

Image: Checklist Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Checklist Setup page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The values for the Loan Type, Loan Program, and Loan Ctgry (loan category) fields are based on the aid
year and academic institution that you selected to access the page.

Checklist Select a checklist to be generated at the time the loan is


Note: The system does not generate checklists for direct loans
during origination. It generates checklists after you run the
promissory note process.

Setting Up Loan Validation Edits

To set up loan validation edits, use the Maintain Loan Edits component (LN_EDITS) and Create Loan
Edit Set component (LN_EDIT_DFLTS).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 303

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

This section provides an overview and discusses how to:

• Define validation edit messages.

• Create loan validation edit sets.

Related Links
"Understanding Equation Engine" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)

Understanding Loan Validation Edits

Loan edits verify that the loan origination data is valid for transmission to the receiving loan agency. All
CommonLine 4 loan validation edits must be defined in the Loan Edits/Message Table page. Financial
Aid delivers a core set of edits to be used during loan validation. All CommonLine 4 loan edits are
equations written using the Equation Engine. You can use the Equation Engine to create or modify
equations to support loan agencies that are not defined as a CommonLine standard.

Pages Used to Set Up Loan Validation Edits

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Edits/Messages LN_EDIT_TBL Set Up SACR > Product View delivered edits and
Related > Financial Aid > error messages used in loan
Loans > CommonLine 4 > validation. You must correct
Maintain Loan Edits Loan all loan errors before loan data
Edits/Messages can be selected for outbound
processing. You can modify
the message text.

Loan Edit Defaults LN_EDIT_DFLTS Set Up SACR > Product Create loan validation edit
Related > Financial Aid > sets that are used when
Loans > CommonLine 4 > constructing loan destination
Create Loan Edit Sets > Loan profile records. Loan edit
Edit Defaults default sets are logical sets
of edits that can be carried
out based on aid year, loan
program, loan category and
process level. After they are
added to a loan destination,
you can further modify the
edit sets to function according
to the loan destination's
business rules.

Defining Validation Edit Messages

Access the Loan Edits/Messages page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
CommonLine 4 > Maintain Loan Edits Loan Edits/Messages).

304 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Image: Loan Edits/Messages page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Edits/Messages page.

This page comes preloaded with updated edit error messages as needed. New loan edits created with the
Equation Engine must be added to this page for the loan validation process to use them. Use the Equation
field to select an Equation Engine equation.

The Loan Orig Edit Errors (loan origination edit errors) page in the Originate Loan component displays
any edit errors encountered during the loan origination process.

This table describes the predefined errors:

Equation Description Cause Resolution

FAEDADDR01 Permanent address missing. Used for alternative/PLUS Add a valid address that can
loans. A valid permanent be used as the permanent
address cannot be found for address on the Addresses
the student. The address type page or modify the permanent
is based on the FA Process address usage setting to select
Demographic Use page one of the student's existing
permanent address usage addresses.

FAEDADDR02 Mailing address missing. Used for alternative/PLUS Add a valid address that
loans. A valid mailing address can be used as the mailing
cannot be found for the address on the Addresses
student. The address type page or modify the mailing
is based on the FA Process address usage setting to select
Demographic Use page mail one of the student's existing
address usage setting. addresses.

FAEDADDR03 Borrower perm address A valid permanent address Add a valid address to the
missing. cannot be found for the borrow ID that can be used
borrower. The address type as the permanent address on
is based on the FA Process the Addresses page or modify
Demographic Use page the permanent address usage
permanent address usage setting to select one of the
setting. student's existing addresses.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 305

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Equation Description Cause Resolution

FAEDADDR04 Borrower mail address A valid mailing address Add a valid address that
missing. cannot be found. The address can be used as the mailing
type is based on the FA address on the Addresses
Process Demographic Use page or modify the mailing
page mail address usage address usage setting to select
setting. one of the student's existing

FAEDBORROW01 Loan borrower not defined. Used for alternative/PLUS Enter the correct borrower ID.
loans. The Borrower ID field
in the Maintain Originated
Loans component (SFA_CRC
_ORIG) is blank.

FAEDCHNG01 Loan increase with Used for change transactions. Disburse the funds to the
undisbursed check. A post-disbursement change student account or return the
transaction is generated and funds to the lender.
an undisbursed check exists
for the loan.

FAEDCOSIGN01 No cosigners - cosigners Used primarily for alternative Add the missing cosigners in
required. loans. If cosigners are the Relationships page and
required for the loan type, the Maintain Originated Loans
edit verifies that the required component.
number of cosigners exist in
the Relationships page for the
student and are assigned to the

FAEDCOSIGN02 Cosigner signature required. Used primarily for alternative Revise the data on the
loans. Co-signer signatures Promissory Note Plus page or
have not been entered in the the Promissory Note Alt page.
Promissory Note Alt and
Promissory Note Plus tracking

FAEDDEBT01 Total student loan debt Used for alternative loans. Update the total loan debt in
required. The total loan debt on the the Originate Loan component
Originate Loan component is using the Loan Demographic
zero, and NSLDS loan history Data page.

FAEDDEPSTAT1 Dependency Status missing. The student's federal Use the Loan Demographic
dependency status was Data page to update the
missing when the loan was dependency status in the
originated. Originate Loan component.

FAEDDEST01 Loan destination is zero The loan destination is not Assign a loan destination in
(missing). assigned after the loan has the Loan Origination 1 page.
been originated. This edit is
always carried out by the loan
validation process and cannot
be deactivated.

FAEDDISBDT01 Disbursement more than 90 A disbursement date is set for Change the date on the Loan
days after loan period end. greater than 90 days beyond Origination 2 page.
the loan period end date.

306 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Equation Description Cause Resolution

FAEDDISBDT02 Disbursement date earlier than The first disbursement Revise the disbursement date
13 days of loan period start. precedes the loan period begin or loan period start date in the
date by more than 13 days. Loan Origination 2 page.
This may only be replicated
by originating a new loan. An
online edit prevents manually
creating this situation.

FAEDDISBDT03 Disbursement dates must be in Disbursement dates are not in Revise disbursement dates in
chronological order. order. the Loan Origination 2 page.

FAEDDRVLIC01 Borr DL Number or state The borrower's driver's license Update the driver's license
missing. information was incomplete data in the Driver's License
when the loan was originated. page, and then use the Loan
Demographic Data page to
update this information in the
Originate Loan component.

FAEDGRADDT01 Grad date before loan end The graduation date viewed in Update the FA Term
date. the Originate Loan component graduation date (if required),
is before the end of the loan and then use the Loan
period. Demographic Data page
to update this graduation
date in the Originate Loan

FAEDNAME01 Student name missing. A valid name type cannot be Add a valid name type that
found. The name type should can be used as the student's
be based on the FA Process name on the Names page or
Demographic Use page name modify the name usage setting
usage setting. to select one of the student's
existing names.

FAEDNAME02 Borrower name missing. A valid name type cannot be Add a valid name type that
found. The name type should can be used as the borrower's
be based on the FA Process name on the Names page or
Demographic Use page name modify the name usage setting
usage setting. to select one of the borrower's
existing names.

FAEDPER01 Loan period greater than 1 The loan period defined in the Change the loan period dates
year. Originate Loan 3 page is more so that the loan period is less
than one year. than one year. on the Loan
Origination 2 page

FAEDPLUS01 PLUS borrower and student A PLUS borrower cannot be Correct possible invalid
SSN are the same. the student. relationship defined for
the student. Assign a new
borrower for the PLUS loan.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 307

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Equation Description Cause Resolution

FAEDPLUS02 No PLUS for grad students The student has a graduate Cancel the loan if appropriate,
allowed. NSLDS level in the FA Term or change the student's grade
record when the loan is level to an undergraduate in
originated. the correct FA Term record. If
you change the student's grade
level, then you also need to
use the Loan Demographic
Data page to update it in the
Maintain Originated Loans

FAEDPLUSMPN Serial PLUS MPN check. For PLUS loans. Confirms To process serially, modify the
a prior PLUS loan with the loan record by changing the
same EmplID, borrower borrower or loan destination
EmplID, and lender in the so that the borrower and
CommonLine MPN Usage lender match the information
page with the current PLUS in the CommonLine MPN Use
loan. page. If the loan should be
processed as a new MPN, set
the Serial Loan Code field on
the Loan Origination 3 page
from S to N.

FAEDREFS01 References missing. The required number of Add the missing references
references have not been in the Relationships page and
defined for the student in the Maintain Originated Loans
Relationships page and have component.
not been assigned to the loan.

FAEDSRVCIN01 Service indicator exists. An active negative service Remove the service indicator.
indicator is assigned to the

FAEDSSN01 Borrower SSN is blank When the loan was originated, Verify that the borrower is
(PLUS and Alt Loans only). either the borrower was not assigned in the Originate Loan
assigned, or the borrower ID component. If appropriate, fix
did not have a valid Social the SSN on the Demographic
Security Number (SSN). A and Address Data component
valid SSN has the appropriate and then import the SSN into
country code and a NID type the originated loan record
of PR. using the Loan Demographic
Data page.

FAEDSSN02 Student SSN is blank. When the loan was originated, Revise the SSN on the
the student did not have a Demographic and Address
valid SSN. A valid SSN has Data component and then
the appropriate country code import the SSN into the
and a NID type of PR. originated loan record using
the Loan Demographic Data

Creating Loan Validation Edit Sets

Access the Loan Edit Defaults page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
CommonLine 4 > Create Loan Edit Sets > Loan Edit Defaults).

308 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Image: Loan Edit Defaults page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Edit Defaults page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system uses the edit sets defined on this page when you define loan destination profiles.

Loan Program Values are: Alternative, Direct Lending, FFELP, Health

Professions, State, and University.

Loan Category Indicates a subsidized, unsubsidized, alternative, or PLUS loan.

Loan Dest Processing Level (loan Values are: Direct, Guarantee and Print Appl (application),
destination processing levels) Print and Guarantee, Guarantee Only, School Certification
Request, and Manual.

Default Profile Edits

Define loan edits to use during validation for the selected loan program, category, and destination
processing level. In addition to creating new edit sets, you can also add or delete edits, or activate or
deactivate existing edits.

Equation Name Select a predefined edit equation. Edit equations are defined in
the Equation Engine and are set up on the Loan Edits/Messages
page for use by the loan validation process.

Loan Requirement Status For each section, indicate one of the following:

Optional: The selected section is not a requirement for the loan.

Recommended: The selected section is not a requirement for the


Required: The selected section is a requirement for the loan.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 309

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Note: The field value does not affect current loan functionality,
but is intended to support future business processes.

Loan Edit Activated Select to activate an edit.

Selecting Equations for the Hold and Release Process

To set up equations for the hold and release process, use the Hold and Release Equations component

This section describes how to select equations for the hold and release process.

Page Used to Set Equations for Hold and Release

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Hold/Release Equations LN_HR_EQ_NAME_PNL Set Up SACR > Product Select the equations that you
Related > Financial Aid > require the hold and release
Loans > Hold and Release process to use.
Equations > Hold/Release

Selecting Equations for Hold and Release

Access the Hold/Release Equations page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Hold and Release Equations > Hold/Release Equations).

310 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Image: Hold/Release Equations page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Hold/Release Equations page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The equations that you select on this page form an equation set unique to the specified process name.

On the Set Hold/Release Flag process page, you can specify the set of equations that the CommonLine
disbursement hold and release process should use.

Description Displays the process for which you are selecting equations.

Equation Name Select an equation. The list contains all equations created for
the selected institution; select only those equations created
specifically for hold and release processing.

If you use the hold and release process at your institution without modifications, create at least one hold
and release equation set with the two provided hold and release equations: FAHDLOADLVL (Load Level
edit) and FAHDSAPSTAT (Satisfactory Academic Progress check).

Note: When creating equations, follow the equation naming conventions.

Creating Loan Destinations

To set up loan destinations, use the Create Loan Destinations component (LN_DEST_PROFILE).

This section provides an overview and discusses how to:

• Define loan destination profiles.

• Define CommonLine options.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 311

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

• Define loan destination edits.

Understanding Creating Loan Destinations

Consolidate the loan participants—the lender, guarantor, and servicer—into one entity, the loan
destination. The loan destination defines the business characteristics and protocols between a lender,
guarantor, and servicer, which enables them to process loans for the school. You must create a loan
destination profile for each lender in the FFELP loan program or alternative loan program, and for the
direct lending servicer for direct loans.

Pages Used to Create Loan Destinations

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Dest Profile (loan LN_DEST_PROFILE Set Up SACR > Product Define participants that your
destination profile) Related > Financial Aid > institution uses to exchange
Loans > CommonLine 4 > loan application data. You
Create Loan Destinations > can designate multiple
Loan Dest Profile destinations for a specific loan

CommonLine Options LN_DEST_PROFILE2 Set Up SACR > Product Designate CommonLine

Related > Financial Aid > options for a loan destination.
Loans > CommonLine 4 >
Create Loan Destinations >
CommonLine Options

Loan Dest Edits (loan LN_DEST_EDITS Set Up SACR > Product Select loan validation edits
destination edits) Related > Financial Aid > to be used for the loan
Loans > CommonLine 4 > destination.
Create Loan Destinations >
Loan Dest Edits

Defining Loan Destination Profiles

Access the Loan Dest Profile page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
CommonLine 4 > Create Loan Destinations > Loan Dest Profile).

312 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Image: Loan Dest Profile page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Dest Profile page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Normally, a loan destination includes a lender, a guarantor, and a servicer. CommonLine requires that you
define at a minimum a guarantor for the destination.

Loan Destination Profile

Loan Program Create a loan destination profile for each participant that
receives the physical loan origination files. Select from:
Alternative, FFELP, Health, Perkins, State, and University.

Tolerance Used for CommonLine 96 loans processing. This field is no

longer used for current loan processing.

Description For a FFELP loan, enter a description that best describes the

Destination Components
Guarantor ID, Lender ID, and Select any combination of the guarantor, lender, and servicer,
Servicer ID but note that one of them must be the guarantor. This is a
CommonLine requirement. Select the Ovrd (override) check
box to save the page without designating all three components.

After you select an ID and press TAB to move to the next field.
The system displays the office of education code and branch.
If you are defining a loan destination for the direct lending loan
program, you should only select a servicer ID.

Ovrd (override) Select this check box to be able to save the page without having
to designate all three components.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 313

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Physical Destination Select the destination to receive the loan application. Values are:
Lender, Servicer, and Guarantor.

Contact Order
Pre-Guarantee Contact, Pre- Identifies the loan agency that should be contacted based on the
Disbursement Contact, and Post state of the student's loan application. Select a guarantor, lender,
Disbursement Contact or servicer. These fields are for information only and are not
used by the loan processes.

Valid Category Process Level

Assign the process level when you originate a loan.

Loan Category Identify the loan category that the loan destination processes.
Values are: Alt Loan (alternative loan), PLUS, Subsidized, and

Track PN (track promissory note) Select to indicate how the presence of an application or
promissory note determines the process level. The loan
origination process checks for an application or promissory
note in the Promissory Note Alt, Promissory Note Plus, and
CommonLine PNote - Stafford. components. For example, if
you are originating a combination Stafford loan (subsidized
or unsubsidized) and you have received the promissory note
prior to originating the loan, you would select the check box
to originate the loan with the process level of Guarantee Only.
However, if you are originating without an application or
promissory note, you can set Print and Guarantee as your
process level.

Proc Level (process level) Select the loan processing level that the loan destination
performs for the corresponding loan category. Select from:

Direct: Select for direct loans.

Guarantee Only: Select to have the service provider guarantee

the loans only.

Guarantee and Print Appl: Select to have the service provider

guarantee the loan and print and mail a promissory note to the

Manual: Select if the borrower wants to use a lender unable to

take electronic applications using CommonLine.

Print and Guarantee: Select to have the service provider print

and mail a promissory note to the borrower and guarantee the
resulting loan after receipt of the promissory note.

School Cert request: Select if the loan destination participates in

school certification request processing.

314 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Defining CommonLine Options

Access the CommonLine Options page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
CommonLine 4 > Create Loan Destinations > CommonLine Options).

Image: CommonLine Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CommonLine Options page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Pre Disbursement Destination and Designate the loan agency to receive change transaction records
Post Disbursement Destination when a loan adjustment occurs before or after the receipt of loan
funds by the school.

Use CommonLine Version Select the CommonLine version to indicate the CommonLine
application send and change transaction file format to use when
creating files for the loan destination. CommonLine version 4
(CL4) is the only valid option for this component.

Accept Change Records Select to indicate whether the loan destination can receive
CommonLine 4 change transaction records. If this check box
is clear, the loan origination process adjusts loan eligibility as
appropriate, but the system does not generate a CommonLine 4
change transaction record for electronic transmission.

Note: Your school must notify the appropriate lending agency of

changes in loan eligibility if a change transaction record cannot
be sent using CommonLine procedures.

Create CL Alt @ 4 (create These check boxes identify optional CommonLine 4 application
CommonLine alternative), Create subrecords. Select to have the CommonLine outbound process
CL Ref @ 5 (create CommonLine build the selected records for all loans of the loan destination.
reference), and Create CL Ref Sup You set up these file build options based on the business
@ 7 (create CommonLine reference processes established between your school and your loan
supplemental) destinations.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 315

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Stafford App Form Default (Stafford Select the type of Stafford application to use when originating a
application form default) Stafford loan and when no unused tracked Stafford applications
exist. Values are MPN (master promissory note) or Common
App (common application). Note that the Stafford MPN is the
current acceptable form for Stafford loan processing.

Serial MPN Process Default (serial Select the serial default master promissory note process. Use
master promissory note process default) New MPN for a new master promissory note or Serial MPN for
serial loan processing. The default value of this field is set in
the Financial Aid Installation Defaults page. You can override
the value here. When you originate a Stafford loan for this
destination, the system uses this default value. You can also
override this setting at the loan origination level by updating
the record in the Maintain Originated Loans component prior
to the transmission of the loan. You can also control whether
individual students can qualify for serial loan processing by
updating the student's settings in the Maintain Student MPN
Usage component.

Note: Originating a loan as a serial loan does not result in the

loan's rejection if the borrower does not qualify. Refer to the
CommonLine 4 version of the NCHER CommonLine Network
for FFELP and Alternative Loans Reference Manual for
information about the serial loan process.

Prom Note Delivery Default Select how you want promissory notes to be delivered to the
(promissory note delivery default) borrower. Values are: Email, Paper, and Web.

Note: The promissory note delivery method is agreed upon

between the school and the loan destination.

Disb Hold/Release Default The system sets this field when a loan is originated. Use
(disbursement hold/release default) this field if you participate in disbursement hold and release
processing with your loan destination. The default value is
No Support, which means that the hold and release process is
not supported by the loan destination. Override the default by
selecting Hold or Release. A disbursement hold and release
status is set for every disbursement of an originated loan.
You can automatically place all disbursements on hold or
release status when the loan is originated. As you approach the
disbursement date, you can request the disbursements on hold
to be released to your school for students who are eligible to be
paid. Conversely, you can request disbursements set for release
to be placed on hold for students who are not eligible to be paid.
Do this by updating the student's hold or release status in the
Loan Origination component. Changes to disbursement hold and
release status are then communicated to the loan agency through
the CommonLine V.4 Change Transaction record.

Funds Return Method Code Select a code to indicate methods for disbursement of funds.
Select from:

316 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Borr Check (borrower check): Individual borrower checks.

EFT (electronic funds transfer): Funds moved electronically

from one account to another.

Master Chk (master check): A single check to the school

containing the sum of funds for all borrowers that are being
disbursed to the same institution on the same day.

Netting: Funds that have been sent to the school electronically

are reallocated for disbursement to another eligible borrower
instead of being returned. The disbursing agent then deducts
the adjusted amount from the total dollar amount on the next
transmission of funds to the school.

Defining Loan Destination Edits

Access the Loan Dest Edits page ((Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
CommonLine 4 > Create Loan Destinations > Loan Dest Edits).

Image: Loan Dest Edits page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Dest Edits page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

When you define a valid loan category and processing level on the Loan Dest Profile page, it matches
those parameters to a default edit profile defined in the Loan Edits Default page and automatically
attaches them to the loan destination. Use this page to add, delete, or adjust the default values.

The upper portions of this page display profile information from the Loan Dest Profile page.

Equation Name Select an equation name for the edit statement. Edit statements
are set up on the Loan Edits/Messages page.

Loan Requirement Status Displays Optional, Recommended, or Required.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 317

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Loan Edit Activated Select to enforce an edit. For example, a loan destination might
require a signed promissory note for all loans before the start of
the loan period, but might not require one after the loan period
begins. If you clear this check box, the system does not look for
a signed promissory note in validation.

Specifying Loan Processes

To set up loan institutions, use the Define Loan Institutions component (LOAN_INST_TABLE).

This section discusses how to set up your loan institution by specifying processes and contact

Pages Used to Specify Loan Processes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Institution Table LOAN_INST_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Define how your school
Related > Financial Aid > processes loans for the
Loans > Define Loan academic year. You can
Institutions > Loan Institution define loan processes for
Table each academic career of your

Loan Institution Address LN_INST_ADDR_SEC Click the Institution Address Enter address information for
Information link on the Loan Institution each loan institution.
Table page.

Loan Institution Contact LN_INST_CNTCT_SEC Click the Loan Institution Update the address,
Information Contact link on the Loan mailbox type, and mailbox
Institution Table page. identification.

Specifying Loan Processes

Access the Loan Institution Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Define Loan Institutions > Loan Institution Table).

318 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Image: Loan Institution Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Institution Table page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

FFELP/Direct Participant Select if the loan institution can originate FFELP or direct loans,
or both. Alternative loans are not affected by this setting.

DL Disclosure Print (direct lending For direct lending.

disclosure print)

DL SchCd (direct lending school If your institution processes direct loans, enter your direct
code) lending school code. This field is hidden if your school does not
participate in the direct lending program.

SSN Source (social security number For direct loan and COD processing. Select the source of the
source) student's Social Security Number, such as from PeopleSoft
Campus Community Fundamentals.

COD Full Participant Select if your institution is a full participant for common
origination and disbursement.

DL Serial MPN Activation (direct Select if the loan institution that you are defining uses the direct
loan serial master promissory note loan serial master promissory note. This field is hidden if your
activation) school does not participate in the direct lending program.

EDE Special School (electronic data For direct loans. Select to set an identification prompt on the
express special school) origination file. This is for schools approved by the Department
of Education for special consideration for direct loan processing
by the Loan Origination Center (LOC). Usually the default rate
for the school must be lower than 10%.

Cntact Nbr (contact number) Enter contact information for each financial aid administrator
in charge of loan processing. Assign a contact number for each

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 319

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Institution Address Click to access the Loan Institution Address Information page.

Loan Institution Contact Click to access the Loan Institution Contact Information
page and update the address, mailbox type, and mailbox

Setting Up Loan Origination

To set up a default loan agency, use the Reassign Loan Agencies component (LN_AGENCY_DFLT) and
Define Loan Institutions component (LOAN_INST_TABLE).

This section provides an overview of loan origination and discusses how to:

• Specify a default loan agency.

• Set up loan destination defaults.

Understanding Loan Origination

Because CommonLine 4 process levels only require a guarantor to originate a loan, the loan destination
that you use to originate the loan might not be the same loan destination that you use to guarantee the

Loan origination follows a seven-step process to determine the lender and guarantor and then determine
the loan destination. You determine which steps to follow when you set destination defaults.

Step What Happens Possible Information Selected

1 If an active, unused promissory note Lender only

is tracked, the process selects the
designated lender and guarantor from the Guarantor only
form used for origination. The process
skips steps 2 through 6. Lender and guarantor

No information

2 If a matching loan is originated and Lender and guarantor

guaranteed in the current aid year for
the borrower, the system uses lender and No information
guarantor from the earlier origination
record, and the process skips steps 4
through 6.

3 If the student has entered a lender from Lender

the self-service lender selection pages,
the process uses the selected lender and No information
skips steps 4 through 6.

4 The origination process searches back Lender and guarantor

one year for a prior year originated loan
of the same loan type; if a prior loan is No information
found, the process skips steps 5 and 6.

320 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Step What Happens Possible Information Selected

5 The origination process searches Guarantor only

the current NSLDS history to find a
previously originated loan of the same No information
loan type. A new NSLDS loan type cross
reference section is available in the Loan
Type Table component to facilitate this
step. If a prior loan is found, the process
skips step 6.

Note: Only the guarantor is used from

the NSLDS loan history.

7 The process assigns a default destination Lender only

Guarantor only

Lender and guarantor

No information

6 The process checks the validity of the Lender only

selected lender and guarantor values and
reassigns lender and guarantor IDs as Guarantor only
defined in the Agency Default page.
Lender and guarantor

No information

8 Based on the lender and guarantor Loan destination

information selected in the prior steps,
the loan origination process searches No destination
for a matching loan destination profile
record. If one is not found, the loan
is still originated, but it cannot be
transmitted until a loan destination is

The following chart illustrates the process:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 321

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Image: Process flow to determine loan destination

Process flow to determine loan destination

322 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Pages Used to Set Up Loan Origination

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Agency Default Setup LN_AGENCY_DFLT Set Up SACR > Product Identify a default agency if
Related > Financial Aid > the borrower does not select a
Loans > Reassign Loan lender, guarantor, or servicer.
Agencies > Agency Default Identify lenders, guarantors,
Setup or servicers that are no longer
in service and have them
replaced automatically with
a new agency when a loan is

Loan Destination Default LOAN_INST_TABLE2 Set Up SACR > Product Set up default parameters for
Related > Financial loan destination.
Aid > Loans > Define
Loan Institutions > Loan
Destination Default

Specifying a Default Loan Agency

Access the Agency Default Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Reassign Loan Agencies > Agency Default Setup).

Image: Agency Default Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Agency Default Setup page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Agency Type Select from: Guar/Ins (guarantor/insurer), Lender, and Servicer.

OPEID (office of postsecondary Select the office of postsecondary education identifier.

education identifier)
To assign a default loan agency, leave this field blank.

New OPEID Enter the agency to replace the previous agency, or the default
agency if you left the OPEID field blank.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 323

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Note: The source of values for the OPEID and New OPEID
field are defined in the Create CRC Loan Participant

CL4 Agency ID Displays the ID and agency name.

CL4 New Agency Displays the ID and name for the new agency.

Setting Up Loan Destination Defaults

Access the Loan Destination Default page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Define Loan Institutions > Loan Destination Default).

Image: Loan Destination Default page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Destination Default page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The order in which the system chooses the loan destination for the student is as follows: Current
Promissory Note, Current Year Originations, Check Prior Year Originations, Check NSLDS for
Guarantor, Default Destination.

Loan Program Select from Alternative, Direct, FFELP, Health, Perkins, State,
or University.

Current Prom Note (current The loan origination process always performs these steps.
promissory note), Current Year
Originations, and Student Selected

Check Prior Year's Origination and Select to have the system perform these steps.
Check NSLDS for Guarantor

Default Destination If nothing results from the first four search methods, the system
uses this default destination. The field allows you to select from

324 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

the CommonLine 4 loan destination profile numbers. Select the

Use CRC Destination (common record commonline destination)
check box to allow the selection of CRC loan destination profile

Use CRC Destination Select to use CRC destination. This controls the dynamic
prompting of either CL4 or CRC loan destinations in the edit
box on the page.

• If you select the check box and the loan destination (CL4 or
CRC) cannot be determined when a loan is originated, a CL
version of CRC is used.

• If you clear the check box and the loan destination (CL4 or
CRC) cannot be determined when a loan is originated, a CL
version of CL4 is used.

Note that a default loan destination number is not required to

activate this behavior. The current rule used by the origination
process to determine the CL version and loan destination
number has not been changed.

Setting Up Process Demographic Data

To set up process demographic data, use the Define Demographic Data Use component
(FA_PRCSDEMO_TBL), Address Usage Table component (FA_PRCSDEMO_TBL), and Name Usage
Table component (NAME_USAGE_TABLE).

This section discusses how to set up process demographic data.

Pages Used to Set Up Process Demographic Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Process Demographic Use FA_PRCSDEMO_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Indicate where to retrieve
Related > Financial Aid > the student demographic
Define Demographic information for loan
Data Use > FA Process processing. The loan
Demographic Use origination process extracts
borrowers' demographic
information from Campus

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 325

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Address Usage ADDR_USAGE_TABLE • Set Up SACR > Product Define or review address and
Related > Campus email usages by specifying
Community > Establish hierarchies of address types
People Processing > to search for and use in a
Setup > Address Usage specific usage.
Table > Address Usage

• Click the Address Usage

Table link on the FA
Process Demographic
Use page.

Name Usage Table NAME_USAGE_TABLE • Set Up SACR, Product Define name usages to specify
Related, Campus the hierarchies of name types
Community, Establish that you want to use in a
People Processing, Setup, specific usage.
Name Usage Table,
Name Usage

• Click the Name Usage

Table link on the FA
Process Demographic
Use page.

Phone Usage PHONE_USAGE_TABLE • Set Up SACR, Product Define phone usages to

Related, Campus specify the hierarchies of
Community, Establish telephone types to search for
People Processing, Setup, and use in a specific usage.
Phone Usage Table,
Phone Usage

• Click the Phone Usage

Table link on the FA
Process Demographic
Use page.

Setting Up Process Demographic Data

Access the FA Process Demographic Use page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Define Demographic Data Use > FA Process Demographic Use).

326 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Image: FA Process Demographic Use page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Process Demographic Use page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays settings defined in Campus Community setup.

Address Usage Use to select the address usage table setting defined in Campus
Community for use by the associated process. Not used for

Perm Addr Usage (permanent address Used to select the address usage table settings defined in
usage) Campus Community setup to determine the address type.

Mail Addr Usage (mail address usage) Used to select the address usage table settings defined in
Campus Community setup to determine the address type.

Name Usage Used to select the name usage table settings defined in Campus
Community setup to determine the name for the associated
process. For loans, this is used to select the student and
borrower names.

Phone Usage Used to select the phone usage table settings defined in Campus
Community setup to determine the phone number for the
associated process.

Email Usage Indicates the type of email address, such as home, business,
dorm, or campus. Used to select email usage table settings
defined in Campus Community setup for use by the associated

Address Usage Table Click to access the Address Usage page to define or review
address usages.

Name Usage Table Click to access the Name Usage page to define or review name

Phone Usage Table Click to access the Phone Usage page to define or review phone

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 327

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Note: Email address usages are defined in the Address Usage Table.

Related Links
"Establishing Name Usages" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)
"Establishing Address Usages" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Setting Up Electronic Data Interchange

To set up electronic data interchange, use the Entity Codes component (EC_ENTITY_CODE_TBL),
Define EDI Business Unit component (FA_EDI_DEST), Internal Partners component
(EC_INT_PARTNER_DEF), External Partners component (EC_EXT_PARTNER_DEF), Maintain Loan
Transfer ID component (LN_XFER_FILE_ID).

This section provides an overview of EDI Manager and describes how to:

• Create electronic data interchange (EDI) entity codes.

• Set up Financial Aid EDI destinations.

• Set up EDI partner profiles.

• Set up profile defaults.

• Set up EDI internal partners.

• Set up EDI external partners.

• Set up loan transfer IDs.

Understanding EDI Manager

You use EDI Manager to set up and maintain data about trading partners and to define data mapping
between transaction files and the tables in your database. EDI is a standard means of exchanging data
electronically. When you initiate a transaction, the system extracts the transaction data from your database
and translates it into a common EDI format. Financial Aid uses EDI Manager to generate files formatted
for CommonLine 4 and federal direct lending.

To send records to your trading partners:

1. Run a process to gather the data files that are ready to be transmitted.

The process moves all applicable data to EDI outbound staging tables.

2. Run an EDI Manager process to convert the data to flat files.

To receive records from your trading partners, run an EDI process to deposit the files into EDI inbound
staging tables and then run a separate process to move the files into the database.

328 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Pages Used to Set Up Electronic Data Interchange

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

EC Entity Code Tbl EC_ENTITY_CODE_TBL PeopleTools > EDI Create an entity code for an
(electronic commerce entity Manager > Set Up Trading internal trading partner.
code table) Partners > Entity Codes >
EC Entity Code Tbl

Financial Aid EDI Destination FA_EDI_DEST Set Up SACR > Product Create an entity to represent
Related > Financial Aid > your financial aid business
File Management > Define office as an EDI destination.
EDI Business Unit > A predefined value of FABU
Financial Aid EDI Destination is provided.

Profile Definition EC_TP_PROFILE_1 PeopleTools > EDI Set up EDI partner profiles.
Manager > Define EDI Control how outbound files
Transactions > Partner are processed.
Profiles > Profile Definition

Output Message Header/ EC_MESSAGE Click the Message button on Designate a message header
Footer the Profile Definition page. and footer.

Profile Defaults EC_TP_PROFILE_2 PeopleTools > EDI Set up your default partner
Manager > Define EDI profiles.
Transactions > Partner
Profiles > Profile Defaults

EC Int Partner Def (electronic EC_INT_PARTNER_DEF PeopleTools > EDI Set up internal EDI recipients,
commerce internal partner Manager > Set Up Trading such as the Financial Aid
definition) Partners > Internal Office.
Partners > Ec Int Partner Def

EC Ext Partner Def EC_EXT_PARTNER_DEF PeopleTools > EDI Set up external EDI trading
(electronic commerce external Manager > Set Up Trading partners.
partner definition) Partners > External
Partners > Ec ExtPartner Def

Loan Transfer IDs LN_XFER_ID_UPDT Set Up SACR > Product Set up loan transfer IDs to
Related > Financial Aid > pass information to EDI
Loans > Maintain Loan Manager for all outbound loan
Transfer ID > Loan Transfer file transactions.

Loan Transfer ID Table LN_XFER_ID_TBL Financial Aid > Loans > View loan transfer IDs and
View Loan Transfer ID descriptions.
Records > Loan Transfer ID

Creating EDI Entity Codes

Access the EC Entity Code Tbl page (PeopleTools > EDI Manager > Set Up Trading Partners > Entity
Codes > EC Entity Code Tbl).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 329

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Image: EC Entity Code Tbl page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the EC Entity Code Tbl page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Entity codes define the internal and external entities that are involved in the EDI process. For loan
processing, external trading partners are the loan destinations, and internal trading partners are the

To create an entity code, enter the page in Add mode.

PeopleSoft Entity Code Enter a code to identify external or internal trading partners.

Record (Table) Name Select the table where data for loan participants in the process
are located. For loan processing, indicate where the loan
destination profile and loan institution information are located.
You must create your own database record or view with the
appropriate loan trading partners.

External Entity Select if this entity controls external partners.

Predefined entity codes are provided. Use FABU for school loan offices and LDST for loan destinations.
The following illustration shows internal and external entities and codes.

330 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Image: EDI Entity Codes for CommonLine 4

EDI Entity Codes for CommonLine 4

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 331

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Image: EDI Entity Codes for CommonLine 4

EDI Entity Codes for CommonLine 4

Setting Up Financial Aid EDI Destinations

Access the Financial Aid EDI Destination page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File
Management > Define EDI Business Unit > Financial Aid EDI Destination).

Image: Financial Aid EDI Destination page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Financial Aid EDI Destination page.

Enter the Description, Short Description, and Internet Address to set up your FA EDI destinations.

332 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Note: To restrict your outbound files using a setID, enter your setID value as the destination instead of the
FABU entity code.

Setting Up EDI Partner Profiles

Access the Profile Definition page (PeopleTools > EDI Manager > Define EDI Transactions > Partner
Profiles > Profile Definition).

Image: Profile Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Profile Definition page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Financial Aid uses the EDI partner profile to control the location of created EDI files. A list of all created
files can also be generated. CL_DESTIN is a predefined EDI partner profile.

You might want to create an EDI partner profile for each loan destination. For example, you might place
files from each bank in a separate directory.

EC Profile ID (electronic commerce Identifies the electronic commerce profile. The EDI Partner
profile identification) Profile component creates profile ID records.

Source TPID Copy information from an existing EC profile ID. Select the
source TPID and click the Copy button.

EC Outbound File List Path Specify the directory to which you want EDI Manager to write
outbound files.

EC Outbound File List Name Specify the name of the file that lists all outbound files.

New List File Per Run Select to refresh the file list each time that you run the EC
outbound agent.

Message Click to access the Output Message Header/Footer page and

designate a message header and footer.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 333

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Setting Up Profile Defaults

Access the Profile Defaults page (PeopleTools > EDI Manager > Define EDI Transactions > Partner
Profiles > Profile Defaults).

Image: Profile Defaults page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Profile Defaults page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

EC Transaction ID (electronic Select an EDI transaction set ID to create the outbound or

commerce transaction identification) inbound file.

In/Out Indicate whether the process is inbound (I) or outbound (O).

Pri Event (primary event) Indicate the status of the transaction, such as new transaction,
cancellation, duplicate, status request, and so on. The system
assigns the primary event code. These codes are also called
purpose codes.

Sec Event (secondary event) Indicate the type of transaction. Not all transaction types include
secondary event codes. These codes are also called transaction

Setting Up EDI Internal Partners

Access the EC Int Partner Def page (PeopleTools > EDI Manager > Set Up Trading Partners > Internal
Partners > Ec Int Partner Def).

334 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Image: EC Int Partner Def page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the EC Int Partner Def page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

CL4_INT_TP is a predefined internal trading partner for CommonLine processing. You can use this
record to complete your EDI Manager setup or you can create your own internal trading partner record.

Int TPID (internal trading partner Displays the internal trading partner ID.

PS Code (PeopleSoft code) Indicates the EDI entity code that identifies the financial aid-
related business units at the school, FATP.

Unit Select the internal financial aid EDI destinations that you set up
in the FA EDI Destination page. Use the default value FABU or
select the unit value that you created for your institution.

Ext TPID (external trading partner Indicate the external trading partner ID with whom this internal
identification) partner exchanges data. This field cannot be completed until
the EC Ext Partner Def page is set up. The system populates the
corresponding section on the EC Ext Partner Def page with the
EDI internal partner values.

Note: If you are creating the internal trading partner for the first
time, leave this section blank until you have created external
trading partners. When you create external trading partners,
the system populates this section with external trading partner

Alias TPID (alias trading partner Enter an alias code or the name used for your external trading
identification) partner. In the example page, an alias trading partner ID called
FFELP_ALIAS has been created.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 335

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Setting Up EDI External Partners

Access the EC Ext Partner Def page (PeopleTools > EDI Manager > Set Up Trading Partners > External
Partners > Ec ExtPartner Def).

Image: EC Ext Partner Def page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the EC Ext Partner Def page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

An external trading partner record must exist for each loan destination that receives CommonLine
application send files. To better organize external trading partners, include the loan program and
destination number as part of the external trading partner ID.

Trading Partner Definition

Map ID Select the EDI data map set to use. Use the following value to
create CommonLine 4 files:

COMMONLN_4: Contains data maps formatted for

CommonLine 4.

Profile ID Select an ID to define EDI outbound file creation parameters for

the external trading partner. Profile ID records are created with
the EDI Partner Profile page. For CommonLine, the predefined
value, CL_DESTIN ID defines where loan files generated
by running the EDI outbound file build process should be
deposited. Be sure to assign the correct profile ID value if you
have created additional partner profiles for external trading

336 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Cvt Pro Ids (conversion data profile Select a conversion data profile ID to assign data conversion
IDs) rules for different EDI transactions. You should always use the
delivered CommonLine ID. Select:

COMMONLINE: CommonLine data conversion.

Customer/Vendor Assignment
PS Code Select the EDI entity code that represents your external trading
partners. You should use the predefined code LDST.

SetID Leave this field blank if you are not using a setID to control EDI
outbound files. If you use a setID, it must match the financial
aid business unit entity code defined in the FA EDI Destination

PS Customer/Vendor Number Select a loan destination. The destination only works if you use
LDST for your PS Code value.

Int TPID (internal trading partner Select the internal trading partner ID that you have set up on the
identification) EDI Internal Trading Partner page.

Alias TPID (alias trading partner This field forms part of a link between external and internal EDI
identification) trading partners.

Note: For CommonLine loan processing, you must use

the designated alias trading partner ID at your institution
consistently for all CommonLine external trading partners.
For example, the example page shown uses an ID of FFELP_
ALIAS. This value is used for all CommonLine external trading

After you complete the setup of an external trading partner record, the system updates the internal
trading partner record with the external trading partner information. You can view this in the TP ID Alias
Definition section of the EC Int Partner Def page.

This setup creates the linkage between the internal trading partner (the school), external trading
partners (the loan destinations), and the EDI transaction sets (EDI data maps) to run when you create
CommonLine application and change files.

Setting Up Loan Transfer IDs

Access the Loan Transfer IDs page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Maintain Loan Transfer ID > Loan Transfer IDs).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 337

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Image: Loan Transfer IDs page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Transfer IDs page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The following table lists the outbound EC transaction IDs for CommonLine FFELP and alternative loan

Entity Code Transaction ID Description Direction

A004P CommonLine 4 App Send Outbound

C004P CommonLine 4 Change Send Outbound

EC Transaction ID (electronic Select the electronic commerce transaction identification.

commerce transaction identification)

Loan Action Type This field is not used for CommonLine.

In/Out Indicates whether the file is inbound or outbound.

Batch Yr (batch year) Enter the last digit of the appropriate aid year.

Batch ID Always enter 4P. This is a CommonLine 4 requirement.

FA EDI Source Entity Cd (FA EDI Identify the appropriate code for your institution. For most
source entity code) institutions, the source entity code is FATP.

FA EDI Source Business Unit The system populates this field after you select an EDI source
entity code. The default value should be FABU. This field
enables EDI Manager to retrieve and generate the appropriate
file structure.

FA EDI Destination Entity Cd (FA Identify the appropriate code for the loan destination. For most
EDI destination entity code) institutions, the source destination code is LDST.

338 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 10 Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans

Reviewing Loan Action Codes

This section discusses how to view loan action codes.

Pages Used to Review Loan Action Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Action Code Table PS_LOAN_ACTNCD_WK00 Set Up SACR > Product View loan action codes and
Related > Financial Aid > messages for a specific aid
Loans > Maintain Loan year and loan program.
Action Codes > Loan Action
Code Table

Loan Action Codes LOAN_ACTNCD_TBL Financial Aid > Loans > View loan action codes and
View Loan Action Codes > descriptions.
Loan Action Codes

Viewing Loan Action Codes

Access the Loan Action Code Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Maintain Loan Action Codes > Loan Action Code Table).

Image: Loan Action Code Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Action Code Table page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

You can modify their descriptions, but do not add or delete loan action codes and messages. The four loan
action types are: Disbursement, Origination, Promissory Note, and Reconciliation.

Loan Message Codes Loan message codes are received by the school from the
sending loan agency and are not generated by PeopleSoft loan

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 339

Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans Chapter 10

Message Set Number and Message These fields are used only by direct lending processes.

340 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine


Common Element Used in Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

OPEID (office of postsecondary An identifier assigned to a school by the Department of
education identifier) Education.

Setting Up Loan Participants for CRC

To set up loan participants for CRC, use the Create CRC Loan Participants component

Participants in the loan process include lenders, guarantors, and loan servicers. To streamline the loan
process, identify all loan participants and understand their electronic loan processing requirements and
agreements with your institution. The loan participants tables are not institution or aid year specific.

This section discusses how to set up guarantors, lenders, and servicers.

Pages Used to Set Up Loan Participants

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

CRC Loan Servicers SFA_CRC_DEST_ID Set Up SACR > Product View, update, or add
Related > Financial guarantor, lender, or servicer
Aid > Loans > CR information that process loan
CommonLine > Create CRC certification request records
Loan Participants > CRC with your institution.
Loan Servicers

Edit Address EO_ADDR_USA_SEC Click the Edit Address link on Edit or view guarantor,
the CRC Loan Servicers page. lender, or servicer address

Lender Contact Information SFA_CRC_DESTCT_SEC Click the Contact Address Edit or view the country,
link on the CRC Loan mailing address, and email
Servicers page. address.

Setting Up Guarantors, Lenders, and Servicers for CRC

Access the CRC Loan Servicers page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > CR
CommonLine > Create CRC Loan Participants > CRC Loan Servicers).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 341

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Image: CRC Loan Servicers page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CRC Loan Servicers page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to add your guarantors, lenders, and servicers.

OPEID (office of postsecondary Displays an eight-digit alphanumeric identifier assigned to a

education identifier) federal student aid participant by the Department of Education.

OPEID Type (office of postsecondary Displays the type of lending participant (guarantor, lender, or
education identifier) servicer) for which you are adding information.

Select Servicer Indicates whether the loan servicer is selected to be an active

business partner with the school. Select Yes or No.

Preferred Lender Select this check box to make this lender available for self-
service lender selection by the student.

Certification RQST Participant Select if the lender or loan servicer agrees to process loans using
(certification request participant) certification request.

Edit Address Click to access the Edit Address page to review or update
address information.

Contact Address Click to review or update contact information.

Setting Up Loan Types for CRC

To set up loan types for CRC, use the Create Loan Types component (LOAN_TYPE).

342 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

This section discusses how to:

• Define loan types.

• Link CommonLine loan types to NSLDS loan history information.

• Assign checklists.

Pages Used to Set Up Loan Types

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Type Table LOAN_TYPE_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Define the types of loans your
Related > Financial Aid > institution uses in the loan
Loans > Create Loan origination process.
Types > Loan Type Table

CommonLine/NSLDS Xref LOAN_TYPE_TABLE2 Set Up SACR > Product Link federal loan types
Related > Financial Aid > defined for CommonLine
Loans > Create Loan processing with the borrower's
Types > CommonLine/ loans reported by the NSLDS.

Checklist Setup LOAN_TYPE_DOCUMENT Set Up SACR > Product Associate a checklist to be

Related > Financial Aid > generated when a loan is
Loans > Create Loan originated.
Types > Checklist Setup

Defining Loan Types

Access the Loan Type Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > Create
Loan Types > Loan Type Table).

Image: Loan Type Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Type Table page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

When you set up a loan financial aid item type, you include specific conditions for processing the loan.
You must complete the Loan Type Table page to complete the setup. Loan types are used for both CL 4
and CRC.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 343

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Loan Category Select from Alt Loan (alternative loan), PLUS, Sub/Unsub
(subsidized/unsubsidized), Subsidized, and Unsubsidized. If you
select PLUS, a Graduate PLUS Indicator check box displays.
Select the check box for Grad PLUS loans.

Loan Program Select from Alternative,Direct, FFELP, Health, Perkins, State,

and University.

For example, to set up Stafford loans processed through

CommonLine, the loan category is Sub/Unsub and the loan
program is FFELP. To set up an alternative loan program
processed through CommonLine, the loan category is Alt Loan
(alternative loan), and the loan program is Alternative.

Loan Refund Indicator Select from:

Borrower: Select to have the borrower of the loan receive any

refunds or overage. For example, the borrower could be a parent
or guardian for a PLUS loan.

Student: Select to have the student to receive any refunds from

the loan.

You can override this field at the loan application level.

Designating the student as the recipient for PLUS refunds
requires additional setup in PeopleSoft Student Financials.

The system enforces the selected requirements during loan origination and validation.

Loan References Required Enter reference information on the CommonLine Promissory

Note PLUS/Alt and Originate Loans components. Enter the
number of references required in the Nbr Ref Rq (number of
references required) field.

Nbr Ref Rq (number of references Enter the number of references required if you selected the Loan
required) References Required check box.

Credit Check Required Select to require a credit check.

Loan Cosigner Required If you select this check box, enter the number of cosigners
required in the Nbr Csg Rq (number cosigners required) field.

Nbr Csg Rq (number cosigners Enter the number of cosigners required if you selected the
required) Cosigner Required Amount check box.

Cosigner Required Amount Enter the minimum loan amount requiring a cosigner. Enter
cosigner information on the CommonLine Promissory Note
PLUS/Alt and Originate Loans components. This setting is
enforced by the loan servicer.

344 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

Loan Fee Rate Enter the loan fee rate to print on the promissory note for this
loan type. Ensure that the loan fee rate matches the loan fee
setup for the item type that you associate with this loan type.

Max Nbr Disbs (maximum number Indicates the maximum amount of disbursements.

Min Loan Amt (minimum loan Indicates the smallest amount for which a loan can be
amount) originated.

Loan Item Types

Select a setID and an item type. You can have multiple item types associated with the same loan type. You
cannot share item types across multiple loan types. For example, to define FFELP Stafford loans where
the loan category is Sub/Unsub, enter the subsidized and unsubsidized item types.

Note: Based on the business processes defined by your institution, you may need to create multiple loan
types for the same loan program.

The system displays the type loan fee, loan fee amount, fee type, and loan fee percent for the item type
selected. These values are associated with the item type when you set up the financial aid item type on the
Loan Fee Table page.

Related Links
Attaching Loan Fees

Linking CommonLine Loan Types to NSLDS Loan History Information

Access the CommonLine/NSLDS Xref page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Loans > Create Loan Types > CommonLine/NSLDS Xref).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 345

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Image: CommonLine/NSLDS Xref page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CommonLine/NSLDS Xref page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

When you originate a CommonLine loan, the system uses the information set up on this page to search
for similar loans in the borrower's NSLDS history. If a prior loan is found, the system uses the prior loan
information to derive the new loan's destination. This optional feature can be set up in the Loan Institution
setup page.

Alternative Loan Type Cd Indicates a code to notify loan agencies the type of alternative
(alternative loan type code) loan. Alternative loan codes are assigned by NCHER.

NSLDS Loan Type Select a loan type to translate the NSLDS loan type that's
defined in the NSLDS tables.

For more information, see

Assigning Checklists
Access the Checklist Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > Create
Loan Types > Checklist Setup).

346 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

Image: Checklist Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Checklist Setup page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The values of the Loan Type, Loan Program, and Loan Ctgry (loan category) fields are based on the aid
year and academic institution that you selected to access the page.

Checklist Select a checklist to be created when a loan is originated.

Note: For Direct Loan, the system does not generate an assigned
checklist during loan origination. It generates an assigned
checklist when you run the print promissory note process.

Setting Up Loan Validation Edits for CRC

To set up loan validation edits for CRC, use the Maintain CRC Loan Edits component
(SFA_CRC_EDITS) and Create Loan Edit Sets component (SFA_CRC_EDITDFT).

This section provides an overview on loan validation edits and discusses how to:

• Define validation edit messages.

• Create loan validation edit sets.

Related Links
"Understanding Equation Engine" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)

Understanding Loan Validation Edits

Loan edits verify that the loan origination data is valid for transmission to the receiving loan agency. All
CommonLine loan validation edits must be defined in the Loan Edits/Message Table page. Financial Aid
delivers a core set of edits to be used during loan validation. All CommonLine loan edits are equations
written using the Equation Engine. Separate edits are created for both CRC and CL 4 loans. You can
use the Equation Engine to create or modify equations to support loan agencies that are not defined as a
CommonLine standard.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 347

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Pages Used to Set Up Loan Validation Edits

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Edits/Messages SFA_CRC_EDITS Set Up SACR > Product View delivered edits and
Related > Financial Aid > error messages used in loan
Loans > CR CommonLine > validation. You must correct
Maintain CRC Loan Edits > all loan errors before loan data
Load Edits/Messages can be selected for outbound
processing. You can modify
the message text.

Loan Edit Defaults SFA_CRC_EDITDFT Set Up SACR > Product Create loan validation edit
Related > Financial Aid > sets that are used when
Loans > CR CommonLine > constructing loan destination
Create CRC Loan Edit Sets > profile records. Loan edit
Loan Edit Defaults default sets are logical sets
of edits that can be executed
based on loan program, loan
category and process level.
After they are added to a
loan destination, you can
further modify the edit sets to
function according to the loan
destination's business rules.

Defining Validation Edit Messages

Access the Loan Edits/Messages page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > CR
CommonLine > Maintain CRC Loan Edits > Load Edits/Messages).

Image: Loan Edits/Messages page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Edits/Messages page.

This page is delivered preloaded. Review and update edit error messages as needed. New loan edits
created with the Equation Engine must be added to this page for the loan validation process to use them.
Use the Equation field to select an Equation Engine equation.

348 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

The Loan Orig Edit Errors (loan origination edit errors) page in the Maintain Originated Loans
component (SFA_CRC_ORIG) displays any edit errors encountered during the loan origination process.

Predefined errors are described in this table:

Equation Description Cause Resolution

FACRADDR01 Permanent address missing. Used for alternative/PLUS Add a valid address that can
loans. A valid permanent be used as the permanent
address cannot be found for address on the Addresses
the student. The address type page or modify the permanent
is based on the FA Process address usage setting to select
Demographic Use page one of the student's existing
permanent address usage addresses.

FACRADDR02 Mailing address missing. Used for alternative/PLUS Add a valid address that
loans. A valid mailing address can be used as the mailing
cannot be found for the address on the Addresses
student. The address type page or modify the mailing
is based on the FA Process address usage setting to select
Demographic Use page mail one of the student's existing
address usage setting. addresses.

FACRADDR03 Borrower perm address A valid permanent address Add a valid address to the
missing. cannot be found for the borrow ID that can be used
borrower. The address type as the permanent address on
is based on the FA Process the Addresses page or modify
Demographic Use page the permanent address usage
permanent address usage setting to select one of the
setting. student's existing addresses.

FACRADDR04 Borrower mail address A valid mailing address Add a valid address that
missing. cannot be found. The address can be used as the mailing
type is based on the FA address on the Addresses
Process Demographic Use page or modify the mailing
page mail address usage address usage setting to select
setting. one of the student's existing

FACRBORROW01 Loan borrower not defined. Used for PLUS loans. The Enter the correct ID on the
Borrower ID field in the Loan Origination 1 page.
Maintain Originated Loans Parent borrowers must already
component is blank. be defined in PeopleSoft
Campus Community

FACRCHNG01 Loan increase with Used for change transactions. Disburse the funds to the
undisbursed check. A post disbursement change student account or return the
transaction is generated and funds to the lender.
an undisbursed check exists
for the loan.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 349

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Equation Description Cause Resolution

FACRCOSIGN01 No cosigners - cosigners Used for alternative loans. Add the missing cosigners in
required. If cosigners are required for the Relationships page and
the loan type, the edit verifies Maintain Originated Loans
that the required number of component.
cosigners are not defined in
the Relationships page for the
student and are also assigned
to the loan.

FACRCOSIGN02 Cosigner signature required. Used primarily for alternative Fix the data on the Alt Loan
loans. Cosigner signatures Prom Notes page.
have not been entered in the
Enter Alt Loan Prom Notes

FACRDEBT01 Total student loan debt Used for alternative loans. Update the total loan debt in
required. The total loan debt on the the Maintain Originated Loan
Maintain Originated Loans component using the Loan
component is 0, and NSLDS Demographic Data page.
loan history exists.

FACRDEPSTAT1 Dependency Status missing. The student's federal Use the Loan Demographic
dependency status was Data page to update the
missing when the loan was dependency status in the
originated. Maintain Originated Loan

FACRDEST01 Loan destination is zero The loan destination is not Assign a loan destination in
missing. assigned after the loan has the Loan Origination 1 page.
been originated. This edit is
always executed by the loan
validation process and cannot
be deactivated.

FACRDISBDT01 Disbursement more than 90 A disbursement date is set for Change the date on the Loan
days after loan period end. greater than 90 days beyond Origination 2 page.
the loan period end date.

FACRDISBDT02 Disbursement date earlier than The first disbursement Fix the disbursement date or
13 days of loan period start. precedes the loan period begin loan period start date in the
date by more than 13 days. Loan Origination 2 page.

FACRDISBDT03 Disbursement dates must be in Disbursement dates are not in Fix disbursement dates in the
chronological order. order. Maintain Originated Loan
component, Loan Origination
2 page.

FACRDRVLIC01 Borr DL Number or state The borrower's drivers license Update the driver's license
missing. information was incomplete data in the Driver's License
when the loan was originated. page and then use the Loan
Demographic Data page to
update this information in the
Originate Loan component.

350 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

Equation Description Cause Resolution

FACRGRADDT01 Grad date before loan end The graduation date viewed Update the FA Term
date. in the Maintain Originated graduation date (if required)
Loans component is before and then use the Loan
the end of the loan period. Demographic Data page to
update this graduation date
in the Maintain Originated
Loans component.

FACRHOLDFED1 Disbursement hold on federal A disbursement hold on Remove the federal aid
aid. federal aid has been placed on disbursement hold on the
the student. student in the Packaging
Status Summary page.

FACRNAME01 Student Name missing. A valid name type cannot be Add a valid name type that
found. The name type should can be used as the student's
be based on the FA Process name on the Names page or
Demographic Use page name modify the name usage setting
usage setting. to select one of the student's
existing names.

FACRNAME02 Borrower name missing. A valid name type cannot be Add a valid name type that
found. The name type should can be used as the borrower's
be based on the FA Process name on the Names page or
Demographic Use page name modify the name usage setting
usage setting. to select one of the borrower's
existing names.

FACRPER01 Loan period greater than 1 The loan period defined in the Change the loan period dates
year. Loan Origination 2 page is so that the loan period is less
more than one year. than a year.

FACRPLUS01 PLUS borrower and student A PLUS borrower cannot be Correct possible invalid
SSN are the same. the student. relationship defined for
the student. Assign a new
borrower for the PLUS loan.

FACRPLUS02 No PLUS for grad students The student has a graduate Cancel the loan if appropriate,
allowed. NSLDS level in the FA Term or change the student's grade
record when the loan is level to an undergraduate in
originated. the correct FA Term record. If
you change the student's grade
level, then you also need to
use the Loan Demographic
Data page to update it in the
Originate Loan component.

FACRPLUSMPN Serial PLUS MPN check. For PLUS loans. Confirms To process serially, modify the
a prior PLUS loan with the loan record by changing the
same EmplID, borrower borrower or loan destination
EmplID, and lender in the so that the borrower and
CommonLine MPN Usage lender match the information
page with the current PLUS in the CommonLine MPN Use
loan. page. If the loan should be
processed as a new MPN, set
the Serial Loan Code field on
the Loan Origination 3 page
from S to N.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 351

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Equation Description Cause Resolution

FACRREFS01 References missing. The required number of Add the missing references
references have not been in the Relationships page and
defined for the student in the Maintain Originated Loans
Relationships page and have component.
not been assigned to the loan.

FACRSRVCIN01 Service indicator exists. An active negative service Remove the service indicator.
indicator is assigned to the

FACRSSN01 Borrower SSN is blank. For PLUS and Alternative Verify that the borrower is
loans. When the loan was assigned in the Maintain
originated, either the borrower Originated Loans component.
was not assigned, or the If appropriate, fix the SSN
borrower ID did not have a on the Biographical Details
valid Social Security Number page component and then pull
(SSN). A valid SSN has the the SSN into the originated
appropriate country code and loan record using the Loan
a NID type of PR. Demographic Data page.

FACRSSN02 Student SSN is blank. When the loan was originated, Fix the SSN on the
the student did not have a Biographical Details page
valid SSN. A valid SSN has and then pull the SSN into the
the appropriate country code originated loan record using
and a NID type of PR. the Loan Demographic Data

Creating Loan Validation Edit Sets

Access the Loan Edits Defaults page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > CR
CommonLine > Create CRC Loan Edit Sets > Loan Edit Defaults).

352 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

Image: Loan Edits Defaults page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Edits Defaults page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create logical sets of loan validation edits based on the loan program, loan category, and processing level.
When creating loan destination profiles, the system uses these edit sets to automatically populate the loan
destination edits page for the loan destination, simplifying your setup.

Loan Program Values are: Alternative, FFELP, Direct Lending, Health

Professions, State, and University.

Loan Category Values are: Alt Loan (alternative loan), PLUS, Sub/Unsub
(subsidized/unsubsidized), Subsidized, and Unsubsidized.

Processing Level Values are: Direct (not applicable), Guarantee and Print
Appl (guarantee and print application), Print and Guarantee,
Guarantee Only, School Cert Request (school certification
request), and Manual.

Default Profile Edits

Define loan edits to use during validation for the selected loan program, category, and destination
processing level. In addition to creating new edit sets, you can also add or delete edits, or activate or
deactivate existing edits.

Equation Select a predefined equation. Edit equations are set up on the

CRC Loan Edits/Messages page.

Loan Requirement Status For each section, indicate one of the following:

Optional: The selected section is not a requirement for the loan.

Recommended: The selected section is not a requirement for the


Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 353

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Required: The selected section is a requirement for the loan.

Note: The field value does not drive current loan functionality,
but is intended to support future business processes.

Loan Edit Activated Select to activate an edit.

Selecting Equations for the Hold and Release Process for CRC
To set up equations for the hold and release process for CommonLine loans, use the Hold and Release
Equations component (LN_CLHR_EQ_NAME).

This section discusses how to select equations for the CommonLine disbursement hold and release
process. This process is used for both CommonLine 4 and Common Record CommonLine loans.

Page Used to Set Equations for Hold and Release

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Hold/Release Equations LN_HR_EQ_NAME_PNL Set Up SACR > Product Select the equations that you
Related > Financial Aid > require the hold and release
Loans > Hold and Release process to execute.
Equations > Hold/Release

Selecting Equations for Hold and Release

Access the Hold/Release Equations page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Hold and Release Equations > Hold/Release Equations).

354 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

Image: Hold/Release Equations page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Hold/Release Equations page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The equations that you select on this page form an equation set unique to the specified process name.

Description Displays the process for which you are selecting equations.

Equation Name Select an equation. The list contains all equations created for
the selected institution; select only those equations created
specifically for hold and release processing.

If you use the hold and release process at your institution without modifications, create at least one hold/
release equation set with the two provided hold and release equations: FAHDLOADLVL (Load Level
edit) and FAHDSAPSTAT (Satisfactory Academic Progress check).

Note: If you create your own equations, follow the naming conventions described in the Equation Engine
documentation to prevent the accidental deletion of custom equations during application upgrades.

Creating Loan Destinations for CRC

To set up loan destinations for CRC, use the Create CRC Loan Destinations component

This section provides an overview on loan destinations for CRC and discusses how to:

• Define loan destination profiles for CRC.

• Define loan processing levels for CRC.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 355

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

• Define loan destination validation edits for CRC.

Understanding Creating Loan Destinations for CRC

Consolidate the loan participants—the lender, guarantor, and servicer—into one entity, the loan
destination. The loan destination defines the business characteristics and protocols between a lender,
guarantor, and servicer which enables them to process loans for the school. You must create a loan
destination profile for each lender/guarantor/servicer relationship in the FFELP loan program and
alternative loan program, and for the Direct Lending servicer for direct loans.

Note: If you continue to process loans under the CommonLine 4 protocol, you should not create active
CRC loan destination profiles for the same CommonLine 4 destinations until you are ready to use them.

Page Used to Create Loan Destinations

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Dest Profile SFA_CRC_DEST_PROF Set Up SACR > Product Define participants that your
Related > Financial institution uses to exchange
Aid > Loans > CR loan application data.
CommonLine > Create CRC
Loan Destinations > Loan
Dest Profile

Process Levels SFA_CRC_DEST_PROF2 Set Up SACR > Product Define the valid loan
Related > Financial processing levels for the loan
Aid > Loans > CR destination.
CommonLine > Create CRC
Loan Destinations > Process

Validation Edits SFA_CRC_DEST_EDITS Set Up SACR > Product Define the validation edits to
Related > Financial be used for loans originated
Aid > Loans > CR for the loan destination.
CommonLine > Create
CRC Loan Destinations >
Validation Edits

Defining Loan Destination Profiles for CRC

Access the Loan Dest Profile page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > CR
CommonLine > Create CRC Loan Destinations > Loan Dest Profile).

356 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

Image: Loan Dest Profile page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Dest Profile page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Destination Profile

Loan Destination Nbr (loan Indicates the loan destination number.
destination number)

Effective Date Enter the date for which this destination is valid and active.

Status Indicates the effective status. Select Active or Inactive for the
effective-dated row set.

Destination Components
Guarantor OPEID, Lender Indicates the numeric identifier assigned by the Department of
OPEID, Servicer OPEID (office of Education.
postsecondary education identifier)

Lender Branch ID Indicates the lender branch ID. This field is required if a Lender
OPEID value exists.

Servicer Branch Code Indicates the servicer branch code. This field is required if a
Servicer OPEID value exists.

File Routing Control

Application Indicates the recipient of the CRC application file. The system
displays the recipient name and OPEID used on the XML
document record.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 357

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Pre Disb Changes (pre disbursement Indicates the recipient of the CRC change file. The system
changes) displays the recipient name and OPEID used on the XML
document record.

Post Disb Changes (post disbursement Indicates the recipient of the CRC change file. The system
changes) displays the recipient name and OPEID used on the XML
document record.

File Path Indicates the physical location in your production environment

where the CRC XML files are to be created.

Note: The correct syntax of the path statement is dependent on

the schools operating systems. The path must end in a closing
character (a back slash or forward slash).

Accept Change Records Select this check box to indicate that the loan destination accepts
change records. The Pre Disb Changes and Post Disb Changes
fields are not be accessible if the loan destination does not
accept changes.

Build Options
CRC Version Select CRC to indicate the CommonLine protocol the loan
destination supports.

Stafford MPN Process Default Select New MPN or Serial MPN to indicate the default serial
MPN indicator to assign during origination.

PLUS MPN Process Default Select New MPN or Serial MPN to indicate the default serial
MPN indicator to assign during origination.

Prom Note Delivery Default Select Email,Paper, or Web to establish the default method for
(promissory note delivery default) delivering promissory notes to the lender.

Disb Hold/Release Default Select Hold, No Support, or Release to establish the

(disbursement hold/release default) disbursement hold/release status to assign during origination.

Funds Return Method Code Select Borr Check, EFT, Master Chk,or Netting to establish the
method for which funds are returned by the school to the lender
or disbursing agent.

Defining Loan Processing Levels for CRC

Access the Process Levels page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > CR
CommonLine > Create CRC Loan Destinations > Process Levels).

358 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

Image: Process Levels page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Process Levels page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Define the valid process levels the loan destination supports. The loan origination process uses these
setting to determine the correct process level to assign during the loan origination process.

Loan Category Select from: Alt Loan (alternative loan), PLUS, Sub/Unsub
(subsidized/unsubsidized), Subsidized, and Unsubsidized.

The values to use are dependent on the loan categories used to

define the loan types at the school.

Originated with Prom Note Select the check box to indicate that the corresponding process
level be used during origination. The loan origination process
determines the process level based on whether a promissory
note exists at the school for a student.

Processing Level Select the loan processing level that the loan destination
performs for the corresponding loan category. Select from:
Cert Req (certification request), Direct (Direct Lending. This
is not a valid selection), Guar Only (guarantee only), Guar/
Print (guarantee and print), Manual (loan is not transmitted
electronically), and Print/Guar (print and guarantee).

Defining Loan Destination Validation Edits for CRC

Access the Validation Edits page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > CR
CommonLine > Create CRC Loan Destinations > Validation Edits).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 359

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Image: Validation Edits page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Validation Edits page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

This page defines the loan validation edits for the loan destination. The edits are pre-populated from
the Loan Edits Defaults page when process level rows are created on the Process Levels page. Insert
additional edits or remove invalid edits that are specific to the loan destination.

Equation Select a predefined edit statement.

Activate Select to activate an edit.

Specifying Loan Processes for CRC

To set up loan processes for CRC, use the Define Loan Institutions component (LOAN_INST_TABLE).

This section discusses how to define loan processes for CRC.

Pages Used to Set Up Loan Processes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Institution Table LOAN_INST_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Define how your school
Related > Financial Aid > processes loans for the
Loans > Define Loan academic year. You can
Institutions > Loan Institution define loan processes for
Table each academic career of your

Loan Institution Address LN_INST_ADDR_SEC Click the Institution Address Enter address information for
Information link on the Loan Institution each loan institution.
Table page.

360 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Institution Contact LN_INST_CNTCT_SEC Click the Loan Institution Update the address,
Information Contact link on the Loan mailbox type, and mailbox
Institution Table page. identification.

Defining Loan Processes for CRC

Access the Loan Institution Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Define Loan Institutions > Loan Institution Table).

Image: Loan Institution Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Institution Table page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Set up your institution for loan processing by specifying the valid loan processes and contact information

FFELP/Direct Participant Select if the loan institution can originate FFELP or direct loans,
or both. Values are: All Loans, Direct, and FFELP.

DL Disclosure Print (direct lending For direct lending.

disclosure print)

DL SchCd (direct lending school If your institution processes direct loans, enter your direct
code) lending school code. This field is hidden if your school does not
participate in the direct lending program.

SSN Source (social security number For direct loans. Select the source of the student's Social
source) Security Number, such as from Campus Community.

COD Full Participant Select if your institution is a full COD participant.

DL Serial MPN Activation (direct Select if the loan institution that you are defining uses the direct
loan serial master promissory note loan serial master promissory note. This field is hidden if your
activation) school does not participate in the direct lending program.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 361

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

EDE Special School (electronic data For direct loans. Select to set an identification trigger on the
express special school) origination file. This is for schools approved by the Department
of Education for special consideration for direct loan processing
by the Loan Origination Center (LOC). Usually the default rate
for the school must be lower than 10%.

Cntact Nbr (contact number) Enter contact information for each financial aid administrator
in charge of loan processing. Assign a contact number for each

Institution Address Click to access the Loan Institution Address Information page.

Loan Institution Contact Click to access the Loan Institution Contact Information
page and update the address, mailbox type, and mailbox

Setting Up Loan Origination for CRC

To set up loan origination for CRC, use the Reassign Loan Agencies component (LN_AGENCY_DFLT)
and Define Loan Institutions component (LOAN_INST_TABLE).

This section provides an overview of loan origination and discusses how to:

• Specify a default loan agency for CRC.

• Set up loan destination defaults for CRC.

Understanding Loan Origination for CRC

Because CommonLine 4 process levels only require a guarantor to originate a loan, the loan destination
that you use to originate the loan might not be the same loan destination that you use to guarantee the

Loan origination follows a seven-step process to determine the lender and guarantor and then determine
the loan destination. You determine which steps to follow when you set destination defaults.

Step What Happens Possible Information Selected

Step 1 – This step is always performed. If an active unused promissory note Lender Only
is tracked, the designated lender and
guarantor are selected from the form Guarantor Only
used for origination. Steps 2 through 6
are skipped. Lender and Guarantor

No Information

Step 2 – This step is always performed. If a matching loan is originated and Lender and Guarantor
guaranteed in the current aid year for the
borrower, the lender and guarantor are No Information
used from the earlier origination record.
Steps 3 through 6 are skipped.

362 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

Step What Happens Possible Information Selected

Step 3 – Optional If the student has selected a lender on a Lender

self-service page, the process uses the
selected lender and skips steps 4 through No information

Step 4 – Optional The origination process looks back one Lender and Guarantor
year for a prior year originated loan of
the same loan type. If a prior loan is No Information
found, steps 5 and 6 are skipped.

Step 5 – Optional The origination process looks at the Guarantor Only

current NSLDS history to find a
previously originated loan of the same No Information
loan type. A new NSLDS loan type cross
reference section is available in the Loan
Type Table component to facilitate this
step. If a prior loan is found, step 6 is

Note: Only the guarantor is used from

the NSLDS loan history.

Step 6 – Optional A default destination is assigned. User Lender Only

can assign a default CL 4 or CRC
destination number. Guarantor Only

Lender and Guarantor

No Information

Step 7 – This step is always performed. Checks the validity of the selected lender Lender Only
and guarantor values and reassigns
lender and guarantor IDs as defined in Guarantor Only
the Agency Default page.
Lender and Guarantor

No Information

Step 8 Based on the lender, guarantor, and Loan Destination

servicer information selected in the prior
six steps, the loan origination process No Destination
searches for a matching CRC loan
destination profile record. If one is not
found, the CL 4 loan destination profile
records are checked for a matching
record. If one is not found, the loan
is still originated, but it cannot be
transmitted until a loan destination is

The following chart illustrates the process:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 363

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Image: Process flow to determine loan destination

Process flow to determine loan destination

364 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

Pages Used to Set Up Loan Origination for CRC

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Agency Default Setup LN_AGENCY_DFLT Set Up SACR > Product Identify a default agency if
Related > Financial Aid > the borrower does not select a
Loans > Reassign Loan lender, guarantor, or servicer.
Agencies > Agency Default Identify lenders, guarantors,
Setup or servicers that are no longer
in service and have them
replaced automatically with
a new agency when a loan is

Note: Schools that have

defined loan agency default
records for CL 4 loan
processing for the aid years
that are still active must
update the records using the
new CRC fields. The CL 4
setting is ignored by the loan
origination process.

Loan Destination Default LOAN_INST_TABLE2 Set Up SACR > Product Set up loan destination default
Related > Financial parameters.
Aid > Loans > Define
Loan Institutions > Loan
Destination Default

Specifying a Default Loan Agency for CRC

Access the Agency Default Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Reassign Loan Agencies > Agency Default Setup).

Image: Agency Default Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Agency Default Setup page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 365

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Agency Type Select from Guar/Ins (guarantor/insurer), Lender, or Servicer.

OPEID (office of postsecondary Select the identifier of the loan agency that to be reassigned or
education identifier) leave blank if you are setting a default agency.

Branch ID Select the branch identification of the OPEID.

New OPEID (office of postsecondary Select the identifier assigned to your school by the Department
education identifier) of Education.

New Branch ID Select the branch identification of the new OPEID.

Note: Customers who have upgraded from a previous release of Campus Solutions see their original CL 4
loan agency default settings.

CL4 Agency ID Indicates the lender or guarantor ID of previously stored agency

default data. The system displays the name and OPEID of the
agency if not blank.

CL4 New Agency Indicates the lender or guarantor ID of previously stored agency
default data. The system displays the name and OPEID of the
agency if not blank.

Setting Up Loan Destination Defaults for CRC

Access the Loan Destination Default page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Define Loan Institutions > Loan Destination Default).

Image: Loan Destination Default page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Destination Default page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

366 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

The order the loan origination process uses to choose the loan destination for the student is as follows:
Current Promissory Note, Current Year Originations, Check Prior Year Originations, Check NSLDS for
Guarantor, and then Default Destination.

Loan Program Select from: Alternative, Direct, FFELP, Health, Perkins, State,
and University.

Current Prom Note (current The loan origination process always performs these steps.
promissory note), Current Year
Originations, and Student Selected

Check Prior Year Originations and Select to have the system perform these steps.
Check NSLDS for Guarantor

Default Destination If nothing results from the first four search methods, the system
uses this default destination.

Use CRC Destination Select to control the searching of the default loan destination
profile. If not selected, the system only searches CL 4
destinations. If selected, the system only searches CRC loan

Note: Choosing a CL 4 or CRC loan destination does not

guarantee that the originated loan uses the same CommonLine
version—the system continues to perform the loan origination

Setting Up Process Demographic Data for CRC

To set up process demographic data for CRC, use the Define Demographic Data Use component
(FA_PRCSDEMO_TBL). The loan origination process extracts borrowers' demographic information from
Campus Community.

This section discusses how to set up process demographic data for CRC.

Pages Used to Set Up Demographic Data for CRC

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Process Demographic Use FA_PRCSDEMO_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Indicates how to retrieve
Related > Financial Aid > the student demographic
Define Demographic information for loan
Data Use > FA Process processing. The loan
Demographic Use origination process extracts
borrowers' demographic
information from Campus

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 367

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Address Usage ADDR_USAGE_TABLE • Click the Address Usage Define hierarchies of address
Table link on the FA types to search for and use
Process Demographic in a specific usage. The FA
Use page. Process Demographic Use
page selects the appropriate
• Set Up SACR, Product constructs defined in this page
Related, Campus to determine the addresses to
Community, Establish use in loan processing.
People Processing, Setup,
Address Usage Table

Name Usage NAME_USAGE_TABLE • Click the Name Usage Define hierarchies of name
Table link on the FA types to search for and use
Process Demographic in a specific usage. The FA
Use page. Process Demographic Use
page selects the appropriate
• Set Up SACR, Product constructs defined in this page
Related, Campus to determine the names to use
Community, Establish in loan processing.
People Processing, Setup,
Name Usage Table

Phone Usage PHONE_USAGE_TABLE • Click the Phone Usage Define phone usages to
link on the FA Process specify the hierarchies of
Demographic Use page. telephone types to search for
and use in a specific usage.
• Set Up SACR, Product
Related, Campus
Community, Establish
People Processing, Setup,
Phone Usage Table,
Phone Usage

Setting Up Process Demographic Data for CRC

Access the FA Process Demographic Data page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Define Demographic Data Use > FA Process Demographic Use).

368 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

Image: FA Process Demographic Use page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Process Demographic Use page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays settings defined by Campus Community components.

Address Usage Used to select the address used by the associated process. Not
used for loans.

Perm Addr Usage (permanent Used to select the permanent address for loan processing.
address usage)

Mail Addr Usage (mail address Used to select the temporary address for loan processing.

Name Usage Used to select the name for use by the associated process. For
loans, this selects the name for the student and borrower.

Phone Usage . Used to select the phone number for use by the associated

Email Usage Indicates the type of email address, such as home, business,
dorm, or campus. Used to select email usage table settings
defined in Campus Community setup.

Address Usage Table Click to access the Address Usage page to define or review
address usages.

Name Usage Table Click to access the Name Usage page to define or review name

Phone Usage Table Click to access the Phone Usage page to define or review phone

Related Links
"Establishing Name Usages" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 369

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Setting Up Certification Requests for CRC

This section discusses how to define search match criteria for CRC.

Page Used to Set Up Certification Requests

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

CRC Search/Match SFA_CRC_SRCHMCH Set Up SACR > Product Define search match criteria
Parameters Related > Financial aid > for the CRC Inbound process.
Loans > CR CommonLine >
Create CRC Search Match
Setup > CRC Search/Match

Defining Search Match Criteria for CRC

Access the Create CRC Search/Match Parameters page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial
aid > Loans > CR CommonLine > Create CRC Search Match Setup > CRC Search/Match Parameters).

Image: CRC Search/Match Parameters page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CRC Search/Match Parameters page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

You must first define the search parameters and rules that the Search Match process uses for the
certification request process. The available fields in the certification request record that Search Match can
use are national ID (SSN), last name, first name, middle initial, and birthdate.

370 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 11 Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC)

Add Indicates that if the system does not find an EmplID, then it
should create one. The system only offers this to the parent for
PLUS loans.

Assign ID Indicates that the system use the EmplID found during the
search match. The option is not available for No Match if the
system does not find an EmplID to assign. The Assign ID can
represent either a student or a parent.

Note: The No Match - Only for PLUS loans group box only applies when the search match process
cannot find an EmplID for the parent. The system uses the Match(es) Found section criteria for both
student and parents when search match is called.

Related Links
"Understanding Search/Match" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Reviewing Loan Action Codes for CRC

To set up these codes for CRC, use the Maintain CRC Loan Action Codes component

While most of the CommonLine action codes are shared between CL4 and CRC, CRC specific codes
exist which must be maintained separately.

This section discusses how to review loan action codes.

Page Used to Review Loan Action Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

CRC Loan Action Codes SFA_CRC_ACTION_CD Set Up SACR > Product View CRC specific status
Related > Financial Aid > codes and descriptions.
Loans > CR CommonLine >
Maintain CRC Loan Action
Codes > Loan Action Code

Reviewing Loan Action Codes

Access the Loan Action Code Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
CR CommonLine > Maintain CRC Loan Action Codes > Loan Action Code Table).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 371

Setting Up Common Record CommonLine (CRC) Chapter 11

Image: Loan Action Code Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Action Code Table page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

CRC specific status codes are stored in this component. You should not have to add or delete loan action
codes, but you can modify the descriptions. Four loan action types are available: Guarantor, Lender,
PNote (Promissory Note), and Credit. Loan action codes that are common to both CL 4 and CRC loans
are stored in the CL 4 action code table.

Loan Action Category The values are: Accept, Reject, and Status.

372 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12

Setting Up Direct Loans

Overview of Direct Lending

The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan program was established to provide long-term academic loans
to qualified students who are enrolled in facilities of higher education, vocational, technical, business
and trade schools. The Federal Government provides the funds for direct loans directly to the student,
bypassing an outside lender. Students who receive federal direct loan funds cannot receive FFELP
(federal family education loan) funds during the same enrollment period.

The three types of direct loans are:

Direct Loan Type Loan Characteristics

Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan A student's eligibility for a Direct Subsidized Stafford loan
is determined entirely on the student's ability to demonstrate
financial need. The U.S. Department of Education subsidizes
the interest; therefore, the borrower is not charged interest
while they are enrolled in school at least half time, and during
grace and deferment periods.

Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan A student is eligible for a Direct Unsubsidized Stafford
loan regardless of their financial situation. Borrowers are
responsible for paying the interest on these loans.

Direct PLUS Loan Direct PLUS loans enable parents to borrow on behalf of
their dependent students who are enrolled at least half time.
Borrowers are responsible for paying the interest on these

Direct Graduate/Professional PLUS loans, or Grad PLUS

loans, are intended for graduate or professional students who
borrow money for themselves. The award amount equals the
COA less any financial aid for FAFSA applicants.

The direct lending portion of the Financial Aid package is designed to help you process the Subsidized
Stafford, Unsubsidized Stafford, and PLUS loans awarded to students attending your institution.

Before You Begin

Before you attempt to process Direct Loans, ensure that the following general Financial Aid items are set

• Start and end dates for your academic year on the Aid Year Table page, which are reported to COD
(common origination and disbursement) on the origination file.

• Valid terms for your careers on the Valid Terms for Career page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 373

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

The Loan Period Start and End dates must be accurately entered on this page. When the loan
origination record is built, the loan period is calculated using the earliest loan period start and latest
loan period end dates from the terms contained within the disbursement plan assigned to the loan

• Aggregate areas for each type (subsidized and unsubsidized) of direct loan on the Aggregate Aid
Limit Table page.

• Disbursement split codes and disbursement split code formulas.

A specific disbursement split code formula is required to support the disbursement feature that
allows up to 20 disbursements for both Stafford and PLUS loans and provides the ability to reserve
disbursements for post-disbursement adjustments.

Setting Up Financial Aid Item Types

You use the Financial Aid Item Types component to set up financial aid item types, as described in
Setting up Packaging Basics; this section is provided to help you select the correct values for Direct Loan
financial aid item types. Only information specific to direct lending setup is provided.

This section discusses how to:

• Define financial aid item types.

• Set up financial aid item type awarding rules.

• Set up financial aid item type award attributes.

• Set up financial aid item type award limits.

• Set up financial aid item type disbursement rules.

• Set up financial aid item type loan fees.

Pages Used to Set Up Financial Aid Item Types

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Item Type 1 ITEM_TYPE_FA_1 Set Up SACR > Product Define financial aid item type
Related > Financial Aid > descriptions, enter effective
Awards > Financial Aid Item dates, and enter other basic
Types > FA Item Type 1 information for your financial
aid item types.

FA Item Type 2 ITEM_TYPE_FA_6 Set Up SACR > Product Define awarding and rounding
Related > Financial Aid > rules. Establish how the
Awards > Financial Aid Item financial aid item type affects
Types > FA Item Type 2 FM or IM need and enter
rounding and remainder rules
for the financial aid item type.

374 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Item Type 3 ITEM_TYPE_FA_3 Set Up SACR > Product Define disbursement

Related > Financial Aid > and anticipated aid rules.
Awards > Financial Aid Item Update anticipated aid
Types > FA Item Type 3 information, authorization for
disbursement, and award letter

FA Item Type 4 ITEM_TYPE_FA_4 Set Up SACR > Product Set minimum and maximum
Related > Financial Aid > award limits by the type
Awards > Financial Aid Item of term (term category) as
Types > FA Item Type 4 required.

FA Item Type 5 ITEM_TYPE_FA_5 Set Up SACR > Product Define default disbursement
Related > Financial Aid > plans and split codes for
Awards > Financial Aid Item each academic career, which
Types > FA Item Type 5 enables you to enter data
quickly on the award entry
pages manually as well as
for award rules on packaging

FA Item Type 6 page ITEM_TYP_FA_LN_FEE Set Up SACR > Product Attach loan fee codes for loan
Related > Financial Aid > item types.
Awards > Financial Aid Item
Types > FA Item Type 6

Defining Financial Aid Item Types

Access the FA Item Type 1 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Financial Aid Item Types > FA Item Type 1).

Image: FA Item Type 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 1 page.

This table describes how to enter field information for each type of direct lending loan.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 375

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Field Subsidized Stafford Unsubsidized PLUS Graduate PLUS


Description Enter a descriptive Enter a descriptive Enter a descriptive Enter a descriptive

statement indicating statement indicating a statement indicating a statement indicating a
a Direct Subsidized Direct Unsubsidized PLUS loan. Graduate PLUS loan.
Stafford loan. Stafford loan.

Financial Aid Type Loan Loan Loan Loan

Source Federal Federal Federal Federal

Federal ID Subsidized Unsubsidized PLUS Grad PLUS

Aggregate Area Name of the aggregate Name of the aggregate Leave this field blank. Leave this field blank.
area you set up for this area you set up for this
type of loan. type of loan.

Setting Up Financial Aid Item Type Awarding Rules

Access the FA Item Type 2 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Financial Aid Item Types > FA Item Type 2).

Image: FA Item Type 2 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 2 page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The Rounding Rules entered on this page are the same for all Direct Loan types.

Rounding Option Select Dollar.

Round Direction Select Nearest.

Award Remainder Rule Select Last-Dllrs (last dollars).

Fee Remainder Rule Leave this field blank.

376 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Truncate Fees Select this check box.

Setting Up Financial Aid Item Type Award Attributes

Access the FA Item Type 3 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Financial Aid Item Types > FA Item Type 3).

Image: FA Item Type 3 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 3 page.

The fields on this page are used to set up disbursement information. Set up these fields according to your
institution's requirements. No specific Direct Loan requirements exist.

Setting Up Financial Aid Item Type Award Limits

Access the FA Item Type 4 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Financial Aid Item Types > FA Item Type 4).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 377

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Image: FA Item Type 4 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 4 page.

The fields on this page are used to set up your award limits by term category. Your institution defines the
limits. No specific Direct Loan requirements exist.

Setting Up Financial Aid Item Type Disbursement Rules

Access the FA Item Type 5 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Financial Aid Item Types > FA Item Type 5).

Image: FA Item Type 5 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 5 page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The field values entered on this page are the same for all Direct Loan types.

Missing Term Enrollment Select the Split evenly across valid term check box for Direct
Loan setup. Disbursement plans determine the disbursements

378 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

across terms, but students might not attend all terms defined
for the disbursement plan. The Missing Term Enrollment rule
allows you to specify whether to split disbursements evenly
among the remaining terms for which the student is actually

For example, if the disbursement plan is for fall, winter, and

spring quarters, but the student is only enrolled for fall and
spring with the Split evenly across valid term check box
selected, the award amount is split evenly between the fall and
spring terms.

Setting Up Financial Aid Item Type Loan Fees

Access the FA Item Type 6 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Financial Aid Item Types > FA Item Type 6).

Image: FA Item Type 6 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 6 page.

Before you set up this page for your direct lending item types, you must create a loan fee type for your
Stafford subsidized, Stafford unsubsidized, and PLUS loan types. You must also create a loan fee type for
the rebate.

Field Subsidized Stafford Unsubsidized Stafford PLUS or Graduate PLUS

Loan Program Ensure that this field displays Direct Lending Direct Lending
Direct Lending. The value
comes from the aggregate
area that you select on the
Financial Aid Item Type 1

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 379

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Field Subsidized Stafford Unsubsidized Stafford PLUS or Graduate PLUS

Loan Interest Attribute Ensure that this field displays Ensure that this field displays Ensure that this field displays
Subsidized for subsidized Unsubsidized for subsidized Unsubsidized for PLUS or
Stafford loans. The value Stafford loans. Graduate PLUS loans.
comes from the aggregate area
you select on the Financial
Aid Item Type 1 page.

Loan Fees Select your direct lending fee Select your direct lending fee Select your direct lending
ID for subsidized Stafford ID for unsubsidized Stafford fee ID for PLUS or Graduate
loans. loans. PLUS loans.

Loan Fees (interest rebate) Insert a row to add interest Same as for subsidized Same as for subsidized
rebate for the loan. Select the Stafford. Stafford.
direct loan rebate fee that you
set up on the Loan Fee Table
page. The rebate amount
is added after the loan fee
percent is subtracted from the
gross disbursement amount.

Fee Percentage The loan fee values are The loan fee values are The loan fee values are
derived from the Loan Fee derived from the Loan Fee derived from the Loan Fee
Table. Table. Table.

Example of How the Direct Loan Rebate Works

A student receives a Direct Loan of 1,000.00 USD for the fall 2008 term. The net disbursed amount is
985.00 USD because the 3 percent loan fee of 30.00 USD is deducted from the gross amount of the loan,
and the 1.5 percent rebate of 15.00 USD is added back.

Note: Refer to the COD Technical Reference guide regarding loan and rebate fees and their criteria when
a new fee goes into effect. Separate financial aid item types and associated fees may be required based on
the criteria and effective date.
All Direct Loan item types must have a “Loan Fee Type” (interest rebate), even if the fee rebate is equal
to 0%. This attribute is necessary to support required COD reporting.

Setting Up Promissory Notes in Campus Community

Before using Master Promissory Notes (MPN) and Promissory Notes, you must complete setup
procedures in PeopleSoft Campus Community and Financial Aid. The information in this section is
specific to direct lending.

If you use the Create PNote Communication and Print Promissory Note processes, you can link a loan
type to a specific document type.

If you have multiple loan types per loan program, you can have one checklist per loan type or you can
have one checklist for all the loan types within a particular loan program.

Before setting up PeopleSoft Campus Community items for promissory notes, you should be familiar
with and understand the 3Cs (communications, checklists, and comments), specifically checklists.

380 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

See "Understanding the 3C Engine" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

See "Understanding Checklist Setup" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

This table lists the items that you must create in PeopleSoft Campus Community before you can use
Master Promissory Notes (MPN) and Promissory Notes in PeopleSoft Financial Aid.

Important! Schools can choose whether or not to use the Electronic Master Promissory Note (e-MPN)
for their borrowers. If schools use the e-MPN, there is no need to print a paper version. If a borrower
requests a paper MPN, the school has the option of having COD print and mail the MPN to the borrower.
For more information,

See the U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Technical

Item Direct Loan Information Reference

Checklist Item Create one checklist item code each for See "Defining Checklist Items"
direct Stafford loan and direct PLUS (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2:
loan type. Campus Community).

Note: Be sure to use an effective date of

01/01/1900 for any rows you add.

Checklist Item Function For the Administrative Function of See "Defining Checklist Items"
Loan, insert a row for each of the (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2:
checklist items that you created. Campus Community).

Checklist Create one checklist each for direct See "Setting Up Checklist Templates"
Stafford loan and direct PLUS loans. (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2:
Graduate PLUS loans can use the same Campus Community)
elements as PLUS loans.

Checklist 3C Groups Enter values in the Update/Inquiry See "Setting Up Checklist 3C Groups"
Group. The Update/Inquiry Group values (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2:
are user defined. Campus Community).

Communication Contexts Set up a Communication Context for See "Defining Communication Contexts
each checklist. Use these values: and Categories" (PeopleSoft Campus
Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).
• Method = Document

• Direction = Outgoing

• Letter Code = Loan Promissory


Note: The letter code is defined

on the Standard Letters page
in Campus Community.Set Up
SACR > Common Definitions >
Communications > Standard Letter
Table CS.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 381

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Item Direct Loan Information Reference

Communication Categories Choose the Communication Category See "Defining Communication Contexts
designated for promissory note and Categories" (PeopleSoft Campus
processing. For example, PNT_08 Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).
(Pnotes for 2008).

Use these values:

• Function = Loan

• Communication Context = Insert

rows for each of the communication
contexts that you created.

Note: Be sure to use an effective date of

01/01/1900 for any rows that you add.

Communication 3C Groups Select the Communication Category that See "Defining 3C Groups" (PeopleSoft
you set up for promissory notes. For Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus
example, PNT_08. Community).

For the 3C Update/Inquiry Group field,

select the 3C group to which to give
access for the selected communication
category. This field is required for
promissory note processing

Warning! If you do not set security,

users have access to the communication
category and administrative function
needed to run the promissory notes

382 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Item Direct Loan Information Reference

Communication Speed Keys Add new Communication Keys for See "Defining Communication Speed
MPN and PLUS loans. When adding Keys" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions
the Communication Comm Keys, select 9.2: Campus Community).
Loan as the administrative function.

Enter or select the values for each of the

listed fields.

Comm Key. Enter MPN for the MPN

communication key, PLUS for the PLUS
communication key. For Health, Perkins,
and university/institutional loans, give
each a unique communication key.

Category. Enter the category you set up

for MPN and PLUS loan communication
categories. This value should match the
name of the communication category
that you set up previously.

Context. Enter MPN for the MPN

context field, PLUS for the PLUS
context field.

Method. Select the method to use to

deliver the promissory note. This should
match the method used when setting up
the context.

Direction. Select the direction, from

your institution's point of view, that the
promissory note is going. For example,
outgoing refers to something sent out
from your institution. This should match
the method used when setting up the

Letter Code. Select the appropriate letter

code for the type of promissory note.
You can have one letter code type for all
loan type, for example, a letter code of
LNS (loans).

Setting Up Direct Lending

To set up direct lending, use these components:

• Maintain EDI Transactions component (FA_ECTRANS).

• Create Loan Destinations component (LN_DEST_PROFILE).

• Direct Loan Change Rules component (LN_DL_INST_PARM).

• Define Loan Institutions component (LOAN_INST_TABLE).

• Loan Attended Routing ID component (SFA_COD_LN_ATTEND)

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 383

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

• Maintain Loan Report Packages component (LOAN_RPT_PKGS02).

• Define Serial Promissory Notes component (LN_PNOTE_TYPE).

• Define School Servicers component (LOAN_SERVICE_TABLE).

• Maintain Loan Transfer ID component (LN_XFER_FILE_ID).

• Create Loan Types component (LOAN_TYPE).

• Credential Level Cross Reference component (SFA_COD_CRDLV_XREF).

• SULA Load Rules component (SFA_SULA_LD_TBL).

This section discusses how to:

• View EDI profile defaults.

• Set up loan destination profiles for Direct Lending.

• Set up global Direct Lending change parameters.

• Set up Loan Institution Table for Direct Lending COD.

• Set up destination defaults for Direct Lending.

• Set up Loan Attended Routing ID's

• Set up loan report packages for Direct Lending.

• Set up DL Serial Promissory Note table.

• Set up Loan Servicer table for Direct Lending.

• Set up loan transfer IDs for Direct Lending.

• Set up loan types for Direct Lending.

• Set up credential level cross reference.

• Set up SULA load rules.

Pages Used to Set Up Direct Lending

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Financial Aid EDI FA_ECTRANS Set Up SACR, Product Define electronic data
Transactions Related, Financial Aid, File transactions.
Management, Maintain EDI
Transactions, Financial Aid
EDI Transactions

384 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Dest Profile LOAN_DEST_PROFILE Set Up SACR > Product Define the participants your
Related > Financial Aid > institution uses to exchange
Loans > Commonline 4 > loan application data. You
Create Loan Destinations > can designate multiple
Loan Dest Profile destinations for a given loan

Ln Dl Inst Parm (loan direct LN_DL_INST_PARM Set Up SACR > Product Set up change parameters
lending institution parameter) Related > Financial Aid > for your institution. By
Loans > Direct Loan Change setting change parameters
Rules > Ln Dl Inst Parm for specific fields, you can
determine how direct lending
change processing handles the
specified fields.

Ln Pnote Type (loan LN_PNOTE_TYPE Set Up SACR > Product Add the master promissory
promissory note type) Related > Financial Aid > note (MPN), PLUS note,
Loans > Define Serial health, Perkins, and
Promissory Notes > Ln Pnote university/institutional loan
Type types to the loan promissory
note table. You must do this
before using the promissory
note functionality.

Loan Institution Table LOAN_INST_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Set up Common Origination
Related > Financial Aid > and Disbursement (COD)
Loans > Define Loan for Direct Lending. Define
Institutions > Loan Institution how your school processes
Table loans for the academic year.
You must define your loan
processes for each academic
career at your institution.

Loan Institution Address LN_INST_ADDR_SEC Click the Loan Institution Enter address information for
Information Contact link on the Loan your department that works
Institution Table page. with loans.

Loan Institution Contact LN_INST_CNTCT_SEC Click the Loan Institution Enter address information for
Information Contact link on the Loan your loan contact personnel.
Institution Table page.

Loan Destination Default LOAN_INST_TABLE2 Set Up SACR > Product Set up your default loan
Related > Financial destination parameters.
Aid > Loans > Define
Loan Institutions > Loan
Destination Default

Loan Attended Routing ID SFA_COD_LN_ATTEND Set Up SACR > Product Associate Attended School
Related > Financial Aid > Routing ID's with Reporting
Loans > Loan Attended School Routing ID's.
Routing ID

Loan Report Packages LN_RPT_PCKG02 Set UP SACR > Product Define and associate loan
Related > Financial Aid > document types to loan types.
Loans > Maintain Loan
Report Packages > Loan
Report Packages

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 385

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Servicer Table LOAN_SERVICE_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Identify the servicers that your
Related > Financial Aid > institution uses for processing
Loans > CommonLine4 > loans. You can also use this
Define School Servicers > page to add a new servicer.
Loan Servicer Table

Servicer Electronic Address SERV_ADDR_SEC Click the Electronic Address Enter an email address for the
link on the Loan Servicer loan servicer.
Table page.

Servicer Contact Information SERV_ADDR_SEC Click the Contact Address Enter address and email
link on the Loan Servicer information for the individual
Table page. contact that you entered on
the Loan Servicer Table page.

Loan Transfer IDs LN_XFER_ID_UPDT Set Up SACR, Product Set up your EC transaction ID
Related, Financial Aid, Loans, for all inbound and outbound
Maintain Loan Transfer ID, loan file transactions.
Loan Transfer IDs

Loan Type Table LOAN_TYPE_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Enter specific processing
Related > Financial Aid > types and loan requirements
Loans > Create Loan for a particular loan type. You
Types > Loan Type Table can also associate specific
loan item types to the loan

Direct Loan Options LOAN_TYPE_TABLE_DL Set Up SACR > Product Specify direct lending options
Related > Financial Aid > for the loan type setup. This
Loans > Create Loan page is used to define your
Types > Direct Loan Options disbursement options from
Financial Aid to PeopleSoft
Student Financials. Additional
options define when
disbursements are transmitted
to the Common Origination
and Disbursement (COD).

Checklist Setup LOAN_TYPE_DOCUMENT Set Up SACR > Product Define checklist to be

Related > Financial Aid > associated with loan type.
Loans > Create Loan
Types > Checklist Setup

Credential Level Cross SFA_COD_CRDLV_XREF Set Up SACR > Product Map academic career/
Reference Related > Financial Aid > academic plan/National
Loans >SULA > Credential Student Clearinghouse (NSC)
Cross Reference Classification combinations to
COD Credential Levels.

SULA Load Rules SFA_SULA_LD_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Set up COD Enrollment
Related > Financial Aid > Status rules.
Loans >SULA > SULA
Load Rules

386 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Viewing EDI Profile Defaults

Access the Financial Aid EDI Transactions page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
File Management > Maintain EDI Transactions > Financial Aid EDI Transactions).

Image: Financial Aid EDIT Transactions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Financial Aid EDIT Transactions page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The EDI Profile table defines electronic data transactions both inbound and outbound for COD
processing. EDI functionality is used to exchange data from the COD system to Campus Solutions. EDI
transactions support data files for Direct Loans and Pell Grant. The system updates and populates the EC
Transaction ID on a regulatory basis.

EC Transaction ID The ID is based on the message classes used for direct lending.
See the COD Technical Reference for further information.
Use the Add link to add additional EC transaction IDs for this
partner profile. Add all the direct lending message classes that
you use at your institution.

In/Out The system indicates whether the file is Inbound or Outbound.

Direct Lending EC Transaction IDs

The following table illustrates the value provided in your system for Direct Lending processing. File types
are updated during annual regulatory releases for Direct Lending.

EC Transaction ID Inbound/Outbound Data Exchange File Type Data Definition

DSLFnnOP, where nn is the Inbound Import From COD School Account Statement
aid year. (Fixed-Length, Loan Level
Loan Detail)

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 387

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

EC Transaction ID Inbound/Outbound Data Exchange File Type Data Definition

DSDFnnOP, where nn is the Inbound Import from COD School Account Statement
aid year. (Fixed-Length, Disbursement
Level Loan Detail)

Setting Up Loan Destination Profiles for Direct Lending

Access the Loan Dest Profile page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Commonline 4 > Create Loan Destinations > Loan Dest Profile).

Image: Loan Dest Profile (loan destination profile) page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Dest Profile (loan destination profile) page.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Destination Profile

Destination The system assigns and displays a unique numeric identifier
when you create a destination.

Loan Program This should display Direct for direct lending.

Tolerance Enter the tolerance value to determine the amount difference

that the system should allow with loans.

Destination Components
Guarantor ID This field does not apply to direct loans.

Lender ID This field does not apply to direct loans.

388 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Servicer ID Select the servicer ID for direct lending. This value is delivered
with your system.

OE Cd Branch (Office of Education The system displays the OE Cd and Branch for the Servicer ID
code branch) that you select.

Physical Destination Select Servicer for direct lending. The physical destination
refers to the destination that you intend to receive the loan

Loan Print Option Select the default promissory note print code to report to
COD on each individual loan award. Value updates the COD
Promissory Note Print Code field. Select the appropriate option
depending on your institution's arrangement with COD. The
Loan Print Option can also be overridden on an individual loan
application level.

COD processing recommends leaving the Loan Print Option

blank. If left blank, the 'Promissory Note Print Code' tag is not
submitted, and the school's Promissory Note Print Indicator
is set to 'Y'. When the Promissory Note Print Indicator is set
to 'Y', this indicates to COD that the loan promissory note
correspondence is eligible to be sent electronically by COD.

See the U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination

and Disbursement (COD) Technical Reference, Electronic
Master Promissory Notes and Submitting a Promissory Note
Print Code.

• Destination Prints (Sends to Borrower) – COD prints and

sends to borrower on paper format.

• Destination Prints (Returns to School) – COD prints and

sends to school on paper format.

• School Prints – School prints on-site and provides to


• Destination Reprints – COD reprints and sends to borrower

on paper format.

• Destination Reprints (Sent to School) – COD reprints and

sends to school on paper format.

Ovrd (override) Select this check box to save the page without having
designated a Guarantor ID, Lender ID, and Servicer ID. But,
this does not apply to direct lending, so you can save the page
with only the Servicer ID without selecting this check box.

Contact Order
The fields in this group box determine who to contact depending on the stage of the loan.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 389

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Pre-Guarantee Contact Select Servicer for direct lending.

Pre-Disb Contact (pre-disbursement Select Servicer for direct lending.


Post Disb Contact (post disbursement Select Servicer for direct lending.

Valid Category/Process Level

Loan Category Identify the loan category for the loan destination to process.
The loan categories include PLUS, Sub/Unsub, Subsidized,
and Unsub. The category Sub/Unsub does not apply to direct
lending. Direct lending institutions should use Subsidized,
Unsub, and PLUS. You should add a loan category for all three
Direct Lending loan types: subsidized, unsubsidized, and PLUS.

Track PN (track promissory note) This field does not apply to direct lending.

Proc. Level (process level) Identify the loan processing level that the loan destination
performs for the corresponding loan category. For direct
lending, select Direct for all of your loan categories.

Note: The other two pages in this component, CommonLine Options and Loan Dest Edits, do not apply to
direct lending.

Setting Up Global Direct Lending Change Parameters

Access the Ln Dl Inst Parm page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > Direct
Loan Change Rules > Ln Dl Inst Parm).

390 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Image: Ln Dl Inst Parm (loan direct lending institutional parameters) page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Ln Dl Inst Parm (loan direct lending institutional
parameters) page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

You can use this setup page to set globally what data changes should be automatically submitted to
COD. These data changes can be for a change file, for a record held for institutional review, or for an
automatically suspended record because of reductions to financial data. After these global parameters are
defined, they are applied to all direct loan records to which changes to data have been made. This global
setup assists you in administering what and when multiple data changes should be submitted to COD.

The global setup does not preclude you from holding/suspending change information on a student-by-
student level. Individual suspend, change, or hold decisions can be made through the DL Stu Change
Hold/Suspense page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Hold/Suspend Change

The system displays the Academic Institution and Aid Year.

DL Change Parameters
Chg Field # (change field number) Select the field to change. The change field numbers correspond
to those assigned by COD, as defined in the COD Technical

DL Change Type Indicates whether the specified change field number represents a
demographic or financial change.

Change Parm (change parameter) Select the parameter for each field.

No Chg (no change). The system does not consider the specified
field during change processing. When you make changes to
fields to which this change parameter is assigned, the system
does not create a change transaction.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 391

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Note: Change rule processing analyzes all change fields by

default unless a 'No Chg' value is specified.

Spnd Red (suspend reduced). This is used for financial change

types only. If the change results in a reduced disbursement
amount, the system suspends the loan.

Suspend When you make changes to fields to which this change

parameter is assigned, the system creates a change transaction
and places the loan on hold. This enables you to review the loan
to determine whether the change is appropriate. If the change is
fine, you can remove the hold.

Note: The above change parameters affect those loans that have been transmitted to the COD. Prior to
submission, you can change the fields on the loan record without generating a change transaction. Change
transactions occur when you make changes to loans that you have previously transmitted to COD.

Setting Up Loan Institution Table for Direct Lending COD

Access the Loan Institution Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Define Loan Institutions > Loan Institution Table).

Image: Loan Institution Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Institution Table page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Institution setup defines loan processing attributes and definitions. A student's awarded loans are
matched to a Loan Institution option based on their ISIR Owning School Code, Academic Career, and
FFELP/Direct Participant level.

392 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Loan Processing Info

FFELP/Direct Participant Indicate whether your loan institution can originate All Loans
(both FFELP and direct lending) Direct (Lending only), or
FFELP (only). Alternative loans are not affected by this setting.

DL Disclosure Print Indicate where the loan disclosure is printed. Select from COD,
Reprint, and School. Reprint indicates that the Department of
Education has authorized the institution to reprint copies of the
Direct Loan Disclosure Statement. In most cases, you should
select COD.

SSN Source (social security number Indicate the source for the student's Social Security Number, CC
source) (Campus Community) or ISIR.

Note: The COD Direct Loan processes always report the SSN
from the student's ISIR, regardless of the SSN Source option

DUNS ID (data universal numbering Enter your DUNS ID. The Department of Education assigns the
scheme) DUNS number to the reporting institution.

DL SchCd (direct lending school Enter your school code for direct lending. This field is hidden if
code) your school does not participate in the direct lending program.
School code is used to create the loan application ID for COD
loan application processing.

COD Routing ID Enter the Common School ID number that is assigned to your
institution by the U.S. Department of Education. This value is
used as the COD Routing ID for students associated with the
context School Code, Career, and FFELP/Direct Participant

COD Full Participant Select to activate the COD Common ID field.

DL Serial MPN Activation (direct Displays as "checked" (default value) and is required for Direct
lending serial master promissory note Loan processing.

EDE Special School Select this check box if your institution as been approved as an
EDE special school.

Contact Information
In this group box, enter the contact information for each of your financial aid administrators in charge of
loan processing.

Cntact Nbr (contact number) Use this number to prioritize the list of contacts. The person
with a contact number of one is considered the primary contact.

Name Enter the name of the loan officer.

Title Enter the title of the loan officer.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 393

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Func Area (functional area) Enter information about the functional area that this contact
person administrates.

Entering Loan Institution Address Information

Access the Loan Institution Address Information page (click the Loan Institution Contact link on the Loan
Institution Table page).

Image: Loan Institution Address Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Institution Address Information page.

Enter the required address information. Select a Mailbox Type of either Internet or Compuserve. Enter a
Mailbox ID or email address. The Mailbox Type and Mailbox ID are used to determine where data files
are sent when the files are transmitted using the internet or a private communication network.

Note: You must enter a Mailbox Type and Mailbox ID to save this page.

Entering Loan Institution Contact Information

Access the Loan Institution Contact Information Loan Institution Contact page (click the Loan Institution
Contact link on the Loan Institution Table page).

394 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Image: Loan Institution Contact Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Institution Contact Information page.

Enter the required address information for the individual loan contact. Select a Mailbox Type of either
Internet or Compuserve. Enter the Mailbox ID or email address.

Setting Up Destination Defaults for Direct Lending

Access the Loan Destination Default page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Define Loan Institutions > Loan Destination Default).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 395

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Image: Loan Destination Default page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Destination Default page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Default Loan Destination Parameters

Loan Program Select Direct for direct lending.

6. Default Destination Indicates the default loan destination. Select the loan destination
number that you created for this processing year for direct
lending COD. The loan destination number is created on the
Loan Dest Profile page.

Note: The 1. Current Prom Note, 2. Current Year Originations, 3. Student Selected Lender, 4. Check
Prior Year Originations, and 5. Check NSLDS for Guarantor fields do not apply to direct lending.

Setting Up Attended School Routing ID's

Access the Attended School Routing ID page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Loans > Loan Attended Routing ID).

396 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Image: Loan Attended Routing ID page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Attended Routing ID page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to associate one or more COD Attended School Routing ID's to a single COD Reporting
School Routing ID. Available Reporting School Routing ID values are based on unique COD Routing IDs
established on the Loan Institution setup page.

Attending School Routing ID Enter at least one Attending School Routing ID.

Note: Attending School Routing IDs must be created for each Aid Year requiring COD processing.

Setting Up Loan Report Packages for Direct Lending

Access the Loan Report Packages page (Set UP SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Maintain Loan Report Packages > Loan Report Packages).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 397

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Image: Loan Report Packages page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Report Packages page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The Loan Report Packages page associates pre-defined promissory document types to Direct Loan types.
You can print Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford and PLUS MPNs on preprinted
forms approved by the Department of Education, using the positional print option. When the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) revises approved formats, Oracle delivers updated code to all schools.

Note: Direct PLUS Loan (this includes DL Graduate PLUS loans) master promissory notes print based on
positional format with data labels.
Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan master promissory notes print based on
positional format without data labels.

The system displays the Report Package, Aid Year, and Ln Output Type (loan output type) based on your
selection when accessing the page.

Ext Ovrd Parm (external override If you are using an external product, you can enter values in
parameter) this field using the guidelines set by the external product. This
field appends parameters to the JOB line in the external product
extract file. Review your external product user's guide.

Leave this field blank if you do not use an external product.

Field Delimiter This field is not used for promissory note processing.

398 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Input/Output file If you are using an external product, you must enter a file name
to export the report package. This specifies where the output
goes when you run the print process.

Leave this field blank if do not use an external product.

Rpt Seq (report sequence) This designates the order in which the system creates the output
for each loan document.

Document Type These are delivered with your system. You must insert a new
row for each loan document type to be included in the package:

Master PNote: Stafford MPN document type. Associate Stafford

Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan type values with Master

Promissory Note: PLUS MPN document type. Associate PLUS

and Graduate PLUS loan type values with Promissory Note.

File Name If you are using an external product, you must enter the
file name of the external product form to associate with the
document type. For example, if the document type is Master
Pnote, enter MPN0400_E. For document type Perkins Pnote,
enter PERKNS_E.

Leave this field blank if you do not use an external product.

Loan Type Enter the loan types associated with the Master PNote or
Promissory Note.

Setting Up DL Serial Promissory Note Table

Access the Ln Pnote Type page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > Define
Serial Promissory Notes > Ln Pnote Type).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 399

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Image: Ln Pnote Type (loan promissory note type) page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Ln Pnote Type (loan promissory note type) page.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan PNOTE Type (loan promissory Enter a type for MPN, the Stafford MPN document type.
note type) Associate Stafford Subsidized and Unsubsidized loan type
values with MPN.

Insert a row to add PNOTE, the PLUS MPN document type.

Associate PLUS and Graduate PLUS loan type values with

You might also need to add health, Perkins, and university/

institutional loans to this setup page.

Communication Speed Key On each row, enter the Communication Key to be associated
with the loan PNOTE type.

Setting Up Loan Servicer Table for Direct Lending

Access the Loan Servicer Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
CommonLine4 > Define School Servicers > Loan Servicer Table).

400 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Image: Loan Servicer Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Servicer Table page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Servicer ID This number identifies the servicer associated with the requested

OE Cd (Office of Education code) When you select a value, the system uses data from the Servicer
Load Maintenance database and automatically populates the rest
of the information.

Proc Lead Time (process lead time) Indicates the number of days a loan destination needs to freeze
its data to prepare for a transfer to the school. For example,
if the lead-time is 5 days, changes can only be made to the
student's loan 5 days prior to the first disbursement.

DUNS ID (data universal numbering The system displays this field if your institution is required
scheme ID) to report a DUNS ID in the processing of loans. You can also
enter your DUNS ID. The Department of Education assigns the
DUNS number to the reporting institution.

Address Information
Enter the address of the loan servicer in the fields in this group box.

Click the Electronic Address link to access the Servicer Electronic Address page, where you can enter an
email address for this loan servicer.

Contact Information
Enter the name and title of individual contacts at the loan servicer. You can enter multiple contacts by
inserting rows. The Cntact Nbr (contact number) field is used to prioritize the order of your contacts.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 401

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Click the Contact Address link to access the Servicer Contact Information page, where you can enter the
address and email information for an individual contact at the loan servicer.

Entering Servicer Electronic Addresses

Access the Servicer Electronic Address page (click the Electronic Address link on the Loan Servicer
Table page).

Image: Servicer Electronic Address page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Servicer Electronic Address page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Mailbox Type Select the servicer's mailbox type of None, Internet, or


Mailbox ID Enter the servicer's mailbox identification or address to which

data files are sent when the files are transmitted using the
internet or a private communication network.

Entering Servicer Contact Information

Access the Servicer Contact Information page (click the Contact Address link on the Loan Servicer Table

Image: Servicer Contact Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Servicer Contact Information page.

Enter the address and email information in the fields provided.

402 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Setting Up Loan Transfer IDs for Direct Lending

Access the Loan Transfer IDs page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Maintain Loan Transfer ID > Loan Transfer IDs).

Image: Loan Transfer IDs page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Transfer IDs page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Verify that the Loan Transfer IDs are set for the current aid year. Use the Loan Transfer ID Table
page to set up loan transfer IDs and descriptions. This is a system definition table used for COD data
file processing. EC Transaction ID correlates to Common Origination Message Classes used by Full
Participants for sending and receiving data from the COD system for each processing year.

Oracle supports the following message classes for your Direct Lending process:

• DSDFnnOP School Account Statement Disbursements (Fixed Length).

• DSLFnnOP School Account Statement Loan Level (Fixed Length).

EC Transaction ID (electronic Select a value. When you tab to the next field, the system
commerce transaction ID) displays the Description and Short Desc (descriptions) for the
EC Transaction ID. The EC Transaction ID is based on the
Message Classes used for Direct Lending.

Loan Action Type This field does not apply to direct lending.

In/Out The system indicates whether the file is Inbound or Outbound.

Batch Yr (batch year) Enter the last digit of the appropriate aid year. For example,
enter 8 for 2008.

Batch ID Indicates the unique ID for the batch. It is used when

transferring data to the loan destination.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 403

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

FA EDI Source Entity Cd (Financial Select the appropriate value for your institution. For most
Aid EDI source entity code) institutions, you select FATP.

FA EDI Source Business Unit The system populates this field after an FA EDI Source Entity
Cd is selected. The default value should be FABU. This allows
the EDI Manager to retrieve and generate the appropriate file

FA EDI Destination Entity Cd You must update your system annually. You should continue to
(Financial Aid EDI destination entity review and update your setup pages for current year processing.

Note: You must update your system annually. You should continue to review and update your setup pages
for current year processing.

Valid Loan Transfer IDs

This table lists Direct Lending Loan Transfer ID information current for this publication. Ensure that
these transaction IDs are in your system if you plan to use direct lending.

EC In/Out File Type Batch Year Batch ID FA EDI Entity FA Entity

Transactions Data Source Code Source
ID Definition and EDI Business Unit
Source Code

DSDFnnOP In Import COD Last digit of AS FATP FABU

Statement aid year. For
of Account example, Batch
Summary file- Year value of
Disbursement 9 represents
Level 2008-2009 aid


of Account
Summary file-
Loan Level

Setting Up Loan Types for Direct Lending

You set up loan types, such as a direct lending subsidized type, to group processing information together
and then associate certain item types to the loan type. This information is kept in the Loan Type Table,
which is accessed from the Loan Type Table component. You can associate certain loan item types with
the information you enter in the Loan Type Table.

Three of the four pages in this component are used for Direct Lending. The fourth page, the CommonLine
NSLDS Xref page, is not shown here.

404 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Entering the Loan Type

Access the Loan Type Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > Create
Loan Types > Loan Type Table).

Image: Loan Type Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Type Table page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The Loan Type setup allows you to provide further loan processing attributes to a Financial Aid Item
Type defined as a loan.

Any Item Type defined as a loan must have a corresponding Loan Type if you want to use the Campus
Solutions Loan Processing module.

Below are the specific attributes required to process your Direct Loan financial aid item types.

Loan Category Select Subsidized, Unsubsidized, or PLUS depending on the
type of loan that you are defining. Do not select any option
except one of these for direct lending. If you select PLUS, a
Graduate PLUS Indicator check box appears. Select the check
box for Grad PLUS loans.

Additional Unsub Eligibility Select if loan type is used to identify an additional unsubsidized
Stafford loan Financial Aid Item Type awarded specifically for a
dependent student with a PLUS Loan denied.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 405

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Note: Creating a unique Unsubsidized Stafford Direct Loan

Financial Aid Item Type allows awarding and COD loan
processing to specifically identify the loan awards as a loan
based on PLUS Denied assessment. The loan detail gets
communicated and reported to the NSLDS system, resulting in
the loan displaying the Additional Unsubsidized Code (P-PLUS
loan denial).

Loan Program Select the Direct option for direct lending.

For example, to set up a Subsidized Stafford loan processed

through direct lending, the Loan Category is Subsidized and the
Loan Program is Direct.

Loan Refund Indicator Select one of the following.

Borrower: The borrower of the loan receives any refunds

from the loan. For example, the borrower could be a parent or
guardian for a PLUS loan.

Student: The student receives any refunds from the loan,

whether they are the borrower or not.

You can override the loan refund indicator at the loan

application level.

Select the appropriate options for the loan by selecting the check boxes. Only those check boxes used for
direct lending are explained.

Note: The Loan References Required, Nbr Ref Rq (number of references required), Loan Cosigner
Required, Nbr Csg Rq (number of cosigners required), and Cosigner Required Amount fields are used for
CommonLine loans only and are not relevant for direct lending.

Credit Check Required Select if a credit check is required for the type of loan.
If selected, direct loan disbursements to the students and
transmissions to COD do not occur until the credit check is
accepted. Select this check box for PLUS loans.

Loan Fee Rate Enter the rate to print on the promissory note for this type of
loan and transmitted on the loan origination record. Ensure that
the loan fee rate matches the loan fee setup for the financial aid
item type you associate with this loan type.

Max Nbr Disbs (maximum number of Enter the maximum number of disbursements that are allowed
disbursements) per loan. The recommended values are 20 for Stafford loans and
4 for PLUS loans.

Min Loan Amt (minimum loan Enter the minimum loan amount that your institution allows.
amount) The value should not be less than the COD minimum.

406 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Loan Item Types

SetID The set ID that you select determines the item types that are
available for you to select.

Item Type The selection available depends on the set ID that you entered.
For direct lending you cannot have multiple financial aid item
types associated with the same loan type. You must create a
separate loan type for each direct lending item type to process.
You cannot share financial aid item types across multiple loan
types. If you try to use the same item type with a new or another
loan type setup, you receive an error message.

The following field values are associated with the item type that you select.

Loan Fee Displays the type of loan fee associated with the item type
selected. When you insert a row, you can use the inner scroll bar
to view the new rebate loan fee percentage.

Ln Fee Amt (loan fee amount) Displays the dollar amount of the loan fee for the item type

Loan Fee Type Displays the loan fee type associated with the financial aid item
type. For direct lending you should have a row for rebate and a
row for loan fees.

Ln Fee Pct (loan fee percentage) Displays the loan fee percentage charged for the item type
selected. These values are from your item type setup. The
system also displays the interest rebate provided on the item
type setup.

Note: DL-COD reporting reports the Direct Loan Interest

Rebate Percentage based on the associated Loan Type setup.

Entering Direct Lending Loan Options

Access the Direct Loan Options page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Create Loan Types > Direct Loan Options).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 407

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Image: Direct Loan Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Options page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the Aid Year, Academic Institution, Loan Type, Loan Program, and Loan Ctgry
(loan category).

Direct Loan Options

This group box allows you to specify the conditions for disbursing funds to the students and sending
disbursement files to the direct lending Loan Origination Center.

Use Direct Loan Version Displays the direct lending version you are using.

Days to Add to Inserted Disb This is used for Stafford loans only. When entering an additional
(disbursement) disbursement, the system adds the value specified in this
field to the current date. This date becomes the anticipated
disbursement date on the Origination Change Record for the
added disbursement. Use this field to add days to the anticipated
disbursement date so the money is actually disbursed later than
the anticipated disbursement date.

For example, you can take a loan that is being processed today
and use this field to add days to the anticipated disbursement
date that is placed on the Loan Origination record. This makes
the date reported to the COD later than the disbursement date.
This field is not commonly used because generally institutions
disburse sooner, not later.

DL Disbursement Option Select when the system allows loans to be disbursed to the
student's accounts.

Orig Ack: Disburses loans after you receive the Origination


Orig: Disburses loans after you originate the loan.

Orig+PNote: Disburses loans after you receive the origination

and promissory note acknowledgments.

408 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

PNote Ack: Disburses loans after you receive the promissory

note acknowledgment.

DL Transmit Disb Optn (direct Select when the system should allow transmission of
lending transmit disbursement option) disbursement files to COD.

Orig Ack: Transmits direct lending disbursements after you

receive the origination acknowledgment.

Orig+PNote: Transmits direct lending disbursements after you

receive the origination acknowledgment and COD accepts the
promissory note.

Note: If the Credit Check Required check box is selected on the Loan Type Table page, direct loan
disbursements to students and transmissions to the COD do not occur until the credit check is accepted.
Therefore, the values entered in the DL Disbursement Option and DL Transmit Disb Option fields are
subject to the Credit Check Required check box value.

Warning! Changes to either of the DL Disbursement Option or DL Transmit Disb Option parameter
settings do not affect loans already originated if the parameter settings are changed after the loans have
been originated. Changes to these settings only affect loans originated at the time of the setting. If you
have loans originated in error, please contact the Global Support Center.

Selecting DL Disbursement Option Values

Use this table to help determine when you can disburse loans to Student Financials, depending on the
field value selected in the DL Disbursement Option field on the Direct Loan Options page.

Process Direct loan Disbursement Authorize and Disburse? If NO disbursement,

Option field on Direct what is step before I
Completed Loan Options page can disburse the Direct

Originate Loan Orig YES If loan is DLPLUS (parent

or graduate and professional)
check to ensure record reflects
an approved credit check. If
loan is DL Stafford, check
authorization error message
for more information.

Originate Loan Orig Ack NO Outbound the Originations

file then wait for the
Origination Acknowledgment
file and import the file.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 409

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Process Direct loan Disbursement Authorize and Disburse? If NO disbursement,

Option field on Direct what is step before I
Completed Loan Options page can disburse the Direct

Originate Loan Orig + PNote NO Outbound the Originations


Wait for the Origination

Acknowledgment file and
import the file.

The loan application

must be updated with
an approved accepted
promissory note. Promissory
Note information maybe
provided on an Origination
or Promissory Note
Acknowledgement file.

Originate Loan PNote Ack NO The loan application

must be updated with
an approved accepted
promissory note. Promissory
Note information maybe
provided on an Origination
or Promissory Note
Acknowledgement file.

Selecting Direct Loan Transmit Disbursement Option Values

Use this table to help determine when you can send the disbursement file to the COD, depending on the
field value selected in the DL Transmit Disb Option field on the Direct Loan Options page.

Direct Loan Transmit OK to Process Disbursement If NO, what is next step before
Disbursement Option field on Transmission Out? I can transmit the Direct Loan
Direct Loan Options page disbursement record?

Orig Ack Yes, if Origination Acknowledgement If Loan Origination Acknowledgement

has been imported and Loan Origination has not been imported, wait for the Loan
is accepted. Origination Acknowledgement file, load
and import the file.

410 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Direct Loan Transmit OK to Process Disbursement If NO, what is next step before
Disbursement Option field on Transmission Out? I can transmit the Direct Loan
Direct Loan Options page disbursement record?

Orig + PNote Yes, if Origination Acknowledgement If a Loan Origination Acknowledgement

has been imported and Loan Origination file has not been imported, wait for the
is accepted. Loan Origination Acknowledgement file,
then load and import the file.
The loan application must be updated
with an approved promissory note. The loan application must be updated
Promissory Note information with an approved promissory note.
maybe provided on an Origination Promissory Note information
Acknowledgement or Promissory Note maybe provided on an Origination
Acknowledgement file. Acknowledgement or Promissory Note
Acknowledgement file.

Entering Checklists for the Loan Type

Access the Checklist Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > Create
Loan Types > Checklist Setup).

Image: Checklist Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Checklist Setup page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Checklist Select a Checklist item to associate with the loan type. You
define the checklist items available. The primary use of
attaching a checklist requirement is to prevent disbursement
of loan funds until the required documents on the checklist
are completed. You can also use it to send reminders and for
statistical reporting.

Some examples of possible checklist items are Direct Loan

Promissory Note, Direct PLUS Prom Note, FFELP Promissory
Note, FFELP PLUS Promissory Note, Perkins Promissory Note,
Health Professional Note, and an Institutional/University Note.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 411

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Setting Up 150 Percent Direct Subsidized Loan Limit (SULA)

Note: While the official name of this federal statutory requirement is "150 Percent Direct Subsidized
Loan Limit", for ease of reference in the system, the acronym "SULA" is used. It is understood that COD
defines SULA as "Subsidized Usage Limit Applies" (a flag indicating whether or not a person is subject
to a subsidy limit for a Direct Subsidized Loan); however, “SULA” is being used for most things related
to "150 Percent Direct Subsidized Loan Limit".

In order to monitor Direct Lending Subsidized loan limits, schools are required to report Program
Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code, Published Program Length, Program Period Start
Date, Weeks Program Academic Year, Enrollment Status, Program Credential Level, and Special
Programs Indicator (Non-Credential Teacher Certification Program or Preparatory Coursework) to COD.

Note: A database view, SFA_ACADPLTBLVW, is available to use for equations and queries to manage
those student who are nearing their 150% maximum. This view uses the Academic Plan View table
(ACAD_PLAN_TB_VW) as its base, but also includes SULA-related fields.

Setting Up Credential Level Cross References

Use the Credential Level Cross Reference page to map academic career/academic program/academic
plan/National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) Classifications combinations to COD Credential Levels.

Access the Direct Loan Options page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
SULA > Credential Cross Reference).

412 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Image: Credential Level Cross Reference page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Credential Level Cross Reference page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: This table should reflect every Academic Career/Academic Program/Academic Plan combination
that exists on Student FA Term. If a combination exists on Student FA Term that is not reflected on this
table, the student's DL loan fails Validation.

COD Credential Level values are mapped to Academic Plan NSC Classification values as follows for
purposes of populating the table when you click on the Retrieve from Acad Plan button:

NSC Classification COD Credential Level

Associate’s Degree Associate’s degree

Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor’s degree

Certificate – Undergraduate Undergraduate diploma/cert

Doctoral Degree Doctoral degree

Master’s Degree Master’s degree

Post baccalaureate certificate Post Baccalaureate certificate

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 413

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

NSC Classification COD Credential Level

Postdoctorate First Professional degree

Professional First Professional degree

Unspecified-Grad/Professional Graduate/Professional cert

Unspecified-Undergraduate Undergraduate diploma/cert

Non-credential programs

Retrieve from Acad Plan (retrieve Click this button to automatically populate the Career,
from academic plan) Academic Program, Academic Plan, and NSC Classification
from the Academic Plan table instead of having to manually
populate the table. Please note that even though you may click
this button to auto-populate the table, you can still override the
values here so that they can be different than what's contained
on the Academic Plan table.

NSC Classification (National Student Select a NSC Classification value to associate with the
Clearinghouse classification) Academic Career and Academic Plan. Valid values include:

• Associate's Degree

• Bachelor's Degree

• Certificate – Undergraduate

• Doctoral Degree

• Master's Degree

• Post baccalaureate certificate

• Post doctorate

• Professional

• Unspecified-Grad/Professional

• Unspecified-Undergraduate

Credential Level Select a corresponding COD Credential Level to associate with

the selected NSC Classification. Valid values include:

• Associate degree

• Bachelor's degree

• Doctoral degree

• First Professional degree

• Graduate/professional certif

414 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

• Master's degree

• Non-credential programs (preparatory coursework/teacher


• Post Baccalaureate certificate

• Undergrad diploma/cert

Note: The system assigns the credential level based only on the
matching Academic Career/Academic Program/Academic Plan
combination from the student's FA Term record. If no matching
Career/Program/Plan combination is found, a "No SULA Data
found" message is logged in the COD Outbound Message Log.
If there is a matching Career/Program/Plan combination found,
but there is no Credential Level specified on the setup table, a
DLOVL055 - Credential level missing error is given.

See also "Defining Academic Plans" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals).

Setting Up SULA Load Rules

Use the SULA Load Rules page to define COD Enrollment Status (SULA) loads for reporting purposes to

Access the Direct Loan Options page ((Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
SULA > SULA Load Rules).

Image: SULA Load Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the subsidized usage limit applies Load Table page.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This is setup determines the SULA Load value in the Financial Aid Term record and what is reported to

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 415

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

The following hierarchical evaluation is used in the SULA Load assignment when using Academic Plan
and Academic Program (assigned from most to least restrictive match):

• Academic Program and Academic Plan match (both are non-blank).

• Academic Program match (Academic Program non-blank, Academic Plan blank).

• Career match (Academic Program and Academic Plan are blank).

Term Category Select the term category for the default term enrollment limits of
the academic program.

SULA Unit Total (Subsidized Usage Enter the SULA unit total threshold for each term category. The
Limit Applies unit total) SULA unit total represents the summed number of Anticipated
plus Current plus Remote units for the given SULA Load.

SULA Load (Subsidized Usage Limit Select the SULA Load value. Values for this field are delivered
Applies load) with your system as translate values.

Note: While you are permitted to establish a Less than Half-

time value here, COD rejects Direct Lending loans that have an
Enrollment Status that is Less than Half-time

Note: For COD Originations, all SULA Load values are reported to COD as "Full-time" for all loans
unless there is a SULA Load override value entered for the student.
For COD Disbursements, either the student’s actual SULA Load or the SULA Load override is reported
to COD.
For information on how to override SULA Load Values, see Processing and Reviewing Financial Data.

Viewing System Administration Information

The following tables are view only and can be used by your System Administrator. The fields are defined
by field layout and valid values required by the COD Technical Reference. This section discusses how to:

• View loan action codes.

• View Direct Lending change fields.

Pages Used to View System Administration Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Action Code LOAN_ACTNCD_WK00 Set Up SACR > Product View loan action codes
Related > Financial Aid > and messages and their
Loans > Maintain Loan descriptions.
Action Codes > Loan Action
Code Table

416 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 12 Setting Up Direct Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

DL Change Fields DL_CHG_XREF Set Up SACR > Product View loan action codes and
Related > Financial Aid > descriptions related to Change
Loans > View Direct Loan Origination processing. This
Change Fields > DL Change is a system definition table
Fields used for Direct Lending
File processing. The Hold/
Suspense options, for students
and globally, come from this

Viewing Loan Action Codes

Use the Loan Action Code Table page to view loan action codes and messages and their descriptions. This
is a system definition table used for file processing.

Access the Loan Action Code Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans >
Maintain Loan Action Codes > Loan Action Code Table).

Image: Loan Action Code Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Action Code Table page.

Viewing Direct Lending Change Fields

Access the DL Change Field Cross Reference page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Loans > View Direct Loan Change Fields > DL Change Fields).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 417

Setting Up Direct Loans Chapter 12

Image: DL Change Fields page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DL Change Fields page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Direct Loan Chg Field Number Displays field numbers defined by COD Technical Reference.
(direct loan change field number)

Length Displays the number of characters allowed for the field.

DL Chg Type (direct lending change Displays the type of change this field represents. Values are
type) Demographic, Financial, and Eligibility.

Status Indicates the status of the field in your system.

DL Fld Type (direct lending field The field type can be Number or Alphanumeric.

Record The record/table name for this field in the system.

Field Name Displays the name of the change field.

The change fields are used on two pages:

• Direct Loan Orig Actions (LN_DL_ORIG_INQ) page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct Lending
Management, View Loan Processing Actions, Direct Loan Orig Actions).

• DL Student Change Information (LN_DL_EMPL_PARM) page (Financial Aid, Loans, Direct

Lending Management, Hold/Suspend Change Data).

418 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 13

Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing

Common Elements Used in Pell Payment Processing

Aid Year An awarding cycle with defined disbursement periods.

Pell ID Reporting Identification code assigned to an institution by the Department

of Education and used during the exchange of electronic data.

TG Number A number that corresponds to an institution's Student Aid

Internet Gateway (SAIG) mailbox.

OPE ID Number (office of post Identification number assigned by the Department of Education
secondary education identification to the reporting institution.

Low T & F Flag (low tuition and fees The system uses this field to identify tuition ranges when the
flag) annual tuition falls into the low tuition category as mandated by
the Department of Education for each award year.

Setting Up Pell Funding Method

This section provides an overview of the Pell funding method and discusses how to define the Pell
funding method.

Understanding Pell Funding Method

As part of the Pell payment process setup, institutions must indicate if they are an advanced funding
institution or just-in-time funding institution. Under the just-in-time payment method, an accepted
disbursement record becomes both a report of a disbursement for a student and a request for funds.

Defining Pell Funding Method

Access the Financial Aid Defaults page (Set Up SACR > Install > Financial Aid Installation > Financial
Aid Defaults).

Find a complete description of the Financial Aid Defaults page in Setting Up Your Financial Aid
Awarding Cycle, Establishing Defaults, Defining Installation Level Defaults.

Select the Pell Just In Time Institution check box in the Activation Indicators group box to indicate that
you participate in the just-in-time funding method.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 419

Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing Chapter 13

Clear the Pell Just in Time Institution check box to indicate that you participate in the advance funding

See Defining Installation Level Defaults.

Setting Up Pell Payment Information

To set up Pell payment information, use the Pell payment component (PELL_SETUP_PNL).

This section discusses how to:

• Define Pell payment setup.

• Copy Pell payment options.

• Change Pell payment default information.

Pages Used to Define Pell Payment Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Payment Setup PELL_PMT_OPTION Set Up SACR > Product Define Pell payment
Related > Financial Aid > information to include Pell
Pell Grants > Pell Payment > IDs and other reporting data
Pell Payment Setup for Pell payment records
to common origination
disbursement (COD).

Copy Pell Payment Options PELL_PMT_OPTN_COPY Click the Copy Pell Payment Copy Pell payment options,
Option button on the Pell including academic
Payment Setup page. institution, aid year, and Pell
ID reporting setup data from
one aid year to another.

Pell Payment Detail PELL_PMT_SEC Click the Career - Program Change Pell payment default
Detail button on the Pell information. Set up a career
Payment Setup page. and program at the institution
when the payment program
differs from the default
payment schedule or formula.

Defining Pell Payment Setup

Access the Pell Payment Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Pell Grants >
Pell Payment > Pell Payment Setup).

420 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 13 Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing

Image: Pell Payment Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Payment Setup page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Warning! Do not change Pell ID Reporting values in the middle of an aid year. The Pell Grant payment
and origination processes reference student awards which are in an Institution context and not directly
related to a Pell ID. The Pell ID Reporting for Pell Grant processing is derived from the Institution using
the Pell Payment Setup.

Pell ID Reporting Select to identify an institution. After the Pell ID reporting

number is defined for the institution, any school that you
associate with your institution, such as an off-site campus, is
associated with your primary institution.

TG Number Enter your TG identification number. This number corresponds

to your SAIG mailbox and identifies your school as a
destination point.

Software Provider ID Enter the ID provided by COD. This field is optional.

Institution Type Select one of the following values: 5 years, 4 years, Less than 1
yr, Less than 2 yrs, Less than 3 yrs, or Less than 4 yrs.

Academic Calendar This field is optional. Values are:

Clock Hour: Measures academic progress by clock hours.

Crdt Hr NS (credit hour nonstandard term): Uses nonstandard

academic terms, and measures progress by credit hours or units.
The Financial Aid system does not support this Pell calculation.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 421

Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing Chapter 13

Credit Hr w/o Trm (credit hour without term): Does not use
terms, and measures academic progress by credit hours. The
Financial Aid system does not support this Pell calculation.

Quarter: Uses standard term quarters, and measures academic

progress by quarter hours.

Semester: Uses standard term semesters, and measures academic

progress by semester hours.

Trimester:Uses standard term trimesters, and measures

academic progress by semester or trimester hours.

Payment Methodology This field is optional. Values are: Formula 1, Formula 2,

Formula 3, Formula 4, Formula 5, and (none).

Note: The Financial Aid system does not support the Pell
calculation for academic calendars tracked by clock hour or
hours without terms.
This includes awarding for Formulas 4 or 5, which are used by
institutions with academic calendars tracked by clock hour or
hours without terms. The system uses Formula 1.

This table describes each payment methodology value:

Payment Methodology Description

Formula 1 Applies to a standard term, credit-hour program that meets the

following conditions:

• The program uses an academic calendar that includes two

semesters or trimesters (fall and spring) or three quarters
(fall, winter, and spring).

• The fall through spring standard terms provide at least 30

weeks of instructional time.

• The program is not offered with overlapping terms.

• Full-time enrollment in every term the school offers in

the award year is at least 12 credit hours. For example,
if your school offers a summer session, that term must
define full-time as at least 12 credit hours.

Formula 2 Applies to a standard term, credit-hour program that meets

the same conditions as Formula 1 except that the fall
through spring standard terms provide less than 30 weeks of
instructional time.

Formula 3 Applies to any term-based, credit-hour program. You must

use Formula 3 if the program has any nonstandard terms. Use
either Formula 1 or 3 if the program has all standard terms and
at least 30 weeks of instructional time. Use either Formula 2 or
3 if the program has all standard terms and less than 30 weeks
of instructional time.

422 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 13 Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing

Payment Methodology Description

Formula 4 Applies to a clock-hour program or a credit-hour program

without terms.

Formula 5 Applies to nonresidential correspondence programs.

Financial Control Select to indicate whether the institution is Proprietary, Prvt.

Nprft (private and nonprofit), or Public.

Low T&F Flag (low tuition and fees The system uses this field to identify tuition ranges when the
flag) annual tuition falls into the low tuition category, as mandated by
the Department of Education for each award year. Values are:
(none), 0, Range 1, and Range 2.

Hours/Credits in Acad Year (hours This field is optional. You can save the page without entering
or credits in academic year) data in this field. Enter the number of hours or credits in the
academic year of the program.

Pell Just In Time Institution Select to indicate the Pell funding method if the institution
is participating in the just-in-time program. Use this field for
processing disbursement records.

Weeks in Program Acad Year This field is optional. You can save the page without entering
(weeks in program academic year) data in this field. Enter the number of weeks of instructional
time in the academic year of the program. For example, if the
payment methodology is Formula 1, you would enter 30 to
represent 30 weeks of instructional time.

Maximum Pell Award Enter the maximum Pell award amount for the academic year. If
awards greater than the defined amount exist, the system does
not originate those students.

Max EFC (maximum expected family Enter the maximum amount of expected family contribution
contribution) used to calculate a Pell Grant.

Disbursement Request Offset Enter a value that represents how many days before your
school sends out the disbursement. The number that you enter
in this field determines how many days before (negative) or
after (positive) the disbursement date you send disbursement
records. This value is used in the selection for the outbound
disbursement process. You can send disbursement records up to
30 days before disbursement for advance funding schools and
up to 5 days before disbursement for just-in-time schools.

SFA Common School ID (student The system activates this field only if the COD Full Participant
financial assistance common school check box is selected. The school identifier is common across
identification) the Pell Grant and Direct Loan programs. It is a randomly
generated eight-digit number assigned by the Department of
Education. It serves as the Entity ID required in the School
Entity, Reporting School, and Attending School fields of the
XML file.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 423

Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing Chapter 13

COD Full Participant (common Select if the institution is a COD Full Participant to generate,
origination disbursement full send, and receive a COD XML file.
Note: If this check box is selected, you cannot generate the EC
Agent flat file.

Copy Pell Payment Option Click to access the Copy Pell Payment Options page, where you
can copy setup data from one aid year to another.

Career - Program Detail Click to access the Pell Payment Detail page. Use this page to
set up a career and program at the institution when the payment
program differs from the default payment schedule or formula.

Copying Pell Payment Options

Access the Copy Pell Payment Options page (click the Copy Pell Payment Option button on the Pell
Payment Setup page).

Image: Copy Pell Payment Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Copy Pell Payment Options page.

In the Copy To section, select the academic institution, aid year, and Pell ID reporting.

Changing Pell Payment Default Information

Access the Pell Payment Detail page (click the Career - Program Detail button on the Pell Payment Setup

424 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 13 Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing

Image: Pell Payment Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Payment Detail page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Academic Career Select a career defined by the institution.

Primary Academic Program Select a program defined by the institution.

Academic Plan Select a plan defined by the institution.

Weeks in Program Acad Year This field is optional. Enter the number of weeks of instructional
(weeks in program academic year) time in the academic year of the program.

Hours/Credits in Acad Year (hours This field is optional. Enter the number of hours or credits in the
or credits in academic year) academic year of the program.

Academic Calendar This field is optional. Select from these values: Clock Hour,
Crdt Hr NS (credit hour nonstandard terms), Quarter, Semester,
Trimester, and Hr w/o Terms (hour without terms).

Payment Methodology This field is optional. Select from these available formulas
to calculate the student's Pell Grant: Formula 1, Formula 2,
Formula 3, Formula 4, Formula 5, and (none).

Low T & F Flag (low tuition and fees Identifies annual tuition that falls into the low tuition category
flag) as mandated by the Department of Education for each award
year. Select from the values: (none), 0, Range 1, and Range 2.

Use Fulltime Enrollment Select to use full-time enrollment. The system builds the field
for all originated students using full-time enrollment, regardless
of the student's actual enrollment. For example, if you select this
check box and a student is enrolled part-time, the system reports
the student as full-time. To report and originate a student as full-
time with maximum Pell, you must also select the Orig Max
Pell check box.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 425

Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing Chapter 13

Orig Offered (originate offered) If you select this check box, the system does not update the
disbursement tables to reflect the actual Pell amount. When you
are ready to send in the disbursement request, you must accept
the Pell award, rerun origination, and then run the disbursement
outbound process. If you do not go back and run origination,
the disbursement outbound process does not pick up students
whose Pell disbursements are zero. When you select this check
box, you can originate a student's award with an award status of

Orig Max Pell (originate maximum Select to direct the system to originate the maximum Pell award
Pell) amount for all processed students in that career program plan.
The maximum Pell award is defined on the Pell Payment Setup

Setting Up Pell Reporting Identification Data and Processing

To set up Pell reporting identification data and processing options, use the Pell Payment component

This section discusses how to define Pell reporting identification data.

Page Used to Set Up Pell Reporting Identification Data and Processing

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Institution Address PELL_INST_ADDRESS Set Up SACR > Product Define Pell reporting
Related > Financial Aid > identification data. Include the
Pell Grants > Pell Payment > Pell reporting ID data, contact
Pell Institution Address information, and processing

Defining Pell Reporting Identification Data

Access the Pell Institution Address page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Pell
Grants > Pell Payment > Pell Institution Address).

426 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 13 Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing

Image: Pell Institution Address page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Institution Address page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Pell ID Reporting Displays the identification code assigned to the institution by

the Department of Education and used during the exchange of
electronic data.

FAA Name (financial aid Enter the name, phone number, fax number, and internet address
administrator name), FAA Phone of the financial aid administrator.
Number (financial aid administrator
phone number), FAA Fax Number
(financial aid administrator fax
number), and Internet Address

Originate Offered Awards Select to originate Pell awards with an award status of offered.
Otherwise, the system originates only awards in offer or accept

Use Fulltime Enrollment Select to use full-time enrollment. The system builds the field
for all originated students using full-time enrollment, regardless
of the student's actual enrollment. For example, if you select this
check box and a student is enrolled part-time, the system reports
the student as full-time. To report and originate a student as full-
time with maximum Pell, you must also select the Originate
Max Pell Award check box.

Originate Max Pell Award (originate Select to direct the system to originate the maximum Pell
maximum Pell award) award amount for all originated records. The maximum Pell
award is defined on the Pell Payment Setup page (PELL_PMT_

Hold Corrections Select to hold corrections. The student record goes on hold
when the acknowledgment comes back with corrections. Further
processing cannot occur until the status is set back to ready.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 427

Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing Chapter 13

Disb Prior to Transmitting Rec Select to verify that Pell Grant funds have been disbursed
(disburse prior to transmitting record) to the student's account before you transmit a disbursement
record. The disbursement process does not pick up a student's
disbursement record until the student has been paid through
PeopleSoft Student Financials.

Payment Period Start Date Req Select to indicate that the institution is ineligible. You cannot
(payment period start date required) process a disbursement request unless the process date is equal
to or greater than the reported disbursement date.

Setting Up Pell Multi-Campus Identification

To set up Pell multi-campus identification, use the Pell Attending component (PELL_ATTENDING).

This section discusses how to define Pell multi-campus identification.

Page Used to Define Pell Multi-Campus Identification

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Attending PELL_ATTENDING Set Up SACR > Product Define Pell multi-campus
Related > Financial Aid > identification. Assign a Pell
Pell Grants > Pell ID and Common School ID
Attending > Pell Attending for each of your individual
campuses to maintain separate
statistics for each campus.

Defining Pell Multi-Campus Identification

Access the Pell Attending page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Pell Grants > Pell
ID Attending > Pell Attending).

Image: Pell Attending page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Attending page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

428 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 13 Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing

Assign a Pell ID for individual campuses to maintain separate statistics for each campus. Individual
campuses or schools must use the Pell ID of the main institution for reporting Pell information.

Attended Pell ID Select the code assigned to the institution by the Department of
Education. This code is the attending ID for which the student
is enrolled. Origination records are pulled from each campus for
each student.

Description Enter a site description.

Campus Select the campus that coincides with the ID and description.

Common School ID Enter the eight-digit number assigned by the Department

of Education. The system uses this identifier in conjunction
with the SFA Common School ID. If the reporting school and
attending school are the same, this number is identical.

Setting Up Severity Levels for Pell Comment Codes

To set up severity levels for Pell comment codes, use the Pell Comment Code component

This section discusses how to:

• Define severity levels for Pell comment codes.

• Copy Pell comment codes.

Pages Used to Define Severity Levels for Pell Comment Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Comment Code Table PELL_COMM_CD_TABLE Set Up SACR > Product Define severity levels for Pell
Related > Financial Aid > comment codes to indicate
Pell Grants > Pell Comment what action you want to
Code > Pell Comment Code system to take.

Copy Pell Comment Codes PELL_COMM_CD_COPY Click the Copy Pell Comment Copy Pell comment codes
Code button on the Pell from one aid year to another.
Comment Code Table page.

Defining Severity Levels for Pell Comment Codes

Access the Pell Comment Code Table page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Pell
Grants > Pell Comment Code > Pell Comment Code Table).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 429

Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing Chapter 13

Image: Pell Comment Code Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Comment Code Table page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page defines the Pell Comment Codes from the Department of Education.

Pell Comment Codes Lists the identification number assigned to a specific Pell

Description Describes the Pell comment code.

Severity Level Select one of the following severity levels to indicate the action
that you want the system to take.

0 - Ignore: The system disregards the message.

1 - Action Required: The institution's Pell processor is required

to take action to resolve the issue.

Copy Pell Command Code Click this button to access the Copy Pell Comment Codes page,
where you can copy the setup data from one aid year to another.

430 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 13 Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing

Copying Pell Comment Codes

Access the Copy Pell Comment Codes page (click the Copy Pell Comment Code button on the Pell
Comment Code Table page).

Image: Copy Pell Comment Codes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Copy Pell Comment Codes page.

Select an aid year from the values in the Copy To group box.

Defining Reconciliation Periods

To set up reconciliation periods, use the Reconciliation Periods component (PROG_CASH_PER).

This section discusses how to define reconciliation periods.

Page Used to Define Reconciliation Periods

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Reconciliation Period Setup PROG_CASH_PER Set Up SACR > Product Define reconciliation periods
Related > Financial Aid > for cash management.
Pell Grants > Reconciliation
Periods > Reconciliation
Period Setup

Defining Reconciliation Periods

Access the Reconciliation Period Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Pell
Grants > Reconciliation Periods > Reconciliation Period Setup).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 431

Setting Up for Pell Payment Processing Chapter 13

Image: Reconciliation Period Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Reconciliation Period Setup page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

You can track requests for funds and determine the frequency of reporting by establishing beginning and
ending dates for each reconciliation period.

Period Enter the period that the reconciliation covers.

Description and Short Description Enter a description for the period that the reconciliation covers.

Period Start Date and Period End Enter the start and end dates (month, day, and year) that the
Date reconciliation period covers. For example, if your institution
reconciles on a monthly basis, enter the reconciliation period
number for that month and the start and end date for the period.
You can insert rows to enter additional reconciliation periods.

432 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 14

Setting Up the Perkins MPN

Understanding the Perkins MPN Setup

The Perkins MPN sSetup provides a high-level processing structure for both Perkins MPN and eMPN.
The system prints information entered by the school to the Perkins MPN document. In addition to the
following setup pages, you must also use the Awarding Options page (SS_FA_INSTALL2) in self service
to set up the Perkins eMPN self-service authentication method and to define additional references.

Setting Up the Perkins MPN

This section discusses how to:

• Define Perkins MPN options.

• Define type of name, address, and telephone number usage.

• Define MPN requirement for financial aid item types.

Pages Used to Set Up the Perkins MPN

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Perkins MPN Setup SFA_PERK_MPN_SETUP Set Up SACR > Product Define Perkins MPN options
Related > Financial Aid > and enter school name and
Loans > Setup Perkins MPN address.
Options > Perkins MPN

FA Process Demographic Use FA_PRCSDEMO_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Indicate where to retrieve
Related > Financial Aid > the student demographic
Define Demographic information for loan
Data Use > FA Process processing. The Perkins MPN
Demographic Use process extracts borrowers'
demographic information
from PeopleSoft Campus

FA Item Type 1 ITEM_TYPE_FA_1 Set Up SACR > Product Define financial aid item type
Related > Financial Aid > descriptions, enter effective
Awards > Financial Aid Item dates, and enter other basic
Types > FA Item Type 1 information for your financial
aid item types.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 433

Setting Up the Perkins MPN Chapter 14

Defining Perkins MPN Options

Access the Perkins MPN Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > Setup
Perkins MPN Options > Perkins MPN Setup).

Image: Perkins MPN Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Perkins MPN Setup page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Effective Date The system provides this value to enable institutions to maintain
a history of processes for audit and accounting periods. Because
this page is effective-dated, institutions can move from one
process to another within an award year. For example, an
institution may start off as an annual MPN school and move to a
multi-year MPN school within an award year.

MPN Type (master promissory note Select one of these values:

Multi-Year: Borrowers are required to sign once throughout
their academic career.

Annual: Borrowers are required to sign a note once each award

year for all loans made for that award year.

MPN Format (master promissory note Select one of these values:

Paper: Select to provide a paper version of the MPN. This
option supports the selection of students in batch for the Print
Perkins MPN process.

Electronic: Select to enable a student to electronically sign an

MPN over the web using self service.

434 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 14 Setting Up the Perkins MPN

Note: You can still generate paper MPNs if Electronic is

selected. Within the self-service Perkins eMPN process, students
can leave the Perkins eMPN process and request a paper MPN.
In addition, you can use the Student Override option on the Print
Perkins MPN run control page to print individual student MPNs.

Create Option Select one of these values:

Accepted: Generate an MPN only if the award status is


Offered: Generate an MPN if the award status is Offered.

Note: If you select Offered and the award is accepted with no

MPN record created, the system includes those students in the
selection. The Offered option is only applicable for the batch
Print Perkins MPN process. To proceed, the self-service Perkins
eMPN process requires awards to be accepted.

Create Communication Select this check box to write a communication when the MPN
is generated. You can use communication as an additional
tracking tool. To generate a communication, you must add
a Communication Category called PMPN with a function
of LOAN. You should add the PMPN Category to the
Communication 3C Group. The Communication Speed Key of
LOAN should also have an entry of PMPN.

Note: A communication is not required for the process to run or

for the loan to be disbursed.

School Name Enter the institution's name. This information is required for the

Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Enter the institution's address information. This information is
and Zip Code required for the MPN.

Defining Type of Name, Address, and Telephone Number Usage

Access the FA Process Demographic Use page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Define Demographic Data Use > FA Process Demographic Use).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 435

Setting Up the Perkins MPN Chapter 14

Image: FA Process Demographic Use page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Process Demographic Use page.

Based on the requirements of your institution, define what type of name, address, and telephone number
you want printed on the MPN. Because the Perkins MPN process looks at the loan processing usage,
coordination across all loan programs is required.

Note: The Email Usage column includes loan processing for CRC processing.

Defining MPN Requirement for Financial Aid Item Types

Access the FA Item Type 1 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Financial Aid Item Types > FA Item Type 1).

Image: FA Item Type 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 1 page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

MPN Required (master promissory Select this check box to indicate that an MPN is required for
note required) the financial aid item type awarded to the student. The Perkins
MPN electronic signature and print processes use this flag to

436 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 14 Setting Up the Perkins MPN

determine which financial aid item types should be assessed if

an MPN is required.

If selected, the financial aid disbursement authorization

process requires a valid Perkins MPN before the award can be
authorized and disbursed.

Note: You must select Perkins Ln as the value in the Federal ID

field for the system to display the MPN Required check box.

Note: You should create new item types and corresponding financial aid item types when you enable the
new Perkins MPN process. They allow you to track new Perkins MPNs, and they do not negatively affect
individuals who currently have a signed and valid Perkins MPN on file.

Related Links
Defining Financial Aid Item Types

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 437

Setting Up the Perkins MPN Chapter 14

438 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15

Setting Up Disbursement Rules

Understanding Disbursement Rules

This section provides a list of prerequisites and an overview of:

• Disbursement rules.

• Disbursement proration rules.

• Global disbursement rules.

• Item type disbursement rules.

• Authorization and disbursement calendars.

• Disbursement ID Table (DISBURSE_ID_TABLE) review.

Before setting up disbursement rules, you must:

• Set up your institution's financial aid item types and packaging disbursement plans and IDs for the
aid year for which you are processing disbursements. These tasks are part of your setup for awarding

• Define the FA-BUDGET item grouping in PeopleSoft Student Financials.

• Understand how service impacts and checklists affect your financial aid processes.

• Define the specific eligibility criteria necessary to authorize the disbursement of your financial aid
funds to students.

Related Links
"Understanding Checklists" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)
"Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student Financials)

Disbursement Rules
Authorization and disbursement are the two parts of delivering financial aid funds to students:

• The authorization process applies user-defined global and financial aid item type specific
disbursement rules to determine whether awards are eligible for disbursement and determines the
amount eligible for disbursement.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 439

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

• When the awards are successfully authorized, disbursement is the actual delivery of financial aid
funds to the student's account in Student Financials.

Warning! To ensure that the Financial Aid Authorization and Disbursement processes function correctly,
implement Student Financials first. Implementing Financial Aid without Student Financials requires the
creation of modified interfaces to update the Financial Aid loan system with confirmation that student
loan funds have been applied to the student's account.

You define authorization process rules by aid year, career, and award (financial aid item type). These
rules allow or prevent the disbursement of awards for students in a particular career or for a particular
award. A Validation process during awarding or packaging checks on a variety of rules and limits,
but student information, particularly registration information, can change before disbursement occurs.
The Authorization process checks rules just before the disbursement of awards, either online or in a
background authorization process.

Global disbursement rules can apply to all students in a particular career and check that packaging, federal
verification, and review of the student's financial aid files are complete. Service impacts and tracking
groups can be checked as a global rule. Global rules can hold financial aid if the student has withdrawn,
honor any disbursement hold that might exist elsewhere in the system, and withhold disbursement for
unsatisfactory academic progress.

Item type disbursement rules for particular awards are associated with a career, so different rules can be
defined for each career in which the award is used. Many disbursement rules can be applied to an award,
such as:

• Checking a student's academic load and academic level against the load and level used to determine
thee student's budget or award package.

• Holding if a student is overawarded, has withdrawn, or has other holds in the system.

• Verifying membership in a particular student group, such as an ethnic group, athletic team, geographic
location, honor students, or particular field of study.

• Using checklists, tracking groups, or service impacts.

The background disbursement process uses disbursement and authorization calendars to determine when
awards can be disbursed to students:

• Authorization calendars indicate the careers and terms that are eligible for authorization and if aid
can be authorized more than once for that term, or reauthorized. Reauthorization retests the student's
eligibility criteria to ensure that the student is still eligible for awards previously authorized and that
changes made after the prior authorization have not made the student ineligible for the award.

• Disbursement calendars control which awards, by career, are disbursed for a particular term. You
can disburse all awards, all awards except a defined subset, or only a subset of awards. Use the
disbursement calendar to control when certain awards are disbursed during the aid year.

The calendars are both effective-dated so you can set up your background disbursement plans for the
entire aid year with effective dates for your second, third, and subsequent terms that determine when the
awards are disbursed. Alternatively, you can use the same effective date on your calendar for all terms and
use run control parameters to control the order in which awards are disbursed. Run control parameters can
restrict the background authorization and disbursement processes to only a subset of terms and financial
aid item types or can improve processing efficiency by dividing the total population of aid students into
several smaller groups that you run sequentially.

440 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15 Setting Up Disbursement Rules

Disbursement Proration Rules

If financial aid at your institution is always awarded based on a full time academic load or you have funds
for which a full time academic award is assumed, you can set proration rules for specific awards. Use
proration rules to base the disbursement for specific awards on a student's enrollment load instead of
using the default full time award amount. The term award amount is prorated based on a formula that you
set up on the Disbursement Proration Rules page. The proration is calculated for each disbursement for an
award and the amounts can vary depending on the term each disbursement is assigned.

Disbursement proration rules are most useful for nonfederal awards and institutional funds for which
the award amount should be based on the academic load of the student. You can apply a disbursement
proration rule to a financial aid item type when you define the financial aid item type's disbursement rules
—on the Disbursement Rules: Item Type - Indicators page.

Note: Disbursement proration rules should not be set up for Pell Awards if you select Enrollment FA Load
or Enrollment Current Load in any of the Pell calculation fields Pell Calculation Start, Pell Calculation
Midterm, and Pell Calculation Census. The Pell Calculator automatically prorates a student's award based
on their FA Load or Current Load, Cost of Attendance (COA), and Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
when you select Enrollment FA Load or Enrollment Current Load. If you select Full Time or Half Time
for all of the Pell calculation fields, you could use a disbursement proration rule, but be aware that the
proration rule reduces the award based on the FA Load only.

Related Links
Defining Installation Level Defaults

Global Disbursement Rules

The disbursement authorization process uses global disbursement rules that are defined by career and
apply to all financial aid item types. Use global disbursement rules to set up requirements that all students
in the selected career must meet for authorization. Several different elements can be selected in the global
disbursement rules, such as service impacts, tracking groups, and academic progress information. For
example, you might set up a specific tracking group for students in a certain career. If a student does not
meet the items in the tracking group, then the global disbursement rules are not satisfied and the student's
aid is not authorized for disbursement.

The disbursement authorization process considers global disbursement rules, defined by career, before
it considers item type disbursement rules. In addition, the authorization process verifies whether awards
have been accepted and sufficient fiscal funds are available for the disbursement.

Item Type Disbursement Rules

Item type disbursement rules enable you to identify specific criteria that must be met before authorizing
individual awards for disbursement. Item type disbursement rules are set up for each career, so if multiple
careers use the same item type, you need to define item type disbursement rules for each career. Doing
so allows you to select different item type disbursement rules for different careers that use the same item
type. Item type disbursement rules take effect during authorization and apply to the designated item type
only. Set up item type disbursement rules for all awards (financial aid item types) that have specific rules
applied to them.

For example, a Perkins loan might require completion of a particular checklist. You can make the Perkins
loan disbursement contingent upon completion of the checklist by adding the checklist as part of the item

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 441

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

type disbursement rules. If the Perkins loan fails the authorization step and can not be disbursed, all other
awards to the student can be authorized and disbursed.

The disbursement authorization process considers global disbursement rules, defined by career, before
item type disbursement rules. In addition, the authorization process verifies whether awards have been
accepted and that sufficient fiscal funds are available for the disbursement.

Authorization and Disbursement Calendars

Authorization and disbursement calendars are used by the background authorization and disbursement
processes only. If you do not use background authorization and disbursement, you do not need to create
these calendars. If you set up these calendars, they are not used if you authorize and disburse awards
manually (online). For this reason, ensure that access to your online disbursement pages is carefully

Authorization and disbursement calendars must include each term for which you disburse aid for the
aid year. Both calendars use separate effective-dated rows. Using both authorization and disbursement
calendars and run control parameters gives you flexibility in implementing your institution's authorization
and disbursement. For example, you can set up a single effective-dated row for both the authorization and
disbursement calendars where all valid terms and financial aid item types are selected, and then use the
batch run control parameters to control the term and financial aid item types that are processed.

Alternatively, you can use multiple future effective-dated rows to introduce the terms and financial aid
item types that should be processed over the course of the school year and use the batch run control
parameters for exception processing only. For example, if you need a fall and spring disbursement
calendar, you might set the fall term's effective date in August and the spring term's effective date
in December, one month before the beginning of each term. When background authorization and
disbursement is run in September, only awards for fall term would be disbursed because only the
authorization and disbursement calendars for fall would have a valid effective date. Both disbursement
and authorization calendars, with effective dates, should be set up for each term. Review your business
processes carefully to determine the best way to set up your background processes.

Disbursement ID Table Review

The Disbursement ID Table is set up when you define disbursement plans and split codes for awards. A
disbursement ID is set up for each disbursement that should be associated with a disbursement plan. Each
disbursement ID has a disbursement date associated with it to control the disbursements. The background
disbursement process uses the disbursement date to determine whether the awards can be disbursed. The
background disbursement process only disburses awards if the cutoff date, on the disbursement calendar,
is equal to or later than the disbursement date on the Disbursement ID Table. Set up both the cutoff date
on the disbursement calendar and the disbursement date on the Disbursement ID Table to ensure that
awards are disbursed at the correct time.

Note: Federal guidelines state that federal financial aid cannot be disbursed to a student more than 10
days prior to the first day of the term, and that federal financial aid should be disbursed separately for
each term.

Related Links
Defining Default Disbursement Plans and Split Codes

442 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15 Setting Up Disbursement Rules

Defining User Edit Messages

To set up user edit messages, use the Create User Edit Messages (USER_EDIT_MSGS) component.

This section provides an overview of user edit messages and discusses how to create user edit messages.

Understanding User Edit Messages

User edit messages can act like service impacts or can designate workflow and disbursement processes
for use in special handling of students. You can specify that user edit messages affect your disbursement
process by assigning a user edit message to a disbursement rule (either global or financial aid item type).
Add user edit messages on the Disbursement Rules: Global page and Disbursement Rules: Item Type

Page Used to Define User Edit Messages

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

User Edit Messages FA_EDIT_MSG_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Create or modify user
Related > Financial Aid > edit messages. These
Disbursement > Create User messages are financial-aid-
Edit Messages > User Edit specific indicators that the
Messages disbursement processes can

Creating User Edit Messages

Access the User Edit Messages page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Disbursement > Create User Edit Messages > User Edit Messages).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 443

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

Image: User Edit Messages page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the User Edit Messages page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Edit Message Type Displays the categorized edit message. This field is currently
used for statistical purposes only and does not control any
processing. Values include Error, Informational, and Warning.

Note: When you enter a new edit message code, select an edit
message type to categorize the error message.

Edit Message Code Enter a code, up to six characters long, to represent this error
message. Enter any code that is meaningful to those who
use it. This code appears on the Message Detail page in the
authorization and disbursement components if the financial aid
item type fails authorization.

Setting Up Disbursement Proration Rules

To set up disbursement proration rules, use the Create Proration Rules (DISB_PRORATION) component.

This section discusses how to define a proration scheme.

444 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15 Setting Up Disbursement Rules

Page Used to Set Up Disbursement Proration Rules

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Disbursement Proration Rules DISB_PRORATION Set Up SACR > Product Define a proration scheme.
Related > Financial Then use the Disbursement
Aid > Disbursement > Rules: Item Type -
Create Proration Rules > Indicators page to apply the
Disbursement Proration Rules disbursement proration rule
to a specific financial aid item

Defining a Proration Scheme

Access the Disbursement Proration Rules page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Disbursement > Create Proration Rules > Disbursement Proration Rules).

Image: Disbursement Proration Rules page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disbursement Proration Rules page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

FA Load Select an enrollment value to include in the proration rule. Insert

rows to add all valid FA Load values for your institution. If a
student's enrollment does not match any of the values that you
select on this page, the system generates an error message when
you run the authorization process. FA Load values are defined in
the PeopleSoft Student Records Level/Load Rules component.
Values are:

Full-Time: The student is enrolled full-time.

Half-Time: The student is enrolled half-time.

Less 1/2: The student is enrolled less than half-time.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 445

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

No Units: The student is not enrolled in any units for the term.

Three Qtrs: (three-quarters): The student is enrolled for three-

quarters of a full-time load.

% (percentage) Enter the percent of the term's disbursement that the student
should receive for this enrollment level.

Note: You should create an award message that tells students why their disbursed amount is less than
their awarded amount for awards that use the disbursement proration rule. The award message can be
defined for individual financial aid item types.

Related Links
Setting Up Award Messages

Defining Global Disbursement Rules

To set up global disbursement rules, use the Define Global Rules (DISB_RULE_GLB) component.

Global disbursement rules are set up by career and affect all students in the career.

This section discusses how to:

• Define basic global rules for authorization.

• Assign service indicators, tracking groups, and user edit messages.

Pages Used to Define Global Disbursement Rules

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Disbursement Rules: Global - DISB_RULE_GLB Set Up SACR > Product Define basic global rules
Indicators Related > Financial Aid > for authorization. Select
Disbursement > Define specific rules used to hold
Global Rules > Indicators disbursements of financial aid

Tracking/Messages DISB_RULE_GLB_2 Set Up SACR > Product Assign service indicators,

Related > Financial Aid > tracking groups, and user
Disbursement > Define edit messages to a global
Global Rules > Tracking/ disbursement rule.

Defining Basic Global Rules for Authorization

Access the Disbursement Rules: Global - Indicators page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial
Aid > Disbursement > Define Global Rules > Indicators).

446 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15 Setting Up Disbursement Rules

Image: Disbursement Rules: Global - Indicators page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disbursement Rules: Global - Indicators page. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Because these global disbursement rules apply to a particular career, you might want to include the career
as part of the description and short description.

Select the reasons that you want disbursement to be held. The authorization process verifies each of the
items that you select.

Review Complete Select this check box to require that an institutional review
must be completed before disbursement. The Authorization
process requires that the value in the Review Status field on the
Packaging Status Summary page is Complete.

Package Complete Select this check box to require that packaging must be
completed before disbursement. The Authorization process
requires that the value in the Aid Processing Status field on the
Packaging Status Summary page is Packaging Completed.

Verification Complete Select this check box to require that the Department of
Education's federal verification must be completed before
disbursement. The authorization process requires that the value
in the Verification Flag field on the Packaging Status Summary
page is Complete or Not Required.

Post Disb Reduction Control (post Select this check box to activate post disbursement reduction
disbursement reduction control) control, which causes award reductions that cause authorization
failures for current terms to be managed in the same way
as those for previous terms if money had been previously
disbursed. For example, assume that a disbursement has been
made after which the award is changed for the current term. If
this check box is selected, and authorization of the financial
aid item type subsequent to the change fails, the lesser of the
disbursed amount or the awarded amount is authorized for
disbursement for the current term. The lesser of the disbursed
amount or awarded amount is authorized for disbursement in

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 447

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

previous terms regardless of whether this check box is selected.

If you select this check box, the Post Disb Red Ctrl − Census Dt
(post disbursement reduction control − census date) check box
becomes unavailable.

The Disbursement Authorization routine determines current

term and prior term using the current date and term end dates.
If the current date is before the term end date, that term is the
current term. If the current date is after the term end date, that
term is a prior term.

Post Disb Red Ctrl − Census Dt Select this check box to use the same rules as the Post Disb
(post disbursement reduction control − Reduction Control check box except that only award changes
census date) that occur after the census date for the term are evaluated. The
disbursement authorization process uses the same census date as
the Financial Aid Term build process. The Census Date Locking
page, which you access from the FA Term page, displays the
census date used. If you select this check box, the Post Disb
Reduction Control check box becomes unavailable.

Hold If Withdrawn Select this check box to require that disbursement is held
when a student has withdrawn from the institution. If a student
withdraws, you might want to reduce the student's financial
aid award and manually disburse online. The authorization
process searches Financial Aid Term records for withdrawal

Honor Disbursement Hold Select this check box to require the authorization process to
honor any disbursement hold that has been entered on the
Packaging Status Summary page if the financial aid item type
matches the disbursement hold type. The types of awards that
can be held are Fed Aid (federal aid), Institut. (institutional),
and Loan Hold. Funds are not authorized for disbursement if a
disbursement hold exists.

Must Meet Satisfactory Prog (must Select this check box to require that the value in the Satisfactory
meet satisfactory progress) Academic Progress field on the Packaging Status Summary
page is Meets SAP or Probation.

Hold If No Enrollment Data Select this check box to require that a student's current FA
Term record for the award is built from enrollment data in
Student Records—not projection data—for disbursements to
be authorized. The rule verifies whether the FA Term build
source is Term. For example, if you select this check box and the
student has never enrolled in any classes for the term, no funds
are disbursed. The same option is available for financial aid item
type disbursement rules. Selecting it here enforces the rule for
all students and all of their awards in the career for which this
global disbursement rule applies. This rule should be used in
conjunction with the Hold if Withdrawn and Minimum Units
rules to insure that the student is still enrolled for the current

448 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15 Setting Up Disbursement Rules

Match Fees Select this check box to require that the tuition-related fees
on the student's account match the amount calculated in the
student's budget to disburse funds. The fees in the student's
account are based on the financial aid item types that belong to
the FA-BUDGET item grouping (used by the tuition calculation
process). This amount is compared to the financial aid budget
fees that belong to the TUIT budget category.

Tolerance Amt (tolerance amount) This field appears when you select the Match Fees check box.
Enter the largest amount by which the fee and budget item
amounts can differ. If the difference between a fee and a budget
item is smaller than or equal to the amount entered in this field,
the disbursement is authorized; otherwise, the disbursement is

Related Links
Reviewing the Packaging Status Summary Page

Assigning Service Impacts, Tracking Groups, and User Edit Messages

Access the Tracking/Messages page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Disbursement > Define Global Rules > Tracking/Messages).

Image: Tracking/Messages page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Tracking/Messages page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 449

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

Service Impact
Select any service impacts to honor global disbursement rules. If a student with this career has an active
service indicator with a matching service impact, the authorization process does not authorize the
student's awards.

Note: If your institution has upgraded from a previous release of Campus Solutions, review service
impacts in the Setting Up Service Indicator Security in the PeopleSoft Campus Community Fundamentals

See "Setting Up Service Indicator Security" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application

Enter the tracking groups that must be completed before financial aid can be disbursed to a student's
account. A tracking group can contain one or more checklists. Insert rows to enter additional tracking
groups. You can add checklists to disbursement rules in the Disbursement Rules: Item Type component.

User Edit Messages

Enter messages whose presence on a student's record should hold disbursement. User edit messages are
special handling instructions that you define for your students. If a student with this career has one of the
user edit messages entered in this group box, the authorization process does not authorize that student's

Type Indicates the type of user edit message that you want to
associate with the global disbursement rule. You can only select
user edit messages of this type in the Msg Code (message code)
field. Insert additional rows to enter additional user edit message
types and message codes.

Msg Code (message code) Enter the message code of the user edit message that causes
disbursement to be held. The values are restricted to those with
a matching Type value.

Defining Item Type Disbursement Rules

To set up item type disbursement rules, use the Define Item Type Rules (DISB_RULE_ITEM)

This section discusses how to:

• Define authorization rules for a financial aid item type.

• Define additional restrictions.

• Assign checklists, tracking groups, service indicators, and user edit messages.

450 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15 Setting Up Disbursement Rules

Pages Used to Define Item Type Disbursement Rules

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Disbursement Rules: Item DISB_RULE_ITM1 Set Up SACR > Product Define authorization rules
Type - Indicators Related > Financial Aid > for a financial aid item type.
Disbursement > Define Item Select specific rules used
Types Rules > Indicators to hold disbursements of
financial aid monies.

Copy Disbursement Rule Data DISB_RULE_COPY Click the Copy Setup Data Copy disbursement rule setup
link on the Disbursement from one combination of
Rules: Item Type - Indicators academic institution, aid year,
page. academic career, item type,
and effective date to another.

Groups/Thresholds DISB_RULE_ITM2 Set Up SACR > Product Define additional restrictions

Related > Financial Aid > necessary for disbursement
Disbursement > Define of the item type. Place
Item Type Rules > Groups/ restrictions by minimum
Thresholds units, by grade point average
(GPA) required, by a student's
attributes, by academic
standing, by home residency,
or by academic focus.

Checklists/Tracking DISB_RULE_ITM3 Set Up SACR > Product Assign checklists, tracking

Related > Financial Aid > groups, service indicators, and
Disbursement > Define Item user edit messages to an item
Type Rules > Checklists/ type disbursement rule.

Defining Authorization Rules for a Financial Aid Item Type

Access the Disbursement Rules: Item Type - Indicators page (Set Up SACR > Product Related >
Financial Aid > Disbursement > Define Item Types Rules > Indicators).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 451

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

Image: Disbursement Rules: Item Type – Indicators page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disbursement Rules: Item Type - Indicators page.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copy Setup Data Click this link to access the Copy Disbursement Rule Data
page and copy disbursement rule setup from one combination
of academic institution, aid year, academic career, item type,
and effective date to another. You can also copy item type
disbursement rules using the aid year rollover process.

Select the reasons that you want disbursement to be held. The Authorization process verifies each of the
items that have been selected.

Official Fed EFC (official federal Select this check box to require that an official EFC must be
expected family contribution) included in the latest Institutional Student Information Records
(ISIR) data prior to disbursement.

NSLDS Loan Year Match (National Select this check box to require that the loan year information
Student Loan Data System loan year on the budget term table match the student's NSLDS Loan year
match) on the Financial Aid Term.

Bdgt/Term Level Match (budget/term Select this check box to require that the student's level on
level match) the budget term table must match the student's level on the
Financial Aid Term before a disbursement can be made.

Loan Entrance Intervw Req (loan Select this check box to have the authorization process
entrance interview requirement) determine whether a student must complete loan entrance
counseling for awards of this item type.

452 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15 Setting Up Disbursement Rules

If your school uses a Loan Counseling Version of Expanded,

the authorization process reviews the student's loan counseling
history on the Loan Counseling page to determine whether the
student has satisfied the requirement.

If your school uses a Loan Counseling Version of Simple, the

authorization process checks the student's NSLDS history for a
prior Stafford, Direct, or Supplemental Loan for Student (SLS)
loan. If the system finds a record, it authorizes the item type
for disbursement. If no prior loan history exists, the student is
assumed to be a new borrower, and the Loan Entrance Interview
Status field on the Packaging Status Summary component is
checked for the student's current status. When an item type
fails authorization because of the loan entrance counseling
requirement, the following messages can appear: The student
is a first time borrower if the current Loan Entrance Interview
Status field is blank, or Loan Interview is required to authorize
the loan if the current Loan Entrance Interview Status value is
Inst Req (Institution Required).

To control how this disbursement rule is carried out, use the

Loan Entrance Interview Status field on the Packaging Status
Summary page. Setting this field to Complete or Pending
Resolution allows the disbursement to pass this requirement.

You can select this check box only for Direct Loan and FFEL
financial aid item types.

See Understanding Loan Counseling.

Awd Career Match Term Career Select this check box to prevent disbursement if the career used
(award career matches term career) when making the award is not the career that is in Financial Aid
Term data.

Hold Disb Fed Overaward (hold Select this check box to prevent disbursement of this financial
disbursement federal overaward) aid item type if a federal overaward exists.

Hold Disb Inst Overaward (hold Select this check box to prevent disbursement of this financial
disbursement institutional overaward) aid item type if an institutional overaward exists.

Authorize to Fee Assessment Select this check box to require that the disbursed amount for
the financial aid item type cannot be greater than the balance
on the student's account for the term. If selected, the amount
disbursed for the financial aid item type is not greater than the
balance on the student's account.

For this feature to work, you must set up the predelivered item
grouping named "FA-BUDGET" in Student Financials. Item
groupings are set up on the Item Groupings component (Set Up
SACR > Product Related > Student Financials > Item Types >
Item Type Group). You must assign the appropriate item tree
and tree nodes that contain the charge item types that you want
the rule to count.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 453

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

See "Setting Up Item Types and Item Type Groups" (PeopleSoft

Campus Solutions 9.2: Student Financials).

FFELP Tolerance Amt (Federal Enter the acceptable difference between the authorized amount
Family Educational Loan Program and the net disbursement amount for the financial aid item
tolerance amount) type. If the authorized amount is greater than the net disbursed
amount, the system calculates the difference. If this difference
is greater than the FFELP tolerance amount, the system displays
an error during disbursement authorization.

If you leave this field at the default setting (zero), the loan
disbursement amount must match the net disbursement amount
from the student's package. Generally, you should set this field
to a large value (such as 1,000.00 USD) if FFELP loan increases
are common. The authorization process never authorizes
an amount greater than the amount of any loan check. In
addition, disbursements for loans processed electronically using
CommonLine are updated to match the approved disbursement
amounts from the lender if an electronic guarantee is received
and processed by the school.

Review Complete, Package The descriptions for these fields are the same as for the fields on
Complete, Post Disb Reduction the Disbursement Rules: Global - Indicators page.
Control (post disbursement reduction
control), Post Disb Red Ctrl - Census See Defining Basic Global Rules for Authorization.
Dt (post disbursement reduction
control − census date), Hold If
Withdrawn, Honor Disbursement
Hold, Must Meet Satisfactory Prog
(must meet satisfactory progress),
Hold If No Enrollment Data, Match
Fees, Verification Complete, and
Tolerance Amt (tolerance amount)

Load Level Rules

Select whether the three enrollment load-dependent fields in this group box use the default FA Load
enrollment load or the student's current load. Both values can be viewed on the student's Financial Aid
Term record.

Bdgt/Term Load Match (budget/term Select this check box to require that the academic load in the
load match) budget term table match the student's Financial Aid Term FA
Load enrollment load information. You can also use the current
load from the student's Financial Aid Term record.

Disbursement Proration Rule Select a disbursement proration rule if awards of this financial
aid item type should be prorated based upon the student's
Financial Aid Term FA Load value. This rule is used to disburse
fractional award amounts to students based on fractional
academic loads. For example, a student who is enrolled
three-quarters time would receive only 75 percent of the
scheduled disbursement amount. These rules are set up on

454 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15 Setting Up Disbursement Rules

the Disbursement Proration Rules page. You can also use the
current load from the student's Financial Aid Term record.

Stop After Census Appears only when you select a value in the Disbursement
Proration Rule field. Select this check box to prevent the
disbursement proration rule from taking effect for this financial
aid item type after your institution's census date for the term.
The disbursement authorization process uses the same census
date as the Financial Aid Term build process. The Census Date
Locking page, accessed from the FA Term page, displays the
census date used.

The proration of disbursements typically occurs during the

add and drop period before the census date of the term.
After that point, depending on your business processes, your
institution repackages all prorated awards based on the census
date enrollment. After this repackaging has been completed,
institutions typically disable the proration rule for the term. This
process is repeated each term. This check box enables you to
control the proration of financial aid item types per term without
having to change the disbursement proration rule settings each

For example, assume that an item type's proration rule indicates

that the student should receive 50 percent of the disbursement if
enrolled half-time. You select the Stop After Census check box
for this item type and the census date is October 15, 2007. If you
authorize an award of this item type for a student enrolled half-
time on October 14, 2007, the Packaging routine prorates the
award. If you authorize the same award on October 16, 2007,
the Packaging routine authorizes the entire award, not just the
50 percent that results from proration.

If you do not repackage all of your prorated awards before the

stop after census feature goes into effect, you risk reauthorizing
prorated awards for the maximum amount for the term. You
might want to stop running batch authorization for these
financial aid item types until you have completed repackaging
the prorated awards. You can use the new batch authorization
page functionality to accomplish this.

Awd/Term Load Match (award/term Select this check box to require that the academic load used by
load match) the award match the Financial Aid Term FA Load value. You
can also use the current load from the student's Financial Aid
Term record.

Use Current Load The academic load used for awarding can match the Financial
Aid Term current load value instead of the Financial Aid Term
FA Load value. If you select a value in this field, the Bdgt/Term
Load Match, Disbursement Proration, and Awd/Term Load
Match rules all use the selected value. Values are:

(blank): Use Financial Aid Term academic load information.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 455

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

All Stdnts (all students): Use Financial Aid Term current load
information for all students with this financial aid item type.

OEE Only: Use Financial Aid Term current load information for
only open entry and open exit students with this financial aid
item type.

Related Links
Reviewing the Packaging Status Summary Page

Defining Additional Restrictions

Access the Groups/Thresholds page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Disbursement > Define Item Type Rules > Groups/Thresholds).

Image: Groups/Thresholds page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Groups/Thresholds page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Ethnic Group Select a value if the student must be a member of an ethnic

group to receive this financial aid item type.

Res State (residence state) Select the country code in the field. The system then displays
the state field. Then select a state of residence to limit
disbursement of the item type to a student with a specific state
or province of residence, such as Arizona or Nova Scotia.

For the Res State field, the system collects the country
code along with the state code when establishing this rule.
Additionally, the authorization program uses the country code
when selecting information from the residency tables. This
enables the rule to continue to function for global clients.

456 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15 Setting Up Disbursement Rules

The disbursement authorization process continues to use official

residency information in its evaluation, but uses self-reported
residency information if no official information exists. The
process also considers effective dates and active term residency

Acad Stand Hold (academic standing Select a value if a student must have a certain academic standing
hold) to receive disbursement of the financial aid item type. For
example, you could use this to prevent students on academic
probation from receiving a merit-based award. Academic
standing codes are indicated on the Financial Aid Term pages.

Country Select a value to limit disbursement to a student from a specific


Form of Study Select a form of study to allow disbursement only to students

who are Study Abroad, have Advanced to Candidacy (for a Ph.
D. program for example), have a Class Enrollment, or are in a
Detached Study program. The authorization process checks the
student's form of study on Financial Aid Term.

Group Select a student group to allow disbursement of the financial aid

item type only to students who are a member of a the selected
group, such as first generation college students, athletes of
all sports, or veterans. You define student groups in Student

Sport Select a sport if this financial aid item type can be disbursed
only to a student participating in a particular sport.

Acad Plan (academic plan) Select an academic plan to limit disbursement of the financial
aid item type to students with a particular academic plan, such
as chemistry or art.

Ath Par Cd (athletic participation Select an athletic participation code to further define the type of
code) sport participation required for disbursement. You can choose
Active Participant, Manager, Not Recruited,or Recruited. The
athletic participation code applies to the selected sport.

Sub-Plan Select a subplan to limit disbursement of the financial aid

item type to students with a particular academic subplan.
The authorization process checks academic plan and subplan
information from Financial Aid Term. You define academic
plans and subplans in Student Records.

Min GPA on FA Term (minimum Enter the minimum GPA that a student must have for
GPA on Financial Aid Term) disbursement of this financial aid item type. The authorization
process verifies the cumulative GPA on the current Financial
Aid Term.

Min GPA Prior FA Term (minimum Enter the minimum GPA that a student must have on a prior
GPA on prior Financial Aid Term) Financial Aid Term for disbursement of this financial aid item
type. Authorization reviews the cumulative GPA on the prior
Financial Aid Term within the aid year. For example, if you

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 457

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

want the system to check the fall term's minimum GPA before
disbursing this financial aid item type for the spring term, you
would enter the minimum fall term GPA here. You cannot
use this feature if you want to check spring term's GPA for
the following fall term's disbursement if the fall term is in a
different aid year.

Minimum Units Enter the minimum number of units for which a student must be
registered before this financial aid item type can be disbursed.

Use Current Units Enter the number of current units, instead of the FA Units from
the student's Financial Aid Term record, to determine whether
the student meets the minimum units requirement. Values are:

(blank): Use FA Units information.

All Stdnts (all students): Use current unit information for all
students with this financial aid item type.

OEE Only: Use current unit information for only open entry and
open exit students with this financial aid item type.

Assigning Checklists, Tracking Groups, Service Indicators, and User Edit

Access the Checklists/Tracking page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Disbursement > Define Item Type Rules > Checklists/Tracking).

458 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15 Setting Up Disbursement Rules

Image: Checklists/Tracking page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Checklists/Tracking page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Enter the checklists that must be completed before awards of this financial aid item type are authorized. If
a checklist has been assigned to a student and it is not complete, the item type is not disbursed. Checklists
can include multiple items that need to be completed or verified. To enter additional checklists, add a new

Enter the tracking groups that must be completed before awards of this financial aid item type are
authorized. To enter additional tracking groups add a new row.

Service Impact
Select any service impacts that you want the financial aid item type disbursement rule to honor. If a
student with an award of this financial aid item type has any service indicators with a matching service
impact, the authorization process does not authorize that award.

User Edit Messages

User edit messages are special handling instructions that you define for your students. Enter messages
whose presence on a student's record should hold disbursement. If a student with this career has one of the
user edit messages entered in this group box, the authorization process does not authorize that student's

Type Indicates the type of user edit message that you want to
associate with the global disbursement rule. You can only select

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 459

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

user edit messages of this type in the Msg Code (message code)
field. Insert additional rows to enter additional user edit message
types and message codes.

Msg Code (message code) Enter the message code of the user edit message that causes
disbursement to be held.

Setting Up Authorization and Disbursement Calendars

To set up authorization and disbursement calendars, use the Set Up Disbursement Calendars component

This section discusses how to:

• Define the authorization calendar.

• Define the disbursement calendar.

Pages Used to Set Up Authorization and Disbursement Calendars

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Authorization Calendar AUTH_CALENDER Set Up SACR > Product Define the authorization
Related > Financial Aid > calendar by selecting which
Disbursement > Set Up careers, and which terms for
Disbursement Calendars > each career, can be authorized
Authorization Calendar for disbursement in batch.

Disbursement Calendar DISB_CALENDER Set Up SACR > Product Define the disbursement
Related > Financial Aid > calendar by selecting which
Disbursement > Set Up awards should be disbursed
Disbursement Calendars > and the disbursement date
Disbursement Calendar cutoff.

Defining the Authorization Calendar

Access the Authorization Calendar page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Disbursement > Set Up Disbursement Calendars > Authorization Calendar).

460 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15 Setting Up Disbursement Rules

Image: Authorization Calendar page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Authorization Calendar page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Career Select a career that you want to be included in background

authorization. Insert rows to list additional careers or
combinations of career and term.

Term Select a term to include in background authorization for the

selected career. This field works in conjunction with the
Disbursement Date field on the Disbursement ID Table page
to determine the disbursement IDs that are displayed on the
Disbursement Calendar page.

Reauthorize All Aid Select to indicate that the system can run a student's aid
authorization against the disbursement rules multiple times to
ensure that the system is using the most current information
to disburse awards. Currently, disbursement authorization
processes an award as long as the award has not been disbursed.
The authorization process determines that the award has
been disbursed when the disbursement net amount equals the
amount previously authorized. If an award has been previously
authorized, it is not reauthorized unless the award amount is
changed or this check box is selected. Your institution might
want to run the authorization process with this option active
until it is time to disburse awards to the student's account.

Note: Awards that have been completely disbursed are never reauthorized.

Defining the Disbursement Calendar

Access the Disbursement Calendar page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Disbursement > Set Up Disbursement Calendars > Disbursement Calendar).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 461

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

Image: Disbursement Calendar page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disbursement Calendar page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Depending on your needs, you can set up various disbursement calendars with different effective dates
and different subsets of awards to be disbursed. You can set up a disbursement calendar for each term
for which you want to disburse aid in the aid year. You can set up disbursement calendars with future
effective dates for your second, third, and subsequent terms. Conversely, you can also define all of your
terms in the same calendar with the same effective date, but control the terms and financial aid item types
to be processed using the batch run control parameters.

Disbursement Calendar Effective Date

Assign To Select the ID of the administrator that the background
disbursement process assigns to all group post transactions
created in Student Financials. The record and field PS_GROUP
_CONT_INFO.ASSN_OPRID is updated in Student Financials.
All financial aid funds processed in batch are assigned this ID.
You can view this assigned ID in the various Group Post-related

SetID Select a set ID for this disbursement calendar. The set ID, in this
case, indicates which accounts in the Student Financials system
to credit when disbursements occur.

Origin Student Financials considers financial aid monies a receivable.

Select the source of receivables; for financial aid monies, you
usually specify the financial aid office as the origin. Identifying
each background disbursement group by origin and type of
group helps to manage the flow of receivables. You set up
origins in Student Financials.

462 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15 Setting Up Disbursement Rules

Group Type Group types classify disbursements for Student Financials so

that the system knows what type of receivable the disbursement
should be. For example, you might use Financial Aid
Disbursements as the group type. The values in this field depend
on the group types that you define in Student Financials.

Career/Term/Item Type Disb Calendar

Career Select a career that you want to be included in background
disbursement. Insert rows to list additional careers or
combinations of career and term. You can enter as many
combinations of career and term as you need to define your
disbursement calendar. The background disbursement process
only disburses for the careers and terms that you designate here.

Term Select a term to include in background disbursement for the

selected career.

Cutoff Date Enter a cutoff date for the associated career and term. When
the batch disbursement process runs, it selects only financial
aid item types for the associated career and term that have a
disbursement date that is equal to or before the defined cutoff
date. You set up disbursement dates on the Disbursement ID
page when you assign disbursement IDs to packaging plans.

All Types For each combination of career and term, you can control which
item types are included during the background disbursement
process. Select this check box to include all financial aid item
types in the background disbursement process. This check box
is selected by default.

Except Items If you select the All Types check box, this field becomes
available. Select to exclude some financial aid item types from
the background disbursement process. Use the From and To
fields to enter a range of financial aid item type IDs to exclude.

Only Include Items If you clear the All Types check box, this field becomes
available. Select to indicate a range of financial aid item types
that should be included in the background disbursement process.

From and To Enter the first and last financial aid item types to be included
or excluded from the background disbursement process. These
financial aid item types and any financial aid item types within
that numbering sequence are included or excluded from the
background disbursement.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 463

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

Selected Plan/IDs
Displays disbursement plans and their associated disbursements that meet the disbursement calendar
settings you enter in the previous group boxes.

Disb Plan (disbursement plan) Displays disbursement plans for the career/term combination
used as part of the background disbursement process. The cutoff
date determines which disbursement plans and disbursement
IDs are displayed. Only awards that have the same disbursement
plans as those listed in this group box are disbursed when
background disbursement is run.

Disb ID (disbursement ID) Displays disbursement IDs for the selected disbursement plan
that fall within the selected term. The cutoff date determines
which disbursement IDs are displayed in this group box. Only
the portion of an award that matches the displayed disbursement
IDs is disbursed when background disbursement is run.

Disb Date (disbursement date) Displays disbursement dates associated with each disbursement

Note: The disbursement ID for a combination of disbursement plan and disbursement ID must be earlier
or equal to the cutoff date for the disbursement plan and disbursement ID combination to be listed in the
Selected Plan/IDs group box. The following table illustrates the selection process.

Example Cutoff Date Example Disbursement Dates Disbursement Plan Selected

June 6, 2004 January 8, 2004 All disbursement plans and disbursement

IDs with the example disbursement dates
May 30, 2004 are selected, because the disbursement
dates are earlier or equal to the cutoff
June 1, 2004

January 7, 2004 January 8, 2004 None of the disbursement plans and

disbursement IDs with the example
May 30, 2004 disbursement dates are selected. The
disbursement dates are after the cutoff
June 1, 2004

January 8, 2004 January 8, 2004 Only disbursement plans and

disbursement IDs with the disbursement
May 30, 2004 date of January 8, 2004 are selected
because the disbursement date is equal
June 1, 2004
to the cutoff date. All others are not
selected because they are after the cutoff

464 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 15 Setting Up Disbursement Rules

Related Links
"Tableset Sharing" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 465

Setting Up Disbursement Rules Chapter 15

466 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 16

(GBR) Setting Up Student Loans Company

Understanding SLC
The SLC administers government-funded loans and grants to students by working with approximately
200 local education (award) authorities, including:

• Local Authorities in England and Wales (LEAs)

• Student Awards Agency for Scotland

• Education and Library boards in Northern Ireland

• HM Revenue & Customs

• 700+ HEIs

HEI students apply for student support annually. Depending on where they live, they apply through
their LEAs or directly to the SLC. Application files are available to the HEI in August just before the
beginning of each academic year.

The SLC also administers maintenance payments to students and, optionally, bursaries and scholarships
on behalf of the HEIs.

Before setting up SLC, you must set up your academic institution and aid year.

You must also understand how checklists, communication, financial aid packaging, and disbursement

See Establishing Aid Years.

See "Defining Academic Institutions" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals).

Setting Up SLC Processing

This section discusses how to:

• Define SLC options.

• Define search match options.

• Complete prerequisites for SLC FTE calculation.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 467

(GBR) Setting Up Student Loans Company Chapter 16

Pages Used to Set Up SLC Processing

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Loans Company SFA_SLC_SETUP Financial Aid > Student Define SLC options.
Setup - Options Loans Company > Student
Loans Company Setup >

Student Loans Company SFA_SLC_SRCH_MATCH Financial Aid > Student Define search match options.
Setup - Search Match Options Loans Company > Student
Loans Company Setup >
Search Match Options

Defining SLC Options

Access the Student Loans Company Setup - Options page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company >
Student Loans Company Setup > Options).

468 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 16 (GBR) Setting Up Student Loans Company

Image: Student Loans Company Setup - Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Loans Company Setup - Options page. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

SLC Acad Year (Student Loans Select the year for which this setup is intended.
Company academic year)

SSAR Import
Bank Details Comm Key (bank details Select the communication key to be used when the Bank Details
communication key) Held fields in the Student Support Attendance Requests (SSAR)
files being imported have a value of N.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 469

(GBR) Setting Up Student Loans Company Chapter 16

The communication is created only if the communication

designated by the communication key does not already exist for
the student.

Create SSAR Checklist (create Select the checklist to be assigned to students when their SSAR
Student Support Attendance Requests record is imported.
This checklist can be used for controlling disbursement of
Tuition Fee Grant (TFG) and Tuition Fee Loan (TFL) award
disbursements. Disbursement rules can consider a checklist
status. The checklist is created only if the designated checklist
code does not already exist for the student.

Make Ready for Packaging Select this check box to update the Packaging status to Ready
for Packaging.

The Packaging status is updated for a student when either of the

following is true:

• Initial SSAR data is received for the student for this SLC
academic year.

• A subsequent SSAR file is received for the student for

this SLC academic year with a TFL or TFG amount that
is different from the amount stored for the student and the
student's Packaging status is Packaging Completed.

SSAC Extract
Use Checklist Select the checklist to be used when selecting the students to be
included in the Generate SSAC Data process. When evaluating
whether the student can be included in the SSAC Extract,
the process determines whether the student has this checklist
assigned and whether the checklist is complete.

Use Physical Attendance Flag Select this check box to ensure that the Generate SSAC Data
process checks to see if the student's physical attendance is
confirmed when evaluating whether the student can be included
in the SSAC Extract.

Complete SSAR Checklist (complete Select this check box to ensure that the Generate SSAC Data
Student Support Attendance Requests process updates the status of the checklist designated in the
checklist) Create SSAR Checklist field to Complete.

ACR Processing
Use this group box to:

• Associate equations with each of the Attendance Confirmation Report (ACR) elements that is used to
determine the At Fee Code that is sent in the ACR Response File from the HEI to the SLC.

• Designate a course fee group to be used in the Course Fee element.

470 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 16 (GBR) Setting Up Student Loans Company

• Designate an equation to determine the At Fee Code to be returned for each student with the ACR
Response File.

At Fee Codes are defined by the SLC.

When writing equations to be used by the At Fee Evaluation process, ensure that they return values for
the same calendar date. These values can be compared with students' ACR data to determine the At Fee
Code. The exception is the attendance status, which is determined for the same calendar date as the other
equations, but which has no ACR field to use for comparison.

The values that are available in the equation fields in this group box appear by default from the Equation
Editor (EQUATION_EDITOR) component (Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Equation Engine >
Equation Editor > Equation Editor).

If you write equations to be selected in the Attendance Equation, Course Code Equation, Course Year
Equation, Course Fee Equation, and Tuition Liability Equation fields:

• The Attendance Equation must set the value for the SFA_SLC_EQ_ATTSTAT field.

The translate values for SFA_SLC_EQ_ATTSTAT are A - In Attendance, N - Not in Attendance, and
S - Studies Suspended.

• The Course Code Equation must return the UCAS or SLC Code for the course (depending on which
type of course code was provided on the ACR).

• The Course Year Equation must return the year of the course of study/program in which the student is
enrolled; for example, a value such as 1, 2, 3, or 4.

• The Course Fee Equation must return the amount of tuition fees charged to the student for this
academic year.

• The Tuition Liability Equation should set the following equation engine variables:

• SFA_SLC_EQ_TUITLN - Tuition Loan Amt

• SFA_SLC_EQ_TUITGNT - Tuition Grant Amt

• SFA_SLC_EQ_TUITSTD - Tuition Student Liable Amt

Course Fee Group Select the fee group to be used by the Course Fee equation.
Values appear by default from the Student Financials Item Type
Groups (ITEM_GROUPINGS) component (Set Up SACR >
Product Related > Student Financials > Item Types > Item
Type Groups).

All fields in the ACR Processing group box are optional.

However, to use the ACR At Fee Evaluation process, you must write an equation to be selected in the At
Fee Equation field.

The At Fee Equation should be coded to populate the Equation Engine variable

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 471

(GBR) Setting Up Student Loans Company Chapter 16

You can write the At Fee equation so that it uses the results of one or more of the other equations in the
ACR Processing group box, or you can write an At Fee equation that does not rely on other equation

See Running the ACR At Fee Evaluation Process .

Remittance Report Parameters

Use this group box to define which financial aid item type group represents Tuition Fee Grants and which
financial aid item type group represents Tuition Fee Loans. This mapping enables you to create or modify
a reconciliation query using imported Remittance Report data. The values for these two fields appear by
default from the Financial Aid Related Item Type Group (PKG_REL_ITEM_GROUP) component (Set
Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards > Related Item Type Group).

Tuition Fee Loan Group Select a financial aid item type group for this tuition fee loan
item type.

Tuition Fee Grant Group Select a financial aid item type group for this tuition fee grant
item type.

HEBSS Import

File Type Select the HEBSS File Type you want to import:

• Full Administration – Imports all fields.

• Information Only – Imports all fields except: Bank Details

Supplied, Automated Award Total, Manual Award Total,
Overall Award Total, and Previously Approved.

Make Ready for Packaging Select this check box to update the packaging status to Ready
for Packaging.

The Packaging status is updated for a student when either of the

following is true:

• Initial Higher Education Bursaries and Scholarships

Scheme (HEBSS) data is received for the student for this
SLC academic year.

• A subsequent HEBSS file is received for the student for this

SLC academic year and the student's Packaging status is
Packaging Completed.

Defining Search Match Options

Access the Student Loans Company Setup - Search Match Options page (Financial Aid > Student Loans
Company > Student Loans Company Setup > Search Match Options).

472 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 16 (GBR) Setting Up Student Loans Company

Image: Student Loans Company Setup - Search Match Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Loans Company Setup - Search Match
Options page.

Use this page to select the search parameters that you want to use for the Import SSAR Files process, the
Import HEBSS Files process, and the Import ACR/SISF process, and the subsequent actions to be taken
for the different match scenarios.

Note: Students for whom an exact Student Support Number match exists have their records directly added
to the Student SLC table and are not be subject to the Search/Match options defined on this page.

Defining Liability Periods

The section describes how to define Liability Periods for unique combinations of HEI, Academic Year,
and Course Start Periods for determining student liability for full tuition fee loans.

Access the Define Liability Periods page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > Student Loans
Company Setup > Define Liability Periods).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 473

(GBR) Setting Up Student Loans Company Chapter 16

Image: Define Liability Periods page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Liability Periods page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Liability Period Select the Liability Period for the context Course Start Period.

Start Date andEnd Date Enter the Liability Period Start and End Dates. Liability Period
Dates cannot overlap.

Completing Prerequisites for SLC FTE Calculation

This section discusses the Campus Solution Student Records and Enrollment HESA (Higher Education
Statistics Agency) setup required to use the SLC FTE Calculation.

1. Set up HESA in SACR Student Administration and Foundation Institution pages.

Access the SA Features page (Set Up SACR >Install >Student Admin Installation >SA Features

In the United Kingdom group box, check the HESA, UCAS check box.

See "Selecting Country-Specific Features and Enabling CRM for Higher Education Feature"
(PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals).

Access the Academic Institution 6 page (Set Up SACR >Foundation Tables >Academic
Structure >Academic Institution Table >Academic Institution 6 tab).

In the United Kingdom group box, check the HESA, UCAS check box.

See "(AUS, CAN, GBR, NZL, NLD) Activating Other Student Administration Features" (PeopleSoft
Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals).

2. Ensure that the Reporting Period you want to use is defined and is Active.

474 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 16 (GBR) Setting Up Student Loans Company

Access the Reporting Periods page (Records and Enrollment >HESA Reporting >HESA Returns
Setup >Reporting Periods)

3. Set up the HESA Configuration page for the Institution. If you are using an FTE Calculation Type of
Derive load from Modules, then the Grading Basis Inclusion defined on this page needs to include the
appropriate Grading Basis with the FTE check box selected.

Access the HESA Configuration page (Records and Enrollment >HESA Reporting >HESA Returns
Setup >HESA Configuration).

See "Configuring HESA" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student Records).

4. Run the Create Instance for the Academic Institution or Program or the individual students for whom
an ACR will be processed.

Access the Create HESA Instance page (Records and Enrollment >HESA Reporting >HESA Returns
Setup >Create Instance).

See "Creating HESA Instance and Person HESA Data Records for Students" (PeopleSoft Campus
Solutions 9.2: Student Records).

Access the HESA Instance Data page to view or create an Instance record for an individual student.
(Records and Enrollment >Career and Program Information >HESA Instance Details).

See "Entering HESA Instance Data for a Student" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student

5. Run the Create Module process for the Academic Institution and Reporting Period for the course

Access the Create HESA Module Data page (Records and Enrollment >HESA Reporting >HESA
Returns Setup >Create Module).

See "Creating HESA Modules" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student Records).

The Run the Create Module process creates HESA Module detail in Curriculum Management. You
can also create a single course or set of courses individually under the Curriculum Management.
These would be the courses that the student is enrolled in during the reporting period. Make sure
effective dates are before the reporting period and the Report to HESA Flag is selected. This
information is used if the FTE process is run as Derive load from Modules. If using the Derive load
from Modules, define the Module FTE value in the Module Data region.

See "Entering HESA Data for a Module" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student Records).

6. For the Programs and Plans that students are enrolled in, set up the FTE Calculation Type to derive
from Program or Modules; depending on which basis you are using for the FTE process. If using the

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 475

(GBR) Setting Up Student Loans Company Chapter 16

FTE Calculation Type of Derive load from Program, define the FTE Load value. On the Plan HESA
Data page, select the Report to HESA flag.

Access the Program HESA Data page (Set Up SACR >Foundation Tables >Academic
Structure >Academic Program Table >Program HESA Data tab).

See "Entering HESA Data for an Academic Program" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student

Access the Plan HESA Data page (Set Up SACR >Foundation Tables > Academic
Structure >Academic Plan Table >Plan HESA Data tab).

See "Entering HESA Data for an Academic Plan" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student

Related Links
Running the Calculate FTE Process

Completing Prerequisites for Reporting Part-time and Full-time Academic

This section discusses the Campus Solution Student Records and Enrollment HESA (Higher Education
Statistics Agency) setup required to report Academic Load for ACR Export files.

Access the Mode of Study page (Records and Enrollments > HESA Reporting > Codes and Mapping >
Code Mappings > Mode of Study).

• Students with Academic Loads that are not mapped to a HESA Mode of Study value of 01, 02, 23, 24
or 25 are considered part-time.

• StudentsAcademic Loads that are mapped to a HESA Mode of Study value of 01, 02, 23, 24 or 25 are
considered full-time.

The Mode of Study value can then be defined for the student at the Instance HESA Data, Sub-Plan
Offering Year HESA Data, Plan Offering Year HESA Data or Program Offering Year HESA Data level.

476 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 17

Setting Up Return of Title IV Funds

Understanding Return of Title IV Funds

Under the higher education amendment regulation called Return of Title IV Funds (RTIVF), all students
receiving Title IV federal grant or loan assistance who withdraw from the institution in the first 60 percent
of the term are subject to the RTIVF policy. This regulation affects the calculation of aid to be returned
as well as repayment procedures. The percentage of aid earned by a Title IV student is determined by
calculating the percentage of the period that the student completed. If the student completes up to 60
percent of the term, then the percentage of aid earned equals the percentage of the completed period. If
the student completes 60.01 percent or more, then the student earns 100 percent of aid. The amount of
Federal Title IV aid that students must return when they withdraw from school is no longer associated
with the refund policy of an institution. Refund policy and return of funds procedures are independent of
one another. Refund policy is defined by your institution, whereas Return of Title IV Fund is defined by

Common Elements Used in Setting Up Return of Title IV Funds

Academic Institution A university or college.

Aid Year An awarding cycle with defined disbursement periods.

Defining Title IV Funds Item Types

To set up Title IV funds item types, use the Define Rules for Return component

This section discusses how to define the financial aid item types used for RTIVF calculations.

Page Used to Define Item Types for RTIVF

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Title IV Funds RTRN_TIV_FND_SETUP Set Up SACR > Product Define Title IV funds
Related > Financial Aid > financial aid item types for
Application Processing > return of funds calculation.
Define Rules for Return >
Return of TIV Aid Rules >
Title IV Funds

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 477

Setting Up Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 17

Defining Title IV Funds Financial Aid Item Types

Access the Title IV Funds page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > Define Rules for Return > Return of TIV Aid Rules > Title IV Funds).

Image: Title IV Funds page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Title IV Funds page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Item type Select the item types that your institution has assigned to the
funds awarded as financial aid. The system uses the item type
to associate the financial aid transaction with the appropriate
general ledger account during the general ledger process. The
way in which item types are classified determines how they
are processed. Only financial aid item types with a source of
Federal can be selected.

50 Pct. Grant Protection (50 percent The system selects this check box based on the Item Type and
grant protection) Fund Type selected. Funds that are federal grants or are fully
funded by federal funds are under the 50 percent rule. This
rule reduces the grant amount to be returned by the student by
applying an initial 50 percent reduction in the total grant amount
to be repaid.

Fed Funds Pct (federal funds percent) You can edit this field. The default is 100 percent. Enter the
percentage of the fund type funded by federal funds. For
example, you might enter 50 for a fund such as SEOG that

478 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 17 Setting Up Return of Title IV Funds

might be matched 50 percent by state funds and 50 percent by

federal funds.

Fund Type Select the type of Title IV program. Pell Grants, PLUS loans,
SEOGs, and subsidized and unsubsidized federal Stafford loans
are examples of Title IV funds.

Auto Populate Click to identify that the aid is defined as part of the Title IV
program. The system selects financial aid item types with a
source of Federal, such as Pell Grant, SEOG, Direct Loan, and
PLUS loan and populates the fields on this page.

Defining Institutional Charges

To set up institutional charges, use the Define Rules for Return component (RTRN_TIV_FND_SETUP).

This section discusses how to set up institutional charges.

Page Used to Define Institutional Charges

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Institutional Charges RTRN_TIV_CHG_SETUP Set Up SACR > Product Set up institutional charges
Related > Financial Aid > and the appropriate charge
Application Processing > category.
Define Rules for Return >
Return of TIV Aid Rules >
Institutional Charges

Setting Up Institutional Charges

Access the Institutional Charges page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > Define Rules for Return > Return of TIV Aid Rules > Institutional Charges).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 479

Setting Up Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 17

Image: Institutional Charges page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Institutional Charges page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define the charges to be used in the calculation. For example, you can use actual charges, such as tuition
and fees, that are charged to the student from Campus Solutions Student Financials or you can use the
default budget item values.

Use Actual Charges Select to use charges calculated in Student Financials.

Item Type Group For actual charges, enter the item type group. Examples of
values are ENRDEPOSIT (enrollment deposits), FINAID
(financial aid), MYPAYPLANS (multi-year pay plans),

Charge Type Enter the type of charge or institutional charge associated with
the item type group. Values are Other, Room/Board, and Tuition.
This field is required.

Use Budgeted Charges Select to use charges set up by your institution. The system uses
budget items to calculate the student's COA.

Budget Item Category Enter specific items or components for COA, such as books,
supplies, tuition, transportation, housing, and fees.

Charge Type Enter the type of charge or institutional charges associated with
the budget item category. Values are Other, Room/Board, and
Tuition. This field is required.

480 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 18

(CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis

Understanding CNAS
CNAS enables you to set up parameters your institution uses to calculate a student's financial need.
You can set various calculation options at the institution, rule set, and student levels. The system allows
you to load data files from the provincial Student Services Bureau, which governs the Ontario Student
Assistance Plan (OSAP). The Student Services Bureau holds official eligibility data for the Canada
Student Loans Program (CSLP), Canada Study Grant Program for Students with Dependents (CSG), and
the Ontario Student Loans Plan (OSLP).

Defining CNAS
This section discusses how to:

• Define CNAS rules.

• Review CNAS message tables.

• Define CNAS Options for Tables 1, 2, and 3.

• Define financial parameters for minimum wage.

• Define financial parameters for moderate standard of living (MSOL) setup.

• Define financial parameters for parent MSOL setup.

• Define financial parameters for tuition and fees.

• Define financial parameters for parent weekly Canada student loan (CSL) contribution.

• Define financial parameters for parent weekly Ontario student loan (OSL) contribution.

• Define financial parameters for parent yearly income.

• Define financial parameters for program weekly maximum entitlements.

• Define financial parameters for prestudy tax deductions setup.

• Define financial parameters for study period tax deductions setup.

• Define financial parameters for spouse tax deductions.

• Define financial parameters for parent federal tax deductions.

• Define financial parameters for parent provincial tax deductions.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 481

(CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 18

• Define financial parameters for part-time maximum entitlements.

• Add a full-time or part-time Canadian application.

• Set up cost codes.

Pages Used to Set Up CNAS

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

CNAS Rule Setup CNAS_SETUP_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Set up options that affect your
Related > Financial global and institutional CNAS
Aid > Canada Application calculations. The system
Processing > CNAS Rule includes predefined values for
Setup CSL and OSL rule sets. You
can enter values for additional
CNAS rule sets developed by
your institution as needed by
your business practices.

CNAS Messages CNAS_MESSAGES Set Up SACR > Product Define or view the messages
Related > Financial used by the CNAS
Aid > Canada Application calculation.
Processing > CNAS

CNAS Option Tbl 1 CNAS_OPTION_TBL1 Set Up SACR > Product Define or view information
Related > Financial about your Financial Aid rule
Aid > Canada Application sets. You can add options for
Processing > CNAS Option other rule sets on these pages.
Table > CNAS Option Tbl 1

CNAS Option Tbl 2 CNAS_OPTION_TBL2 Set Up SACR > Product Define or view prestudy
Related > Financial and study period option
Aid > Canada Application information.
Processing > CNAS Option
Table 2 > CNAS Option Tbl

CNAS Option Tbl 3 CNAS_OPTION_TBL3 Set Up SACR > Product Define or view various
Related > Financial full-time student, part-time
Aid > Canada Application student, or parent options.
Processing > CNAS Option
Table 3 > CNAS Option Tbl

Minimum Wage MIN_WAGE_CSL Set Up SACR > Product Define or view the minimum
Related > Financial wage and minimum weekly
Aid > Canada Application work hour data for each
Processing > CNAS Setup > province.
Minimum Wage Setup

MSOL Setup CSL_MSOL_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define or view the amounts
Related > Financial designated as monthly living
Aid > Canada Application allowances for each province.
Processing > CNAS Setup >
MSOL Setup

482 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 18 (CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Parent MSOL Setup PRT_MSOL_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define or view the family size
Related > Financial and parent MSOL amounts
Aid > Canada Application designated as monthly living
Processing > CNAS Setup > allowances for parents in each
Parent MSOL Setup of the provinces.

Tuition and Fees BUDGET_CAP_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define or view the budget cap
Related > Financial amounts for non-co-op and
Aid > Canada Application co-op programs.
Processing > CNAS Setup >
Tuition and Fees Setup >
Tuition and Fees)

Parent Weekly CSL PRT_WKLY_CSL Set Up SACR > Product Define or view information
Related > Financial about parent income range,
Aid > Canada Application base income, and percent of
Processing > CNAS Setup > parent annual discretionary
Parent Weekly CSL income.

Parent Weekly OSL PRT_WKLY_OSL Set Up SACR > Product Define or view information
Related > Financial about parent income range,
Aid > Canada Application base income, net income
Processing > CNAS Setup > percentage, and percent of
Parent Weekly OSL parent annual discretionary
income based on requirements
of the OSL.

Parent Yearly Inc (parent PRT_YEARLY_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define or view information
yearly income) Related > Financial about family size, contribution
Aid > Canada Application limits, and which income
Processing > CNAS Setup > formula to use in calculations.
Parent Yearly Inc

Program Weekly Max PGM_WKLY_MAX Set Up SACR > Product Define or view the maximum
(program weekly maximum) Related > Financial entitlement for CSL, CSG,
Aid > Canada Application and OSL programs based on
Processing > CNAS Setup > student status categories.
Program Weekly Max

Prestudy Tax Setup STDNT_PS_TX_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define or view information
Related > Financial about tax deductions from
Aid > Canada Application the student's monthly income
Processing > CNAS Setup > during the prestudy period.
Prestudy Tax Setup

Study Pd Tax Setup (study STD_SP_TX_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define or view information
period tax setup) Related > Financial about tax deductions from
Aid > Canada Application the student's monthly income
Processing > CNAS Setup > during the study period.
Study Pd Tax Setup

Spouse Tax Setup SPS_MTHL_TX_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define or view information
Related > Financial about tax deductions from
Aid > Canada Application a student's spousal monthly
Processing > CNAS Setup > income during the study
Spouse Tax Setup period.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 483

(CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 18

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Parent Fed Tax PRT_FED_TX_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define or view information
Related > Financial about federal tax deductions
Aid > Canada Application from the monthly income of
Processing > CNAS Setup > the parents of a student during
Parent Fed Tax the study period.

Parent Prov Tax (parent PRT_PROV_TX_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define or view information
provincial tax) Related > Financial about the provincial tax
Aid > Canada Application deductions from the monthly
Processing > CNAS Setup > income of the parents of
Parent Prov Tax a student during the study

Part-time Max (part-time PT_MAX_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define or view the maximum
maximum) Related > Financial entitlement of part-
Aid > Canada Application time students for special
Processing > CNAS Setup > opportunity grant (SOG) and
Part-time Max part-time CSL loan programs
based on family size.

Add Institutional Application INST_ADD_GBL Financial Aid > Canadian Define or view the application
Application Data > Add source code for a full-time or
Institutional Application part-time student application.

Cost Code Setup CAN_COST_CODE Set Up SACR > Product Define or view the cost codes
Related > Financial for your institution.
Aid > Canada Application
Processing > Cost Code

Defining CNAS Rules

Access the CNAS Rule Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Canada
Application Processing > CNAS Rule Setup).

Image: CNAS Rule Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CNAS Rule Setup page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year. The system also displays the rule set for
basic CSL and OSL calculations. To create additional rule sets, insert a new row.

CNAS Rule Set Enter a letter code to identify the CNAS rule set that you create.

484 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 18 (CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis

Description Enter a description for the CNAS rule set that you create.

Short Description Enter a corresponding short description for the CNAS rule set
that you create.

Click the CNAS Rule Set button to copy rule set information to another financial aid year and institution.
You must enter the new institution and aid year.

Reviewing CNAS Message Tables

Access the CNAS Messages page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Canada
Application Processing > CNAS Messages).

Image: CNAS Messages page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CNAS Messages page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year, as well as the CNAS message number and
the message description. You can edit the message descriptions.

Click the Copy CNAS Messages button to copy message information to another financial aid year. You
must click the copy button from an existing aid year, and then enter the academic institution and aid year
that you want to create.

Defining CNAS Options - Table 1

Access the CNAS Option Tbl 1 (CNAS option table 1) page (Set Up SACR > Product Related >
Financial Aid > Canada Application Processing > CNAS Option Table > CNAS Option Tbl 1).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 485

(CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 18

Image: CNAS Option Tbl 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CNAS Option Tbl 1 page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year.

CNAS Rule Set The system displays the CNAS rule set used for basic
calculations. Select a value to determine the type of calculation
to perform. Values are:

C − CSL: Select to invoke Canadian rules for contributions and


O — OSL: Select to invoke OSL rules for contributions and


Required High School Years Enter the number of years that students are required to be out of
high school to be considered independent.

Required Residence Length Enter translate values that correspond to translate values on the
student's application.

1: Less than 12 months

2: At least 12 months

Common-law Years Enter the number of years of a student's common-law marriage

that are required for a student to be considered independent.

FM/IM Use Select a value.

F: Select to update federal need and family contribution (FC)

values with calculation results.

486 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 18 (CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis

I: Select to update institutional need and family contribution

values with calculation results.

B: Select to update both federal and institutional values.

CSL Numeric Variable Select a numeric packaging variable in which to store the CSL
amount. If you leave this field blank, the system does not write
the value to packaging variables.

Prov Loan Numeric Variable Select a numeric packaging variable in which to store the
(provincial loan numeric variable) provincial loan amount. If you leave this field blank, the system
does not write the value to packaging variables.

CSG Numeric Variable Select a numeric packaging variable in which to store the CSG
amount. If you leave this field blank, the system does not write
the value to packaging variables.

Institution Province Enter the province of your institution.

Award Period Use Calculation results are populated in the Student Award Period
record based on translate values. Select from the following

A: Academic period.

N: Nonstandard period.

B: Both academic and nonstandard periods.

Use Cost of Attendance Select which cost of attendance value is used. Values are:

F: Fed Year COA (federal year cost of attendance)

I: Inst Year COA (institutional year cost of attendance)

Workforce Option Select to specify that students in workforce are considered


Use Caps Select to use budget caps associated with Additional Cost
Recovery programs. This is necessary only if the academic
program is not set up as deregulated.

Budget Item Category Select which budget items to use in the budget cap calculation.

Click the Copy CNAS Option Table button from the CNAS Option Table 1 page to copy CNAS Option
Table information to another financial aid year. Click the copy button from an existing aid year and then
enter the academic institution and aid year that you want to create.

Defining CNAS Options - Table 2

Access the CNAS Option Tbl 2 (CNAS option table 2) page (Set Up SACR > Product Related >
Financial Aid > Canada Application Processing > CNAS Option Table > CNAS Option Tbl 2).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 487

(CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 18

Image: CNAS Option Tbl 2 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CNAS Option Tbl 2 page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The student and the student's family are expected to contribute to the costs of post-secondary education.
Students from all categories, as well as the spouses of married students, are expected to work during
the prestudy period and to contribute to the student's educational costs. Prestudy period income
contributions are based on rates and allowances established by Statistics Canada for all of the provinces.
The calculation of a student's study period contribution depends on whether the student's program of
study is considered deregulated or regulated by the Ministry of Education and Training.

The system displays the academic institution, the aid year, and the CNAS rule set that is selected on the
CNAS Option Table 1 page.

Prestudy Options
Prestudy Contribution Rate Enter the rate used to calculate the expected prestudy
contribution from actual income.

Prestudy Allow Against Minimum Enter a dollar amount used as an allowance against the
minimum student contribution.

Prestudy Allow Against Actual Enter a CAD amount used as an allowance against the actual
student contribution calculated.

Prestudy Minimum Contribution Enter a minimum prestudy student contribution to be enforced

when the actual result of the calculation is below minimum.

Prestudy Maximum Weeks Enter the number of weeks that are considered as the prestudy
work period.

Prestudy Minimum Weeks Enter the minimum number of prestudy weeks required to
charge a minimum student contribution.

488 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 18 (CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis

Prestudy Spouse Percent Enter the percent of the student's spousal income that is
considered in calculating the contribution.

Study Period Options (CSL Rule Set)

Different fields appear depending on which rule set is selected. Some fields appear for both CSL and

Study Period Contribution Rate (CSL only) Enter the rate used to calculate the expected study
period contribution from actual income.

Study Pd Allow Against Income (CSL only) Enter an amount used as an allowance against the
(study period allowed against income) actual calculated student contribution.

Study Pd Govt Benefit Allow (study (Both CSL and OSL) Enter an amount used to reduce the living
period government benefits allowance) allowance in the assessment of costs for the student.

Study Pd Govt Contrib Rate (study (Both CSL and OSL) Enter the percent of the student's expected
period government contribution rate) income from government benefits, typically 100 percent.

Study Period Spouse Percent (CSL only) Enter the percent of the student's spousal income
that is considered in calculating the contribution.

Study Period Options (OSL Rule Set)

The following fields appear in the Study Period Options group box when the OSL rule set is selected.

Study Pd Allowance - Merit (study Enter the weekly study period allowance used to reduce the
period allowance for merit) contribution from income for students who receive merit

Study Pd Allowance - Non-Merit Enter the weekly study period allowance used to reduce the
(study period allowance for non-merit) contribution from income for students who do not receive

Study Pd Spouse Pct 1 in Col (study Enter the percentage of the student's spousal income that is
period percentage spouse 1 in college) considered in calculating the contribution if only the student is
in college.

Study Pd Spouse Pct 2 in Col (study Enter the percentage of the student's spousal income that is
period percentage spouse 2 in college) considered in calculating the contribution if both the student and
the spouse are in college.

For more information, see the Canada Student Loan Manual

Defining CNAS Options - Table 3

Access the CNAS Options Tbl 3 (CNAS option table 3) page (Set Up SACR > Product Related >
Financial Aid > Canada Application Processing > CNAS Option Table > CNAS Option Tbl 3).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 489

(CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 18

Image: CNAS Option Tbl 3 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CNAS Option Tbl 3 page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution, aid year, and CNAS rule set selected on the CNAS Option
Tbl 1 page.

RRSP Yearly Adjustment (registered Enter the annual amount of retirement accounts registered to
retirement savings plans yearly students and to student and spouse or common-law partner, if
adjustment) applicable, that are recognized as an allowance.

Disability Exemption 1 Enter the amount allowed for a student's first disability.

Disability Exemption 2 Enter the amount allowed for a student's second disability.

Disability Exemption 3 Enter the amount allowed for a student's third disability.

Car Allowance Enter the amount allowed for a student-owned vehicle. The
Financial Aid Administrator can increase the asset exemption
level for vehicles up to 10,000 CAD in specific situations.

Asset Allowance Enter the exemption amount allowed to reduce asset value.

Asset Contribution Rate Enter the percentage rate used to assess a contribution based on

Full-Time Loan Minimum Amount Enter the minimum amount that can be loaned to a full-time

Part-Time Loan Minimum Amount Enter the minimum amount that can be loaned to a part-time

490 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 18 (CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis

Parent Options
Parent CPP Maximum Enter the maximum annual contribution allowance for parents to
the Canada Pension Program (CPP) based on income.

Parent Maximum Employment Enter the maximum annual contribution allowance for parents to
Ins (parent maximum employment the Employment Insurance program.

Parent Income Allowance Enter the allowance amount that is applied against parents'

Parent Contrib Calc w/Table E Enter Y (yes) to base the calculation for the parents' contribution
(parent contribution calculation with on information contained in Table E in the Ontario Student
table E) Assistance Program Manual.

Part-Time Options
Part-time Percentage Enter the percentage of a full class load under which a student is
considered a part-time student.

Part-time Disabled Percentage Enter the percentage of a full class load under which a student
with a disability is considered a part-time student.

Defining Financial Parameters for Minimum Wage

Access the Minimum Wage page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Canada
Application Processing > CNAS Setup > Minimum Wage Setup > Minimum Wage).

Image: Minimum Wage page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Minimum Wage page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The Defining Financial Parameters component, of which this page is a part, stores table data for financial
need assessment.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 491

(CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 18

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year.

This page lists each province with its corresponding hourly minimum wage and minimum weekly hours
that are considered as full-time work.

To copy a new academic institution or aid year, click the Add a New Value button at the Search level.
Enter the academic institution and aid year. The Copy CNAS Setup button appears. Enter the academic
institution and aid year information in the Copy From fields.

Defining Financial Parameters for MSOL Setup

Access the MSOL Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Canada Application
Processing > CNAS Setup > MSOL Setup).

Image: MSOL Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the MSOL Setup page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year.

MSOL Student Category Enter a value for the moderate standard of living student
category. Values are:

1: Single away from home

2: Single Parent

3: Married

4: Dependent Person

492 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 18 (CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis

5: Single at Home

This page lists each province, with the corresponding monthly living allowance amount.

Defining Financial Parameters for Parent MSOL Setup

Access the Parent MSOL Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Canada
Application Processing > CNAS Setup > Parent MSOL Setup).

Image: Parent MSOL Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parent MSOL Setup page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year.

Family Size Enter the family size. For a dependent student, family size
includes the student, parents, and dependent siblings. For
an independent student, family size includes the student, the
student's spouse, and any dependent children living with the
student full-time during the study period.

Parent MSOL Amount Enter the MSOL amount for each family size.

Defining Financial Parameters for Tuition and Fees

In the OSL assessment, the value of tuition and compulsory fees used may be capped. The tuition,
compulsory fees, and number of terms are used in certain need calculations for which fees are capped.

Access the Tuition and Fees page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Canada
Application Processing > CNAS Setup > Tuition and Fees Setup > Tuition and Fees).

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(CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 18

Image: Tuition and Fees page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Tuition and Fees page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year.

Number of Terms Enter the number of terms attended by the student.

Non-Coop Cap Enter the combined cap amounts for tuition and compulsory
fees for provincial colleges and universities for noncooperative
programs. Tuition and fees are capped based on whether a
program is regulated.

Co-op Cap Enter the combined cap amounts for tuition and compulsory
fees for provincial colleges and universities for cooperative
programs. Tuition and fees are capped based on whether a
program is regulated.

Defining Financial Parameters for Parent Weekly CSL Contribution

Access the Parent Weekly CSL page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Canada
Application Processing > CNAS Setup > Parent Weekly CSL).

Image: Parent Weekly CSL page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parent Weekly CSL page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and aid year.

This page shows the range of parent income, with the corresponding parent base income and the parent
ADI (annual discretionary income). The system uses this information to calculate the parents' weekly
contribution in the CSL assessment.

494 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 18 (CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis

Defining Financial Parameters for Parent Weekly OSL Contribution

Access the Parent Weekly OSL page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Canada
Application Processing > CNAS Setup > Parent Weekly OSL).

Image: Parent Weekly OSL page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parent Weekly OSL page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year.

This page shows the parent income range, with the corresponding parent net income percentage,
parent base income, and parent ADI. The system uses this information to calculate the parents' weekly
contribution in the OSL assessment.

Defining Financial Parameters for Parent Yearly Income

Access the Parent Yearly Inc (parent yearly income) page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial
Aid > Canada Application Processing > CNAS Setup > Parent Yearly Inc).

Image: Parent Yearly Inc page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parent Yearly Inc page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

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(CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 18

The system uses two different methods to determine the expected level of parental contribution for OSL,
depending on the amount of parental gross income reported on the OSAP application. Check the level of
gross parental income for the family size determined in the OSAP Student Eligibility and Financial Need
Assessment Manual.

The system displays academic institution and aid year.

You can enter or view information about the Family Size, No Contribution Limit, Formula A From,
Formula A To, and Formula B From fields.

For more information, see the Canada Student Loan Manual

Defining Financial Parameters for Program Weekly Maximum Entitlements

Access the Program Weekly Max (program weekly maximum) page (Set Up SACR > Product Related >
Financial Aid > Canada Application Processing > CNAS Setup > Program Weekly Max).

Image: Program Weekly Max page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Program Weekly Max page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year.

Program Student Category Select the category into which the student belongs for a
program. These values are delivered with the system.

CSL Maximum Enter the CSL maximum for each program student category.

CSG Maximum Enter the CSG maximum for each program student category.

OSL Maximum Enter the OSL maximum for each program student category.

Defining Financial Parameters for Prestudy Tax Deductions Setup

Access the Prestudy Tax Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Canada
Application Processing > CNAS Setup > Prestudy Tax Setup).

496 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 18 (CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis

Image: Prestudy Tax Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Prestudy Tax Setup page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year.

This page lists the monthly income range, with the corresponding tax rate, which is the percentage of
income to be deducted from a student's monthly income during the prestudy period.

Defining Financial Parameters for Study Period Tax Deductions Setup

Access the Study Pd Tax Setup (study period tax setup) page (Set Up SACR > Product Related >
Financial Aid > Canada Application Processing > CNAS Setup > Study Pd Tax Setup).

Image: Study Pd Tax Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Study Pd Tax Setup page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year.

This page lists the monthly income range, with the corresponding tax rate, which is the percentage of
income to be deducted from a student's monthly income during the study period.

Defining Financial Parameters for Spouse Tax Deductions Setup

Access the Spouse Tax Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Canada
Application Processing > CNAS Setup > Spouse Tax Setup).

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(CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 18

Image: Spouse Tax Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Spouse Tax Setup page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year.

This page lists the monthly income range, with the corresponding tax rate, which is the percentage of
income to be deducted from a student's spousal monthly income during the study period.

Defining Financial Parameters for Parent Federal Tax Deductions

Access the Parent Fed Tax (parent federal tax) page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Canada Application Processing > CNAS Setup > Parent Fed Tax).

Image: Parent Fed Tax page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parent Fed Tax page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year.

This page lists the monthly income range, with the corresponding tax rate, which is the percentage of
income to be deducted from a student's parents' monthly federal income during the study period.

498 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 18 (CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis

Defining Financial Parameters for Parent Provincial Tax Deductions

Access the Parent Prov Tax (parent provincial tax) page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial
Aid > Canada Application Processing > CNAS Setup > Parent Prov Tax).

Image: Parent Prov Tax page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parent Prov Tax page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year.

This page lists the Monthly Income range, with the corresponding tax rate, which is the percentage of
income to be deducted from a student's parents' monthly provincial income during the study period.

Defining Financial Parameters for Part-time Maximum Entitlements

Access the Part-time Max (part-time maximum) page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial
Aid > Canada Application Processing > CNAS Setup > Part-time Max).

Image: Part-time Max page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Part-time Max page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

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(CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 18

The system displays the academic institution and the aid year.

Family Size Enter the student's family size for each maximum amount.

SOG Maximum Enter the maximum SOG for each family size. The maximum
amounts are based on the maximum total family gross income,
assets, and family size.

Part-time Loan Maximum Enter the maximum for a part-time CSL for each family size.
The maximum amounts are based on the maximum total family
gross income, assets, and family size.

Adding a Full-time or Part-time Canadian Application

Access the Add Institutional Application page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > Add
Institutional Application).

Image: Add Institutional Application page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Add Institutional Application page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the student name and ID, aid year, and institution.

Application Source Code Select an application source code. Values for Canadian
institutions are:

O: Full-time Canada Student Loan.

P: Part-time Canada Student Loan.

Part-time applications must have a source code of P (part-time) to ensure correct CNAS calculation.

Setting Up Cost Codes

Access the Cost Code Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Canada
Application Processing > Cost Code Setup).

500 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 18 (CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis

Image: Cost Code Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cost Code Setup page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution, aid year, and academic career.

Enter values for the cost codes for your institution for each of the fields.

To copy a new academic institution, aid year, or academic career, enter the new parameters at the
search level. The system displays the Copy Cost Codes button. Click the button and enter the academic
institution, aid year, and career information in the Copy From fields. After you enter information in the
Copy From fields, the system displays the Academic Program and To Term fields.

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(CAN) Setting Up Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 18

502 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19

Managing Financial Aid Terms

Understanding Managing Financial Aid Terms

This section lists prerequisites and discusses methods to build financial aid terms.

Related Links
Understanding Financial Aid Terms

Before you begin setting up and building financial aid terms, complete the setup tasks discussed in the
"Setting Up Financial Aid Terms".

You must understand level/load rules. These rules determine a student's academic level and academic load
and are set up as part of the PeopleSoft Student Records setup. You should jointly set up level/load rules
with the student records staff. Financial aid term data is driven by these level/load rules, so you need to
know how they are set up for your institution.

Financial aid term data also depends upon career information, including career primacy information, from
the Academic Career Table component.

Your institution also needs to have set up academic programs, because financial aid term uses program
information when building a student's financial aid term. Financial aid terms are built only for programs
that are designated as financial aid eligible.

You should also review the Valid Terms for Careers page. When you select which terms should be built as
financial aid terms for each career by the online and background financial aid term process, only the terms
defined as valid for each career on this page are available for selection.

Related Links
Defining the Parameters for Creating Financial Aid Terms
"Defining Academic Level and Load Rules" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application
"Defining Academic Careers" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)
"Defining Academic Programs" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)

Methods to Build Financial Aid Terms

You can build Financial Aid Terms in one of three ways:

• Manually

• Online

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Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

• In batch

Use the manual build process when data from Student Records is not available for a student, when you
receive new records, or after an add/drop period. To build a financial aid term manually for a student,
you must enter all required data in the Financial Aid Term component. The data you enter manually is
replaced when term enrollment, program, or admissions data becomes available for the student.

Build terms online if there are records for a student from Student Records and you want to see this data or
the changes to this data. Click the Build button on the FA Term page to run the online build process.

Build terms in batch to process multiple students at the same time using data from Student Records or
PeopleSoft Recruiting and Admissions (if you choose to build for both updates and projections). To build
financial aid terms in batch, create an FA Term driver record and then run the background process using
the FA Term driver record on the Build FA Terms page.

Building Financial Aid Terms Online

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

• Set overrides for financial aid term.

• Build a financial aid term.

• View term build details.

• Override census date locking.

• View academic advisor information.

• View campus information.

• View academic level and load information.

• View academic statistics.

• View transfer credit information.

• View term statistics for a student's other career.

• View a list of the student's classes.

• View loan, graduation, and budget information.

• View changes in a student's FA Term information.

• View Student Records term information.

• View withdrawal information.

Common Elements
Calculated Values This column displays the values calculated by the system during
the financial aid term build process for the associated fields.
These values are based on the student's enrollment, academic

504 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

and financial load, and academic level. The calculated values

exist only when the FA Term is built online or in batch. If you
build the financial aid term manually, the system does not
display the calculated values. If you update the values manually,
the calculated values do not change.

Seq (sequence) Displays the number automatically assigned when you create
a new effective-dated row. The sequence number provides a
unique identifier when two rows exist with the same effective

Pages Used to Build Financial Aid Terms Online

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Term STDNT_FA_TERM Financial Aid > Financial Build a term or view a

Aid Term > Maintain Student student's term information.
FA Term > FA Term You can also override the lock
on Financial Aid Term values
using this page.

FA Term Build Statistics FA_TERM_STATS_SEC Click the Build Info link on View term build details.
the FA Term page.

FA Term Census Date STDNT_FA_TRM_CENDT Click the Census Date link on Override the census date
Locking the FA Term page. locking feature at the student
level. View the locked fields
and the value used if you
unlock the census date. When
you override the census date
lock, the override applies only
to the term displayed on this
page—not the entire aid year.
For example, overriding the
fall term does not override the
spring term.

FA Term Academic Advisor STDNT_FA_ADVIS Click the Advisor link on the View or assign the student's
Information FA Term page. academic advisor. This
includes data on the advisor's
role and committee affiliation.

FA Term Campus Information STDNT_FA_CAMP_SEC Click the Campus Info link on View or modify the campus
the FA Term page. (physical location) where
the student receives financial
aid, registrar, and advising

Acad Level (academic level) STDNT_FA_ACAD_LVL Financial Aid > Financial View, add, or update a
Aid Term > Maintain Student student's academic level
FA Term > Acad Level and load (academic and
financial aid) information for
a particular term.

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Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Statistics STDNT_FA_STATS Financial Aid > Financial View, add, or update a

Aid Term > Maintain Student student's academic statistics
FA Term > Statistics including GPA (grade
point average), residency
information, and progress for
a term.

FA Term Transfer Credits STDNT_FA_STAT_TC Click the Transfer Credit link View transfer credit
on the Statistics page. information for a student. This
includes transfer credit for
test scores on the Advanced
Placement test or SAT II tests.

FA Term Other Units STDNT_FA_STAT_INEL Click the Other Units link on View term statistics for a
the Statistics page. student's other academic

FA Term Class Detail STDNT_FA_CLASS_SEC Click the Class Detail link on View a list of the student's
the Statistics page. classes. Indicates whether the
classes are Open Entry/Open
Exit sessions and providing
start and end dates for each

Financial Aid Info STDNT_FA_LOAN Financial Aid > Financial View or modify loan,
Aid Term > Maintain Student graduation, and budget
FA Term > Financial Aid information that is relevant to
Info financial aid processing for a

FA Term Field Audits STDNT_FA_AUDIT_SEC Click the Field Audits link on View changes in a student's
the Financial Aid Info page. FA Term information from the
previous effective-dated row.

Records/Term Info STDNT_FA_REC Financial Aid > Financial View or modify the student's
Aid Term > Maintain Student Student Records information
FA Term > Records/Term for a term.

Withdrawal Info STDNT_FA_WITHDRAW Financial Aid > Financial View withdrawal information
Aid Term > Maintain Student from Student Records.
FA Term > Withdrawal
Information > Withdrawal

Setting Overrides for Financial Aid Term

While the system continues to set override fields automatically by changes in FA term data, you
can set or reverse the settings based on your business requirements. When you manually modify FA
term information, the system evaluates the selected field and compares the changed value with the
corresponding calculated value. If the values are not equal, the system activates the override check box.
Conversely, if the values match, the system clears the check box. The FA term build process can also set
the override for selected fields when the field value does not match the calculated value. There are no
changes to the FA term build process to accommodate the override fields.

506 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

Building a Financial Aid Term

Access the FA Term page (Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Maintain Student FA Term > FA

Image: FA Term page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Term page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Previously, when students had more than one academic plan for their primary academic program, the FA
term process evaluated the academic plan value and selected plans in alphabetical order. Now, in these
cases, the FA term process uses the academic plan with the lowest academic plan sequence number. This
change provides you with the ability to control the plan that is used by the FA term build process. You can
use the Student Program/Plan component to reset the plan sequence number so that the next time the FA
term process runs, it uses the academic plan that you want.

Term If you are building terms manually, enter the term value.
Otherwise, the Financial Aid Term build process updates this
field. The build process only builds terms that are defined for
the given aid year.

Note: FA Term uses the setup tables for Valid Careers for Aid
Year and Valid Terms for Career to determine which aid year a
term should be linked to. If you set up future terms, you must
set up the corresponding aid year for those future terms. For
example, if you had not set up 2005-2006 and were to run FA
Term only for 2004-2005, the system would not recognize a
term outside of the academic/aid year.

Billing Career The financial aid term build process populates this field with
information from the Term Activation page in Student Records.
This field is for use in equations (budget or packaging) and any
changes made to the field are discarded during the next build.
PeopleSoft Student Financials uses the value for billing career
from the Term Activation page during tuition calculation.

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Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

Career, Prim Prog (primary You can override the values in these fields by selecting a new
program), Acad Plan (academic plan), value in each field that differs from the value in the Calculated
Sub-Plan, and Aid Year Values column. If you override the value, the Financial Aid
Build routine does not recalculate the field for the associated
term. You can tell if a value has been overridden by comparing
the value against the calculated value for the field. If you want
to override the fields only until a certain date within the term,
use the Override Expiration Date field.

FA Calc (financial aid calculation) Select to require the financial aid term build process to
determine whether changes have occurred to the student's data
in Student Records or Admissions (such as enrollment changes).
After you have selected this check box, click Save and then
click Build. If a change has occurred, this term and all following
terms are rebuilt using the new information.

Note. In most cases, the build process automatically determines

whether changes have occurred in Student Records information
and rebuilds terms with changed records data. This is triggered
by changes to fields defined in PS_STDNT_CAR_TE_VW.

Projections Select to instruct the build process to build a term in projection

if necessary. The build process tries to build each term that you
have selected on the FA Term Setup page, using a variety of
sources. The build process looks for data in the following order:

1. Term enrollment data in Student Records.

If this data is found, the financial aid term is not built with
projected data and has a source of Term.

2. Program information for the student in Student Records.

If this data is found, the financial aid term is built in

projection and has a source of Program.

3. Program information from the student's application in

Recruiting and Admissions.

If this data is found, the financial aid term is built in

projection and has a source of Admissions.

If the build process cannot find any of these three sources of

information, the financial aid term is built with a source of No
Data. The financial aid term build process does not build terms
in future aid years in projection; it only builds terms in future
aid years for which enrollment data exists.

It is possible to build a projected FA term record of source

admission or program for a student who is term activated after
the start of the term. The FA Term build process uses the term
activation deadline date maintained by Student Records to
determine whether a projected FA term record can be built
for a student. By default, term activation can occur until the

508 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

start of the term, but this date can be modified to permit rolling
enrollment of students in the term. The Max Program Effdt for
Term field in the Term/Session Table component is where you
can modify this setting. Verify with your student records staff
their term activation policies to determine the effect on financial
aid application processing.

Note: You cannot build a term in projections after the

financial aid census date has passed. Any terms that are still
in projections on the financial aid census date automatically
have their values set to zero, with a build source of No Data.
Additionally, if the student has no financial aid awards and
does not have a budget amount greater than zero for the term,
the system sets the effective status of the term to Inactive. The
financial aid census date for each term is entered in the FA
Census Date field on the FA Term Setup page.

Override Expiration Date When you select a value that differs from the value in the
Career, Prim Prog, Acad Plan, Sub-Plan, Aid Year, and
Billing Career fields, the Financial Aid Build routine does not
recalculate the field for the associated term. All override fields
are recalculated using the calculated values.

To have the build process use Student Records data after a

certain date in the term, enter that date in this field. When you
run the build process on or after this date, the override values
you entered are ignored and data from Student Records is used.

Campus Indicates the physical location of the administrative services

associated with the student's academic program. This value is
used to determine the Enrollment School Code that is reported
to COD.

See Defining Your Campus OPEID Codes

See Reviewing Pell Disbursement Results.

See Processing and Reviewing Loan Application

Acknowledgement Data.

Eligible to Enroll For informational purposes only. Displays the same value as
the Eligible to Enroll check box on the Term Activation page
in Student Records. When selected, the Student Records batch
enrollment selects and processes the student.

Build Click to build a term for the student using the system rules
established on the FA Term Setup page. The system builds
a term only if Student Records contains data for the student,
unless you have selected the Projections check box—then the
build process uses projected enrollment data. If one or more of
the audited fields have changed, a new effective-dated row is
automatically inserted.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 509

Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

See Viewing Changes in a Student's FA Term Information.

Build Info Click to access the FA Term Build Statistics page and view
details for the build.

Census Date Click to access the FA Term Census Date Locking page and
view the census date and fields locked after the census date and
override the census date.

Advisor Click to access the FA Term Academic Advisor Information

page and view or enter information regarding a student's
advisor. This includes data on the advisor's role and committee

Campus Info Click to access the FA Term Campus Information page and view
the student's Financial Aid Campus, Registrar Campus, and
Advisement Campus.

Setting Terms to Inactive

Setting the most recent effective-dated FA Term record effectively removes that term from becoming
recognized by all other financial aid processes. Rather than delete FA Term rows, you should make
rows inactive. If you attempt to set an FA Term to inactive, a warning message appears if the student
has a budget for the term. If so, first verify that the student has no awards for the term and make any
required adjustments to the student's awards before setting the term inactive. The FA disbursement
processes cannot be run for inactive terms. The system displays another warning message if the student
has enrollment data for the term.

There is functionality in the FA Term build process where the term source is set to No Data—no
enrollment data exists for the term after census or the end of the term. If the student has no awards and
does not have a budget amount greater than zero for the term, the system sets the term to an Inactive
status. If, however, the student has an award for the term with either an offered amount, authorized
amount, or disbursed amount greater than zero, the term remains in an active status. In addition, future
terms recalculate cumulative units, projected levels, NSLDS Lending and Direct Lending loan years and
not include data from terms with a source of No Data regardless of the status of the term.

Term Progression
Student Records contains functionality that enables you to increment student academic levels by term and
not by units to address cooperative system progression rules and graduate studies progression rules. The
FA Term Build process recognizes progression by terms.

During the build process, the system checks whether the level determination on the Level/Load Rules
Table page is Units, Terms, Manual, or Default. If the level determination is Terms, then the FA Term
Build process calculates the academic level, NSLDS Loan Year, and Direct Lending Year using the
student's terms in residence.

When you are building terms for projected enrollment, the student's academic load comes from the
admissions application or the academic program. The FA Term Build process then uses this academic load
to calculate the term count for the projected term.

Students in academic programs using progression by term may not always enroll in courses. Because
terms in which the student does not enroll in courses are built with projected data, you need to understand

510 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

the No Data value for the Source field on the FA Term Build Statistics page, which affects past projected
terms. To ensure that students in this situation are progressing correctly, you may need to go back and
build past aid years to show the student's actual progression.

Career Primacy
In determining the career value, in the case where the student has multiple valid careers, career primacy
is enforced based on the term source. For example, the evaluation of career primacy is sensitive to the
term source. Based on the term source of the FA Term record, the system evaluates only careers at that
source level and applies primacy rules when more than one career exists. FA Term ranks term source in
the following priority order:

1. 1st Term (student has enrollment data for the term).

2. 2nd Program (student is active for an academic program).

3. 3rd Admissions (student has an active admissions application).

When the FA Term build process runs and determines the source of the term in process, the system can
only assign careers at that level to the term.

This table is an example of career and primacy.

Career Primacy



This table is an example of career primacy based on the term source.

Example/Condition FA Term Career Used (Term Source)

Student admitted in UGRD. UGRD (Admission)

Student also admitted in UENG. Primacy was applied at the admission level.

Student matriculated for UENG. UENG (Program)

Student admitted, but not matriculated for UGRD. Primacy was not applied because there was only one career at
the program level.

Student matriculated for UENG. UGRD (Program)

Student also matriculated for UGRD. Primacy was applied at the program level.

Student enrolled for UENG. UENG (Term)

Student matriculated, but not enrolled for UGRD. Primacy was not applied because there was only one career at
the term level.

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Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

Viewing Term Build Details

Access the FA Term Build Statistics page (click the Build Info link on the FA Term page).

Image: FA Term Build Statistics page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Term Build Statistics page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Source Displays the source of the build.

Admissions: The student is not in the Student Records system

but has either applied for admission or has been accepted for
admission. In either case, the student is not yet matriculated and
terms are built in projection.

Manual: Data for the financial aid term was entered manually,
and is not based on data from Student Records or Recruiting and

No Data: The term contained old projections data, and all

statistical values for that term are set to zero to prevent old
projected data from counting in the cumulative values for a
given student.

For example, you might receive this source value for terms in a
current aid year that are still projected when you build projected
terms for the next aid year. Another example is when a term
built with a source value of Program for an aid year that has
passed that is rebuilt when you build terms for the subsequent
aid year in projections.

If you want to maintain past projected term data, you have to

go into the past aid year and rebuild the aid year in projections.
When you process past aid years, current and future aid years
are not set to No Data.

512 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

Program: The student exists in the Student Records system but

has not enrolled in courses for that term. The student can either
have a program defined without being term activated or the
student has a program defined and could be term activated but
not yet enrolled. The financial aid term is built in projection.

Term: The statistics are from enrollment data. The student has
enrolled or changes to enrollment have occurred, including a
drop of all courses for the term.

Online/Batch Indicates whether the build was performed manually, online, or

in batch. Values are Batch and Online Execution. If the field is
blank, the build was performed manually.

Driver Option Populated for students whose financial aid terms are built in
batch or online. Identifies whether the FA Term driver record
used to run the background process builds:

• Only those terms that have enrollment data or changes to

enrollment data (Updates Only).

• Terms using projected data as well as enrollment data

(Updates and Projections).

For an online build process to have a driver option of Updates

and Projections, you must select the Projections check box on
the FA Term page.

Overriding Census Date Locking

Access the FA Term Census Date Locking page (click the Census Date link on the FA Term page).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 513

Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

Image: FA Term Census Date Locking page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Term Census Date Locking page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Census Date Used Displays the census date used to determine when the FA Load,
FA Taken, and Budget Required fields are locked. The date
displayed indicates which census date takes precedence if the
term has an academic census date and a financial aid census
date. When both census dates exist, the financial aid census date
always takes precedence.

Financial Aid Census Date Displays the financial aid census date defined by your institution
for each term on the FA Term Setup page. After the financial
aid census date for a term has passed, that term can no longer
be built as a projection and any existing projections for that
term are rebuilt and the new effective-dated row has a status of
inactive. (Remember that a new effective-dated row is inserted
if a change occurs in one of the audited fields when you rebuild
the financial aid term.) The source for the new effective-dated
row is No Data all term statistics are set to zero, and the Budget
Required field is changed to No Assign. If the student has a
budget, you may need to reevaluate the student's budget. If the
student has financial aid awards, you may need to cancel these
awards because the student is not enrolled.

If the student's terms have been built with enrollment data (not
in projection), on and after this date, the FA Load, FA Taken,
and Budget Required fields are locked. If an academic census
date and a financial aid census date exist, the financial aid
census date is used to determine the locking of these fields and
is displayed in Census Date Used field.

514 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

Important! If you want to use the academic census date to lock

the FA Taken, FA Loan, and Budget Required fields, then you
must delete the financial aid census date on the FA Term Setup
page. Remember that this affects all students for the term in the
given career.

Lock After Census Date Indicates whether the Lock check box is selected on the FA
Term Setup page. If selected, the FA Taken and FA Load field
values are locked with the data as of the census date, and the
Budget Required field is set to No Assign.

Academic Census Date Displays the census date defined by your institution for each
session in a term in Student Records. If a term has multiple
sessions, you can define a default session for the term in Student
Records. If a default session exists, the academic census date
is the census date of the default session. If no default session
exists, the system uses the census date of the regular academic
session as the academic census date.

On and after the academic census date, the FA Load and

FA Taken fields are locked and the Budget Required field
is changed to No Assign. If an academic census date and a
financial aid census date exist, the financial aid census date is
used to determine the locking of these fields and is displayed in
Census Date Used field.

Override Census Date Locking Select to override the census date locked fields for the term
for this student. To use a census date override, the current date
must be after the date in Census Date Used. Using an override
enables you to update the FA Taken, FA Load, and Budget
Required fields when you rebuild the FA Term. After selecting
this check box you must close the page and click Save. Then
click the Build button to rebuild the FA Term for the student

You can override the census date lock only for an individual
student, not as a background process. After you have selected
this check box and saved the page, you cannot clear it.

Lock Override User Indicates the user ID of the person who selected the Override
Census Date Locking check box. This field is only populated
if the census date has passed and the Override Census Date
Locking check box is selected.

Lock Override Date Displays a date/time stamp inserted by the system when the
Override Census Date Locking check box is selected. This field
is only populated if the census date has passed and the Override
Census Date Locking check box is selected.

FA Taken Displays the student's financial aid units taken as of the census
date. If the Lock After Census Date check box is selected, this
field displays the locked value.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 515

Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

FA Taken Unlock Displays the value for the actual financial aid units after the
census date. You must rebuild the FA Term to have the most
current units displayed in this field. This allows you to see the
effect on the financial aid units taken if you select the Override
Census Date Locking check box.

FA Load Displays the student's financial aid load as of the census date.

Budget Required Displays the value of the Budget Required field on the Financial
Aid Info page in this component. The student's value determines
his or her stage in the budget build process. If you use census
date locking, after the census date passes the value in this field,
it becomes No Assign.

Viewing Academic Advisor Information

Access the FA Term Academic Advisor Information page (click the Advisor link on the FA Term page).

Image: FA Term Academic Advisor Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Term Academic Advisor Information page. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: This page displays data from PS_STDNT_ADVR_HIST. This data is maintained and entered on
the Student Advisor page (Manage Student Records, Track Student Careers, Use, Student Advisor).

Academic Advisor Displays the ID of the academic advisor assigned to this student.

Advisor Role Displays the role of this student advisor.

Committee Displays the committee on which this advisor serves.

Viewing Campus Information

Access the FA Term Campus Information page (click the Campus Info link on the FA Term page).

516 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

Image: FA Term Campus Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Term Campus Information page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

FA Campus (financial aid campus) Enter the physical location where the student receives financial
aid services.

Registrar Campus Enter the physical location of the registrar responsible for the

Advisement Campus Enter the physical location where the student goes for advising

Viewing Academic Level and Load Information

Access the Acad Level page (Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Maintain Student FA Term > Acad

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 517

Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

Image: Acad Level page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Acad Level page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

You can override the values in the Form of Study, Approved Academic Load,Academic Load,Financial
Aid Load,Academic Level - Projected,Academic Level - Start, and Academic Level - End fields by
selecting a new value in each field that differs from the value in the Calculated Values column. If you
override the value, the Financial Aid Build routine does not recalculate the field for the associated term.
You can tell if a value has been overridden by comparing the value against the calculated value for
the field. If you want to override the fields only until a certain date within the term, use the Override
Expiration Date field on the FA Term page.

Form of Study To activate the override check box, modify the field value so
that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.
The system populates this field by default with the Student
Records value. Values include: Detached, Enrollment, Abroad,
and Candidacy.

Approved Academic Load To activate the override check box, modify the field value so
that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.
The system populates this field by default with the load value
that exists for the primary academic career. Values are Full-Time
and Part-Time.

Academic Load To activate the override check box, modify the field value so
that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.
The number of units the student is enrolled in determines the
student's academic load. The number of units, which is the
sum of the Academic Progress Units value (from the Catalog
Data page) for each class the student is enrolled in, is compared
against the level/load rules to determine the appropriate
academic load. For this calculation, the system uses the number
of units defined for the student's courses according to Student
Records. The same courses may count for a different number

518 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

of financial aid eligible units. Values are: Full-Time, Half-Time,

Less 1/2, No Units, Part-Time, and 3/4 Time.

Financial Aid Load To activate the override check box, modify the field value so
that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.
The system normally derives the value by comparing the
calculated unit cumulative with the unit conversion. The system
compares the number of units, which is the sum of the Financial
Aid Progress Units value (from the Catalog Data page) for each
class the student is enrolled in, against the level/load rules to
determine the appropriate load value. For this calculation, the
system uses the number of financial aid eligible units defined
for the student's courses according to Student Records. The
same courses may count for a different number of academic
units. Values are: Full-Time, Half-Time, Less 1/2, No Units, and
Three Qtrs.

Note: The values in the three academic level fields are based on level/load rules associated with the
student's primary academic program. Only those academic levels that are associated with the student's
primary academic program academic level rule are available. Academic level values are shipped with the
system as translate values. These translate values can be modified.

Academic Level - Projected To activate the override check box, modify the field value so
that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.
This field displays the projected academic level for the student
at the end of the term, based on Student Records data. The
projected level is based on the student completing all courses
in prior terms, plus the enrollment for the current term. For
example, the student has passed thirty units in previous terms
and is currently enrolled in twelve units. The system uses
the sum of these units, forty-two, to determine the student's
academic level using level/load rules.

Academic Level - Start To activate the override check box, modify the field value so
that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.
This value represents the total number of units the student
has passed in all previous terms. The system uses the sum to
determine the academic level using load/level rules.

Academic Level - End To activate the override check box, modify the field value so
that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.
The student's academic level at the end of the term equals the
cumulative passed units from previous terms, plus the number
of units passed for the current term. The system uses the sum
to determine the academic level using load/level rules. The
Projected Academic Level always matches the End Academic
Level when term progression is used in the Level/Load rule
applied to the student.

Course Load Pct (course load The course load percentage provides an alternative way to
percentage) define full-time and less than full-time students based on

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 519

Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

percentages. The value in this field is derived from level/load

rules. When you invoke the FA Term process, the system
calculates the course load percentage for each student.

Related Links
"Setting Up Catalog and Schedule Options" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student Records)

Viewing Academic Statistics

Access the Statistics page (Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Maintain Student FA Term >

Image: Statistics page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Statistics page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

If students have not applied for financial aid in contiguous aid years but have been enrolled in terms in
which they did not apply for aid, the system recalculates cumulative statistics (GPA, UNITS TAKEN,
UNITS PASSED) from their enrollment data for the first term of the noncontiguous aid year. The system
recognizes students as financial aid applicants for an aid year if they are aid year activated. This resolves
inaccuracies in the cumulative statistics when students may be continuously enrolled at the school but
have not applied for financial aid for all aid years. If no enrollment information exists for the students in
terms in which they have not applied for aid, the cumulative statistics calculation remains unchanged.

Student Data
You can override the values in the GPA - Term, GPA - Cumulative,Taken - Term, Taken - Cumulative,
Passed - Term, and Passed - Cumulative fields by entering a new value in each field that differs from the

520 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

value in the Calculated Values column. If you override the value, the Financial Aid Build routine does not
recalculate the field for the associated term. You can tell if a value has been overridden by comparing the
value against the calculated value for the field. If you want to override the fields only until a certain date
within the term, use the Override Expiration Date field on the FA Term page.

GPA - Term Displays the student's grade point average (GPA) for the term
you are viewing. To activate the override check box, modify
the field value so that it differs from the value in the Calculated
Values column.

GPA - Cumulative Displays the student's cumulative GPA, including this term. To
activate the override check box, modify the field value so that it
differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.

Taken - Term Displays the number of units taken this term. The value of this
field determines the FA Load on the FA Term Census Date
Locking page. The Tuition Calculation routine also uses this
number of units during the Student Budget Assignment process.
To activate the override check box, modify the field value so
that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.

Taken - Cumulative Displays the total units a student has taken, including this term.
To activate the override check box, modify the field value so
that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.

Remote Displays units a student is taking concurrently at another

institution that are part of a student's unit load for the term.
This situation can occur if you have a multi-institution system,
and the student takes courses at another institution within the
system. Remote units indicate that a student is enrolled at two
different campuses.

Total Displays the total number of units (Taken - Term units plus
Remote units) the student is taking this term.

Passed - Term Indicates the number of units the student completed with
a passing grade for the term. The system uses this value to
determine the student's projected, start, and end academic levels
(displayed on the Acad Level page). The system also uses this
value to update the NSLDS loan year. To activate the override
check box, modify the field value so that it differs from the
value in the Calculated Values column.

Passed - Cumulative Indicates the cumulative units the student has completed with
a passing grade, including units passed this term. This value
is used in determining the student's projected, start, and end
academic levels (displayed on the Acad Level page). The system
also uses this value to update the NSLDS loan year. To activate
the override check box, modify the field value so that it differs
from the value in the Calculated Values column.

Residency - Term Indicates the number of units a student has completed in

residency at your institution this term.

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Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

Residency - Cumulative Indicates the total number of units a student has completed in
residency at your institution.

Cum Reset (cumulative reset) If selected, Student Records has reset all the student's
cumulative fields to zero for this term. This is usually done to
handle academic forgiveness, transfer credits, or consecutive
academic careers. This field is informational only and has no
effect on Student Records or Financial Aid. However, you may
want to contact the student records administrators to determine
why the student's cumulative fields have been reset.

GPA Calc (grade point average Automatically selected if the FA term build process failed to
calculation) calculate a GPA for the student. This can happen when a student
is enrolled in multiple careers that do not have the same grading
scheme—such as concurrent enrollment in undergraduate and
graduate careers in a given term. This field is for informational
purposes only. However, you may want to determine why the
build process was unable to calculate a GPA for the student.

Warning! The system selects this check box if either the Cum
Reset or GPA Calc check box is selected. This field serves as a
flag that your institution can track.

Transfer Credit The system displays this link only when you have entered
transfer credits for the student. Click to access the FA Term
Transfer Credits page and view information about the number of
transfer credits that a student has.

Other Units The system displays this link only when the student has
more than one academic career associated with more than
one financial aid career type. Click to access the FA Term
Other Units page and view term statistics for a student's other
academic career.

Class Detail Click to access the FA Term Class Detail page and view a
detailed picture of the student's enrollment.

Session Detail
Track a student's progress using units during the session and term. These fields do not affect the
calculation of GPA and NSLDS loan year directly, but are accounted for in Taken - Term, Taken -
Cumulative, Passed - Term, and Passed - Cumulative fields.

Anticipated Displays the number of units the student is enrolled in for

classes whose start date is after the effective date.

In Progress Displays the number of units for classes the student is enrolled
in and the effective date is between the class start date and end

Completed Displays the number of units the student has completed as of

the effective date. This field does not track passed courses; it

522 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

counts the units of all classes whose end dates are earlier than
the effective date.

Current Displays the total number of units the student has completed
and is currently enrolled in for the term (sum of in progress and
completed units). This allows you to track the total number of
units taken for the term regardless of the number of sessions

Current Load Displays the student's academic load for the term, based on the
number of units in the Current field.

SULA Fields

Note: While the official name of this federal statutory requirement is "150 Percent Direct Subsidized
Loan Limit", for ease of reference in the system, the acronym "SULA" is used. It is understood that COD
defines SULA as "Subsidized Usage Limit Applies" (a flag indicating whether or not a person is subject
to a subsidy limit for a Direct Subsidized Loan); however, “SULA” is beingused for most things related to
"150 Percent Direct Subsidized Loan Limit"

SULA Units Displays the student's summed number of:

• Anticipated plus Current plus Remote units if the Term

Source is Term.

• Taken plus Remote units if Term Source is not Term.

Select the check box to override.

SULA Load Displays the student’s COD Enrollment Status load based on the
number of SULA Units in which the student is enrolled. Note:
The SULA Load enrollment ranges are established in SULA
Load setup.

SULA Special Program Indicates whether the student is pursuing a COD-defined

Special Program. Values are:

• 2-year Bachelor's Degree (two-year bachelor's degree)

– A bachelor's degree program that requires an associate
degree or the successful completion of at least two years of
postsecondary coursework as a prerequisite for admission
into the program.

• Non-Cred Teacher Cert Pgm (non-credential teacher

certification program) – A program that does not lead to
a degree/certificate at an institution but leads to a State
credential required for teaching.

• Not Applicable – Not applicable.

• Prep Crsewk Grad Prof Pgm (preparatory coursework

graduate program) – Enrollment in preparatory coursework
necessary for enrollment in a graduate or professional

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Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

• Prep Crsewk Ugrad Program (preparatory coursework

undergraduate program) – Enrollment in preparatory
coursework necessary for enrollment in an undergraduate or
professional program.

• Selective Admission Assoc Degree (selective admission

associate degree) – An associate’s degree program that:

1. Requires an associate degree or the successful

completion of at least two years of postsecondary
coursework as a prerequisite for admission.

2. Admits only a selected number of applicants based

on additional competitive criteria which may include
entrance exam scores, class rank, grade point average,
written essays, or recommendation letters.

3. Provides the academic qualifications necessary for a

profession that requires licensure or certification by the
State in which the coursework is offered.

This field can be updated in batch via Population

Update. Specify the Student FA Term table's (STDNT_
processing this override in batch.

Note: SULA Special Program is assigned during Financial Aid

Term build using the Academic Plan setup.
If the SULA Special Program field is left blank on the
Academic Plan setup table and the field is blank on the student’s
FA Term record, then it is updated on the student’s FA Term
field is populated in the following ways:
1. FA Term Build (online and batch) populates this field as "Not
2. The SULA AE Request process populates this field as "Not
3. Manual updates to the FA Term > Statistics page auto-
populate this field as "Not Applicable".
Of the three conditions specified above, only the FA Term build
process records a change in the Audit Table when this field is
updated from blank to "Not Applicable". In other words, neither
manual updates nor the AE Request routine are recorded in the
Audit Table.

Viewing Transfer Credit Information

Access the FA Term Transfer Credits page (click the Transfer Credit link on the Statistics page).

524 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

Image: FA Term Transfer Credits page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Term Transfer Credits page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Term Values
Transfer Displays the number of units the student received transfer credit
for this term.

TrnPasGPA (transfer passed for GPA) Displays the number of passed transfer credit units that count
towards the student's GPA for this term.

TrnPasNGPA (transfer passed not for Displays the number of passed transfer credit units that do not
GPA) count towards the student's GPA for this term.

Test Displays the number of units the student has earned by taking
tests such as the SAT II or Advanced Placement tests for this

Other Displays the number of units the student has earned from other
sources, such as credits for work experience or credits from the
ROTC program for this term.

Transfer Displays the total number of units from transfer credit the
student has.

Test Displays the total number of units the student has earned by
taking tests such as the SAT II or Advanced Placement tests.

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Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

Other Displays the total number of units the student has earned from
other sources, such as credits for work experience or credits
from the ROTC program.

Total TC Adjust (total transfer credit Displays the total number of units that the student has earned
adjustment) but does not receive credit for in the system. For example, if
your institution has a limit of 100 transfer units, and the student
has earned 120 transfer units, this field displays 20 for the 20
units the student does not receive credit for in the system.

Transfer Credit and Financial Aid Term Build

A transfer student's NSLDS loan year, academic level information, GPA, and cumulative units (taken and
passed) on the student's financial aid term record depend on the data source and whether the student's
transfer credits have been posted in Student Records.

If a transfer student's financial aid term is built with a source of Admissions, then the student's academic
level information and NSLDS loan year are based on the year (level) at which the student is admitted. The
information on the Statistics page, however, reflects only the projected term enrollment information. Only
the units that the student is projected to enroll in for the term are used to determine the student's units
taken for the term and cumulative units taken.

If the source is Program or Term, then the student's financial aid term information depends on whether the
student's transfer credits have been posted in Student Records. If the student's transfer credits have been
posted, then the student's academic level information is determined using the number of transfer units the
student has and your institution's level/load rules. The student's NSLDS loan year, in turn, is based on
the student's calculated academic level. The cumulative values on the Statistics page include the transfer
credits. In other words, the build process derives the student's financial aid term data using the transfer
credit as if it were units taken in the past at your institution.

In contrast, if the source is Program or Term and transfer credit has not been posted, the student's
NSLDS loan year, academic level information, GPA, and cumulative units (taken and passed) on the
student's financial aid term record do not reflect the transfer credits. Consequently, the student is built
as a freshman for the starting academic level and NSLDS loan year (because the NSLDS loan year is
calculated from the academic level). The values on the Statistics page include information for the current
term only.

Related Links
"Understanding the Transfer Credit Business Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student

Viewing Term Statistics for a Student's Other Career

Access the FA Term Other Units page (click the Other Units link on the Statistics page).

526 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

Image: FA Term Other Units page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Term Other Units page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Students have another academic career when they have more than one academic career associated with
more than one financial aid career type. The term statistics for the academic career with the lower primacy
number (or higher priority) is displayed on the Statistics page. The term statistics for the career with the
higher primacy number (or lower priority) appears on this page. You can use this information to adjust a
student's award package manually based on these units taken.

Note: The data on the FA Term Other Units page does not carry forward to other terms unless multiple
financial aid career types for other terms exist

Other FA Taken and Other FA Displays units taken and units passed for the other academic
Passd (other FA passed) career for the term.

Other Grade Pts (other grade points) Displays grade points for the other academic career for the term.

Other Taken GPA Displays the units considered toward the GPA for the other
academic career for the term.

Viewing a List of the Student's Classes

Access the FA Term Class Detail page (click the Class Detail link on the Statistics page).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 527

Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

Image: FA Term Class Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Term Class Detail page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: The data appearing on this page changes depending on the effective-dated row and enrollment
changes from Student Records.

Enrolled in OEE Courses (enrolled Indicates whether the student is enrolled in one or more Open
in open entry/exit courses) Entry/Open Exit sessions.

Class Nbr (class number) Displays the class's unique identifier, assigned in Student

FA Taken Displays the number of financial aid eligible units the class is

Start Date and End Date Displays the start and end dates for the class.

OEE (open entry/exit) Indicates whether the class is an Open Entry/Open Exit session.
This information comes from Student Records and determines
the value of the Enrolled in OEE Courses field.

Viewing Loan, Graduation, and Budget Information

Access the Financial Aid Info page (Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Maintain Student FA Term >
Financial Aid Info).

528 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

Image: Financial Aid Info page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Financial Aid Info page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

You can override the values in the NSLDS Loan Year, Direct Lending Year, Expected Grad Term,
Expected Grad Date, Academic Standing, and FA Standing fields by entering a new value in each field
that differs from the value in the Calculated Values column. If you override the value, the Financial
Aid Build routine does not recalculate the field for the associated term. You can tell if a value has been
overridden by comparing the value against the calculated value for the field. If you need only to override
the fields until a certain date within the term, use the Override Expiration Date field on the FA Term page.

NSLDS Loan Year To activate the override check box, modify the field value
so that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values
column. The system calculates the student's NSLDS loan year
by comparing the student's cumulative units passed against
the Academic Level table. It uses this value in awarding to
determine level limit rules attached to a specific financial aid
item type. The system also uses this field in the Loan Process
routine to determine the student's loan level aggregate. The
NSLDS loan year selections are translate values based on the
financial aid level. Values include: 1st Year - Never Attended,
1st Year - Previously Attended, 1st Year Graduate, 2nd Year,
2nd Year Graduate, 3rd Year, 3rd Year Graduate, 4th Year, 4th
or more Graduate, 5th Year+ and Graduate/Professional.

Direct Lending Year To activate the override check box, modify the field value so
that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.
The system determines the direct lending year the same way
it determines the NSLDS loan year. When the system creates
direct lending origination files, it populates the Student's
College Grade Level with the information from this field.
Correct the value in this field as required by direct lending
reporting requirements. Values include: Fifth Year+ Undergrad
(fifth year plus undergraduate), First Year, never attended, First

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Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

Year, previously attnd (first year, previously attended), First

Yr, Grad/Prof (first year graduate/professional), Fourth Year,
Fourth Yr+, Grad/Prof (fourth year plus, graduate professional),
Third Year or Third Yr, Grad/Prof.

Confer Date Enter or view the confer date of the student's degree if the
student graduates in the displayed term. This date corresponds
with the term end date found on the Term Table.

Expected Grad Term (expected To activate the override check box, modify the field value so
graduation term) that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.
The system uses this value for loan processing. If available,
the system uses the Student Records value or the PeopleSoft
Recruiting and Admissions value.

When you build terms in projection, the build process does not
build terms after the expected term of graduation, unless the
student is going into another career after graduation.

The student's expected graduation term is a loan validation

field edit. This means that if the expected graduation date has
passed, the Loan Validation routine prevents loan origination. If
a value exists for this field, it automatically appears when you
create the student's loan origination application. The field can
be updated online in the loan origination pages when processing
the student's loan application.

Expected Grad Date (expected To activate the override check box, modify the field value so
graduation date) that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.
Enter or view the date the student is expected to graduate. The
system uses the expected graduation date for loan processing.
If available, the system uses the Student Records value. The
loan origination process projects a graduation date if the field is

The Loan Validation Field Edit routine checks for this value.
If a value exists for this field, it automatically appears in the
Program Completion Dt (program completion date) field on
the Loan Origination 2 page when you create the student's
loan origination application. You can update the field online in
the loan origination pages when processing the student's loan

In CommonLine loan processing, it is important for the

expected grad date not to occur before the end of the student's
loan period. The loan is rejected by the loan servicer as a result.
A loan validation edit is provided to identify invalid graduation

530 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

Note: It is important that the academic departments, the

financial aid office, other administrative departments, and the
student agree on the student's graduation term and date. Errors
in these dates can have serious consequences for a student's loan
eligibility and repayment periods.

Academic Standing To activate the override check box, modify the field value
so that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values
column. This value is based on meeting your institution's
academic progress guidelines. You can create these values on
the Academic Standing Table page in Student Records and set
them up as action codes. You can created values for dismissed,
good standing, probation, or warning statuses, and you can
create multiple codes for the same status. For example, a student
could receive two warnings (WRN2) before being placed on

The financial aid term build process populates this field only
if academic standing data exists for the student in Student

This field is not used for financial aid processing, but you can
use it in formulas or equations to select students.

FA Standing (financial aid standing) To activate the override check box, modify the field value so
that it differs from the value in the Calculated Values column.
You create and maintain action codes on the Academic Standing
Table page in Student Records. Your financial aid office can
assign a code for the selected term to establish a student's
financial aid status for a locally defined business process. This
field is set manually and is not used by delivered financial aid

Budget Required Indicates whether a student has an assigned budget or needs a

budget posted. The value in this field determines whether the
student is evaluated during the Budget Assignment process.
Values include:

Assgn Bdgt (assign budget): The student should be selected

during the Budget Assignment process. Whenever you build or
rebuild a term, the field is automatically updated with this value.

In Prgres (in progress): The assignment of a budget is currently

in progress for this student. The field is automatically updated
to this value when a student has been selected for the budget
assignment process.

Error: An error occurred during the Budget Assignment


No Assign: The system does not select the student during the
Budget Assignment process. The field is automatically updated
to this value when the student's budget is posted by the Student

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 531

Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

Budget Assign − Move (FAPBDGTM) process. The census date

locking functionality also causes this value to be assigned after
the census date has passed and the lock has been invoked.

Field Audits Click to access the FA Term Field Audits page and monitor
changes in a student's financial aid term information from the
previous effective-dated row.

You must select the Audit FA Term Build check box on the
Financial Aid Defaults page to view changes to the student's
financial aid term on the FA Term Field Audits page. If you do
not select this check box, the system does not record changes in
the student's record to the audit table; a new effective-dated row
is still built every time that a change occurs in one of the audited

Related Links
"Tracking Academic Standing" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student Records)

Viewing Changes in a Student's FA Term Information

Access the FA Term Field Audits page (click the Field Audits link on the Financial Aid Info page).

Image: FA Term Field Audits page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Term Field Audits page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Monitor changes made by the FA Term Build background process or by the FA Term Online Build
process. The Online Build process is performed when you click the Build button on the FA Term page.

If a change occurs in one of the following fields, the FA Term Build background process or the FA Term
Online Build process creates a new effective-dated row and enters the old and new value on the FA Term
Field Audits page. You can create your own reports using the audit data provided on the page. The audited
fields are:

532 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

Audit Fields















Field Name Displays the name of the field with the changed value.

Old Value Displays the value of the field before the change, listed on the
previous effective-dated row.

New Value Displays the value of the field after the change, listed on the
current effective-dated row.

User ID Displays the ID of the user who processed the change.

Online/Batch Indicates whether the change was made in batch or online.

Process Instance Displays the process instance for the background process that
changed the field. If the change was made online, this field is

Viewing Student Records Term Information

Access the Records/Term Info page (Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Maintain Student FA Term >
Records/Term Info).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 533

Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

Image: Records/Term Info page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Records/Term Info page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page is intended for collecting study abroad or institutional visit information from Student Records
and entering Canadian cost code information. Information on this page can be changed for financial aid
purposes without any effect on Student Records data in your system.

Weeks of Instruction Displays a calculated value built when the term is built with a
source of Term. The build process adds the number of weeks
of the different session start and end dates for all classes the
student is enrolled (taking into consideration any overlap in
enrollment). For Open Entry/Open Exit courses, where the
start and end dates for the student's classes are expected to be
different, the start and end dates of these courses are used in
place of the session dates.

If the term is built with projected data, then the build process
populates this field with data from the FA Term Setup page.
If multiple sessions exist for a term, the build process looks
for a default session. If a default session is defined, the build
process uses the weeks of instruction from the default session.
If no default session exists, the build process uses the weeks of
instruction from the regular academic session.

If the Weeks of Instruction field is modified, the Ovrd (override)

check box is automatically populated. The calculated value
continues to be displayed under Calc Vals.

534 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

Note: If the Override Expiration Date functionality is enforced

for the term, the Weeks of Instruction is reset with the calculated
value past that date.

Note: If the Term Source is set to No Data, the override is

cleared and the Weeks of Instruction is reset to zero.

FA Number of Weeks Displays the value from the Cost Code Setup that is used for
Canadian loans.

If the FA Number of Weeks field is modified, the Ovrd

(override) check box is automatically populated. The value from
the Cost Code Setup continues to be displayed under Calc Vals.

Note: If the Override Expiration Date functionality is enforced

for the term, the FA Number of Weeks is reset with the
calculated value past that date.

Note: If the Term Source is set to No Data, the override is

cleared and the FA Number of Weeks is reset to the calculated

Start Date and End Date Displays the beginning date and ending date of the term. If the
student is enrolled in a single session, the start date is the term
start date. If the student is enrolled in multiple sessions, the start
date is the earliest session start date of the classes the student is
enrolled in. The end date comes from the Term Table.

Study Agreement This value is derived from Student Records. The values in
this field may include Study Abroad programs or programs
sponsored by other external organizations.

External Org ID (external This value is derived from Student Records. Select the
organization ID) appropriate ID to associate with the study agreement.

Country This value is derived from Student Records. Select the

appropriate country to associate with the study agreement and
external organization.

Academic Advisor Group This value is derived from the Academic Group field in the
Academic Program Table in Student Records. It indicates the
school within the institution. Examples of an academic group
are College of Fine Arts, School of Medicine, or Continuing
Education. The build process inserts a value into this field only
if a value exists in the Academic Group field; otherwise, it
leaves this field blank.

Admit Term The term the student was admitted to the primary program. If
the student has switched primary programs since he or she was

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 535

Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

admitted, then the admit term displays the term that the student
switched programs.

Bill Units (billing units) This value is derived from Student Financials. You can override
the Billing process by selecting the Override Billing Units check
box. You can then enter the number of billing units you want to
use for the student. This field is for informational purposes only.

Override Billing Units Select this check box to override the Billing process. After you
select this check box, you can enter a new value in the Bill Units

Canadian Cost Code (CAN) Used by Canadian institutions only. The FA Term
process populates this value, based on the number of weeks
of financial aid and the student's career, program, and year in
school. You set up your institution's cost codes on the Cost
Code Setup page. Canadian institutions use cost codes to report
financial aid calendars, length of financial aid award periods,
and cost of attendance information to the Canada Student Loan

Viewing Withdrawal Information

Access the Withdrawal Info page (Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Maintain Student FA Term >
Withdrawal Information > Withdrawal Info).

Image: Withdrawal Info page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Withdrawal Info page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Student Records processes student withdrawals, collecting information about the type of withdrawal,
the reason for the withdrawal, and the last date the student attended class. Student Financials uses this
information to calculate whether the student should receive a refund and posts these calculations. This
page displays information from Student Records and Student Financials that may affect financial aid
processing, such as return of Title IV funds.

536 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

Refund Percentage Tuition calculation only posts if a student receives federal

financial aid and financial aid has been posted to the student's
account. This value is posted if a tuition calculation has
occurred. The refund percentage is based upon the date of the
student's withdrawal.

Refund Scheme Tuition calculation only posts this value if a student receives
federal financial aid and financial aid has been posted to
the student's account. The refund scheme is based upon the
adjustment used.

Refund Classification Tuition calculation only posts this value if a student receives
federal financial aid and financial aid has been posted to the
student's account.

Refund SetID Tuition calculation only posts this value if a student receives
federal financial aid and financial aid has been posted to the
student's account.

Service Indicator Code Tuition calculation only posts this value if a student receives
federal financial aid and financial aid has been posted to the
student's account. Shows a service indicator set by Student
Financials to state the need for financial aid to adjust the
student's aid and release a hold.

Service Indicator Date Time Tuition calculation only posts if a student receives federal
financial aid and financial aid has been posted to the student's
account. The date and time the service indicator was set.

Building Financial Aid Terms Manually

After you have completed the setup steps, you can choose to run the FA Term build process manually. Go
to the FA Term page and click the Build button.

Building Financial Aid Terms in Batch

This section provides an overview of building financial aid terms in batch and discusses how to:

• Create FA Term driver records.

• Create financial aid terms in batch.

Understanding Building Financial Aid Terms in Batch

Running the batch financial aid term build process is a two-step process. You must:

• Create an FA Term driver record to identify the students for which to build financial aid terms. This
process selects students using institution, aid year, and career as criteria and inserts the IDs of these
students into a worktable.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 537

Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

• After students have been selected, you run the FA Term Build process (FAPTRMU1) to create
financial aid terms for the students in the worktable. You must remember to enter the same institution
and aid year on this page as you did for the FA Term driver record.

Pages Used to Build Financial Aid Terms in Batch

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Create FA Term Driver RUNCTL_FAPTRMU1SQR Financial Aid > Financial Create FA Term driver records
Records Aid Term > Create FA Term for the batch Financial Aid
Driver Recs > Create FA Term build process.
Term Driver Records

Build FA Terms RUNCTL_FAPTRMU1CBL Financial Aid > Financial Create Financial Aid Terms in
Aid Term > Build FA Terms batch.
in Batch > Build FA Terms

Creating FA Term Driver Records

Access the Create FA Term Driver Records page (Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Create FA Term
Driver Recs > Create FA Term Driver Records).

The Process Name field displays the name of the process that creates driver records.

Driver Creation Options

Choose the type of terms you want the batch financial aid term build process to build or rebuild.

Both Updates and Projections Select if you want to build or rebuild terms the student is
currently enrolled for as well as terms with projected enrollment
information. This means that all terms in the aid year are built
(in projection if necessary), regardless if the student has been
term activated for the term.

Update Only Select if you want to build or rebuild only terms for which the
student is currently enrolled. This means only those terms for
which the student has enrollment data.

Other Page Elements

Academic Career After you select an academic institution and aid year, a list
of careers associated with this aid year on the FA Term Setup
page appears in this column. Select the check boxes next to the
careers for which you want to run the batch financial aid term
build process.

Rebuild Projections Select to indicate that the financial aid term build process
should rebuild projected terms—as well as terms built with
enrollment data—using current data. Use this check box to
rebuild projections when a change occurs in career or program.
You do not have to select this check box to have terms with
updates rebuilt, because the build process automatically rebuilds

538 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

terms with updates. You can choose whether you want to rebuild
projections for each career. Even if selected, terms are not built
in projection after the census date if you activate the census date

Run Run the Create Drivers Recs For FA Trm (create driver records
for financial aid term) process (FAPTRMU1) when you are
ready to create Driver Records.

Creating Financial Aid Terms in Batch

Access the Build FA Terms page (Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Build FA Terms in Batch >
Build FA Terms).

The Academic Institution and Aid Year you select on this page must match the Academic Institution and
Aid Year combination on a driver record for which you have run the Create Drivers Recs For FA Trm
(create driver records for financial aid term) process (FAPTRMU1).

Commit Level After you enter an Academic Institution, the default institutional
commit level, established on the Financial Aid Defaults page,
displays. This is the number of records that are processed
before the system issues a commit or a save to the database. If
your session ends abnormally, this is the maximum number of
records that would be lost. For example, if you set the Commit
Level to 10, and an error occurs on the fifteenth student, the
system retains the information on the first 10 students.

Driver Creation Option Used to ensure that the records processed are the same as those
selected by the last FA Term driver creation process. This
should be set to match the last Create FA Term Driver Records
run control setting.

Print Detailed Messages Select to have the COBOL log contain information on why a
student's financial aid term was built or rebuilt.

Run Run the FA Term Build process (FAPTRMU1) when you are
ready to create financial aid terms in batch.

Using the Financial Aid Term Census Report

The Financial Aid Term Census Report identifies those students with award balances for the specified
term, which can be an offered amount, authorized amount, or disbursed amount greater than zero. If you
use census dates to lock enrollment data, run the report after running the FA Term build following the
census date. This updates any non-enrolled students to a term source of No Data. Students listed on the
report are potential candidates for repackaging and/or reversal of funds.

This section discusses how to identify students not enrolled after census with award balances.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 539

Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

Page Used to Identify Students Not Enrolled After Census with Award
Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Students Not Enrolled After RUNCNTOL_FATRMAWD Financial Aid > Financial Identify those students not
Census with Award Balances Aid Term > FA Term Census enrolled for a term after the
Report > Students Not census data who have an
Enrolled After Census with award balance.
Award Balances

Identifying Students Not Enrolled After Census with Award Balances

Access the Students Not Enrolled After Census with Award Balances page (Financial Aid > Financial
Aid Term > FA Term Census Report > Students Not Enrolled After Census with Award Balances).

Academic Institution Academic institution used to generate the report.

Term Term used to generate the report.

FA Term Effective Status Effective status for the selected term, which can be Active
(default) or Inactive.

Updating Financial Aid Progress Units

The Update FA Progress Units process updates the FA Progress Units field on the Student Enrollment
record in Records and Enrollment. Specifically, this process:

1. Updates the Unit Progress FA and Grade Points FA fields on the Student Enrollment record.

2. Updates additional fields on the Student Enrollment record: Operator ID, Last update date, Last
update time, and sets the Last Source Enrollment Update equal to "FA".

3. Triggers an automatic statistics recalculation to FA fields on both the Student Career Term and
Student Session records for the enrollment term.

4. Triggers an automatic cumulative statistics recalculation to FA fields on the Student Career Term
record for all forward terms in which Reset Cumulative Stats is not enabled.

5. Activates the Tuition Calculation and the FA Statistics Calculation Required flags on the Student
Career Term record for the enrollment term.

6. Triggers SAIP events, if enabled.

Note: After running the Update FA Progress Units process, you should rebuild FA Term records to
incorporate the cascading changes made to FA Progress Units.

540 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 19 Managing Financial Aid Terms

Page Used to Update Financial Aid Progress Units

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Update FA Progress Units SFA_RUN_FAUNTUPD Financial Aid > Financial Update Financial Aid
Aid Term > Update FA Progress Units in Student
Progress Units > Update FA Records.
Progress Units

Updating Financial Aid Progress Units

Access the Update FA Progress Units page (Financial Aid > Financial Aid Term > Update FA Progress
Units > Update FA Progress Units).

This page uses the Population Selection feature. For more information on Population Selection,

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Note: All Selection Tool options for Population Selection data input (External File, Query, Equation
Engine) must include ID, Academic Career, Institution, Term, and Class Number to update the FA
Progress Units correctly.

FA Progress Units Enter the value to which you want Financial Aid Progress Units
updated for the selected population.

See "Understanding Class Enrollment Processing" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student Records).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 541

Managing Financial Aid Terms Chapter 19

542 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 20

Working with Student Budgets

Understanding Student Budgets

At the beginning of the processing year, you create budgets detailing the cost of attendance (COA) for
each term a student is enrolled. The COA is an estimate of a student's educational expenses for the period
of enrollment. The budget helps establish a student's need COA minus the student's expected family
contribution, which permits the financial aid office to award need-based aid.

This section discusses budget calculations.

Budget Calculations
After you complete budget setup, you calculate student budgets, either in batch, online, for an individual
using batch rules, or manually. Use batch background budget assignment when you have large numbers
of students to process. You can run this process overnight. For a small number of students, create a
budget online using the Create Student Budgets page and use the same rules as batch background budget
assignment. To skip budget rules, use the Student Budget Maintenance page to build budgets manually or
to override an existing budget.

Common Elements Used in Student Budgets

Inst COA (institutional cost of Indicates the sum of all budget items assigned to this budget
attendance) group that have an item class of federal or institutional.
The Packaging routine uses this COA during awarding if
you designate institutional methodology as the packaging
methodology at the financial aid item type level.

Fed COA (federal cost of attendance) Indicates the sum of all budget items assigned to this budget
group that have an item class of federal. The Packaging routine
uses this COA during awarding if you designate federal
methodology as the packaging methodology at the financial aid
item type level.

Pell COA (Pell cost of attendance) Indicates the sum of Pell amounts from the budget items
assigned to this budget group. The Packaging routine uses this
COA when awarding Pell Grants.

Pell LTHT COA (Pell less than half- Indicates the sum of Pell less than half-time amounts from the
time cost of attendance) budget items assigned to this budget group. The Packaging
routine uses this COA when awarding Pell Grants.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 543

Working with Student Budgets Chapter 20

Item Class Indicates whether you use the budget item for calculating
federal or institutional budgets.

Assigning Budgets in Batch

Use batch budget assignment to create student budgets using defined budget assignment rules. Batch
budget assignment builds budgets term by term because certain budget categories, such as fees, do not
apply to all terms. Budgets are only built for students who have Financial Aid Terms built, and only for
those terms for which the Budget Required field is set to Assgn Bdgt (assign budget).

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

• Select students for batch budget assignment.

• View batch student budget review.

• Process formulas to determine budget amounts.

• Process trees and tuition.

• Move student budgets.

• Maintain budget tables.

• Apply Pell adjustments.

To use batch budget assignment, you must first create a budget run control for the combination of
institution and aid year that you want to process.

Related Links
Creating Budget Assignment Run Controls

Pages Used to Assign Budgets in Batch

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Batch Budget Assignment - RUNCTL_FABUDGET1 Financial Aid > Assign Select students for whom the
Select Students Budgets > Select Students > Budget Required field is set to
Batch Budget Assignment - Assgn Bdgt on the Financial
Select Students Aid Info page for the careers
and terms you selected on the
Create Budget Run Controls

Batch Student Budget Review STDNT_BUDGET_ASGN Financial Aid > Budgets > View the results of the
View Batch Budget Details > Student Budget Assign
Batch Student Budget Review processes (FAPBDGTS,

544 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 20 Working with Student Budgets

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Budget Term Detail STDNT_BDG_DTL2_SEC Click the Term Detail link View additional information
on the Batch Student Budget from the student's Financial
Review page or the View Aid Term record.
Term Detail page.

Student Budget Messages STDNT_BDG_MSGB_SEC Click the Message link on the View messages generated
Batch Student Budget Review during the budget assignment
page or the Create Student process.
Budget page.

Student Budget Message STDNT_BDG_DTLB_SEC Click the Detail link on the View the message number and
Detail Student Budget Messages additional explanation of a
page. student budget message.

Budget Enrollment Detail STDNT_BDG_DTL3_SEC Click the Enrollment Detail View student enrollment
link on the Batch Student plans and sports participation
Budget Review page. information for the aid year.

Batch Budget Assignment - RUNCTL_FABUDGET2 Financial Aid > Budgets > Assign budget items and
Process Formulas Assign Budgets > Process amounts for the budget
Formula > Batch Budget categories assigned to
Assignment - Process students by the Stdnt Bdgt
Formulas Assign - Select process
(FAPBDGTS). Only used for
budget categories that have a
processing rule of Formula.

Batch Budget Assignment RUNCTL_FABUDGET3 Financial Aid > Budgets > Assign budget items and
- Process Trees and Tuition Assign Budgets > Process amounts for the budget
Calcs (batch budget Tuition > Batch Budget categories assigned to
assignment - process trees and Assignment - Process Trees students by the Stdnt Bdgt
tuition calculations) and Tuition Calcs Assign - Select process
(FAPBDGTS). Only used for
budget categories that have a
processing rule of Tuition or

Batch Budget Assignment - RUNCTL_FABUDGET4 Financial Aid > Budgets > Move budget results to the
Move Budgets Assign Budgets > Move student's budget record with
Budget to Students > Batch an effective-dated row.
Budget Assignment - Move

Batch Budget Assignment - RUNCTL_FABUDGET5 Financial Aid > Budgets > Delete students from the
Table Maintenance Assign Budgets > Maintain budget work table and reset
Budget Work Table > Batch the Budget Required flag on
Budget Assignment - Table the Financial Aid Info page
Maintenance in the Financial Aid Term

Pell Budget Adjustment RUNCTL_FAPPBGTB Financial Aid > Budgets > Calculate the annual Pell
Assign Budgets > Adjust budget for budget categories
Pell Budgets in Batch > Pell that count towards the Pell
Budget Adjustment COA.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 545

Working with Student Budgets Chapter 20

Selecting Students for Batch Budget Assignment

Access the Batch Budget Assignment - Select Students page (Financial Aid > Assign Budgets > Select
Students > Batch Budget Assignment - Select Students).

Enter the institution and aid year for which you want to assign budgets. When you move out of the Aid
Year field, the system displays the table maintenance options for each career/term combination you set up
on the Create Budget Run Controls page.

Run the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Select (student budget assignment - select) process (FAPBDGTS) when you
are ready to select students.

After running the process, use the Batch Student Budget Review page to ensure that the correct budget
categories were selected for the student and that the correct student population was selected during the

Viewing Batch Student Budget Review

Access the Batch Student Budget Review page (Financial Aid > Budgets > View Batch Budget Details >
Batch Student Budget Review).

Image: Batch Student Budget Review page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Batch Student Budget Review page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

546 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 20 Working with Student Budgets

Use this page to view and confirm information after running these budget batch processes:

Note: The information that you view here is in a work table, so, after you run a process, this page may be
blank depending on the Table Maintenance options that you set.

• After running the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Select process (FAPBDGTS), use this page to ensure that the
correct budget categories were selected for the student and that the correct student population was
selected during the batch.

• After running the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Formulas process (FAPBDGTF), use this page to ensure that
the budget item amount is accurate based on the budget formula assigned.

• After running the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Tuit/Tree process (FAPBDGTT), use this page to ensure that
the budget item amount is accurate for those budget items determined by either tuition calculation or
budget trees.

• After running the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Move process (FAPBDGTM), student budgets, use this page to
ensure that the budget item is moved successfully during the batch.

Budget Term Information

Acad Plan Type (academic plan type) Displays the type of the academic plan. Values include: Honors,
Major, ROTC, and Concentration.

FA Term Effdt (financial aid term Displays the effective date and effective sequence of the
effective date) Financial Aid Term information used to build the budget.

Financial Aid Load Displays the student's load, determined using the number of
financial aid eligible units and level/load rules.

Study Form Displays the type of study the student is engaged in. Values
include: Detached, Enrollment, Abroad, and Candidacy.

Term Detail Click to access the Budget Term Detail page and view additional
information from the student's Financial Aid Term record. You
can check for information that can cause errors using this page.

Messages Click to access the Student Budget Messages page and view
error messages generated during budget assignment.

Budget Demographic Information

Family Members Displays the number of people in the student's family, as
reported on the student's application (ISIR, Profile, Institutional

Housing Status Displays the student's housing type: on campus, off campus,
with relatives, or with parents.

App State Res (application state of Displays the student's state of residence, as reported on the
residence) student's application.

Enrollment Detail Click to access the Budget Enrollment Detail page and view the
student's enrollment plans and sports participation information

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 547

Working with Student Budgets Chapter 20

for the aid year. You can check for information that can cause
errors using this page.

Budget Item Information

The amount of budget information that appears on this page depends on the number of budget assignment
processes you have run. This table lists the processes:

Process Fields With Data

Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Select process (FAPBDGTS) Category, Rule, and Status

Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Formulas process (FAPBDGTF) For budget categories with a formula processing rule:
Category, Item Code, Description, Amount, Rule, and Status

For budget categories with a tuition or tree processing rule:

Category, Rule, and Status

Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Tuit/Tree process (FAPBDGTT) Category, Item Code, Description, Amount, Rule, and Status

Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Move process (FAPBDGTM) Category, Item Code, Description, Amount, Rule, and Status

Budget Group Identifies the generic budget group used for the batch.

Rule Indicates whether the budget assignment process uses a formula,

tree, or other assigned possibilities—such as tuition calculations
—to determine the amount assigned to the student for this
budget category.

Item Stat (item status) Select one of these values:

Found: The budget assignment process was able to use the

indicated rule to assign a budget item and amount to the student
for the budget category.

Moved: The budget amount has been moved to the student's


Selected: This budget category has been selected for processing

during the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Formulas process (FAPBDGTF)
or the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Tuit/Tree process (FAPBDGTT).

Warning: The Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Formulas process

(FAPBDGTF) or the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Tuit/Tree process
(FAPBDGTT) could not assign a budget item and amount for
this budget category to the student.

Processing Formulas to Determine Budget Amounts

Access the Batch Budget Assignment - Process Formulas page (Financial Aid > Budgets > Assign
Budgets > Process Formula > Batch Budget Assignment - Process Formulas).

548 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 20 Working with Student Budgets

1. Enter the institution and aid year for which you want to assign budget items and amounts.

When you tab out of the Aid Year field, the system displays the table maintenance options for each
career/term combination you set up on the Create Budget Run Controls page.

2. Run the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Formulas (student budget assignment - formulas) process (FAPBDGTF)
when you are ready to assign budget items and amounts.

3. After the process runs, view the information on the Batch Student Budget Review page to ensure that
the budget item amount is accurate based on the budget formula assigned.

Processing Trees and Tuition

Access the Batch Budget Assignment - Process Trees and Tuition Calcs page (Financial Aid > Budgets >
Assign Budgets > Process Tuition > Batch Budget Assignment - Process Trees and Tuition Calcs).

1. Enter the institution and aid year for which you want to assign budget items and amounts.

When you tab out of the Aid Year field, the system displays the table maintenance options for each
career/term combination you set up on the Create Budget Run Controls page.

2. Run the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Tuit/Tree (student budget assignment - tuition/tree) process
(FAPBDGTT) when you are ready to assign budget items and amounts.

3. After the process runs, view information on the Batch Student Budget Review page to ensure that
the budget item amount is accurate for those budget items determined by either tuition calculation or
budget trees.

Moving Student Budgets

Access the Batch Budget Assignment - Move Budgets page (Financial Aid > Budgets > Assign
Budgets > Move Budget to Students > Batch Budget Assignment - Move Budgets).

1. Enter the institution and aid year for which you want to move budgets.

When you tab out of the Aid Year field, the system displays the table maintenance options for each
career/term combination you set up on the Create Budget Run Controls page.

2. Run the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Move (student budget assignment - move) process (FAPBDGTM) when
you are ready to move student budgets.

3. After the process runs, view information on the Batch Student Budget Review page to ensure that the
budget item amount moved successfully during the batch.

Maintaining Budget Tables

Access the Batch Budget Assignment - Table Maintenance page (Financial Aid > Budgets > Assign
Budgets > Maintain Budget Work Table > Batch Budget Assignment - Table Maintenance).

1. Enter the institution and aid year for which you want to maintain tables.

When you tab out of the Aid Year field, the system displays the table maintenance options for each
career/term combination you set up on the Create Budget Run Controls page. The process run from
this page uses the specified delete and reset options to clean up the budget work table.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 549

Working with Student Budgets Chapter 20

2. Run the Stdnt Bdgt Assign - Delete (student budget assignment - delete) process (FAPBDGTD) when
you are ready to clean up the work table. Although this process is usually run after you have moved
student budgets, you can run it whenever you need to update the work table.

Applying Pell Adjustments

Access the Pell Budget Adjustments page (Financial Aid > Budgets > Assign Budgets > Adjust Pell
Budgets in Batch > Pell Budget Adjustments).

Use this page to calculate the annual Pell budget for budget categories that count towards the Pell cost
of attendance (COA). The Pell Budget Adjustments process (FAPPBGTB) uses the student's FA Load
value from the student's Financial Aid Term record and the proration scheme that you define on the Pell
Adjustments page for each budget item to determine the annual Pell budget amount for each Pell COA
budget item.

You should run this process at the end of the add/drop period, because the student's term schedule (and
therefore FA Load value) is stable at this point.

You must run the Student Budget Assign process before you run the Pell Budget Adjustments process.

1. Enter the institution, aid year and career for which you want to calculate the annual Pell budget based
on a student's FA Load value.

Because Pell grants are available for undergraduate students only, you should select undergraduate
careers only for this process.

2. Run the Pell Budget Adjustments process.

Assigning Budgets Online

Use online background budget assignment to generate budgets for individual students, using the same
rules as batch background budget assignment.

This section discusses how to:

• Create budgets online.

• Review term budget information.

Pages Used to Assign Budgets Online

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Create Student Budget STDNT_BDGT_CALC Financial Aid > Budgets > Generate a budget online for a
Create Student Budget > single student.
Create Student Budget

Student Budget Messages STDNT_BDGT_MSG_SEC Click the Messages link on View student budget
the Create Student Budget messages.

550 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 20 Working with Student Budgets

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Budget Message STDNT_BDGT_DTL_SEC Click the Detail link on the View detailed student budget
Detail Student Budget Messages messages.

Budget Term Summary Detail STDNT_BDGT_CAL_SEC Click the Detail link on the Review and make changes
Create Student Budget page. to a student's term budget

Creating Budgets Online

Access the Create Student Budget page (Financial Aid > Budgets > Create Student Budget > Create
Student Budget).

Image: Create Student Budget page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Student Budget page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Budget Terms To Be Built

Term Select the terms for which to build a budget. You must build a
budget for each term in which the student enrolls. You can only
select terms created for that student for the displayed aid year.

Career Displays the career associated with the selected term.

Messages Click to access the Student Budget Message page, where you
can view any messages generated during the budget assignment

Build Budget After selecting the terms to build, click this button to launch
the process that performs all the activities that the batch
Student Budget Assignment processes performs. The process
selects budget categories, uses budget formulas to determine
budget items and amounts, uses trees and tuition calculation to

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 551

Working with Student Budgets Chapter 20

determine budget items and amounts, and calculates the annual

Pell budget based on the student's FA Load value.

Move Budget After you verify that the budget information that appears is
correct, click this button to move budget information from the
budget work table to the student's budget record. This button is
not available until you click the Build Budget button.

Budget Term Summary

Displays the term, career, and budget group used (if any) to build the student's budget for each term
selected in the Budget Terms To Be Built group box. Use the scroll arrows to view additional terms. If
you have not clicked the Build Budget button, this group box does not display any information.

Detail Click to access the Budget Term Summary Detail page and view
or update term detail information for the student after you build
the budget.

Related Links
Understanding Managing Financial Aid Terms
Creating Budget Groups

Reviewing Term Budget Information

Access the Budget Term Summary Detail page (click the Detail link on the Create Student Budget page).

Use this page to review and make changes to a student's term budget details.

You can specify cents for budget item amounts on this page. For example, you might enter or update loan
fees calculated by the guarantee agency. You cannot specify cents on the Create Budget Items setup page.

Note: You cannot change a budget amount if the budget item was already moved to the student's budget

Related Links
Viewing Batch Student Budget Review

Maintaining a Term Budget

This section discusses how to maintain an existing term budget or create a term budget on an exception

552 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 20 Working with Student Budgets

Pages Used to Maintain a Term Budget

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Budget Maintenance STDNT_TERM_BUDGET Financial Aid > Budgets > Maintain an existing term
Maintain Term Budgets > budget or create a term budget
Student Budget Maintenance on an exception basis.

Financial Aid Term STDNT_FA_TERM_SEC Click the FA Term link on the View the student's financial
Student Budget Maintenance aid term information.

Student Budget Maintenance - NEED_SUMM_BGT_SEC Click the Need Summary View a student's federal and
Need Summary link on the Student Budget institutional need for the aid
Maintenance page. year.

Student Detail STDNT_BDGT_DTL1 Click the Student Detail View student information.
link on the Student Budget
Maintenance page.

Maintaining an Existing Term Budget or Creating a Term Budget

Access the Student Budget Maintenance page (Financial Aid > Budgets > Maintain Term Budgets >
Student Budget Maintenance).

Image: Student Budget Maintenance page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Budget Maintenance page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 553

Working with Student Budgets Chapter 20

To build terms on this page, you can either add budget categories manually or use a budget group. You
can also use this page to view any budget by term, regardless of how it was calculated. The additions and
changes made to this page go directly into the student's budget record, not a worktable.

You can specify cents for the budget item amounts on this page. For example, you might enter or update
loan fees calculated by the guarantee agency. You cannot specify cents on the Create Budget Items setup

Update Need Summary Click this button to recalculate the Need Summary totals. The
Need Summary Validation process updates the Unmet Need,
Overaward Need, Unmet COA, and Overaward COA (FM and
IM) totals to reflect this change in Budgets.

Career Select the student's career during the term for which you are
building or viewing a budget.

Term Select the term to which the budget belongs. To view additional
terms in the displayed aid year, use the scroll arrows.

Awd Period (award period) The system automatically populates this field with the default
award period designation assigned to the term on the Valid
Terms for Career page. You can change this value.

Instr Week (instruction weeks) Displays the weeks of instruction for the selected term as
defined on the Records/Term Info page in the Financial Aid
Term component.

FA Term Click to access the Financial Aid Term page and view
information entered for the student in the Financial Aid Term

Need Summary Click to access the Student Budget Maintenance - Need

Summary page and view the student's federal and institutional
need for the aid year.

Student Detail Click to access the Student Detail page and view student

Eff Date (effective date) To modify an existing budget, add a new effective-dated row for
each term you want to change. This functionality enables you
to change the student's entire budget group or individual budget
item amounts.

Sequence Displays a system-generated number assigned to distinguish

between effective-dated rows entered on the same date. You can
have up to 10 effective-dated rows per day.

User ID If the budget is calculated online, the system displays the user
ID of the individual creating the budget; if it is calculated
through the batch budget assignment process, the system
displays the background process name.

Budget Group (Optional) Enter a budget group to build a budget for the
student. When you select a budget group and tab out of this

554 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 20 Working with Student Budgets

field, the system displays the associated categories, item codes,

amount, item class, and Pell amount.

Inst COA (institutional cost of These fields are blank until you build a budget.
attendance), Fed COA (federal cost of
attendance), and Pell COA (Pell cost of

Pell LTHT (Pell less than half-time) Displays the Pell amount for less than half-time.

User ID If the budget item is assigned manually, the system displays the
user ID of the individual assigning the budget item; if the budget
item is assigned through the online or batch budget assignment
process, the system displays the process name. This field cannot
be changed.

Amount Displays the per term budgeted amount associated with the
budget item code. You can change this amount.

Pell Amt (Pell amount) Displays the term budgeted amount for the Pell budget
associated with the budget item code. You can change this

LHT Pell Amount (less than half- Displays the term budgeted amount for the Pell LTHT budget
time Pell amount) associated with the budget item code. You can change this

Related Links
Reviewing Student Packaging Status by Date
Viewing Need Summary Information

Reviewing Students' Budget Information

This section discusses how to review student budget information.

Page Used to View Student's Budget Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Budget Summary STDNT_BUDGET_SUMM Financial Aid > Budgets > Review students' budget
View Student Budget information, including
Summary > Student Budget categories and amounts that
Summary comprise a student's budget,
by award period.

Viewing Students' Budget Information

Access the Student Budget Summary page (Financial Aid > Budgets > View Student Budget
Summary > Student Budget Summary).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 555

Working with Student Budgets Chapter 20

This page displays information by award period.

Alt Pell COA (alternate Pell cost of Displays the sum of child care, disability, and tuition Pell
attendance) amounts from the budget items assigned to the student. The
Packaging routine uses this COA when awarding Pell Grants
using the Alternate Pell Grant Schedule.

Pell LTHT (Pell less than half-time) Displays the Pell less than half-time amount. The Packaging
routine uses this COA when awarding Pell Grants for students
who are enrolled less than half-time.

Inst Total (institutional total) Displays the amount for this budget category used when the
system calculates the institutional COA. Categories that have
nonzero amounts in this field are institutional budget categories.

LHT Pell Total (less than half-time Displays the amount for this budget category used when the
Pell total) system calculates the Pell LTHT budget.

Pell Total Displays the amount for this budget category used when the
system calculates the Pell budget. The Alternate Pell budget
consists of child care, disability, and tuition Pell amounts only.

Fed Total (federal total) Displays the amount for this budget category used when
the system calculates the federal COA. Categories that have
nonzero amounts in this field can be either institutional or
federal budget categories.

556 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21

Defining Application Processing Options

Prerequisites for Defining Application Processing Options

The College Board's INAS User Manual, which is delivered with this application, describes most of the
functionality discussed here.

The Financial Aid system provides predefined tables in compliance with federal regulations and enables
you to use the INAS process and CSS PROFILE. Before you define application processing options,
review these tables for warnings about the consequences of making changes.

Also, ensure that the financial aid applications used by your institution are available, and make sure that
you understand the different admit levels that influence how external data loads are processed. To help
you most effectively use the Financial Aid application processing, refer to these websites:

• U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student Aid:

• National Association of Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA): http:\\

• The College Board: http:\\

Working with Applications

To set up applications, use the Application Source Rank component (FA_APP_SOURCE_RANK), the
Assign Status to Admit Levels component (ADMIT_LVL_TBL), and the Define Careers for Prospects
component (PROSPECT_SOURCE).

This section provides an overview of application processing options and discusses how to:

• Define application source rank.

• Review admit level associations.

• Set up Academic Career assignments from the Financial Aid application

Understanding Application Processing Options

Managing financial aid application data requires coordinating many data files—both incoming and
outgoing—with the Department of Education's Central Processing System (CPS) through the Student Aid
Internet Gateway (SAIG). Campus Solutionssupports the CSS PROFILE application and provides you
with the tools to construct your own institutional application.

This section discusses how to control the import and export of financial aid data through the Campus
Solutions system. It discusses setting up global options and defines how your institution handles both
federal and institutional need analysis methodologies.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 557

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

Controlling the flow of incoming need analysis data is essential because more students apply to an
institution than are admitted. Admit levels are associated with an academic program status in PeopleSoft
Student Records. These levels enable you to filter requests for ISIRs or PROFILE applications based on a
student's admission level, such as accepted or continuing, admitted, applied, or inactive.

You define your ISIR and PROFILE data load parameters on the Load parameter page. For example,
you can elect to have a student's biographical and demographic data updated in PeopleSoft Campus
Community and request records of students that you want to process. You can process only those students
with a status level of accepted or continuing. At the same time, you can elect to suspend student records
not already loaded into the system, suspend incoming records if the institutional review status and federal
verification is completed, or load records of ISIRs that were rejected.

For students with multiple addresses, to ensure that you send financial aid information to the correct
address throughout the year, select the order in which the system checks for an address to use. For
example, you can have the system locate a mailing address and if it is not available, the system searches
for a second address. The Campus Solutions system shares address options, so you must coordinate
address option changes with other departments that use the system.

You can define the parameters for global, federal, and institutional methodologies by using the College
Board's INAS. FM is a need analysis formula used to determine the EFC toward a student's education.
FM takes into account family size, the number of family members in college, taxable and nontaxable
income, and assets. IM is a need analysis formula used to determine financial need for allocation of the
school's own financial aid funds. Financial Aid calculates need analysis based on the options that you

Pages Used to Work with Applications

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Application Source Ranking FA_APP_SOURCE_RANK Set Up SACR > Product Define which application
Related > Financial Aid > the Budget Assignment
Budgets > Application background process should
Source Rank > Application use for Budget Formula and
Source Ranking Budget Tree criteria.

Admit Level Associations ADMIT_LVL_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Review the admit
Related > Financial Aid > designations set up by your
File Management > Assign institution.
Status to Admit Levels >
Admit Level Associations

Prospect Source X-Ref PROSPECT_XREF_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Set up prospect cross-
Setup (prospect source cross- Related > Financial Aid > references by associating
reference setup) File Management > Define careers from external sources
Careers for Prospects > with an academic career
Prospect Source X-Ref Setup at your institution. The
ISIR load process uses this
information to assign a default
academic career for financial
aid applicants who are not yet

558 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

Defining Application Source Rank

Access the Application Source Ranking page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Budgets > Application Source Rank > Application Source Ranking).

Image: Application Source Ranking page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Application Source Ranking page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the academic institution, aid year, and source rank type.

Application Source Ranking Information

Status Select Active or Inactive.

Award Period Select Academic or Non Std (nonstandard), to associate the

award period with the application source rank.

Description Enter the description of the application source rank.

Comments Enter any additional information regarding the application

source rank.

Source of Information Select the source of information. Values are:

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

Inst App (institutional application).

Application Source If the source of information is Inst App (institutional

application), select from these values: FT CSL (Full-time

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 559

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

Canada Student Loan), Inst App (institutional application),

PROFILE, and PT CSL (Part-time Canada Student Loan).

Source Ranking Rank your preference for source data. The system selects the
lowest number first, and if that application does not exist for the
student, the system searches for the next ranked item.

Note: For the Canadian Need Analysis system, run full-time CSL applications first, followed by part-time
CSL applications.

Reviewing Admit Level Associations

Access the Admit Level Associations page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File
Management > Assign Status to Admit Levels > Admit Level Associations).

Image: Admit Level Associations page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Admit Level Associations page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

External data loads, such as the FAFSA and the CSS PROFILE application can consider a student's
admission status and academic progress. According to your business rules, you decide how to handle
different academic program statuses during the external data load and which level of student to add to the

The Admit Level Associations page displays the association between each academic program status and
an admit level.

560 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

Note: The system delivers admit level values as translate values. Any modification to these values
requires substantial programming and modification effort. However, the descriptions can be changed to fit
your institution's terminology, as used by your institution.

The system displays all available academic program status options.

Associated Admit Level Associate an admit level with each academic program status.
The associated admit level that you select affects the selections
that you make when setting up your ISIR data load parameters.
The associated admit levels are associated with the student
academic program status in PeopleSoft Student Records. Values

5 - Accepted/Continuing

4 - Admitted

3 - Applied/Pending

2 - Inactive

1 - Has Not Applied

Setting Up Academic Career Assignments from the Financial Aid

Access the Prospect Source X-Ref Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File
Management > Define Careers for Prospects > Prospect Source X-Ref Setup).

Image: Prospect Source X-Ref Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Prospect Source X-Ref Setup page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 561

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

The system displays the academic institution and the prospect data source for ISIR processing. ISIRnn
indicates the aid year. For example, ISIR08 is for the 2007–2008 ISIRs. Refer to the annual regulatory
release documentation for information on the Prospect Data Source for future financial aid years.

Career from External Source

Click the Add button to insert additional rows for external careers to associate with an academic career.

Ext Car (external career) Select the corresponding external career sections for the
CSS PROFILE application. The external career relates to the
expected degree or certificate question on the FAFSA.

Description Enter a description from the ISIR for the external career.

Academic Career Select the academic career that you want to associate with the
various external career codes that come in on students' ISIR

You can also assign a default academic career to ISIR records

that are loaded where the expected degree question on the
FAFSA is blank. Insert a new row under the Career from
External Source group box and enter DFLT (default) in the Ext
Car column. Enter the default academic career that you want to
assign to the ISIR record.

Program from External Source

This section is no longer used by any process.

Setting Up Financial Aid Processing

To set up financial aid processing, use the ISIR Data Load Parameters component
(ISIR_INST_CONTROL), the Maintain ISIR Comment Codes component (ISIR_MESSAGES), the
Maintain EDI Transactions component (FA_ECTRANS), and the Define Commit Levels component

This section provides an overview of financial aid processing setup and discusses how to:

• Define ISIR data load options 1.

• Define ISIR data load options 2.

• Define ISIR data load options 3.

• Define ISIR institutional search match.

• Set severity levels for ISIR reject reasons.

• Set severity levels for ISIR comment codes.

• Set up Financial Aid EDI transactions.

562 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

• Set up commit levels for COBOL processes.

Understanding Financial Aid Processing Setup

This section describes the setup for inbound and outbound ISIR file processing.

Inbound processes are used to load ISIRs and to evaluate and load error files. Not every inbound process
requires a separate setup. In this section, you set up the data load parameters for loading ISIRs from the
EDI staging tables into the system database.

You can control the file information that appears on the ISIR EC Queue Review and Loan EC Queue
Review pages. This information is populated by the system and does not require any additional setup
unless you want to change the file information that appears on the EC Queue pages.

Processing ISIRs Out of Sequence

The load process ensures that the system processes ISIR files in the order that they are loaded into the
ISIR staging tables. This is achieved by using the EC Queue instance number assigned to each ISIR file
as the FA EC File Inbound processes it. As long as a school loads its ISIR files based on the creation date
by the CPS, the load process addresses them in order. If schools use the Process ISIR run control page to
restrict the types of files to be processed, the system processes those files in load order.

If the system cannot load ISIR files into the staging tables in the proper sequence, ISIR records with a
lower ISIR transaction number than the current loaded ISIR can load. However, the FM EFC and federal
database match information from the older ISIR does not update the current information. You can view
that information on the Packaging Status Summary panel group.

Using the EFC Override Option

You can override the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for a student. Because schools may not want
to enforce an EFC override at the point a new ISIR is loaded, the ISIR Data Load Parms option of EFC
Override Encountered controls how these records would be processed. The system enforces this option
only when the Call INAS option is not used. Based on the setting of this option, the following occurs
during the ISIR Load process:

Ignore EFC Override Values The system processes the ISIR as if a prior EFC override never
existed. The prorated EFC values that are calculated during the
ISIR load function normally. An EFC Status Message of EFC
Override Ignored posts on the ISIR Inbound Summary nn/nn

Suspend Incoming Record The system automatically suspends the ISIR record for manual
review by the staff. A new suspend reason of EFC Override
Found posts.

Use EFCs Values The system loads the ISIR, but uses established EFC override
values instead of recalculating them from the ISIR information.
The system posts an EFC Status Message of EFC Override
Used on the ISIR Inbound Summary nn/nn component.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 563

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

Updating NSLDS History from the ISIR

When an ISIR is loaded, the NSLDS data on the ISIR updates the NSLDS tables if the Transaction
Process Date on the ISIR is greater than the current effective dated row on the NSLDS tables. If the
Transaction Process Date on the ISIR is equal to the current effective dated row on the NSLDS tables,
the process compares the NSLDS Transaction Numbers. NSLDS data on ISIRs that are suspended can be
allowed to load by using the Load NSLDS Data option on the ISIR Load Options 1 page.

See Defining ISIR Data Load Options 1.

NSLDS sends system generated ISIRs to schools whenever a change occurs to the student's eligibility
status within the National Student Loan Database System. It's important to load this information in a
timely manner in order to have the most recent eligibility information on file. NSLDS data that is loaded
can also be 'pushed' to the aggregate tables to allow the packaging routine access to the NSLDS data when
evaluating aid eligibility. Use the NSLDS Data Push routine to push data into the aggregate tables.

See Using the NSLDS Data Push Process.

Determining the ISIR Type During the ISIR Load

The ISIR load process determines the type of ISIR record—applications, corrections, or system generated
—by reviewing each individual ISIR. The system accomplishes this by reviewing the Transaction Data
Source/Type field on the ISIR.

Note: For a complete description of the Transaction Data Source/Type field values, review the U.S.
Department of Education's Technical Manual for Electronic Data Exchange (EDE).

The following table indicates the Transaction Data Source/Type values that are selected for processing
based on the ISIR Type selected on the ISIR Load Run Control page.

ISIR Load Run Option Transaction Data Source/Type

Applications 1A, 2A, 2B, 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 2R, 2T, 3A, 3E, 3G, 3R, 4A, 4B,
4J, 4K, 4R, 4U, 4V, 5S, 6A, 6B, 6E, 6F, 7G, 7H, 7R, 7T

System Generated 5D, 5L, 5M, 5N, 5P, 5W, 5X, 5Y

Corrections 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 6C

Pages Used to Set Up Financial Aid Processing

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

ISIR Load Options 1 ISIR_INST_CONTROL Set Up SACR > Product Define how ISIR data from
Related > Financial Aid > the CPS is loaded into the
File Management > ISIR system.
Data Load Parameters > ISIR
Load Options 1

564 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

ISIR Load Options 2 ISIR_INST_CONTROL2 Set Up SACR > Product Define how ISIR data from
Related > Financial Aid > the CPS is loaded into the
File Management > ISIR system.
Data Load Parameters > ISIR
Load Options 2

ISIR Load Options 3 ISIR_INST_CONTROL3 Set Up SACR > Product Define how corrected ISIR
Related > Financial Aid > data from the CPS is loaded
File Management > ISIR into the system.
Data Load Parameters > ISIR
Load Options 3

ISIR Inst SearchMatch ISIR_INST_SRCHMCH Set Up SACR > Product Define how ISIR records are
Related > Financial Aid > processed when identified by
File Management > ISIR the Search Match process.
Data Load Parameters > ISIR You can avoid duplicate
Inst Search Match > ISIR Inst records and determine
SearchMatch whether the ISIR records are
loaded into the database as
new records, are appended
to existing records in the
database, or are ignored.

ISIR Reject Reasons ISIR_REJECT_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Review delivered ISIR reject
Related > Financial Aid > reasons and set severity
Application Processing > levels.
Maintain ISIR Comment
Codes > ISIR Reject Reasons

ISIR Comments ISIR_COMMT_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Review delivered ISIR
Related > Financial Aid > comment codes and set
Application Processing > severity levels. DB Match
Maintain ISIR Comment Use setting can be adjusted
Codes > ISIR Comments to control treatment by the
Packaging process. This page
links the comment codes with
the long description or text
defined by the Department of

Financial Aid EDI FA_ECTRANS Set Up SACR > Product Set up financial aid EDI
Transactions Related > Financial Aid > transactions. Control the
File Management > Maintain EDI transactions that can
EDI Transactions > Financial be viewed in the ISIR File
Aid EDI Transactions Review and Loan EC Queue
Review pages.

Setup Commit Levels PROCESS_COMMIT Set Up SACR > Product Set up commit levels for
Related > Financial Aid > COBOL processes. Control
Define Commit Levels > the commit levels for the ISIR
Setup Commit Levels Suspense Load (FAPSAR00)
and ISIR Correction Build

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 565

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

Defining ISIR Data Load Options 1

Access the ISIR Load Options 1 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File
Management > ISIR Data Load Parameters > ISIR Load Options 1).

Image: ISIR Load Options 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Load Options 1 page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

These load parameters are for processing all initial ISIR records and system-generated ISIRs.

The system displays the aid year, school code, effective date, and status.

ISIR Load Options

Use Current Date as Effdt (use Select to use the current date as the effective date of the ISIR
current date as effective date) information loaded into the ISIR Data Corrections component.
If you do not select the check box, the system uses an effective
date based on the CPS transaction processed date.

Call INAS (call Institutional Need Select to enable any ISIR that is loaded to immediately run
Analysis System) the INAS program using the current INAS options. If you do
not select this check box, the ISIR is queued for Batch Need
Analysis processing.

Load NSLDS Data (load National Select this check box to direct the system to load new NSLDS
Student Loan Data System data) data into the NSLDS tables when an ISIR is suspended or
discarded—that is, skipped—and not loaded into the system.

566 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

NSLDS data is loaded for suspended ISIRs under these


• Search Match must not be called by the ISIR load process;

this occurs automatically if an ISIR has been previously
loaded for the student (for any aid year).

• A current year ISIR must be previously loaded for the


• The Transaction Process Date on the ISIR must be greater

than the current effective dated row on the NSLDS tables. If
these dates are the same, the process compares the NSLDS
Transaction Numbers.

• The NSLDS match flag cannot be 7 (match but no data

provided) or 8 (record not sent to NSLDS).

Require FA Term Select to require that at least one active FA Term record for
the corresponding Aid Year exists in order for the record to be
considered for addition to the ISIR Application tables.

Note: The option to use the CPS transaction processed date as the effective date for the loaded data is
available only for initial ISIR records loaded for the aid year. When all corrected ISIRs are loaded, the
system uses the current date as the effective date.

Update Address Options

Discard Incoming Address Select to prevent a student's address information from being
updated in personal data when an ISIR is loaded.

Add if blank - Do not update Select if, when the ISIR is loaded, the student has no active
address in personal data that matches the address usage criteria.

Always Update Select to always update the appropriate address when the ISIR is

Override Address Type Select to force the ISIR address to be loaded into a specific
address type rather than use the ISIR address usage parameters
set in the Process Demo Setup page.

Update Name Options

Update Select if, when the ISIR is loaded, the student has no active
name in personal data that matches name usage criteria, to
update the data with the ISIR name.

Update Bio/Demo Options

Update Select to update these bio/demo fields when the ISIR is loaded:

• Date of Birth

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 567

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

• Marital Status (and As of date)

• Gender

• Citizenship Status

• Visa Number

Update Email Options

Discard Select to prevent a student's email information from being
updated in personal data when the system loads an ISIR.

Add if blank Select if the student does not have an active email address in
personal data that matches the defined usage criteria when the
system loads an ISIR. The system creates an email address using
the highest ranked email type defined in the usage criteria. If an
existing matching address type exists, an update does not occur.

Always Update Select to always update the appropriate email address when the
system loads an ISIR. The system updates the highest ranked
address and phone type defined in the usage criteria.

Update Phone Options

Discard Select to prevent a student's phone information from being
updated in personal data when the system loads an ISIR.

Add if blank Select if the student does not have an active phone number in
personal data that matches the defined usage criteria when the
system loads an ISIR. The system creates a phone number using
the highest ranked phone type defined in the usage criteria. If an
existing matching phone type exists, an update does not occur.

Always Update Select to always update the appropriate phone number when the
system loads an ISIR. The system updates the highest ranked
phone type defined in the usage criteria.

Update Drivers License Options

Discard Select to prevent a student's driver's license information from
being updated in personal data when the ISIR is loaded.

Add if blank Select to enable the following to occur:

• If driver's license information exists for the student in the

Campus Community records, the system does not load the
ISIR information.

• If no driver's license information exists in the Campus

Community records, the system loads the ISIR information.

568 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

Always Update Select to always update the driver's license fields when the ISIR
is loaded. The system checks for an exact match of the driver's
license number and driver's license state.

If the system cannot locate an exact match, it deletes any entries

for the student in the driver's license table where either the state
or the license number match, and then inserts a new row with
the driver's license number and state from the ISIR.

Defining ISIR Data Load Options 2

Access the ISIR Load Options 2 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File
Management > ISIR Data Load Parameters > ISIR Load Options 2).

Image: ISIR Load Options 2 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Load Options 2 page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the aid year, school code, effective date, and status.

These load parameters are for processing all initial ISIR records and system-generated ISIR's.

During the ISIR Load process, the program processes these Data Load Parameters in the following order:

1. Inst. Review Status Completed

2. Ed Verification Completed

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 569

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

3. ISIR Rejects

4. Add Admit Level/ Suspend Admit Level

5. EFC Override Encountered

The incoming ISIR record must meet the criteria defined at each processing step in order to be eligible to

ISIR Routing Controls

Student Status Add Level Select the minimum admit level that a student must have for the
system to load the ISIR to the application tables. Values are:

0 - Load Everyone

1 - Recruits or higher

2 - Inactive Admits or higher

3 - Applicants or higher

4 - Active Admits or higher

5 - Accepted/Continuing only

Student Status Suspend Level Select the minimum admit level that a student must have for the
system to suspend the ISIR. Values include:

0 - Anyone not loaded

1- Recruit or higher

2 - Inactive Admits or higher

3 - Applicants or higher

4 - Active Admits or higher

5 - Accepted/Continuing only

Inst. Review Status Completed Select instructions for handling the ISIR if the institutional
(institutional review status completed) review status is complete. This status is maintained on the
Packaging Status Summary page. Values are: Discard Incoming
Record, Load Record, and Suspend Incoming Record.

Ed Verification Completed Select the instructions for handling the ISIR if the educational
(educational verification completed) verification is complete. This status is maintained on the
Packaging Status Summary page. Values are: Discard Incoming
Record, Load Record, and Suspend Incoming Record.

ISIR Rejects Select the instructions for handling rejected ISIRs. Values are:
Discard Incoming Record, Load Record, and Suspend Incoming

570 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

System Generated Load Option

System Generated ISIR Action Select the way in which system-generated ISIRs should be

All system-generated ISIRs follow the same ISIR load options

and routing control rules as regular, noncorrection ISIRs. Select
from these values:

• Discard Incoming Record: Does not load the record; sets

ISIR load status to Skip.

• Force Load Record Choosing this option bypasses the

following Data Load Parameters when trying to load the
ISIR record:

• Inst. Review Status Completed

• Ed Verification Completed

• ISIR Rejects

All other Data Load Parameters are still checked.

• Load Record: Processes the record and loads it if the load

parameters are met.

• Suspend Incoming Record: Suspends ISIRs that are pending

review and sets the ISIR load status to Suspended.

Note: Because these ISIRs can be generated for various reasons, you might suspend all records of this
type and first review them in the Suspense Management page before loading them. The load process
attempts to determine and assign the ID before the record is suspended.

EFC Override Option

EFC Override Encountered Select one of the following: Ignore EFC Override Values,
Suspend Incoming Record, or Use EFCs Values.

Defining ISIR Data Load Options 3

Access the ISIR Load Options 3 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File
Management > ISIR Data Load Parameters > ISIR Load Options 3).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 571

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

Image: ISIR Load Options 3 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Load Options 3 page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use these load parameters for processing all corrected ISIRs. To identify ISIRs corrected by the recipient
school, the ISIR ETI field value is checked and only those records with a value of 0, 2, 4, or 6 are
selected. This indicates that the recipient school initiated the correction record, and you can process
the ISIR normally. You can suspend any other ISIR ETI value, except blank, as a non-school initiated
correction using the Suspend Other School Initiated and Suspend Student Initiated ISIR load options.

Note: The process of loading corrected ISIRs is not the same as for initial ISIRs. Refer to Processing
INAS for details.

See Processing Inbound Files.

The system displays the aid year, school code, effective date, and status.

ISIR Corrections Load Options

Suspend on EFC Mismatch (suspend Select to suspend the corrected ISIR if the primary EFC on the
on expected family contribution ISIR does not match the last calculated primary EFC for the
mismatch) student stored in PS_ISIR_COMPUTED.PRIMARY_EFC.

Suspend Other School Initiated Select to suspend ISIRs that are initiated by another school or
the CPS.

Suspend Student Initiated Select to suspend ISIRs that are initiated by the student.

572 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

Note: A school-initiated correction is processed with the Suspend on EFC Mismatch load option set. If
no previously loaded ISIR exists, the process treats the condition as an application ISIR and follows the
application ISIR load parameter settings. This allows initially rejected ISIRs corrected by the school to
load as initial application ISIRs.

Because a student has likely already been processed for financial aid when you receive the corrected ISIR,
the system provides INAS options.

INAS Call Options

Always Call INAS (always call Select to run the INAS calculation as the ISIR is loaded into the
Institutional Need Analysis System) application tables. This is similar to the Call INAS check box on
the ISIR Load Options 1 page.

Store INAS Calc Request (store Select to store the ID and aid year of the record for later batch
Institutional Need Analysis System INAS processing.
calculation request)

Call INAS if EFC Change (call Select to run an INAS calculation only if the primary EFC on
Institutional Need Analysis System if the ISIR does not match the last calculated primary EFC.
expected family contribution change)

Never Call INAS (never call Select to disable the system from calling INAS when the ISIR
Institutional Need Analysis System) is loaded. This feature does not support future batch INAS

Defining ISIR Institutional Search Match

Access the ISIR Inst SearchMatch page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File
Management > ISIR Data Load Parameters > ISIR Inst SearchMatch).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 573

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

Image: ISIR Inst SearchMatch page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Inst SearchMatch page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

You determine how restrictive to make the Matching process. The system searches on the match that you
select by reviewing personal data until it finds a match. When the search and match process runs, the
program starts with the first order number and moves through the order numbers until it finds a match. If
the system finds no matches at any level, then the option that you selected in the No Match Found group
box takes effect. To load all students into the system regardless of match, override the No Match Found

Note: The search match options apply only to ISIRs where no prior year ISIR was loaded into the

The system displays the aid year and school code.

Search Parameter A search parameter is a set of one or more search rules that you
order sequentially with the lowest (or first) search order level as
the most restrictive, and the highest (or last) search order level
as the least restrictive. A search parameter must be created even
if it contains only one search rule.

No Match Found
New Select an option to indicate the action the system takes when the
Search Match process does not find a matching record. Values

Add: The system adds the record to your database and generates
a new ID for the ISIR.

Suspend: The record is put in suspense.

574 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

Ignore: The system sets the load status to Skipped; the ISIR is
not loaded and is ignored by the load process.

The Match(es) Found group box has one row for each search match criteria order defined by your
institution. Use the scroll bar to scroll through the levels of search criteria.

Match(es) Found
Order Nbr (order number) Displays a separate listing for each order number level of search
criteria. The number of search match levels depends on the
Search Parameter you selected to use for the ISIR load process.

One Match For each order number, select an option to determine how the
system processes the record. Values are:

Update: The system updates the existing record with the

matching record.

Suspend: The system assigns a suspended load status to the

matching record.

Ignore: The system sets the load status to Skipped.

Multiple Matches For each order number, select an option to determine what to do
with the record. Values are:

Suspend: The system assigns a suspended load status to the

matching record.

Ignore: The system sets the load status to Skipped; the ISIR is
not loaded and is ignored by the load process.

****Parameters Refreshed**** The system displays this message in red text when the ISIR
Institutional Search Match parameters are not saved or the
global Search Match parameters are not changed since you last
updated this page. If you change parameters and do not save the
changes or if you make a change since the last changes were
made, the system displays this message.

You may want to create a Financial Aid-specific Search

Parameter that can perform the ISIR search match function
more efficiently than the provided PSCS_TRADTIONAL.
For example, you may want to create a search parameter that
contains a single search match order that does a last name,
Social Security number, and student birthdate match.

Related Links
"Setting Up Search/Match" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Setting Severity Levels for ISIR Reject Reasons

Access the ISIR Reject Reasons page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > Maintain ISIR Comment Codes > ISIR Reject Reasons).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 575

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

Image: ISIR Reject Reasons page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Reject Reasons page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The ISIR Message Tables component enables you to review delivered ISIR messages and assign a level of
severity to each reject reason and comment code, to indicate the action required by financial aid staff.

Warning! ISIR reject reasons and ISIR comment codes are defined by the Department of Education and
are delivered to your institution with each academic year release update. You can update the message
tables if the CPS modifies the values after their initial release.

The system displays the aid year and institution. PSUNV is the default institution for the ISIR reject
reasons. You do not need to create records for your institution values.

ISIR Reject Reasons

Code Displays information assigned to the ISIR reject reason by the
Department of Education. These codes appear on a student's

Description Displays the description, using the codes assigned to the ISIR
reject reason by the Department of Education by default. The
description and the accompanying code appear on a student's

Severity Level Indicates the level of importance of the reject reason and
whether action is required. You can design local ISIR workflow
processes using this field as criteria for ISIR review or
communication with the student. Select from these values:

1 - Action Req: Requires action.

0 - Ignore: Requires no action.

576 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

Setting Severity Levels for ISIR Comment Codes

Access the ISIR Comments page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > Maintain ISIR Comment Codes > ISIR Comments).

Image: ISIR Comments page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Comments page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the aid year and institution. PSUNV is the default institution for the ISIR comment
codes. You do not need to create records for your institution values.

The Campus Solutions system compares ISIR comments on the student's record to the ISIR Comment
table to evaluate eligibility for federal aid. Each comment is associated with a severity level. The severity
level associated with the DB Match Use field triggers how the system handles the database match during
packaging. As an administrator, you can reset the predefined severity level value assigned to each ISIR

ISIR Comment Codes

Code Displays codes from a table delivered by the Department of
Education. These codes may appear in Part 1 of a student's SAR
or ISIR.

Description Displays a description of the associated code from a table

delivered by the Department of Education. The description may
appear in Part 1 of a student's SAR or ISIR.

Severity Level Indicates the level of importance that you want to attach to the
comment code and whether action is required. You can design
local ISIR workflow processes using this field as criteria for
ISIR review or communication with the student. Select from
these values:

0 - Ignore: Requires no action.

1- Action Required: DB Match problem requires action.

2 - Action required. SAR C Flag on file.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 577

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

Based on these severity levels, if a student has an ISIR comment

with a severity level 1 or 2 and the DB Match Use value is
not blank, the system does not award the student federal aid
until the errant condition, and therefore the corresponding ISIR
comment, are resolved.

DB Match Use The DB Match Use value corresponds to a U.S.E.D. database


Note: INAS Calc Type selection is restricted to IM for the latest

available processing year until FM INAS is delivered.

Note: You can use the override option on the Database Matches
page to override this functionality. For example, if the student
has an ISIR comment with a severity level of 1 or 2, you can
invoke the corresponding database match override to make the
student eligible for federal aid.

See Reviewing the U.S.E.D. Database Match Process.

Setting Up Financial Aid EDI Transactions

Access the Financial Aid EDI Transactions page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
File Management > Maintain EDI Transactions > Financial Aid EDI Transactions).

Image: Financial Aid EDI Transactions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Financial Aid EDI Transactions page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

EC Transaction ID (electronic Displays the electronic commerce name specified for the EDI
commerce transaction ID) file.

578 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

In/Out Displays whether the file is inbound (to be loaded into the
database) or outbound (generated by the system to be sent to an
external trading partner).

Description Displays the description of the EDI file.

FA Use (financial aid use) Displays the financial aid business process that the EDI file
supports. Values are: Blank, CommonLine, Direct Lending, ISIR,
and Pell.

The system displays EDI transactions with FA Use value of ISIR in the ISIR EC Queue Review page and
displays EDI transactions with FA Use value of CommonLine and Direct Lending on the Loan EC Queue
Review page.

If you set the FA Use field to blank, the system does not display those EDI transactions review page. You
might do this with prior year EDI transactions that you no longer want to appear.

Setting Up Commit Levels for COBOL Processes

Access the Setup Commit Levels page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Define
Commit Levels > Setup Commit Levels).

Image: Setup Commit Levels page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Setup Commit Levels page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Fin Aid Default Commit Level Enter the default commit level, which indicates to the system
(financial aid default commit level) when to save records while processing for any process that does
not have a specific commit level assigned to it on this page. For
example, if you enter 50, the system saves the processing after
every 50 records that it processes. If you do not enter a value in
this field, the default commit level is 0, which directs the system
to save after each record is processed.

Process Name Enter or select the process name for which you want to set
commit levels. Insert additional rows for each process for which
you want to set a commit level.

Commit Level Enter a numeric value for the commit level for each process.
The commit level instructs the system when to save records
while it is running a process. For example, if you enter 50,
the system saves the processing after every 50 records that it

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 579

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

Note: The appropriate commit levels to use depend on your production environment, such as the type of
database, size of database, and hardware. Commit levels should be set by knowledgeable technical staff

Reviewing Cross-References
To set up cross-references, use the ISIR/SAR Cross Reference component (ISIR_SAR_XREF) and the
Institutional Cross Reference component (INST_XREF).

This section discusses how to:

• Review ISIR SAR cross-references.

• Review institutional application cross-references.

Pages Used to Review Cross-References

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

ISIR SAR Cross-reference ISIR_SAR_XREF Set Up SACR > Product Review ISIR/SAR cross-
Related > Financial Aid > references. This page is
Application Processing > used by several background
ISIR/SAR Cross Reference > processes and online pages
ISIR SAR Cross-reference to link the ISIR/FAFSA field
number and ISIR record
field number to the table and
column name in the Campus
Solutions system. It cross-
references the field name
and description to the ISIR/
FAFSA record field number.

Institutional Cross Reference INST_XREF Set Up SACR > Product Review institutional
Related > Financial Aid > application cross-references
Application Processing > and audit changes to the
Institutional Cross Reference institutional application pages.
Several background processes
and online pages use this
table to link the institutional
application field number and
record field number to the
table and column name in the
Campus Solutions database.
It cross-references the field
name and description to the
institutional record field

Reviewing ISIR SAR Cross-References

Access the ISIR SAR Cross-reference page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Application Processing > ISIR/SAR Cross Reference > ISIR SAR Cross-reference).

580 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

Image: ISIR SAR Cross-reference page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR SAR Cross-reference page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Warning! The ISIR SAR Cross-reference page is delivered annually with preloaded values and should
not be changed or modified in any way.

The system displays the aid year, record (table) name, and record description.

Field Name Displays the names of the valid fields in the Financial Aid
system for the table.

SAR # Displays the CPS field reference number used for correcting
ISIRs and identifying highlighted fields on the ISIR/SAR for the
aid year.

Correctable to Blank If selected, indicates that the field can be reported as a blank
value in the ISIR correction record.

ISIR Field Type Displays the description for the ISIR field type:

Alpha: Alpha Numeric




Signed Num: Signed Numeric

Batch Year: Date (Batch Year)

Mixed Case

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 581

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

Reviewing Institutional Application Cross-References

Access the Institutional Cross Reference page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Application Processing > Institutional Cross Reference).

Image: Institutional Cross Reference page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Institutional Cross Reference page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Warning! The Institutional Cross Reference page is delivered annually with preloaded values. These
values should not be changed in any way.

The system displays the aid year, academic institution, record (table) name, and record description.

Field Name Displays the names of fields in the Financial Aid system for the

Description Displays the field contents.

INST Field Nbr (institutional Displays the institutional application field number that
application field number) corresponds to the field in the Financial Aid system.

Aid Year Displays the aid year of the institutional application field

Setting Up PROFILE Data Load Parameters

To set up PROFILE data load parameters, use the PROFILE Load Parameters component

582 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

Page Used to Set Up PROFILE Data Load Parameters

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

PROFILE Data Load INST_LOAD_CNTRL Set Up SACR > Product Set up the PROFILE
Parameters Related > Financial Aid > application parameters for
File Management > your institution. PeopleSoft
PROFILE Load Parameters > Campus Solutions supports
PROFILE Data Load the College Board CSS
Parameters PROFILE application.

Setting Up PROFILE Data Load Parameters

Access the PROFILE Data Load Parameters page Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
File Management > PROFILE Load Parameters).

Image: PROFILE Data Load Parameters page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PROFILE Data Load Parameters page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 583

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

Note: When this page opens an error message might display such as "Fields Parameter Code and Max
Search Match Level reset to blank. (14404,413) The Search Match Criteria has been modified more
recently than the effective date on this page. Please insert a new effective-dated row on this page or
update the current effective data to the present day. Then reenter the value for the field(s) mentioned
above." This error message displays when the Search Match parameter criteria was set up after the
effective date of this run control. By adding a new effective-dated row and resetting the fields mentioned
in the error message, the PROFILE load process uses valid search match criteria.

Note: Some setup information applies to only custodial parent application data (HHA), only non custodial
parent application data (HHB), or both. Each section notes the applicability of the setup.

Effective Date Select an effective date for this aid year.

Status Select a status for this aid year.


Note: These fields only apply to custodial parent application data (HHA).

Update Name Data Select to enable PROFILE name data to update Campus
Community data.

Update Bio/Demo Data (update Select to enable PROFILE biographical and demographic data
biographical and demographic data) to update Campus Community data. Updated fields include
Marital Status, Gender, DOB, Citizenship, and Visa

PROFILE Address Use

Note: These fields only apply to custodial parent application data (HHA).

Discard Incoming Address Select if you do not want to update Campus Community address

Add if blank - Do not update Select to have the system add the address from the file with the
address type that appears in the Address Type field when there
is no Campus Community address information.

For example, if PERM appears in the Address Type field, the

system identifies and adds the address as a permanent address

Always Update Select to always update Campus Community address

information. When selected, the designated address is updated
with the value specified in the Address Type field.

Address Type Select the Address Type to be used when either adding or
updating an address.

584 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options


Note: These fields only apply to custodial parent application data (HHA).

Discard Incoming Phone Select if you do not want to update Campus Community phone
number information.

Add if blank - Do not update Select to have the system add the phone number from the file
with the phone type that appears in the Phone Type field when
there is no Campus Community phone information.

For example, if Mobile appears in the Phone Type field, the

system identifies and adds the address as a mobile phone type.

Always Update Select to always update Campus Community phone information.

When selected, the designated phone number is updated with
the value specified in the Phone Type field.

Phone Type Select the Phone Type to be used when either adding or
updating a phone number.

PROFILE Add Person

Note: These fields only apply to non custodial parent application data (HHB). If left blank, the default
behavior is Suspend New Student.

Create New Student Select to create a new student based on data in the Non
Custodial Parent PROFILE (HHB) application under the
following conditions:

• The student doesn’t exist in the system.

• The Non Custodial Parent PROFILE (HHB) application

is received before the Custodial Parent PROFILE (HHA)

• The student passes all requisite PROFILE Routing Controls.

Suspend New Student Select to suspend a new student based on data in the Non
Custodial Parent PROFILE (HHB) application under the
following conditions:

• The student doesn’t exist in the system.

• The Non Custodial Parent PROFILE (HHB) application

is received before the Custodial Parent PROFILE (HHA)

• The student passes all requisite PROFILE Routing Controls.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 585

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

PROFILE Routing Control

Note: These fields apply to both custodial parent and non custodial parent application data (HHA and

Student Status Add Level Select an add level to define the students for whom you want
to process PROFILE data. This is where you see the numeric
hierarchy affect admit levels. Values are:

0 - Load Everyone

1 - Recruits or higher

2 - Inactive Admits or higher

3 - Applicants or higher

4 - Active Admits or higher

5 - Accepted/Continuing only

Student Status Suspend Level Select a level to define the PROFILE records to retain in the
PROFILE Suspense table. You can select these students again in
future data loads. Values are:

0 - Anyone not loaded

1- Recruits or higher

2 - Inactive Admits or higher

3 - Applicants or higher

4 - Active Admits or higher

5 - Accepted/Continuing only

Search Parameter A search parameter is a set of one or more search rules that you
order sequentially with the lowest (or first) search order level
as the most restrictive, and the highest (or last) search order
level as the least restrictive. A search parameter must be created
even if it contains only one search rule. The delivered Campus
Solutions search Parameter is called PSCS_TRADTIONAL.

Max Search Match Level Select a maximum search match level, which determines how
restrictive the Matching process should be. The values in this
field depend on the value selected in the Search Parameter field.
The system searches on the match level that you select, plus
the more restrictive matches that come before it. For example, if
you select a match of 20 (SSN Only in PSCS_TRADTIONAL),
the search process first uses the more restrictive match of
10—or any match number less than 20—that you set up in the

Values are:

586 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 21 Defining Application Processing Options

Name, Adddr, City, Bday, Gender, SSN

SSN Only

Name, Bday, Gender

Name, Gender

Name Only

Search/Match No Match Action Select the action to take when a record fails the Search/Match
criteria designated in the Search Parameter

Values are:

Suspend — Move the record into the Suspense Management


Allow Add if Eligible — Consider the record for the Add Level
Rules and/or Suspense Level Rules.

Aid Proc Status Pkg Completed Select the action to take when the process encounters a record
(aid processing status is packaging for a student whose Aid Processing Status is Packaging
completed) Completed.

Values are:

Suspend — Move the record into the Suspense Management

table. The Aid Processing Status remains Packaging Completed.

Load/Reset Status to Applied — Load the record and reset the

Aid Processing Status to Applied.

Require FA Term (require financial Select to require that at least one FA Term record for the
aid term) corresponding Aid Year must exist in order for the record to be
considered for addition to the Institutional Application tables.

Note: Other PROFILE Routing Controls must be met whether

Require FA Term is selected or not for a record to be considered
to be added to the Institutional Application tables.

EFC Source
Indicate the source to use by selecting Estimated FM Calc (estimated Federal methodology calculation)
IM w/Options (institutional methodology with options), or Larger of two.

Overrides/INAS Options
Use EFC Override Values (used Select to enable the Load Program and the Suspense/Move
expected family contribution override Program to evaluate the activation of the Use EFC Override
values) Value check box on the INAS Institutional Extension pages and
load those values into the Contribution for Student row of the
Computation Data page. The override values are identified with
an O on the Computation Data page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 587

Defining Application Processing Options Chapter 21

Store INAS Calc Request (store Select to insert the student into the INAS Calculation Request
institutional need analysis system (INAS_CALC_RECS) table during the PROFILE Load. The
calculation request) batch INAS calculation process calculates an EFC for any
student found on the INAS Calculation Request (INAS_CALC_
RECS) table. Defaults to selected.

Call INAS During Load (call Select to perform INAS calculation, based on the INAS Global
institutional need analysis system Policy options for the corresponding Aid Year, during PROFILE
during load) Data Load.

588 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22

Processing Federal Financial Aid


Understanding Federal Financial Aid Application Processing

To coordinate incoming and outgoing data files with the U.S. Department of Education's Central
Processing System (CPS), you transmit data using the Department of Education's Student Aid Internet
Gateway (SAIG) communications software, vendor supplied software, or software developed by your
own institution.

CPS sends the student's FAFSA information contained in the ISIR data record and you load the data
into the Financial Aid system. You can then override assumptions and rejects, add your institution to a
student's ISIR, make ISIR corrections, exchange data with the CPS, validate and manage corrections,
view EFC status, and review comments.

Financial Aid application processing consists of inbound and outbound processing. Inbound processing
refers to ISIR records sent to your institution from the CPS. Outbound processing refers to ISIR
correction records and requests to add your institution to the student's ISIR.

To load financial aid application information from the ISIR, use inbound processes:

1. When you receive a download from the CPS, run the FA Inbound process to deposit the entire batch
into ISIR staging tables.

NSLDS and some Direct Loan files are loaded using this process.

2. Run the ISIR Load process (FAPSAR00) to load the files from the ISIR staging tables into the

The ISIR Load process uses your ISIR data load parameters and process demographic settings. ISIR
records that are not loaded are marked as suspended for manual review or are automatically discarded
based on your institution's data load parameter settings.

To send out ISIR corrections or add institution requests to the CPS, use outbound processes:

1. Run the ISIR Correction Outbound (FAPCOR00) process to gather all the data files marked to send.

This process selects corrected ISIR records, requests to add the institution, and ISIR signatures
records and copies them into the outbound staging tables.

2. Run the inbound ISIR Correction Errors process (FASAREXX) to evaluate record level error files that
have been received from the CPS (message classes CORE0XOP, EAPR0XOP, SIGA0XOP). If the
file contains history correction errors, the process updates the matching Correction Management page

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 589

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

3. Run the FA Outbound process to select records in the outbound staging tables and generate ISIR
correction and FAFSA Signature files for transmission to CPS.

Processing Inbound Files

You load ISIRs from the CPS, create and send ISIR corrections and FAFSA signature files to the CPS.
The FA Inbound process automatically determines the type of file from CPS and loads the file into the
inbound staging tables.

First, the FA Inbound process loads records from the CPS files into the ISIR EDI staging tables. Then
the ISIR Load process loads the data from the staging tables into the database using the ISIR data load
parameters; only files meeting the criteria are moved into the database.

The FA Inbound process generates artificial header and trailer information for the files loaded into the
staging tables. The header row contains a batch number assigned to the loaded file. The trailer row
contains a count of the number of ISIRs in the file. You can view this information in the ISIR Inbound
Summary components.

This section provides an overview of the FA inbound process and describes how to load ISIR files.

Pages Used to Process Inbound Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Inbound RUNCTL_FA_INBOUND Financial Aid > File Load external financial aid
Management > Import electronic commerce files.
Federal Data Files > FA

ISIR File Load RUN_CNTL_FAPSAR00 Financial Aid > File Load the ISIR records from
Management > ISIR the ISIR staging tables into
Import > Process ISIRs > the database using the rules
ISIR File Load that you set up in the ISIR
Data Load Parms page. This
page supports multiple ISIR
load criteria settings for a
single run control ID.

ISIR File Review FA_EDI_ECQUEUE Financial Aid > File Review all inbound and
Management > Review CPS/ outbound files to the CPS.
NSLDS Transactions > ISIR You can use the search page to
File Review select the type of CPS files to

Financial Aid EDI FA_ECTRANS Set Up SACR > Product Control the EDI transactions
Transactions Related > Financial Aid > that can be viewed in the ISIR
File Management > Maintain EC Queue Review and Loan
EDI Transactions > Financial EC Queue Review pages.
Aid EDI Transactions

ISIR Suspense Detail Report SFA_RUNCTL_FA927 Financial Aid > File Generate a report of all
Management > ISIR suspended ISIRs for a selected
Import > ISIR Suspense Aid Year.
Detail Report

590 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Understanding the FA Inbound Process

The FA Inbound process reads the file and searches for the listed files using the path defined in
the file list. After processing the file list, the system creates a new file in the same directory as the
original file. The name of the new file is the name of the file list with an appended date/time stamp.
For example, if LIST1.TXT were processed September 1, at 9 A.M., the name of the new file is

If an error is found for a file in the list file, the FA Inbound process loads the previous files into the
database and then stops processing. The files after the file in error are not processed.

The new file lists the files that were successfully processed, and, if an error is found, the file in error.
The error file is listed last with the message "Error not processed." appended to the file path. For
example, if LIST1.TXT contained five ISIR files, and the third file, ISDF05OP.003, had an error, the
LIST1.TXT20040901090000 file would read:



Error not processed: C:\ISIR\2005\ISDF05OP.003

The remaining two files defined in the file list were not processed and are not listed.

Use the message log to view the files that the system loaded successfully or unsuccessfully and any error
messages. Use the File/Log Viewer to read these messages.

Note: Even when a problem occurs with the load process, the Process Monitor might display the run
status as Success. To determine whether all files in a file list were successfully processed, open the data
stamped list file and verify that the last row in the file does not read: Error not processed.

The FA Inbound process assigns an ISIR TG number to ISIR files that are loaded into the staging tables.
The ISIR File Load process selects ISIR files with matching TG numbers to process. All others are
ignored until the ISIR load is run with the same TG number.

ISIR files may contain a request title record as the first row in the file if schools use queries to request
ISIRs from the datamart. A blank first row may be present for schools that do not use queries. The FA
Inbound process skips these rows.

Note: Because the FA Inbound process reads the first position of the ISIR file to determine the type of
ISIR, if you use the request title functionality at the datamart, do not begin the query name with a number.
This may cause the request title row to be loaded into the staging tables, but it does not stop the ISIR rows
in the file from being loaded nor does this affect the further processing of the ISIRs.

Processing ISIRs for Multiple Schools at Same Destination for Aid Years 2016–
2017 and After
For institutions with multiple valid school codes, the ISIR File Load process attempts to identify and
assign the owning school code. For example, Institution PSUNV receives ISIRs for school codes
E01300 and E01301. A student completes the FAFSA and lists both schools as recipients. The electronic
destination receives an ISIR for each valid school code.

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Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Note: All your valid school codes must be set up in ISIR Data Load Parameters and be ‘Active’. See
Setting Up Financial Aid Processing.

Note: All ISIR files must be imported to the ISIR record staging table.

Using ISIR records imported into the ISIR record staging table with FA INBOUND process, the system
compares any identified school codes found in the staging table (across ISIR records) to the ISIR Data
Load parameter records for the aid year and institution:

1. If a single school code match exists, the system processes the ISIR with the data load parameters of
the matching school code

2. If no match exists, the ISIR errors with a message of 2 – Invalid School Code.

3. If multiple matches of the ISIR Data Load parameter records exist,

a. The system checks for a previously loaded ISIR and uses the owning school code for the most
recent loaded ISIR.

b. Otherwise, the ISIR suspends with a message of “S – Unable to Select School Code”.

For ISIR records that are suspended with “Unable to Select School Code”, you can determine
the correct Owning School Code, manually load the associated ISIR on the ISIR Suspense
Management page, and reprocess them.

Once an Owning School Code is established for an Aid Year, any other ISIRs trying to load with a
different school code suspend with a message of “Different School Code Loaded”.

Processing ISIRs for Multiple Schools at Same Destination for Aid Years Up to
and Including 2015–2016
For destinations with multiple valid school codes, the load process attempts to identify and assign the
owning school code. For example, destination TG51234 receives ISIRs for school codes E01300 and
E01301. A student completes the FAFSA and lists both schools as recipients. The electronic destination
receives a single ISIR.

The Multi School Flag field is used to determine which school codes belong to the same destination. The
initiator of the ISIR is also identified. If one of the matching schools initiated the ISIR, then the ISIR is
processed for that school. If none of the matching schools initiated the ISIR, such as when it was initiated
by the student or another school, then the following occurs:

1. The system compares the identified school codes to the ISIR Data Load parameter records for the
aid year. If a single school code match exists between the ISIR and data load parameters, the system
processes the ISIR with the data load parameters of the matching school code.

2. If no match exists, the ISIR errors with a message of 2 – Invalid School Code.

3. If multiple matches of the ISIR Data Load parameter records exist, the system checks for a previously
loaded ISIR and uses the owning school code for the most recent loaded ISIR. Otherwise, the ISIR
suspends with a message of S – Unable to Select School Code.

You can reassign the correct federal school code to suspended ISIRs on the ISIR Suspense Management
page and then reprocess them.

592 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Processing Multiple Institution Files

The ISIR load process evaluates each ISIR record to determine the appropriate recipient of the file. In
most cases, by checking the school codes listed on the ISIR and the ISIR ETI and Multi School Flag
fields, the process is able to determine the correct school code and institution to process the ISIR. One
condition exists for which the process is unable to do so. Assigning a TG number during the FA EC
Inbound process resolves this condition.

This condition occurs when a customer is set up with multiple institutions, where each institution is
represented by a separate TG destination number, and where a student completes a FAFSA for schools
belonging to separate TG numbers for the same customer.

For example, State University is comprised of two institutions and is set up as follows:

• Institution: SUWEST (TG number: 52222, School code: E52222)

• Institution: SUEAST (TG number: 53333, School code: E53333)

New students often apply for admissions to both schools and submit their FAFSA information to both. As
a result, State University receives separate, identical ISIR records for these students (one per TG number).
This is because the two institutions represent separate TG numbers, and the multi-school flag fields are
not populated. Currently, when the ISIR load is run for one institution, the system processes both ISIRs of
these students at the same time, where one file is processed with the incorrect ISIR Data Load parameters
and can be loaded to the incorrect institution and owning school code.

By assigning the correct TG number for each ISIR file that is loaded, the condition described above is

Note: It is the responsibility of the school to assign the correct TG number when loading ISIR files into
the staging tables.

Identifying Correction ISIRs Not Initiated by the School

The system performs the following evaluation to identify ISIRs corrected by the recipient school.
The system checks the ISIR ETI field value and only those records with a value of 0, 2, 4, or 6 are
selected. This indicates that the recipient school initiated the correction record, and you can process the
ISIR normally. For all other values, an additional check against the ISIR Source of Correction field is
performed to determine whether the ISIR was initiated by the student, another school, or the CPS.

You can control which of these correction ISIRs are processed with the Suspend Student Initiated and
Suspend Other School Initiated load options for corrected ISIRs. You may want to suspend all non-
school initiated ISIRs first and then review the fields that were corrected in the nn/nn ISIR Suspense
Management, Corrected fields page before determining how to process the record.

Note: Corrected ISIRs initiated by the CPS are treated as other school initiated.

Processing Corrections
Because application and correction ISIRs can be grouped in the same file, running the ISIR load process
with only the Applications record type option selected causes the process to ignore any corrected (and
system generated) ISIRs in the file. The load status of these skipped records remains unchanged until you
use the correct record type option to process these records.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 593

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

A school-initiated correction is processed with the Suspend on EFC Mismatch load option set. If no
previously loaded ISIR exists, the process treats the condition as an application ISIR and follows the
application ISIR load parameter settings. This allows initially rejected ISIRs corrected by the school to
load as initial application ISIRs.

If you process a student initiated corrected ISIR with the Suspend Student Initiated ISIR load option
deactivated, or process a non-school initiated corrected ISIR with the Suspend Other-School Initiated
option deactivated, the system treats the ISIR as an application ISIR and follows the application ISIR load
parameter settings. The correction ISIR load parameters are ignored.

Any ISIR that has the duplicate SSN indicator set always suspends. Because this indicates that the social
security number on the ISIR has been used by another application, users should evaluate the record before
loading the ISIR in the suspense management component.

Importing Federal Data Files

Access the FA Inbound page (Financial Aid > File Management > Import Federal Data Files > FA

Run Option Select one of the following run options:

Single File: The file listed in the Inbound File field is one of the
supported EDI files. This is the default.

File List: The file listed in the Inbound File field is a list of files
to be processed.

ISIR TG Number Assign the appropriate ISIR TG number for the ISIRs that are
loaded. When processing a file list, the system assigns the same
TG number to all ISIRs in the list.

The FA_INBOUND process supports the loading of most ISIR file types for the current and following aid
year as well as the following additional file types.

File Type Message Class/Input File Name

Import School Account Statement (Fixed-Length, DSDF07OP

Disbursement Level Loan Detail)

Import School Account Statement (Fixed-Length, Loan Level DSLF07OP

Loan Detail)

Entrance Counseling Results (Fixed-Length) DECF07OP

Exit Counseling Results (Fixed-Length) DLFF07OP


NSLDS Financial Aid History FAHEXTOP

594 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Loading ISIR Files

Access the ISIR File Load page (Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Import > Process ISIRs >
ISIR File Load).

The ISIR Load process uses the Aid Year and Institution values you select to identify the appropriate ISIR
Data Load Parameters to use during the run.

TG Number Enter the TG Number of the ISIRs you wish to process. The
TG Number is assigned to ISIR records during the FA Inbound

Load ISIRs, Load System Generated Select the type of ISIRs you want to process. The ISIR load
ISIRs, Load ISIR Corrections process determines the type of ISIR record (applications, system
generated or corrections) by reviewing each ISIR. The system
does this by reviewing the Transaction Data Source/Type field
on the ISIR.

For more information about Determining the ISIR Type During the ISIR Load:

See Understanding Financial Aid Processing Setup.

Managing Suspended ISIRs

All ISIR records are loaded into the ISIR staging tables before moving into the database. These records
are never deleted. You can look at and review an entire batch of ISIR records or you can look at an
individual student's ISIR processing information.

After the ISIR file has been loaded from the staging tables to the database, you can view the ISIR data
from the ISIR Data Corrections component.

This section discusses how to:

• Use ISIR suspense management.

• View detailed status information from the ISIR Load process.

• View information generated by CPS for the ISIR.

• View ISIR reject codes.

• Review corrected fields.

• Manage ISIRs suspended in batch.

Pages Used to Manage Suspended ISIRs

Note: The navigation paths for the pages listed in the following page introduction table are for aid year
20nn-20nn. Oracle supports access for two active aid years.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 595

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

ISIR Suspense Management ISIR_SUSP_CNTRPIAnn Financial Aid > File Review all ISIR records
nn/nn Management > ISIR processed by the FA Inbound
Import > 20nn-20nn and FAPSAR00 processes.
Suspense Management > ISIRs from batches that have
ISIR Suspense Management been set to Processed in the
nn/nn ISIR EC Queue Review page
are not viewable on this page.

View ISIR Load Information ISIR_STAGEINF5_SEC Click the ISIR Load View detailed status
Information link on the ISIR information generated by the
Suspense Management nn/nn FAPSAR00 process for the
page. selected ISIR.

CPS Generated Fields ISIR_CPS_GEN_INFnn Click the CPS Generated Data View information generated
link on the ISIR Suspense by CPS to assist in resolving
Management nn/nn page. suspended ISIRs.

Reject Reasons ISIR_SUSP00REJ_SEC Click the ISIR Reject Reasons View ISIR reject codes.
link on the ISIR Suspense
Management page.

Corrected Fields ISIR_CORR_SEC Click the Corrected Fields Review which fields were
link on the ISIR Suspense corrected in the current ISIR.
Management page. This link is only available if
corrections were made.

ISIR Inbound Load Summary ISIR_nn_IN_SRCH Financial Aid > File View processing information
Management > ISIR for all ISIRs within a single
Import > 20nn-20nn ISIR batch file. The page displays
File Data > ISIR Inbound processing information for
Load Summary each ISIR record in the ISIR
staging tables. View the load
status to determine whether
the record has been loaded
into the database. If the file is
suspended or erred after the
ISIR Load process runs, view
the reason. The page also
provides data to help associate
the ISIR record with a student.

Header and Trailer Data ISIR_nn_IN_HSEC Click the Header and Trailer View header and trailer
Data link on the ISIR Inbound information for the ISIR
Load Summary page. record.

ISIR Data 1 ISIR_nn_IN_1SEC Click the ISIR Data 1 link View the FAFSA questions
on the ISIR Inbound Load reported on the ISIR, in the
Summary page: Inbound File staging tables.
Data tab.

ISIR Data 2 ISIR_nn_IN_2SEC Click the ISIR Data 2 link View Federal database match
on the ISIR Inbound Load and FM computational
Summary page: Inbound File information reported on the
Data tab. ISIR, in the staging tables.

596 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

NSLDS Data 1 ISIR_nn_IN_3SEC Click the NSLDS Data 1 link View NSLDS history
on the ISIR Inbound Load information reported on the
Summary page: Inbound File ISIR, in the staging tables.
Data tab.

NSLDS Data 2 ISIR_nn_IN_4ASEC Click the NSLDS Data 2 link View NSLDS history
on the ISIR Inbound Load information reported on the
Summary page: Inbound File ISIR, in the staging tables.
Data tab.

NSLDS ACG NSLDS_ACG Financial Aid > Awards > Review a summary of a
View NSLDS Loan Data and student's last three ACG
click the NSLDS ACG tab. awards.

NSLDS NSG NSLDS_NSG Financial Aid > Awards > Review a summary of a
View NSLDS Loan Data and student's last three NSG
click the NSLDS NSG tab. awards.

NSLDS Loan Detail NSLDS_ERR_CD_SEC Financial Aid > Awards > View NSLDS error codes,
View NSLDS Loan Data click change flags, master
the NSLDS Loan Detail tab, promissory note flags,
and then click the Detail link. and alert file flags for the
effective-dated row.

Using ISIR Suspense Management

Access the ISIR Suspense Management nn/nn page (Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Import >
20nn-20nn Suspense Management > ISIR Suspense Management nn/nn).

Image: ISIR Suspense Management nn/nn page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Suspense Management nn/nn page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 597

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

EC Queue Instance/Seq. No This is the unique internal number associated with the batch to
which this record belongs.

Load Status Displays the status of the student's ISIR record in the ISIR
staging tables after the ISIR load process runs. Values include:

Loaded: The record successfully loaded from the ISIR staging

tables into the database.

Error: An error occurred while trying to match the record to a

similar record in the database. For example, if a batch of ISIR
records for the wrong CPS School Code was loaded into the
ISIR staging tables, then every record in the batch errors. Errors
have an additional Error Code message. Use the ISIR Load
Information link to view detailed information.

Skip/Done: Either the record has been successfully loaded into

the ISIR application tables or the load program ignored the
record because it was instructed to do so based on the ISIR data
load parameters or manual set on the Suspense Management

Suspended: The record did not load into the database from the
ISIR staging tables because the record did not meet the ISIR
load parameters. Use the ISIR Load Information link to view
detailed information.

Unproc (unprocessed): The FA Inbound process loaded the

record loaded into the ISIR staging tables, but the ISIR Load
process has not yet be run for the record.

ISIR Manual Load Parameters

ID Click the search button to open a search page to assign student's
ID to a suspended ISIR.

ID Lock Select to load the suspended ISIR record into the database to a
specified ID. This works with the Add ISIR load option. When
both this check box and the Add ISIR option are selected, the
system adds the ISIR data to the record identified in the ID field.
For example, a record status is suspended but an ID is found for
the record. Activating the ID lock causes the record to load if all
other ISIR load parameters are met.

Institution Select an institution to which the selected ISIR loads directly

from this page.

Process Dt (Effdt) (process date The date the CPS processed this ISIR record. The Transaction
effective date) Processed date on the ISIR record is used to set the effective
date of the ISIR record. View the effective date in the ISIR
Corrections component. If an unloaded ISIR record has a
transaction processed date that predates the existing active ISIR

598 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

record, the record suspends with suspend reason #7 – ISIR Tran

Num Out of Seq.

School Code The owning school code of the ISIR that is set when you run
the ISIR Load process. When the load process cannot determine
the owning school code, the system suspends the ISIR with a
suspend reason of Unable to Select School Code. Schools must
enter the school code for which the ISIR is to be assigned. Use
the ISIR Load Information page to view the school codes listed
on the student's ISIR.

Note: You must select one of the school codes entered by the
student on the FAFSA or subsequent corrections to the student's
ISIR may result in rejection by the CPS.

Alternate Effective Date To load a suspended ISIR with suspend reason #7 into the
database, change the effective date by entering an alternate
effective date for this student. The alternate effective date
should be greater than the current effective date. You cannot
select a future date.

Add ISIR Select this option to add the ISIR record to the database without
enforcing the ISIR data load parameters. The system adds the
ISIR record the next time the ISIR Load process runs. When
you select Add ISIR, also select the ID Lock check box if you
want to force the use of the ID in the ID field. Selecting the ID
Lock prevents the system from looking for another ID when it is
adding the ISIR. You can also use Add ISIR to reload previously
loaded ISIR records.

Recycle This is set by the ISIR load process if a student's ISIR cannot
be loaded into the database because it does not fit the ISIR data
load parameters.

Select to cause the system to attempt to load the record the next
time the load process runs.

Skip/Done This is set by the system when the ISIR record has been added
to the database.

Select for any suspended ISIR records that you do not want
loaded into the database.

Process ISIR Click this button to run the ISIR load process for the selected
ISIR that you want to load directly from this page. Unless you
set the Add ISIR load option, the ISIR Load logic and load
parameters for new ISIRs are performed.

Viewing Detailed Status Information from the ISIR Load Process

Access the View ISIR Load Information page (click the ISIR Load Information link on the ISIR Suspense
Management nn/nn page).

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Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Note: All suspended records have an ISIR Load Action status set to Recycle. All recycle status records
that are not loaded are automatically reviewed the next time the ISIR Load process runs.

The ISIR Load process executes the ISIR load rules on individual ISIR records in the staging tables and
tests for institutional review status, education verification completed, and for ISIR computation rejects.

The record is further verified to pass the ISIR routing control criteria. If it fails, the process posts a
suspend status and suspend reason. Other load rules are performed on ISIR correction or system-
generated files.

Load Information
Suspend Reason Displays the reason the record was suspended and not loaded
into the database and is blank if the record successfully loaded.
Values include:

1 – Student Not Found (Max Match): Search Match/Search

Match By-pass failed to identify an ID that matches the ISIR.

2 – Inst Review Status: This routing control option was


3 – Ed Verification Completed: This routing control option was


4 – ISIR Compute Rejects: This routing control option was


5 – Record Suspend Level: The student's admit level.

7 – ISIR Tran Num Out of Seq: An ISIR with a greater

transaction number, but an earlier process date was encountered.

D – Duplicate SSN Indicated: An ISIR suspends if the CPS

reports that the SSN is used for another ISIR.

E – EFC Mismatch: The Correction ISIR Suspend reason if you

select this as a correction data load parameter.

G – System Generated Record: All system generated ISIRs

suspend if you select this data load option.

Unable to Select School Code: ISIR record was suspended

because the load process could not determine the owning school

Skip Reason Displays the reason the record did not load into the database.
Values include:

2 – Inst Review Status: This routing control option was


3 – Ed Verification Completed: This routing control option was


600 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

4 – ISIR Compute Rejects: This routing control option was


5 – Record Suspend Level: This routing control option was


7 – Search/Match option set to Discard/Skip: ISIR skips if you

select this Search/Match option.

G – System Generated Record: All system generated ISIRs skip

if you select this data load option.

Error Code Displays the reason the Suspend Reasons is set to Error
Encountered. Values include:

1 – Invalid SSN

2 – Invalid School Code

3 – SQL Error Encountered

4 – Update/Add PD Error (personal data error)

5 – Update/Add Address Error

6 – Update/Add PS Names Error

7 – Blank Date for Effective Date

8 – Correction Record not found

Max Match Level (maximum match Indicates the search/match level at which the ISIR record was
level) matched to an ID.

Process Instance Displays the process number that the load process assigned
when the process last ran. Use to view and print messages
generated by the load process.

Process Date The date that the load process last ran.

School Choices / Multiple School Flags

School code choices reported on the ISIR record are listed when the ISIR is intended for multiple CPS
schools of the same destination number (TG number). This group box indicates the school that generated
the ISIR transaction or was listed on the transaction and whether the ISIR type is a daily, requested, or

Each character in the six-character code corresponds to one of the six federal school code fields listed on
the ISIR. Any value reported represents the ETI value of the matching school. Only the schools of the
same destination have a value in the field.

Viewing Information Generated by CPS for the ISIR

Access the CPS Generated Fields page (click the CPS Generated Data link on the ISIR Suspense
Management nn/nn page).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 601

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Transaction Data Source/Type Source of the current ISIR record (Electronic, Web Student,
Web, FAA, Paper, CPS, FSAIC - Federal Student Aid
Information Center) and the type of ISIR (application,
correction, renewal, Signature page, and so on). The ISIR
load process uses this value to determine which records are

Application Data Source/Type Source and type of the original ISIR transaction.

Address Only Change Flag Indicates whether mailing or email information was the only
item changed on the current ISIR.

CPS Pushed ISIR Flag Indicates that CPS initiated the ISIR transaction. Y - Transaction
is automatically sent to school in cases of an EFC change, SAR
C change, or system-generated ISIR. ISIRs with a value of Y are
treated as a system-generated ISIR.

NSLDS Post-Screening Code 1, The NSLDS Post-screening field values on the ISIR.
NSLDS Post-Screening Code 2, and
NSLDS Post-Screening Code 3

Processed Record Type Indicates whether the ISIR record is based on a Correction
Application (C), a correction of an initial ISIR (H), or is an
initial ISIR (blank).

History Correction Applied ISIR transaction number of an earlier ISIR record from which
the current ISIR data is derived.

Source of Correction Who initiated the current corrected ISIR record:

A: Applicant


S: School

Blank if not a corrected ISIR.

Electronic Institution Ind (electronic School that initiated the current ISIR.
institution indicator)

Reprocess Code Code that explains why the CPS generated a revised ISIR.

EFC Change Flag Indicates whether the EFC has increased or decreased from the
previous ISIR.

ISIR SAR C Flag Changed Indicates that the SAR C Flag has changed from the previous
ISIR transaction.

Rejected Status Change Flag Indicates that the rejection status is set or removed from the
previous ISIR transaction.

Verification Select Chng Flag Indicates that the ISIR is now selected for verification when the
(verification select change flag) previous transaction was not selected.

602 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

ISIR Elec Trans Indicator (ISIR Indicates whether the school receiving the ISIR generated the
electronic transaction indicator) transaction or was listed on the transaction. Also indicates
whether the type of ISIR is a daily, requested, or pushed ISIR.
ETI values:

Blank: No destination code associated or school not


0: School generated transaction and is an ISIR daily school.

1: School did not generate transaction and is an ISIR daily


2: School generated transaction and is an ISIR request school.

3: School did not generate transaction and is an ISIR request


4: School generated transaction, is an ISIR daily school, ISIR is

CPS pushed.

5: School did not generate transaction, is an ISIR daily school,

ISIR is CPS pushed.

6: School generated transaction, is an ISIR request school, ISIR

is CPS pushed.

7: School did not generate transaction, is an ISIR request

school, ISIR is CPS pushed.

8: School did not generate transaction, is an ISIR daily school,

ISIR is CPS pushed (system generated).

9: School did not generate transaction, is an ISIR request

school, ISIR is CPS pushed (system generated).

Viewing ISIR Reject Codes

Access the Reject Reasons page (click the ISIR Reject Reasons link on the ISIR Suspense Management

Signature Reject EFC Displays the primary 9–month EFC when all data is provided
except valid signatures.

Reviewing Corrected Fields

Access the Corrected Fields page (click the Corrected Fields link on the ISIR Suspense Management

The system reads the Correction Flag field on the ISIR and displays which fields were corrected. The
system uses the ISIR/SAR Cross Reference setup data to display the field names on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 603

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Managing ISIRs Suspended in Batch

Access the ISIR Inbound Load Summary page (Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Import >
20nn-20nn ISIR File Data > ISIR Inbound Load Summary).

Note: Click the tabs in the scroll area to access multiple views of this page. Elements common to all
views are documented in the section on common page information.

Common Page Information

Original SSN (original Social Security The original Social Security Number entered on the FAFSA by
Number) the student.

Name CD (name code) The first two letters of the student's last name reported on the
FAFSA used with the original SSN by the CPS to uniquely
identify the student.

Trans Nbr (transaction number) The transaction number of the ISIR.

Header and Trailer Data Click this link to view header and trailer information for the
ISIR record.

ISIR Batch Detail Records Tab

Access the ISIR Inbound Load Summary, ISIR Batch Detail Records subpage (click the Student
Information tab on the ISIR Inbound Load Summary page).

Image: ISIR Inbound Load Summary page, ISIR Batch Detail Records tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Inbound Load Summary page, ISIR Batch
Detail Records tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Load Status Displays the current status of the ISIR batch files loaded into the
ISIR staging tables.

Loaded indicates the ISIR batch file is loaded into the ISIR
staging tables and will be loaded into the database the next time
the ISIR Load process (FAPSAR00) is run.

Processed indicates the ISIR batch file no longer needs to be

reviewed by the ISIR Load process.

604 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Suspense Click this link for a suspense file to navigate to the ISIR
Suspense Management nn/nn page.

EmplID The ID number assigned to this student.

Suspend Reason This field on the ISIR Batch Detail Records tab and the Load
Information tab displays the reason the record was suspended
and not loaded into the database. It is blank if the record was
successfully loaded. If all records in the EC Queue instance are
loaded, this field does not display.

Values include:

1 – Student Not Found (Max Match): Search Match/Search

Match By-pass failed to identify an ID that matches the ISIR.

2 – Inst Review Status: This routing control option was


3 – Ed Verification Completed: This routing control option was


4 – ISIR Compute Rejects: This routing control option was


5 – Record Suspend Level: The student's admit level.

7 – ISIR Tran Num Out of Seq: An ISIR with a greater

transaction number, but an earlier process date, was

D – Duplicate SSN Indicated: An ISIR suspends if the CPS

reports that the SSN is used for another ISIR.

E – EFC Mismatch: The Correction ISIR Suspended Reason if

you select this as a correction data load parameter.

G – System Generated Record: All system generated ISIRs

suspend if you select this data load option.

Admit Level Displays the admit level for this record.

Student Information Tab

Access the ISIR Inbound Load Summary page, Student Information subpage (click the Student
Information tab on the ISIR Inbound Load Summary page).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 605

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Image: ISIR Inbound Load Summary page, Student Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Inbound Load Summary page, Student
Information tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The Last Name, First Name, MI, and Birthdate values are from the ISIR.

Search Match Click this link to connect to the search match component.

Bio Demo Click this link to connect to the PeopleSoft Campus Community
Bio Demographic component.

Load Information Tab

Access the Load Information subpage (click the Load Information tab on the ISIR Inbound Load
Summary page).

Image: ISIR Inbound Load Summary page, Load Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Inbound Load Summary page, Load
Information tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Load Action Values include Add ISIR, Ignore/Skip, and Recycle.

Suspend Reason This field displays the reason the record was suspended and
not loaded into the database. It is blank if the record was
successfully loaded. If all records in the EC Queue instance are
loaded, this field does not display.

Values include:

606 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

1 – Student Not Found (Max Match): Search Match/Search

Match By-pass failed to identify an ID that matches the ISIR.

2 – Inst Review Status: This routing control option was


3 – Ed Verification Completed: This routing control option was


4 – ISIR Compute Rejects: This routing control option was


5 – Record Suspend Level: The student's admit level.

7 – ISIR Tran Num Out of Seq: An ISIR with a greater

transaction number, but an earlier process date, was

D – Duplicate SSN Indicated: An ISIR suspends if the CPS

reports that the SSN is used for another ISIR.

E – EFC Mismatch: The Correction ISIR Suspended Reason if

you select this as a correction data load parameter.

G – System Generated Record: All system generated ISIRs

suspend if you select this data load option.

Skip Reason Reason the record did not load into the database, such as:

2 – Inst Review Status: This routing control option was


3 – Ed Verification Completed: This routing control option was


4 – ISIR Compute Rejects: This routing control option was


5 – Record Add Level: This routing control option was


7 – Search/Match option set to Discard/Skip:—ISIR skips if you

select this Search/Match option.

G – System Generated Record: All system-generated ISIRs skip

if you select this data load option.

Error Code The reason that the Suspend Reasons is set to Error
Encountered. Values include:

1 – Invalid SSN

2 – Invalid School Code

3 – SQL Error Encountered

4 – Update/Add PD Error

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 607

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

5 – Update/Add Address Error

6 – Update/Add PS Names Error

7 – Blank Date for Effective Date

8 – Correction Record not found.

Process Instance Number that the load process assigned when the process last
ran. Use to view and print messages generated by the load

ISIR Inbound File Data Tab

Access ISIR Inbound File Data subpage (click the ISIR Inbound File Data tab on the ISIR Inbound Load
Summary page).

Image: ISIR Inbound Load Summary page, ISIR Inbound File Data tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Inbound Load Summary page, ISIR Inbound
File Data tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Click the links for ISIR Data 1, ISIR Data 2, NSLDS Data 1, or NSLDS Data 2 to view the ISIR
information in the ISIR staging tables.

Making ISIR Corrections

Use the ISIR Data Corrections component to review and correct FAFSA application information loaded
from the ISIR. All ISIR field modifications are maintained in the ISIR correction audits component.

This section provides an overview for processing ISIR corrections and discusses how to:

• Use the ISIR correction component.

• Review FAFSA student information.

• Review FAFSA parent information

• Correct assumptions and school code information.

608 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

• View EFC status and database matches.

Related Links
Overriding Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

Understanding ISIR Corrections

When a corrected ISIR loads, a new effective-dated row is inserted into the ISIR Data Corrections
component. The current date is the effective date, not the CPS transaction process date.

The federal database match information on the ISIR updates in the packaging status summary, database
match page. You cannot alter the database match field. Override fields on this page reflect an institutional
override of the database match results.

NSLDS information loads if the NSLDS information on the ISIR is more recent than the current loaded
NSLDS information, based on the NSLDS transaction number.

Two data load options allow you to:

• Suspend the ISIR if the primary EFC on the ISIR does not match the primary EFC displayed in the
ISIR Data Corrections component.

• Control the INAS process for corrected ISIRs.

This section discusses the ISIR correction load logic.

Note: The system loads only corrected ISIRs submitted by your school. Corrections made by another
institution, those initiated by the student, or initiated by CPS do not process and must be resolved
individually in the ISIR Suspense Management page.

The following diagram reviews the ISIR correction load logic.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 609

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Image: ISIR Load Logic

ISIR Load Logic

The FAPSAR00 process performs the following steps to process corrected ISIRs:

1. The system compares the Original SSN and Name code from the ISIR against all loaded ISIRs to
determine whether the ISIR is loaded.

If no match is found, the ISIR suspends with a suspend reason of Student Not Found.

If a previously loaded ISIR is found, the next check is performed.

The system verifies that the ISIR was corrected by the school by checking either the ISIR ETI or the
appropriate Multi-School flag fields.

If a previously loaded ISIR exists for the student, the correction ISIR is loaded and assigned a load
status of Change Processed.

If the system determines that the corrected ISIR was not initiated by the school, two options are
available: Suspend Non-School Initiated ISIRs and Process Non-School Initiated ISIRs as new
Application ISIRs.

2. Optionally, you can compare the primary EFC on the ISIR with the primary EFC on the ISIR Data
Corrections component.

If they do not match, the ISIR suspends with a suspend reason of EFC Mismatch.

If the EFCs match, the ISIR loads and calls a final optional feature.

If no previously loaded ISIR exists with which to make the comparison, the load process handles the
corrected ISIR as a new application ISIR.

610 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

If you do not select the option to compare EFCs, the ISIR loads and calls a final optional feature

3. You can determine whether a new INAS calculation is performed after the ISIR loads.

Pages Used to Make ISIR Data Corrections

Note: The navigation paths for the pages listed in the following page introduction table are for aid year
20nn-20nn. Oracle supports access for three active aid years.

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FAFSA Student Information ISIR_PIA_CS1_nn Financial Aid > Federal Correct information on the
Application Data > Correct FAFSA Student Information
20nn-20nn ISIR records > page.
Student Information

FAFSA Parent Information ISIR_PIA_CS4_nn Financial Aid > Federal Correct information on the
Application Data > Correct FAFSA Parent Information
20nn-20nn ISIR records > page.
Parent Information

Address Use ISIR_ADR_MNT_SEC Click the Student Address link View the student's Campus
on the Student Information Community address used
page. for the ISIR Correction file.
Your ISIR Address Usage
parameters and the Owning
School Code determine
the address, which you can

Original ISIR Address ISIR_ORG_ADR_SEC Click the ISIR Address link View address information for
on the Student Information the student reported on the
page. current ISIR.

INAS Federal Extension INAS_FED_EXTnn_SEC Click the FM link on any tab Override INAS local policy
in the Correct 20nn-20nn ISIR options.
records component.

INAS Federal Extension INAS_FEDEX_DUR_SEC Click the Budget Durations Override INAS local policy
Budget Durations link on the INAS Federal options for federal academic
Extension page. and non-standard budget

INAS Federal Extension EFC INAS_FEDEX_PRO_SEC Click the EFC Proration Override EFC proration
Proration Options Options link on the INAS options for method and non-
Federal Extension page. standard months.

INAS Federal Extension EFC INAS_FEDEX_EFC_SEC Click the Override Federal Override EFC components for
Override EFC link on the INAS Federal academic and non-standard
Extension page. award periods.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 611

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

INAS Institutional Extension INAS_PROF_EXT1_S04 Click the IM link on any Override INAS local policy
1 tab in the Correct 20nn-20nn options or institutional
ISIR records component or calculations on a student-by-
any tab in the Institutional student basis.
Application, Maintain
Application 20nn-20nn

Institutional Budget Durations INAS_PRFEX_DUR_SEC Click the Budget Durations Override INAS local policy
link or the Override options for institutional
Institutional EFC link on the academic and non-standard
INAS Institutional Extension budget duration.
1 page.

Institutional EFC Override INAS_PROF_EFC_SEC Click the Override Override INAS local policy
Institutional EFC link on the options for institutional
INAS Institutional Extension academic and non-standard
1 page. budget duration.

Change Student Income ISIR_ASM_ST1_SECnn Click the Assumptions link Edit any fields that are
Values within the Student Data unavailable for entry on the
- Financial Information main page due to the CPS
group box on the Student assigning an assumed value to
Information page. the field.

Change Student Status Values ISIR_ASM_ST2_SECnn Click the Assumptions Edit any fields that are
link within the Student unavailable on the main page
Data - Dependency Status because the CPS assigned an
Information group box on assumed value to the field.
the Student Information page
to open the Change Student
Status Values page.

Change Parent Household ISIR_ASM_PR2_SECnn Click the Assumptions Change the Assumption
Information link within the Parent Indicator for fields pertaining
Data - Parent Background to parent household
Information group box on the information to correct
Parent Information page. the fields on the Parent
Data - Parent Background
Information page.

Change Parent Earnings and ISIR_ASM_PR1_SECnn Click the Assumptions link Change the Assumption
Income Values within the Parent Data - Indicator for each of the fields
Parent Financial Information pertaining to parent financial
group box on the Parent information so that the field
Information page. can be corrected on the Parent
Data – Parent Background
Information page.

Assumptions and School ISIR_PIA_CS2_nn Financial Aid > Federal Enter corrections to a student's
Codes Application Data > Correct choice of school and housing,
20nn-20nn ISIR records > to override a student's
Assumptions/School Codes > dependency status, and to
Assumptions and School override FAFSA Assumption
Codes and/or Reject information on
behalf of the student. You can
use this page to override this

612 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

EFC\DB Matches\Corr ISIR_PIA_CS3_nn Financial Aid > Federal View the EFC details for a
Application Data > Correct student and information about
20nn-20nn ISIR records > all ISIR database matches and
EFC\DB Matches\Corr processing flags set by the

Need Summary Monthly EFC NEED_SMRY_EFC_SEC Click the Monthly EFC link View information about
within the EFC Information the primary and secondary
group box on the EFC/DB expected family contributions.
Matches page.

Using the ISIR Correction Component

This section discusses how to use the ISIR correction component.

Correcting ISIR Data

The system stores and displays each loaded ISIR in a separate effective-dated row that cannot be
modified. To correct an ISIR record, insert a new effective-dated row in the component by clicking the
Add (+) button located at the top of the page. The Add button is available for uncorrected ISIR records.

When the CPS has used an assumed value, the field is unavailable and is marked with an 'a' at the right of
the field value. Use the corresponding assumptions page to make the field correctable.

Numeric Fields That Support a Blank, Non-Zero Value

Several numeric fields on the ISIR Data Corrections pages support a blank, non-zero value so that the
INAS calculation can be used to determine a usable value for the field. These values also appear blank if
reported blank on the ISIR rather than appear as zero. The fields include:

• AGI (student and parent)

• U.S. Taxes Paid (student and parent)

• Cash and savings (student and parent)

• Investment Net Worth (student and parent)

• Student's Income, Spouse's Income, Father's Income, and Mother's Income.

• Business/Farm Net Worth (student and parent)

• All Untaxed Income fields (student and parent)

• All Additional Financial Total fields (student & parent)

Field Descriptions for ISIR Corrections

For ISIR Field description for these pages, please see the Electronic Data Exchange Technical References
at FSA Download – Software and Manuals.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 613

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Reviewing FAFSA Student Information

Access the Student Information page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Correct 20nn-20nn
ISIR records > Student Information).

Image: FAFSA Student Information page (1 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAFSA Student Information page (1 of 4). You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: FAFSA Student Information page (2 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAFSA Student Information page (2 of 4). You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

614 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Image: FAFSA Student Information page (3 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAFSA Student Information page (3 of 4). You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: FAFSA Student Information page (4 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAFSA Student Information page (4 of 4). You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: When you open an uncorrected ISIR, an Add (+) button is available. Click this button to insert a
new row to make corrections.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 615

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Correction Status Set the value to Send when the ISIR is ready to be sent to the
CPS to request a corrected ISIR. Values include: Accepted,
Don't Send, Pending, Rejected, Send, and Sent.

Status Date The date the correction status was last modified.

EFC Status The status displays as: Unofficial, Official, or Rejected.

Actual Bio/Demo Data

Actual Bio/Demo Data is the student's information stored in the Campus Community bio-demographic
records and might differ from the information listed as ISIR Bio/Demo Data. To update actual information
to match ISIR information, use the Campus Community bio/demographic data components.

Select the check box to send the corresponding fields to CPS for correction. When a corrected ISIR is
requested, the system sends the selected fields to the CPS.

Correct Telephone The field displays the active telephone number based on
the phone usage setting on the Process Demo Setup page. If
selected, the system displays the Ovrd check box. Select the
Ovrd check box to override the telephone number to be sent
to the CPS. From the list of options, select the student's active
phone type to be sent to the CPS. The system then displays the
alternate telephone number.

Correct Email The field displays the active email address based on the Email
usage setting on the Process Demo Setup page. If selected, the
system displays the Ovrd check box. Select the Ovrd check box
to override the email address to be sent to the CPS. From the list
of options, select the student's active email type to be sent to the
CPS. The system then displays the alternate email address.

Student Address Click this link to view the student's active address.

ISIR Bio/Demo Data

The ISIR Bio/Demo Data column displays bio/demographic information reported on the ISIR record.
Click the ISIR Address to view the original ISIR address.

Student Data – Financial Information

Click the Assumptions link to access the Change Student Income Values page.

Use this page to override field values where the CPS has assumed an alternate value in their EFC
calculation. You cannot edit fields in the component without first overriding the Assumption Indicator
where the CPS has used an alternate value.

Set the Assumption Indicator to Reported or Verified to enable the field to be corrected on the main page.
Reported indicates you are entering data reported by the student and Verified indicates you have verified
the data on the ISIR.

616 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Student Data – Dependency Status Information

Marital Status You can change marital status in personal data or use this page
to change the ISIR record. Information changed here does not
change personal data information. This enables you to change
the marital status to affect the EFC but does not change the
marital status value in personal data.

Marital Status (Personal Data) The system displays the marital status listed in the Campus
Community bio-demographic data records.

Click the Assumptions link to access the Change Student Status Values page.

Use this page to override field values where the CPS has assumed an alternate value in their EFC
calculation. You cannot edit fields in the component without first overriding the assumption indicator
where the CPS has used an alternate value. Set the assumption indicator to Reported or Verified to enable
the field to be corrected on the main page. Reported indicates you are entering data reported by the
student and Verified indicates you have verified the data on the ISIR.

Reviewing FAFSA Parent Information

Access the Parent Information page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Correct 20nn-20nn
ISIR records > Parent Information).

Image: FAFSA Parent Information page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAFSA Parent Information page (1 of 2). You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 617

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Image: FAFSA Parent Information page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAFSA Parent Information page (2 of 2). You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: When you open an uncorrected ISIR, an Add (+) button is available. Click this button to insert a
new row to make corrections.

Correction Status Set the value to Send when the ISIR is ready to be sent to the
CPS to request a corrected ISIR. Values include: Accepted,
Don't Send, Pending, Rejected, Send, and Sent.

Status Date The date the correction status was last modified.

EFC Status The status displays as: Unofficial, Official, or Rejected.

Parent Data – Background Information

Click the Assumptions link to access the Change Parent Household Information page.

Use the Change Parent Household Information page to override field values where the CPS has assumed
an alternate value in their EFC calculation. You cannot edit fields in the component without first
overriding the assumption indicator where the CPS has used an alternate value. Set the assumption
indicator to Reported or Verified to enable the field to be corrected on the main page. Reported indicates
you are entering data reported by the student and Verified indicates you have verified the data on the ISIR.

Parent Data – Financial Information

Click the Assumptions link to access the Change Parent Earnings and Income Values page.

618 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Use this page to override field values where the CPS has assumed an alternate value in their EFC
calculation. You cannot edit fields in the component without first overriding the assumption indicator
where the CPS has used an alternate value. Set the assumption indicator to Reported or Verified to enable
the field to be corrected on the main page. Reported indicates you are entering data reported by the
student and Verified indicates you have verified the data on the ISIR.

Correcting Assumptions and School Code Information

Access the Assumptions\School Codes page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Correct
20nn-20nn ISIR records > Assumptions\School Codes).

Image: FAFSA Assumptions\School Codes page (1 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAFSA Assumptions\School Codes page (1 of 4).
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: FAFSA Assumptions\School Codes page (2 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAFSA Assumptions\School Codes page (2 of 4).
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 619

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Image: FAFSA Assumptions\School Codes page (3 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAFSA Assumptions\School Codes page (3 of 3).
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: FAFSA Assumptions\School Codes page (4 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAFSA Assumptions\School Codes page (3 of 3).
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Miscellaneous Information
Dependency Override Indicator For professional judgement override of the students federal
dependency status.

620 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Assumptions and Reject Overrides

If a student omits an answer to a question or the answer is inconsistent, CPS either assumes a response for
the applicant or rejects the response. You can use this page to override this data. Select the check box to
perform the override. Clearing the check box indicates no change and the override is not performed.

Student IRS DRT Flags and Parent IRS DRT Flags

The flags with the same label under both Student and Parent sections use the same values with the
exception of the IRS Display flags. These fields represent how students and parents used the IRS Data
Retrieval Tool (DRT) to transfer data to the FAFSA and if any data was changed after being transferred.

Viewing EFC Status and Database Matches

Access the EFC\DB Matches\Corr page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Correct 20nn-20nn
ISIR records > EFC\DB Matches\Corr).

Image: FAFSA EFC\DB Matches\Corr page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAFSA EFC\DB Matches\Corr page (1 of 2). You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 621

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Image: FAFSA EFC\DB Matches\Corr page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAFSA EFC\DB Matches\Corr page (2 of 2). You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

EFC Information
The EFC page is designed to resemble the EFC information as it appears on the student aid report (SAR).

The following fields display intermediate values derived from federal methodology used to calculate the
expected family contribution: TI (total income), STI (student total income), FTI (FISAP total income),
TSC (total student contribution), STX (state tax), IPA (income protection allowance), TPC (total parent
contribution), SCA (student's contribution from assets), AI (available income), ATI (allowances against
total income), EA (employment allowance), DNW (discretionary net worth), PCA (parents' contribution
from assets), CAI (calculated available income), AAI (adjusted available income), SIC (student income
contribution), and PC (parent contribution).

Corrected/Verified Fields
The system displays the Correction Source for the data, the ISIR Field Nbr (ISIR field number), and
the associated Code. The Code indicates whether the field was corrected on this ISIR transaction or a
previous ISIR transaction.

Viewing Need Summary Monthly EFC

Access the Need Summary Monthly EFC page (click the Monthly EFC link within the EFC Information
group box on the EFC/DB Matches page).

622 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Image: Need Summary Monthly EFC page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Need Summary Monthly EFC page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

On the previous pages, the system displays the 9 month EFC on the EFC\DB Matches\Corr page. The 9
month EFC does not display on the Need Summary Monthly EFC page.

To prorate EFC, the system differentiates between the non-standard term as the header—summer, fall,
spring—and the non-standard term as a trailer—fall, spring, summer. This affects how the EFC is

• If the non-standard term is the header, then the non-standard EFC uses the months at the beginning of
the monthly EFC.

• If the non-standard term is the trailer, it uses the months at the end of the monthly EFC.

The system determines the non-standard term as header or trailer by evaluating FA Term. If a term has
been set up on Valid Terms for Career as non-standard with term start and end dates and it appears on FA
Term, a comparison occurs. If the non-standard term has a start date before the earliest start date of an
academic term, the non-standard term is determined to be the header. Conversely, if the non-standard term
has a start date after the earliest start date of an academic term, the non-standard term is determined to be
the trailer.

For more information, see The ISIR Guide

Processing Outbound Files

To send files out, you:

1. Run a process that moves all the outbound files to the outbound staging tables.

2. Run the process to create a flat file from the data in the staging tables.

3. Send the flat file to the CPS, using outbound file processes to send ISIR corrections, add institution
requests, and FAFSA signature files.

This section discusses how to:

• Move records to outbound staging tables.

• Create outbound files for CPS.

• View outbound staging table files.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 623

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

• View outbound staging table data.

Pages Used to Process Outbound Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

ISIR Corrections Export RUN_CNTL_FAPCOR00 Financial Aid > File Run the Corrections Build
Management > ISIR process to create outbound
Corrections > Process files and place them in
ISIR Corrections > ISIR the ISIR staging tables.
Corrections Export This process gathers
Add Institution Requests,
FAFSA signature, and ISIR
Corrections records.

Batch Statistics RUNCTL_FAPCOR00SEC Click the Run Information Display information such
button on the ISIR as the correction file batch
Corrections Export page. number, signature file batch
number, and number of
records exported for each
batch the last time the export
process was run.

FA Outbound RUNCTL_FA_OUT Financial Aid > File Create an external financial

Management > Create aid electronic commerce file.
Federal Data Files > FA

ISIR Outbound Summary ISIR_nn_OUTBOUND Financial Aid > File View the batch files that are
Management > ISIR in the ISIR staging tables.
Corrections > View You can verify that the
20nn-20nn Outbound Files > FAPCOR00 process was
ISIR Outbound Summary successful if the batch is listed
in this page.

ISIR Outbound Data ISIR_CORR_HD_TEST Financial Aid > File View data for files that have
Management > ISIR been created or sent to the
Corrections > View outbound staging table.
20nn-20nn Outbound Data >
ISIR Outbound Data

Correction Fields/Overrides ISIR_CORR_A_SEC Click the Correction Data View detail information about
link on the Outbound Staging ISIR Corrections A page.
Tables detail page, ISIR Corr
A tab.

Moving Records to Outbound Staging Tables

Access the ISIR Corrections Export page (Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Corrections >
Process ISIR Corrections > ISIR Corrections Export).

Active Select to have the export process use the criteria chosen to send
ISIR corrections to the CPS. If the check box is cleared, the
export process ignores the criteria specified in that row. More
than one row can be active at one time, which enables you to
export ISIR corrections from more than one aid year.

624 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

TG Number Enter the SAIG identifier for the academic institution.

Process Corrections Select to export ISIR corrections that match the chosen
institution, aid year, and school code.

Process Add Institution Select this check box to export add institution requests that
match the chosen institution, aid year, and school code.

Process ISIR Signatures Select to export signature page information collected by your
school that match the chosen institution, aid year, and school

Run Information Click this link to access batch statistics, including the total
number of records output for a given batch run.

Process Instance Number assigned by the process scheduler representing the last
time the ISIR correction export process ran without error.

Run Date and Time Date and time of the process instance.

Refresh Click the button to update the Process Instance and Run Date
and Time fields.

Batch Message Print Click this link to create a text file containing the messages
generated during the load process. The message file that is
created for printing is called FAMSGPRT.LIS. Its location is
based on the TEMP setting in the configuration manager.

Run Click this button to run the FAPCOR00 process from

the process scheduler. When this process has completed
successfully, the outbound files in the database move to the ISIR
staging tables.

Creating Outbound Files for CPS

Access the FA Outbound page (Financial Aid > File Management > Create Federal Data Files > FA

Outbound File Path Enter the location of the generated files. Make sure the
application server has access to the file location.

Outbound File Type Select the file type of the files to be generated. The supported
file types are listed with associated message class or output file

ISIR Corrections, CORR0XIN.XXX


Pell Data Request, PGRQxxIN

The FA Outbound process selects records in the outbound staging tables and names the files in the
appropriate message class. If multiple files of the same message class are generated, the file name
extension is incremented to ensure uniqueness, such as CORR05IN.001. so that files are not overwritten.

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Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Viewing Outbound Staging Table Files

Access the ISIR Outbound Summary page (Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Corrections >
View 20nn-20nn ISIR Outbound Files > ISIR Outbound Summary).

Click the Detail link to display all of the outbound staging table fields.

Viewing Outbound Staging Table Data

Access the ISIR Outbound Data page (Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Corrections > View
20nn-20nn ISIR Outbound Data nn/nn).

Use these pages to view data being sent for ISIR Correction & ISIR Signature files.

Processing Rejected ISIR Correction Files

Use the FASAREXX process to load ISIR Correction files that were rejected by the CPS. This section
discusses how to:

• Load error files.

• Make corrections to rejected ISIR corrections.

Pages Used to Process Rejected ISIR Correction Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Load ISIR Error File RUNCTL_FASAREXX Financial Aid > File Evaluate record-level error
Management > ISIR files received from the CPS
Corrections > Process ISIR (CORE0XOP message class).
Correction Errors > Load If the file contains history
ISIR Error File (ISIR) correction errors, the
process creates a matching
Correction Management
record for each rejected ISIR.

ISIR Correction Management ISIR_CORRECT Financial Aid > Federal Make corrections to rejected
Application Data > Manage ISIR Correction files.
Corrected ISIR Data > ISIR
Correction Management

Loading Error Files

Access the Load ISIR Error File page (Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Corrections > Process
ISIR Correction Errors > Load ISIR Error File).

626 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Image: Load ISIR Error File page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Load ISIR Error File page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

TG Number Enter the Title IV WAN identifier for the academic institution.

Input/Output file Enter the location of the Record Level Error Report file to

Active Select to have the load process use the criteria chosen to load
data from the CPS. If not selected, the load process ignores the
criteria specified in that row. More than one row can be active
at one time, which enables you to load data from more than one
aid year.

Process Instance Number assigned by the process scheduler representing the last
time the ISIR Load process ran without error. Click the Refresh
button to update.

Run Date and Time Date and time of the process instance. Click the Refresh button
to update.

Making Corrections to Rejected ISIR Corrections

Access the ISIR Corrections Management page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Manage
Corrected ISIR Data > ISIR Correction Management).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 627

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Image: ISIR Corrections Management page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ISIR Corrections Management page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: You can view all ISIR corrections initiated by the system in the ISIR Corrections Management
component after the corrections export process is run.

To make corrections to rejected ISIR Correction files, do the following:

1. Review the ISIR correction file on the ISIR Correction Management page.

a. In the Action field, select Resubmit for any field you want to resubmit or selectDelete/Ignore to
not resubmit a field.

b. Save the changes before exiting the page.

2. Make any additional changes to ISIR fields from the ISIR Data Corrections component.

a. If required, call INAS to recalculate the EFC.

b. Set the correction status to Send Correction(s).

c. Save the changes before exiting the component.

3. Run the ISIR correction export process. A new ISIR correction record is created for the student.
This correction record includes fields from the rejected ISIR corrections that have been marked
as Resubmit, plus any new changes made in the ISIR data corrections pages. A new set of data
representing the new ISIR correction record is created in the ISIR correction management page. The
rejected ISIR correction file updates to indicate a new batch status of Reprocessed.

628 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

All Corrections Select to view all ISIR corrections

Rejected Only Select to view rejected corrections.

Corrections Batch Information

Batch Nbr (batch number) The batch number is used to match corrected ISIR records to the
appropriate corrections. This is generated when the FAPCOR00
process runs.

Submission Date Indicates the date the request was submitted.

Batch Status Values include:

Reprocessed: the ISIR correction file is sent back to the CPS

with the corrections made in the erred fields.

Resubmit: only correction fields with an action of resubmit are


Rejected: indicates the ISIR correction file was rejected by the

CPS and needs to be corrected.

Sequence Number The system displays how many inserted rows of data exist for
the first transaction.

Transaction Nbr (transaction number) The system displays the number of records that exist for a
student from the CPS.

Correction Field(s)
ISIR Field Nbr (ISIR field number) Displays the SAR field name and field description.

Old Value Displays the original data.

Submitted Value Displays the correction.

Action Select Delete/Ignore as the action if you do not want the

correction field to be included when the new ISIR corrections
file is created.

User Displays the user name.

Working with ISIRs

This section discusses how to:

• Add your institution to a student's ISIR.

• Send FAFSA signature receipt information.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 629

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

• Use the batch message print page.

Pages Used to Work with ISIRs

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

ISIR Add School ISIR_ADD_SCHOOL Financial Aid > File Add your institution to a
Management > ISIR student's ISIR. Submit this
Corrections > Modify ISIR request to the CPS to request a
School Recipients > ISIR student's ISIR data to send to
Add School your institution's destination

FAFSA Signature ISIR_SIGNATURE Financial Aid > File Enter signature page
Management > ISIR information collected from
Corrections > Enter FAFSA students in preparation for
Signatures > FAFSA transmission to the CPS.

Batch Message Print BTCH_MSG_INQ_RUN Financial Aid > Print Batch View information gathered by
Process Messages > Batch the Batch Message page.
Message Print

Adding Your Institution to a Student's ISIR

Access the ISIR Add School page (Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Corrections > Modify ISIR
School Recipients > ISIR Add School).

DRN (date release number) Enter the student's date release number.

Trans Nbr (transaction number) Enter the transaction number for the student aid report (SAR).

Sch Pos (school position) Enter the school position number, from 1-10. The FAFSA
allows a student to request information to be sent to up to six
institutions. You can place your request in the automatic ISIR
Request process.

Original SSN Enter the student's original Social Security Number.

Name CD (name code) Enter the first two letters from the student's last name.

Request ISIR from CPS Select this option to include this request in the automatic ISIR
request process.

Sending FAFSA Signature Receipt Information

Access the FAFSA Signature page (Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Corrections > Enter
FAFSA Signatures > FAFSA Signature).

User ID Displays the user who entered the signature page information.

Original SSN (original Social Security The original Social Security Number entered on the FAFSA by
Number) the student.

630 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Name Code The first two letters of the student's last name reported on the
FAFSA used in conjunction with the original SSN by the CPS to
uniquely identify the student.

Signed By Select the person who signed the FAFSA signature page. Values

Applicant Only: Only the student signed.

Applicant and Parent: Both the student and the student's parent

Parent Only: Only the student's parent signed.

Submit Signature to CPS Select when the record is ready to be transmitted. When the
correction export program processes the record, the check box
is cleared and the Process Date field becomes set. You can
resubmit the FAFSA Signature records by selecting the check

Request Date Displays the date the user enters signature page information into
the system.

Process Date Displays the date when the information is sent to the CPS.

Using the Batch Message Print Page

Access the Batch Message Print page (Financial Aid > Print Batch Process Messages > Batch Message

Select a Process Name. The ISIR suspense load (FAPSAR00) process and ISIR corrections build
(FAPCOR00) process generate messages.

Deleting ISIR and NSLDS Information

You can use the ISIR/NSLDS Records component to do the following:

• Delete a previously loaded ISIR to load a new ISIR for the student.

When a new official ISIR suspends because of a conflict with a previously loaded and rejected ISIR,
delete the first ISIR. After you delete the rejected ISIR, the system allows the new official ISIR to

• Delete an ISIR that loaded to the wrong student.

An ISIR can load to the wrong student due to the sensitivity of the search match criteria or an ISIR
can be manually assigned to the incorrect student online. If the student has already been awarded
financial aid, verify that the calculated EFC and database match information is still accurate after the
incorrect ISIR/NSLDS information is removed.

However, this component does not support deleting NSLDS records that were loaded from the NSLDS
FAT load process. Deleting such data creates orphan data in the database and does not reset any calculated

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Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

need information The summary need information on the Packaging Status Summary and Awards page is
stored in PS_STDNT_AWD_PER and is updated when an ISIR loads.

The component also does not correct ISIR database match and verification selection information loaded
into the PS_STDNT_AID_ATRBT record from the ISIR, which you can view in the Packaging Status
Summary component. You must either load a new ISIR to synchronize the data or manually reset/override
the information on the Packaging Status Summary component using the ISIR Data Corrections Database
Match page as your source data.

If you delete one, but not all related ISIR data correction rows, the correct ISIR audit information is not
preserved. For example, if three rows of effective-dated ISIR data exist for the same transaction number,
and you delete only one row, you lose all of the ISIR audit information.

Warning! Please restrict access to this component to staff members with the knowledge and authority to
delete student ISIR information from the database. Incorrectly deleted or modified information can create
data integrity errors in your database, or adversely affect downstream processes.

This section discusses how to:

• Delete ISIR records.

• Delete NSLDS records.

Pages Used to Delete ISIR and NSLDS Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

ISIR Delete ISIR_DELETE Financial Aid > File Delete incorrectly loaded ISIR
Management > ISIR records from the application
Import > Delete ISIR/NSLDS tables so that correct ISIR
Records > ISIR Delete information can be loaded for
the student.

NSLDS Delete NSLDS_DELETE Financial Aid > File Delete NSLDS records that
Management > ISIR were loaded from an ISIR
Import > Delete ISIR/NSLDS record and to modify the
Records > NSLDS Delete effective date of previously
loaded ISIR NSLDS historical

Deleting ISIR Records

Access the ISIR Delete page (Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Import > Delete ISIR/NSLDS
Records > ISIR Delete).

Each row in the grid represents an effective-dated row in the ISIR Data Corrections component. All
related ISIR rows have the same transaction number.

Delete ISIR Select to mark a row to delete.

Eff Date (effective date) The effective date for the data row on the ISIR Data Corrections

632 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Sequence This is a database table key value.

Trans Nbr (transaction number) The ISIR transaction number.

NSLDS Txn (NSLDS transaction This transaction number is used like the ISIR transaction
number) number. When it is used in increments, it indicates that the
NSLDS information on the ISIR has been revised.

App Date (application date) Date the CPS received the FAFSA application.

ISIR Input Record Type ISIR transaction data source.

Delete Selected ISIRs Click this button to delete the rows from the grid that you
selected. If you save the page changes, the data is permanently
deleted from the database and cannot be viewed in the ISIR
Data Corrections component.

After you delete ISIR data, you must do the following:

1. Use the ISIR Data Corrections component to verify that the data is deleted.

2. Review and recalculate need summary information that displays in the packaging status summary and
awarding pages. If data still exists in the ISIR Data Corrections component, recalculate the need. If
you are loading new ISIR data, make sure that an INAS calculation performs after the ISIR loads.

3. Review and correct ISIR database match and verification selection information. Loading a new ISIR
synchronizes the data. If you do not load a new ISIR, manually reset/override the information on the
Packaging Status Summary component using the current ISIR Data Corrections component, Database
Match page, as the source data.

4. Verify that the appropriate ISIR audit information is deleted.

Database tables affected by the ISIR delete include:










• PS_AUDIT_ISIR_CHNG where ISIR_TXN_NBR equals deleted ISIR

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Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Deleting NSLDS Records

Access the NSLDS Delete page (Financial Aid > File Management > ISIR Import > Delete ISIR/
NSLDS Records > NSLDS Delete).

Warning! The NSLDS Delete page is not designed to delete all NSLDS FAT information. If you delete
information loaded from the NSLDS FAT load process, the system creates orphan data.

This page consists of two scroll areas. The outer scroll area displays high-level status information of the
student's NSLDS history record. The inner scroll area displays information on individual NSLDS records
that were loaded from the student's ISIR or the NSLDS transcript file. You can delete the student's entire
history or only the most recent set of loaded NSLDS information.

NSLDS information does not always load with an ISIR. To identify the NSLDS information you want to
delete, match the effective date and NSLDS transaction number on the ISIR delete page with the NSLDS
transaction number and transaction process date with the correct ISIR source year value on the NSLDS
Delete page. These date fields match unless you use the current date as the effective date feature on the
ISIR Data Load Parms, or manually overrode the ISIR effective date when the ISIR loaded.

If you override the effective date when loading ISIRs, use the ISIR Data Corrections component to
compare the transaction process date to match the NSLDS data with the ISIR.

To delete every row in the grid, you delete the entire NSLDS history for the student by deleting
information from the outer scroll area. Select any field in the area controlled by the outer scroll bar and
delete the row.

To delete only part of the student's NSLDS history, such as data from the last ISIR, do the following:

1. Delete the appropriate row in the grid.

2. Update the NSLDS transaction number, transaction source, and last updated fields with the matching
information from the current effective-dated row in the grid.

3. Set the last updated date to match the effective date value. This synchronizes the data viewed in the
NSLDS inquiry page.

Last Updated The date the NSLDS transaction source process updated the
NSLDS tables.

NSLDS Transaction Nbr (National Enter the NSLDS transaction number that was the source of the
Student Loan Data System transaction last update to the NSLDS history. This field is automatically
number) updated by the most recently imported NSLDS data from
the ISIR file. This field is only populated when the NSLDS
Transaction Source is 'I' (ISIR Load)

Deleting data at this scroll level deletes the entire NSLDS data

Do not delete if the transaction source is F, Financial Aid


NSLDS Transaction Source(National Enter the source of the stuent's NSLDS information. This field
Student Loan Data System transaction is automatically updated by the most recently imported NSLDS
source) data. The sources are:

634 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

A: NSLDS Transfer Alert

I: ISIR load

F: Financial Aid Transcript

H: NSLDS FA History.

M: Manual

NSLDS Sequence Number(National Enter the NSLDS Sequence Number of the student's NSLDS
Student Loan Data System sequence information. This field is automatically updated by the most
number) recently imported NSLDS file. This field is only populated
when the NSLDS Transaction Source is 'A' (NSLDS Transfer
Alert) or 'H' (NSLDS FA History).

Effective Date Populated with a date to match the Transaction Process Date.
This represents the date the incoming NSLDS data was
generated from the National Student Loan Database System.
The field can be updated.

Effective Sequence Displays a database table key value.

ISIR Source Year Displays the aid year of the source record.

NSLDS Seq Nbr(National Student Displays the NSLDS Sequence Number when the NSLDS
Loan Data System sequence number) Transaction Source is 'A' (NSLDS Transfer Alert) or 'H'
(NSLDS FA History).

Transaction Process Date Displays the date the CPS (ISIR) or NSLDS (FAH, TSM, or
FAT) processed the data record that loaded. This is also the date
the incoming NSLDS data was generated from the National
Student Loan Database System.

The following tables are affected by an NSLDS delete:









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Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Viewing ISIR History

Use the ISIR History Inquiry component to view ISIR and need analysis information. This component
displays all ISIR fields across all aid years. Fields that are not valid in a particular aid year appear as
blank or zero.

Note: Some ISIR fields the literal field value, but no text description, because the text descriptions change
from one aid year to another.

For more information, see the Electronic Data Exchange Technical Reference

Pages Used to View ISIR History

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FAFSA Information ISIR_PIA_HIST1 Financial Aid > Financial Review ISIR data. Includes
Aid History > View student bio/demo data,
Archived Application Data > enrollment information,
ISIR History > FAFSA background information,
Information financial information,
dependency status, and parent
background and financial

Address Use ISIR_ADR_MNT_SEC Click the Student Address link Review student active
on the FAFSA Information or address.
Student Information page.

Original ISIR Address ISIR_ORG_ADR_SEC Click the ISIR Address link Review student original ISIR
on the FAFSA Information or address.
Student Information page.

Student Income Values ISIR_ASM_ST1_H_SEC Click the Assumptions link in Review student income.
the Student Data - Financial
Information group box on
the FAFSA Information or
Student Information page.

Student Values Status ISIR_ASM_ST2_H_SEC Click the Assumptions Review student household
link in the Student Data information.
- Dependency Status
Information group box on
the FAFSA Information or
Student Information page.

Parent Household Information ISIR_ASM_PR2_H_SEC Click the Assumptions link Review parent household
in the Parent Data - Parent information.
Background Information
group box on the FAFSA
Information or Parent
Information page.

636 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Parent Earnings and Income ISIR_ASM_PR1_H_SEC Click the Assumptions Review parent income and
Value link in the Parent Data - earnings.
Parent Financial Information
group box on the FAFSA
Information or Parent
Information page.

Assumptions/School Codes ISIR_PIA_HIST2 Financial Aid > Financial Review miscellaneous

Aid History > ISIR information, housing
History > Assumptions/ school code information,
School Codes assumptions and reject
overrides, reject reasons, and

EFC\DB Matches\Corr ISIR_PIA_HIST3 Financial Aid > Manage Review EFC information,
Financial Aid History > ISIR database matches flags, and
History > EFC\DB Matches corrected fields.

Viewing ISIR Reports

This section lists ISIR reports and discusses how to use the ISIR Reject/Assumption Report.

Pages Used to Produce ISIR Reports

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

ISIR Assumption/Reject RUNCNTL_FAISRJAS Financial Aid > File List students who have
Ovrd (ISIR assumption/reject Management > ISIR assumptions or rejects
override) Import > CPS Reject/ that have no respective
Assumption Report > ISIR overrides and students who
Assumption/Reject Ovrd have overrides made but
no assumptions or rejects.
Use this list to identify
students for whom you need
to apply assumption overrides
manually. This report is not
aid-year specific.

System Generated ISIR SFA_RUNCTL_FA928 Financial Aid > File Identify why a system
Report Management > ISIR generated ISIR record was
Import > CPS Reject/ created before loading system
Assumption Report > System generated ISIR files. Suspend
Generated ISIR Report all system generated files
before running this report to
cause the student's ID to be
determined and printed on the

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Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

ISIR Suspense Detail Report SFA_RUNCTL_FA927 Financial Aid > File List all ISIRs that suspended
Management > ISIR or are set to error by the ISIR
Import > ISIR Suspense Load program. Data on the
Detail Report report derives from the ISIR
Suspense Management page.

Review ISIR Correction ISIR_CORR_AUDITS Financial Aid > Federal Review ISIR correction
Audits Application Data > View audits.
ISIR Field Audits

Using the ISIR Reject/Assumption Report

Use the ISIR Reject/Assumption Report to identify any current, loaded ISIR where specific CPS
generated field value assumptions or reject codes have been issued. The report lists any assumed values
for the following fields: Parent number in college, Parent AGI, Parent Worksheet C total, Student number
in college, Student AGI, and Student Worksheet C total. The following reject codes are also listed: B, N,
and W.

Consider the following scenario: A second ISIR transaction is loaded into the system that corrects
assumed or rejected values on the original ISIR. If you then run INAS, INAS can incorrectly calculate the
student's EFC because INAS does not suppress the assumption as the CPS does. Instead, INAS invokes
assumptions based on INAS specifications.

For example, a student's first ISIR has an assumed value for the parent's Worksheet C amount. You then
receive and load a second ISIR for the student that confirms the initially reported value. When you then
run INAS, the student's EFC calculation may be incorrect. To avoid this, set an assumption override
manually for the student on the Assumption Overrides panel so that INAS suppresses the assumption.
Process the assumption/rejects by using the ISIR Assumption and Reject override fields on the ISIR Data
Corrections panel group.

The system continues to select ISIR records on the report until the following occurs:

• Records selected because of an assumed value have the corresponding assumed indicator field value
set to verified or reported through the verification process or manually in the ISIR Data Corrections
panel group.

• A new ISIR with no assumptions or rejects is loaded.

• Reject overrides have been set for records with reject codes.

Note: Because several INAS assumptions can occur against the fields used by the report, the system may
select records where using the Assumption Override fields is not be the appropriate action to resolve the
EFC calculation.

Reviewing ISIR Correction Audits

Access the Review ISIR Correction Audits page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > View ISIR
Field Audits).

638 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 22 Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications

The system displays the User ID of the person who made the change, Date/Time, Transaction Nbr
(transaction number), the field name of what changed, the original data Old Value, and the changed data
New Value. The Status field indicates whether the field change has been submitted for correction with the

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 639

Processing Federal Financial Aid Applications Chapter 22

640 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23

Processing and Using Institutional

Financial Aid Applications

Maintaining Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Your institution can gather additional resource information about students and their families by using the
College Board PROFILE application which is electronically supported by the System or by entering your
institutional application on the pages in this component.

Note: The College Board PROFILE and institutional application data share the same pages. You might
unintentionally create multiple institutional aid records for a student from these three sources, which
could cause unintended INAS calculation results.

Note: Question marks or blanks on College Board PROFILE data files are converted or appear as zeros in
currency based numeric fields.

For further information about the fields in this component, please refer to the College Board's Financial
Aid Services Information Center ( for supporting documentation.

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

• Review student information.

• Review custodial parent information.

• Review non custodial parent information.

• Review currency information, family information, and institutional questions.

• Review all computed data for student and parents.

Related Links
Loading and Managing PROFILE Records
Using INAS Batch Calculations

Common Elements Used in This Section

Need Summary Click this link to access the Need Summary page, where
you can review the student's federal and institutional need

FM (federal methodology) Click this link to access the INAS Fed Extension page, where
you can override INAS Local Policy Options for federal data.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 641

Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

IM (institutional methodology) Click this link to access the Institutional Need Calculation
Extension 1 page, where you can override INAS Local Policy
Options for institutional data.

INAS (institutional need analysis Click this button to calculate an unofficial federal and
system) institutional Expected Family Contribution (EFC) by using the
College Board's Institutional Need Analysis System (INAS). A
COBOL program is used to perform the INAS calculation.

INAS NCP (institutional need analysis Click this button to calculate the non custodial parent
system non custodial parent button) contribution.

Note: Calculate the non-custodial parent contribution before

invoking the regular INAS calculation.
Calculating a non custodial parent contribution creates an
INAS Extension record, selects the Use Non-Custodial Parent
Contribution check box and populates the PC From Non-
Custodial Parent (parent contribution from non-custodial
parent) field in INAS Extension 5. After this, when the
regular INAS calculation is invoked, the non-custodial parent
contribution is added to the Custodial Parent contribution and
overall expected family contribution.

The system displays the student's name, ID, HouseHold Type (HHA for Custodial Parent, HHB for Non
Custodial Parent, HHA/HHB for both Custodial and Non Custodial Parent), institution, dependency
status, application source, and aid year at the top of each review page. These two terms also appear at the
top of each review page:

HouseHold Type (household type) Displays the type of PROFILE application received:

• HHA/HHB – both custodial parent and non custodial parent

applications received.

• HHA – only custodial parent application received.

• HHB – only non custodial parent application received.

HHB Indicated (non custodial Displays whether or not a non custodial parent PROFILE
parent PROFILE application received application is indicated or can exist for a custodial parent
indicator) household.

• Yes – non custodial parent PROFILE application is indicated

or can exist for a custodial parent household.

• No – non custodial parent PROFILE application not

indicated or cannot exist for a custodial parent household.

Related Links
Defining Federal and Institutional Methodologies
Overriding Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

642 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Pages Used for Institutional Applications

Note: The navigation paths for the pages listed in the following page introduction table are for aid year
20nn-20nn. Oracle supports access for three active aid years with valid INAS calculations. Earlier aid
year institutional application data is available for display only at Financial Aid > Financial Aid History >
View Archived Application Data > Institutional Application.

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Data INST_STUDENT_nn Financial Aid > Institutional View or enter student
Application Data > Maintain information.
Application 20nn-20nn >
Student Data

Custodial Parent Data INST_PARENT_nn Financial Aid > Institutional View or enter custodial parent
Application Data > Maintain information.
Application 20nn-20nn >
Custodial Parent Data

Non Custodial Parent Data INST_NCPARENT_nn Financial Aid > Institutional View or enter non custodial
Application Data > Maintain parent information.
Application 20nn-20nn >
Non Custodial Parent Data

Miscellaneous Data INST_MISC_nn Financial Aid > Institutional View or enter signature,
Application Data > Maintain family member, school
Application 20nn-20nn > selection, and institutional
Miscellaneous Data question (the College Board
PROFILE Section Q)
information. You can also
view FNAR messages on this

Computation Summary INST_COMP_SUMM_nn Financial Aid > Institutional View or enter computed
Application Data > Maintain parent and student income,
Application 20nn-20nn > allowance, and asset
Computation Summary information using your
institutional and federal
methodology. The computed
values appear here.

Reviewing Student Information

Access the Student Data page (Financial Aid > Institutional Application Data > Maintain Application
20nn-20nn > Student Data).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 643

Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Student Data page (1 of 5)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Student Data
page (1 of 5). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Student Data page (2 of 5)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Student Data
page (2 of 5). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Student Data page (3 of 5)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Student Data
page (3 of 5). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

644 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Student Data page (4 of 5)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Student Data
page (4 of 5). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Student Data page (5 of 5)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Student Data
page (5 of 5). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Bio/Demo and Citizenship Data

The data for the fields in this group box are populated from Campus Community Bio/Demo data.

National ID Displays the student's National ID.

Note: If the PROFILE Application type = 4 (International

PROFILE) and the National ID is blank, the student is loaded
into PROFILE Staging with XXX-XX-XXXX. This permits
Search/Match to take place and potentially load the student into
the Institutional Application tables with the NID rendered as

Reported Country Displays the student's reported country if not United States of

Bio/Demo Citizenship Status Click this link to access the Campus Community Citizenship/
Passport page to confirm the citizenship status of the student's

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 645

Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

Biographic/ Demographic data against the values in the

Reported Country and Reported Status fields.

CSS Data
CSS ID (college scholarship service Note: CSS ID was the identifier assigned by College Board
ID) to ensure both privacy and quick retrieval of records. CSS ID
was removed from PROFILE XML files by College Board
effective Aid Year 2019-2020. It will not be displayed for Aid
Year 2019-2020 forward.

CB FinAid ID (College Board Displays a unique lifetime ID assigned to the student's record by
Financial Aid ID) the PROFILE system to ensure both privacy and quick retrieval
of records. When you call the College Board inquiry number
with questions about specific records, it is helpful to know the
student's College Board Financial Aid ID number.

Application Type Displays:

• 1 if the application is a Domestic PROFILE.

• 2 if the application is a Canadian PROFILE.

• 3 if the application is an International PROFILE.

Fee Payment Code Indicator Indicates if the student used a Fee Payment Code for the

Name of School Name of the student's current school.

Student's Information
In this region, if a field does not have a selection of Yes or No, that means the PROFILE that was loaded
did not contain that field. For aid year 2021–2022 onward, the No Response option is not available.

Financial Aid Status Enter the student's status as it relates to receiving financial aid.

Marital Status Code Select the marital status to be used for financial aid purposes.
This marital status can differ from the Bio/Demo Data page
marital status.

Student IM Zip (student institutional The student zip code used for cost of living adjustment
methodology zip code) calculations. Typically matches the student permanent zip code
but can be updated independently of student permanent zip code
if needed.

Parent IM Zip (parent institutional The parent zip code used for cost of living adjustment
methodology zip code) calculations. Typically matches the parent permanent zip code
but can be updated independently of parent permanent zip code
if needed.

646 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Student's Income/Benefits/Resources – Base (Prior Prior Year)

These fields are items from the United States federal income tax forms or data gathered from other
applicable sources such as an institutional application or a third party source.

Student's Income/Benefits/Resources – Base+2 (Anticipated Year)

Receive Tuition Benefits Indicate whether or not the student receives tuition benefits from
the parents' employers.

Agencies/Foundation Support Indicate whether the student expects to receive from agencies or
foundations to pay for educational expenses during any year of

Government Support Indicate whether the student expects to receive from her
government to pay for educational expenses during any year of

Student's Assets – Current

In this region, if a field does not have a selection of Yes or No, that means the PROFILE that was loaded
did not contain that field. For aid year 2021–2022 onward, the No Response option is not available.

Price Enter purchase price of the student's home.

Student's Expenses – Base (Prior Prior Year)

Child Support Paid Enter the child support paid by the student.

Medical/Dental Enter the medical and/or dental out of pocket expenses paid by
the student.

Veterans Benefits Enter the monthly amount of VA Benefits received by the


Months Enter the number of months the veterans benefits were received
in the calendar year.

Currency Information
Currency Code Enter the currency in which the original data was reported by
the student.

Currency Rate Enter the currency conversion rate used to process the student's

Parent Country Co-Efficient Enter the country coefficient used to process the parents’
financial data.

Converted Currency Code Enter the original currency converted into US dollars reported
by citizens living abroad and Canadians.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 647

Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

Converted Currency Rate Enter the rate the student used in converting their currency into
US dollars. Reported by citizens living abroad and Canadians.

Student Country Co-Efficient Enter the country coefficient used to process the student’s
financial data.

Non-Custodial Student Data

These fields display student information as reported on the Non-Custodial PROFILE.

Reviewing Custodial Parent Information

Access the Custodial Parent Data page (Financial Aid > Institutional Application Data > Maintain
Application 20nn-20nn > Custodial Parent Data).

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Custodial Parent Data page (1 of 6)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Custodial Parent
Data page (1 of 6). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

648 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Custodial Parent Data page (2 of 6)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Custodial Parent
Data page (2 of 6). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Custodial Parent Data page (3 of 6)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Custodial Parent
Data page (3 of 6). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 649

Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Custodial Parent Data page (4 of 6)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Custodial Parent
Data page (4 of 6). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Custodial Parent Data page (5 of 6)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Custodial Parent
Data page (5 of 6). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

650 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Custodial Parent Data page (6 of 6)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Custodial Parent
Data page (6 of 6). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Parents Grid
This section of the page displays parental information including relationship to student as reported on the

Parents’ Household
For INAS to make correct calculations, make sure you enter values in Number Family Members and
Number in College.

Parents’ Income and Benefits – Base (Prior Prior Year)

These fields are items from the United States federal income tax forms or data gathered from other
applicable sources such as an institutional application or a third party source.

Child Support Received Enter the child support received by the parents for their
dependent children.

Child Support Received Student Enter the amount of child support the custodial household
received from the non-custodial household for the applicant.

Parent's Income and Benefits – Base+1 (Recent Year)

These fields are items from the United States federal income tax forms or data gathered from other
applicable sources such as an institutional application or a third party source.

Parent's Income and Benefits – Base+2 (Anticipated Year)

These fields are items from the United States federal income tax forms or data gathered from other
applicable sources such as an institutional application or a third party source.

Non-Custodial Parent Contribution The amount the non-custodial parent has offered to pay for the
student's educational expenses.

Parent's Assets – Current

Owed to Parent by Others Enter the amount owed to parents by others

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 651

Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

Annual Debt Income The annual income realized by the parents from debts owed to

Value of Other Assets Enter the value of any assets not already reported.

Price Enter purchase price of the parents' home.

Real Estate Purchase Year Enter purchase year of any other real estate.

Price Enter purchase price of any other real estate.

Primary Home Debt Enter the amount of debt the family has on the home from their
original mortgage.

Parents' Expenses – Base (Prior Prior Year)

Enter the parents' expenses from the Base Year for these fields.

Other Expenses Enter the cost of any parental expenses not reported anywhere
else on the PROFILE.

Parents' Expenses – Base+1 (Recent Year)

Enter the parents' expenses from the Recent Year for these fields.

Academic Year
Other Tuition Paid The amount of private elementary/secondary tuition expected to
be paid by the parents during the academic year.

Number of Tuition Paid The number of children for which private elementary/secondary
tuition is expected to be paid by the parents during the academic

Parents' Information
Parent Type 1 and Parent Type 2 Select the type of parent providing information on the
PROFILE. Values include: Father, Legal Guardian, Mother,
Other, Step Father, Step Mother.

Computed Age 1 and Computed Age Indicates the calculated age for the parent.

Biological Adoptive Parent Identifies a dependent student's custodial parent when the
biological/adoptive parents are separated, divorced, or were
never married. Values include: Parent 1 and Parent 2.

Veteran Indicator 1 and Veteran Indicates the veteran status of parents.

Indicator 2

652 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Currency Information
Currency Code Enter the currency in which the original data was reported by
the student.

Currency Rate Enter the currency conversion rate used to process the student's

Country Coefficient Enter the country coefficient used to process the student's data.

Converted Currency Code Enter the original currency converted into US dollars reported
by citizens living abroad and Canadians.

Converted Currency Rate Enter the rate the student used in converting their currency into
US dollars. Reported by citizens living abroad and Canadians.

Explanation / Certification
PROFILE applicants can indicate on their applications a variety of Special Circumstances that may affect
the calculation of financial need. These include:

• Change in Employment

• Scholarships

• Medical/Dental Expenses

• Siblings Private School

• Catastrophic Event

• Elder Care

• Non-Recurring Income

• Financial Support

PROFILE applicants can also indicate if they have no Special Circumstances or Special Circumstances
not listed in the PROFILE application.

Explanations Text Displays the actual explanations and special circumstances text
provided by the filer.

Reviewing Non Custodial Parent Information

Access the Non Custodial Parent Data page (Financial Aid > Institutional Application Data > Maintain
Application 20nn-20nn > Non Custodial Parent Data).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 653

Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Non Custodial Parent Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Non Custodial
Parent Data page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Please refer to the “Reviewing Custodial Parent Information” section of this topic for similar field
descriptions. Notable exceptions are in this section.

IM NCP (institutional methodology Click this link to view the INAS Institutional NCP Ext 1 page
non custodial parent link) from where you can navigate further to the INAS Institutional
NCP Ext 2 and INAS Institutional NCP Ext 3 pages. Use
these pages to provide more information for the system to
calculate non-custodial parent contribution using Institutional
Methodology. For descriptions of the fields in these pages, refer
to the similar fields described in Using FM and IM Extensions
to Override Options.

INAS NCP (institutional need analysis Click this button to calculate the Institutional Methodology non
system non custodial parent button) custodial parent contribution.

Note: Calculate the non-custodial parent contribution before

invoking the regular INAS calculation.
Calculating a non custodial parent contribution creates an
INAS Extension record, selects the Use Non-Custodial Parent
Contribution check box and populates the PC From Non-
Custodial Parent (parent contribution from non-custodial
parent) field in INAS Extension 5. After this, when the
regular INAS calculation is invoked, the non-custodial parent
contribution is added to the Custodial Parent contribution and
overall expected family contribution.

See the Common Elements Used in This Section and the

Reviewing All Computed Data for Student and Parents sections
for detailed information.

654 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Parents’ Household
For INAS to make correct calculations, make sure you enter values in Number Family Members and
Number in College.

Reviewing Processing Messages and Institutional Questions

Access the Miscellaneous Data page (Financial Aid > Institutional Application Data > Maintain
Application 20nn-20nn > Miscellaneous Data).

Image: Miscellaneous Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Miscellaneous Data page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

FNAR Messages
The system displays the Financial Need Analysis Report (FNAR) message number, message text,
and message Values 1 through 5, if any. These College Board PROFILE messages inform you about
processing exceptions to data received and assumptions that should be taken into consideration when
reviewing the institutional application. This information is displayed for the Custodial and Non-custodial
Parents, as it is provided by PROFILE.

Assumption Messages
The system displays the CSS INAS IM Assumptions alphanumeric code, message text, and value, if any.
These are the INAS Assumptions triggered during the need analysis methodology and include the full text
of the e-FNAR assumption generated by the PROFILE system and any corresponding values.

Institutional Questions
Number Number of an application question that the student/family
believes warrants further explanation. This number may also
refer to a series of additional questions that have been modified
for the institution by College Board PROFILE.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 655

Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

Answer Answer to the question shown in the Number field.

Reviewing All Computed Data for Student and Parents

Access the Computation Summary page (Financial Aid > Institutional Application Data > Maintain
Application 20nn-20nn > Computation Summary).

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Computation Summary page (1 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Computation
Summary page (1 of 4). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

656 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Computation Summary page (2 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Computation
Summary page (2 of 4). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Computation Summary page (3 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Computation
Summary page (3 of 4). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 657

Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

Image: Maintain Institutional Application, Computation Summary page (4 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Institutional Application, Computation
Summary page (4 of 4). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page is designed to display computed need analysis results based on both the parent's and student's
information. Therefore, the page displays a Parent Contribution Section and a Student Contribution
Section. The following sections describe what each column represents.

Note: Computation tables display no intermediate values until the INAS calculation is called using batch
or online calculation.

Note: To more closely align interim calculation results with the Estimated Federal Methodology (EFM)
computation worksheets from the College Board, the Computation Summary page displays an N/A
value for several fields. For parents of dependent students and independent students with dependents,
EFM calculations display N/A for From Income, From Assets, Total Contribution - Income and Total
Contribution - Assets fields.

Contribution Summary
The PARENT CONTRIBUTION section displays three columns: IM Base, IM w/Options, and EFM.

• The IM Base column displays standard base INAS calculations. Although the IM Base calculation is
not delivered as part of the PROFILE record, Oracle supports calculating the College Board's IM Base
calculation if INAS is invoked after the initial load of the PROFILE record.

• The IM w/Options column is the result of using the institutional options that you set up when you
defined your institutional methodology. IM w/Options is delivered as part of the PROFILE record.

• The EFM column displays the estimated federal methodology amount. Financial aid administrators
are reminded that the EFM is always estimated and never official.

The STUDENT CONTRIBUTION section displays three columns: IM Base, IM w/ Options, and EFM.

• The IM Base column displays standard base INAS calculations. Although the IM Base calculation is
not delivered as part of the PROFILE record, Oracle supports calculating the College Board's IM Base
calculation if INAS is invoked after the initial load of the PROFILE record.

658 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

• The IM w/Options column is the result of using the institutional options that you set up when you
defined your institutional methodology. IM w/Options is delivered as part of the PROFILE record.

• The EFM column displays the estimated federal methodology amount. Financial aid administrators
are reminded that the EFM is always estimated and never official.

Total Income Indicates the custodial parent's total contribution for the student
from the base IM computation.

Custodial Parent Information

The system displays the calculations for Total Income, Total Contribution, Number in College
Adjustment, Contribution for Student, contribution From Income, and contribution From Assets for
Parent's Contribution and Student's Contribution.


Percent Income Indicates the custodial parent's percentage of total parents

income from the base IM computation.

Contribution From Income Indicates the custodial parent's contribution from income for the
student from the base IM computation.

Contribution From Assets Indicates the custodial parent's contribution from assets for the
student from the base IM computation.


Percent Income Indicates the custodial parent's percentage of total parental

income from the option IM computation.

Contribution From Income Indicates the custodial parent's contribution from income for the
student from the option IM computation.

Contribution From Assets Indicates the custodial parent's contribution from assets for the
student from the options IM computation.

Education Savings Calculations

The system displays the Parent's and the Student's Annual Education Savings Allowance (AESA) and
Cumulative Education Savings Allowance (CESA) calculations. These are PROFILE specific calculated
values used in INAS calculations for Institutional Methodology.

The system displays the calculations for Taxable Income, Untaxed Income, Adjustments to Income, and
Total Income for Parent's Contribution and Student's Contribution.

The system displays the calculations for U.S. Income Tax, FICA Taxes, Medical/Dental, Elementary/
Secondary Tuition, Employment Allowance, Annual Education Savings, Income Protection Allowance/
MMA, Total Allowances, Calculated Available Income, and Available Income for Parent's Contribution

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 659

Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

and Student's Contribution. The Total Contribution - Income amount is the sum of all the fields in the
Allowances section.

The system displays the calculations for Cash Savings, IRA Value, Home Equity, Real Estate/Investment
Equity, Adjusted Business/Farm Value, Sibling's Assets/Prepaid Tuition, Value of Trusts, and Net Worth
for Parent's Contribution and Student's Contribution.

The system displays the calculations for Emergency Reserve Allowance, Cumulative Education Savings,
Low Income Asset Allowance, Discretionary Net Worth, Asset Protection Allowance, Conversion
Percentage, and Income Supplement for Parent's Contribution and Student's Contribution. The Total
Contribution - Assets amount is the sum of all the fields in the Assets section.

Non Custodial Parent Computation Summary Data

Education Saving Calculation Displays the non-custodial parents’ Annual Education Savings
Allowance (AESA) and Cumulative Education Savings
Allowance (CESA) calculations. These are PROFILE specific
calculated values used in INAS calculations for Institutional

IM Options Non–Custodial Displays a logical grouping for the Non-Custodial Parent

Parents Contribution (institutional Contribution results under the IM options computation.
methodology options non custodial
parents contribution)

Non Custodial Parent Base Displays a logical grouping for the data elements for the
Adjustment biological/adoptive parent base computation results.

Non-Custodial Parent Contribution Click this link to view the Institutional NCP Cont Summary
Summary (institutional non custodial parent contribution summary) page
displaying calculations for non-custodial parents’ contribution.
For descriptions of the fields in the Non-Custodial Parent
Contribution Summary, refer to the similar fields already
described in this Computation Summary sub-topic.

Loading and Managing PROFILE Records

Before you begin loading applications, define all PROFILE data load parameters and set up your run
control options using the Financial Aid Run Controls page. This section discusses how to:

• Load PROFILE records.

• View PROFILE load summaries.

• Manage suspended PROFILE records.

• Delete PROFILE records.

660 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Note: Oracle supports the CSS / Financial Aid PROFILE File Layout (with corresponding school year)
for PROFILE data received from the College Board.

Pages Used to Load and Manage PROFILE Records

Note: Oracle supports two academic years of PROFILE data loads.

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Load Records SFA_PF_RUNCNTL Financial Aid > File Import PROFILE records into
Management > PROFILE the database.
Import > Load Records >
Load Records

Load Summary SFA_PF_IN_LOAD Financial Aid > File From the PROFILE Staging
Management > PROFILE Table, view the load status
Import > Load Summary > and other details of each
Load Summary record of a PROFILE load

Suspense Management SFA_PF_SUSP_CNTRL Financial Aid > File Process suspended or skipped
Management > PROFILE PROFILE records.
Import > Suspense
Management > Suspense

Loading PROFILE Applications

Every time the PROFILE Load process is run, all records are inserted into the PROFILE Staging
tables. Depending on your Search/Match, Add Level, and Suspense Level Rules, the student's record is
inserted into either the Institutional Application (IM) tables or managed through the PROFILE Suspense
Management component. As an example, your school may only admit 60 percent of those students who
actually list your School Code on the PROFILE application. Instead of loading every student who has
listed your school code on the PROFILE application, you can load only those students officially admitted.

Access the Profile Load page (Financial Aid > File Management > PROFILE Import > Load Records >
Load Records).

Load Option Select the Load Option.

• Load Only — Select this option to only load the specified

PROFILE files. No suspended or skipped records are
reevaluated for loading.

• Recycle Only — Select this option to only reevaluate

suspended PROFILE records for loading.

• Load and Recycle — Select this option to both load

the specified PROFILE files and reevaluate suspended
PROFILE records.

• Load Unprocessed — Select this option to load all

Unprocessed PROFILE records in the PROFILE Staging

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 661

Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

table. This skips records with a status of "Error Encountered.


Add Action Select the action to be taken for rows that can be loaded.

• Add New Record Only — Add ONLY new PROFILE

records into the system; do not overwrite existing PROFILE

• Overwrite Existing Record — Add new PROFILE records

into the system AND update existing PROFILE records.

Load HHB Files (load non custodial Select Yes to load non custodial parent data files.
parent data files)

Run Option Select one of the following:

• Single: Load only a single XML file

• File List Driven: If you have multiple XML files to load,

you can combine them into a single load instance by using
File List.

Create a .TXT file that includes a list of the multiple XML

files you want to load and their corresponding source path.
The PROFILE Import process reads the .TXT file and
searches for the listed XML files using the path defined in
the file list. If an error is found for a file in the list file, the
PROFILE Import process loads the previous files into the
database and then stops processing. The files after the file
in error are not processed. Use the message log to view the
files that the system loaded successfully or unsuccessfully as
well as any corresponding error messages.

Note: The Process Monitor can display the run status as

Success even when a problem occurs with the load process.
To determine whether all files in a file list were successfully
processed, open the date-stamped list file and verify that its
content does not reflect an error in processing.

Note: Each PROFILE XML file must have a unique file name. If you attempt to load a record with a
duplicate file name, the PROFILE load process fails.

Related Links
Page Used to Set Up PROFILE Data Load Parameters
Setting Up PROFILE Data Load Parameters
Overriding Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

662 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Viewing PROFILE Load Summaries

The PROFILE Load Summary component displays the load status and other details of each record of the
file selected to review from the PROFILE Staging Table.

Access the PROFILE Load Summary (Financial Aid > File Management > PROFILE Import > Load
Summary > Load Summary).

PROFILE Batch Detail Records tab

Image: PROFILE Load Summary page, Batch Detail Records tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PROFILE Load Summary page, Batch Detail
Records tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

CSS ID (College Scholarship Service Displays the unique identifier assigned to student by the
ID) PROFILE system.

Note: For the 2019–2020 Aid Year and forward, this field
displays the College Board Financial Aid ID value for

Load Status Displays the Load Status of the record.

• Unprocessed — Record is loaded to PROFILE Staging table

but is not loaded to Inst App tables.

• Suspended — Record failed Search/Match or PROFILE Add

Level load rules.

• Processed — Record is loaded to application table.

• User Delete — PROFILE Application Record has been

deleted by the user.

• Discarded — Record is not loaded because it is a

Noncustodial PROFILE or Registration Only record.

• Skipped — Record meets Search/Match and PROFILE Add

Level load rules, but there is an existing record and the load

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 663

Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

parameter is "Add New Record Only" or the Review Status

is Complete on the Packaging Status Summary.

• Error Encountered — Scenarios in which status is

set include: Data Load Parameters not set, missing or
mismatched Aid Year, SSN invalid, SQL Error, and
invalid data in Search/Match fields. Status can be set by
user manually when an errant record is identified on the

Student's Admit Level Displays the student's admit level as associated with Academic
Program Statuses in the Defining Application Processing
Options, Working with Applications, Reviewing Admit Level
Associations page.

The values are:

• 5 - Accepted/Continuing

• 4 - Admitted

• 3 - Applied/Pending

• 2 - Inactive

• 1 - Has Not Applied

Application Type Displays the PROFILE Application Type

• Domestic PROFILE

• Canadian PROFILE

• International PROFILE

Student Record Type Displays the CSS Student Record Type

• Initial

• School Added

HouseHold Type Displays the type of PROFILE application received:

• HHA – custodial parent application received.

• HHB – non custodial parent application received.

Merged HHA/HHB Displays if custodial parent and non custodial parent PROFILE
applications have been loaded:

• Yes – Both the HHA (custodial parent) and HHB (non

custodial parent) PROFILE applications have been loaded.

664 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

• No – Only one parent PROFILE application has been

loaded: HHA (custodial parent) or HHB (non custodial
parent) as indicated by the HouseHold Type field.

Update Status to Error Click this button to set the Load Status from Unprocessed
to Error Encountered. Records with a Load Status of Error
Encountered can be skipped during subsequent PROFILE Load

Student Information tab

Image: PROFILE Load Summary page, Student Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PROFILE Load Summary page, Student
Information tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

National ID For United States students, displays the Social Security Number.
For non-United States students, displays the student's country
and National Identifier or default National Identifier.

Dependency Status Displays Dependent or Independent

Financial Aid Status • New – Either a first-time applicant entering student or a

first-time applicant, continuing student

• Renewal — Continuing student

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Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

Load Information tab

Image: PROFILE Load Summary page, Load Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PROFILE Load Summary page, Load Information
tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Suspend Reason • FA Term Not Built– At least one FA Term record for the
corresponding Year does not exist.

• Manual– Load Status set to Suspended manually by the user.

• Non-Unique Student ID Found – More than one student

meets the Search/Match criteria.

• Packaging Completed– Student's Aid Processing Status is

Packaging Completed.

• Student ID not Found– No student met the specified Search/

Match Rules criteria.

• Student Not Admitted– Student met the Maximum Search/

Match Level but failed the Admit Level.

• Student not at Load Level – Student ID found, but student is

not at the designated Admit Level.

Skip Reason • Final Review Flag Set — Review Status is Complete

• Student Already Exists — PROFILE Load encountered a

matching ID despite the Add Action = Add New Record
Only; therefore, the student is suspended.

• Student Not at Suspend Level — Student fails Suspend

Level rule.

• Manual—- Load Status set to Skipped manually by the user

Alternate Institution Displays the Alternate Institution for PROFILE records

that were deleted by the user (status of User Delete) and
reloaded (status of Processed) to a different Institution than was
originally loaded.

666 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

PROFILE Staging Table Data tab

This tab displays links to view PROFILE data as it is received from the College Board.

Image: PROFILE Load Summary page, PROFILE Staging Table Data

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PROFILE Load Summary page.

Managing Suspended PROFILE Records

Access the Profile Suspense Management Records page (Financial Aid > File Management > PROFILE
Import > Suspense Management > Profile Suspense Management).

Image: PROFILE Suspense Management Records page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PROFILE Suspense Management Records page.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the PROFILE Suspense Management Records page to review and manage unmatched, unprocessed,
and deleted PROFILE records.

CSS ID (College Scholarship Service Displays the unique identifier assigned to student by the
ID) PROFILE system.

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Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

Note: For the 2019–2020 Aid Year and forward, this field
displays the College Board Financial Aid ID value for

Alternate Institution Enter an Alternate Institution code to reload a user-deleted

PROFILE record into the Institutional (IM) Application tables
with a new Institution value. Displays only when the Load
Status is User Delete.

See Deleting PROFILE Records.

Load Status Displays the current status of the record. If the Load Status is
Skipped or Suspended, the field can be updated. If the status is
Discarded or User Delete, the field is view only.

Note: If you update the Load Status to Discarded, the Load

Status cannot be updated again.

Add Profile Select this radio button and click the Process button to load a
suspended PROFILE record into the application table.

Note: Selecting Add Profile supersedes any Profile Routing

Control setup. Add Profile always adds the student into the
Institutional Application tables. Even if the student fails Search/
Match, because the Add Profile option is selected, the student
is added into the Institutional Application tables with a new
system-generated ID.

Note: Please refer to the decision matrix after the attribute

descriptions for this page to see how the ID, ID Lock, Add
Profile, and Recycle attributes work together.

Recycle Select this radio button and click the Process button to have the
PROFILE records reconsidered by the PROFILE load process
using the Profile Routing Control setup.

Note: Selecting Recycle always calls Search/Match. If Search/

Match fails, then the "Search/Match No Match Action" defined
in the Profile Routing Control is interrogated to determine the
next step:
If "Allow Add if Eligible", a new ID is created if the student
meets the criteria for adding a new record.
If "Suspend", the student's record remains in the Suspense
Management table.

Note: Please refer to the decision matrix after the attribute

descriptions for this page to see how the ID, ID Lock, Add
Profile, and Recycle attributes work together.

668 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Process button After selecting the Add PROFILE or Recycle radio button, click
this button to invoke a real-time action to load the PROFILE
record into the Institutional Application (IM) tables.

Add Action Select the action to be taken for rows that can be loaded.

• Add New Record Only — Add ONLY new PROFILE

records into the system; do not overwrite existing PROFILE

• Overwrite Existing Record — Add new PROFILE records

into the system AND update existing PROFILE records.

ID Select the ID to use to load the PROFILE record into the

application tables.

Note: Please refer to the decision matrix after the attribute

descriptions for this page to see how the ID, ID Lock, Add
Profile, and Recycle attributes work together.

ID Lock Select this check box after the selecting the ID to force the
PROFILE load process to use the ID as the matching person.

Note: Please refer to the decision matrix after the attribute

descriptions for this page to see how the ID, ID Lock, Add
Profile, and Recycle attributes work together.

Max Match Level Found Displays the highest Search Match Level rule that was met for
this PROFILE record.

General Information Click this link to display general information about the student.

FNAR Messages Click this link to display FNAR messages.

Search/Match Click this link to access the Person Search Match page and
search for a student ID to match to the PROFILE record.

The following table is a decision matrix explaining the results of different combinations of the ID, ID
Lock, Add, and Recycle attributes on this page.

ID ID Lock Add Recycle Treatment

blank unchecked selected not selected Call Search/Match.

Assign record new ID if
no match found. Record

blank unchecked not selected selected Call Search/Match.

Based on PROFILE
Routing Control
parameters, record
added or suspended. If
added, assign new ID if
no match found.

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Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

ID ID Lock Add Recycle Treatment

blank checked selected not selected Search/Match not

called. Assign record
new ID, warning given.
Record added.

blank checked not selected selected Search/Match not

called. Based on
Control parameters,
record added or
suspended. If added,
assign new ID, warning

not blank unchecked selected not selected Warning given before

calling Search/Match.
Record assigned new
ID if no match found.
Record added.

not blank unchecked not selected selected Warning given before

calling Search/Match.
Based on PROFILE
Routing Control
parameters, record
added or suspended. If
added, record assigned
new ID if no match

not blank checked selected not selected Search/Match not

called. Record added
with specified ID.

not blank checked not selected selected Search/Match not

called. Based on
Control parameters,
record added or
suspended. If added,
record assigned with
specified ID.

Reviewing Institutional Correction Audits

This section discusses how to view institutional correction audits.

670 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 23 Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications

Page Used to Review Institutional Correction Audits

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Institutional Application INST_CORR_AUDITS Financial Aid > Institutional Review corrections made
Correction Audits Application Data > View to a student's institutional
Correction Audits > application using the Maintain
Institutional Application Institutional Application
Correction Audits component. This page enables
you to track certain limited
changes that you make to
a student's institutional
application data.

PROFILE Application Delete SFA_PF_DELETE Access the PROFILE Use this page to delete
Application Delete page PROFILE applications.
(Financial Aid > File
Management > PROFILE
Import > Delete PROFILE
Records > PROFILE
Delete Utility > PROFILE
Application Delete).

Viewing Institutional Correction Audits

Access the Institutional Application Correction Audits page (Financial Aid > Institutional Application
Data > View Correction Audits > Institutional Application Correction Audits).

The system displays the student's name, ID, Aid Year, and Institution.

The system displays the following information relating to a change made to a student's institutional
application (PROFILE, Institutional, or Canadian): User ID of the person who made the change, the Date/
Time of the change, the application Source for the Old Value, the record and field name of what changed,
the original data—Old, and the changed data—New.

Changes are listed in reverse chronological order, by Record Name, then Field Name.

Deleting PROFILE Records

There are rare cases when a PROFILE record is accidentally loaded either to another student or to the
wrong Institution. There can be also cases where you specified the wrong EmplID (or similar severe
error) while manually adding a PROFILE application to the Institutional Application tables. You can use
the PROFILE Application Delete process to delete these erroneously loaded records. Running this process
deletes all corresponding Institutional application tables for the selected student for the specified Aid Year
and Institution.

Access the PROFILE Application Delete page (Financial Aid > File Management > PROFILE Import >
Delete PROFILE Records > PROFILE Delete Utility > PROFILE Application Delete).

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Processing and Using Institutional Financial Aid Applications Chapter 23

Image: PROFILE Application Delete

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PROFILE Application Delete page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: The CSS ID column displays the unique identifier assigned to the student by College Board for the
2018–2019 Aid Year and prior Aid Years. For the 2019–2020 Aid Years and forward, this field displays
the College Board Financial Aid ID value for PROFILE.

You may delete PROFILE records for multiple students within an Aid Year in a single run of this process.
This removes PROFILE records from the PROFILE Application Records table.

The corresponding staging table data is not deleted and is assigned a new Load Status of User Delete.

Using PROFILE Suspense Management, you can subsequently assign user-deleted PROFILE records
(those with a Load Status of User Delete) to:

• a different ID within the same Institution.

Note: If you assign a user-deleted PROFILE record to a different ID, be aware that the target ID's
CSS ID is updated with the CSS ID of the source PROFILE XML record, and the target ID is always
associated with that CSS ID moving forward. Also, the Update Biographic/Demographic data
attribute on the PROFILE Data Load Parameters setup impacts whether or not the target ID's bio/
demo data is updated in Campus Community.

• a different Institution.

When you assign a PROFILE record to a different Institution, you designate an Alternate Institution,
which is used as the key Institution when accessing the record in the Maintain Institutional
Application component.

Note: If you attempt to view or retrieve the original PROFILE record using the PROFILE Load
Summary search, you must specify the original Institution to which that PROFILE record was loaded.
However, the Load Summary > Load Information tab displays the (target) Alternate Institution.

Once a user-deleted PROFILE record is successfully processed (loaded into the Institutional Application
tables) for the corresponding Institution and Aid Year, that PROFILE record is no longer accessible using
PROFILE Suspense Management.

Related Links
Managing Suspended PROFILE Records

672 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24

Processing INAS

Defining Federal and Institutional Methodologies

This section provides an overview of IM and FM and discusses how to:

• Define global and federal options.

• Use EFC proration options.

• Define FM budget durations.

• Define IM budget durations.

• Define IM tax and assessment parameters.

• Define EFM yes and no options.

• Define IM value parameters 1.

• Define IM value parameters 2.

• Define IM yes and no options.

• Define minimum student contribution.

• Define asset options.

• Define home and asset projections.

• Define minimum parental contribution.

• Define budget options.

For more information, see the INAS Users Manual.

Understanding IM and FM
IM is based on The College Scholarship Service—Institutional Methodology formula. College Board
CSS Profile users should refer to the College Board's Financial Aid Services Information Center
( for supporting documentation, including the IM and FM tables and

Note: With the exception of the first page, all pages in this component are related to IM specific

For federal methodology, you use this component to set EFC proration options and budget durations.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 673

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Note: Numeric values in screen shots used to document Global Processing Options are examples only.
For information regarding Aid Year specific settings, College Board CSS Profile users should refer to the
College Board's Financial Aid Services Information Center ( for tables
and worksheets for IM/Alternate IM and FM.

Pages Used to Define FM and IM

Note: The navigation paths for the pages listed in the following table are for aid year 20nn-20nn. Oracle
supports access for three active aid years.

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Global and Federal Options INAS_LCL_PLCY1_nn Set Up SACR > Product Define your global policy
Related > Financial Aid > options for the majority of
Application Processing > your student population. You
INAS 20nn–20nn Global can override these options on
Options > Global and Federal a student-by-student basis.
Options The options affect your INAS
calculations. The system sets
the CSS Base Rules/Values by
default. You can enter values
for additional INAS rule sets
developed by your institution.

EFC Proration Options INAS_FM_PRORTN_SEC Click the EFC Proration Define your proration
(expected family contribution Options link on the Global parameters.
proration option) and Federal Options page.

FM Budget Durations INAS_FM_DUR_SEC Click the FM Budget Define global options

Durations link on the Global for federal academic and
and Federal Options page. nonstandard budget durations.

IM Budget Durations INAS_IM_DUR_SEC Click the IM Budget Define global options for
Durations link on the Global institutional academic and
and Federal Options page. nonstandard budget durations.

IM Tax/Assess Parms INAS_LCL_PLCY2_nn Set Up SACR > Product Define IM INAS calculation
(institutional methodology tax Related > Financial Aid > options for parents and
assessment parameters) Application Processing > students
INAS 20nn–20nn Global
Options > IM Tax/Assess

EFM Yes/No Options INAS_LCL_PLCY3_nn Set Up SACR > Product Define EFM INAS calculation
(estimated federal Related > Financial Aid > options for parents and
methodology yes/no options) Application Processing > students.
INAS 20nn–20nn Global
Options > EFM Yes/No

IM Value Parms 1 INAS_LCL_PLCY4_nn Set Up SACR > Product Define IM INAS calculation
(institutional methodology Related > Financial Aid > options for parents and
value parameters 1) Application Processing > students.
INAS 20nn–20nn Global
Options > IM Value Parms 1

674 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

IM Value Parms 2 INAS_LCL_PLCY11_nn Set Up SACR > Product Define value parameters for
(institutional methodology Related > Financial Aid > multi-college enrollment to
value parameters 2) Application Processing > define treatment for more than
INAS 20nn–20nn Global one student in college.
Options > IM Value Parms 2

IM Yes/No Options INAS_LCL_PLCY10_nn Set Up SACR > Product Define IM INAS calculation
(institutional methodology Related > Financial Aid > options for parents and
yes/no options) Application Processing > students.
INAS 20nn–20nn Global
Options > IM Yes/No

Minimum SC Income INAS_LCL_PLCY5_nn Set Up SACR > Product Define the minimum
(minimum student Related > Financial Aid > institutional student
contribution income) Application Processing > contribution values for
INAS 20nn–20nn Global dependent students and
Options > Minimum SC independent students.

Asset Options INAS_LCL_PLCY6_nn Set Up SACR > Product Define options and limitations
Related > Financial Aid > for assessing parent and
Application Processing > student assets other than the
INAS 20nn–20nn Global home.
Options > Asset Options

Home/Asset Projections INAS_LCL_PLCY7_nn Set Up SACR > Product Define options and values
Related > Financial Aid > for assessing home equity for
Application Processing > parents and students. Define
INAS 20nn–20nn Global asset assessment rates.
Options > Home/Asset

Minimum PC Range INAS_LCL_PLCY8_nn Set Up SACR > Product Define institutional minimum
(minimum parental Related > Financial Aid > parental contribution values
contribution range) Application Processing > based on income ranges.
INAS 20nn–20nn Global
Options > Minimum PC

Budget Options INAS_LCL_PLCY9_nn Set Up SACR > Product Define allocation of total
Related > Financial Aid > parental contribution to
Application Processing > children on the basis of
INAS 20nn–20nn Global educational costs.
Options > Budget Options

Defining Global and Federal Options

Access the Global and Federal Options page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Application Processing > INAS 20nn–20nn Global Options > Global and Federal Options).

Note: The system always makes available the three most recent Aid Year versions of the INAS Global
Options component.

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Processing INAS Chapter 24

Image: Global and Federal Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Global and Federal Options page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to set INAS calculation options for ISIR records or Profile records.

INAS Rule Set Select the INAS rule set.

The INAS rule set value enables full flexibility to determine

how need analysis is processed for different academic careers
or academic programs; it is linked to a specific academic
career or program through the valid careers for aid year and
valid programs for aid year tables. Your institution can create
additional INAS rule sets. The INAS rule set refers to the INAS
base rules delivered with the Financial Aid system. Values are:
CSS Rules/Values, Health Professional, and Undergraduate/

Use the Global group box to define the parameters that control general processing options related to
methodologies used.

INAS Data Source Select the INAS data source for the INAS process to use to
retrieve student information. Select:

Both F/I (both federal and institutional) to use both sets of data
to calculate INAS for either Profile or ISIR records.

Federal to use only federal data to calculate INAS for ISIR

records only.

Institutnl (institutional) to use only institutional data to calculate

INAS for PROFILE records only.

INAS Calc Type (INAS calculation Select the INAS calculation type:

676 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

FM (federal methodology) to calculate INAS for ISIR records


FM & IM (federal methodology and institutional methodology)

to calculate INAS for either PROFILE or ISIR records.

IM (institutional methodology) to calculate INAS for PROFILE

records only.

Use the Federal group box to define how INAS processes federal ISIR data.

Calc Fed Tax - Student (calculate Select to calculate and display federal tax for the student as
federal tax - student) defined by INAS.

Calc Fed Tax - Parent (calculate Select to calculate and display federal tax for the parent as
federal tax - parent) defined by INAS.

Calc PC For Independent (calculate Select to calculate a parental contribution for independent
parental contribution for independent) students if parental data is available. Parental contribution is
calculated but not added to the EFC.

FM Budget Durations Click this link to access the FM Budget Durations page, which
shows academic and non-standard durations for both dependent
and independent students.

EFC Prorations Options Click this link to access the EFC Proration Options page.

Use the Institutional group box to define how INAS computes your IM.

Use Which EFC Select a value to determine the institutional EFC displayed
on the Need Summary page and used in the Award Entry
component. Values are:

Est Fed (estimated federal methodology): Select to display and

use the EFM-EFC.

Greatest: Select to compare base, IM with options, and

estimated federal EFC, and then use the greatest EFC value of
the three.

Inst W/Opt: Select to use the IM-EFC as a result of the

calculation of IM with options.

Inst: Select to use the IM-EFC as a result of the base IM


Application Source Select an application source. Values are:

FT CSL (full-time Canada Student Loan): Used in Canadian

Need Analysis.

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Processing INAS Chapter 24

Inst App (institutional application).

PT CSL (part-time Canada Student Loan): Used in Canadian

Need Analysis.


State Select the state in which your institution is located. INAS uses
this field to determine a student's budget requirements.

Using EFC Proration Options

Access the EFC Proration Options page (click the EFC Proration Options link on the Global and Federal
Options page).

Image: EFC Proration Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the EFC Proration Options page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

EFC Proration Method Select one of the following:

Adjust Based on Total EFC: If you select this option, the system
displays the Non-Standard Months field. The system adjusts
the EFC based on the total number of budget duration months
for the academic and nonstandard award periods. You can
use the default functionality by selecting FA Term Based for
Non-Standard Months or force the use of leading or trailing
months to determine the nonstandard award period contribution
regardless if the nonstandard term leads or trails.

Proportion Monthly Share: If you select this option, the system

uses the total EFC based on the total number of budget duration
months for academic and nonstandard and distributes the EFC
proportionally between the award periods.

Use Monthly EFC: If you select this option, the system uses
the actual monthly EFC based on the total number of budget
duration months for each award period. For example, if
academic budget duration is set to 9 and nonstandard is set to 2,
then the system uses the actual 9-month EFC for academic and
the actual 2-month EFC for nonstandard. No calculations are
performed to subtract one or the other from the total EFC.

678 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Note: Using this method might cause your total EFC to exceed
the 12-month EFC.

Non-Standard Months The system uses this field in conjunction with the EFC Proration
Method, Adjust Based on Total EFC. Select from:

FA Term Based: Determines which award period leads based

on terms set in FA Term and award period designation in Valid
Terms for Careers.

Leading Months: Treats the nonstandard term as leading

regardless of nonstandard term designation in FA Term.

Trailing Months: Treats the nonstandard term as trailing

regardless of nonstandard term designation in FA Term.

Defining FM Budget Durations

Access the FM Budget Durations page (click the FM Budget Durations link on the Global and Federal
Options page).

Image: FM Budget Durations page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FM Budget Durations page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Dependent Students
Academic Enter the number of months for the academic term to be
considered during need analysis for dependent students.

Non-Standard Enter the number of months for the nonstandard term to be

considered during need analysis for dependent students.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 679

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Independent Students
Academic Enter the number of months for the academic term to be
considered during need analysis for independent students.

Non-Standard Enter the number of months for the nonstandard term to be

considered during need analysis for independent students.

Defining IM Budget Durations

Access the IM Budget Durations page (click the IM Budget Durations link on the Global and Federal
Options page).

Image: IM Budget Durations page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the IM Budget Durations page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Dependent Students
Academic Enter the number of months for the academic term to be
considered during need analysis for dependent students.

Non-Standard Enter the number of months for the nonstandard term to be

considered during need analysis for dependent students.

Independent Students
Academic Enter the number of months for the academic term to be
considered during need analysis for independent students.

Non-Standard Enter the number of months for the nonstandard term to be

considered during need analysis for independent students.

680 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Defining IM Tax and Assessment Parameters

Access the IM Tax/Assess & Parms page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Application Processing > INAS 20nn–20nn Global Options > IM Tax/Assess Parms).

Image: IM Tax/Assess & Parms page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the IM Tax/Assess & Parms page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the aid year and institution.

Use Parent AGI (use parent adjusted Select how the parent AGI is represented. Values are:
gross income)
CSS Deflt (CSS default)

Use Cmptd (use computed)

Use Rptd (use reported)

Use TaxRtrn (use tax return)

Adjust IPA/MMA Regional COL Select to adjust the cost of living calculation based on regional
(adjust income protection allowance/ COL differences for an independent student or for the parent of
monthly maintenance allowance a dependent student. Values are:
regional cost of living)

Stu/Par (student/parent)

Yes Par (yes parent)

Yes Stu (yes student)

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 681

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Adjust ERA Regional COL (adjust Select to adjust the emergency reserve allowance for both
emergency reserve allowance regional students and parents, for independent students, or for parents
cost of living) only. Values are:



Yes-Indep (yes independent)


ASG Total Income Percentage Select a value to determine an appropriate ASG total income
(annual savings goal total income percentage. This percentage is used as an allowance against
percentage) income.

Values are:

• Private

• Pub/Priv

• Public

Note: College Board CSS Profile users should refer to

the College Board's Financial Aid Services Information
Center ( for supporting

Select Available Income Table Select a value to determine which Available Income Assessment
Rate table to use. Values are:

• Alternate

• Standard

Student Assets as Family Assets Select 5%-25% to have the EFC calculation process assess
(student assets as family assets) student assets at 5 percent and the student's trust funds at 25
percent when calculating the student contribution portion of the

Select All Assets to have all of the student's assets count as

parent assets. Student assets are summed in the parent column.
These calculation adjustments occur:

1. Family Total Net Worth (FTNW) FTNW = Parents' Total

Net Worth (NW) + Student's Total NW.

2. Family Discretionary Net Worth (FDNW) FDNW = FTNW

- Asset Protection Allowances.

3. The Asset Conversion rate is then applied to the FDNW to

produce the family contribution from assets (FCA) where
PC (parental contribution) = PCI (parent contribution from
income) + FCA, and TFC (total family contribution) = PC +
SCI (student contribution from income).

682 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

4. In the student column, student assets equal zero and student

contribution (SC) = SCI, because all student assets have
been moved to the parent column.

Select Not Trusts to have all of the student's assets except for
the value of trust funds count as parent assets. The only student
assets summed in the student column are trust funds. These
calculation adjustments occur:

1. Family Total Net Worth (FTNW) FTNW = Parents' Total

Net Worth (NW) + (Student's Total NW - Student's Value of

2. Student Contribution From Assets (SCA) SCA = Student's

Value of Trusts * Asset Conversion rate.

3. Family Discretionary Net Worth (FDNW) FDNW = FTNW

- Asset Protection Allowances.

4. The Asset Conversion rate is then applied to the FDNW to

produce the family contribution from assets (FCA) where:
PC (parental contribution) = PCI (parent contribution from
income) + FCA, SC (student contribution) = SCI (student
contribution from income) + SCA, and TFC (total family
contribution) = PC + SC.

Select Separate to use the default calculation. Parent assets are

summed in the parent column and student assets are summed
in the student column. If you leave this field blank, the system
automatically enters Separate and uses the default calculation.

Important! If you selected the Calc PC for Independent check

box on the Global and Federal Options page or the IM Yes/No
Options page, then the system ignores the value in the Student
Assets as Family Assets field, and instead uses the default

Rstrct # Household - Max Age Enter the value. You can restrict the family size used in the
(restrict number in household - calculation by establishing an age threshold for siblings or
maximum age) dependents. For example, the calculation would not include an
allowance for a member in the household over the maximum
age set by the institution.

Rstrct # in College - Max Age Enter the value. You can restrict the number in college used
(restrict number in college - maximum in the calculation by establishing an age threshold for family
age) members in college. For example, the calculation would not
include an allowance for a member of the household in college
over the maximum age set by the institution.

MMA-Married Student (monthly Enter a value to override the default MMA rate for a married
maintenance allowance for married student.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 683

Processing INAS Chapter 24

MMA-Single Student (monthly Enter a value to override the default MMA rate for a single
maintenance allowance for single independent student.

MMA Child of Indep Student Enter a value to override the default MMA rate for a child of an
(monthly maintenance allowance for independent student.
child of an independent student)

Fed Tax Allwnc Against Income Select from these values to calculate federal tax allowance
(federal tax allowance against income) against income:

CSS Rules: According to CSS Rules, if a student's tax filing

status is Completed Tax Return, reported tax is used to calculate
federal tax allowance against income. If the student's tax
filing status is Will File, the lower amount of reported tax or
calculated tax is used to calculate the allowance. If reported tax
is blank, negative, or invalid, the calculated tax amount is used
to calculate the allowance.

Calc Tax: Select to use the calculated tax amount if a student's

tax filing status is Will File; otherwise, CSS Rules apply.

Reptd Tax (reported tax): If a student's tax filing status is

Will File, the reported tax is used to calculate the federal tax
allowance against income.

Use 70% Income Assmnt for Ind This field refers to the available income assessment rate for
(use 70 percent income assessment for independent students. Select from these values:
Yes: Uses 70 percent for income assessment. This is the default.

No: Select if you elect not to use the 70 percent income

assessment; the Alt Income Assessment Rate field appears on
the page.

Income Assmnt Rate for Dep Enter an income assessment rate for dependent students. The
(income assessment rate for dependent) default is 50 percent.

Alt Income Assessment Rate Enter an alternate rate for assessing the student's income. This
(alternate income assessment rate) field appears on the page when you select No in the Use 70%
Income Assmnt for Ind field.

Fed Tax Allwnc Against Income Select from these values to calculate federal tax allowance
(federal tax allowance against income) against income:

CSS Rules: According to CSS Rules, if a parent's tax filing

status is completed tax return, reported tax is used to calculate
federal tax allowance against income. If the student's tax
filing status is Will File, the lower amount of reported tax or

684 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

calculated tax is used to calculate the allowance. If reported tax

is blank, negative, or invalid, the calculated tax amount is used
to calculate the allowance.

Calc Tax: Select to use the calculated tax amount if a parent's

tax filing status is Will File; otherwise, CSS Rules apply.

Reptd Tax: If a parent's tax filing status is Will File, the reported
tax is used to calculate the federal tax allowance against income.

Defining EFM Yes and No Options

Access the EFM Yes/No Options page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > INAS 20nn–20nn Global Options > EFM Yes/No Options).

Image: EFM Yes/No Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the EFM Yes/No Options page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Select the EFM options for the aid year, institution, and selected INAS rule set.

Use IM Imputed Asset Value Select to impute the value of EFM assets based on the interest
and dividend income reported on the PROFILE form.

Use Anticipated Year Income Select to use the student's anticipated year earnings instead of
base year for EFM.

Use IM Income Override Select to use the IM adjusted gross income and untaxed income
overrides for the EFM student contribution.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 685

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Use IM Imputed Asset Value Select to impute the value of EFM assets based on the interest
and dividend income reported on the PROFILE form.

Use IM Income Override Select to use the IM's adjusted gross income and untaxed
income overrides for the EFM parent contribution.

Use Profile Assumptions Select to enable the system to perform calculations using
assumptions made by the system. For example, if Parent 1
reports income of 50,000.00 USD, and Parent 2 reports income
of 50,000.00 USD, and the adjusted gross income is left blank,
the system assumes the total income to be 100,000.00 USD. The
calculation then uses an assumed adjusted gross income of 100,
000.00 USD.

Defining IM Value Parameters 1

Access the IM Value Parms 1 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > INAS 20nn–20nn Global Options > IM Value Parms 1).

Image: IM Value Parms 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the IM Value Parms 1 page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Enter the IM values for the aid year, institution, and selected INAS rule set. Use the default values or
enter the percentages and values set by your institution for students and parents.

Defining IM Value Parameters 2

Access the IM Value Parms 2 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > INAS 20nn–20nn Global Options > IM Value Parms 2).

686 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Image: IM Value Parms 2 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the IM Value Parms 2 page.

Select the IM options and enter the IM values for the aid year, institution, and selected INAS rule set.

Defining IM Yes and No Options

Access the IM Yes/No Options page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > INAS 20nn–20nn Global Options > IM Yes/No Options).

Image: IM Yes/No Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the M Yes/No Options page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the aid year and institution.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 687

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Use Anticipated Year Income Select to calculate an anticipated estimated annual income if it is
lower than the reported base year income.

Use FM Tx (use federal methodology Select to use the FM state and local income tax computation
tax) table in the calculation. When this check box is selected in
conjunction with the Ind Use Par St Tax Alwnc check box, Use
FM Tx takes priority for independent students.

Calc PC For Independent (calculate Select to use the parents' information in the calculation for an
parental contribution for independent) independent student.

Add Non Cust PC to PC (add Select to combine the non-custodial parent's contribution to the
noncustodial parent contribution to parent contribution.
parent contribution)

Add Hope/LTL (add Hope/Lifetime Select to let the system determine whether to add this value
Learning Credit) to taxes, based on federal tax allowance against income and
tax filing status, as shown in the following table. The column
headings represent the value of the Fed Tax Allwnc Against
Income field from the IM Tax/Assess Parameters page.

For this Tax Filing Status: CSS Rules will: Calc Tax will: Rptd Tax will:

Completed Return Add Hope to taxes. Not add Hope to calculate Add Hope to taxes.

Will File Return Not add Hope to calculate Not add Hope to calculate Add Hope to taxes.
taxes. taxes.

When the INAS calculates taxes, it compares the values for reported taxes and calculated taxes and uses
the lower value in subsequent calculations. This table demonstrates how the system processes the Hope
value when reported taxes are lower than calculated taxes:

For this Tax Filing Status: CSS Rules will: Calc Tax will: Rptd Tax will:

Completed Return Add Hope to taxes. Add Hope to taxes only Add Hope to taxes.
if reported is lower than

Will File Return Add Hope to taxes only Add Hope to taxes only Add Hope to taxes.
if reported is lower than if reported is lower than
calculated. calculated.

Note: Reported tax amounts are generally higher than calculated tax amounts.

Alt Min SCI (alternate minimum Clear to indicate No (default); select to indicate Yes for this
student contribution from income) Yes/No option. If the check box is not selected, the application
performs the Alternate Minimum Student Contribution from
Income calculation using the following calculations

688 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

1. Multiply the Student's Available Income by the Available

Income Assessment Rate (Parent's Marginal Rate from
Income Band). For example, 10, 000 USD x .22 = 2,200

2. Compare the result (2,200 USD) to the Student Standard

Contribution from Income. For example, 2,150 (Non-First
Year Dependent Students) and take the higher of the two
amounts. In this case, 2,200.

3. To obtain the Student Contribution Cap multiply the Total

Parent Contribution by .50. For example, 6,000 USD x .50 =
3,000 USD.

4. The Minimum Student Contribution from Income is the

lesser of the value in Step 2 (2,200 USD) or the Student
Contribution Cap (3,000). In this case it is 2,200 USD.

Ind Use Par St Tax Alwnc Select if the student is independent with dependents but
(independent use parent state tax you want to use the parent's state tax allowance table in the
allowance) calculation. When this check box is selected in conjunction
with the Use FM Tx check box, Use FM Tx takes priority for
independent students.

Calculate Intl Student Contrib Select to calculate an international student contribution if there
(calculate international student is enough information available.

IM < FM (institutional methodology is Select to allow the calculated IM EFC to be below the
less than federal methodology) calculated FM.

Use Parent Reported PC (use Select to enforce the amount that the parents volunteered to
reported parent contribution) contribute, if that amount is higher than the amount calculated
by the system.

Use FM Tx (use federal methodology Select to use the FM state and local income tax computation
tax) table in the calculation.

Allow Parent Other Loss Select to allow losses taken on a parent's income tax. This
results in a lower EFC.

Allow Parent Bus/Farm Loss Select to allow losses taken on a parent's income tax, such as
depreciation in a business. This results in a lower EFC.

Note: By default, the system disallows losses on business, farm, or other. By selecting Allow Parent
Other Loss or Allow Parent Bus/Farm Loss, you allow the loss to be included in the calculation.

Add Hope/LTL (add Hope/Lifetime Select to have the system determine whether to add this value
Learning Credit) to taxes based on federal tax allowance against income and
tax filing status, as shown in the previous table. The column

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 689

Processing INAS Chapter 24

headings in the table represent the value of the Fed Tax Allwnc
Against Income field from the IM Tax/Assess Parameters page.

Exclude Low Income Asset Alwnc Select to calculate without using the low income asset
(exclude low income asset allowance) allowance.

Include FSA for Health Care Select to add Flexible Spending Account for Health Care funds
to total untaxed income. Default is selected.

Include FSA for Dependent Care Select to add Flexible Spending Account for Dependent Care
funds to total untaxed income. Default is selected.

Include HSA for PreTax Contrib Select to add Health Saving Account funds to total untaxed

If not selected, Health Saving Account funds are excluded from

total untaxed income.

Limit International IPA/MMA (limit Select to limit an international student's Parental Income
international student’s parental income Protection Allowance (IPA) to an amount greater than or equal
protection allowance) to 25% of the parental income.

• Selected

Limit non-US Parental IPA/MMA to an amount not less

than 25% of parent total income and not greater than an
equivalent domestic IPA value - only for parent country
coefficient less than 0.1.

• Unselected

Do not limit student's IPA/MMA amount; normal


IM < FM Select to allow the calculated IM EFC to be less than the

calculated FM.

Defining Minimum Student Contribution

Access the Minimum SC Income page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > INAS 20nn–20nn Global Options > Minimum SC Income).

690 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Image: Minimum SC Income page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Minimum SC Income page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Enter the minimum institutional student contribution values set by your institution for dependent and
independent students for the selected INAS rule set. IM uses a minimum student contribution from
income, which you can adjust. The system uses these values to determine whether the calculated or
minimum contribution is used.

Use Default Minimum Student Select from these values:
Contribution Amounts
Yes: Use the defaults.

No: Make manual changes to the minimum student contribution


Defining Asset Options

Access the Asset Options page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > INAS 20nn–20nn Global Options > Asset Options).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 691

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Image: Asset Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Asset Options page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the aid year and institution.

Asset Options Select asset options. Values are:

No Asset Projection: INAS does not impute a value for assets,

reported amounts are used.

Combined Projection: INAS combines Cash/Int (cash and

interest) and Inv/Dvd (investment and dividends) imputed
values in the calculation. The entire amount is reported as cash

Individual Projection: INAS calculates Cash/Int and Inv/Dvd

imputed values individually. Cash/Int and Inv/Dvd can have a
different yield and tolerance.

You can compare income with reported cash, savings, checking,

and investments to identify cases where the asset value appears
to be under-reported. Specify both an expected rate of return
(yield) and a tolerance level for both Cash/Int and Inv/Dvd.
Based on the interest reported, you can impute a value of the
parents' or student's cash savings, using the specified yield.
This helps you to determine whether the reported savings are
under-reported. You can also impute a value for the parents' or
student's investments and dividends.

Cash/Int (cash and interest) Limit and Enter the limit and tolerance values for Cash/Int.
You can set a limit for cash and interest. For example, you can
enter a value of 10,000.00 USD. You can set up the system to
assess the first 10,000.00 USD (Limit) at 3.8% (Yield% 1) and

692 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

any portion greater than 10,000.00 USD at 5.6% (Yield% 2).

Based on the reported interest from the tax return, if the value
is less than 10,000.00 USD, the system uses the percentage
that appears in Yield% 1 in calculation. The system uses the
percentage in Yield% 2 in the calculation for the amount above
10,000.00 USD. If the tolerance is set to 500.00 USD, and the
imputed value when compared to the reported value is within
the specified tolerance, you can decide to use the reported value.
INAS uses the reported income and the expected rate of return
to project the asset value required to produce that income. If the
projected value is greater than the reported asset value by more
than the tolerance level, the projected value is substituted for the
reported asset value.

Inv/Dvd (investment and dividend) Set up the appropriate limit and tolerance to compare the
Limit and Tolerance reported value to the imputed value, as described previously.

Note: The Asset Option Ind Proj (asset option individual projection) field is not available for students.

Defining Home and Asset Projections

Access the Home/Asset Projections page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Application Processing > INAS 20nn–20nn Global Options > Home/Asset Projections).

Image: Home/Asset Projections page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Home/Asset Projections page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the aid year and institution.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 693

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Home Option Select the home option for parents and independent students.
Values are:

1: Reported. INAS uses the value of the home reported on the

application, to calculate equity.

2: Projected. The system calculates the value of the home based

on the purchase price of the home and the date on which it was
purchased, using the Federal Housing Multiplier table.

3: Projected if Significant Difference. The system uses the

value set for home tolerance to determine whether reported or
projected home values are used to determine home equity.

4: Highest. INAS compares the calculated and reported home

value. The system uses the higher value to determine equity.

5:Alt Home Value Calculation. INAS compares projected value

to capped value and uses the lower value.

Home Tolerance Enter a home tolerance value. INAS uses the reported value of
the home, unless it exceeds the tolerance when the difference
is compared to the calculated home value. If it exceeds the
tolerance, the value is adjusted accordingly.

Home Cap Enter a multiplier if you do not want the reported value or the
computed value to exceed a certain multiple of the family's
income. The system multiplies this value with total income to
adjust the value of the home.

Home Equity Cap Factor Enter a cap factor from 0.0 to 9.9. Home equity is then capped
using the factor times the computed income.

Asset Assessment Rate

Asset % Dep (asset percentage Enter a value to use as an allowance against assets.

Asset % Ind No Dep-Married (asset Enter a value to use as an allowance against assets.
percentage independent no dependents

Asset % Ind No Dep-Single (asset Enter a value to use as an allowance against assets.
percentage independent no dependents

Asset % Parent (asset percentage Enter a value to use as an allowance against assets. Leave this
parent) field and the Asset % Ind W/Dep field blank to invoke standard
IM rules.

Asset % Ind W/Dep (asset percentage Enter a value to use as an allowance against assets.
independent with dependents)

694 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Defining Minimum Parental Contribution

Access the Minimum PC Range page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > INAS 20nn–20nn Global Options > Minimum PC Range).

Image: Minimum PC Range page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Minimum PC Range page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to select the minimum parental contribution for the aid year, institution, and selected INAS
rule set.

MINIMUM PC BASED ON Enter the values set by your institution's policy.

INCOME RANGE (minimum parental
contribution based on income range)

Defining Budget Options

Access the Budget Options page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > INAS 20nn–20nn Global Options > Budget Options).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 695

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Image: Budget Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Budget Options page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the aid year and institution.

% of Total Budget for 1/2 time Enter a percentage of the total budget that you want to use for a
(percentage of total budget for half- student attending an institution half-time.
Note: The value 1.00 is equal to 100 percent.

Limit PC (limit parental contribution) Select a parental contribution limit. Values are:

No: Select for no parental contribution limit.

Yes; % Total Budget (yes; percentage of total budget): Select to

have the parental contribution limited to the student’s cost of
attendance budget divided by the total of the cost of attendance
budgets of all children in the family attending college.

Yes; Highest PC from Sum and % (yes; highest parental

contribution from sum and percentage) Select to compare the
parental contribution limits set by Yes; % Total Budget (yes;
percentage of total budget) and Yes; Sum of Budget: and set the
limit to the higher value.

Yes; Sum of Budget: Limit the parental contribution to the sum

of the cost of attendance budgets for all other children in the
family; not including the student.

Enter the values that your institution set for each type of

696 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Using FM and IM Extensions to Override Options

This section reviews overriding global policy options at the student level. FM and IM extensions can be
accessed from ISIR corrections, INAS simulation, or the Maintain Institutional Application component.
This section discusses how to:

• Override INAS federal extension options.

• Override INAS institutional extension options 1.

• Override INAS institutional extension options 2.

• Override INAS institutional extension options 3.

• Override INAS institutional extension options 4.

• Override INAS institutional extension options 5.

See Making ISIR Corrections.

Important! You must first establish an INAS Rule Set before selecting override options.

Pages Used to Override Options in ISIR Corrections

Note: The navigation paths for the pages listed in the following page introduction table are for aid year
20nn-20nn. Oracle supports access for three active aid years.

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FAFSA Student Information ISIR_PIA_CS1_nn Financial Aid > Federal Correct information on the
Application Data > Correct FAFSA Student Information
20nn-20nn ISIR records > page.
Student Information

FAFSA Parent Information ISIR_PIA_CS4_nn Financial Aid > Federal Correct information on the
Application Data > Correct FAFSA Parent Information
20nn-20nn ISIR records > page.
Parent Information

INAS Federal Extension INAS_FED_EXTnn_SEC Click the FM link on any tab Override INAS global policy
in the Correct 20nn-20nn ISIR options.
records component.

INAS Federal Extension INAS_FEDEX_DUR_SEC Click the Budget Durations Override INAS global policy
Budget Durations link on the INAS Federal options for federal academic
Extension page. and non-standard budget

INAS Federal Extension EFC INAS_FEDEX_PRO_SEC Click the EFC Proration Override EFC proration
Proration Options Options link on the INAS options for academic and non-
Federal Extension page. standard months.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 697

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

INAS Federal Extension EFC INAS_FEDEX_EFC_SEC Click the Override Federal Override EFC components for
Override EFC link on the INAS Federal academic and non-standard
Extension page. award periods.

INAS Institutional Extension INAS_PROF_EXT1_Snn Click the IM link on any tab Override INAS global policy
1 in the Correct 20nn-20nn ISIR options.
records component.

Institutional Budget Durations INAS_PRFEX_DUR_SEC Click the Budget Durations Override INAS global policy
link or the Override options for institutional
Institutional EFC link on the academic and non-standard
INAS Institutional Extension budget duration.
1 page.

Institutional EFC Override INAS_PROF_EFC_SEC Click the Override Override EFC components for
Institutional EFC link on the academic and non-standard
INAS Institutional Extension award periods.
1 page.

INAS Institutional Extension INAS_PROF_EXT2_Snn Click the IM Extension 2 link Override INAS global policy
2 on the INAS Institutional options.
Extension 1 page.

INAS Institutional Extension INAS_PROF_EXT3_SEC Click the Extension 3 link Override INAS global policy
3 on the INAS Institutional options.
Extension 1 page.

INAS Institutional Extension INAS_PROF_EXT4_Snn Click the Extension 4 link Override INAS global policy
4 on the INAS Institutional options.
Extension 1 page.

INAS Institutional Extension INAS_PROF_EXT5_SEC Click the Extension 5 link Override INAS global policy
5 on the INAS Institutional options.
Extension 1 page.

Monthly EFC NEED_SMRY_EFC_SEC Click the Monthly EFC link View the monthly breakdown
on the ISIR Corrections EFC/ of the expected family
DB Matches page. contributions for months 1–
8 and 10–12. The 9–month
EFC displays on the EFC/DB
Matches\Corr page.

Overriding INAS Federal Extension Options

Access the INAS Federal Extension page (click the FM link on any tab of the Correct 20nn-20nn ISIR
records component).

698 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Image: INAS Federal Extension page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the INAS Federal Extension page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

INAS Rule Set Select a rule set.

INAS Calc Type (INAS calculation Select a calculation type from FM, IM, or FM & IM.

INAS Data Source Select FM, IM, or Both F/I.

Dependency Override Select either Ind Prof J (individual professional judgement) or

No (no override).

Budget Durations Click this link to access the INAS Federal Extension Budget
Durations page. You can enter any value for FM academic and/
or non-standard budget duration. Federal rules allow whole
numbers only for budget duration. If the total allocation for the
budget duration is greater than 12 months, a 9–month EFC is
calculated and used in the academic award period, and no EFC
is calculated for the non-standard award period.

This field can be populated using Population Update as long as

the records being updated are aid year activated for the intended
aid year.

Override Federal EFC See Overriding Expected Family Contribution (EFC).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 699

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Professional Judgement
Calculate Federal Tax Select to calculate federal tax as defined by INAS.

Calc a PC for Independent (calculate Select to calculate a parental contribution for independent
a parent contribution for independent) students if parental data is available. The parental contribution is
calculated but not added to the EFC.

Assumption Overrides
Number in College Select one of the following:

Ovrd Asmpt (override assumption) to override the number in

college assumption when calculating the parent contribution.

Don't Ovr (don't override) to accept the number in college

assumption when calculating the parent contribution.

Reject Overrides
Reject D Override Select Don't Supp (Do not suppress) to enforce Reject D.

Select Supp Rej D (suppress reject D) to override Reject D.

Reject E Override Select Don't Supp (Do not suppress) to enforce Reject E.

Select Supp Rej E (suppress reject E) to override Reject E.

Reject F Override Select Don't Supp (Do not suppress) to enforce Reject F.

Select Supp Rej F (suppress reject F) to override Reject F.

Reject R Override Select Don't Supp (Do not suppress) to enforce Reject R.

Select Supp Rej R (suppress reject R) to override Reject R.

Reject S Override Select Don't Supp (Do not suppress) to enforce Reject S.

Select: Supp Rej S (suppress reject S) to override Reject S.

Reject T Override Select Don't Supp (Do not suppress) to enforce Reject T.

Select Supp Rej T (suppress reject T) to override Reject T.

See the College Board's Financial Aid Services Information Center (
for supporting documentation.

Overriding INAS Institutional Extension Options 1

Access the INAS Institutional Extension 1 page (click the IM link on any tab of the Correct 20nn-20nn
ISIR records component).

700 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Image: INAS Institutional Extension 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the INAS Institutional Extension 1 page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the INAS Institutional Extension 1 page to set your basic overrides. From this page, access other
extension pages, budget duration or EFC overrides.

INAS Rule Set Select an INAS rule set value to determine which global policy
option rule to use as a base.

Application Source Select an application source from:

FT CSL (full-time Canada Student Loan): Used in Canadian

Need Analysis.

Inst App (institutional application).

PT CSL (part-time Canada Student Loan): Used in Canadian

Need Analysis.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 701

Processing INAS Chapter 24


Budget Durations Click this link to access the Institutional Budget Durations page.
You can enter any value for IM academic and/or non-standard
budget duration. Institutional rules allow whole numbers with
one decimal place.

This field can be populated using Population Update as long as

the records being updated are aid year activated for the intended
aid year.

Override Institutional EFC Click this link to access the Override Institutional EFC page,
where you can override the institutional EFC amount.

Alt Min SC from Income Calc Select this check box to override the Alt Min SCI option set for
(alternate minimum student the student on the IM Yes/No Options page.
contribution from income calculation)

Calc PC For Independent (calculate Select this check box to override the Calc PC For Independent
parental contribution for independent) option set for the student on the IM Yes/No Options page.

Skip Family Member Exclusion Select to override the Rstrct # Household - Max Age and Rstrct
# in College - Max Age options set on the IM Tax/Assess &
Parms options page.

Allow Business/Farm Losses Select to override the Allow Parent Bus/Farm Loss option set on
the IM Yes/No Options page.

Allow Other Losses Select to override the Allow Parent Other Loss option set on the
IM Yes/No Options page.

Country Coefficient TCA (country Select to calculate an optional contribution from assets by
coefficient total contribution from applying the country coefficient to the percentage used to
assets) calculate the step increment

• Selected

Calculate contribution from assets applying the country

coefficient to the step increment percentage.

• Unselected

Calculate contribution from assets for international student

using default step increase percentage.

Note: This is a local-only option applicable to international

(non-domestic) students only.

Limit International IPA/MMA (limit Select to limit an international student's Parental Income
international student's parental income Protection Allowance (IPA)/MMA to an amount greater than or
protection allowance) equal to 25% of the parental income.

• Selected

702 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Limit non-US student's Parental IPA/MMA to an amount

not less than 25% of parents' income and not greater than
an equivalent domestic IPA value; regardless of the parent
country coefficient value.

• Unselected

Do not limit student's Parental IPA/MMA amount, normal


Allow FWS Income Exclusion (allow Select to exclude the student's work-study earnings from the
federal workstudy income exclusion) income exclusion calculation. This option allows (includes)
federal workstudy income back into regular income by
excluding it from the income exclusion calculation.

• Selected

Include work-study earnings in regular income.

• Unselected

Do not include work-study earnings in regular income.

Use Anticipated Year Income Select to override the Use Anticipated Year Income option set
on the IM Yes/No Options page.

Can IM Contribution Fall Below FM Select to override the IM < FM option set on the IM Yes/No
Options page.

Hope/Lifetime Add Back Select to override the Add Hope/LTL option set on the IM Yes/
No Options page.

Parent Tax Table — Independent Select to override the Ind Use Par St Tax Alwnc (independent
use parent state tax allowance) option set on the IM Yes/No
Options page.

Exclude Tuition/Fee Deduction Select to override the Exclude Tuition/Fee Deduction option set
on the IM Yes/No Options page.

Include FSA for Health Care(Include Select to add Flexible Spending Account for Health Care funds
Flexible Spending Account for Health to total untaxed income.
If not selected, Flexible Spending Account for Health Care
funds is excluded from total untaxed income.

Include FSA for Dependent Care Select to add Flexible Spending Account for Dependent Care
funds to total untaxed income.

If not selected, Flexible Spending Account for Dependent Care

funds is excluded from total untaxed income.

Include HSA for PreTax Contrib Select to add Health Saving Account funds to total untaxed

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 703

Processing INAS Chapter 24

If not selected, Health Saving Account funds are excluded from

total untaxed income.

See Maintaining Institutional Financial Aid Applications.

See the College Board's Financial Aid Services Information Center (
for supporting documentation, including the IM and FM tables and worksheets..

Overriding INAS Institutional Extension Options 2

Access the INAS Institutional Extension 2 page (click the IM Extension 2 link on the INAS Institutional
Extension 1 page).

Image: INAS Institutional Extension 2 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the INAS Institutional Extension 2 page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the INAS Institutional Extension 2 page to override options used to determine the student's total

Use Which EFC (use which estimated Select a value to determine the institutional EFC displayed
family contribution) on the Need Summary page and used in the Award Entry
component. Your selection overrides the value selected on the
Global and Federal Options page.

Dependency Override Select either Ind Prof J ( individual professional judgement)

or No (no override). INAS calculates a dependent student as
independent when Ind Prof J is selected.

Limit Share of PC (limit share of Select a parental contribution limit. Values are:
parental contribution)
Highest: Select to compare the parental contribution limits set
by Ratio Bdgt(ratio budget) and Sum Bdgt(sum budget) and set
the limit to the higher value.

No: Select for no parental contribution limit.

704 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Ratio Bdgt (ratio budget): Select to have the parental

contribution limited to the student’s cost of attendance budget
divided by the total of the cost of attendance budgets of all
children in the family attending college.

Sum Bdgt (sum budget): Limit the parental contribution to the

sum of the cost of attendance budgets for all other children in
the family; not including the student.

Your selection overrides the value selected on the Minimum PC

Range page and the Budget Options page.

Calculate U.S. Tax Select to override the value selected for the Fed Tax Allwnc
Against Income field on the IM Tax/Assess & Parms page.

Override Imputation of Home Select from Alt Calc, Highest, Proj/Diff, Projected, or Reported
to override the value on the Home/Asset Projections page.

Override Imputation of Assets Select Combined or No Projctn to override the value on the
Asset Options page.

Use Parent AGI (use parent adjusted Select a value to override the value selected for the Use Parent
gross income) AGI field on the IM Tax/Assess & Parms page.

Select how the parent AGI is represented from:

CSS Deflt (CSS default)

Use Cmptd (use computed)

Use Rptd (use reported)

Use TaxRtrn (use tax return)

Student Assets as Family Assets Select a value to override the value selected for the Studnt
(student assets as family assets) Assets as Family Assets field on the IM Tax/Assess & Parms

Overriding INAS Institutional Extension Options 3

Access the INAS Institutional Extension 3 page (click the Extension 3 link on the INAS Institutional
Extension 1 page).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 705

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Image: INAS Institutional Extension 3 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the INAS Institutional Extension 3 page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the INAS Institutional Extension 3 page to override INAS global policy options for the given income,
tax, and allowances.

Student/Parent AGI (student/parent Enter an amount to override the student or parent adjusted gross
adjusted gross income) income.

Student/Parent Untaxed Income Enter an amount to override the student or parent untaxed

Student/Parent Tax Paid Enter an amount to override the value used in the Fed Tax
Allwnc Against Income (federal tax allowance against income)
on the IM Tax/Assess & Parms page.

Student/Parent Anticipated Tax Enter an amount to override the anticipated tax calculated by the
IM method.

Student/Parent Med//Dental Enter an amount to override the % Unreimbursed Med/Dent
Allowance (student/parent medical/ Expense (percent unreimbursed medical/dental expense) on the
dental allowance) IM Value Parms 1 page.

Student/Parent Employment Enter an amount to override % Employment Allowance (percent

Allowance employment allowance) and Max Employment Allowance

706 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

(maximum employment allowance) on the IM Value Parms 1


Student/Parent FICA (student/parent Enter an amount to override the allowance calculated by IM.
Federal Insurance Contributions Act)

Student/Parent Income Allowance Enter an amount to override allowance against income

calculated by IM.

Parent Tuition Allowance Enter an amount to override the Max Tuition Allowance
(maximum tuition allowance) per child on the IM Value Parms 1

Parent IPA (parent income protection Enter an amount to override the Adjust IPA/MMA Regional
allowance) COL calculated based on options set on the IM Tax/Assess &
Parms page.

Parent COLA Index (parent cost of Enter an amount to override the Adjust IPA/MMA Regional
living allowance index ) COL (Income Protection Allowance/Monthly Maintenance
Allowance Regional Cost of Living) value based on options set
on the IM Tax/Assess & Parms page.

Overriding INAS Institutional Extension Options 4

Access the INAS Institutional Extension 4 page (click the Extension 4 link on the INAS Institutional
Extension 1 page).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 707

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Image: INAS Institutional Extension 4 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the INAS Institutional Extension 4 page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the INAS Institutional Extension 4 page to override global policy options.

Local Tax — Percent Enter an amount to override the amount calculated by IM.

Cap Housing Value Enter an amount to override the value selected for the Home
Cap field on the Home/Asset Projections page.

Home Equity Cap Factor Enter an amount to override the value selected for the Home
Equity Cap Factor field on the Home/Asset Projections page.

Housing Multiplier Override Enter an amount to override the delivered housing multiplier
table value that projects home equity.

Asset Assessment Percent Enter an amount to override the value selected for the Asset
Assessment Rate field on the Home/Asset Projections page

Local Tax Enter an amount to override amount calculated by IM.

Other Asset Enter an amount to add to calculated assets.

Minimum Asset Enter an amount to override Minimum Contribution from Asset

on the IM Value Parms 1 page.

708 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Asset Allowance Enter an amount to offset discretionary net worth calculated by


Minimum Income Enter an amount to override the Minimum SC or PC values

from the Minimum SC Income and Minimum PC Range pages.

Number in College Enter a number to override the number of students in college.

Allow Parents in College Enter an amount to allow parents in college.

Overriding INAS Institutional Extension Options 5

Access the INAS Institutional Extension 5 page (click the Extension 5 link on the INAS Institutional
Extension 1 page).

Image: INAS Institutional Extension 5 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the INAS Institutional Extension 5 page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the INAS Institutional Extension 5 page to override INAS global policy options for family factors
such as past contributions.

Increase Last Year SC/PC (increase Enter an amount to override increase last year SC or PC on the
last year student contribution/parent IM Value Parms 1 page.

Prior Year Studnt Contribution Enter the prior year's contribution for use with the Increase Last
(prior year student contribution) Year SC/PC option.
and Use Prior PC (use prior parent

Income Assessment Percent Enter an amount to override Use 70% Income Assmnt for Ind or
Income Assmnt Rate for Dep from the IM Tax/Assess & Parms

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 709

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Add Percent of IRA/KEOGH Enter an amount to override the value in the % Of Stdnt IRA
Include In NW field from the IM Value Parms 1 page.

Use Non-Custodial Parent Select to override the value entered on Add Non Cust PC
Contribution to PC on the IM Yes/No Options page. Enter a value in the
accompanying field PC from Non-custodial Parent if you want
to override and use an amount other than the self reported value.

Estimated Federal Methodology

Student/Parent Number In Enter an amount to override amount calculated by EFM.

Student/Parent Number In College Enter an amount to override amount calculated by EFM.

Use Student/Parent Anticipated Select to override the value entered in the Use Anticipated Year
Income Income field on the EFM Yes/No Options page.

Overriding Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

The system displays the override at the parent and student contribution level. Overriding EFC is the same
for both FM and IM.

This section discusses how to:

• Access federal EFC overrides.

• Use the federal EFC override function.

• Access institutional EFC overrides.

• Use the institutional EFC override function.

710 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Pages Used to Override and View EFC

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

INAS Federal Extension INAS_FED_EXTnn_SEC Click the FM link on any tab Override INAS global policy
of the Correct 20nn-20nn ISIR options.
records component.

Click the FM link on the

Student Data, Parent Data,
Miscellaneous Data, or
Computation Data page
(Financial Aid, Institutional
Application 20nn-20nn,
Maintain Application 20nn–

Click the Federal Extension

link on the Student Income/
Assets, Student Information,
Parent Income/Assets, Parent
Information, or Overrides
page (Financial Aid, Federal
Application Data, Simulate
20nn-20nn FM INAS).

INAS Federal Extension EFC INAS_FEDEX_EFC_SEC Click the Override Federal Override EFC components for
Override EFC link on the INAS Federal academic and non-standard
Extension page. award periods.

INAS Institutional Extension INAS_PROF_EXT1_Snn Click the IM link on any tab Override INAS global policy
1 of the Correct 20nn-20nn ISIR options.
records component.

Click the IM link on the

Student Data, Parent Data,
Miscellaneous Data, or
Computation Data page
(Financial Aid, Institutional
Application 20nn-20nn,
Maintain Application 20nn–

Institutional EFC Override INAS_PROF_EFC_SEC Click the Override Override EFC components for
Institutional EFC link on the academic and non-standard
INAS Institutional Extension award periods
1 page.

Accessing Federal EFC Overrides

Access the INAS Federal Extension page (click the FM link on the EFC\DB Matches\Corr page).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 711

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Image: INAS Federal Extension page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the INAS Federal Extension page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the Override Federal EFC link on this page to override the academic or non-standard parent
contribution or student contribution.

Note: You must select an INAS Rule Set before setting the budget duration and overriding the EFC.
When creating an extension record, you must always select an INAS Rule Set. Failing to do so affects
your expected results.

Using the Federal EFC Override Function

Access the INAS Federal Extension EFC Override page (click the Override Federal EFC link on the
INAS Federal Extension page).

712 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Image: INAS Federal Extension EFC Override page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the INAS Federal Extension EFC Override page. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Enter the actual positive value for the parent contribution and/or student contribution for each award

The system displays an override indicator when you override the student contribution, the parent
contribution or both. It appears as an O next to the affected contributions.

Use EFC Override Values Select this check box and call INAS for the system to use your
override values. If you want to use actual calculated values,
clear the check box and call INAS.

Defaults Click the Defaults button to reset the student contribution and
parent contribution to current values from STD_AWD_PER.
If you have already calculated INAS using overridden values,
those same values are returned when you click the Defaults
button. To retrieve calculated values as the default, clear the Use
EFC Override Values check box, call INAS, return to this page,
and click the Defaults button.

Note: Ensure that the budget duration set in global policy options or at the extension level supports the
EFC overrides being established for the award period. Warning messages appear if you create overrides
for an award period that is not supported by the budget duration.

Accessing Institutional EFC Overrides

Access the INAS Institutional Extension 1 page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 713

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Image: INAS Institutional Extension 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the INAS Institutional Extension 1 page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the Override Institutional EFC link on this page to override the academic or non-standard parent
contribution or student contribution.

Note: You must select an INAS Rule Set before setting the budget duration and overriding the EFC.
When creating an extension record, you must always select an INAS Rule Set. Failing to do so affects
your expected results.

Using the Institutional EFC Override Function

Access the Institutional EFC Override page (click the Override Institutional EFC link on the INAS
Institutional Extension 1 page).

714 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Image: Institutional EFC Override page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Institutional EFC Override page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use EFC Override Values Select this check box and call INAS for the system to use your
override values. If you want to use actual calculated values,
clear the check box and call INAS.

Using Estimated FM EFC Values

The Financial Aid system stores the estimated FM EFC, which is calculated using institutional application
data, for awarding federal funds when only institutional data is available. The system stores and displays
the estimated FM EFC only when no ISIR exists for the student. As soon as you load an ISIR for the
student and call INAS, the estimated FM EFC is replaced by the EFC from the ISIR.

Note: The system does not consider the status of the ISIR before replacing the estimated FM EFC; it
replaces the estimated values with the EFC value from the ISIR after INAS is called.

When in use, the estimated FM EFC populates all FM EFC fields on all pages in the system. The system
does not display any visual cue to indicate that the value is an estimate. You need to know whether a
student has an ISIR loaded to determine whether the value that appears is an estimated FM EFC or an
actual FM EFC.

Using INAS Simulation

The INAS simulation functions as a worksheet for financial aid staff to create different need analysis
scenarios before submitting the changes to ISIR Corrections. The INAS Simulation process retrieves
information from the ISIR Correction pages and INAS Federal Extension page. You can create or change

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 715

Processing INAS Chapter 24

existing federal extension data or global policy option data in simulation depending on your processing

This section provides an overview of the steps for INAS simulation and discusses how to:

• Work with student income and assets.

• Override the INAS global policy options at the student level.

• Work with student information.

• Work with parent income and assets.

• Work with parent information.

• Work with assumption overrides.

Understanding the Steps for INAS Simulation

Use the INAS Simulation process to select records with an ISIR to simulate INAS calculations. Then
commit changes to ISIR tables when complete.

1. Click the Get Fed Data button on the page you are using.

The latest ISIR information is retrieved and placed in the INAS Simulation tables. You should refresh
the INAS Simulation table with the latest data because data from a prior session might remain in the

2. Modify fields to affect the INAS calculation, invoke overrides, or both.

You can also override global policy options at the student level, by clicking the Fed Ext button from
any page in this component. Unless an extension record already exists in ISIR, the default values that
you defined in the INAS Local Global Options page display on the Federal Extension page when you
select a Rule Set.

3. When you complete your changes, click the INAS calculate button. The system displays the results of
the EFC after a successful completion of INAS simulation.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as needed. To refresh the worksheet, repeat Step 1.

5. Click the Use Simulated Data button to use the calculated data for Need Analysis.

If you confirm that you want to perform the operation, the system inserts a new row in all of the ISIR
Tables and any field that was changed is processed as follows:

a. Sent to the Audit Table for history.

b. Included in the ISIR Correction process.

c. Used to recalculate need.

Note: You cannot apply changes to any student whose ISIR is rejected.

716 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Pages Used for INAS Simulation

Note: The navigation paths for the pages listed in the following page introduction table are for aid year
20nn-20nn. Oracle supports access for three active aid years.

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Income/Assets INAS_SIM_STU1_nn Financial Aid > Federal View or update fields from
Application Data > Simulate ISIR Corrections to perform
20nn-20nn FM INAS > an INAS calculation.
Student Income/Assets

INAS Simulation Federal INAS_SIM_FEDEX_Snn Click the Federal Extension Override the INAS global
Extension link on the Student Income/ policy options at the student
Assets page. level.

INAS Simulation Budget INAS_SIMEX_DUR_SEC Click the Budget Durations Override INAS global policy
Durations link on the INAS Simulation options for federal academic
Federal Extension page. and non-standard budget

INAS Simulation EFC INAS_SIMEX_PRO_SEC Click the EFC Proration Override proration options for
Proration Options Options link on the INAS academic and non-standard
Simulation Federal Extension months.

INAS Simulation EFC INAS_SIMEX_EFC_SEC Click the EFC Override Override EFC components for
Override link on the INAS Simulation academic and non-standard
Federal Extension page. award periods.

Student Information INAS_SIM_STU2_nn Financial Aid > Federal View or update fields from
Application Data > Simulate ISIR Corrections to perform
20nn-20nn FM INAS > an INAS calculation.
Student Information

Parent Income/Assets INAS_SIM_PAR1_nn Financial Aid > Federal View or update fields from
Application Data > Simulate ISIR Corrections to perform
20nn-20nn FM INAS > an INAS calculation.
Parent Income/Assets

Parent Information INAS_SIM_PAR2_nn Financial Aid > Federal View or update fields from
Application Data > Simulate ISIR Corrections to perform
20nn-20nn FM INAS > an INAS calculation.
Parent Information

Overrides INAS_SIM_OVRD_nn Financial Aid > Federal View or update fields from
Application Data > Simulate ISIR Corrections to perform
20nn-20nn FM INAS > an INAS calculation. Set
Overrides Dependency Override and
Correction Status.

Common Page Elements for the INAS Simulation Component

The following elements appear on the Student/Income Assets page, Student Information page, Parent
Income/Assets page and Overrides page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 717

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Get Federal Data Click this button to copy the student's latest ISIR data from the
Federal Extension record to this page.

INAS (institutional need analysis Click this button to invoke a Remote Function Call of the INAS
system button) calculation.

INAS NCP (institutional need analysis Click this button to calculate the non custodial parent
system non custodial parent button) contribution.

Note: Calculate the non-custodial parent contribution before

invoking the regular INAS calculation.
Calculating a non custodial parent contribution creates an
INAS Extension record, selects the Use Non-Custodial Parent
Contribution check box and populates the PC From Non-
Custodial Parent (parent contribution from non-custodial
parent) field in INAS Extension 5. After this, when the
regular INAS calculation is invoked, the non-custodial parent
contribution is added to the Custodial Parent contribution and
overall expected family contribution.

Use Simulated Data Click this button to move the simulated data into production.

Federal Extension Click this link to access the INAS Simulation Federal Extension
page and make changes to an existing extension or override the
INAS Global Policy Options at the student level.

Need Summary Click this link to view a student's need summary. Need summary
information reflects only current values. New data that you have
calculated is not reflected on Need Summary pages until you
click the Use Simulated Data button.

Monthly EFC Click this link to access the INAS Simulation Monthly EFC
page to view the INAS calculated monthly EFC for months 1-8
and 10-12.

Formula Type Displays the formula type used in the INAS calculation. When
you click the Get Federal Data button, the system populates the
ISIR formula type on record and updates the formula type when
INAS is called.

Primary EFC: Displays the 9-month EFC. When you click the Get Fed Data
button, the system populates the ISIR Primary EFC on record
and updates the Primary EFC when INAS is called.

Prorated EFC: Displays the 9-month or other than 9-month EFC. When you
click the Get Fed Data button, the system populates the ISIR
Prorated EFC on record and updates the Prorated EFC when
INAS is called.

718 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Working with Student Income and Assets

Access the Student Income/Assets page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Simulate
20nn-20nn FM INAS > Student Income/Assets).

Image: Student Income/Assets page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Income/Assets page.

ISIR edits are not used in the simulation pages. Changes used should not conflict with data in ISIR

Overriding the INAS global policy Options at the Student Level

Access the INAS Simulation Federal Extension page (click the Federal Extension link on the Student
Income/Assets page).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 719

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Image: INAS Simulation Federal Extension page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the INAS Simulation Federal Extension page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Budget Durations Click this link to access the INAS Simulation Budget Durations
page. You can enter any value for FM budget duration. Federal
rules allow whole numbers only for budget duration. If the total
allocation for the budget duration is greater than 12 months,
a 9–month EFC is calculated and used in the academic award
period, and no EFC is calculated for the non-standard award

EFC Proration Options Click this link to access the INAS Simulation EFC Proration
Options page to determine how to prorate EFC.

Override Federal EFC Click this link to access the INAS Simulation EFC Override
page to override the academic or non-standard parent
contribution or student contribution.

Working with Student Information

Access the Student Information page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Simulate 20nn-20nn
FM INAS > Student Information).

720 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Image: Student Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Information page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Grade Level Select from:

1st yr AB (attended before)

1st yr GP (graduate professional)

1st yr NA (never attended)

2nd yr Sph (sophomore)

3rd yr Jnr (junior)

4th yr Snr (senior)

5th yr UG (undergraduate)

Grad/Prof + (graduate/professional beyond 1st year)

Field Name Abbreviations and Explanations

On Active Duty (active duty status for US Armed Forces)

School Lunch (free or reduced price lunch)

SSI (Supplemental Security Income)

TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 721

Processing INAS Chapter 24

WIC (Women, Infants and Children)

Unaccompanied Youth (HUD) (Unaccompanied Youth – Housing and Urban Development)

Working with Parent Income and Assets

Access the Parent Income/Assets page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Simulate 20nn-20nn
FM INAS > Parent Income/Assets).

Image: Parent Income/Assets page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parent Income/Assets page.

Working with Parent Information

Access the Parent Information page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Simulate 20nn-20nn
FM INAS > Parent Information).

722 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Image: Parent Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parent Information page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Field Name Abbreviations and Explanations

School Lunch (free or reduced price lunch)

SSI (Supplemental Security Income)

TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)

WIC (Women, Infants and Children)

Working with Assumption Overrides

Access the Overrides page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Simulate 20nn-20nn FM
INAS > Overrides).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 723

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Image: Overrides page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Overrides page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Dependency Override: Values include:

1: Dependent to Independent. You can select this value.

2: Cancel Dep Override – Corr Only. You can select this value.

3: Override Failed. The correction process sets this value.

Correction Status: Values include:

1: Correction(s) Pending. You can select this value.

2: Send Correction(s). You can select this value.

3: Correction(s) Sent. The correction process sets this value.

4: Correction(s) Accepted. The correction process sets this


5: Corrections Rejected. The correction process sets this value.

724 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

6: Do Not Send Correction(s). You can select this value.

Parent Number In College Select 1:Yes.

Parent AGI (parent adjusted gross Select 1:Yes.


Parent WKC Assumed Zero (parent Select 1:Yes.

income from worksheet C assumed 0)

Student Number In college Select 1:Yes.

Student AGI (student adjusted gross Select 1:Yes.


Student WKC Assumed Zero Select 1:Yes.

(student income from worksheet C
assumed 0)

Select 1: Yes to override a listed reject.

Using INAS Batch Calculations

This section discusses how to calculate INAS in batch based on the policy options at your institution.

Page Used to Make INAS Batch Calculations

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Batch INAS Calculation RUNCTL_FAPINCLC Financial Aid > File Calculate INAS in batch
Management > INAS Batch based on policy options.
Calculation > Batch INAS

Calculating the INAS in Batch

Access the Batch INAS Calculation page (Financial Aid > File Management > INAS Batch
Calculation > Batch INAS Calculation).

The FAPINCLC batch calculation process is the same process as the online calculation. You can run
INAS batch calculations automatically after each ISIR data load or as a separate use controlled process.
Records loaded into the INAS_CALC_RECS table are selected for processing.

With the delivery of IM each year, the Application Type value is limited to Profile. After FM is delivered,
values of Both Federal & Profile and Federal are available as additional processing options.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 725

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Application Type Select the application type to run INAS batch calculations from
these options:

B: Both Federal and Profile

F: Federal

P: Profile

Calculate Inst NCP (calculate Select this check box to calculate the non custodial parent
institutional non custodial parent contribution.
Note: Calculate the non-custodial parent contribution before
invoking the regular INAS calculation.
Calculating a non custodial parent contribution creates an
INAS Extension record, selects the Use Non-Custodial Parent
Contribution check box and populates the PC From Non-
Custocial Parent (parent contribution from non-custoidal
parent) field in INAS Extension 5. After this, when the
regular INAS calculation is invoked, the non-custodial parent
contribution is added to the Custodial Parent contribution and
overall expected family contribution.

Clear Calc Requests (clear calculation If you select Y, the files are removed from the table after the
requests) batch calculation. You cannot run batch INAS on these files
again unless they are added to INAS_CALC_RECS by loading
new ISIR files with the appropriate data load parameters, or by
using population update.

Viewing Federal EFC Information

This section discusses how to review Federal EFC summary information.

Pages Used to Review Federal EFC Information

Note: The system always makes available the three most recent Aid Year versions of the View FM EFC
Detail component.

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Federal EFC Summary ISIR_FM_SUMRY_nn Financial Aid > Federal Review information
Application Data > View about a student's federal
20nn-20nn FM EFC Detail > EFC (expected family
Federal EFC Summary contribution).

ISIR Information ISIR_INFO_SMRY_SEC Click the ISIR Information View ISIR summary
Summary link on the Federal information for this student.
EFC Summary inquiry page.

726 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Assumption Detail STDNT_FM_ASMP_SEC Click the Assumption Detail View a long description of
link on the Federal EFC any assumption the system is
Summary inquiry page. using in the INAS calculation.

Total Income Detail ISIR_TI_SEC Click the Total Income Detail View total income
link on the Federal EFC information. Total income is
Summary inquiry page. the difference between taxable
income, untaxed income, and
adjustments to income.

Total Allowances Detail ISIR_TA_SEC Click the Total Allowances View allowances to income.
Detail link on the Federal Taxes paid, Income Protection
EFC Summary inquiry page. and Employment allowances
are displayed.

Available Income Detail ISIR_AI_SEC Click the Available Income View available income
Detail link on the Federal information for the student.
EFC Summary inquiry page. Available income is total
income less total allowances.

Total Parent Contribution ISIR_PC_SEC_nn Click the Total Parent View total parent contribution
Detail Contribution Detail link on information for this student,
the Federal EFC Summary including Available Income,
inquiry page. Contribution from Assets,
Adjustments to Available
Income, the Total Parent
Contribution, Number in
College, and Calculated
Parent Contribution. This
page is available only if the
student is a dependent and
provides parent income and
asset information.

Total Student Contribution ISIR_SC_SEC_nn Click the Total Student View total student
Detail Contribution Detail link on contribution. This page
the Federal EFC Summary displays the Total Student
inquiry page. Contribution, Number in
College, Student Income
Contribution, Student Asset
Contribution, and Calculated
Student Contribution.

Prorated EFC Detail ISIR_EFC_SEC_nn Click the Prorated EFC Detail View information about the
link on the Federal EFC prorated EFC for the student.
Summary inquiry page. The page displays Parent
Contribution (if applicable),
Student Income Contribution,
Student Asset Contribution,
the Prorated EFC, and the
Calculated EFC. The prorated
EFC reflects enrollment for 9
months or other than 9 months
depending on the budget

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 727

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Reviewing Federal EFC Summary Information

Access the Federal EFC Summary page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > View 20nn-20nn
FM EFC Detail > Federal EFC Summary).

From this page, select links to all detail pages for the students' EFC for a specified aid year. The system
supports three active aid years.

For Total Student Contribution, N/A is displayed to more closely align interim calculation results with
Software Developer Specifications for Independent Students without Dependents (formula 2 and 5

Viewing Institutional EFC Information

This section provides an overview of institutional EFC calculations and discusses how to review an
institutional EFC summary.

Understanding Institutional EFC Calculations

The following methodologies are used to calculate both parent and student contributions shown on the
Institutional EFC Summary page:

• Estimated federal methodology (EFM) uses the federal methodology provided by the College Board
to calculate an estimated federal contribution.

• Base Institutional Methodology (IM) uses the institutional methodology provided by the College

• IM with Options uses the IM provided by the College Board and can reflect override options that you
set up.

Pages Used to View Institutional EFC

Note: The system always makes available the three most recent Aid Year versions of the View IM EFC
Detail component.

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Institutional EFC Summary INST_INAS_SMRY_nn Financial Aid > Institutional Review information about
Application Data > View a student's Institutional
20nn-20nn IM EFC Detail > EFC (expected family
Institutional EFC Summary contribution). From this page,
access detailed information
for each calculated amount.

728 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Institutional Assumption STDNT_IM_ASMP_SEC Click the IM Assumptions View the institutional

Detail link on the Institutional EFC assumptions that apply to a
Summary Detail page. student. INAS IM Assumption
Codes are defined by the
College Board and are
delivered with the Financial
Aid system. An assumption
is an assumed response
to a question that is left
blank or to a response that
was inconsistent with the

Total Income Detail Parent INST_PIM_TI_SEC_nn Click the Total Income Detail View total income
Contribution IM and IM w/ link on the Institutional EFC information for parents
Options INST_PIM_TIO_SECnn Summary Detail page. calculated using institutional
methodology. Total Income
is the difference between
the combination of taxable
income, untaxed income and
adjustments to income on
earned income.

Total Income Detail Parent INST_PFM_TI_SEC_nn Click the Total Income Detail View total income
Contribution - EFM link on the Institutional EFC information for parents
Summary Detail page. using estimated federal
methodology. Total Income
is the difference between
the combination of taxable
income, untaxed income, and
income adjustments on earned

Total Income Detail Student INST_SIM_TI_SEC_nn Click the Total Income Detail View total income
Contribution - IM, IM w/ link on the Institutional EFC information for the
Options INST_SIM_TIO_SECnn Summary Detail page. student using institutional
methodology. Total Income
is the difference between
the combination of taxable
income, untaxed income, and
income adjustments on earned

Total Income Detail Student INST_SFM_TI_SEC_nn Click the Total Income Detail View total income
Contribution − EFM link on the Institutional EFC information for the student
Summary Detail page. using estimated federal
methodology. Total Income
is the difference between
the combination of taxable
income, untaxed income, and
income adjustments on earned

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 729

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Available Income Detail INST_PIM_AI_SEC_nn Click the Available Income View information about
Parent Contribution − IM, IM Detail link on the Institutional parents' contribution using
w/Options INST_PIM_AIO_SECnn EFC Summary Detail page. institutional methodology.
The system displays
allowances for taxes, medical/
dental expenses, tuition, and
other allowances, such as
income protection allowance
(IPA). Total Allowances is
the sum of these allowances.
Available Income is the Total
Income, shown on the Total
Income page, less the Total

Available Income Detail INST_PFM_AI_SEC_nn Click the Available Income View information about
Parent Contribution - EFM Detail link on the Institutional parent's contribution
EFC Summary Detail page. using estimated federal
methodology. The system
displays allowances for
taxes, medical/dental
expenses, tuition, and other
allowances, such as income
protection allowance (IPA).
Total Allowances is the
sum of these allowances.
Available Income is the Total
Income, shown on the Total
Income page, less the Total

Available Income Detail INST_SIM_AI_SEC_nn Click the Available Income View information about
Student Contribution − IM, Detail link on the Institutional student contribution
IM w/Options INST_SIM_AIO_SECnn EFC Summary Detail page. using your institutional
methodology. The system
displays allowances for
taxes, medical/dental
expenses, tuition, and other
allowances, such as income
protection allowance/monthly
maintenance allowance (IPA/
MMA). Total Allowances is
the sum of these allowances.
Available Income is the Total
Income, shown on the Total
Income page, less the Total

730 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Available Income Detail INST_SFM_AI_SEC_nn Click the Available Income View information about
Student EFM Detail link on the Institutional student contribution
EFC Summary Detail page. using estimated federal
methodology. The system
displays allowances for
taxes, medical/dental
expenses, tuition, and other
allowances, such as income
protection allowance (IPA).
Total Allowances is the
sum of these allowances.
Available Income is the Total
Income, shown on the Total
Income page, less the Total

Net Worth Detail Parent INST_PIM_NW_SECnn Click the Net Worth Detail View detail information about
Contribution IM, IM w/ link for Parent Contribution, the parents' net worth, the
Options INST_PIM_NWO_SEC_nn on the Institutional EFC total assets calculated by IM.
Summary Detail page.

Net Worth Detail Parent INST_PFM_NW_SEC_nn Click the Net Worth Detail View detail information about
Contribution − EFM link for Parent Contribution, parent's net worth, the total
on the Institutional EFC assets calculated by EFM.
Summary Detail page.

Net Worth Detail Student INST_SIM_NW_SEC_nn Click the Net Worth Detail View detail information about
Contribution - IM, IM w/ link for Student Contribution, student's net worth, the total
Options INST_SIM_NWO_SECnn on the Institutional EFC assets calculated by IM.
Summary Detail page.

Net Worth Student INST_SFM_NW_SEC_nn Click the Net Worth Detail View information about
Contribution − EFM link on the Institutional EFC student's net worth, the total
Summary Detail page. assets calculated by EFM.

Discretionary Net Worth INST_PIM_DN_SEC_nn Click the Discretionary Net View information on
Income Supplement Detail Worth/Income Supplement calculated allowances to offset
Parent Contribution - IM, IM INST_PIM_DNO_SECnn Detail link on the Institutional net worth for the parent using
w/Options EFC Summary Detail page. institutional methodology.

Discretionary Net Worth INST_PFM_IS_SEC_nn Click the Discretionary Net View information on
Income Supplement Detail Worth/Income Supplement calculated allowances to
Parent Contribution − EFM Detail link on the Institutional offset net worth for the parent
EFC Summary Detail page. using estimated federal

Discretionary Net Worth INST_SIM_DN_SEC_nn Click the Discretionary Net View information on
Income Supplement Detail Worth/Income Supplement calculated allowances to offset
Student Contribution − IM, INST_SIM_DNO_SECnn Detail link on the Institutional net worth for the student using
IM w/Options EFC Summary Detail page. institutional methodology.

Discretionary Net Worth INST_SFM_IS_SEC_nn Click theDiscretionary Net View information on

Income Supplement Detail Worth/Income Supplement calculated allowances to offset
Student Contribution − EFM Detail link on the Institutional net worth for the student
EFC Summary Detail page. using estimated federal

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 731

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Contribution for Student INST_PIM_TC_SEC_nn Click the Contribution for View information about the
Detail Parent Contribution − Student Detail link on the parent contribution for the
IM, IM w/Options INST_PIM_TCO_SECnn Institutional EFC Summary student using institutional
Detail page. methodology.

Contribution for Student INST_PFM_TC_SEC_nn Click the Contribution for View information about
Detail Parent Contribution − Student Detail link on the the parent contribution for
EFM Institutional EFC Summary the student using federal
Detail page. methodology.

Contribution for Student INST_SIM_TC_SEC_nn Click the Contribution for View information about
Detail Student Contribution − Student Detail link on the student contribution using
IM, IM w/Options INST_SIM_TCO_SECnn Institutional EFC Summary institutional methodology.
Detail page.

Contribution for Student INST_SFM_TC_SEC_nn Click the Contribution for View information about
Detail Student Contribution − Student Detail link on the student contribution
EFM Institutional EFC Summary using estimated federal
Detail page. methodology.

Reviewing an Institutional EFC Summary

Access the Institutional EFC Summary page (Financial Aid > Institutional Application Data > View
20nn-20nn IM EFC Detail > Institutional EFC Summary).

The system displays the Total Income, Available Income, Net Worth, DNW/Inc Supp (Discretionary Net
Worth/Income Supplement), and Contribution for Student for both parent and student contribution for the
selected student, application source, and aid year.

Click the IM Assumptions link to access the Institutional Assumption Detail page, which describes any
INAS assumptions that apply to the student.

Click the Detail links to access detailed information for each displayed amount.

See Reviewing INAS Assumption Codes.

Parent Contribution
EFM totals are always displayed. Select either basic IM or IM with options.

Base IM Uses the institutional methodology provided by the College


IM w/Options Uses the institutional methodology provided by the College

Board and reflects override options set up by your institution.

EFM (estimated federal methodology) Uses the federal methodology formula provided by the College
Board to calculate an estimated federal parent contribution.

Student Contribution
EFM totals are always displayed. Select Base IM or IM with Options.

732 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Base IM Uses the institutional methodology provided by the College


IM w/Options Uses the institutional methodology provided by the College

Board and reflects override options set up by your institution.

EFM (estimated federal methodology) Uses the federal methodology formula provided by the College
Board to calculate an estimated federal student contribution.

Reviewing Need Summary

This section discusses how to view need summary information.

Pages to View Need Summary

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Need Summary NEED_SUMMARY_SEC Click the Need Summary View the award period and
link on any tab of the Correct EFC status for both the
20nn-20nn ISIR records Federal and Institutional cost
component. of attendance, expected family
contribution, need, GI bill,
total aid, unmet need, and aid

Viewing Need Summary Information

Access the Need Summary page (click the Need Summary link on any tab of the Correct 20nn-20nn ISIR
records component.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 733

Processing INAS Chapter 24

Image: Need Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Need Summary page.

Reviewing INAS Assumption Codes

To set up INAS Assumptions Codes, use the INAS Assumption Codes component

This section discusses how to:

• Review INAS FM assumption codes.

• Review INAS IM assumption codes.

Pages Used to Review INAS Assumption Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

INAS FM Assumption Codes INAS_FM_ASMPTN Set Up SACR > Product Review assumption codes
Related > Financial Aid > regarding federal application
Application Processing > information. INAS FM
INAS Assumption Codes > assumption codes are
INAS FM Assumption Codes provided by the College
Board and are based on
CPS (central processing
system) and delivered with the
Financial Aid system.

734 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 24 Processing INAS

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

INAS IM Assumption Codes INAS_IM_ASMPTN Set Up SACR > Product Review assumption codes
Related > Financial Aid > regarding institutional
Application Processing > application information.
INAS Assumption Codes > INAS IM assumption codes
INAS IM Assumption Codes are provided by the College
Board and are delivered with
the Financial Aid system.

Reviewing INAS FM Assumption Codes

Access the INAS FM Assumption Codes page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Application Processing > INAS Assumption Codes > INAS FM Assumption Codes).

Use this page to review the FM assumption code defined by INAS for the aid year.

With the delivery of IM each year, the IM Assumption Code values are available. After FM is delivered,
the FM Assumption Code values are available.

Reviewing INAS IM Assumption Codes

Access the INAS IM Assumption Codes page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Application Processing > INAS Assumption Codes > INAS IM Assumption Codes).

Use this page to review the IM assumption code defined by INAS for the aid year.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 735

Processing INAS Chapter 24

736 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Setting Up Verification Options

Verification is the process of checking the accuracy of the information provided by students and their
families when applying for financial aid. Institutions are required to perform federal verification on a
portion of their aid applicants before awarding Title IV aid. The Campus Solutions application provides
options for meeting federal and institutional verification requirements.

This section discusses how to set up fields for compare.

For more information see, the Federal Student Aid Handbook

Pages Used to Set Up Verification Options

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Federal Setup SFA_VER_FLD_TS_FED Set Up SACR > Product Activate fields for federal
Related > Financial Aid > verification processing and
Application Processing > filter for use by dependency
Verification Setup > Federal status.
Setup tab

Institutional Setup SFA_VER_FLD_TS_INS Set Up SACR > Product Activate fields for
Related > Financial Aid > institutional verification
Application Processing > processing and filter for use
Verification Setup > by dependency status.
Institutional Setup tab

Inst Marital Status Mapping SFA_VERIF_MAR_MAPP Set Up SACR > Product Map available parent marital
Related > Financial Aid > statuses to institutional marital
Application Processing > statuses
Verification Setup > Inst
Marital Status Mapping

Setting Up Tolerances
Access the Federal Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > Verification Setup > Federal Setup).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 737

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Image: Federal Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Federal Setup page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Insert rows and select fields to be verified and indicate for which type of student the verification applies;
dependent or independent.

Effective Date Displays the effective date for these verification tolerance rules.
The effective date defines when the status that you select is

Status Displays the status for the data. Values are Active and Inactive.

Total Tolerance Federal Enter the amount that the combined total of all selected fields
can vary between verified and reported information. This
tolerance is the maximum difference that can exist as variance
before failing the verification process.

Field Number Enter the field number for each of the fields to be compared.

Field Name Displays the corresponding name for each field to verify.

Dependent Select to compare the field for dependent students.

Independent Select to compare the field for independent students.

Access the Institutional Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Application
Processing > Verification Setup > Institutional Setup).

738 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Image: Institutional Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Institutional Setup page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Refer to the field descriptions for the Federal Setup page with the following exceptions:

Total Tolerance Institutional Enter the amount that the combined total of all selected fields
can vary between verified and reported information. This
tolerance is the maximum difference that can exist as variance
before failing the verification process.

Mapping Institutional Marital Statuses

Access the Inst Marital Status Mapping page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Application Processing > Verification Setup > Inst Marital Status Mapping).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 739

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Image: Institutional Marital Status Mapping page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Institutional Marital Status Mapping page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to map system marital status values to Institutional marital statuses.

Marital Status Displays all possible ISIR and Institutional parent marital

Inst Marital Status Select the Institutional parent marital status you wish to map to
each of the possible marital statuses.

740 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Note: This setup resolves differences between ISIR (Federal)

and PROFILE (Institutional) parent marital statuses when
performing Verification without first retrieving application data
via 'Get Federal Data' or 'Get Institutional Data'.
If you have retrieved application data, the system renders the
parent marital statuses based on the application type, Federal or
Institutional. However, if application data is not first retrieved,
the system cannot determine if the data being verified is Federal
or Institutional and renders all possible parent marital statuses.
When you consolidate Verification data either online or batch,
you are required to select the type of consolidation being
performed, Federal or Institutional.
Parent marital statuses for consolidation can be mapped without
interpretation for Federal Verification. However, Institutional
parent marital statuses do not possess the same characteristics
and this setup allows you to map the 9 possible parent marital
statuses to the 6 actual Institutional parent marital statuses.
When consolidation is performed, regardless of what marital
status is selected in the Tax Form Data page, the mapped value
is used and displayed for consolidation and compare. For
example, if you enter a marital status of Married/Remarried and
Institutional consolidation is performed, your mapping setup
determines if Married or Remarried is used in consolidation.

Verification Field Numbers

To access year specific Verification field numbers cross referenced for ISIR and Institutional applications,

Verifying Resource and Household Information

Use the pages in the Application Data Verification component to verify the number of persons in the
household, the number enrolled in post-secondary education, the AGI, income tax paid for the base year,
and certain untaxed income and benefits for the base year.

This section provides an overview of calculating Federal Variance and discusses how to:

• View Financial Aid Administrator Information.

• Verify household information.

• Verify tax data.

• Verify W-2 information.

• Verify federal untaxed income.

• Verify federal additional financial information.

• Verify institutional untaxed income.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 741

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

• Verify institutional other taxable income.

• Consolidate forms.

• View consolidated federal tax data.

• View consolidated institutional tax data.

Note: The navigation paths for the pages listed in the following table are for aid year 20nn-20nn. Oracle
supports access for three active aid years.

Pages Used to Verify Resource and Household Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FAA Information SFA_VER_FAA_INFO Financial Aid > Displays financial aid

Verification > Manage administrator information.
20nn-20nn Verification >
FAA Information

Household Info VERIF02_FORM1 Financial Aid > Enter documented information

Verification > Manage about the student and
20nn-20nn Verification > members of the student's
Household Info household.

TIV School Information VERIF_SCHL_CD_SEC Click the TIV Information View Title IV school
link on the Household Info information.
page. This link appears when
you enter a valid school code.

Get Institutional Data VERIF_APP_SRC_CODE Click the Get Inst Data button Indicate which Application
on the Household Info page. Source code to use to populate
fields with institutional data.

Tax Form Data VERIFnn_FORM2 Financial Aid > Enter information reported on
Verification > Manage the filer's tax form.
20nn-20nn Verification > Tax
Form Data

Student's Income from Wages VERIF_WAGES_STDNT Click the Student/Spouse View detail information about
Wages link on the Tax Form wages reported by the person
Data page. whose data is being verified.

Parent Income from Wages VERIF_WAGES_PARENT Click the Parent's Wages link View detail information about
on the Tax Form Data page. wages reported by the person
whose data is being verified.

Other Taxable Income SFA_OTHER_INC1_nn Click the Other Taxable Enter 1040 taxable income
Income link on the Tax Form line items other than wages.
Data page.

742 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Income Adjustments SFA_INCOME_ADJ_09 Click the Income Adjustments Record 1040 adjustments
link on the Tax Form Data to income. The tax form
page. recorded as filed determines
which fields activate.
Values entered here write
to Tax Form Data/Income
Adjustments and may affect
Federal and Institutional
specific verification pages.

Tax, Credits and Payments SFA_TAXCREDIT_nn Click the Tax, Credits, and Enter or view tax and credit
Payments link on the Tax data. The filed tax form
Form Data page. determines which fields are
active. With the exception of
Earned Income Credit and
Additional Child Tax Credit,
credits entered are subtracted
from the tax amount. The net
calculated amount writes to
Tax Form Data - US Income
Tax Paid field.

W-2 Form VERIF03_FORM3 Financial Aid > Enter or view information

Verification > Manage reported on a person's W-2
20nn-20nn Verification > form.
W-2 Form

Verification W2 - Box 12 VERIF03_W2_BOX12 Click the Box 12 link on the Enter or view information
W-2 Form page. from Box 12 on the W-2

Fed Untax Income SFA_FED_UNTAX_INC Financial Aid > Enter or view federal untaxed
Verification > Manage income data. Displays only
20nn-20nn Verification > Fed field values that originate
Untax Income from Total Other Income or
Income Adjustment pages.
The family member row
determines which fields are

Fed Add Fin Info SFA_FEDADFIN_IN_nn Financial Aid > Enter or view federal
Verification > Manage additional financial
20nn-20nn Verification > Fed information. Display only
Add Fin Info field values originate from U.
S. Income Tax Paid page.

Inst Untax Income SFA_INST_UTX_IN_nn Financial Aid > Enter or view Institutional
Verification > Manage untaxed income data. Display
20nn-20nn Verification > Inst only field values originate
Untax Income from Untaxed Income or
Income Adjustment pages.
The family member row
determines which fields are

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 743

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Inst Other Taxable SFA_INSTOTH_TAX_nn Financial Aid > Enter or view institutional
Verification > Manage other taxable income. Display
20nn-20nn Verification > Inst only field values originate
Other Taxable from Total Other Income
page. The family member row
determines which fields are

Tax Data Consolidation VERIF_TAX_CONSL_nn Financial Aid > Combine the income and
Verification > Manage resources of all family
20nn-20nn Verification > Tax members of the individual
Data Consolidation being verified.

Consolidated Tax Data — SFA_VER_CSL_FEDnn Click the Consolidated Tax View or edit consolidated
Federal Data link on the Tax Data federal tax and resource
Consolidation page. information.

Consolidated Tax Data – Inst SFA_VER_CSL_ISTnn Click the Consolidated Tax View or edit consolidated
Data link on the Tax Data institutional tax and resource
Consolidation page. information.

Viewing Financial Aid Administrator Information

Access the FAA Information page (Financial Aid > Verification > Manage 20nn-20nn Verification >
FAA Information).

Image: FAA Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAA Information page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

For field descriptions of the header information on this page,

See Reviewing the Student's Packaging Status.

For field descriptions of the FAA Information,

See Making ISIR Corrections.

744 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Verifying Household Information

Access the Household Info page (Financial Aid > Verification > Manage 20nn-20nn Verification >
Household Info).

Image: Household Info page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Household Info page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: Use the arrow on the right to scroll to the hidden pages. After you click on either the Get Fed Data
button or the Get Inst Data button, only the relevant pages display.

The system displays the student information, including National ID. For students in the United States, the
National ID is the Social Security number (SSN).

The page maintains a separate row for each household member. Ensure that you are accessing the correct
row for the person you are verifying.

Get Fed Data (get federal data) Click this button to populate fields with the most recent
Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) record data.
When federal data is retrieved, the Inst Untax Income page and
Inst Other Taxable page are hidden.

Get Inst Data (get institutional data) Click this button to populate fields with institutional record data.
The system prompts you to enter an application source code.
When institutional data is retrieved, the Fed Untax Income page
and Fed Add Fin Info page are hidden.

Note: You are required to Get Inst Data for all institutional records. You are required to Get Fed Data for
all records with a Student or Parent IRS Request not equal to "02" .
If the Student or Parent IRS Request is “02”, data was transferred from the IRS and not changed prior to
submission of the application. For these records, using Get Fed Data is optional.

Application Data Verification

Select the radio button for Application Data that you want to verify:

• Student

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 745

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

• Spouse

• Parent 1

• Parent 2

• NC/Other/Step Parent (non-custodial parent/other/step-parent)

Note: If a non custodial parent file (HHB) only is present, verification cannot be performed.

Sequence Sequence number for the row of information to be verified. A

separate row of verification data is maintained for each person

Number in Family Enter the number in the student's family.

Override Family Members Select to override the number of family members used to
calculate the expected family contribution (EFC).

Number in College Enter the number of the student's family members in college.

Override Number in College Select to override the number of family members in college
used to calculate the EFC.

Household Information
Member Nbr (member number) Displays the household member counter. The system increases
this field by one for each row inserted at the household member

Relationship Select the relationship to the student of the person selected in

Sequence. For example, the sequence for an independent student
might be, self, spouse, son. Data verification for the parent of a
dependent student might be self (Parent 1), spouse, son (student
applicant), daughter. You would not complete the family grid or
enter number in family or college values for a dependent student

All dependent students must be listed as a relation with only

Parent 1, Parent 2, or NC/Other/Step Parent to be counted in the
parent household. Recording the student in more than one of
these categories results in over counting.

Members listed for student and spouse household categories are

compared to household size and the value for number in college
for the student. Members listed for Parent 1, Parent 2, and NC/
Other/Step Parent are compared to household size and the value
for the number in college for parent (dependent students are
always included in the parent household in an aid application).

School Code Enter a valid school code, if applicable. Entering a valid school
code enables the system to calculate a value for the Number
In College field. If the school code remains blank, the system
does not calculate the number in college. A TIV Information

746 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

link becomes available when you enter a valid college code. It

displays demographic information for the school.

TIV Information This link only appears when a valid School Code is selected.
Click the link to open the TIV School Information page.

Getting Institutional Data

Access the Get Institutional Data using page (click the Get Inst Data button on the Household Info page).

Application Source Code Select from these values:

FT Canada Student Loan (full-time Canadian student loan)

Institutional Application


PT Canada Student Loan (part-time Canadian student loan)

Verifying Tax Data

Access the Tax Form Data page (Financial Aid > Verification > Manage 20nn-20nn Verification > Tax
Form Data).

Image: Tax Form Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Tax Form Data page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: This page is for a federal dependent student. Therefore the Inst Untax Income and Inst Other
Taxable pages are not available.

Sequence Displays the sequence number for the row of information to be

verified. A separate row of verification data is maintained for
each person verified. The selected button indicates the person
whose information is being verified.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 747

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Note: If a spouse row is created, the values from the student are
always used in consolidation for Tax Return Filed, Tax Form,
1040 Schedule 1 Filed, and Marital Status. However, if a student
value for one of these fields is blank, the student’s Filing Status
is not Separate, and the corresponding spouse value is non-
blank, then the spouse value is used.
If more than one parent row is created, the Marital Status of
Parent 2 overrides that of Parent 1 in consolidation. Tax Return
Filed, Tax Form, and 1040 Schedule 1 Filed are consolidated
according to the sequence number. If a value is blank for one
parent and non blank for the other then the non blank value is
used. For example, if the Parent 1 sequence number is 2 with a
Tax Return Filed of blank and the Parent 2 is sequence number
3 and Tax Return Filed is Will File, then the Parent 2 value for
Tax Return Filed is used in consolidation. If both parents have a
Tax Return Filed value and they happen to differ, then the parent
with the lower sequence number value is used.

Filing Information
Tax Return Filed Select values are dependent on verification type, Federal or

Tax Form Select values are dependent on verification type, Federal or

Institutional. The value that you select determines which fields
are activated on the Tax Form Data, Other Taxable Income,
Income Adjustments and Tax, Credits and Payments pages.

1040 Schedule 1 Filed

If you select:

• Yes, then the student isn’t eligible to file tax form 1040-EZ.

• No, then the student is eligible to file tax form 1040-EZ.

Marital Status Select the marital status of the person whose documents are
being verified.

See Mapping Institutional Marital Statuses.

Tax Return Filing Status Select the tax filing status of the person whose information is
being verified. The value that you select determines which fields
the system activates in the Wages page.

Select from the following values: Don’t Know, Head of

Household, Married-Joint, Married-Separate, Single, and

Dependents Select Yes if the person whose information is being verified has
dependents and select No if not.

748 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Wages Enter the amount of wages for the person whose information is
being verified.

Total Other Income Enter any taxable income besides wages reported by the person
whose information is being verified.

Income Adjustments Enter any allowable adjustments to income as reported by the

person whose information is being verified.

Adjusted Gross Income Enter the total of wages and other income less income
adjustments for the person whose information is being verified.

U.S. Income Tax Paid Enter the total of U.S. income tax paid by the person whose
information is being verified.

Note: You can enter data in the Total Other Income, Income Adjustments, and U.S. Income Tax Paid
fields to override information on the associated detail pages. However, overriding information is not

Entering Student or Parent Income from Wages

Access the Student's Income from Wages page (click the Wages link on the Tax Form Data page).

The wage information displayed on this page depends on which Sequence row is active and the selections
made for Filing Status.

Wage Income Student Displays the student's wage income or the Parent 1 wage

Wage Income Spouse Displays the spouse's wage income or the Parent 2 wage

Wages Displays the total wages from the wage income entries. The
system uses this amount to populate the Wages field on the Tax
Form Data page.

Entering Other Taxable Income

The elements that appear on the Other Taxable Income page are relative to the 1040 tax form and
Schedule 1. Access the Other Taxable Income page – 1040 Tax Form (click the Other Taxable Income
link on the Tax Form Data page).

The Add to Total Wages check box for Business Income Loss and the Add to Total Wages check box for
Farm Income/Losses are selected by default if you perform 'Get Fed Data' to pre-populate the component
with ISIR data. If selected, income or loss to wages is calculated to the total wages.

Entering Tax, Credits, and Payments

Access the Tax, Credits and Payments page (click the Tax, Credits, and Payments link on the Tax Form
Data page).

Tax Credits and Payments allows entry of pertinent data from form 1040. It captures Line 15 Income
Tax Amount and uses that value to update U.S. Tax Paid on the Tax Form Data entry page for use in the

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 749

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

compare process. Other fields used in compare available in Tax, Credits, and Payments are Schedule
A itemized Deductions, Qualified Income Deduction, Education Credits, Earned Income Credit, and
Additional Child Tax Credit.

Verifying W-2 Information

Access the W-2 Form page (Financial Aid > Verification > Manage 20nn-20nn Verification > W-2

Image: W-2 Form page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the W-2 Form page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Application Data Verification

Sequence Displays the sequence number for the row of information to be
verified. A separate row of verification data is maintained for
each person verified. Ensure that you entering and viewing data
for the correct row.

Wage and Tax Statement

Box 12 Click this link to enter or view information from Box 12 on the
W-2 form.

Viewing W-2 Box 12 Information

Access the Verification W2 - Box 12 page (click the Box 12 link on the W-2 Form page).

Code Refer to the W-2 instructions for details on valid values for the

750 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Verifying Federal Untaxed Income

Access the Fed Untax Income page (Financial Aid > Verification > Manage 20nn-20nn Verification >
Fed Untax Income).

Image: Fed Untax Income page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Fed Untax Income page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Federal Untaxed Income

You can view and enter data in some fields on this page. Other fields are display only.

The Other Unreported Income field is not included for parent rows.

The following fields are display only fields. For all other fields on the page, you can view and enter data.

IRA/SEP/KEOGH Deduction Displays the combined amounts for IRA, SEP, and KEOGH
(Individual Retirement Account/Self deductions. This amount writes from the Income Adjustments
Employment Plan/Keogh Deduction) page.

Tax Exempt Interest Income Displays interest income that is tax exempt. This amount writes
from the Other Taxable Income page.

Untaxed IRA Dist/Pension Displays the amount of funds disbursed from an IRA or pension
that is nontaxable. This amount writes from the Other Taxable
Income page and is the difference between total IRA or pension
payments and taxable IRA or pension payments.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 751

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Total Other Untaxed Income Displays the total of the amounts in the untaxed income fields
on this page.

Verifying Federal Additional Financial Information

Access the Fed Addl Fin Info page (Financial Aid > Verification > Manage 20nn-20nn Verification >
Fed Addl Fin Info).

Image: Fed Addl Fin Info page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Fed Addl Fin Info page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Federal Additional Financial Information

You can view and enter data in some fields on this page. Other fields are display only.

Federal Benefits Received Select each Federal benefit that the student received. If you
fetch Federal data, these fields populate as recorded on the
student's ISIR.

Education credit Displays the Education Credit. This amount writes from the Tax,
Credits, and Payments page.

Add. Financial Total (additional Displays the total for all additional financial information fields
financial total) on this page.

You can enter and view data in the other fields.

Verifying Institutional Untaxed Income

Access the Inst Untax Income page (Financial Aid > Verification > Manage 20nn-20nn Verification >
Inst Untax Income).

752 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Image: Inst Untax Income page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Inst Untax Income page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Institutional Untaxed Income — Student

You can view and enter data in some fields on this page. Other fields are display only.

IRA/SEP/KEOGH Deduction Displays the combined amounts for IRA, SEP, and KEOGH
(Individual Retirement Account/Self deductions. This amount writes from the Income Adjustments
Employment Plan/Keogh Deduction) page.

Tax Exempt Interest Income Displays interest income that is tax exempt. This amount writes
from the Other Taxable Income page.

Additional Child Tax Credit Displays additional child tax credit. This amount writes from
Tax, Credits and Payments page.

Untaxed SS Benefits (Untaxed Social Displays untaxed social security benefits. This amount writes
Security Benefits) from the Other Taxable Income page and is the difference
between Social Security benefits and Taxed Social Security

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 753

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Earned Income Credit Displays earned income credit. This amount writes from Tax,
Credits and Payments page.

You can enter and view data in the other fields on this page.

Institutional Untaxed Income — Parent

IRA/SEP/KEOGH Deduction Displays the combined amounts for IRA, SEP and KEOGH
(Individual Retirement Account/Self deductions. This amount writes from the Income Adjustments
Employment Plan/Keogh Deduction) page.

Tax Exempt Interest Income Displays interest income that is tax exempt. This amount writes
from the Other Taxable Income page.

Additional Child Tax Credit Displays additional child tax credit. This amount writes from
Tax, Credits and Payments page.

Untaxed SS Benefits (Untaxed Social Displays untaxed social security benefits. This amount writes
Security Benefits) from the Other Taxable Income page and is the difference
between Social Security benefits and Taxed Social Security

Earned Income Credit Displays earned income credit. This amount writes from Tax,
Credits and Payments page.

Untax IRA Annuity Pension Displays the amount of funds disbursed from an IRA or pension
(Individual Retirement Account) that is nontaxable. This amount writes from the Other Taxable
Income page and is the difference between total IRA or pension
payments and taxable IRA or pension payments.

Tuition and fees deduction Displays the amount of tuition and fees deduction derived from
entries on the Income Adjustments page.

You can enter and view data in the other fields.

Verifying Institutional Other Taxable Income

Access the Inst Other Taxable page (Financial Aid > Verification > Manage 20nn-20nn Verification >
Inst Other Taxable).

754 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Image: Inst Other Taxable page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Inst Other Taxable page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Institutional Other Taxable Income — Student

Taxed Financial Aid Displays total for Grant/Scholarship Aid and Taxed Work-
Study/Fellow/Assist fields. Combat Pay is not included in this

You can enter and view data in the other fields.

Institutional Other Taxable Income — Parent

Taxable Refund Displays taxable refunds. This amount writes from the Other
Taxable Income page.

Alimony Income Displays alimony income. This amount writes from the Other
Taxable Income page.

Capital Gains/Loss Displays capital gains/loss. This amount writes from the Other
Taxable Income page.

Other Gains/Losses Displays other gains/losses. This amount writes from the Other
Taxable Income page.

Taxable IRA/Keogh Displays other taxable IRA/Keogh. This amount writes from the
Other Taxable Income page.

Taxed Pension Displays taxed pension. This amount writes from the Other
Taxable Income page.

Unemployment Benefits Displays unemployment benefits. This amount writes from the
Other Taxable Income page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 755

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Taxed Social Security Benefits Displays taxed social security. This amount writes from the
Other Taxable Income page.

Other Taxed Income Displays other taxed income. This amount writes from the Other
Taxable Income page.

Combat Pay Enter or view the combat pay amount.

Total Other Income Displays total for other taxable fields on this page. Combat Pay
is not included in this total.

Institutional Other Taxable Income — NC/Other/Step Parent

This page differs from the Parent 1 and Parent 2 pages in the following way:

• Includes Child Support Paid for Student and Alimony Paid fields.

• Does not include Child Support Received for Student field.

Consolidating Forms
Access the Tax Data Consolidation page (Financial Aid > Verification > Manage 20nn-20nn
Verification > Tax Data Consolidation).

Image: Tax Data Consolidation page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Tax Data Consolidation page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Sequence Displays the sequence number for the row of information to be


Tax Consolidation Type Select the Tax Consolidation Type you want to use. This field
is active only if you do not select "Get Fed Data" or "Get Inst
Data" for Household Verification. If you choose the Institutional
Tax Consolidation Type, then the Institutional Marital Status
Mapping is used. This field is display only if you use the "Get
Fed Data" or "Get Inst Data".

See Mapping Institutional Marital Statuses.

Consolidate Click the Consolidate button to combine all income and

resources. Consolidation takes whatever you have entered in
the prior Application Verification pages of this component and

756 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

consolidates pertinent information. Consolidation only captures

the fields from Verification Setup.

Consolidated Tax Data Click this link to view or edit all tax and resource information
on the Consolidated Tax Data page. Values that appear should
represent the tax form information entered for each verified
person. You can make bottom-line changes to tax information
here, but your changes are not saved if you re-run consolidation
after the changes are made.

NCP Consolidated Tax Data (non Click this link to view or edit all tax and resource information
custodial parent consolidated tax data) on the Non-Custodial Parent Consolidated Tax Data page.
Values that appear should represent the tax form information
entered for each verified person. You can make bottom-line
changes to tax information here, but your changes are not saved
if you re-run consolidation after the changes are made.

Note: This link only appears for PROFILE applicants.

Viewing Federal Consolidated Tax Data

Access the Consolidated Tax Data – Federal page (click the Consolidated Tax Data link on the Tax Data
Consolidation page).

Note: The fields on this page compare to your target tables.

For descriptions of the fields in this section, please refer to the United States Department of Education's
Electronic Data Exchange Technical Reference or

See Making ISIR Corrections.

Student's Tax Data

Marital Status Displays the marital status of the student based on ISIR values.

Federal Benefits Received Check boxes indicate which Federal benefits were received.

Parent's Tax Data

Marital Status Displays the marital status of the Parent based on ISIR values.

Federal Benefits Received Check boxes indicate which Federal benefits were received.

Viewing Institutional Consolidated Tax Data

Access the Consolidated Tax Data – Inst page (click the Consolidated Tax Data link on the Tax Data
Consolidation page).

Note: The fields on this page compare to your target tables.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 757

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

For descriptions of the fields in this section, please refer to the College Board's Financial Aid Services
Information Center ( for supporting documentation.

See Maintaining Institutional Financial Aid Applications.

Student's Tax Data

Marital Status Displays the marital status of the student based on Institutional

Benefits Received Displays federal benefits received based in Institutional values.

Parent's Tax Data

Marital Status Displays marital status of the Parent based on Institutional

Benefits Received Displays federal benefits received based on Institutional values.

Working with Auto Verification

This section discusses how to:

• Use auto verification.

• Edit student level tolerances.

• Edit verification status.

• Compare verification results.

Pages Used for Auto Verification

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Auto Verification VERIF_COMP_DTL Financial Aid > Perform comparison of

Verification > Perform source and target data.
Auto Verification > Auto Compare income documents
Verification to financial aid applications or
compare ISIR to Institutional
data. View comparison results
to determine whether to
update the target table with
source information.

Student Tolerance Setup – SFA_VER_STU_FED_TS Click the Student Tolerance View or edit federal tolerance
FED Setup link on the Auto levels.
Verification page.

Student Tolerance Setup – SFA_VER_STU_INT_TS Click the Student Tolerance View or edit institutional
INST Setup link on the Auto tolerance levels.
Verification page.

758 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Edit Verification Status VERIF_RES_STAT_SEC Click the Edit Status button View or change verification
on the Auto Verification page. codes or statuses.

Verification Compare Results VERIF_TEST_DTL_SEC Click the Field Comparison View a summary of fields
Detail link on the Auto that were compared and for
Verification page. which the system indicated a

Using Auto Verification

Access the Auto Verification page (Financial Aid > Verification > Perform Auto Verification > Auto

Image: Auto Verification page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Auto Verification page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Verification is the process of comparing source data to a target set of data. Use this page to set up
verification parameters.

Verification Type Select from:

Federal: Applies federal setup rules to this verification.

Institutional: Applies institutional setup rules to this


Source This is a translate field and should not be adjusted. Values are:

Inst App: Data from the Institutional Application tables.

ISIR: Data from the ISIR Data Corrections tables.

Tax/Verif: Selected data from the Application Data Verification

pages created from the Consolidate routine.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 759

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Target This is a translate field. Translate values should not be adjusted.

Values include:

Inst App: Data from the Maintain Institutional Application


ISIR: Data from the ISIR Data Corrections tables.

Application Type Values are:

Inst App: Institutional application

Profile: PROFILE application

FT - CSL: Full-time Canadian student loan

PT - CSL: Part-time Canadian student loan

Mark Assumptions as Verified Use this option only when the Source value is Tax/Verif and the
Target value is ISIR. Select to tag fields originally identified as
Assumption fields with a field status of Verified. Assumed ISIR
data fields that result from the federal methodology calculation
are maintained on secondary pages of the ISIR Data Corrections

Set to Send ISIR Correction Select this check box to set the Correction Status to Send on
ISIR corrections when the Apply Changes button is selected.

Use Student Level Override Select this check box to apply verification tolerance levels for
this student. This selection overrides the tolerance levels set up
at the global level. Select when you want to activate changes
made in the Student Tolerance setup.

Verification Sequence Displays the verification sequence number, which tracks

multiple background processes. Row insertion is suggested
for sequencing online iterations. Use it to track the results and
accompanying verification setup performed for this student.

Perform Compare Click this button to compare your target and source data and to
activate the Field Comparison Detail link when variances are

Apply Changes Click this button to move marked fields to the target tables when
fields that you mark as Apply in Field Comparison Detail (see
View Field Comparison Detail) are acceptable.

Student Tolerance Setup Click this link to open a page to view or edit fields or the
tolerance amount at the student level.

The system displays the results of the most recent verification setup. The fields include Date, Tolerance,
Variance, Execution Type, FED Verification Status, INST Processing Status, and Pass or Fail.

760 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Click the Edit Status link to access the Edit Verification Status page, where you can change the program-
generated verification statuses for federal and institutional verification and processing.

Editing Student Level Tolerances

Access the Student Tolerance Setup page (click the Student Tolerance Setup link on the Auto Verification

Image: Student Tolerance Setup – FED page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Tolerance Setup – FED page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 761

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Image: Student Tolerance Setup – INST page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Tolerance Setup – INST page.

Use these pages to override Verification setup for individual students.

Editing Verification Status

Access the Edit Verification Status page (click the Edit Status button on the Auto Verification page).

Image: Edit Verification Status page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Edit Verification Status page.

You can update the verification and processing status fields that reside on the Packaging Status Summary
page. The compare process automatically updates the status to Pending if the comparison results exceed

762 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

the tolerance. If the ISIR transaction number is 1 and the verification process passes, then the verification
status changes to Accurate.

Note: The Field Comparison Detail link is active only after the Perform Compare is run.

Use the Field Comparison Detail link to view the field differences on the Verification Compare Results
page. Only fields that have differences appear. To use the source data to update your target tables, select
the Apply check box for the fields. If you do not select the Apply check box, the field value remains the
same as that in your target.

Comparing Verification Results

Access the Verification Compare Results page (click the Field Comparison Detail link on the Auto
Verification page).

Image: Verification Compare Results page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Verification Compare Results page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page lists fields with differences. You can select to update all or only select fields for moving to ISIR
or Institution tables.

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Apply Select this check box to use the source data to update your target
tables. If you do not select the Apply check box, the field value
remains the same as that in your target.

Source This data comes from the source table, tax/verification, ISIR, or
institutional application.

Target This data comes from the target table, ISIR, or institutional

Difference Displays the difference between the source and target


Using Batch Verification

This section discusses how to:

• Process batch consolidation.

• View batch consolidated tax data.

• Process batch verification.

• Use batch verification results.

• Use batch verification summary.

• Use batch verification detail.

Pages Used for Batch Verification

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Batch Consolidation RUNCTL_FA_CONSL Financial Aid > Set consolidation parameters

Verification > Perform for batch consolidation and
Batch Consolidation > Batch run the process.

Batch Consolidation Detail VERIF_CONSUL_SMRY Financial Aid > View batch consolidation
Verification > View Batch results at the student level
Consolidation > Batch from the Application
Consolidation Detail Data Verification - Tax
Consolidation Consolidated
Tax Data page.

Consolidated Tax Data – Fed SFA_VER_CSL_FED2 Click the Consolidated View federal consolidated tax
Tax Data link on the Batch information for a student or
Consolidation Detail inquiry parent.

764 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Consolidated Tax Data – Inst SFA_VER_CSL_INST2 Click the Consolidated View institutional
Tax Data link on the Batch consolidated tax information
Consolidation Detail inquiry for a student or parent.

Batch Verification RUNCTL_FAPCMPR1_01 Financial Aid > Set parameters to verify

Verification > Perform batches and to run the process.
Batch Verification > Batch

Batch Verification Results RUNCTL_VERIF_SEC Click the Results link on the View summary verification
Batch Verification Results information.

Batch Verification Summary VERIF_COMP_SMRY Financial Aid > View summary verification
Verification > View information.
Verification Summary >
Batch Verification Summary

Batch Verification Detail STDNT_VERIF_DTL1 Financial Aid > View detail verification
Verification > View information from the Field
Verification Detail > Batch Comparison Detail button on
Verification Detail the Auto Verification page.

Processing Batch Consolidation

Access the Batch Consolidation page (Financial Aid > Verification > Perform Batch Consolidation >
Batch Consolidation).

Selection Criteria Select Unconsolidated or All Stdnts in Verification.

Tax Consolidation Type Select the Tax Consolidation Type you want to use. This field
is active only if you do not select "Get Fed Data" or "Get Inst
Data" for Household Verification. If you choose the Institutional
Tax Consolidation Type, then the Institutional Marital Status
Mapping is used. This field is display only if you use the "Get
Fed Data" or "Get Inst Data"

See Mapping Institutional Marital Statuses.

Viewing Batch Consolidated Tax Data

Access the Batch Consolidation Detail page (Financial Aid > Verification > View Batch Consolidation >
Batch Consolidation Detail).

View Batch Consolidated Tax Data by clicking the Consolidated Tax Data link.

View Batch Non Custodial Parent Batch Consolidated Tax Data by clicking the NC Consolidated Tax
Data link.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 765

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

The Batch Consolidated Tax Data pages are the same as the Online Consolidated Tax Data pages except
that the Batch pages are view–only. Refer to the documentation about the Online pages for information
about the fields on the Batch pages.

See Viewing Federal Consolidated Tax Data.

See Viewing Institutional Consolidated Tax Data.

Processing Batch Verification

Access the Batch Verification page (Financial Aid > Verification > Perform Batch Verification > Batch

Image: Batch Verification page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Batch Verification page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the Batch Verification page to run verification for all students selected, according to the criteria that
you establish.

Verification Type Select from these values:

Federal: Select to apply federal setup rules to this verification.

Institutional: Select to apply institutional setup rules to this


Source Verification is the process of comparing source data to a target

set of data. This is a translate field, and translate values should
not be adjusted. Select from these values:

Inst App: Data from the Maintain Institutional Application


ISIR: Data from the ISIR Data Corrections tables

766 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Tax/Verif: Selected data from the Application Data Verification

pages created from the Consolidate routine

Target This is a translate field, and translate values should not be

adjusted. Select from these values:

Inst App: Data from the Maintain Institutional Application


ISIR: Data from the ISIR Data Corrections tables

Application Type Values are valid with a source or target of Inst App only and
include the following:

Inst App: Institutional application

PROFILE: PROFILE application

FT – CSL: Full-time Canadian student loan

PT – CSL: Part-time Canadian student loan

Student Selection Select from the following values:

Both: Processes records with a verification status of either

pending or required.

Pending: Processes records with a verification status of pending


Required: Processes records with a verification status of

required only.

Auto Update Target Table Automatically updates the target table with verified data
identified with a variance.

Mark Assumptions as Verified Use this check box only when the Source value is Tax/Verif and
the Target value is ISIR. Select to tag fields originally identified
as Assumption fields with a field status of Verified. Assumed
ISIR data fields that result from the federal methodology
calculation are maintained on secondary pages of the ISIR Data
Corrections pages.

Set to Send ISIR Correction Select to set the Correction Status to Send on ISIR Corrections
when the Auto Update Target Table is used.

Set Verification Complete Select to automatically set the Verification Status to Complete.
This field is enabled only when the Auto Update Target table is

Using Batch Verification Summary

Access the Batch Verification Summary page (Financial Aid > Verification > View Verification
Summary > Batch Verification Summary).

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

The system displays Institution, Aid Year, Process Instance, Verification Type, Date/Time, Source, User
ID, Target, Students Selected, Students Skipped, Students Processed, Students Passed,Students Failed,
and Verification options selected for the run: Mark Assumptions as Verified, Auto Update Target Table,
Set Verification Complete, and Set to Send ISIR Correction.

Using Batch Verification Detail

Access the Batch Verification Detail page (Financial Aid > Verification > View Verification Detail >
Batch Verification Detail).

The system displays Pass or Fail, Tolerance, Verification Sequence, Verification Status, Variance,
Verification Date, Review Status, Verification Type, User ID, Verification options selected for the run:
Changes Applied to Target, Mark Assumptions as Verified, and Set to Send ISIR Correction.

Field Comparison Detail

The system displays the most recent verification results for the listed fields. Only fields that have
differences appear.

The Done check box is activated when the process is run with the Auto Update Target Table option
activated. Source data comes from the source table, tax/verification, ISIR, or institutional application.
Target data comes from the target table, ISIR, or institutional application. There can be a difference
between the source and target information.

Managing Ability to Benefit

This section provides an overview of Ability to Benefit and discusses how to:

• Update Student Eligibility Code descriptions.

• Create and manage Ability to Benefit data at the student level.

• Create Ability to Benefit data for students in batch

Understanding Ability to Benefit

An Ability-to-Benefit test is required of students seeking United States federal financial aid who did not
graduate from high school in the United States. To this end, these students must demonstrate they possess
sufficient "ability to benefit" (ATB) from post-secondary education via their performance in an approved

For these students, data regarding their ATB status must be reported as part of the Common Origination
and Disbursement process. Oracle provides a way to create and maintain ATB data for these students.

768 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Pages for Managing Ability to Benefit

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Eligibility Codes SFA_ATB_CODE_XREF Set Up SACR >Product Use this page to edit
Related >Financial descriptions of Student
Aid >Student Eligibility Eligibility Codes in the setup
Codes table.

Manage Ability to Benefit SFA_ATB_STDNT Financial Aid > Ability to Use this page to create and
Benefit > Manage Ability to maintain Ability to Benefit
Benefit data for a student.

Create Ability to Benefit SFA_RUN_ATB Financial Aid > Ability to Use this page to create and
Benefit > Create Ability to maintain Ability to Benefit
Benefit data in batch.

Updating SEC Descriptions

Access the Student Eligibility Codes page (Set Up SACR >Product Related >Financial Aid >Student
Eligibility Codes).

Keyed by Institution, use this page to update descriptions in the CS-delivered Student Eligibility Codes
setup table. Descriptions are limited to 55 alphanumeric characters.

These descriptions apply to COD Pell and COD Direct Loan origination awards and can be obtained
through the 2015-2016 COD Technical Reference, Volume II, Section 1, Implementation Guide - Student
Eligibility Fields (formerly Ability to Benefit).

The following table lists recommended Student Eligibility Code descriptions.

Student Eligibility Code Description

01: Complete before 7/1/2012 Test Completed - First enrolled before 7/1/2012

02: College before 7/1/2012 College Credits - First enrolled before 7/1/2012

03: State Process Effective 10/9/2015: Invalid for all award years

04: Home Schooled Home Schooled

05: Other Effective 10/9/2015: Invalid for all award years

06: High School Diploma High School Diploma

07: General Ed Development GED or State Authorized HS Equivalent Certificate

08: State-Authorized exam/cert Effective 10/9/2015: Invalid for all award years

09: Acad Trans min 2 YR Prog 2-Year program Transcript Accepted for Credits to BA

10: Excelled in High School Program leads to Assoc degree, excel in HS and met reqt

11: Complete 7/1/12 - 06/30/15 Test Completed - First enrolled 7/1/2012 - 6/30/2015

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 769

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Student Eligibility Code Description

12: Complete after 6/30/15 Test Completed - First enrolled 7/1/2015 or After

13: College 7/1/12 - 6/30/15 College Credits - First enrolled 7/1/2012 - 6/30/2015

14: College after 06/30/2015 College Credits - First enrolled 7/1/2015 or After

Creating and Managing Ability to Benefit

Access the Manage Ability to Benefit page (Financial Aid >Ability to Benefit >Manage Ability to

Use this page to create ATB data for applicable students. This data is reported on all COD Pell origination
awards to COD. Data is also reported for all COD Direct Loan origination award. Any ATB changes,
based on a new sequence number, are also reported to COD with a change record.

Sequence Displays the sequence number of the record. This number

increases by one every time a new row is inserted. A new row
should only be inserted if a change to the Ability to Benefit
Code is necessary.

Aid Year Select the Aid Year. For COD reporting purposes:

• If Aid Year is blank for the highest sequence number row,

then the Student Eligibility Code for that row is used for all
Aid Years.

• If Aid Year is not blank for the highest sequence number

row and:

• the Aid Year for that row is less than or equal to the
Aid Year for the process Run Control, then the Student
Eligibility Code for that row is used for the process.

• the Aid Year for that row is greater than the Aid Year
for the process Run Control , then the process searches
for the next highest sequence row, and repeats the above
logic until a sequence row is selected to be used in

Note: Specifying an Aid Year allows you to designate different

Student Eligibility Codes by Aid Year. For example, you may
wish to take advantage of a new (expanded) code in a new Aid
Year when it was not available in an earlier Aid Year.

Stdnt Eligibility Code (student Select the value that indicates how the student achieved the
eligibility code) ATB. Select from the ATB codes established in the Student
Eligibility Codes crosswalk table setup. When a code is
selected, its description appears.

770 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Note: TheAbility to Benefit Code drives the remaining field

edits to ensure the correct 'set' of data is populated for COD
reporting requirements. All other changes should be made
directly to field element.

Test Administrator Code Select the administrator code of the ATB testing.

Test Code Select which ATB test was taken by the student.

State Code Select the state in which the student completed the State Process
to achieve ATB.

Completion Date Enter the date that the student completed the ATB test or State

Comment Enter optional explanatory comments. This information is not

shared with COD.

Creating Ability to Benefit Data in Batch

Access the Create Ability to Benefit page (Financial Aid > Ability to Benefit > Create Ability to

Population Selection

Use this page to create Ability to Benefit data for students in batch using standard Population Selection

Selection Tool Select from Equation Engine, PS Query, or External File.

Additional parameters are displayed for your selected tool.
System data is available in Population Selection Context
Definition SFA_ATB.

Query Name This field is only available the PS Query Selection Tool is
selected. Select a population selection query that joins with the
bind record SFA_ATB_BIND.

Default Values

If any of the following fields come in from Population Selection with blanks then use the value from the
run control to populate the Ability to Benefit record.

Institution Enter the academic institution that the student is attending

during the aid year.

Aid Year Select the Aid Year. For COD reporting purposes:

• If Aid Year is blank for the highest sequence number row,

then the Student Eligibility Code for that row is used for all
Aid Years.

• If Aid Year is not blank for the highest sequence number

row and:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 771

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

• the Aid Year for that row is less than or equal to the
Aid Year for the process Run Control, then the Student
Eligibility Code for that row is used for the process.

• the Aid Year for that row is greater than the Aid Year
for the process Run Control , then the process searches
for the next highest sequence row, and repeats the above
logic until a sequence row is selected to be used in

Note: Specifying an Aid Year allows you to designate different

Student Eligibility Codes by Aid Year. For example, you may
wish to take advantage of a new (expanded) code in a new Aid
Year when it was not available in an earlier Aid Year. If the Aid
Year value is specified on this Run Control, it populates the
ATB record for all Population Selection cohorts whose Aid Year
value is blank.

Stdnt Eligibility Code (student Select from the ATB codes established in the Student Eligibility
eligibility code) Codes crosswalk table setup. When a code is selected, its
description appears.

Entering a default value is optional, however if blank, then the

data retrieved from Population Selection must indicate an ATB
Code value.

Test Administrator Code Optional. Enter the ATB Test Administrator Code.

Test Code Optional. Enter ATB Test Code

State Code Optional. Enter the State Code if ATB Code is equal to '03:State

Completion Date Enter the Completion Date of the ATB test.

Note: Ability to Benefit—related field values are based on the most current COD Technical Reference

Using NSLDS Data and Processes

This section provides an overview of NSLDS data and processes and discusses how to:

• Generate Financial Aid History or Transfer Student Monitoring Inform file requests.

• Load Financial Aid History and Transfer Student Monitoring files.

• Set up NSLDS Data Load Parameters.

• Process NSLDS Files.

772 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

• Use NSLDS Suspense Management.

• Generate NSLDS FAT Load Error Reports.

• Use NSLDS Change Review.

• Process NSLDS Alert File information.

• Review NSLDS general aggregate information.

• View details of NSLDS aggregate data

• View NSLDS Pell information.

• View NSLDS Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) details.

• View NSLDS National SMART grant (NSG) details.

• View NSLDS TEACH grant details.

• View NSLDS IASG grant details.

• View NSLDS additional information.

• Use the NSLDS Data Push Process

Understanding NSLDS Data and Processes

The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is a central database operated by the Department
of Education to track student aid information. The NSLDS database is updated with information from
schools, agencies that guaranty loans, the Direct Loan program, the Pell Grant program and other
Department of Education programs. Schools use the NSLDS data to determine aid eligibility based on
past and current awards.

Schools can receive NSLDS data in the following ways:

• School submits a Financial Aid History (FAH) Inform request.

If requested, NSLDS sends a file that contains the student's full NSLDS Financial Aid History.

• School submits a Transfer Student Monitoring (TSM) Inform request.

If requested, NSLDS monitors students for changes affecting student eligibility not covered by the
ISIR post-screening process. If eligibility changes are detected, NSLDS sends an Alert file which
contains the student's full NSLDS Financial Aid History with the appropriate alert change flags.

• Limited NSLDS data is also part of the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR).

Oracle provides a process to generate the FAH/TSM Inform (request) file to send to the NSLDS.
Additionally, once a FAH/Alert file is received, options are available to load and manage the NSLDS data
through use of suspense management, processes and reports. You can view loaded NSLDS data by using
the NSLDS Inquiry components.

To use NSLDS data in the Awarding and Packaging processes, NSLDS must be loaded, pushed to
aggregate aid tables, and the Packaging process must be directed to use NSLDS as an aggregate source to
assess how much aid had been used towards lifetime limits.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 773

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Pages Used to Review and Process NSLDS Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

NSLDS Request SFA_RUN_NSLDS_OUT Financial Aid > File Generate an NSLDS Inform
Management > NSLDS > file containing requests for
Process NSLDS Request > either Financial Aid History,
NSLDS Request Transfer Student Monitoring
or both.

FA Inbound RUNCTL_FAT_INBOUND Financial Aid > File Load the NSLDS Financial
Management > Import Aid History and Alert files
Federal Data Files > FA into the NSLDS staging
Inbound tables.

NSLDS Data Load SFA_NSLDS_LD_CNTRL Set Up SACR > Product Configure the load parameters
Parameters Related > Financial Aid > for processing NSLDS data
File Management > NSLDS from the staging tables to the
Data Load Parameters > application tables.
NSLDS Load Options tab

NSLDS Search/Match SFA_NSLDS_SRCHMCH Set Up SACR > Product Define the Search/Match
Related > Financial Aid > parameters for processing
File Management > NSLDS NSLDS data from the staging
Data Load Parameters > tables to the application
NSLDS Search/Match tab tables.

Process NSLDS Files RUNCTL_FAPTALRT Financial Aid > File Load NSLDS data from
Management > NSLDS > the staging tables to the
Process NSLDS Files > application tables.
Process NSLDS Files

NSLDS Suspense NSLDS_SUSP_CNTRL Financial Aid > File View NSLDS records that
Management Management > NSLDS > have been loaded into the
Manage NSLDS Records > staging tables by the FA
NSLDS Suspense Inbound process. Once the
Management Process NSLDS Files process
runs, review NSLDS records
that were not loaded into the
application tables.

NSLDS FAT Load Error RUNCTL_FA921 Financial Aid > File Create a report listing all
Report Management > NSLDS > NSLDS records that failed to
NSLDS FAT Load Error load to the application tables.
Report These records have a Load
Status of Suspended or Error.

NSLDS Change Review NSLDS_CHANGE_RVW Financial Aid > File Review all NSLDS Alert
Management > NSLDS > file records that have been
Review NSLDS Flagged loaded into the application
Students > NSLDS Change tables. After student NSLDS
Review information has been
reviewed, use this page
to indicate that you have
reviewed and resolved
any student aid eligibility

774 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

NSLDS Information NSLDS_GEN_AGGR Financial Aid > Awards > View error codes, change
View NSLDS Loan Data > flags, MPN flags, and alert
NSLDS Information file flags.

NSLDS Overpayment NSLDS_CONTCT_SEC Click the Overpayment View loan overpayment and
Information Information link on the contact information for Pell,
NSLDS Information page. Perkins, and SEOG.

NSLDS Detail NSLDS_ERR_CD_SEC Click the Detail link on the View NSLDS error codes,
NSLDS Information page. change flags, master
promissory note flags,
and alert file flags for the
effective-dated row.

NSLDS Loan Detail NSLDS_LOAN_DTL Financial Aid > Awards > Review detailed information
View NSLDS Loan Data > for every federal loan that the
NSLDS Loan Detail student has received.

NSLDS Pell NSLDS_PELL Financial Aid > Awards > Review a summary of a
View NSLDS Loan Data > student's last three Pell
NSLDS Pell awards.

NSLDS ACG NSLDS_ACG Financial Aid > Awards > View details for Academic
View NSLDS Loan Data > Competitiveness Grants.

NSLDS NSG NSLDS_NSG Financial Aid > Awards > View details for National
View NSLDS Loan Data > SMART Grants.

NSLDS TEACH NSLDS_TEACH Financial Aid > Awards > View details for TEACH
View NSLDS Loan Data > Grants.

NSLDS IASG NSLDS_IASG Financial Aid > Awards > View details for IASG Grants.
View NSLDS Loan Data >

NSLDS Additional NSLDS_ADDL_INFO Financial Aid > Awards > Review overpayment
Information View NSLDS Loan information or name history.
Data > NSLDS Additional

NSLDS Activity NSLDS_ERR_CD_SEC Financial Aid > Awards > View NSLDS activity and
View NSLDS Loan Data. change flags.
Click the Detail link on any
page in the component.

NSLDS Data Push SFA_RUN_NSLDS_UPDT Financial Aid > File Run the Update Aggregates
Management > NSLDS > with NSLDS as an
Update Aggregates with independent process to
NSLDS > NSLDS Data Push push NSLDS totals into the
aggregate aid tables to be used
by the Packaging process.

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Generating Financial Aid History or Transfer Student Monitoring Inform File

Access the NSLDS Request page (Financial Aid > File Management > NSLDS > Process NSLDS
Request > NSLDS Request).

Image: NSLDS Request page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS Request page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the NSLDS Request page to generate an NSLDS Inform file to request Financial Aid History (FAH),
add or remove students to the Transfer Student Monitoring (TSM) list or both.

Note: Before submitting your first Batch Inform file for the TSM process, you must establish a School
Transfer Profile on the NSLDS FAP website. If the School Transfer Profile is not set up, the entire Batch
Inform file is rejected.

School Code Enter a valid six digit ED School Code

776 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Branch Code Enter a valid two digit ED Branch Code, if applicable. If left
blank, value defaults to "00".

Note: The School and Branch Codes used here indicate the 'informing' school when generating the
NSLDS Inform file. NSLDS sends the FAH/Alert files back to the 'informing' school and includes these
codes within the files.

Population Selection
Population Selection Select this check box to access population selection options. If
not selected, the process attempts to process Student Overrides.
If Student Override is not selected either, the run parameters can
be saved and the process run, but no file is created.

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft

Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Query Name Select a PS Query that uses the SFA_NSLDS_QRYVW bind


Equation Name Select an equation that is defined with the application prompt
NSLDS Request Process.

Financial Aid History only Select to request a FAH file.

Transfer Monitoring only Select to request to add or remove students from the TSM list.

Both FAH and TM Select to request a FAH file and to add or remove students from
the TSM list.

Note: The Enrollment Date, Monitor Begin Date and Delete from TM options are only used for Transfer
Monitoring requests and are therefore only displayed if a Request Type of Transfer Monitoring Only or
Both FAH and TM is selected.

Enrollment Date Enter the begin date for the period of enrollment. This date can
be a future date, but not more than 18 months greater than the
current date. Also, it cannot be more than 90 days less than the
current date.

Monitor Begin Date Enter the date when monitoring should begin. This date can be
a future date, but not greater than the enrollment date. If the
enrollment date has already passed, the submittal date (current
date) is the default.

Delete from TM Select to remove the selected population from the TSM list.
This option should only be selected for students who were
previously added to the TSM list but are not going to attend
your institution.

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Student Override
Student Override Select this check box to access student override options.

You can use the Student Override function to enter student IDs
individually for inclusion in the Inform file. Select the Request
Type, Enrollment Date, Monitor Begin Date and Delete from
TM options for each row. These options work the same as
described in the Population Selection section.

Note: You can use the Student Override option in conjunction

with the Population Selection option. If you use both features,
the student override function processes first. If duplicate
IDs exist in the student override function and the population
selection function, only one row is inserted using the student
override information.

Related Links
Defining Item Type Disbursement Rules

Loading Financial Aid History and Transfer Student Monitoring Files

Access the FA Inbound page (Financial Aid > File Management > Import Federal Data Files > FA

Use the FA Inbound page to load Financial Aid History and Alert files into the NSLDS staging tables.

Run Option Select Single File to enter a single file location or File List to
indicate a list of files in the Inbound File field.

Inbound File Enter the name and location of the NSLDS file that you want
to load into the staging tables. Be sure that the server has read
access rights to the location of the file.

ISIR TG Number Assign the ISIR TG number for the ISIRs that are loaded. When
processing a file list, the system assigns the same TG number to
all ISIRs in the list. This value is not used when loading NSLDS

Setting Up NSLDS Data Load Parameters

Access the NSLDS Data Load Parameters page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File
Management > NSLDS Data Load Parameters > NSLDS Load Options tab).

778 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Image: NSLDS Load Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS Load Options page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the NSLDS Data Load Parameters page to setup options for processing NSLDS data from the staging
tables to the application tables, either in batch or online. Data load parameters must be setup for each
separate School/Branch Code combination you plan to process.

Insert FA User Edit Message Select this check box to insert FA User Edit messages. Checking
this box opens the Aid Year, Institution, Edit Message Type,
Edit Message Code, and Term fields for input.

Note: This option only allows insertion of FA User Edit

Messages for Alert records. FA User Edit messages are not
inserted when FAH records are processed. If you wish to insert
FA User Edit Messages for FAH records, please use the stand-
alone FA User Edit Message assignment process.

Aid Year Select the valid aid year for the current Transfer Monitoring

Institution Select the institution for which you want to enter a user edit

Edit Message Type Select Error, Informtnal (informational), or Warning.

Edit Message Code Select the edit message code to be entered for the student. The
available codes are restricted based on the Edit Message Type

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Term Select the term for which the user edit message is to become

Note: You must setup FA User Edit Messages to support this process.

See Defining User Edit Messages.

Access the NSLDS Search/Match page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File
Management > NSLDS Data Load Parameters > NSLDS Search/Match tab).

Image: NSLDS Search/Match page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS Search/Match page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to define the Search/Match parameters when processing NSLDS data from the staging
tables to the application tables. Select which action to take when No Match, a Single Match or Multiple
Matches are found.

Search Parameter Select the search parameter to be used for NSLDS Search/Match

Note: You are advised to setup a Search Parameter specifically

for NSLDS. Unlike ISIR and Profile, NSLDS only has a handful
of fields available to use for Search/Match: First Name, Last
Name, Date of Birth, and Social Security Number.

780 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

No Match Found Select the action, Suspend or Ignore, to take when no match is
found for a record during Search/Match.

Match(es) Found The Search Parameter value entered above determines which
levels are displayed. For each level, select the action to take
when One Match or Multiple Matches are found. Select Update
(only available when one match is found), Suspend or Ignore.

Understanding the Process NSLDS Files Logic

The Process NSLDS Files process selects all records from the NSLDS staging table with a Load Status of
Unprocessed or Suspended. The program attempts to match each selected NSLDS record with a student in
the database using the Search/Match settings configured on the NSLDS Data Load Parameters page.

If Search/Match finds a single match and the parameters are set to Update, the NSLDS data loads
to the application tables, the Load Status is set to Loaded and the data can be viewed in the NSLDS
Inquiry component. The loaded NSLDS information also updates the student's NSLDS Match field
on the Packaging Status Summary/Database Match page. If a student has previously been reported in
Default or Overpayment, the status is reset to Eligible if the new NSLDS information confirms the status.
Conversely, a current status of Eligible can also be reset to Default or Overpayment if the new NSLDS
data confirms the status.

If Search/Match finds no match, multiple matches or a single match and the parameters are NOT set to
Update, the Load Status is either set to Suspended or Skipped, depending on the Search/Match settings.
The NSLDS record can also be Suspended if the Transaction Process Date on the incoming data is older
than the current Effective Date on the NSLDS application tables. Use the NSLDS Suspense Management
page to review Suspended and Skipped records and attempt to get them loaded.

Processing NSLDS Files

Access the Process NSLDS Files page (Financial Aid > File Management > NSLDS > Process NSLDS
Files > Process NSLDS Files).

Use the Process NSLDS Files page to load the FAH/Alert data from the staging tables to the application
tables. When NSLDS files are loaded through the FA Inbound process, the 6-digit school code and 2-digit
branch code from the files are identified. The options on this page allow you to process all School/Branch
Codes found on the staging tables or elect to only process certain ones.

All School/Branch Codes Selecting this option processes the NSLDS data on the staging
tables for ALL School/Branch Code combinations.

School/Branch Code Override Selecting this option only processes the NSLDS data in the
staging tables for the School/Branch Code(s) entered in the
School/Branch Code Override grid.

School Code Enter a valid six digit ED School Code. Use the lookup button
to search for valid school codes on the NSLDS Staging tables.

Branch Code Enter a valid two digit ED Branch Code. Use the lookup button
to search for valid branch codes on the NSLDS Staging tables.

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Note: A warning message appears if the selected School/Branch Code combination does not have an
associated NSLDS Data Load Parameters setup.

Using NSLDS Suspense Management

Access the NSLDS Suspense Management page (Financial Aid > File Management > NSLDS > Manage
NSLDS Records > NSLDS Suspense Management).

Image: NSLDS Suspense Management page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS Suspense Management page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the EC Transaction ID (electronic commerce transaction ID) and EC Queue Instance.
The valid EC Transaction ID values are FAHEXTOP (Financial Aid History file) and TRALRTOP (Alert

Load Status The system displays one of these values:

Error: An error occurred while trying to process this record

from the staging tables. Records with this status are not picked
up by the batch process. Refer to the Error Code description

Loaded: The record successfully loaded from the NSLDS

staging tables into the application tables..

Skipped: This status is either set manually on the Suspense

Management page or by the batch process when Search/Match
parameters are set to 'Ignore'. Records with this status are
not picked up by the batch process. Refer to the Skip Reason
description below.

Suspended: The record did not load into the application tables
because it did not meet the NSLDS load parameters. Records

782 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

with this status are picked up by the batch process. Refer to the
Suspend Reason description below.

Unprocessed: The FA Inbound process loaded the record loaded

into the NSLDS staging tables, but the Process NSLDS Load
process has not yet been run for the record. Records with this
status are picked up by the batch process.

NSLDS Manual Load Parameters

ID For records with a Load Status of Loaded, this field shows
which ID the NSLDS data was loaded to.

For records with a Load Status of Skipped or Suspended, the ID

field may be blank or populated with one of the Search/Match

For records with a Load Status of Suspended or Unprocessed

records, you can use this field in conjunction with the ID Lock
check box to manually match an ID to incoming NSLDS data.

ID Lock Select to match the Suspended or Unprocessed NSLDS record

to the specified ID. This works in conjunction with the ID field.
In order to use the ID Lock option, the ID field MUST be
populated. Using this option essentially bypasses Search/Match
the next time this record is processed. Although Search/Match
is bypassed, the record must still meet the other NSLDS Data
Load Parameters in order to load to the application tables.

Recycle This is set by the NSLDS load process if a student's NSLDS

record cannot be loaded into the application tables because it
does not meet the NSLDS Data Load Parameters.

Skip/Done This is set by the system when the NSLDS record has been
loaded to the application tables or if the record has been
skipped/ignored (either manually or by the batch routine). To
manually set the Load Status to Skipped, select this radio button
and click the Process NSLDS button.

Process NSLDS Click this button to perform the selected action: Recycle or Skip/

School Code Displays the School Code value reported in the NSLDS file.

Branch Code Displays the Branch Code value reported in the NSLDS file.

Transaction Process Date Displays the date when NSLDS generated the incoming NSLDS

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 783

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Load Information
Process Instance Displays the most recent process instance of when this record
was processed through the batch load routine.

Process Date Displays the most recent process date of when this record was
processed through the load routine (either online or through the
batch routine).

Max Match Level Displays the Search/Match level at which the NSLDS record
was matched to an ID.

Note: Records with a Load Status of Error, Suspended or Skipped have an associated reason or code
displayed. No reason or code is displayed for records having a Load Status of Unprocessed or Loaded.

Suspend Reason Displays the reason the record was suspended and not loaded
into the application tables.

• Data Load Parameters not found: Data Load Parameters

were not found for the School/Branch code combination on
this NSLDS record.

• Effective Date Conflict: The record passed Search/Match

but the Transaction Process Date is older than the student's
current Effective Dated row in the NSLDS application

• Multiple Matches Found: Search/Match found multiple

matches and the action in NSLDS Data Load Parameters is
set to 'Suspend' for the designated Search/Match level. If
multiple matches were found, the ID field is blank.

• No Match Found: Search/Match found no matches and the

No Match Found action in NSLDS Data Load Parameters is
set to 'Suspend'.

• One Match Found: Search/Match found one match and the

action in NSLDS Data Load Parameters is set to 'Suspend'
for the designated Search/Match level. If one match was
found, the ID field is populated.

Skip Reason Displays the reason the record is skipped and not loaded into the
application tables.

• Manually set to Skip: The user manually set this record to

Skip/Done on the NSLDS Suspense Management page.

• No Match Found: Search/Match found no matches and the

No Match Found action in NSLDS Data Load Parameters is
set to 'Ignore'.

• Multiple Matches Found: Search/Match found multiple

matches and the action in NSLDS Data Load Parameters

784 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

is set to 'Ignore' for the designated Search/Match level. If

multiple matches were found, the ID field is blank.

• One Match Found: Search/Match found one match and the

action in NSLDS Data Load Parameters is set to 'Ignore' for
the designated Search/Match level. If one match was found,
the ID field is populated.

Error Code Displays the reason the record was set to Error and not loaded
into the application tables.

Invalid SSN Encountered: The SSN on this record is outside the

valid range (001010001 – 999999999).

Student Information
Social Security # Displays the student's current SSN maintained by the NSLDS
and reported in the FAH/Alert files.

Last Name Displays the student's current last name maintained by the
NSLDS and reported in the FAH/Alert files.

First Name Displays the student's current first name maintained by the
NSLDS and reported in the FAH/Alert files.

Date of Birth Displays the student's current birth date maintained by the
NSLDS and reported in the FAH/Alert files.

Inform Last Name Displays the last name reported by the institution in the NSLDS
Inform file or online. This information is returned to the school
in the FAH/Alert file.

Inform First Name Displays the first name reported by the institution in the NSLDS
Inform file or online. This information is returned to the school
in the FAH/Alert file.

Inform Date of Birth Displays the date of birth reported by the institution in the
NSLDS Inform file or online. This information is returned to the
school in the FAH/Alert file.

Change Flags
Change Flags These flags are only populated on Alert files and indicate where
changes have been detected on the student's NSLDS record
which may affect eligibility. Valid values are Y: Yes and N: No.
These fields are blank for FAH files.

Generating NSLDS FAT Load Error Reports

Access the NSLDS FAT Load Error Report page (Financial Aid > File Management > NSLDS >
NSLDS FAT Load Error Report).

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Use this page to generate the NSLDS FAT Load Error Report. This report shows records from the staging
tables that have a Load Status of Suspended or Error. Review the records on this report, and using the
Suspense Management page, either attempt to get the record Loaded or set the record to Skipped.

This page has no run control options. Click the Run button to generate the report. The Process Scheduler
runs the NSLDS FAT Load Errors query (FA921) and creates a report.

Note: Oracle also delivers the FA921A query that is a clone of the NSLDS FAT Load Error Report but
includes School Code and Branch Code information. You must run this query directly through the PS
Query component.

Using NSLDS Change Review

Access the NSLDS Change Review page ((Financial Aid > File Management > NSLDS > Review
NSLDS Flagged Students > NSLDS Change Review page).

Use the NSLDS Change Review page to review Alert records that have been loaded into the application

NSLDS Alert files contain change flags that indicate recent changes detected on the student's NSLDS
record that may affect eligibility. These changes must be reviewed before Federal funds can be disbursed
to the student. Once the Alert files have been received and loaded into the application tables, use this
page to identify all records needing review. The contents of this page match the records captured on the
NSLDS Alert File report. Once the records have been reviewed and any necessary award adjustments
made, mark them as Reviewed on this page to remove them from displaying on this page again.

Reviewed Select to indicate that you reviewed the changes to the student's
NSLDS information and completed any adjustments to the
student's current financial aid eligibility. Selecting this check
box removes the record from this page the next time the page
is accessed. Also, the record is removed from the NSLDS Alert
File Report.

Queue Inst (queue instance) Indicates when the record was loaded. The system generates a
unique sequential queue instance number for each NSLDS Alert
file loaded. A greater value indicates a more recently loaded file.

School Code Displays the School Code value reported in the NSLDS file.

Branch Code Displays the Branch Code value reported in the NSLDS file.

Change Flags These indicate where changes have been detected on the
student's NSLDS record which may affect eligibility. Valid
values are Y: Yes and N: No.

Awards Click this link to access the Award Summary and Award Term
Summary pages.

Loans Click this link to access the Origination Student Summary page.

NSLDS Click this link to access the NSLDS Information page.

786 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Processing NSLDS Alert File Information

The following steps describe how you can implement the NSLDS Transfer Student Monitoring process
using the applications provided. Each institution, however, should implement the process based on their
specific business requirements.

To run the Transfer Student Monitoring process:

1. Contact NSLDS to establish your transfer monitoring profile and elect to receive NSLDS Alert files in
extract format.

2. Use the NSLDS Request process to generate the NSLDS Inform file of the transfer students
that you want monitored for eligibility changes. You can also request monitoring online at

Note: Institutions may want to assign a checklist, service indicator, or financial aid user edit message
to ensure that disbursements are suspended until the monitoring process is completed.

3. Receive an Alert file.

a. Use the FA Inbound page to load the Alert file into the staging tables. Use the Review CPS/NSLDS
Transactions page to confirm the file (Transaction ID: TRALRTOP) was successfully loaded.

b. Use the Process NSLDS Files program to load the data from the staging tables into the application
tables. View the loaded data in the NSLDS Inquiry component. Use the NSLDS Suspense
Management page to review records that failed to load to the application tables.

Note: Financial Aid User Edit Messages can be assigned by the Process NSLDS Files program which
can be used to suspend the authorization and disbursement of funds for a specific term. See NSLDS
Data Load Parameters.

4. Review and resolve various load error messages.

The Process NSLDS Files program uses the settings on the NSLDS Data Load Parameters page to
load the incoming NSLDS data to a matching record within the database. Use the NSLDS FAT Load
Errors report and NSLDS Suspense Management page to manage records that failed to load to the
application tables.

5. Review Alert file records for possible changes in financial aid eligibility.

NSLDS Alert files contain change flags that indicate recent changes detected on the student's NSLDS
record that may affect eligibility. These changes must be reviewed before Federal funds can be disbursed
to the student. Once the Alert files have been received and loaded into the application tables, use the
NSLDS Alert File report and NSLDS Change Review page to identify all records needing review. Once
the records have been reviewed and any necessary award adjustments made, mark them as Reviewed . If a
checklist, service indicator, or financial aid user edit message was used to suspend disbursement of funds,
update the appropriate statuses at this time.

For more information, see the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Transfer Student
Monitoring/Financial Aid History Processes and Batch File Layouts.

Related Links
Defining Basic Global Rules for Authorization

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Reviewing NSLDS General Aggregate Information

Access the NSLDS Information page (Financial Aid > Awards > View NSLDS Loan Data > NSLDS

Image: NSLDS Information page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS Information page (1 of 2). You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

788 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Image: NSLDS Information page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS Information page (2 of 2). You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

If you choose to push aggregate totals to the aggregate aid tables for direct use by the Packaging and
Awarding process, the subsidized and unsubsidized aggregate totals under the UGRD & GRAD Amounts
section, Perkins principal balance, and Grad PLUS Outstanding Balance are pushed to the corresponding
aggregate areas for this student.

Overpayment Information Click this link to access NSLDS overpayment details The link
appears when federal overpayment information exists.

Aggregate Data
Eff Date (effective date) Displays the effective date of the loaded aggregate information.
Aggregate data is the loan history. There can be a date for an
ISIR and multiple sequences. You can view loans that are in
default, discharged loans, or active bankruptcies.

NSLDS Txn Nbr (NSLDS transaction Displays the transaction number of the NSLDS data from the
number) NSLDS. As the student's financial aid history is updated by the
NSLDS, the transaction number moves upward one increment.
If new NSLDS information is received by a school that has
a lower transaction number than the current data, the new
information does not load. The system assumes that the current
information is more recent.

NSLDS Transaction Source Displays the source of the loaded NSLDS information. Values
are: ISIR, Alert (NSLDS Transfer Alert file), and FA History.

Process Date Displays the process date for the transaction. If the data source
is the ISIR, this date is the CPS process date of the ISIR. If the

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 789

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

data source is the NSLDS FAT file, the date used is the NSLDS
file process date.

Discharged Indicates whether a student's defaulted loan has been

discharged. The values for the field are Y (yes) or N (no).

Default Displays whether the transaction is in default.

Active Bankruptcy (active Displays whether the loan is part of an active bankruptcy
bankruptcy) proceeding.

Satisfactory Repayment (satisfactory Indicates whether the loan has been repaid satisfactorily.

Fraud Identifies a student having a fraud loan status on one or more

loans or one or more fraud overpayment indicators.

TEACH Grant Loan Conv Indicates whether a TEACH Grant has been converted to a loan
on one or more grant records.

Unusual Enrollment Pattern Flg Displays whether the transaction has unusual enrollment
patterns. The values for the field are:

• 1 = For Federal Student Aid use only.

• 2 = Possible enrollment pattern problem, school may need to


• 3 = Questionable enrollment pattern, school must resolve.

• N = Enrollment pattern not unusual, no school action


• Blank = Record not sent for match.

This section displays combined amounts for undergraduate and graduate loans.

Principal Balance Displays FFELP/FDLP aggregate loan information

in Subsidized, UnSub (unsubsidized), Combined, and
Consolidated categories.

Unallocated (for Principal Balance) Displays the NSLDS unallocated consolidated outstanding
principal balance.

Unallocated (for Total) Displays the NSLDS unallocated consolidated total.

Pending Disbt (pending Displays undisbursed loan amounts for the Subsidized, UnSub
disbursement) (unsubsidized), Combined, and Consolidated categories.

Undergraduate Amounts
This section displays amounts for undergraduate loans.

790 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Award Year Displays the Award Year used in the student's undergraduate
loan limits determination.

Dependency Displays the Dependency status used in the student's

undergraduate loan limits determination.

Principal Balance Displays FFELP/FDLP aggregate loan information

in Subsidized, UnSub (unsubsidized), Combined, and
Consolidated categories.

Unallocated (for Principal Balance) Displays the NSLDS unallocated consolidated outstanding
principal balance.

Unallocated (for Total) Displays the NSLDS unallocated consolidated total.

Pending Disbt (pending Displays undisbursed loan amounts for the Subsidized, UnSub
disbursement) (unsubsidized), Combined, and Consolidated categories.

Graduate Amounts
This section displays amounts for graduate loans.

Award Year Displays the Award Year used in the student's graduate loan
limits determination.

Dependency Displays the Dependency status used in the student's graduate

loan limits determination.

Principal Balance Displays FFELP/FDLP aggregate loan information

in Subsidized, UnSub (unsubsidized), Combined, and
Consolidated categories.

Unallocated (for Principal Balance) Displays the NSLDS unallocated consolidated outstanding
principal balance.

Unallocated (for Total) Displays the NSLDS unallocated consolidated total.

Pending Disbt (pending Displays undisbursed loan amounts for the Subsidized, UnSub
disbursement) (unsubsidized), Combined, and Consolidated categories.

Perkins Principal Balance Displays Perkins loans outstanding principal balance.

PLUS Outstanding Balance Displays the aggregate loan outstanding principal balance
amount for all PLUS loans where the borrower is the PLUS

Grad PLUS Outstanding Balance Identifies a student having a fraud loan status on one or more
loans or one or more fraud overpayment indicators.

Consolidation Outstanding Balance Displays the outstanding principal balance for all FFELP
consolidation loans.

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

TEACH Loan Principal Balance Displays the outstanding principal balance for TEACH
unsubsidized loan type (D8).

Perkins Current Year Loan Amount Displays the total Perkins loan disbursements for the award
year (July-June).

PLUS Total Displays the aggregate loan total amount for all PLUS loans
where the borrower is the PLUS holder.

Grad PLUS Total Displays the total loan amount of graduate PLUS loans
borrowed by the student.

Consolidation Total Displays the total of all FFELP consolidation loans.

TEACH Loan Total Displays the total of Aggregate TEACH unsubsidized loan
outstanding principal balance.

Viewing NSLDS Overpayment Information

Access the NSLDS Overpayment Information page (click the Overpayment Information link on the
NSLDS Information page).

The system displays any overpayments for the following:

• Pell Overpy (Pell overpayment)

• Perk Overpy (Perkins overpayment)

• SEOG Ovrpy (SEOG overpayment)

• ACG Ovrpy (ACG overpayment)

• NSG Overpy (NSG overpayment)

• TEACH Overpay (TEACH overpayment)

• IASA Overpay (Iraq/Afghanistan Service Award overpayment)

The values for overpayment are:

• F: Fraud designated through an overpayment.

• Y: An active overpayment exists.

• S: The student has an overpayment, but has made satisfactory arrangements for repayment.

• N: Not applicable.

• D: Deferred.

• W: Waived.

The Pymnt Contct (payment contact) fields refer to the contact agency for the overpayment. The federal
ID appears if an overpayment is present.

792 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Viewing Details of NSLDS Aggregate Data

Access the NSLDS Detail page (click the Detail link on the NSLDS Information page).

The system displays NSLDS change flags, loan limit flags, MPN flags, and NSLDS Alert file flags:

• The NSLDS Activity group box displays data from the ISIR record that indicates if more than three
rows exist in NSLDS for the respective area.

• The Change Flags group box indicates changes that have occurred to the respective area on the
student's NSLDS record.

• The Limit Flags group box indicates the condition of various aggregates.

Possible values for the loan limits are E: Met or Exceeded Loan Limit, C: Close to Limit, N: No

Possible values for the Pell Limit are E: Met or Exceeded Limit, C: Close to Limit, H: High Pell
Percent, N: No Problem.

Possible values for NSLDS Sub Usage Limit Applies are Y and N.

• The MPN Flags group box indicates the promissory note status for various Direct Lending loans.

• The NSLDS Alert File Flags group box fields indicate when a change has been reported that might
affect the student's eligibility. These data elements come from the TSM and ISIR records.

Viewing NSLDS Loan Details

Access the NSLDS Loan Detail page (Financial Aid > Awards > View NSLDS Loan Data > NSLDS
Loan Detail).

Image: NSLDS Loan Detail page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS Loan Detail page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Image: NSLDS Loan Detail page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS Loan Detail page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the student's name and ID, SSN, NSLDS DOB, Last Updated, Last Effseq, Eff Date
(effective date), Seq (sequence), NSLDS Txn Nbr (NSLDS transaction number), , NSLDS Txn Src
(NSLDS transaction source), and Subsidized Loan Elig Used (Subsidized Loan Eligibility Used) field.

Loan Detail
In the Loan Detail group box, the system displays NSLDS Ln Seq (NSLDS loan sequence), Loan Year,
NSLDS Contact, NSLDS Type, Contact Type, NSLDS Status, Stat EFFDT (status effective date),
Guarantor, and NSLDS Ln TypCd (NSLDS loan type code). The system displays Prin Bal (principal
balance), Net Disb (net disbursed), Balance Dt (balance date), Loan Start and Loan End, Orig Schl
(original school), and Grade Level.

Award ID Displays the Award ID provided by COD. The Award ID

identifies the TEACH loan (D8 Loan Type Code) that was
converted from a grant.

Grade Level Displays NSLDS grade level for the student in this loan year.

Perkins Cancellation Type Indicates the cancellation status of the Perkins loan. Values are:

DT: Defense Teacher

PB: Perkins Bankruptcy

PD: Perkins Death

PE: Perkins Early Intervention

794 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

PI: Perkins Disability

PL: Perkins Law Enforcement

PM: Perkins Military Service

PN: Perkins Nurse/Medical Technician

PS: Perkins Subject Matter Area

PT: Perkins Teacher Service

PV: Perkins Volunteer

N/A: Not Applicable

Guarantee/Approved Amount Displays approved amount for the loan.

Guarantee/Approved Date Displays date of the loan approval.

Subsidized Aggregate Amount Displays FFELP consolidation loan subsidized aggregate

amount, the amount included in the subsidized aggregate
calculation. The system populates this value only if the loan
type is CL.

Unsubsidized Aggregate Amt Displays FFELP consolidation loan unsubsidized aggregate

(unsubsidized aggregate amount) amount, the amount included in the unsubsidized aggregate
calculation. The system populates this value only if the loan
type is CL.

Combo Aggregate Amount Displays FFELP consolidation loan combined aggregate

(combined aggregate amount) amount, the amount included in the combined aggregate
calculation, which can include HEAL. The system populates
this value only if the loan type is CL.

Unallocated Aggregate Amt Displays FFELP consolidation loan unallocated aggregate

(unallocated aggregate amount) amount, the amount that could not be determined to be
subsidized, unsubsidized, or Perkins. The system populates this
value only if the loan type is CL.

Confirmed Loan Subsidy Status Displays the current status of a SULA eligible loan’s subsidy as
reported by the servicer. Valid values are:

• L – Lost Subsidy

• R – Reinstated Subsidy

• N – Not applicable for non-D0 loans or no change to

subsidy status for D) loans

• blank

Subsidy Status Date Displays the effective date of the Confirmed Loan Subsidy

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 795

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Academic Year Begin Date and Displays the student's academic year begin and end dates for
Academic Year End Date the period covered by the loan. These fields are only updated by
imported NSLDS (FAH/TSM) data.

Reaffirmation Flag Indicates if the loan has an active reaffirmation.

Viewing NSLDS Pell Information

Access the NSLDS Pell page (Financial Aid > Awards > View NSLDS Loan Data > NSLDS Pell).

Image: NSLDS Pell page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS Pell page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

NSLDS Pell Information

Lifetime Eligibility Used Displays the Lifetime Eligibility Used for federal grant
recipients as defined by current regulations. This value is
displayed in the 99.99999 format. For example, a value of 01.
00000 is 0100.000%.

Note: The Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) field can be

populated by the ISIR record or the NSLDS FAH/TSM file.

NSLDS EFC(NSLDS Pell expected Displays the EFC used when the particular Pell Award was paid.
family contribution)

NSLDS Pell Verf (NSLDS Pell Displays the Verification status of the EFC.

Pell Change Flag Displays Y if there has been a change in the student's Pell

Pell Payment Period Limit Displays the payment period limit for Pell grants.

796 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Post 9/11 Dependent Displays Y if the student was a dependent of a post 9/11
deceased veteran.

Additional Elig Indicator (Additional Displays Y if the student is eligible for two Pell grants in an
Eligibility Indicator) award year.

First Time Pell Indicator Displays Y if the Pell award is the student's first actual Pell

Viewing NSLDS ACG Grant Details

Access the NSLDS ACG page (Financial Aid > Awards > View NSLDS Loan Data > NSLDS ACG)

Image: NSLDS ACG page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS ACG page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Sequence Displays the sequential key value assigned by the NSLDS load

Transaction Nbr (transaction number) Displays the transaction number on the SAR or ISIR for the
payment accepted by the school.

Last Update Displays the last reported update to the grant record maintained

School Code Displays an 8-digit ED OPE code used to identify the school
and branch attended by the student with the grant. The last two
digits are 00 if no branch code exists.

Academic Level Indicates the student's grade level for ACG and SMART grants.

Award Amount Displays the accepted origination amount.

Paid to Date Displays the amount of the Federal Grant the school has
disbursed to the student.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 797

Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

COD Sequence Code Displays the identifying sequence number from the Award ID
for ACG and SMART grants.

Eligibility Code Indicates the eligibility payment code for the ACG grant.

Posted to COD Displays the date that disbursement was posted to the COD
system. The format is CCYYMMDD.

ACG Change Indicates change to this Academic Competitiveness Grant

record in the current transaction, either Y or N.

High School Prog (high school Indicates the high school program code for the ACG grant.
program code)

Award ID Displays the award ID provided by COD, which consists of:

• SSN (9 characters)

• Award Type (ACG = A)

• Award Year (2 characters)

• Pell School ID (6 characters)

• Award Sequence Number (3 characters)

Percent Elig School Award (percent Indicates the Total Percent Eligibility Used by Academic Year
eligible school award) Level field from the NSLDS batch file layout.

Viewing NSLDS NSG Grant Details

Access the NSLDS NSG page (Financial Aid > Awards > View NSLDS Loan Data > NSLDS NSG).

Image: NSLDS NSG page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS NSG page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

798 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

The fields on the NSLDS NSG page are the same as the fields on the NSLDS ACG page with the
following exceptions:

Instructional Program Code Indicates a student's major course of study; the CIP-designated
(Classification of Instructional Programs designated) code for
SMART grants.

NSG Change Indicates change to this NSG record in the current transaction,
either Y or N.

Award ID Displays the Award ID provided by COD, which consists of:

• SSN (9 characters)

• Award Type (NSG = T)

• Award Year (2 characters)

• Pell School ID (6 characters)

• Award Sequence Number (3 characters)

Percent Elig School Award (percent Indicates the Total Percent Eligibility Used by Academic Year
eligible school award) Level field from the NSLDS batch file layout.

Viewing NSLDS TEACH Grant Details

Access the NSLDS TEACH page (Financial Aid > Awards > View NSLDS Loan Data > NSLDS

Image: NSLDS TEACH page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS TEACH page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Aggregate Data
The fields on the NSLDS TEACH page are the same as the fields on the NSLDS ACG page with the
following exceptions:

UGRD Disbursement Amt Displays the Aggregate Undergraduate/Post Baccalaureate

(undergraduate disbursement amount) TEACH grand disbursed amounts for the undergraduate
academic levels.

GRAD Disbursement Amt (graduate Displays the Aggregate Undergraduate/Post Baccalaureate

disbursement amount) TEACH grand disbursed amounts for the graduate academic

UGRD Percent Elig Used Displays the TEACH grant awarded percent used by
(undergraduate percent eligibility used) Undergraduate/Post Baccalaureate Academic Levels.

GRAD Percent Elig Used (graduate Displays the TEACH grant awarded percent used by Graduate
percent eligibility used) Academic Levels.

UGRD Remaining Amt Displays the remaining eligible amount used by Undergraduate/
(undergraduate remaining amount) Post Baccalaureate Academic Levels. Displays N/A if no
applicable grant exists.

GRAD Remaining Amt Displays the remaining eligible amount by Graduate Academic
(undergraduate remaining amount) Levels. Displays N/A if no applicable grant exists.

Teach Grant Information

Loan Conversion Displays Y if TEACH Grant was converted to a loan and N if it
has not been converted.

Loan Conversion Date Displays the date the TEACH grant was converted to a loan.
Displays N/A if grant was not converted.

Viewing NSLDS IASG Grant Details

Access the NSLDS IASG page (Financial Aid > Awards > View NSLDS Loan Data > NSLDS IASG).

800 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Image: NSLDS IASG page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS IASG page.

Viewing NSLDS Additional Information

Access the NSLDS Additional Information page (Financial Aid > Awards > View NSLDS Loan Data >
NSLDS Additional Information).

Image: NSLDS Additional Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS Additional Information page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the student's name, ID, SSN, NSLDS DOB, Last Updated, Eff Date (effective date),
Last Effseq, (last effective sequence), Seq, (sequence), NSLDS Txn Nbr, (NSLDS transaction number),
and NSLDS Txn Src (NSLDS transaction source).

NSLDS Overpayment Information

NSLDS Overpayment Seq (NSLDS Displays the sequential order (1, 2, 3) in which the ISIR loads.
overpayment sequence)

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Overpayment Type Displays the type of aid, such as Pell, Perkins, or SEOG, that
was overpaid.

Overpayment Indicator Overpayment indicator refers to the overpayment. Values are:

N: No

Y: Yes

S: Satisfactory Arrangement.

NSLDS Contact Displays the agency school, servicer, or lender to contact for this

NSLDS Name History

The system displays Nm Hist Seq (name history sequence), F Name Hist (first name history), MI Hist
(middle initial history), and L Name Hist (last name history).

Using the NSLDS Data Push Process

This section describes using the NSLDS Data Push Process

Understanding the NSLDS Data Push Process

To use NSLDS data in the Awarding and Packaging processes, you must ensure that the Packaging
Processes are setup to use NSLDS as an aggregate source, load NSLDS Data via ISIR Load, FAH request,
or TSM request, and push NSLDS data into aggregate aid tables used by the Packaging processes.

This section describes the NSLDS Data Push process.

When you run the NSLDS Data Push process, the following updates happen:

• Subsidized Aggregate Area: The NSLDS Aggregate Subsidized Outstanding Principal Balance
populates the NSLDS Total field .

• Unsubsidized Aggregate Area: The NSLDS Aggregate Unsubsidized Outstanding Principal Balance
populates the NSLDS Total field.

• Perkins Aggregate Area: The NSLDS Perkins Total Outstanding Principal Balance populates the
NSLDS Total field.

• Graduate PLUS Aggregate Area: The NSLDS Aggregate PLUS Graduate/Professional Loans
Outstanding Principal Balance populates the NSLDS Total field. Note, that balance is only provide
with the TSM/FAH file layouts.

• TEACH Aggregate Areas: Distinct calculated TEACH undergraduate and graduate totals, depending
upon grade level, aid year and school code, populate the respective Undergraduate and Graduate
NSLDS Total fields.

• Pell Aggregate Area: NSLDS Total and Percent Scheduled Used based on current aid year Pell
Disbursed Amounts are updated. Beginning with Aid Year 2013 an additional Lifetime Eligibility
Used percentage field will also be updated. See Awarding Pell Grants for more information.

802 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

• Areas Subject to Overpayment: When the NSLDS Data Push process encounters an overpayment
indicator for the Pell, SEOG, Perkins, and TEACH programs of either Y or F, it posts a value of
999,999,999.00 as the NSLDS Total for the corresponding aggregate area.

• Excluded NSLDS Transactions: For the Pell and TEACH grant programs, transactions that match
like award types that have already been internally packaged in the system are not included when
determining which NSLDS transactions to sum and post to the NSLDS Total for a given aid year.
Beginning with Aid Year 2013, the Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used percentage field also excludes
NSLDS transactions from the Lifetime percentage value.

Note: Because the NSLDS Data Push process evaluates the most recent NSLDS data regardless of source
(ISIR, FAH, or TSM), the NSLDS data that is pushed may not include the complete lifetime amounts
used. For example, if the most recent NSLDS data is from an ISIR, the ISIR only includes up to three
transaction sequences of data for each grant and loan type. The ISIR record does provide flags and
indicators if there are more than 3 transactions. Check the NSLDS Financial Aid Professionals web site
for additional information.

Note: For the 2013 Aid Year, the Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used value is pushed from the most current
NSLDS data; sourced from either FAH or TSM. Oracle recommends that if you plan to push aggregates
for the 2013 Aid Year, you should ensure a recent FAH or TSM has been requested and loaded into the
NSLDS tables.
Beginning with the 2014 Aid Year, the Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used value will be pushed from the most
current NSLDS data, regardless of source.

See Understanding Aggregate Aid.

Pushing NSLDS Data

Access the NSLDS Data Push page (Financial Aid > File Management > NSLDS > Update Aggregates
with NSLDS > NSLDS Data Push).

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Image: NSLDS Data Push page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NSLDS Data Push page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to push NSLDS totals into the Packaging aggregate aid tables.

Institution Enter the Institution Code for the institution for which you want
NSLDS data pushed.

Note: You can identify multiple institutions in this run control.

Report Parameters Refresh NSLDS Data: Always overwrites the existing NSLDS
Total present for the Aid Year defined above.

Update NSLDS Data: Updates NSLDS Total only if NSLDS

data is more current than present data for the aid year defined

Preserve Override: Update does not take place if the NSLDS

Total amount has been overridden at the student level.

Population Selection Select this check box to access population selection options. If
not selected, the process attempts to process Student Overrides.

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft

Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Query Name Select a PS Query that uses the SFA_NSLDS_BND bind record.

System Provided Queries:

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Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

• QA_CS_CC_NSLDS_UPD1: Query based on NSLDS

_GEN (NSLDS General Info record). Embedded field
prompts on LAST_UPDATED – Last Updated From Date/
LAST_UPDATED – Last Updated To Date.

• QA_CS_CC_NSLDS_UPD2: Query based on NSLDS

_GEN (NSLDS General Info record). Embedded field
prompts on LAST_UPDATED – Last Updated From Date/
LAST_UPDATED – Last Updated To Date and NSLDS_
UPDT_SOURCE-NSLDS Transaction Source.


on NSLDS_GEN (NSLDS General Info record).

Use this SQL to schedule the independent NSLDS

Aggregate Push on a daily basis. This query identifies
students whose Last Updated NSLDS record has changed
since one day ago.


MM-DD')) + (-1)) ) ORDER BY 1

Example: If the system date = 20111129, then query selects

either 20111128 or 20111129.

based on NSLDS_GEN (NSLDS General Info record).

Use this SQL schedule the independent NSLDS Aggregate

Push on a weekly basis. This query is used to identify
students whose Last Updated NSLDS record has changed
within the last 7 calendar days.


MM-DD')) + (-7)) ) ORDER BY 1

Example: If the system date = 20111129, then query selects

is 20111122, 20111123, 20111124, 20111125, 20111126,
20111127, 20111128, or 20111129.

Student Override Select this check box and populate the accompanying group box
with student ID's to be evaluated. IDs can be combined with IDs
identified with Population Selection.

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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

Viewing Application History

The oldest aid-year-specific pages are removed from the various menus and stored in the Financial Aid
History menu. You can access pages and components for three years of processing.

This section discusses how to review application history.

Pages Used to View Application History

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Historical Application FA_APP_HIST_TRNSFR Financial Aid > Financial Access Federal EFC
Information Aid History > View Archived Summary, Institutional
Application Data > Historical Application, Application Data
Application Information Verification, Institutional EFC
Summary, and ISIR History
components and pages.

Federal EFC Summary ISIR_FM_SUMRY Click the Federal EFC View archived EFC summary
Summary link on the data.
Historical Application
Information page.

Institutional Application INST_STUDENT_A, INST Click the Institutional View data on the following
_STUDENT_01, INST Application link on the pages in the Maintain
_STUDENT_02, INST_ Historical Application Institutional Application
STUDENT_03 Information page. component: Student Data,
Parent Data, Miscellaneous
Data, and Computation Data.

ISIR Inbound Load Summary ISIR _nn_IN_SRCH Click the ISIR Inbound link View ISIR Inbound Data
on the Historical Application history beginning with the
Information page. 2014–2015 Aid Year.

RTIV Worksheet STDNT_RTRN_TIV_WK1 Click the View RTIV View the RTIV worksheet for
Worksheet link on the the selected student and aid
Historical Application year.
Information page. Then
select the Return of Funds
Worksheet page.

Post Withdrawal Disb TIV_PWD_TRACKING Click the View RTIV PW View RTIV Post Withdrawal
Tracking Disbursement link on the Disbursement information
Historical Application such as status (pending or
Information page. complete) and disbursement

Return of TIV Summary RTRN_TIV_STU_TRACK Click the View RTIV View RTIV summary
Return Summary link on information for students who
the Historical Application have Complete or Pending
Information page. status. The calculation period,
amount due from school, and
amount due from student is

806 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 25 Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Institutional EFC Summary INST_INAS_SMRY_06 Click the Institutional View data for aid year.
EFC Summary link on
the Historical Application
Information page.

ISIR Corrections NN/NN ISIR_PIA_CS1_nn Click the ISIR Corrections View ISIR Correction history.
link on the Historical
Application Information page. Formerly labeled “ISIR

ISIR Suspense Management ISIR_SUSP_CNTRPIAnn Click the ISIR Suspense link View ISIR Suspense history
NN/NN on the Historical Application beginning with the 2014–2015
Information page. Aid Year.

Application Data Verification VERIFICATION_INC Click the Application View data on the following
Verification link on the pages in the Application
Historical Application Data Verification History
Information page. component: Income
Verification, Household
Information, Worksheet
A, Worksheet B, and
Consolidated Tax Forms.

View RTIV Fund Return TIV_RTRN_TRACKING Click the View RTIV Fund View student return of Title
Return link on the Historical
Application Information page. IV funds. View the status of

funds for all students where a

calculation exists.

Reviewing Application History

Access the Historical Application Information page (Financial Aid > Financial Aid History > View
Archived Application Data > Historical Application Information).

Click any link to view the detailed information for the selected student and aid year.

Source FT CSL: full-time Canada student loan

Inst App: institutional application

PT CSL: part-time Canada student loan


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Assessing Eligibility for Financial Aid Chapter 25

808 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Understanding SAP
This section includes an overview of SAP calculations and discusses:

• Eight tests for SAP.

• Student selection criteria for SAP evaluation.

• Batch, online, and simulation processes.

• Pass 1 and Pass 2 evaluations.

Overview of SAP Calculations

The SAP online or batch process determines a student's SAP status by comparing calculated values
with established setup or student-specific rules. The process calculates up to eight separate tests. The
institution chooses whether or not to use each of the following tests and sets the rules for each:

• Academic Standing

• Maximum Attempted Units

• Maximum Attempted Terms

• Minimum Current GPA

• Minimum Cumulative GPA

• Current Earned Units

• Cumulative Earned Units

• Two Year GPA

The process uses the user-defined rules to calculate a status code for each individual test and then
calculates an overall status code. The overall status code is determined by the highest severity code for
each test used. All calculated statistics and status codes are populated on the Student SAP page, which has
a Packaging Status Summary link to the updated Satisfactory Academic Progress field on the Packaging
Status Summary page.

The calculated code or override status code determines the Satisfactory Academic Progress value on the
Packaging Status Summary page. This value is used for other Financial Aid processes and is only updated
when the SAP process is run. Further change to the SAP status value can be made only on the Student
SAP page, which automatically updates the Satisfactory Academic Progress field on other pages.

SAP calculation can be performed two ways:

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Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

• Term processing, which is based on a single term.

• Aid Year processing, which is based on multiple terms within an aid year.

When updating the Satisfactory Academic Progress field on the Packaging Status Summary page:

• Term processing looks up the term being processed on FA Term and uses that FA Term aid year to
update the Packaging Status Summary page.

• Aid Year processing uses the aid year being processed to update the Packaging Status Summary page.

The calculation and evaluation of the rules of the eight tests uses a student's data from Student Career
Term and Student Enrollment, which are both term-based tables. Consequently, you must define which
terms are evaluated for the calculation based on each of the two processing types (term and aid year).
Here is how the two process types differ:

• For term processing, you define a specific term in which to determine SAP eligibility. This setup step
associates all the terms to be used for evaluating the eight tests when calculating for this specific term.
For example, SAP eligibility for spring 2008 term is based on data from the fall 2007 and summer
2007 terms.

• For aid year processing, you define a specific aid year in which to determine SAP eligibility. This
setup step associates all the terms to be used for evaluating the eight tests when calculating for this
specific aid year. For example, SAP eligibility for Aid Year 2008 is based on data from the fall 2006,
spring 2007, and summer 2007 terms.

The SAP process selects the group of students to be updated based on selection entered on the run
control page or established criteria for a single student when running online. The following table lists the
hierarchy used by the process to determine which exception rule or setup rule to apply for each of the
eight tests.

Rule Consequence

Aid Year or Term Exceptions If an override exists on the Aid Year Exceptions page or
Term Exceptions page (Financial Aid, Satisfactory Academic
Progress, Maintain Student SAP Data), the student-specific aid
year or term exception rule is evaluated. If the student fails, the
exception failure default is assigned and the exception and fail
flags are set to Yes. If the student does not fail, then the next
type of rule in this hierarchy is reviewed.

Career Exceptions If an override exists on the Career Exceptions page (Financial

Aid, Satisfactory Academic Progress, Maintain Student SAP
Data, Career Exceptions), the student-specific career exception
rule is evaluated. If the student fails, the exception failure
default is assigned and the exception and fail flags for that test
are set to Yes. If the student does not fail, then the next type of
rule in this hierarchy is reviewed.

Academic Plan, Academic Program, Academic Career The academic plan, academic program, and academic career
rule (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Satisfactory Academic Progress > Define Setup Criteria) is
applied if the student is active in a matching academic plan,
academic program, and academic career. If a match is found,
the corresponding status is assigned and the fail flag for the
test is set to Yes. Otherwise, the Career Pass Default Status
code is assigned.

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Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Rule Consequence

Academic Program, Academic Career The academic program and academic career rule (Set Up
SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Satisfactory
Academic Progress > Define Setup Criteria) is applied if
the student is active in a matching academic program and
academic career. If a match is found, the corresponding
status is assigned and the fail flag for the test is set to Yes.
Otherwise, the Career Pass Default Status code is assigned.

Academic Career The academic career rule (Set Up SACR > Product Related >
Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic Progress > Define
Setup Criteria) is applied if the student is active in a matching
academic career. If a match is found, the corresponding
status is assigned and the fail flag for the test is set to Yes.
Otherwise, the Career Pass Default Status code is assigned.

Eight Tests for SAP

The Satisfactory Academic Progress feature uses eight specific tests to measure whether a student is
making progress. Three tests (Academic Standing, Maximum Attempted Units, and Maximum Attempted
Terms) are quantitative evaluations and five tests (Minimum Current GPA, Minimum Cumulative GPA,
Current Earned Units, Cumulative Earned Units, and Two Year GPA) are qualitative evaluations. You set
up rules for each test on the Criteria1 (quantitative) and Criteria2 (qualitative) pages.

During the test evaluation, each student's actual value for the test is calculated. Then the process searches
through setup rules for a match to that value:

• If no rule matches are found, the student is considered to have passed the test and the Career Pass
Default Status code is assigned as the SAP status for that test.

• If a rule match is found, the student is considered to have failed the test and the corresponding SAP
status for that rule is assigned as the status and the fail flag is set to Yes.

The student should then be warned or disqualified. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you set
up the rules to cover the full range of fail requirements with no overlaps.

• An additional quantitative setup, Statuses and Actions rules, is used to compare a student's newly
determined SAP status with a previous status and then assign a different status. Statuses and Actions
rules can only be applied to Pass 1 eligible records.

This can be used for multilevel probation statuses.

The SAP Status field in each of the test rule setup grids indicates which SAP Status code to use if a
student meets the rules of the test. Ranges and statuses are set up to find students who are not making
progress. The rules that you set up should cover the entire range by career, by career and program, or by
career, program, and plan. If you set up a rule with program and plan blank, but ranges populated, the
process evaluates all students based on the career defined on the Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product
Related > Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic Progress > Define Setup Criteria > Setup). It is
important that the rules do not overlap each other as this can cause runtime errors. You can set up these
failing tests for any academic program and academic plan combination.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 811

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Academic Standing Test

Student Records calculates the academic standing value each term. The Academic Standing test
determines the SAP status code based on the Academic Standing value for either the evaluation term or
for the maximum term the student was enrolled within the aid year as defined in the Define Evaluation
Aid Year page. The SAP status is determined as follows:

• If the Academic Standing field is blank or an academic standing action row does not exist for the
maximum term, the Undetermined Default Status code is used.

• If no student-specific exception exists for this criteria and the student is set to the Career Pass Default
Status code, Student Records must enter an academic standing value for the student, which can then
be calculated normally.

• For students affected by an aid year exception or a term exception, the SAP status is set to Exception
Fail Default Status.

• If no override exists for academic standing, the process searches for a match by career, program, or
plan and the associated SAP status is used if a match is found.

When no rule match exists, the Career Pass Default Status code is used.

Maximum Attempted Units Test

This test first counts the units attempted at the institution and does not include any transfer units. The total
units attempted at the institution are summed from student enrollment, counting units that are within and
prior to the term or aid year being processed. The process uses either the units-taken value or, if that value
is zero, the Financial Aid progress units to gather this sum of units attempted at the institution.

The student must be enrolled in the maximum term past the fully graded date. Audited units are not
counted. Second, the transfer units are added to that sum from Student Career Term based on the transfer
unit options selected on the setup. If no transfer unit options are selected, then the Maximum Attempted
Units test only includes units attempted at the institution.

Additionally, if course exclusions are set up and the student is enrolled in any of the defined courses, then
those units are subtracted from the attempted unit calculation.

You can select any or none of the following options for including transferred units in attempted units:

• The Towards GPA option counts transfer units that have been matriculated for any term prior to or
including the term being processed as included in GPA units.

• The No GPA option counts transfer units that have been matriculated for the term prior to or including
the term being processed as no GPA units.

• The Course Credit option counts transfer units that have been matriculated for the term prior to or
including the term being processed as course credits.

• The Test Credit option counts test credit units that have been matriculated for the term prior to or
including the term being processed.

• The Other Credit option counts other credit units that have been matriculated for the term prior to or
including the term being processed.

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Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

• The TC Units Adjust option subtracts transfer credit adjustments from the attempted unit total that
have been entered for any term prior to or including the term being processed.

You can use the following Course Exclusion options to subtract Remedial and/or English as a Second
Language (ESL) courses from attempted units:

• Subtract all remedial course units set up in Course Exclusions that the student is enrolled in unless
the value of the total remedial units that the student is enrolled in exceeds the value in the Max
Remedial Units to Exclude field. For example, if the student is enrolled in 8 remedial units, and the
Max Remedial Units to Exclude value is 3, the SAP process count 5 of the 8 remedial units in the
attempted unit calculation.

• Subtract all ESL course units set up in Course Exclusions that the student is enrolled in unless the
value of the total ESL units that the student is enrolled in exceeds the value in the Max ESL Units to
Exclude field.

The setup should cover the entire range of units by career, by career and program, or by career, program,
and plan. If no rule match is found, the student is assigned the Career Pass Default Status code. The
ranges and statuses that are set here are to find students who are not making progress.

Maximum Attempted Terms Test

The Maximum Attempted Terms test is based on the number of attempted terms by academic career, as
indicated by student enrollment. A term is counted if units are taken, enrollment status is enrolled,and at
least one course in that term is not audited. A term is not counted if the student either completely drops or
audits all courses in that term.

If a student has a career-specific exception, that is evaluated first. The setup should cover the entire range
of units by career, by career and program, or by career, program and plan. If a rule match is not found, the
student is assigned the Career Pass Default Status code.

The setup should cover the entire range of units by career, by career and program, or by career, program,
and plan. If no rule match is found, the student is assigned the Career Pass Default Status code. The
ranges and statuses that are set here are to find students who are not making progress.

Minimum Current GPA Test

The Minimum Current GPA test tests whether a student's current GPA falls within a certain range in
relation to a range of cumulative earned units. In an example test rule, a student who has between 31 and
60 cumulative earned units and current GPA between 0.00 and 2.99 is assigned a disqualified status.

This test evaluates both the student's current GPA and cumulative earned units. The cumulative earned
unit value used in the comparison for this test is not derived in the same way as it is for the Cumulative
Earned Units Test. Instead, the value is taken directly from the Total Cumulative Units field on the
Student Career Term table for the term being evaluated.

The Minimum Current GPA test has two options, an average GPA or a special GPA.

Special GPA is calculated as follows:

• If a student has an aid-year or term-specific exception, that is evaluated first.

• If the Special GPA field is populated in the setup, the process compares that student's individual
Special GPA Type value to the setup rules.

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Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

• If the Special GPA field is populated in the setup, and the Student Special GPA Type is blank or does
not exist for the student, the Undetermined Default Status code is used.

• If the Special GPA field is not populated, an average GPA is calculated for this test and is compared to
the setup rules.

This average is calculated by summing the total GPA for all terms for the student within the aid year
and then dividing by the number of valid terms from the student career term data.

The current GPA is determined through evaluations:

• For Pass 1, the sum of all of GPAs of the fully graded terms associated with the Aid Year or Term
being evaluated divided by the number of the fully graded terms associated with the Aid Year or
Term being evaluated. For example, if you are evaluating eligibility for the fall 2006 term and the
associated terms are fall 2005 (GPA = 2.50), spring 2006 (GPA = 3.00), and summer 2006 (GPA =
3.50), then the current GPA to be used in the test would be (2.50 + 3.00 + 3.50) divided by 3 equaling

• For Pass 2, the current GPA of the most recent enrolled term that is less than the lowest numbered
evaluation term associated with the Aid Year or Term being evaluated. For example, if you are
evaluating eligibility for the fall 2006 term and the associated terms are fall 2005, spring 2006, and
summer 2006, and no term data exists for the student, but the student does have spring 2005 term
data, then the GPA for spring 2005 is used in the evaluation. Pass 2 does not look at the fully graded

The setup should cover the entire range of units by career, by career and program, or by career, program
and plan. If no rule match is found, the student is assigned the Career Pass Default Status code. The
ranges and statuses that are set here are used to find students who are not making progress.

Minimum Cumulative GPA Test

The Minimum Cumulative GPA test examines whether a student's cumulative GPA falls within a certain
range in relation to a range of cumulative earned units. In an example test, a student who has between 31
and 60 cumulative earned units and a cumulative GPA between 0.00 and 2.00 would fail.

The Minimum Cumulative GPA test has two options, the Total Overall GPA and the Special GPA.

• If a student has an aid year- or term-specific exception, that is evaluated first.

• If a student has a career-specific exception, that is evaluated second.

• If the Use Special GPA Code field is populated in the setup, the student's Special GPA is used, if the
student has a matching Special GPA Type defined.

• If the Special GPA field is not populated in the setup, the cumulative GPA value from the student
career term record is used.

This is the total overall GPA including transfer units from student career term.

• If the Special GPA field is populated in the setup and the Student Special GPA field is blank or does
not exist for a student, the Undetermined Default Status code is used.

The Cumulative GPA is determined through evaluations:

• For Pass 1, the cumulative GPA as of the most recent fully graded term associated with the Aid Year
or Term being evaluated.

814 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

• For Pass 2, the cumulative GPA of the most recent enrolled term that is less than the lowest numbered
evaluation term associated with the Aid Year or Term being evaluated. Pass 2 does not look at the
fully graded date.

This test evaluates both the student's cumulative GPA and cumulative earned units. The cumulative
earned unit value used in the comparison for this test is not derived in the same way as it is for the
Cumulative Earned Units Test. Instead the value is taken directly from the Total Cumulative Units field
on the Student Career Term table for the term being evaluated.

The setup should cover the entire range of units by career, by career and program, or by career, program
and plan. If a rule match is not found, the student is assigned the Career Pass Default Status code. The
ranges and statuses that are set here are used to find students who are not making progress.

Current Earned Units Test

The Current Earned Units test compares the student's attempted units and earned units and assigns an SAP
status code. You choose to measure by percentage (percentage of completed units for the current term or
aid year) or number of units (number of units to be completed for the current term, by term or aid year).

For example, a student whose attempted units for the current term were between 9 and 12 and earned
units were between 0 and 6 might fail.

Unit values are calculated as follows:

• Attempted units are calculated from institutional units only.

Units are summed from student enrollment from the aid year or term being evaluated. To gather the
sum of units attempted at the institution, the process uses the units taken value or if that value is zero,
the Financial Aid progress units. The student must be enrolled in the maximum term past the fully
graded date. Audited units do not count. Grade Exclusions are not factored into the Attempted Units
portion of this test. No transfer units are included.

• Earned units are calculated in one of two ways:

If grade exclusions are not enabled, units are calculated as the sum of the values from the total passed
with GPA and the total passed without GPA on the student career term table. Transfer units are
included in the values being summed.

If grade exclusions are enabled, as with attempted units, the units are derived from student enrollment,
but with transfer units included. Then courses that are on the grade exclusions setup are subtracted
from the total.

With the attempted units and earned units determined for the aid year or term, the calculated SAP status
code is determined in one of two ways:

• Use Percentage

The student-specific percentage is compared to the calculated percentage (earned/attempted). If the

calculated percentage falls within the percentage range and attempted units fall within the attempted
units range, the student receives the status associated with the rule. Otherwise the student receives the
Career Pass Default Status code.

• Use Completed Units

The student-specific number is compared to the calculated number (earned/attempted). If the

calculated earned units fall within the earned units range and attempted units fall within the attempted

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Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

units range, the student receives the status associated with the rule. Otherwise the student receives the
Career Pass Default Status code.

The setup should cover the entire range of units by career, by career and program, or by career, program,
and plan. If no rule match is found, the student is assigned the Career Pass Default Status code. The
ranges and statuses that are set here are used to find students who are not making progress.

Cumulative Earned Units Test

The Cumulative Earned Units test compares the student's cumulative attempted units and earned units and
assigns an SAP status code. For example, a student whose cumulative attempted units were between 45
and 60 and cumulative earned units were between 0 and 30 would meet the rule.

Attempted units are institutional units summed from student enrollment and include units from all terms
within and prior to the aid year or term being evaluated. The process uses either the units-taken value
or, if that value is zero, the Financial Aid progress units to gather this sum of units attempted at the
institution. Audited units are not counted. Grade Exclusions are not included in attempted units. You then
have the option to include different types of transfer units in addition to the institutional attempted units.
Transfer Options include:

• The Towards GPA option counts transfer units that have been matriculated for any term prior to or
including the term being processed as included in GPA units.

• The No GPA option counts transfer units that have been matriculated for the term prior to or including
the term being processed as no GPA units.

• The Course Credit option counts transfer units that have been matriculated for the term prior to or
including the term being processed as course credits.

• The Test Credit option counts test credit units that have been matriculated for the term prior to or
including the term being processed.

• The Other Credit option counts other credit units that have been matriculated for the term prior to or
including the term being processed.

• The TC Units Adjust option subtracts transfer credit adjustments from the attempted unit total that
have been entered for any term prior to or including the term being processed.

Earned units are calculated in one of two ways:

• If grade exclusions are not enabled, first institutional units are taken from the cumulative earned unit
value from student career term table for the term or highest term for the aid year being evaluated.
Then transfer units are included based on the transfer unit options selected.

• If grade exclusions are enabled, units are summed from student enrollment similar to the base
cumulative attempted units. Then courses that the student is enrolled in that are on the grade
exclusions setup are subtracted from this total. Transfer units are included based on the transfer unit
options selected.

You can use the following options for transfer units to be then included in the cumulative earned units

• The Towards GPA option counts transfer units that have been matriculated for any term prior to or
including the term being processed as included in GPA units.

816 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

• The No GPA option counts transfer units that have been matriculated for the term prior to or including
the term being processed as no GPA units.

• The Course Credit option counts transfer units that have been matriculated for the term prior to or
including the term being processed as course credits.

• The Test Credit option counts test credit units that have been matriculated for the term prior to or
including the term being processed.

• The Other Credit option counts other credit units that have been matriculated for the term prior to or
including the term being processed.

• The TC Units Adjust option subtracts transfer credit adjustments from the attempted unit total that
have been entered for any term prior to or including the term being processed.

With attempted units and earned units calculated, the calculated SAP status code is determined in one of
two ways:

• Use Percentage

The student career-specific percentage is compared to the calculated percentage (earned/attempted).

If the calculated percentage is equal to or greater than the student career specific rule, the student
receives the Career Pass Default Status code. If the student has zero completed units, the Zero Earned
Default Status is used. If the calculated percentage is less than the student career-specific rule, the
student receives the SAP status code associated with that rule.

• Use Completed Units

The student career-specific number is compared to the calculated number (earned/attempted). If the
calculated earned number is equal to or greater than the student specific rule, the student receives the
Career Pass Default Status code. If the student has zero completed units, the Zero Earned Default
Status is used. If the calculated earned number is less than the student career-specific rule, the student
receives the SAP status associated with that rule.

Ensure that the setup covers the entire range of units and percentages or numbers by career, by career and
program, or by career, program, and plan. If a rule match is not found, the student receives the Career
Pass Default Status code. The ranges and statuses that are set here are to find students who are not making

Two Year GPA Test

The Two Year GPA test reviews students who, at the end of their second year, are maintaining at least a
C grade point average, that is, a 2.0 or above grade average. This test checks whether a student's current
GPA falls within a certain range in relation to a range of attempted terms. In an example test rule, a
student who has attempted between 3 and 4 terms and whose current GPA is between 0.00 and 1.99 is
assigned a nonpassing status.

Attempted terms are counted by academic career from student enrollment. A term is counted if units
are taken, enrollment status is enrolled, and at least one course in that term is not audited. A term is not
counted if the student either completely drops or audits all courses in that term.

Two options for deriving the cumulative GPA value are the Total Overall GPA and the Special GPA:

• If the Special GPA field is populated in the setup, the Special GPA type is used, which is the
cumulative GPA earned at this institution.

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Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

• If the Special GPA field is not populated in the setup, the cumulative GPA value from the student
career term record is used. This is the Total Overall GPA including transfer units from student career

• If the Special GPA field is populated in the setup and the Student Special GPA field is blank or does
not exist for a student, the Undetermined Default Status code is used.

The Cumulative GPA is determined through evaluations:

• For Pass 1, the cumulative GPA is as of the most recent fully graded term associated with the Aid
Year or Term being evaluated.

• For Pass 2, the cumulative GPA is from the most recent enrolled term that is less than the lowest
numbered evaluation term associated with the Aid Year or Term being evaluated. Pass 2 does not look
at the fully graded date.

In the setup, you must define the number of terms that equals two years of study at your institution. You
can set up rules for any combination of terms and GPA by career, by career and program, or by career,
program, and plan. If a rule match is not found, the student is assigned the Career Pass Default Status
code. The ranges and statuses that are set here are to find students who are not making progress.

Student Selection Criteria for SAP Evaluation

Student selection criteria are the same for online, batch, or simulation processing. If the student has an
active FA term for the aid year (aid year processing) or term (term processing) and the career used for
the SAP evaluation is not excluded by award type or career, the student is considered eligible for SAP
evaluation, and the process attempts to create an SAP calculation or simulation.

Award Exclusions
For Award Exclusions, the system excludes if either the financial aid item type matches or the item type
falls within the range defined by the Item Type From and Item Type To values on the Exclusions page.

You can list awards that are excluded from SAP evaluation:

• A student who has only the item types listed in the award exclusions setup is not selected for an SAP

• A student who has both excluded item types and nonexcluded item types is selected for an SAP

• If exclusions are set up with a financial aid type, but without values in the Item Type To and Item
Type From fields, students who have awards only of that financial aid type are not selected for an
SAP evaluation.

Note: Award Exclusions are the only exclusions that affect whether or not a student is selected for an SAP
Evaluation. Course and Grade exclusions affect the results of specific tests. Course Exclusions affect the
results of the Maximum Attempted Units test. Grade Exclusions affect the Current Earned Units test and
the Cumulative Earned Units test.

Standard SAP Selection, Student Override, and Population Selection

Use the one of three options to select IDs for SAP evaluation, Standard SAP Selection, Student Override,
or Population Selection.

818 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

• If you use the Standard SAP Selection, all IDs for the associated career defined in the run control with
the appropriate active FA Term data and award exclusion data for the term/aid year and career entered
on the run control page are selected for an SAP evaluation. If you use the Student Override options or
Population Selection option, the selection is limited to a subset of IDs.

• If you use the Student Override option, only the IDs entered in the override section of the run control
page are reviewed to determine whether they have the appropriate active FA Term data and award
exclusion data for the term/aid year and career entered on the run control page.

• If you use the Population Selection option, only the IDs provided by the Population Selection feature's
input Selection Tool are reviewed to determine whether they have the appropriate active FA Term data
and award exclusion data for the term/aid year and career entered on the run control page.

• If you use either the Student Override or Population Selection option:

• If an ID meets the SAP Evaluation criteria, the process attempts to calculate an SAP Status for
that ID.

• If an ID does not meet the SAP Evaluation criteria, no SAP action is taken for that ID.

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Batch, Online, and Simulation Processes

The online and simulation SAP processes always run with the following options enabled:

• Use Pass 2 data.

• Run if a previous status for the same term/aid year exists.

• Do not create Report Data.

• Update any existing SAP data if any calculation value changes occur, even if the SAP status remains
the same.

• Use Statuses and Actions rules when Pass 1 eligible.

Therefore, ensure that all academic statuses are entered in the setup for Statuses and Actions rules, or
the process might return an incorrect Calc SAP Status value.

In a batch process, these settings are optional and can be modified on the Process SAP run control page.
To process SAP for a single student with different options than the online process uses, enter that ID in
the Student Override section, and set the run control options as desired for that student.

Pass 1 and Pass 2 Evaluations

The SAP process evaluates SAP for each student two times, Pass 1 and Pass 2.

Pass 2 is optional when running in batch, but is always used online or in simulation. In batch, if the Pass
2 option is selected, the process calculates for both Pass 1 and Pass 2, and uses the Pass 2 calculation
results unless Pass 1 data is not present. When Pass 2 is used, Statuses and Actions rules are not used to
determine a calculated SAP status.

Pass 1 and Pass 2 data collection differ as follows:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 819

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Pass 1 Pass 2

Pass 1 evaluates at the most recent SAP evaluated term/aid Pass 2 finds the most recent term/aid year that should be
year where the fully graded date is less than or equal to today's evaluated based on the evaluation term/aid year setup. If that
date. If Statuses and Actions rules are enabled, they are used to term/aid year is not available for the student, Pass 2 uses data
determine calculated SAP status. from the most recent term of enrollment even if that term of
enrollment is not part of the evaluation term/aid year setup
That is, the maximum term (term processing) or terms within initially evaluated in Pass 1. Statuses and Actions rules are not
the aid year (aid year processing) after the fully graded date used in the Pass 2 calculation
is used for the SAP evaluation. Only Pass 1 calculations are
compared to prior term or aid year SAP records. An example using term processing: an institution runs the SAP
process for fall 2005. If the setup is defined to evaluate the
The current Calc SAP Status code is first compared to the spring 2005 term, and no row exists for a student for spring
Override SAP Status code, if it exists. If an Override SAP 2005, but a row exists for fall 2004, the SAP process uses fall
Status code does not exist in the previous SAP record, the 2004 to evaluate the SAP tests and rules to determine the SAP
current Calc SAP Status code is compared to the previous SAP status.
An example using aid year processing: an institution runs the
For example, an institution that processes by term runs the SAP process for 2005. If the setup is defined to evaluate the
SAP process for fall 2005. If the setup is defined to evaluate fall 2004, spring 2005 term and summer 2005 and no rows
the spring 2005 term, and the fully graded date for spring 2005 exists for a student for any of those terms, but a row exists for
has passed, the SAP process uses spring 2005 term data to spring 2004, the SAP process uses spring 2004 to evaluate the
evaluate the SAP tests and rules to determine the SAP status. SAP tests and rules to determine the SAP status.
If the spring 2005 fully graded date is in the future, then there
is no Pass 1 evaluation for the student. When complete, the processing message of Pass 2 is displayed
in the Student SAP page and indicates the term used. If an
The current Calc SAP Status code is first compared to the Override SAP Status code exists, it is not removed.
Override SAP Status code, if it exists. If an Override SAP
Status code does not exist in the previous SAP record, the
current Calc SAP Status code is compared to the previous SAP

When complete, the processing message of Pass 1 is displayed

in the Student SAP page and indicates the term used.

Setting Up SAP
The SAP Setup pages are used to set up your rules that determine an SAP status for each of the eight tests.
The rules are designed to be failure rules. If a student's actual test value matches a setup rule, the test fails.
If a student's actual test value does not meet a rule, the student receives the Career Pass Default Status
code for that test. For better processing performance, keep the rules as simple as possible.

Use the remaining setup pages to set up course and award exclusions, communications, and evaluation
terms and aid years.

This section discusses how to:

• Define SAP status codes.

• Set up rules for statuses and actions and the Academic Standing, Maximum Attempted Units, and
Maximum Attempted Term tests.

• Set up tests for Minimum Current GPA, Minimum Cumulative GPA, Current Earned Units,
Cumulative Earned Units, and Two Year GPA.

• Set up course, award, and grade exclusions.

820 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

• Set up SAP communications.

• Set up evaluation terms for aid year processing.

• Set up evaluation terms for term processing.

• Define SAP Application Engine libraries.

Pages Used to Set Up SAP

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Setup SFA_SAP_STATUS_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Define SAP status codes, code
Related > Financial Aid > severity, and default SAP
Satisfactory Academic status codes.
Progress > Define Setup
Criteria > Setup

Criteria1 SFA_SAP_ACADST_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Set up statuses and actions.
Related > Financial Aid > Set up rules for quantitative
Satisfactory Academic tests: Academic Standing,
Progress > Define Setup Max Attempted Units, and
Criteria > Criteria 1 Max Attempted Terms.

Criteria2 SFA_SAP_ACADST_TB2 Set Up SACR > Product Set up rules for qualitative
Related > Financial Aid > tests: Minimum Current
Satisfactory Academic GPA, Minimum Cumulative
Progress > Define Setup GPA, Current Earned Units,
Criteria > Criteria 2 Cumulative Earned Units, and
Two Year GPA.

Exclusions SFA_SAP_GRADEBS_EX Set Up SACR > Product Set up remedial and ESL
Related > Financial Aid > course exclusions. Set
Satisfactory Academic up financial aid award
Progress > Define Setup exclusions. Set up grade
Criteria > Exclusions exclusions.

Communications and SFA_SAP_CMK_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Set up codes and message text
Checklists Related > Financial Aid > for communicating results of
Satisfactory Academic tests.
Progress > Define Setup
Criteria > Communications
and Checklists

Define Evaluation Aid Year SFA_SAP_ET_AYR Set Up SACR > Product Set up terms for evaluation
Related > Financial Aid > aid year processing.
Satisfactory Academic
Progress > Define Evaluation
Aid Year

Define Evaluation Terms SFA_SAP_ET_TRM Set Up SACR > Product Set up terms for evaluation
Related > Financial Aid > term processing.
Satisfactory Academic
Progress > Define Evaluation

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Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

SAP AE Process Setup SFA_SAP_AE_PROC Set Up SACR > Product Use delivered SAP processes
Related > Financial Aid > for the eight tests, or create
Satisfactory Academic custom AE library sections for
Progress > Define SAP AE any of the eight SAP tests.

Defining SAP Status Codes

Access the Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic
Progress > Define Setup Criteria > Setup).

Image: SAP Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the SAP Setup page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Use the Setup page to define, by institution and career, the SAP status codes and code severity, and
how the SAP status updates the satisfactory academic progress value on the student's Packaging Status
Summary page. To modify a status code, click the + icon to the right of the Effective Date field to create
new setup criteria, and make the changes.

822 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Ensure that this page is set up and saved before doing any further setup. Never delete SAP status codes
after you start creating student SAP data because those codes would then be invalid in the Student SAP

The Set Up Activation field defines whether the SAP setup is active or inactive at this institution:

• When any of an Academic Institution's careers has a Setup Activation Field value of Active, students
have a Satisfactory Academic Progress field on the Packaging Status Summary page that is display-
only with the SAP Details link shown.

• When all of an Academic Institution's careers have a Setup Activation Field value of Inactive or are
not defined, students have a Satisfactory Academic Progress field on the Packaging Status Summary
page that is editable, and the SAP Details link is not shown.,

• The online, batch, and simulation processes cannot run successfully for student SAP records in
careers with a Setup Activation Field value of Inactive.

SAP Process Type

The two process types are Aid Year and Term. Although it is not recommended to change from one
process type to the other, you can insert a new row at the Effective Date field level and update the setup.
The value in the Effective Date field determines which row is used compared to the current date.

Aid year processing is for multiple terms, which you define on the Define Evaluation Aid Year page.

Term processing is for a single term, which you define on the Define Evaluation Term page.

Status Codes
It is important that your SAP status codes are relevant and define your student population. Be sure you
have a code that represents a passing status, such as MEET.

Calc Status (calculated status) Enter a four-character code for the default statuses, the
calculated status for each test evaluation, and the overall status
for the Statuses and Actions rules test.

Severity Enter a number to control the priority of status codes and to

determine the Calc SAP Status code for a student if the student
has a different code for each test.

The code with the highest severity number becomes the

Calculated SAP Status code. Ensure that:

• Each severity number is unique.

• The most severe status code has the highest severity number
assigned to it.

Short Description Enter a brief description of the Calc Status code.

Description Enter a detailed description of the Calc Status code.

SAP Status Select a translate value to associate with Calc Status. The SAP
Status is the status that appears in the Satisfactory Academic
Progress field on the student's Packaging Status Summary page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 823

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

To understand how these statuses are used by packaging and


See Reviewing the Packaging Status Summary Page.

• Academic Plan

• Meets SAP

• Not Meet

• Probation

• Undetrmine

• Warning

Default SAP Status

The SAP evaluation process assigns these default statuses for particular cases, as described below. For
each of these default statuses, select a status code that you defined in the Status Codes group box.

No Prior Academic History Default If a student does not have any prior student career term record
Status data, this status is assigned.

Undetermined Default Status If a calculation cannot be determined for a student due to

missing information, this status is assigned to both the specific
test and as the Overall Calculated SAP Status. Examples of
missing information are:

• No Special GPA when the Use Special GPA Code option is


• Academic Standing is blank.

• There is no cumulative or current GPA.

Career Pass Default Status If a student does not meet the rules of a particular test, then
this status is assigned. Also, if a student has been evaluated for
other tests but has no fail statuses for those tests, this status is
assigned as the Calc SAP status.

Exception Fail Default Status If a student has had any career, term, or aid year test exceptions
defined and the test fails using these exceptions, then this status
is assigned. The process checks for student-specific exceptions
first. If the student has exceptions defined and the process does
not fail using those exceptions, it then assigns the Career Pass
Default Status and the test rules are not evaluated.

It is recommended that the SAP Code associated with this

default be the highest severity of the Not Meet status codes.

For more information about defining student-specific


824 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

See Processing and Maintaining SAP.

Zero Earned Units Default Status If a student's earned units is equal to 0 for either the Current
Earned Units or Cumulative Earned Units calculation, this
default status is assigned.

Setting Up Rules for Statuses and Actions and the Academic Standing,
Maximum Attempted Units, and Maximum Attempted Term Tests
Access the Criteria1 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic
Progress > Define Setup Criteria > Criteria 1).

Image: Criteria1 page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Criteria1 page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

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Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Image: Criteria1 page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Criteria1 page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the Criteria1 page to define your quantitative SAP requirements. You set up rules that determine how
to set a final status based on a previously calculated status and a currently calculated status. You also set
the rules and options for three of the eight SAP tests.

Click the Expand All button to expand all enabled tests and their corresponding rule grids for this
effective dated row. Click the Collapse All button to collapse the tests. Or, use the expand/collapse arrow
on each test to expand the grid for only that test.

Warning! You specify from-to ranges for attempted terms and units on this page. If the ranges overlap
from one row to another in such a way that the system cannot determine only one SAP status for the
specific rule for a particular Academic Program and Academic Plan, the Process SAP process abnormally
ends with no results and the log indicates an SQL duplicate error. See specific warnings in the following
field definitions.

826 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Statuses and Actions

Select the Use Statuses and Actions check box to use this feature and set up rules. When using Statuses
and Actions rules, make sure that all possible statuses and actions are set up. The Statuses and Actions
rules feature is always executed for Pass 1 online process and is an option in batch, when enabled.

Previous SAP Status Select the most recently calculated term or aid year status value
to be evaluated.

Calc SAP Status (calculated SAP Select the current SAP Calculated Status code.

Final SAP Status Select the Overall SAP Status Code for term or aid year to be
assigned if a student's Previous SAP Status and Calc SAP Status
match the values selected in this row.

If the process cannot find a rule match for previous and calculated status, the final status that is generated
may be incorrect. Therefore it is important to ensure that all possible statuses and actions are set up. Blank
setup values are not allowed. Statuses and Actions rules are only evaluated for Pass 1 processing.

Academic Standing Test

The Academic Standing Rules group box indicates which academic standing values used by Academic
Careers, Academic Program, and Academic Plan are not meeting Academic Standing and may be
ineligible for financial aid. Students who meet the rules set up here are considered to fail this test, so write
the rules with failing Academic Standing statuses and non-passing SAP Statuses.

Select the Use Academic Standing Test check box to set up rules for the Academic Standing test.

Academic Program Select a value in the Academic Program field for an additional
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, and the Academic
Plan field is blank, the rule is used for all students with that
academic career and academic program.

Academic Plan Select a value in the Academic Plan field for the most specific
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, all students with
this academic career, academic program, and academic plan are
only evaluated for those specific rules.

Academic Standing Select an Academic Standing status in the context of the

academic program (and academic plan, if selected) to associate
with a SAP Status. If blank or a row for the term does not exist,
the Undetermined Default Status code is used.

SAP Status Select the SAP Status to use if the Academic Standing value
from Student Records matches this setup.

Maximum Attempted Units Test

The Maximum Attempted Units test defines maximum units a student can attempt before their SAP status
is affected. Students who meet the rules set up here are considered to fail this test, so write the rules with
failing ranges and nonpassing SAP statuses.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 827

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Select the Use Max Attempted Units Test check box to set up rules for the Maximum Attempted Units

In the Max Attempted Units Option group box, select the transfer unit criteria to include in the maximum
attempted unit total. You can select any combination of the following check boxes, or select none.

Towards GPA (towards grade point Select this check box to include transfer units that were posted
average) with grades defined as included in GPA in the maximum
attempted units count.

No GPA (no grade point average) Select this check box to include transfer units that were posted
with grades defined as not to be included in the GPA maximum
attempted units count.

Course Credit Select this check box to include transfer units that were posted
to be course credit and not grade credit toward GPA maximum
attempted units count.

Test Credit Select this check box to include test credits in the maximum
attempted units count.

Other Credit Select this check box to include other credits in the maximum
attempted units count.

TC Units Adjust (transfer credit units Select this check box to subtract TC Units Adjust amount from
adjust) the maximum attempted units count.

Academic Program Select a value in the Academic Program field for an additional
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, and the Academic
Plan field is blank, the rule is used for all students with that
academic career and academic program.

Academic Plan Select a value in the Academic Plan field for the most specific
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, all students with
this academic career, academic program, and academic plan are
only evaluated for those specific rules.

Attempted Max Units From Enter the starting number for the range of attempted units
(attempted maximum units from) that a student can attempt for a corresponding status code.
The numbers are inclusive. If 100 is the starting number, it is
included in the range.

Warning! The Attempted Max Units From field and Attempted

Max Units To field create a range of numbers applied to a rule
that defines an SAP status. Ensure that the numbers do not
overlap with each other or with a range in another row that
defines a different status for the same academic program or
academic plan. Your number ranges can overlap if they apply to
different academic programs or academic plans.

Attempted Max Units To (attempted Enter the ending number for the range of attempted units
maximum units to) that a student can attempt for a corresponding status code.
The numbers are inclusive. If 100 is the ending number, it is
included in the range.

828 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

SAP Status Select the SAP status code to use when the student's attempted
units value falls within the range of this rule. The ranges
and statuses set here are to find students who are not making

Maximum Attempted Terms Test

The Maximum Attempted Terms test defines the maximum terms a student can enroll in before their SAP
status is affected. Students who meet the rules set up here are considered to fail this test, so write the rules
with failing ranges and nonpassing SAP statuses.

Select the Use Max Attempted Terms Test check box to set up rules for the Maximum Attempted Terms

Academic Program Select a value in the Academic Program field for an additional
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, and the Academic
Plan field is blank, the rule is used for all students with that
academic career and academic program.

Academic Plan Select a value in the Academic Plan field for the most specific
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, all students with
this academic career, academic program, and academic plan are
only evaluated for those specific rules.

Max Terms From (maximum terms Enter the starting number for the range of terms that a student
from) can enroll for a corresponding status code. The numbers are
inclusive. If 10 is the starting number, it is included in the range.

Warning! The Max Terms From field and Max Terms To field
create a range of numbers applied to a rule that defines an SAP
status. Ensure that the numbers do not overlap with each other
or with a range in another row that defines a different status for
the same Academic Program or Academic Plan. Your number
ranges can overlap if they apply to different Academic Programs
or Academic Plans.

Max Terms To (maximum terms to) Enter the ending number for range of terms a student can enroll
for a corresponding status code. The numbers are inclusive. If
10 is the ending number, it is included in the range.

SAP Status Select the SAP status code to use when the student's attempted
terms value falls within the range of this rule. The ranges
and statuses set here are to find students who are not making

Setting Up Tests for Minimum Current or Cumulative GPA, Current or

Cumulative Earned Units, and Two-Year GPA
Access the Criteria2 page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic
Progress > Define Setup Criteria > Criteria 2).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 829

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Image: Criteria2 page (1 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Criteria2 page (1 of 3). You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.


830 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Image: Criteria2 page (2 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Criteria2 page (2 of 3). You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: Criteria2 page (3 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Criteria2 page (3 of 3). You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the Criteria2 page to define your qualitative SAP requirements and the rules for four of the eight SAP

Click the Expand All button to expand all enabled tests and their corresponding rule grids for this
effective dated row. Click the Collapse All button to collapse the tests. Or, use the expand or collapse
arrow on each test to expand the grid for only that test.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 831

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Warning! You specify from-to ranges for the five tests on this page. If the ranges overlap from one row
to another in such a way that the system cannot determine only one SAP status for the specific rule for
a particular Academic Program and Academic Plan, the Process SAP process abnormally ends with
no results and the log indicates an SQL duplicate error. See specific warnings in the following field

Minimum Current GPA Test

The Minimum Current GPA test determines the lowest current GPA that a student can have and still be
eligible for financial aid. Students who meet the rules set up here are considered to fail this test, so write
the rules with failing ranges and nonpassing SAP statuses.

Select the Use Min Current GPA Test check box to set up rules for the Minimum Current GPA test.

Use Special GPA Code Select a value in this field to use a student's Special GPA for
comparison in SAP processing. If you do not select a code, the
student's current GPA is used.

If the Special GPA field is populated, but does not exist, the
Undetermined Default Status code is used.

Academic Program Select a value in the Academic Program field for an additional
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, and the Academic
Plan field is blank, the rule is used for all students with that
academic career and academic program.

Academic Plan Select a value in the Academic Plan field for the most specific
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, all students with
this academic career, academic program, and academic plan
areonly evaluated for those specific rules.

Cum Earned Units From (cumulative Enter the minimum value of the range of earned (passed) units
earned units from) to identify the minimum GPA range used to determine which
SAP status should be used.

Warning! The Cum Earned Units From field and Cum Earned
Units To field create a range of numbers applied to a rule that
defines an SAP status. Ensure that the numbers do not overlap
with each other or with a range in another row that defines a
different status for the same academic program or academic
plan. Your number ranges can overlap if they apply to different
academic programs or academic plans or if your minimum
current GPA range is different between rows.

Cum Earned Units To (cumulative Enter the maximum value of the range of earned (passed) units
earned units to) to identify the minimum GPA range used to determine the SAP

Min Cur GPA From (minimum Enter the minimum value of the range of minimum current GPA
current GPA from) used to determine the SAP status.

832 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Warning! The Min Cur GPA From field and Min Cur GPA To
field create a range of numbers applied to a rule that defines an
SAP status. Ensure that the numbers do not overlap with each
other or with a range in another row that defines a different
status for the same Academic Program or Academic Plan. Your
number ranges can overlap if they apply to different Academic
Programs or Academic Plans or if your cumulative earned units
range is different between rows.

Min Cur GPA To (minimum current Enter the maximum value of the range of Minimum Current
GPA to) GPA used to determine the SAP status.

SAP Status Select the SAP Status code to use if a student meets the rules
of this test. The ranges and statuses set here are to find students
who are not making progress.

Minimum Cumulative GPA Test

The Minimum Cumulative GPA test determines the lowest cumulative GPA that a student can have and
still be eligible for financial aid. Students who meet the rules set up here are considered to fail this test, so
write the rules with failing ranges and nonpassing SAP statuses.

Select the Use Min Cumulative GPA Test check box to set up rules for the Minimum Cumulative GPA

Use Special GPA Code Select a value in this field to use a student's special GPA for
comparison in SAP processing. If you do not select a code, the
student's current GPA is used.

If the Special GPA field is populated, but does not exist, the
Undetermined Default Status code is used.

Academic Program Select a value in the Academic Program field for an additional
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, and the Academic
Plan field is blank, the rule is used for all students with that
academic career and academic program.

Academic Plan Select a value in the Academic Plan field for the most specific
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, all students with
this academic career, academic program, and academic plan
areonly evaluated for those specific rules.

Cum Earned Units From (cumulative Enter the minimum value of the range of earned (passed) units
earned units from) to identify the minimum GPA range used to determine the SAP

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 833

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Warning! The Cum Earned Units From field and Cum Earned
Units To field create a range of numbers applied to a rule that
defines an SAP status. Ensure that the numbers do not overlap
with each other or with a range in another row that defines a
different status for the same Academic Program or Academic
Plan. Your number ranges can overlap if they apply to different
Academic Programs or Academic Plans or if your minimum
cumulative GPA range is different between rows.

Cum Earned Units To (cumulative Enter the maximum value of the range of earned (passed) units
earned units to) to identify the minimum GPA range used to determine the SAP

Minimum Cum GPA From (minimum Enter the minimum value of the range of minimum cumulative
cumulative GPA from) GPA used to determine the SAP status.

Warning! The Minimum Cum GPA From field and Minimum

Cum GPA To field create a range of numbers applied to a rule
that defines an SAP status. Ensure that the numbers do not
overlap with each other or with a range in another row that
defines a different status for the same Academic Program or
Academic Plan. Your number ranges can overlap if they apply
to different Academic Programs or Academic Plans or if your
cumulative earned units range is different between rows.

Minimum Cum GPA To (minimum Enter the maximum value of the range of minimum cumulative
cumulative GPA to) GPA used to determine the SAP status.

SAP Status Indicate which SAP Status code to use if a student meets the
rules of this test. The ranges and statuses set here are to find
students who are not making progress.

Current Earned Units Test

The Current Earned Units test evaluates the student's attempted units and earned units and compares the
quotient (earned/attempted) to the rules. Students who meet the rules set up here are considered to fail this
test, so write the rules with failing ranges and nonpassing SAP statuses. Define the percent or minimum
number of current term or aid year units a student must complete of attempted units per term.

Select the Use Current Earned Units Test check box to set up rules for the Current Earned Units test.

In the Current Earned Units Option list, select whether to use percentage or units:

• Select Use Percentage to use the percentage of completed units for the current term or aid year.

• Select Use Completed Units to use a minimum number of units to be completed for the current term,
by term or aid year.

Fields for the Current Earned Units test change depending on the option that you select. For example, if
you select Use Percentage, the Cur Earned Units % From and Cur Earned Units % To fields appear.

Academic Program Select a value in the Academic Program field for an additional
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, and the Academic

834 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Plan field is blank, the rule is used for all students with that
academic career and academic program.

Academic Plan Select a value in the Academic Planfield for the most specific
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, all students with
this academic career, academic program, and academic plan are
only evaluated for those specific rules.

Cur Attempted Units From (current Enter the minimum current value of the range of attempted units
attempted units from) to identify the minimum percentage or number range used to
determine the SAP status.

Warning! The Cur Attempted Units From field and Cur

Attempted Units To field create a range of numbers applied to
a rule that defines an SAP status. Ensure that the numbers do
not overlap with each other or with a range in another row that
defines a different status for the same Academic Program or
Academic Plan. Your number ranges can overlap if they apply
to different Academic Programs or Academic Plans or if your
current earned units (% or number) range is different between

Cur Attempted Units To (current Enter the maximum current value of the range of attempted
attempted units to) units to identify the maximum percentage or number range used
to determine the SAP status.

Cur Earned Units % (or Number) Enter the minimum value of the range of current earned (passed)
From (current earned units percentage percentage or number used to determine the SAP status.
[or number] from)
Warning! The Cur Earned Units % (or Number) From field
and Cur Earned Units % (or Number) To field create a range
of numbers applied to a rule that defines an SAP status. Ensure
that the numbers do not overlap with each other or with a
range in another row that defines a different status for the same
Academic Program or Academic Plan. Your number ranges
can overlap if they apply to different Academic Programs or
Academic Plans or if your current attempted units range is
different between rows.

Cur Earned Units % (or Number) Enter the maximum value of the range of current earned
To (current earned units percentage [or (passed) percentage or number used to determine the SAP
number] to) status.

SAP Status Select the SAP status code to use if a student meets the rules
of this test. If the student has zero completed units, the Zero
Earned Default Status is used. The ranges and statuses set here
are to find students who are not making progress.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 835

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Cumulative Earned Units Test

For the Cumulative Earned Units test, you define the percent or minimum number of units a student must
complete of attempted units per term. Students who meet the rules set up here are considered to fail this
test, so write the rules with failing ranges and nonpassing SAP statuses.

Select the Use Cumulative Earned Units Test check box to set up rules for the Cumulative Earned Units

In the Use Cumulative Earned Units Options drop-down list, select whether to use percentage or
completed units for term or aid year processing:

• Use Percentage: Use the percentage of completed units for the current term or aid year.

• Use Completed Units: Use a minimum number of units to be completed.

For Cumulative Attempted Transfer Unit Criteria, select the transfer unit criteria check boxes to include in
the cumulative attempted unit total. You can select any combination of boxes, or select none.

Towards GPA (towards grade point Select this check box to include transfer units that were posted
average) with grades defined to be included in GPA in the cumulative
attempted units count.

No GPA (no grade point average) Select this check box to include transfer units that were posted
with grades defined to not be included in GPA cumulative
attempted units count.

Course Credit Select this check box to include transfer units that were posted
to be course credit and not grade credit toward GPA cumulative
attempted units count.

Test Credit Select this check box to include test credits in the cumulative
attempted units count.

Other Credit Select this check box to include other credits in the cumulative
attempted units count.

TC Units Adjust (transfer credit units Select this check box to subtract TC Units Adjust amount from
adjust) the cumulative attempted units count.

For Cumulative Earned Transfer Unit Criteria, select the transfer unit criteria check boxes to include in
the cumulative earned unit total. You can select any combination of boxes, or select none.

Towards GPA (towards grade point Select this check box to include transfer units that were posted
average) with grades defined to be included in GPA in the maximum
attempted units count.

No GPA (no grade point average) Select this check box to include transfer units that were posted
with grades defined to not be included in GPA maximum
attempted units count.

Course Credit Select this check box to include transfer units that were posted
to be course credit and not grade credit toward GPA maximum
attempted units count.

836 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Test Credit Select this check box to include test credits in the maximum
attempted units count.

Other Credit Select this check box to include other credits in the maximum
attempted units count.

TC Units Adjust (transfer credit units Select this check box to subtract TC Units Adjust amount from
adjust) the maximum attempted units count.

Academic Program Select a value in the Academic Program field for an additional
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, and the Academic
Plan field is blank, the rule is used for all students with that
academic career and academic program.

Academic Plan Select a value in the Academic Plan field for the most specific
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, all students with
this academic career, academic program, and academic plan are
only evaluated for those specific rules.

Cum Attempted Units From Enter the cumulative minimum value for the range of attempted
(cumulative attempted units from) units (minimum percentage or number range) used to determine
the SAP status.

Warning! The Cum Attempted Units From field and Cum

Attempted Units To field create a range of numbers applied
to a rule that defines an SAP status. Ensure that the numbers
do not overlap with each other or with a range in another row
that defines a different status for the same Academic Program
or Academic Plan. Your number ranges can overlap if they
apply to different Academic Programs or Academic Plans or if
your cumulative earned units (% or number) range is different
between rows.

Cum Attempted Units To (cumulative Enter the cumulative maximum value for the range of attempted
attempted units to) units (minimum percentage or number range) used to determine
the SAP status.

Cumulative Earned Units % (or Enter the minimum value of the range of cumulative earned
Number) From (cumulative earned (passed) percentage or number used to determine the SAP
units percentage [or number] from) status.

Warning! The Cum Earned Units % (or Number) From field

and Cumulative Earned Units % (or Number) To field create a
range of numbers applied to a rule that defines an SAP status.
Ensure that the numbers do not overlap with each other or
with a range in another row that defines a different status for
the same Academic Program or Academic Plan. Your number
ranges can overlap if they apply to different Academic Programs
or Academic Plans or if your cumulative attempted units range
is different between rows.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 837

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Cumulative Earned Units % (or Enter the maximum value of the range of cumulative earned
Number) To (cumulative earned units (passed) percentage or number used to determine the SAP
percentage [or number] to) status.

SAP Status Select the SAP Status code to use if a student meets the rules
of this test. If the student has zero completed units, the Zero
Earned Default Status is used. The ranges and statuses set here
are to find students who are not making progress.

Two Year GPA Test

Select the Use Two Year GPA Test check box to set up rules for the Cumulative Earned Units test.

Use Special GPA Code Select a value in this field to use a student's Special GPA for
comparison in SAP processing. If you do not select a code, the
student's current GPA is used.

If the Special GPA field is populated, but does not exist, the
Undetermined Default Status code is used.

Academic Program Select a value in the Academic Program field for an additional
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, and the Academic
Plan field is blank, the rule is used for all students with that
academic career and academic program.

Academic Plan Select a value in the Academic Plan field for the most specific
level of evaluation. If this field is populated, all students with
this academic career, academic program, and academic plan are
only evaluated for those specific rules.

Terms From Enter the starting number for the range of terms that a student
can attempt for a corresponding status code. The numbers are
inclusive. If 10 is the starting number, it is included in the range.

Warning! The Terms From field and Terms To field create a

range of numbers applied to a rule that defines an SAP status.
Ensure that the numbers do not overlap with a range in another
row that defines a different status for the same Academic
Program or Academic Plan. Your number ranges can overlap if
they apply to different Academic Programs or Academic Plans
or if your cumulative GPA range is different between rows. The
Terms From value can be the same as the Terms To value within
the same row.

Terms To Enter the ending number for range of terms a student can
attempt for a corresponding status code. The numbers are
inclusive. If 10 is the ending number, it is included in the range.

Cum GPA From (cumulative GPA Enter the beginning value of the range of cumulative GPA used
from) to determine the SAP status.

838 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Warning! The Cum GPA From field and Cum GPA To field
create a range of numbers applied to a rule that defines an
SAP status. Ensure that the numbers do not overlap with a
range in another row that defines a different status for the same
Academic Program or Academic Plan. Your number ranges
can overlap if they apply to different Academic Programs or
Academic Plans or if your terms range is different between

Cum GPA To (cumulative GPA to) Enter the ending value of the range of cumulative GPA used to
determine the SAP status.

SAP Status Select the SAP Status code to use if a student meets the rules
of this test. If the student has zero completed units, the Zero
Earned Default Status is used. The ranges and statuses set here
are to find students who are not making progress.

Setting Up Course, Award, and Grade Exclusions

Access the Exclusions page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic
Progress > Define Setup Criteria > Exclusions).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 839

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Image: SAP Exclusions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the SAP Exclusions page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the Exclusions page to identify English as a Second Language (ESL) and remedial courses for
exclusions and place caps on the number of ESL and remedial courses to exclude for calculating
Maximum Attempted Units. Identify student records to exclude from the SAP selection process based on
types of awards and/or identify grades to exclude from cumulative and current earned units calculation.

Course Exclusions
Course Exclusions are used in the Maximum Attempted Units Test to identify ESL and remedial courses
that should be excluded in the count and to also place caps on the number of ESL and remedial courses to
exclude from the unit count.

840 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Select the Use Course Exclusions check box to set up rules for Max Units to Exclude and Course

The Max Units to Exclude (maximum units to exclude from all course exclusions) group box has two

Max ESL Units to Exclude (maximum Enter the maximum number of units to be excluded from the
ESL units to exclude) Maximum Attempted Units test regardless of number attempted.
If no limit exists for the number that can be excluded, leave the
field blank.

If a student has more ESL units than the maximum set here,
only the maximum number is excluded. There must be at least
one course entered with the Course Type of ESL in the Course
Exclusions grid for this maximum to be invoked.

Max Remedial Units to Exclude Enter the maximum number of units to be excluded from the
(maximum remedial units to exclude) Maximum Attempted Units test regardless of number attempted.
If no limit exists for the number that can be excluded, leave the
field blank.

If a student has more remedial units than the maximum set here,
only the maximum number is excluded. There must be at least
one course entered with the course type of Remedial in the
Course Exclusions grid for this maximum to be invoked.

Course Exclusions are criteria for excluding courses from the Maximum Attempted Units test. Excluded
courses include Remedial courses or ESL courses.

Course ID Select the course ID of the class to exclude from the Maximum
Attempted Units test calculation regardless of grade.

Offer Nbr (offer number) Select the course offer number of each class to exclude from the
Maximum Attempted Units test calculation regardless of grade.
To totally exclude the class, the course offer number must be

Course Type Select the type of class, Remedial or ESL.

Award Exclusions
Award Exclusions are criteria for excluding students from the selection for an SAP evaluation based on an
aid type or specific awards you specify.

Select the Use Award Exclusions check box to use this function.

Source Select a fund source. This field is informational only. There is

no system logic using this selection.

Fin Aid Type (financial aid type) Select a financial aid type to exclude students who only have
awards with that financial aid type from the SAP evaluation

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 841

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Item Type From and Item Type To Select the beginning and end of a range of financial aid item
types, to exclude students who have awards from only those
item types, from the SAP evaluation selection.

Grade Exclusions
Grade Exclusions are criteria for excluding course units with specific grading schemes, grading basis, and
grade input values from the Current Earned Unit and/or Cumulative Earned Units tests.

If you use Grade Exclusions, the Current and Cumulative Earned Units values are derived from the
student's enrollment, minus the units to be excluded. If you do not use Grade Exclusions, the Current and/
or Cumulative Units value is derived from the student's Career Term data.

You must set up any and all course grades that you do not want to be counted toward earned units,
including Failing grades.

Warning! Some schools may have "blank" grading schemes in Student Enrollment as a result of
migrating to from earlier versions of Campus Solutions. If you have grades intended to be excluded that
fall in this category, you must enter them in the Grade Exclusion setup as 'blank' Grading Schemes with
the associated Grading Basis and Grade Input.

Select the Use Grade Exclusions check box to use this function.

Grading Scheme Enter the Grading Scheme to be used to define the Grading
Basis and Grade Input for exclusion from the Current Earned
Unit and/or Cumulative Earned Units tests.

Grading Basis Enter the Grading Basis to be used to define the Grade Input
for exclusion from the Current Earned Unit test, the Cumulative
Earned Units test, or both tests.

Grade Input Enter the Grade Input to be excluded from the Current Earned
Unit and/or Cumulative Earned Units tests.

Setting Up SAP Communications

Access the Communications and Checklists page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Satisfactory Academic Progress > Define Setup Criteria > Communications and Checklists).

842 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Image: Communications and Checklists page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Communications and Checklists page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The Create SAP Communications process updates the 3C Trigger table in Campus Community. This
process utilizes two Administrative Functions, FINA and FINT, depending on the SAP processing type.
Aid Year processing SAP data requires the use of the FINA Administrative Function, which consists of
the variable data field of Aid Year. Term processing SAP data requires the use of the FINT Administrative
Function which consists of the variable data fields Aid Year and Term.

When setting up SAP Communications in Campus Community each processing type (Aid Year and Term)
must have its own separate, unique communications set up. You must set up your communications to use
the correct Administrative Function for the processing type; otherwise the 3C Engine does not create the
communications correctly.

See "Understanding the 3C Engine" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

See "Understanding Communications Setup" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

See "Understanding Communication Management" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus


SAP Status Select the SAP status code.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 843

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Event ID Select the event ID. The event ID contains the Communication
and Checklist Code/Item to be assigned and is set up under
Campus Community.

See "Naming an Event" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2:

Campus Community).

Communication Comments
Comment ID Select an SAP Test for which you want comments inserted into
the 3C Trigger table.

Comment ID values are associated with the eight SAP tests. If

the comment ID for a particular test is set up here, the SAP 3C
process generates a comment in the 3C Trigger table by student
for each test that the student has failed.

If the student fails multiple tests, multiple comments

are appended into one comment and inserted into the
communication comment field on the 3C Trigger table.

Description Enter the text for the comment ID in this free-form field to
create specific messages to students who fail one of the eight
SAP evaluation tests.

To include the student's actual failed data value from the Student
SAP page in the comment, use the desired Hardcode Variable
from the following table when entering your comment text.

Comment ID and Variables

The following table details the Comment ID values, variables, and examples of Description entries and
resulting comments. The Comment ID values are the same as the field names from the Actualcolumn on
the Student SAP page.

Comment ID Hardcode Variable Example Description Example Comment

Academic Standing ACADSTND Your current academic Your current academic

standing is ACADSTND. standing is DISQ.

Cumulative Earned Units CUMERNU The cumulative unit The cumulative unit amount
amount you have earned, you have earned, 19.000, does
CUMERNU, does not meet not meet our requirements.
our requirements.

Current Earned Units CURERNU CURERNU is the amount of 8.000 is the amount of your
your current earned units. current earned units.

Max Attempted Terms MAXTERMS The number of terms you The number of terms you
have attempted at PeopleSoft have attempted at PeopleSoft
University is MAXTERMS. University is 10.000.

844 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Comment ID Hardcode Variable Example Description Example Comment

Max Attempted Units MAXATTU You have attempted You have attempted 12.00
MAXATTU units at units at PeopleSoft University.
PeopleSoft University.

Min Cumulative GPA MINCUMGP Your cumulative GPA is Your cumulative GPA is 1.

Min Current GPA MINCURGP Your GPA for fall semester is Your GPA for fall semester
MINCURGP; this does not is 1.013; this does not meet
meet university requirements. university requirements.

Two Year GPA TWOYRGPA Your GPA after two years of Your GPA after two years of
study is TWOYRGPA. study is 1.109.

Setting Up Evaluation Terms for Aid Year Processing

Access the Define Evaluation Aid Year page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Satisfactory Academic Progress > Define Evaluation Aid Year).

Image: Define Evaluation Aid Year page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Evaluation Aid Year page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to select terms for aid year processing for the selected aid year. The Evaluation Terms field
prompts a list of all terms defined at your institution.

Setting Up Evaluation Terms for Term Processing

Access the Define Evaluation Terms page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Satisfactory Academic Progress > Define Evaluation Terms).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 845

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Image: Define Evaluation Terms page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Evaluation Terms page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to select terms for term processing for the selected aid year. The Evaluation Terms field
prompts a list of all terms defined at your institution.

Defining SAP Application Engine libraries.

Access the SAP AE Process Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Satisfactory Academic Progress > Define SAP AE Library).

846 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Image: SAP AE Process Setup page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the SAP AE Process Setup page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to specify which Application Engine application library sections you want to use for each of
the eight SAP test.

The SAP feature was designed and structured to be a modular program. Each of the eight delivered SAP
tests is enclosed in its own Application Engine application library section. You can implement custom AE
library sections to perform the desired SAP test logic for any of the eight SAP tests instead of using the
delivered AE library sections.

Use Delivered Routines Click this button to reset all of the AE Program and AE Sections
to the delivered definitions.

AE ProgramApplication Engine This value defaults to the delivered program. If you have created
program a custom Application Engine program for this test, enter the
value here.

AE SectionApplication Engine section This value defaults to the delivered program. If you have created
a custom Application Engine application library section for this
test, enter the value here after selecting the Application Engine

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 847

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

For more information on customizing the eight SAP tests:

See Customizing SAP Developers Guide in My Oracle Support (ID 1982666.1).

Processing and Maintaining SAP

This section discusses how to:

• Run the SAP batch process.

• Maintain student SAP.

• View the Satisfactory Academic Progress field.

• Define student-specific career exceptions.

• Define student-specific aid year exceptions or term exceptions.

• Create SAP communications.

• Simulate a student SAP calculation.

• Review students from a batch run.

Note: When running an online, batch, or simulated SAP process, there must be an active FA Term row
for either the aid year or the term being processed. Also, ensure that the Set Up Activation field is set to
Active on the Setup page (Set Up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Satisfactory Academic Progress,
Define Setup Criteria, Setup).

Pages Used to Process and Maintain SAP

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Process SAP SFA_RUN_SAP Financial Aid > Satisfactory Run the batch SAP process.
Academic Progress > Process The setup must have a status
SAP of active for the process to
execute successfully.

Student SAP SFA_SAP_STDNT Financial Aid > Satisfactory Run the SAP process for an
Academic Progress > individual student, view SAP
Maintain Student SAP Data > calculated values, set student
Student SAP level exclusions, and set the
use of the Override SAP
Status. The setup must have a
status of active for the process
to execute successfully.

Packaging Status Summary STDNT_AID_PACKAGE Click the Packaging Status View the Satisfactory
Summary link from the Academic Progress field
Student SAP page. value.

848 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Career Exceptions SFA_SAP_STDNT2 Financial Aid > Satisfactory Define exceptions at the
Academic Progress > student level.
Maintain Student SAP Data >
Career Exceptions

Term Exceptions (Page SFA_SAP_STDNT3 Financial Aid > Satisfactory Define exceptions at the
visibility depends on SAP Academic Progress > student level for term
Career level setup) Maintain Student SAP Data > processing.
Term Exceptions

Aid Year Exceptions (Page SFA_SAP_STDNT4 Financial Aid > Satisfactory Define exceptions at the
visibility depends on SAP Academic Progress > Aid student level for aid year
Career level setup) Year Exceptions processing.

Create SAP Communications SFA_RUN_SAP3C Financial Aid > Satisfactory Set up event triggers for 3C
Academic Progress > Create communications.
SAP Communications

Simulate Student Eligibility SFA_SAP_STDNT_SIM Financial Aid > Satisfactory Simulate SAP status
Academic Progress > processing without saving
Simulate Student Eligibility data.

Review Report Data SFA_SAP_RPT Financial Aid > Satisfactory Store batch SAP status details
Academic Progress > Review by run control IDs.
Report Data

Running the SAP Batch Process

Access the Process SAP page (Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic Progress > Process SAP).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 849

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Image: Process SAP page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Process SAP page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Before running the SAP process, ensure that the Set Up Activation field is set to Active on the Setup page
(Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic Progress > Define Setup
Criteria > Setup).

Population Selection
The Population Selection check box is selected or cleared, depending on the value in the Selection
Criteria field in the Input Parameters group box on this page. When the check box is selected, population
selection options appear in the Population Selection group box.

For more information on population selection:

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Population Selection This check box is selected by default when you select
Population Selection in the Selection Criteria field in the Input
Parameters group box on this page.

Use the Population Selection option to restrict the selection

of IDs to only the IDs identified by a tool configured to select
a specific population. Only identified IDs are selected for an

850 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

SAP evaluation. If they meet the evaluation criteria, an SAP

calculation is created.

If the preview functionality is enabled for the selection tool, you

can preview the population selection results before you run the

Selection Tool This field is available if the Population Selection check box is
selected. Select from Equation Engine, PS Query, or External
File, or enter a tool that your institution created to select the
IDs to review for an SAP calculation. Additional parameters are
displayed for your selected tool.

Query Name Select a query to use for Population Selection. This field is
available only when PS Query is selected in the Selection Tool
field. Select a PS Query that uses the SFA_SAP_BIND bind

Input Parameters
Aid Year Select the aid year for which you want to evaluate Satisfactory
Academic Progress. This field displays only if you have selected
a SAP Process Type of Aid Year for the career in context in your
SAP setup.

Term Select the term for which you want to evaluate Satisfactory
Academic Progress. This field displays only if you have selected
a SAP Process Type of Term for the career in context in your
SAP setup.

Selection Criteria Select one of three options to determine which IDs are selected
and evaluated for an SAP Calculation.

Select Population Selection to use the Population Selection

feature to select IDs for an SAP evaluation. When selected,
the Population Selection check box is selected, the options in
the Population Selection group box are displayed, the Student
Override check box is not available, and the Student Override
grid is hidden.

Select Student Override to manually enter in specific IDs

for an SAP evaluation in the Student Override grid. When
selected, the Student Override check box is enabled, the Student
Override grid is displayed, the Population Selection check box
is disabled, and the Population Selection options are hidden.

Select Standard SAP Selection to use the built-in SAP selection

criteria to select IDs for an SAP evaluation. This option disables
the Student Override and Population Selection check boxes
and hides both the Student Override grid and the Population
Selection options.

Processing Option Select the processing option:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 851

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

• Update and Report inserts the same row into the Student
SAP Record and the Review Report Data page.

• Report Only inserts a row into the Review Report Data page.
Use this option to see the results before updating the SAP
status on the Packaging Status Summary page.

• Update Only inserts a row into the Student SAP Record.

Update using most recent evaluation Select this check box to update Pass 2 into the Student SAP
term (Pass 2) record. If this is not selected, Pass 2 results are not updated in
the Student SAP record.

Pass 2 processing occurs when the student does not have a row
for the term or aid year being processed. Statistics from the
latest term or aid year are used to calculate the student's SAP
Status. Statuses and Actions rules are not evaluated for Pass 2.

Skip Status and Actions Select this check box to skip the Statuses and Actions rules
set up when processing Pass 1 for multiple aid years or terms.
This avoids an incorrect Calc SAP status from being calculated.
If this option is selected on the SAP processing run control
and Statuses and Actions rules are set up and selected, they are

Use this option when you are running multiple aid year or term
processes and comparing with the prior status would not be
accurate. This option obtains the actual calculated SAP status
for the student and does not evaluate the prior statuses and any
matching statuses and action rules.

As an example, you would not select this option in this case:

If processing in January for spring 2006 and for fall 2006, the
previous fall 2005 is the maximum term past the fully graded
date that both processing terms select. If the process is run for
spring 2006 with a status of Probation, then runs for fall 2006,
it calculates Probation, then compares it to the spring value of
Probation, and gives an overall status of Disqualified which
would be incorrect.

Don't Run If SAP Status Exists Select this check box if you do not want to recalculate for
students who already have a SAP Status code for either the aid
year or term that you are processing.

Update Options
These options appear only when the Don't Run If SAP Status Exists check box is not selected.

Calc SAP Status Change Only Select this option to insert a new SAP record if no SAP record
(calculate SAP status change only) exists for the run control values or if the Calc SAP Status code

Any Calculation Value Change If this option is selected, the process inserts a new row (create
a new SAP calculation) if any of the values change from a

852 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

previous calculated row for the same term/aid year - even if the
resulting changes do not change the Calculated Status. It also
inserts a new row if no row exists.

If this option is not selected, then a new row is only inserted if

there is a change to the Calculated Status. It also inserts a new
row if none exists, unless there is no data to process for that
term or aid year.

Student Override
Select the Student Override option to display the Student Override grid for entry of student IDs. Enter the
IDs of the students to be considered for SAP evaluation. If the students meet the evaluation criteria, an
SAP calculation is created. Only the IDs you list are processed.

Maintaining Student SAP

Access the Student SAP page (Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic Progress > Maintain Student SAP
Data > Student SAP).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 853

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Image: Student SAP page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student SAP page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

All students with an FA Term built are able to access the SAP Student Data page, which allows for online
SAP calculation for an individual student. Students must have an active row in FA Term for the term or
aid year that is being processed. If an active row does not exist, the process executes but returns a blank
page, or, if a previous status exists, the existing page data is displayed.

Note: Before running the online process, ensure that the Set Up Activation field is set to Active on the
Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic Progress >
Define Setup Criteria > Setup).

This page displays the SAP status code and all the calculation results used to determine a student's SAP
status code.

854 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

The Aid Year or Term field is displayed depending on the setup criteria. Enter the aid year or term to
process for the SAP online process.

Click the Calc SAP button to run the SAP process for an individual. An Active FA Term record must exist
for the aid year or term being processed. After processing, the SAP Calculation Results, SAP Calculation
Data, and Processing Information group boxes are populated.

Student SAP
Aid Year or Term The aid year or term used in the SAP online or batch
calculation. If the batch process calculated the data, this is the
aid year or term used on the run control for that batch run.

Packaging Status Summary Click this link to view the Satisfactory Academic Progress field
on the Packaging Status Summary page.

Program Displays the academic program from FA Term that was used to
determine SAP status.

Plan Displays the academic plan from FA Term that was used to
determine SAP status.

Calc SAP Status (calculated SAP Displays the calculated SAP status that controls the value in the
status) SAP field on the Packaging Status Summary page. To access
this page, click the Packaging Status Summary link.

Override SAP Status You can enter a SAP status to override the calculated SAP
status. If populated, this status overrides the value in the Calc
SAP Status field and controls the Satisfactory Academic
Progress field on the Packaging Status Summary page. Delete
the override status before running the process after the fully
graded date.

Updated Displays the date that an override is placed on the student's SAP

User ID Displays the user ID of the person who applied the override.

Comment A comment can be placed in this field to provide additional

information on a student's SAP. Use the comment field when
you override a student's SAP Status.

SAP Calculation Results

Test The eight tests used to determine an SAP status. The possible
tests are:

• Academic Standing

• Max Attempted Units

• Max Attempted Terms

• Min Current GPA

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 855

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

• Min Cumulative GPA

• Current Earned Units

• Cumulative Earned Units

• Two Year GPA

Used Indicates whether this test was used to determined SAP status.

Actual Displays the calculated value for any test that is used. This is the
value that is used in the rule comparison.

Rule Range From Displays the lower end of the failed range of the test if the
student failed the test. Academic standing does not use ranges
and no value exists for the Academic Standing Test row.

Rule Range To Displays the upper end of the failed range of the test if the
student failed the test. Academic standing does not use ranges
and no value exists for the Academic Standing Test row.

Failed Displays as checked if the student failed the test.

Status Displays the calculated status for each test.

Severity Displays the severity of each SAP test. The status of the test
with the highest severity is used to populate the Calc SAP Status

Exception Used Indicates whether an exception rule was used to determine SAP

Term Displays the term used to evaluate academic standing from

Student Records. Only displays for the Academic Standing test.

SAP Calculation Data

Current Units Attempted Displays the number of units the student is attempting for the
evaluation term or aid year terms. This is used in the Current
Earned Units test.

Cumulative Units Attempted Displays the cumulative number of units the student attempted,
up to and including the units for the term or terms in the aid year
being evaluated. This is used in the Cumulative Earned Units

Two Year Nbr of Terms (two year Displays the number of attempted terms calculated for use in the
number of terms) Two Year GPA test.

Current Earned Units Percent( Displays the Current Earned Units Percent field calculated when
the “Use Percentage” option is selected for Current Earned
Units Test in the SAP Define Set Up Criteria.

856 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Cumulative Earned Units Displays the Cumulative Earned Units Percent field calculated
Pct( (cumulative earned units percent) when the “Use Percentage” option is selected for Cumulative
Earned Units Test in the SAP Define Set Up Criteria.

Processing Information
Process User ID Displays the user ID of the person who ran the batch process.

Process Date/Time Displays the date and time when the process was run.

Processing Message: Displays the source of the status code:

• Default SAP Status. The status assigned to students who

pass all of the selected tests.

• Statistics Calc Pass 1, Term XXX. Calculated status from

the evaluation term or max term in an aid year.

• Statistics Calc Pass 2, Term XXX. Calculated status from

the latest (max) term on the student's record.

Viewing the Satisfactory Academic Progress Field

Access the Packaging Status Summary page. (Click the Packaging Status Summary link from the Student
SAP page.)

Image: Packaging Status Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Packaging Status Summary page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Enter the SAP status. If the field is not editable, active SAP
setup data exists. When active setup data exists, the Process

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 857

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

SAP process updates this value based on the SAP status code

SAP Details Click this link to navigate to the Student SAP page.

Defining Student-Specific Career Exceptions

Access the Career Exceptions page (Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic Progress > Maintain Student
SAP Data > Career Exceptions).

Image: Career Exceptions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Career Exceptions page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page is for student-specific career rules, rewriting the rule at the student level for the Effective
Date and Status control when the student-specific career rule is applied. If any career rules fail when
processing, the Exception Failure Default Status is applied and the exception flag is set to Y for the test
using the exception.

The SAP status assigned for any career exception failure is the Exception Fail Default Status. It is
recommended that this Severity code is the highest of the Not Meet status codes.

Click the Calc SAP button to run the SAP process for an individual. An Active FA Term record must exist
for the aid year or term being processed.

858 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Career Exceptions
Effective Date Date this rule is applied.

Status Active: Rule is active and in effect.

Inactive: Rule is inactive and not in effect.

Attempted Max Units (attempted Enter the total number of attempted units to which the student is
maximum units) limited.

Attempted Max Terms (attempted Enter the this total number of attempted terms to which the
maximum terms) student is limited.

Min Cumulative GPA (minimum Enter the minimum cumulative GPA that the student must have.
cumulative GPA)

Cum Earned Units % (cumulative Enter the minimum percentage (attempted units divided by
earned units percentage) earned units) to which the student is limited.

Cum Earned Units (cumulative earned Enter the minimum number of (attempted units divided by
units) earned units) to which the student is limited.

Cum Att Units to Exclude Enter the total number of cumulative attempted units to exclude
from the calculation.

Two Year GPA Enter the minimum cumulative GPA that the student must have
for his or her second year.

Terms From Enter the starting number for the range of terms for which
this career exception to the Two Year GPA rule applies. The
numbers are inclusive. If 10 is the starting number, it is included
in the range.

Terms To Enter the ending number for the range of terms for which
this career exception to the Two Year GPA rule applies. The
numbers are inclusive. If 10 is the ending number, it is included
in the range.

Comments Enter remarks up to 254 characters, that apply to the student

career exception.

Defining Student-Specific Term Exceptions

Access the Term Exceptions page (Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic Progress > Maintain Student
SAP Data > Term Exceptions).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 859

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Image: Term Exceptions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Term Exceptions page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

This page appears when the process type set up for this student's institution and career is set to term
processing. This page is for student-specific term rules. The rules apply only to the specific term entered.

If any of these rules fail, the Exception Failure Default Status is applied. You should make this Severity
code the highest of all the Not Meet status codes.

Click the Calc SAP button to run the SAP process for an individual. An active FA Term record must exist
for term being processed.

Term Exceptions
Term Enter the term to which these specific student rules apply.

Override Academic Standing Select this check box to override the academic standing rule for
students with Warning or Disqualified status.

Min Cumulative GPA (minimum Enter the minimum cumulative GPA that a student must achieve
cumulative GPA) at the end of the term.

Min Current GPA (minimum current Enter the minimum current GPA that the student must achieve
GPA) for the term.

Cur Earned Units % (current earned Enter the minimum percentage (attempted units divided by
units percentage) earned units) for the term that the student must achieve.

860 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Cur Earned Units (current earned Enter the minimum number of attempted/earned units for the
units) term that the student must achieve.

Cur Att Units to Exclude Enter the total number of current attempted units to exclude
from the calculation.

Two Year GPA Enter the minimum cumulative GPA that the student must have
for his or her second year.

Terms From Enter the starting number for the range of terms for which
this career exception to the Two Year GPA rule applies. The
numbers are inclusive. If 10 is the starting number, it is included
in the range.

Terms To Enter the ending number for the range of terms for which
this career exception to the Two Year GPA rule applies. The
numbers are inclusive. If 10 is the ending number, it is included
in the range

Comments Enter remarks up to 254 characters that apply to the student term

Audit Information
Last Update User ID Displays the user ID of the person who last saved change to this

Last Update Date/Time Displays the date and time when this page was last saved.

Defining Student-Specific Aid Year Exceptions

Access the Aid Year Exceptions page (Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic Progress > Maintain
Student SAP Data > Aid Year Exceptions ).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 861

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Image: Aid Year Exceptions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aid Year Exceptions page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page appears when the process type set up for this student's institution and career is set to aid year
processing. This page is for student-specific aid year rules. The rules apply only to the specific aid year
that is entered.

If any of these rules fail, the Exception Failure Default Status is applied. You should make this Severity
code the highest of all the Not Meet status codes.

Click the Calc SAP button to run the SAP process for an individual. An active FA Term record must exist
within the aid year being processed.

Note: For descriptions of the fields on this page, refer to the documentation about the fields on the Term
Exceptions page and replace term with aid year.

Creating SAP Communications

Access the Create SAP Communications page (Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic Progress > Create
SAP Communications).

The SAP Communications process inserts a row into the Event 3C Trigger table. The unmodified (vanilla)
Event Process creates the 3C elements as set up in the Event setup record. You can control the production
of duplicate communications by using the unmodified (vanilla) event processing controls.

See "Identifying Trigger Conditions" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

862 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

See "Naming an Event" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Term or Aid Year Enter the maximum row in the Student SAP record for either
term or aid year.

SAP Status Code Enter the SAP Status Code for which you want to create SAP

Simulating a Student SAP Calculation

Access the Simulate Student Eligibility page (Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic Progress >
Simulate Student Eligibility).

Image: Simulate Student Eligibility page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Simulate Student Eligibility page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

To run the SAP process for a single student without updating the SAP Student Data page, use this page to
process SAP status online.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 863

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

Depending on your setup criteria, either the Term or Aid Year field appears. Enter the aid year or term to
process for the SAP online process.

Click the Calc SAP button to run the SAP simulation process for an individual. An Active FA Term
record must exist for the aid year or term being processed. After processing, the SAP Calculation Results,
SAP Calculation Data, and Processing Information group boxes are populated.

Student SAP
Aid Year or Term The aid year or term used in the batch or online SAP
calculation. If the batch process calculated the data, this is the
aid year or term used on the run control for that batch run.

Program The academic program from FA Term that was used to

determine SAP status.

Plan The academic plan from FA Term that was used to determine
SAP status.

Calc SAP Status (calculated SAP The calculated SAP status that controls the value in the
status) Satisfactory Academic Progress field on the Packaging
Summary Status page.

Override SAP Status If populated, this status overrides the value in the Calc Sap
Status field and controls the Satisfactory Academic Progress
field on the Packaging Summary Status page. Delete the
override status before running the process after the fully graded

SAP Calculation Results

Test Eight tests are used to determine an SAP status. The possible
criteria are:

• Academic Standing

• Max Attempted Units

• Max Attempted Terms

• Min Current GPA

• Min Cumulative GPA

• Current Earned Units

• Cumulative Earned Units

• Two Year GPA

Used Indicates whether this test was used to determine SAP status.

Actual The calculated value is populated for any test that is used. This
is the value that is used in the rule comparison.

864 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 26 Satisfactory Academic Progress

Rule Range From If the student failed this test, the rule displays in the lower end
of the failed range. Academic Standing does not use ranges and
no value exists for the Academic Standing Test row.

Rule Range To If the student failed this test, the rule displays in the upper end
of the failed range. Academic Standing does not use ranges and
no value exists for the Academic Standing Test row.

Status Displays the calculated status for each test.

Severity Displays the severity of the SAP status. The status with the
highest severity is used to populate the Calc SAP Status field.

Term Displays the term used to evaluate Academic Standing from

Student Records. This field appears for the Academic Standing
test only.

SAP Calculation Data

Current Units Attempted Displays the number of units that the student is attempting for
the evaluation term/aid year terms. This is used in the Current
Earned Units test.

Cumulative Units Attempted Displays the cumulative number of units that the student
attempted up to and including the units for the term or terms
in the aid year being evaluated. This is used in the Cumulative
Earned Units test.

Two Year Nbr of Terms (two year Displays the number of attempted terms calculated for use in the
number of terms) Two Year GPA test.

Current Earned Units Percent( Displays the Current Earned Units Percent field calculated when
the “Use Percentage” option is selected for Current Earned
Units Test in the SAP Define Set Up Criteria.

Cumulative Earned Units Displays the Cumulative Earned Units Percent field calculated
Pct( (cumulative earned units percent) when the “Use Percentage” option is selected for Cumulative
Earned Units Test in the SAP Define Set Up Criteria.

Processing Information
Processing Message The message identifies the source of the status code:

• Default SAP Status. The status assigned to students who

pass all of the selected tests.

• Statistics Calc Pass 1, Term XXX. Calculated status from

the evaluation term or max term in an aid year.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 865

Satisfactory Academic Progress Chapter 26

• Statistics Calc Pass 2, Term XXX. Calculated status from

the latest (max) term on the student's record.

Reviewing Students from a Batch Run

Access the Review Report Data page (Financial Aid > Satisfactory Academic Progress > Review Report

After running the SAP process in batch, you can use the Review Report Data page to review the results
for all eight tests for all students processed in the batch. This page is available when you select either the
Update and Report or the Report Only option on the Process SAP page.

866 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Making Early Financial Aid Offers

Your institution may use early financial aid offers as part of your admission recruitment process. Early
financial aid offers are associated with a career. Because a student can apply for more than one career,
this feature enables you to assign an early financial aid offer for each career's admission application the
student may submit. Early financial aid offers must have an effective date so that the history of early
financial aid offers can be tracked.

The early financial aid offer enables you to award estimated aid to students based on early financial
aid categories you define. Select as many of these categories as you want. For each category, you enter
an estimated amount of aid, and whether the award category should be offered, accepted, canceled, or

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

• Create early financial aid offers.

• View admissions application information.

Before you create early financial aid offers using award categories, you must set up early financial aid
offer categories.

Related Links
Preparing for Early Financial Aid Offers

Pages Used to Make Early Financial Aid Offers

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Early Financial Aid Offer ERLY_FA_OFFER Financial Aid > Awards > Create or modify early
Early Financial Aid Awards > financial aid offers.
Offer Early Financial Aid >
Early Financial Aid Offer

Admission Application Detail FA_APPL_SEC Click the Detail link on the View admissions application
Early Financial Aid Offer information for the student.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 867

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Creating Early Financial Aid Offers

Access the Early Financial Aid Offer page (Financial Aid > Awards > Early Financial Aid Awards >
Offer Early Financial Aid > Early Financial Aid Offer).

Image: Early Financial Aid Offer page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Early Financial Aid Offer page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Warning! It is strongly advised that the financial aid office work closely with the admissions office
regarding the use of early financial aid offers. Early financial aid offers do not require a student to be
checked for eligibility for financial aid awards. If a student is offered an early financial aid offer but later
is found to be ineligible for aid or for the amount of aid offered, your institution could be held liable for
the student's funding.
A student can have multiple admissions applications for multiple programs that may be in multiple
careers. The Career Nbr (career number), Program Nbr (program number), and Application Nbr
(application number) fields display sequential numbers for multiple admissions applications.

Detail Click to access the Admission Application Detail page and

review the status of the student's admissions application.

Sequence Enables you to have up to ten early award offers for each day,
working in conjunction with the effective date. The system
increases the sequence automatically, or you can enter a
particular sequence number.

Aid Year Populates automatically based on the aid year selected in the
user default settings. To change the aid year, use correction

Offer Total The total amount of early financial aid that you have awarded to
the student.

868 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Aid Category Select the appropriate aid category for the type of aid that you
are offering the student. The categories you set up on the Early
Aid Categories page are available in this field.

See Preparing for Early Financial Aid Offers.

Status The current action being taken on the aid category.

Accepted: The student has accepted the offered aid category.

Canceled: You have canceled the offered aid category.

Declined: The student has declined the offered aid category.

Offered: The aid category has been offered to the student, but no
response has been received from the student yet.

Offer Amount The amount for the aid category that you want to offer the

Viewing Admission Application Information

Access the Admission Application Detail page (click the Detail link on the Early Financial Aid Offer

Complete and Completed Date Indicates whether the student's admissions application is
complete and the date that the application was completed.

Evaluation Status and Evaluation The evaluation status of the student's admissions application and
Date the date associated with this status.

Complete: The evaluation is complete.

In Progress: The evaluation is in progress.

Application Detail
The Application Detail group box displays academic program data from the student's admissions

Effective Sequence Distinguishes individual rows entered with the same effective
date. This feature enables you to have admissions applications
for each academic program for which the student applies. The
system increases the sequence automatically, or you can enter a
particular sequence number.

Status The admissions status for the student in the specified academic

Program Action Indicates the current action being taken in the admissions

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 869

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Admit Term The term in which the student was admitted to the academic

Action Reason and Action Date The reason that and date on which the action was taken.

Selecting Your Application Data Source for Awarding

Specify whether you want to use federal application data (ISIR), institutional application data (PROFILE
or an institutional application), or either (indicating which you would prefer to use if both are available).
The application data source you select affects the packaging outcomes of Mass Packaging, Auto
Packaging, and online manual awarding.

To allow the awarding and packaging of financial aid by using federal application data or institutional
application data, you must enter a value in the Packaging Data Source field on the Financial Aid Defaults
page, or override the installation level default for this field using an aid processing rule set at the
academic career or academic program level. Select whether you want to use federal data, institutional
data, or use a preference for federal or institutional data. For example, you could select the Institutional
then Federal value for the packaging data source. If institutional application data is not available, the
Packaging routine uses the student's federal application data to award monies.

The Packaging routine and the Equation Engine are affected by your selection of application data,
either federal or institutional. The Packaging routine includes manual awarding, Auto Packaging, Mass
Packaging, and the Mass Actions page. If you select an application type in the Packaging Data Source
field that is different from the type of application that exists for a student, you cannot make awards for
that student or adjust that student's awards. For example, if you select institutional application data as
your packaging data source and the student has only federal application data, you cannot make awards for
that student or adjust that student's existing awards.

Note: If the student does not have the specified packaging data source, the student does not receive any
awards—except for no effect and conditional awards. For example, if you select Federal Only in the
Packaging Data Source field and you only have institutional application data loaded for students, none of
the students are awarded.

Depending on the packaging data source selected and the type of application available for a student, the
and Equation Engine routines select data from either the federal application data (ISIR_** tables) or the
institutional application data (INST_** tables). The data selected is then used to populate fields used
by the Packaging and Equation Engine routines. Several fields selected from the ISIR_** tables do not
have corresponding fields in the INST_** tables. Because of this, some packaging fields are populated
with assumed values when you are packaging using institutional data. For example, database match
information is not provided in the PROFILE application, so the student is assumed to have valid values
for the database matches.

When the routine packages students using institutional data (Inst or Inst, Fed), it first determines whether
an ISIR also exists for the student, in addition to the PROFILE or other institutional application in the
system. Previously , if an ISIR existed for a student, the routine used ISIR data to determine federal
eligibility and used institutional data for all other selection or eligibility criteria, such as packaging
equations. Data for equations was selected when packaging data was selected. Now you must write your
own equation to determine what data is selected. If only an institutional application and no ISIR exists for
the student, the Packaging routine uses institutional data to determine eligibility—federal, institutional, or
other—to package the student.

870 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

The following table provides a list of the packaging fields for which a corresponding field does not
exist in the institutional application data (PROFILE or an institutional application). The second column
tells you how the packaging field is populated when institutional application data is selected for use in

ISIR Fields Used in Packaging Routine with no How Packaging Fields are Populated when
Corresponding INST (PROFILE) field Institutional Data Source is used

1ST_BACH_DEGREE 2-No is loaded (as an assumption).

DRUG_OFFENSE_CONV 1-Eligible is loaded (as an assumption).

FED_DEPEND_STAT Field values are derived from available institutional

application (PROFILE or an institutional application) data or
an INAS calculation.

FED_EFC Field values are derived from available institutional

application (PROFILE or an institutional application) data or
an INAS calculation.

FED_NEED Field values are derived from available institutional

application (PROFILE or an institutional application) data or
an INAS calculation.

INS_MATCH Eligible — this information comes from the Student Aid

Attributes table.

NSLDS_MATCH Eligible — this information comes from the Student Aid

Attributes table.

PRISONER_MATCH 0-Not Prisnr is loaded (as an assumption).

PRORATED _EFC Field values are derived from available institutional

application (PROFILE or an institutional application) data or
an INAS calculation.

GRADUATE_STUDENT 2-No is loaded (as an assumption).

SS_MATCH Eligible — this information comes from the Student Aid

Attributes table.

SS_REGISTRATION Eligible — this information comes from the Student Aid

Attributes table.

SSA_CITIZENSHIP_IND Eligible — this information comes from the Student Aid

Attributes table.

SSN_MATCH Eligible — this information comes from the Student Aid

Attributes table.

TITLEIV_ELIG Y-Yes is loaded (as an assumption).

WEEKLY_PC Field values are derived from available institutional

application (PROFILE or an institutional application) data or
an INAS calculation.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 871

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

ISIR Fields Used in Packaging Routine with no How Packaging Fields are Populated when
Corresponding INST (PROFILE) field Institutional Data Source is used

WEEKLY_SC Field values are derived from available institutional

application (PROFILE or an institutional application) data or
an INAS calculation.

Note: The fields FED_DEPEND_STAT and INST_DEPEND_STAT are populated from federal and/or
institutional data load processes and are on the STUDENT_AID table. The Packaging routine references
these values to determine dependency status.

Related Links
Defining Awarding and Rounding Rules

Entering Veteran Education Benefits

Important! Financial Aid Notification (FAN) letter is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained
for this product, but no new development will be produced for FAN. It is strongly recommended that you
use Communication Generation (Comm Gen) instead. For more information on Comm Gen, see "Using
the Communication Generation Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

The Packaging routine is able to include and exclude Montgomery GI Bill (Chapter 30)/AmeriCorps
(Title 1) veteran education benefits based on the following criteria when awarding federal financial aid.
This veteran education benefits amount must be used as follows:

• Considered as a resource, which reduces need, when awarding campus-based programs—SEOG,

Federal Work Study, and Perkins.

• Excluded when determining a student's eligibility (does not reduce need) for a subsidized loan—
FFELP or Direct.

• Considered as estimated financial aid for an unsubsidized loan—FFELP or Direct.

The Packaging routine then uses this amount when determining need and estimated financial aid for
awarding. The Need Summary pages also display the veteran education benefits amount.

This section discusses how to:

• Enter other educational resource information.

• Process other educational resources.

872 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Page Used to Enter Veteran Education Benefits

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Veteran's Education Benefits STDNT_AWD_PER_RSRC Financial Aid Awards > Enter the amount a
Award Processing > Identify student receives from
Education Resources > the Montgomery GI Bill/
Veteran's Education Benefits AmeriCorps programs for all
appropriate award periods.

Entering Other Educational Resource Information

Access the Veteran's Education Benefits page (Financial Aid Awards > Award Processing > Identify
Education Resources > Veteran's Education Benefits).

EFC Status (expected family Displays the student's ISIR EFC status. Values are Unofficial,
contribution status) Official, and Rejected.

ISIR Information Click this link to access the ISIR Information page and view
selected information from the student's ISIR.

Database Matches Click this link to access the Database Matches page and review
the student's status regarding the U.S.E.D. required database

Award Period Indicates the award period associated with the veteran education
benefit amount you are entering.

Montgomery GI Bill/AmeriCorps Enter the amount the student is being awarded for veteran
education benefits. The Packaging process uses the veteran
education benefits amount you enter. This amount reduces need
for campus-based awarding, is excluded from consideration
when awarding subsidized loans (FFELP or Direct), and is
included as estimated financial aid when awarding unsubsidized
loans—FFELP or Direct. The amounts that you enter are
specific to each award period.

Print as Other Resource Select this check box if you want the amount that you enter to
print on the Financial Aid Notification (FAN) letter as Other
Resource. If you do not select this check box, the veteran
education benefits amount does not appear on the FAN letter.

Processing Other Educational Resources

The Packaging process uses the veteran education benefits amount in the following way:

• It reduces need for campus-based awarding.

• It is not included in the need calculation for the awarding of subsidized loans—FFELP or Direct.

• It is included as estimated financial aid for unsubsidized loans—FFELP or Direct.

These rules are used during Manual Packaging, Auto Packaging, and Mass Packaging.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 873

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Note: Packaging treats the veteran education benefits amount exactly the same for federal methodology
(FM) and institutional methodology (IM) processing. Only one entry exists on the Student Aid Attribute
record for the veteran education benefits amount. The Need Summary pages display the same amount in
both the FM and IM columns.

You enter veteran education benefits amounts for both academic and non standard award periods. Be sure
to divide the veteran education benefits amount correctly between award periods. During packaging, if the
Award Period value on the packaging plan is Both, then the Packaging process adds the two award period
values and uses that amount when assessing need.

If you modify the award period on the student's Term Budget record—for example, from academic to
non-standard—and that student has veteran education benefits, you receive this award message: This
student has 'Other Resources' associated with this Award Period. Please check the distributions as this
change may affect the student's resources/need calculation. You must change the amount entered for the
veteran education benefits to derive the appropriate amount for each award period.

Note: When the system is determining a student's eligibility for a particular award, eligibility is based on
the student's period of enrollment rather than the student's loan period. If you want to calculate a one-term
only loan, you must adjust/prorate the student's veteran education benefits amount accordingly.

Reviewing the Student's Packaging Status

Important! Mass Change is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained for this product, but
no new development will be produced for Mass Change. It is strongly recommended that you use
Application Engine instead. For more information on PeopleSoft Application Engine, see PeopleTools:
Application Engine.

The Packaging Status Summary page provides a summary of the wide variety of information the
Packaging routine uses. It includes federal and institutional verification status, disbursement hold,
satisfactory academic progress, and packaging information. Other processes or actions affect many of the
fields on this page. You can change these fields either manually or using Mass Change.

This section discusses how to:

• Review the Packaging Status Summary page.

• View database matches.

• Review the U.S.E.D. database match process.

• Review Pell information.

• Override Pell eligibility calculation setup values.

874 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Pages Used to Review the Student's Packaging Status

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Packaging Status Summary STDNT_AID_PACKAGE Financial Aid > View Review a comprehensive
Packaging Status Summary > summary of a student's
Packaging Status Summary financial aid application and
award information.

Financial Aid Term (inquiry) STDNT_FA_TERM_SEC Click the TERM link on the View the student's Financial
Packaging Status Summary Aid Term information.
page or the FA Term link
on the Student Budget
Maintenance page.

Statistics (inquiry) STDNT_FA_TERM_SEC1 Click the Statistics link on the View the student's GPA
Financial Aid Term page. related information (including
term and cumulative GPA),
units taken and passed, and
terms in residence.

Form of Study STDNT_FA_TERM_SEC2 Click the Form of Study link View information relating to a
on the Financial Aid Term student's exchange program.

ISIR Information ISIR_INFO_SMR2_SEC Click the ISIR Information View select information from
link on the Packaging the student's most recently
Status Summary page or the loaded ISIR and information
ISIR link on the Veteran's from Campus Community.
Education Benefits page.

ISIR Comments ISIR_SMR2_CMNT_SEC Click the comment code on View the text of the ISIR
the ISIR Information page. comment and the severity of
the comment code.

Database Matches ISIR_DBMATCH_SEC Click the Database Matches View database matches.
link on the Packaging Review or manually override
Status Summary page or the a student's status for the U.
Veteran's Education Benefits S.E.D. federally required
page. database matches (populated
by the ISIR data load

Need Summary NEED_SMRY_PKG_SEC Click the Need Summary View the student's cost
link on the Packaging Status of attendance and need,
Summary page. calculated with both
federal and institutional

PELL Information PELL_INFO_SEC Click the PELL link on the Review Pell information
Packaging Status Summary or initiate Pell Payment
page. processing for a student if
they have received a Pell
Grant. Update the Pell
Processing Status field.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 875

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Override STDNT_PELL_PKG_SEC Click the PELL Calculation Override your institutional
Override link on the Pell eligibility calculation
Packaging Status Summary setup for a student.

Restricted Aid Information STDNT_RSTRCAID_SEC Click the Restricted Aid View the status and amount
link on the Packaging Status of the student's restricted aid
Summary page. award.

Financial Aid Award STDNT_AWRD_CTG_SEC Click the Financial Aid View the student's financial
Awarded link on the aid awards. Determine
Packaging Status Summary whether the student's awards
page. have been disbursed to the

Student SAP SFA_SAP_STDNT Click the SAP Details link View the student's
on the Packaging Status Satisfactory Academic
Summary page. Progress details, such as
attempted and earned units or
current and cumulative GPA.

Student Attributes STDNT_AID_PKAGE_CA Financial Aid, View Enter values for fields created
Packaging Status Summary, using the Common Attribute
Student Attributes. Framework.

Reviewing the Packaging Status Summary Page

Access the Packaging Status Summary page (Financial Aid > View Packaging Status Summary >
Packaging Status Summary).

Image: Packaging Status Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Packaging Status Summary page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

876 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

EFC Status (expected family Displayed from the financial aid application data. The student's
contribution status) EFC can be Official, Rejected, or Unofficial.

TERM Click this link to access the Financial Aid Term page and view
Financial Aid Term information.

ISIR Information Click this link to access the ISIR Information page and view
some of the student's ISIR information.

Database Matches Click this link to access the Database Matches page and review
a student's status regarding the U.S.E.D. required database

Need Summary Click this link to access the Need Summary page and view the
student's need summary information calculated with both federal
and institutional methodologies.

PELL Click to access the PELL Information page and view Pell
information or to initiate Pell Payment processing for a student
if they have received a Pell Grant.

PELL Calculation Override Click this link to access the Pell Eligibility Calculation - Student
Override page and override your institution's Pell eligibility
calculation values for this student.

Counselor Name Enter a financial aid counselor's ID in this field if a particular

counselor is assigned to the student.

Restricted Aid This link appears only if the student has restricted aid
information entered on the Restricted Aid page. Click to access
the Restricted Aid Information page and view the status and
amount of the student's restricted aid award.

Financial Aid Awarded This link appears when the student has one or more financial aid
awards. Click to access the Financial Aid Awards page and view
the student's financial aid awards.

Academic Career This value is entered with the first ISIR load and is not changed
by subsequent ISIR loads. If the student has multiple careers,
the settings that you establish on the Prospect Source Cross
Reference Setup page determine the career entered in this field.
Update this field by selecting the correct career for the student.
The value in this field is automatically updated after the student
has been packaged.

Aid Processing Status Indicates where the student is in the Awarding process. You
can also update this status using the Package Status field on the
award entry pages.

Use this field in Mass Packaging to determine whether students

are ready to be packaged. The Disbursement Authorization
routine also uses this field to determine whether a student's
package is complete, if you select the Package Complete check

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 877

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

box on the Disbursement Rules: Global - Indicators page or the

Disbursement Rules: Item Type - Indicators page.

Applied: The student has applied for financial aid. This

value is automatically populated when you load a financial
aid application like an ISIR, a PROFILE application, or an
institutional application.

No Electronic Application: No electronic application has been


Packaging Completed: The student's award package has been

posted. The Posting routine automatically updates the field
to this value. To repackage a student after their status has
been changed to Packaging Completed, use Manual or Auto
Packaging or set up a Mass Packaging query definition to select
students with a status of Packaging Completed.

Ready for Counselor Review: The student should be or is

currently being reviewed by a financial aid counselor.

Ready for Packaging: The student is ready for packaging.

When you select students for Mass Packaging, you may want to
choose only students whose status is set to this value; otherwise,
any student who meets the Mass Packaging query definition is
selected regardless of aid processing status.

Repackage: The student is ready for repackaging. Can be set by

the External Award Load process.

Aid Application Status Indicates whether the student's financial aid application is
available for financial aid processing.

(none): You have not assigned the student's financial aid

application a status. You cannot access certain pages until you
enter a status.

Active: The student's financial aid application is active for

financial aid processing. The system assigns this value
automatically when you load the student's first ISIR into the

Canceled: You have canceled the student's financial aid

application. You must enter this value manually.

Restricted: The student has applied for restricted aid only. You
must enter this value manually.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Indicates whether the student is meeting satisfactory academic
progress (SAP). The Packaging routine uses this field to
determine whether to award federal aid to the student. The
Satisfactory Academic Progress global disbursement rules use
this field to determine whether to authorize disbursement of the
student's award. Also, CommonLine Disbursement Hold and

878 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Release processing can use this field to determine whether the

student's loan disbursement should be held or released.

Academic Plan:The student does not meet satisfactory academic

progress and has been placed on an academic plan that leads to
meeting SAP. This value allows federal awards to be made and
the student's award to be authorized for disbursement.

Meets SAP: The student is meeting satisfactory academic

progress. This value allows federal awards to be made and the
student's award to be authorized for disbursement.

Not Meet: The student is not meeting satisfactory academic

progress. Federal awards are not made, and if already awarded
the student's award is not authorized for disbursement.

Probation: The student does not meet satisfactory academic

progress and has been placed on Probation. This value allows
federal awards to be made and the student's award to be
authorized for disbursement.

Undetrmine: (undetermined) Satisfactory academic progress

is undetermined or has not been calculated. Federal awards are
not made, and if already awarded, the student's award is not
authorized for disbursement.

Warning: This value should only be used by institutions that

process satisfactory academic progress by term. A student
that does not meet satisfactory academic progress for the first
time is assigned a warning status. This value allows federal
awards to be made and the student's award to be authorized for

SAP Details Click on this link to view the Student SAP page.

Review Status Indicate the status of the review if your institution conducts a
review of the student's financial aid application.

(none): Indicates that your institution does not conduct a review.

Complete: The review of this application has been completed.

Incomplete: This application is awaiting a review.

Disbursement Hold Enables you to place a hold on the student's awards that is
specific to disbursement processing. You can opt to hold
authorization/disbursement of financial aid if a hold is present.

(none): No holds are placed on this student's financial aid.

Fed Aid (federal aid): Places a hold on the authorization/

disbursement of federal aid only.

Institut. (institutional): Places a hold on the authorization/

disbursement of institutional aid only.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 879

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Loan Hold: Places a hold on the authorization/disbursement of


INST Verification Status Indicates the status of your verification process if your
(institutional verification status) institution conducts a verification of the student's financial aid
application. You must set these values manually if you want to
use them in the verification process.

(none): Indicates that your institution does not conduct an

institutional verification.

Doc Select: The student has been selected for institution

verification of a document only.

Non Select: The student has not been selected for institutional

Select: The student has been selected for institutional


Loan Entrance Interview Status Note: The Loan Entrance Interview Status field displays when
the Financial Aid Installation default for Loan Counseling
Version is Simple.

Indicates whether the student has completed a loan entrance

interview for the corresponding aid year. If you select the Loan
Entrance Intervw Req (loan entrance interview required) check
box on the Disbursement Rules: Item Type - Indicators page,
the interview status value affects how the authorization process
treats the student's award.

(blank): The authorization process automatically determines

whether the student has satisfied the loan entrance counseling
requirement using the process activated when you select the
Loan Entrance Intervw Req check box.

Complete: The student has completed a loan entrance interview.

If the Loan Entrance Intervw Req check box is selected, the
authorization process passes the student and allows the award to
be authorized. Set this value after confirmation of the student's
completion of loan entrance counseling.

Inst Req (institution required): Your institution requires the

student to have a loan entrance interview, regardless of whether
the authorization process requires an interview for loan awards.
If the Loan Entrance Intervw Req check box is selected,
the authorization process fails until you reset the status to
Complete or Pending. Students with prior loan history also fail
authorization until you reset the status to blank, Complete, or

Pending: The student's loan entrance interview is pending.

If the Loan Entrance Intervw Req check box is selected, the

880 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

authorization process passes the student and allows the award to

be authorized.

See Understanding Loan Counseling.

See Managing Loan Counseling Data.

Exit Interview Note: The Exit Interview field displays when the Financial Aid
Installation default for Loan Counseling Version is Simple.

Indicates whether the student has completed a loan exit

interview for the corresponding aid year. This field is for
informational use only because no delivered process currently
uses the value of this field.

Complete: The student has completed a loan exit interview.

Inst Req (institution required): Your institution requires the

student to have a loan exit interview.

Pending: The student's loan exit interview is pending.

Loan Counseling Status Note: The Loan Counseling Version hyperlink displays when
the Financial Aid Installation default for theLoan Counseling
Versionis Expanded.

This is a link to the Entrance/Exit Loan Counseling page.

Verification Flag Indicates the status of the Department of Education's

verification requirement for this student. You can choose to hold
Authorization/Disbursement of financial aid if the status is not
Complete by selecting the Verification Complete check box on
the Disbursement Rules Global page.

(none): This value is treated the same as the Not Reqd value.

Complete: Indicates that you have completed verification either

manually or by the Auto Verification process.

Not Reqd (not required): The student has not been selected for
verification by the Department of Education. This is the default
value for this field.

Pending: The student has failed Auto Verification. This value is

automatically populated by the Auto Verification process.

Required: The student has been selected for verification. This

value is automatically populated when you load the student's
ISIR data.

Verification Status This is associated with the awarding of federal funds, including
Pell Grants, Stafford loans, and Direct Loans. It indicates the
code you use when reporting a Pell payment made to a student.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 881

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Accurate: Indicates that the ISIR transaction number is 01,

meaning the ISIR information is accurate and no changes are
needed. Auto verification enters this value, but you can enter it

Calculated: Indicates that you have calculated the Pell eligibility

based on ISIR corrections, and the Pell eligibility has not

Not Select: The student was not selected for verification.

Not Verfd (not verified): Indicates that a student was selected

for verification but was not verified.

Reprocess: Indicates the SAR needs to be sent for corrections,

and is used for all ISIR transaction numbers that are not 01.

Tolerance: Indicates that a student's verification passed within

the tolerance level.

Wtht Doc (without documentation): Indicates that the first

Pell payment was made to the student before verification was
completed. You can only use this value for one Pell payment.
Subsequent payments/disbursements require reporting a
different verification status.

Scholarship Status Identifies whether you have evaluated a student for scholarship
funds. This is an information only field. It does not affect the
Packaging process.

Evaluated: You have evaluated the student for scholarship


Not Eval (not evaluated): You have not evaluated the student for
scholarship funds.

Award Notification Click this link to access the FE Award Notification Detail page.

Aid Packaging Method The method used to create the student's financial aid package.
The values in this field are automatically updated.

Auto: Packaged using Mass Packaging. View the packaging plan

used to package the student in the Packaging Plan ID field.

Counselor: A financial aid counselor packages the student

manually or using Auto Packaging. If Auto Packaging is used,
view the packaging plan used to package the student in the
Packaging Plan ID field.

Not Pkgd (not packaged): Not yet packaged. This is the default
value until you manually change it.

Packaging Plan ID If you use Auto Packaging or Mass Packaging to package the
student, this field identifies the packaging plan used to package
the student. The Mass Packaging process populates this field

882 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

when it is run in live mode. When Auto Packaging is used, the

Posting routine populates the packaging plan ID.

Repackaging Plan ID If you use Auto Repackaging or Repackaging, this field

identifies the repackaging plan used. The Repackaging
process populates this field when it is run in live mode. When
Auto Repackaging is used, the Posting routine populates the
repackaging plan ID.

Aggregate Source Identifies and defines the aggregate source that the Awarding
and Packaging process uses directly. Prior to any awarding or
packaging, this identifies the default value for manual, auto, or
mass packaging. You can also change the aggregate source on
any of the awarding pages. If online awarding or packaging is
already complete, the value here represents the aggregate source
used during the Packaging routine.

Default: Identifies aggregate source to be used based on value

defined on FA Installation Defaults.

NSLDS: Indicates that awarding and packaging uses the NSLDS

aggregate totals.

PS: Indicates that awarding and packaging uses system

generated and maintained aggregate totals.

Aggregate Used Indicates the aggregate source used during packaging.

NSLDS: Indicates NSLDS aggregate totals used.

PS: Indicates system generated and maintained aggregate totals


Note: Pell Grant eligibility always uses NSLDS aggregate


College Financing Plan Group Select the appropriate group code for this student.

Self Service
Award Access Displays the result of how you set up the Self-Service Access
page. Values are Allowed or Denied.

Inquiry Access Select this check box to allow a student to view assigned
financial aid awards.

External Award Access Select this check box to allow a student to report awards from
other sources.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 883

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Limited Pell Grant Indicator

Limited Pell Grant Indicator Select this check box to indicate:

• the student's first enrollment is on or after July 1, 2015, and

• the student is eligible under one of the Ability to Benefit

alternatives for enrollment in an eligible Career Pathway

If this check box is selected and the student is otherwise Pell-

eligible, the student is awarded using the Career Pathway
Alternate Pell Grant Disbursement Schedule.

If this check box is not selected, and the student is otherwise

Pell-eligible, the student is awarded using the Regular Pell
Grant Disbursement Schedule.

Note: This indicator can be set for multiple students using

Population Update. Add SFA_LPG_IND (Limited Pell Grant
Indicator) to the STDNT_AID_ATRBT (Packaging Status
Summary) record by inserting a new row.
See "Securing and Setting Up the Population Update Process"
(PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals).

Related Links
Defining Basic Global Rules for Authorization
Managing Disbursement Hold and Release Processing
Working with Auto Verification
Awarding Restricted Aid
"Setting Up Self-Service Inquiry Options" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Self Service)
"Setting Up Self-Service Awarding Options" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Self Service)
Setting Up and Accessing a College Financing Plan

Viewing Database Matches

Access the Database Matches page (click the Database Matches link on the Packaging Status Summary
page or the Veteran's Education Benefits page).

The database match values on this page are display only. The Validation routine uses these values to
determine whether the student is eligible for federal financial aid using previously defined eligibility
rules. If you want to change the federally reported database match value to allow a student to receive
federal aid, you must submit a history correction. When that history correction has been resolved and a
Correction ISIR has been received by your institution, the database match field in question contains the
resolved value. As a result, you can process the student for federal aid. If you want to award the student
federal aid prior to receiving the revised Correction ISIR, you must select the Override check box.

The system enforces additional federal database edits for the following existing database matches:

• Student's Social Security Number match with SSA: student's date of birth inconsistent with SSA

884 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

• Veteran Status match with Veteran Affairs: independent due to VA status.

During packaging, the system performs the database match edits in the following sequence:

1. SSN Match

2. SSA Citizenship

3. DHS (formerly INS) Match

4. VA Match

5. Selective Service Match

6. Selective Service Registration

7. NSLDS Match

8. Drug Offense Conviction

9. Parent SSN Match

The system checks the first database match in the sequence (SSN Match) and determines whether or not
resolution is required. When it encounters a database match that needs resolution, it does not perform any
additional database match checks until the match in question is resolved. After you resolve the database
match issue, the system then checks the next database match in the sequence. For example, if a student
has three database match problems, the system does not perform all three checks at the same time. It starts
serially with the first one. If the match is good, it moves to the next match. If the next one is not good, the
system does not perform any more database checks until that database match is resolved.

Important! When you override a federally reported database match value, your institution assumes full
responsibility for changing these values.

Override Select the check box next to a database match value to override
the federally reported match value. This indicates that you have
made a professional judgement decision and want the system to
award and disburse federal financial aid for this student.

If you want override a federally reported database match value

for a group of students, you can use Mass Change to select the
Override check box.

SSN Match (social security number If you try to award federal monies to the student for the field
match) values that do not allow you to award federal financial aid, the
system returns a zero award amount and the following award
message: DB Match: SSN match code indicates student is not
federally eligible.

Date of Dt (date of death): According to the Social Security

Administration (SSA), the SSN the student provided belongs to
a deceased person. The Validation routine does not allow you to
award federal financial aid to this student.

Late: See U.S.E.D. "A Guide to <Aid Processing Year> ISIRs,

Appendix B" Database Matches and Match Flags.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 885

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Match: The SSA found a match for the student's SSN. The
Validation routine allows you to award federal financial aid to
this student.

Mismatch: The student's date of birth or name did not match

the SSA's records for the SSN. The Validation routine does not
allow you to award federal financial aid to this student.

No DOB: No match was conducted because the student did not

provide date of birth information. The Validation routine does
not allow you to award federal financial aid to this student. To
be eligible to receive federal funds, the student must provide
date of birth information on the SAR.

No Match: The SSA did not find a match for the student's SSN.
The Validation routine does not allow you to award federal
financial aid to this student. To be eligible to receive federal
funds, the student must correct the SSN on the SAR, submit a
new FAFSA with the correct SSN, or contact the SSA.

No Name: No match was conducted because the student did

not provide his or her first or last name, or both. The Validation
routine does not allow you to award federal financial aid to this
student. To be eligible to receive federal funds, the student must
provide both first and last name on the SAR.

Not Sent: No match was conducted because the SSN provided

by the student did not fall within the valid range of SSNs. The
Validation routine does not allow you to award federal financial
aid to this student. To be eligible to receive federal funds, the
student must correct the SSN on the SAR, submit a new FAFSA
with the correct SSN, or contact the SSA.

SSA Citizenship Indicator (social If you try to award federal monies to the student for the field
security administration citizenship values that do not allow you to award federal financial aid,
indicator) the Validation routine returns a zero award amount and the
following award message: DB Match: SSA Citizenship Indicator
denotes student is not Federally eligible.

Alien/cond: The student is not a U.S. citizen. The Validation

routine does not allow you to award federal financial aid to this

Alien/stud (alien student): The student is not a U.S. citizen. The

Validation routine does not allow you to award federal financial
aid to this student.

foreign bn (foreign born): The student was born in a foreign

country to American parents who were stationed in another
country. The student must provide of citizenship, such as a
birth certificate indicating that the student is a U.S. citizen born
abroad to be eligible for federal financial aid. The Validation
routine allows you to award federal financial aid to this student.

886 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

LA/wk elig (legal alien, work eligible): The student is not a U.

S. citizen. The Validation routine does not allow you to award
federal financial aid to this student.

LA/wkinelg (legal alien, work ineligible): The student is not a U.

S. citizen. The Validation routine does not allow you to award
federal financial aid to this student.

Name/DOB: The SSA was unable to verify the student's

citizenship because there was no match on SSN, name, or date
of birth. The Validation routine does not allow you to award
federal financial aid to this student. To receive federal financial
aid, the student must make corrections to Social Security
Number, name or date of birth on the SAR or submit a new
FAFSA with the correct information. If the student believes the
provided information is correct, the student must contact the
Social Security Administration and provide documentation that
verifies citizenship status.

Other: See U.S.E.D. "A Guide to <Aid Processing Year> ISIRs,

Appendix B" Database Matches and Match Flags.

U.S. Citiz (U.S. citizenship): The SSA confirmed the student's

U.S. citizenship status. The Validation routine allows you to
award federal financial aid to this student.

DHS/INS Match Flag (Department of If you try to award federal monies to the student for the field
Homeland Security / Immigration and values that do not allow you to award federal financial aid, the
Naturalization Service match) system returns a zero award amount and the following award
message: DB Match: INS match code indicates student is not
federally eligible.

Values are:

Confirmed: The INS confirmed the student's non-citizen

eligibility. The Validation routine allows you to award federal
financial aid to this student.

Late: See U.S.E.D. "A Guide to <Aid Processing Year> ISIRs,

Appendix B" Database Matches and Match Flags.

Mismatch: The INS match was not conducted, because the

student did not indicate citizenship status, the student changed
from eligible non-citizen to citizen or changed the Alien
Registration Number, or the student did not provide a valid
Alien Registration Number. The Validation routine does not
allow you to award federal financial aid to this student.

Not Conf (not confirmed): The INS did not confirm the student's
eligible non-citizenship status. The Validation routine uses the
value of the Sec INS Match Flag field to determine whether to
award federal financial aid to this student.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 887

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Sec DHS/INS Match Flag (secondary Values are:

Department of Homeland Security /
Immigration and Naturalization Service Pending: Automated secondary confirmation in progress. The
match flag) Validation routine does not allow you to award federal financial
aid to this student.

Confirmed: Citizenship confirmed. The Validation routine

allows you to award federal financial aid to this student.

Not yet: In continuance. The Validation routine does not allow

you to award federal financial aid to this student. To become
eligible for federal financial aid, your institution must wait
another 10 days for an updated ISIR or send copies of the
student's proof of eligibility to the INS.

Not Conf (not confirmed): Citizenship not confirmed. The

Validation routine does not allow you to award federal financial
aid to this student. To become eligible for federal financial
aid, your institution must send copies of the student's proof of
eligibility to the INS.

No info: INS needs more information. The Validation routine

does not allow you to award federal financial aid to this student.
To become eligible for federal financial aid, your institution
must send copies of the student's proof of eligibility to the INS.

VA Match (veteran's administration If you try to award federal monies to the student for the field
match) values that do not allow you to award federal financial aid, the
system returns a zero award amount and the following award
message: DB Match: VA match code indicates student is not
federally eligible.

Active Dty (active duty): Record found on VA database but

applicant is on active duty. If the student's ISIR record has a
SAR C code, the Validation routine does not allow you to award
federal financial aid to this student. If the student's ISIR record
does not have a SAR C code, then the Validation routine allows
you to award and disburse federal financial aid to this student.

Confirmed: Veteran status confirmed. Student is eligible for

federal aid.

No Qualify: Record found on VA database but the student is not

a qualifying veteran. If the student's ISIR record has a SAR C
code, the Validation routine does not allow you to award federal
financial aid to this student. If the student's ISIR record does not
have a SAR C code, then the Validation routine allows you to
award and disburse federal financial aid to this student.

Not Found: Record not found on VA database. If the student's

ISIR record has a SAR C code, the Validation routine does not
allow you to award federal financial aid to this student. If the
student's ISIR record does not have a SAR C code, then the

888 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Validation routine allows you to award and disburse federal

financial aid to this student.

Not Sent: Record not sent for match. Student is eligible for
federal aid.

Selective Service Match If you try to award federal monies to the student for the field
values that do not allow you to award federal financial aid, the
system returns a zero award amount and the following award
message: DB Match: Selective service match code indicates
student is not federally eligible.

Note: When awarding a student whose gender is defined as

female in Bio/Demo data, this field has no bearing on awarding
federal financial aid.

Exempt: Student is within 45 days of his birthday, and is

temporarily exempt because the student is not yet 18 years old.
An update is not required during the year. The Validation routine
allows you to award and disburse federal financial aid with this
field value.

Mismatch: The student could not be registered with Selective

Service, because the student is not between the ages of 18 and
26 or information needed to register the student is missing.

Not Conf (not confirmed): The student is not registered with

the Selected Service. The Validation routine does not allow
you to award federal financial aid to this student. To become
eligible for federal financial aid, the student must register with
Selective Service, present appropriate registration that he is
already registered, or qualify for a waiver or exemption.

Reg Conf (registration confirmed): Match conducted and the

applicant's registration status is confirmed by the Selective
Service. The Validation routine allows you to award and
disburse federal financial aid with this field value.

Ret Late: See U.S.E.D. "A Guide to <Aid Processing Year>

ISIRs, Appendix B" Database Matches and Match Flags.

Selective Service Registration Values are:Exempt, Late, Mismatch, Not comp (not
completed), and Reg Conf (registration confirmed).

NSLDS Match (National Student If you try to award federal monies to the student for the field
Loan Data System Match) values that do not allow you to award federal financial aid, the
system returns a zero award amount and the following award
message: DB Match: NSLDS match code indicates student is not
federally eligible.

Def/Ovrpay (default/overpayment): A match for the student was

found, and the student has at least one loan in default and owes
at least one overpayment. The Validation routine does not allow

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 889

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

you to award and disburse federal financial aid with this field

Default: A match for the student was found, and the student
has at least one loan in default. The Validation routine does not
allow you to award and disburse federal financial aid with this
field value.

Eligible: A match for the student was found, and the student's
NSLDS data is sent. The Validation routine allows you to award
and disburse federal financial aid with this field value.

Init/Late: See U.S.E.D. "A Guide to <Aid Processing Year>

ISIRs, Appendix B" Database Matches and Match Flags.

Mismatch: A match for the student's SSN was found, but neither
name nor date of birth matched. No NSLDS data is sent. You
must access NSLDS online using SSN only to retrieve the
matching data and determine whether the record belongs to the
student. If the record belongs to the student, you must determine
whether the student is eligible for federal financial aid. If the
record does not belong to the student, the student is eligible for
federal financial aid.

No Data: No match for the student was found. The student does
not have NSLDS data. The Validation routine allows you to
award and disburse federal financial aid with this field value.

Not Sent: A match for the student was found, but no NSLDS
data was sent to the CPS. The Validation routine allows you to
award and disburse federal financial aid with this field value.

Overpayment: A match for the student was found, and the

student has received at least one overpayment of federal student
aid funds (Pell Grant, FSEOG, or Perkins). The Validation
routine does not allow you to award and disburse federal
financial aid with this field value.

Partl Elig (partially eligible): A match for the student was

found, and the student has received a total amount of student
loans that is close to the loan limits established for the federal
loan programs. The Validation routine allows you to award
and disburse federal financial aid with this field value, but use
caution to ensure that the student does not exceed his or her loan
limits with subsequent Title IV loans.

Prisoner Match This database match indicates a student's incarcerated status.

If you try to award federal monies to the student for the field
values that do not allow you to award federal financial aid, the
system returns a zero award amount and the following award
message: DB Match: Prisoner match code indicates student is
not federally eligible.

890 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Note: When processing awards using institutional data (not

ISIR data), the Packaging process uses the Not Prisnr (not a
prisoner) value for this database match.

Values are:

Blank: The system does not allow you to award federal financial
aid to this student.

Local: The student is incarcerated in a local facility. The student

is not eligible for federal loans but is eligible for other federal
financial aid. If a federal loan is awarded to the student, the
amount is reduced to zero by the Validation process, and an
award message indicates the reason for the zero amount.

Not conduc (not conducted): The student's record was sent but
the database match was not conducted. The Validation routine
does not allow you to award federal financial aid to this student.

Not Prisnr (not a prisoner): The student is not incarcerated in

a state or federal prison. The Validation routine allows you to
award and disburse federal financial aid with this field value.

Not sent: The student's record was not sent for a prisoner
database match. If the student's name or date of birth is missing,
the Validation routine does not allow you to award federal
financial aid to this student. If the student is a Pacific Islander
and the student's SSN begins with 888, the Validation routine
allows you to award and disburse federal financial aid to this

State/Fed (state/federal): The student is incarcerated in a state

or federal facility. The Validation routine does not allow you to
award federal financial aid to this student.

Drug Offense Conviction This database match indicates the student's status relative to
drug offense convictions due to either drug abuse debarment
and suspension activity or terms of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of
1998. The student can be ineligible for federal financial aid due
to a drug offense conviction or pending activity.

If you try to award federal monies to the student for the field
values that do not allow you to award federal financial aid, the
system returns a zero award amount and the following award
message: DB Match: Drug Offense Conviction match code
indicates student is not federally eligible.

Note: When processing awards using institutional data (not

ISIR data), the Packaging process uses the 1 − Eligible value for
this database match.

Values are:

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Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Blank: no value in this field plus a SAR C flag means the

system does not allow you to award federal financial aid to this

1 − Eligible: The student is eligible for federal financial aid.

The system allows you to award and disburse federal financial
aid with this field value.

2 − Partially Eligible: The student becomes eligible for federal

financial aid during the award year. The period of eligibility
depends on the type of aid. For loans, the student becomes
eligible for loans during the Loan Period. For all other aid, the
student becomes eligible at the beginning of the term for which
the student was cleared of the drug offense conviction.

The system treats the student as fully eligible for all term/
disbursement periods. It is your responsibility to limit the
student's eligibility to a specific term/disbursement period
as needed. When a federal aid award is made, the full award
amount is awarded and the following Award Message is
displayed: DB Match: Drug Offense Conviction match equals '2
- Partially Eligible'. Verify the amount of this award to ensure
proper term/loan period eligibility.

3 − Ineligible: The student is not eligible for federal financial

aid due to the student's current or pending drug conviction
activity. The system does not allow you to award federal
financial aid to this student.

Father's SSN Match and Mother's The system performs an eligibility check on each parent's social
SSN Match security number match based on the Database Matches and
Match Flags specifications. If either of the match flag values
for the parents' social security numbers results in a failed match
with SSA, the student does not receive federal aid.

On the Database Matches page, despite there being two SSN

Match fields for the mother and father, only one Override check
box exists for the parents' SSN match. The Override check box
controls both. If the father's social security number is a match
and the mother's is not or vice versa, or both mother and father
are not a match, and if you select the Override check box for
the parents' SSN match override field, the system considers the
match to be good and awards the student federal aid.

Note: When you override a federally reported database match

value, your institution assumes full responsibility for changing
these values.

Dept of Defense Match Select to identify the student as a child of a post-9/11 deceased
military service member. Once selected, use the Professional
Judgment component to award the student all Title IV funding

892 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

as eligible, either as a Pell-eligible (zero EFC) or not Pell-

eligible (original EFC) candidate.

PLUS Override Select to identify a dependent undergraduate student who is

eligible for additional Unsubsidized Stafford Loan because
his or her parents are deemed a credit risk or for professional
judgement reasons. If you select this check box, the Packaging
process does not award a PLUS loan and allows a dependent
undergraduate student to become eligible for additional
Unsubsidized Stafford Loan funds. This field also displays on
the aggregate aid summary components, for aggregate areas that
correspond to either the FFELP or Direct Loan programs.

Title IV Fund Eligibility Select to identify the student as eligible for Title IV funds. If the
check box is cleared, no federal aid is awarded to the student.

This field is evaluated when an ISIR is received for the student

and is cleared if error code 19 is reported on the ISIR.

Special Circumstances Flag Select if the student's Special Circumstances Flag = 4,

Dependent record unsubsidized loans only. Use the Professional
Judgment component to award this rejected dependent student
an unsubsidized loan.

HEAL Eligible and PreProfessional Select to increase Stafford loan limits for eligible health
Coursework professional or preparatory coursework candidates.

Note: Packaging and Repackaging processes do not automate

the awarding of an additional Unsubsidized Stafford amount
based on a student participation in an eligible health profession
program or preparatory coursework program. Additional
Unsubsidized Stafford amounts must be awarded from the
Professional Judgement page (Financial Aid, Awards, Award
Processing, Invoke Professional Judgement, Professional
If a Direct Loan Unsubsidized Stafford award is based on
participation in an eligible health professional program or
preparatory coursework, you must select the relevant check
box here on the Database Match page before you build the
Direct Loan origination application record. Indicators are carried
forward to the Direct Loan origination application record for
COD reporting.
The HEAL Eligible and PreProfessional Coursework check
boxes have no impact on the Packaging and Repackaging
components and are used only by Direct Loan COD reporting
for Unsubsidized Stafford loans.

Reviewing the U.S.E.D. Database Match Process

To evaluate database matches, Campus Solutions uses the ISIR Comment table as the basis for
determining the student's eligibility for federal aid. Administrators can control eligibility through the

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 893

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

severity level value assigned to an ISIR comment. The system compares ISIR comments on the student's
record to the ISIR Comment table and evaluates eligibility for federal aid based on that database match.

The DB Match Use value in the ISIR Comment table corresponds to a U.S.E.D. database match. Each
comment is associated with a severity level. The severity level associated with the DB Match Use field
effects how the system handles the database match during packaging.

Severity levels are pre-defined according to the combination of the database match value, ISIR comments,
and the presence of reject codes and SAR C flag. The values are as follows:

Severity Level Resolution

0 Ignore. Requires no action. Federal aid can be awarded.

1 Action required. Indicates a reject condition exists for the

assigned DB Match Use value. Federal aid cannot be awarded.
Database match needs resolution.

2 Action required. Indicates SAR C on file. Federal aid cannot

be awarded. Database match needs resolution.

Based on these severity levels, if a student has an ISIR comment with a severity level 1 or 2 and the DB
Match Use field is not blank, the system does not award the student federal aid until the errant condition,
and therefore the corresponding ISIR comment, are resolved.

Note: The DB Match Use and SAR C Flag values are set based on the most recent ISIR record loaded for
the aid year.

See Setting Severity Levels for ISIR Comment Codes.

Reviewing Pell Information

Access the PELL Information page (click the PELL link on the Packaging Status Summary page).

894 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Image: PELL Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PELL Information page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The fields on this page are populated when Pell data, from the ISIR, is loaded in the system.

Pell Processing Status Displays information about the status of a student's Pell payment

Accepted: Default value populated from the inbound Pell

Payment file (EPPPD) when the ED Record Status is Accepted.

Not Sent: Use this status to prevent the student from being
included in the Pell Payment request run. You must enter this
status manually.

Pending: Default value if a Pell Grant is awarded to the student.

Indicates that the student's file is waiting to be sent with a
Pell Payment request (EPPPD) submission. Pending may also
indicate a previously accepted Pell Payment request (EPPPD),
which has since come back as not equal to an Accepted or
Accepted w/Assumption outcome.

Repackaged: Indicates an initial Pell Grant has been changed.

You must change this status to Send before the student is
included in the Pell Payment request run. Incoming Pell
Payment (EPPPD) files do not load if the status is Repackaged.
Review SQR log upon loading Pell Payment (EPPPD) files.

Reported: is automatically set when a student's Pell data has

been selected during an EPPPD SQR run.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 895

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Review: is populated by default from the inbound Pell Payment

file (EPPPD) when the ED Record Status is Rejected, Error,
Accepted w/Assumptions, or Duplicate.

Selected: is automatically set as a result of running the

FAPELLR process. Incoming Pell Payment (EPPPD) files do
not load if Pell Processing status has been reset to Selected.
Review SQR log upon loading Pell Payment (EPPPD) files.

Send: This status is an internal Pell Processing flag for the

system. It indicates that the student's record is ready to be
transmitted on an outbound Pell Payment (EPPPD) file. This
field value is either set manually or through Mass Change.
Incoming Pell Payment (EPPPD) files do not load if the Pell
processing status has been reset to Send since the (EPPPD)
creation. Review SQR log upon loading Pell Payment (EPPPD)

Transaction Nbr (transaction Displays the transaction number and effective sequence from
number) and Effective Sequence the selected ISIR, usually the most recent ISIR. All ISIRs
are available for selection and you can change these values
to indicate another ISIR. If you want to enter a Pell amount
manually when awarding a Pell Grant, use the transaction
number, effective date, and effective sequence to indicate the
ISIR that you used to calculate the Pell amount.

Primary Academic Program Indicates the student's main academic program. The academic
program from the student's Financial Aid Term record is the
default value in this field.

Incarcerated Code Select the appropriate incarcerated code: N - No longer

Incarcerated or Y - Incarcerated. This field is left blank for most

Use Fulltime Enrollment Select this check box if you want to use full-time enrollment to
calculate the student's Pell award.

Originate Offered Awards Select this check box to originate Pell awards with an award
status of Offered. If this check box is cleared, Pell awards are
only originated when the award status is Accepted.

Originate Max Pell Award (originate Select this check box to originate Pell awards based on the
maximum Pell award) maximum Pell award defined on the Pell Payment Setup page.
The system originates the maximum Pell amount regardless of
how much the student was offered for the Pell award.

Pell Student Level Override Select this check box to override at the student level the
payment plan information that you set up on the Pell Payment
Setup page. When you select this check box, the Low T&F
Flag, Academic Calendar, Payment Methodology, Pell Payment
Periods, Hours/Credits in Acad Year, and Weeks in Program
Acad Year fields become available.

896 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Related Links
Defining Pell Payment Setup
Awarding Pell Grants

Overriding Pell Eligibility Calculation Setup Values

Access the Student Override page (click the PELL Calculation Override link on the Packaging Status
Summary page).

Status Select Active to override the PEC setup at the FA installation,

career, or program level. The override applies to all terms and
all Pell Grant awards across award periods.

Select Inactive to use the PEC setup at FA installation, career, or

program level.

Pell Calculation Start Enter the calculation mode to use for Pell calculations made
before the student's academic term start date. Values are:

Enrollment Current Load (For use only with 2009 and prior Aid
Years):Directs the Pell calculation to use the Current Load value
from Financial Aid Term to determine which Federal Pell Grant
disbursement schedule to use when it is calculating the student's
eligibility for a Pell Grant. The Current Load value uses the
number of units that the student is currently enrolled in, plus the
number of units from already completed sessions in the term to
determine the student's load for the term.

Enrollment FA Load (For use only with 2009 and prior Aid
Years): Directs the Pell calculation to use the FA Load value
from Financial Aid Term to determine which Federal Pell Grant
disbursement schedule to use when it is calculating the student's
eligibility for a Pell Grant. The FA Load value uses the number
of financial aid eligible units that the student is enrolled in for
the term to determine the student's load.

Formula 1 — FA Load (For use only with 2010 and future Aid
Years): Directs the Pell calculation to divide the Pell Grant
award by the Pell Number of Terms and uses the student's actual
FA Load for each term.

Formula 1 — Full-time (For use only with 2010 and future Aid
Years): Directs the Pell calculation to divide the Pell Grant by
the Pell Number of Terms and uses Full-time as the student's FA
Load for each term.

Formula 3 — Current Load (For use only with 2010 and future
Aid Years): Directs the Pell calculation to sum the Academic
Base Weeks and Non-Standard Base Weeks values to determine
an Academic Program's Weeks of Instruction. This value
serves as the denominator in the percentage calculation for
student's number of enrolled weeks in a term. This mode uses
the Current Load value from Financial Aid Term to determine

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 897

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

which Federal Pell Grant schedule to use when it is calculating

the student's eligibility for a Pell Grant. The Current Load value
uses the number of units in which a student is currently enrolled
("In Progress" from the Financial Aid Term Session Detail)
plus the number of units from completed sessions in the term to
determine the student's load for the term.

Formula 3 — FA Load (For use only with 2010 and future Aid
Years):Directs the Pell calculation to sum the Academic Base
Weeks and Non-Standard Base Weeks values to determine an
Academic Program's Weeks of Instruction. This value serves
as the denominator in the percentage calculation for a student's
number of enrolled weeks in a term. This mode uses the FA
Load value from Financial Aid Term to determine which
Federal Pell Grant schedule to use when it is calculating the
student's eligibility. The FA Load value uses the number of
financial aid eligible units in which the student is enrolled for
the term to determine the student's load.

Formula 3 — Full-time Load (For use only with 2010 and future
Aid Years):Directs the Pell calculation to sum the Academic
Base Weeks and Non-Standard Base Weeks values to determine
an Academic Program's Weeks of Instruction. This value serves
as the denominator in the percentage calculation for a student's
number of enrolled weeks in a term. This mode uses Full-
time as the FA Load value when it is calculating the student's

Full Time (For use only with 2009 and prior Aid Years):
Directs the Pell calculation to always use the full time Federal
Pell Grant disbursement schedule to determine the student's
eligibility for a Pell Grant regardless of the student's enrollment.

Half Time (For use only with 2009 and prior Aid Years):
Directs the Pell calculation to always use the half time
Federal Pell Grant disbursement schedule to determine the
student's eligibility for a Pell Grant, regardless of the student's

Pell Calculation Midterm Enter the load value to use for Pell Grant calculations made on
or after the student's academic term start date but before the
student's term census date. The available values match those for
Pell Calculation Start.

Pell Calculation Census Enter the load value to use for Pell Grant calculations made
on or after the student's term census date. The available values
match those for Pell Calculation Start.

Academic Base Weeks Enter the number of weeks that define your institution's
Academic Award Period (AAP). Several financial aid processes
use this value to calculate eligibility and to calculate prorated
expected family contribution (EFC).

898 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Valid values are 0.0 to 99.9.

Non-Standard Base Weeks Enter the number of weeks that define your institution's Non-
Standard Award Period (NSAP). Several financial aid processes
use this value to calculate eligibility and to calculate prorated
EFCs. Non-standard terms are usually summer terms or inter-

Valid values are 0.0 to 99.9.

Pell Number of Terms Enter the number of terms that define the Academic Program.
Although this value should match the TERM_TYPE on the
ACAD_CAR_TBL, there is no automatic cross-check between
the two to ensure that these values correlate. Packaging uses
this value to distribute a Pell Grant across the student's enrolled
terms when making a Pell Grant calculation using Formula 1 -
FA Load or Formula 1 - Full-time Pell calculation values. If you
select Formula 1 - FA Load or Formula 1 - Full-time, you must
populate the Pell Number of Terms field.

Valid values are 0 to 99.

Use PELL Crossover Logic Select this check box if you want the system to a check the
summer/crossover term to determine if a Pell Grant award for
that term would be higher if it is awarded using the Additional
Pell Item Type for the current Aid Year (e.g. Aid Year 2018) or
the Initial Pell Item Type in the forward Aid Year (e.g. Aid Year

If selected and the award would be higher for the forward

Aid Year, the system awards zero Pell Grant for the summer/
crossover term under the Additional Pell item type the current
Aid Year. If the Pell Grant award for the summer/crossover term
is higher using the current Aid Year, it will award the amount as
Additional Pell.

If not selected, the system awards Pell Grant for the summer/
crossover term as Additional Pell in the current Aid Year
without additional checks against the forward Aid Year.

Related Links
Defining Installation Level Defaults

Reviewing the Student's Financial Aid Status

The Financial Aid Status page is a display-only page primarily suited for front office staff to provide
a high level assessment of a student’s financial aid application for the aid year. Many of the fields and
links displayed on the Financial Aid Status page are described in the Packaging Status Summary page
documentation. Please refer to that documentation for field and link descriptions, keeping in mind that all
fields in the Financial Aid Status page are display only.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 899

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Note: The Financial Aid Status page is a display-only page.

Note: The Financial Aid Status page displays many of the same fields and data as the Packaging Status
Summary page. Please refer to the Packaging Status Summary page documentation for descriptions of
many of the fields and links in the Financial Aid Status section.

See Reviewing the Packaging Status Summary Page.

Page Used to Review the Student's Financial Aid Status

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Financial Aid Status SS_FA_AU_STATUS Financial Aid, View Financial View selected information
Aid Status regarding a student's financial
aid application status.

Reviewing the Financial Aid Status Page

Access the Financial Aid Status page (Financial Aid > View Financial Aid Status).

Image: Financial Aid Status page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Financial Aid Status page (1 of 2). You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

900 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Image: Financial Aid Status page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Financial Aid Status page (2 of 2). You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Page Header
App Date Displays the date that the U. S. Department of Education's
Central Processing System (CPS) received the initial application
for the Aid year in context. This date never changes, even on
subsequent ISIR transactions. This value comes from the most
recently loaded ISIR.

CPS Date (central processing system Displays the CPS Transaction Processed Date from the most
date) recently loaded ISIR. This date changes with each ISIR

Inst Date (institution date) Displays the date when the Institution loaded the most recent
ISIR for the student. This date changes with each new ISIR

Correction Status Displays the student's current ISIR Correction Status.

Correction Status Date Displays the date when the student's current ISIR Correction
Status was set.

Packaging Status Summary

Package Status Displays the same data as the Aid Processing Status field on the
Packaging Status Summary page.

SAP (satisfactory academic progress) Displays the same data as the Satisfactory Academic Progress
field on the Packaging Status Summary page.

Entrance Interview Displays the same data as the Loan Entrance Interview Status
field on the Packaging Status Summary page.

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Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Note: The Entrance Interview field displays when the Financial

Aid Installation default for Loan Counseling Version is Simple.

Exit Interview Displays the same data as the Exit Interview field on the
Packaging Status Summary page.

Note: The Exit Interview field displays when the Financial Aid
Installation default for Loan Counseling Version is Simple.

Note: If the Installation default for Loan Counseling Version is Expanded, details regarding the student's
Entrance Interview and Exit Interview loan counseling data are presented in a separate Loan Counseling
Status section after the Comments section.

Item Code Displays the Checklist Item Code being tracked. If hyperlinked,
click the hyperlink to open the Person Checklist Management
page for this Item Code. If you receive an error or the Item Code
does not appear as a hyperlink, you do not have permission to
view Person Checklist Management.

Status Displays the status of the checklist item: Values are Initiated or

Method Displays the type of communication such as letters, email,
phone calls, personal contact, facsimiles, and so on.

Direction Displays the direction of the communication. For example, the

communication is outgoing.

Letter Code Displays a code associated with the context and function
selected for this communication.

Context Displays the Communication Context for this Communication.

If the field is hyperlinked, click the hyperlink to open the Person
Communication Management page for this Communication
Context. If you receive an error or the Context does not appear
as a hyperlink, you do not have permission to view Person
Communication Management.

Unsuccessful Outcome When checked, indicates the communication was unsuccessful.

Outcome Reason Displays the reason the communications outcome was


902 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Category Displays the business need with which this comment is

Comment Date Displays the date when the comment is entered.

Entered By Displays who entered the comment.

Loan Counseling Status

This section appears if the Installation Default for Loan Counseling Version is Expanded. Displays the
same information as the Loan Counseling data page, but in display-only mode.

See Managing Loan Counseling Data.

FA Term Information
Displays the term, description, career, academic plan, NSLDS loan year, and Term Source for all built
terms for this aid year.

Student Groups
Group Name Displays a student group such as Athletes.

Note: You must have either Inquiry or Update access to the Student Group for this to display

Edit Messages
Term Displays the term with which the Message is associated.

Msg Type (message type) Displays Message Type. Values are Error, Informtnl
(informational), and Warning.

Msg Action (message action) Displays the current action taken on the edit message. Values
are None Taken, Pending, and Resolved. Edits set to a resolved
status do not hold financial aid disbursements.

Date Completed Displays the date that the Message Action field was set.

Msg Code (message code) Displays the Message Code. If the field is hyperlinked, click
the hyperlink to open the Maintain User Edit Messages. If you
receive an error or the Message Code does not appear as a
hyperlink, you do not have permission to view Maintain User
Edit Messages.

Comments Click the View link to view Edit Messages Comments. If you
receive an error or the Message Code does not appear as a
hyperlink, you do not have permission to view Maintain User
Edit Messages Comments.

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Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Pell Information Links to the same information as the PELL link on the
Packaging Status Summary page.

Request Counselor Action Click to access the Request Counselor Action page.

Financial Aid Awarded Link appears when the student has one or more financial aid
awards. Click to access the Financial Aid Awards page and view
the student's financial aid awards.

Perkins MPN Required Click to access the Perkins MPN page to view MPN information
and loan history.

Note: The system displays Perkins MPN Required without a

link if the system determines that a Perkins MPN is required and
a Perkins MPN record does not exist.

Managing Aggregate Aid

To ensure that a student does not exceed annual and lifetime limits for certain award programs, it is
critical that the system maintain and assess a complete history when determining aid eligibility. Financial
Aid provides several options and methods to maintain aggregate aid to ensure that Packaging adheres to
eligibility requirements and award limits.

NSLDS data can be used to update aggregate aid system tables. For more information,

See Setting Up Aggregate Aid.

See Using NSLDS Data and Processes.

This section discusses how to:

• Update aggregate aid.

• Assign aggregate sources.

Pages Used to Manage Aggregate Aid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Aggregate Aid Data STDNT_AGGR_INPUT Financial Aid > Awards > View or update lifetime total
Aggregates > Update amounts for each aggregate
Incoming Aggregates > area.
Aggregate Aid Data

Aggregate Source SFA_RUN_SETAGGRSRC Financial Aid > Awards > Set the aggregate source to
Aggregates > Assign assess a student's lifetime
Aggregate Source > aggregate aid history during
Aggregate Source the Awarding and Packaging

904 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Updating Aggregate Aid Information

Access the Aggregate Aid Data page (Financial Aid > Awards > Aggregates > Update Incoming
Aggregates > Aggregate Aid Data).

Image: Aggregate Aid Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aggregate Aid Data page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page displays the student's aggregate aid data by Aggregate Area and allows the entry of data by
Aggregate Area and Aid Year. In addition to manual update, the data displayed on this page can be
updated by the internal NSLDS Push process. The Packaging Aggregate Source and type of aggregate
area determine how the elements that appear on this page are used in the packaging process.

Two major award limit checks are performed during the packaging process:

• The Lifetime limit check uses the total fields that the Packaging Aggregate Source Indicator

• If the Packaging Source is NSLDS, then the NSLDS Total amounts are used to identify the
amount of lifetime limit expended.

• If the Packaging Source is PS (PeopleSoft), then the Undergrad and Graduate Lifetime Total Used
amounts are used to identify the amount of lifetime limit expended.

• The Annual limit check, regardless of Packaging Source, always assesses any aggregate level detail
entered for the aid year being packaged.

NSLDS Total Displays the aggregate total that has been loaded and pushed
from NSLDS tables. You can override this value to enter
lifetime totals that are applicable to the context aid year.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 905

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Note: As of Aid Year 2010, NSLDS Total is not used in the

calculation of Pell awards.

NSLDS Undergrad Total Applicable only for the aggregate area defined as a federal
TEACH grant. NSLDS Undergrad Total is calculated during
the aggregate push routine, by summing applicable NSLDS
transactions by TEACH program and academic levels 0 – 5. You
can override this value to enter lifetime totals that are applicable
to the context year.

NSLDS Grad Total Applicable only for the aggregate area defined as a federal
TEACH grant. NSLDS Grad Total is calculated during the
aggregate push routine, by summing applicable NSLDS
transactions by TEACH program and academic levels 6 – 7. You
can override this value to enter lifetime totals that are applicable
to the context aid year.

Override (override for NSLDS Total) Select this check box to override the NSLDS Total field value. If
an override is performed, the date/time stamp and operator ID is

NSLDS Data Click this link to view detailed NSLDS data that has been
loaded to the student's record. A link appears for aggregate areas
that have a valid NSLDS aggregate cross-reference.

Percent Scheduled Used Displays the percentage of a student's Pell Grant Maximum
(Max) Scheduled Award used at prior institutions from NSLDS
or, if overridden, manually populated by the user. Valid values
are 000.0 to 200.0. The field can exceed 100.0 when a student
has received the Max Scheduled Award for first Pell Grant
(Pell1) plus a partial or Max Scheduled Award for second
Pell Grant (Pell2) at prior institutions. Packaging always
uses the Percent Scheduled Used as part of its Pell eligibility
determination regardless of the designated Aggregate Source
(NSLDS or PS).

Override(override for Percent Select this check box to manually override the Percent
Scheduled Used) Scheduled Used field value.

Total % Used Displays the sum of Percent Scheduled Used and the percent of
Pell Grant awards already packaged by the system for the aid
year. Valid values are 000.0 to 200.0.

Note: The system uses these internal fields (not displayed on

any pages) to calculate Total % Used: Max Scheduled Award
(full-time, full-year Pell Grant award based on Pell COA and
EFC), and student's remaining Pell Grant eligibility (Max
Scheduled Award minus Percent Scheduled Used).

Lifetime Eligibility Used Displays the student's Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used as a

906 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Valid values are 0000.0000 to 9999.9999. This field is populated

by the Aggregate Push routine and can be manually overridden
by the user.

Override(override for Lifetime Select this check box to manually override the Lifetime
Eligibility Used) Eligibility Used field value.

Undergraduate Lifetime Total View lifetime totals from all undergraduate grade levels. The
amount is updated as a result of the Awarding and Packaging
process. It includes any external award amounts entered on
this page for the corresponding aid year. Used when Packaging
Aggregate Source = PS.

Graduate Lifetime Total View lifetime totals from all graduate grade levels. The amount
is updated as a result of Awarding and Packaging process. It
includes any external award amounts entered on this page for
the corresponding aid year. The student's undergraduate total
may also be included, depending on whether the aggregate area
has cumulative or distinct lifetime limits. Used when Packaging
Aggregate Source = PS.

Cumulative: The student's undergraduate amount of this

aggregate aid is counted towards the graduate limit. For
example, if the student's undergraduate amount is 20,000 USD
and the graduate amount is 40,000 USD, then the student cannot
receive more than 40,000 USD for this aggregate area.

Distinct: The undergraduate and graduate limits are tracked

separately. For example, if the student's undergraduate amount
is 20,000 USD and the graduate amount is 40,000 USD, then the
student can receive up to 60,000 USD for this aggregate area.

Aggregate Level Select an aggregate level that corresponds with the external
award data entered for the student.

School Code Select a school code that corresponds with the external award
data entered for the student.

Award Amount Enter the amount of the expected award that corresponds with
the external award data entered for the student.

Loans Click to access the Aggregate Loan Data page and enter loan
and lender information for CommonLine loans.

Assigning Aggregate Sources

Access the Aggregate Source page (Financial Aid > Awards > Aggregates > Assign Aggregate Source >
Aggregate Source).

To assess a student's lifetime aggregate aid history, Aggregate Source directs the Awarding and Packaging
processes to use either the NSLDS aggregate totals or system generated undergraduate lifetime and
graduate lifetime totals. You can set the aggregate source at the financial aid installation default level
and on the Packaging Status Summary page, in addition to each of the award page components. This

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 907

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

option permits you to assign the aggregate source value in batch for an individual student, all students,
or a subset of students. The batch assignment process updates the aggregate source value on the student's
Packaging Status Summary page.

Institution Select the institution for which you want to create a request file.

Population Selection
All Students Select to request that the aggregate source value established on
FA Installation Defaults be used for all students for the selected
aid year.

Students in List If you select this option, a grid displays that permits you to enter
a list of student IDs.

Use Query If you select this option, a Select Query button appears. When
you click the button, the system displays a standard Select
Query lookup page. You should enter the full or partial name of
the query as a search key because the prompt goes through the
entire list of available queries in the database. Because the Batch
Inform File requires certain fields in a particular order, you
can only use queries that return the required fields. A baseline
query (SFA_AGGR_SOURCE) is delivered that you can use
to create a population of students. Minor changes to the query
may be required to suit your institutional needs. You can also
define your own query using Peoplesoft Query Manager. We
recommend that you use SFA_AGGR_SOURCE as a model or

Aggregate Source
FA Installation Default Select to assign a value of Default to the Aggregate Source on
the Packaging Status Summary page.

NSLDS Total Select to assign a value of NSLDS to the Aggregate Source on

the Packaging Status Summary page.

PS Aggregates Select to assign a value of PeopleSoft to the Aggregate Source

on the Packaging Status Summary page.

Using Mass Change for Packaging Status Attributes

Important! Mass Change is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained for this product, but
no new development will be produced for Mass Change. It is strongly recommended that you use
Application Engine instead. For more information on PeopleSoft Application Engine, see PeopleTools:
Application Engine.

You might sometimes want to change the value of a field on the Packaging Status Summary page for a
group of students. Mass Change makes this possible. Mass Change definitions for the ED Verification

908 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Status and Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) fields are included with your system. You can create
additional Mass Change definitions for other fields on the Packaging Status Summary page that you want
to change. The process for changing packaging status attributes using Mass Change requires four steps.

This section discusses how to:

• Select students.

• Review selected students.

• Move students into financial aid batch update.

• Update packaging status attributes.

Related Links
"Understanding Mass Change in Campus Solutions" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application

Pages Used to Use Mass Change for Packaging Status Attributes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Review Mass Change FA_SAA_REVIEW_MC Financial Aid > Federal Review the students selected
Selection Application Data > Select by the Mass Change select
SAP/Verification (MC) > process before moving on to
Review Mass Change the next step.

Update Student Aid Attribute PRCSRUNCNTL Financial Aid > Federal Update the Packaging Status
Application Data > Update Attributes table after you have
SAP/Verification Status > moved the selected students
Update Student Aid Attribute to the Financial Aid Batch
Update area.

Selecting Students
To change the value of a packaging status attribute for a group of students, the first step is to select the
students for whom you want the attribute changed. Use a Mass Change definition to select students.
Two Mass Change definitions exist in the system for your use. FA-Verification Status Select is used for
changes to the ED Verification Status field, and FA-Sat Acad Progress Select is used for changes to the
Satisfactory Academic Progress field. You must create Mass Change definitions for changes to other
packaging status attributes.

After you have completed the Mass Change definition, execute the Mass Change Select process using the
Run Mass Change page. This process places information about the selected students in a temporary table.

Reviewing Selected Students

Access the Review Mass Change Selection page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Select
SAP/Verification (MC) > Review Mass Change Selection).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 909

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Students Selected Displays the number of students selected by the Mass Change
select process.

New Setting of Indicator and Will be Displays the field that Mass Change changes and the new value
of the field.

Status These status codes are delivered as part of PeopleTools. You can
define how you use these statuses in your Mass Change routine.
You can remove students from the selection by making their
status Cancel or by deleting the row.

Approved: Not applicable in this process.

Cancel: Use this status code if you want to eliminate a student

from the mass change.

Error: Indicates that the Mass Change process encountered an

error when attempting to move the student into the Financial
Aid Update record.

Pending: Indicates that the Mass Change process moved this

student into the Financial Aid Batch Update area.

Successful: Indicates that the Mass Change process moved the

student into the Financial Aid Batch Update record.

Cur Val (current value) Displays the current value of the field to be changed.

Moving Students into Financial Aid Batch Update

In this step, you run a Mass Change to move the selected and reviewed students from the temporary table
used in the selection process into the Financial Aid Batch Update area so the packaging status attributes
can be changed. You use a Mass Change definition for this step. Two Mass Change definitions exist in the
system for your use: FA-Verification Status Update for changes to the ED Verification Status field, and
FA-Sat Acad Progress Update for changes to the Satisfactory Academic Progress field. You must create
Mass Change definitions for changes to other packaging status attributes. You must run this Mass Change
process because the FA-Upd Stdnt Aid Attr Tbl process (FASAAUPD) you run next looks for data in the
Financial Aid Batch Update area, not in the temporary table.

After you have completed the Mass Change definition, run the Mass Change Selection using the Run
Mass Change page.

Updating Packaging Status Attributes

Access the Update Student Aid Attribute page (Financial Aid > Federal Application Data > Update SAP/
Verification Status > Update Student Aid Attribute).

Run the FA-Upd Stdnt Aid Attr Tbl (financial aid - update student aid attribute table) process
(FASAAUPD) to update packaging status attributes.

910 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Awarding Restricted Aid

This section provides an overview of restricted aid and discusses how to:

• Enter a student's restricted aid.

• Enter committee comments.

• Enter committee member comments.

• Evaluate a student's restricted aid.

Understanding Restricted Aid

Restricted aid includes awards such as scholarships, fellowships, and institutional or private funds with
subjective eligibility requirements. Restricted aid does not refer to federal monies. The restricted aid
pages enable you to monitor the process of awarding restricted aid from the application process through
committee evaluation and ranking, to the final decision for the award. The requirements for each type of
restricted aid are defined in the Restricted Aid Table component.

The process for awarding restricted aid involves the following steps.

1. Enter the student being evaluated for restricted aid on the Restricted Aid page.

You must enter the Restricted Aid ID. You must also enter values in the App Method (application
method) and Application Date fields.

2. The committee members use the Restricted Aid Evaluations page to enter their ratings for each of the
criteria for the student.

View each student's overall rating by the committee and by individual committee members using the
Committee Detail page and Evaluator Detail page. You can access both of these pages from links on
the Restricted Aid page.

3. After all committee members have evaluated the student, the committee makes a final decision on
whether to offer the student the restricted aid and how much to offer the student.

After the final decision has been made, enter the final decision, the decision date, the amount offered
to the student (if appropriate), and any comments on the Restricted Aid page.

4. For students who have been awarded the restricted aid, you must manually enter the restricted aid
award on the award entry pages.

If departmental employees are entering the restricted aid award, consider providing them with access
to the Manual Student Packaging page only.

Related Links
Awarding Online
Setting Up Restricted Aid

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 911

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Pages Used to Award Restricted Aid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Restricted Aid STDNT_RSTRC_AID1 Financial Aid > Awards > Enter or view information
Restricted Aid > Make about the student's application
Award > Restricted Aid for a restricted aid award.

Committee Detail STDNT_RSTRC_AID2 Click Committee Detail on the Enter committee comments,
Restricted Aid page. view details about the
committee, and review the
committee's comments.

Evaluator Detail STDNT_RSTRC_AID3 Click the Member Detail link Enter committee member
on the Committee Detail page. comments on the student.
View each committee
member's overall rating
for the student as well
as information about the
committee member.

Restricted Aid Evaluations STDNT_RSTRC_AID4 Financial Aid > Awards > Enter ratings from each
Restricted Aid > Evaluate member of a restricted aid
Ratings > Restricted Aid evaluation committee.

Entering a Student's Restricted Aid

Access the Restricted Aid page (Financial Aid > Awards > Restricted Aid > Make Award > Restricted

Image: Restricted Aid page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Restricted Aid page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the information on this page when you enter the restricted aid award for the student on the Student
Aid Package page or Manual Student Packaging page.

912 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Complete the following fields—from the top section of the page—at the time that a student applies for a
restricted aid award.

Restricted Aid ID Select the award for which you are considering the student. The
values are the restricted aid awards you set up on the Restricted
Aid Table component.

Renewable Select to indicate that a student can renew this restricted aid
award from year to year. The system automatically selects the
check box based on the information that you used when you set
up the restricted aid award, but you can change it on this page.

App Method (application method) Indicate how the student applies for the award.

External: The evaluation process is external to the institution,

such as an award from a community group.

Met Crit (met criteria): The student meets certain criteria and
therefore becomes eligible for evaluation. For example, students
may be eligible for an honors scholarship from a department if
the students have a GPA of 3.75 or more. A student who meets
the GPA criteria is then considered for the award.

Referral: The student was referred for consideration for the


Stdnt Appl (student applied): The student submits an application

for the restricted aid award.

Application Date Enter the date that the student submitted heir application or the
date that you identified the student as a possible recipient for the
restricted aid, depending on the application method.

Evaluation Status and Status Date Displays the current status of the restricted aid evaluation
process for the student, as of the displayed date.

In Progress: This is the default value. It indicates that one or

more committee members are still evaluating the student.

Complete: All committee members have completed their review

of the student, and changed their status to Complete on the
Restricted Aid Evaluations page.

After the student has been evaluated, complete the rest of the page with information about the final

Final Decision The final decision made by the restricted aid award committee
for the student.

Alternate: The student is an alternate for the restricted aid


Approved: The student is approved to receive the restricted aid


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Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Denied: The student does not receive the restricted aid award.

Eligible: The student is eligible for the restricted aid award, and
there may be other criteria that the student must pass before
receiving the restricted aid award.

See Note: Additional explanation regarding the final decision is

provided in the Comments field at the bottom of the page.

Decision Date The date that you enter the final decision. This field is
automatically populated with the current date, but you can
override this date.

Offer Amount Enter an amount, within the minimum/maximum range, that the
student is to receive for the restricted aid award.

Min Amt (minimum amount) The lowest amount that you can award for this restricted aid
award. The value that you set up on the Restricted Aid Detail 2
page appears by default.

Max Amt (maximum amount) The highest amount that you can award for this restricted aid
award. The value that you set up on the Restricted Aid Detail 2
page appears by default.

Overall Rating The average of the member rating values for each member of
the committee. The Member Rating field can be viewed on the
Restricted Aid Evaluations page and is calculated by averaging
the value of the components that are used in the evaluation
process. This field does not display a value until the evaluation
status for each member of the committee is Complete.

Committee Detail Click this link to access the Committee Detail page and view
details about the committee and review the committee's

Rating Scheme The review process used to evaluate the student. The value you
set up on the Restricted Aid Detail 2 page appears by default.

Comment Enter additional information or explain a final decision of See


Entering Committee Comments

Access the Committee Detail page (click the Committee Detail link on the Restricted Aid page).

Committee The name of the committee that reviews this restricted aid
award. If more than one committee reviews this restricted aid
award, use the scroll arrows to view other committees.

Committee Type Identifies the purpose of the committee. This is established

when the committee is created and is display only information
on this page.

914 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 27 Preparing for Awarding and Packaging

Evaluation Status The current status of the student's evaluation for this restricted
aid award. All committee members must have an evaluation
status of Complete before an overall rating can be calculated for
the student.

Status Date The date when the displayed evaluation status became effective.

Committee Rating The student's rating for this restricted aid award, which is the
average of the ratings of all the committee members.

Member Detail Click this link to access the Evaluator Detail page and view each
committee member's overall rating for the student as well as
information about the committee member. You can also enter
any comments from the committee member about the student.

Committee Comments Enter any comments that the committee wants to make about
the awarding of this restricted aid to the student. This field is
informational only.

Entering Committee Member Comments

Access the Evaluator Detail page (click the Member Detail link on the Committee Detail page).

Evaluator ID Displays the ID of the committee member whose information is

displayed. Use the scroll arrows to view information from other
committee members.

Role The role that the committee member fulfills on this committee.
For example, the individual could be the chair, a staff member,
or a student member.

Evaluation Status and Status Date The current status of the member's evaluation of the student
for this restricted aid award and the date that the displayed
evaluation status became effective.

Member Rating The average of the numerical ratings assigned to each of

the components evaluated by the committee, as entered on
the Restricted Aid Evaluations page. The committee should
determine what values to use for its rating scheme.

Comment Any overall comments this committee member has about the
student. You enter the member's comments on this page, not the
Restricted Aid Evaluations page.

Evaluating a Student's Restricted Aid

Access the Restricted Aid Evaluations page (Financial Aid > Awards > Restricted Aid > Evaluate
Ratings > Restricted Aid Evaluations).

This page can be used by committee members or an administrative assistant to enter information, and then
can be viewed by others who might need to review the information.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 915

Preparing for Awarding and Packaging Chapter 27

Rating information and comments can be added for each component that is evaluated. For example,
the committee might review an essay, extracurricular activities, and the student's GPA to decide if the
restricted aid should be awarded to the student. The essay, extracurricular activities, and GPA are all

Rating Scheme The review process used to evaluate the student. The value
that you set up on the Restricted Aid Detail 2 page appears by

Member Rating Displays the calculated average of the values assigned to

all components. For example, if three components are to be
evaluated, the values entered for each component are added
together and divided by three. If one of the three values is zero,
the total is still be divided by three.

Evaluation Status Indicates the current status of this committee member's

evaluation of the student.

In Progress: This is the default value. It indicates that the

committee member is still evaluating the student.

Complete: The committee member has completed his or her

review of the student.

Component Indicates what is being evaluated, such as an essay, the student's

extracurricular activities, or a letter of recommendation.
Components are translate values that are set up in PeopleSoft
Recruiting and Admissions.

Type Indicates whether the component considers only one factor or is

based on several components. Component types are useful for
informational and reporting purposes.

Individual: The component is an individual component—it

considers only one factor, whether that is an essay, interview, or
extracurricular activities.

Cumulative: The component is made up of other components,

such as an overall rating.

Value Enter the numeric rating value that the member wants to assign
to the Component.

Rating Comments Enter any comments about the rating, if appropriate.

Related Links
"Setting up Applicant Evaluation" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Recruiting and Admissions)
"Setting Up Student Response" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Recruiting and Admissions)

916 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28

Awarding and Packaging Students

Understanding Awarding and Packaging Students

Important! Mass Change is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained for this product, but
no new development will be produced for Mass Change. It is strongly recommended that you use
Application Engine instead. For more information on PeopleSoft Application Engine, see PeopleTools:
Application Engine.

This section discusses early decision awarding, review of information relevant to awarding, awarding and
packaging financial aid, award notification, and award updating.

The terms awarding and packaging are often used interchangeably. In Awarding and Packaging
documentation, Awarding refers to manually offering one financial aid item type (award) at a time to a
student. Packaging refers to awarding multiple awards at one time to create a financial aid award package
for a student.

Early financial aid offers are made to students using award categories instead of specific awards. Award
categories give "early decision" students an idea of the types of financial aid that they might receive
without committing to exact awards. You define these award categories for your institution. For example,
you might have categories for loans, scholarships, work-study, and grants. For awarding actual financial
aid monies to the student, you use specific financial aid item types using one of the methods of awarding
or packaging.

Before selecting awards for students, you review information on aggregate aid limits, restricted aid
awards, and the student's status in the financial aid cycle. You can view aggregate aid information by
aggregate area, such as Perkins or Stafford. If your institution uses the National Student Loan Data
System (NSLDS) totals for the federal Stafford subsidized, unsubsidized, Perkins, Pell, and Student
Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG) programs, ensure that NSLDS data has been loaded and pushed to
the aggregate tables for direct use by the Awarding and Packaging processes. NSLDS totals are pushed to
a specific aid year and you can override them on the Incoming Aggregate Aid component. You can also
view a summary of aggregate aid for a student or look at aggregate information by institution.

You can use inquiry pages to monitor a process that awards restricted aid to students. Graduate
departments that award merit-based aid might use the Restricted Aid pages. These pages provide
information on the progress of the restricted aid awarding cycle; committee members can enter their
final decisions, including the restricted aid award amount. This information can then be used to enter the
restricted aid award for a student.

The Packaging Status Summary page contains information about a student's status in the financial aid
cycle, such as financial aid application status, institutional or federal verification status, Satisfactory
Academic Progress (SAP) status, and information related to packaging a student. You can use this page
to prevent the Awarding process from continuing if certain parameters are established. For example, you
might only award federal awards if the student is meeting SAP. To change a value on the Packaging Status
Summary page for a group of students, use Mass Change.

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Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

The Packaging Status Summary page has links to other pages where you can review or sometimes
modify a student's information. These linked pages contain Financial Aid Term (FA Term) summary
information, ISIR data, database match information, the student's financial need calculated with federal
and institutional methodology (FM and IM), Pell processing information, Pell eligibility calculation
overrides, restricted aid information, and the current financial aid award package information.

After reviewing information, you can award and package students for financial aid manually or in one of
three automated ways:

• Manual Awarding is done online, one student at a time, entering awards one by one.

• Auto Packaging is done online at the student level and uses a packaging plan, a set of institutionally
defined rules for awarding.

After Auto Packaging generates a financial aid award package for the student, you can make any
manual changes to awards in the package before saving the information.

• Mass Packaging is a background process for packaging groups of students using one or more
packaging plans.

You select your student population, using either a query definition, an equation, or an external file of
students. Then the system assigns a packaging plan to each student based on the processing order and
selection criteria associated with each plan. Finally, you initiate the actual Mass Packaging routine,
which packages the students based on their assigned packaging plans. After each step in the process,
you can further define your targeted population by removing individual students from the selection or
packaging plan assignment process.

• Auto Select Packaging mimics Mass Packaging selection as the system evaluates both the Selection
Criteria and the Processing Order for each packaging plan, and assigns a packaging plan to an
individual student.

You can manually update the package before saving, validating, and posting.

Auto Packaging, Auto Select Packaging, and Mass Packaging use packaging plans to generate award
packages that appear on the same page you use for manual awarding. Packaging plans use rules
predefined by the United States Education Department (USED), your institution, or both. You can
manually modify any generated award package.

After packaging, a validation process verifies that all federal eligibility rules, aggregate aid limits,
fiscal fund balances and rules, award rules and limits, and packaging plan rules are met. For automated
processing, this is part of the final step when the award package is given to a student. For manual
awarding, you click the Validate button to initiate the validation process.

After validation, use a financial aid award notification (FAN) to notify students of their award packages.
To do so, you assign a communication to a student and use your choice of mail merge software. If awards
change for a student, you send multiple FAN letters.

If a student declines the financial aid offered or declines a category of aid, such as loans, you can use
mass actions to accept, cancel, or decline all or specific categories of aid.

Throughout the aid year, you can view summary information regarding the student's awards and the
disbursement of those awards.

918 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Related Links
Defining Packaging Plans

Although you can award students manually, the most efficient way to package financial aid awards is
with Auto Packaging, Auto Select Packaging, Mass Packaging, or a combination of these three. You
are encouraged to set up the parameters needed for Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging to take full
advantage of the Financial Aid system.

For manual awarding—assigning individual awards to students, one student at a time—you must set up
your defaults (installation defaults and aid processing rule sets), financial aid item types, aggregate aid
limits, disbursement plans and disbursement split codes, award adjustment reasons, and award messages
for FAN letters.

Related Links
Using Equation Engine in Packaging
Creating Equity Item Type Groups
Creating Related Item Type Groups
Defining Packaging Plans
Establishing Defaults
Defining Financial Aid Item Types
Setting Up Aggregate Aid
Defining Disbursement Plans and Split Codes
Setting Up Award Messages
Preparing for Early Financial Aid Offers

Understanding Manual Awarding, Auto Packaging, and Auto

Select Packaging
The Award Entry component is used for manual awarding, Auto Packaging, and Auto Select Packaging.
Use the Student Aid Package page for online manual awarding and Auto Packaging. View how each
award affects unmet need and total aid amounts on the Need Summary page. Totals are updated on the
Need Summary page after Validation. View the student's Financial Aid Term and term budget information
on the Term Summary page.

Note boxes below field descriptions offer tips and directions for entering Pell Grants. If you set the award
offer amount to zero dollars, the system calculates Pell Grants when Validation is run.

This section discusses:

• Online manual awarding.

• Auto Packaging.

• Auto Select Packaging.

• Need summary.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 919

Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

• Need summary validation.

Related Links
Awarding Pell Grants

Online Manual Awarding

To award manually, populate the tabs on the Student Aid Package page and insert additional rows of
awards as needed. To have the Validation process populate the offered amount for an award, leave the
Offered field at zero and validate the award. For example, to determine the correct Pell Grant amount
for a student, enter the Pell Grant financial aid item type, leave the offer amount at zero, and click the
Validate button; the Pell Grant amount is calculated based on the student's eligibility and institutional
rules and returned to the page with the scheduled disbursements.

After you enter all the awards for a student, run the Validation process before posting the awards to the
award tables. Validation checks that the student is eligible for the awards and that no packaging rules have
been violated. Validation includes edits for minimum and maximum award limits, aggregate limits, fiscal
fund availability, federal eligibility, and financial aid item type rules. Validation can reduce an award
amount or set an award amount to zero to comply with rules and limits. Validation must be successful
before you can run the Posting routine, the final step for manually awarding students.

You can combine manual awarding with Auto Packaging. If you do not want a manually entered award
to be discarded during Auto Packaging, select the Lock check box. Auto Packaging discards all unlocked
awards, and these same financial aid item types can be re-awarded if the award is included in the
packaging plan. However, for awards of a financial aid item type that have disbursement protection
activated and have been at least partially disbursed, Auto Packaging preserves these awards but reduces
the award amount to the amount that has been disbursed. Also, when the Packaging routine processes
awards in active/passive mode (such as multicareer packaging, multiple award period processing, or Pell-
only repackaging), Auto Packaging does not cancel awards processed in passive mode.

Auto Packaging
Auto Packaging assigns awards to a student based on the rules of the selected packaging plan so
your packaging plans must be established before you can use the Student Aid Package page for Auto
Packaging. Auto Packaging can be combined with manual awarding by changing the awards entered by
the packaging plan or adding additional awards.

Auto Packaging assigns awards and validates the awards all at once. Validation checks that the student
is eligible for the awards given and that no packaging or financial aid item type rules have been violated.
Validation includes edits for minimum and maximum award limits, aggregate limits, fiscal fund
availability, federal eligibility, and financial aid item type rules. Validation can reduce an award amount or
set an award amount to zero to comply with rules and limits. If you make no changes to the awards after
Auto Packaging, you can post the awards to the award tables directly. If you make manual changes to any
awards after Auto Packaging, you click the Validate button to ensure the student is still eligible for the
changed or new awards.

920 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Warning! If you repackage locked or disbursed awards using Auto Packaging, post that set of awards
(click the Post button) before performing any validation activity (click the Validate button). That is,
if you use Auto Packaging to repackage a student who has locked awards, disbursed awards, or both,
click the Post button first. Do not click the Validate button immediately after Auto Packaging. If you
manually change an Auto-Packaged set of awards, post before validating. If you click the Validate button
before posting a set of awards that was returned from Auto Packaging, it can potentially compromise the
synchronization between offer and accept amounts as well as produce a different award than anticipated.

Note: If the student does not have locked or disbursed awards, you can repackage that student using Auto
Packaging and then manually change the awards or validate without posting first.

Auto Select Packaging

Auto Select Packaging selects the packaging plan for an individual student and career by using the
selection criteria (equation) and processing order associated with your packaging plans. This is the same
selection criteria and processing order used by Mass Packaging.

When you leave the Packaging Plan ID field blank and click the Retrieve button, the system evaluates the
Packaging Plan table sequentially and assigns the first packaging plan for which the student qualifies. The
system next packages a set of eligible awards according to the packaging rules defined on the packaging

Note: Before using Auto Select Packaging, ensure that your processing order is correctly set in your
Packaging Plan table.

Related Links
Performing Mass Packaging Using Application Data

Need Summary
The Need Summary page displays the student's Cost of Attendance (COA), Pell COA, Alternate Pell
COA, Expected Family Contribution (EFC), federal and institutional need, federal and institutional award
totals, need-based aid award totals, federal methodology (FM) and institutional methodology (IM) special
need/cost aid award totals, unmet need, and unmet COA.

The Need Summary page displays the prorated EFC (federal) and institutional EFC values for a student
used to determine the student's need. When using different application data sources for packaging, it is
important to understand how the EFC and need are affected by different packaging data source selections.
For example:

Scenario 1: When the packaging data source on the Financial Aid Defaults page equals Fed Only,
Fed, Inst, or Inst, Fed and only federal data exists for the student, if you award a financial aid item
type with an institutional packaging methodology, the financial aid item type is awarded based on the
institutional need. But, if you do not have institutional application data and analysis, institutional need
equals institutional COA, because the institutional EFC is 0.00 USD. The Packaging routine awards
institutional financial aid item types up to the institutional COA.

Scenario 2: When the packaging data source on the Financial Aid Defaults page equals Inst Only, Fed,
Inst, or Inst, Fed and only institutional data exists for the student, if you award a financial aid item type
with a federal packaging methodology, the financial aid item type is awarded based on the federal need.

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Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

But if you do not have federal application data and analysis, federal need equals federal COA, because the
federal EFC is 0.00 USD. The Packaging routine awards federal financial aid item types up to the federal

If your institution uses IM for early awarding—in October, as an example—and you want to include
estimated federal awards, set the Packaging Methodology field on the FA Item Type 2 page for your
federal financial aid item types to Institutional Methodology. This allows the Packaging processes to use
the same need calculation for all the awards; because you have only institutional data you use institutional
need. When the federal aid year begins on January 1, you must change the Packaging Methodology field
back to Federal for all your federal financial aid item types. You must also make sure that the student has
application data compatible with the packaging data source you indicated on the Financial Aid Defaults

Related Links
Defining Awarding and Rounding Rules
Defining Installation Level Defaults

Need Summary Validation

Sometimes a manual change to the student's budget does not automatically propagate to the need
summary totals. In this case, if you create selection criteria that rely on need-related elements, such
as Unmet Need, Overaward Need, Unmet COA, or Overaward COA, the system is not using the most
current calculated values.

Run the Need Summary Validation process before performing online packaging (manual, Auto, or Auto
Select), Mass Packaging, online Repackaging (manual, Auto, or Auto Select), or batch Repackaging.
This ensures that need-related elements, which may be part of your selection equation or PS Query, are
updated and reflect the most recent changes to COA. You can run the batch Need Summary Validation
process at any time. After you run it on your population, you do not need to run it again unless you
make budget changes to several students using the Student Budget Maintenance component. To make a
single change online, use the Update Need Summary button on the Student Budget Maintenance page

Related Links
Running the Need Summary Validation Process

Understanding Mass Packaging

Using Mass Packaging, you can award financial aid for groups of students. A Mass Packaging definition
can identify the group of students being selected for Mass Packaging. You can then associate one or
more packaging plans with that population. You can evaluate your selected population and the packaging
plan associated with each student before Mass Packaging takes place. The system selects the optimum
packaging plan for each student based on the combination of your packaging equations and the processing
order of the packaging plan. Then the system applies the packaging plan against those selected students,
awarding each student based on the defined packaging plan rules.

Three processes are run as part of Mass Packaging. The first process selects students to be included
for Mass Packaging evaluation. The second process assigns packaging plans to students. The third
process reviews the student's eligibility, the program rules, and other eligibility criteria and then awards

922 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

financial aid to students using the assigned packaging plans. After the first two processes, you can
review the students being selected and the assigned packaging plans. You can also review the order in
which the students are packaged, again by packaging plan. Finally, you can delete unwanted students.
You can run the third process in live mode or in simulation mode to review expected packaging results.
Mass Packaging refers to this three-step process. The Mass Packaging process is the third step in Mass

Before using Mass Packaging, consider the results that you want the system to produce according to your
institution's packaging philosophies. Determine the student attributes to use in the packaging equations to
select the correct students for each packaging plan. Review the criteria each packaging plan uses to select
students. If some of the selected students cannot be matched to any of your packaging plans, review the
list of these students to determine why the they did not get matched. Adjust your equations to ensure that
these students are assigned correctly.

Note: Your packaging plans must be completely established before you begin Mass Packaging. After
you start Mass Packaging, do not make any changes to your packaging plans until you have run all three
processes. If you make changes to your packaging plans, rerun the Mass Packaging processes starting
with the selection process. Changing packaging plans after students have been selected or assigned to
packaging plans may produce incorrect or undesirable results during the Mass Packaging process.

Related Links
Defining Packaging Plans

Awarding Online
This section discusses how to:

• View need summary information.

• View term summary information.

• Use Auto Packaging and Auto Select Packaging.

• View award disbursement detail.

• Document award adjustments.

• Award students manually.

• Use professional judgement.

Pages Used to Award Online

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Need Summary STDNT_AWARD_NEED Financial Aid > Awards > View need summary
Award Processing > Assign information for a student.
Awards to a Student > Need

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Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Term Summary STDNT_TERMDATA_SUM Financial Aid > Awards > View budget and Financial
Award Processing > Assign Aid term information by term.
Awards to a Student > Term Each term has a distinct career
Summary tied to it.

Student Aid Package STDNT_AWARD_ENTRY3 Financial Aid > Awards > Use this page for manual,
Award Processing > Assign auto, or auto select packaging.
Awards to a Student > Auto Packaging and Auto
Student Aid Package Select Packaging can be
combined with manual
awarding in the same
awarding session.

Award Disbursement Detail STDNT_PKG_DISB_SEC Click theDisbursement View award disbursement ID

link on the Student Aid detail as well as create custom
Package page, Manual split amounts and customize
Student Packaging page, or loan fee amounts.
Professional Judgement page.

Packaging Message PKG_MESSAGE_SEC Click the Message link on the View the reason why a
Student Aid Package page, particular financial aid item
Manual Student Packaging type failed or was reduced by
page, or Professional validation or Auto Packaging.
Judgement page.

Award Adjustment AWARD_ADJUST_SEC2 Click the Reason link on the Document award adjustments
Student Aid Package page, by assigning an award
Manual Student Packaging adjustment reason to any
page, or Professional adjusted award Action.
Judgement page.

Manual Student Packaging STDNT_AWARD_ENTRY5 Financial Aid > Awards > Award students manually.
Award Processing > Assign Prohibits the use of auto
Departmental Awards > packaging.
Manual Student Packaging

Professional Judgement STDNT_AWARD_ENTRY4 Financial Aid > Awards > Use professional judgement
Award Processing > Invoke to override all rules (including
Professional Judgement > federal and aggregate rules)
Professional Judgement except for fiscal limits when
awarding financial aid. Award
students without a budget. All
item types awarded from this
component are set to locked.

Viewing Need Summary Information

Access the Need Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Awards to a
Student > Need Summary).

924 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Image: Need Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Need Summary page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Award Period View the different award periods (Academic or Non-Standard)

by using the scroll arrows.

EFC Status (expected family Displays the status of the prorated EFC: Official, Rejected, or
contribution status) Unofficial.

Fed Year COA (federal year cost The federal or institutional COA for the award period.
of attendance) and Inst Year COA
(institutional year cost of attendance)

Prorated EFC and Institutional EFC The prorated EFC and the institutional EFC are the EFCs
adjusted for the number of months from the Budget Duration
on the FM (Prorated) or IM (institutional) extension record—
entered on the Global and Federal Options page and the IM
Value Parms 1 page, respectively.

Fed Need (federal need) and Inst The federal or institutional COA minus the EFC. This is the
Need (institutional need) student's financial aid need.

Montgomery GI Bill/AmeriCorps Displays the amount you entered on the Veteran's Education
Benefits page. The same amount is entered in the federal and
institutional columns.

N/B Aid (Fed/Inst) (need-based aid The amount of need-based aid awarded to the student. This is
federal/institutional) determined by the Meet Need/Cost attribute of the financial aid
item type.

Special Need/Cost Aid (Fed/ The amount of special need/cost aid awarded to the student.
Inst) (special need/cost aid federal/ This is determined by the Meet Need/Cost attribute of the
institutional) financial aid item type. Special need/cost aid always reduces the
student's need first, then replaces the student's EFC.

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Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

Total Aid (Fed/Inst) (total aid federal/ The total amount of aid awarded for federal and institutional
institutional) calculations. This is N/B Aid plus Special Need/Cost Aid.

Unmet Need (Fed/Inst) (unmet need The Fed/Inst Need minus Total Aid.

Unmet COA (Fed/Inst) (unmet COA This is the Fed/Inst Year COA minus Total Aid.

Pell Year COA The student's COA calculated by adding up the budget items
that have an associated Pell category. This COA is used when
calculating Pell Grants using the Regular Federal Pell Grant

Alt Pell COA The COA used when determining if a student's Pell award
should be calculated using the Alternate Pell Grant Award
Schedule. This COA is calculated by adding up budget items
that have associated Pell categories of Tuition, Child Care, and

Pell LTHT (Pell less than half-time) Displays the Pell less than half-time amount. The system
determines which Pell annual COA to use when calculating
each term Pell award. If the term enrollment is less than half
time, the system uses the less than half-time Pell annual COA to
determine the Pell award.

Viewing Term Summary Information

Access the Term Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Awards to a
Student > Term Summary).

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Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Image: Term Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Term Summary page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The Term Budget group box displays the term and the corresponding career. Use the scroll arrows to see
each term within the aid year. The following fields are also displayed.

Dependency Status Indicates whether the student is a dependent or independent


Academic Level The student's academic level for the term and career. Academic
level comes from the Financial Aid Term data.

FA Load The financial aid load for the term and career shown. Financial
aid load can be full-time, 3/4-time, half-time, and less than half-

Housing Displays the housing option specified by the student on the

ISIR, like on campus or off campus.

Residency Displays whether a student is considered a state resident or not.

This value comes from the residency data in personal data.

Inst Term COA (institutional term This is the term-based institutional cost of attendance by career.

Fed Term COA (federal term COA) This is the term-based federal cost of attendance by career.

Total Aid This is the total of all disbursements for all awards within
the given term. This value is derived by adding all the
disbursements for different awards that fall in the same term.

The FA Term Data group box displays data for the term from the Financial Aid Term component. Use the
scroll arrows to see each term within the aid year.

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Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

Related Links
Building a Financial Aid Term

Using Auto Packaging and Auto Select Packaging

Use the Student Aid Package page for Auto Packaging and Auto Select Packaging individual students.
You select the packaging plan for Auto Packaging and the system selects the packaging plan for Auto
Select Packaging:

• For Auto Packaging, select the packaging plan in the Packaging Plan ID field and then click the
Retrieve button.

• For Auto-Select Packaging, leave the Packaging Plan ID field blank and click the Retrieve button.
Using the processing order and selection criteria (equation) associated with packaging plan in the
Packaging Plan table, the system evaluates each plan and selects the first plan for which the student
meets the selection criteria.

Access the Student Aid Package page (Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Awards to
a Student > Student Aid Package).

Image: Student Aid Package page: Award tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Aid Package page: Award tab. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: Click the tabs in the scroll area to access multiple views of this page. Fields common to both Award
and Status views are documented first.

Common Page Information

Career The active career for the student to be used for packaging at
this time. If the student has only one career, it is defaulted into
the field. Choose from among the current valid careers for the
student—defined on the Financial Aid Term record, which you
can change on the FA Term page—and careers for which the
student has received any financial aid awards.

928 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

After you select a career, do not change this field until after you
click the Post button or the Reset button. This prevents you from
changing awards for more than one career at a time.

Only the packaging plans and disbursement plans associated

with the active career are available during this awarding session.

Note: If the student has only one career for the aid year, that
career defaults into the Career field and you do not need to
select a career.

Packaging Plan ID The packaging plan you want to use to package the student.
Only packaging plan IDs that match the student's career are

Retrieve Click to run Auto Packaging or Auto Select Packaging. The

awards associated with the packaging plan appear in the Award
and Status tabs. If a student is not eligible for an award in the
packaging plan, the award amount is set to zero, and a Message
link displays. If nonzero awards are returned, a disbursement
link displays the scheduled disbursements for the award.

Awards that are not locked on the Student Aid Package page are
canceled when Auto Packaging is performed, with the exception
of already disbursed awards of a financial aid item type that has
disbursement protection activated.

Note: When you click the Retrieve button, you can receive the
following error message: The assignment to the specified field
failed. This indicates that one of the student's award amounts
exceeds the size of the Offered and Accepted fields. This error
can occur when the student receives the term limit maximum
999,999.00 USD for multiple terms in an aid year. The resulting
award amount (if two terms exist, 999.998.00 USD) is larger
than the field.

Attributes Click this link to access User Variables set up using the
Common Attribute Framework.

The Common Attribute Framework enables you to define a

common attribute and add the common attribute as a data field
to any Campus Solutions page. A user can then enter a value on
the page for the data field.

Use the Common Attribute Framework to create attributes for

the Student Awards feature. Create attributes using the Common
Attribute component (Set Up SACR, Common Definitions,
Common Attributes Setup, Common Attribute) and then use
the Record Context component (Set Up SACR, Common
Definitions, Common Attributes Setup, Record Context) to
associate attributes with the STDNT_AWARDS record.


Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 929

Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

• "Defining a Common Attribute" (PeopleSoft Campus

Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

• "Associating a Common Attribute to a Record" (PeopleSoft

Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Package Status This field is known as the Aid Processing Status field on
the Packaging Status Summary page (Financial Aid > View
Packaging Status Summary). Various financial aid processes
automatically update the packaging status. You can manually
change the package status after award posting, and you must
save your change before exiting the page. You can use the
package status to set the packaging status to a value other than
Completed after you have posted an award. For example, if a
department award is manually awarded and then you want to
use Mass Packaging, you would want to set the package status
from Completed back to Package.

Applied: The student has applied for financial aid. This value
is automatically populated when you load a financial aid
application such as an ISIR or a PROFILE application.

No App Rcd (No Electronic Application Received): No

electronic application has been received.

Completed (Packaging Completed): The student's award

package has been posted. The Posting routine automatically
updates the field to this value.

Review (Ready for Counselor Review): The student should be or

is currently being reviewed by a financial aid counselor.

Package (Ready for Packaging): The student is ready for


Repackage: The student is ready for repackaging. Can be set by

the External Award Load process.

Aggregate Source This field enables you to set the aggregate source to assess a
student's lifetime aggregate aid history during the Awarding
and Packaging process. You can set the aggregate source at the
financial aid installation default level and on the Packaging
Status Summary in addition to each of the award page

Default: Directs awarding and packaging to use the Aggregate

Source value set at the FA Installation level.

NSLDS: Directs the awarding and packaging to use NSLDS

aggregate totals that have been loaded and pushed into the
aggregate tables.

PS: Directs awarding and packaging to use aggregate

undergraduate and graduate totals that have been completely

930 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

maintained by the institution and Financial Aid packaging


Note: An Aggregate Used field is also provided on the

Packaging Status Summary page. Aggregate Used captures
the exact aggregate source used in the most recent awarding or
packaging for this student.

Award Period Provides the Packaging routine with the intended award period
processing mode for the award period that you are currently
packaging. The routine uses this information to determine
automatically which existing awards are active or passive.
The award period you select functions like the packaging plan
award period attribute in the determination of passive/active
mode for existing awards. When the Packaging routine employs
passive/active mode processing, you can treat the awards in
one award period (academic) as passive awards while awarding
the other award period (nonstandard). The Packaging routine
does not modify or repackage passive awards; it preserves them,
unlike active awards that are subject to change. However, the
Packaging routine still includes the award amounts of passive
awards in determining remaining annual aggregate limits or
other eligibility requirements and in updating need summary

After you select an award period, the Packaging routine

evaluates the disbursement plan/split code pattern for each of
the existing posted awards and determines whether the pattern
matches or falls within the selected award period mode. The
Packaging routine then makes the rows of passive awards
unavailable, indicating that these awards cannot be modified
by either you or the Packaging routine. All other awards can be

After you select the award period for a student, you must
complete your activity for the selected award period. Validate
and post the awards or click the Reset button to clear the results
before you can select a new award period for that student.

Both: You are currently packaging the student for both award
periods. This is the default value. The Packaging routine
reevaluates all existing awards, processing all awards as active
awards. When you select Both, all awards are available for

Academic: You are currently packaging the student for the

academic award period (AAP) only. The Packaging routine
reevaluates only existing awards whose disbursement plan/
split code patterns indicate that they are for the AAP or for
both award periods. The Packaging routine processes all other
existing awards as passive awards.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 931

Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

Non-Std (nonstandard): You are currently packaging the student

for the nonstandard award period (NSAP) only. The Packaging
routine reevaluates only existing awards whose disbursement
plan/split code patterns indicate that they are for the NSAP or
for both award periods. The Packaging routine processes all
other existing awards as passive awards.

Validate Click this button during manual packaging to have the award
package checked by the Validation process after you enter
each award or after you enter all awards. During validation,
all eligibility rules, aggregate limits, minimum and maximum
award limits, fiscal fund availability, and financial aid item type
rules are checked. To determine the maximum award limit, the
Validation process uses the lowest maximum award limit from
the maximum limits set at the item type, financial aid item type,
aggregate aid limit, fiscal item type, and packaging plan levels.
The Validation process uses the lowest minimum award limit
from the minimum limits set at the item type, financial aid item
type, and packaging plan levels.

The Validation process may cancel an award or lower the

award amount to comply with established rules and limits. If
validation fails on any award, a Message link appears in the
award row. Validation may also reduce an award amount or
set an award amount to zero. Any awards that are assigned a
zero dollar amount when you run Auto Packaging are removed
during posting. When you are manually packaging a student,
you can have the Validation process populate the correct award
amount based on the student's eligibility and institutional rules
by entering a zero amount for the award. An award must be
successfully validated before you can post the award.

During manual packaging, the Validation process does not

impose restrictions on offering unsubsidized Stafford loans
before you award students their full subsidized Stafford
eligibility. You are responsible for offering students their full
subsidized Stafford eligibility before offering unsubsidized
Stafford loans.

Post Click to save the award information and update the student
award tables. If any award fails to post, an error message is
displayed and none of the awards are posted. If you do not post
the student's awards before leaving the page, the awards are not

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Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Note: If you award two instances of the same item type where
one instance of the item type has aggregate levels associated
with it and the other instance does not have aggregate levels
associated with it, the Award Posting routine returns an error.
For federal item types, you must cancel the instance that does
not have the aggregate levels associated with it and re-award
the instance with associated aggregate levels. For item types
that are not designated as federal, any award that has previous
matching aggregate level history is rejected if no matching level
limit record exists. You also receive this message, "No matching
aggregate level limit for a defined aggregate table." You must
then correct the error by either eliminating the aggregate history
for the level or by reestablishing level limits for that award.

Reset This button refreshes the page with any previously posted
awards and removes any awards that you attempted to make
on the page before posting during the awarding session. Posted
awards are not removed. Click this button to validate new
awards and see what effect the new awards might have toward
the existing package before you post them.

Nbr (number) The sequence number is automatically assigned in increments

of ten when awards are entered. Click in the field to modify the
sequence number and to change the number. You can control
the order of new or existing awards by using a sequence number
in between two existing sequenced awards. Duplicate sequence
numbers are not permitted. The sequencing of awards is always
preserved throughout the packaging session of the student.

All awards for the passive careers are sequenced to the top of
the packaging sequence. These passive awards are not changed
regardless of need or other changes in the student's record.

Action Select the action being taken on the award. When initially
entering a new award, the values are B—Offer/Accept, O—
Offer, and X—Discard.

After an award has been posted, the values are A—Accept, B—

Offer/Accept, C—Cancel, D—Decline, and O—Offer.

Any change to an award action is logged in the Award Activity

Log, which can be viewed on the Award Activity page.

A—Accept: Accepts an award that has been offered to the

student. If a student wants to accept less than the new offered
amount — for an item type that is not a loan — the student can
use the action A.

B—Offer/Accept: Use when you are initially offering an award

to a student for which an explicit acceptance from the student
is not needed (such as grants, scholarships, and so on). If you
select this option and modify the existing award, the system
automatically changes the accepted amount to the offered

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Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

amount of the existing award. If you increase an existing award,

the system replaces the accepted amount with the new offered
amount. Similarly, the same behavior takes place for reduced

C—Cancel: Cancels the award, but retains the award entry with
a zero amount in the list of awards for that student. If you cancel
an award, the award amount is reduced to zero, and the need
summary and related award and fiscal pages are updated.

D—Decline: Declines the award, but retains the award entry

with a zero amount in the list of awards for that student. If you
decline an award, the award amount is reduced to zero, and the
need summary and related award and fiscal pages are updated.

O—Offer: Offer the award to the student. The accepted amount

is zero.

X—Discard: Deletes the award row when validation is

performed if the award has not been posted. For example, you
would use this status if you entered an award in error or you
decided not to award the student a particular financial aid item

Career This field displays the career for which you made the award.
This indicates which career is associated with each award.

Item Type The financial aid item type ID for the award that you want to

Award Tab
See the previous exhibit for an example of this tab.

Description Description of the financial aid item type. This field is populated
when you move out of Item Type field.

Offered The amount that you want to offer the student for this award. If
no amount is entered during manual packaging and the action is
O or B, the Validation process assigns an optimal award amount
based on the student's eligibility, the student's financial need, the
aggregate aid limits, and the financial aid item type limits.

For Pell Grants, leave the offered amount at zero dollars to

have the Validation process calculate the Pell Grant amount
for the student based on the latest ISIR transaction, Pell COA,
Alternate Pell COA, nine-month EFC, and the student's FA
Load value for each term. If you enter an amount for a Pell
Grant, the Validation process may adjust it depending on the
student's eligibility.

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Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Note: To award a Pell Grant amount calculated using ISIR data

other than the latest ISIR, enter the amount in the Offered field.
To ensure that your Pell processing information matches, go to
the Packaging Status Summary page and click the PELL link to
access the Pell Information page. On the Pell Information page,
select the transaction number and effective date that matches the
ISIR used to calculate the Pell Grant amount.

Accepted This is the amount of the award the student accepts. If the action
was Offer/Accept, this amount is automatically entered and
matches the offered amount.

Note: You can decrease an award to an amount less than what

has already been disbursed by manually entering an amount in
the Accepted field that is less than the sum of the individual
disbursed amounts for the award. The Packaging routine then
determines a new set of scheduled disbursements based on the
defined even split option or disbursement percentage associated
with the award.

Disb Plan (disbursement plan) Select a disbursement plan for the award. If the financial aid
item type has a default disbursement plan defined at either the
financial aid item type or the packaging plan level, that value is
defaulted in this field.

Split Code Select a split code. Only split codes associated with the selected
disbursement plan are available. If the financial aid item type
has a default split code defined at either the financial aid item
type or the packaging plan level, that value is defaulted in this

Disbursement This link appears after you validate an award. Click to access
the Award Disbursement Detail page and view the terms,
number of disbursement IDs, and amounts per disbursement ID
as well as create custom split amounts and customize loan fee

Note: Before reinstating a previously canceled Pell Grant, you

must change the custom split code from XX to the designated
disbursement plan ID for the student. You can then click the
Validation button to have the Pell Grant amount recalculated.

Message This link appears if a message is generated by validation or

Auto Packaging. Click to access the Packaging Message page
and view the reason why a particular financial aid item type
failed or was reduced by validation or Auto Packaging.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 935

Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

Image: Packaging Message pagePackaging Message page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Packaging Message pagePackaging Message page.

Note: If you select a disbursement for three terms but have valid Financial Aid Terms for only two of the
terms, how the award is treated depends on whether you selected the Missing Term Enrollment - Split
evenly across valid term option for the financial aid item type. If you selected this option, then the system
splits the award equally among the valid terms. If you did not select this option, the system splits the
award amount as follows. (Similar calculations would occur for a four-term disbursement where only
two or three Financial Aid Terms were valid.) 1) The three terms would have disbursement splits of 20%,
40%, and 40%. The percentages associated with the valid terms are added together. For example, 20% +
40% = 60% 2) To calculate each valid term's award amount, the term disbursement split (20% or 40%)
is divided by the percentage calculated in #1 to get the percentage which is applied to the award amount.
For example, 20% divided by 60% = 0.3333 (33.33%) and 40% divided by 60% = 0.6667 (66.67%). The
award amount multiplied by 0.3333 = first term award amount and award amount multiplied by 0.6667
= second term award amount. If you want an award split equally between the two valid Financial Aid
Terms, select a two term disbursement plan.

Status Tab
Select the Status tab.

Image: Student Aid Package page: Status tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Aid Package page: Status tab. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

PJ (professional judgement) This check box is selected if an existing award was added or
modified using professional judgement. This check box is
display only. You can manually modify awards that have this

936 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

check box selected; if you use Auto Packaging, the award is not

See Using Professional Judgement.

Because professional judgement awards can be manually

modified on this page, anyone with access to this page—not
just those with access to the Professional Judgement page—can
modify professional judgement awards. Members of your staff
may not realize an existing award is a professional judgement
award unless they check the Status page. For example, when
reviewing a student's award package, a staff member sees
that the student has an existing 10,000.00 USD award. The
initial view of the Student Aid Package page does not indicate
whether this award was made using professional judgement.
To determine whether the award was made using professional
judgement, the staff member should click the Status tab to see
if the PJ check box is selected before modifying the award. You
may want to address this issue during staff training, and advise
your staff members to proceed cautiously.

EA (external award) Set automatically when the External Award Load process
successfully posts an external award. EA attribute is also
set if an existing award is update from an external award
loan transaction. For example, the External Award Load
processing updating the disbursed amounts for an existing
work-study award. When the EA attribute is checked, the award
is prevented from being overwritten by the Auto and Mass
Packaging and Repackaging processes.

Lock Select to prevent the award from being overwritten by the

Auto Packaging or Mass Packaging process and to override the
financial aid item type level award amount limits. Manually
locking an award does not allow you to override the fiscal,
aggregate, and equity limits, and any federal or legal rules or
limits. You can also set a global lock at the financial aid item
type level. Doing this always sets the award to locked when
performing Manual, Auto, or Mass Packaging. An example of
an award you might want to lock is an award from a private
source that should not be altered by another Packaging process.

Need Override Select to prevent the system from changing the award amount
when the student's need changes. The check box is available
only for awards associated with the active career. When this
check box is selected, only fiscal limits and aggregate rules are
applied during validation. When this check box is selected, you
do not need to select the Lock or Override check boxes because
their functionality is effectively included when you select Need

Override Select to allow the award amount to exceed the award amount
limits defined for this financial aid item type. The override does

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Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

not allow award amounts to exceed legal limits, available fiscal

funds, or aggregate limits.

Charge Priority Select the type of charge you want this award to pay. The list
contains the charge priority lists set up at your institution. If
your institution has defined a charge priority list for the financial
aid item type, it defaults in this field.

See "Defining Charge Priority List Rules" (PeopleSoft Campus

Solutions 9.2: Student Financials).

Award Status The current status of the award. The award status can be
Offered, Accepted, Canceled, or Declined.

Adjustment Reason If you adjust an award action, this link appears immediately
after the Award Status field. Click to access the Award
Adjustment page and enter the reason for the adjustment.

Warning! If you repackage locked and/or disbursed awards using Auto Packaging, we recommend
that you post that set of awards first (click the Post button) before performing any manual modification
activity requiring you to click the Validation button. In other words, if the student has a set of locked
or disbursed awards, and you repackage that student using Auto Packaging, click the Post button first.
Do not click the Validate button immediately upon returning from Auto Packaging, or manually change
the set of awards that was returned from Auto Packaging and click the Validate button. If you click the
Validate button before posting a set of awards that was returned from Auto Packaging, it can potentially
compromise that synchronization between offer and accept amounts as well as produce a different award
than anticipated.

Note: If the student does not have a set of locked or disbursed awards, and you repackage that student
using Auto Packaging, you can manually change that set of awards and click the Validate button
immediately after Auto Packaging without needing to post that set of Auto Packaged awards first.

Related Links
Defining Default Disbursement Plans and Split Codes
Processing Awards for Multiple Award Periods Employing Passive/Active Mode

Viewing Award Disbursement Detail

Access the Award Disbursement Detail page (click the Disbursement link on the Student Aid Package
page, Manual Student Packaging page, or Professional Judgement page).

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Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Image: Award Disbursement Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Disbursement Detail page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Sequence The sequence number of this award.

Item Type The financial aid item type of this award.

Net Award Amount The award amount minus any fees, such as loan fees.

Disbursement Plan The disbursement plan selected for the award.

Split Code The split code selected for the award. If the Custom Split check
box is selected, or if this is an award that originated as multiple
entries with the same disbursement plan but different split
codes, or if this is a Pell Grant generated by a default Pell award
rule of FA Enrollment, FA Load, or FA Enrollment, this field
displays XX to indicate that a custom split is being used.

Custom Split Select to manually define a disbursement split rather than use a
predefined split code. Then manually enter the offered amounts
for each term. The dollar amounts for each term cannot exceed
the total amount of the award. Validation must be run after any
custom split codes are entered so loan fees can be recalculated
and redistributed.

Custom Loan Fee This check box appears if the award financial aid item type is
defined as a loan and the award has been accepted. Select the
check box to make the Offer Loan Fee and Net Disb Balance
(net disbursement balance) fields available. Enter the custom
loan fee amounts in the Offer Loan Fee field for each term. The
Net Disb Balance changes based on the amount you enter in the
Loan Fee field.

When a custom loan fee is entered, it is preserved unless the

loan award amount changes. You do not need to use the Lock
or Override check boxes to ensure that the custom loan fees are

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 939

Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

Note: If the offer amount or accept amount of a loan is changed

on an award entry page, the accept loan fee amounts are reset
to the default loan fee amounts by the Packaging routine. After
validating the new loan amounts, reenter the custom loan fee
amounts if you want to have custom loan fees for the new loan

Loan processing can also update an award's loan fee amount as a

custom loan fee if the loan fee returned by the Lender or trading
partner is different from the established fee for the loan. If loan
processing changes the loan fee amount, the Custom Loan Fee
check box is selected but is not available.

See Reviewing CL 4 Status and Phase Codes.

The following fields are displayed in the Disbursement Distribution group box. Some fields are available
for editing as noted.

Disb ID (disbursement ID) Identifies each separate disbursement for the award.

Term The term in which the disbursement ID is disbursed.

Award Period The award period, academic or nonstandard, of the term.

Aggr Lvl (aggregate level) The student's aggregate level for the disbursement ID.

Offered The amount of the total offered amount scheduled for this
disbursement ID.

Accepted The amount of the total accepted amount scheduled for this
disbursement ID.

Offer Loan Fee The portion of the total loan fee, based on the total offered
amount, assigned to this disbursement ID. This field appears
only for loan financial aid item types and becomes available
when you select the Custom Loan Fee check box.

Offer Rebate The portion of the Direct Lending loan interest rebate for the
offered amount assigned to this disbursement ID. This field
appears only for Direct Loan financial aid item types.

Accept Loan Fee The portion of the total loan fee, based on the total accepted
amount, assigned to this disbursement ID. This field appears
only for loan financial aid item types.

Accept Rebate The portion of the Direct Lending loan interest rebate for the
accepted amount assigned to this disbursement ID. This field
appears only for loan financial aid item types.

Net Disb Balance (net disbursement The accepted amount for the disbursement ID plus the accept
balance) rebate amount minus the accept loan fee for the disbursement
ID. If no loan fees or interest rebates exist, the net disbursement

940 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

balance is the same as the accepted amount. This field becomes

available when you select the Custom Loan Fee check box.

Disbursed The amount disbursed to the student for this disbursement ID.

Documenting Award Adjustments

Access the Award Adjustment page (click the Reason link on the Student Aid Package page, Manual
Student Packaging page, or Professional Judgement page).

Image: Award Adjustment page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Adjustment page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

You can use award adjustment reasons for reporting and statistical purposes. You define the award
adjustment reasons during setup.

Adjustment Reason Select the appropriate reason from the list of reasons you
created on the Award Adjustment Reasons page.

Loan Reason This field appears only if you are adjusting a loan. Enter a value
in this field only if you are adjusting a previously certified loan.
Select a loan reason to explain the reason for the adjustment.
Loan reasons are intended for use with CommonLine post-
guarantee adjustment processing, but the field is currently for
informational purposes only.

Canceled: The previously guaranteed loan was canceled.

Change: Indicates a change in the student's information as the

reason for adjusting the loan.

OverAward: Indicates a change in the loan to prevent an


Re-Issue: A request to the lender to reissue a loan that was

previously reported canceled.

Withdrawal: Indicates the change to the student's loan amount is

due to the student's withdrawal from the institution.

Related Links
Setting Up Award Messages

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Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

Awarding Students Manually

Access the Manual Student Packaging page (Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign
Departmental Awards > Manual Student Packaging).

Image: Manual Student Packaging page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manual Student Packaging page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page is identical to the Student Aid Package page except the Auto Packaging functionality is not

Other departments on campus can use this page to enter students' departmental awards, such as academic
or athletic scholarships. Using item type security, you can limit the choice of financial aid item types
available for selection on the page.

Related Links
Using Auto Packaging and Auto Select Packaging

Using Professional Judgement

Access the Professional Judgement page (Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Invoke
Professional Judgement > Professional Judgement).

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Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Image: Professional Judgement page: Award tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Professional Judgement page: Award tab. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The fields on the Professional Judgement page correspond to those on the Student Aid Package page.
Awards that you enter or adjust on this page have the PJ check box selected on the Student Aid Package
and Manual Student Packaging page to indicate that the normal eligibility criteria and award limits were
not applied to this award.

See Using Auto Packaging and Auto Select Packaging.

The Professional Judgement page enables you to override the Packaging routine's edits—financial aid
item type rules, federal aggregates (annual and lifetime), federal eligibility rules—when awarding a
student. This override applies to awards that have the following actions taken:

• An award is manually entered on the Professional Judgement page.

• An existing award is changed on the Professional Judgement page.

• A change is made to an Auto Package award on the Professional Judgement page.

Because this page can be used to bypass all federal eligibility and awarding rules, careful thought should
be given when granting security for this page.

Awards that you enter or modify on this page cannot be modified on any award entry pages except the
Professional Judgement page.

Award Tab
See the previous exhibit for this tab.

Select the Award tab.

When you use the Award tab on the Professional Judgement page to add a new manual award or to
override the offered or accepted amount for an item type of an existing award, the system automatically
selects the PJ check box on the Status tab on the Professional Judgement page.

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Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

Status Tab
Select the Status tab.

Image: Professional Judgement page: Status tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Professional Judgement page: Status tab. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

When you add a new award manually or override an existing award, the system selects the corresponding
check box in the PJ column for the adjusted item type. You can clear this check box.

Performing Mass Packaging Using Application Data

This section discusses how to:

• Run Mass Packaging selection.

• Review students selected for Mass Packaging.

• Assign packaging plans to students.

• Review packaging plans assigned by query.

• Review packaging plans assigned by packaging plan.

• Process Mass Packaging.

Pages Used to Perform Mass Packaging Using Federal Application Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Mass Packaging Select RUNCTL_FA_BPKG Financial Aid > Awards > Run mass packaging
Mass Packaging > Select selection, which selects the
Students > Mass Packaging students that you defined on
Select the Mass Packaging Select
Students page. This is the
first of the three processes for
Mass Packaging.

944 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Mass Packaging by Students FA_BPKG_STDLIST Financial Aid > Awards > Review a list of the student
Mass Packaging > View selected using the Mass
Results by Students > Mass Packaging selection definition
Packaging by Students in the Mass Packaging
Student Select process.

Mass Packaging Assign RUNCTL_FA_BPKG_ASN Financial Aid > Awards > Assign packaging plans by
Mass Packaging > Assign running the second step in
Plans > Mass Packaging Mass Packaging, associating
Assign a packaging plan (or series
of packaging plans) with
the students who have been
selected for Mass Packaging.

Mass Packaging Plans FA_BPKG_PLANQRY Financial Aid > Awards > Review the packaging plans
Assigned Mass Packaging > View assigned to students, who are
Results by Query > Mass sorted by ID. You can also
Packaging Plans Assigned view students not assigned a
packaging plan.

Mass Packaging Students by FA_BPKG_STDPLAN Financial Aid > Awards > Review the packaging plans
Plan Mass Packaging > View assigned to students sorted by
Results by Plan > Mass the Sort Field field designated
Packaging Students by Plan on the Mass Packaging Assign
page. This page displays one
packaging plan at a time.

Mass Packaging Process RUNCTL_FA_BPKG_PRC Financial Aid > Awards > Process mass packaging.
Mass Packaging > Process Initiate the eligibility review
Mass Packaging > Mass and award calculation routine,
Packaging Process which is the third and last
step in the Mass Packaging

Running Mass Packaging Selection

Access the Mass Packaging Select page (Financial Aid > Mass Packaging > Awards > Select Students >
Mass Packaging Select).

Selection of students is based on the Selection Tool criteria defined in the query, equation, or external file.
No other assessment is used to filter students for the Mass Packaging process.

Population Selection
Population selection is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. The Population
Selection group box is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population
Selection process is available or required for the transaction. Selection tools are available based on the
selection tools that your institution selected in the setup of the Population Selection process for the
application process and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear based on the selection tool
that you select. The fields behave the same way from within the group box on all run control pages and
application processes. If your institution uses a specific delivered selection tool (PS Query, Equation
Engine, or external file) to identify IDs for a specific transaction, you must use it.

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 945

Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

Selection Tool Displays if Population Selection check box is selected. Select

from: Equation Engine, PS Query, or External File, or enter a
tool that your institution created to select the IDs to assign to
the student group. Additional parameters are displayed for your
selected tool.

Query Name Displays only when PS Query is selected in the Selection Tool
field. Select a PS Query that uses one of these bind records:

• Use SFA_BPKGX_BIND if your criteria is not career-


• Use SFA_BPKG_BIND if Career is a criteria element.

Equation Displays only when Equation Engine is selected in the Selection

Tool field. Select an equation that is defined with the application
prompt Mass Packaging Selection.

Institution and Aid Year Enter the institution and aid year for which to run Mass

Reviewing Students Selected for Mass Packaging

Access the Mass Packaging by Students page (Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging > View
Results by Students > Mass Packaging by Students).

Process Status Indicates whether the student is packaged with this batch of
students in the next two steps of Mass Packaging.

Invalid: The student is not included in this Mass Packaging run.

Valid: The student is processed during this Mass Packaging run.

You can delete the student's row or change the Process Status to Invalid to remove any students you do
not want to be included in this packaging batch. If students have multiple careers, a row exists for each
career for which they are packaged.

Assigning Packaging Plans to Students

Access the Mass Packaging Assign page (Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging > Assign Plans >
Mass Packaging Assign).

Select the Mass Packaging Selection Definition that you are using to select your students for the current
Mass Packaging run.

In the Packaging Plan Parameters group box, select one or more packaging plans the system should apply
against the current group of students selected for Mass Packaging.

Career The career you select here determines the packaging plans
available in the Plan ID field.

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Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Plan ID The ID of the packaging plan to apply to eligible students in

this Mass Packaging run. Only packaging plans associated with
the selected career are available. It does not matter in what
order you list the plan IDs on this page. If you list multiple
packaging plans, the packaging plans are applied against the
selected students based on the processing order defined for each
packaging plan in the packaging plan setup. You can review the
students and the packaging plans that have been associated with
them after you run the process.

Sort Field Select a field on which to sort students within each plan. You
must then choose to sort the students in either ascending or
descending order. For example, you could sort students based on
ascending EFC or descending federal need. The third step of the
Mass Packaging process evaluates students in the order in which
they are sorted. The fields by which you can sort students are:

• ADJ_PAR_CONTRIB (Adjusted Parent Contribution)

• AGI_PAR (Parents' Adjusted Gross Income)

• AGI_STU (Students' Adjusted Gross Income)

• EMPLID (Employee ID)

• FED_EFC (Federal Effective Family Contribution)

• FED_NEED (Federal Need)

• FED_PARENT_CONTRB (Federal Parent Contribution)

• FED_STDNT_CONTRB (Federal Student Contribution)

• INST_EFC (Institutional Effective Family Contribution)

• INST_PARENT_CONTRB (Institutional Parent Contribution)

• INST_STDNT_CONTRB (Institutional Student Contribution)

• PRORATED_EFC (Prorated Effective Family Contribution)

• TRANS_PROCESS_DT (Transaction Process Date)

Do not use FED_EFC for packaging plans that have a non-

standard award period. FED_EFC represents the PRIMARY
_EFC, which is the 9–month EFC that is synonymous with
the academic award period. Therefore, all non-standard award
period FED_EFC values equal 0.00. If you sort by FED_EFC
for non-standard plans, the system defaults the sort order to

Asc (ascending) Select this option to have the students sorted in ascending order.

Desc (descending) Select this option to have the students sorted in descending

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Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

Run Run the Mass Packaging Plan Assignment process

(FAPPKASN) when you are ready to assign packaging plans.

Reviewing Packaging Plans Assigned by Query

Access the Mass Packaging Plans Assigned page (Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging > View
Results by Query > Mass Packaging Plans Assigned).

To identify each packaging plan, the page displays three fields from the Mass Packaging Assign page
—Packaging Plan ID, Academic Career, and Sort Packaging by— and the Plan Order from the packaging
plan setup. The plan order is the processing order for the packaging plan. Use the scroll arrows to view
the other packaging plan IDs used for this Mass Packaging session.

For each packaging plan, the page displays the students selected for the packaging plan in ascending ID
order. The list provides the student's ID, name, and value for the field identified in the Sort Packaging by
field (the name of the third column changes to match this field). Click Remove to remove a student from
the list and prevent the student from being packaged during the final step of the Mass Packaging process.

Reviewing Packaging Plans Assigned by Packaging Plan

Access the Mass Packaging Students by Plan page (Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging > View
Results by Plan > Mass Packaging Students by Plan).

To identify each packaging plan, the page displays three fields from the Mass Packaging Assign page
—Packaging Plan ID, Academic Career, and Sort Packaging by—and the Plan Order from the packaging
plan setup. The plan order is the processing order for the packaging plan.

For each packaging plan, the page displays the students selected for the packaging plan, sorted by the
field identified in the Sort Packaging by field. The list provides the student's ID, name, and value for the
field identified in the Sort Packaging by field (the name of the third column changes to match this field).
Click Remove to remove a student from the list and prevent the student from being packaged during the
final step of the Mass Packaging process.

You can view students who were not assigned a packaging plan by selecting a career but no packaging
plan when you open the page.

Processing Mass Packaging

Access the Mass Packaging Process page (Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging > Process Mass
Packaging > Mass Packaging Process).

Selection Definition Select the name of the student group defined on the Mass
Packaging Select page.

Methodology Select which need analysis methodology to use: Federal,

Institutional, or Both.

This is an optional field where Federal is the default value. It is

an information-only field that allows users to define with which
Methodology the batch was packaged.

948 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Live Select this mode to run the process and commit the awards
to the database. This includes tables such as student awards,
student disbursements, student aggregate history, loan
information, fiscal item types, and the award activity log.

Note: Oracle recommends that you run in Simulation mode at

least once before running in Live mode.

Simulation Select this mode to simulate and view results. You can then
refine your repackaging plan rules and rerun Batch Repackaging
Simulation to produce the desired award amounts. When
you are satisfied with the Simulation results, rerun Batch
Repackaging in Live mode.

Select Simulation or Live as the mode for which you want to run this Mass Packaging. If you select
Simulation, you can review the results before deciding to update all award tables. If you select Live, the
process updates all award-related tables.

Note: It is highly recommended that you run the Mass Packaging process in Simulation mode at least
once before running it in Live mode.

A student can receive one, none, all, or some of the awards defined in the packaging plan assigned to
them. The system applies your financial aid item type rules, federal eligibility rules, fiscal limits, and
aggregate aid rules to determine whether the student receives a particular award as part of their package.
The Mass Packaging process also determines award amounts, disbursement plans, and split codes for each

When you run the third step of the Mass Packaging process in Live mode, the process updates various
tables including student awards, student disbursements, student aggregate history, loan information,
fiscal item types, and the award activity log. If the Mass Packaging process encounters an error, the
Posting process provides a message regarding the reason the student was not packaged and the student is
displayed on the Mass Packaging Errors page. The Mass Packaging process continues packaging students
and writing errors to the Mass Packaging Errors page until it reaches the number of errors allowed by the
Background Errors Allowed field on the Financial Aid Defaults page. When the allowed errors limit is
reached, the Mass Packaging process stops.

Note: Students whose award record encounters posting errors during Mass Packaging Live mode appear
on the Mass Packaging Details component (Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging) as well as
the Mass Packaging Errors page. However, these students have not actually been packaged. The Mass
Packaging Details pages displays the awards the student would have received if there were no posting

Run the Mass Packaging process (FAPPKBKG) when you are ready to package students.

Reviewing Mass Packaging Results

You can use these pages to view detailed information regarding the student's financial aid eligibility, need
information, and specific award information. You can also view a list of students who were not packaged
because they did not meet the selection criteria for any of the packaging plans used in the Mass Packaging

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 949

Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

This section discusses how to:

• Review Mass Packaging summary information.

• Review student eligibility and need information.

• Review student award information.

• Review Mass Packaging errors.

Pages Used to Review Mass Packaging Results

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Mass Packaging Summary PKG_BATCH_SUMM Financial Aid > Awards > Review the number of
Mass Packaging > View students selected for each
Mass Packaging Summary > packaging plan and those
Mass Packaging Summary students packaged by the
Mass Packaging process.

Eligibility/Need PKG_BATCH_STDNT Financial Aid > Awards > Review a student's financial
Mass Packaging > View aid eligibility and need
Mass Packaging Details > information based on the
Eligibility/Need results of the packaging
plan. This page displays
information for a single
packaging plan.

Awards Detail PKG_BATCH_AWD Financial Aid > Awards > Review detailed information
Mass Packaging > View about the awards that were
Mass Packaging Details > packaged for a student as a
Awards Detail result of the Mass Packaging

Mass Packaging Award PKG_BATCH_MSG_SEC Click the Message link on the View the reason why the
Message Awards Detail page. student did not receive this

Mass Packaging PKG_BATCH_DISB_SEC Click the Disbursement link View scheduled disbursement
Disbursement on the Awards Detail page. detail for an award.

Mass Packaging Errors PKG_BATCH_ERR Financial Aid > Awards > Review students who were not
Mass Packaging > View packaged by any packaging
Mass Packaging Errors > plan and an explanation of
Mass Packaging Errors why they were not packaged.

Mass Packaging Error Detail PKG_BATCH_ERR_SEC Click the Detail link on the View the error message
Mass Packaging Errors page. associated with the error
code displayed on the Mass
Packaging Errors page.

Reviewing Mass Packaging Summary Information

Access the Mass Packaging Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging > View Mass
Packaging Details > Mass Packaging Summary).

950 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Batch Number The number assigned to the batch of students when you run the
Mass Packaging process.

Batch Date Time The date and time you ran the Mass Packaging process or
Institutional Mass Packaging process for this batch of students.

Live vs. Simulation Indicates whether you ran the Mass Packaging process in live or
simulation mode.

Live: The Mass Packaging process updated all award-related


Simulation: You can review the results of the Mass Packaging

process, but award-related tables were not updated.

Methodology Displays which need analysis methodology was specified during

the mass packaging run: Federal, Institutional, or Both.

Packaging Plan ID Identifies the packaging plan used in the Mass Packaging run.

Total Selected The total number of students assigned this packaging plan.

Total Packaged The total number of students who were successfully packaged
using this packaging plan.

Total Not Packaged The total number of students who were assigned this packaging
plan but did not receive any awards because of one or more

Reviewing Student Eligibility and Need Information

Access the Eligibility/Need page (Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging > View Mass Packaging
Details > Eligibility/Need).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 951

Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

Image: Eligibility/Need page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Eligibility/Need page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

This page displays information for a single packaging plan. To see other students packaged using the
selected packaging plan, use the top set of scroll arrows. Use the bottom set of scroll arrows to view the
information for each student by award period.

Sequence The sequence number indicates the order in which students were
packaged during Mass Packaging.

Federal Dependency Status Indicates whether the student is dependent or independent under
federal methodology.

Institutional Dependency Status Indicates whether the student is dependent or independent under
institutional methodology.

Federal PELL Eligibility Indicates whether the student is eligible to receive a Pell Grant.

Received First Bachelor Degree Indicates whether the student has already received his or her
first bachelor's degree.

952 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Title IV Eligibility Indicates whether the student is eligible to receive federal Title
IV aid.

Related Links
Viewing Need Summary Information

Reviewing Student Award Information

Access the Awards Detail page (Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging > View Mass Packaging
Details > Awards Detail).

Image: Awards Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Awards Detail page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

All awards in the packaging plan are displayed for each student. The page displays zero and nonzero
awards—nonzero awards display the scheduled disbursements.

Student Packaging Sequence The sequence number indicates the order in which students were
packaged during Mass Packaging.

Sequence The sequence number automatically assigned in increments of

ten when awards are entered.

Item Type The financial aid item type of the student's award.

Disbursement Plan The disbursement plan assigned to the student's award.

Split Code The split code of the student's award, which indicates how the
award is split for disbursement to the student.

Offer Amount If the Offer Amount for an award is 0.00, then the student was
not eligible for that particular award or it was an unlocked,
preexisting award which was set to 0.00 by Mass Packaging.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 953

Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

The awards with a zero Offer Amount are no longer visible after
the student's award package is posted.

Message Click to access the Mass Packaging Award Message page and
view the reason why the student did not receive this award.

Disbursement Click to access the Mass Packaging Disbursement page and

view scheduled disbursement detail for an award.

Reviewing Mass Packaging Errors

Access the Mass Packaging Errors page (Financial Aid > Awards > Mass Packaging > View Mass
Packaging Errors > Mass Packaging Errors).

Only students who had serious errors (such as students who had their Financial Aid Term deleted) during
the actual Mass Packaging run are in this list. Generally, no students should be listed on this page. If
students are listed, look beyond the packaging plan for the reasons for the error.

Batch # (batch number) The batch number identifies the particular Mass Packaging

Batch Date Time The date and time the Mass Packaging session was run.

Total Not Pkgd (total not packaged) The total number of students who were assigned to the
packaging plan but were not packaged due to an error.

Pkg Plan (packaging plan) The packaging plan with which the system tried to package the
listed students.

Error Sequence Key by which the error data is sorted.

ID The ID of the student who was not packaged.

Error The message number that identifies the error that prevented the
student from being packaged.

Detail Click to access the Mass Packaging Error Detail page and view
the error message associated with the displayed error code.

Mass Packaging Error Messages

The following table lists and explains possible Mass Packaging posting error messages:

Message Number Message Text Message Explanation

108 The Disbursement ID Table entries have The disbursement plan's Disbursement
no terms associated with them. ID Table either has no entries or the
entries do not have terms specified. Enter
Disbursement ID table entries or update
the existing entries with valid terms.

954 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Message Number Message Text Message Explanation

111 There is no Student Award Period record The student does not have a Student
for the awarded period. Award Period record for the period being

112 The maximum number of Term records The limit to the number of Term records
is exceeded. that can be associated with an award
period is exceeded by this disbursement
plan. Either reduce the number of terms
or contact your technical resource to
increase the maximum number of term
records permitted in an award period.

113 The maximum number of Student Award The limit to the number of Student
Period records is exceeded. Award Period records that can be
associated with a student for the award
period is exceeded by this student. Either
eliminate some of the Student Award
Period records or contact your technical
resource to increase the maximum
number of Student Award Period records

114 There is no Set ID for this Institution's The institution does not have an "Item
item types. Type" Set ID in the Set Control Group
Table. The Set ID is used to determine
which group of item types is valid for
this institution. Determine the correct
Set ID for this institution's item types
and create an Item Type record in the Set
Control Group Table for this institution.

115 The Item Type is Invalid. The transaction's financial aid item type
is not valid.

132 The Transaction has a custom split code The transaction has a custom split
but no Award Disbursements. code of 'XX' which requires award
disbursement records to be associated
with the transaction, but there are
none. Either supply the missing
disbursement records or specify an
existing disbursement plan.

140 The existing Student Award has no The existing Student Award has
disbursement records. no disbursement records. All
Student Awards are required to have
disbursement records. Contact technical
support and report this error.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 955

Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

Message Number Message Text Message Explanation

141 The existing Student Award's The existing Student Award has
Disbursement Records maximum is more Disbursement Records than are
exceeded. supported by the FAPAWPST program.
The FAPAWPST program can be
modified to support more Distribution
Records; this transaction cannot post
until the program is modified.

152 No CPS school code for this Institution. There is no CPS school code specified
for this transaction's Institution, Aid
Year, Academic Career combination.
Either the combination is invalid or
the CPS school code needs to be added
to the database for this Institution, Aid
Year, Academic Career combination.

155 No Student Aid Attribute Record was No Student Aid Attribute Record was
found for this transaction. found for this transaction.

156 No Award Summary Information was No Award Summary Information was

found for this transaction. found for this transaction.

158 An error was encountered when An error was encountered when

processing aggregates for this student. processing aggregates for this student.

159 No Student Award information was No Student Award Information was

found for this student. found for this student.

160 No Student Award Summary was found No Student Award Summary was found
for this transaction. for this transaction.

161 No Disbursement Information was found No Disbursement Information was found

for this transaction. for this transaction.

162 No Disbursement Summary information No Disbursement Summary information

was found for this transaction. was found for this transaction.

163 Disbursement ID was not found in Disbursement ID was not found in

Disbursement Plan for this transaction. disbursement plan for this transaction.

165 Maximum number of Disbursement Maximum number of disbursement plans

Plans was exceeded. was exceeded.

166 Term not found in Disbursement Plan for Term not found in disbursement plan for
this transaction. this transaction.

9328 (Generic Message) Student failed the batch Posting process. Student failed the batch Posting process.
The Awards were not posted. The Awards were not posted.

956 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 28 Awarding and Packaging Students

Message Number Message Text Message Explanation

9330 Student failed Batch Posting. Awards Student's package contains multiple
not posted. Multiple Disb Plans for Non- instances of the same financial aid item
Canceled Item Type. type that have not been canceled where
the disbursement plans are different.

9331 Student failed Batch Posting. Awards not Student's package contains multiple
posted. Multiple Disb Plans - Loan in instances of the same loan financial aid
transit. item type in transit that have not been
canceled where the disbursement plans
are different.

9332 Student failed Batch Posting. Awards not Student's package contains multiple
posted. Multiple Disb Plans - Loan was instances of the same loan financial
originated. aid item type (at least one originated)
that have not been canceled where the
disbursement plans are different.

9333 Failed Batch Posting. Awards not Student's package contains multiple
posted. Multiple Disb Plans - Auth/Disb instances of the same financial aid item
balances greater than 0. type that have not been canceled where
the disbursement plans are different.
Authorization/disbursement has occurred
and the authorization/disbursement
amount is greater than zero.

9334 Student failed Batch Posting. Awards not Award offer amount can never be
posted. Offer available is negative (Item negative on the Assign Fiscal Limits
Type Fiscal). page.

9335 Student failed Batch Posting. Awards Award accept amount can never be
not posted. Accept available is negative negative on the Assign Fiscal Limits
(Item Type Fiscal). page.

9336 Failed Batch Posting. Awards not posted. Student cannot have multiple aggregate
Multiple Aggregate Levels for same levels for the same financial aid item
Career & Item Type. type and same career

9337 Student failed Batch Posting. Awards Error detected while trying to update
not posted. Unable to update Award aggregate information for this student.
Aggregates data. Batch Posting process failed; award not

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 957

Awarding and Packaging Students Chapter 28

958 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 29

Awarding Pell Grants

Awarding Pell Grants

This section provides an overview of Pell Grant awarding and discusses how to:

• Define Pell eligibility calculation setup.

• Define Aggregate Aid Limit Percentage Maximums for Pell Grant.

• Calculate Pell Grants.

• Package Pell Grants Using Pell Table Enablement Tables

• Repackage Pell Grants.

• Manually award Pell Grants.

• Award Pell Grants using professional judgment.

• Reinstate a cancelled Pell Grant award.

• Award Pell Grants for post-baccalaureate teaching certificate candidates.

Understanding Pell Grant Awarding

The Pell Grant awarding functionality automatically calculates a Pell Grant award based on a student's:

• Maximum Scheduled Award

• Pell Grant Formula and Enrollment

• Total Percent Used

• Lifetime Eligibility Used

Maximum Scheduled Award

The system determines a student's maximum scheduled Pell Grant (full-time, full-year Pell Grant award)
by using:

• Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

The student's 9–month EFC from a valid Institutional Student Information Report (ISIR)

• Pell Grant Cost of Attendance (COA)

The student's Pell COA or Pell COA for Less-Than-Half-Time (LTHT)

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 959

Awarding Pell Grants Chapter 29

Note: If the student is enrolled only in terms tied to the Academic Award Period, Packaging uses the
Academic Pell COA for determining Pell Grant awards.
If the student is enrolled in terms tied to both the Academic and Non-Standard Award Periods,
Packaging uses the Academic Pell COA for determining Pell Grant awards.
If the student is enrolled only in terms tied to Non-Standard Award Period, Packaging uses the Non-
Standard Pell COA for determining Pell Grant awards.

See Defining Budget Components.

The system uses the student's EFC and Pell COA to determine the student's maximum scheduled Pell
Grant award from the U.S. Department's Full-time Pell Grant payment schedule for the appropriate aid

Pell Grant Formula and Enrollment

These Pell Grant Formula options are available:

• Formula 1 — FA Load

• Formula 1 — Full-time

• Formula 3 — FA Load

• Formula 3 — Current Load

• Formula 3 — Full-time

Among the formula options, there are three enrollment values used:

• FA Load

The Financial Aid Term build process determines the student's FA Load using the units in the FA
Taken field. The FA Load field can be locked using census-date locking. If you use census-date
locking, you may want to use the census date locked value (FA Load) for any Pell recalculations that
occur after the financial aid census date.

• Current Load

Current Load calculates the student's enrollment load using the units from sessions the student is
currently enrolled (In Progress value from FA Term) in as well as sessions within the term that the
student has already completed (Completed value from FA Term). This field enables you to calculate
the enrollment load of Open Entry/Open Exit students more accurately.

• Full-time

The student's full-time enrollment is assumed.

You can choose to calculate the student's Pell Grant eligibility using different default enrollment values
for different points in time in relation to the term:

• before the term's start date,

• on or after the term's start date but before the financial aid census date, and

960 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 29 Awarding Pell Grants

• on or after the financial aid census date.

Having different values for these three points in time gives you flexibility in calculating Pell Grant
awards. For example, for Formula 1, you can calculate a student's Pell Grant using a projected full-time
enrollment value for the period prior to the term start date. Then when the student's term begins, you can
recalculate the student's Pell Grant award using the student's actual enrollment (FA Load).

Note: If a term does not have a financial aid census date established, the Pell recalculation process uses
the academic census date (defined in Student Records).

See Defining Pell Eligibility Calculation (PEC) Setup.

See Calculating Pell Grants.

Total Percent Used

The amount of Pell Grant the system can award a student also takes into account the percentage of a
student's maximum scheduled Pell Grant award that has already been used. The system uses the Percent
Scheduled Used from a student's incoming Aggregate Aid Data and any existing Pell Grant awards
packaged by the system for the aid year to calculate the Total Percent Used.

The Percent Scheduled Used is populated by the NSLDS Data Push process but can also be overridden

With the implementation of Year Round Pell beginning in the 2017-2018 award year, students can receive
up to 150 percent of their Federal Pell Grant Scheduled Award in a single award year. You must define the
maximum scheduled award percentage for First Pell (Pell1) and Second Pell (Pell2) in the Aggregate Aid
Limit Setup.

See Defining Aggregate Aid Limit Percentage Maximums for Pell Grants.

See Calculating Pell Grants.

Lifetime Eligibility Used

The system takes into account the total amount of Pell Grant a student has used across all aid years in
pursuit of an undergraduate degree. The system uses Lifetime Eligibility Used and Percent Scheduled
Used from a student's incoming Aggregate Aid Data and any existing Pell Grant awards packaged by the
system for the aid year to determine the student's remaining Pell Grant eligibility.

Defining Pell Eligibility Calculation (PEC) Setup

You must complete the Pell Eligibility Calculation (PEC) setup for your Pell Grants to be properly
calculated. PEC setup is done at the institution defaults level and be overridden at the academic career,
academic program, and student levels.

The fields that define your PEC setup are:

• Academic Base Weeks

• Non-Standard Base Weeks

• Pell 3 Academic Weeks Only

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 961

Awarding Pell Grants Chapter 29

• Pell Calculation Start

• Pell Calculation Midterm

• Pell Calculation Census

• Pell Number of Terms

Defining PEC at the Institution Level

Access the Financial Aid Defaults page (Set Up SACR > Install > Financial Aid Installation > Financial
Aid Defaults).

Because the values you enter on this page are used as installation level defaults, they should be the values
you want to use for most of your undergraduate programs.

Note: For a complete description of this page: See Establishing Defaults.

Academic Base Weeks Enter the number of weeks that define your institution's
Academic Award Period (AAP). Several financial aid processes
use this value to calculate eligibility and to calculate prorated
expected family contribution (EFC).

Valid values are 0.0 to 99.9.

Non-Standard Base Weeks Enter the number of weeks that define your institution's Non-
Standard Award Period (NSAP). Several financial aid processes
use this value to calculate eligibility and to calculate prorated
EFCs. Non-standard terms are usually summer terms or inter-

Valid values are 0.0 to 99.9.

Pell 3 Academic Weeks Only Select so the Pell Grant calculation uses only Academic Base
Weeks as the Academic Program's Weeks of Instruction for
Formula 3. If not selected, the Pell Grant calculation sums the
Academic Base Weeks and Non-Standard Base Weeks together
to determine the Academic Program's Weeks of Instruction.

Note: An Academic Program's Weeks of Instruction serves as

the denominator in the percentage calculation for a student's
number of enrolled weeks in a term when calculating Pell Grant
eligibility for Formula 3 — FA Load, Formula 3 — Current
Load, and Formula 3 — Full-time Load.

Pell Calculation Start Enter the calculation mode to use for Pell calculations made
before the student's academic term start date:

Formula 1 — FA Load: Directs the Pell calculation to divide the

Pell Grant by the Pell Number of Terms and uses the student's
actual FA Load for each term.

962 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 29 Awarding Pell Grants

Formula 1 — Full-time: Directs the Pell calculation to divide

the Scheduled Pell Grant by the Pell Number of Terms and uses
full-time as the student's FA Load for each term.

Formula 3 — Current Load: Directs the Pell calculation

to sum the Academic Base Weeks and Non-Standard Base
Weeks values to determine an Academic Program's Weeks
of Instruction. This value serves as the denominator in the
percentage calculation for student's number of enrolled weeks in
a term. This mode uses the Current Load value from Financial
Aid Term to determine which Federal Pell Grant schedule to
use when it is calculating the student's eligibility for a Pell
Grant. The Current Load value uses the number of units in
which a student is currently enrolled ("In Progress" from the
Financial Aid Term Session Detail) plus the number of units
from completed sessions in the term to determine the student's
load for the term.

Formula 3 — FA Load: Directs the Pell calculation to sum the

Academic Base Weeks and Non-Standard Base Weeks values to
determine an Academic Program's Weeks of Instruction. This
value serves as the denominator in the percentage calculation
for a student's number of enrolled weeks in a term. This mode
uses the FA Load value from Financial Aid Term to determine
which Federal Pell Grant schedule to use when it is calculating
the student's eligibility. The FA Load value uses the number of
financial aid eligible units in which the student is enrolled for
the term to determine the student's load.

Formula 3 — Full-time Load: Directs the Pell calculation

to sum the Academic Base Weeks and Non-Standard Base
Weeks values to determine an Academic Program's Weeks
of Instruction. This value serves as the denominator in the
percentage calculation for a student's number of enrolled weeks
in a term. This mode uses Full-time as the FA Load value when
it is calculating the student's eligibility.

Pell Calculation Midterm Enter the load value to use for Pell Grant calculations made on
or after the student's academic term start date but before the
student's term census date. The available values match those for
Pell Calculation Start.

Pell Calculation Census Enter the load value to use for Pell Grant calculations made
on or after the student's term census date. The available values
match those for Pell Calculation Start.

Pell Number of Terms Enter the number of terms that define the Academic Program.
Although this value should match the TERM_TYPE on the
ACAD_CAR_TBL, there is no automatic cross-check between
the two to ensure that these values correlate. Packaging uses
this value to distribute a Pell Grant across the student's enrolled
terms when making a Pell Grant calculation using Formula 1 -
FA Load or Formula 1 - Full-time Pell calculation values. If you

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 963

Awarding Pell Grants Chapter 29

select Formula 1 - FA Load or Formula 1 - Full-time, you must

populate the Pell Number of Terms field.

Valid values are 0 to 99.

Use PELL Crossover Logic Select this check box if you want the system to a check the
summer/crossover term to determine if a Pell Grant award for
that term would be higher if it is awarded using the Additional
Pell Item Type for the current Aid Year (e.g. Aid Year 2018) or
the Initial Pell Item Type in the forward Aid Year (e.g. Aid Year

If selected and the award would be higher for the forward

Aid Year, the system awards zero Pell Grant for the summer/
crossover term under the Additional Pell item type the current
Aid Year. If the Pell Grant award for the summer/crossover term
is higher using the current Aid Year, it will award the amount as
Additional Pell.

If not selected, the system awards Pell Grant for the summer/
crossover term as Additional Pell in the current Aid Year
without additional checks against the forward Aid Year.

Overriding PEC at the Career Level

Access the Aid Processing Rule Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid
Year > Aid Processing Rule Setup) and the Valid Careers for Aid Year page (Set Up SACR > Product
Related > Financial Aid > Aid Year > Valid Careers for Aid Year).

Note: For a complete description of the Aid Processing Rule Setup page: See Creating Aid Processing
Rule Sets.

Note: For a complete description of the Valid Careers for Aid Year page: See Listing Valid Careers for the
Aid Year.

For careers that require a different PEC setup than specified on the Financial Aid Defaults page, create an
aid processing rule set with the required PEC setup for those careers. You create aid processing rule sets
on the Aid Processing Rule Setup page; the fields for PEC setup on this page correspond to those on the
Financial Aid Defaults page. Then you assign aid processing rule sets on the Valid Careers for Aid Year
page to only those careers that need a PEC setup that differs from the installation level default. If two
careers require the same PEC setup (which differs from the installation level default setup), create only
one aid processing rule set and select it for each career.

Note: You do not need to create an aid processing rule set for every career. You do not need to assign an
aid processing rule set to every career on the Valid Careers for Aid Year page. If you do not specify an
aid processing rule set on the Valid Careers for Aid Year page, the Packaging routine uses the installation
defaults for PEC.

For example, you may want to create an aid processing rule set for a career where the Base Weeks of
Instruction is greater or less than the Base Weeks of instruction at the installation default level. On the Aid
Processing Rule Setup page, you would specify the values for the weeks of instruction in the Academic

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Chapter 29 Awarding Pell Grants

Base Weeks and Non-Standard Base Weeks fields for these careers. Fill out all fields in the aid processing
rule set.

Overriding PEC at the Program Level

Access the Aid Processing Rule Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid
Year > Aid Processing Rule Setup) and the Valid Programs for Aid Year and Career page (Set Up
SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Aid Year > Valid Programs for Aid Year).

Note: For a complete description of the Aid Processing Rule Setup page: See Creating Aid Processing
Rule Sets.

Note: For a complete description of the Valid Programs for Aid Year and Career page: See Defining Valid
Programs for Aid Year and Career.

For academic programs that require a different PEC setup than specified at the career or installation
level, create an aid processing rule set with the required PEC setup; the fields for PEC setup on this page
correspond to those on the Financial Aid Defaults page. Then you assign aid processing rule sets to only
those academic programs that require a PEC setup different from the career or installation level default on
the Valid Programs for Aid Year page. If two academic programs require the same PEC setup, create only
one aid processing rule set and assign it to both academic programs.

For programs, the Pell number of terms that you enter on the Aid Processing Rule Setup page must match
the Pell number of terms at the career level.

Note: You do not need to create an aid processing rule set for every career/program combination. You
do not need to enter every program on the Valid Programs for Aid Year page. If you do not specify an
aid processing rule set on the Valid Programs for Aid Year page, the Packaging routine uses the career or
installation level defaults for PEC. For example, if an Academic Program supports a Leading Summer
term, you want to create a unique PEC that distinguishes it from an Academic Program that does not
support a Summer Term

Overriding PEC at the Student Level

Access a student's Pell Calculation Eligibility Student Override page (Financial Aid > View Packaging
Status Summary) and click on the Pell Calculation Override link after querying a student.

Note: For a complete description of the Pell Calculation Eligibility Student Override page: See
Overriding Pell Eligibility Calculation Setup Values.

Status Select Active to override the PEC setup at the FA installation,

career, or program level. The override applies to all terms and
all Pell Grant awards across award periods.

Select Inactive to use the PEC setup at FA installation, career, or

program level.

The other fields for PEC setup on this page correspond to those on the Financial Aid Defaults page.

Note: In the Pell calculation fields, if you select Formula 1 - FA Load or Formula 1 - Full-time, you must
populate the Pell Number of Terms field. If you select Formula 3 - FA Load, Formula 3 - Current Load, or
Formula 3 — Full-time Load, you must populate the Academic or Non-Standard Base Weeks fields.

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Awarding Pell Grants Chapter 29

Related Links
Overriding Census Date Locking

Defining Aggregate Aid Limit Percentage Maximums for Pell Grants

You must define the Lifetime Eligibility Maximum percent and the maximum scheduled award
percentage for First Pell (Pell1) and Second Pell (Pell2) in the Aggregate Aid Limit Setup.

Access the Aggregate Aid Limits page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Awards >
Aggregate Aid Limits).

Note: For a complete description of this page: See Creating Aggregate Aid Limits.

First Pell Percentage This field appears when the Aggregate Area has been activated
as a Pell Grant. Enter 100.00 to ensure students are fully
awarded a Pell1. If you enter any value less than 100.00,
students are not fully awarded a Pell1. To calculate a student's
remaining eligibility percentage for a Pell1, Packaging subtracts
the Total Percent Used (Percent Scheduled Used from Incoming
Aggregates plus Total Percent Used for Pell1 awards) from this

Lifetime Eligibility Maximum This field appears when the Aggregate Area has been activated
as a Pell Grant and the Aid Year is 2013 and beyond. Enter the
maximum percentage for a student's Lifetime Pell Eligibility.
For example, when the United States Department of Education
says that a student cannot exceed 12 full-time semester terms
(translated as 600 percent), then you would enter 0600.0000
in this field. An individual student's Lifetime Eligibility Used
percentage plus current year system-generated Pell Grant award
cannot exceed this maximum percentage.

Second Pell Percentage This field appears when the Aggregate Area has been activated
as a Pell Grant. Enter 150.00 to ensure that students are fully
awarded a Pell2. If you enter any value less than 150.00,
students are not fully awarded a Pell2. To calculate a student's
remaining eligibility percentage for a Pell2, Packaging subtracts
the Total Percent Used (Percent Scheduled Used from Incoming
Aggregates plus Total Percent Used for Pell1 and Pell2 awards)
from this field.

When awarding a Pell2, the system determines if the term being

awarded qualifies as a crossover payment period. If the term
is a crossover payment period, the system uses the Use PELL
Crossover Logic setup from the Financial Aid Defaults setup to
determine how to award the Pell2 award.

See Establishing Defaults.

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Chapter 29 Awarding Pell Grants

Note: The term being awarded should have the start date and
end date defined on Maintain Student FA Term to determine if
crossover payment period criteria has been met.
See Building Financial Aid Terms Online.

Calculating Pell Grants

The section discusses how Pell Grants are calculated and includes example calculations.

Note: The system can award two Pell Grants consecutively by term, First Pell (Pell1) and Second Pell
(Pell2), to eligible students in a single aid year. As part of the Pell Eligibility Calculation (PEC), the
system determines a student's Maximum (Max) Scheduled Award and uses this value to determine
maximum Pell eligibility for the aid year. The system does not consider and does not award Pell2 until the
student has been awarded Pell1 in the amount of his or her Max Scheduled Award.

Note: The system does not attempt to calculate a Pell Grant award for a student who has neither a federal
nor an institutional application for the applicable aid year in the system. However, the system does
attempt to calculate a Pell Grant award for a student who has an institutional application, but no federal
application, for the applicable aid year in the system.

Step 1
The first step for Packaging (Manual Packaging, Auto Packaging, Repackaging, Mass Packaging,
or Batch Repackaging) to calculate a student's Pell Grant award is to determine the Pell Eligibility
Calculation (PEC) setup values to use. Because PEC setup defaults can be at the program, career,
or installation level and can be overridden at the student level, Packaging checks for defaults in the
following order to ensure that the proper aid processing rules are used:

1. Student override values.

2. Aid processing rule set associated with the student's program.

3. Aid processing rule set associated with the student's career.

4. Installation defaults specified on the Financial Aid Defaults page

Once PEC values are detected, the checking for defaults is done and those values are used.

Step 2
The second step is to compare the current (system) date to the term start date (earliest session start date)
and the financial aid census date. After identifying the current date in relation to these dates, Packaging
uses this date to determine which PEC Pell formula and enrollment values to use (Pell Calculation Start,
Pell Calculation Midterm, or Pell Calculation Census).

Step 3
The third step is to determine the percentage of the student’s Max Scheduled Award of Pell Grant award
that has been used.

Once the Max Scheduled Award has been established, the system calculates the student's remaining Pell
eligibility by using both the student's Percent Scheduled Used and, for the 2013 aid year and beyond,

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the Lifetime Eligibility Used fields. Both fields are displayed on the Aggregate Aid Data page and are
populated by the NSLDS Data Push process. The pushed values can be manually overridden.

Note: You must regularly push NSLDS data to the Aggregate Tables in order for Packaging to calculate
accurately the student's remaining Pell eligibility.

Note: As of the 2013 aid year, the NSLDS Aggregate Push routine updates the Pell Aggregate Area for
the 2013 aid year and beyond with the NSLDS Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used percentage value reported
on either a Financial Aid History File or Transfer Student Monitoring data file. Excluded from this value
is any current year NSLDS Pell transaction that matches any internally awarded Pell Grants based on
school code match. Therefore, to ensure that the most current and accurate Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used
value is evaluated, you should regularly load and push NSLDS data sourced from the NSLDS Financial
Aid History or Transfer Student Monitoring data file.

To calculate the student's remaining Pell Grant eligibility, the system uses the lower percentage of (a)
Lifetime Eligibility Maximum percent minus the student's Lifetime Eligibility Used percent and (b) First
Pell Percentage minus the student's Percent Scheduled Used value. The lower of these two percentages is
applied to the Max Scheduled Award.

Access the Aggregate Aid Data page (Financial Aid >Awards >Aggregates >Update Incoming
Aggregates >Aggregate Aid Data).

Note: For a complete description of the Aggregate Aid Data page: See Updating Aggregate Aid

Percent Scheduled Used and Override Displays the percentage of a student's Pell Grant Maximum
(Max) Scheduled Award used at prior institutions from NSLDS
or, if overridden, manually populated by the user. Valid values
are 000.0 to 150.0. The field can exceed 100.0 when a student
has received the Max Scheduled Award for first Pell Grant
(Pell1) plus a partial or Max Scheduled Award for second
Pell Grant (Pell2) at prior institutions. Packaging always
uses the Percent Scheduled Used as part of its Pell eligibility
determination regardless of the designated Aggregate Source
(NSLDS or PS).

Select the Override check box and manually enter a value to

override Percent Scheduled Used.

Total % Used Displays the sum of Percent Scheduled Used and the percent of
Pell Grant awards already packaged by the system for the aid
year. Valid values are 000.0 to 150.0.

Note: The system uses these internal fields (not displayed on

any pages) to calculate Total % Used: Max Scheduled Award
(full-time, full-year Pell Grant award based on Pell COA and
EFC), student's remaining Pell Grant eligibility, and Max
Scheduled Award minus the lesser of Lifetime Eligibility Used
or Percent Scheduled Used.

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Chapter 29 Awarding Pell Grants

Lifetime Eligibility Used and Displays the percentage of a student's Pell Grant received over
Override his or her lifetime as reported from NSLDS or, if overridden,
manually populated by the user. Valid values are 0000.0000
to 9999.9999. This field is populated by the Aggregate Push

Select the Override check box and manually enter a value to


Lifetime Eligibility Used is evaluated against the corresponding

Pell Aggregate Aid Limit, Lifetime Eligibility Maximum
Percent setup value as one of the factors when determining a
Pell Grant award.

See Creating Aggregate Aid Limits.

Note: Pell Grant eligibility always uses NSLDS aggregate values.

Step 4
The fourth step is to use the identified Pell Grant formula with the appropriate Pell Grant Payment
Schedule based on the enrollment load value, the student's Maximum Scheduled Award, the appropriate
weeks of instruction or Pell Number of Terms, and the student's Total Percent Used (of Pell) to calculate
the Pell Grant award term by term.

The Packaging routine repeats this process for each term in the student's academic program, and adds the
individual term amounts to determine the student's annual Pell Grant award.

Pell Grant Formula Examples

The next four sections provide of examples of the Pell Formula calculations supported by the system:

• Formula 1 — FA Load

• Formula 1 — Full-Time

• Formula 3 — FA Load

• Formula 3 — Current Load

• Formula 3 — Full-time

See Defining Pell Eligibility Calculation (PEC) Setup.

Formula 1 — FA Load
The system divides the Pell Grant award by the Pell Number of Terms. It uses the student's FA Load value
for each term to determine which Pell Grant schedule to use.

Pell COA = 5000.00 USD

EFC =02350

Max Scheduled Award: 3000.00 USD

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Pell Number of Terms: 2

Summer: Leading

FA Load Term 1: 3/4 (Summer Term)

FA Load Term 2: 3/4

FA Load Term 3: 3/4

Annual Award: 3000.00 USD

Term 1 Actual Award: 2250.00 USD / 2 = 1125.00 USD

Term 2 Actual Award: 2250.00 USD / 2 = 1125.00 USD

Term 3 Actual Award: 750.00

The Term 3 Actual Award is calculated like this: (2250.00 USD / by 2 = 1125.00 USD, THEN reduced to
remaining eligibility: 3000.00 USD (Annual Award) minus 2250.00 USD (combined Term 1 and Term 2
Actual Awards) equals 750.00 USD.

Formula 1 - Full-Time
The system divides the Max Scheduled Award (full-time, full-year) by the Pell Number of Terms.

Pell COA = 5000.00 USD

EFC = 02350

Max Scheduled Award: 3000.00 USD

Pell Number of Terms: 2

Summer: Trailing

FA Load Term 1: FT (Summer Term)

FA Load Term 2: FT

FA Load Term 3: FT

Annual Award: 3000.00 USD

Term 1 Actual Award: 3000.00 USD / 2 = 1500.00 USD

Term 2 Actual Award: 3000.00 USD / 2 = 1500.00 USD

Term 3 Actual Award: 0.00 USD

Student used entire Max Scheduled Award in Terms 1 and 2, leaving no remaining eligibility for Term 3.

Formula 3 - FA Load
The system sums the Academic and Non-Standard Base Weeks to determine the length of the Academic
Program's Weeks of Instruction. This value serves as the denominator in the percentage calculation for
a student's number of enrolled weeks in a term. Formula 3 — FA Load uses the FA Load from FA Term
to determine which Federal Pell Grant disbursement schedule to use when it is calculating the student's

970 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 29 Awarding Pell Grants

eligibility. The FA Load value uses the number of financial aid eligible units in which the student is
enrolled for the term to determine the student's load.

Pell COA = 5000.00 USD

EFC = 02350

Max Scheduled Award: 3000.00 USD

Base Weeks Academic + Non-standard = 34

Term 1 Weeks in Term = 12

Term 2 Weeks in Term = 10

Term 3 Weeks in Term = 12 (Non-standard/Summer)

FA Load Term 1: 3/4 (Summer Term)

FA Load Term 2: FT

FA Load Term 3: FT

Term 1 Actual Award: 12 / 34 x 2250.00 USD = 794.03 USD

Term 1 Actual Award: 10 / 34 x 3000.00 USD = 882.30 USD

Term 1 Actual Award: 12 / 34 x 3000.00 USD = 1058.70 USD

Annual Award: 2735.03

Term 1 disb: 794.03 USD

Term2 disb: 882.30 USD

Term 3 disb: 1058.70 USD

Formula 3 - Current Load

The system sums the Academic and Non-Standard Base Weeks to determine the length of the Academic
Program's Weeks of Instruction. This value serves as the denominator in the percentage calculation for
a student's number of enrolled weeks in a term. Formula 3 — Current Load uses the Current Load from
FA Term to determine which Federal Pell Grant disbursement schedule to use when it is calculating the
student's eligibility. The Current Load value uses the number of units that the student is currently enrolled
in (Financial Aid, Financial Aid Term, Maintain Student FA Term, Statistics tab, Session Detail box, In
Progress field) plus the number of units from completed sessions in the term to determine the student's
load for the term.

Pell COA = 5000.00 USD

EFC = 02350

Max Scheduled Award: 3000.00 USD

Base Weeks Academic + Non-standard = 34

Term 1 Weeks in Term = 12

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Term 2 Weeks in Term = 10

Term 3 Weeks in Term = 12 (Non-standard/Summer)

FA Load Term 1: HT (Summer Term)

FA Load Term 2: 3/4

FA Load Term 3: HT

Term 1 Actual Award: 12 / 34 x 1500.00 USD = 529.35 USD

Term 2 Actual Award: 10 / 34 x 2250.00 USD = 661.73 USD

Term 3 Actual Award: 12 / 34 x 1500.00 USD = 529.35 USD

Annual Award: 1,720.43

Term 1 disb: 529.35 USD

Term 2 disb: 661.73 USD

Term 3 disb: 529.35 USD

Formula 3 - Full-time Load

The system sums the Academic and Non-Standard Base Weeks to determine the length of the Academic
Program's Weeks of Instruction. This value serves as the denominator in the percentage calculation for
a student's number of enrolled weeks in a term. Formula 3 — Full—time Load uses Full-time as the FA
Load Value to determine which Federal Pell Grant disbursement schedule to use when it is calculating the
student's eligibility.

Pell COA = 5000.00 USD

EFC = 02350

Max Scheduled Award: 3000.00 USD

Base Weeks Academic + Non-standard = 36

Term 1 Weeks in Term = 12

Term 2 Weeks in Term = 10

Term 3 Weeks in Term = 12 (Non-standard/Summer)

Ignore student's actual enrollment and use Full-time Load for all terms

Term 1 Actual Award: 12 / 36 x 3000.00 USD = 1000.00 USD

Term 2 Actual Award: 10 / 36 x 3000.00 USD = 833.33 USD

Term 3 Actual Award: 12 / 36 x 3000.00 USD = 1000.00 USD

Annual Award: 2833.33 USD

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Chapter 29 Awarding Pell Grants

Lifetime Eligibility Used Examples

Beginning the 2013 aid year, a student may receive a maximum of 6 years of Pell Grant awards over the
course of pursuing an undergraduate degree. This is measured by a cumulative percentage of disbursed
Lifetime Pell Grant awards (represented as Lifetime Eligibility Used, up to 600 percent).

When evaluating Lifetime Eligibility Used, Packaging always reviews the relationship between (annual)
Percent Scheduled Used value and the Lifetime Eligibility Used Percent and awards the lesser of the two
values. This is to ensure that the system does not overaward the student a Pell Grant from either an annual
limit perspective or a lifetime limit perspective.

Example 1

1. Student's remaining Percent Scheduled Used is 50 percent (Pell1 maximum of 100 percent minus 50
Percent Scheduled Used equals a delta of 50 percent).

2. Student's remaining Lifetime Eligibility is 75 percent (Lifetime Eligibility Percent Maximum of 600
percent minus 525 percent Lifetime Eligibility Used equals a delta of 75 percent).

3. Packaging compares the two percentages (50 Percent remaining Scheduled Used versus 75 Percent
remaining Lifetime Eligibility) and uses the lower of the two percentages (50 percent) times the Max
Scheduled Award (adjusted for FA Load) to determine the Pell Grant award.

Example 2

1. Student's remaining Percent Scheduled Used is 50 percent (Pell1 maximum of 100 percent minus 50
Percent Scheduled Used equals a delta of 50 percent).

2. Student's remaining Lifetime Eligibility is 25 percent (Lifetime Eligibility Percent Maximum of 600
percent minus 575 percent Lifetime Eligibility Used equals a delta of 25 percent).

3. Packaging compares the two percentages (50 Percent remaining Scheduled Used versus 25 Percent
remaining Lifetime Eligibility) and uses the lower of the two percentages (25 percent) times the Max
Scheduled Award to determine the Pell Grant award.

Pell Grant Disbursement Rounding Examples

Financial aid award disbursement amounts, including Pell Grants, are determined in part by the Rounding
Option selected in Financial Aid Item Type setup. For complete information on Financial Aid Item Type

See Defining Financial Aid Item Types.

If the Financial Aid Item Type Rounding Option attribute equals None, then no rounding takes place, and
Pell Grant award disbursement amounts are in U.S. dollars and cents. If the Rounding Option attribute
does not equal None, then the following Pell Rounding Rules are applied regardless of the settings of
Rounding Option, Round Direction, or Award Remainder Rule.

• If the number of terms is even, the system alternately rounds term amounts up or down based on how
the first term amount is rounded and disregards the decimal amount for all other terms. For example:

If the first term decimal amount is equal to or greater than .50 USD, then the first term amount is
rounded up, and all remaining terms follow a rounding treatment of down, up, down, etc. regardless of
their decimal amounts.

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Awarding Pell Grants Chapter 29

If the first term decimal amount is less than .50 USD, then the first term amount is rounded down,
and all remaining terms follow a rounding treatment of up, down, up, etc. regardless of their decimal

Example 1: Formula 1, two terms, Full-time student, Even Term Rounding

Term 1 Full-time 2775.00 USD/2 = 1387.50 USD – Round up to 1388.00 USD

Term 2 Full-time 2775.00 USD/2 = 1387.50 USD – Round down to USD 1387.00 USD

Total Award = 2775.00 USD

Example 2: Formula 1, four terms, Full-time student, Even Term Rounding

Term 1 Full-time 2650.00 USD/4 = 662.50 USD – Round up to 663.00 USD

Term 2 Full-time 2650.00 USD/4 = 662.50 USD – Round down to 662.00 USD

Term 3 Full-time 2650.00 USD/4 = 662.50 USD – Round up to 663.00 USD

Term 4 Full-time 2650.00 USD/4 = 662.50 USD – Round down to 662.00 USD

Total Award = 2650.00 USD

Example 3: Formula 3, four terms, Mixed-load student, Even Term Rounding

Term 1 (8–weeks) Half-time (1038.00 USD x 8)/30 weeks = 276.80 USD – Round up to 277.00 USD

Term 2 (8–weeks) Half-time (1038.00 USD x 8)/30 weeks = 276.80 USD – Round down to 276.00

Term 3 (8–weeks) Full-time (2075.00 USD x 8)/30 weeks = 553.33 USD – Round up to 554.00 USD

Term 4 (8–weeks) Full-time (2075.00 USD x 8)/30 weeks = 553.33 USD – Round down to 553.00

Total Award = 1660.00 USD

Note: For Example 3, note that for Term 2, the disbursement is rounded down even though cents are
greater than or equal to .50 USD. Also, note for Term 3, the disbursement is rounded up even though
the cents are less than .50 USD

• If the number of terms is three, the system rounds to one direction, up or down, for the first two terms,
and to the other direction for the third term. Whether the system initially rounds up or down for the
first two terms depends on the decimal amount of the first term only; it disregards the decimal amount
for the third term and rounds up or down based on the first two terms.

If the first term decimal amount is equal to or greater than .50 USD, then the first term amount is
rounded up, the second term amount is rounded up, and the third term amount is rounded down.

If the first term decimal amount is less than .50 USD, then the first term amount is rounded down, the
second term amount is rounded down, and the third term amount is rounded up.

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Chapter 29 Awarding Pell Grants

Example 4: Formula 1, three terms, Full-time student, Three-term Rounding

Term 1 Full-time 4700.00 USD/3 = 1566.66 USD – Round up to 1567.00 USD

Term 2 Full-time 4700.00 USD/3 = 1566.66 USD – Round up to 1567.00 USD

Term 3 Full-time 4700.00 USD/3 = 1566.66 USD – Round down to 1566.00 USD

Total Award = 4700.00 USD

Example 5: Formula 1, three terms, Full-time student, Three-term Rounding

Term 1 Full-time 2200.00 USD/3 = 733.33 USD – Round down to 733.00 USD

Term 2 Full-time 2200.00 USD/3 = 733.33 USD – Round down to 733.00 USD

Term 3 Full-time 2200.00 USD/3 = 733.33 USD – Round up to 734.00 USD

Total Award = 2200.00 USD

• When determining the rounding methodology, the system only includes terms where the scheduled
disbursement's decimal amount is greater than zero to determine whether there is an even number of
terms or not. In other words, terms with a scheduled disbursement amount ending in whole dollars are
not considered part of the term count when assessing terms eligible for rounding.

Example 6: Formula 1, two terms, Mixed-load student, One-term Rounding (only one term has a
decimal amount greater than .00).

Term 1 Full-time 2075.00 USD/2 = 1037.50 USD – Round up to 1038.00 USD

Term 2 Half-time 1038.00 USD/2 = 519.00 USD – No rounding needed, 519.00 USD

Total Award = 1557.00 USD

Example 7: Formula 1, four terms, Mixed-load student, Three-term Rounding (three terms have
decimal amounts greater than .00).

Term 1 Less-than-half-time 1325.00 USD/3 = 441.67 USD – Round up to 442.00 USD

Term 2 Three-quarter-time 3975.00 USD/3 = 1325.00 USD – No rounding needed, 1325.00 USD

Term 3 Full-time 5300.00 USD/3 = 1766.66 USD – Round up to 1767.00 USD

Term 4 Full-time 5300.00 USD/3 = 1766.66 USD – Round down to 1766.00 USD

Total Award = 5300.00 USD

• Disbursement protection is not used with Pell Grant awards. The system disregards the disbursement
protection attribute of the Financial Aid Item Type setup for Pell Grant item types and always
recalculates the Pell Grant award and scheduled disbursements without regard to what has been
originated or disbursed.

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If the originated or disbursed amount exceeds the revised calculation by 1.00 USD (for example,
the disbursed amount = 1367.00 USD and the revised calculation amount = 1366.00 USD), the
disbursement process takes 1.00 USD back, and you should consider a change origination with
Common Origination and Disbursement for the recalculated, lesser amount.

If the originated or disbursed amount is less than the revised calculation by 1.00 USD (for example,
the disbursed amount = 1127.00 USD and the revised calculation amount = 1128.00 USD), the
disbursement process disburses an additional 1.00 USD for the term. You should consider a change
origination with Common Origination and Disbursement for the recalculated, greater amount.

If the originated or disbursed amount contained cents and the revised calculation no longer contains
cents (for example, the disbursed amount = 333.33 USD and the revised calculation amount = 333.00
USD), in order for the total Pell Grant award (sum of all scheduled disbursements) to result in whole
dollars, you should either: (a) turn rounding off at the Pell Grant item type level so subsequent
disbursements contain cents, (b) perform a custom split to reflect cents in subsequent disbursement
terms, or (c) handle cents through professional judgment. If you choose option (a) and you have
already disbursed your Pell amounts with cents, you should consider continuing to award in dollars
and cents (Pell Item Type Rounding Option = None) for the duration of the award year.

Pell Grant Point–in–Time Examples

This section provides examples of how a Pell Grant can be calculated differently based on the PEC setup
and different points in time in relation to the term start date:

• Before term start date

• Mid-term prior to term census date

• On or after term census date

A student attends a semester-based institution, and is an undergraduate in the liberal arts academic
program. Neither the student's program nor career have defaults that differ from the installation defaults.
The student's annual Pell COA is 5450.00 USD and the primary EFC is 00154; resulting in a Max
Scheduled Award of 5,200.00 USD. The Pell Number of Terms is 2. According to the Federal Pell Grant
Schedule, the student receives an annual award of 5200.00 USD if enrolled full-time, an annual award of
3900.00 USD if enrolled three-quarter time, and an annual award of 2600.00 USD if enrolled half-time.

The student is first awarded a Pell Grant on March 1, 2009. To calculate the student's Pell Grant amount,
the Packaging routine first determines whether PEC setup values exist at the student override level and
then the academic program level for the student. After the routine determines that no aid processing
rule set is attached to the liberal arts academic program, it checks for career level defaults. Because no
aid processing rule set is assigned to the undergraduate career, it uses the installation defaults. The Pell
calculation fields on the Financial Aid Defaults page have the following values:

Field Value

Pell Calculation Start Formula 1 — Full-time

Pell Calculation Midterm Formula 1 — Full-time

Pell Calculation Census Formula 1 — FA Load

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Chapter 29 Awarding Pell Grants

Packaging compares the current date (March 1, 2009) against the term start date and census date to
determine which enrollment value to use when calculating the student's Pell Grant:

Term Term Start Date FA Census Date

Fall 09/17/09 10/20/09

Spring 01/23/10 03/10/10

Because the system date is before the term start date for both semesters, Packaging uses the Pell
Calculation Start value for enrollment, Formula 1 Full-time. The student's Pell Grant award is 5200.00
USD for the aid year, with a term amount of 2600.00 USD for each term.

The following table shows how the student's Pell Grant award changes as you recalculate the student's
Pell Grant eligibility at different points in the aid year. The student's current FA Load value after the
census date is three-quarter time in fall and is half-time in spring.

Current Pell Load Fall Pell Pell Load Spring Pell Total Pell
Date Calculation Award Amt Calculation Award Amt Award
Field Used - Field Used -
Fall Spring

03/01/09 Pell Full Time 2600.00 USD Pell Full Time 2600.00 USD 5200.00 USD
Calculation Calculation
Start Start

Formula 1 — Formula 1 —
Full-time Full-time

09/20/09 Pell Full Time 2600.00 USD Pell Full Time 2600.00 USD 5200.00 USD
Calculation Calculation
Mid-term Start

Formula 1 — Formula 1 —
Full-time Full-time

10/25/09 Pell 3/4 Time 1950.00 USD Pell Full Time 2600.00 USD 4550.00 USD
Calculation Calculation
Census Start

Formula 1 — Formula 1 —
FA Load Full-time

01/30/10 Pell 3/4 Time 1950.00 USD Pell Full Time 2600.00 USD 4550.00 USD
Calculation Calculation
Census Start

Formula 1 — Formula 1 —
FA Load Full-time

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 977

Awarding Pell Grants Chapter 29

Current Pell Load Fall Pell Pell Load Spring Pell Total Pell
Date Calculation Award Amt Calculation Award Amt Award
Field Used - Field Used -
Fall Spring

03/25/10 Pell 3/4 Time 1950.00 USD Pell Half Time 1300.00 USD 3250.00 USD
Calculation Calculation
Census Census

Formula 1 — Formula 1 —
FA Load FA Load

See Defining Pell Eligibility Calculation (PEC) Setup.

Pell Grants for Non-standard Terms and Two Pell Grants in an Aid Year Examples
To support Leading or Trailing Summer terms, the system can package a Pell Grant across both Academic
and Non-Standard award periods. You should consider carefully the Disbursement Plan/Split Code being
used to award Pell1 and Pell2. The system uses Disbursement Plans to determine for which terms to
consider the student's Pell eligibility, but it does not use the Split Code nor Split Code Formulas as part
of its distribution spread determination. Instead, the system uses either (a) Pell Number of Terms or (b)
Academic plus Non-Standard Base Weeks to determine each term's award amount and how the award is
spread across the enrolled terms.

Note: Although not used for Pell Grant awarding, the system still requires that you specify default
Split Code and Split Code Formula values so that the fields are populated. These values are not used to
distribute the Pell award into scheduled disbursements.

If your institution intends to award Pell Grants in either the Leading or Trailing Summer, you need to
create Disbursement Plans that encompass all terms in which the student may receive a Pell Grant.

If the Academic Program supports a Leading Summer term, create a new Disbursement Plan like this:

• Semester-based: Leading Summer, Fall, Spring

• Quarter-based: Leading Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring


• Leading Summer Term: 2960.00 USD

• Fall Term: 2960.00 USD

• Spring Term: 0.00 USD

If the Academic Program supports a Trailing Summer term, create a new Disbursement Plan like this:

• Semester-based: Fall, Spring, Trailing Summer

• Quarter-based: Fall, Winter, Spring, Trailing Summer


• Fall Term: 2675.00 USD

978 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 29 Awarding Pell Grants

• Spring Term: 2675.00 USD

• Trailing Summer Term: 0.00 USD

If the Academic Program supports both Leading and Trailing Summer terms, create a new Disbursement
Plan like this:

• Semester-based: Leading Summer, Fall, Spring, Trailing Summer

• Quarter-based: Leading Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, Trailing Summer

Similar to awarding Leading or Trailing Summer terms, if you intend to award a Pell2 award in the
succeeding term following a Pell1 award, you should use the same Disbursement Plan/Split Code pattern
for both awards. Inherent logic in the system ensures that, based on the Disbursement Plan/Split Code
being used, Packaging inserts a Pell2 award in the next available term following a Pell1 award.

Example — Leading Summer:

• Leading Summer Term: 2960.00 USD (Pell1)

• Fall Term: 2960.00 USD (Pell1)

• Spring Term: 2960.00 USD (Pell2)

Example — Trailing Summer:

• Fall Term: 2960.00 USD (Pell1)

• Spring Term: 2960.00 USD (Pell1)

• Trailing Summer Term: 2960.00 USD (Pell2)

The system awards Pell1 and Pell2 in consecutive terms up to the maximum Pell eligibility based on the
student's enrollment for that term. For purposes of this example, the student:

• has an Incoming Aggregates Percentage of 50 percent, which leaves a remaining Pell1 eligibility of

• is Half-Time for the Fall Term – scheduled max award of 2,960 /2 = 1,480.

• is Full-Time for the Spring Term – scheduled max of 5,920 / 2 = 2,960

• is Full-Time for the Trailing Summer Term – scheduled max of 5,920 / 2 = 2,960

Example — Pell1 and Pell2 in consecutive terms:

• Leading Summer Term: 0.00 USD (No Enrollment)

• Fall Term: 1480.00 USD of Pell1 (based on the student's scheduled max award for that term's

• Spring Term: 2960.00 USD of Pell2 awarded based on student's enrollment for term under Year
Round Pell. Enrollment for this term pushes student over 100% and is awarded as Pell2.

• Trailing Summer Term: 1480.00 USD of Pell2 (student is enrolled Full-time however is awarded
remainder of Pell eligibility up to 150% of SFPG under Year Round Pell).

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Awarding Pell Grants Chapter 29

• Student receives both a 1480.00 USD Pell1 and a 4440.00 USD Pell2 for the award year.

Pell Grant Packaging Error Messages

The following table lists and explains possible Pell Grant Packaging error messages:

Message Number Message Text

9022 PELL -Invalid Title IV eligibility indicator

9023 PELL - Not Title IV eligible

9026 PELL -Invalid NSLDS level

9027 PELL -Student is not an undergraduate, not PELL eligible

9033 PELL -Student has Bachelors degree, not PELL eligible

9136 Student Base Weeks or term count found to be 0 during PELL


9148 PELL award cannot be assigned; there is no matching

disbursement for term

9149 Not PELL eligible based on combination PELL Index and


9150 Invalid FA Load Code; Must have a value of 'F', 'T', 'H', 'L' or

9151 Item Type, Term, Aggregate, and/or Plan limits are less than
PELL award

9152 PELL Index (Federal EFC) exceeds PELL Index maximum

9161 Student Enrollment Weeks (or terms) total exceeds Base

Weeks (or term count).

9185 Calculated PELL award exceeds aggregate eligibility; award


9214 Not Pell Eligible: The Student is a Graduate Student

9234 For 2010, Pell Calculation Start, Midterm and Census date
entries are invalid

9236 Not eligible for 2nd Pell award since 1st Pell award was not
awarded at 100%

9237 Not eligible for 2nd Pell award; disbursement terms overlap
with 1st Pell award

980 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 29 Awarding Pell Grants

Message Number Message Text

9238 Ineligible for Pell award; Lifetime Eligibility Percentage has

been reached.

9239 Pell award has been reduced by student's remaining Lifetime


9405 PELL award reduced by Aggregate limits

9244 Regular Pell Disbursement Schedules have not been loaded

into the system for this Aid Year. Therefore, an estimated
award is assigned using the previous Aid Year’s Regular Pell
Disbursement Schedule.

9249 Alternate Pell Disbursement Schedules have not been loaded

into the system for this Aid Year. Therefore, an estimated
award is assigned using the previous Aid Year’s Alternate Pell
Disbursement Schedule.

9251 No Pell Awarded in Crossover Term.

9253 Not eligible for an Additional Pell due to an ineligible FA


9254 Not eligible for Pell grant due to cumulative load exceeding

Packaging Pell Grants Using Pell Table Enablement Tables

Beginning with Aid Year 2016 (Award Year 2015-2016), you can select the Use Pell Table feature in
FA Installation and import the Department of Education's published Federal Pell Grant (Regular and
Alternate) Payment and Disbursement Schedules directly into your system to evaluate Pell awards.

If the annual schedules have not been published for the future year (for example, Aid Year 2017), and you
attempt to package a student’s Pell Grant for that year, the system uses the current year's (Aid Year 2016)
schedules to make the 2017 award. If the student is eligible, the system returns a non-zero Pell award with
an estimated award message (9244 or 9249) depending on whether the Pell award was made using the
Regular or Alternate Schedules.

Use the delivered queries QA_CS_FA_PELL_SCHEDULE_REGULAR and

QA_CS_FA_PELL_SCHED_ALTERNATE to render contents of the Pell Award (PTE) tables. Query
results are not in spreadsheet formats.

Note: To calculate Pell grants for Aid Years 2016 and 2017 (Award Years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017),
Oracle supports both the current Pell Program FAPPKPEL delivered as a Critical Update, and the new
Pell Table Enablement feature (FAPPKPTE).
Beginning with Aid Year 2018 (2017-2018), Oracle plans to discontinue the old Pell Program
(FAPPKPEL) and support only the Pell Table Enablement program to calculate Pell grants.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 981

Awarding Pell Grants Chapter 29

Related Links
Defining Installation Level Defaults

Repackaging Pell Grants

If your system

• has existing awards with a Disbursement Plan/Split Code that includes only Academic terms; and

• you want to tie these existing awards to a Disbursement Plan/Split Code that spans both the Academic
and Non-Standard terms,

you cannot use a repackaging plan that incorporates the Repackaging Rule Validate Item Type for Pell
item types. This is because Validate Item Type always uses the Disbursement Plan/Split Code tied to the
existing award. You can use the Repackaging Rule Use Original Plan to repackage Pell Item Types that
require a Disbursement Plan/Split Code change. If your institution does not intend to award Pell Grants
in Leading or Trailing Summer terms, you can use the Repackaging Rule Validate Item Type for Pell item

Awarding Pell Grants Manually

If you manually award a Pell Grant that exceeds the Max Scheduled Award, the system reduces the award
down to the Max Scheduled Award amount. Conversely, if you manually award a Pell Grant for less than
the Max Scheduled Award, the system allows the award.

Note: When entering a Pell Grant manually on the Student Aid Package page, you can leave the award
amount at zero. When you click the Validation button, the system automatically calculates the Pell Grant
award according to the Pell eligibility calculation defined in your setup.

Awarding Pell Grants using Professional Judgment

Any amount of Pell Grant you award using Professional Judgment is accepted. Pell1 or Pell2 can exceed
the Max Scheduled Award, the Total Percent Used value, and other Pell Grant awarding validations.

Reinstating a Canceled Pell Grant Award

Before reinstating a previously canceled Pell Grant, you must change the custom split code from XX to
a valid disbursement split code for the student. You can then click the Validation button to recalculate
the Pell Grant amount. After you recalculate the Pell Grant amount, you must remember to post it before
leaving the award entry page.

Awarding Pell Grants for Post-Baccalaureate Teaching Certificate

A student who has earned a bachelor's degree and is pursuing an initial teaching certification or licensing
credential that does not lead to a graduate degree is eligible for a Pell Grant for that aid year. The
Packaging process determines the eligibility for this type of student by evaluating the following fields:

982 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 29 Awarding Pell Grants

Record Field Description

ISIR_STUDENT DEGREE_CERTIF The degree or certification the student is

pursuing. The student must be pursuing a
teaching credential.

ISIR_STUDENT FIRST_BACH_DEGREE Indicates whether the student has a

bachelor's degree. The student can have
earned a bachelor's degree.

STUDENT_FA_TERM NSLDS_LOAN_YEAR The NSLDS loan year for the student.

Eligible students cannot be graduate

If a student is pursuing a teaching credential and has a bachelor's degree and the student's NSLDS loan
year is not graduate, then Packaging evaluates the student for a Pell Grant.

If a student is not pursuing a teaching credential but has a bachelor's degree and the student's NSLDS loan
year is not graduate, then Packaging does not evaluate the student for a Pell Grant.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 983

Awarding Pell Grants Chapter 29

984 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 30

Managing Self-Service Awards

Managing Batch Processing

This section provides an overview of managing batch processing and lists the pages used to manage batch

Understanding Managing Batch Processing

If you select Batch as the processing option on the Awarding Options setup page, you must run batch
processing to update the Pending Update status of the student's package. When you run the batch process
and no errors are detected, the system posts the data from the staging tables to the final award tables in the
database. When the student returns to the Award Package page, the outcome of the batch process results
in one of the following statuses: Successful, Successful with Adjustments, Revised Package, Rejected or
Needs Review. The student may need to meet with a financial aid counselor if the status is either Rejected
or Needs Review. Consequently, the administrator must determine why the status is either Needs Review
or Rejected, fix the condition, reaward the student as necessary, and rerun the batch process. If the status
is Revised Package, the student may need to resubmit the changes.

If you set the Background Errors Allowed field to 1 or some other integer on the Financial Aid Defaults
page (Set Up SACR > Install > Financial Aid Installation) the system ends the batch process when it
encounters a single student or multiple students who receive either a Needs Review or Rejected status
based on the tolerance.

Page Used to Manage Batch Processing

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Self Service Batch Process RUNCTL_FA_SS_AWARD Financial Aid > Awards > Run the FAPPKSSB process
Self Service Awarding > Post to update self-service award
Self Service Awards > Self tables.
Service Batch Process

Using Administrative Self-Service Inquiry Pages

This section discusses how to:

• Use self-service activity.

• View self-service awarding activity details.

• Remove a student in needs review or rejected status.

• View self-service batch summary.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 985

Managing Self-Service Awards Chapter 30

• View self-service requests.

Pages Used to View Administrative Self-Service Activity

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Self-Service Activity FA_SS_AWD_ACT_INQ Financial Aid > Awards > Identify sequential outcomes
Self Service Awarding > of submit activity that occurs
View Self Service Activity > in the student's self-service
Self Service Activity record.

Self Service Awarding FA_SS_AWD_INQ_SEC Click the link below the Date/ View self-service awarding
Activity Detail Time field on the Self-Service activity details.
Activity page.
Use this page to view
submitted awards and the
award status for each career's
awards for historical or audit

Self Service Batch Summary FA_SS_BATCH_INQ Financial Aid > Awards > View the total number of
Self Service Awarding > students processed in a batch
View Batch Summary > Self and a breakdown of the
Service Batch Summary number of students processed
by self-service status.

Self Service Awarding Batch FA_SS_BATCH_DTL1 Click the numeric link with View self-service awarding
Detail the corresponding status batch detail.
on the Self Service Batch
Summary page.

Self Service Awarding Batch FA_SS_AWD_INQ_SEC2 Click the student ID link on View a specific student's self-
Activity Detail the Self Service Awarding service awarding activity
Batch Detail page. detail as part of a batch run.

Self Service Awarding Batch FA_SS_BATCH_ERROR Click the Error Code link on View the error code with the
Error the Self Service Awarding corresponding message.
Batch Detail page.

Request Counselor Action FA_SS_AWD_REQ_INQ Financial Aid > Awards > Used by financial aid
Self Service Awarding > personnel to process the
View Self Service Requests > administrative requests
Request Counselor Action submitted by the students.

Self Service Activity by FA_SS_AWD_ACT_INQ Financial Aid > Awards > Identify students by self-
Status Self Service Awarding > service status for which
View Self Service Status > additional action might be
Self Service Activity by warranted.
You can access self-
service activity by status by
specifying a particular status
in the search dialogue page.
Select the student whom
you want to review. Click
the link below the Date/Time
field to view the Self Service
Awarding Activity Detail

986 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 30 Managing Self-Service Awards

Use Self-Service Activity

Access the Self-Service Activity page (Financial Aid > Awards > Self Service Awarding > View Self
Service Activity > Self Service Activity).

Sequence Indicates the chronological order of the student's self-service

activity. You can update the student's self-service status using
the Status field that corresponds with the highest sequence.
For example, if the status is Needs Review or Rejected, fix the
underlying problem, repackage as necessary, and change the

Date/Time Displays the date and time of the self-service action.

Click a link to access the Self Service Awarding Activity Detail


Status The processing option that you selected on the Awarding

Options setup page affects the status. If you select Batch, the
outcome is Pending Update until you run the batch process.
After you run the batch process, the outcome can be Successful,
Successful w/Adjustments, Revised Package, Rejected, or Needs
Review. If you select Real Time, the outcome is Successful,
Successful with Adjustments, Rejected, or Needs Review.

The status values are:

Needs Review: The system cannot process one of the student's

awards. The system does not post the changes. If errors occur
while the system is processing an award, the result is a Needs
Review status. The system displays the awards as view only
and the Accept and Decline check boxes are not available to the
student. The student should submit an administrative request to
see a financial aid counselor.

New Package: No previous self-service activity occurred and

the student is eligible to receive awards. The student can accept,
decline, or reduce any or all of the awards that are currently

Pending Update: The student submitted the award

acknowledgement. The student can revisit this page to
determine the acknowledgement, changes, or both are accepted.
The student can still make changes in his or her existing
package if the status is Pending Update: The student does not
see the revised, reduced, or updated award amounts on the
Financial Aid - Disbursement Schedule page until the batch
process has been run.

Rejected: The system cannot process the student's

acknowledgment, adjustments, or both. The system does not
post the changes. If errors occur during initialization and
setup, the result is a Rejected status. All awards are rejected.
The system displays the awards as view-only and the Accept

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 987

Managing Self-Service Awards Chapter 30

and Decline check boxes are not available to the student.

The student should submit an administrative request to see a
financial aid counselor.

Revised Package: After a student submits an award

acknowledgment, this status indicates that the financial aid staff
revised the student's financial aid package since the student
last submitted a transaction. The student can accept, reduce, or
decline any or all of the awards that are currently available.

Successful: The system successfully processed the

acknowledgement, changes or both submitted by the student.

Successful with Adjustment: The system successfully processed

the student's award acknowledgment, but made adjustments to
one or more awards. If the student reduced one or more awards
below the minimum amount allowed, the system adjusts the
awards to the minimum amount and returns this status.

Viewing Self-Service Awarding Activity Details

Use the Self Service Awarding Activity Detail page to view a student's award amounts and award statuses
that resulted from a self-service award acknowledgment submission.

If an error occurs during real-time processing, the error link is available next to the status for the award
that did not pass validation or posting. When you click the link, the system displays the message text for
the error code.

Removing a Student in Needs Review or Rejected Status

If a self-service transaction results in a Needs Review or Rejected status, you can update the status for the
most current transaction. If you are processing in real time, click the date/time stamp to view the Activity
Detail page. If the Error link is available, click it to determine why the system set the status to Needs
Review or Rejected.

If the error was caused by setup data, adjust the setup data and set the status to Pending Update on the
Self-Service Activity page. Instruct the student to submit the acknowledgement again.

If the error was caused by award edits or the error link is unavailable, repackage the student. This sets the
self-service status to Revised Package the next time the student accesses the self-service page. Instruct the
student to submit the acknowledgement again.

If you are processing in batch mode, access the Batch Summary page and click the numeric link to access
students with a Rejected or Needs Review status. Click the Error Code link to determine the error. After
you resolve the problem, access the Self-Service Activity page and set the status to Pending Update. Run
the batch process again.

Viewing Self-Service Batch Summary

The Self-Service Batch Summary page displays the date and time that the batch process was run as well
as the operator ID. It records the number of students processed and the number of students by self-service
status. You can click the numeric link to identify the students with the corresponding status. If you set

988 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 30 Managing Self-Service Awards

the Background Errors Allowed field to 1 on the Financial Aid Defaults page, the system ends the batch
process when it encounters a single student who receives either a Needs Review or Rejected status.

The system also stores student IDs for each of the students processed. The sequence number for the
corresponding self-service activity record (SS_FA_STDNT_HDR) is stored as a cross-reference. The
system stores the item type, academic career, and error code that caused the package to fail (Rejected or
Needs Review). When an error occurs, the system sets the package to Rejected or Needs Review without
needing to process succeeding awards in the package. If the error is a data setup problem, then the system
omits the item type and populates only the error code field. The administrator can review the package that
resulted in either the Rejected or Needs Review status.

Viewing Self-Service Requests

Access the Administrative Requests page. Use this page to process administrative requests submitted by
the student.

Seq Nbr (sequence number) The chronological order of the student's self-service activity.

Request Type The student requested Change Request, Meeting Request, or

Withdraw Application.

User ID The person who performed the action.

Status Select Canceled, Closed, Open, Pending, or Updated.

Action Taken Select Cancel Aid, Meeting, No Action, or Repackage.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 989

Managing Self-Service Awards Chapter 30

990 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31

Managing External Award Reporting

Understanding External Award Processing

A core set of External Award Staging records maintain the external award transaction data. Each
transaction is keyed with a set of values and has a processing status that indicates the loading of that
transaction into the student award records.

The following diagram provides a high-level flow of the various data sources that update the core set of
External Award Staging tables. After external award data or transactions have been updated to the staging
tables, a separate External Award Load process is run to determine whether and how the external award
data is to update the student award tables.

Image: Flow of external award data

Flow of external award data

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 991

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Manually Adding External Award Data

This section discusses how to:

• Add external awards by type.

• Add award disbursement details.

• Add external awards by student.

• View Award Summary.

Pages Used to Add External Award Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Add External Awards by Type SFA_EA_STAGE_ADD Financial Aid > Awards > Add an external award type
External Awards > Add and source to one or multiple
External Awards by Type > students.
Add External Awards by Type

Award Disbursement Detail SFA_EA_DISB_DTL1 Click the Award Detail link on Add award disbursement
the Add External Awards by details.
Type page.

Add External Awards SFA_EA_STAGE_STDNT Financial Aid > Awards > Add one or more external
External Awards > Add awards for a single student.
External Awards to Student >
Add External Awards

View Award Summary SFA_EA_AWARD_SUMVW Financial Aid > Awards > View a student's award record
External Awards > Add and need summary totals to
External Awards to Student > make an overall assessment
View Award Summary before manually adding a new
external award transaction.

Adding External Awards by Type

Access the Add External Awards by Type page (Financial Aid > Awards > External Awards > Add
External Awards by Type > Add External Awards by Type ).

992 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Image: Add External Awards by Type page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Add External Awards by Type page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to quickly enter external awards with the same external award attributes, such as a list of
students who are recipients of a graduate departmental award. You can identify the attributes or directly
indicate item type and then list the student IDs and award amounts. You can also enter specific award
details beyond the annual award amount.

Award Type (Optional) Select an award type defined on the External Award
Type page. The financial aid item types associated with the
combination external award type and source on the External
Award Cross Reference setup page are displayed in the Item
Type lookup.

Source (Optional) Select an award source defined on the External

Award Source page. The financial aid item types associated with
the combination external award type and source on the External
Award Cross Reference setup page are displayed in the Item
Type lookup.

Load Action Select the Load Action for the External Awards being entered.

• Offer – Select Offer to allow the External Award process

to post the transaction as an award with an Award Status
of Offer and populate the Offered amount fields. If there
is an existing award with matching Item Type, the award
action must also be in Offer status to allow External Award
processing to post successfully.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 993

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Note: The corresponding Disbursed Amount fields are

disabled when the Load Action is set to Offer.

• Offer/Accept – Select Offer/Accept to allow the External

Award process to post the transaction as an award with an
Award Status of Accept. Both Offered and Accepted amount
fields are populated. Offer/Accept is the default value.

Program (Optional) Use if more than one program is defined for a source.

Item Type (Optional) If you entered an award type and source, select an
associated item type. If you did not enter an award type and
source, your list of item types displays all active item types for
this aid year.

Note: You can specify either the item type or the award type and
source (and program). To save the data on the page, select one.

Loan Certification If this external award is a School Loan Certification Request,

select this check box. When this check box is selected, the
Related Item Type field appears:

• If your Loan Certification Request is for a Stafford loan,

select a related item type that evaluates both subsidized and
unsubsidized Stafford item types. The External Award Load
process evaluates federal need eligibility, as if awarding a
subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loan on the standard
award entry pages.

• If your Loan Certification Request is for a federal PLUS or

alternative loan, identify the item type.

Note: Identify an external award as a Loan Certification only

after you have completed the necessary steps to process School
Certification Request Applications for CommonLine. If the
external award process determines the student's loan eligibility
and successfully posts a loan award, then continue to process the
loan certification according to the steps outlined in "Processing
CommonLine Loans".

See Setting Up External Award Processing.

See Processing School Certification Request Applications.

Entry Code (Reporting code in the (Required) Determines how transaction data is posted to the
record layout) student's award package. Values are:

• Append: Use to increase an existing award. Append

transactions can increase annual award amounts to specific
disbursement ID amounts. If the item type to be posted does
not already exist, the External Award Load process treats the
transaction as if Entry Code were New.

994 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

• New: Use for external awards reported once each aid year. If
the item type to be posted already exists, the External Award
Load process sets the transaction to Error.

• Replace: This is the default value when you are entering

transactions manually. Use this value to change an existing
annual and disbursement details of an award. If the item
type to be posted does not already exist, the External Award
Load process treats the transaction as if the Entry Code
value is New.

Award Amount (Optional) Enter the annual amount of the award in U.S. dollars
and cents. The Entry Code value determines how the amount
affects an existing award.

Award Detail Click the Award Detail link to access the Award Disbursement
Detail page.

Adding Award Disbursement Details

Access the Award Disbursement Detail page (click the Award Detail link on the Add External Awards by
Type page).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 995

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Image: Award Disbursement Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Disbursement Detail page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to enter additional details relevant to the external award transaction.

Description Enter a description of the external award to display on student

self-service pages.

Award Amount (Optional) Enter the annual amount to be posted. If scheduled

disbursement amounts are provided, the cumulative scheduled
disbursement amounts must equal the annual award amount.
If this field is blank, and scheduled disbursement detail is
provided, then the annual award amount is assigned the sum of
scheduled disbursement amounts.

Disbursed Amount (Optional) Enter the total disbursed amount to be posted. If

disbursement detail amounts are provided, the cumulative
amounts must equal the disbursed amount. If this field is blank
and disbursement detail is provided, then Disbursed Amount
is assigned the sum of the disbursement detail amounts. The
Disbursed Amount field appears based on row order after the
external award information is saved.

Note: Disbursed Amount is updated only when the item type

has a Disburse Method value of No.

996 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Note: Disbursed Amount field is disabled when Load Action is

set to Offer.

Academic Career The student's active career appears by default. If the student has
multiple careers within an aid year, select the career to which
the external award should be posted.

Disbursement Plan (Optional) If provided, then the disbursement plan (DP) is used.
If the DP is not provided, the default DP from the item type's
career default DP/Split Code (SC) is used. If the default DP/
SC does not work with the student's active term enrollment, the
External Award Load process attempts to locate an appropriate
DP/SC based on the student's active term enrollment.

If a DP/SC is not found, the External Award Load process

creates an error transaction. For Replace/Append transactions,
this must be the same value used on the posted (noncanceled)

Note: A split code does not need to be provided if a

Disbursement Plan code is provided. Providing only a
Disbursement Plan code allows the External Award Load
process to establish the term disbursement structure and define
the specific distribution based on amounts provided in the

Split Code (Optional) If provided, this split code is used to determine

the disbursement split formula. Split code is set to XX
if disbursement data is provided on the External Award

Disb Nbr (disbursement number) System assigned. After the external award information is
saved, Disb Nbr appears based on row order. It is the award
disbursement to be processed for this external award transaction.

Disb ID (disbursement ID) (Optional) If known, the disbursement ID allows for specific
award disbursement detailed amounts to be processed. It is
typically used to append a disbursement amount to a specific
disbursement ID on an existing award.

Scheduled Award The scheduled or allocated disbursement amount.

Disbursed Amount The disbursed or paid amount at the disbursement sequence


Note: The disbursed amount on the posted award is updated

only when the item type has a Disburse Method value of No.

Note: Disbursed Amount field is disabled when Load Action is

set to Offer.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 997

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Term (Optional) If provided, the External Award Load process

determines whether the term is valid with the student's
enrollment. If a disbursement ID value is not provided, then the
first disbursement ID for that term is updated.

Comments Enter a comment of any length.

Visible in Self Service Select to display this comment on the student's self-service

OK Click this button to save the entered information and return to

the Add External Awards by Type page.

Cancel Click this button to delete any entered information and return to
the Add External Awards by Type page.

If the External Award Load process is run for an append transaction that intends to update a disbursed
amount and neither the Disb ID or Term field is specified on the Award Disbursement Detail page, an
error message appears.

Note: The External Award process only allows item types that are non-disbursable to student accounts to
be updated with disbursed amounts using the External Award process.

Adding External Awards by Student

Access the Add External Awards page (Financial Aid > Awards > External Awards > Add External
Awards to Student > Add External Awards).

998 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Image: Add External Awards page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Add External Awards page.

Use this page to enter one or more external awards for a specific student.

Related Links
Adding External Awards by Type

Viewing Award Summary

Access the View Award Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > External Awards > Add External
Awards to Student > View Award Summary).

Image: View Award Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View Award Summary page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 999

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

This page provides current award and need summary information. Use this page to estimate or anticipate
the possible effect of an external award on a student's award package.

Managing Existing External Award Transactions

You can view transactions, correct data, and run the External Award Load process for a specific student
using Manage External Award components. The pages in the component contain similar information, but
vary by the search record used.

This section discusses how to:

• Manage external award data.

• Manage external award data by type.

• Manage external award data by status.

• View and load a student's external award data.

Pages Used to Manage Existing External Award Transactions

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Manage External Award Data SFA_EA_STAGE_MGMT Financial Aid > Awards > View and update external
External Awards > Manage award data in the External
External Award Data > Award Staging table. Retrieve
Manage External Award Data search results by transaction
number, transaction date,
source (external file, Self
Service, manual entry,
Student Financials, or loan
certification file), or file
mapping ID.

Award Disbursement Detail SFA_EA_DISB_DTL Click the Detail link on the Enter additional details
Award tab of the Manage relevant to the external award
External Award Data page. transaction.

Financial Aid, Awards,

External Awards, Manage
External Award Data

Manage External Award Data SFA_EA_STAGE_MGMT1 Financial Aid > Awards > View and update external
by Type External Awards > Manage award data in the External
External Awards by Type > Award Staging table. Retrieve
Manage External Award Data search results by the type
by Type categories entered in the
External Award Type page.

Manage External Awards Data SFA_EA_STAGE_MGMT3 Financial Aid > Awards > View and update external
by Status External Awards > Manage award data. Retrieve search
Awards by Status > Manage results by processing status.
External Awards Data by

1000 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

External Awards SFA_EA_STAGE_MGMT2 Financial Aid, Awards, View and update external
External Awards, Manage award data by student. When
Student External Awards, you use the page to make a
External Awards remote call of the External
Award Load process for a
specific student, only external
award transactions with
an Unprocessed status are

Award Summary SFA_EA_AWARD_SUMVW Financial Aid > Awards > View all existing awards and
External Awards > Manage need summary for a student.
Student External Awards >
Award Summary

Award Disbursement Detail SFA_EA_DISB_DTL2 Click the Detail link on the Enter additional details that
Award tab of the Manage are relevant to the external
External Award Data page award transaction.
(Manage Student External
Awards component).

Enter comments for this SFA_EA_COMMENT_SEC Click the Comments link on Add a comment and
award the Status tab of the Manage optionally choose to display
External Award Data page. it on the student's self-service

Managing External Award Data

Access the Manage External Award Data page (Financial Aid > Awards > External Awards > Manage
External Award Data > Manage External Award Data).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1001

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Image: Manage External Award Data page, Student Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage External Award Data page, Student
Information tab.

Image: Manage External Award Data page, Award tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage External Award Data page, Award tab.

1002 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Image: Manage External Award Data page, Status tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage External Award Data page, Status tab. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page displays all external award transactions (sequence numbers) associated with the transaction
number. Each row of data is associated with an EMPLID and has segmented all relevant external award
fields into three grid tabs: Student Information, Award, and Status. Click the icon to the right of the tabs to
display all columns of data.

You can update the external award transaction until it has a status of Processed or Adjusted.

Student Information tab

Status Indicates the status that is specific to an external award
transaction Values are:

• Adjusted: System-assigned. Assigned during the batch

External Award Load process if the transaction encountered
a condition as noted in the Multi-Career batch run control
option or the Term Mismatch batch run control option.
Options allow transactions to be set to either Adjusted or

• Duplicate: Either set manually or set when multiple

transactions with the same attributes are found during the
External Award Load process.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1003

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

• Error: Transactions with an Error status have an

accompanying Error code located on the Status tab. This
status is assigned during the External Award Load process if
an error occurred during the transaction.

• In Process Abend: Assigned to transactions selected for

a particular External Award Load process. If the program
terminates during processing, batch transactions remain at
this status.

• Processed: Assigned by the system to indicate a successful

External Award Load run.

• Reported: Assigned to all new external awards with a Data

Source value of Self Service.

• Skip: Based on the Search/Match option.

• Suspend: Based on the Search/Match option, Multi-Career

batch option, or Term Mismatch batch option.

• Unprocessed: Indicates that no attempt was made by the

External Award Load process. All transactions start with this
value except student-reported aid (Self Service).

Award tab

Load Action Select the Load Action for the External Awards being entered.

• Offer – Select Offer to allow the External Award process

to post the transaction as an award with an Award Status
of Offer and populate the Offered amount fields. If there
is an existing award with matching Item Type, the award
action must also be in Offer status to allow External Award
processing to post successfully.

Note: The corresponding Disbursed Amount fields are

disabled when the Load Action is set to Offer.

• Offer/Accept – Select Offer/Accept to allow the External

Award process to post the transaction as an award with an
Award Status of Accept. Both Offered and Accepted amount
fields are populated. Offer/Accept is the default value.

Item Type (Required) If this field is blank, the External Award Load
process uses the External Award Item Type Cross Reference
setup to determine the item type to be added or updated, based
on the award type and source provided. If neither is provided
or the item type is not found in setup, the External Award Load
process returns an Error code of Error with accompanying Error
Message Code 606 (item type not found).

1004 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Rel Item (related item) Available only when the Loan Cert check box is selected. Use
to determine Stafford Subsidized and Unsubsidized eligibility.
The related item type group should identify both a Subsidized
and Unsubsidized Stafford item type for potential awarding.

Loan Cert (Loan Certification) Indicates a Loan Certification Request with a corresponding
related item type group or item type. Loan Certification always
uses an Entry Code value of New. If the item type to be posted
already exists on the student's award record, the External Award
Load process returns a status of Error with accompanying Error
Message code 612 (Invalid Report Code of New.)

If the Packaging process determines that the student is not

eligible for the loan, the External Award process returns an error
code of Processed with accompanying Error Message Code 646
(Student is not eligible for this award).

Description Appears on student self-service page to describe external award.

Detail Click the Detail link to access the Award Disbursement Detail

Status tab
Entry Code (Reporting Code in the (Required) Used to determine how transaction data is posted to
record layout) the student's award package.

• New: If the item type to be posted already exists, the

External Award Load process sets the transaction to Error.
Use for external awards reported once each aid year.

• Replace: Default value when you are entering transactions

manually. Use this value to change an existing annual
amount and disbursement details of an award. If the item
type to be posted does not already exist, the External Award
Load process treats this transaction as if the Entry Code
value is New.

• Append: Use to add to an existing award. Append

transactions can increase the annual award amounts, specific
disbursement IDs, or both. If the item type to be posted does
not already exist, the External Award Load process treats the
transaction as if the Entry Code value is New.

Managing External Award Data by Type

Access the Manage External Award Data by Type page (Financial Aid > Awards > External Awards >
Manage External Awards by Type > Manage External Award Data by Type).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1005

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Image: Manage External Award Data by Type page, Student Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage External Award Data by Type page,
Student Information tab.

Image: Manage External Award Data by Type page, Award tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage External Award Data by Type page, Award

1006 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Image: Manage External Award Data by Type page, Status tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage External Award Data by Type page, Status
tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page displays all external award transactions (sequence numbers) associated with the transaction
number. Each row of data is associated with an EMPLID and relevant external award fields are displayed
in three grid tabs: Student Information, Award, and Status. Click the icon to the right of the tabs to display
all columns of data.

You can update the external award transaction until it has a status of Processed or Adjusted.

You can filter results by processing status, entry code, or both.

Related Links
Managing External Award Data

Managing External Award Data by Status

Access the Manage External Award Data by Status page (Financial Aid > Awards > External Awards >
Manage Awards by Status > Manage External Award Data).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1007

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Image: Manage External Award Data by Status page, Student Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage External Award Data by Status page,
Student Information tab.

Image: Manage External Award Data by Status page, Award tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage External Award Data by Status page,
Award tab.

1008 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Image: Manage External Award Data by Status page, Status tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage External Award Data by Status page, Status
tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The Manage External Award Data by Status page displays all external award transactions (sequence
numbers) associated with the transaction number. Each row of data is associated with an EMPLID and all
relevant external award fields are segmented into three grid tabs: Student Information, Award, and Status.
Click the icon to the right of the tabs to display all three sets of fields.

You can update the external award transaction until it has a status of Processed or Adjusted.

You can filter results by processing status, entry code, or both.

Related Links
Managing External Award Data

Viewing and Loading a Student's External Award Data

Access the External Awards page (Financial Aid > Awards > External Awards > Manage Student
External Awards > External Awards).

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Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Image: External Awards page, EA Transaction tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Awards page, EA Transaction tab.

Image: External Awards page, Award tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Awards page, Award tab.

Image: External Awards page, Status tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Awards page, Status tab. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

1010 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

This page displays all external award transactions for this ID. Each row of data is keyed by transaction
number and sequence number. All relevant external award fields are segmented into three grid tabs:
Student Information, Award, and Status. Click the icon to the right of the tabs to display all three sets of

You can update the external award transaction until it has a status of Processed or Adjusted.

You can filter results by type, source, and processing status.

See Managing External Award Data.

Aid Processing Status (Also known as Display-only field.

Package Status)
If the Aid Processing status is Packaging Completed and you
click the Load button to run an online External Award Load
process, the value changes to Repackage, making the student a
candidate for the batch Repackaging process.

That is, this field is updated after you run the External Award
Load process only if the prior status was Packaging Completed.
You can change the status on this page. During the batch
External Award Load process, use the Exclude Equation
parameter to prevent selected IDs from having the status change
to Repackaging.

See Loading Data to the Student Award Table.

Load Click the Load button to run the External Award Load process
for all transactions for this student that have an Unprocessed

Processing Data from a File

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

• Load external award data from a data file.

• View summary results of a file load.

• View award disbursement details.

Before you load external data from an external data file:

• Define a mapping definition in the File Parser utility.

• Associate a Search/Match parameter set with the Mapping definition on the External Award Search
Match Rules setup page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1011

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Pages Used to Process Data from a File

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

External Award Staging SFA_RUN_EA_STAGE Financial Aid > Awards > Load external award data
Process External Awards > Process from a data file into the
External Award File > External Award Staging table.
External Award Staging

External Award File Summary SFA_EA_STAGE_INQRY Financial Aid > Awards > View summary results of
External Awards > View processing a data file into the
Data File Staging Results > External Award Staging table.
External Award File Summary

Award Disbursement Detail SFA_EA_DISB_DTL3 Click the Disbursement View award disbursement
link on the Award tab of the details.
External Award File Summary

Loading External Award Data from a Data File

Access the External Award Staging Process page (Financial Aid > Awards > External Awards > Process
External Award File > External Award Staging Process).

Load Action Select the Load Action to be reported on all data transactions
processed during this instance.

• Offer

• Offer/Accept. This is the default value.

File Mapping ID Select File Mapping ID (Definitions) created in File Parser.

Only mapping definitions created with the External Award
Context definition are available for selection.

File Path Location of the external file or file list name.

File List Indicator Select this option if you have created a file list to be loaded.

Viewing Summary Results of a File Load

Access the External Award File Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > External Awards > View
Data File Staging Results > External Award File Summary).

1012 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Image: External Award File Summary page, Student Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Award File Summary page, Student
Information tab.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1013

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Image: External Award File Summary page, Award tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Award File Summary page, Award tab.

1014 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Image: External Award File Summary page, Status tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Award File Summary page, Status tab. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page displays all external award transactions for this transaction number and specific file mapping
ID. Each row of data is keyed by a transaction and sequence number. The displayed data has been read
from an external data file and loaded into the External Award Staging tables. Fields are segmented into
three grid tabs: Student Information, Award, and Status. Click the icon to the right of the tabs to display
all three sets of fields.

To view disbursement details, click the Disbursement link on the Award tab. To check for errors, select
the Status tab and then click the Error link to view the message number.

See Managing External Award Data.

Process Instance Generated by the Process External Award request.

Status Displays the overall status associated with the loading of

external data file.

Student Count Represents the mapped total row count as read directly from
the file. If this field value is not mapped, it is set to the Actual
Count value.

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Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Actual Count The calculated count for rows with unique sequence numbers.

Award Total Represents the total award amount for all transactions as read
from the file. If this field value is not provided on the file, it is
set to Actual Total value.

Actual Total Calculated sum of award amount for all rows.

Viewing Award Disbursement Details

Access the Award Disbursement Detail page (click the Detail link on the Award tab of the Manage
External Award Data page).

You can view the information on this page, but you cannot edit it.

Related Links
Adding Award Disbursement Details

Processing Student Financial Payments

This section provides an overview and discusses how to receive Student Financials payments as external

Understanding Student Financials Payments

Student Financial payments already posted to a customer account are not automatically recognized on
a student's aid package. Payment transactions such as waivers, third-party credits, and direct payments
must be accounted for and posted to a student's award package to ensure the true effect on a student's total
financial aid package and financial need.

The Student Financial Award Feed process takes these steps:

• Selects students based on the Population Selection query and aid year entered on run control page.

• Evaluates payments or waivers from the (SF) PAYMENT_TABLE for the selected students.

• Focuses on (Financial Aid) item types identified on the run control page.

• Gathers (Student Financial) payments with external award attributes entered in the Item Type setup
that are mapped to selected (Financial Aid) item types.

• Sums all (Student Financial) payments, both new and changed, by terms applicable to the aid year.

• Posts the summed term amount as an external award transaction to the appropriate (Financial Aid)
item type.

• Posts the external award with an Entry Code value of Replace because all new and changed (Student
Financial) payments are summed.

1016 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Page Used to Process Student Financial Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

SF External Award Feed SSF_RUNCTL_EXT_AWD Financial Aid > Awards > Add external awards
External Awards > Process transactions based on Student
SF External Award > SF Financial payments already
External Award Feed posted to a student's account.

Receiving Student Financials Payments as External Awards

Access the SF External Award Feed page (Financial Aid > Awards > External Awards > Process SF
External Award > SF External Award Feed).

Image: SF External Award Feed page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the SF External Award Feed page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The Student Financial External Award Feed process sends payments, waivers, and third-party credits
associated with the financial aid item type or item group on the run control, based on the aid year and
institution. When more than one business unit maps to the same institution, all eligible credits stored on
the PAYMENT_TBL are evaluated for each business unit to report back to financial aid as an external
award transaction.

Only students with valid FA_TERM records are considered. Aid year is associated with a payment by
comparing the payment's term with the student's FA term record. Financial aid item types are mapped
to the payment through the (Student Financial) Item Type setup for the payment, third-party credit, or
waiver. If any change occurs in the student's eligible credits, all student credits mapping to the same
(Financial Aid) item type for the term and aid year are evaluated to derive the full amount to be sent to the
External Award staging tables. Changes are determined by comparing the Payment table payment amount
to SSF_PMT_AMT_SENT, which contains the amount that was last sent to Financial Aid.

Note: Because the Student Financial External Award Feed derives the full amount, when any change
is identified in the student's eligible credits, each external award transaction posted is updated with an
Entry Code value of Replace to present the most current status of payments mapped to the appropriate
(Financial Aid) item type.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1017

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Population Selection
Population selection is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. The Population
Selection group box is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population
Selection process is available or required for the transaction. Selection tools are available based on the
selection tools that your institution selected in the setup of the Population Selection process for the
application process and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear based on the selection tool
that you select. If your institution uses a specific delivered selection tool (PS Query, Equation Engine
equation, or external file) to identify IDs for a specific transaction, you must use it.

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Selection Tool Select PS Query. Depending on your selection, other fields are

Query Name Appears only when you select PS Query. Select a PS Query that
selects a population using the bind record SSF_EA_BIND.

The Edit Prompt and Preview Selection Results links are available when you select PS Query and a query
designated for the SF External Awards Feed process.

Note: Remember that the process runs more efficiently if you select the Distinct check box on the Query
Properties page.

See PeopleTools: Query.

Report Items by Group Select to identify a range of (financial aid) item types to be
evaluated. The Student Financial External Award process
evaluates which Student Financial payments to include as an
external award, based on the External Award Item Type Cross-
Reference setup and the External Award attributes entered on
the (Student Financial) item type setup.

Report Specific Items Select to identify a specific (Financial Aid) item type to be
evaluated. The SF External Award process evaluates which SF
payments to include as an external award, based on the External
Award Item Type Cross-Reference setup and the External Award
attributes entered on the (student financial) item type setup.

Item Type Group Select an item type group previously defined on the Item Type
Group setup. Only item types in the Financial Aid category are
considered and must be identified in the External Award Item
Type Cross-Reference setup.

Item Type Select a financial aid item type.

Example of Reporting a Student Financial Payment as an External Award

The following table shows three Student Financial waivers mapped to the same financial aid item type,
900000000470. The Financial Aid office determines how much detail it needs to provide in a student's

1018 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

award package and therefore how many FA item types to use and whether a one-to-one or many-to-one
relationship is established.

Financial Aid Item Type Mapped to a Student Financial Payment Item Type
(FA) Item Type Description EA Type EA Source / (SF) Item Type Description
Program Code

900000000470 Waiver WVR SF 350000010100 FA EA Waiver #1

900000000470 Waiver WVR SF 350000010200 FA EA Waiver #2

900000000470 Waiver WVR SF 350000010300 FA EA Waiver #3

900000000471 General TPC SF/C 360000010010 FA EA TPC #1

900000000471 General TPC SF 3600000101020 FA EA TPC #2

900000000472 TPC Army TPC SF/A 360000010030 FA EA TPC #3

900000000473 Dept Scholarship SCH SF 320000000100 FAEA Dept Aid #1

900000000473 Dept Scholarship SCH SF 320000000200 FAEA Dept Aid #2

900000000473 Dept Scholarship SCH SF 320000000300 FAEA Dept Aid #3

After you determine a high-level mapping strategy, update the External Award Cross-Reference setup and
the (SF) Item Type-External Award tab with the correct values.

Example of Student Financial Payment

This example shows payments posted in Student Financials and then reported as an external award in the
External Award staging tables.

Date Activity SF Item Term Amount FA Item Term Amount

Type Type

09/01/2006 Post Tuition 350000010100 0570 510.00 USD

Waiver in
to fall 2006
(0570) term

09/03/2006 Post Tuition 35000000102000570 100.00 USD

Waiver in
to fall 2006
(0570) term.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1019

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Date Activity SF Item Term Amount FA Item Term Amount

Type Type

09/03/2006 Post 320000000100 0570 980.00 USD

directly to
by Student

09/15/2006 Run Process 900000000470 0570 610.00 USD

SF External
Award 900000000473 0570 980.00 USD
to create
in External

12/01/2006 Post Tuition 350000010100 0580 522.00 USD

Waiver in
Student 350000010200 0580 100.00 USD
Financials to
spring 2007
(0580) term.

12/15/2006 Run Process 900000000470 0570 610.00 USD

SF External
Award 0580 622.00 USD
to create
in External

On September 15, 2006, the SF External Award process is run and two external award transactions are

• External award transaction for the financial aid item type 900000000470 is based on combining the
two different waiver items (350000010100 510.00 USD and 350000010200 100.00 USD), which are
combined as a total 0570 term amount of 610.00 USD.

1020 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

• External award transaction for the financial aid item type 900000000473 is based on the SF posted
department scholarship (320000000100 980.00 USD), which is posted as a total 0570 term amount of
980.00 USD.

On December 15, 2006, the SF External Award process is run and one external award transaction that
represents the prior 0570 term amounts now contains the 0580 term Waivers Items.

• External award transaction for the financial aid item type 900000000470 is based on combining the
two different waiver items (350000010100 510.00 USD and 350000010200 100.00 USD), which are
combined as a total 0570 term amount of 610.00 USD.

• External award transaction for the financial aid item type 900000000470 is based on combining the
two different waiver items (350000010100 522.00 USD and 350000010200 100.00 USD), which are
combined as a total 0580 term amount of 622.00 USD.

Loading Data to the Student Award Table

This section provides an overview and discusses how to:

• Load external awards in batch.

• View External Award Load summary data.

This section also lists external award error messages.

Understanding the External Award Load Process

The External Award Load processing takes these steps:

• Moves the data from the Staging Table to the Student Award table.

• For missing EmplIDs, ensures that students are active in the Campus Solutions database.

• Ensures that each student applied for financial aid for the given institution and aid year.

• Maps external awards to financial aid item types.

• Determines action to take for duplicate awards.

• Assigns a disbursement plan and split code for each award.

• Takes any necessary packaging actions.

• Posts error-free awards to the Student Award table.

• Updates Need Summary.

• Sends processing status and any accompanying error codes to the Staging table.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1021

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Pages Used to Load Data to the Student Award Table

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Load External Awards SFA_RUN_EA_LOAD Financial Aid > Awards > Evaluate external award
External Awards > Load transactions to post or update
External Awards > Load student award tables.
External Awards

External Award Load SFA_EA_LOAD_HDR Financial Aid > Awards > View summary data, such
Summary External Awards > External as the number of students
Award Load Summary > selected, processed, and
External Award Load skipped.

External Award Load Detail SFA_EA_LOAD_DTL Financial Aid > Awards > View the status of each
External Awards > External external award transaction
Award Load Detail > processed during the External
External Award Load Detail Award Load process.

Loading External Awards in Batch

Access the Load External Awards page (Financial Aid > Awards > External Awards > Load External
Awards > Load External Awards).

1022 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Image: Load External Awards page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Load External Awards page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Run control provides filtering parameters to focus the selection of external award transactions to be
processed. Other parameters control how the Aid Processing status is updated and set rules that guide the
External Award Load process when certain student conditions are encountered.

Report Request Parameters

Status (Required) Select the processing status of external award
transactions to be processed.

Data Source (Optional) Select a value to narrow the selection of transactions

to be processed. If you select External File, also select a specific
file mapping ID to identify the Search/Match parameter rule.

File Mapping ID (Optional) Select to narrow the selection of transactions to be

processed. See Data Source.

Transaction Date (Optional) Select a specific transaction date to narrow the

selection of transactions to be processed.

Transaction Nbr (transaction number) (Optional) Select a specific transaction number to narrow the
selection of transactions to be processed.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1023

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Award Type (Optional) Select an external award attribute value to narrow the
selection of transactions to be processed.

Source (Optional) Select an external award attribute value to narrow the

selection of transactions to be processed.

Program Code (Optional) Select an external award attribute value to narrow the
selection of transactions to be processed.

Update Aid Processing Status

Exclude Select a group of IDs to exclude having the Aid Processing
Status value change from Packaging Completed to Repackage
after the External Award Load process finishes. These groups
are defined using the Equation Editor (Set Up SACR >
Common Definitions > Equation Engine > Equation Editor).

To decide whether to provide an equation for this option,

consider how your institution identifies students as possible
candidates for the batch Repackaging process. For example, if
you identify all overaward students, regardless of the size of the
overaward amount, you would not provide an equation in the
Exclude option. If a student's aid package is updated with an
external award and has an overaward greater than zero and Aid
Processing Status is Packaging Completed, then the student's
Aid Processing Status is changed to Repackage.

Or, if you identify students whose overaward is greater than

200.00 USD, you would use the Exclude option and an equation
that identifies IDs with an overaward less than 201.00 USD.

Note: This option considers only students whose Aid Processing

Status is Packaging Completed before the External Award
Load is run. All other Aid Processing Status values remain

Load Processing Rule

Term Mismatch Select an action to take when a mismatch exists between the
term on the external award disbursement data and the actual
enrollment data. A term mismatch exists when a term defined on
an external award transaction does not match a student's actual
enrollment. If a term mismatch condition is met, this option
instructs the External Award Load process to set the processing
status to one of the following statuses:

• Error: Default. Set the processing status to Error and do not

update the student's award package. This option is available
only when you run the External Award Load process online.

• Suspend: Set the processing status to Suspend and do not

update the student's award package.

1024 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

• Adjust: Set the processing status to Adjust. The External

Award Load process posts award disbursement data into the
student's first Disbursement ID of Term.

Multi-Career Select an action to take when a conflict exists between the

career on the external award disbursement data and the actual
enrollment data. A multicareer condition exists when a career
defined on an external award transaction does not match a
student's actual enrollment. If a multicareer condition is met,
this option instructs the External Award Load process to set the
processing status to one of the following statuses:

• Error: Default. Set the processing status to Error and do not

update the student's award package. This option is available
only when you run the External Award Load process online.

• Suspend: Set the processing status to Suspend and do not

update the student's award package.

• Adjust: Set the processing status to Adjust. The External

Award Load process posts award and disbursement data into
the student's first career found.

Posted External Awards

New or updated awards are assigned an External Award lock attribute, which is displayed on the Student
Aid Package page, Status tab. The lock prevents the award from being overwritten by the Auto or Mass
Packaging and Repackaging processes.

Loan Certification Requests

Loan certification transactions are evaluated for eligibility. In the case of a Stafford Loan Certification
with a Related item type identified on the external award transaction, if the existing package has already
been awarded a subsidized or unsubsidized Stafford, the External Award Load process returns a status of
Processed and an error message number 646 (Student is not eligible for this award).

Note: Loan Certification Requests awarded during the External Award process should be performed only
for loan certification request applications that have already been inbound into the Loan component.

Auto-Cancel Awards
If External Award Sequencing is Enabled, an external award posted with an Auto Cancel item type
cancels the Auto Cancel item type and sequences the external award based on the sequence specified.

If External Award Sequencing is not Enabled, an external award posted with an Auto Cancel item type
cancels the Auto Cancel item type and sequences the external award immediately following the canceled

Viewing External Award Load Summary Data

Access the External Award Load Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > External Awards > External
Award Load Summary > External Award Load Summary ).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1025

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Image: External Award Load Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Award Load Summary page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The External Award Load Summary page lists the criteria used to select transactions to be processed.
It also shows the selected, processed, skipped, and in error process counts. Verify that the criteria is
correct and that the counts are correct. If transactions skipped or in error, use any of the Manage Existing
External Award pages to correct wrong data and address any errors reported.

External Award Error Messages

The following table lists and explains possible External Award Load error messages. These messages are
contained in Message Set Number 14402.

Message Number Message Text Message Explanation

601 Student is not active for Aid Year Student is not active for Aid Year
specified. specified. No row found in PS_

602 Student not active for Aid Year specified. Student is not active for Aid Year
specified. No row found in PS_STDNT_

603 Student not active for Aid Year specified. Student is not active for Aid Year
specified. No row found in PS_STDNT_

604 No valid FA Term data found. No valid FA Term data found. No rows
found in PS_STDNT_FA_TERM.

605 More than one active academic career More than one active academic career
found. found.

1026 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Message Number Message Text Message Explanation

606 Item Type not found. Item Type not found. A valid Item Type
for the external award could not be
found. Check the external award type
and source defined and the Item Type
being used.

607 Item Type could not be assigned. Item Type could not be assigned.
Multiple values map to the specified
external award type and source.

608 Invalid Disbursement Plan and Split Invalid Disbursement Plan and Split
Code. Code. The specified disbursement plan
and split code would result in invalid
disbursement rows for the student.

609 Unable to assign disbursement plan and/ Unable to assign disbursement plan,
or split code. split code, or both. Multiple values meet
student's attributes.

610 Invalid term specified. Invalid item specified. The term

specified on a disbursement entry is not a
valid term for the student.

611 External Award Report Code not found. External Award Report Code not found.
The report code is required when
the same item type has already been

612 Invalid Report Code (N = New). Invalid or incorrect Report Code (N

= New). This item type already exists
in the student's award package and is
therefore a duplicate entry.

613 Disbursement IDs not found for Disbursement IDs that correspond to
specified Disbursement Plan. student's term enrollment were not found
for specified Disbursement Plan.

614 Unable to create disbursement rows. Disbursement IDs that correspond to

SQL error on disbursement row insert. student's term enrollment were not found
for specified Disbursement Plan.

615 Missing or invalid Disbursement ID for When using a Report Code of Append
an Append or Replace transaction. or Replace, the Disbursement ID was
missing or invalid.

616 The sum of scheduled disbursements The sum of scheduled disbursements

does not equal the total award amount. does not equal the total award amount.

617 Unable to assign valid Disbursement Unable to assign valid Disbursement

IDs. IDs for the Term specified on the staging

618 Invalid Report Code for loan Invalid Report Code used for loan
certification award. certification award. Loan certifications
must use a Report Code value of New.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1027

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Message Number Message Text Message Explanation

619 Invalid Disbursement Plan for append Invalid Disbursement Plan for append
transaction. transaction. The Disbursement Plan for
the append transaction must match the
Disbursement Plan for the exiting award.

620 Invalid Disbursement Plan for Invalid Disbursement Plan for

replacement transaction. replacement transaction. The
disbursement plan for the replacement
award has to match the disbursement
plan on the existing, non-zero award.

621 Invalid Disbursement Plan for Invalid Disbursement Plan for

replacement award. replacement award. The disbursement
plan for the replacement award is
different from the disbursement plan for
the existing award and the existing award
has non-zero authorized and/or disbursed

622 Charge Priority not found for Item Type. Charge Priority not found for Item Type.

623 Missing disbursement schedule. Missing disbursement schedule. The

disbursement information must be
specified when adjusting or replacing
an award with a Split Code value of XX
(Custom Split).

624 Disbursement Term mismatch. Disbursement Term mismatch. Unable to

find a valid split code for disbursement

625 Invalid transaction amount. Invalid transaction amount. The annual

award amount, annual disbursement
amount, or both is zero.

626 External Award Load Process completed successfully.

627 External Award Load ERROR Award accept amount can never be
negative on the Assign Fiscal Limits

628 External Award Load ERROR SQL error encountered by FAPPKEAL.

Check the log for details.

629 External Award Load ERROR Application Engine program SFA_EA_

LOAD encountered errors. Check the log
for details.

630 External Award Load ERROR The external award load process did not
run to successful completion. Check the
log for errors.

631 Record Insert Error. Error creating Application Engine state


1028 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Message Number Message Text Message Explanation

632 External Award Load ERROR Error encountered during award Posting
process (FAPPKPST).

633 External Award Load ERROR Error encountered during award

Validation process (FAPPKCTL).

634 Same award already exists with non-zero The loan certification award already
authorized and/or disbursed balances. exists with non-zero authorized,
disbursed balances, or both.

635 Insufficient process run parameters. Insufficient parameters. Institution, Aid

Year, and Mapping ID are required to run
the process.

636 Search/match parameter not found. Search/match parameter not found.

Unable to assign EMPLID.

637 Zero award amount. Award was not A new award with a zero amount cannot
posted. be posted.

638 Award Amount has been adjusted to Disbursed Amount is greater than the
reflect the Disbursed Amount. Award Amount. The award amount has
been adjusted to reflect the disbursed

639 Invalid award amount for a Replace The transaction award amount is zero,
transaction. but the disbursed amount is non-zero.
The award cannot be posted because it
would replace the existing award with
a zero award. A disbursement amount
greater than the zero award amount
cannot be processed.

640 Invalid number of disbursements The number of disbursements specified

specified. is greater than the number of scheduled
disbursements for the disbursement
plan on the existing award. Either fix
the number of disbursements to match
the existing award or choose a new
disbursement plan. Note that a new
disbursement plan can only be used if
payments have not been made against the
award and it has not been disbursed.

641 Missing or invalid Term for an Append When using a Report Code of Append
or Replace transaction. or Replace, the disbursement detail must
have the correct terms specified when
the disbursement IDs are not known.
Otherwise, specify the disbursement IDs
for all rows.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1029

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

Message Number Message Text Message Explanation

642 Missing or invalid Term. When specifying the disbursement

allocation, all entries must have the
correct term specified if at least one
allocation has a term defined. Otherwise,
specify the Disbursement IDs or leave
both the Disbursement ID and Term
fields for all allocations blank.

643 Missing or invalid Disbursement ID. When specifying the disbursement

allocation, all entries must have
the appropriate Disbursement ID
specified if at least one allocation has
a Disbursement ID defined. Otherwise,
specify the Term instead or leave both
the Disbursement ID and Term fields for
all allocations blank.

644 Invalid disbursement allocation The disbursement allocation is invalid.

specified. The Disbursement IDs specified do not
match the student's enrollment terms.

645 Invalid Disbursement IDs specified. One or more Disbursement IDs do not
match the Disbursement IDs for the
Disbursement Plan assigned.

646 Student is not eligible for this award. The award has been processed but it was
not posted to the student's financial aid
package. The student is not eligible for
this award.

647 External Award Load error. Error encountered during call to

Equation Processor (FAPEQRUN).

648 Sum of disbursed term amounts does not The sum of the disbursed balances in the
equal the total amount disbursed. disbursement detail does not equal the
total amount disbursed.

649 Invalid amount specified. Amount is less Invalid amount specified. Amount is less
than zero. than zero.

650 Zero amount for Append transaction. Zero amount for Append transaction.
To set the award amount to zero, use an
Entry Code value of Replace. Otherwise
update the transaction to reflect the
correct amount to append.

651 New award with zero amount not posted. The award was processed but was not
This award cancels an existing award posted to the student's financial aid
(auto-cancel). package. The zero amount indicates
student is not eligible for this award and
canceled an existing award matching the
auto-cancel item.

1030 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 31 Managing External Award Reporting

Message Number Message Text Message Explanation

652 Disbursement detail is needed when You must provide specific term
appending to the Disbursed amount. disbursement details when requesting
to move disbursed amounts from the
External Award staging tables to the
Awarding tables using the 'Append'
reporting code.

654 There is an existing Award in non You are trying to load an Offered award,
Offered status. but there is an existing Award in a non
Offered status.

655 Disbursed amount present in Offer Transaction is being loaded with Offer
Award. award action and there are Disbursed
amounts greater then zero present in
the External Award transaction. You
should either change the award action to
Offer/Accept action or nullify Disbursed

679 Unable to assign a Packaging Sequence When attempting to insert the external
Number (PKG_SEQ_NBR) that would award to the desired sequence, there
sequence the external award as desired. was a conflict. This can occur when
the incoming award is trying to be
sequenced to a number that already
exists on the student package. Often
times rerunning the load process will
resolve the issue.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1031

Managing External Award Reporting Chapter 31

1032 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 32

Managing Repackaging

Understanding Repackaging
Using repackaging, you can award financial aid for groups of students. An equation, a PS Query, or
an external file can identify the group of students for repackaging. You can then associate one or more
repackaging plans to that population. You can evaluate your selected population and the repackaging plan
associated with each student first. The system selects the optimum repackaging plan for each student
based on the combination of your repackaging equations and the processing order of the repackaging
plan. Then the system applies the repackaging plan against those selected students, awarding each student
based on the defined repackaging plan rules.

Three processes are run as part of repackaging. The first process selects students for evaluation. The
second process assigns repackaging plans to students. The third process reviews the student's eligibility,
the program rules, and other eligibility criteria and then decreases, increases, or validates existing awards,
or assigns new awards to students using the assigned repackaging plans. After the first two processes, you
can review the students being selected and the assigned repackaging plans. You can also review the order
in which the students are repackaged, again by repackaging plan. You can delete students who should
not be repackaged. Finally, you can run the third process in live mode or in simulation mode to review
expected repackaging results.

Before repackaging, consider the results that you want the system to produce according to your
institution's repackaging philosophies. Determine the student attributes to use in the repackaging
equations to select the correct students for each repackaging plan. Review the criteria that each
repackaging plan uses to select students. If some of the selected students cannot be matched to any of
your repackaging plans, review the list of these students to determine why they did not get matched.
Adjust your equations to ensure that these students are assigned correctly.

Unlike Packaging, during Repackaging locked awards are always preserved and unchanged, even if the
student is in an overaward situation.

During the loading of external awards, an EA lock attribute is set, such that external awards are treated
as locked awards during Repackaging. External awards are always preserved and unchanged, even if the
student is in an overaward situation. When the EA lock is set, you cannot remove it.

Note: Your repackaging plans must be established before you begin repackaging; if you change the
selection criteria in either Equations or PS Query, rerun the Batch Repackaging Selection routine. If you
make changes to your repackaging plans, rerun the Assign Repackaging plans routine before running the
Batch Repackaging process. Changing any repackaging plan selection criteria (tied at the plan level) after
students have been assigned to repackaging plans may produce incorrect or undesirable results.
You should run Need Summary Validation before performing any Repackaging activities.

Related Links
Setting Up a Repackaging Plan
Need Summary Validation

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Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

Loading Data to the Student Award Table

Running the Need Summary Validation Process

This section discusses how to select students for Need Summary Validation.

Page Used to Run the Need Summary Validation Process

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Select Students for Need SFA_RUN_NEEDUPD Financial Aid > Awards > Update the needs summary
Summary Validation Need Summary Validation > to reflect changes made
Select Students for Need to Cost of Attendance
Summary Validation (COA) or Effective Family
Contribution (EFC).

Selecting Students for Need Summary Validation

Access the Select Students for Need Summary Validation page (Financial Aid > Awards > Need
Summary Validation > Select Students for Need Summary Validation).

Population Selection
Population selection is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. Selection
tools are available based on the selection tools that your institution selected in the setup of the Population
Selection process for the application process and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear
based on the selection tool that you select. If your institution uses a specific delivered selection tool (PS
Query, Equation Engine equation, or external file) to identify IDs for a specific transaction, you must use

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Selection Tool Select one of these values: Equation Engine, PS Query, or

External File. Additional parameters appear for your selected

Query Name For PS Query, select a population selection query that joins with
the bind record SFA_BNSV_BIND, which does not require a

Performing Batch Repackaging

This section discusses how to:

• Select students for repackaging.

• Review students selected for batch repackaging.

1034 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 32 Managing Repackaging

• Assign repackaging plans to selected students.

• Review repackaging plans assigned by query.

• Review repackaging plans by students.

• Repackage groups of students.

• Review batch repackaging summary.

• Review eligibility and need after repackaging.

• Review batch repackaging details.

• Review batch repackaging errors.

Pages Used to Perform Batch Repackaging

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Select Students for SFA_RUN_RPKG_SEL Financial Aid > Awards > Define the population of
Repackaging Repackaging > Select students to repackage for
Students to Repackage > award eligibility.
Select Students for

Batch Repackaging Students SFA_RPKG_STDNTLIST Financial Aid > Awards > View a list of students
Repackaging > View selected for repackaging.
Selected Students > Batch Optionally, select Valid or
Repackaging Students Invalid for Process Status.

Assign Repackaging Plan SFA_RUN_RPKG_ASN Financial Aid > Awards > For a selected population,
Repackaging > Assign assign one or more
Repackaging Plans > Assign repackaging plans.
Repackaging Plan

Batch Repackaging Plans SFA_RPKG_PLAN_INQ Financial Aid > Awards > View all the students assigned
Assigned Repackaging > View to each repackaging plan.
Assigned Plans > Batch
Repackaging Plans Assigned

Batch Repackaging Students SFA_RPKG_STDNTPLAN Financial Aid > Awards > View individual students and
by Plan Repackaging > View the repackaging plan assigned
Students by Plan > Batch to each, sorted by specified
Repackaging Students by Plan sort field.

Repackage Students in Batch SFA_RUN_RPKG Financial Aid > Awards > Repackage a select group of
Repackaging > Process Batch students using their assigned
Repackaging > Repackage repackaging plans.
Students in Batch

Batch Repackaging Summary SFA_BRPKG_SUMM Financial Aid > Awards > Display all repackaging plans,
Repackaging > View Batch number of students selected,
Repackaging Summary > number repackaged, and
Batch Repackaging Summary number not repackaged.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1035

Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Eligibility and Need SFA_BRPKG_STUDTL Financial Aid > Awards > View eligibility and need
Repackaging > View Batch details for a student after
Repackaging Details > repackaging.
Eligibility and Need

Award Detail SFA_BRPKG_AWDDTL Financial Aid > Awards > View award details for a
Repackaging > View Batch student after repackaging.
Repackaging Details >
Award Detail

Batch Repackaging Errors SFA_BRPKG_ERROR Financial Aid > Awards > View message number and
Repackaging > View Batch error detail for each student
Repackaging Errors > Batch for whom repackaging failed.
Repackaging Errors

Selecting Students for Repackaging

Access the Select Students for Repackaging page (Financial Aid > Awards > Repackaging > Select
Students to Repackage > Select Students for Repackaging).

Population Selection
Population selection is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. Selection
tools are available based on the selection tools that your institution selected in the setup of the Population
Selection process for the application process and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear
based on the selection tool that you select. If your institution uses a specific delivered selection tool (PS
Query, Equation Engine equation, or external file) to identify IDs for a specific transaction, you must use

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Select the Population Selection check box.

Population Selection Select to use Population Selection to define the student


Selection Tool Appears if Population Selection check box is selected. Select

from Equation Engine, PS Query, or External File. Additional
parameters are displayed for your selected tool.

Query Name Appears only when PS Query is selected. Select a PS Query that
selects a population using one of these bind records

• SFA_BRPKGX_BIND, if population selection is not based

on career

• SFA_BRPKG_BIND, if population selection is based on


Equation Name If you select Equation Engine, the Equation Name field appears.
Select an equation that is defined with the application prompt
Batch Repackaging Selection.

1036 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 32 Managing Repackaging

Processing Status Selection

If the Population Selection check box is not selected, the Processing Status Selection appears.

Aid Processing Status Select Repackage or any status that indicates that the student
has been previously packaged and needs to be reevaluated. The
External Award Load process assigns the Repackage status to
any student who has a Loan Certification Request as an external
award or if the student's Aid Processing status is Complete.

Reviewing Students Selected for Batch Repackaging

Access the Batch Repackaging Students page (Financial Aid > Awards > Repackaging > View Selected
Students > Batch Repackaging Students).

Process Status Indicates whether the student is processed (Valid) or not

processed (Invalid) in the next Repackaging run.

You can delete the student's row or change the Process status to Invalid to remove a student from this
repackaging batch. If students have multiple careers, a row exists for each career for which they can be

Assigning Repackaging Plans to Selected Students

Access the Assign Repackaging Plan page (Financial Aid > Awards > Repackaging > Assign
Repackaging Plans > Assign Repackaging Plan).

From the Selection Definition list, select the name of the student group defined on the Select Students for
Repackaging page. Then define the repackaging plan for this group of students.

Repackaging Plan Parameters

Career Select the academic career to process during this Repackaging

Repackaging Plan Select from the list of repackaging plans for this aid year and

Sort Field Select a field on which to sort students within each plan. Then
select ascending or descending order from the Sort Order field.
Sort field and sort order determine the order in which students
are repackaged. For example, to repackage students with the
lowest Federal EFC first and students with the highest Federal
EFC last, select FED_EFC and then a sort order of Ascending.

Select from:

• ADJ_PAR_CONTRIB (Adjusted Parent Contribution)

• AGI_PAR (Parents' Adjusted Gross Income)

• AGI_STU (Students' Adjusted Gross Income)

• EMPLID (Employee ID)

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1037

Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

• FED_EFC (Federal Effective Family Contribution)

• FED_NEED (Federal Need)

• FED_PARENT_CONTRB (Federal Parent Contribution)

• FED_STDNT_CONTRB (Federal Student Contribution)

• INST_EFC (Institutional Effective Family Contribution)

• INST_PARENT_CONTRB (Institutional Parent Contribution)

• INST_STDNT_CONTRB (Institutional Student Contribution)

• PRORATED_EFC (Prorated Effective Family Contribution)

• TRANS_PROCESS_DT (Transaction Process Date)

Note: Do not use FED_EFC for repackaging plans that

have a non-standard award period. FED_EFC represents
the PRIMARY_EFC, which is the 9–month EFC that is
synonymous with the academic award period. Therefore, all
non-standard award period FED_EFC values equal 0.00. If you
sort by FED_EFC for non-standard plans, the system defaults
the sort order to EMPLID.

Sort Order Based on the selected sort field, select Ascending to order
students from lowest to highest or Descending to order students
from highest to lowest. See Sort Field.

Reviewing Repackaging Plans Assigned by Query

Access the Batch Repackaging Plans Assigned page (Financial Aid > Awards > Repackaging > View
Assigned Plans > Batch Repackaging Plans Assigned).

To further identify each repackaging plan, the page lists the student's career, the sort field and order from
the Assign Repackaging Plan page, and the plan order from the repackaging plan setup.

In this example, Patrick Quijano (FARPK0045) did not meet any of the selection criteria of the
repackaging plans defined on the Assign Repackaging Plans page. The batch routine did not assign him a
repackaging plan.

The Sort Field field displays the value of the FED_EFC sort field, which was defined on the Assign
Repackaging Plans page.

Reviewing Repackaging Plans by Students

Access the Batch Repackaging Students by Plan page ((Financial Aid > Awards > Repackaging > View
Students by Plan > Batch Repackaging Students by Plan ).

For each repackaging plan, the page displays the repackaging plan ID, career, and sort field and sort order
from Assign Repackaging Plan page. The plan order is the processing order for the repackaging plan from
the repackaging plan setup.

1038 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 32 Managing Repackaging

For each repackaging plan, the selected students are listed as sorted by the sort field and sort order. In
this example, the students are listed in ascending FED_EFC order, as defined on the Assign Repackaging
Plans page. The Sort Field column, such as FED_EFC, lists the FED_EFC value.

Repackaging Groups of Students

Access the Repackage Students in Batch page (Financial Aid > Awards > Repackaging > Process Batch
Repackaging > Repackage Students in Batch).

Selection Definition Select the name of the student group defined on the Select
Students for Repackaging page.

Methodology Select which need analysisMethodology to use: Federal,

Institutional, or Both.

This is an optional field where Federal is the default value. It is

an information-only field that allows users to define with which
Methodology the batch was repackaged.

Live Select this mode to run the process and commit the awards
to the database. This includes tables such as student awards,
student disbursements, student aggregate history, loan
information, fiscal item types, and the award activity log.

Note: Oracle recommends that you run in Simulation mode at

least once before running in Live mode.

Simulation Select this mode to simulate and view results. You can then
refine your repackaging plan rules and rerun Batch Repackaging
Simulation to produce the desired award amounts. When
you are satisfied with the Simulation results, rerun Batch
Repackaging in Live mode.

Reviewing Batch Repackaging Summary

Access the Batch Repackaging Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > Repackaging > View Batch
Repackaging Summary > Batch Repackaging Summary).

Batch Number The number that is assigned to the batch of students when you
run the Repackaging process.

Batch Date Time The date and time that you ran the Repackaging process for this
batch of students.

Live vs. Simulation Indicates whether you ran the Repackaging process in live or
simulation mode. Values are:

Live: The Repackaging process updated all award-related tables.

Simulation: You can review the results of the Repackaging

process, but award-related tables were not updated.

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Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

Methodology Displays which need analysisMethodology was specified during

the repackaging run: Federal, Institutional, or Both.

Repackaging Plan ID Identifies the repackaging plan used in this Repackaging


Total Selected The total number of students assigned to this repackaging plan.

Total Packaged The total number of students who were successfully repackaged
using this repackaging plan.

Total Not Packaged The total number of students who were assigned this
repackaging plan but did not receive any awards because of one
or more errors.

Reviewing Eligibility and Need After Repackaging

Access the Eligibility and Need page (Financial Aid > Awards > Repackaging > View Batch
Repackaging Details > Eligibility and Need).

1040 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 32 Managing Repackaging

Image: Eligibility and Need page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Eligibility and Need page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

This information is for a single repackaging plan. To view other students, use the Eligibility Summary
scroll arrows. To view further information for this student, use the Need Summary by Award Period scroll

Eligibility Summary
Sequence Indicates the order in which students were repackaged during
the Repackaging process.

Federal Dependency Status Indicates whether the student is dependent or independent under
federal methodology.

Institutional Dependcy Status Indicates whether the student is dependent or independent under
(institutional dependency status) institutional methodology.

Federal PELL Eligibility Indicates whether the student is eligible to receive a Pell Grant.

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Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

Received First Bachelor Degree Indicates whether the student has already received his or her
first bachelor's degree.

Title IV Eligibility Indicates whether the student is eligible to receive federal Title
IV aid.

Reviewing Batch Repackaging Details

Access the Award Detail page (Financial Aid > Awards > Repackaging > View Batch Repackaging
Details > Award Detail).

Image: Award Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Detail page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

All awards in the repackaging plan are listed as zero or nonzero awards. Nonzero awards display a link to
the scheduled disbursements.

Seq (student sequence) Indicates the order in which students were repackaged during
the Repackaging process.

Nbr (award number) The sequence number is automatically assigned in increments of

ten when awards are entered.

Item Type The financial aid item type of the student's award.

Disb Plan (disbursement plan) The disbursement plan that is assigned to the student's award.

Split Code The split code of the student's award, which indicates how the
award is split for disbursement to the student.

Offered If the offered amount for an award is 0.00, then the student
was not eligible for that particular award or it was an unlocked,

1042 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 32 Managing Repackaging

pre-existing award. The zero awards are not visible after the
student's award package is posted.

Disbursement Click to access the Batch Repackaging Disbursement page and

view scheduled disbursement detail for an award.

Message Click to access the Batch Repackaging Message page and view
the reason that the student did not receive this award.

Reviewing Batch Repackaging Errors

Access the Batch Repackaging Errors page (Financial Aid > Awards > Repackaging > View Batch
Repackaging Errors > Batch Repackaging Errors).

Only students who had serious errors, such as students who had their financial aid term deleted, are in this

Batch # The batch number identifies the particular Repackaging session.

Batch Date Time The date and time that the Repackaging session was run.

Total Not Packaged The total number of students who were assigned to the
repackaging plan but were not repackaged due to an error.

Error Sequence The key by which the error data is sorted.

ID The ID of the student who was not repackaged.

Message Number Click to view the error message.

Repackaging Error Messages

Message Number Message Text Explanation

9221 Repackaged award does not exist; Item This item type was entered into the
Type rejected. Packaging process during repackaging
and is marked as a change or cancel.
However, the item type does not
exist at this stage in the student's
current package. As a result, it is being

9223 Repackaging: Item Type award amount This item type is being processed in
has been decreased. Repackaging for a decrease, and has
either been decreased to a lower award
amount or set to a 0.00 value and

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Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

Message Number Message Text Explanation

9224 Repackaging: Item Type Increase does This item type is being processed in
not meet increase threshold; rejected. Repackaging for an increase, but the
need or cost of attendance threshold
for the package has not been met. As a
result, the item type is rejected.

9225 Item Type with disbursements canceled. This disbursed award has been
canceled. The item type does not meet
disbursement protection rules.

9226 Item Type decrease does not meet This item type is being processed in
decrease threshold; rejected. Repackaging for a decrease, but the need
or cost of attendance threshold for the
package has not been met. As a result,
the item type is rejected.

9506 This student was not assigned to a The student did not meet the selection
Packaging, or Repackaging, Plan. criteria for the packaging or repackaging
plans defined for the specified career.

9528 Award was auto-canceled. The award was canceled by an Auto

Cancel item type.

9544 Invalid equation data for Selection Incorrect or inconsistent equation data is
Criteria at the Packaging, or associated with the selection criteria at
Repackaging, Plan level. the packaging or repackaging plan level.

9590 Student has no awards for the specified The student cannot be repackaged
academic career. because no awards exist for the specified
academic career.

9591 Student does not have a Packaging Plan. The Repackaging rule is Original
Packaging Plan, but the packaging
plan ID is missing from STDNT_AID
_ATRBT. Please contact your system
administrator for assistance.

9592 Number of Auto-cancel Item Types The total number of auto-cancel item
exceeds the size of an internal table. types exceeds the size of an internal
table. Please contact your system
administrator for assistance.

9593 Unable to sequence new award as The system was unable to assign a PKG_
desired. SEQ_NBR that would sequence the new
award as desired. Please contact your
system administrator for assistance.

1044 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 32 Managing Repackaging

Message Number Message Text Explanation

9594 No awarding from Related Item Type The system was unable to award any of
Group. the item types specified for a related item
type group.

Performing Online Repackaging

You should run Need Summary Validation before performing any Repackaging activities.

This section discusses how to repackage an individual student.

Related Links
Awarding Online

Pages Used to Perform Online Repackaging

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Aid Package STDNT_AWARD_ENTRY3 Financial Aid > Awards > Use this page for manual
Award Processing > Assign repackaging, auto select
Awards to a Student > repackaging, or auto
Student Aid Package repackaging. Auto select
repackaging and auto
repackaging can be combined
with manual repackaging in
the same online repackaging

Professional Judgement STDNT_AWARD_ENTRY4 Financial Aid > Awards > Use professional judgement
Award Processing > Invoke to override all federal and
Professional Judgement > aggregate rules except for
Professional Judgement fiscal limits when repackaging
online. Repackage students
without a budget. All item
types awarded from this
component are set to PJ

Packaging Status Summary STDNT_AID_PACKAGE Financial Aid > View View the repackaging plan ID
Packaging Status Summary > for a student who has been
Packaging Status Summary repackaged.

Repackaging an Individual Student

Access the Student Aid Package page (Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Awards to
a Student > Student Aid Package) or the Professional Judgement page (Financial Aid > Awards > Award
Processing > Invoke Professional Judgement > Professional Judgement).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1045

Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

Image: Student Aid Package page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Aid Package page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Common Page Information

Career The active career for the student to be used for repackaging at
this time. If the student has only one career, it is entered into the
field by default. If the student has multiple careers, choose from
among the active careers for the student, which are defined on
the Financial Aid Term record.

After you select a career, do not change this field until after you
click the Post button or the Reset button. This prevents you from
changing awards for more than one career at a time.

Only the repackaging plans and disbursement plans associated

with the active career are available during this session.

Note: If the student has only one career for the aid year, that
career is entered into the Career field by default and you do not
need to select a career.

Repackaging Plan ID Either select the repackaging plan from the list to use Auto
Repackaging or leave the Repackaging Plan ID field blank to
use Auto-Select Repackaging. For Auto-Select Repackaging,
the system selects the repackaging plan that has the lowest
sequence number of the plans for which the student qualifies
and populates the Repackaging Plan ID field.

1046 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 32 Managing Repackaging

Repackage Click this button and the system returns award results and the
corresponding disbursement plan and split code data. After
you post the repackaging results, the repackaging plan ID is
displayed on the Student Aid Package, Professional Judgement,
and Packaging Status Summary pages.

Award Period Provides the Repackaging routine with the intended award
period processing mode for the award period that you are
currently repackaging. The routine uses this information to
determine automatically which existing awards are active or
passive. The award period that you select functions like the
repackaging plan award period attribute in the Repackaging
Plan setup in the determination of passive or active mode for
existing awards. Values are:

Both: You are currently repackaging the student for both award
periods. This is the default value. The Repackaging routine
reevaluates all existing awards, processing all awards as active
awards. When you select Both, all awards are available for

Academic: You are currently repackaging the student for the

academic award period (AAP) only. The Repackaging routine
reevaluates only existing awards whose disbursement plan/
split code patterns indicate that they are for the AAP or for both
award periods. The Repackaging routine processes all other
existing awards as passive awards.

Non-Std (nonstandard): You are currently repackaging the

student for the non-standard award period (NSAP) only. The
Repackaging routine reevaluates only existing awards whose
disbursement plan/split code patterns indicate that they are for
the NSAP or for both award periods. The Repackaging routine
processes all other existing awards as passive awards.

Reset Click to clear this instance.

Post Click to save the results to the student award table.

Status tab
Select the Status tab.

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Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

Image: Student Aid Package page: Status tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Aid Package page: Status tab. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Lock Unlike Packaging, during Repackaging locked awards are

always preserved and unchanged. Even if the student is in an
overaward situation, Repackaging always retains the locked
award in its entirety.

EA (external award) During the loading of external awards, this EA lock attribute
is set. External awards are treated as locked awards during
Repackaging. External awards are always preserved and
unchanged, even if the student is in an overaward situation. You
cannot remove the EA lock.

Review a Repackaging Result

This section discusses:

• Repackaging process behavior.

• Example of a decrease repackaging plan.

Repackaging Process Behavior

During the Repackaging process, the system updates the Unmet/Overaward Need and Unmet/Overaward
COA totals as each award is adjusted. The system does not wait until all awards have been adjusted to
calculate these Need Summary totals. The resulting Unmet/Overaward Need and Unmet/Overaward COA
values determine whether further reductions or adjustments are necessary.

For the Decrease – Bottom Up Repackaging rule, the system reduces the student's package from bottom
up (highest to lowest sequence), but calculates the Need Summary from top down (lowest to highest
sequence). If the student's package contains Special Need/Cost awards and the Repackaging Plan is
Decrease – Bottom Up, because the system updates the Need Summary totals top down after each award
has been reduced, the characteristics of that Special Need/Cost award can change from completely
replacing EFC to partially replacing EFC to completely reducing Unmet Need.

1048 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 32 Managing Repackaging

Example of a Decrease Repackaging Plan

The Decrease Repackaging Plan example focuses on the FASS Scholarship, a Special Need/Cost award,
to highlight the changing nature of the Meet Need/Cost attribute. This behavior is similar to a Stafford
Unsub. With each step in the Repackaging example, the FASS Scholarship amount progresses from
completely replacing EFC to completely reducing Unmet Need.

Initially, the student was awarded 740 USD FASS Scholarship. During Repackaging, because the
student's EFC is reduced to 560 USD and because this is a Special Need/Cost award, Repackaging
reduces the award to match the EFC: The original award of 740 less EFC of 560 equals 180. Therefore,
the system reduces the original award by 180.

Revised award = 560 (740 – 180 = 560).

When the system determines that the award is 560 USD, it preserves that award in the student's package.
However, because that award is defined as Special/Need Cost, its attribute changes from completely
replacing EFC to completely reducing Unmet Need.

Original Package Awards

The Student Aid Package page displays the student's initial set of awards.

Image: Original Package, Student Aid Package page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Original Package, Student Aid Package page. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This table lists the relevant attributes for the original awards.

Sequence Award Meet Need/Cost Lock

10 Federal Pell Grant Straight Need/Cost Unlocked

20 State Scholarship Straight Need/Cost Unlocked

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Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

Sequence Award Meet Need/Cost Lock

30 Honors Scholarship Special Need/Cost Unlocked

40 University Grant Straight Need/Cost Unlocked

50 Federal SEOG Grant Straight Need/Cost Unlocked

60 FASS Grant Straight Need/Cost Locked

70 FASS Scholarship Special Need/Cost Unlocked

80 Exclude Grant Straight Need/Cost Locked

After the original package is made to the student, a change to COA or EFC occurs that forces the student
into an overaward situation. As a result, the student is overawarded in both Need and COA.

Original Need Summary Totals

The Need Summary page displays the student's need summary totals after Packaging.

Image: Need summary totals after Packaging

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Need summary totals after Packaging. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The administrator determines that the student needs to be repackaged.

Decrease-Bottom Up Repackaging Plan

The Repackaging Plan page displays the Decrease – Bottom Up plan to be applied.

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Chapter 32 Managing Repackaging

Image: Decrease — Bottom Up Repackaging plan

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Decrease — Bottom Up Repackaging plan.

Step 1
The system first determines that the student is overawarded. It then locates the highest sequenced award,
Exclude Grant, and evaluates it. Exclude Grant is a Straight Need/Cost award. Because it is a locked
award, the system does not reduce it; it is preserved and remains unchanged. The system then updates the
Need Summary totals (top down) for Unmet/Overaward Need and Unmet/Overaward COA.

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Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

Image: Step 1 calculation

This example illustrates the Step 1 calculation.

This the Need Summary result after the system processes the Exclude Grant.

Image: Result of step 1 calculation

This example illustrates the Result of step 1 calculation.

The student is still overawarded.

Step 2
The next sequenced award, bottom up, is the FASS Scholarship. This is an unlocked Special Need/Cost
award. Because the student is overawarded, the Special Need/Cost attribute is applied, and the system
reduces the award down to match the EFC: The original award of 740 less EFC of 560 equals 180.
Therefore, the system reduces the original award by 180.

Revised award = 560 (740 – 180 = 560).

After the reduction is made, the system then updates the Need Summary totals (top down). Both the COA
and Need running totals are reduced based on existing awards as well as on the revised 560 USD FASS
Scholarship. In this step, the FASS Scholarship completely replaces EFC.

1052 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 32 Managing Repackaging

Image: Step 2 calculation

This example illustrates the Step 2 calculation.

This the Need Summary result after the system processes the FASS Scholarship.

Image: Result of step 2 calculation

This example illustrates the Result of step 2 calculation.

The student is still overawarded.

Step 3
The next sequenced award, bottom up, is the FASS Grant. This is a locked Straight Need/Cost award.
Because it is locked, the system preserves the original amount and does not reduce it. The system then
updates the Need Summary totals (top down) for Unmet/Overaward Need and Unmet/Overaward COA.
In this step, the FASS Scholarship completely replaces EFC.

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Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

Image: Step 3 calculation

This example illustrates the Step 3 calculation.

This is the Need Summary result after the system processes the FASS Grant.

Image: Result of step 3 calculation

This example illustrates the Result of step 3 calculation.

The student is still overawarded.

Step 4
The next sequenced award, bottom up, is the SEOG, an unlocked, Straight Need/Cost award. Because the
student still has an Overaward Need amount of 9,820 USD, the system reduces the SEOG award down
to 0.00 USD. After the reduction is made, the system updates the Need Summary totals for the student,
reducing both the Need and COA totals based on the revised SEOG as well as other existing awards. In
this step, the FASS Scholarship completely replaces EFC.

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Chapter 32 Managing Repackaging

Image: Step 4 calculation

This example illustrates the Step 4 calculation.

This the Need Summary result after the system processes the SEOG.

Image: Result of step 4 calculation

This example illustrates the Result of step 4 calculation.

The student is still overawarded.

Step 5
The next sequenced award, bottom up, is the University Grant, an unlocked, Straight Need/Cost award.
Because the student's Overaward Need is 5,820 USD, the system reduces the University Grant to 0.00

The system then updates the Need Summary totals (top down) for Unmet/Overaward Need and Unmet/
Overaward COA. After the University Grant reduction, the student is left with remaining Unmet Need
and remaining Unmet COA.

The system then subtracts the 1,000 USD locked FASS Grant from the running Need Summary totals.
With the handling of this award, it presents a condition in which an overaward exists for Need (–360) but
not for COA (+200). Now, because the FASS Scholarship is a Special Need/Cost award, it tries to reduce
Unmet Need. Because no Unmet Need exists, it then replaces EFC with 200 USD because Unmet COA is
200 USD. Note that the characteristics of the FASS Scholarship changes since the initial reduction of the
FASS Scholarship took place at step 2.

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Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

Image: Step 5 calculation

This example illustrates the Step 5 calculation.

This is the Need Summary after the system processes the University Grant.

Image: Results of step 5 calculation

This example illustrates the Results of step 5 calculation.

The student is still overawarded.

Step 6
The next sequenced award, bottom up, is the Honors Scholarship, an unlocked, Special Need/Cost award.
The Overaward Need is 1,720 USD, but from a top down Need Summary perspective, the student has
remaining Unmet Need. So the award inherits the Straight Need/Cost characteristic. To account for the
Overaward Need of 1,720 USD, the system subtracts 1,720 USD from the original Honors Scholarship
amount of 6,000 USD to reduce the award to 4,280 USD (original award 6,000 minus overaward 1,720
equals revised award 4,280).

After reducing the Honors Scholarship, from a Need Summary perspective (top down), the student has
remaining Unmet Need of 2,360 USD. Progressing through the package and updating Need Summary, the
system accounts for the 1,000 USD FASS Grant, reducing the student's Unmet Need to 1,360 USD. At
this point, because the student has remaining Unmet Need and the FASS Scholarship amount of 560 USD
is less than the Unmet Need amount of 1,360 USD, the Meet Need/Cost attribute of the FASS Scholarship
now inherits the Straight Need/Cost characteristic. This reduces the student's Unmet Need to 800 USD.

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Chapter 32 Managing Repackaging

Image: Step 6 calculation

This example illustrates the Step 6 calculation.

This is the Need Summary result after the system processes the Honors Scholarship.

Image: Results of step 6 calculation

This example illustrates the Results of step 6 calculation.

The student is still overawarded in Need.

Step 7
Finally, because the student still has an Overaward Need amount of 200 USD and the Honors Scholarship
amount is greater than 0.00 USD, the system reevaluates the Honors Scholarship a second time and
reduces it by 200 USD so that the student is no longer in an overaward situation. At this point, when
the Need Summary totals are updated, the FASS Scholarship still inherits the Straight Need/Cost

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Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

Image: Step 7 calculation

This example illustrates the Step 7 calculation.

This is the Need Summary result after the system processes the Honors Scholarship a second time to
eliminate the overaward.

Image: Results of step 7 calculation

This example illustrates the Results of step 7 calculation.

The student is no longer in an overaward situation.

Final Award Results

The Student Aid Package page displays the final set of award results.

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Chapter 32 Managing Repackaging

Image: Final results, Student Aid Package page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Final results, Student Aid Package page.

Final Need Summary Results

The Need Summary results page displays the final need totals.

Image: Final need totals, Need Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Final need totals, Need Summary page.

At this point, an administrator might choose to repackage the student for an increase to fill the Unmet
COA using a Special Need/Cost award.

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Managing Repackaging Chapter 32

1060 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 33

Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Managing Special Cases When Packaging Students

This section provides an overview of awarding and packaging students and discusses how to:

• Award for additional terms.

• Award for nonstandard terms.

• Award without application data.

• Award for increased grade level eligibility.

• Add awards using the same Financial Aid Item Type.

• Re-award a cancelled or declined item type.

• Cancel awards with disbursements.

• Sequence loan awards.

• Process Direct Loan adjustments.

• Adjust CommonLine loan item types.

Understanding Awarding and Packaging Students

Financial Aid provides sophisticated tools to package students. You can manually award students
one at a time, auto package students one at a time using a packaging plan, or Mass Package a large
number of students using several packaging plans. Manual awarding and Auto Packaging are performed
using one of the award entry components. Mass Packaging is performed using a series of background
processes, but you can review the results of each step using inquiry and summary pages. After running
Auto Packaging or Mass Packaging, you can supplement a student's package by manually entering
awards. Using the award entry pages (Student Aid Package page, Manual Student Packaging page, and
Professional Judgement page), you can also override default Financial Aid Item Types attributes, such as
the disbursement plan and split code. Manual awarding is done by inserting as many Financial Aid Item
Types as you want to complete a student's package or by modifying an existing award.

You must validate awards after manual award entry or after making any changes to existing awards.
Validation is performed automatically as part of the Auto Packaging and Mass Packaging processes.
Validation checks eligibility rules, fiscal limits, aggregate limits, and any other Financial Aid Item
Type rules for each award. Validation lowers award amounts for awards that cause an over-award or
which exceed fiscal or aggregate limits. When manually awarding Pell Grants, Validation assists you by
calculating the Pell Grant eligibility amount for students when you leave the offer field at zero dollars.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1061

Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Note: Before a student can be packaged, the U.S.E.D. database matches from the Central Processing
System (CPS) must be passed. If one of the matches is returned with an ineligible code, it must be
resolved before the student can be packaged for federal assistance. The procedure for resolving ineligible
conditions is described in the documentation for the Database Matches page.

Awarding for Additional Terms

To award students for a term you must have a Financial Aid term and a budget associated with the student
for the term that you want to award. If the Financial Aid term and budget do not exist for the term you are
awarding, you must create a row in the Financial Aid term record and the budget record for that term. The
Financial Aid term and a budget must be present for the student because the disbursement record for an
award cannot be created without the associated Financial Aid term and budget. For example, if you want
to award for a summer term before summer enrollment data—Financial Aid term—is available, you must
manually create the summer Financial Aid term and a summer budget.

Note: A budget for the student is not required if you are awarding a Financial Aid Item Type that has a
meet need/cost attribute of either No Effect or Conditional or if you are awarding using the Professional
Judgement page.

If you are awarding for an additional term, not previously awarded for, you must use a relevant
disbursement plan/split code combination to account for that new term. For example, if the student was
awarded based on two terms, fall and winter, and now needs to be awarded for the spring term, you can
change the split code if the disbursement plan encompasses all three terms. Otherwise, you must award
for the spring term using different Financial Aid Item Types and disbursement plans and split codes that
reflect a spring only disbursement.

Related Links
Defining Awarding and Rounding Rules

Awarding for Non-Standard Terms

The system supports awarding Pell Grants for non-standard award periods (NSAP) for Pell Grant
Formulas 1 and 3. You can define a Summer term as the leading or trailing term. For Formula 1, the
system divides the Pell Grant award by the Pell Number of Terms across both Academic and Non-
Standard terms. For Formula 3, the system sums the Academic Base Weeks and Non-Standard Base
Weeks to define the Academic Program's Weeks of Instruction for Pell Grant calculations..

See Establishing Defaults.

See Reviewing Pell Information.

See Awarding Pell Grants.

Awarding Without Application Data

Students who have no application data (ISIR, PROFILE, or institutional application) can be awarded. A
student is considered to have no application if the student has no application data or if the student has an
application that is different to that indicated in Packaging Data Source field on the Financial Aid Defaults
page. For example, if you specify Federal for your packaging data source and the student only has a
PROFILE application, the student is considered to have no application.

1062 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

A student who has no application, as previously defined, is considered by Packaging to be ineligible for
federal funds, except a PLUS loan. If you try to award federal funds (except a PLUS loan) to a student
who has no application you get the message, In NO APP status. Only conditional, No Effect, or PLUS
Item Types are valid. When a PLUS loan is being awarded to an undergraduate student who has no
application, Packaging bypasses all federal eligibility checks, including the dependency check, and the
PLUS loan is awarded.

Generally when awarding students who have no application, a budget is not required. However, students
with no application who are awarded a PLUS loan must have a budget.

To award a Financial Aid Item Type to a student who has no application data—except for PLUS Financial
Aid Item Types—the Financial Aid Item Type's Meet Need/Cost attribute must be defined as Conditional,
No Effect, or Cost Only and the Financial Aid Item Type's Source attribute cannot be Federal. The Meet
Need/Cost attribute must be Conditional, No Effect or Cost Only because no need is calculated for the
student without an application. The Source attribute must not be Federal, except for PLUS, because when
awarding a federal award, Packaging requires ISIR data.

See Defining Financial Aid Item Types.

If you are packaging a student who does not have an ISIR or institutional application data in the system,
when you enter any of the award entry pages you receive a message that says, "Student does not have
application data." This message is informational only; you can acknowledge the message and enter the

Awarding for Increased Grade Level Eligibility

Federally funded financial aid programs require strict eligibility requirements and borrowing limits. Most
grade level limits increase as students progresses in their studies. A student who has already borrowed
up to the annual level limit within an academic year can receive additional funds if the annual level
limit increases because a student advances or progresses to a new grade level with a higher-level limit.
Financial Aid provides two procedural options to accommodate and award for an additional increase due
to grade level changes. Option one is to use multiple and/or unique item types with different disbursement
plans or split codes to support the additional eligibility. The other option is to select the Multi-Pass
Processing check box. The Multi-Pass processing option set at the aggregate area level provides the
means to automate mid-year grade level limit increases during the Awarding and Packaging process. This
is an optional setting. This option is currently disabled for loan programs processed by the financial aid
Loan Origination process (for example, Direct, FFELP, Health, Alternative and Perkins loan programs).

See Setting Up Aggregate Aid.

To award funds that have aggregate level limits defined and do not have the Multi-Pass processing
option selected, you must use multiple Financial Aid Item Types and different disbursement plans/
split codes to support the additional term. The Financial Aid Item Types must be associated with the
same aggregate area to calculate aggregate limits correctly. The following scenario for the Stafford loan
program demonstrates how it works.

Awarding Stafford loans across multiple NSLDS loan years is necessary when a student begins the
financial aid year at one NSLDS level and then advances to the next level in subsequent terms within the
same aid year. For example, you may have a student who is a freshman in the fall term but has enough
credits to advance to a sophomore in the spring term. To determine the NSLDS loan year, Packaging
evaluates the first nonzero disbursement record dictated by the disbursement plan/split code pattern and
uses the corresponding term for that record. Then Packaging checks the student's NSLDS loan year for
the corresponding term where the first nonzero disbursement record appears.

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The student is awarded initially based on his or her freshman status—NSLDS loan year is Freshman. The
student is awarded the maximum loan amount for a freshman—sequence #10. You select a disbursement
plan/split code pattern for equal disbursements. You validate and post the award. The following table
shows the initial loan award:

Seq Item Type Aggregate Award Disb Plan Disb Split Disb Term/
Area Amount Amount NSLDS

10 900000001234 Subsidized 2625 USD 01 01 = 50% 1313 USD Fall/Freshman

50% 1312 USD Spring/

Near the end of the fall term the student tells you that he or she has enough credits to be a sophomore for
the spring term and would like to receive additional loan money. First, you must change the NSLDS loan
year on the student's Financial Aid term record for the term in which the student advances to sophomore
status. After changing the NSLDS loan year, rebuild the student's spring budget. Then the additional
award amount must be entered as a separate Financial Aid Item Type on the award entry page—sequence
#20. To do this, you must have two Financial Aid Item Types set up for the subsidized Stafford loan and
two Financial Aid Item Types set up for the unsubsidized Stafford loan. Use one for the initial award and
the other for any subsequent (add-on) awards.

You award a subsequent Stafford loan, using a different Financial Aid Item Type from the initial loan
award and a different disbursement plan/split code pattern to support only the spring term. Packaging
determines the award amount for the add-on loan. Use a disbursement plan/split code pattern that
distributes 100 percent of the additional award in the spring term. If there were more than one term
remaining in the aid year, you would distribute the 100 percent evenly across the remaining terms. If you
are manually packaging the student, you can leave the award amount at zero, and the Validation process
calculates the difference between the freshman loan maximum already awarded and the sophomore loan
maximum and awards the correct amount (the difference). After validation, the two loans are both shown
because they are two separate Financial Aid Item Types. The Financial Aid Item Types must be associated
with the same aggregate area to account for all sources that affect aggregate limits eligibility.

The first award is the total freshman loan amount split evenly across both terms and the second award
—a different Financial Aid Item Type—represents the additional spring term only amount the student is
eligible to receive as a sophomore. The following table shows the awards before and after validation:

Seq Item Type Aggregate Award Disb Plan Disb Split Disb Term/
Area Amount Amount NSLDS

10 900000001234 Subsidized 2625 USD 01 01 = 50% 1313 USD Fall/Freshman

50% 1312 USD Spring/

20 900000005566 Subsidized 875 USD 03 01= 100% 875 USD Spring/

Stafford Sophomore

* Using the defined Aggregate limits, Packaging determines the student's eligibility to be 3500 USD
(sophomore aggregate limit) minus 2625 USD (freshman award) equals 875 USD (maximum sophomore
eligible limit).

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Adding Awards Using the Same Financial Aid Item Type

The system permits you to award additional awards using the same Financial Aid Item Type under the
following conditions:

• NSLDS loan year must be the same for both awards using the same Financial Aid Item Type, only if
the Financial Aid Item Type is tied to an aggregate area that does not have the Multi-Pass processing
option selected.

• Career must be the same for both awards using the same Financial Aid Item Type.

• Disbursement plan must be the same for both awards using the same Financial Aid Item Type.

• Split codes can be different for the awards using the same Financial Aid Item Type.

Given the previous conditions, the Posting process collapses the two awards with the same Financial Aid
Item Type into one award. The split codes are combined and a custom split code is returned. For example,
if you have disbursement plan 01 and split code 02 for one award and disbursement plan 01 and split code
03 for the subsequent instance of that award, the combined award has disbursement plan 01 and split code

When you are awarding for an add-on term, such as summer, you must follow the previous rules
regarding NSLDS loan year.

If you have different careers with different NSLDS loan years, you can use the same Financial Aid Item
Type because the Financial Aid Item Types for different careers are not combined.

Here is a list of the fields that are affected by the Award Merging process that occurs when the Posting
process encounters two or more instances of the same Financial Aid Item Type:

Field Value After Item Types Are Merged

Offered Amount Sum of the offered amounts

Accepted Amount Sum of the accepted amounts

Award Action B—Offered/Accepted when sum of accepted Amounts > 0

O—Offer when previous condition is not met

Note: Canceled and declined awards are no longer visible after


Split Code XX when different split codes are used

Note: The disbursement plans must be the same.

Aggregate Level When the Multi-Pass processing option is selected, the system
tracks aggregate level limits based on each grade level limit

When the Multi-Pass processing option is not selected, the

system tracks aggregate level limits based on the NSLDS
Level from the term where the first nonzero disbursement ID
exists within the disbursement plan.

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The following attributes are not affected by the Award Merging process that occurs when the Posting
process encounters two or more instances of the same Financial Aid Item Type. The Posting process
preserves the value of the highest sequence-numbered row for each of these attributes.

• Sequence Number

• Disbursement Plan

• Professional Judgement override

• Need Override

• Lock override

• Charge Priority List

Re-awarding a Canceled or Declined Item Type

In some instances you may want to re-award or repackage an award for a student after it has been
canceled or declined.

You can use the same Financial Aid Item Type as long as authorization and disbursement amounts are set
to zero. If the Financial Aid Item Type is a loan and originated, before re-awarding, you must ensure the
loan record’s initial award amount is $0 and all actual disbursement amounts have been processed and
accepted to $0 with the COD system.

Otherwise, you must use a different Financial Aid Item Type. In addition, you can use the same or
different sequence number when the conditions have been met. Using a different sequence number of a
Financial Aid Item Type permits you to package the student in batch or online using the Auto Package
function with the same Financial Aid Item Type after you have canceled the award.

For example, a student was awarded a non-loan Financial Aid Item Type such as a University Grant
for 1,000.00 USD with a sequence number of 10 and a loan Financial Aid Item Type for 5,500.00 USD
with a sequence number of 20. If the student originally declined both awards and later decided to attend
spring term, you can use the same Financial Aid Item Types provided authorization, disbursement, or loan
origination has not occurred. If the University Grant was disbursed for 500.00 USD for the fall term, you
must set this disbursement down to zero—authorization and disbursement amounts must be backed out.
You can then use the same Financial Aid Item Type and sequence number or insert a row and use a new
sequence number for the same Financial Aid Item Type. If loan origination has not taken place, you can
use the same Financial Aid Item Type and sequence number or insert a row. Otherwise, you must use a
different Financial Aid Item Type and sequence number.

Canceling Awards with Disbursements

Packaging does not contain any edits to prevent you from canceling awards for which you have already
made disbursements for a student. After you cancel a student's award that has associated disbursed
amounts, Packaging retains a record of those disbursements—including the associated disbursement
plan/split code pattern. This causes a problem if you attempt to award the student a second instance of
the same Financial Aid Item Type for the award period but use a different disbursement plan than the
disbursement plan associated with the canceled award. Packaging cannot reconcile the disbursement plan
for the canceled award that has been partially or wholly disbursed with the disbursement plan called for
by the new award. This situation can occur for Financial Aid Item Types whether or not disbursement
protection has been activated for that Financial Aid Item Type.

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

For example, you offer an original award of the honors scholarship for 1,000.00 USD to a student. All
amounts in the following table are in U.S. dollars (USD):

FA Item Disb Plan Split Code Action Award Disb Date Scheduled Actual
Type Amount Disbs. Disbs.

Honors AT 09 A 1,000.00 Sep 500.00 (50%) 500.00


Jan 500.00 (50%) 0.00

You then decide to cancel the original award, and offer the student a 900.00 USD honors scholarship with
a different disbursement plan. The following table shows the retained canceled award and the new award.
All amounts are in USD:

FA Item Disb Plan Split Code Action Award Disb Date Scheduled Actual
Type Amount Disbs. Disbs.

Honors AT 09 C 0.00 Sep 0.00 (0%) 500.00


Honors 01 01 A 900.00 Sep 100.00 (11. 0.00

Scholarship 1%)

Oct 100.00 (11. 0.00


Nov 100.00 (11. 0.00


Dec 100.00 (11. 0.00


Jan 100.00 (11. 0.00


Feb 100.00 (11. 0.00


Mar 100.00 (11. 0.00


Apr 100.00 (11. 0.00


May 100.00 (11. 0.00


Packaging cannot reconcile the existing 500.00 USD disbursement from the canceled award with the new
scheduled monthly disbursements of 100.00 USD.

The Validation process contains logic to prevent this situation from occurring. When you validate a
student's award, the Validation process checks to see if multiple instances of the same Financial Aid Item
Type with different disbursement plans exist. If this is the case, the Validation process then checks to see
if the first instance is a canceled or declined award. If it is, the Validation process then checks whether

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

the award has been disbursed, partially or wholly. If disbursements have taken place, then the Validation
process cancels the second instance with reject message 9581, "You have a disbursed award that is either
canceled or declined that contains a different disbursement plan than your newest offer."

The Validation process performs this check on both loans and non-loans. To award a Financial Aid Item
Type under a different disbursement plan, you must first run both the authorization and disbursement
processes to back out the row contained under the old disbursement plan. If you want to keep the
disbursement plan, you can then award a second instance using the same disbursement plan.

Sequencing Loan Awards

When entering additional Stafford subsidized loans or additional Stafford unsubsidized loans—as in the
multiple NSLDS loan years in the same aid year scenario—it is important that the subsidized loans come
before the unsubsidized loans in the award sequence. Although the student has additional eligibility in
the second awarding session, the Stafford logic requires that any subsidized loans be sequenced before
any unsubsidized loans. An example is provided below. In the following example, the subsidized Stafford
#2 and unsubsidized Stafford #2 are the second Financial Aid Item Types used to award the additional
amount the student is eligible for since the student has changed NSLDS loan years:

First Awarding Second

Session Awarding

Sequence of Award Award Aggregate Area Sequence of Award Award Aggregate Area

10 Subsidized Stafford Subsidized Stafford 10 Subsidized Stafford Subsidized Stafford

#1 #1

20 Unsubsidized Unsubsidized 15 Subsidized Stafford Subsidized Stafford

Stafford #1 Stafford #2

20 Unsubsidized Unsubsidized
Stafford #1 Stafford

25 Unsubsidized Unsubsidized
Stafford #2 Stafford

Note: Subsequent loan awards, after a change in NSLDS loan year, must be awarded using a different
Financial Aid Item Type because of the change in NSLDS loan years.

Processing Direct Loan Adjustments

Award and disbursement details from the Packaging process are used in Loan Origination records to
support COD processing of Direct Loans. COD can accept and process up to 20 disbursements for each
award with the disbursement number indicated in the COD Disbursement Number field. Therefore, you
can allocate up to 20 potential disbursements when setting up any of the Direct Loan Financial Aid Item
Types: Stafford (subsidized and unsubsidized) and PLUS (parent and graduate student PLUS). The Loan
Origination process updates loan origination information based on award adjustments in the context of an
award’s Disbursement IDs as created under the rules set by its Financial Aid Item Type and Disbursement
Plan/Split Code Formula.

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Warning! For Direct Loans, it is strongly recommended that you set up Direct Loan Financial Aid Item
Types using a Disbursement Split Formula that has an Even Split Option value of Even among first disb
by Term. Doing this ensures that the Origination records automatically inherit disbursement protection and
award adjustment attributes necessary for proper COD reporting.
If Direct Loan originations are created from disbursements where the Even Split Code option is not Even
among first disb for Term, the Packaging process ignores any disbursements already made and repackages
the student without regard to disbursement activity.

When a Direct Loan is awarded using the setup recommended above, the Packaging process splits the
loan evenly among the first Disbursement ID of a term when the award is initially offered. Then, when
award adjustments are made, the Packaging process updates the award disbursement details based on the
assumption that the Even among first disb by Term option is used, whether the award has been disbursed,
and what Disbursement IDs remain within each term.

If the Direct Loan has been awarded and originated, but not yet been disbursed, an increase to the award
reallocates the new award amount using the existing disbursement plan split code. In this case, further
loan processing recognizes the award adjustment as an origination award change to the existing scheduled

Here is an example of how award increases can affect the distribution of awards and disbursements using
the recommended setup and an initial award of 3,000.00 USD:

3,000.00 USD
no funds

Fall Winter Spring

Scheduled 1,000.00 USD 0.00 USD 1,000.00 USD 0.00 USD 1,000.00 USD 0.00 USD
(Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD

Prior to disbursing any funds, the award is increased to 4,500.00 USD:

4,500.00 USD
from original
award of 3,
000.00 USD,
no funds

Fall Winter Spring

Scheduled 1,500.00 USD 0.00 USD 1,500.00 USD 0.00 USD 1,500.00 USD 0.00 USD
(Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

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4,500.00 USD
from original
award of 3,
000.00 USD,
no funds

Disbursed 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD

The Fall award of 1,500.00 USD is disbursed, and afterwards, the award is increased to 6,000.00 USD.
The 500.00 USD increase has not yet been disbursed:

6,000.00 USD
from 4,500.00
USD after the
Fall portion of
1,500.00 USD
is disbursed)

Fall Winter Spring

Scheduled 1,500.00 USD 500.00 USD 2,000.00 USD 0.00 USD 2,000.00 USD 0.00 USD
(Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 1,500.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD

The additional 500.00 USD for Fall is now disbursed, and, afterwards, the award is increased to 7,500.00
USD. Since there are no remaining Disbursement ID's for Fall, the increase is distributed over the Winter
and Spring terms.

7,500.00 USD
from 6,000.
00 USD, no
ID's to use)

Fall Winter Spring

Scheduled 1,500.00 USD 500.00 USD 2,750.00 USD 0.00 USD 2,750.00 USD 0.00 USD
(Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 1,500.00 USD 500.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD 0.00 USD

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Processing Direct Loan PLUS Adjustments

When determining how to adjust a Direct Loan PLUS award, there are circumstances that may require a
separate or new loan application to be created for COD processing.

For example, COD requires a new MPN to be processed if the borrower has already been established and
processed a DL PLUS based on an Endorser. In this example, COD internally tags the loan application
as a Single-Loan MPN. Once a Single-Loan MPN has been established, no other awards can be linked
to that MPN. If the borrower requests a subsequent PLUS loan, a new MPN must be generated and
signed. To do this, the borrower must be awarded a new and distinct Direct Loan Financial Aid Item
Type. Each distinct Direct Loan Financial Aid Item Type results in the Loan Origination process creating
a separate and distinct loan application. Here is a specific example: a student is awarded a Direct PLUS of
1,000.00USD. The Direct PLUS is established and processed with an approved Endorser. The borrower is
eligible and requests an additional 900.00USD of Direct PLUS loan. You must add the increase in award
using a separate and distinct Direct Loan Financial Aid Item Type. Loan Processing then creates a new
loan record, supporting the requirement for a new MPN and credit check.

Handling Error Messages in Direct Loan Adjustments and Packaging

Five error messages explain errors encountered during the Direct Loan adjustment Packaging process.
The following table provides the message number, message text, and an explanation of the circumstances:

Message Number Message Text Explanation of Circumstances

9191 Disbursed amounts > awarded amounts; The most common circumstances for
original award not changed. this error are when you enter a manual
award that has a value of less than the
total award amount.

9192 Disb. amount < awarded disb. amt., but This error message appears when
no disb. entry available for change. the total disbursed to the student is
less than the award amount but no
disbursement IDs are available for
further disbursements.

9193 At least 1 DL split award value is 0.00; This error message appears when you
Net split award amount is positive. use a custom split to redistribute the
award, and then increase the award and
revert to the original split code. This
causes the gross split award entries
to zero out. Then during validation,
the gross split award amounts appear
as zeros, while the net split amounts
and disbursements appear as positive
amounts. Because the gross split detail
is missing, the Packaging process
cannot logically evaluate the award. The
Packaging process, therefore, rejects the
award altogether and returns a zero value
for the overall award amount.

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Message Number Message Text Explanation of Circumstances

9493 Award cannot be adjusted, because at This error message appears when
least 1 set of term disbs. are fully used. you attempt to repackage an award
that has already used all the available
disbursement IDs for one or more terms.
The award amount does not change.

9494 Award disbursements cannot be evenly As a first priority, Packaging attempts

reduced; even division not possible. to spread a net decrease evenly across
all terms. Whenever possible, the award
amount is divided equally among all
terms. However, this is not possible
when a disbursement for an amount
larger than the award amount divided
by the number of terms has already
been made in one term. In this case, the
residual amount—award amount minus
the amount already disbursed in the
previously-mentioned term—is divided
equally among the remaining terms.

Related Links
Protecting Disbursements During Awarding

Adjusting CommonLine Loan Item Types

CommonLine loans are highly dependent on the Packaging process. During the process of originating,
transmitting, and receiving loan information from the loan servicer, changes to the loan award can
affect the loan process. Conversely, changes to loan information by the lender can affect the loan award
information in the student's package. After a CommonLine item type is awarded and accepted, it is ready
for immediate processing by the loan program. The loan is originated and transmitted electronically to
the loan servicer. After approval by the servicer, you can update the award in the student's package if
the disbursement amounts and fees need to be corrected with the amounts confirmed by the lender. The
system performs this automatically by the CommonLine and CRC loan inbound processes. After the loan
is guaranteed, adjustments to the loan item type amounts trigger an adjustment to the loan by the loan
origination process, and this information is transmitted to the loan servicer.

A problem exists when you change the loan item type while the loan is in transit to the servicer and a
response has not yet been received by the school. If this occurs, the notification of the loan guarantee
fails to load by the loan inbound processes if the amount of the item type no longer matches the amount
of the loan. To resolve the issue, users must determine the proper corrective action. This often requires
readjustment of the loan award so that the loan inbound processes can complete their task, and then
readjusting again the loan award to the student's true eligibility.

To prevent this problem, Packaging no longer allows loan awards to be adjusted if an originated loan
exists for the item type with a loan origination transmission status of Transmitted. Awards can be
modified after the loan has been processed by the loan servicer and the approval (or rejection) of the loan
has been loaded into the system. In cases where a school must modify the award amount, you can change
the transmission status of the loan using the Override Loan Status component. You should perform this

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

action after careful consideration, as additional actions may be required to ensure that the loan is correctly
processed to completion.

Related Links
Receiving and Processing CL4 Inbound Files
Originating CommonLine Loans

Awarding for Multiple Careers

This section provides an overview of awarding for multiple careers and discusses how to:

• Use award entry pages for multiple careers.

• Package sequential careers.

• Package replacement careers.

• Make award adjustments with multiple careers.

• Use Auto Packaging with multiple careers.

• Use Mass Packaging with multiple careers.

Understanding Awarding for Multiple Careers

Financial Aid enables you to package a student for one career for the first term and another career for
one or more subsequent terms. You can also package a student for one career for the aid year, then later
repackage the student with a different career for part of the aid year. This is called "sequential career

You can also package a student for one career for the aid year and then replace the award package
with awards for a second career for the aid year. The change in career would occur because the student
changed to a different career for the aid year, prior to the start of the first term. This is called "replacement
career awarding."

For institutions with more than two terms, the system also allows you to award a student who changes
from Career 1 for the aid year to Career 1 for Term 1 and Career 2 for Term 2 then back to Career 1 for
Term 3. The system also supports awarding for students who change from Career 1 for the aid year to
Career 1 for Term 1 and Career 2 for Term 2 and Career 3 for Term 3. This would be sequential career
awarding with three careers instead of two.

Note: You cannot package a student for more than one career per term.

The Student's Field Audits page displays changes made to the student's Financial Aid term during the
build process. This assists you in identifying students who may need award adjustments or budget updates
based on a career change or other student record change.

Mass Packaging can also process students who have different careers in different terms within the aid
year. Mass Packaging packages the student using one career, then packages them again using the other
career. Awards made under the first career are considered existing (passive) awards when the student is
packaged for the second career.

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Using Award Entry Pages for Multiple Careers

Note: The following examples are based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid

The Career field on the award entry pages enables you to select the active career to be used for the current
awarding session. If the student only has one career, then that career defaults into the Career field. You
can make new awards or alter existing awards for the active career only. After you validate and post
awards, or click the Reset button, you can select a different active career.

The non-active career and the awards associated with it are called a passive career and passive awards.
Passive awards are listed first sequentially on the award entry page and active awards are listed below
them. Passive awards and careers cannot be updated during the awarding session and are considered
existing awards and careers. You cannot re-sequence active awards to intersperse them among passive

The system considers passive awards first when it validates the awards, and passive awards are not
changed by the system. Packaging includes awards for the passive career in the need summary amounts.
Packaging also uses budget data for the passive career to calculate need summary amounts.

After you select a career and move out of the Career field, the Need Override check box is automatically
selected for any existing awards—posted awards from an earlier awarding session—for the active career.
You can choose to clear the Need Override check box on the existing awards for the active career.

Note: The Need Override check box does not override aggregate area maximums. So, if a student
has multiple NSLDS loan years from their multiple careers—such as undergraduate senior and first-
year graduate—and there are awards from the same aggregate area for both careers, the aggregate area
maximums for the active career's NSLDS loan year are adhered to during validation.

Here is an example of how the Need Override check box functions with multiple NSLDS loan years
and aggregate area limits. You award a 5,500.00 USD subsidized Stafford loan for the undergraduate
career—senior NSLDS loan year—and validate and post the award. The aggregate total for the Stafford
is 5,500.00 USD, which is the maximum allowed for a senior NSLDS loan year. Next, you award a
3,000.00 USD subsidized Stafford loan for the graduate career—first-year graduate NSLDS loan year—
and validate and post that award. The aggregate total for the subsidized Stafford for the first-year graduate
is 8,500.00 USD, which is the maximum allowed for a first year graduate NSLDS loan year. Now, you
select the undergraduate career as the active career to add more awards. (The Need Override check box is
automatically selected for the 5,500.00 USD subsidized Stafford award when you move out of the Career
field because it is a previously posted award.) You add additional awards for the undergraduate career.
When you validate and post the awards, the undergraduate career is active, the 5,500.00 USD subsidized
Stafford award is reduced to 2,500.00 USD to stay within the aggregate maximum for a senior NSLDS
loan year. The 3,000.00 USD subsidized Stafford made under the graduate career is added to the 2,500.00
USD from the undergraduate career making a total of 5,500.00 USD. This is the maximum allowed for a
senior NSLDS loan year.

The following table gives an example of how you would use the Need Override check box in general.
This is the award package the first time the student is packaged:

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Career Award Amount Term Disb Plan Split Code

Undergraduate Pell Grant* 1,000.00 USD 1 01 − Term 1 and 01 − Even Split

Term 2 across 2 Terms
1,000.00 USD 2

Undergraduate University Grant 2,000.00 USD 1 01 − Term 1 and 01 − Even Split

Term 2 across 2 terms
(no aggregate area 2,000.00 USD 2

Undergraduate Institutional Loan 750.00 USD 1 01 − Term 1 and 01 − Even Split

Term 2 across 2 terms
(no aggregate area 750.00 USD 2

*Example based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid years.

This is the award package when you have reduced the Pell Grant so that it is awarded only for Term 1
(the student is a graduate student in Term 2) and you have selected the Need Override check box for the
University Grant and Institutional Loan awards. Even though more need exists due to the reduced Pell
Grant—the University Grant and Institutional Loan are not increased because the Need Override check
box is selected.

Career Award Need Amount Term Disb Plan Split Code


Undergraduate Pell Grant* 1,000 USD 1 01 − Term 1 and 02 − 100% in

Term 2 Term 1

Undergraduate/ University Check box 2,000 USD 1 01 − Term 1 and 01 − Even Split
Graduate Grant selected Term 2 across 2 terms
2,000 USD 2

Undergraduate/ Institutional Check box 750 USD 1 01 − Term 1 and 01 − Even Split
Graduate Loan selected Term 2 across 2 terms
750 USD 2

*Example based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid years.

Packaging Sequential Careers

Note: The following examples are based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid

If a student is initially packaged for one career for the entire aid year and then changes to another career
in a second or third term in the aid year, you can adjust the student's award by taking the steps outlined in
this section. This situation generally occurs when a student changes careers part way through the aid year,
and is called sequential career packaging.

The following step-by-step process should be used after the first term has begun and the student has been
packaged for the entire aid year using one career. Then the Financial Aid Term Build process changes the
student's career or the student informs the financial aid office that he or she has a different career for the
second term.

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To package sequential careers for a student:

1. Assume the student is in Career 1 for Term 1 and Term 2.

2. After Term 1 begins, the student changes to Career 2 for Term 2.

3. The Financial Aid Term build changes the student's career information, or you can change the career

Adjust the budget for Career 1 in Term 2 down to zero and build a new budget for Career 2 in Term 2.

Note: Reducing a budget to zero does not remove the budget record. When the career on Financial
Aid term changes, the actual Financial Aid term record still exists. The records used in the initial
awarding have the data changed, but they are not deleted.

4. Go to an award entry page.

The student's current awards—for Career 1 in Terms 1 and 2—are displayed.

5. Select Career 1 from the available Career options. All the awards for Career 1 are now available to be

6. Reduce the awards for Career 1 based on the number of terms the student is actually in Career 1 for
the aid year.

For example, if the student is Career 1 for Term 1 and Career 2 for Term 2, at a semester-based
institution, reduce the student's Career 1 specific awards by one half. Departmental awards are an
example of career-specific awards. If an award is not affected by a change in career, you do not
need to adjust the award. For example, you may not need to adjust Perkins loans, Stafford loans, or
University Grants. When you reduce an award, use a custom split to direct 100 percent of the award
to Term 1 for Career 1 or specify a split code that distributes 100 percent of the award in Term 1 for
Career 1. Validate and post your changes.

Note: If you do not reduce the awards for the first career before packaging with the second career, the
student may not have any need with which to receive additional awards, and no awards are made for
the second career. The student can also be over-awarded if the need for the second career is less than
the need for the first career because the second career's budget is reduced.

7. Select Career 2 from the available Career options on the award entry page. The remaining awards for
Career 1 in Term 1 are now considered passive awards and are displayed at the top of the sequence
order. Award the student for Career 2 for Term 2. Be sure to use disbursement splits that direct the
Career 2 awards to Term 2 for disbursement. You can award the student for Career 2 using Manual
Packaging, Auto Packaging, or Mass Packaging. Disbursement plans and split codes are attached to
careers and only the disbursement plans and split codes for the selected career are available when

Note: Use the Professional Judgement page to go back and make changes to awards for Career 1 after
you have awarded for Career 2 if the awards you are changing have aggregate areas associated with
them. For more information regarding this topic see the "Making Award Adjustments with Multiple
Careers" section.

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

The following tables show an example of the first award package for Career 1, then the second award
package for Career 2. In the example the student begins as an undergraduate for Terms 1 and 2, then
changes to a graduate for Term 2. The following table shows the student's original package:

Career Award Amount Term Disb Plan Split Code

Undergraduate Pell Grant* 1,000.00 USD 1 01 − Term 1 and 01 − Even Split

Term 2 across 2 terms
1,000.00 USD 2

Undergraduate Subsidized Stafford 2,750.00 USD 1 01 − Term 1 and 01 − Even Split

Loan Term 2 across 2 terms
2,750.00 USD 2

*Example based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid years.

The following table shows the student's package with an additional subsidized Stafford loan because of
the student's increased eligibility as a graduate student:

Career Award Amount Term Disb Plan Split Code

Undergraduate Pell Grant* 1,000.00 USD 1 01 − Term 1 and Custom split with
Term 2 100% in Term 1
(reduced) 0.00 USD 2

02 − 100% in Term

Undergraduate Subsidized Stafford 2,750.00 USD 1 01 − Term 1 and 01 − Even Split

Loan Term 2 across 2 terms
2,750.00 USD 2

Graduate Subsidized Stafford 3,000.00 USD 2 02 − Term 2 only 02 − Term 2 only


*Example based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid years.

#Additional loan for graduate eligibility. You can use the same Financial Aid Item Type because it is a
new career.

You can also use this step-by-step process for students who change from Career 1 for the aid year to
Career 1 for Term 1 then Career 2 for Term 2 and back to Career 1 for Term 3. You would go through the
step-by-step process first for the change to Career 2 then again for the change to Career 3.

Packaging Replacement Careers

If a student is packaged for one career for the aid year and then changes careers for the entire aid year,
you can replace the awards of one career for awards of another career. To do this, cancel all of the awards
for the first career. Then award new awards for the second career, even though you may be awarding the
same award(s) for the second career as you awarded for the first career.

You must build a Financial Aid term and budget for the new career before you can award for the new

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Here are the steps for packaging students when they change from one career to another career for the
entire aid year. In other words, the first career is replaced with a second career.

To package a replacement career for a student:

1. Assume the student is in Career 1 for Term 1 and Term 2, and that before Term 1 begins the student
changes to Career 2 for Term 1 and Term 2.

The Financial Aid Term build changes the student's career information, or you can change the career

2. Reduce the Budget for Career 1 for Terms 1 and 2 down to zero and build a new Budget for Career 2
for Terms 1 and 2.

3. Go to an award entry page.

You see the awards for Career 1.

4. Select Career 1 in the Career field.

The Career 1 awards are now available to be edited.

5. Cancel all awards for Career 1.

6. Validate and post the canceled awards.

This discards all the awards for Career 1.

7. Select Career 2 in the Career field.

8. Enter all the awards for Career 2, even those that were canceled for Career 1.

9. Validate and post the awards you have entered for Career 2.

Making Award Adjustments with Multiple Careers

Sequential career packaging, one form of multi-career packaging, enables you to package a student for a
first term in one career and subsequent term(s) in a second career. An example of when you use sequential
career packaging is a student at a semester school who is a graduating fourth-year undergraduate in the
fall semester and a first-year graduate student in the spring semester.

When you package this student, Packaging acknowledges the student's change in career by evaluating the
student's NSLDS loan year, as indicated by the disbursement plan associated with the Financial Aid Item
Type. If the Financial Aid Item Type has an aggregate area associated with it, Packaging uses the student's
NSLDS loan year from the appropriate disbursement plan to associate the Financial Aid Item Type with
the appropriate aggregate level on the aggregate area table to determine the correct aggregate limit for the
student. Financial Aid Item Types such as subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans point to the same
aggregate area for both undergraduate and graduate careers.

Normally, you package this student by packaging him or her as a fourth-year undergraduate for either the
fall semester only or for the entire year prior to the start of the award year. Then, when the award year
begins, you repackage the student as a first-year graduate for the spring semester. The student's award
package includes the following Financial Aid Item Types:

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Fall Semester as Undergraduate Spring Semester as Graduate

Sequence Description Amount (USD) Sequence Description Amount (USD)

10 Federal SEOG 2,000.00 60 University Grant 1,000.00


20 University Grant 1,950.00 70 Federal Work- 1,800.00


30 Federal Work- 1,800.00 80 Perkins Loan − 3,000.00

Study ELO

40 Perkins Loan 2,500.00 90 Sub DL Stafford 3,000.00

50 Sub DL Stafford 5,500.00 100 Unsub DL Stafford 10,000.00

Packaging has used the NSLDS loan year values from the disbursement plans to identify the aggregate
limits for his or her subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans correctly. In the fall semester, the student
receives a subsidized Stafford for 5,500.00 USD, the aggregate limit for fourth-year undergraduates in the
subsidized Stafford aggregate area. The student does not receive an unsubsidized Stafford because he or
she has already reached the aggregate limit for fourth-year undergraduates in the unsubsidized Stafford
aggregate area. In the spring semester, the student receives an additional 3,000.00 USD subsidized
Stafford loan, because the aggregate limit for first-year graduates is 8,500.00 USD, and the student
has only received 5,500.00 USD in this aid year—as an undergraduate. The student also receives an
unsubsidized Stafford loan for 10,000.00 USD because the aggregate limit for graduate students is higher
than that for undergraduate students.

A problem can occur when you adjust the student's fall term after you have packaged the student as a
graduate for the spring semester. When you adjust any undergraduate award, Packaging reevaluates
the aggregate limit for any award that is associated with an aggregate area. If a graduate award exists
within the same aid year associated with the same aggregate area as an undergraduate award, Packaging
considers both the undergraduate and graduate amounts towards the undergraduate aggregate limit.
Consequently, Packaging decreases the undergraduate award by the graduate award amount so that the
undergraduate aggregate limit is not exceeded. For this student, if you adjust one of the fall semester
awards (setting the student's University Grant to 1,450.00 USD) the student's subsidized Stafford loan
decreases to 2,500.00 USD (undergraduate limit of 5,500.00 USD minus the graduate award of 3,000.00

Fall Semester as Undergraduate Spring Semester as Graduate

Sequence Description Amount (USD) Sequence Description Amount (USD)

10 Federal SEOG 2,000.00 60 University Grant 1,000.00


20 University Grant 1,450.00 70 Federal Work- 1,800.00


30 Federal Work- 1,800.00 80 Perkins Loan − 3,000.00

Study ELO

40 Perkins Loan 2,500.00 90 Sub DL Stafford 3,000.00

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Fall Semester as Undergraduate Spring Semester as Graduate

50 Sub DL Stafford 2,500.00 100 Unsub DL Stafford 10,000.00

Packaging sets the subsidized Stafford to 2,500.00 USD while repackaging the student's fall semester
awards because the student's spring semester award is associated with the same aggregate area as his or
her fall Stafford award. Based on the spring semester subsidized Stafford award, Packaging determines
that the student has exceeded his or her fourth-year undergraduate aggregate limit of 5,500.00 USD for
subsidized Stafford loans. Therefore, Packaging decreases the student's fall subsidized Stafford loan
award to 2,500.00 USD, so that the student is under the aggregate limit of 5,500.00 USD.

Packaging alerts you to a student whose award would be decreased in this situation. Packaging checks for
the existence of two nonzero amounts for differing aggregate levels in an aggregate area within the same
aid year for a student. If a student meets this criteria, an error message stating, "Student has an award
with multiple aggregate levels; unable to package. Awards having multiple aggregate levels MUST be
repackaged via Professional Judgement. DO NOT POST the set of awards generated in this Packaging
Session, or it resets the loan to 0.00 USD and cancels all subsequent loan transactions. Repackage all
awards via the Award Override page" appears. You may also see a shorter version of this error message:
"Student has an award with multiple aggregate levels; unable to package."

Note: The error messages appear only for actions of A—Accept, B—Accept/Offer, and O—Offer. You can
cancel or decline an award with multiple aggregate levels using any Packaging process.

If you receive either of the previously listed error messages, you must cancel out of the award entry page
without posting the current transaction and repackage the student using the Professional Judgement page.

Warning! If you post the current transaction before exiting the award entry page, the student's award is
reset to zero and the Loan Adjustment process begins.

Using Auto Packaging with Multiple Careers

When you are using Auto Packaging, only the packaging plans for the active career are available.
Remember also, that the Packaging process evaluates any passive awards first before it auto packages
awards for the active career.

Using Mass Packaging with Multiple Careers

Mass Packaging can also accommodate students with multiple careers. If a student with multiple careers
—one career for the first term and another career for subsequent terms—is selected for Mass Packaging,
the student is associated with multiple packaging plans based on their multiple careers and the selection
criteria (packaging equations) associated with that career's packaging plan. Mass Packaging processes the
student for the first career based on the processing order of the packaging plan, then awards for the second
career based on the processing order of the packaging plan. The processing order for the packaging plans
determines which packaging plan is used and, therefore, which career is packaged first. Awards made
using a Career 1 packaging plan are passed on as passive awards to be included as part of any subsequent
awarding for Career 2.

Note: Review the processing order for all your packaging plans to ensure that Mass Packaging selects the
packaging plans, and, therefore, the careers, in the order you want. You enter the processing order on the
Packaging Plan page, in the Processing Order field.

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

If you have students who have multiple careers (Career 1 and Career 2) and some students should be
packaged for Career 1 first while others should be packaged for Career 2 first, you would need to run
these two groups of students in separate Mass Packaging runs, changing the processing order on your
packaging plans for each run. The packaging plan's processing order determines the order in which a
career is packaged because the packaging plans are tied to careers.

You cannot allow students with posted awards in multiple careers to enter a Mass Packaging run to be
selected for packaging plans for multiple careers. In live mode, Mass Packaging aborts without any
messages if this is allowed. In simulation mode, your packaging results do not appear correct because the
previous career's awards are not posted in simulation mode and, therefore, are not considered as existing
awards when the second career is packaged. A student can have posted awards in multiple careers and go
through Mass Packaging using one packaging plan for one career at a time.

Posted awards for multiple careers means the student has been awarded at least one award for Career 1
and at least one award for Career 2 and those awards are posted before the student is processed by Mass
Packaging. To package students with posted awards in multiple careers using Mass Packaging, you should
keep track of these students and only process them in Mass Packaging for one career at a time. The way
to process students for one career at a time is to select the students, then make all but one of their careers
invalid on the Mass Packaging by Students page or Institutional Mass Packaging by Student page. Assign
packaging plans to the students. Then run Mass Packaging in simulation mode and review the results. If
the results are correct, run Mass Packaging in live mode. This causes the awards to be posted for the first
career. Now repeat the process for a second career.

Awards for the first career must posted to be considered as existing awards for any subsequent career's
packaging. When you run Mass Packaging in simulation mode with more than one career, when the
second career is being packaged, the simulated awards packaged for the first career are not considered
existing awards because they are not yet posted.

Understanding Multiple Award Period Processing

Multiple award period processing functionality enables you to process students for a subsequent award
period without Packaging canceling awards for the initial award period or determining incorrect award
amounts. It also enables you to use the same Financial Aid Item Type for the AAP and the NSAP. The
ability to process awards in passive/active mode between award periods and the disbursement protection
feature make this possible. An exception to this rule is subsequent awards—with aggregate area level
limit rules—made to students because their NSLDS loan year has changed during the award year. You
also cannot use the same Financial Aid Item Type for the AAP and NSAP for non-Direct Lending loans.
In these cases, you must still use separate Financial Aid Item Types for each award period.

For example, you initially package a student for an award period, the AAP, and then at a later date you
process the student for a subsequent award period, the NSAP. Normally, when you package the student
for the NSAP, you do not want the awards for the AAP to change. Because Packaging employs passive/
active mode processing, you can process the awards in the AAP as passive awards when awarding the
NSAP. Packaging does not change passive awards; it preserves them, unlike active awards that are subject
to change. However, Packaging still uses the award amounts of passive awards to determine remaining
annual aggregate limits or other eligibility requirements and to update need summary balances.

Related Links
Protecting Disbursements During Awarding

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Processing Awards for Multiple Award Periods Employing

Passive/Active Mode
This section provides an overview of passive/active mode in multiple award period processing and
discusses how to:

• Process sequential award periods.

• Process simultaneous award periods.

Understanding Passive/Active Mode in Multiple Award Period Processing

Packaging is able to treat awards made during an initial award period as passive awards when you are
processing a subsequent award period for a student. Two factors determine whether an award is processed
in active or passive mode. First is the award period attribute associated with the packaging plan you are
currently using to package the student. If the award period attribute is B − Both, Packaging considers
all awards made in either award period as active awards (active for evaluation or reevaluation). As a
result, in the "Both" award period model, if you want to prevent any existing awards that you have
disbursed from being reduced, you must employ disbursement protection (with the exception of Direct
Loan awards, because the system's Direct Loan processing rules function like disbursement protection).
If the award period attribute associated with the packaging plan is A − Academic or N − Non-Standard,
and existing awards made in a previous award period contain a disbursement plan/split code pattern that
does not equal the packaging plan's award period, then those awards are considered as passive awards
by Packaging. Conversely, if existing awards made in a previous award period contain a disbursement
plan/split code pattern that either agree with the designated award period of the packaging plan or span
both award periods, then those awards are considered to be active awards, and, therefore, are reevaluated
by Packaging. Only the disbursements in the active award period portion of the award are reevaluated.
Reevaluation may cause the existing awards to be reduced based on the revised need situation as well as
revised eligibility criteria. An award cannot be reduced below the total of the disbursements in the passive
award period portion of the award.

Note: Because the packaging plan's Award Period attribute triggers the use of passive/active mode, you
must use an additional field to use passive/active mode processing in Manual Packaging.

Warning! You must not activate disbursement protection for Direct Loan Financial Aid Item Types. If
you activate disbursement protection for a Direct Loan, Packaging does not follow the processing rules
established for Direct Loans and instead treats the Direct Loan award as it would any other disbursement-
protected award.

The award period for an individual award is determined based on the disbursement plan/split code pattern
of the award. If the disbursement plan/split code pattern spans only the AAP then the award is designated
as "Academic." If the disbursement plan/split code pattern spans only the NSAP, then the award is
designated as "Non-Standard." Finally, if the disbursement plan/split code pattern spans both the AAP
and NSAP, then the award is designated as "Both." For all awards of a Financial Aid Item Type that you
use in more than one award period, the disbursement plan must span both the AAP and NSAP. In other
words, all AAP and NSAP terms must be defined. The split code can have scheduled disbursements in
the AAP, the NSAP, or both award periods. For awards with a disbursement plan that includes both award
periods, the split code determines the award period for that award. So if the split code indicates that all

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

disbursements are scheduled for the AAP, the award is considered to have an award period of Academic
even though the disbursement plan includes the AAP and NSAP.

Note: If you have more than one disbursement plan for a Financial Aid Item Type—because you assigned
different disbursement plans to each instance of that Financial Aid Item Type—Packaging displays an
error message indicating that different disbursement plans were found.

Awards within a packaging plan must contain disbursement plan/split code patterns that are compatible
with the packaging plan's award period attribute. For example, an award can have a disbursement plan/
split code pattern that is designated only for the AAP despite the award period attribute on the packaging
plan designating an award period of B − Both. However, if the award's disbursement plan/split code
pattern is designated for the AAP only, and the packaging plan's award period attribute is N − Non-
Standard, then you receive error message 9580 after validation indicating that you must change either the
award's disbursement plan/split code pattern or the packaging plan's award period attribute so that they
are compatible.

If the disbursement plan/split code pattern of an award does not match the award period attribute of the
packaging plan, Packaging treats that award as a passive award. For example, you are packaging a student
for a trailing summer term using a packaging plan with an award period attribute of N − Non-Standard,
and the student already has an existing departmental scholarship whose disbursement plan/split code
pattern designates the award for the AAP. When you repackage the student for the NSAP, Packaging
treats the departmental scholarship as a passive award because the packaging plan's award period attribute
and the disbursement plan/split code pattern for the existing award do not match. If the existing award
has a disbursement plan/split code pattern that spans both award periods, Packaging evaluates only the
disbursements of the award in the award period that matches the packaging plan's award period attribute
as active; the disbursements designated in the other award period are processed as passive and remain

There are two different business processes involving multiple award period processing. One involves
sequential award period processing, the other simultaneous award period processing. Sequential award
period processing involves packaging the student for an initial award period (AAP) and then packaging
the student for a second, subsequent award period (NSAP). Simultaneous award period processing
involves packaging the student for both award periods at the same time. An example of sequential award
period processing is when a student enrolls at a community college for only one term—summer only or
spring only—in one award period and then decides to return in a subsequent term resulting in a different
award period. You use simultaneous award period processing for students that attend the institution for
both award periods. If you have an academic program longer than 9 months, you might be packaging your
students using simultaneous award period processing. However, setting up one award period that covers
the entire academic program is the recommended business process.

Processing Sequential Award Periods

During sequential award period processing, make sure that the packaging plan's award period attribute is
either A − Academic or N − Non-Standard, and not B − Both. This allows Packaging to employ passive/
active mode, and directs Packaging to use the COA, EFC, and need for the designated award period.

As an example of sequential award period processing, you are processing a student's University Grant
award of 150.00 USD for the summer term. Your semester-based institution treats the summer term as
a leading summer. The following table gives the student's COA, EFC, and need for both the NSAP and
AAP—all values are in U.S. dollars (USD):

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Need Analysis Element Non-Standard Award Period Academic Award Period

Cost of Attendance 3,200.00 25,000.00

Expected Family Contribution 3,000.00 11,000.00

Need 200.00 14,000.00

You first need to assign a disbursement plan that spans both the NSAP—for the leading summer term
—and the AAP because the student may subsequently be eligible to receive additional University Grant
funding in the AAP. In this case, you can use the same Financial Aid Item Type in both the NSAP and
AAP. However, in this first pass, the disbursement split code assigned to the award should have all
disbursements scheduled only in the NSAP (leading summer term).

The following table illustrates how you set up the University Grant award for the student where the
disbursement plan that covers both award periods has an ID of 10 and the split code that disburses 100
percent of the award in the leading summer term has an ID of 02:

Seq No FA Item Type Disb Plan Split Code Disbursements Disbursements

− NSAP (in USD) − AAP (in USD)

10 University Grant 10 02 150.00 (100%) 0 (0% fall, 0%


When Packaging processes the student for this University Grant, it takes into account the COA, EFC,
and need for only the designated NSAP. Remember, the disbursement plan/split code pattern coupled
with the packaging plan's award period attribute determines the designated award period. Although
the disbursement plan spans both award periods, the split code dictates that the award period should
be nonstandard. Therefore, Packaging uses the student's COA, EFC, and need information only for the
NSAP when packaging the student.

The student then decides to attend your institution in the fall semester. He or she is eligible for a 1,200.00
USD University Grant during the AAP. You create a second packaging plan with an award period
attribute of Academic that contains a packaging rule containing the University Grant Financial Aid Item
Type. You assign the same disbursement plan as the summer-only University Grant. However, you must
use a split code that distributes the award only in the AAP. For this example, split code ID 01, which
distributes the award in two disbursements—50 percent in the fall semester and 50 percent in the spring
semester—is used.

The following table illustrates the two University Grant awards for the student:

Seq No FA Item Type Disb Plan Split Code Disbursements Disbursements

− NSAP (in USD) − AAP (in USD)

10 University Grant 10 02 150.00 (100%) 0 (0% fall, 0%


15 University Grant 10 01 0 (0%) 600.00 (fall), 600.

00 (spring) (50%
fall, 50% spring)

When Packaging runs for the second University Grant under the AAP designated packaging plan, it takes
into account only the COA, EFC, and need for that designated award period. Because the University

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Grant award contains disbursements targeted only to the AAP—based on its disbursement plan/split code
pattern—Packaging uses information only for the AAP when packaging the student. Because the first
University Grant award only affects need for the NSAP, Packaging does not consider the first award of
150.00 USD during calculations for the AAP. Remember that this example is based on using a leading
summer. If your institution uses a trailing summer, you would define the disbursement plan/split code
pattern accordingly.

The Award Posting process merges the two instances of the University Grant into a single award
because they are generated from the same Financial Aid Item Type and share the same disbursement
plan. However, the Award Posting process merges the two discrete splits into one custom split, and
displays XX in the Split field to indicate the custom split. The Award Posting process retains the separate
disbursements called for by the two University Grant awards, and the Need Summary page reflects these
separate disbursements.

The following screen shots illustrate how the Award Posting process handles the two instances of the
University Grant. In the first shot, both instances of the Financial Aid Item Type are visible.

The navigation path to the page is Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Assign Awards to a

Image: Student Aid Package page with two instances of Honors Scholarship

This example illustrates the Student Aid Package page with two instances of Honors Scholarship.

The next two screen shots show the disbursement detail for each instance of the Honor Scholarship.

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Image: Award Disbursement Detail page for the first instance of the Honors Scholarship

This example illustrates the Award Disbursement Detail page for the first instance of the Honors

Image: Award Disbursement Detail page for the second instance of the Honors Scholarship

This example illustrates the Award Disbursement Detail page for the second instance of the Honors

The next screen shot shows how the two instances of the University Grant Financial Aid Item Type are
combined after posting. Notice that the Split field contains XX, indicating a custom split:

Image: Student Aid Package page after posting—the two separate instances are combined, with a
custom split

This example illustrates the Student Aid Package page after posting—the two separate instances are
combined, with a custom split.

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

When you look at the disbursement detail for the University Grant, you can see that Packaging has
retained the disbursements dictated by the two separate instances of the University Grant

Image: Award Disbursement Detail page for the combined Honors Scholarship

This example illustrates the Award Disbursement Detail page for the combined Honors Scholarship.

The Need Summary page also retains the separate disbursements:

Image: Need Summary page displaying AAP information and disbursements

This example illustrates the Need Summary page displaying AAP information and disbursements.

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Image: Need Summary page displaying NSAP information and disbursements

This example illustrates the Need Summary page displaying NSAP information and disbursements.

Important! The disbursement plan/split code pattern enables Packaging to maintain the integrity of each
award and therefore its disbursements by award period. Using this functionality, you can use the same
Financial Aid Item Type across award periods.

Loans and Sequential Award Period Processing

The origination requirements of loans affect your ability to use sequential award period processing and
passive/active mode.

For non-Direct Loans, like CommonLine or Perkins Loans, regulatory requirements dictate that you
cannot assign a disbursement plan/split code pattern with a zero disbursement in any disbursement cycle
and, therefore, in any award period. Therefore, you cannot use the usual method for sequential award
processing. For example, to award non-Direct Lending loans for sequential AAP and NSAP award
periods processing, you must use separate Financial Aid Item Types and disbursement plans: one for the
AAP and another for the NSAP.

For Direct Lending loans, you can use the same Financial Aid Item Type for both the AAP and the NSAP.
However, you cannot have a zero disbursement in the disbursement cycle of the first term for the Direct
Lending loan. This means that you can have a zero disbursement in a trailing summer term, but you
cannot have a zero disbursement in a leading summer term.

Processing Simultaneous Award Periods

During simultaneous award period processing, make sure that the packaging plan's award period attribute
is B − Both, and not A − Academic or N − Non-Standard. This directs Packaging to use the COA,
EFC, and need for both award periods, and also indicates that all awards for both award periods can be
repackaged unless they are locked or have disbursement protection activated.

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

During simultaneous award period processing, Packaging evaluates maximum eligibility for need
across award periods. Packaging first identifies the student's maximum need, and then it schedules
disbursements according to need for the respective award period.

For example, you have a student attending for both award periods and you are going to award a
University Grant to the student for both award periods at one time. Your semester-based institution treats
the summer term as a trailing summer. The following table provides the COA, EFC, and need for the
student—all values are in U.S. dollars (USD):

Need Analysis Element Academic Award Period Non-Standard Award Combined


Cost of Attendance 25,000.00 3,200.00 28,200.00

Expected Family Contribution 11,000.00 2,000.00 13,000.00

Need 14,000.00 1,200.00 15,200.00

The total value of the University Grant that you plan to offer the student is 5,000.00 USD. To begin
awarding, create a packaging plan with an award period attribute of Both, and create a packaging rule for
the University Grant with a disbursement plan that spans both the NSAP and the AAP, and a disbursement
split code that contains disbursements scheduled in both award periods. For this example, the split code
used—split code ID 03—directs Packaging to schedule one disbursement per academic term, with 45
percent of the disbursement awarded in the fall semester, 45 percent of the disbursement awarded in the
spring semester, and 10 percent of the disbursement awarded in the trailing summer term. Based on this
disbursement plan/split code pattern, Packaging matches the award period attribute for this award (Both).

The following table illustrates how you set up the University Grant award for the student and provides the
scheduled disbursements based upon the 45/45/10 split of the 5,000.00 USD total award:

Seq No FA Item Type Disb Plan Split Code Disbursements - Disbursement -


10 University Grant 10 03 2,250.00 (fall), 2, 500.00 (10%)

250.00 (spring)
(45% fall, 45%

When Packaging processes the student for this University Grant, it takes into account the COA, EFC,
and need for both award periods. Because the packaging plan award period is Both and the disbursement
plan/split code pattern for the University Grant is Both, the COA, EFC, and need values for the two award
periods are combined. The combined need value determines the student's maximum award eligibility. The
scheduled disbursements for this award do not exceed the student's eligibility for each award period so
they are validated.

Important! Packaging maximizes need per packaging run. This fact is important when EFC exceeds
COA for one award period. This means that need in one award period is not reduced when additional EFC
is available from another award period.

What would happen if EFC exceeded COA for one award period in the previous example? The same
conditions exist: you have a student attending for both award periods, you are going to award a University
Grant of 5,000.00 USD to the student for both award periods at one time, and your semester-based

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

institution treats the summer term as a trailing summer. The following table provides the new COA, EFC,
and need for the student—all values are in U.S. dollars (USD):

Academic Award Period Non-Standard Award Combined


COA 25,000.00 3,200.00 28,200.00

EFC 11,000.00 3,400.00 14,400.00

Need 14,000.00 0.00 14,000.00

EFC exceeds COA for the NSAP. However, because Packaging maximizes need per packaging run, the
student's total need for the two award periods is 14,000.00 USD. In other words, Packaging does not
apply excess EFC—200.00 USD in the NSAP—from one award period to the other award period.

To begin awarding, create a packaging plan with an appropriate award period attribute, and create a
packaging rule for the University Grant with an appropriate disbursement plan and disbursement split
code. For this award, you have several options.

Option 1:
You can assign the University Grant a disbursement plan that is targeted only for the AAP, and a
split code that divides the disbursement evenly between the two academic semesters. Based on this
disbursement plan/split code pattern, Packaging designates the award period for this award as Academic.
The following table provides the scheduled disbursements based upon the 50/50 split of the 5,000.00
USD award where the disbursement plan that spans only the AAP has an ID of 15 and the split code that
divides the disbursement evenly between the two academic semesters has an ID of 01:

Seq No FA Item Type Disb Plan Split Code Disbursements - Disbursement -


10 University Grant 15 01 2,500.00 (fall), 2, 0.00 (No need)

500.00 (spring)
(50% fall, 50%

When Packaging processes the student, it takes into account the COA, EFC, and need for only the
designated award period. Because the disbursement plan/split code pattern for the University Grant is
targeted to the AAP, only the COA, EFC, and need values for the AAP are considered. However, other
awards within the student's aid package can have disbursement plan/split code patterns that are targeted to
both the AAP and NSAP.

Option 2
You can also assign the University Grant the same disbursement plan as in the previous example,
spanning both the NSAP and the AAP, and the same disbursement split code (disbursements scheduled in
both award periods). For this example, the split code used (split code ID 03) directs Packaging to schedule
one disbursement per academic term, with 45 percent of the disbursement awarded in the fall semester, 45
percent of the disbursement awarded in the spring semester, and 10 percent of the disbursement awarded
in the trailing summer term. Based on this disbursement plan/split code pattern, Packaging designates the
award period attribute for this award as Both. However, because the student does not have need in the

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

NSAP, during validation Packaging distributes the 500.00 USD that would have been scheduled for the
trailing summer term among the two semesters of the AAP using relative weighting provided sufficient
AAP need remains. Because the disbursement percentages for the fall and spring semesters are equal,
each semester receives an additional 250.00 USD.

Packaging determines the relative weighting for each term by dividing the original disbursement
percentage of the term, 45 percent, by the sum of all disbursement percentages for terms within the award
period, 90 percent. For this example, Packaging does the following calculations:

Remainder Calculation for Fall Semester = 45/90 * 500.00 = 250.00

Remainder Calculation for Spring Semester = 45/90 * 500.00 = 250.00

Total Disbursement for Fall Semester = 250.00 + 2,500.00 = 2,500.00

Total Disbursement for Spring Semester = 250.00 + 2,500.00 = 2,500.00

The following table illustrates how you set up the University Grant award for the student, and provides
the scheduled disbursements based upon the redistribution of the 500.00 USD originally scheduled for the

Seq No FA Item Type Disb Plan Split Code Disbursements - Disbursement -


10 University Grant 10 03 2,500.00 (fall), 2, 0.00 (10%

500.00 (spring) originally
(45% fall + 45/90 х scheduled, but
500.00, 45% spring shortage of need)
+ 45/90 х 500.00)

Related Links
Distributing Awards When a Shortage of Need Exists in One Award Period

Using Passive/Active Mode in Manual Packaging

This section provides an overview of passive/active mode in Manual Packaging and provides examples

• Processing sequential award periods.

• Awarding for a single award period followed by both award periods.

• Awarding for both award periods followed by a single award period.

Understanding Passive/Active Mode in Manual Packaging

For Packaging to determine whether awards are active or passive, the process needs to evaluate the award
period for which you are packaging the student. Packaging compares the award period for which you are
currently packaging against the disbursement plan/split code patterns of existing awards to determine
whether to process them as active or passive awards. During Auto and Mass Packaging, Packaging uses

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

the packaging plan award period attribute for this comparison. Because Manual Packaging does not
employ packaging plans, the Award Period field on the award entry pages enables you to specify the
award periods this packaging session covers.

Before you begin awarding manually, select an award period processing mode in the Award Period field.
The default value for this field is Both − Both Award Periods, so if you do not change the value in this
field, all existing awards are reevaluated based on need and eligibility for both the academic and NSAPs.
After you select an award period processing mode, Packaging evaluates all existing awards to determine
which awards fall within the selected award period and, therefore, can be changed. These awards are
considered active. You cannot change awards that do not match the selected award period. These awards
are considered passive and are made unavailable on the award entry pages.

Note: The Award Period field serves as a target for Packaging and is not a characteristic of the awards in
this packaging session. This field controls which existing posted awards are treated as active or passive

To determine which awards you can change, Packaging compares the selected award period against the
disbursement plan/split code patterns of existing awards. Packaging does this by evaluating all nonzero
disbursement rows for each award. Each disbursement ID within the disbursement plan is tied to a term,
and each term has been designated for either the AAP or the NSAP. If all the nonzero disbursements
belong to the AAP, Packaging considers the award for AAP processing. If all the nonzero disbursements
belong to the NSAP, Packaging considers the award for NSAP processing. If the nonzero disbursements
span both the AAP and the NSAP, Packaging considers the award for both AAP and NSAP processing.

Packaging then compares the type of processing (AAP, NSAP, or both) for which an award is eligible
based on the selected award period processing mode. If the award period processing mode is Academic,
then Packaging processes the awards whose nonzero disbursements all fall in the AAP as active awards.
If the award period processing mode is Non-Standard, then Packaging processes the awards whose
nonzero disbursements all fall in the NSAP as active awards. Packaging evaluates awards whose nonzero
disbursements span both the AAP and the NSAP in a slightly different fashion than those awards that
fall within a single award period. If the award period processing mode is Academic, Packaging processes
the award as an active award but reevaluates only the portion of the award designated for the AAP.
This portion consists of the nonzero disbursements tied to terms designated for that award period. If the
award period processing mode is Non-Standard, Packaging processes the award as an active award but
reevaluates only the portion of the award designated for the NSAP. If the award period processing mode is
Both, Packaging processes the award as an active award and reevaluates the entire award.

If the disbursement plan/split code pattern of an existing award designates an award period that does not
match the selected award period processing mode, the award is passive and therefore cannot be changed
by either you or Packaging when submitted for validation. Passive awards are unavailable on the award
entry pages to indicate visually that you and Packaging cannot change them. Active awards are open and
available on the award entry pages to indicate visually that you and Packaging can change them.

When you add new awards, the disbursement plan/split code pattern of the new award must match or
fall within the selected award period processing mode. If the disbursement plan/split code pattern of the
award designates it for a single award period (for example, the AAP) that does not match the single award
period selected as the award period processing mode (Non-Standard) you receive error message 9580
after validation. This message indicates that you must change either the award's disbursement plan/split
code pattern or the award period processing mode so that the award's designated award period and the
award period processing mode match. If the disbursement plan/split code pattern of the award designates
that it is for both award periods when a single award period is selected as the award period processing

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

mode, the Validation process assigns the award only to those disbursement IDs designated for the award
period selected as the award period processing mode.

The following three sections describe three different awarding scenarios and the behavior of Packaging.

Processing Sequential Award Periods

Note: The following examples are based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid

You can use any of the award entry pages to process the student for discrete award periods. For example,
at a semester-based institution with a trailing summer term, you award a student a 2,700 USD Pell
Grant for the AAP. The disbursement plan is for both semesters in the AAP, and the split code—set
up as a custom split—calls for a 1,350.00 USD disbursement in the fall semester and a 1,350.00 USD
disbursement in the spring semester. The following screen shot displays this award on the Student Aid
Package page:

Image: Student Aid Package page displaying the student's award for the AAP (Based on Pell Grant
awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid years.)

This example illustrates the Student Aid Package page displaying the student's award for the AAP (Based
on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid years.).

Image: Award Disbursement Detail page (Based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009
and prior aid years.)

This example illustrates the Award Disbursement Detail page (Based on Pell Grant awarding functionality
for the 2009 and prior aid years.).

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

The student then decides to attend the trailing summer term, and you award the student a 1,000.00 USD
Honors Scholarship for the NSAP. Before you manually enter this award, you must select Non Std −
Non-Standard as the award period because you want to process the student for the NSAP and leave the
existing Pell Grant award for the AAP untouched. When you select Non Std − Non-Standard, Packaging
determines that the Pell Grant award is designated for the AAP and does not match the selected award
period value, so it treats it as a passive award and makes the row unavailable. Now you cannot change the
Pell Grant award, and Packaging does not reevaluate it when you validate the new award.

Insert a new row and add the 1,000.00 USD Honors Scholarship with a disbursement plan/split code
pattern that distributes the award in the trailing summer term. When you validate this award, Packaging
evaluates only this award and processes the Pell Grant award as a passive award.

Image: Student Aid Package page with new Honors Scholarship award and Federal Pell Grant
(Based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid years.)

This example illustrates the Student Aid Package page with new Honors Scholarship award and Federal
Pell Grant (Based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid years.).

Image: Award Disbursement Detail page (Based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009
and prior aid years.)

This example illustrates the Award Disbursement Detail page (Based on Pell Grant awarding functionality
for the 2009 and prior aid years.).

If you want to reevaluate the student's awards for both award periods, you can selected Both as the award
period after you have posted the Honors Scholarship. Both the Pell Grant and the Honors Scholarship are
then available for changes, and Packaging treats both awards as active awards and reevaluates them based
on need and eligibility criteria/rules. These rows remain available and open.

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Image: Student Aid Package page (Based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and
prior aid years.)

This example illustrates the Student Aid Package page (Based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for
the 2009 and prior aid years.).

Awarding for a Single Award Period Followed by Both Award Periods

Note: The following examples are based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid

You can award a student for a single award period, either AAP or NSAP, and later award the student
for both award periods. When you award the student for both award periods, all awards—no matter
what award period the award's disbursement plan/split code pattern designates—can be changed and are
processed as active awards.

For example, at a semester-based institution with a trailing summer term, you award a student a 3,300.00
USD Pell Grant for the AAP. The disbursement plan is for both semesters in the AAP, and the split code
—set up as a custom split—calls for a 1,650.00 USD disbursement in the fall semester and a 1,650.00
USD disbursement in the spring semester. The following screen shot displays this award on the Student
Aid Package page:

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Image: Student Aid Package page displaying the student's award for the AAP (Based on Pell Grant
awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid years.)

This example illustrates the Student Aid Package page displaying the student's award for the AAP (Based
on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid years.).

The student is then awarded a 5,000 USD Honors Scholarship that covers the trailing summer term in
addition to the academic year, with 40 percent disbursed in fall (AAP), 40 percent disbursed in spring
(AAP), and 20 percent disbursed in the trailing summer term (NSAP). Before you manually enter this
award, you must select Both as the Award Period because you want to process the student for both the
NSAP and the AAP. When you select Both, Packaging determines that the Pell Grant award is active
because its disbursement plan/split code pattern designates it for the AAP, which falls within the chosen
award period processing mode. Now you can change the Pell Grant award, and Packaging reevaluates it
when you validate the new award. Because you are only adding the Honors Scholarship, you do not need
to change the Pell Grant. Insert a new row, and add the 5,000.00 USD Honors Scholarship, choosing a
disbursement plan that spans both award periods, and a split code that distributes the award 40 percent
fall, 40 percent spring, and 20 percent summer. When you validate this award, Packaging evaluates both

Warning! If there has been a change in the student's need or eligibility, the existing award is changed
unless you have activated disbursement protection for that Financial Aid Item Type. Activating
disbursement protection only protects the disbursed portion of the award. The award itself can be reduced
to the level of the disbursed amount.

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Image: Student Aid Package page with an Award Period value of Both, adding the Honors
Scholarship (Based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid years.)

This example illustrates Student Aid Package page with an Award Period value of Both, adding the
Honors Scholarship (Based on Pell Grant awarding functionality for the 2009 and prior aid years).

Awarding for Both Award Periods Followed by a Single Award Period

You can award a student for both award periods and later award the student for a single award period,
either the AAP or the NSAP. When you award the student for a single award period, only those awards
with disbursement plan/split code patterns that fall within or span the designated award period can
be changed and are processed as active awards. Awards whose disbursement plan/split code patterns
designate an award period that does not match the designated award period mode are treated as passive

Warning! Although you intend to reevaluate only a single award period, Packaging also reevaluates
the portion that falls within that single award period of existing awards that span both award periods. If
there has been a change in the student's need or eligibility that warrants a change in the award, Packaging
adjusts the existing awards.

For example, at a semester-based institution with a trailing summer term, you award a student a 5,000
USD Honors Scholarship that covers the trailing summer term in addition to the academic year, with 40
percent disbursed in fall, 40 percent disbursed in spring, and 20 percent disbursed in the trailing summer
term. The following screen shot displays this award on the Student Aid Package page:

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Image: Student Aid Package page displaying the student's award for both award periods

This example illustrates the Student Aid Package page displaying the student's award for both award

Then you offer the student a 2,625.00 USD subsidized Stafford loan for the academic year. Before
you manually enter this award, you must select Academic as the award period, because you want to
process the student only for the AAP. When you select Academic, Packaging determines that the Honors
Scholarship is active because its disbursement plan/split code pattern designates it for both award periods,
which spans the chosen award period processing mode of Academic.

Image: Award Disbursement Detail page

This example illustrates the Award Disbursement Detail page.

Now you insert a second row and enter the 2,625 USD subsidized Stafford loan, with a disbursement
plan/split code pattern that spans only the AAP. You can also change the Honors Scholarship award, and
Packaging reevaluates it for need and eligibility when you validate the new award. However, Packaging
changes only the disbursements in the AAP; the NSAP portion of the award remains unchanged.

Warning! Even if you do not change or intend to change the Honors Scholarship, the AAP portion of the
award is reevaluated automatically by Packaging.

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Image: Award Disbursement Detail page

This example illustrates the Award Disbursement Detail page.

Image: Student Aid Package page

This example illustrates the Student Aid Package page.

Awarding Conditional Aid for Multiple Award Periods

This section clarifies the behavior of conditional awards during multiple award period processing.
An important factor in determining how Packaging treats conditional awards is whether federal aid is
present in the same award period as the conditional awards. The behavior of conditional awards reverting
from "no effect" to "special need" based on the presence of federal aid does not span award periods.
Therefore, the presence of federal aid in one award period does not affect the awarding of conditional
aid in the subsequent award period. This only applies to sequential award period processing and not
simultaneous award period processing. The following tables demonstrate that the behavior of conditional
aid is determined on an award period basis.

Note: When conditional awards behave like no-effect awards, it is in the sense that the awards are not
restricted by the student's need. However, conditional awards are displayed under the Special Need/Cost
Aid fields on the Need Summary page.

Example A:

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Academic Award Period Non standard award period

Item Type Behavior Item Type Behavior

Conditional Aid 1 No Effect Conditional Aid 3 No Effect

Federal Aid 1 Federal Aid 2

Conditional Aid 2 Special Need/Cost Conditional Aid 4 Special Need/Cost

Example B

Academic Award Period Non standard award period

Item Type Behavior Item Type Behavior

Federal Aid 1 Conditional Aid 1 No Effect

Example C

Non standard award period Academic Award Period

Item Type Behavior Item Type Behavior

Federal Aid 1 Conditional Aid 1 No Effect

Federal Aid 2

Conditional Aid 2 Special Need/Cost

Example D

Non standard award period Academic Award Period

Item Type Behavior Item Type Behavior

Conditional Aid 1 No Effect Federal Aid 1

Conditional Aid 2 Special Need/Cost

Federal Aid 2

If federal aid does not have disbursements scheduled in the same award period as the conditional award,
the student's remaining need does not restrict the amount of the conditional award. The student's need
does not restrict the conditional award amount because the federal aid is being processed as a passive
award, and therefore does not affect calculations for the active award period. For example, a student's
award package includes a subsidized Stafford loan for 3,000.00 USD—with disbursements of 1,500.00
USD in the fall and spring semesters—and a conditional University Grant for 1,000.00 USD with a
disbursement in the trailing summer term. Because the Stafford loan does not have disbursements in the
NSAP, Packaging processes the Stafford loan as a passive award leaving it untouched when it processes
the University Grant. Therefore, the University Grant behaves as a no effect award because the Stafford
loan is not present in the NSAP.

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

When federal aid has disbursements in the same award period as the conditional award, and the federal
aid precedes the conditional award, Packaging treats the conditional award as a special need/cost item
type. Consequently, the placement of the conditional award relative to existing federal aid affects the
student's conditional award amount. If the conditional award precedes federal aid, Packaging treats the
conditional award as a "no effect" award and increases the student's total aid amount without regard for
need or COA limits. If the conditional award follows federal aid, Packaging treats it as a special need/cost
item type, first determining if unmet need exists to award. If so, Packaging compares the remaining unmet
COA against the EFC and awards up to the lesser of the two.

When you use sequential award period processing, you can change the sequence of the conditional award
from one award period to the next. The behavior of the conditional award can be different from one award
period to the next based on the presence or absence of federal aid. If the NSAP does not have federal aid,
but the AAP does, you can decide whether the conditional award behaves as a "no effect" award in both
award periods. If you have the conditional award precede federal aid in the AAP, the conditional award
behaves as a "no effect" award in both award periods. Or you can choose to have the conditional award
follow federal aid in the AAP, so that the conditional award behaves as a special need/cost item type
in the AAP and as a "no effect" award in the NSAP. You cannot do this if you use simultaneous award
period processing because only one instance of the conditional award exists, and, therefore, only one
sequence number for that award.

Important! Using sequential award period processing to change the behavior of conditional awards from
one award period to the next is only possible when you use Auto and Mass Packaging. If you use Manual
Packaging when you process the student for the second award period, all awards—existing and offered—
are evaluated as they are in simultaneous award period processing.

Distributing Awards When a Shortage of Need Exists in One

Award Period
To further enhance simultaneous award period processing, Packaging handles a shortage of need in one
award period by proportionally redistributing the remainder of the award into the other award period.

For example, you have a student who attending your quarter-based institution for the AAP as well as the
trailing summer non-standard term. The student's COA, EFC, and need are given in the following table:

Need Analysis Element Academic Award Period Non-Standard Award Combined


Cost of Attendance 25,000.00 USD 3,200.00 USD 28,200.00 USD

Expected Family Contribution 11,000.00 USD 3,000.00 USD 14,000.00 USD

Need 14,000.00 USD 200.00 USD 14,200.00 USD

The first award in the student's award package is a 4,000.00 USD University Grant that has a
disbursement plan that spans both award periods and a split code that distributes the award among all four
terms evenly (25 percent fall, 25 percent winter, 25 percent spring, and 25 percent summer). Based on this
disbursement split code, the student should receive 3,000.00 USD in the AAP—1,000.00 USD per quarter
—and 1,000.00 USD during the NSAP. Because the 1,000.00 USD in the NSAP exceeds the student's
200.00 USD need, Packaging distributes the remaining 800.00 USD (1,000.00 USD minus 200.00 USD)
among the three terms in the AAP provided sufficient AAP need remains. This is based on the relative

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

weighting of the original disbursement percentages that pertain to the AAP portion of the disbursement
plan/split code pattern. Packaging determines the relative weighting for each term by dividing the original
disbursement percentage of the term, 25 percent, by the sum of all disbursement percentages for terms
within the award period, 75 percent. For this example, Packaging does the following calculations:

Remainder Calculation for Fall Quarter = 25/(25 + 25 + 25) * 800.00 = 266.66

Remainder Calculation for Winter Quarter = 25/(25 + 25 + 25) * 800.00 = 266.66

Remainder Calculation for Spring Quarter = 800.00 - 266.66 - 266.66 = 266.68

Total Disbursement for Fall Quarter = 266.66 + 1,000.00 = 1,266.66

Total Disbursement for Winter Quarter = 266.66 + 1,000.00 = 1,266.66

Total Disbursement for Spring Quarter = 266.68 + 1,000.00 = 1,266.68

Note: When calculating the relative weight of a disbursement percentage, the system is precise to the
seventh position beyond the decimal point. This precise figure is multiplied by the remainder, and then
rounded using the Rounding Option set up for the Financial Aid Item Type.

The following table shows the projected disbursements prescribed by the split code and the projected
disbursements that are based on relative weighting:

Disbursement Fall Quarter (in Winter Quarter (in Spring Quarter (in Summer Term (in
Based on: USD) USD) USD) USD)

Prescribed 1,000.00 (25% х 4,000. 1,000.00 (25% х 4,000. 1,000.00 (25% х 4,000. 1,000.00 (25% х 4,000.
Disbursement Split 00) 00) 00) 00)

Relative Weighting to 1,266.66 (25/75 х 4, 1,266.66 (25/75 х 4, 1,266.68 (25/75 х 4, 200.00 (Need)
Account for Need 000.00) 000.00) 000.00)

This relative weighting functionality enables you to continue to award students until their remaining
need is exhausted while maintaining a proportional disbursement spread similar to each award's original
disbursement percentages.

When Packaging distributes the award proportionally because of a shortage of need, it returns one of the
following messages.

Message Number Message Text Explanation

9155 FM disbursements recalculated; award The award has been recalculated because
period need less than projected. a portion of the award exceeds FM
Need for that award period. This is the
message that appears for Need-based aid.

9156 FM disbursements recalculated; award The award has been recalculated because
period cost less than projected. a portion of the award exceeds FM
cost for that award period. This is the
message that appears for Cost-based aid.

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Message Number Message Text Explanation

9157 FM disbursements recalculated; award The award has been recalculated because
period special need/cost less than a portion of the award exceeds FM
projected. Special Need/Cost for that award period.
This is the message that appears for
Special Need/Cost Financial Aid Item

9158 IM disbursements recalculated; award The award has been recalculated because
period need less than projected. a portion of the award exceeds IM
Need for that award period. This is the
message that appears for Need-based aid.

9159 IM disbursements recalculated; award The award has been recalculated because
period cost less than projected. a portion of the award exceeds IM
cost for that award period. This is the
message that appears for Cost-based aid.

9160 IM disbursements recalculated; award The award has been recalculated because
period special need/cost less than a portion of the award exceeds IM
projected. Special Need/Cost for that award period.
This is the message that appears for
Special Need/Cost Financial Aid Item

Protecting Disbursements During Awarding

This section provides an overview of disbursement protection and provides examples of:

• Disbursement protection for fully disbursed terms.

• Even across disbursements by term with disbursement protection turned off.

• Even across disbursements by term with disbursement protection turned on.

• Even among first disbursement by term with disbursement protection turned off.

• Even among first disbursement by term with disbursement protection turned on.

Understanding Disbursement Protection

Packaging contains functionality that enables you to choose whether you want disbursed amounts to
be protected when repackaging a student. When you activate disbursement protection, Packaging does
not repackage an award below what has already been disbursed. To invoke disbursement protection, the
award must meet four conditions:

1. The award is for a non-Direct Loan Financial Aid Item Type.

2. You indicate at the Financial Aid Item Type level—using the Disbursement Protection check box—
that Packaging should protect the disbursed portion of an award.

3. The award's disbursement split code uses an even split option of either Even among first
disbursements by term or Even across disbursements by term.

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

If you do not use a split code with an even split option, the system does not observe disbursement
protection. Instead, Packaging honors the split percentages defined by the specific Financial Aid
Item Type and splits the award amount accordingly, which may result in one or more unequal

Any loan award, Direct Loan or Non-Direct Loan, with a custom loan fee is considered having a
custom split, not an even split, and is, therefore, not subject to disbursement protection.

4. The award has one or more disbursed entries.

When disbursement protection is activated, the award cannot fall below the disbursed amount; however,
you can still manually un-disburse the award if you feel a student is no longer eligible for the award.

When you modify a disbursement-protected award, Packaging recalculates the total disbursement amount
for each term, using the entire new award amount (rather than the residual or difference between the
original award and the revised award). This value is referred to as the term target amount. After the
term target amount is determined, Packaging evaluates the even split option to determine how to split
the award within the term. If disbursed amounts exist, Packaging checks to see if the disbursements are
greater or less than the term target amount. If the disbursements are less than the term target amount,
Packaging distributes to the term target amount while protecting the existing disbursed amounts. If the
disbursed amount is greater than the term target amount, Packaging distributes the residual amount—
total award amount less the disbursed amount—to the next term while protecting the existing disbursed
amounts. Packaging then determines whether subsequent terms are partially disbursed or fully disbursed.
If the term is partially disbursed, then the term target amount drives that term's distribution. If the
term is fully undisbursed, then Packaging distributes residual amounts from fully disbursed terms into
undisbursed terms.

If all disbursement IDs for the designated award period—determined by the packaging plan or the Award
Period field on the award entry pages—are fully disbursed, then Packaging adds the residual amount to
the last disbursement ID of the award period. If the designated award period is Both, Packaging adds
the entire residual amount to the last disbursement ID of the second award period if the student's need
for that award period is equal to or greater than the residual amount. If the student's need for the second
award period is less than the residual amount, Packaging adds the amount of the student's need to the
last disbursement ID of the second award period. It then adds the remainder of the residual amount to the
last disbursement ID of the first award period. The following section provides examples of disbursement
protection behavior when all of the designated award period's disbursement IDs are fully disbursed.

The even split option you choose—Even among first disbursements by term or Even across disbursements
by term—and whether you have selected the Disbursement Protection check box affects how Packaging
distributes the disbursements after an award increase or award decrease. The examples in the following
sections demonstrate the possible combinations of even split options with disbursement protection turned
on or off.

You cannot manually set the award amount to zero with an award action of B—Offer/Accept and have the
Validation process return the maximum eligible award amount for a disbursement protected award. If you
enter zero as the award amount, the Validation process returns the award with its original award amount
and schedules disbursement valuation without making any changes. If you want the award amount to be
zero (eliminate the award), then you must manually cancel the award by using the award action of Cancel.

In Auto and Mass Packaging, you cannot effectively reduce a disbursement-protected award to a desired
amount because the award is generated by the packaging plan rather than you being able to enter a
specific amount. Packaging first cancels existing awards that are not locked and do not have disbursed

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

amounts. If a portion of the award has been disbursed, then Packaging reduces the award to the disbursed
amount. For example, if, from an award of 1,000.00 USD, 500.00 USD has been disbursed and a rule
exists to repackage the student, the system reduces the award to 500.00 USD. Packaging then creates
new instances for the awards contained in the packaging plan. Packaging processes the second instance
of the same Financial Aid Item Type independently of the first instance, and the award amount for this
instance uses the aggregate, item type, and fiscal limits of that packaging rule to determine its maximum
eligibility. However, the amount that has already been disbursed—preserved in the first instance—is
added to the total award amount from the second instance. Continuing the previously given example, the
student receives the 500.00 USD plus whatever additional award Packaging determines the student is
eligible for. Therefore, it is impossible make a reduction when you repackage the student using Auto or
Mass Packaging.

For example, a student has a 3,000 USD University Loan that has disbursement protection activated,
with a disbursement plan (ID 15) that covers the institution's two semesters and uses an even split option
of Even among first disbursements by term. The student also has a 1,000.00 USD Honors Scholarship
that does not have disbursement protection activated, with the same disbursement plan as the University
Loan but a split code—02—that distributes the award entirely in the first disbursement ID of the spring
semester. You have already disbursed the fall disbursement ID to the student. The following table shows
the scheduled disbursements. Disbursed amounts are in bold, and all amounts are in USD:

Seq FA Item Type Disb Plan Split Code Action Award Disb ID 01 Disb ID 02
Amount (fall) (spring)

10 University 15 01 Accepted 3,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00


20 Honors 15 02 Accepted 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00


Then the student's need changes and you attempt to decrease the University Loan to 2,000.00 USD using
Auto or Mass Packaging. The first step Packaging takes is to attempt to cancel all existing awards that are
not locked. Neither existing award is locked; however, Packaging does not cancel the University Loan
because a portion of the award has been disbursed and disbursement protection is activated. Packaging
decreases the amount of the award to match the disbursed amount, and cancels the Honors Scholarship.
Then Packaging inserts a new instance of the University Loan with an amount of 2,000.00 USD.

Seq FA Item Disb Plan Split Code Action Award Disb ID 01 Disb ID 02
Type Amount (fall) (spring)

10 University 15 01 Accepted 1,500.00 1,500.00 0.00


20 Honors 15 02 Cancelled 0.00 0.00 0.00


30 University 15 01 Offer/Accept 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00


Because Packaging preserves the first instance of the University Loan—for the disbursed portion of the
award—due to disbursement protection, as well as adding the second instance of the University Loan, the
total award amount for the University Loan is increased to 3,500.00 USD (2,500.00 USD in the fall and
1,000.00 USD in the spring) instead of reduced to 2,000.00 USD. Additional examples of Auto and Mass
Packaging behavior during award increases and decreases are in the following sections.

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Note: You do not have to process multiple award periods to invoke disbursement protection. It works
whether you are processing multiple award periods or processing awards only for a single award period.

Related Links
Processing Direct Loan Adjustments

Illustrating Disbursement Protection for Fully Disbursed Terms

The following examples illustrate the behavior of disbursement protection when you have fully disbursed
all disbursement IDs within a designated award period.

Note: The behavior of disbursement protection for fully disbursed terms is the same for both even split
options, Even across Disbursements by term and Even among first disbursements by term.

Single Award Period

In this example, the even split option is Even among first disbursements by term with disbursement
protection turned on for a semester-based institution with two disbursement IDs per term and a trailing
summer. The tables display the distribution of an original award amount and then an example of how the
system distributes an increase to an award.

The original award amount is 1,000.00 USD, the term target amount is 500.00 USD, and the designated
award period is Academic. The full 1,000.00 USD has already been disbursed using all the disbursement
IDs for the AAP.

Term Fall Disbursement Spring Disbursement Summer Disbursement

Term Target 500.00 USD 500.00 USD 0.00 USD


Scheduled 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 0 0


After fully disbursing the award, you increase the award from the original award amount of 1,000.00
USD to 2,500.00 USD. Packaging takes the residual amount (1,500.00 USD) and adds it to the last
disbursement ID of the designated award period (D 04). The new total amount for D 04 is 1,750.00 USD
(250.00 USD + 1,500.00 USD).

Term Fall Disbursment Spring Disbursement Summer Disbursement

Previously 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 0.00


1106 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Term Fall Disbursment Spring Disbursement Summer Disbursement

Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

New Amount 250.00 250.00 250.00 1,750.00 0 0

Both Award Period (Sufficient Need in Second Award Period)

In this example, the even split option is Even among first disbursements by term with disbursement
protection turned on for a semester-based institution with two disbursement IDs per term and a leading
summer. The tables display the distribution of an original award amount and then an example of how the
system distributes an increase to an award.

The original award amount is 1,000.00 USD, the term target amount is 333.33 USD, and the designated
award period is Both. The student's remaining need for the NSAP is 1,000.00 USD and for the AAP is
5,000.00 USD. The full 1,000.00 USD has already been disbursed using all the disbursement IDs for the
both the Non-Standard and AAPs.

Term Summer Disbursement Fall Disbursement Spring Disbursement

Term Target 333.33 USD 333.33 USD 333.34 USD


Scheduled 333.33 0.00 333.33 0.00 333.34 0.00


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 133.33 200.00 133.33 200.00 133.34 200.00


After fully disbursing the award, you increase the award from the original award amount of 1,000.00
USD to 2,500.00 USD. Packaging takes the residual amount (1,500.00 USD) and adds it to the last
disbursement ID of the second award period (D 06). The new total amount for D 06 is 1,700.00 USD
(200.00 USD + 1,500.00 USD), which is less than the remaining need for the AAP.

2,500.00 USD

Term Summer Fall Spring

Previously 133.33 200.00 133.33 200.00 133.33 200.00


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

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2,500.00 USD

New Amount 133.33 200.00 133.33 200.00 133.34 1,700.00

Both Award Period (Insufficient Need in Second Award Period)

In this example, the even split option is Even across disbursements by term with disbursement protection
turned on for a semester-based institution with two disbursement IDs per term and a trailing summer.
The tables display the distribution of an original award amount and then an example of how the system
distributes an increase to an award.

The original award amount is 1,500.00 USD, the term target amount is 500.00 USD, and the designated
award period is Both. The student's remaining need for the AAP is 5,000.00 USD and for the NSAP is
1,000.00 USD. The full 1,000.00 USD has already been disbursed using all the disbursement IDs for the
both the Non-Standard and AAPs.

Term Fall Disbursement Spring Disbursement Summer Disbursement

Term Target 500.00 USD 500.00 USD 500.00USD


Scheduled 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00


After fully disbursing the award, you increase the award from the original award amount of 1,500.00
USD to 3,000.00 USD. When Packaging takes the residual amount (1,500.00 USD) and attempts to add
it to the last disbursement ID of the second award period (D 06), the disbursements for the NSAP exceed
remaining need. Then Packaging determines the difference between the existing disbursement amounts
(500.00 USD) and the remaining need (1,000.00 USD), and adds this amount (500.00 USD) to D 06.
The new amount for D 06 is 750.00 USD (250.00 USD + 500.00 USD). Packaging adds the rest of the
residual amount (1,000.00 USD) to the last disbursement ID of the first award period, D 04. The new
amount for D 04 is 1,250.00 USD.

Term Fall Disbursement Spring Disbursement Summer Disbursement

Previously 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Term Fall Disbursement Spring Disbursement Summer Disbursement

New Amount 250.00 250.00 250.00 1,250.00 250.00 750.00

Illustrating Even Across Disbursements by Term with Disbursement

Protection Turned Off
The following illustrates an example of the even split option, Even Across Disbursements by Term with
disbursement protection turned off for a quarter-based institution with two disbursement IDs per term.
The tables display the distribution of an original award amount and then an example of how the system
distributes a decrease to an award.

The original award amount is 3,000.00 USD, the term target amount is 1,000.00 USD, and 500.00 USD
has already been disbursed in the disbursement ID 01.

Term Fall Disbursement Winter Disbursement Spring Disbursement

Term Target 1,000.00 USD 1000.00 USD 1,000.00 USD


Scheduled 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 500.00 0 0 0 0 0

After the first disbursement for fall term, you reduce the award from the original award amount of
3,000.00 USD to 2,700.00 USD. The term target becomes 900.00 USD. The student already received
500.00 USD, but with disbursement protection turned off, the system recalculates the remaining
disbursements to be 450.00 USD with a disbursement adjustment of 50.00 USD. When you run
Authorization/Disbursement, the system adjusts the disbursement by 50.00 USD.

Term Fall Disbursement Winter Disbursement Spring Disbursement

Term Target 900.00 USD 900.00 USD 900.00USD


Scheduled 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 450.00 0 0 0 0 0

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Illustrating Even Across Disbursements by Term with Disbursement

Protection Turned On
The following illustrates an example of the even split option, Even Across Disbursements by Term with
disbursement protection turned on for a quarter-based institution with two disbursement IDs per term.
The tables display the distribution of an original award amount and then examples of how the system
distributes decreases and increases to an award.

The original award amount is 3,000.00 USD, the term target amount is 1,000.00 USD, and 500.00 USD
has already been disbursed.

Term Fall Disbursement Winter Disbursement Spring Disbursement

Term Target 1,000.00 USD 1,000.00 USD 1000.00 USD


Scheduled 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 500.00 0 0 0 0 0

After disbursing disbursement ID 01 for fall term, you reduce the award from the original award amount
of 3,000.00 USD to 2,700.00 USD. The term target becomes 900.00 USD. The following table shows
how the system recalculates the disbursement for disbursement ID 02 to be the difference between the
term target amount and what has already been disbursed for the fall term. The next disbursement ID for
winter is also shown:

Term Fall Disbursement Winter Disbursement Spring Disbursement

Term Target 900.00 USD 900.00 USD 900.00 USD


Scheduled 500.00 400.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 500.00 400.00 450.00 0 0 0


After disbursing disbursement ID 03 for winter term, you increase the award to 4,500.00 USD. The term
target amount becomes 1,500.00 USD. The system first calculates a new term target amount of 1,500.00
USD per term. Because disbursement protection is turned on, the disbursements that occurred in ID 01,
ID 02, and ID 03 remain protected. Also, because the fall term is fully disbursed for 900.00 USD, the
term target amount of 1,500.00 USD cannot be met. As a result, this creates residual amount of 600.00
USD. This 600.00 USD residual is distributed among any subsequent fully undisbursed terms.

Because the winter term is a partially disbursed term where the existing disbursed amount is less than
the term target amount, the system subtracts what has been disbursed (450.00 USD) from the term target

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Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

amount (1,500.00 USD) and distributes the difference (1,050.00 USD) to the remaining undisbursed ID in
the winter term.

Finally, moving to the spring term, because it's a fully undisbursed term, the system adds any residual
amount from any fully disbursed previous terms (600.00 USD in this case) to the spring term target
amount (1,500.00 USD) totaling 2,100.00 USD. The system then spreads this new term target amount
evenly among all undisbursed IDs in the spring term.

Term Fall Disbursement Winter Disbursement Spring Disbursement

Term Target 1,500.00 USD 1,500.00 USD 1,500.00 USD


Scheduled 500.00 400.00 450.00 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,050.00


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 500.00 400.00 450.00 0 0 0


Illustrating Even Among First Disbursement for Term with Disbursement

Protection Turned Off
The following illustrates an example of the even split option, Even Among First Disbursement for Term
with disbursement protection turned off for a quarter-based institution with two disbursement IDs per
term. The tables display the distribution of an original award amount and then an example of how the
system distributes a decrease to an award.

The original award amount is 3,000.00 USD, the term target is 1,000.00 USD, and the first disbursement
has been disbursed.

Term Fall Disbursement Winter Disbursement Spring Disbursement

Term Target 1,000.00 USD 1,000.00 USD 1,000.00 USD


Scheduled 1,000.00 0 1,000.00 0 1,000.00 0


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 1,000.00 0 0 0 0 0

If you reduce the award to 2,700.00 USD, the term target amount becomes 900.00 USD. Because
disbursement protection is turned off, the originally scheduled disbursement amount is recalculated to the
term target amount of 900.00 USD with a disbursement adjustment of 100.00 USD. When you run the
authorization and disbursement processes, the system adjusts the disbursement by 100.00 USD.

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Term Fall Disbursement Winter Disbursement Spring Disbursement

Term Target 900.00 USD 900.00 USD 900.00 USD


Scheduled 900.00 0 900.00 0 900.00 0


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 900.00 0 900.00 0 900.00 0


Illustrating Even Among First Disbursement for Term with Disbursement

Protection Turned On
The following illustrates an example of the even split option, Even Among First Disbursements for Term
with disbursement protection turned on. The tables display the distribution of an original award amount
and then examples of how the system distributes increases and decreases to an award.

The original award amount is 3,000.00 USD, the term target amount is 1,000.00 USD, and the
disbursement ID 01 of 1,000.00 USD has already been disbursed:

Term Fall Disbursement Winter Disbursement Spring Disbursement

Term Target 1,000.00 USD 1,000.00 USD 1,000.00 USD


Scheduled 1,000.00 0 1,000.00 0 1,000.00 0


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 1,000.00 0 0 0 0 0

After disbursement ID 01 for fall term, you increase the award to 4,500.00 USD. The term target amount
becomes 1,500.00 USD. The system determines the amount that the student receives in the remaining
disbursements by awarding additional amounts up to the term target for the first term. In this case,
1,000.00 USD has already been disbursed for disbursement ID 01. The system schedules a 500.00 USD
disbursement in disbursement ID 02 of the fall term. The fall disbursements now meet the term target
amount. The remaining winter and spring terms are fully undisbursed with no residual overflow created in
the fall term. Therefore, the system observes the term target amount of 1,500.00 USD.

Term Fall Disbursement Winter Disbursement Spring Disbursement

Term Target 1,500.00 USD 1,500.00 USD 1,500.00 USD


Scheduled 1,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 0 1,500.00 0


1112 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Term Fall Disbursement Winter Disbursement Spring Disbursement

Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 1,000.00 500.00 0 0 0 0


After the disbursements for fall term, you reduce the award to 2,700.00 USD. The term target becomes
900.00 USD. The student has already received 1,500.00 USD for the fall term. This creates a shortage
of 600.00 USD. The following table displays how the system recalculates the scheduled amounts for the
terms. The system deducts the already disbursed amount of 1,500.00 USD from the new award amount
of 2,700.00 USD leaving a difference of 1,200.00 USD. Because the winter and spring terms are fully
undisbursed, the system splits the 1,200.00 USD difference evenly among both terms creating a new term
target amount of 600.00 USD. Because the even split option is even among first disbursement for the
term, only the first disbursement ID for each remaining term contains 600.00 USD.

Term Fall Disbursement Winter Disbursement Spring Disbursement

Original Term 900.00 USD 900.00 USD 900.00 USD

Target Amount

Modified 1,500.00 USD 600.00 USD 600.00. USD

Term Target
Amount. Due
to Disbursed

Scheduled 1,000.00 500.00 600.00 0 600.00 0


Disbursement D 01 D 02 D 03 D 04 D 05 D 06

Disbursed 1,000.00 500.00 0 0 0 0


Reviewing One-Term DL Loan Functionality

This section provides an overview of one-term DL loan functionality and discusses how to:

• Define a single-term loan.

• Award a single-term loan after the midpoint.

• Associate rules with one-term DL processing.

• Review disbursement ID scenarios.

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Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Understanding One-Term DL Loan Functionality

Federal regulations require that a single term loan be split into at least two disbursements. The one-term
option is designed for schools using direct loan MPN processing. This functionality is also available for
those non-DL item types that have the disbursement protection flag activated.

If the loan period consists of only one semester, the first half of the loan is disbursed at the beginning of
the semester. The second half is disbursed at the calendar midpoint of the semester. For any loan period,
if more than half of the loan period has elapsed before an initial disbursement has been made, a single
disbursement of the entire loan may be made. After an initial disbursement is authorized and disbursed,
you can repackage (increase or decrease) the award in the same manner as is currently in place for multi-
item DL awards.

Page Used to Define a Single-Term Loan

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Disbursement Split Formula DISB_ID_SPLIT Set Up SACR > Product Define split code formulas
Related > Financial Aid > or disbursement percentages
Awards > Disbursement Split for the split codes you created
Cd Formula > Disbursement based on the disbursement
Split Formula split code descriptions. This
setup provides the specific
percentage distribution to
each disbursement ID created
within a disbursement plan.

Defining a Single-Term DL Loan

Access the Disbursement Split Formula page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Awards > Disbursement Split Cd Formula > Disbursement Split Formula).

Image: Disbursement Split Formula page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disbursement Split Formula page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

1114 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Setup is defined for a single term and must contain two or more disbursement IDs, each containing a
unique disbursement date. In addition, the disbursement date for the designated midpoint disbursement ID
must be after the midpoint of the term.

Even Split Option Select the value, "Even across disbs for One Term" to define the
new split code for a single term loan.

Midpoint Select to identify the midpoint date.

Note: All Direct Lending loan item types can support the concept of a disbursement plan and split code
scheme that supports multiple disbursement IDs within a term. COD currently supports up to 20 total
disbursements per loan application for both Stafford and PLUS loans. To facilitate increases and change
processing for one term Direct Loan MPN Financial Aid Item Types, you should set up and define at least
four disbursement IDs.

Related Links
Defining Split Code Formulas

Awarding a Single-Term Loan After the Midpoint

If a single term loan is awarded after the midpoint of the term, you have the option to disburse the entire
award amount in a single installment. If you pay the student this way, you do not need to use the Even
Across Disbursements for One Term disbursement plan option. You can create a disbursement plan with
disbursement dates on or after the midpoint and use the existing Even Among First Disb for Term option
that places the entire disbursement in the first disbursement ID of each term.

Associating Rules with One-Term DL Processing

One-term DL loan processing treatment is identical to the one-term non-DL item type with disbursement
protection invoked. If you decrease the loan and all disbursement IDs have been disbursed, the system
decreases the award starting with the last disbursement ID and works its way up toward the first ID.
Also, if you increase the loan and all of the disbursement IDs have been disbursed, then you must use a
different item type to make the increased award.

Reviewing Disbursement ID Scenarios

To compare and illustrate the behavior of one-term DL loan processing versus a non-DL award with
disbursement protection invoked versus a non-DL item type with disbursement protection turned, review
the following examples.

Note: Although the following examples show a two disbursement plan for direct loan item types and
disbursement plans, we are recommending that you create plans with a minimum of four disbursement
IDs. This facilitates change increases made to the award after the first disbursement has been made.

Student with a DL Item Type

In the following example, a student is awarded a DL item type with a Disbursement Plan/Split Code (even
split for single term) with two IDs.

Disbursement Plan/Split Code: OT2

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ID 01 09/01/2005

ID 02 11/01/2005 Midpoint

1. Award the student 1 Disbursement Plan/Split Code: OT 2,000.00 USD on 08/01/2005

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 0.00

Disbursement 02 500.00 USD 0.00

2. Originate and disburse ID 01 for 500.00 USD on 09/05/2005

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 500.00 USD 0.00

3. Increase the student's award to 1,500.00 USD on 09/10/2005: Because Disbursement 01 is disbursed,
the residual increase in the award amount goes toward the midpoint disbursement ID (Disbursement

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 1,000.00 USD 0.00

4. Originate and disburse ID 02 for 1,000.00 USD on 10/20/2005.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 1,000.00 1,000.00 USD

5. Decrease the student's award to 900.00 USD on 10/25/2005. The system repackages and adjusts
Disbursement 02 downward from 1,000.00 USD to 400.00 USD to total the 900.00 USD award.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 400.00 USD 1,000.00 USD

6. You must run DL origination as well as authorization/disbursement to reverse the 600.00 USD
adjustment so that it reflects the revised Disbursement 02 ID amount of 400.00 USD.

1116 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 400.00 USD 400.00 USD

7. Increase the award to 1,100.00 USD on 11/10/2005. Because all of the split IDs have been fully
disbursed, you should get an award message requesting that you use another item type for the

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 400.00 USD 400.00 USD

8. Decrease the award to 800.00 on 11/15/2005. The system repackages and adjusts Disbursement 02 ID
downward from 400.00 USD to 300.00 USD to total the 800.00 USD award.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 300.00 USD 400.00 USD

9. You must run DL origination and authorization/disbursement to reverse the 100.00 USD adjustment
so that it reflects the revised Disbursement 02 ID amount of 300.00 USD.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 300.00 USD 300.00 USD

Student with a Non-DL Item Type with Disbursement Protection Turned On

In the following example, a student is awarded a non-DL item type with disbursement protection turned
on at the item type level and with a Disbursement Plan/Split code (Even Split for Single Term) with two

Disbursement Plan/Split Code: OT2

ID 01 09/01/2005

ID 02 11/01/2005 Midpoint

1. Award the student 1,000.00 USD on 08/01/2005.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1117

Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 0.00

Disbursement 02 500.00 USD 0.00

2. Originate and disburse ID 01 for 500.00 USD on 09/05/2005.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 500.00 USD 0.00

3. Increase the student's award to 1,500.00 USD on 09/10/2005: Because Disbursement 01 is disbursed,
the residual increase in the award amount goes toward the midpoint disbursement ID (Disbursement

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 1,000.00 USD 0.00

4. Disburse ID 02 for 1,000.00 USD on 10/20/2005.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 1,000.00 USD 1,000.00 USD

5. Decrease the student's award to 900.00 USD on 10/25/2005. The system repackages and adjusts
Disbursement 02 downward from 1,000.00 USD to 400.00 USD to total the 900.00 USD award.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 400.00 USD 1,000.00 USD

6. You must run authorization/disbursement to reverse the 600.00 USD adjustment so that it reflects the
revised Disbursement 02 ID amount of 400.00 USD.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

1118 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 02 400.00 USD 400.00 USD

7. Increase the award to 1,100.00 USD on 11/10/2005. Because all of the split IDs have been fully
disbursed, you should get an award message requesting that you use another item type for the

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 400.00 USD 400.00 USD

8. Decrease the award to 800.00 on 11/15/2005. The system repackages and adjusts Disbursement 02 ID
downward from 400.00 USD to 300.00 USD to total the 800.00 USD award.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 300.00 USD 400.00 USD

9. You must run authorization/disbursement to reverse the 100.00 USD adjustment so that it reflects the
revised Disbursement 02 ID amount of 300.00 USD.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 300.00 USD 300.00 USD

Student with a Non-DL Item Type with Disbursement Protection Turned Off
In the following example, a student is awarded a non-DL item type with disbursement protection turned
off at the item type level and with a Disbursement Plan Split Code (Even Split for Single Term) with two

Disbursement Plan/Split Code: OT2

ID 01 09/01/2005

ID 02 11/01/2005 Midpoint

1. Award the student 1,000.00 USD on 08/01/2005.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 0.00

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1119

Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 02 500.00 USD 0.00

2. Disburse ID 01 for 500.00 USD on 09/05/2005.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 500.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 500.00 USD 0.00

3. Increase the student's award to 1,500.00 USD on 09/10/2005: Because disbursement protection is off,
the system recasts the award across all of the disbursement IDs, both disbursed and undisbursed.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 750.00 USD 500.00 USD

Disbursement 02 750.00 USD 0.00

4. Re-disburse Disbursement ID 01 for the residual 250.00 USD and disburse Disbursement ID 02 for
750.00 USD on 10/20/2005.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 750.00 USD 750.00 USD

Disbursement 02 750.00 USD 750.00 USD

5. Decrease the student's award to 900.00 USD on 10/25/2005. Because disbursement protection is
off, the system recasts the award across both disbursement IDs that are disbursed, thereby adjusting
Disbursement 01 ID downward from 750.00 USD to 450.00 USD and adjusting Disbursement 02 ID
downward from 750.00 USD to 450.00 USD to total the 900.00 USD award.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 450.00 USD 750.00 USD

Disbursement 02 450.00 USD 750.00 USD

6. You must run authorization/disbursement to reverse the 300.00 USD adjustments each from
Disbursement ID 01 and Disbursement ID 02 (totaling the 600.00 USD decrease) so that it reflects the
revised Disbursement 01 ID amount of 450.00 USD and Disbursement 02 ID amount of 450.00 USD.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 450.00 USD 450.00 USD

1120 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 33 Managing Special Cases in Packaging

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 02 450.00 USD 450.00 USD

7. Increase the award to 1,100.00 USD on 11/10/2005. Because disbursement protection is off,
the system recasts the award across both disbursement IDs that are disbursed, thereby adjusting
Disbursement 01 ID upward from 450.00 USD to 550.00 USD and adjusting Disbursement 02 ID
upward from 450.00 USD to 550.00 to total the 1,100.00 award.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 550.00 USD 450.00 USD

Disbursement 02 550.00 USD 450.00 USD

8. Re-disburse Disbursement ID 01 for the residual 100.00 USD and Disbursement ID 02 for 100.00
USD, totaling 550.00 USD each (or 1,100.00 USD total disbursements) on 11/15/2005.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 550.00 USD 550.00 USD

Disbursement 02 550.00 USD 550.00 USD

9. Decrease the award to 800.00 USD on 11/15/2005. Because disbursement protection is off, the system
recasts the award across both disbursement IDs that are disbursed, thereby adjusting Disbursement 01
ID downward from 550.00 USD to 400.00 USD and adjusting Disbursement 02 ID downward from
550.00 USD to 400.00 to total the 800.00 USD award.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 400.00 USD 550.00 USD

Disbursement 02 400.00 USD 550.00 USD

10. You must run authorization/disbursements to reverse the 300.00 USD adjustment so that it reflects the
revised Disbursement 01 ID amount of 400.00 USD and the revised Disbursement 02 ID amount of
400.00 USD.

Split Awarded Disbursed

Disbursement 01 400.00 USD 400.00 USD

Disbursement 02 400.00 USD 400.00 USD

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1121

Managing Special Cases in Packaging Chapter 33

Managing Origination from Two-Term Loan to One-Term Loan

Packaging allows for a new disbursement plan option to support DL one-term loans. There are no changes
to the Direct Lending process if you choose this new disbursement plan option. However, if you want
to change an existing DL loan from a two-term loan to a one-term loan before transmitting the loan,
you must first cancel the originated two-term loan using packaging and run DL origination with the
adjustment check box selected. Then using packaging, insert a new row, award a new DL item type, use a
disbursement plan and split code that reflects the new even split option for one term, and rerun origination
with loan adjustments turned on.

Related Links
Reviewing One-Term DL Loan Functionality

1122 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 34

Reviewing Awards

Common Elements Used in Reviewing Awards

Accepted Displays the award amount accepted by the student.

Authorized Displays the amount authorized for disbursement to the student.

Disbursed Displays the amount disbursed to the student.

Disbursement ID Displays the disbursement ID associated with this award


Disbursement Plan Displays the disbursement plan associated with the award.

Item Type Displays the financial aid item type of the award.

Offered Displays the award amount offered to the student.

* = Expired An asterisk next to a net award amount indicates that the amount
can no longer be applied as anticipated aid because it has
expired. These awards no longer show as anticipated aid in
PeopleSoft Student Financials.

Reviewing Award Activity

As financial aid is packaged, adjusted, and disbursed, all activity associated with those actions is
recorded. Use the Award Activity page to review changes to a student's financial aid package.

This section discusses how to review FA Term data.

Pages Used to Review Award Activity

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Award Activity STDNT_AWRD_ACTV Financial Aid > Awards > Review changes to a student's
View Award Activity > award by financial aid item
Award Activity type.

Award Detail STDNT_AWD_ACTV_DET Click the Award Detail link on View more information about
the Award Activity page. the student's award and the
action reason, as well as cost
of attendance information.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1123

Reviewing Awards Chapter 34

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Term Data STDNT_ACTV_TRM_SEC Click the Term Detail button Review the FA Term data that
on the Award Detail page. is used to award the financial
aid item type to the student.

Reviewing FA Term Data

Access the FA Term Data page (click the Term Detail button on the Award Detail page).

Academic Year Displays the academic year associated with the term.

Total Units Displays the total number of units that the student is taking for
the term.

Pell Term COA (Pell term cost of Displays the term-based Pell COA by career.

The other fields on this page are the same as those on the Term Summary page.

Related Links
Viewing Term Summary Information

Reviewing Aggregate Aid

This section provides an overview of aggregate aid review and discusses how to:

• Review aggregate aid summary.

• Review aggregate aid by school.

• View aggregate detail.

• Review aggregate program summary.

Related Links
Managing Aggregate Aid

Understanding Aggregate Aid Review

The aggregate aid summary components display information regarding defined aggregate area limit
amounts, used amounts against the limits, and remaining eligibility. Two aggregate aid summary
components are available: View Aggregate Aid and View Aggregate Program Summary . Each is based
on aggregate areas that you set up in the system. You can define aggregate area rules for each academic
grade level, for undergraduate and graduate designation, or as lifetime funding limits. An aggregate
area can be attached to one or many financial aid item types or awards. Information maintained in
the aggregate aid tables helps determine a student's annual and lifetime limits during the Awarding
and Packaging processes. The aggregate aid summary components are updated by the Awarding

1124 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 34 Reviewing Awards

and Packaging processes. You can also update individual aggregate data using the Update Incoming
Aggregate Aid component.

Another source of aggregate aid history for the federal Stafford subsidized, Stafford unsubsidized,
Perkins, Pell, and (Federal) Student Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG) aid programs is maintained
within the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) database. NSLDS data is loaded into the system
during the Institutional Student Information Records (ISIR) Load routine as well as from Transfer Student
Monitoring and Financial Aid History requests. NSLDS data that is loaded into the system can be pushed
to the aggregate aid tables to be used during the Awarding and Packaging processes. An aggregate source
of NSLDS must be set in the system to direct the Awarding and Packaging processes to use the NSLDS
totals instead of the standard aggregate aid totals.

In addition to using aggregates to keep track of federal funds, you can establish aggregate areas and
aggregate limits for any other award sources in the system. You should establish aggregate limits for all
federal funds, such as Pell, Stafford, and SEOG. If aggregate limits are not established, the Packaging and
Awarding processes may award students more than the federally or institutionally established annual and
lifetime limits.

Pages Used to Review Aggregate Aid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Aggregate Summary STDNT_AGGR_AWDS Financial Aid > Awards > Review aggregate aid
Aggregates > View summary for a student.
Aggregate Aid > Aggregate

Aggregates by School STDNT_AGGR_SCHL Financial Aid > Awards > Review aggregate aid by
Aggregates > View school. Check whether
Aggregate Aid > Aggregates aggregate aid from a
by School particular institution has been
entered or whether the student
has received aggregate aid
from more than on institution.

Aggregate Detail AGGR_SCHL_SEC Click the Detail link on the View additional details of
Aggregates by School page. each institution's aggregate
aid award to the student,
including loan information.

Aggregate Program Summary SFA_STU_AGGR_PROG Financial Aid > Awards > View aggregate aid history for
Aggregates > View a student for a corresponding
Aggregate Program aggregate program.
Summary > Aggregate
Program Summary

Reviewing Aggregate Aid Summary

Access the Aggregate Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > Aggregates > View Aggregate Aid >
Aggregate Summary).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1125

Reviewing Awards Chapter 34

Image: Aggregate Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aggregate Summary page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Lifetime Total
Aid Year Indicates the aid year that corresponds to the displayed
information. Use the scroll arrows to view aggregate aid made
in other aid years.

NSLDS Total (National Student Loan Indicates the NSLDS total that has been loaded and pushed from
Data System total) the NSLDS tables.

Total % Used Displays the sum of Percent Scheduled Used and the percent of
Pell Grant awards already packaged by the system for the aid
year. Valid values are 000.0 to 200.0.

Undergrad Lifetime (undergraduate Information in this row is for the student's undergraduate
lifetime) NSLDS loan years (U0-U5) and associated awards.

Graduate Lifetime Information in this row is for the student's graduate NSLDS loan
years (G1–G4, P1–P4) and associated awards. The student's
undergraduate loan year awards may also be included in this
row, depending on whether the aggregate area has cumulative or
distinct lifetime limits.

(Cumulative): The student's undergraduate amount of this

aggregate aid is counted towards the graduate limit.

(Distinct): The undergraduate and graduate limits are tracked


Lifetime Terms If a limit applies to the number of terms that a student can
receive this type of aid, in addition to or separate from a dollar

1126 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 34 Reviewing Awards

amount limit, this row displays the limit (if any) and the number
of terms for which the student has received the award. The
Packaging routine does not enforce these lifetime term limits;
these fields are for informational purposes only.

Limit The lifetime maximum aggregate amount (or number of terms)

the student can receive for this aggregate area/aid.

Used The amount of aid or number of terms that the student has
received this type of aggregate aid.

Remaining Indicates unused lifetime aggregate eligibility (amount or terms)

that the student can receive.

Level Totals by Aid Year

Aggregate Level Displays the student's aggregate level for the displayed year.
Aggregate level data is posted as a result of Awarding and
Packaging processing as well as data entered in the Update
Incoming Aggregate Aid component.

Limit Displays the annual maximum aggregate amount that the

student can receive for this aggregate level.

Used Displays the amount that the student has received.

Remaining Displays the unused annual aggregate eligibility that the student
can receive.

Cumulative Limit Displays the maximum cumulative amount that the student can
receive for this academic level. This is an optional limitation
that can be defined on the corresponding aggregate area.

Cumulative Used Displays the unused cumulative level limit for which the student
is eligible.

Dependency The student's dependency status appears after any awarding or

packaging activity has occurred for this aggregate area as of the
aid year.

PLUS Override (Parent Loan for The student's PLUS override status maintained on the STDNT
Undergraduate Students override) _AID_PACKAGE component appears for all aggregate areas
that correspond to either the Federal Family Educational Loan
Program (FFELP) or Direct Loan programs. PLUS Override
status appears after any awarding or packaging activity has

Reviewing Aggregate Aid by School

Access the Aggregates by School page (Financial Aid > Awards > Aggregates > View Aggregate Aid >
Aggregates by School).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1127

Reviewing Awards Chapter 34

Image: Aggregates by School page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Aggregates by School page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Information for this page is viewed by aggregate area, such as Stafford or Pell. Use the scroll arrows to
view other aggregate areas.

Total Displays the total lifetime amount awarded by all schools for
this student for this aggregate area.

Scheduled Displays the aggregate Pell amount award to the student. For
non-Pell aggregate areas, this field remains at zero.

Aid Year Displays the aid year in which the aggregate aid was awarded to
the student. Use the scroll arrows to view additional aid years.

Status Indicates whether your institution or another institution awarded

the aggregate aid. Values are:

Internal: The aggregate aid was awarded by your institution by

means of the award entry pages.

Imported: The aggregate aid was awarded at another institution

and has been added to the system by means of the Aggregate
Aid Data page.

School Code Displays the code and name of the institution where the
aggregate aid was awarded.

Award Amount Displays the amount of aggregate aid provided by each school.

Scheduled Displays the aggregate Pell amount award to the student for the
corresponding aid year. For non-Pell aggregate areas, this field
remains at zero.

Detail Click this link to access the Aggregate Detail page and view
detailed information about each school's aggregate aid award.

1128 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 34 Reviewing Awards

Viewing Aggregate Detail

Access the Aggregate Detail page (click the Detail link on the Aggregates by School page).

The page displays aggregate area, aid year, academic year, school code, and status information about the
award from the Aggregates by School page.

Aggregate Level Displays the student's academic level for which he or she
received the aggregate amount.

Expected Award Displays the aggregate amount offered to the student.

Actual Award Displays the aggregate amount disbursed to the student.

Aggregate Loan Data

The fields in this group box display loan processing information for loan awards that have at least been
originated. However, this functionality is not currently supported, and these fields remain blank.

Reviewing Aggregate Program Summary

Access the Aggregate Program Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > Aggregates > View
Aggregate Program Summary > Aggregate Program Summary).

Aggregate program limits link aggregate areas together to enable you to combine limits between
aggregate areas. The intent is to support the Stafford program, which comprises the subsidized and
unsubsidized programs.

Program Totals by Aid Year

Aid Year Indicates the aid year that corresponds to the displayed
information. Use View All to view aggregate aid that was made
in other aid years.

Undergrad Lifetime (undergraduate Information in this row is for the student's combined
lifetime) undergraduate NSLDS loan years (U0–U5) awards that are
associated with the aggregate areas that are linked to this
aggregate program.

Graduate Lifetime Information in this row is for the student's combined graduate
NSLDS loan years (G1–G4, P1–P4) awards that are associated
with the aggregate areas that are linked to this aggregate
program. The student's undergraduate loan year awards
may also be included in this row, depending on whether the
aggregate area has cumulative or distinct lifetime limits.

Aggregate Areas for Program

Aggregate Areas for Program Indicates the aid year that corresponds to the displayed
information. Use View All to view aggregate area totals in other
aid years.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1129

Reviewing Awards Chapter 34

Undergrad Lifetime (undergraduate Information in this row is for the student's undergraduate
lifetime) NSLDS loan years (U0–U5) and associated awards.

Graduate Lifetime (Cumulative) Information in this row is for the student's graduate NSLDS loan
years (G1–G4, P1–P4) and associated awards. The student's
undergraduate loan year awards may also be included in this
row, depending on whether the aggregate area has cumulative or
distinct lifetime limits.

The student's undergraduate amount of this aggregate aid is

counted towards the graduate limit. If the undergraduate amount
is 20,000 and the graduate amount is 40,000, then the student
cannot receive more than 40,000 for this aggregate area.)

When Distinct is displayed, the undergraduate and graduate

limits are tracked separately. If the undergraduate amount is 20,
000 and the graduate amount is 40,000, then the student can
receive up to 60,000 for this aggregate area.)

Reviewing Student Packaging Status by Date

The student's financial aid award package as well as the information used to award a student can
change over time. The As Of Status component enables you to view information about a student's ISIR
information and award package by a particular date in time. As new ISIR data is loaded, a student's award
package may change. Use the pages in the As Of Status component to review changes over time. This can
be particularly important for explaining a reduced award to a student or for reviewing changes to student's

This section discusses how to:

• Review ISIR summary information by date.

• Review award summary by date.

Pages Used to Review Student Packaging Status by Date

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

As of ISIR Summary AS_OF_ISIR_SUMMRY Financial Aid > Awards > Review a student's ISIR
View by Date > As of ISIR summary detail as of a
Summary particular date, various
database matches, and
verification status.

As of Award Summary AS_OF_AWRD_SUMMRY Financial Aid > Awards > Review award summary.
View by Date > As of Award Review a student's financial
Summary aid package as of a particular
date in time.

1130 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 34 Reviewing Awards

Reviewing ISIR Summary Information by Date

Access the As of ISIR Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > View by Date > As of ISIR

Image: As of ISIR Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the As of ISIR Summary page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

As of Date Enter the date that you want to review related to the student's
ISIR information. When you make an entry, the system displays
the data that was used for the student as of the entered date.

Effective Sequence Displays the number assigned to each effective-dated row

that enables you to keep track of multiple rows with the same
effective date.

The other fields on this page correspond to those on the ISIR Information Summary page.

Related Links
Reviewing the Packaging Status Summary Page

Reviewing Award Summary by Date

Access the As of Award Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > View by Date > As of Award

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1131

Reviewing Awards Chapter 34

Image: As of Award Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the As of Award Summary page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page displays information for the entire aid year. The information on this page comes from the
student award information and the authorization and disbursement processes.

As of Date Enter the date that you want to review related to the student's
award information. When you make an entry, the system
displays information about the student's awards as of the entered

Item Type Displays the financial aid item type of the award.

Career Displays the career associated with the award.

Reviewing Award Summary Information by Category

This section discusses how to review award summary information.

Pages Used to Review Award Summary Information by Category

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Award Category Totals STDNT_AWRD_CATG Financial Aid > Awards > Review award summary
View Award Category information. View award
Summary > Award Category totals by award category for
Totals the entire aid year.

Award Category Detail STDNT_AWRD_CTG_DET Click the Award Detail link View information about each
on the Award Category Totals award included in a category
page. on the Award Category Totals

Reviewing Award Summary Information

Access the Award Category Totals page (Financial Aid > Awards > View Award Category Summary >
Award Category Totals).

1132 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 34 Reviewing Awards

Category Displays the type of financial aid award. An award's category

comes from the Financial Aid Type field on the FA Item Type
1 page. Each category for which the student has an award is

Award Count Displays the number of awards of this category awarded to the

Offer Total Displays the total award amount offered for this category.

Accept Total The total award amount accepted for this category.

Authorized Total Displays the total amount authorized for disbursement to the
student for the category.

Disbursed Total Displays the total amount disbursed to the student for the

Award Detail Click this link to access the Award Category Detail page and
view information about each award included in a category.

Total Displays the total of all categories for each column.

Reviewing Total Award Summary Information

The Award Summary component enables you to review a student's awards for the entire aid year or for a
particular term, and also indicates whether each award has been authorized or disbursed.

This section discusses reviewing an annual award summary.

Pages Used to Review Total Award Summary Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Award Summary STDNT_AWRD_INQUIRY Financial Aid > Awards > Review an annual award
View Term Award summary. View a student's
Summary > Award Summary awards and the offered,
accepted, authorized for
disbursement, and disbursed
amounts for each award.

Award Detail AWARD_DETAIL_SEC Click the Award Detail link on View the disbursement
the Award Summary page. plan and split code for an
individual award, as well as
details about a disbursement

Award Term Summary STDNT_AWRD_TERM Financial Aid > Awards > View a student's awards by
View Term Award term. This is particularly
Summary > Award Term useful when you are viewing
Summary awards for different careers
for the terms.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1133

Reviewing Awards Chapter 34

Reviewing an Annual Award Summary

Access the Award Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > View Term Award Summary > Award

The amounts on this page are for the entire aid year. Authorized and disbursed amounts may not be equal
to the accepted amount if you have not disbursed all terms.

Award Detail Click this link to access the Award Detail page and view the
disbursement plan and split code for an individual award, as
well as details about a disbursement ID.

TOTAL Displays the totals for the student's entire financial aid package.

Reviewing Anticipated Aid

When each financial aid item type is defined, one of the decisions that you make is whether this aid
should be reflected on a student's account in PeopleSoft Student Financials as anticipated aid before the
actual disbursement of the aid. The pages that are discussed in this section enable you to view the awards
that have been designated as anticipated aid. You can also use these pages to determine whether financial
aid awards have been disbursed to students for any term in the aid year.

This section discusses how to:

• Review anticipated aid by term.

• Review anticipated aid by item type.

Related Links
Defining Disbursement and Anticipated Aid

Pages Used to Review Anticipated Aid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Anticipated Aid by Term ANTICIPTD_AID_SUMM Financial Aid > Awards > Review the anticipated aid for
View Anticipated Aid by a student by term.
Term > Anticipated Aid by

Note: Applies to CS Financial

Aid Anticipated Aid only.

1134 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 34 Reviewing Awards

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Anticipated Aid by Item Type ANTICIPATED_AID Financial Aid > Awards > Review the anticipated aid for
View Anticipated Aid Item a particular award financial
Type > Anticipated Aid by aid item type.
Item Type

Note: Applies to CS Financial

Aid Anticipated Aid only.

Reviewing Anticipated Aid by Term

Access the Anticipated Aid by Term page (Financial Aid > Awards > View Anticipated Aid by Term >
Anticipated Aid by Term).

Only financial aid item types that are designated as anticipated aid are displayed on this page. Use the
scroll arrows to view additional anticipated aid awards for the term.

Apply Dt (apply date) Displays the date on which the award can be applied to the
student's account as anticipated aid. This date is based on the
disbursement date of the disbursement ID.

Expire Dt (expire date) Displays the last date that the award is applied as anticipated aid
to the student's account. When this date has passed, the award
does not count as anticipated aid for the term unless you change
the expire date by modifying the Anticip Aid Expiration Days
(anticipated aid expiration days) field on the FA Item Type 3

Net Award Amount Displays the net amount to be disbursed to the student for the
term for this financial aid item type. If this amount is zero, the
award has been disbursed.

Total Active Anticipated Aid Displays the total amount of anticipated aid that is still active
for the student for the term. This is the sum of the net award
amounts for any financial aid item type that has not expired.

Reviewing Anticipated Aid by Item Type

Access the Anticipated Aid by Item Type page (Financial Aid > Awards > View Anticipated Aid Item
Type > Anticipated Aid by Item Type).

Only financial aid item types that are designated as anticipated aid are displayed on this page.

Show Active Aid Only Select this check box to view active anticipated aid awards only.
Clear to view all anticipated aid awards (active and expired).
When you first access this page, this check box is cleared.

Career Displays the career that is associated with this disbursement

plan. If the student is a multicareer student, use the scroll arrows

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1135

Reviewing Awards Chapter 34

to view other disbursement plan and career combinations for

this financial aid item type.

Disbursement ID Displays the individual disbursement ID for this anticipated aid

award. The page displays award information by disbursement
ID, instead of by term or aid year. Use the scroll arrows to view
other disbursement IDs for this financial aid item type.

As of Date/Time Displays the date and time when the anticipated aid was
last updated. As changes are made, new rows are added
with different dates and times. Use the scroll arrows to view
additional changes to this award.

Apply Dt (apply date) Displays the date on which the award can be applied to the
student's account as anticipated aid. This date is based on the
disbursement date of the disbursement ID.

Expire Dt (expire date) Displays the last date that the award is applied as anticipated aid
to the student's account. When this date has passed, the award
does not count as anticipated aid for the term unless you change
the expire date by modifying the Anticip Aid Expiration Days
field on the FA Item Type 3 page.

Net Award Displays the net amount to be disbursed to the student for the
term for this financial aid item type. If this amount is zero, the
award has been disbursed.

Expiring Anticipated Aid

This section discusses how to:

• Expire Anticipate Aid for a single student.

• Expire Anticipated Aid in batch.

Pages Used to Expire Anticipated Aid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Expire Anticipated Aid ANTICIPTD_AID_EDIT Financial Aid > Awards > Expire anticipated aid for
Award Processing > Expire any financial aid item type
Anticipated Aid > Expire displayed. Also view the
Anticipated Aid student's anticipated aid for a
particular term.

Note: Applies to CS Financial

Aid Anticipated Aid only.

1136 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 34 Reviewing Awards

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Expire Anticipated Aid in SFA_RUN_XANTAID Financial Aid > Awards > In batch, expire all anticipated
Batch Award Processing > Batch aid for an aid year and term,
Expire Anticipated Aid > expire anticipated aid by
Expire Anticipated Aid in financial aid item type, aid
Batch year, and term, or reset the
expiration date for unexpired
anticipated aid by financial
aid item type, aid year, and

Expiring Anticipated Aid

Access the Expire Anticipated Aid page (Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Expire
Anticipated Aid > Expire Anticipated Aid).

Expire Anticipated Aid Click this button to set the expire date to the current date.
This expires the anticipated aid for the financial aid item type.
You must exit the page and access it again to have the expired
asterisk appear next to the Net Award amount. After you click
the button and exit the page and then access it again, this button
is no longer available for this financial aid item type.

The other fields on this page correspond to those on the Anticipated Aid by Term page.

Related Links
Reviewing Anticipated Aid

Expiring Anticipated Aid in Batch

Access the Expire Anticipated Aid in Batch page (Financial Aid >Awards >Award Processing >Batch
Expire Anticipated Aid >Expire Anticipated Aid in Batch).

Selection Tool Select one option.

• PS Query: Specify the BIND record SFA_XANTAD_BIND

as part of your query.

• Equation Engine: Specify SFA_XANTAD_BIND and SFA

_XANTAD_TRGT for the BIND and TARGET records,
respectively, as part of your equation.

Specify 'Batch Expire Anticipated Aid' as the Equation's

Application Prompt ID.

Expire Options Select one option.

• Expire all anticipated aid: Select this option to expire all

anticipated aid for the selected Aid Year and Term.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1137

Reviewing Awards Chapter 34

• Expire by Item Type: Select this option to expire all

anticipated aid for a single financial aid Item Type for the
selected Aid Year and Term.

Multiple Item Types can be selected for expiration.

• Reset Expiration Date: Select this option to reset the

Expiration Date for all anticipated aid for a single financial
aid Item Type for the selected Aid Year and Term.

You can only expire awards where the Expire Dt is greater

or equal to the current date. In other words, you can only
expire unexpired awards and not awards that have already

Related Links
Reviewing Anticipated Aid
"Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Reviewing Overaward Amounts

A report is available to help you identify whether any students are in an overaward situation and to review
disbursement information for students who are in an overaward situation. An overaward situation occurs
when the student receives financial aid for an award period that exceeds the student's COA or need for
that award period. This report lists students who have overaward amounts and contains information about
their need and disbursements.

This section discusses how to generate the Overaward Report.

Page Used to Review Overaward Amounts

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Overaward Report RUN_CNTL_FA922_RPT Financial Aid > Awards > Generate the Overaward
Generate Overaward Report.
Report > Overaward Report

Generating the Overaward Report

Access the Overaward Report page (Financial Aid > Awards > Generate Overaward Report >
Overaward Report).

Award Period Select the award period for which you want to view overaward
amounts. Select A − Academic for the academic year or N
− Non-Standard for summer and other terms that are not
designated as academic terms.

Pkg Method (packaging method) Indicate which packaging method should be used to determine
whether a student has an overaward. Select FM − Federal

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Chapter 34 Reviewing Awards

Methodology to display overawards that exceed FM need or

FM COA according to federal regulations, IM − Institutional
Methodology to display overawards that exceed IM need or
IM COA according to your institution's rules, or leave the field
blank to include both FM and IM overawards.

Note: The Overaward Report is a core report. If you want to use additional criteria when running this
report, you can configure the report to suit your needs.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1139

Reviewing Awards Chapter 34

1140 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 35

Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Selecting Students and Creating a FAN Extract File

Important! Mass Change is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained for this product, but
no new development will be produced for Mass Change. It is strongly recommended that you use
Application Engine instead. For more information on PeopleSoft Application Engine, see PeopleTools:
Application Engine.

Important! Financial Aid Notification (FAN) letter is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained
for this product, but no new development will be produced for FAN. It is strongly recommended that you
use Communication Generation (Comm Gen) instead. For more information on Comm Gen, see "Using
the Communication Generation Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

This section provides an overview of FAN processing and discusses how to:

• Assign FAN communications manually.

• Assign FAN communications using mass change.

• Review students selected for award notification.

• Select students to include in the extract file.

• Create the FAN extract file and produce the FAN letter.

Understanding FAN Processing

After packaging students, use the FAN to notify students of their financial aid awards. The FAN includes
the name of each award, the amount awarded to the student, and any messages that you designated for a
particular financial aid item type. When you define financial aid item types, you select award messages to
print on the FAN and specify whether the award should be classified as an award item, other resource, or
a custom format when printed on the FAN.

To create a FAN:

1. Assign communications to students.

You can assign a FAN communication to an individual student manually, or you can use Mass Change
to assign a FAN communication to a group of students.

2. Select a group of students for which to create an extract file.

3. Create the extract file.

4. Merge the extract file with your selected word processing software to create the actual FAN letter.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1141

Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Some particulars for FAN processing:

• Aid year is a merge field to enable printing a FAN for multiple aid years.

• Financial aid item types that are designated to be printed as Other Resources are summed together and
displayed on the FAN as one item in the Eligibility section of the letter. To provide a breakdown of the
Other Resources total, each financial aid item type designated to print as Other Resources appears as
a line item in the Financial Aid Offer section of the letter with term amounts and total award amount
shown. The message code of OTHR identifies each financial aid item type designated to be printed as
Other Resources. Awards with the OTHR message code are not included in the total financial aid offer
amount displayed.

• Adjustment reason codes are included in the data extract process so they appear when the FAN is
printed. Adjustment reason codes appear only if there has been a change to an award.

Pages Used to Select Students and Create a FAN Extract File

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Award Notification Selection FAN_SEL_LET_MC Financial Aid > Awards > Review students selected
Notification Letter > View to receive a financial aid
Mass Change Selection > notification letter during
Award Notification Selection the FAN-Select Letter Mass
Change process.

Award Notification Selection RUNCTL_FAN_SEL Financial Aid > Awards > Select a student or group of
(process) Notification Letter > Select students to include in extract
Award Letter Data > Award file used to generate FAN
Notification Selection letters. Choose the address
and name to be used on the
FAN letter.

Award Letter Data Extract RUNCTL_FAN_EXTRACT Financial Aid > Awards > Create a FAN extract file.
Notification Letter > Create
Award Letter Data File >
Award Letter Data Extract

Award Notification Summary STDNT_FAN_ATRBT Financial Aid > Awards > Review award letters for a
Notification Letter > Award student.
Notification Summary >
Award Notification Summary

Summary of Data Printed on STDNT_FAN_DATA Financial Aid > Awards > View the information that was
FAN Notification Letter > View printed on the student's FAN
Award Letter Data letter.

Budget Items STDNT_FAN_BDGT_SEC Click the Budget Detail link View the budget categories
on the Summary of Data and amounts that constitute
Printed on FAN page. the student's cost of

Term Award Data STDNT_FAN_AWRD_SEC Click the Award Detail link on View the student's financial
the Summary of Data Printed aid package by term.
on FAN page.

1142 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Assigning FAN Communications Manually

Click the Communication button to access the Communication Management page and assign a FAN
communication for an individual student. This button is found on several pages including the:

• Communication Summary page.

You can use this page to see if a FAN communication has already been assigned to this student.

See "Reviewing a Summary of Communications" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus


• Financial Aid Status page.

See Reviewing the Student's Packaging Status.

Assigning FAN Communications Using Mass Change

To assign communications using Mass Change:

1. Update the Mass Change Select Template in the Mass Change Definition component (Campus
Community > Communications > Mass Change - Communications > Mass Change Definition) with
the criteria that you want to use to select students.

a. Select FAN-Select Letter as the Mass Change Definition.

b. Select the Campus Solutions page, and enter or update the fields as necessary.

c. Select the Criteria and Defaults page and use the SQL Statement scroll arrows to find Execution
Seq 2, which has a Description of Select Application Criteria.

d. Update the Field and Field Value entries that you want to use to select students, leaving blank
those fields that you are not using.

e. Select the Generate SQL page, and click the Mass Change Clear Switch button.

f. Click the Mass Change Generate SQL Swch (mass change generate SQL switch) button.

g. Click the Count button to make sure that the count (number of students selected) is at least greater
than zero.

h. Click the Save button, and click OK for any warning messages that appear.

2. Run the Mass Change using the Run Mass Change page.

a. Select the Execute Single Mass Change option in the Mass Change Run Type group box.

b. In the Mass Change Definition field, select FAN-Select Letter.

3. (Optional) Review and edit the selected students on the Award Notification Selection page.

4. Update the Mass Change Update Template in the Mass Change Definition component (Campus
Community > Communications > Mass Change—Communications > Mass Change Definition).

a. Select FAN-Update Comm Table as the Mass Change Definition.

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Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

b. Select the Campus Solutions page, and enter or update the fields as necessary.

c. Select the Generate SQL page, and click the Mass Change Clear Switch button.

d. Click the Mass Change Generate SQL Swch (mass change generate SQL switch) button.

e. Click the Count button to make sure that the count (number of students selected) is at least greater
than zero.

f. Click the Save button, and click OK for any warning messages that appear.

5. Run the 3C Engine (Campus Community > Communications > Process > 3C Engine).

a. On the Trigger Table page, select the Mass Change option in the Process 3Cs group box.

b. Select the Mass Change page.

c. Enter FAN-Create-Communication in the Mass Change Group ID field.

d. Click the Run button.

Related Links
Assigning FAN Communications Using Mass Change

Reviewing Students Selected for Award Notification

Access the Award Notification Selection page (Financial Aid > Awards > Notification Letter > View
Mass Change Selection > Award Notification Selection).

1144 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Image: Award Notification Selection page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Notification Selection page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The Mass Change Selection - Results group box lists the students who are selected to receive a FAN by
the mass change process.

Status Specifies the current status of the student's FAN communication,

and determines whether the student is selected for inclusion
in the extract file. As long as the student does not have a status
of Cancel, the student is selected for inclusion in the extract
file. To prevent a student from receiving a FAN letter, you can
either change the student's status to Cancel or you can delete the
student's row.

Cancel: Select this value to prevent the student from having a

FAN communication assigned.

Pending: The student has been selected to have a FAN

communication assigned, but it has not yet been assigned (the
3C Engine still needs to be run).

Successful: Indicates that a FAN communication has been

successfully assigned to the student.

Selecting Students to Include in the Extract File

Access the Award Notification Selection (process) page (Financial Aid > Awards > Notification Letter >
Select Award Letter Data > Award Notification Selection).

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Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Image: Award Notification Selection (process) page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Notification Selection (process) page. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

ID To print a FAN letter for only one student, select the student's
ID number in this field. Only students who have been assigned
a communication with a function of FINA are available for
selection. If you want to select a group of students, leave this
field empty.

Sequence If you want to print a FAN letter for a group of students, leave
this field blank. Select a specific communication for the student.
If you leave this field blank, the most recent communication is
used. When you select a sequence number, the system populates
the Institution, Function, Aid Year, Category, and Letter Code

Institution If you are selecting a group of students for which to run this
process, select the institution that the students attend. When
you complete this field, the system automatically populates the
Function and Aid Year fields.

If you selected an ID, this field is already populated.

Function The administrative function of the Communication. FINA is the


Category Select AWARD for the FAN letter.

Career If you select an ID and a sequence, you can select a career for
the student. If you select a career, only awards for that career are
printed on the FAN. If you do not select a career, then awards
for all the student's careers are printed on the FAN. If the student
is a multiple career student and you want awards for all careers
printed on the FAN, do not select a career.

1146 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

When selecting a group of students, if you select a career, then

only the awards for that career for each student are printed on
the FAN. If you have multiple career students and you want
awards for all their careers to be printed on the FAN, do not
select a specific career.

Letter Code Select FAN for the FAN letter.

Award Period Select the award period for which you want the FAN letter
created. The default value is Academic. Non Std (non standard)
is also available for nonacademic terms. FA Term determines
the default for these periods and uses the last effective-dated
sequence or effective-dated status. For example, if the default is
Academic and because different academic statuses are available
in FA Term, such as fall 2006-2007, spring 2006-2007, and
summer 2007-2008, the system uses the last effective-dated
sequence or effective-dated status for that aid year.

Address Usage The address usage determines which address is printed on the
FAN letter. Address usage is defined by your institution.

Address Name Select the address name that you want to use for this FAN
letter. This determines what name is printed on the FAN letter.
Address name is defined by your institution.

Print Canceled/Declined Awards Select if you want the FAN letter to print canceled and declined
awards in addition to offered and accepted awards.

Institutional Methodology Select if you want institutional costs to be included as part of

the FAN letter data. The institutional costs are summed into the
Personal/Miscellaneous budget category.

Update FAN Attributes Select to update the information on the Award Notification
Summary page and mark the communication record completed.
Clear the check box to run the selection process in test mode.

Run Run the Select students who need a FAN process (FANSEL)
when you are ready to select students for the extract file.

Note: Be sure to run the FANSEL process in update mode at least once. If you never run the process in
update mode the communication request is never marked as completed and it may always be selected for
award notification. If you forget to Update FAN Attributes on this step, you can also update it during the
Extract File Creation step.

Creating the FAN Extract File and Producing the FAN Letter
Access the Award Letter Data Extract page (Financial Aid > Awards > Notification Letter > Create
Award Letter Data File > Award Letter Data Extract).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1147

Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Image: Award Letter Data Extract page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Letter Data Extract page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

ID Select the student that you are working with if you are creating a
FAN letter for only one student. If no ID is selected, all students
who have been selected to receive a FAN are included in the
extract file.

Letter Code Select FAN.

Sequence This number distinguishes between versions of letters sent to a

student. Each time a new communication and award notification
letter (FAN) are requested, a sequential number is assigned to
the award notification letter. This sequence is increased by one
each time an additional award notification letter is requested.
The sequence number allows you to select which version of the
award notification letter that you want to use if an ID is entered.

Career If you select an ID and a sequence number you can select a

career for the student. If you select a career, only awards for that
career are printed on the FAN. If you do not select a career, then
awards for all the student's careers are printed on the FAN. If the
student is a multiple career student and you want awards for all
careers printed on the FAN, do not select a career.

When selecting a group of students for whom to run this

process, if you select a career, then only the awards for that
career for each student are printed on the FAN. If you have
multiple career students and you want awards for all their
careers to be printed on the FAN, do not select a career.

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Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Award Period Select the award period for which you want the FAN letter
created. The default value is Academic. Non Std (non standard)
is also available for nonacademic terms.

FA Term determines the default for these periods and now

uses the last effective-dated sequence or effective-dated status.
For example, if the default is Academic and because different
academic statuses are available in FA Term, such as fall
2006-2007, spring 2006-2007, and summer 2007-2008, the
system uses the last effective-dated sequence or effective-dated
status for that aid year.

Update FAN Attributes Select to update the Print Status field on the Award Notification
Summary page and update the communication record. Clear to
run the process in test mode only.

Use Current Effective Address Select to have the Create Award Data Extract process
(FANLTR) re-select the student's name and address information
using the information that you enter in the Address Usage and
Address Name fields on this page. Clear to have the extract
file contain the name and address chosen during the FANSEL

Address Usage The address usage determines which address is printed on the
FAN letter. Address usage is defined by your institution. The
default value is the address usage from the student selection

Address Name Select the address name to use for this FAN letter. This
determines what name is printed on the FAN letter. Address
name is defined by your institution. The default value is the
address name from the student selection process.

File Type Select the extract file type to be created. Values are: JetForm,
CSV, and Other. JetForm is the default value. The value that
you select in this field determines what other file-related fields
appear on the page.

If you select JetForm, the page displays the File Path and
Override Flags fields.

If you select CSV, the page displays the Send to Printer check
box, the File Path field, and the Template Path field.

If you select Other, the page displays the File Path field.

Send to Printer If you select CSV for the file type and you want the letter to go
directly to the printer during the Microsoft Word merge process,
select this check box.

File Path Enter the full path of where you want the extract file to reside
after the FANLTR process is run. Include a / or \ at the end of
the path, such as C:\TEMP\ or //user/tmp/. Make sure that the

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Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

destination folder or directory is a valid share folder or directory

on the network.

Template Path If you select CSV for the file type, you must indicate where your
award letter master document (FANLTR.doc) and your template
file ( reside. The Microsoft Word merge process
uses this information. This location is usually \\PS_HOME

Override Flags If you select JetForm for the file type, specify print options to
use when producing the FAN, such as the number of copies to

Run Click to run this request. Process Scheduler runs the Create
Award Data Extract process (FANLTR) at user-defined
intervals. After the system runs the process successfully, you
can retrieve the extract file from the file path you specified. You
can then use the extract file in whatever software you use to
create the actual FAN letter.

Printing the Award Letter Using Microsoft Word

To perform a merge using Microsoft Word:

1. Use the Award Letter Data Extract page to create a FAN extract file, using CSV for the file type. The
date file output has been changed from .LTR (MS-Word) to .CSV.

2. Specify the file path where you want the extract file and the parameter file to go in the File Path field.
This can be a shared folder on your local machine or a shared folder on any valid network drive path.
An example of a file path is C:\TEMP\.

3. Run the process from the Process Scheduler. When the process completes, the extract file for the FAN
(FAN.CSV) and the Word Merge parameters file (FANPARMS.DAT) are located at the file path you
specified in Step 2.

4. Move the FANPARMS.DAT file into the C:\TEMP\ folder if it is not already located there.

5. Create a shortcut for MS-Word on your desktop specifically to run the merge process for the FAN
letter. You must create this shortcut.

a. Open Windows Explorer and find the Winword.exe file (usually in C:\Apps\Office\).

b. Drag the button onto your desktop to create a shortcut.

c. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties to edit the shortcut properties. Select the Shortcut

d. Edit the Target field to include the following parameter path values for launching the Winword
file, template, and macro. In this example, we are pointing to C:\PS\LS8\Winword\ to find the
FANLTR.DOT file, but you must enter the valid directory where the template resides on your
system. However, you must enter /mPRCSFANLTR for the name of the macro.

You must use a space to separate the path for launching the Winword file (which should already
be in the Target field) from the path to the template and to separate the path to the template from

1150 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

the macro name. For example: C:\Apps\Office97\Office\WINWORD.EXE C:\PS\LS\Winword


e. Click OK when you finish editing the Target field.

f. Rename the shortcut to indicate that the shortcut launches the merge process, such as FAN

g. Double-click the Word desktop shortcut you created to launch the merge process. The merge
process creates a file called SAFANLTR.DOC in the C:\TEMP\ folder.

h. Open the SAFANLTR.DOC file and print the FAN letters.

Note: If you select the Send to Printer check box on the Award Letter Data Extract page, the file
prints automatically on your default printer.

Warning! If you are using Microsoft Office 2000, you must have applied service pack SR1 for the
FAN to print. If you have not applied the service pack, the FAN does not print.

Setting Up FAN Printing Using the Forms Engine

Important! Financial Aid Notification (FAN) letter is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained
for this product, but no new development will be produced for FAN. It is strongly recommended that you
use Communication Generation (Comm Gen) instead. For more information on Comm Gen, see "Using
the Communication Generation Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

This section provides an overview of Forms Engine FAN printing and discusses how to:

• Set up FE Award notification form types.

• Set up FA demographic use information.

• Set up the sort order.

• Set up a printer.

• Set up FE award notification equations.

• Set up FE award notification defaults.

Understanding Forms Engine FAN Printing

Prior to 2003-2004, printing FAN letters required you to initiate a process within the Packaging feature
of Financial Aid. Navigate to Report Manger to view the results and print the FAN. Through the use of
Forms Engine, an Application Engine program that outputs information in PostScript format, you can
print FAN letters directly to your PostScript printer without leaving Packaging. Using Forms Engine for
printing FAN eliminates the need for JetForm, Crystal Reports, and Word Merge.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1151

Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

The process prints the award notifications and updates a communications table to indicate that an award
communication has been sent. You can initiate a process to print a single FAN letter for an individual
student or for students in batch.

The previous process for printing FAN letters remains available. However, the new process is more
streamlined and efficient than the previous process.

Pages Used to Set Up FAN to Print Using Forms Engine

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FE Award Notification Form FANLTR_FORM_TYPE Set Up SACR > Product Set notification form types.
Types (forms engine award Related > Financial Aid >
notification form types) Forms Engine Notification >
Define Notification
Form Types > FE Award
Notification Form Types

FA Process Demographic Use FA_PRCSDEMO_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Indicate from where the
Related > Financial Aid > student's data should be
Define Demographic gathered.
Data Use > FA Process
Demographic Use

Sort Order Names SORT_NAME_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Set the default criteria for
Related > Financial Aid > the Setup Defaults and Run
Forms Engine Notification > Controls.
Define Sort Order Names >
Sort Order Names

FE Award Notif. Select. FANLTR_EQTN_SEL Set Up SACR > Product Set up the table for FAN
Eqtns (forms engine award Related > Financial Aid > equations.
notification selection Forms Engine Notification >
equations) Define Selection Equations >
FE Award Notif. Select. Eqtns

Printer Name PRINTER_TBL Set Up SACR > Product Set up table for list of
Related > Financial Aid > available printers. It allows
Forms Engine Notification > you to define local printer
Define Printer Names > options.
Printer Name

FE Award Notification FANLTR_DEFAULTS Financial Aid > Awards > Set award notification default
Defaults (forms engine award Notification Letter > Award information.
notification defaults) Notification Defaults > FE
Award Notification Defaults

Setting Up FE Award Notification Form Types

Access the FE Award Notification Form Types page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Forms Engine Notification > Define Notification Form Types > FE Award Notification Form Types).

1152 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Image: FE Award Notification Form Types page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FE Award Notification Form Types page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Form Type Identifies the form type for this award notification.

Description Describes the delivered form type. Form Type 1 is the initial
notification of financial aid. Form Type 2 is shorter version of
the initial notification.

Group Identifies in which group of letters this letter code exists.

Letter Code The code from the Campus Community Standard Letters page
for this communication. You can define the letter code for the
FE FAN process.

Category The communications category associated with this letter code.

You can define the category for the FE FAN process.

Context The context from the Campus Community Communications

Context page that is included in this category. You can define
the context for the FE FAN process

Setting Up FA Demographic Use Information

This setup uses the Campus Community components to evaluate Address and Name Usage processing
requirements and to indicate from where the student's demographic information should be gathered.

Access the FA Process Demographic Use page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Define Demographic Data Use > FA Process Demographic Use).

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Image: FA Process Demographic Use page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Process Demographic Use page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Select the appropriate option for each of the fields.

Process Name Award Notification process is new to FE FAN. You must insert a
new row and select Award Notification as the process name.

Address Usage Reserved for financial aid processes and is not used for loans.

Perm Addr Usage (permanent address Used to set the permanent address for loan processing.

Mail Addr Usage (mail address usage) Used for temporary address.

Name Usage Indicates which name to use for the student or borrower.

Phone Usage Indicates the type of phone such as business phone or cellular
phone. Used to select phone usage table settings defined in
Campus Community setup.

Email Usage Indicates the type of email address such as home, business,
dorm, campus, or other. Used to select email usage table settings
defined in Campus Community setup.

Address Usage Table Click to access the Address Usage page to define or review
address usages.

Name Usage Table Click to access the Name Usage page to define or review name

Phone Usage Table Click to access the Phone Usage page to define or review phone

Setting Up the Sort Order

You can sort the data by field to control the order in which the output documents generated by a
batch print process appears. Two sort sequences are delivered with the system. FAN PROC 1 displays
information by Record, Field Name, Length and Long Name. FAN PROC 2 displays information

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Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

by Field Name, Long Name, Record, and Length. You must set up any other sort sequences for your

Access the Sort Order Names page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Forms Engine
Notification > Define Sort Order Names > Sort Order Names).

Image: Sort Order Names page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Sort Order Names page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Sort Name The name of the sort sequence.

Seq (sequence) The hierarchy of how you want data to sort. Use a Zip Code sort
to obtain information in the order to use for a bulk mailing.

Field Name The name of the field.

Length The character length of the previous field.

Field Long Name The full name of the field displayed.

Decimal Positions Displays how many positions appear after the decimal point if
this is a numeric field.

Setting Up a Printer
Access the Printer Name page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Forms Engine
Notification > Define Printer Names).

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Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Image: Printer Name page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Printer Name page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Printer Name Enter the printer name and location of the path.

Description Enter the description of the printer.

Printer Location Enter the printer location.

Setting Up FE Award Notification Equations

Access the FE Award Notif Select. Eqtns page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid >
Forms Engine Notification > Define Selection Equations).

Note: You must create equations using the Equation Engine prior to setting up the FE Award Notif
Select. Eqtns page. See Equation Engine documentation for more information on setting up and using the
Equation Engine.

Image: FE Award Notif Select. Eqtns page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FE Award Notif Select. Eqtns page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Equation Name Select the name of the equation.

Description The description of the equation.

Setting Up FE Award Notification Defaults

Access the FE Award Notification Defaults page (Financial Aid > Awards > Notification Letter > Award
Notification Defaults).

Note: This page is designed to define the initial setup for the One-Up Print Process and Batch Print Run

1156 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Image: FE Award Notification Defaults page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FE Award Notification Defaults page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Career Define the options for financial aid processing. Examples of

standard career options are undergraduate or graduate.

Award Period The award period that is used in packaging. Values include:
Academic, Non-Standard, and Both.

Academic Program Academic program values that are used for financial aid

Form Type Define and create the values using the Forms Engine. Initial
Notification 1 and Initial Notification 2 (Short FAN) are
delivered with the system.

Group Define this in the Setting Up the Forms Engine. It identifies the
Form Type to a specific processing group.

Letter code The code for the letter associated with this communication. You
define this on the FE Award Notification Form Type page.

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Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Category The communications category associated with this letter code.

You define this on the FE Award Notification Form Type page.

Context The context from the Campus Community Communications

Context page that is included in this category. You define this on
the FE Award Notification Form Type page.

Equation Name Define this using the Equation Engine. FANLTRSEL (Award
Letter Selection Criteria), FANLTRDTRANG (Award Letters
within a Date Range), FANLTRNONEED (Students with No
Need) are delivered with the system.

Note: There is a change to the logic behind the FAN letter

selection criteria. If you indicate in any of the run controls that
cancelled and declined awards should print, the new version
of the FANLTRSEL equation excludes letters for students who
only have cancelled and declined awards.

Sort Order Defined using the Sort Order Set Up. Sorts FE FAN output by
sorting preferences.

Address Usage Defined using the Process Demo Set Up. Allows you to override
Address Usage options.

Name Usage Defined using the Process Demo Set Up. Allows you to override
Name Usage options.

Printer Name Defined using the Printer Names Set Up. Allows you to select
defined printer.

Aid Application Status The values are based on Packaging Status Summary. Initially set
to Active.

Service Impact Determines whether or not to print a notification based on

service impacts.

Award Status Values are based on the Packaging Award Status field. Initially
select Accepted or Offered.

Package Status Values are based on the Aid Packaging Status field on the
Packaging Status Summary page. You should set this option to
Completed and never to Repackage.

Aid Packaging Method Values are based on how aid packages were created. Values are
Blank, Auto, Counselor, and Not Packaged. Initially select Blank
to ensure that the program evaluates all options.

Packaging Methodology Values are Federal Methodology and Institutional Methodology.

Retention Period Indicates the length of time that Forms Engine keeps historical

Retention Units Indicates the unit used in Retention Period. Use Years as the unit
to facilitate audit requirements.

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Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Budget Type Values are Budget Categories (Institutional) and Pell


Date Time Format Override (Optional) As a default, the FE FAN prints the date and time
format defined for message catalog entry (138,1), which
displays throughout the system. For example, if the message
catalog entry is set as dd:MMMM:yyyy, which defines a system
date-only format, and you need to display a date and 24-hour
format for FE FAN only, enter dd:MMMM:yyyy:HH:mm:ss.
For more information on defining date and time formats, see
the explanation field for the Message Catalog Entry (138,1)
in PeopleTools: System and Server Administration, "Using
PeopleTools Utilities."

Include Revisions Select to include revisions made to aid packages in the print job.

Display Notification Number Select to print the number on the aid notification.

Print Cancels Select to print the information if an award is cancelled.

Run Simulation Select to run this print job in simulation mode.

Print Via Script Select to allow for multi-platform printing.

Display NID Select to display the student's National ID.

Display Customized Messages Select to display customized, on demand user-defined messages

from the FE Award Notification Student Defaults page
Comment Box.

Display COA Only Select to display the Cost Of Attendance/Budget information on

the Aid Notification. The system does not display the resource
information on the printed aid notification if you select this

Display Form Name Select to display the name of the form on the printed aid

Print Declines Select to print the information if a student declines an award.

Duplex - Print Both Sides Select to allow printing of both sides of a page.

Related Links
"Understanding Equations" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)
Setting Up FE Award Notification Defaults

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Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Printing FE FAN Using Forms Engine

Important! Financial Aid Notification (FAN) letter is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained
for this product, but no new development will be produced for FAN. It is strongly recommended that you
use Communication Generation (Comm Gen) instead. For more information on Comm Gen, see "Using
the Communication Generation Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

This section discusses how to:

• Process and print FE FAN letters in batch.

• Process and print an individual FE FAN letter.

• View FE Award Notification inquiries.

• View award notification summary.

• Reprint FE FAN letters.

• View examples of printed FE FAN letters.

Pages Used to Print FAN Using Forms Engine

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FE FAN Letter Run Control RUN_CNTL_FANLTR Financial Aid > Awards > Set up to run FAN letters in
Notification Letter > Award batch.
Notification Batch > FE FAN
Letter Run Control

FE Award Notification AWARD_NOTIF_DETAIL • Financial Aid > Display award status or print
Student Defaults Awards > Notification an award notification for an
Letter > Award individual student.
Notification One-Up >
FE Award Notification
Student Defaults

• Click the Award

Notification link on the
Award Entry page.

FE Award Notification AWARD_NOTIF_DETAIL • Financial Aid > View award notification detail
Inquiry Awards > Notification information.
Letter > Award
Notification Inquiry >
FE Award Notification

• Click the Award

Notification link on
the Packaging Status
Summary page.

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Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FE Award Notification FANLTR_SUMMARY Financial Aid > Awards > View a summary of the non-
Summary Notification Letter > Award simulation award notification
Notification Summary > FE processes and the award
Award Notification Summary notification for an individual

FE Award Notification FAN_RPRT_RUNCTL Financial Aid > Awards > Reprint an award notification
Reprint Notification Letter > Award for an individual student.
Notification Reprint > FE
Award Notification Reprint

Processing and Printing FE FAN Letters in Batch

Access the FAN Letter Run Control page (Financial Aid > Awards > Notification Letter > Award
Notification Batch > FAN Letter Run Control).

Image: FAN Letter Run Control page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAN Letter Run Control page (1 of 2). You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Expiration Date The date that the information is purged from the system.

Addr Usage (address usage) Defined using the Process Demo Set Up. This allows you to
override Address Usage options defined on the FE Award
Notification Defaults page.

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Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Sort Order Defined using the Sort Order Set Up. This allows you to
override the sort order defined in the FE Award Notification
Defaults page. It sorts FE FAN output by sorting preferences.

Name Usage Defined using the Process Demo Set Up. This allows you
to override the name usage options defined in the FE Award
Notification Defaults page.

Budget Type Values are Budget Categories (Institutional) or Pell Categories.

Printer Name Defined using the Printer Names Set Up. This allows you to
override printer selection defined in the FE Award Notification
Defaults page.

Form Type Defined in the Setting Up the Forms Engine. Identifies the form
type to a specific processing group.

Group Defined in Award Notification Form Type Set Up. Identifies in

which group of letters this letter code exists.

Letter Code The code from the Campus Community Standard Letters page
for this communication. You define this on the FE Award
Notification Form Type page.

Category The communications category associated with this letter code.

You define this on the FE Award Notification Form Type page.

Context The context from the Campus Community Communications

Context page that is included in this category. You define this on
the FE Award Notification Form Type page.

Use Institutional Methodology Select to use institutional methodology.

Display Customized Messages Select to display customized, on demand user defined messages
from the FE Award Notification Student Default page Comment

Print Cancels Select to print the information if an award is canceled.

Print Declines Select to prints the information if an award is declined.

Print Via Script Select to allow for multi-platform printing.

Run Simulation Select to run this print job in simulation mode.

Include Revisions Select to include revisions made to aid packages in the print job.

Display Notification Number Displays number counter of letter. This information prints on the
aid notification.

Display COA Only Select to display the Cost Of Attendance/Budget information

on the aid notification. The system does not display recourse
information on the printed aid notification if you select this

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Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Display Form Name Select to display the name of the form on the printed aid

FAN Letter Run Control with Basic Selection

Access the FAN Letter Run Control page with Basic Selection (Financial Aid > Awards > Notification
Letter > Award Notification Batch > FAN Letter Run Control).

Image: FAN Letter Run Control page with Basic Selection

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FAN Letter Run Control with Basic Selection). You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Sequence Indicates the sequence number.

Selection Criteria Type Values include Basic Selection, Equation Selection, and Student

Note: The system displays the following fields when you select
Basic Selection. Use the fields to define a simple population

Award Period The award periods used in packaging. Values include:

Academic, Non-Standard, and Both.

Academic Program Academic program values used for financial aid processing.

Academic Career Define the careers for financial aid processing.

Aid Application Status Values are based on Packaging Award Status field. You should
set this option to Accepted or Offered.

Award Status Values are based on Packaging Status Summary field, Aid
Packaging Status. You should select Packaging Completed.

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Aid Processing Status Values based on how aid packages were created. Values include
Blank, Auto, Counselor, and Not Packaged. Initially select Blank
to ensure that the program evaluates all options.

Aid Packaging Method Values are based on Packaging Award Status field. You should
select Accepted or Offered.

FAN Letter Run Control with Equation Selection

Access the FAN Letter Run Control page with Equation Selection (Financial Aid > Awards >
Notification Letter > Award Notification Batch > FAN Letter Run Control).

Image: FAN Letter Run Control page with Equation Selection

This example illustrates the FAN Letter Run Control page with Equation Selection.

This selection allows you to select a batch printing population defined by using an equation.

FAN Letter Run Control with Student Override Selection

Access the FAN Letter Run Control page with Student Override (Financial Aid > Awards > Notification
Letter > Award Notification Batch > FAN Letter Run Control).

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Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Image: FAN Letter Run Control page with Student Override Selection page

This example illustrates the FAN Letter Run Control page with Student Override Selection page.

This selection allows you to run batch processes for a single or multiple student IDs if row insert is used.

Processing and Printing an Individual FE FAN Letter

Access the FE Award Notification Student Defaults page (Financial Aid > Awards > Notification
Letter > Award Notification One-Up > FE Award Notification Student Defaults).

Note: You must first set default values on the Default Setup Page before using the FE Award Notification
Detail page.

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Image: FE Award Notification Student Defaults page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FE Award Notification Student Defaults page. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: The OK, Cancel, and Apply buttons appear below the page when you access it by clicking the
Award Notification link on the Award Entry, Student Aid Package page.

The system displays the ID, Aid Year, and Institution.

Award Period Award periods used in packaging. Values include Academic,

Non-Standard, and Both.

Printer Name Defined using the Printer Names Set Up. This allows you to
override printer selection defined on the FE Award Notification
Defaults page.

Form Type Use the Forms Engine to define and create options. Initial
Notification Option 1 and Option 2 (Short FAN) are delivered
with the system.

Group Defined in the Setting Up the Forms Engine. Identifies the Form
Type to a specific processing group.

Letter Code The code from the Campus Community Standard Letters
page for this communication. Define this on the FE Award
Notification Form Type page.

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Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Category The communications category associated with this letter code.

Define this on the FE Award Notification Form Type page.

Context The context from the Campus Community Communications

Context page included in this category. Define this on the FE
Award Notification Form Type page.

Status Values include:

Blank: Package does not exist.

Initial: Automatically switches to this status in preparation of

the print process. You can manually reset this after the letter is
run in real time. This status does not change to printed if you
run the job in simulation.

Hold: Holds the print option for this award period.

Revised: Automatically switches to this status after the initial

letter prints. You can manually reset this after the letter is run in
real time. This status does not change to printed if you run this
job in simulation.

Comment This allows you to write free form text. This comment prints if
the Display Customized Messages check box is selected either
on the FE Award Notification Defaults page or the FE Award
Notification Run Control. The system prints this customized
message in addition to any item type related message.

Status Values include:

Blank: Package does not exist.

Initial: Automatically switches to this status in preparation of

the print process. You can manually reset this after the letter is
run in real time. This status does not change to printed if you
run the job in simulation.

Hold: Holds the print option for this award period.

Revised: Automatically switches to this status after the initial

letter prints. You can manually reset this after the letter is run in
real time. This status does not change to printed if you run this
job in simulation.

Comment This allows you to write free form text. This comment prints if
the Display Customized Messages check box is selected either
on the FE Award Notification Defaults page or the FE Award

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Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Notification Run Control. The system prints this customized

message in addition to any item type related message.

Viewing FE Award Notification Inquiries

Access the FE Award Notification Inquiry page (click the Award Notification link on the Packaging
Status Summary page).

Image: FE Award Notification Inquiry page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FE Award Notification Inquiry page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page is view only. It is intended for front-line users with limited access or security. You cannot
process actions or invoke processes from this page.

Viewing Award Notification Summary

Access the Award Notification Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > Notification Letter > Award
Notification Summary).

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Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Image: Award Notification Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Notification Summary page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: To use the preview link, you must load the Get Post Script Viewer program. This program is
freeware. You must load the GSVIEW and the GNU GHOSTSCIPT programs from this link.

This page is view only. It is intended for front-line users with limited access or security.

Click the Preview link to view and reprint a copy of the FE FAN letter associated with the Form Instance

Reprinting FE FAN Letters

Access the Award Notification Reprint page (Financial Aid > Awards > Notification Letter > Award
Notification Reprint).

Image: Award Notification Reprint page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Notification Reprint page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the Run Control ID.

Form Process Instance This information comes from Process Monitor Log Files.

Printer Name Defined using the Printer Names Set Up. This allows you to
override printer selection defined on the FE Award Notification
Defaults page.

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Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Print Via Script Select to allow for multi-platform printing.

Selection Criteria Type Values include:

All: Allows you to reprint the entire batch of students for the
form process instance.

Collation Key Range: Allows you to reprint an individual

student or a range of students.

Modifying FE FAN Form Letter Templates

Important! Financial Aid Notification (FAN) letter is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained
for this product, but no new development will be produced for FAN. It is strongly recommended that you
use Communication Generation (Comm Gen) instead. For more information on Comm Gen, see "Using
the Communication Generation Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

This section discusses how to:

• Change an address.

• Change messages and instructions.

Note: You may want to consult your technical support group before implementing this procedure.

Changing an Address
The system uses the school address information from the Academic Institution Table for the FE FAN
letter. To change an academic institution's address, use the Academic Institution 1 page by navigating to
Set Up SACR > Foundation Tables > Academic Structure > Academic Institution Table.

Changing Messages and Instructions

You can update or change messages and instructions.

To change the Please return within 90 days. message:

1. Navigate to PeopleTools > Utilities > Use > Message Catalog.

2. Enter 14402 in the Message Set Number field and click Search.

3. Click Find and enter 98 in the Explorer User Prompt dialog box.

4. Click OK.

5. Use the Message Text field to update the message text.

6. Save your changes.

To change the Instructions section:

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Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

1. Navigate to PeopleTools > Utilities > Use > Message Catalog.

2. Enter 14420 in the Message Set Number field and click Search.

3. Click Find and enter 180 in the Explorer User Prompt dialog box.

4. Click OK.

5. Update the text in the Explanation field.

6. Save your changes.

To move existing information from one page to another or adding another page, change the Application
Engine Program called FAAWDNOTIF.

Note: It is useful to know the page names in Application Designer. The first page of the FE FAN is called

Setting Up and Accessing a College Financing Plan

This section discusses how to:

• Set up group options.

• Set up institution information.

• Set up budget mapping.

• Set up award mapping.

• Map housing.

• Define interest rates and work hours.

• Assign College Financing Plan groups.

• View College Financing Plans.

Understanding the College Financing Plan

The College Financing Plan is a consumer tool created by the United States Department of Education
(ED). The format is prescribed by an ED-issued template, which this feature of the system uses without
modification. The College Financing Plan is designed to provide a standardized award letter allowing
students to easily compare financial aid packages and make informed decisions on where to attend
college. According to ED, it can be used with or in lieu of a financial aid award letter.

Within the system, you set up and assign students to a College Financing Plan Group. The exact number
of groups you create is based on your school’s needs and setup. Some schools may only require one group
per aid year while others may need several. The pages used for setting up College Financing Plan groups
control what institution and student data is used when the College Financing Plan is generated for the
student. Once your groups are created, you assign them to the appropriate population of students. You
can do this manually for one student at a time on the Packaging Status Summary page, or in batch using
Population Update. Once assigned, students have access to their College Financing Plan in Financial Aid

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Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Self Service. Access to the College Financing Plan can be revoked by removing the student from the
College Financing Plan group, which you can also do manually or in batch.

Pages Used for College Financing Plan

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Group Options SFA_SS_SETUP Set Up SACR, Product Select group attributes.

Related, Financial Aid,
College Financing Plan,
Group Options

Institution Information SFA_SS_SETUP2 Set Up SACR, Product Enter institution data and
Related, Financial Aid, metrics.
College Financing Plan,
Institution Information

Budget Mapping SFA_SS_SETUP_COA Set Up SACR, Product Map cost groups to budget
Related, Financial Aid, item categories.
College Financing Plan,
Budget Mapping

Award Mapping SFA_SS_SETUP_AWD Set Up SACR, Product Map award groups to Fin Aid
Related, Financial Aid, Type, Source, and Federal ID.
College Financing Plan,
Award Mapping

Housing Mapping SFA_SHS_ONOFF_MAP Set Up SACR, Product Map housing cost groups to
Related, Financial Aid, budget item categories and
College Financing Plan, identify whether the mapping
Housing Mapping applies to on campus or off
campus residence.

This applies only to AY 2021

and later.

Interest Rates and Work SFA_SHS_INTR_WH Set Up SACR, Product Record the interest rate that
Hours Related, Financial Aid, applies to a loan and the
College Financing Plan, expected hours per week in
Interest Rates and Work relation to work study.
This applies only to AY 2021
and later.

Setting Up Group Options

Access the Group Options page (Setup SACR >Product Related >Financial Aid >College Financing
Plan >Group Options).

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Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Image: Group Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Group Options page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Copy Group Click this button to open the Group Copy window. You can use
this window to copy existing groups for modification and then
saving as a new College Financing Plan Group.

Note: You can’t copy groups from AY 2020 and earlier because
of the changes to the setup between AY 2020 and 2021.

Do Not Copy Select this option to prevent the group from being copied during
the Aid Year Rollover process.

Group Description Enter a description for this group.

Academic Career Select a career to associate to the group. This value is used when
retrieving budget and award information.

Award Period Select an award period to associate to the group. This value is
used when retrieving budget and award information.

If you select “Both”, data from both the ‘Academic’ and ‘Non
Standard’ Award Periods are included in one College Financing

EFC Option (Expected Family Select:

Contribution Option)
• Federal to display the prorated EFC (PRORATED_EFC)
based on Federal Methodology (FM).

• Institutional to display the institutional EFC (INST_EFC)

based on Institutional Methodology (IM).

• Both to display both FM and IM EFCs.

This option is available only for AY 2021 and later.

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Self Service Link Label Enter the text you want to display as the Financial Aid Self
Service link to the College Financing Plan. “College Financing
Plan” is the default text.

Allow display with no awards Select this check box if you want the College Financing Plan
link to be available to students in Self Service even if the
student doesn't have any qualifying awards for the Institution
and Aid Year.

Note: This option helps institutions comply with the

expectations within Principles of Excellence in Executive
Order 13607 which states that educational institutions provide
meaningful information to service members, veterans, spouses,
and other family members about the financial cost (budget)
and quality (institutional metrics) of educational institutions.
Although the student may not have any awards, it is assumed
that they would have a cost of attendance budget assigned which
is used to create the College Financing Plan based on the Budget
Mapping options.

Setting Up Institution Information

Access the Institution Information page (Set Up SACR >Product Related >Financial Aid >College
Financing Plan >Institution Information).

1174 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Image: Institution Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Institution Information page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Preview After entering data on this page, click this button to view how
your school's data would be rendered on the College Financing
Plan. The Preview page is used to verify the display of your
institution's data only. Student specific fields display generic
values. Every setup value on this page is pulled in during

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Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Note: You may need modify data elements if they extend

beyond their designated line.

Header Information
Institution Name Enter the name of the Institution as you want it to appear in the
header of the College Financing Plan.

Institution Initial Enter a short descriptor for the institution (for example,
PSUNV). This data is displayed in the header and Median
Borrowing sections of the College Financing Plan.

Institution Logo Enter the object name of your institution's logo. The logo you
want to use must be imported into your database as an image
file measuring approximately 65 by 65 pixels. You may need to
consult your technical staff on making the object available for
this setup.

Not Applicable Awards

Select the award groups for which you wish to display “N/A”. ED states that you cannot remove award
groups from appearing on the College Financing Plan, but can display N/A for certain award groups when

For AY 2021 and later, Federal Parent PLUS Loan is added to the list.

For example, you may use these options if the population to which you are assigning the College
Financing Plan isn't eligible for this type of award, or if your school doesn't participate in this particular
award program. Displaying “N/A” instead of “$0” may help avoid confusion.

Note: If you choose to display “N/A” for an award group, you may want to explain why the awards are
not available in the Customized Information Message.

Institutional Metrics

Note: This region isn’t applicable to AY 2021 and later.

Enter the values provided by ED on the Institution Metric Data spreadsheet. The values entered here
control how the data and graphs are rendered within the Institutional Metrics section on the right side of
the Shopping Sheet.

Institution Group Enter the Institution Group value as provided by ED. The
value entered here determines what message is displayed in the
Graduation Rate section on the Shopping Sheet. Valid values

• 1 - Primarily bachelor’s degree granting

• 2 - Primarily associate’s degree granting

• 3 - Primarily certificate granting

1176 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

• 4 - Primarily graduate degree granting

• 5 - Primarily non-degree granting

Cohort Year Enter your Cohort Year value as provided by ED. This value is
used in the message of the Graduation Rate section when a -2,
-3 or -4 Graduation Rate is indicated.

No Graduation Rate Data Select this check box if your Institution Graduation Rate value
provided by ED is blank.

Note: Do not select this check box if your Graduation Rate

is zero (0). Zero is a valid value and should be entered in the
Graduation Rate field.

If this check box is selected:

• The Graduation Rate and Graduation Rate Level fields on

this page are not available for setup.

• The Graduation Rate section of the Shopping Sheet indicates

that no data is available.

Graduation Rate Enter your Graduation Rate value as provided by ED. ED has
also issued four valid negative values (-2, -3, -4, and -5). If a
negative value is entered here:

• The Graduation Rate Level field on this page is not


• The message/bar graph in the Graduation Rate section of the

Shopping Sheet is changed to indicate no data is available.

Graduation Rate Level Select the correct Graduation Rate Level based on the values
provided by ED.

Collection Year This field is only available if the Graduation Rate is -5. Enter
your Collection Year value as provided by ED. This value is
used in the message of the Graduation Rate section when a -5
graduation rate is indicated.

No Loan Default Data Select this check box if your Institution Loan Default Rate value
provided by ED is blank. Do not select this check box if your
Loan Default Rate is zero (0). Zero is a valid value and should
be entered in the Institution Loan Default Rate field. If this
check box is selected:

• The Institution Loan Default Rate and National Loan

Default Rate fields on this page are not available.

• The message/graph in the Loan Default Rate section of

the Shopping Sheet are changed to indicate that no data is

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1177

Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Note: No Loan Default Data, Institution Loan Default Rate, and

Institution Loan Default Rate are only applicable to 2016–2017
and prior Aid Years.

Institution Loan Default Rate Enter your Institution Loan Default Rate value as provided by

National Loan Default Rate Enter the National Loan Default Rate value as provided by ED.

No Repayment Rate Data Select this check box if your Institution Repayment Rate value
provided by ED is blank. Do not select this check box if your
Repayment Rate is zero (0). Zero is a valid value and should be
entered in the Institution Repayment Rate field.

If this check box is selected:

• The Institution Repayment Rate field on this page are

not available. The National Repayment Rate field is still
available and should be populated.

• The message/graph in the Repayment Rate section of the

Shopping Sheet are changed to indicate that no data is

Note: The No Repayment Rate Data, Institution Repayment

Rate, and National Repayment Rate are only applicable to the
2017–2018 Air Year and forward.

Institution Repayment Rate Enter your Institution Repayment Rate value as provided by ED.

National Repayment Rate Enter your National Repayment Rate value as provided by ED.

No Median Borrowing Data Select this check box if your Average Borrowed Amount value
provided by ED is blank. If this check box is selected:

• The Average Borrowed Amount and Average Monthly

Payment fields on this page are not available.

• The message in the Median Borrowing section of the

Shopping Sheet is changed to indicate that no data is

Average Borrowed Amount Enter your Average Borrowed Amount value as provided by

Average Monthly Payment Enter your Average Monthly Payment value as provided by ED.
ED provides a value with 2 decimal places, but has indicated
that rounding to the nearest whole dollar is acceptable.

Address Information
Enter your institution's address and contact information.

1178 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Note: The fields in this section allow for large entries which can distort the appearance of the College
Financing Plan. Click the Preview button at the top of the page to ensure your school's data displays

Customized Information Messages

Use the Message Catalog to create custom messages to display.

Customized Message 1 appears under the heading “Customized Information from UUS.” For AY2020 and
earlier, the default message uses Message Set Number 14402 and Message Number 410 . For AY 2021
and later, it’s Message Set Number 14402 and Message Number 684 .

For AY 2021 and later, the institution name is taken from the Institution Initial field, so the heading reads
“Customized Information from <Institution Name>”

The default message includes an example of how you can include links in your custom message to lead
students to additional information.

Customized Message 2 appears under the heading “Next steps.” Oracle doesn’t provide any default

If you don’t use a Message Set Number/Message Number, this section doesn’t appear when the College
Financing Plan is generated.

See PeopleTools: System and Server Administration, Using PeopleTools Utilities, Using Administration
Utilities, Message Catalog.

Setting Up Budget Mapping

Access the Budget Mapping page (Set Up SACR >Product Related >Financial Aid >College Financing
Plan >Budget Mapping).

Image: Budget Mapping page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Budget Mapping page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Map your Budget Item Category to the appropriate Cost Group. You can map multiple Budget Item
Categories to a single Cost Group, but you can only use a Budget Item Category once.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1179

Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

When a College Financing Plan is generated for a student, the system reviews the student's current budget
data for the given Institution, Aid Year, Academic Career, Award Period, and Budget Item Category. Any
matching values are used to calculate totals displayed in each cost group.

For AY 2021 and later, you can map the cost group for housing and meals on the Housing Mapping page.
See Mapping Housing.

Note: If your students have access to Cost of Education information in Financial Aid Self Service, you
should attempt to map the Cost Groups so they match the Cost of Attendance self-service information.

Setting Up Award Mapping

Access the Award Mapping page (Set Up SACR >Product Related >Financial Aid >College Financing
Plan >Award Mapping).

Image: Award Mapping page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Mapping page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: To match the existing self service functionality, only those Financial Aid item types that have a
Print Option of “P” (Print) are used to calculate the award group totals. Although the setup page allows
you to map individual item types that have a Print Option not equal to “P”, these item types are ignored
when calculating the award totals.

Award Group Mapping

Map your Fin Aid Type, Source, and Federal ID (when applicable) to the appropriate Award Group. You
can map multiple Fin Aid Type, Source, and Federal ID combinations to a single Award Group.

When a College Financing Plan is generated for a student, the system reviews the student's current award
data for the given Institution, Aid Year, Academic Career, Award Period, Fin Aid Type, Source, and
Federal ID. Any matching values are used to calculate totals displayed in each award group.

For AY 2021 and later, award groups have been expanded.

When students view their College Financing Plan, grants and scholarships are displayed separately.

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Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

Note: If your students have access to Award information in Financial Aid Self Service, you should
attempt to map the Award Groups so they match the Award Self Service information.

Item Type Inclusion Exceptions

Use this setup to include additional item types in award groups that are not included in Award Group

Select an Award Group in which you want to include a specific Item Type, and then choose the Item Type
you want to include. You can include multiple item types in the same award group, but you can only
include an item type once across all award groups.

Mapping Housing
Access the Housing Mapping page (Set Up SACR >Product Related >Financial Aid >College Financing
Plan >Housing Mapping).

Image: Housing Mapping page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Housing Mapping page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: This page is available only for AY 2021 and later.

Use this page to provide a breakdown of your housing and meals budget that’s either on or off campus.

Unlike the Budget Mapping page where you can only use a budget item category once, on this page you
can add multiple mappings of the same cost group and budget item category. For each cost group and
budget item category mapping, define the budget item code you want to associate to it as well as identify
whether the mapping is on or off campus.

Defining Interest Rates and Work Hours

Access the Interest Rates and Work Hours page (Set Up SACR >Product Related >Financial
Aid >College Financing Plan >Interest Rates and Work Hours).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1181

Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Image: Interest Rates and Work Hours page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Interest Rates and Work Hours page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: This page applies only to AY 2021 and later.

Use this page to record the interest rates for various loans. You can also enter your work-study hours per
week. These values appear in Loan Options and Work Options on the College Financing Plan.

If you don’t enter a value in a field, the value that appears on the College Financing Plan is ‘0’.

Assigning College Financing Plan Groups

In Self Service, the College Financing Plan link appears depending on how you set up the student's
College Financing Plan group. The student’s group can be assigned and viewed on the Packaging Status
Summary page. If a student is assigned a College Financing Plan group, has Award Detail security for
Self Service, and has been awarded, the College Financing Plan link appears in Self Service.

You can also use the Population Update process to assign groups in batch. When using Population
Update, use the Record (Table) Name of STDNT_AID_ATRBT and field name of “College Financing
Plan Group”.

You may want to remove students’ access to their College Financing Plan, for example, when they have
accepted or declined awards. To remove students’ access to their College Financing Plan, go to the
Packaging Status Summary page, make the College Financing Plan Group field equal to blank, and save.
You can also use the Population Update process to set the Shopping College Financing Plan to blank.

1182 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 35 Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards

See Reviewing the Packaging Status Summary Page.

See "Running the Population Update Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Viewing the College Financing Plan

Access the Financial Aid Self Service Award Summary page (Campus Community >Student Services
Center >View Financial Aid link >20XX (award year) link >College Financing Plan link).

Image: Self Service with College Financing Plan Link Example

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Self Service with College Financing Plan Link

The College Financing Plan link is available to students on the Financial Aid Award Summary page
in Financial Aid Self Service. Display of the Financial Aid Award Summary page is controlled by the
Financial Aid Self Service Inquiry Options. On the Inquiry Options page in the Display Data group box,
the Award Detail check box must be selected for students to have access to the Financial Aid Award
Summary page, and, therefore, their College Financing Plans. The College Financing Plan link appears
whether you choose to display Award Detail by Aid Year or Award Period.

Note: The College Financing Plan link displays in this same location if you choose the 'Allow display
with no awards' option on the Group Options page.

Note: Students must have a College Financing Plan group assigned to have a College Financing Plan to
link to from Financial Aid Self Service.

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Notifying Students of Financial Aid Awards Chapter 35

Download Click this button to open a new window and view some of the
values from the College Financing Plan in XML format.

Image: Sample of College Financing Plan XML Download

This example illustrates the College Financing Plan XML Download.

See Assigning College Financing Plan Groups.

See "Understanding Financial Aid Self-Service " (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Self Service).

1184 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36

Processing CommonLine Loans

Understanding CommonLine Loan Processing

This section discusses CommonLine loan process flow.

CommonLine Loan Outbound Process Flow

To process Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) and alternative loans, the Campus Solutions
system supports both versions of CommonLine, the newer Common Record CommonLine (CRC) and the
older CommonLine 4 (CL 4). You use the CommonLine version supported by your lenders, guarantors,
and loan servicers; you can process CRC and CL 4 loans separately or simultaneously.

The outbound business processing flow for CommonLine FFELP and alternative loans using either CRC
or CL 4 is as follows.

1. Student accepts the loan offer made on their financial aid package.

2. The Loan Origination process detects the student's newly accepted loan and calculates application
information such as total loan amount, loan period, disbursement amounts and dates, loan servicer,
processing type, and whether to process as a CRC or CL 4 loan. The calculated information is stored
on the loan origination application tables.

Note: If a Promissory Note is submitted to the school before the loan is originated, the information is
used during origination.

3. After origination is complete, Loan Validation process is run to check the loan application for data
discrepancies. Loans failing validation are reprocessed in subsequent runs until validation is reached.

4. The CommonLine Loan Outbound process moves validated loans into outbound staging tables.

5. The Application File Creation process creates loan application files from the staging table
information. CRC generates files in XML format and CL 4 uses ASCII files.

The system does not provide a method for electronically transmitting CommonLine files to their
destinations as each loan servicer might require a specific method to be used, such as FTP or a Web

The application files you submit to the loan servicers are processed and you are notified using receipt of
response files for each loan processed.

The following illustration shows the flow of CommonLine loan processing:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1185

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Image: Loan origination outbound process

Loan origination outbound process

Although the CommonLine Loan Outbound business process flow is the same for CRC and CL 4, several
processing steps require a separate programs for CRC and CL4. The following table indicates where the
separate processes exist.

Business Process Common Record CommonLine CommonLine 4

Loan validation CRC validation (Equation Engine) CL 4 validation (Equation Engine)

CommonLine Loan Outbound CRC outbound staging (FAPCLOUT) CommonLine 4 outbound (FAPLCOD4)

Application File Creation CRC XML outbound (SFA_CRC_OUT) Outbound EC agent (EDI Manager)

Inbound File Processing

Inbound file processing:

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Image: Inbound Processing

Inbound Processing

Managing Promissory Notes

Schools may choose to collect promissory notes from their students as a condition to process their loan.
Campus Solutions components enable schools to enter promissory note information to be used by the
loan origination process before the loan is originated. Information from the promissory note pages is used
by the origination process to determine the loan destination, process level, and MPN serial loan status.
After a loan is originated for a student, all promissory notes entered for the same loan type cannot be used
for new loans. Both CRC and CL4 versions use the same components and pages for tracking promissory

This section provides an overview and discusses how to:

• Enter Stafford promissory note data.

• Review biographical and demographic data.

• Review promissory note action status.

• Enter PLUS promissory note data.

• Create loan reference and cosigner relationships.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1187

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

• Enter alternative loan promissory note data.

• Track CommonLine master promissory note usage.

Pages Used to Manage Promissory Notes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

CommonLine PNote - SFA_CRC_PNOTE_STAF Financial Aid > Loans > Enter promissory note data
Stafford (CommonLine CommonLine Management > for Stafford loans before loan
promissory note - Stafford) Enter Stafford Prom Notes > origination. The system uses
CommonLine PNote - this data for origination.

Origination Detail LN_CL_PNOTE_PD_SEC Click the Student Data link View the student's current
on the CommonLine PNote - biographical and demographic
Stafford page. data.

Click the Student Data link

on the Promissory Note Plus

Click the Student Data link on

the Promissory Note Alt page.

Loan PNote Action Status SFA_CRC_PN_ACTION Click the Pnote Status link View or update loan
(loan promissory note action on the CommonLine Pnote - promissory note action status.
status) Stafford page.

Click the Pnote Status Data

link on the Promissory Note
Plus page.

Click the Pnote Status link on

the Promissory Note Alt page.

Promissory Note Plus SFA_CRC_PNOTE_PLUS Financial Aid > Loans > Enter promissory note data
CommonLine Management > for PLUS loans before loan
Enter PLUS Prom Notes > origination. The system uses
Promissory Note Plus this data for origination.

Loan Relation (Ref/Cosign) SFA_CRC_PN_RELATN Financial Aid > Loans > Assign co-signers, co-maker,
(loan relation [reference/ CommonLine Management > or references to a promissory
cosigner]) Enter PLUS Prom Notes > note.
Loan Relation (Ref/Cosign)

Relationships RELATIONSHIPS Click the Related IDs link Identify and create
on the Loan Relation (Ref/ relationships between people
Cosign) page. or IDs in the system.

Current Address Information LN_ORIG_REL_ADDR Click the Current Address link View the co-signer's, co-
on the Loan Relation (Ref/ maker's or reference's current
Cosign) page. address.

1188 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Current Employment LN_ORIG_REL_EMPL1 Click the Current View or enter the co-signer's,
Information Employment Information link co-maker's or reference's
on the Loan Relation (Ref/ employment information.
Cosign) page.
Only available when
Loan Relation Type and
Relationship Nbr fields are

Current Income Information LN_ORIG_REL_INCOME Click the Current Income View or enter the cosigner's
Information link on the Loan or reference's income.
Relation (Ref/Cosign) page.
Only available when
Loan Relation Type and
Relationship Nbr fields are

Previous Employment LN_ORIG_REL_EMPL2 Click the Previous View or enter the cosigner's
Information Employment Information link or reference's previous
on the Loan Relation (Ref/ employment.
Cosign) page.
Only available when
Loan Relation Type and
Relationship Nbr fields are

Promissory Note Alt SFA_CRC_PNOTE_ALT Financial Aid > Loans > Enter promissory note data
CommonLine Management > for alternative loans.
Enter ALT Loan Prom
Notes > CRC Promissory
Note Alt > Promissory Note

Student MPN Usage LN_CL_MPN_USE Financial Aid > Loans > View Stafford and PLUS
(CommonLine master CommonLine Management > serial master promissory note
promissory note usage) Maintain Student MPN history. You can also use this
Usage > CommonLine MPN page to require a student to
Usage > Student MPN Usage sign a new note for each new
Stafford or PLUS loan.

Entering Stafford Promissory Note Data

Access the CommonLine PNote Stafford page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management >
Enter Stafford Prom Notes > CommonLine PNote - Stafford).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1189

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Image: CommonLine PNote - Stafford page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CommonLine PNote - Stafford page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page is used primarily by schools who use the Guarantee Only process level. Because the school has
collected the promissory note, the guarantor can immediately approve the loan upon receipt of the loan

Loan Type Code Select from the appropriate Stafford loan types that your
institution has set up in the Loan Type Table page.

Lender OPEID (lender office of Select the lender requested by the borrower on the promissory
postsecondary education identifier) note. If the promissory note is present for the loan when
origination runs, the system uses the lender and guarantor
OPEIDs to determine the appropriate loan destination.

When you move out of the Lender OPEID and Guarantor

OPEID fields, the system displays the name of the agency.

Lender Branch ID Select the lender branch identification.

Guarantor OPEID (guarantor office Select the guarantor requested by the borrower on the
of postsecondary education identifier) promissory note.

Capitalize Interest Select eitherCapitalize while in school or Pay interest while in


Borrower Signature Select if the borrower signed a valid promissory note.

Signature Date Enter the date the borrower signed the note.

Student Data Click to access the Origination Detail page to view the student's
current biographical and demographic data.

PNote Status Click to access the Loan Pnote Action Status page to view or
update loan promissory note status.

1190 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Reviewing Biographical and Demographic Data

Access the Origination Detail page (click the Student Data link on the CommonLine PNote - Stafford
page, Promissory Note Plus page, or Promissory Note Alt page).

View the student's current address, driver's license number, and email address.

Note: The page displays current student information. This information may change when the student's
loan is processed.

Reviewing Promissory Note Action Status

Access the Loan Pnote Action Status page (click the Pnote Status link on the CommonLine Pnote -
Stafford page, the Promissory Note Plus page, or the Promissory Note Alt page).

Loan Action Cd (loan action code) This value is set automatically as the promissory note is
processed, but you can override it. Select from:

E: Select this value after you receive the promissory note. This
value is automatically set when the promissory note is first

I: Select this value when the promissory note is set to inactive.

Set this value manually to cancel the use of the promissory note.

O: Select this value when the promissory note is used for

origination. This value is automatically set when the promissory
note is used during origination.

Date Received Record the date when you actually received the promissory
note. When you enter a promissory note, the system sets the date
with today's date.

Entering PLUS Promissory Note Data

Access the Promissory Note Plus page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management > Enter
PLUS Prom Notes > Promissory Note Plus).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1191

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Image: Promissory Note Plus page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Promissory Note Plus page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page is used primarily by schools who use the Guarantee Only process level. Because the school has
collected the promissory note, the guarantor can immediately approve the loan upon receipt of the loan

Loan Type Code Select from the appropriate PLUS loan types that your
institution has set up in the Loan Type Table page.

Borrower ID Select the appropriate parent or guardian of the student.

The information in the Borrower ID field can be changed until

the Loan Origination process uses the promissory note data.
The Borrower ID field becomes unavailable once the Loan
Origination process uses the promissory note data.

To verify if the Loan Origination process has used the Pnote

data, navigate to the Loan Pnote Action Status page by clicking
the Pnote Status link.

Note: Only people related to the student are available. To be

an eligible borrower of a student's loan, a relationship with a
guardian or parent must be created. Relationships are defined on
the Relationships page. To create a relationship to the student,
the related person must have an ID assigned, and the guardian
status must be set to Parent, Guardian, or Self.

Note: Borrower ID does not display for Grad PLUS promissory

notes. The Borrower ID is set to EmplID internally to avoid
defining a student-to-student borrower relationship.

Lender OPEID (lender office of Select the lender requested by the borrower on the promissory
postsecondary education identifier) and note. If the promissory note is present for the loan when
origination runs, the system uses the lender and guarantor
OPEIDs to determine the appropriate loan destination.

1192 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Guarantor OPEID (guarantor office Select the guarantor requested by the borrower on the
of postsecondary education identifier) promissory note.

Borrower Signature Select if the borrower signed a valid promissory note.

Borrower Data Click to access the Origination Detail page to review borrower

Student Data Click to access the Origination Detail page to view the student's
current biographical and demographic data.

PNote Status Click to access the Loan Pnote Action Status page to view or
update loan promissory note status.

Signature Date Enter the date the borrower signed the note.

Creating Loan Reference and Cosigner Relationships

Access the Loan Relation (Ref/Cosign) page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management >
Enter PLUS Prom Notes > Loan Relation (Ref/Cosign)).

Image: Loan Relation (Ref/Cosign) page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Relation (Ref/Cosign) page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

If cosigners or references are required for the loan type, the system displays the number required. Several
of the fields function only when a relationship is identified in the Relationship Nbr field and the Loan
Relation Type is Co-Signer or Co-Maker.

Loan Relation Type Select from Co-Maker, Co-Signer, or Reference.

Relationship Nbr (relationship When you select a value for the field, the system displays
number) the name, relation, guardian, and citizenship status. This
information comes from the Relationships page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1193

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Signature Indicator Select to indicate a signed note from the cosigner or reference

Owner/Renter Indicator Specify if the cosigner or reference owns or rents.

Related IDs Click to access the Relationships page to identify and create
relationships between people. For PLUS loans, the relationship
to the student is generally the parent or guardian. For alternative
loans, the relationship can be a parent, guardian, or a cosigner.

See "Relating One Individual to Another" (PeopleSoft Campus

Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Current Address Click to access the Current Address Information page to view
the cosigner's or reference's current address.

Current Employment Only available when Loan Relation Type and Relationship Nbr
fields are populated. Click to access the Current Employment
Information page to enter the cosigner's or reference's
employment information.

Income Only available when Loan Relation Type and Relationship

Nbr fields are populated. Click to access the Current Income
Information page to enter the cosigner's or reference's income.

Previous Employment Only available when Loan Relation Type and Relationship Nbr
fields are populated. Click to access the Previous Employment
Information page to enter the cosigner's or reference's previous

Entering Alternative Loan Promissory Note Data

Access the Promissory Note Alt page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management > Enter ALT
Loan Prom Notes > CRC Promissory Note Alt > Promissory Note Alt).

1194 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Image: Promissory Note Alt page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Promissory Note Alt page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Type Code Select from the appropriate Alternative loan types that your
institution has set up in the Loan Type Table page.

Requested Amount Enter the requested loan amount. A loan cannot be originated
for greater than the requested amount.

Capitalize Interest Cd (capitalize Select from:

interest code)
Capitalize: Capitalize interest while in school.

Pay Int: Pay capitalized interest immediately.

Loan EFT Authorization (loan Select to indicate that the borrower has authorized the school to
electronic fund transfer authorization) transfer the loan proceeds received by EFT to the appropriate
student account.

Request Loan Deferment If eligible, requests to begin repayment of the loan at a later
date. Deferment criteria and repayment options are dependent
on the particular alternative loan program.

Lender OPEID (lender office of Select the lender requested by the borrower on the promissory
postsecondary education identifier) note. If the promissory note is present for the loan when
origination runs, the system uses the lender and guarantor
OPEIDs to determine the appropriate loan destination.

Lender Branch ID Select the lender branch identification.

Guarantor OPEID (guarantor office Select the guarantor requested by the borrower on the
of postsecondary education identifier) promissory note.

References Complete Select from:

Yes: Indicates references are complete.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1195

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

No: Indicates references are not complete.

Borrower Signature Select if the borrower signed a valid promissory note.

Signature Date Enter the date the borrower signed the note.

Student Data Click to access the Origination Detail page to view the student's
current biographical and demographic data.

PNote Status Click to access the Loan Pnote Action Status page to view or
update loan promissory note status.

Tracking CommonLine Master Promissory Note Usage

Access the Student MPN Usage page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management > Maintain
Student MPN Usage > CommonLine MPN Usage > Student MPN Usage).

Use this page to monitor the status of any Stafford or PLUS master promissory notes that have been
guaranteed. The loan origination process uses this information to control whether FFEL loans can be
processed serially. Information is entered in the page when a Stafford or PLUS loan is guaranteed.
Subsequent loans processed for the student and borrower use the information to determine whether the
loan can be processed serially.

In most cases, you are not required to monitor or update information for the student. The system
automatically populates this page when confirmation of a valid MPN is reported by the service provider
on the CommonLine Application Response file. However, when you must enforce a new MPN to be
issued for each loan, you can set the Serial Loan Code field to New MPN. After the value is set, the
system does not change this value. This ensures that all new loans that are originated request a new
promissory note from the student. Users can also add MPN use information on the page to establish the
desired serial loan processing in advance of originating loans for the student.

Note: If your school does not process serial loans for all students, use the Deactivate the Serial Loan
Activation option on the Financial Aid Installation page.

Serial Loan Code When a Stafford loan is originated and is guaranteed, the lender
indicates whether it is a serial loan. This field displays the
value that was requested when the loan was originated. This
value is on the Loan Origination 3 page in the CommonLine
Management component.

Lender MPN Confirmation When the loan response file is received, this field displays what
the lender determined. When the system loads the response,
it updates the Lender OPEID and Lender MPN Confirmation
fields. Values are:

No: A valid MPN does not exist for the borrower.

Unknown: The lender was unable to determine the borrower's

serial MPN status.

Yes: A valid serial MPN exists.

1196 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

For future loans, the origination program checks this page to verify serial loan status. For example, if
a student applies for another Stafford loan a year later, the system can verify if the previous loan was a
serial loan. If it is a serial loan with the same lender, the system originates the new loan as a serial loan
and gives it a new effective date.

You can also manually override the default serial MPN setting. Select N - Use New MPN from the Loan
Origination 3 page in the CommonLine Management component if you do not want a student to be
processed for a serial loan. For example, a serial-MPN-eligible school might always want to generate
new MPNs for a specific portion of its borrowers, such as law students. If law students are updated on
the page so that the Serial Use field is N-Use New MPN, all future loans originated require a new MPN
until the Serial Loan Code field is reset to S-Serial, Renew existing MPN. For PLUS loans, use the loan
validation edit to verify that the information for the student, parent, and lender on the page matches that of
the originated PLUS loan.

Originating CommonLine Loans

This section provides an overview and discusses how to originate CommonLine loans.

Understanding the Loan Origination Process

Use the loan origination process (FAPLBOG1) to determine student loan eligibility. Eligibility is
determined by checking student award information, promissory notes, the student's loan history, and
the loan setup parameters used to calculate a new student loan. You can view all originated loans in the
Maintain Originated Loans component. During the origination process, key elements are determined to
create a complete loan record that can be transmitted to the appropriate lending agency. How these key
elements are determined is discussed in this section:

• CommonLine version.

• Process level.

• Serial Loan Code, which supports master promissory note functionality.

Determining the CommonLine Version

The origination process uses loan destination to determine the correct CommonLine version. As described
in the Setting Up CommonLine 4 Loans, the origination process determines the assigned lender and
guarantor for each loan and then attempts to match the lender or guarantor to an existing CRC loan
destination. If found, the system assigns the CL version and destination number to the loan. If not found,
then a lender or guarantor match is attempted with the CL 4 loan destinations, and if one is found, the
system assigns the CL version and destination number.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1197

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Note: If no destination is found for a loan during the Loan Origination process, the program uses the set
up on the Loan Destination Default page (Set up SACR, Product Related, Financial Aid, Loans, Define
Loan Institutions, Loan Destination Default) to determine the CL version.
If the Use CRC Destination check box is selected on the Loan Destination Default page and the loan
destination (CL4 or CRC) cannot be determined when a loan is originated, a CL version of CRC is used.
If the Use CRC Destination check box is cleared on the Loan Destination Default page and the loan
destination (CL4 or CRC) cannot be determined when a loan is originated, a CL version of CL4 is used.
The exception to this rule is when the Loan Origination program uses CRC Certification Request data to
originate a loan (setup is ignored). If CRC Certification Request data is used and no destination is found,
a CL version of CRC is used.

After the CL version is set, if you assign or change the loan destination number online, you can only
select loan destinations that support the assigned CL version. If you change the CL version, the available
loan destination numbers change accordingly. After the destination is assigned online, the system
automatically sets the process level, disbursement hold and release, and serial MPN settings to match the
loan destination settings.

Note: For the CL version and loan destination number to be assigned correctly, ensure the setup of the
schools' loan destination is complete and accurate before you originate loans for the aid year.

See Setting Up Loan Origination.

Determining the Process Level

The process level field represents the CommonLine process type code value that is reported to the
loan servicer. Each process type and level defines a specific loan business process. The supported
CommonLine process types are:

• Guarantee Only (GO)

• Guarantee and Print (GP)

• Print and Guarantee (PG,)

• Certification Request (CR)

The process level is based on how the loan promissory note is collected from the borrower. GO implies
that the school has collected the promissory note, while GP and PG requests that the note be generated, if
necessary, and collected by the loan servicer. The loan origination process automatically determines the
process level to use based on the default process levels assigned for each loan destination.

Note: Oracle also provides a process level of Manual (M). Assigning along this process level indicates
that the loan is being processed manually and should not be reviewed by any of the automated loan
processes or generate an electronic application. This process level is used in cases where the loan servicer
does not support electronic loan processing, or you are overriding an existing loan and do not want the
loan adjustment or outbound processes to review and possibly manipulate the borrower's loan eligibility.

Determining Serial MPN Eligibility

The serial loan code is set for all originated Stafford and PLUS loans and indicates whether the loan is
to be processed as part of a multi-year note (serial processing) or if a new note must be collected for the
loan. The system displays these fields on the Loan Origination 3 page in the Maintain Originated Loans
component and they are reported using the CommonLine Application Send file.

1198 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

By default, the system sets the serial loan code based on the loan destination setup unless the process
can confirm that the student has a prior loan with the same borrower and the lender confirms possession
of the MPN form. The system maintains MPN serial confirmation in the Maintain Student MPN Usage
component. Use component. If confirmation is successful, the system sets the serial loan code to S –
Serial, Renew existing MPN. The loan origination process attempts to determine serial eligibility by
confirming that the originated loan has the same borrower and student maintained in the Maintain Student
MPN Usage component.

If the loan origination process is unable to assign the borrower ID or the loan destination, the process
might not be able to verify the loan's serial eligibility:

• If the origination process cannot assign a borrower ID, then the system sets the serial loan code to N –
Use new MPN.

• If the borrower ID is set, but not the loan destination, the origination process attempts to determine
serial loan eligibility by using both the student ID and borrower ID to find MPN information in the
Maintain Student MPN Usage component so it can assign a serial loan code value. If a match cannot
be made using this criteria, then the system sets the serial loan code to N – Use new MPN.

When a loan is originated with missing borrower or loan destination information, you must complete
the loan information before it can be validated and transmitted to the servicer. The system attempts
to determine the serial loan code field value when the Borrower ID or Loan Destination Nbr field is
modified. For PLUS, if the Borrower ID field is changed, the system checks the CommonLine MPN Use
table for a PLUS record that matches the student ID, institution, and borrower ID. If a match occurs, the
system sets the serial loan code to comply with the matched record in the Maintain Student MPN Usage
component. Renew sets the value to S – Serial, Renew existing MPN. If no match occurs, the serial loan
code is set to N – Use new MPN. When the Loan Destination Nbr is changed and if the Borrower ID field
is not blank, the same check occurs.

Note: The system intentionally does not confirm that the lender in the loan destination matches the
lender in the MPN Use record. If you require a student to use a new MPN for each loan, use the Maintain
Student MPN Usage component to enforce this requirement. For serial PLUS loans, a loan validation edit
ensures that the lender for the loan matches the lender listed in the MPN Use record.

Understanding the Loan Processing Status and Loan Origination Transmission

From the time a loan is originated until it is processed by the loan servicer, the system uses a loan
processing status field and a loan transmission status field to monitor the loan status:

• The loan process status field monitors the current internal processing state of the loan. Values are:

• Cancelled: A loan cancellation has been initiated.

• Hold: The loan is on hold and the system suspends all loan processing until the hold is removed.

• Offered and Not Accepted: Used by Direct Loans. Origination Pending: Loan has been originated
or reset due to a loan rejection, and waiting loan validation.

• In Service: The loan has been transmitted to the appropriate servicer.

• Terminated: A pre-guarantee loan cancellation has been initiated.

• The loan transmission status field monitors the current transmission state of the loan between the
school and the loan servicer. Values are:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1199

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

• Accepted: The servicer has accepted the loan.

• Change Pending Transmission: An adjustment generated a change transaction that has not been
sent to the servicer.

• Error: Not used for CommonLine loans.

• Origination Pending Transmission: An Origination that has not been transmitted to the servicer.

• Transmitted: An origination or change transaction has been sent to the loan servicer.

The two fields are displayed throughout the loan process with different labels on three pages:

Page Loan Process Status Loan Transmission Status

Loan Status Summary Information Loan Process Status Transmission Status

Loan Orig Status Ln Proc Stat Orig Trans Stat

CommonLine Loan Origination (Loan Processing Stat Orig Trans Stat


The following table shows how to interpret the loan status based on the field values:

Loan Process Status Loan Transmission Status Explanation

Origination Pending Origination Pending Transmission Set when a loan is originated. The loan
is waiting for the validation process to
authorize its transmission.

In Service Transmitted Set by the CommonLine outbound

process. The loan application record
is in the staging tables and application
files can be created by running the EDI
Manager (CL 4) or XML creation (CRC)

Note: The loan is considered transmitted

to the servicer after the data has been
sent to the staging tables and not when
the school actually transmits the files.

In Service Accepted Set by the CommonLine inbound

process. The loan has been processed
successfully by the loan servicer.

1200 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Loan Process Status Loan Transmission Status Explanation

In Service Change Pending Transmission Set by the origination process when a

previously approved loan is adjusted.
The loan is waiting for the loan
validation process to authorize its

Cancelled Change Pending Transmission Set by the origination process when a

previously approved loan is cancelled.
The loan is waiting for the loan
validation process to authorize its

Cancelled Transmitted Set by the CommonLine outbound

process when a loan cancellation record
is processed. The loan application record
is in the staging tables and application
files can be created by running the EDI
Manager (CL 4) or XML creation (CRC)

Hold Origination Pending Transmission Set by the CommonLine Inbound

process when a loan has been denied by
the loan servicer. If the student is eligible
for the loan, the user must perform the
corrective action and then remove the
hold status. This allows the loan to be
reprocessed and retransmitted.

Terminated Origination Pending Transmission Set by the origination process for a

loan that has been cancelled prior to

Pages Used to Originate CommonLine Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Origination RUNCTL_LNORIG Financial Aid > Loans > Originate loan item types
Process Loans > Loan that have an accepted award
Origination status.

Process List PMN_PRCSLIST Click the Process Monitor link View Process Monitor status
on the Loan Origination page. and messages generated by
the load process.

Process Detail PMN_PRCSRQSTDETAIL Click the Detail link on the View information on the run
Process List page. status.

Message Log PMN_BAT_MSGLOG Click the Message Log link View any messages generated
on the Process Detail page. by the selected process.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1201

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Explain PMN_MSG_EXPLAIN Click the Explain button on View additional information

the Message Log page. for the selected Message Log
message text entry.

Originating CommonLine Loans

Access the Loan Origination page (Financial Aid > Loans > Process Loans > Loan Origination).

Use this page to initiate the Loan Origination process (FAPLBOG1), a COBOL SQL process.

CL Orig Options (CommonLine Select from:

origination options)
Ignore Prom. Notes: The loan origination process originates the
loan whether or not a tracked promissory note exists.

Require Prom. Notes: The loan is not originated unless a tracked

promissory note can be used to originate the loan.

Use Prom. Note: The system uses the tracked promissory note,
but if one is not available, it still originates the loan. This is
the default setting. The loan origination process checks for
unused promissory notes in the CommonLine Pnote Stafford,
CommonLine Pnote PLUS, and CommonLine Pnote Alt pages.

Adjustments Select to evaluate and process adjustments to existing loans. The

system selects and processes origination adjustments for loans
in which information has changed that requires a CommonLine
change record to be generated. New loans are also originated
when this option is selected.

Use Loan Program Select the check box to activate the loan program field. Users
can restrict the origination process to the selected loan program.

The information that you enter in the Selection Criteria group box and the Student Override group
box is restricted by the institution, aid year, career, and loan program that you selected in the Control
Information group box.

Last Name FROM and Last Name Enter two student last names to originate loans for a range of
TO students. Only students with the selected institution, aid year,
career, and loan program (optional) are selected. For example,
you could originate loans for students with last names from
Atkins to McMurphy. You can enter here only if the Student
Override check box is clear.

Student Override and ID Select Student Override and an individual student ID to

originate loans for a single student or a specific group of
students in the selected institution, aid year, career, and loan
program (optional). Only students with loans that have a loan
award in the Accepted status and have remaining loan eligibility
are available.

1202 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Reviewing Loan Origination Information

This section discusses how to:

• Update borrower information.

• Update loan demographic data.

• Enter loan relationship information.

• Review student loan eligibility.

• Manage FFELP serial loan processing.

Pages Used to Review Loan Origination Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Origination 1 SFA_CRC_LOAN_ORIG Financial Aid > Loans > Review and update student
CommonLine Management > and borrower information,
Maintain Originated Loans > CommonLine version, and
Loan Origination 1 loan destination processing

Loan Demographic Data – LOAN_ORIG_SEC2 Click the Loan Demographic View the borrower's
THIS APPLICATION ONLY link on the Loan Origination 1 demographic data and
– page. the student's term and
demographic information.
Update loan demographic data
used at the time the loan was

Loan Relationship LN_RELATE_SEC Click the Select Ref/ View or create relationships
Information Csgn button on the Loan for the student or borrower.
Origination 1 page.

Current Address Information LN_ORIG_REL_ADDR Click the Detail link next to View the borrower's current
the Years at Current Address address.
field on the Loan Relationship
Information page.

Employment Information LN_ORIG_REL_EMPL1 Click the Current Review and update current
Employment link on the Loan job information if you are
Relationship Information generating an Alternative
page. Loan Detail record where this
information is required by the
loan destination.

Current Income LN_ORIG_REL_INCOME Click the Income link on Review and update annual
the Loan Relationship salary, other annual income,
Information page. and other income sources.

Employment Information LN_ORIG_REL_EMPL2 Click the Current Enter data from a previous
Employment link on the Loan employer.
Relationship Information

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1203

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Origination 2 SFA_CRC_LN_ORIG_FN Financial Aid > Loans > Review and adjust loan
CommonLine Management > start, end, certification, and
Maintain Originated Loans > scheduled disbursement dates.
Loan Origination 2

Loan Origination 3 SFA_CRC_LN_ORIG_CL Financial Aid > Loans > Review and update
CommonLine Management > CommonLine processing
Maintain Originated Loans > options.
Loan Origination 3

Updating Borrower Information

Access the Loan Origination 1 page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management > Maintain
Originated Loans > Loan Origination 1).

Image: Loan Origination 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Origination 1 page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Borrower Information
Borrower ID In most cases, the borrower is the student, but in the case of a
PLUS loan, the borrower can be a parent or guardian. Select the
borrower ID if no ID is present. For Graduate PLUS loans, the
Borrower ID is set to the student EmplID internally to avoid
defining a student-to-student borrower relationship and cannot
be edited on this page.

1204 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Note: Only people related to the student are available. To be

an eligible borrower of a student's loan, a relationship with a
guardian or parent must be created. Relationships are defined on
the Relationships page. To create a relationship to the student,
the related person must have an ID assigned, and the guardian
status must be set to Parent, Guardian, or Self.

Driver's License # The borrower's driver's license number and state. You can
update the fields using the Loan Demographic link.

Loan Demographic Click to view the borrower's demographic data and the student's
term and demographic information on the Loan Demographic
Data page.

Borr Bio/Demo Data (borrower Click to access the Biographical Details page and change the
biographic demographic data) borrower name, gender, citizenship, marital status, date of birth,
Social Security Number, and address. The link is active only if
the Borrower ID field is populated.

Select Ref/Csgn (select references/ Click to view or enter data on the Loan Relationship
cosigner) Information page. Available if references and cosigners are
required for the loan type.

Parent/Alternative Loan
Information in this group box is used for PLUS and alternative loans.

Loan Refund Indicator Used for Plus and Alternative loans. Select if loan refunds go to
the Borrower or to the Student.

Note: Additional refund setup is required in PeopleSoft Student

Financials to generate a refund.

Stdnt Bio/Demo Data (student Click to access the Demographic and Address Data page and
biographic demographic data) change the student name, gender, citizenship, marital status, date
of birth, Social Security Number, and address.

See "Understanding Biographical Information" (PeopleSoft

Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Related IDs Click to open the Relationship page. After a parent or guardian
has been assigned an ID, use the Relationship page to link data
to that person. The person's ID then appears in the Borrower
options on the Loan Origination 1 page and can be selected to
process a PLUS loan.

See "Setting Up Individual Relationships" (PeopleSoft Campus

Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1205

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Loan Destination Nbr (loan Displays the loan destination number that represents the
destination number) servicers who process the loan. The loan origination process
usuallly assigns this value, but you must assign a loan
destination if the origination process cannot. Selecting the
appropriate loan destination is dependent on the CommonLine
version of the loan. The CommonLine Loan Version field value
controls the available loan destination records that you can
select. When changes occur to the loan destination value, the
system resets the loan process level, disbursement hold and
release status, and serial loan processing fields to the new loan
destination's default values.

Processing Level (process level) Values are:

CR - School Certification Request: Select if you are processing

a loan using the CommonLine certification request.

D - Direct: Used for Direct Loan only and is invalid value for
CommonLine loans.

GO - Guarantee Only: Select to have the service provider only

guarantee the loan.

GP - Guarantee and Print Appl: Select to have the service

provider guarantee the loan and then print and mail a
promissory note to the borrower.

M - Manual: Select if you do not want the loan to be processed

electronically. No application files are created for loans with this

PG - Print and Guarantee: Select to have the service provider

print and mail a promissory note to the borrower and guarantee
the resulting loan after receipt of the promissory note.

Servicer, Lender, and Guarantor Indicates the assigned agencies associated with the Loan
OPEID (office of postsecondary Destination Number.
education identifier)

CommonLine Loan Version Indicates the CommonLine version of the loan destination. Can
be changed to reassign the loan destination that supports the
adjusted CommonLine version.

CL4: CommonLine version 4

CRC: Common Record CommonLine version

For more information, refer to the "Determining the

CommonLine Version".

Note: Parent or guardian borrowers must exist on the Personal Data page and have an ID assigned to
them. They must be defined as a related parent or guardian for loan processing.

1206 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Updating Loan Demographic Data

Access the Loan Demographic Data - THIS APPLICATION ONLY - page (click the Loan Demographic
link on the Loan Origination 1 page).

Image: Loan Demographic Data – THIS APPLICATION ONLY – page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Demographic Data – THIS APPLICATION
ONLY – page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

To update the loan origination data, you must first update the student's information in Campus
Community Fundamentals or FA Term record and then use this page to retrieve and update the loan
information. When you run the Loan Origination process with Adjustments selected, the student's
program complete date (graduation date) and National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Loan Year in
the FA Term record.

The changes that you make on this page apply only to the current loan application. If you have several
loan applications for a single student, make changes for each loan application.

Demo Chg (demographic change) Select to make the updateable fields available for entry.

Borrow Demographic Information

Ovrd (override) Select this check box after selecting the Demo Chg check box to
enable the Borrower SSN field for updating.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1207

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Note: Changes made to the SSN field here only affect this
specific loan application.

License # (borrower license number) Select a driver's license number for the borrower. The system
updates the drivers license state field based on the drivers
license selected.

Borr Default/Owes Refund (borrower Select No or Yes to indicate whether the borrower is in default or
in default/owes refund) owes a refund to the federal government. Select Overridden to
override the borrower's status.

Visa/Permit (borrower visa/permit) Indicates the borrower's visa ID.

Update Borr Demo (update borrower Click to move the most current information from Campus
demographic) Community Fundamentals (personal data) to the loan
application that you are currently using. For example, to change
the borrower's date of birth, go to the Biographical Details page
to change date of birth. Then return to the Loan Demographic
Data page and click the Updt Borr Demo button to display the
changed information. The system also updates the Borr SSN,
BorrVs/Pmt, and Borr Citizenship fields when you click this

Term Information
Term and Update Term Data Select a term and then click the button to move information
from the financial aid term to the loan application that you are
currently using.

Student Demographic Information

Ovrd (override) Select this check box after selecting the Demo Chg check box to
enable the SSN field for updating.

Note: Changes made to the SSN field here only affect this
specific loan application.

Total Debt Displays the student's lifetime aggregate amount for all loan
types. This field is used for some alternative loans and is
manually set.

Stdnt Default/Owes Refund (student Select No or Yes to indicate whether the student is in default
in default/owes refund) or owes a refund. Select Overridden to override the student's
default status.

Update Student Demo (update student Click to move information from Campus Community
demographic) Fundamentals to the loan application that you are currently
using. The system updates the SSN, Birthdate, Citizenship, and
Visa/Permit fields.

1208 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Warning! If you override these required fields, your institution takes full responsibility for the data you
transmit that may be in conflict with existing institutional records. Access to this page should be limited
to key personnel.

Entering Loan Relationship Information

Access the Loan Relationship Information page (click the Select Ref/Csgn button on the Loan Origination
1 page).

The fields in this component represent the fields listed in the CommonLine Alternative Loan and
Reference Information records in the Application Send file. The data collection requirements depend on
the loan program.

See Creating Loan Reference and Cosigner Relationships.

Reviewing Student Loan Eligibility

Access the Loan Origination 2 page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management > Maintain
Originated Loans > Loan Origination 2).

Image: Loan Origination 2 page: Disbursements tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Origination 2 page: Disbursements tab. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Period Start and Loan Period Generated from the Valid Careers for Terms table.
See Updating Loan Dates.

Note: Updating Loan Dates is applicable to both Direct Loans

and CommonLine Loans.

Loan Certification Date The date the loan is originated.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1209

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Update ID Click to update the loan application ID.

Override Loan Dates Select to make the loan period start, loan period end, loan
certification, and disbursement date fields available for editing.

Hold Release Tab

Select the Hold/Release tab.

Image: Loan Origination 2 page: Hold/Release tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Origination 2 page: Hold/Release tab. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Disb Hold/Release Status Automatically set during origination and when you use the Hold
(disbursement hold/release status) and Release process. The field can be manually set or reset by
the Hold and Release process. Select from:

F: Forwarded to CDA. This is an intermediate status

communicated from the lender and is not a valid selection.

H: Hold Disbursement. Indicates the disbursement to be held by

the lender.

N: Not Supported. Indicates that the loan destination does not

participate in the disbursement hold and release process.

R: Release Disbursement. Indicates the disbursement to be

released to the school.

Direct Disbursement Tab

Select the Direct Disbursement tab.

1210 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Image: Loan Origination 2: Direct Disbursement tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Origination 2: Direct Disbursement tab. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Disb Direct to Borrower (Disburse Select this check box to request that a disbursement be made
Direct to Borrower) directly to the student by the lender. If the lender participates,
this optional CommonLine process is valid for all CommonLine
loan types. The value is transmitted in the application send file,
but is not supported in the change transaction send file.

Managing FFELP Serial Loan Processing

Access the Loan Origination 3 page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management > Maintain
Originated Loans > Loan Origination 3).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1211

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Image: Loan Origination 3 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Origination 3 page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Options
EFT Authorization (electronic funds Select an option for electronic funds transfer authorization.
transfer authorization) Otherwise, the origination process does this automatically,
based on the tracked promissory note. Not applicable for loans
using a Stafford or PLUS Master Promissory Notes where EFT
authorization is automatically assumed by the loan servicer.

Select from:

Yes: Authorize electronic funds transfer.

No: Do not authorize electronic funds transfer.

Capitalize Interest Select Capitalize or Pay Int to indicate the student's choice of
making interest payments on any unsubsidized portion of the
loan while in school. Otherwise, the origination process does
this automatically, based on the tracked promissory note.

Request Deferment Select Yes or No to indicate a request to the lender to defer

repayment of the loan if the borrower is eligible. Not applicable
for loans using the Stafford or PLUS master promissory notes
where a deferment is automatically assumed by the loan

Lender of Last Resort For information only. Select if this option is applicable to the

Manual Origination Ind (manual This field is deactivated and only indicates whether the indicator
origination indicator) was set for originated loans.

1212 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Promissory Note Information

Fed App Type (federal application Indicates the promissory note used to originate the FFELP loan.
type) Assigned during origination but can be reset manually. Select

PL 4/25/94: Old PLUS promissory note. No longer a valid

selection for new loans.

PLUS MPN: The current valid PLUS Master Promissory Note.

STAF MPN: The current valid Stafford Master Promissory Note.

Sta 1/3/94: Old Stafford Application. No longer a valid selection

for new loans.

Grad PLUS: The current valid Graduate PLUS promissory note.

Serial Loan Code Indicates the request for the lender to process the loan using
the current master promissory note, or request a new note to be
collected from the borrower. Assigned during origination but
can be reset manually.

SelectN (Use new MPN) or S (Serial, Renew existing MPN).

Pnote Amt Req (promissory note Displays the amount the student requested on the promissory
amount request) note used to guarantee the loan. Populated by the loan
origination process if a promissory note is used to originate
the loan. It also can be updated upon receipt of the application
response file when the loan is guaranteed, if the promissory note
is issued and collected by the loan servicer. Any increases to
the loan cannot exceed this value. A new loan is created if the
borrower's loan eligibility exceeds the promissory note amount
requested. This field is blank for Stafford and PLUS loans
because the amount is no longer captured on the MPN forms.

MPN Confirmation (master Displays master promissory note confirmation. This code is
promissory note confirmation) loaded from the CommonLine Application Response record and
indicates whether a service provider has a valid MPN or if the
status is unknown.

Y: (Yes) A valid master promissory note exists.

N: (No) A master promissory note does not exist.

U: (Unknown) The service provider cannot confirm that the

lender holds the note.

Borrower Confirmation Indicates whether the service provider has received borrower
confirmation of the loan request.

E-Sign Type This is the reported holder of the student's electronic signature
source for the loan promissory note. Although a school is not
required to hold or report this information, if received from a
loan servicer, the code is loaded to the application.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1213

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Servicer Information
Loan Sequence Nbr (loan sequence A value assigned by the loan servicer when the application is
number) guaranteed. The value is used to uniquely identify the loan.

Service Type Cd (service type code), Populated by the CommonLine application response file. Except
for values 01 and 02, the codes are valid for both CL4 and CRC

01: For CL4, Lender requested to issue funds to school. No

Reference @5 Detail Record included.

01: For CRC, File creator processed application; file initiator

does not initiate disbursement.

02: For CL4, Lender requested to issue funds to disbursing

agent. No Reference @5 Detail Record included.

02: For CRC, File creator processed application; file initiator to

initiate disbursement.

03: Lender requested to issue funds to school. Reference @5

Detail Record included.

04: Lender requested to issue funds to disbursing agent.

Reference @5 Detail Record included.

05: File creator processed application; file creator does not

initiate disbursement. No Reference @5 Detail Record included.

06: File creator processed application; file creator to initiate

disbursement. No Reference @5 Detail Record included.

07: File creator processed application; file creator does not

initiate disbursement. Reference @5 Detail Record included.

08: File creator processed application; file creator to initiate

disbursement. Reference @5 Detail Record included.

Reduction Code Populated by the CommonLine application response file.

01: Approved for requested amount.

02: Reduced to maximum for grade level.

03: Reduced to maximum for career.

04: Reduced to maximum for period.

05: Lender approved amount.

06: Reduced to unmet need.

07: Reduced to maximum for guarantor.

08: Reduced to school certification amount.

1214 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

09: Reduced to maximum for endorser.

10: Reduced to maximum of guarantor policy.

11: Reduced by borrower.

Revised NOG Ind (revised notice of Populated by the CommonLine application response file.
guarantee indicator)
N: Revised notice of guarantee is not sent.

U: Unknown.

Y: Revised notice of guarantee is sent.

Validating CommonLine Loans

This section discusses how to:

• Validate CRC loans.

• Validate CommonLine 4 loans.

• Review CommonLine validation edit error messages.

• Review CommonLine loan status information.

Pages Used to Validate CommonLine Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Validate CRC Loans SFA_CRCLNED_RUNCTL Financial Aid > Loans > Create loan validation
CommonLine Management > requests and run the loan
Validate CRC Loans validation process for CRC
loans. You can also run this
process in simulation mode
where edit error messages are
generated, but the status of the
loan is not updated.

Validate CL 4 Loans LN_EDIT_RUNCTL Financial Aid > Loans > Create loan validation
CommonLine Management > requests and run the loan
Validate CL 4 Loans validation process for CL 4
loans. You can also run this
process in simulation mode
where edit error messages are
generated, but the status of the
loan is not updated.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1215

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Validation SFA_CRC_LN_ORIG_ER Financial Aid > Loans > Review edit error messages
CommonLine Management > found after the loan validation
Maintain Originated Loans > process. After you correct
Loan Validation the errors, rerun the loan
validation process. Make sure
that no errors exist before
generating outbound loan
files. Use the online loan
validation process to validate
CRC loans.

Origination Detail LN_ORIG_TRANS_SEC Financial Aid > Loans > Manually set the Loan Action
CommonLine Management > Status field to Authorized.
Override Loan Status. Click
the top Detail link.

Loan Status Summary SFA_CR_STATSUM_SEC Click the Loan Status View information about a
Information Summary link on any student's loan eligibility by
page in the Originate Loan viewing the current loan
component. level and disbursement level

Validating CRC Loans

Access the Validate CRC Loans page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management > Validate
CRC Loans).

If you originate loans under Common Record CommonLine, run the CRC loan validation process
(FAPREQRN) to check loan origination records for errors. You must validate originated loans for the
system to create and transmit a CommonLine Application Send file to the loan servicer. Each validation
request comprises one or many selection criteria. To control the frequency that loan validation requests
are executed, run the validation process by maintaining multiple validation requests.

Validating CommonLine 4 Loans

Access the Validate CL 4 Loans page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management > Validate
CL 4 Loans)

If you originate loans under CommonLine 4, run the CommonLine 4 loan validation process
(FAPREQRN) to check loan origination records for errors. Originated loans must be validated for a
CommonLine Application Send file to be created and transmitted to the loan servicer. Each validation
request comprises one or many selection criteria. To control the frequency that loan validation requests
are executed, run the validation process by maintaining multiple validation requests.

Loan Edit Update Run Select to have the loan validation process update the target loan
origination records action status. If you clear this check box and
run the process in simulation mode, only edit error messages are

1216 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Reviewing CommonLine Validation Edit Error Messages

Access the Loan Validation page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management > Maintain
Originated Loans > Loan Validation).

Image: Loan Validation page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Validation page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

When the Loan Edit Update Run Option process validates a loan, the system sets the loan action status to
Authorized for transmission on the Loan Status Summary Information page. If the loan fails validation,
the loan action status is set to Failed (authorization) and an explanatory edit error messages is displayed.
If the loan contains separate subsidized and unsubsidized item type origination detail records, there are
separate loan action statuses and edit error messages for each.

To resolve loan validation edit errors, review the CL 4 or CRC loan edit table in the CommonLine setup
topics for information on causes for validation failure. Correct the edit error condition and then rerun the
validation process. Failed loans become authorized when all the error conditions have been corrected.

If an edit error is not appropriate for the loan destination, you can permanently deactivate the edit in
the corresponding loan destination component. To authorize a failed loan without clearing the edit error
conditions, manually set the loan action status to Authorized on the Origination Detail page. Review the
CL Validation Errors report for a complete list of CommonLine loans that have failed the loan validation

For CRC loans, the online loan validation process is made available; click the Validate Loan button to
initiate the Loan Validation process for that specific loan. This option is not available for CL 4 loans. If a
loan contains separate subsidized and unsubsidized records, you must validate each one.

Reviewing CommonLine Loan Status Information

Access the Loan Status Summary Information page (click the Loan Status Summary link on any page in
the Originate Loan component).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1217

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Image: Loan Status Summary Information page: Actions tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Status Summary Information page: Actions
tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page at various stages of the loan origination process, including after origination, after validation,
after disbursements, and after information from the loan servicer has been processed.

Student Eligibility
Total Certified Loan Amt (total Displays the total amount certified including both subsidized
certified loan amount) and unsubsidized item types used for the same origination

Origination Detail
Loan Process Status Displays the overall status of the loan. Used in conjunction with
the Transmission Status. Values are:

Origination Pending: Loan has been originated or reset due to a

loan rejection, and waiting loan validation.

In Service: Indicates the loan has been transmitted to the

appropriate servicer.

Terminated: Indicates that a pre-guarantee loan cancellation has

been initiated.

Hold: The loan is on hold and the system suspends all loan
processing until the hold is removed.

Canceled: A loan cancellation has been initiated.

1218 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Loan Action Code Displays the most recent origination level action taken on the

Transmission Status Displays the current status of the loan in relation to the loan
servicer. Used in conjunction with the loan process status to
know the overall status of the loan. Values are:

Accepted: Indicates the servicer has accepted the loan.

Change Pending Transmission: Indicates an adjustment

generated a change transaction that has not been sent to the

Error: Not used for CommonLine loans.

Origination Pending Transmission: Indicates an Origination that

has not been transmitted to the servicer.

Transmitted: Indicates that an origination or change transaction

has been sent to the loan servicer.

Action Status Displays the status of the loan action code.

Disbursement Information
Shows the most recent actions performed on the individual loan disbursements.

Disbursement ID Indicates the disbursement number of the selected loan and the
disbursement sequence.

Action Status Displays the status and date of the most recent action.

Amounts Tab
Select the Amounts tab.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1219

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Image: Loan Status Summary Information page: Amounts tab

This example illustrates the Loan Status Summary Information page: Amounts tab.

View the calculated loan disbursement amounts.

Payment Tab
Select the Payment tab.

Image: Loan Status Summary Information page: Payment tab

This example illustrates the Loan Status Summary Information page: Payment tab.

View actual disbursement amounts received by the school and paid to the student's account.

1220 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Managing Loan Origination Transmission Data

This section discusses how to:

• View a student's originated loans.

• View loan application summary.

• View loan origination information.

• View loan origination change.

• View loan period change.

• Override loan origination transmission data.

Pages Used to Manage CommonLine Loan Origination Transmission Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Origination Student Summary LOAN_ORIG_SUMM Financial Aid > Loans > View a student's originated
View Originated Loans > loans for a selected aid year.
Origination Student Summary

Loan Application Summary LOAN_ORIG_SUMM_DTL Click the Appl Data link View one originated loan for
on the Origination Student a student in a particular aid
Summary page. year.

Loan Origination Information LOAN_ORIG_SEC Click the Origination Status View loan level actions that
link on the Loan Application monitor the progress of the
Summary page. loan application.

Origination Loan LOAN_DISBURSEMENT Click the Disbursement Status Review activity related to
Disbursement link on the Loan Application each disbursement record for
Summary page. a student's loan.

Loan Origination Change LN_CL_ORIG_CHG_SEC Click the Change link on the When you run adjustments,
Loan Origination Information view the type of loan change
page. record or the changes that

Loan Period Change LN_CL_ORIG_CHG_07 Click the Change link on the View the change information
Loan Origination Change that is sent to the loan
page. servicer.

Loan Action Message Detail LOAN_ORIGACTN_SEC Click the Message link on the View any change error
Loan Origination Information messages received on the
page. CommonLine application
response record that generated
the origination action.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1221

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

CommonLine Loan LOAN_ORIG_TRANS Financial Aid > Loans > Manually update loan status
Origination Transmission CommonLine Management > values to synchronize with the
Override Loan Status > loan servicers. Can be used to
CommonLine Loan manually approve or deny a
Origination Transmission loan record.

Viewing a Student's Originated Loans

Access the Origination Student Summary page (Financial Aid > Loans > View Originated Loans >
Origination Student Summary).

Appl Data (application data) Click to open the Loan Application Summary page.

Viewing Loan Application Summary

Access the Loan Application Summary page (click the Appl Data link on the Origination Student
Summary page).

LnAmt Borr (loan amount borrowed) Displays the actual amount the student has borrowed.

Loan Start and Loan End Displays the loan period dates.

Remaining Loan Eligibility The difference between the origination amount detail and the
borrower requested amount.

Student Loan Summary Click to access the Origination Student Summary page.

Origination Status Click to access the Loan Origination Information page.

Disbursement Status Click to access the Origination Loan Disbursement page.

Viewing Loan Origination Information

Access the Loan Origination Information page (click the Origination Status link on the Loan Application
Summary page).

1222 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Image: Loan Origination Information page: Detail tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Origination Information page: Detail tab. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The page displays loan level activity. The action rows are displayed in reverse chronological order so that
the most recent changes appear on top.

Action Code Loan action codes are predefined and delivered with the system
to indicate actions performed on the loan.

Note: The Change and Message links are available only when a change or message is associated with
the record. Links are available to view the CRC status codes and the corresponding CRC staging table
information for the selected loan action row.

See Processing Loan Changes.

Detail 2 Tab
Select the Detail 2 tab.

Image: Loan Origination Information page: Detail 2 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Origination Information page: Detail 2 tab.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use to view secondary loan action information.

Transfer Batch Indicates the ID for the specific batch in which the loan was
transmitted or received. CommonLine 4 loans only.

User ID Indicates the person who ran the process that inserted the loan
action code.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1223

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Process Instance Indicates the unique ID of the process that posted the loan action
message on the page. You can use this on the Messages page to
select the instance.

Viewing Loan Origination Change

Access the Loan Origination Change page (click the Change link on the Loan Origination Information

Image: Loan Origination Change page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Origination Change page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This page is only available for approved loans that have been adjusted by the loan origination process.

Change Click to access the Loan Period Change page. This link is active
if additional change information exists.

Message This link, if active, enables you to view any errors reported by
the loan servicer when the change record is processed.

Change Status Displays status of the change record type. Change status values

Ready: The change record type is ready to be transmitted.

Pending: Additional action is required before the change record

type can be transmitted. This status only occurs with Change
Record Types 11 and 12.

Accepted: The change transaction has been received and

approved by the loan servicer.

Error: The change transaction sent to the loan servicer has not
been approved. The Message link is active to enable you to view
change errors.

Note: This page varies depending on the loan change record type.

Viewing Loan Period Change

Access the Loan Period Change page (click the Change link on the Loan Origination Change page).

1224 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

This page is only available for approved loans that have been adjusted by the loan origination process. In
this example, the system displays the fields changed for the Loan Period Change (07) record. The system
displays a different page for each of the following change record types:

• Loan Period Change (07)

• Ln (Loan) Cancellation/Reinstatement (08)

• Loan Increase (24)

Note: Change record types 11, 12, 13, and 14 are not supported.

Overriding Loan Origination Transmission Data

Access the CommonLine Loan Origination Transmission page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine
Management > Override Loan Status > CommonLine Loan Origination Transmission).

Image: CommonLine Loan Origination Transmission page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CommonLine Loan Origination Transmission page.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to override loan status information. You should only override the status of an originated
loan in cases where the processing of loans using the automated processes cannot process the loan
properly. Overriding loan information should be done with a clear understanding of the purpose and
expected result from overriding the loan status. New problems can be created for the loan if information is
changed without performing correct analysis.

Note: Because this page enables you to change important financial eligibility information, access should
be restricted to users with the appropriate security access.

Accept Orig (accept origination) When you select this option and click Update Status, you accept
current originated and adjusted loan amounts. The transmitted
fields are filled with the same amount as the originated fields.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1225

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

The system generates a new origination action code of

PSMA (manually accepted). This is the same as receiving a
CommonLine application response file where the student's loan
is reported guaranteed or a CommonLine application response
file in response to a CommonLine change transaction. This
action also manually releases a loan from error status. The loan
is eligible for loan adjustment processing as long as the process
level is not set to M (manual).

Error Loan When you select this option and click Update Status, the system
manually rejects the loan by generating a new origination action
code of PSMR (manually rejected). The system then resets the
loan to a pending status. This enables you to correct the reason
for the manual rejection and re-originate the loan.

Note: If you are rejecting a loan because the borrower is no

longer eligible, you must adjust the student's package to reflect
the change in eligibility.

Hold Loan When you select this option and click the Update Status button,
the system changes the Loan Processing Stat (loan processing
status) field to Hold.

Remove Hold When you select this option and click the Update Status button,
the system resets the Loan Processing Stat (loan processing
status) field to In Service.

The loan processing status and origination transmission status values are updated when a manual action is

Accept Origination Value Changes

Original Loan Processing Original Orig Trans Stat New Loan Processing New Orig Trans Stat
Stat Value Value Stat Value Value

Origination Pending Origination Pending In Service Accepted

In Service Transmitted (not previously In Service Accepted


In Service Change Pending In Service Accepted

In Service Transmitted (previously In Service Accepted


Cancelled Change Pending In Service Accepted

Cancelled Transmitted In Service Accepted

1226 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Error Value Changes

Original Loan Processing Original Orig Trans Stat New Loan Processing New Orig Trans Stat
Stat Value Value Stat Value Value

Origination Pending Origination Pending Origination Pending Origination Pending

In Service Transmitted (not previously Origination Pending Origination Pending


In Service Change Pending In Service Error

In Service Transmitted (previously In Service Error


Related Links
Reviewing Loans on Hold

Viewing Loan Disbursement Activity

This section provides common elements and discusses how to:

• Review loan disbursement activity.

• Review loan disbursement actions.

• Review loan disbursement changes.

• Review cancelled and reinstated loans.

• Review loan award disbursement information.

• Review loan award transmission status.

Pages Used to View Loan Disbursement Activity

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Origination Loan LOAN_DISBURSEMENT Financial Aid > Loans > Review activity related to
Disbursement View Disbursement each disbursement record
Status > Origination Loan for a student's loan including
Disbursement current payment information.

Loan Application Summary LOAN_ORIG_SUMM_DTL Click the Appl Data link View one originated loan for
on the Origination Student a student in a particular aid
Summary page. year.

Loan Disbursement Action LOAN_DISBACTN_SEC Click the Detail link on Review secondary loan
the Origination Loan disbursement action
Disbursement page. information.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1227

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Disbursement Change LN_CL_DISB_CHG_SEC Click the Disbursement Review loan disbursement
Action Detail button on the level changes of transaction
Loan Disbursement page. record type that was
calculated by the loan
adjustment program.

Cancel/Reinstate Loan LN_CL_DISB_CHG_09 Click the Change link on the View the disbursement related
Loan Disbursement Change change record information.
LN_CL_DISB_CHG_10 page.

Disbursement Message LOAN_DISB_MSG_SEC Click the Message link on the View loan disbursement
Information Loan Disbursement page. error messages received on
the CommonLine change
response record.

Loan Award Disbursement LN_AWRD_DISB_INQ Financial Aid > Review loan disbursement
Inquiry Loans > View Award information as it relates to
Disbursements > Loan Award the student's packaged loan
Disbursement Inquiry awards.

Loan Transmission Status LOAN_ORIG_TRNS_INQ Financial Aid > Loans > Review loan award
CommonLine Management > transmission status as well
Loan Transmission as all loan and disbursement
Information > Loan level activity.
Transmission Status

Reviewing Loan Disbursement Activity

Access the Origination Loan Disbursement page (click the Disbursement Status link on the Loan
Application Summary page).

Disbursement Information
Percentage Indicates the percentage of the total loan award the
disbursement represents.

Loan Paid Indicates whether the first disbursement has been credited to the
student's account in Student Financials.

H/R Stat (hold/release status) Indicates whether the disbursement is on hold (H) or release (R)

Disbursement Actions
As changes to the disbursement occur, a new row of disbursement information is inserted. The
information is sorted in reverse chronological order so that the most recent action appears first.

Sequence Displays the most recent action.

Return to Application Click to access the Loan Application Summary page.

1228 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Detail Click to access the Loan Disbursement Action page to view

secondary disbursement action data.

Change Click to view the disbursement level CommonLine 4 Change

transaction record type that is required to be sent to the loan

Message Click to view loan disbursement error messages received.

Note: The Change and Message links are available only when a change or message is associated with the

Reviewing Loan Disbursement Actions

Access the Loan Disbursement Action page (click the Detail link on the Origination Loan Disbursement

View secondary disbursement action information.

Loan Disbursement Amt (loan Displays the gross loan amount. This is the same value that
disbursement amount) displays on the parent page.

Net Loan Disbursement Displays the net loan amount after fees are subtracted. This is
the same value that displays on the parent page.

Seq Nbr (sequence number) Displays the sequence number of the disbursement action. This
is the same value that displays on the parent page. You can view
all disbursement actions by pressing the View All link.

Action Code Displays a code that represents a disbursement action message.

Actn Amt (action amount) Displays the gross disbursement amount.

Actn Net (action net) Displays the net disbursement amount after subtracting fees.

Actn Fee (action fee) Displays the loan fee amount for the disbursement.

Actn Adj (action adjustment) Displays the adjusted disbursement amount reported. This field
is only populated if applicable.

Transfer Batch Displays the number generated by the institution to uniquely

identify a specific batch of records.

Reviewing Loan Disbursement Changes

Access the Loan Disbursement Change page (click the Disbursement Action Detail button on the Loan
Disbursement page).

This page is only available for approved loans that have been adjusted by the loan origination process.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1229

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Change Click to access the Cancel/Reinstate Loan page and view any
errors reported by the loan servicers when the change record is

Message Click to access the Disbursement Message Information page and

view disbursement related change information that is sent to the
loan servicer.

Related Links
Viewing Loan Origination Change

Reviewing Cancelled and Reinstated Loans

Access the Cancel/Reinstate Loan page (click the Change link on the Loan Disbursement Change page).

In this example, the system displays the fields changed for the 09 record. The system displays a different
page for each of the following change record types:

• Pre Disbursement Change (09)

• Post Disbursement Change (10)

Reviewing Loan Award Disbursement Information

Access the Loan Award Disbursement Inquiry page (Financial Aid > Loans > View Award
Disbursements > Loan Award Disbursement Inquiry).

Use the upper scroll area to view the student's different loan awards. This information is derived from the
Award Summary component.

Award Status Displays the current status of the student's loan item type from
the Award Summary page.

Disbursement Plan Displays the disbursement distribution rule applied when the
loan item type is awarded to the student.

Offered and Accepted Indicates the current offered and accepted loan amounts in the
student's award summary.

Use the middle scroll area to view the status of each disbursement for the loan award. This information is
derived from the disbursement level information on the Award Summary component.

Disbursed Balance Displays the disbursement amount that has been applied to the
student's financial account.

Net Disbursed Balance Displays the net balance of the disbursement amount calculated
at the time the loan was awarded to the student.

The section in the lowermost scroll area displays loan disbursement information for any loans originated
for the loan item type shown in the upper scroll areas.

1230 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Loan Refund ID (loan refund ID) Displays the ID of the person who receives any refunds on the
loan. Student Financials uses this ID to generate refund checks.

Loan Refund Indicator Displays the person who receives any refunds on the loan.
Values are Student and Borrower.

Reviewing Loan Award Transmission Status

Access the Loan Transmission Status page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management > Loan
Transmission Information > Loan Transmission Status).

Loan Status Summary Click this link to access the Loan Status Summary Information

Processing CRC Loan Files

This section discusses how to select validated CRC outbound files to move to CRC staging tables.

Pages Used to Process CRC Loan Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Process CRC Outbound SFA_RUNCTL_CRC_OUT Financial Aid > File Select and process validated
Records Management > CommonLine loans to the CRC staging
Loans > Process CRC tables. Create XML outbound
Outbound Records files for transmission to the
loan servicers.

CRC Document SFA_CRC_DOCUMENT Financial Aid > File View CRC Document level
Management > CommonLine information for all application
Loans > View CRC records generated by the CRC
Application Records > CRC Outbound Staging process,
Document as well as all application
response records received
from the loan servicers.

Financial Summary SFA_CRC_FIN_SUM Click the Financial Summary Review net disbursement,
link on the CRC Document EFT disbursement, non EFT
page. disbursement, cancellation,
reissue, and deficit amount.

Document Response SFA_CRC_DOC_RSP Click the Response Review response error code,
Information link on the CRC message, and report value.
Document page.

CRC School Information SFA_CRC_ATTSCHL Financial Aid > File Review attended school ID,
Management > CommonLine attending school branch ID,
Loans > View CRC and response code.
Application Records > CRC
School Information

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1231

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Attended School Response SFA_CRC_ATTEND_RSP Click the Response Review response error code,
Information link on the CRC message, and report value.
School Information page.

CRC Student SFA_CRC_STUDENT Financial Aid > File View student information
Management > CommonLine (name, SSN, date of birth,
Loans > View CRC driver's license, citizenship
Application Records > CRC status, residency, and email
Student address).

Student Response SFA_CRC_STU_RSP Click the Response Review student response,

Information link on the CRC error, message, and reported
Student page. value.

Student Address SFA_CRC_ADDRESS Click the Address Information Review the student's address
link on the CRC Student page. information.

Phone Information SFA_CRC_PHONE Click the Phone Number Review telephone

Information link on the CRC information.
Student page.

Employment Information SFA_CRC_EMP_INFO Click the Employment Review employment type,

Information link on the CRC position, years at employer,
Student page. address, and telephone

Financial Data SFA_CRC_FIN_DATA Click the Financial Data Review salary, other income,
Information link on the CRC credit card and house
Student page. payment, and other payments
and debt.

CRC Award SFA_CRC_AWARD Financial Aid > File Review award type, award
Management > CommonLine amount, and promissory note,
Loans > View CRC guarantor, and lender status
Application Records > CRC information.

Loan Information SFA_CRC_LN_INFO Click the Loan Information Review award dates, EFC,
link on the CRC Award page. academic program, enrollment
status information, and
various codes and indicators.

Signature Information SFA_CRC_LN_SIGN Click the Signature Review signature date, source
Information link on the Loan code, and electronic signature
Information page. information.

Guarantor/Lender Information SFA_CRC_LN_LNDR Click the Guarantor/Lender Review lender and guarantor
link on the Loan Information IDs.

Loan Information Response SFA_CRC_LN_RSP Click the Response Review response error,
Information link on the Loan message, and reported value.
Information page.

Unique Data SFA_CRC_UNQ_DATA Click the Unique Data link on Review additional
the CRC Award page. miscellaneous information.

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Award Response SFA_CRC_AWD_RSP Click the Response Review student award
Information link on the CRC response error, message, and
Award page. total value.

CRC Disbursement SFA_CRC_DISB Financial Aid > File Review disbursement

Management > CommonLine information.
Loans > View CRC
Application Records > CRC

Disbursement Response SFA_CRC_DSB_RSP Click the Response Review disbursement

Information link on the CRC response error, message, and
Disbursement page. reported value.

Selecting Validated CRC Loan Records to Outbound

Access the Process CRC Outbound Records page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine
Loans > Process CRC Outbound Records).

This page controls one or both processes used for generating CRC XML files:

• CRC outbound staging (FAPCLOUT) process, a COBOL SQL process

• CRC XML outbound (SFA_CRC_OUT) process, an Application Engine process to generate the XML

Note: The processes are not defined to run in sequence. Use the Process Scheduler to create a job
definition if you want to run the processes in sequence.

Orig Outbound (origination Select to gather all pending origination records for the specified
outbound) institution, aid year, and school code.

Orig Change Outbound (origination Select to gather all pending origination change records for the
change outbound) specified institution, aid year, and school code.

Demographic Changes This option is only available when you select the Orig Change
Outbound check box. Select to have address, phone, and email
information evaluated and modified information submitted
in the change transaction record. Use this option if you have
changed address, phone, or email address information and then
calculated a change transaction for the loan.

Creating CL 4 Loan Files

After you have originated and validated your FFELP and alternative loans, you create the files to send to
the loan destination.

This section provides an overview and discusses how to:

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

• Select validated CL 4 loan files to outbound.

• Generate CL 4 files to transmit.

• Rename CommonLine 4 files.

Pages Used to Create CL 4 Loan Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Process CL 4 Outbound Files RUNCTL_CLOUT Financial Aid > File Select and process validated
Management > CommonLine CommonLine 4 loans and
Loans > Process CL 4 load them into EDI Manager
Outbound Records > Process staging tables.
CL 4 Outbound Files

Run Parameters EC_RUN_OUTBOUND_01 Financial Aid > File Generate files from the data
Management > CommonLine in the EDI Manager staging
Loans > Outbound EC tables.
Agent > Run Parameters

Rename EDI Outbound File RUNCTL_RENAME Financial Aid > File Rename one or more
Management > CommonLine CL 4 files to a standard
Loans > Rename Outbound naming convention before
Files > Rename EDI transmitting to loan servicers.
Outbound File

Selecting Validated CL 4 Loan Files to Outbound

Access the Process CL 4 Outbound Files page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine
Loans > Process CL 4 Outbound Records > Process CL 4 Outbound Files).

Insert rows to add additional institution, aid year, school code, and version combinations for the
CommonLine 4 Outbound (FAPLCOD4) process, a COBOL SQL process.

Version Select CommonLine 4.

Orig Outbound (origination Select to gather all pending origination records for the specified
outbound) institution, aid year, and school code.

Orig Change Outbound (origination Select to gather all pending origination change records for the
change outbound) specified institution, aid year, and school code.

Generating CL 4 Loan Files to Transmit

Access the Run Parameters page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine Loans > Outbound
EC Agent > Run Parameters).

Outbound Agent Run Parameters

Before running this process for the first time, confirm that your technical staff has run the EC Prep
process to generate a current ecoutmap.sqc file. The mapping in this file is used by the system to correctly
format the outbound files. If the ecoutmap file is not created, the system may generate empty files.

1234 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

The EC Prep process is run from PeopleTools, EDI Manager, Monitor EDI Processing, Prepare Outbound

EC Trans ID (electronic commerce Select this check box. The EC transaction ID uses the same
transaction identification) name as the message class. You must run this process separately
for each EC transaction ID. The following transaction IDs are

A004P: CommonLine 4 application send record.

C004P: CommonLine 4 change transaction send record.

Business Unit Not used for loan processing.

Vender/Customer Select to create files only for the loan destination number you

Outbound File Options

Suppress EC 999 Record This option controls whether loan files are generated with or
without the 999 row at the beginning of the file. If you plan to
use the Rename EDI Outbound File process, clear this option to
allow the required 999 row to be generated.

Separate Output Flag You should check this option to prevent multiple individual files
for the same loan destination from becoming concatenated into
a single superfile. Loan servicers might not accept superfiles.
Check with your loan servicers to determine whether you should
use this option.

Renaming CommonLine 4 Files

Access the Rename EDI Outbound File page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine
Loans > Rename Outbound Files > Rename EDI Outbound File).

Use this page to rename files to match the naming standards of your guarantor or lender.

Reviewing and Managing CRC XML Files

Two components assist in the management of generated and loaded CRC XML files.

This section discusses how to:

• View CRC loan file transactions.

• Monitor CRC award load status.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1235

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Pages Used to Review and Manage CRC XML Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

CRC Document Management SFA_CRC_FILE_REV Financial Aid > File Review generated XML files,
Management > CommonLine outbound to stage files, XML
Loans > CRC Document loaded to stage files, or XML
Management processed files.

CRC Award Management SFA_CRC_LOAD Financial Aid > File View process status and loan
Management > CommonLine information.
Loans > CRC Award

Loan Status Codes SFA_CRC_AWD_ST_SEC Click the Loan Status Codes View loan status codes and
link on the CRC Award descriptions.
Management page.

Viewing CRC Loan File Transactions

Access the CRC Document Management page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine
Loans > CRC Document Management).

This page displays information for all CRC loan files loaded in the CRC staging tables. Each row in
the grid represents an XML document (file). You can view documents generated by the system and
documents received from the loan servicers on this page. Use the component to monitor and control the
processing of CRC XML files. This is similar to the EC Queue Review component used for CommonLine

Filter by Process Status The page is designed to view only CRC documents of a specific
process status. The process status is the current state of the
XML document. Select from:

Generated XML: Loan request documents generated by the

CRC Outbound process where the XML file has already been

Outbound to Stage: Loan request documents generated by the

CRC Outbound process where the XML file has not yet been

XML Loaded to Stage: Loan response documents received from

the loan servicers and recently loaded into the staging tables that
have not yet been processed by the CRC Inbound process.

XML Processed: Loan response documents received from the

loan servicers, loaded into the staging tables that have already
been processed by the CRC Inbound process.

Processing Status Displays the processing status.

Update Processing Status Click to update the processing status. Use as the Update Status
button in the EC Queue Review page for CommonLine 4 loans.
For rows with document type request, you can modify the

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

processing status between Generated XML and Outbound to

Stage. You can modify the processing status to regenerate an
XML file or to prevent a file from being created.

For rows with document type response, you can modify the
processing status between XML Loaded to Stage and XML
Processed.You can set the status to XML Processed to prevent
the file from being processed by the CRC Inbound.

Document Type Indicates a request (outbound) or response (inbound) file.

Document ID Displays the unique identifier of the file. Sometimes referred to

as the CommonLine Batch ID.

Transmission Info Tab

Select the Transmission Info tab.

View the source and recipient of the CRC documents on this page.

Process Info Tab

Select the Process Info tab to view when the CRC document was loaded or created.

The fields indicate when the CRC document was created and when the document file was loaded into the
staging tables (Response) or when the XML file was created (Request).

Override Tab
Select the Override tab.

When a document row has a processing status of Outbound to Stage, the File Path field can be edited.
This allows you to correct the physical destination of the outgoing XML file that is generated.

Monitoring CRC Award Load Status

Access the CRC Award Management page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine Loans >
CRC Award Management).

Use this page to monitor the status of XML response files that have been loaded into the database. In
particular, monitor those response records that have not yet been loaded or have an error status after the
CRC Inbound process has been run.

Filter by Award Status Select the award status for filtering loan award records. Award
status values are:

Error: The record failed to be processed. Check the error


Processing Complete: The record was successfully processed

and the loan has been updated.

Skipped Record: Manually set by the user to indicate that the

record should no longer be processed.

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Unprocessed: Initial value assigned when the record is first

loaded into the staging tables.

Award Status The values are: Error, Processing Complete, Skipped Record,
and Unprocessed.

Error Reason The following are descriptions of why the award record has an
error status. The values are:

Award Disbursement Discrepancy

Loan Certification Rqst (loan certification request)

Destination Not Found

Processing Error

Loan On Hold

Loan Not Found

No Errors

Process Not Supported

Source Data Corruption

Loan Tolerance Amt Exceeded (loan tolerance amount


Unknown or Invalid Loan Type

Uninitiated Change

See Reviewing CL 4 Status and Phase Codes.

Loan Information Tab

Select the Loan Information tab.

Loan Status Codes Click to review the guarantor, lender, promissory note, and
credit status codes.

View Record Click to access the CRC inquiry pages to view the complete
application record that was received.

Reviewing and Managing CL 4 Loan Files

As you run the EDI Manager processes to either create or load CommonLine 4 files into the system, the
system generates high level information that you can review in the EC Queue Review component.

This section discusses how to view CommonLine 4 EC queue records.

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Page Used to Review and Manage CL 4 Loan Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

EC Queue Review (electronic FA_LN_EDI_ECQUEUE Financial Aid > File Review files that were either
commerce queue review) Management > CommonLine created (outbound) or loaded
Loans > Review CL 4 File (inbound) by EDI Manager.
Transactions > EC Queue

Viewing CL 4 EC Queue Records

Access the EC Queue Review page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine Loans > Review
CL 4 File Transactions > EC Queue Review)).

This page displays information for all loan files processed by EDI Manager in the selected loan type. Use
this component to verify the status of each file, control the processing of files, and diagnose EDI Manager

Trans ID (transmission identification) Displays the EDI Manager map name. For CommonLine 4, the
system uses the file ID. This is also part of the search record for
the component so that you can select only the files types you
want to see. The values are:

A004P: Application Send

C004P: Change Transaction Send

R004P: Application Response

E004P: EFT roster

EC Driver DateTime (electronic Displays the date and time that the inbound EC agent process
commerce driver date time) loaded the file into the staging tables for inbound files.

Displays the date and time the outbound EC agent created the
loan file for outbound files.

EC Queue Control Number Displays the file batch ID for outbound loan files. For inbound
(electronic commerce queue control loan files, the system displays the file source name.

Update Status Click to change the EC Queue status value. The EC Queue
Status informs you of the state of the file represented by each
row in the grid.

A value of Loaded indicates that for incoming files the system

has loaded the file into the staging tables, but the data in the
file has not been completely processed. For outgoing files, this
indicates that the system moved the application files into the
staging tables, but the physical file has not yet been created.

A value of Processed indicates that for incoming files the

system resolved all of the records in the file, and the file should

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

no longer be processed. For outgoing files, this indicates that

the system created physical files and no further processing is

Use the Update Status button to exercise special control over

your loan files. For example, you can regenerate outbound
files that may have become lost by changing the status from
Processed to Loaded. The regenerated file is identical to the
one lost. To control the order in which multiple loaded files
are processed, change the status from Loaded to Processed to
prevent the system from processing the file. Then update the
status back to Loaded when you want the file to be processed.

Bus Unit/Cust/Vndr Info Tab

Select the Bus Unit/Cust/Vndr Info tab.

Business Unit For outbound files only. The EC entity code used to represent
the business unit responsible for the loan. This value
corresponds with the loan transfer ID page setup information for
the transaction ID value.

EC BU Cd (electronic commerce For outbound files only. Indicates the EC entity code that
business unit code) represents the greater university. This value corresponds with
the loan transfer ID page setup information for the transaction
ID value.

Cust/Vndr (customer/vendor) For outbound files only. The loan destination profile ID.

EC Ext Cd (electronic commerce For outbound files only. Indicates the EC entity code that
external code) represents the external loan entities. This value corresponds with
the loan transfer ID page setup information for the transaction
ID value.

Note: For outgoing files, if the business unit, EC BU Cd, Cust/

Vndr, and EC Ext Cd fields are blank, this means that the Loan
Transfer ID setting have not yet been created. Files cannot be
created until this setup is completed each year for CommonLine
4 loans.

Receiving and Processing CRC Inbound Files

This section provides an overview of CFC disbursement files and discusses how to:

• Load CRC inbound files to staging tables.

• View CRC inbound details.

• Process CRC inbound files from staging tables to application tables.

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Understanding CRC Disbursement Files

The system supports loading both CRC disbursement roster and disbursement forecast roster files
into the database. The system loads disbursement forecast files into the staging tables but not to the
application tables. You can create reports to identify potential disbursement problems before you receive
the subsequent disbursement roster file.

For the system to load the disbursement roster record into the application tables, the record must match an
existing originated loan record. The records must match by unique CommonLine loan ID, loan type, and
disbursement number fields. The system does not verify that the disbursement amounts match. Depending
on the disbursement method indicated for each disbursement record, the posting is of a disbursement
action row with a distinct loan action code.

Pages Used to Receive and Process CRC Inbound Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Load CRC XML Files SFA_RUNCTL_CRC_IN Financial Aid > File Load CRC application
Management > CommonLine response files into staging
Loans > Inbound CRC XML tables.
Files > Load CRC XML Files

CRC Student SFA_CRC_STUDENT Financial Aid > File View the CRC data loaded
Management > CommonLine into staging tables.
Loans > View CRC Staging
Table Records > CRC

Inbound CRC Files SFA_RUNCTL_CRC_IN2 Financial Aid > File Move files into the database.
Management > CommonLine
Loans > Process CRC
Inbound Files > Inbound
CRC Files

Loading CRC Inbound Files to Staging Tables

Access the Load CRC XML Files page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine Loans >
Inbound CRC XML Files > Load CRC XML Files).

Use this process to load Application Responses, Disbursement Rosters and Certification Requests. The
program differentiates the CRC file type by the <DocumentTypeCode> XML tag found in the beginning
of the files.

Enter the path and name of the CRC file you are loading. You can process multiple files by adding
additional rows on the page.

Viewing CRC Inbound Details

Access the CRC Student page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine Loans > View CRC
Staging Table Records > CRC Student).

The following table lists the CommonLine 4 record status codes and the equivalent CRC loan status

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

CommonLine CRC Guarantor CRC Lender Status CRC Promissory CRC Credit Status
Release 4 Record Status Code Code Note Status Code Code
Status Code

B (Guaranteed, pnote 40 45 60 Any


G (Guaranteed) 40 Any except 45 Any except 60 Any

or 40 45 Any except 60 Any

or 40 Any except 45 60 Any

T (Terminated) 35 Any Any Any

or Any except 40 30 Any Any

D (Denied-Rejected- 30 Any except 30 Any Any


or Any except 40, 35 25 Any Any

P (Pending processing) 25 Any except 25, 30 Any Any

or Any except 40, 35, 30 20 Any Any

A and I (In process) Any combination of

codes except for the
ones reflected above
signify an "in process"

Processing CRC Inbound Files from Staging Tables to Application Tables

Access the Inbound CRC Files page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine Loans >
Process CRC Inbound Files > Inbound CRC Files).

Application Response Select to process response records from the staging table to the
application table.

Disbursement Roster Select to process disbursement or EFT records from the staging
table to the application table.

Certification Request Select to process certification request records from the staging
table to the application table.

After running the CRC inbound process, review all award records that did not load. Use the CRC Award
Management page to review the awards in error. Review the load error code table for information on the
possible error codes and how to resolve the error condition.

Application Response File Processing

The CRC loan inbound process attempts to match the loan application response record in the staging
tables to an originated loan in the application database by comparing the CommonLine loan application

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

IDs. When a match is found, the process updates the loan status by converting the CRC guarantor, lender,
promissory note, and credit status codes into the record status code field used in CommonLine 4.

Refer to the CommonLine 4 record status code table for additional information.

Disbursement Roster Processing

You can load CRC disbursement roster and disbursement roster files into the database. First, run the
CRC XML Inbound process to load the information into the CRC staging tables. Next, run Process CRC
Inbound to process the records into the application tables. The system does not load disbursement forecast
files into the application tables. You can create reports to identify potential disbursement problems prior
to the receipt of the subsequent disbursement roster file.

For the system to load the disbursement roster record into the application tables, the record must match
an existing originated loan record. The records must match in the unique CommonLine loan ID, the
loan type, and the disbursement number fields. The system does not perform a check to verify that the
disbursement amounts match. Depending on the disbursement method indicated for each disbursement
record, the posting is of a disbursement action row with a distinct loan action code.

The following table lists the action codes to use for various disbursement methods.

If the Disbursement Method is: Post a Loan Action Code of: Can it be Disbursed to the
Student's Account?

EFT D – EFT Disbursement Received Yes

Master Check M – Disb Received by Master Check Yes

Individual Check I – Paper Check Notification Rcvd No

Netting PSN – Disb Received via Netting Yes

By Lender PSDL – Direct Disbursement by Lender No

Receiving and Processing CL4 Inbound Files

This section discusses how to:

• Load CL 4 inbound files to staging tables.

• View CL 4 inbound application response details.

• View CL 4 inbound EFT details.

• Process CL 4 inbound files from staging tables to application tables.

• Review CL 4 status and phase codes.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1243

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Pages Used to Receive and Process CommonLine Inbound Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Run Control Parameters EC_RUN_INBOUND_01 Financial Aid > File Load inbound CommonLine
Management > CommonLine 4 application response or EFT
Loans > Inbound EC files into staging tables.
Agent > Run Control

CommonLine 4 Import - CL_IMP_HEAD4 Financial Aid > File View the information in the
Header Management > CommonLine CommonLine application
Loans > View CL 4 Response response header record.
Records > CommonLine 4
Import > Header

Application Detail CL_IMP_MAIN4 Financial Aid > File View inbound application
Management > CommonLine details. This includes
Loans > View CL 4 Response information about each record
Records > Application Detail in the EDI Manager staging

Borrower Perm Address SEC_IMP_ADDR Click the Address link on the View borrower permanent
(borrower permanent address) Application Detail page. address information.

EFT Information (electronic CL_EFT4_HEAD Financial Aid > File View electronic funds transfer
funds transfer information) Management > CommonLine information to verify data
Loans > View CL 4 EFT loaded into the EDI Manager
Records > EFT Information staging tables.

CommonLine Inbound RUNCTL_CLIN Financial Aid > File Move selected

Management > CommonLine acknowledgment files from
Loans > Process CL EDI Manager staging tables
4 Inbound Files > into the database.
CommonLine Inbound

Loan Actions Codes LOAN_ACTNCD_TBL Financial Aid > Loans > View CommonLine 4 status
View Loan Action Codes and phase codes.

Loading CL 4 Inbound Files to Staging Tables

Access the Run Control Parameters page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine Loans >
Inbound EC Agent > Run Control Parameters).

Use this page to initiate the Inbound EC Agent process (ECIN0001), an SQR report, which loads
information from application response or EFT files into staging tables.

Note: Do not make any changes in the File Options group box.

Run Option
Single File Select if only one file is to be loaded.

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

File List Driven Select if you have created a file list to be loaded. Enter the file
list name and location. Refer to the following table for file
names to use.

Single Instance Not used in Financial Aid.

Inbound Agent Parameters

Single File Path Enter the path where the file is located. The syntax varies based
on your network environment.

Single File Name Enter the name of the file in this field.

Force Profile
Do Not Force ((998 or 999 in file) Select to not use inbound agent forced parameters.

Force with Map Information (998) Select to enter parameters necessary to load the loan files. The
parameters include an EC map ID, profile ID, and convert file

Force with Partner Information Select to enter parameters necessary to load the loan files. The
(999) parameters include an external entity code, forced transaction
ID, external trading partner ID, internal alias entity code, and an
EC alias trading partner ID.

Inbound Agent Forced Parameters

EC Map ID Select an inbound ID file to load. CommonLine choices for
particular file names and types. Values are:

CL_APP_V4: where file name is R004P and file type is

CommonLine 4 application response file.

CL_EFT_V4: where file name is E004P and file type is

CommonLine 4 EFT roster.

EC Profile ID Select CL_DESTIN for CommonLine loan files. You can also
create your own profile ID with EDI Manager.

EC Convert Profile ID Select COMMONLINE to load inbound CommonLine files.

Viewing CL 4 Inbound Application Response Details

Access the Application Detail page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine Loans > View
CL 4 Response Records > Application Detail).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1245

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Image: Application Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Application Detail page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Load Status Indicates the load status of the record. Values are:

Processed: the record has been used to update the loan

application record.

Unprocessed: the default status indicating that the record has

been loaded into the staging tables, but the CL Inbound process
has not been run.

Skipped: a value set manually to indicate that the record should

not be processed.

Error: the CL inbound process could not successfully process

the record. View the error reason text that displays next to the

Record Status Displays the status of the loan reported by the loan servicer
on the application response record. You can review the record
status table for the complete list of valid values.

See Reviewing CL 4 Status and Phase Codes.

Status Date Displays the date the record status occurred. For example, the
date when the loan was guaranteed.

Phase Code Corresponds to field 133 on the application response detail

record. This is a more detailed status code communicated
between the lending agencies.

Phase Code Date Displays the date the phase code became active.

DL Nbr (driver's license number) Displays the borrower's driver's license number.

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Borr St Res (borrower state Displays the date the borrower became a legal resident of the
residence) identified state.

Defer (deferment) Indicates the authorization for the lender to defer repayment
periods. The borrower requests to defer principal payments
while attending school.

Int Ind (interest indicator) Indicates whether the borrower intends to pay the interest on the
unsubsidized Federal Stafford or Federal PLUS loan while in
school and when the loan is in grace or deferment.

EFT Athztn (electronic funds transfer Indicates that the borrower has authorized the school to transfer
authorization) the loan proceeds received by EFT to the appropriate student

Def/Ref (default/refund) Indicates whether the PLUS/alternative student is currently in

default on a student loan or owes a refund on a federal grant.

Outstd Lns (outstanding loans) Indicates whether the borrower has outstanding loans.

Sig Date (signature date) Indicates the date the valid promissory note was signed.

Address Click to access the Borrower Perm Address page to view

borrower permanent address information.

Viewing CL 4 Inbound EFT Details

Access the EFT Information page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine Loans > View CL
4 EFT Records > EFT Information).

Processing CL 4 Inbound Files from Staging Tables to Application Tables

Access the CommonLine Inbound page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine Loans >
Process CL 4 Inbound Files > CommonLine Inbound).

Use this page to run the CommonLine 4 Inbound Driver process, a COBOL SQL process.

Application Resp (application Select to process all CommonLine 4 application response

response) records from the EDI Manager staging table into the application

EFT Load Select to process electronic fund transfer records to the database.
After EFT records have been processed, they automatically
become eligible for disbursement to the student's account.

Reviewing CL 4 Status and Phase Codes

Access the Loan Action Codes page (Financial Aid > Loans > View Loan Action Codes).

The CommonLine 4 loan inbound process uses the CommonLine 4 ID to match the loan application
response record in the staging tables to an originated loan in the application database. When a match is
found, the process loads both the record status code field 2 on the application response detail record and

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1247

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

the phase code field 133 on the application response detail loan origination action records. The record
status code provides a high-level status of the loan, while the phase code provides a detailed status.

Note: You can view the record status codes and application phase codes on the Loan Action Codes page.

In addition to loan origination action codes, the system generates a disbursement action record if a change
of status occurs for a specific disbursement. Fields 120, 121, 122, and 123 on the application response
detail record indicate changes to the disbursements. If the inbound process cannot load the record, the
system generates an error code. Review the load error code table for additional details.

Record Status Codes

The following table lists record status codes that are specific to CommonLine 4 loans.

Code Description Load Action

A Initial processing successful. Guarantees A loan origination action message is

or obtains guarantee upon receipt of the posted for the loan.
promissory note.

I Initial processing successful. Pending A loan origination action message is

further approval. posted for the loan.

G Guaranteed. A loan origination action message is

posted. The loan approved amounts,
disbursement information, MPN, and
additional CommonLine 4 information
are updated.

B Guaranteed. Promissory note received Same as G.

and approved for disbursement.

P Pending processing. (Error resolution A loan origination action message is

underway by sending organization.) posted.

D Denied/rejected/incomplete. No further A loan origination action indicating the

processing unless school, borrower, or reject is posted, along with the error
lender provides updated data. messages. The loan is set to Hold. A
second loan origination action is posted
to reset the loan to Originated/Pending.

C School certification requested for Load errors. Use report to process

application. manually.

M Modification to previously reported Same as G.


N Response to reprint request. A loan origination action message is


1248 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Code Description Load Action

R Response to transactions submitted in A loan origination action message is

change transaction send file. posted.

T Termination record. No action required. A loan origination action message is


Application Loan Phase Codes

The following table lists application loan phase codes.

Code Description Load Action

ASCH Received transmission from school. A loan origination action message is


RECA Received application/promissory note. A loan origination action message is

Has yet to be approved for disbursement. posted.

AWPN Received application. Awaiting A loan origination action message is

promissory note. posted.

AABI Awaiting additional borrower A loan origination action message is

information. posted.

AAIG Awaiting additional information from A loan origination action message is

guarantor. posted.

AAIL Awaiting additional information from A loan origination action message is

lender. posted.

AAIN Awaiting additional information. A loan origination action message is


AAIS Awaiting additional information from A loan origination action message is

school. posted.

AINP Processing for submission to guarantor. A loan origination action message is


ASGU Submitted to guarantor. A loan origination action message is


AWCR Awaiting credit approval. A loan origination action message is


CRED Credit approved. A loan origination action message is


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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Code Description Load Action

AELN Approved by guarantor. Not dependent A loan origination action message is

on credit check. posted.

ADIS Awaiting first disbursement. A loan origination action message is


PRNT Application and promissory note has A loan origination action message is
been printed and mailed. posted.

DPRT Reprint request denied. A loan origination action message is


SERV Servicing (first disbursement has been A loan origination action message is
made). posted.

RDCT Reduced disbursement amount. A loan origination action message is


ALRJ Rejected by lender. A loan origination action indicating

the reject is posted along with the error
messages. The loan is set to Hold. A
second loan origination action is posted
to reset the loan to Originated/Pending.

AGRJ Rejected by guarantor. A loan origination action indicating

the reject is posted along with the error
messages. The loan is set to Hold. A
second loan origination action is posted
to reset the loan to Originated/Pending.

RJCT Rejected due to processing problems. A loan origination action indicating

the reject is posted along with the error
messages. The loan is set to Hold. A
second loan origination action is posted
to reset the loan to Originated/Pending.

ATEL Completing telephone follow-up to A loan origination action message is

resolve problems. posted.

AXCP Performing exception processing. A loan origination action message is

Resolving special problems. posted.

HOLD Holding while resolving outstanding A loan origination action message is

problems. posted.

AREP Reprocessing A loan origination action message is


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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Code Description Load Action

ATRM Terminated loans have been withdrawn A loan origination action message is
or cancelled. posted.

Inbound File Load Error Codes

The following table describes errors and how they can be resolved. Set error records that do not require
resolution to Skipped. This action removes them from the CL 4 App Response Error report. These codes
are common to both CL4 and CRC.

Code Description Error Resolution

A – Award Discrepancy Gross disbursement amounts could not Repackage the student so that the gross
be synchronized. amounts match.

See "Understanding the Inbound File Note: Do not use the CommonLine
Process." Loan Orig Trans page to auto-accept the
loan instead of repackaging the student.
Because the application load process
now automatically reconciles differences
between the loan and the student awards,
we no longer recommend this procedure.

C – Loan certification request All loan certification request records Follow the documented school
produce errors. certification request processing

D – Loan Destination not found The load process was unable to Create a loan destination using the
determine the loan destination profile of lender and guarantor information on the
the guaranteed loan. This occurs when Application Response record.
institutions originate loans without a
lender specified.

E – Processing Error Possible data corruption in the Check for missing PS_LOAN_ORIG
application tables. Refer to your systems _DTL records, missing PS_LOAN_
administrator for assistance. DISB_ACTN rows, or a discrepancy
between the number of disbursements in
the student's award and. the number of
disbursements listed in the application
response record.

H – Loan on hold The record does not load because the Resolve the hold condition and remove
originated loan is in Hold status. the Hold status in the Originate Loan

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1251

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Code Description Error Resolution

L – Loan not found The application response record could If the origination record exists,
not be matched to an originated loan either manually change the school's
using the CommonLine ID values. loan application ID to match the
CommonLine ID or get the loan agency
to change the CommonLine ID to match
loan application ID.

N – No Errors Assigned when the loan response record

is loaded successfully.

P – Process Not Supported The CRC response file is a type not Set to skip.
supported or recognized by the system

S – Source Data Corruption Loan servicer information is incorrect. For the first, request a new application
One of the following is true: response file from your loan servicer
where the loan disbursement information
• The application response record has is now correct and the gross amount =
a record status of B (guaranteed, (loan fees - fees paid) + net amount.
promissory note received), G
(guaranteed), M (modification to For the second, request a new application
previously reported guarantee), or response file from your loan servicer
R (change response), and the sum where the loan disbursement and
of the net amount, loan fees, and approved amount information is now
fees paid does not match the gross correct.
amount for any disbursement for a
guaranteed loan. For the third, request a new application
response file from your loan servicer or
• The application response record manually fix and reprocess the file.
has a record status of B or G, and
the sum of the gross disbursement
amounts does not equal the loan
approved amount.

• The application response record

for a combination Stafford loan,
with a status other than G, does
not have a sequence of 00 (field 25
on the CommonLine 4 application
response file).

U – Unknown or invalid loan type An unknown or invalid CommonLine Ask the loan servicer to reissue the
loan type is defined for the application application response record with a
response record. Only the CommonLine corrected loan type code value.
4 defined loan type codes (field 17) are

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Code Description Error Resolution

X – Uninitiated Change A response to an uninitiated change Review the changes made to the loan
response to the student's loan was and make the appropriate changes to the
received. loan manually. This may require running
loan origination adjustments and then
manually accepting the change using the
CommonLine Loan Orig Trans page.

After you resolve any load errors, rerun the CommonLine loan inbound process to reprocess any records
set to Error.

Two CL 4 reports can assist you in processing of load errors: the CL 4 App Response Load Error report
and the CL School Cert Request report.

Managing Loans on Hold

Loans that are rejected by the loan servicer are automatically placed on hold and must be reviewed by the
user. Loans can also be placed on hold if a data integrity error exists during the CommonLine outbound
process. At the discretion of the financial aid administrator, a loan can be placed on hold indefinitely until
released by the administrator. Loans placed on hold are not selected for processing by the system until
corrective action is performed and the hold status is manually removed from the loan. Run the CL Loans
on Hold report to identify the loans which require review.

This section discusses how to:

• Review loans on hold.

• Review loan origination and loan action status.

• Review loan disbursement detail.

Note: You can also use the CommonLine Loan Orig Trans component to release loans on hold.

Related Links
Managing Loan Origination Transmission Data

Pages Used to Manage Loans on Hold

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Orig Status (loan SFA_CRC_ORIG_STAT Financial Aid > Loans > Hold and release loans in hold
origination status) CommonLine Management > status and synchronize the
Maintain Originated Loans > data between your institution
Loan Orig Status and loan destinations.

Hold Information SFA_CRC_LN_HLD_SBP Click the Hold Information View reason CRC loan placed
link on the Loan Orig Status on hold.

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Origination Detail LN_ORIG_TRANS_SEC Click the Detail link in the Review loan origination and
Origination Detail group loan action status detail.
box on the Loan Origination
Status page.

Disbursement Detail LN_DISB_TRANS_SEC Click the Detail link on the Review loan disbursement
Originated tab on the Loan detail.
Origination Status page.

Reviewing Loans on Hold

Access the Loan Orig Status page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management > Maintain
Originated Loans > Loan Orig Status).

Image: Loan Orig Status page: Originated tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Orig Status page: Originated tab. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Loans placed on hold are identified with a Ln Proc Stat (Loan Processing Status) value of Hold.

Manual Action
Hold Loan When you select this option and click the Update Origination
button, the system changes the Ln Proc Stat (loan processing
status) field to Hold.

Remove Hold When you select this option and click the Update Origination
button, the system resets the Ln Proc Stat field to Orig Pending.

Hold Information Click to view the hold reason. For CRC loans, the system
activates this link if the loan is placed on hold.

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Note: If you initiate or remove a hold, you must save changes before leaving the component. Do not
remove a hold without also resolving the hold condition.

Originated Detail
Ln Proc Stat (loan processing status) Displays the current status of the originated loan. Values are:

Cancel: A loan origination application that was previously in

service is now cancelled.

Hold: Holds all processing for any loan origination applications

of this loan type. Applications can be placed on hold manually
or from an incoming acknowledgment resulting in an error.

In Service: A loan origination application has been transmitted

by the institution.

Orig: A loan origination application has been created by the


Terminated: The loan origination application was terminated by

the institution prior to moving to a status of In Service..

Orig Trans Stat (origination Displays transmission activity status for the loan origination.
transmission status) Values are:

Pending: A loan origination application has been created but not

yet validated or transmitted.

Trans: The transmitted origination record has been converted to

a flat file and sent to the lending institution.

Accepted: An origination acknowledgment has been received,

indicating the loan is accepted.

Chg Pend: A financial adjustment change in award amount

has been made, and the changes have been originated as an
Origination Change record.

Error: The loan origination application has been returned with

errors. This status sets the loan processing status to Hold.

Detail Click to access the Origination Detail page and view more
details about the loan origination and the loan action status.

Originated Tab
Detail Click to access the Disbursement Detail page and view
information regarding the disbursement for the loan.

Acknowledged Tab
Select the Acknowledged tab.

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Image: Loan Orig Status page: Acknowledged tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Orig Status page: Acknowledged tab. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use to view disbursement information received from the servicer.

Hold Action Value Changes

The loan processing status is updated when a hold is manually initiated.

Original Loan Process Status Value New Loan Process Status Value

Offered Offered (no change)

Terminated Terminated (no change)

All other values Hold

Hold Removal Value Changes

The system updates the loan processing and original transaction status when a hold is manually removed.

Original Loan Process Original Origination New Loan Process Status New Origination
Status Value Transaction Status Value Value Transaction Status Value

Hold Accepted (Cert amount > 0) In Service Accepted

Hold Accepted (Cert amount = 0) Cancelled Accepted

Hold Error (Cert amount > 0) In Service Error

Hold Error (Cert amount = 0) Cancelled Error

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Original Loan Process Original Origination New Loan Process Status New Origination
Status Value Transaction Status Value Value Transaction Status Value

Hold Transmitted (Cert amount > 0) In Service Transmitted

Hold Transmitted (Cert amount = 0) Cancelled Transmitted

Hold Change Pending (Cert amount In Service Change Pending

> 0)

Hold Change Pending (Cert amount Cancelled Change Pending

= 0)

Hold Originated Originated Originated

Reviewing Loan Origination and Loan Action Status

Access the Origination Detail page (click the Detail link in the Origination Detail group box on the Loan
Origination Status page).

Image: Origination Detail page: Action Status tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Origination Detail page: Action Status tab. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use to review loan activity.

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

The system displays current application information and loan action status. The system calculates the
amounts in the Originated column at the time the loan is originated. Values in the Acknowledged column
are received from the loan servicer.

Action Status Tab

Seq # (sequence number) The origination action sequence is generated from the loan
record activity. You can scroll to view each subsequent sequence
for this loan. Click View All to view all origination actions that
have occurred. For CommonLine 4 loans, the Phase Code field
may be populated.

CRC Status Tab

Select the CRC Status tab.

The system displays the lender, guarantor, promissory note, and credit status codes for CRC loans. For a
complete list of status codes and their meaning, use the CRC Loan Action Code Table. Access the table
by selecting Set up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > Loans > CRC CommonLine > Maintain
CRC Loan Status Codes..

Reviewing Loan Disbursement Detail

Access the Disbursement Detail page (click the Detail link on the Originated tab on the Loan Origination
Status page).

Use to review the activity of the selected disbursement.

Sequence Indicates the disbursement sequence number. This is the

sequence in which loan disbursement actions were generated.

Processing Loan Changes

The processes discussed in this section are for making changes for both CRC and CL4 unless indicated.

This section provides an overview of changes to originated loans and discusses how to:

• Change loan dates and student grade level.

• Change loan period start and end dates.

• Change the student's grade level and graduation date.

• Generate and view @1–07 loan adjustment information.

• Process cancellations and reinstatements.

• Process disbursement-level changes.

• Process loan increases.

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

• Process address, phone, and email address changes for CRC loans.

• Create change transaction files.

• Receive and process change application response files.

• Accept change transactions manually.

Understanding Changes to Originated Loans

The Campus Solutions system supports CommonLine change transaction processing for both versions of
CommonLine, the newer Common Record CommonLine (CRC) and the older CommonLine 4 (CL 4).
Changes to loan period, cancellations, reinstatements, reissues, and increases are supported. For CRC,
changes to address, phone, and email are also supported. Most changes in loan eligibility result from
changes to the student's award package, but changes to a loan might be required for loan period dates
or anticipated graduation dates. You can make multiple changes to a single loan that generates multiple
change transaction types at the same time. The loan origination process determines when changes occur
and generates change transaction records to be sent to loan service providers.

When a change causes a paid disbursement to be reduced, the disbursement is suspended. Disbursed funds
remain disbursed and must be reviewed, reconciled, and possibly returned to the lender. Increases in loan
eligibility may result in either an increase in the existing loan award, or the creation of a new loan if the
borrower's requested amount exceeds the promissory note amount.

The change business processing flow for CommonLine FFELP and alternative loans using either CRC or
CL 4 is as follows.

1. Changes are made to the student's loan eligibility.

2. Run the Loan Origination process with the Adjustments option selected. The system identifies the
adjustments and changes the loan origination status.

3. When origination is complete, run the Loan Validation process to check the loan application for data
discrepancies. Loans that fail validation are reprocessed in subsequent runs until validation is reached.

4. Run the CommonLine Loan Outbound process to process validated loans into outbound staging

5. Run the File Creation process to create loan change files using the staging table information. CRC
generates files in XML format and CL 4 uses ASCII files.

After you submit the change files to the loan servicers, they are processed and you are notified using
receipt of response files for each loan processed (discussed in a previous section). After receiving the
CommonLine response file from your loan servicer as an acknowledgment of the change transaction, run
the CommonLine Inbound processes to inbound and process the response records.

The CommonLine 4 change process involves loan level and disbursement level changes as affected by
disbursement status:

• Loan level changes include:

• Loan Period Change (@1-07)

• Loan Cancellation/Reinstatement (@1-08)

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

• Loan Increase (@1-24)

• Disbursement level changes include:

• Disbursement Cancellation/Changes (@1-09)

• Disbursement Notification/Change (@1-10)

Whether disbursements have already been made to the school can also determine the change record type.
An adjustment made to a borrower's loan can result in a single change record or a combination of change
records. Because the loan origination program makes these decisions automatically, understanding the
types of change records generated by an adjustment to a borrower's loan eligibility is useful for resolving
any change record problems with your service providers.

The following illustration shows the flow of CommonLine loan change processing.

Image: The loan change outbound process.

Loan change outbound process

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Related Links
Setting Up Financial Aid Terms
Updating Borrower Information
Managing Loan Origination Transmission Data
Processing Disbursement Level Changes
Originating CommonLine Loans
Viewing Loan Origination Information
Viewing Loan Origination Change
Viewing Loan Period Change

Pages Used to Process CommonLine Loan Changes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Origination 2 SFA_CRC_LN_ORIG_FN Financial Aid > Loans > Review and change loan
CommonLine Management > start, end, certification, and
Maintain Originated Loans > scheduled disbursement dates.
Loan Origination 2 You can also hold loans or
release loans from this page.

Loan Demographic Data LOAN_ORIG_SEC2 Financial Aid > Loans > Update academic level,
CommonLine Management > NSLDS loan year or
Maintain Originated Loans > graduation date for student
Loan Origination 1 records that have been
updated on the FA Term
Click the Loan Demographic record.
link on the Loan Origination 1

Loan Period Change CL_CHX_DTL107_SEC Click the Detail 1-07 link on View 1-07 detail record
the Change Detail 2 page. information.

Loan Cancellation CL_CHX_DTL108_SEC Click the Detail 1-08 link on View 1-08 detail record
the Change Detail 2 page. information.
Loan Reinstatement

Disbursement Cancellation/ CL_CHX_DTL109_SEC Click the Detail 1-09 link on View 1-09 detail record
Change the Change Detail 2 page. information.

Disbursement Notification/ CL_CHX_DTL110_SEC Click the 1-10 button on the View 1-10 detail record
Chng Change Detail 2 page. information.

Loan Increase Detail CL_CHX_DTL124_SEC Click the 1-24 button on the View 1-24 detail record
Change Detail 2 page. information.

Trailer CL_CHX_TRAL4 Financial Aid > File View information contained

Management > CommonLine in the trailer record for the
Loans > View CL 4 Change CommonLine 4 change
Records > Trailer transaction send file.

Loan Application Summary LOAN_ORIG_SUMM_DTL Financial Aid > Loans > View loan summary
View Loan Application Status information and use links to
access more detailed loan

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1261

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Origination Information LOAN_ORIG_SEC Financial Aid, Loans, View Determine whether the
Loan Application Status. system has created a change
Click the Origination Status transaction for the loan. View
link on the Loan Application the CRC status codes and the
Summary page. corresponding CRC staging
table information for the
selected loan action row.

Origination Loan LOAN_DISBURSEMENT Click the Disbursement Status Determine whether the system
Disbursement link on the Loan Application has created a disbursement
Summary page. level change transaction for
the loan.

Loan Period Change LN_CL_ORIG_CHG_07 Click the Change link on the View 1-07 detail record
Loan Origination Change information and CRC
page. Recipient ID. This link or
page is only available if a loan
change has been processed in
this category.

Loan Cancellation/ LN_CL_ORIG_CHG_08 Click the Change link on the View 1-08 detail record
Reinstatement Loan Origination Change information and CRC
page. Recipient ID. This link or
page is only available if a loan
change has been processed in
this category.

Cancel/Reinstate Loan LN_CL_ORIG_CHG_09 Click the Change link on the View 1-09 detail record
Loan Disbursement Change information. This link or page
page. is only available if a loan
change has been processed in
this category.

Post Disbursement Change LN_CL_ORIG_CHG_10 Click the Change link on the View 1-10 detail record
Loan Disbursement Change information. This link or page
page. is only available if a loan
change has been processed in
this category.

Loan Increase Change LN_CL_ORIG_CHG_24 Click the Change link on the View 1-24 detail record
Loan Origination Change information and CRC
page. Recipient ID. This link or
page is only available if a loan
change has been processed in
this category.

Changing Loan Dates and Student Grade Level

You send information to loan agencies regarding changes to a borrower's loan period begin and end
dates, student's grade level, and student's anticipated completion date through the transmission of the
CommonLine 4 Change Transaction Loan Period Change @1-07 Detail record. This is a loan level
adjustment. You can submit this loan change record before or after disbursement.

If you modify information in the Originate Loan component, the loan adjustment program automatically
checks for changes to the student's program complete date (graduation date) and NSLDS loan year in the

1262 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

FA term record. You can then run the loan origination process with the Adjustments check box selected to
generate an @1-07 change transaction record that reflects the changes.

To change the student's graduation date and NSLDS loan year without changing the loan award, or if you
are not making other changes to the student's loan, follow the manual change processing instructions. You
can use the Financial Aid Term component to change a student's graduation date and grade level.

Changes to the loan period start and end dates occur in the Originate Loan component. To change a
student's graduation date, enter the expected graduation date. You can use the NSLDS Loan Year values to
change the student's grade level.

Note: Changes to FA term information may require additional processing steps, such as running FA term
build and student budget assignment.

After you change the expected graduation date and grade level for the appropriate FA term record, you
must use the Originate Loan component to update any affected loan records. You can also change loan
period begin and end dates in the component.

1. Click the Loan Demographic link to access the Loan Demographic Data page.

2. Select the Demo Chg (demo change) check box. Then select the changed term from the Termvalues.

3. Click the Update Term Data button. Note that the system displays any changes made to the FA Term
record. Click OK to return to the Loan Origination I page. Save the Loan Origination 1 page.

Related Links
Setting Up Financial Aid Terms
Updating Borrower Information
Managing Loan Origination Transmission Data
Processing Disbursement Level Changes
Originating CommonLine Loans
Viewing Loan Origination Information
Viewing Loan Origination Change
Viewing Loan Period Change

Changing Loan Period Start and End Dates

Access the Loan Origination 2 page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management > Maintain
Originated Loans > Loan Origination 2).

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Image: Loan Origination 2 page: Disbursements tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Origination 2 page: Disbursements tab. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

You send information to loan agencies regarding changes to a borrower's loan period dates through the
transmission of the CommonLine 4 Change Transaction Loan Period Change @1-07 Detail record. This is
a loan level adjustment. You can submit this loan change record before or after disbursement.

After you make changes to the loan dates or disbursement dates, save the page.

Override Loan Dates Select this check box to make the date fields available for

Loan Period Start and Loan Period Generated from the Valid Careers for Terms table. After
End changing the loan dates, save the page.

Use the Disbursements tab to change disbursement dates.

Request Date Change the disbursement date.

Changing the Student's Grade Level and Graduation Date

To update the student's loan origination record to reflect the certain changes, first make the changes
in the FA Term record. Before you can update the Academic Level, NSLDS Loan Year or Anticipated
Completion Date fields on the loan origination record, you must first update in FA Term, then bring those
changes into the student's loan origination record.

Note: Changes to FA term information can require additional processing steps, such as running FA term
build and student budget assignment processes.

1264 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

After updating the appropriate FA Term record, access the Loan Demographic Data page.

Image: Loan Demographic Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Demographic Data page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

When you finish making changes to this page, save the Loan Origination 1 page.

Demo Chg Select this check box to make the fields and buttons available
for processing loan demographic changes.

Term information
Term Enter the term you changed in the FA Term record. This field is
available when the Demo Chg check box is selected.

Update Term Data Click this button to pull in any changed information from the FA
Term record into the loan origination application.

Generating and Viewing @1-07 Loan Adjustment Information

Access the Loan Period Change page (click the Detail 1-07 link on the Change Detail 2 page) .to view
the Loan Period Change (07) changes that were recognized in loan origination. A Change Status value of
Ready indicates that no other action is necessary to complete the loan period change transaction.

After you have saved your loan changes, run the loan origination process using the adjustments option.
The loan origination process detects the changes and displays a new loan origination action row that
indicates that the loan has been adjusted.

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

The action code values OC (origination changed) and OX (origination cancelled) indicate adjustments
have been made.

Processing Cancellations and Reinstatements

Access the Student Aid Package page (Financial Aid >Awards >Awards Processing >Assign Awards to
a Student >Student Aid Package), manual award entry pages, or an award override page.

Loan cancellations and reinstatements (CommonLine Change @1-08 Detail record) are loan level
adjustment changes that the system generates when you cancel or reinstate a loan before releasing the
first disbursement. For reinstatements, if the lender has already processed the cancellation, the school
can either fully or partially reinstate the loan. The cancellation or reinstatement change is initiated on the
student's award package.

Canceling a Loan
To cancel a loan:

1. Click the Look Up Action button in the row of the loan that you want to cancel.

2. Select Cancel.

3. Press TAB to move out of the Action field.

4. Click the Validate button.

5. After validation is complete, click the Post button.

Reinstating a Loan
To reinstate a loan:

1. Click the Look Up Action button and select Offer or Offer/Accept.

2. Enter the amount of the loan reinstatement.

3. Click Validate.

4. After the validation is finished, click Post.

The system saves the information and updates the student award tables. The system processes a partial
reinstatement if the amount is less than the original cancelled loan amount.

Note: For a loan reinstatement, you must use the same loan item type as the cancelled loan. If you add a
new row and use a different loan item type, the system originates a new loan.

Generating and Viewing @1-08 Loan Change Information

After the loan changes have been made to the student's award package, run the loan origination process
using the adjustments option. The loan origination process detects the changes and displays a new loan
origination action row that indicates that the loan has been adjusted.

The action code values OC (origination changed) and OX (origination cancelled) indicate adjustments. A
successfully reinstated loan has an action code value of OC.

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Access the Loan Cancellation/Reinstatement page to view the CommonLine Change @1-08 Detail
changes that were recognized in loan origination. The system populates the Reinstated Loan Amount field
based on the amount of the reinstatement. A Change Status value of Ready indicates that no other action
is necessary to complete the loan period change transaction.

Related Links
Using Auto Packaging and Auto Select Packaging
Originating CommonLine Loans

Processing Disbursement Level Changes

Disbursement level changes occur when you make adjustments to individual disbursements of
a guaranteed loan. Two types of CommonLine 4 change transaction record types communicate
disbursement changes:

• CommonLine Change @1-09 Detail records (Disbursement Cancellation/Change)

The system generates the Disbursement Cancellation/Change @1-09 Detail record when you submit
full or partial disbursement cancellations, reinstate previously cancelled disbursements, place
disbursements on hold, place disbursements from hold to release status, and reschedule disbursement
dates prior to the release of funds for the disbursement.

• CommonLine Change @1-10 Detail records (Disbursement Notification/Change)

The system generates the Disbursement Notification/Change @1-10 Detail record when you submit
full or partial disbursement cancellations, reissue requests, and reinstatements after the release of
funds for the disbursement.

The loan origination process automatically determines the type of disbursement level change transaction
record based on whether the disbursement was received.

Disbursement Date Changes

Use the Loan Origination 2 page to adjust disbursement dates.

Note: You can only set disbursement dates equal to or after the current date. You cannot change a
disbursement date to a past date.

Disbursement Hold and Release Changes

Use the Loan Origination 2 page to manually set individual loan disbursements to Hold or Release. You
can also use the batch CommonLine Hold/Release process to automatically set the disbursement status for
selected groups of disbursement records.

Note: To modify the process for setting hold/release status for your disbursements using Application
Engine SQR, COBOL, and so on, set the PS_STDNT_AWARDS.OFFER_ACTIVITY_IND field to A for
each employee ID that you change the PS_LOAN_DISBMNT.LN_HOLD_REL_STAT value to H (hold)
or R (release). The PS_STDNT_AWARDS.OFFER_ACTIVITY_IND field is set automatically when you
set the disbursement hold/release status online. It identifies a loan record as a potential change record.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1267

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Cancellations, Reinstatements, and Other Adjustments

You make disbursement date changes directly in the loan origination pages and all other disbursement
changes on the awarding pages. Changes made to the student's loan disbursements on the award pages are
recognized by the loan origination process and generate appropriate change transaction record types.

Changes to individual disbursements generally require changing split codes or the use of custom splits;
this varies according to your institution's policies. Prior changes to a student's awards may require you to
use the Award Entry/Manual or Award Override pages.

The following are examples of disbursement level changes:

• Canceling disbursements due to student non-enrollment.

• Reinstating previously canceled disbursements due to student re-enrollment.

• Decreasing a student's loan eligibility due to new funds awarded to the student.

• Increasing a student's loan eligibility due to the loss of expected financial aid awards.

Processing Post Disbursement Changes

When you reinstate a loan disbursement that has already been sent to the school by the disbursing agent,
you must modify the original approved disbursement date before you can generate a post disbursement
change transaction record.

The loan origination program also evaluates the status of the reinstated disbursement. If the school has
already received a student's loan disbursement but has not yet applied the funds to the student's account,
the system does not reinstate the disbursement until it either applies the funds to the student's account or
returns them to the disbursing agent.

If either of the two conditions exists, the following error message 1021 appears in the Loan Origination
message log:

The business rules established between your institution and your lending partners dictate the appropriate
adjustment. To request a reissue and increase of the disbursement, adjust the disbursement date in the
Originate Loan - Loan Origination 3 page before you run the loan origination process. Be sure to return
the funds to the lender. Use the CommonLine Disbursement Maintenance page to document the return of

Generating and Viewing @1-09 and @1-10 Loan Adjustment Information

After the loan changes have been made, run the loan origination process using the adjustments option.
The loan origination process detects the changes and displays a new loan origination action row that
indicates that the loan has been adjusted. The action code values of OC (origination changed) and OX
(origination cancelled) indicate adjustments.

This is an example of loan change records calculated by the loan adjustment process (this example is
specific to CL4).

• Access Financial Aid > Loans > View Disbursement Status > Origination Loan Disbursement. If a
loan disbursement is adjusted or cancelled, the system displays a disbursement action message in the
Description area. If the adjustment results in a CommonLine 4 change transaction record, the Change
link is active.

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

• Click the Change link to open the Loan Disbursement Change page and view the type of
CommonLine 4 change record that the system generates for the loan disbursement.

• Pre-Disbursement Charges:

The system generates the Pre-Disbursement Change (09) record type if the school has not yet received
the disbursement. Access the Cancel/Reinstate Loan page to view the CommonLine Change @ 1–09
Detail changes. The Change Status of Ready indicates that no other action is necessary to complete
the Loan Period Change transaction.

Click the active Change link to identify changes to the loan that require the system to create the Pre
Disbursement Change (09) record type.

• Post-Disbursement Charges:

The system identifies the Post Disbursement Change (10) record type if the school has received the
disbursement. Access the Post Disbursement Change page to view the CommonLine Change @ 1–
10 Detail changes. The Change Status value of Ready indicates that no other action is necessary to
complete the Loan Period Change transaction.

Click the active Change link to identify changes to the loan that require the system to create the Post
Disbursement Change (10) record type

Although the loan adjustment process can calculate the amount of funds that must be returned to the
lender, the school is responsible for initiating and completing the return of fund transactions. Running
the CommonLine 4 EFT Reconciliation reports and the CRC EFT Discrepancy reports can identify
post disbursement changes that require a return of funds. After the funds are returned to the lender or
disbursing agent, update the returned amounts in the CommonLine Disbursement Maintenance page.

Related Links
Reviewing Loan Origination Information
Understanding the Hold/Release Process
Reviewing CommonLine Loan Status Information
Originating CommonLine Loans
Reviewing Loan Disbursement Actions
Reviewing Loan Disbursement Changes
Reviewing Cancelled and Reinstated Loans

Processing Loan Increases

Loan increases, CommonLine Change @1-24 Detail records, are another type of loan level adjustment
change. If the amount of the increase exceeds the borrower's promissory note requested amount, the
system generates a new loan instead of an increase. You can view the promissory note requested amount
on the Loan Origination 3 page in the Maintain Originated Loans component.

Increasing a Loan Amount

To increase a loan amount, access the Student Aid Package page (Financial Aid > Awards >Awards
Processing >Assign Awards to a Student >Student Aid Package), manual award entry pages, or an award
override page.

1. Click the Look Up Action button and select Offer or Offer/Accept

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

2. Enter the new increased amount of the loan

3. Click the Validate button.

4. When the validation is finished, click the Post button.

Note: Loan increase transactions are most likely to occur with alternative loans. This is due to the
elimination of the loan requested amount from the FFELP promissory notes. For FFELP loans, in most
cases, the system originates a new loan for additional increases in loan eligibility rather than a loan
increase transaction.

Generating and Viewing @1-24 Loan Adjustment Information

After making changes to the loan awards, run the loan origination process with adjustments activated to
process the changes. The loan origination process detects the changes and displays a new loan origination
action row that indicates that the loan has been adjusted. The action code values of OC (origination
changed) and OX (origination cancelled) indicate adjustments.

This is an example of loan change records calculated by the loan adjustment process.

1. Access the Loan Application Summary page (Financial Aid > Loans > View Loan Application

2. Click the Origination Status link on the Loan Application Summary page to view the adjusted loan
(Orig Change).

The Change link is active because this is a loan level change.

3. Click the Change link to open the Loan Origination Change page that indicates that the system
generated the Loan Increase (24) record and is ready for transmission.

4. Click the Change link on the Loan Origination Change page to open the Loan Increase page. The page
shows the changed information that you transmitted to the loan servicer.

Note: If a message is associated with the record, the system displays a message link because the loan
servicer has not received the change record. The link becomes active if the servicer rejects the change
record and provides error messages.

Related Links
Awarding Online
Originating CommonLine Loans
Reviewing Loan Origination Information
Processing Loan Changes

Processing Address, Phone, and Email Address Changes for CRC Loans
You have the option to submit address, phone, and email address changes for CRC change transactions.
This option is part of the CRC Outbound process and functions only if you made another change and have
calculated a change transaction for the loan. An address, phone, or email address change by itself does not
trigger the system to generate a change transaction.

To process an address or phone change:

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

1. Make an address, phone, or email address change in Campus Community.

2. Make a change to the loan, such as loan period start and end dates.

3. Run the Process CRC Outbound Records process with the Orig Change Outbound and Demographic
Changes options selected.

The CRC Outbound process determines whether this loan information has changed since the last time
that you submitted information to the servicer. If so, the system submits the changed information in
the change transaction record.

Related Links
Selecting Validated CL 4 Loan Files to Outbound

Creating Change Transaction Files

To generate CRC change transaction files or CommonLine 4 (C004P) change transaction files, use the
same outbound processes used to generate application send files, but use different run control options. As
with application send records, change records must be originated and validated before you create change
transaction files.

This is the change transaction outbound procedure for CommonLine FFELP and alternative loans using
either CRC or CL 4:

1. Make changes to the student's loan.

2. Run the Loan Origination process, using Adjustments, to detect changes made to the student's
loan and calculate new loan eligibility. The calculated information is stored on the loan origination
application tables.

3. Run the Loan Validation process to check the loan changes for data discrepancies. Loans failing
validation are reprocessed in subsequent runs until validation is reached.

4. Run the CommonLine Loan Outbound process to process validated loans processed into outbound
staging tables. Be sure to select the appropriate Outbound Change run control options.

5. Run the Change File Creation process to create loan application files using the staging table
information. CRC generates files in XML format while CL 4 uses ASCII files.

After you submit the change files to the loan servicers, they are processed and you are notified using
receipt of response files for each loan change processed.

Related Links
Creating CL 4 Loan Files

Receiving and Processing Change Application Response Files

After sending the loan change files to your loan servicers, you receive response files from the servicers to
acknowledge the receipt of your changes and to report the status of each loan change record sent.

This is the inbound business processing flow for CommonLine FFELP and alternative loans using either
CRC or CL 4:

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

1. School receives inbound loan files from loan servicers.

2. Run an inbound process to read the information from the files into the CommonLine staging tables.

3. When the information is in the staging tables, run the CommonLine loan inbound process.

This process takes information from the external loan record and updates the originated loan records
in the database.

Related Links
Loading CL 4 Inbound Files to Staging Tables

Accepting Change Transactions Manually

To accept change transactions manually if your guarantor does not send a response record to update the
system, use the CommonLine Loan Origination Transmission page (Financial Aid, Loans, CommonLine
Management, Override Loan Status). It is important to ensure that your change transactions are resolved
in the system to allow subsequent change transactions to take place automatically if the student's
eligibility changes further.

Related Links
Managing Loan Origination Transmission Data

Managing Disbursement Hold and Release Processing

The system automatically selects and reviews pending CommonLine loan disbursements. If your
institution participates in disbursement hold and release processing, you can use the Hold/Release process
(FAPLCLHR) to determine whether disbursements should be released to your institution or held until
your institution requests the funds.

This section provides an overview of the Hold/Release process, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to
run the Set Hold/Release process.

Note: Disbursement hold and release processing is an optional business process supported by
CommonLine. You must establish agreements with your loan servicers to participate.

Understanding the Hold/Release Process

The Set Hold/Release Flag process uses equations to evaluate a student's eligibility for loan disbursement
and then sets the disbursement to be held or released. Disbursements from loan servicers that do not
participate in hold and release processing are not evaluated. The equations evaluate changes in the
student's load level and verify their satisfactory academic progress status.

Note: You can modify the delivered equations as necessary or create your own custom equations.

Records are selected for processing by using the run control settings. Using the delivered equations, each
disbursement record is evaluated to meet the following criteria:

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

• The student's current calculated financial aid load is equal to the financial aid load set at the census
date for the term the disbursement is intended.

• The student has a satisfactory academic progress status of Meets SAP or Probation.

If both conditions are true, the student is considered eligible for disbursement for the term and the
disbursement hold/release status is set to R (release disbursement) if it was previously set to H (hold
disbursement) on the Loan Orig CommonLine page.

If any condition is false, the student is considered ineligible and status for the disbursements is set to H.

After the system sets the disbursement hold/release status on loan disbursement records, the next time
that you run the loan origination process with the adjustments option activated, CommonLine 4 @1-09
Change Transaction records are generated for each disbursement.

Related Links
"Understanding Equations" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)

To use the CommonLine Hold/Release process, you must:

• Establish hold and release processing agreements with your loan servicers.

• Assign a default status of either Hold or Release for each eligible CommonLine 4 loan destination and
No Support for nonparticipating loan destinations. The Set Hold/Release Flag process evaluates loan
disbursements only when the Disbursement Hold/Release status is set to Hold or Release.

• If necessary, modify the hold and release equation delivered with the system to add additional
eligibility criteria.

Related Links
Defining CommonLine Options
Selecting Equations for Hold and Release
"Understanding Equation Engine" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)

Pages Used to Manage the Hold/Release Process

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Hold/Release RUNCTL_CLHR Financial Aid > Loans > Run the set hold/release
CommonLine Management > process. Establish run control
Process Hold Release > settings and execute the
Hold/Release FAPLCLHR COBOL process.

Hold/Release Error Messages LN_HR_MSG_LOG Financial Aid > Loans > View error messages for
CommonLine Management > each loan disbursement for
Review Hold/Release a selected student. Only
Errors > Hold/Release Error messages generated from
Messages the most recent execution of
the Hold/Release process
(FAPLCLHR) can be viewed.

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Running the Set Hold/Release Process

Access the Hold/Release page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management > Process Hold
Release > Hold/Release).

Process Name Select the Process Name equation set that you defined on the
Hold/Release Equations setup page.

Hold/Release Option Select a hold or release option.

Both Hold/Release: Evaluate disbursements currently set

to Release and reset to Hold, if ineligible, and evaluate
disbursements currently set to Hold and reset to Release, if

Release: Select to evaluate disbursements currently set to

Release and reset to Hold, if ineligible.

From Date and Thru Date Enter the earliest and latest dates for disbursement that you want
to process.

Student Override Select to activate the ID field. You can then select individual
IDs for processing.

ID When you run the process, the system evaluates only the loan
disbursements for the entered IDs that fall within the From Date
and Thru Date fields.

Resolving Change Transaction Errors

When a change transaction record is rejected, the rejected record is sent to the school in the application
response file as a Change Transaction Error @6 record. Up to five error messages can be provided on this

This section discusses how to:

• Identify change error records.

• Review error messages.

• Resolve error messages. and run loan adjustments.

Pages Used to Change Transaction Errors

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

CL Loans on Hold (FA901) FA901 Financial Aid > Identify adjusted loans on
Report Loans > CommonLine hold.
Reconciliation > Loans on
Hold Report

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Origination Auth FA850 Identify loan cancellation

Sumry (FA850) Report charges that were rejected.

Loan Application Summary LOAN_ORIG_SUMM_DTL Financial Aid > Loans > View loan summary
View Loan Application Status information. Links are made
available to more detailed
loan information.

Loan Origination Information LOAN_ORIG_SEC Click the Origination Status Determine whether the
link on the Loan Application system has created a change
Summary page. transaction for the loan. View
the CRC status codes and the
corresponding CRC staging
table information for the
selected loan action row.

Origination Loan LOAN_DISBURSEMENT Click the Disbursement Status Determine whether the system
Disbursement link on the Loan Application has created a disbursement
Summary page. level change transaction for
the loan.

Loan Origination Change LN_CL_ORIG_CHG_SEC Click something on the Loan Locate rejected loans
Origination Information page. identified on the Loan
Origination Information page.

Loan Disbursement Change LN_CL_DISB_CHG_SEC Click something on the Loan Locate rejected loans
Origination Information page. identified on the Loan
Origination Information page.

CommonLine Loan LOAN_ORIG_TRANS Click something on the Loan Remove the hold status on
Origination Transmission Origination Information page. rejected loans that have been

Identifying Change Error Records

To identify change error records:

1. Run the CL Loans on Hold (FA901) report to identify adjusted loans on hold.

2. Run the Loan Origination Auth Sumry (FA850) report to identify loan cancellation changes that were

Use OX for the loan action code and a loan action status of R.

Reviewing Error Messages

Use the Loan Origination Information page to identify loans with a loan action status of Rejected.
Determine the change record types that were generated and navigate to the appropriate Loan Origination
Change or Loan Disbursement Change pages to find the rejected record.

The rejected record has a change status of Error. The Message link should also be active. Click the
Message link to view the error messages.

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Related Links
Viewing Loan Origination Information
Viewing Loan Origination Change

Resolving Error Messages and Running Loan Adjustments

Make the necessary changes to correct the rejection. Required actions vary based on the error messages
displayed. After you have taken corrective action, use the CommonLine Loan Orig Trans page to remove
the hold.

After the hold has been removed—resetting the Loan Processing Stat field to In Service—run the loan
origination process again. The process generates a new change transaction record for the loan. New
change transactions for the rejected change transaction record, plus any additional changes made to the
loan, are created. Then follow the normal procedures to complete the processing of the change: validate
the loan, create outbound files, and send them.

Related Links
Managing Loan Origination Transmission Data

Processing School Certification Request Applications

This section provides an overview of school certification requests and discusses how to:

• Process school certification requests for CRC.

• Process school certification requests for CL 4.

Understanding School Certification Requests

The certification request process is an optional CommonLine process for some alternative loans. The
process differs from FFELP loan application processing in that the borrower applies for the loan directly
with the lender instead of through the school's financial aid office. The lender or servicer then asks the
school to certify the borrower's eligibility by initiating a CommonLine application response record to the
school. The school might not have a record of the student in the financial aid system, either because the
student did not apply for aid or the student does not exist in the school's database.

How school certification requests are handled depends on which CommonLine loan version initiates the
process. The older CommonLine 4 process is handled manually, while the newer CRC process automates
many of the steps.

Pages Used to Process Certification Requests

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Inbound CRC XML Files SFA_RUNCTL_CRC_IN Financial Aid > File Load school certification
Management > CommonLine request XML files. Move files
Loans > Process CRC into the database
Inbound files > Inbound CRC

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

CRC Document Management SFA_CRC_FILE_REV Financial Aid > File Review generated XML files,
Management > CommonLine outbound to stage files, XML
Loans > CRC Document loaded to stage files, or XML
Management > CRC processed files.
Document Management

CRC Award Management SFA_CRC_LOAD Financial Aid > File View process status and loan
Management > CommonLine information.
Loans > CRC Award

View CRC Staging Table SFA_CRC_DOCUMENT Financial Aid >File View information on school
Records Management >CommonLine certification request XML
Loans >View CRC Staging files that have been loaded.
Table Records

Process CRC Inbound Files SFA_RUNCTL_CRC_IN2 Financial Aid >File Process and load individual
Management >CommonLine CRC certification request
Loans > Process CRC records into the CRC
Inbound Files Certification Requests page.

CRC Certification Requests SFA_CRC_CERT_RQ Financial Aid > Loans > Review and update loan
CommonLine Management > certification request records to
CRC Certification Requests originate.

Student Block Information SFA_CRC_CERT_STDNT Click the Student link on the View student's social security
CRC Certification Requests number, name, and birthdate
page. to assist in identifying the

Person Block Information SFA_CRC_CERT_PERSN Click the Person link on the View non-student borrower's
CRC Certification Requests social security number, name,
page. and birthdate to assist in
identifying the borrower ID.

Search Criteria HCR_SM_SEARCH Click the Search Match link Enter search criteria to
on the CRC Certification determine whether the student
Requests page. is defined in the database.

Relationships RELATIONSHIPS Click the Related IDs link View relationship data.
on the CRC Certification
Requests page.

Award Summary STDNT_AWRD_INQUIRY Click the Award Summary Review annual award
link on the CRC Certification summary. View a student's
Requests page. awards and the offered,
accepted, authorized for
disbursement, and disbursed
amounts for each award.

(Inbound EC Agent) Run EC_RUN_INBOUND_01 Financial Aid > File Load the school certification
Control Management > CommonLine request records.
Loans > Inbound EC Agent

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1277

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

CommonLine Inbound RUNCTL_CLIN Financial Aid > File Identify the certification
Management > CommonLine request records.
Loans > Process CL4
Inbound Files

Financial Aid Report (CL 4 RUN_CNTL_CL_RPT Financial Aid > File List records with a load status
App Response Load Errors Management > CL4 Load of Error.
Report) Error Report

Financial Aid Report (CL 4 RUN_CNTL_CL_RPT Financial Aid > List the application
School Cert Requests Report) Loans > CommonLine information provided by the
Reconciliation > CL4 loan servicer.
Certification Request Rpt

CommonLine PNote - SFA_CRC_PNOTE_STAF Financial Aid > Loans > Enter the certification request
Stafford CommonLine Management > report information.
Enter Stafford Prom Notes

Promissory Note Plus SFA_CRC_PNOTE_PLUS Financial Aid > Loans > Enter promissory note data for
CommonLine Management > PLUS loans. The system uses
Enter PLUS Prom Notes this data for origination.

Promissory Note Alt SFA_CRC_PNOTE_ALT Financial Aid > Loans > Enter the certification request
CommonLine Management > report information.
Enter ALT Loan Prom Notes

CommonLine 4 Import CL_IMP_MAIN4 Financial Aid > File Set the load status of each
Management > CommonLine processed certification request
Loans > View CL 4 Response record to Processed. Use
Records > Application Detail Skipped if the student is not

Processing Certification Requests for CRC

To process school certification request applications for CRC loans:

1. To load the school certification request XML files, run the Inbound CRC XML Files process. Use
the CRC Document Management, CRC Award Management, and View CRC Staging Table Records
pages to monitor this information .

2. To process the individual records, run the Process Inbound CRC Files process, which loads the
certification request records into the CRC Certification Requests page. If the lender or guarantor listed
on the record is not a valid certification request participant with the school, the record does not load
and receives an error status.

During the load, the system uses the Search Match process to assign the student (and borrower)
EmplID to the record, although the record loads if the system cannot identify the EmplID. For PLUS
loans, you can create the parent EmplID and load parent information into the Campus Community
core tables.

3. To view the records that were successfully loaded, use the CRC Certification Requests page, which
has various criteria fields on the search page to view only the records of interest. After you verify
that the Aid Year, Loan Type, EmplID, and Borrower ID (for PLUS) fields are completed, select

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

the Ready to Use check box. This allows the loan origination process to originate the loan using the
certification request information.

Use the CRC Document Management, CRC Award Management, and View CRC Staging Table
Records pages to review the records loaded in Error.

4. Award the student the necessary loan eligibility. The student must be awarded in the same aid year
with the appropriate item type(s) based on the aid year and loan type that has been assigned to the
certification request record.

See Awarding Online.

5. Originate the loan. The information entered on the CRC Certification Requests page is used during
loan origination. After origination completes, access the Maintain Originated Loans pages (Financial
Aid, Loans, CommonLine Management, Maintain Originated Loans) to ensure the correct loan
destination and process level are being used. The correct process level depends on what the loan
servicer expects from the school.

See Originating CommonLine Loans.

6. Run loan validation to check the loan origination application for discrepancies

See Validating CommonLine Loans.

7. 11. Run the CommonLine Outbound processes to create the CRC application send file(s). Send the
file(s) to your loan servicers for processing.

See Processing CRC Loan Files.

Access the CRC Certification Requests page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine Management >
CRC Certification Requests).

Lender OPEID (lender office of Indicates the numeric identifier assigned by the Department of
postsecondary education identifier) Education.

Guarantor OPEID (guarantor office of Indicates the numeric identifier assigned by the Department of
postsecondary education identifier) Education.

Student Click to access the Student Block Information page to view the
student's social security number, name, and birthdate. Use to
assist in identifying the EmplID.

Person Click to access the Person Block Information page to view

the non-student borrower's social security number, name, and
birthdate. Use to assist in identifying the borrower ID.

Search Match Click to access the Search Criteria page to enter search criteria
to determine whether the student or borrower is defined in the

Related IDs Click to access the Relationships page to review relationship

data of the student and parent. Create the relationship if required
for PLUS loan processing.

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Award Summary Click to access the Award Summary page to review annual
award summary and to view a student's awards and the offered,
accepted, authorized for disbursement, and disbursed amounts
for each award. Use to verify the student's eligibility for the

Related Links
Reviewing an Annual Award Summary

Processing School Certification Requests for CL4

To process school certification request applications for CommonLine 4 loans:

1. Load the school certification request records using the Inbound EC Agent process.

2. To process the individual records, run the CommonLine Inbound process.

When this process is run, any certification request records are automatically set to Error.

3. Run the CL 4 App Response Load Errors report to list records with a load status of Error.

4. Run the CL 4 School Cert Requests report for information necessary to process the loan.

The CL 4 School Cert Requests report selects only certification request records that have a load status
of Error. The report lists the application information provided by the loan servicer.

5. Review the information from each report and process each certification request.

a. Determine whether your school participates in the loan program identified on the report.

b. If your school participates, verify that the appropriate financial aid item types, loan types, and loan
destinations have been set up to process the loan.

6. Enter the certification request report information in the appropriate CommonLine Prom Note page for
Stafford, PLUS, or Alt..

7. Award the student the necessary loan eligibility.

See Awarding Online.

8. Originate the loan. The information entered on the Prom Note pages is used during loan origination.
After origination completes, access the Maintain Originated Loans pages (Financial Aid > Loans >
CommonLine Management > Maintain Originated Loans) to ensure the correct loan destination and
process level are being used. The correct process level depends on what the loan servicer expects from
the school.

See Originating CommonLine Loans.

9. If the loan servicer has generated the unique loan ID, update the loan origination record by overriding
the unique ID generated by the origination process with the loan servicer's ID.

See Reviewing Loan Origination Information.

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

10. Run Loan Validation to check the loan origination application for discrepancies

See Validating CommonLine Loans.

11. Run the CommonLine Outbound processes to create the CommonLine 4 application send file(s). Send
the file(s) to your loan servicers for processing.

See Creating CL 4 Loan Files.

12. In the CommonLine 4 Import page, set the load status of each processed certification request record to
Processed. Use Skipped if the student is not eligible. A status of Processed or Skipped ensures that the
student is not listed on future reports because the delivered reports key from a status of Error.

Adjusting Loan Disbursements Manually

This section discusses how to modify disbursements.

Pages Used to Adjust Loan Disbursements Manually

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

CommonLine Disbursement LOAN_FUND_MAINT Financial Aid > Adjust disbursements for

Maintenance Loans > CommonLine all CommonLine loans and
Management > Maintain document the disbursement
CL Disbursements > and return of funds. Suspend
CommonLine Disbursement or release disbursements.

Comments LN_DISBACT_COM_SEC Click the Comments link Open a free-form comment

on the CommonLine page that is associated
Disbursement Maintenance exclusively with the loan
page. action code entered in the

Modifying Disbursements
Access the CommonLine Disbursement Maintenance page (Financial Aid > Loans > CommonLine
Management > Maintain CL Disbursements > CommonLine Disbursement Maintenance).

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Image: CommonLine Disbursement Maintenance page: Actions tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CommonLine Disbursement Maintenance page:
Actions tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Award Information (Interfaced to Authorization)

Net Disb (net disbursement) The total EFT or manual check balance for the disbursement
ID. This is the maximum amount authorized. This can only be
updated by the EFT load and this page.

Dsb Actl (disbursement actual) Total amount disbursed to the student's account.

ActDisb Dt (account disbursement The last date the student's account was updated for this loan
date) disbursement.

Suspend Disb (suspend disbursement) A value of Y indicates that the system is suspending
disbursement processing for this loan disbursement.
Authorization continues to function.

N indicates the disbursement is not suspended. This is set in the

loan adjustment program when loans are reduced and an EFT
has been received.

To set this value, enter the appropriate code in the Action Code
field to make the field available.

Actions Tab
Sequence The origination action sequence is generated from the loan
record activity.

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Action Cd (action code) Enter an action code for the task you want to perform (entering
a check, for example). When you enter the code, appropriate
fields become available.

PSAD: Manual Fund Adjustment. Used to change disbursement

amounts. The net disbursement is adjusted with the value of
action net.

PSCD: Check Received from Lender. Used for manual check

entry. Updates Student Financials. Assumes the check has been
endorsed by the borrower. The net disbursement is adjusted with
the value of action net.

PSCR: Funds Returned to Lender. Used when funds have been

returned to the disbursing agent or lender. The net disbursement
is adjusted with the value of action net.

PSCN: Unendorsed Check Received. Used for manual check

entry. Updates Student Financials. The check does not disburse
to the student's account. The net disbursement is adjusted
with the value of action net. The Suspend Disb (suspend
disbursement) field is set to Y.

PSCE: Check Endorsed. Used to indicate a previously received

check has been endorsed by the borrower. The Suspend
Disb (suspend disbursement) field is set to N. A previously
unendorsed check can now be disbursed to the student's account.

PSFH: Suspend Disbursement Processing. The Suspend

Disb (suspend disbursement) field is set to Y. This prevents
disbursement to the student's account.

PSRH: Release Suspended Disbursement. The Suspend

Disb (suspend disbursement) field is set to N. This permits
disbursement to the student's account.

PSPR: Pending Resolution. Informational only. Can be used in

conjunction with reports to manage the timely disbursement and
return of loan funds.

PSFN: Funds Need to be Returned. Informational only. Can

be used in conjunction with reports to manage the timely
disbursement and return of loan funds.

Actn Net (action net) Indicates adjustments made to the disbursement. When the loan
action code is initiated by the loan origination process or by the
loading of an application response file, the value corresponds
to the net disbursement. When loan action codes are manually
inserted to reflect the receipt or adjustment of actual loan funds
—loading of EFT records or manual check entry—the Actn Net
value is used to adjust the net disbursement on the page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1283

Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Check Information Tab

Select the Check Information tab on the CommonLine Disbursement Maintenance page.

Image: CommonLine Disbursement Maintenance page: Check Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CommonLine Disbursement Maintenance page:
Check Information tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Sequence The origination action sequence is generated from the loan

record activity.

Comments Click to open a free-form comment page that is associated

exclusively with the loan action code entered in the page.

Fund Maint (fund maintenance) Click to enter transactions. When entering check transactions,
the Check Number, Check Date, and Check Received fields can
be updated with the check information.

Lender Information Tab

Select the Lender Information tab.

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Chapter 36 Processing CommonLine Loans

Image: CommonLine Disbursement Maintenance page: Lender Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CommonLine Disbursement Maintenance page:
Lender Information tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The Lender Information tab reflects whether the loan is a CL4 or a CRC processed loan. CL4 Lender
Information displays the lender ID in the Loan Check Lender column. CRC Lender Information displays
the lender's OPEID and branch ID values.

Loan Check Lender For CL4 loans, the Lender ID value of the lender is displayed.
The OPEID and Branch ID columns do not display.

OPEID Displays the ID of the lender who issued the check as entered in
the page. When entering check information, the field allows you
to select the lender by OPEID.

Description Displays the name of the lender who issued the check.

Branch ID Indicates the branch number of the lender OPEID. This field is
populated when inserting check information.

Entering Checks Manually

Enter all checks received on this page.

Use the following action codes:

• PSCD (Check Received from Lender) if the check is to be disbursed as soon as possible.

• PSCN (Unendorsed Check Received) if unendorsed checks need to be entered, but the funds
should not be disbursed to the student's account until the endorsement has been received. After the
endorsement is received, a new row must be inserted with the value of PSCE (Check Endorsed) to
allow the funds to be disbursed.

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Processing CommonLine Loans Chapter 36

Adjusting Amounts After Receipt of Funds

Enter the check for the entire amount for the first loan. Use action code PSCD. Next, enter a new action
of PSAD (Manual Fund Adjustment) enter a negative net amount in the value of the first disbursement for
the second loan. Enter a comment explaining that reduction.

Next, select the first disbursement of the second loan. Enter action PSCD and enter a net amount for the
value of the check reduction. Enter a comment explaining the entry.

Tracking Disbursements Example

Here is an example of using the CommonLine Disbursement Maintenance page to track disbursements.

Loan funds are received using EFT roster. The EFT roster load date is assumed to be the date funds are
received by the institution. Authorization and disbursements are run for all students on the roster.

Run the CommonLine reconciliation reports to select all EFT records not disbursed. Review each record
not disbursed. Based on the status of each disbursement, you can determine whether:

• The disbursement needs to be returned or reissued. Update the loan and award if necessary. Run the
loan adjustments process to calculate a return amount or reissue date. Insert an action code of PSFN
(Funds Need to be Returned). Use the Actn Net field or the comment page to document the amount to
be returned. After the funds have been returned, enter a new action code of PSCR (Funds Returned to
Lender), and enter the amount. This reduces the net disbursement amount to zero. If the disbursement
is to be reissued later, the new check is processed normally.

• The disbursement can be made after an issue is resolved. As an example, the student needs to enroll
full time. Insert an action code of PSPR (Pending Resolution). Enter a comment documenting why the
disbursement should be held. Continue to run the EFT Reconciliation reports to monitor the status of
the disbursement. If, after ten days, you determine that the check must be returned, enter a new action
of PSFN. After the funds have been returned, enter a new action code of PSCR and enter the amount.

1286 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37

Processing Direct Loans

Understanding Direct Lending

The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan program was established to provide long-term academic loans
to qualified students who are enrolled in facilities of higher education, vocational, technical, business
and trade schools. The Federal Government provides the funds for direct loans directly to the student,
bypassing an outside lender. Schools participating in the Direct Loan program communicate direct loan
origination and disbursement data using the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) process.

The Oracle Financial Aid system supports COD processing for the Direct Loan and Pell Grant award
programs. Once these award programs are awarded within the system, you run a process that creates
distinct COD application records to support the maintenance and processing of COD data.

For each Common Record received and processed by the COD System, the COD System returns a
Response document indicating the status of processing, including any rejected data elements and reasons.
For Direct Loans, you must create the origination, change, and disbursement record so that the system
can properly load and process corresponding inbound acknowledgement records (origination, change and
disbursement). There must always be a one to one match between any Direct Loan outbound document
and corresponding inbound response document.

Note: The system does not process COD web-initiated response files (document type WB) or the System-
Generated PLUS Application Acknowledgment files (document type SP). The COD import process only
loads the COD XML data from these document types into the COD staging tables to view and query.
System-Generated Entrance Counseling files (document type EC) are loaded into the COD staging tables.
A separate process to evaluate and update the Loan Counseling application table (SFA_LN_CNSL_TBL)
with the COD Entrance Counseling data is available.

See Managing Loan Counseling Data.

The three types of direct loans are:

Direct Loan Type Loan Characteristics

Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan A student's eligibility for a Direct Subsidized Stafford loan
is determined entirely on the student's ability to demonstrate
financial need. The U.S. Department of Education subsidizes
the interest; therefore, borrowers are not charged interest while
they are enrolled in school at least half time, and during grace
and deferment periods.

Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan A student is eligible for a Direct Unsubsidized Stafford
loan regardless of their financial situation. Borrowers are
responsible for paying the interest on these loans.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Direct Loan Type Loan Characteristics

Direct PLUS Loan and Graduate PLUS Loan Parents of dependent students may apply for a Direct PLUS
loan to help pay for the student's educational expenses.
Graduate and Professional students may apply for PLUS
Loans for their own expenses. Dependent and Graduate/
Professional students must be enrolled at least halftime.
Applicant must not have adverse credit history.

The direct lending portion of the Financial Aid package is designed to help you process the Subsidized
Stafford, Unsubsidized Stafford, PLUS, and Grad/PLUS loans awarded to students attending your

Viewing Packaging Results Before Origination

This section discusses how to:

• View Packaging results before origination.

• Update school codes.

Page Used to Update School Codes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

School Code Update SFA_RUN_SCHLCD_UPD Financial Aid > Awards > Use this page to change
Award Processing > Update school code values on STDNT
School Code _AWRD_DISB and STDNT_

View Packaging Results

You should include a preliminary and periodic review of your packaging results, your loan amount, loan
fees, and rebate information for each loan record. This minimizes the potential for incorrect information
being originated and submitted to the common origination and disbursement processing center.

Update School Codes

This section discusses how to update school codes for award disbursements and aggregate areas.

Access the School Code Update page (Financial Aid > Awards > Award Processing > Update School

Use this page to update school code values on STDNT_AWRD_DISB and, for awards with an associated
aggregate area defined on the financial aid item type setup, to also update the school code values on

Career Enter the academic career to process. Awards are keyed by

academic career.

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

From School Cd Enter the school code that you want to be updated from for this
selection and parameters. Valid values are retrieved from the
Careers for School Code setup.

To School Cd Enter the school code that you want award records to be updated
to for this selection and parameters.

Re-awarding Direct Loans with New Disbursement Plans

The Packaging process does not allow you to change the disbursement plan for direct lending loans, even
if the loan has not been originated. If you award a direct lending loan for two terms and then find that the
student should only be awarded for one term, you must change disbursement plans. There are two ways to
change disbursement plans for non-originated direct lending loans:

Option 1

1. Cancel the original loan (with the original disbursement plan and split code) on the Student Aid
Package page.

2. Insert a row on the Student Aid Package page below the row for the canceled loan in Step 1.

3. Using the same financial aid item type as the original loan, award the loan with the new disbursement
plan and split code.

Note: If you use professional judgement to override an award amount, ensure that your loan
disbursements (amounts, fees, and rebates) are split correctly among your item types. Refer to the
common origination and disbursement technical data for details.

Option 2

1. Using the original loan that you awarded (with the original disbursement plan), create a custom split
so the money is allocated only to the new terms.

2. Originate the loan.

3. Access the Application Financial page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
Manage Direct Loan Application) and select the Override Loan Dates check box. Change the Loan
Period Start, Loan Period End, and Antc Date (anticipated disbursement date) to match the new period
for which the loan is awarded.

Originating Direct Loans and Viewing Loan Status Summary

This section discusses how to:

• Originate direct loans.

• View loan status summary information.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Pages Used to Originate Direct Loans and Display Loan Status Summary
Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Origination RUNCTL_LNORIG Financial Aid > Loans > Originate any Stafford or
Process Loans > Loan PLUS loans that have been
Origination awarded and have an award
status of Accepted. The
Stafford or PLUS loans
must have the loan program
indicated as Direct.

Loan Status Summary LN_DLSTATSUM_SEC Click the Loan Status View current loan summary
Information Summary link on any Direct information and quickly check
Lending processing page that the status of the loan.
has the link available.

Originating Direct Loans

This section discusses how to originate any Stafford or PLUS loans that have been awarded and have an
award status of Accepted.

Access the Loan Origination page (Financial Aid > Loans > Process Loans > Loan Origination).

Control Information
Use this page to run the Loan Origination process (FAPLBOG1). You can add additional rows to include
different institution, aid year, and career combinations for originating loans.

CL Orig Options (CommonLine This field is used for CommonLine loans only.
origination options)

Adjustments Select to include origination adjustments when you run the

origination process.

When this check box is selected, origination adjustments are

processed for loans for which the overall award or disbursement
amounts have changed and the application has been flagged
for Loan Change review based on use of the Activate Change
button on the Application Acknowledgement page.

Students who have origination adjustments are not included in

the values for the ID field in the Student Override group box
unless this check box is selected.

Selection Criteria – Population Selection

Note: Only one Selection Criterion can be selected: Population Selection, Student Override, or Last
Name Range.

Population Selection Select this check box to enable Population Selection for this

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

A Population Selection Context Definition (Context Name

= Loan Origination, Process Name = SFA_LOANORIG) is
delivered for use with this process.

Selection Tool Select External File or PS Query.

Query Name Appears only when PS Query is selected. Select a population

selection query that joins with the bind record SCCPU_STDNT

For more information regarding the Population Selection process, see"Using the Population Selection
Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Selection Criteria – Student Override

Note: Only one Selection Criterion can be selected: Population Selection, Student Override, or Last
Name Range.

The Student Override group box is used to originate loans for a single student or a group of specific
students within the selected Institution, Aid Year, and Career.

Student Override Select this check box to originate specific students. When you
select this check box, the ID field becomes available.

ID Enter the unique ID of the student to originate. Only students

with loans that have a loan award in the Accepted status are
available. You can insert rows to originate multiple students.

Selection Criteria – Last Name Range

Note: Only one Selection Criterion can be selected: Population Selection, Student Override, or Last
Name Range.

Use the fields in the Selection Criteria group box to originate loans for a group of students selected by last
name. Only students with the selected Institution, Aid Year, and Career are selected. You can enter names
in the Selection Criteria only if the Student Override check box is not selected.

Last Name FROM Enter the beginning last name of the group of students to
originate. Enter the names in alphabetical order. For example,
Last Name FROM Atkins and Last Name TO McMurphy.

Last Name TO Enter the ending last name of the group of students to originate.
Enter the names in alphabetical order.

Viewing Loan Status Summary Information

Access the Loan Status Summary Information page (click the Loan Status Summary link on any Direct
Loan page with an available link).

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Image: Loan Status Summary Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Status Summary Information page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Student Eligibility
DL Pnote Unique ID (direct lending Displays the promissory note identifier assigned to this loan.
promissory note unique ID)

Loan Orig Ack Pnote Stat (loan Displays the current status of the promissory note.
origination acknowledgement
promissory note status) • (blank) – Value initially established when Stafford loans
(Subsidized and Unsubsidized) origination record is created.
System internally recognizes this value as 'no promissory
note' available.

• Ack Pending(acknowledgement pending) – Value represents

the MPN Status as reported by COD or may indicate that a
promissory note has been created internally by the system.
System internally recognizes this value as 'promissory note

• Accepted – COD has successfully linked a valid MPN to

this loan application ID. Value represents the MPN Status
as reported by COD on either the origination or promissory
note acknowledgement files.

• Closed – Value represents the MPN Status as reported

by COD on either the origination or promissory note
acknowledgement files.

• Endorser – Value represents the MPN Status as reported

by COD on either the origination or promissory note

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

acknowledgement files. This status is used beginning with

the 2012–2013 aid year.

• Inactive – Value represents the MPN Status as reported

by COD on either the origination or promissory note
acknowledgement files. This status is used for the 2011–
2012 and prior aid years.

• Print – Value initially established when Direct PLUS

loans (parent or graduate professional) origination record
is created. System internally recognizes this value as 'no
promissory note' available.

• Rejected – Status is set when acknowledgment is received

from COD and processed by the system.

Note: Closed, Endorser, and Inactive MPN values are reported

by COD. For disbursement purposes, the system treats Closed,
Endorser, and Inactive MPNs as an Accepted MPN. For more
information regarding how COD processes MPN's:

See the U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination

and Disbursement (COD) Technical Reference

Origination Detail
Item Type Displays the financial aid item type associated with this loan.

Loan Action Code Displays the most recent loan origination action for the loan. For
example, Loan Origination, Loan Origination Change, and so

Loan Application ID Displays the unique ID that the Origination process generated
for this loan. The loan application ID is comprised of the
following elements:

• Student's social security number.

• A single-character code identifying the type of loan

(Subsidized, Unsubsidized, PLUS).

• A two-character code identifying the aid year.

• Direct Loan school code.

• A 3-digit sequence number, which is incremented by one

each time the student receives an additional loan of the same

DL Booked Status (direct lending Displays Booked if the origination, first disbursement, and
booked status) promissory notes are accepted and acknowledged by the COD.
Until this occurs, the status is Unbooked.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Action Status Displays the current status of the action. The values are:
Accepted, Ac-NtApld (accepted-not applied), Authorized, Failed,
Invalid, Pending, Received, Rejected, and Transmitted. The
Action Status for an Acknowledgement is always Received.
If an origination or origination change is rejected, the system
creates a new loan originated row to track the re-submission of
the failed/rejected action.

Request Amount Displays the amount derived from the accepted amount on the
award and is equal to the scheduled disbursement amount.

Certified Amount Displays the amount approved for the loan. This value is derived
from the offer amount on the award.

Actions Tab
Disb ID (disbursement ID) Displays the Disbursement ID defined within the Disbursement
Plan and Split Code assigned to the Direct Loan Award from

LOC Antic ID (loan origination Displays the sequentially ordered ID for the anticipated
center replaced by common origination disbursement. The system converts the Disbursement ID that
and disbursement anticipated comes from the award and the anticipated disbursement date
[disbursement] ID) defined in the Disbursement ID setup to assist in defining
the disbursement sequencing requirements. The LOC Antic
ID represents the Disbursement Number for anticipated
disbursements (Disbursement Release Indicator set to 'false).
The LOC Antic ID may change if additional disbursements are
added. However, once an associated LOC Actual ID has been
assigned, the LOC Antic ID does not change.

LOC Actual ID Displays the numerically ordered disbursement ID, without

skipping numbers. The LOC Actual ID represents the
Disbursement Number for actual disbursements (Disbursement
Release Indicator set to 'true').

Action Code Describes the type of disbursement action for that row.

Action Status Displays the status for this disbursement ID. See the description
of the Action Status field above for more details.

(unlabeled) Indicates the date of the disbursement action.

Amounts Tab
Select the Amounts tab.

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Image: Loan Status Summary Information page: Amounts tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Status Summary Information page: Amounts
tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Ln Dsb Amt (loan disbursement Displays the gross scheduled disbursement amount. This value
amount) is derived from the accepted balance on the loan award.

Net Disb (net disbursement) Displays the amount derived from the loan amount minus the
loan fee amount plus the rebate amount.

Ln Fee Amt (loan fee amount) Displays the calculated loan fee for this disbursement.

Rebate Amt (rebate amount) Displays the calculated rebate amount for this disbursement.

Processing and Reviewing Direct Lending Origination Information

Access to the Direct Loan Application component should be restricted to key personnel who are actively
involved with the Direct Lending process. The information in this component is eventually transmitted to
the common origination and disbursement processing center (COD) in the origination outbound file.

This section discusses how to:

• Process and review borrower bio/demo data.

• Process and review miscellaneous borrower data.

• Process and review financial data.

• Process and review loan application acknowledgement data.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1295

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Pages Used to View Loan Change Transmission Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Application Bio/Demo LOAN_ORIG_DMO_DL01 Financial Aid > Review and correct borrower
Loans > Direct Lending information, student
Management > Manage information, and parent
Direct Loan Application > information for PLUS loans.
Application Bio/Demo This information comes from
Campus Community as well
from ISIR load information
that the system populates on
the Institutional Application

Application Misc Data LOAN_ORIG_ELG_DL01 Financial Aid > Process and review
(application miscellaneous Loans > Direct Lending information about student
data) Management > Manage eligibility, promissory note
Direct Loan Application > printing, and loan credit.
Application Misc Data

Application Financial LOAN_ORIG_FIN_DL01 Financial Aid > Review financial data and
Loans > Direct Lending adjust the loan start, end, and
Management > Manage certification dates. Use an
Direct Loan Application > override check box to change
Application Financial any of these dates.

Application LOAN_ORIG_STAT_DL0 Financial Aid > Review loan process

Acknowledgement Loans > Direct Lending status, loan origination
Management > outbound, acknowledgement
Manage Direct Loan information, an data elements
Application > Application that go to the Origination
Acknowledgement files. Set and remove loans
from Hold status. When
the inbound files return
from COD, the system
acknowledges the data and
populates the fields on this

Miscellaneous Loan Detail LN_ORIG_TRNS_MISC Click the Misc Loan Detail View additional direct
link on the Application lending origination and
Acknowledgement page. acknowledgement information
regarding the disclosure
print option for the loan. The
information displayed in this
page represents an example of
detail on an outbound file.

Loan Eligibility Detail LN_ORIG_TRNS_ELIG Click the Eligibility Detail View origination and
link on the Application acknowledged direct lending
Acknowledgement page. eligibility detail information.
The information displayed
in this page represents an
example of detail on an
outbound file.

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Borrower Detail LN_ORIG_TRNS_BORR Click the Borrower Detail View origination and
link on the Application acknowledged detail
Acknowledgement page. information for the borrower.
The information displayed
in this page represents an
example of detail on an
outbound file.

Student Detail LN_ORIG_TRNS_STU Click the Student Detail View origination and
link on the Application acknowledged detail
Acknowledgement page. information for the student.
The information displayed
in this page represents an
example of detail on an
outbound file.

Name Detail LN_ORIG_TRNS_NAME Click the Name Detail View the origination
link on the Application and acknowledged name
Acknowledgement page. information for this loan. The
information displayed in this
page represents an example of
detail on an outbound file.

Address Detail LN_ORIG_TRNS_ADDR Click the Address Detail View origination and
link on the Application acknowledged address
Acknowledgement page. information for the borrower.
The information displayed
in this page represents an
example of detail on an
outbound file.

Processing and Reviewing Borrower Bio/Demo Data

Access the Application Bio/Demo page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
Manage Direct Loan Application > Application Bio/Demo).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1297

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Image: Application Bio/Demo page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Application Bio/Demo page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The Appl Seq (application sequence) number increases each time a new loan origination record is created
for the ID, Career, Loan Type, Institution, and Aid Year combination.

Borrower Information
The fields in the Borrower Information group box contain information regarding the borrower of the loan.
The borrower information for Stafford loans and PLUS loans for Graduate and Professional students
automatically display the student's information. Information is display only.

When a PLUS for parent loan application is created, the Borrower Information is empty. Valid Borrower
Information must be entered before the loan application can be communicated to COD.

Borrower ID For Stafford loans and PLUS loans for Graduate and
Professional students, the Borrower ID is automatically
populated with the student's ID. For PLUS loans for parents,
if blank, select the 'Look Up' icon to view valid Borrower IDs
already established as a valid Relationship to the student's ID.
Only Relationship IDs defined with the Guardian attribute of
Parent or Guardian appear in the Look Up results.

Related ID Link to open the Campus Community Relationship component.

Use this link to directly create a valid relationship ID, that
can then be available to be entered in the Borrower ID field.
When creating a relationship, the Guardian attribute must either
defined as 'Parent' or 'Guardian'.

SSN (social security number) Displays the social security number for the borrower.

DOB (date of birth) Displays the date of birth for the borrower.

Loan Refund Indicator Select a value if loan refunds go to the Borrower – the parent or
guardian in the case of PLUS loan or to the Student.

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Citizenship Displays the Citizenship value applied to the loan application.

Valid values are: 1 – Native, 2 – Naturalized, and 3 – Alien

For DL Stafford loans, the field is initially 'blank'. If the

borrower's Citizenship is updated via the Override Loan
Application Data component, the field displays any overridden
Citizenship value. The field can also be updated for the loan
application using the Population Update process.

For DL PLUS for Graduate and Professional loans, the

field displays the student's Citizenship defined in Campus
Community. If the borrower's Citizenship is updated via the
Override Loan Application Data component, the field displays
any overridden Citizenship value. The field can also be updated
for the loan application using the Population Update process.

For DL PLUS for parent loan applications, the field displays

the borrower's Citizenship defined in Campus Community. If
the borrower's Citizenship is updated via the Override Loan
Application Data component, the field displays any overridden
Citizenship value.

See Overriding Direct Loan Application Information.

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft

Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Visa/Alien Permit Displays whether a borrower who is not a U.S. citizen holds
a valid Visa or Alien Permit. Field can be updated via the
Override Loan Application Data component.

See Overriding Direct Loan Application Information.

Override Phone # (override phone Select this check box to activate the Telephone field and
number) override the current information. If you select this check
box and override the phone number, the new value remains
regardless of changes made to Campus Community records. If
you clear the check box, the system populates the Telephone
field with the current Campus Community values and makes the
field inaccessible.

Borr Default / Owes Refund Indicates whether a borrower is in default on a student loan
(borrower default/owes refund) or owes a refund to the federal government. Values are: No,
Overridden, or Yes.

For Stafford loans, this value is derived from the NSLDS Match
field on the Packaging Status Summary page.

Note: Overridden applies to PLUS origination files only.

Overridden is not an acceptable value for Direct Stafford loan
origination files.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1299

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

The values from the NSLDS Match field are translated to this
field as shown in the following table.

Original Match Field Value Default/Refund Value

2. Default Yes

3. Overpayment

4. Default and Overpayment

5. Eligible Partial Title IV Aid Overridden

All other values Not

Student Information
SSN, Birthdate, Status, and Visa/ The values that appear are for the student associated with this
Alien Permit loan. If the borrower is the student, this information is the same
as the information in the Borrower Information group box.

Default / Refund This is the same field as the Borr Default / Owes Refund field in
the Borrower Information group box.

Processing and Reviewing Miscellaneous Borrower Data

Access the Application Misc Data page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
Manage Direct Loan Application > Application Misc Data).

1300 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Image: Application Misc Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Application Misc Data page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Student Eligibility
Direct Lending Year Contains the direct lending grade level for this student, as
defined by the U.S. Department of Education's COD Technical

The term in the Direct Lending Year field in FA Term on the FA

Info page is related to the first distribution used in the award for
this student. That term is used to derive this Direct Lending Year

Depend Stat (Fed) (dependency Displays the federal dependency status for the student. The
status, federal) status is derived from the FA Term table and is required on all
established Direct Loans.

HEAL Eligible (Health Education Indicates whether the student is eligible for a HEAL loan, as
Assistance Loan eligible) determined on the Packaging Status Summary page and is
valid only on Unsubsidized loans. HEAL loans are for health
profession students who meet the HEAL program requirements.

HPPA indicator tag reports a true value.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1301

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

PreProfessional Coursework Eligible Indicates whether the student is eligible for additional
Unsubsidized Stafford due to participation in eligible
undergraduate or graduate preparatory coursework. This value is
derived from the Packaging Status Summary page. The student
must have a Direct Lending Year of Fifth Year and above.

Preprofessional Coursework indicator tag reports a true value.

Additional Unsub Eligible This field is checked if either of two circumstances arise:
(additional unsubsidized eligible)
• The student is a dependent and the parent or guardian is
denied a PLUS loan.

This value is derived from a combination of the Plus

Override check box (accessed on the Database Matches
page via the Packaging Status Summary page) and the
Additional Unsubsidized Eligibility option defined on
the corresponding Loan Type. The Packaging process
determines the eligibility for additional unsubsidized
Stafford by evaluating the PLUS Override check box.
It is the school's responsibility to ensure the additional
unsubsidized award uses a unique Unsubsidized Stafford
Financial Aid Item Type that has a corresponding Loan
Type with the Additional Unsubsidized Eligibility option
set. For NSLDS reporting, this ensures the loan application
and specific amount is properly identified as an additional
unsubsidized Stafford based on PLUS Denied.

• The student is a dependent and the PreProfessional

Coursewrk check box on the Packaging Status Summary
page is checked.

If either circumstance is met, then the Additional Unsubsidized

Eligibility indicator tag reports a value of True.

PNote Print Information

(promissory note print information)

Loan Destination Nbr (loan Represents the EDI destination. Select the number that
destination number) corresponds to direct loan COD.

Loan Print Option Determines where the promissory note is printed. Select one of
the following values:

Dest Prints (return to school): Select this option to specify that

the COD (the destination) prints the promissory note and sends
it to the school. The school then sends the promissory note to
the borrower.

Dest Prints (send to Borr): Select this option to specify that the
COD (the destination) prints the promissory note and sends it to
the borrower.

1302 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Dest Reprint: Select this option to specify that the COD (the
destination) is reprinting a promissory note that was printed

School Prints: Select this option to specify that the school prints
the promissory note and sends it to the borrower.

Loan Orig Ack Pnote Status Displays the current status of the promissory note.
(loan origination acknowledgement
promissory note status) • (blank) – Value initially established when Stafford loans
(Subsidized and Unsubsidized) origination record is created.
System internally recognizes this value as 'no promissory
note' available.

• Ack Pending(acknowledgement pending) – Value represents

the MPN Status as reported by COD or may indicate that a
promissory note has been created internally by the system.
System internally recognizes this value as 'promissory note

• Accepted – COD has successfully linked a valid MPN to

this loan application ID. Value represents the MPN Status
as reported by COD on either the origination or promissory
note acknowledgement files.

• Closed – Value represents the MPN Status as reported

by COD on either the origination or promissory note
acknowledgement files.

• Endorser – Value represents the MPN Status as reported

by COD on either the origination or promissory note
acknowledgement files. This status is used beginning with
the 2012–2013 aid year.

• Inactive – Value represents the MPN Status as reported

by COD on either the origination or promissory note
acknowledgement files. This status is used for the 2011–
2012 and prior aid years.

• Print – Value initially established when Direct PLUS

loans (parent or graduate professional) origination record
is created. System internally recognizes this value as 'no
promissory note' available.

• Rejected – Status is set when acknowledgment is received

from COD and processed by the system.

Note: Closed, Endorser, and Inactive MPN values are reported

by COD. For disbursement purposes, the system treats Closed,
Endorser, and Inactive MPNs as an Accepted MPN. For more
information regarding how COD processes MPN's:

See the U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination

and Disbursement (COD) Technical Reference

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1303

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

DL Disclosure Print (direct loan Specifies whether the COD or School prints the disclosure. You
disclosure print) can also select Reprint to indicate the disclosure was reprinted.
Select COD unless the school has a custom print solution.
Financial Aid does not support disclosure printing.

DL Pnote Unique ID (direct loan Displays the unique identifier assigned to the promissory
promissory note unique ID) note that is attached to the loan. The loan origination
acknowledgement and the PNote acknowledgement files update
this value.

Beginning with 2003-2004, the direct loan application

processing supports master promissory note requirements for
the PLUS loan types. The system adds the letter "N" to the ID
to indicate that the loan is PLUS Loan MPN. The system adds
the letter "M" to indicate that the loan is a Stafford (subsidized
or Unsubsidized) Loan MPN.

PLUS Loan Credit Information

These fields are used when a credit check is necessary for loan approval. This occurs with PLUS loans.

Loan Credit Eligibility Displays the current status of the credit check. Values are A-
Credit Approved, D-Credit Denied, or X-Credit Pending.

Credit Decision Status Displays The status of the PLUS credit decision for the loan on

• A = Accepted

• D = Denied

• P = Pending

Loan Credit Decision Dt (loan credit Displays the date that the Loan Credit Eligibility decision
decision date) occurs.

Credit Decision Expiration Dt (credit Displays the date on which a potential borrower’s credit
decision expiration date) decision will expire, necessitating the need for another credit
check prior to originating a PLUS loan.

Credit Action Choice Displays the action a borrower plans once the borrower has
failed the credit check:

• A = Appeal Decision

• E = Pursue Endorser

• N = Not Pursue PLUS Loan (Process Additional

Unsubsidized Loan if Eligible)

• U = Undecided

Credit Action Status Status of Endorser Pursuit:

• D = Credit denied as a result of an endorser's denial

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

• N = Credit denied after pending

• L = Endorsed for a Lesser Amount

Note: If Credit Action Status = L, check to see if Edit 184

is present. If it is, this means that the loan is endorsed for
less than the Award Amount, and the institution must submit
an Origination Change transaction that reflects an Award
Amount equal to or less than the Endorsed Amount. Once
COD accepts the Origination Change transaction for the
lesser Award Amount (equal to or less than the Endorsed
Amount), it sends an Acknowledgment with Edit 183.

Credit Decision Override Displays the the status of the credit checks for this loan on COD
as a result of an override.

The loan credit values table below dictates the setting of the
Loan Credit Eligibility field.

Loan Endorser Amount Displays the approved Endorser Amount from COD.

Endorser Approved Displays True or False regarding whether an Endorser

Addendum was received and the Endorser was approved:

Credit Requirements Met Displays True or False regarding whether borrower has met
all of the credit requirements for the PLUS loan. If the loan
was originally denied, this also includes the PLUS Credit
Counseling. Must be True before the loan may be disbursed.

Original Credit Decision Displays the initial credit decision for a PLUS borrower. If
denied, the borrower may choose to appeal the decision due to
extenuating circumstances or seek an endorser for the loan.

• A = Accepted

• D = Denied

Reconsideration Eligible Displays True or False regarding whether the applicant is

eligible for reconsideration of the PLUS loan when the PLUS
was originally denied.

Credit Appeal Status Displays the current status of a credit appeal:

• A = Appeal Accepted

• D = Appeal Denied

• P = Appeal Pending

• R = Appeal Closed Without Final Decision

Counseling Completed Displays True or False regarding whether the borrower has
completed the requisite PLUS Counseling directly with COD –
required for PLUS applicants who have obtained an approved
endorser or an approved credit appeal due to extenuating

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

circumstances. Must be complete before the loan may be


Counseling Complete Dt (counseling Displays the date on which PLUS Counseling was completed by
complete date) the borrower.

Counseling Expiration Dt (counseling Date on which PLUS Counseling expires.

expiration date)

Counseling Exception Reserved for future use by COD.

Credit Balance Option Indicates whether a credit balance on a loan should be directed
to the student or the borrower:

• B = Borrower

• S = Student

Loan Credit Value Explanation

C – Credit overridden as a result of new credit information Changes the Loan Credit Eligibility to Credit Approved.

D – Credit denied as a result of an endorser's denial Changes the Loan Credit Eligibility to Credit Denied.

E – Credit overridden as a result of an endorser's approval Changes the Loan Credit Eligibility to Credit Approved.

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Loan Credit Value Explanation

L – Lower Endorser Amount Changes the Loan Credit Eligibility to Credit Denied.

Value represents a credit check where endorser is approved,

but the endorsed amount is less than the award amount
requested by the borrower.

Edit 184 accompanies this Lower Endorsed Amount condition

-- "Financial Award Amount exceeds Endorser Amount" is
returned when a PLUS award is submitted with an existing
valid Endorser linked and the Financial Award Amount is
greater than the Endorser Amount."

Credit eligibility remains denied with COD. School's action is

to resubmit an award record with the award amount less than
or equal to the endorser amount. COD requires an entire award
record to be submitted.

The Loan Origination Change process generates the

appropriate award record. Schools should: 1) Reduce award
amount in packaging; 2) Run Process Loans with adjustments
(FAPLBOG1) to carry forward the new award amount to the
loan application; 3) Generate an Origination Change. A entire
award record is created only if the loan award amount is less
than or equal to the endorser amount.

All subsequent origination changes (except if the amount is set

to zero) are held until the loan application has been updated
with an accepted award adjustment by COD and response has
been loaded into the system.

N – Denied after Pending Changes the Loan Credit Eligibility to Credit Denied.

Note: The COD Inbound process checks the Credit Requirements Met field to see if the loan is eligible to
be disbursed. Based on the type of candidate being evaluated, Credit Appeal Candidate or Credit Action
Candidate, the system uses the following criteria for disbursement eligibility:
Credit Appeal Candidate – This is an applicant who pursued an appeal for extenuating circumstances
for an originally denied PLUS Loan. If Loan Credit Eligibility equals Credit Approved and Credit
Requirements Met equals Yes, the loan is eligible to be disbursed from a PLUS Credit Check perspective.
Credit Action Candidate – This is an applicant who pursued an Endorser for an originally denied PLUS
Loan. If Loan Credit Eligibility equals Credit Approved, Credit Requirements Met equals Yes, and
Edit 184 is not present, the loan is eligible to be disbursed from a PLUS Credit Check perspective.
However, if Edit 184 is present, then this indicates that COD endorsed the loan for an amount less than
Award Amount. The institution must submit an Origination Change transaction that reflects an Award
Amount reduction equal to or less than the Endorsed Amount. Once COD accepts the Origination
Change transaction for the lesser Award Amount (equal to or less than the Endorsed Amount), it sends
an Acknowledgment Response file with Edit 183 which replaces Edit 184. The loan is then eligible to be
disbursed from a PLUS Credit Check perspective.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1307

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Informed Borrowing
This region displays the Informed Borrowing tags, which tells you whether the borrower (student or
parent) has completed the Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment process.

Processing and Reviewing Financial Data

Access the Application Financial page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Manage
Direct Loan Application > Application Financial >Disbursement tab).

Image: Application Financial page, Disbursement tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Application Financial page, Disbursement tab. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Application Data

Acad Year Start (academic year start) These fields display the start and end dates for the academic
and Academic Year End Date year. These values are derived from the Aid Year table and can
only be changed there.

Loan Period Start Displays the start date for the loan period. This date is generated
from the Valid Careers for Terms table. This date is derived
using the first day of the first term in which the anticipated
distribution of the student's award is to be made.

Loan Period End Displays the end date for the loan period. This date is generated
from the Valid Careers for Terms table. This date is derived
using the last day of the final term in which the anticipated
distribution of the student's award can be made.

Override Loan Dates Select to override and edit the loan dates. The dates are for this
loan record only. When you select the check box, the date fields
become available. After you edit the date fields, you must save
the record.

Override Loan Period This check box is accessible only after you select the Override
Loan Dates check box. Select to change the start and end dates

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

for the loan period. In addition, when you select this check box
you prevent loan adjustments from updating the changes you
made to the loan period start and end dates.

Loan Certification Date Indicates the date that the loan is originated.

Origination Detail
Item Type Displays the financial aid item type and description for the loan.
If available, click the link next to this field to access the Award
Entry and the Award Activity pages.

Ln App ID (loan application ID) Displays the unique identifier that the Loan Origination process
generated for this loan.

DL Orig Fee (direct lending Displays the fee charged to the borrower to originate the loan.
origination fee)

Loan Certified Amount Displays the amount approved for the loan. This value is derived
from the offer/accept amount for the award.

Request Amount Displays the Accepted amount for the award and represents the
Scheduled Disbursement Amount.

Disb ID (disbursement ID) Displays the disbursement ID given to this disbursement in


LOC Antic ID (common origination Displays the sequentially ordered ID for the anticipated
and disbursement anticipated ID) disbursement. The system converts the Disbursement ID that
comes from the award and the anticipated disbursement date
defined in the Disbursement ID setup to assist in defining
the disbursement sequencing requirements. The LOC Antic
ID represents the Disbursement Number for anticipated
disbursements (Disbursement Release Indicator set to 'false).
The LOC Antic ID may change if additional disbursements are
added. However, once an associated LOC Actual ID has been
assigned, the LOC Antic ID does not change.

LOC Actual ID (common origination Displays the numerically ordered disbursement ID, without
and disbursement actual ID) skipping numbers. The LOC Actual ID represents the
Disbursement Number for actual disbursements (Disbursement
Release Indicator set to 'true'). This field is empty until the loan
is disbursed to Student Financials. This field is populated when
the authorization and disbursement processes are completed
and the Direct Loan Out for the Disbursement Process has been
run. The COD Actual ID is what is sent to the COD with the
Disbursement file.

Ovrd Disb Dt (override disbursement Select to override and change the current requested
date) disbursement date. If you select this check box and edit the
field, the new value remains in effect regardless of future

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1309

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Antc Date (anticipated date) Displays the anticipated date for this loan disbursement. This
date is derived from the disbursement date specified in the
Disbursement ID table.

Ln Dsb Amt (loan disbursement Displays the gross scheduled disbursement amount. This
amount) value is derived from the Accepted balance on the award

Ln Fee Amt (loan fee amount) Displays the fee amount associated with the scheduled
disbursement. This amount is derived from the Accepted fee

Rebate Amt (amount) Displays the interest rebate fee amount. The system populates
this field from packaging fee information.

Net Disb (net disbursement) Displays the amount scheduled for disbursement to the student.
This value equals the loan disbursement amount minus the loan
fee amount plus any rebate amount.

Loan Paid This check box is selected when the loan funds are disbursed to
the student's account.

Enroll School Cd (enrollment school The Enrollment School Code represents the physical location
code) of the student at the disbursement level. The Enrollment School
Code reported is the OPEID of the Campus of the Financial Aid
Term associated with the disbursement ID.

• When the award is originated this field is blank and editable

by default.

• The Enrollment School Code can be overridden on the page

or by Population Update for disbursements not yet reported
to COD.

• When a disbursement is transmitted to COD, the field

becomes display only and is either blank to indicate that the
setup value was used or displays the override value.

See Defining Your Campus OPEID Codes.

Note: Oracle delivers the QA_CS_FA_DL_CROF query to compare cleaned-up loan fee data received
from COD with a CROFyyOP message class to system loan application data to identify loans that have a
mismatch in loan origination percentages and/or rebate amounts.

Access the Application Financial page (Financial Aid >Loans >Direct Lending Management >Manage
Direct Loan Application >Application Financial >SULA tab).

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Image: Application Financial page, SULA tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Application Financial page, SULA tab. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

SULA Disbursement Fields (subsidized Click this link to open the SULA Disbursement Field Detail
usage limit applies disbursement fields) page.

From AY 2021 or later, you can override the CIP Code Year on
this page.

Image: SULA Disbursement Field Detail (Application Financial)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on theSULA Disbursement Field Detail (Application
Financial) page.

Use this page to override SULA Disbursement information. You can override any of the fields on this
page until Disbursement Outbound occurs.

The SULA Validated Values column is populated after a validation process compares values in
the Student Term View and the Override fields for Origination, Origination Change (on only the
Disbursement block fields), and Disbursement.

The SULA Transmitted Values column reflects the SULA value during the Origination Outbound and
Disbursement Outbound processes.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1311

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

CIP Code Year This field appears if the award year is equal to or later than

The value you enter here appears on the SULA Disbursement

Field Detail page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending
Management > View Loan Processing Actions > Direct Loan
Disbt Actions).

The Payment Period Start Date, SULA Load, and CIP Code fields can be updated in batch via Population

Note: For COD Originations and Origination Changes, all SULA Load values are reported to COD as
"Full-time" for all loans unless there is a SULA Load override value entered on this page.
For COD Disbursements, either the student’s actual SULA Load or, if entered in this page, the SULA
Load override is reported to COD.

Note: Once the amount associated with a particular Disbursement ID has been disbursed to the student's
account, you are not permitted to override the disbursement-level SULA fields.

Processing and Reviewing Loan Application Acknowledgement Data

Access the Application Acknowledgement page (Financial Aid >Loans >Direct Lending
Management >Manage Direct Loan Application >Application Acknowledgement).

Image: Application Acknowledgement page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Application Acknowledgement page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

To perform one of the following actions, select the appropriate option and click the Update Origination

Hold Loan Select this option to manually change the loan processing status
to Hold. Selecting this option suspends processing for this
loan record. If you set a loan on hold, the system generates
an exception message for this activity on the Loan Exception
Messages page. After the exception message is generated, you
can enter a comment for audit purposes.

Remove Hold Select this option to manually remove a hold from a student's
loan and permit loan processing to continue. If you remove a
loan from hold, the system generates an exception message for
this activity on the Loan Exception Messages page. After the

1312 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

exception message is generated, you can enter a comment for

audit purposes.

Note: Hold Loan and Remove Hold can be updated using Population Update.

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Origination Detail
Activate Change Click this button to have the Loan Adjustment process review
the student for change transactions. Data changes in the Direct
Loan Application component or the Award Entry page do not
require you to manually start the Loan Adjustment process here.
Click the Activate Change button to start the Loan Adjustment
process for other data changes (for example, the student or
borrower name).

Loan Process Status Displays the current status of the loan. Values are:

Cancelled: Not used for Direct Lending.

Hold: Indicates the COD rejected an activity or a user manually

set the loan status to Hold. The system suspends all loan
processing until the hold is removed.

Offered and Not Accepted: Indicates that a loan transmission

based on an offer is not transmitted until the award is accepted.

Origination Pending: Indicates a pending origination that has

not been transmitted to the COD.

In Service: Indicates the loan has been transmitted to the COD.

Terminated: Indicates the award is cancelled and the Offer

amount is set to zero prior to transmission to the COD.

Loan Orig Trans Stat (loan Indicates the current status of the loan origination. Values are:
origination transmission status)
Accepted: Indicates the COD has accepted the loan.

Change Pending Transmission: Indicates an adjustment

generated a change transaction that has not been sent to the
COD. Any further changes entered alter the change record until
the transmission occurs.

Error: Represents an acknowledgement from the COD

indicating a rejection of an origination or origination change

Origination Pending Transmission: Indicates an Origination

that has not been transmitted to the COD.

Transmitted: Indicates that an acknowledgement from

the COD is due regarding an origination or an origination

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1313

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

change record. All loan change activity is suspended until the

acknowledgement arrives.

Misc Loan Detail (miscellaneous loan Click to access the Miscellaneous Loan Detail page, where you
detail) can review printing information, origination fees, and academic
year start/end dates.

Eligibility Detail Click to access the Loan Eligibility Detail page, where you can
review information on the student's loan eligibility.

Borrower Detail Click to access the Borrower Detail page, where you can review
the borrower's demographic information.

Student Detail Click to access the Student Detail page, where you can review
the student's demographic information.

Name Detail Click to access the Name Detail page, where you can review the
name on the loan.

Address Detail Click to access the Address Detail page, where you can review
or override the address for the loan.

ATB Detail (ability to benefit detail) Displays a link to Ability to Benefit information if present.
Click the link to view Ability to Benefit data.

See Managing Ability to Benefit.

Anticipated Tab
For definitions of the fields that appear on this tab:

See Processing and Reviewing Financial Data.

Acknowledged Tab
Select the Acknowledged tab.

Image: Application Acknowledgement page: Acknowledged tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Application Acknowledgement page:
Acknowledged tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Ack Antc Gr (acknowledged Displays the acknowledged anticipated gross disbursement

anticipated gross) amount, as acknowledged by the COD. This amount is derived

1314 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

from the offer balance on the award. The sum of the anticipated
gross amounts for this loan equals the loan certified amount.

Ack Antc Net (acknowledged Displays the acknowledged anticipated net amount, which
anticipated net) represents the maximum disbursement for the student, as
acknowledged by the COD. This amount is equal to the
difference between the anticipated gross and the anticipated fee

Ack Dsb Date (acknowledged Displays the acknowledged disbursement date, which
disbursement date) is the expected disbursement date, as specified on the
acknowledgment record.

Ln Paid Dt (loan paid date) Displays the actual date of the disbursement after the loan funds
are disbursed to the student's account and the Loan Paid check
box is selected.

Viewing Miscellaneous Loan Details

Access the Miscellaneous Loan Detail page (click the Misc Loan Detail link on the Application
Acknowledgement page).

The field values are derived from the Origination record and Direct Loan Application component.
If the COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED sections are
completed. If your institution has not received an acknowledgement or the Origination is rejected, only
the ORIGINATED section is complete.

Viewing Loan Eligibility Details

Access the Loan Eligibility Detail page (click the Eligibility Detail link on the Application
Acknowledgement page).

The field values are derived from the origination record and Direct Loan Application component. If the
COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED sections are completed.
If an acknowledgement has not been received or the origination is rejected, only the ORIGINATED
section is complete.

Viewing Borrower Details

Access the Borrower Detail page (click the Borrower Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement

The field values are derived from the origination record and Direct Loan Application component.
If the COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED sections are
completed. If your institution has not received an acknowledgement or the origination is rejected, only the
ORIGINATED section is complete.

Viewing Student Details

Access the Student Detail page (click the Student Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page).

The field values are derived from the origination record and Direct Loan Application component.
If the COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED sections are

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1315

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

completed. If your institution has not received an acknowledgement or the origination is rejected, only the
ORIGINATED section is complete.

Viewing Name Details

Access the Name Detail page (click the Name Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page).

The field values are derived from the origination record and Direct Loan Application component.
If the COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED sections are
completed. If your institution has not received an acknowledgement or the origination is rejected, only the
ORIGINATED section is complete.

Viewing Address Details

Access the Address Detail page (click the Address Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement

The field values are derived from the origination record and Direct Loan Application component.
If the COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED sections are
completed. If your institution has not received an acknowledgement or the origination is rejected, only the
ORIGINATED section is complete.

Viewing ATB Details

Access the Address Detail page (click the ATB Detail link on the Application Acknowledgement page).

The field values display the most current sequence row captured on the Manage Ability to Benefit
component. The field values are derived from the origination record and Direct Loan Application
component. If the COD has sent an acknowledgment, the ORIGINATED and ACKNOWLEDGED
sections are both populated. If your institution has not received an acknowledgement or the origination is
rejected, only the ORIGINATED section is populated.

See Managing Ability to Benefit.

Viewing SULA Details

Access the SULA Loan Detail page (click the SULA link on the Application Acknowledgement page).

These are award-level fields that are reported to COD.

Program Length in Months, Program Displays the Program Length based on Program Length Type
Length in Weeks, Program Length in and Program Length values in the Academic Plan setup.
See "Setting Up Taxonomy" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2:
Application Fundamentals).

Weeks Programs Academic Year Displays the number of weeks in a Program’s Academic Year
based on the following logic:

1. Check for a Student override for Acad Base Weeks. If it

exists, use it. If not,

2. Check for an Academic Program-level Acad Base Weeks. If

it exists, use it. If not,

1316 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

3. Use Financial Aid Installation Acad Base Weeks.

SULA Special Program Displays the SULA Special Program from the Financial Aid
Term record.

Credential Level Displays the Credential Level based on the Credential Level
Cross Reference setup.

See Setting Up 150 Percent Direct Subsidized Loan Limit


Viewing and Overriding Bio/Demo Data for Direct Lending

This section discusses how to:

• View direct loan name information.

• Override direct loan phone information.

• View direct loan address information.

• Override direct loan email information

• Override direct loan application information.

• Override informed borrower information.

Changes you make here do not change the Campus Community data. You must save changes to data
made on these pages. To commit the data you override to the Origination file and application pages, go
to Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Manage Direct Loan Application > App
Acknowledgement and click the Activate Change button. Then re-run Origination with adjustments.

Note: The system sends Bio/Demo data to the COD. If you choose to override data on any of these pages,
ensure the changes are accurate. If the student has more than one Stafford loan type such as a subsidized
and unsubsidized loan and if both loans have been created and originated, you must ensure that changes
are reflected on each loan type for the student.

Pages Used to Override Bio/Demo Data for Direct Lending

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Direct Loan Name LOAN_NAME Financial Aid > View the current name
Loans > Direct Lending information on a direct loan
Management > Override record. This is a view only
Loan Application Data > page.
Direct Loan Name

Direct Loan Phone LOAN_PHONE Financial Aid > Override telephone

Loans > Direct Lending information on the direct loan
Management > Override record.
Loan Application Data >
Direct Loan Phone

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1317

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Direct Loan Address LOAN_ADDRESS Financial Aid > View address information on
Loans > Direct Lending the direct loan record.
Management > Override
Loan Application Data >
Direct Loan Address

Direct Loan Email LOAN_EMAIL Financial Aid > Override email information
Loans > Direct Lending on the direct loan record.
Management > Override For direct lending, the email
Loan Application Data > address is restricted to 50
Direct Loan Email characters and must follow
email address identification

Direct Loan Demo Ovrd LOAN_DMO_OVRD_DL Financial Aid > Override Campus Community
Loans > Direct Lending or institutional application
Management > Override information.
Loan Application Data >
Direct Loan Demo Ovrd

PLUS Credit Override LOAN_ORIG_ELG_DL01 Financial Aid > Override PLUS Loan Credit
Loans > Direct Lending Information fields.
Management > Override
Loan Application Data >
PLUS Credit Override

Informed Borrower Override SFA_LN_IBT_OVRD Financial Aid > Override informed borrower
Loans > Direct Lending information.
Management > Override
Loan Application Data >
Informed Borrower Override

Viewing Direct Loan Name Information

Access the Direct Loan Name page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Override
Loan Application Data > Direct Loan Name).

1318 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Image: Direct Loan Name page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Name page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the ID, Career, Loan Type, Institution, Aid Year, and Appl Seq (application

The Loan Name Type and the full name of the borrower are displayed. If multiple name types are
associated with the loan, all are displayed. These fields are display only.

Overriding Direct Loan Phone Information

Access the Direct Loan Phone page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Override
Loan Application Data > Direct Loan Phone).

Image: Direct Loan Phone page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Phone page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Telephone Displays the current telephone number for the borrower. This
phone number originates from Campus Community. This field is
display only until you select the Override Phone check box.

Override Phone Select to override the current phone number on the loan record
only. Selecting the check box activates the Telephone field. If
you override this phone number, future adjustments to Campus

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1319

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Community information do not update this field. If you clear

this check box, the system reinserts the telephone number
originating from Campus Community.

Viewing Direct Loan Address Information

Access the Direct Loan Address page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Override
Loan Application Data > Direct Loan Address).

Image: Direct Loan Address page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Address page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Address Type Specifies the type of address displayed.

Country The address fields change depending on the country you select.
You can only select a country if you select the Override Address
check box.

Note: To make address changes, use the Addresses page in Campus Community (Managing Biographical
Information, Managing Addresses and Phone, Addresses).

Overriding Direct Loan Email Information

Access the Direct Loan Email page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Override
Loan Application Data > Direct Loan Email).

1320 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Image: Direct Loan Email page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Email page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Override Email Address Select to override the student's email address. Enter the
updated or changed email address in the field. If you override
the student's email address, future adjustments to Campus
Community information do not update this field. If you clear
this check box, the system reinserts the email information
originating from Campus Community.

Overriding Direct Loan Application Information

Access the Direct Loan Demo Ovrd page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
Override Loan Application Data > Direct Loan Demo Ovrd).

Image: Direct Loan Demo Ovrd page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Demo Ovrd page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Override Borrower SSN Select to change the borrower's social security number or date
for the SSN.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1321

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Override Academic Year Start Select to change the start date of the academic year for this

Override Academic Year End Select to change the end date of the academic year for this

Override Dependency Status Select to change the borrower's federal dependency status.

Override Student Citizenship Select to change the student's citizenship status. The values
acceptable to COD for Student Citizenship Stat are:

• 1 - Native

• 2 - Naturalized

• 3 - Alien Permanent

Note: This option only appears for parent PLUS loans.

Override Borrower BirthDate Select to change the borrower's date of birth and to enter the
date you changed the date of birth.

Override Borrower Citizenship Select to change the borrower's citizenship status. The values
acceptable to COD for Borrower Citizenship Stat are:

1: Native

2: Naturalized

3: Alien Permanent

Note: Override Borrower Citizenship can be updated using

Population Update for Stafford and GRAD PLUS loans.
Population Update can also update the 'student' citizenship field
for a DL PLUS parent application.

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft

Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Override Borrower Alien Reg Select to change the borrower's alien registration or Visa/permit
(override borrower alien registration) number.

Warning! If you override these required fields, your institution takes full responsibility for the data you
transmit that may be in conflict with existing institutional records. Access to this page should be limited
to key personnel.

Overriding PLUS Credit Decisions

Access the Direct Loan Demo Ovrd page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
Override Loan Application Data > PLUS Credit Override).

1322 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Image: PLUS Credit Override page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PLUS Credit Override page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to override PLUS Loan Credit Information fields.

Overriding Informed Borrower Information

Access the Informed Borrower Override page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
Override Loan Application Data > Informed Borrower Override).

Image: Informed Borrower Override page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Informed Borrower Override page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to override the Informed Borrowing tags, so that direct loan borrowers who complete the
Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment process can receive the first disbursement on their direct loan.

Override IB Complete Select to override the value in the Informed Borrowing

Complete field.

Informed Borrowing Complete This is available only when you select the Override IB
Complete check box.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1323

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Select Yes to indicate that the student has completed the

Informed Borrowing Confirmation process.

Override IB ID (Override Informed Select to override the value in the Informed Borrowing ID field.
Borrowing ID)

Informed Borrowing ID This is available only when you select the Override IB ID check

Enter the Informed Borrowing ID.

Override IB Date (Override Informed Select to override the value in the Informed Borrowing Cmplt
Borrowing Date) Dt field.

Informed Borrowing Cmplt Dt This is available only when you select the Override IB Date
(Informed Borrowing Completion Date) check box.

Select the appropriate date.

Warning! If you override these required fields, your institution takes full responsibility for the data you
transmit that may be in conflict with existing institutional records as well as any disbursements that occur
in relation to this override. Access to this page should be limited to key personnel.

Overriding and Viewing Direct Loan Origination Data and Action

This section discusses how to:

• Override direct loan origination data.

• View direct loan origination action messages.

• Review the loan origination action history.

• Review direct loan disbursement actions.

• Review loan exception messages.

Related Links
Reviewing COD Data

1324 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Pages Used to Override and View Direct Loan Origination Data and Action
Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Direct Loan Override LOAN_ORIG_ACK_DL01 Financial Aid > Manually accept a loan
Loans > Direct Lending origination, manually accept
Management > Override a promissory note, update the
Processing Status > Direct disbursement status, put the
Loan Override loan in hold or error status,
and remove a hold from the

Direct Loan Orig Actions LN_DL_ORIG_INQ Financial Aid > Review actions and errors
(direct loan origination Loans > Direct Lending pertaining to origination,
actions) Management > View Loan origination change, and
Processing Actions > Direct validation.
Loan Orig Actions

Direct Loan Disbt Actions LN_DL_DISB_INQ Financial Aid > View the disbursement actions
(direct loan disbursement Loans > Direct Lending associated with the loan.
actions) Management > View Loan
Processing Actions > Direct
Loan Disbt Actions

Direct Loan SULA Response SFA_DL_SULA_ACTN Financial Aid > View SULA response
(direct loan subsidized usage Loans > Direct Lending associated with the loan.
limit applies response) Management > View Loan
Processing Actions > Direct
Loan Disbt Actions

Loan Exception Messages LN_MSG_INQ Financial Aid > View messages pertaining
Loans > Direct Lending to loan processing, such as
Management > View Loan why a loan is on hold or
Processing Actions > Loan explanations for manual
Exception Messages overrides performed. The
information contained in this
page is cumulative for the
particular loan.

Overriding Direct Loan Origination Data

Access the Direct Loan Override page (Financial Aid >Loans >Direct Lending Management > Override
Processing Status >Direct Loan Override).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1325

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Image: Direct Loan Override page – Anticipated tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Override page – Anticipated tab.

Image: Direct Loan Override page – Acknowledged tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Override page – Acknowledged tab.

Warning! Use extreme caution when updating loan records with this page. Future processing and dollar
amounts are based on these loan amounts and loan statuses.

Note: If you override these required fields, your institution must take full responsibility for the data
you submit to Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) that may be in conflict with existing
institutional records. Access to this page should be limited to key personnel.

With the exception of the fields listed below, the fields on this page are the same as those on the
Application Acknowledgement page.

To perform one of the following actions, select the appropriate option and click the Update Origination

Accept Orig (accept origination) Perform this action only if you do not expect to receive an
acknowledgement file from the COD. Selecting this option
accepts the current originated loan amounts. The system
populates the transmitted fields with the same amount as
the originated fields. This is the same as receiving a Loan
Origination Acknowledgment file. Selecting this option also
manually releases a loan from Error status.

Update DL Disb Status (update If you select this option, the system reevaluates the
direct lending disbursement status) disbursement status for a student. Perform this action when you
manually override the credit status for a PLUS loan type or you
change the switches on the loan type.

1326 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Accept Promissory Note Select this option to override a promissory note

acknowledgement by manually accepting a promissory note.
Use this option if you did not or do not expect to receive a
promissory note acknowledgement from the COD or if the
promissory note was rejected and you want to authorize a
disbursement and report and transmit the disbursed award to the
COD on behalf of the borrower.

When you click the Update Origination button, the system does
the following:

• The system checks the Loan Pnote Stat (promissory note

status) field. If the status value is Accepted, no further
processing occurs. If status is not Accepted, the system
checks to see if a promissory note record has been created. If
no promissory note record exists, the system creates an entry
in the promissory note table for this loan.

• The system updates the promissory note status on both the

promissory note table and on the loan origination record to
A - Accepted.

• The system insets an entry into the promissory note action

table to indicate that the promissory note was manually
accepted. You can view this information on the Direct Loan
PNote page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending
Management > Review Promissory Note Actions > Direct
Loan PNote)or on the (view only) Direct Loan PNote
Action page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending
Management > View Promissory Note Actions > Direct
Loan PNote Action).

• The system inserts a message into the Loan Exception

Messages page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending
Management > Loan Exception Messages) indicating that
the promissory note was manually accepted. You can make
additional comments to explain why you manually accepted
the promissory note.

• The system reevaluates the disbursement status. If the

promissory note was the only criteria keeping the loan from
being disbursed, the system updates the appropriate fields to
allow for the disbursement of the loan funds.

Important! Use the promissory note acknowledgement override with caution. If the COD rejects a
promissory note after you have overridden the promissory note acknowledgement the loan's status is un-
booked. To get the loan to a booked status and properly disburse the funds, this situation must be resolved
directly with the COD.

Error Loan Perform this action only if you do not expect to receive an
acknowledgement file from the COD. Selecting this option
changes the Orig Trans Stat (origination transmission status) to

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1327

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Error. This simulates receiving an COD Acknowledgement that

rejects the origination or origination change record. This results
in loan adjustments reevaluating the loan for changes based on
the current acknowledgement values.

Note: When you perform any of the above actions, the system generates an exception message that you
can review on the Loan Exception Messages page. You are encouraged to note exceptions by adding your
own detail.

Viewing Direct Loan Origination Action Messages

The Direct Loan Actions Inquiry component is view only and is designed to provide status and processing
information to staff who may or may not be directly involved with the processing of Direct Lending files,
but may need access to direct lending information.

You use the DL Actions Inquiry component to view origination and disbursement action history and loan
exception messages.

For SULA processing, Oracle delivers a sample PS Query (QA_CS_FA_SULA_STUDENT) to assist you
in evaluating the COD reporting readiness of your students as it relates to their SULA fields. You can run
this before attempting to outbound an Origination, Origination Change, or Disbursement transaction. The
query includes all of the SULA-related fields that are validated during the Outbound process.

Note: For the SULA sample query, you must update the criteria to reflect the corresponding Aid Year's
FA Terms and EMPLID list.

Reviewing the Loan Origination Action History

Access the Direct Loan Orig Actions page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
View Loan Processing Actions > Direct Loan Orig Actions).

Image: Direct Loan Orig Actions page

Orig/Orig Chg Validate Errors – FA860A • > Disb Validation Error Report – FA860B

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Orig Actions page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

1328 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

The system displays the ID, Career, Loan Type, Institution, Aid Year, and Appl Seq (application
sequence) values. The application sequence number increases each time the system creates a new loan
origination record for each ID, career, loan type, institution, and aid year combination.

The following fields are derived from the Loan Origination record.

Item Type Displays the financial aid item type associated with this loan.

Loan Process Status Displays the current status of the loan. Values are:

Cancelled: Not used for direct lending.

Hold: Indicates the COD rejected an activity or a user manually

set the loan to hold status. The system suspends all loan
processing until the hold is removed.

Offered and Not Accepted: Indicates that a loan transmission

based on an offer is not be transmitted until the award is

Origination Pending: Indicates a pending origination that has

not been transmitted to the COD.

In Service: Indicates the loan has been transmitted to the COD.

Terminated: Indicates the award is cancelled and the Offer

amount is set to zero prior to transmission to the COD.

Loan Orig Trans Stat (loan Indicates the current status of the loan origination. Values are:
origination transaction status)
Accepted: Indicates the COD has accepted the loan.

Change Pending Transmission: Indicates an adjustment

generated a change transaction that has not been sent to the
COD. Any further changes entered alter the change record until
the transmission occurs.

Error: Represents an acknowledgement from the COD

indicating a rejection of an origination or origination change

Origination Pending Transmission: Indicates an Origination

that was not transmitted to the COD.

Transmitted: Indicates that an acknowledgement from the

COD is due regarding an origination or an origination change
record. The system suspends all loan change activity until the
acknowledgement arrives.

Total Certified Loan Amt (total Indicates the amount approved for the loan. This value is
certified loan amount) derived from the offer amount on the Award.

Borrower Requested Amount Derived from the Accepted Amount on the Award and
represents the Certified Amount to be reported to the COD.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1329

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Actions Tab
Seq (sequence) Displays the origination action sequence generated from the
loan record activity. When multiple sequences exist for a loan,
they display in reverse order; the most recent sequence displays
at the top.

Document ID Click this hyperlink to the View COD Data component which
represents the COD Staging Table results.

Note: This is the disbursement-related activity being sent to or

received by COD.

Description Displays the description of the action. Values are:

Accepted Orig

Rejected Orig

Accepted Orig/Credit Chk PLUS only

Acpt Orig/Credit Chk Denied PLUS only

Loan Originated

Lower Endr

Orig Change

Manually Accepted

Manually Rejected


Orig not Proc, Rejected Doc

Change not Proc, Rejected Doc

Disb not Proc, Rejected Doc

Note: Regarding the Orig not Proc, Rejected Doc, Change not
Proc, Rejected Doc, and Disb not Proc, Rejected Doc Actions:
If the system receives a file whose entire document was
rejected, instead of placing all impacted loans contained in
the Rejected Document XML on Hold, the system resets the
loan to its previous Loan Processing Status prior to the loan
being transmitted to COD (for example, Orig Pending, Change
Pending, or Disb Pending). This way, when you are able to
identify and resolve the offending students in the Rejected
Document, you can run the corresponding Outbound processes
for inclusion in the transmission.

Action Status Displays the current status of the action. Values are:


1330 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Ac-NtApld (accepted-not applied)








The action status for an acknowledgement is always Received.

If the COD rejects an origination or origination change record,
the system creates a new Loan Originated row to track the re-
submission of the failed/rejected action.

Msg (message) Note: This column with no header only appears where there is a
message to view for the action.

Click this hyperlink to view:

• Change transactions being generated to COD,

• Origination or Origination Change Validation errors.

• Origination or Origination Change Response Error Codes.

Status Date For actions representing received information, the action

status date is the COD acknowledgement date. For actions
representing transmitted information, this date is the date the
action is created.

Loan Action Dttm (loan action date/ For actions representing received information, the action date
time) time field displays the date and time the acknowledgement is
loaded to the system. For actions representing sent information,
this field displays the date and time the transmission was sent.

CRC Lender Information Tab

Select the CRC Lender Information tab.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1331

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Image: Direct Loan Orig Actions page: CRC Lender Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Orig Actions page: CRC Lender
Information tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Instance Displays the unique identifier assigned to the particular process

that created the action row.

User Displays the user ID for the individual who processed the

Explaining Direct Loan Origination Status and Action Codes

This section provides an explanation of the Direct Lending Status Codes for origination. This includes the
processes run and the actions that generate each status code. The fields referenced in the following table
display on the Direct Loan Orig Actions page.

Loan Processing Loan Origination Loan Origination Loan Origination Status/Action

Status Transmission Action Action Status Explanation

Orig Pend Orig Pend Loan Originated Pending You have not
transmitted the loan to
the COD. Any changes
that you make to the
source data are applied
to the loan record by
the loan adjustments.
The system does
not create a change

1332 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Loan Processing Loan Origination Loan Origination Loan Origination Status/Action

Status Transmission Action Action Status Explanation

In Service Trans Loan Originated Transmitted You have run the

Direct Loan Outbound
process and sent the
loan origination or loan
origination change
records to the COD.
The system suspends
Loan Origination
Change Processing
until you receive the
acknowledgement from
the COD. The system
updates the action

In Service Accepted Accepted Orig, Received You received

Accepted Orig/Credit an origination
Chk, Acpt Orig/Crdt acknowledgement and
Chk Denied, or Acpt the COD accepted the
Orig/Crdt Chk Pending loan origination. The
system inserts a new
origination action.
If you change the
origination data, the
system generates an
origination change

Hold Orig Pend Rejected Orig Received You received

an origination
from the COD and
ran COD Inbound.
The COD rejected the
origination. The system
inserts two new actions
(Rejected Orig and
Loan Originated).

Hold Orig Pend Loan Originated Pending As a result of the

previous action,
the system inserts a
new loan origination
action to resubmit the

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1333

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Loan Processing Loan Origination Loan Origination Loan Origination Status/Action

Status Transmission Action Action Status Explanation

Terminated Origination Pending The award was

before transmitting the
loan origination to the

Explaining Direct Loan Origination Change Status and Action Codes

This section provides an explanation of the Direct Lending Status Codes for Origination Change. This
includes the processes run and the actions that generate each status code. The fields referenced in the
following table display on the Direct Loan Orig Actions page.

Loan Processing Loan Origination Loan Origination Loan Origination Status/Action

Status Transmission Action Action Status Explanation

In Service Change Pend Orig Change Pending You changed

origination data after
the COD accepted the
origination; therefore,
the Loan Adjustment
process created an
origination change
record. The Origination
program inserts a new
origination action.

In Service Transmitted Orig Change Transmitted You have transmitted

an origination change
and the origination
program inserts a new
origination action.

In Service Accepted Orig Change Accepted You received

an origination
from the COD and
the origination
change is accepted.
The Origination
program inserts a new
origination action.

1334 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Loan Processing Loan Origination Loan Origination Loan Origination Status/Action

Status Transmission Action Action Status Explanation

In Service Accepted Orig Change Accepted Lower Endr – You

sent a loan application
Lower Endr based on a Credit
Override of – Accept
Endorser with an
Endorser amount lower
than the original loan
award amount. You
received an origination
and COD accepted
the updated loan
origination. The system
inserts this row of
data and a Accepted
Origination Change
row. Therefore, two
loan action rows
are inserted when a
response to Lower
Award amount is
loaded. This is done
to show that the award
amount was reduced
as a result of lower
Endorser amount.

Hold Error Orig change Rejected You received an

origination change
acknowledgement from
the COD that rejects
the origination change.
The Origination
program inserts a new
origination action.

Reviewing Direct Loan Disbursement Actions

Access the Direct Loan Disbt Actions page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
View Loan Processing Actions > Direct Loan Disbt Actions).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1335

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Image: Direct Loan Disbt Actions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Disbt Actions page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The item type, status, and amount fields are the same as those on the Direct Loan Orig Actions page.

Disbursement ID Displays the ID number assigned to this particular disbursement.

Loan Disb Trans Stat (loan Indicates the status for this disbursement. Values are:
disbursement transaction status)
• Accepted

• Actual (actual disbursement)

• Chg Pend (change pending)

• Disb Pend (disbursement pending)

• Error

• Trans (transmitted)

Actions Tab
Seq (sequence) Displays the disbursement action sequence generated from the
loan record activity. When multiple sequences exist for a loan,
the most recent sequence appears at the top.

Document ID Click this hyperlink to the View COD Data component which
represents the COD Staging Table results.

Note: This is the data that gets sent to COD.

Description Displays the description of the disbursement action type. The

values are:

• Adjusted Disbursement

• Canceled Disbursement

1336 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

• Actual Disbursement

• Booking Disbursement

• Booking Adjustment

• Anticipated Disbursement

• Servicer Refund

• Disbursed to Student Account

Action Status Displays the current status of the disbursement action. The
values are:

• Accepted

• Ac-NtApld (accepted-not applied)

• Accepted with Corrected Award

• Authorized

• Failed

• Invalid

• Pending

• Received

• Rejected

• Transmitted

The action status for an Acknowledgement is always Received.

Msg (message) Note: This column with no header only appears where there is a
message to view for the action.

Click this hyperlink to view:

• Disbursement-level Validation errors,

• Disbursement Response Error Codes.

Loan Action Status Date For actions representing received information, displays the COD
acknowledgement date. For actions representing transmitted
information, this is the date the action is created.

Details Tab
Select the Details tab.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Image: Direct Loan Disbt Actions page: Details tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Disbt Actions page: Details tab. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Action Dttm (loan action date/ For actions representing received information, the action date
time) time is the date/time the acknowledgement is loaded to the
system. For actions representing sent information, this is the
date and time the transmission is sent.

Loan Disb Action Amt (loan Displays the gross disbursement amount.
disbursement action amount)

Loan Disb Action Fee (loan Displays the loan fee amount for the disbursement.
disbursement action fee)

Loan Disb Action Net (loan Displays the net disbursement amount, minus fees, plus rebate.
disbursement action net)

Loan Disb Action Adj (loan Displays the adjusted disbursement amount reported.
disbursement action adjustment)

Select the SULA tab.

1338 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Image: Direct Loan Disbt Actions page: SULA tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Disbt Actions page: SULA tab. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

SULA Disbursement Fields (subsidized

usage limit applied disbursement fields) Click this link to view the SULA disbursement field details.

CRC Lender Information Tab

Select the CRC Lender Information tab.

Image: Direct Loan Disbt Actions page: CRC Lender Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Disbt Actions page: CRC Lender
Information tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Direct Lending Booked Status Displays Booked if the COD has accepted and acknowledged
the origination, first disbursement, and promissory notes. Until
this occurs, the status is Unbooked.

Loan Disb Sequence Status (loan Displays one of the following values:
disbursement sequence status)

Invalid (invalid sequence number)

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

AlrdyRecv (already received)

Loan School Cd Status (loan school Displays one of the following values: blank if the school code is
code status) accepted and I - Invalid if the school code is invalid.

Loan Disbursement Status Displays one of the following values:


Invalid (invalid disbursement)

AlrdyRecv (already received)


Loan ID Status Displays one of the following values:

I - Invalid Loan Identifier

N - Loan Identifier Not on File

blank - Accepted

Instance Displays the number used by the system to count the

occurrences of the processes you run. Use this on the Messages
page to select the particular instance of the process.

User ID Displays the user ID for the individual who processed the

Explaining Direct Loan Disbursement Status and Action Codes

This section provides an explanation of the Direct Lending Status Codes for disbursements. This includes
the processes run and actions that generate each status code. The fields referenced in the following table
are located on the Direct Loan Disbt Actions page.

The Loan Disbursement Transaction Status field appears opposite the Disbursement ID. The loan
disbursement action status refers to the Action Status field on the page.

Loan Disbursement Loan Loan Disbursement Status/Action Explanation

Transmission Status Disbursement Action Status

Disb Pend Anticipated Pending You originated the loan. This record
Disbursement represents the anticipated disbursement
data at the time of disbursement. The
Origination program inserts a new
disbursement action row.

Disb Pend Disbursed to Student Received You authorized and disbursed funds to
Account the students account. The Disbursement
program inserts a new disbursement action

1340 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Loan Disbursement Loan Loan Disbursement Status/Action Explanation

Transmission Status Disbursement Action Status

Transmitted Actual Disbursement Transmitted You transmitted an actual disbursement

record to the COD. The Disbursement
Outbound program inserts a new
disbursement action.

Accepted Actual Disbursement Accepted You received a disbursement

acknowledgement from the COD that
indicates the disbursement was accepted.
The Disbursement Inbound program
updates the disbursement action.

Error Actual Disbursement Rejected You received a disbursement

acknowledgement from the COD
indicating the disbursement was rejected.
The Disbursement program updates the
disbursement action.

Transmitted Adjusted Transmitted You transmitted an adjusted disbursement

Disbursement record to the COD. The Disbursement
Outbound program inserts a new
disbursement action.

Accepted Adjusted Accepted You received a disbursement

Disbursement acknowledgement from the COD
indicating the disbursement adjustment
was accepted. The Disbursement Inbound
program updates the disbursement action.

Error Adjusted Rejected You received a disbursement

Disbursement acknowledgement from COD indicating
the disbursement adjustment was rejected.
The disbursement program updates the
disbursement action.

Accepted Booking Accepted You received a booking notification from

Disbursement COD. The booking notification indicates
that the loan origination, promissory
note and the first actual disbursement
are accepted. The booking notification
includes the Disbursement Activity Type L
booking disbursement, the booked date and
COD's total net booked amount.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Loan Disbursement Loan Loan Disbursement Status/Action Explanation

Transmission Status Disbursement Action Status

Accepted Booking Adjustment Accepted For each disbursement adjustment

acknowledgement you receive from COD,
you also receive a booking notification.
The booking notification includes the
Disbursement Activity Type M booking
adjustment, booked date and COD's total
net booked amount.

Accepted Servicer Refund Accepted You received a servicer refund

acknowledgement from COD.

Accepted Adjusted Accepted with Corrected You received a disbursement

Disbursement Award acknowledgement from COD with
Response Error Code 219 indicating that
the student’s award amount has been
adjusted downward by COD to equal
the sum of the actual and anticipated

Look for these values in the Response file:

• ResponseCode tag = C

• EditProcessResult tag = 219

• ResponseErrorField tag =

• ResponseErrorValue tag = COD-

corrected loan amount

Reviewing Direct Loan SULA Response

Access the Loan Exception Messages page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
View Loan Processing Actions > Direct Loan SULA Response).

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Image: Direct Loan SULA Response page

This illustrates the Direct Loan SULA Response page.

For Subsidized Usage Limit Applies (SULA) rules, COD calculates a borrower's Subsidized Usage for
two categories of usage: Undergraduate Subsidized Usage and Non-Credential Teacher Certification
Usage. Depending upon whether the Special Programs tag equals T (Non-Credential Teacher
Certification), one or both of these categories may be populated with duration, consumption, and
remaining eligibility values. Also displayed is either anticipated and/or actual values, depending upon
whether at least one actual disbursement has taken place (driven by Disbursement Release Indicator
equaling true or false).

Reviewing Loan Exception Messages

Access the Loan Exception Messages page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
View Loan Processing Actions > Loan Exception Messages).

Image: Loan Exception Messages page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Exception Messages page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

DateTime Displays the date and time that the message was created.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Message Displays the exception message logged for each transaction

listed. You can enter further information regarding the exception
message using the Loan Message Comment page.

Details Click this link to view additional message information.

Updating Loan Dates

This section discusses updating Loan Period Start, Loan Period End, Academic Year Start and Academic
Year End dates for CommonLine & Direct loans.

Page Used to Update Loan Dates

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan Date Update SFA_LNUPD_PG Financial Aid, Loans, Process Update Loan Period Start,
Loan Dates Loan Period End, Academic
Year Start and Academic Year
End dates for CommonLine &
Direct loans.

Updating Loan Dates

Access the Loan Date Update page (Financial Aid >Loans >Process Loan Dates).

1344 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Image: Loan Date Update page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Loan Date Update page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the Loan Date Update process to update Loan Period Start, Loan Period End, Academic Year Start
and Academic Year End dates for CommonLine & Direct loans.

Note: This process only allows dates to be updated for eligible loan records. Since this process does not
create change transactions, eligible loan records are those having a Loan Process Status of O (Origination
Pending and a Transmission Status of O (Origination Pending Transmission). Oracle recommends running
this process immediately after Loan Origination and/or just prior to the Loan Outbound process.

Query Name Displays only when PS Query is selected in the Selection Tool
field. Select a PS Query that uses the SFA_LNUPD_BND bind

Equation Name Select an equation that is defined with the application prompt
Loan Date Update.

Populate Click this button to automatically populate the grid with ALL
valid Disbursement Plans and Dates based on the Academic
Institution, Aid Year, and Academic Career combination. These
are the default dates based on setup, you can then delete/modify
rows as needed.

Disb Plan (disbursement plan) Enter valid Disbursement Plans based on the Academic
Institution, Aid Year, and Academic Career combination.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

For the Date Fields (Loan Period Start, Loan Period End, Acad Year Start, and Acad Year End), enter the
date value you want to be updated on the student’s loan record for the Academic Institution, Aid Year,
Academic Career, and Disb Plan combination.

Note: If a Date Field is left blank, no update is made for that Academic Institution, Aid Year, Academic
Career, Disb Plan, and Date combination. In other words, the date that currently exists on the student’s
loan record remains.

If a Date field is updated during this process, the associated Override field is marked as “Y”.

Loan Date Field Override Field

Loan Period Start/Loan Period End Loan Period Override (LN_PERIOD_OVRD)

Academic Year Start Academic Year Start Override (LN_ACAD_ST_OVRD)

Academic Year End Academic Year End Override (LN_ACAD_END_OVRD)

Related Links
"Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Creating and Using Promissory Notes

Multi-year Master Promissory Notes allow a student to sign and use one promissory note throughout
multiple loan years and for multiple schools participating in the multi-year master promissory notes.

All existing 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 master promissory notes, are treated as multi-year promissory
notes. Schools that are eligible for multi-year promissory note functionality can use these existing master
promissory notes for 2001-2002 loans for the same student. Borrowers who attend a school that is eligible
for multi-year functionality are required to have only one master promissory note on file at the COD for
all subsidized and unsubsidized loans disbursed for the academic year 2000-2001 and forward. An open
master promissory note on file at the COD is assigned to the borrower and can be used by any school
eligible for multi-year functionality.

Note: The Social Security Number, date of birth, and first name on the Loan Origination Record must
match the same values on the master promissory note, otherwise the COD cannot link the existing master
promissory note to the Loan Origination Record.

An open master promissory note is valid for up to ten years from the date of the first anticipated
disbursement, if an actual disbursement is made. Students can close open master promissory notes by
calling a customer service representative at the COD. After a master promissory note is closed, no new
loans can be disbursed without generating a new master promissory note. However, all disbursements and
booking activity for the loans already attached to the closed master promissory notes are processed.

Single-year schools are not eligible to use multi-year master promissory notes. For these schools, a
borrower must sign a new master promissory note for each academic year. Single-year schools must use
a master promissory note generated specifically for that institution. For these schools, subsidized and
unsubsidized loans for the same student and the same academic year can be linked to a single master
promissory note.

1346 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

This section discusses how to:

• Create a promissory note communication record.

• Print direct loan master promissory notes.

• Sign and review direct loan promissory notes.

• Create batch signatures for DL promissory notes.

You use the same pages whether you are creating multi-year promissory notes or single year promissory

For more information regarding the use of the Electronic Master Promissory Note and alternative print
options to allow COD to print and communicate with borrowers regarding promissory note requirements,

For more information, see U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination and Disbursement
(COD) Technical Reference.

Pages Used to Create and Use Promissory Notes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Create DL PNote RUNCTL_DLPN02 Financial Aid > Create promissory note

Communication (create Loans > Create PNote communication records
direct loan promissory note Communication > Create DL for the types of documents
communication) PNote Communication defined in the report package
selected. The print process
that produces the output for
the promissory notes reads the
communication record.

Print DL Promissory Note RUNCTL_DL_PN_PRT02 Financial Aid > Loans > Print promissory notes for
(print direct loan promissory Print Promissory Note > Print direct lending.
note) DL Promissory Note

Direct Loan Pnote (direct loan LN_DL_PNOTE Financial Aid > For an originated loan,
promissory note) Loans > Direct Lending indicate when a promissory
Management > Review note has been signed,
Promissory Note Actions > adjust the status of the
Direct Loan PNote promissory note for the
loan manifest, reprint the
promissory note, create
another promissory note, and
cancel the promissory note.

DL Batch Signature (direct DL_BTCH_PNT Financial Aid > Record promissory note
loan batch signature) Loans > Direct Lending signatures in batch mode
Management > Create and remove signatures in
Signatures in Batch > DL batch. To record promissory
Batch Signature note signatures, select the
promissory note IDs and
apply the signatures. You can
sign a group of promissory
notes or individual promissory
notes. You can remove the
signature from a promissory

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Loan PNote Selection LN_DL_PNOTE_SLCT Click the Batch PNote Enter criteria to be used to
Criteria (loan promissory note Selection button from the DL select the promissory notes to
selection criteria) Batch Signature page. sign or un-sign.

Creating a Promissory Note Communication Record

Access the Create DL Pnote Communication page (Financial Aid > Loans > Create PNote
Communication > Create DL PNote Communication).

Use this page to run the Create PNote Communication Rec process (FAPLDPN2). You can create
direct lending (and non-Direct Lending) promissory note communication records that determine which
promissory notes are printed, based on the criteria you enter. The fields in the Selection Criteria group box
have a cumulative search effect. Each field that you enter narrows your search criteria.

The DL PNote Create program (FAPLDPN2.CBL) creates one VAR_DATA_LOAN record if it is

assigning a Checklist and Communication at the same time and ensures consistent VAR_DATA_LOAN
data. When you run the Loan Origination and the DL Pnote Create (FAPLDPN2.CBL) processes, the
system populates the fields to be in sync. This accommodates users who run the CCLTRGEN routines.
For loans other than direct loans, the system populates all fields except for LN_APPL_ID. As a result, the
system only creates one VAR_DATA_LOAN record when the loan origination process is run along with
the CCLTRGEN routine.

Selection Criteria
Select the institution, aid year, and academic career for which to create a promissory note communication
record for loans originated for that group of students.

Ln Output Type (loan output type) Select a value to set the output format for your documents from
Delimited, External, Fixed, and Positional. For direct lending,
the system supports External (for institutions that use third-party
software to generate documents) and Positional values.

Report Package Specify your report package based on how you set up the Loan
Report Packages page. The system evaluates the report package
and assigns communications to any loan types the student may
have that correspond to the document types defined in the

Document Type Select from:

Hlth Pnote

Mstr Pnote: The system generates communications only for

Subsidized Stafford or Unsubsidized Stafford loan types.

PNote: The system generates communications for PLUS and

Graduate PLUS loans.

Perk PNote

Univ Pnote

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

All document types are linked to the loan category and loan
program from the Loan Type Table.

If you leave this field blank, the system assigns communications

to any loan types that the student has that correspond to the
document types defined in the report package. If you enter a
value, the system assigns communications only to the loan type
that matches the selected document type. For example, if Pnote
is selected, the system generates communications only for PLUS

Note: Although Cover Ltr, TIL, and TIS are listed, they are not valid selections for Document Type for
this process.

Print Option Select which promissory notes to print. Values are:

Blank: This option prints promissory notes for all loan types that
have not had a promissory note printed.

New: This option is similar to the Blank option processing

promissory notes for all loan types, except when processing
direct lending subsidized and unsubsidized loans. The New
option only creates a master promissory note communication
for students who do not have an accepted loan origination in
a previous year and who do not have a MPN on file with the

P Stat: This option prints all promissory notes that the COD
origination acknowledgment file has flagged to print.

From Date and Thru Date Select a range of dates. The system generates communications
for loans with origination dates that start with the From Date
and end with the Thru Date.

Student Override Select this check box to allow you to print a promissory note for
specific students. If an existing promissory note is lost, use this
method to create new communications.

ID Select an ID for the students requiring their promissory note to

be printed. Add a new row for each student for whom you want
to create a promissory note communication.

Note: After you run the Create DL PNote Comm process once with the document type blank, you can
create additional promissory notes and promissory note communications by running the process using
singular document types or using the From Date and Thru Date. Otherwise, the communication continues
to select all the promissory note types and populating the promissory note communication table with
multiple rows.

Check the Batch Message Inquiry page in this component after you run the process to be sure it
completed correctly.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Printing Direct Loan Master Promissory Notes

Access the Print DL Promissory Note page (Financial Aid > Loans > Print Promissory Note > Print DL
Promissory Note).

Use this page to run the Print Packages/PNote Docs process (FALDPNT2).

You can use Master Promissory Notes (MPN) in making Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford, PLUS,
and Graduate PLUS loans in the Direct Loan (DL) program. One promissory note can be used to make
one or more loans to a parent borrower to help pay for the educational costs of one dependent student for
one or more academic years.

If your institution collects signed promissory notes for the Direct Lending program, you can produce
a manifest to send with the signed promissory notes to the Direct Lending common origination and
disbursement processing center (COD).

A loan origination record must exist before you can create a promissory note. Set up your Manage
Communication Tables in Campus Community, set up Loan Report Packages and DL Serial Pnote Tables
in Process Loans. To print a promissory note, first create a promissory note communication record for the
types of documents defined in the report package selected. The print process that produces the output for
the promissory notes reads the communication record.

Campus Solutions uses an unlabeled format for printing promissory notes and only supports a positional
print process. There is also an extract process.

Note: For details on how to set up a loan origination record, the Manage Communication Table, Loan
Report Packages, and DL Serial Pnote Tables:

See Creating and Using Promissory Notes.

Selection Criteria
The following fields are the same as those on the Create DL PNote Comm page: Institution, Aid Year,
Career, Ln Output Type, Student Override, and ID.

Ln Output Type (loan output type) Select Positional. For Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford
promissory notes, the system prints for unlabeled forms. For
PLUS promissory notes, the system prints for labeled forms.

Report Package Select Positional.

Document Type If you leave this field blank, the system generates output for
each type of document defined in the report package that has an
unprocessed communication record. If a cover letter or truth-
in-lending document(s) is defined in the package they are also

If you enter a value, the system generates output only for the
document type selected (where an unprocessed communication
record exists).

If you select Mstr Pnote, the system generates output only for
Subsidized and Unsubsidized Stafford Promissory Notes. If

1350 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

you select Pnote, the system generates output only for PLUS
Promissory Notes.

From Date and Thru Date Select the range of dates for the promissory note/package print
process. The system processes communication records with
dates that start with the date you enter in the From Date field
and end with the date you enter in the Thru Date field.

If you select the Student Override check box, the date fields do
not appear.

Number of Copies Enter the number of promissory notes to print.

Note: The system manages positional printing differently. When you run the process to create the
communication record, the system processes all loan types associated with the package. It creates all of
the communication records. If you are using positional printing, you can only print one document at a
time. When you select the package you want to use, you must also specify which document type you want
to run.

Signing and Reviewing Direct Loan Promissory Notes

Access the Direct Loan PNote page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Review
Promissory Note Actions > Direct Loan PNote).

Note: The Direct Loan Pnote page can only be accessed if a Promissory Note Acknowledgement file is
imported or if the school internally creates promissory notes to manage.

Image: Direct Loan PNote page: Actions tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan PNote page: Actions tab. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: Select the tabs on the page to access multiple views of this page. Fields common to all views are
documented first.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Common Page Information

DL Pnote ID Beginning with 2003-2004, direct loan application processing
supports master promissory note requirements for the PLUS
loan types. The system adds the letter N to the ID to indicate
that the loan is PLUS Loan MPN. The system adds the
letter M to indicate that the loan is a Stafford (subsidized or
unsubsidized) Loan MPN.

Loan PNOTE Type (loan promissory Displays the type of promissory note used for this loan.
note type)

Loan PNote Status (loan promissory Displays the current status of the loan promissory note.
note status)
• Ack Pending(acknowledgement pending) – Status is set
when the Promissory Note is created by the system.

• Accepted – Status is set when acknowledgment is received

from COD and processed by the system.

• Rejected – Status is set when acknowledgment is received

from COD and processed by the system.

• Closed – Status is set when acknowledgment is received

from COD and processed by the system. No additional loan
awards can be associated with this promissory note, but
disbursement and booking processing may continue with

• Endorser – Value represents the MPN Status as reported

by COD on either the origination or promissory note
acknowledgement files. This status is used beginning with
the 2012–2013 aid year.

• Inactive – Status is set when acknowledgment is received

from COD and processed by the system. No additional loan
awards can be associated with this promissory note, but
disbursement and booking processing may continue with

Note: Closed, Endorser, and Inactive MPN values are reported

by COD. For disbursement purposes, the system treats Closed,
Endorser, and Inactive MPNs as an Accepted MPN. For more
information regarding how COD processes MPN's:

See the U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination

and Disbursement (COD) Technical Reference

Promissory Note Amount Displays the amount of the promissory note.

Borrower Signature Select this check box when the borrower has signed the
promissory note. For a PLUS loan, the borrower is the parent
or guardian. The system makes the Student Signature field

1352 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Note: The Checklist associated with the loan type is inserted when the Promissory note Communication
is assigned. In previous versions of Financial Aid, the Checklist associated with the loan was inserted at
loan origination. Make sure you have assigned a 3Cs inquiry group to your communication category.

Student Signature Select this check box when the student has signed the
promissory note. The student signature is unavailable on the
promissory note for PLUS loans only.

Signature Date Displays today's date. You can edit the field if needed.

Manifest Select the status of this promissory note in regards to the Loan
Manifest. Use this check box when your institution collects
signed promissory notes and sends them with a manifest to a
loan service provider or the direct lending common origination
and disbursement processing center (COD). The values are:

Authorize: Indicates that the signature check boxes are selected.

Batch: Indicates that the Manifest Generation process is


Pending: Indicates that the loan is originated.

Actions Tab
Sequence Displays the promissory note action sequence generated from
the loan record activity. When multiple sequences exist for a
promissory note, they display in reverse chronological order.

Description Displays a description for the displayed action code.

Loan Pnote Status (loan promissory Displays the current status of the promissory note. Values are
note status) Accepted, Pending, and Rejected.

Loan Action Status Dt (loan action Indicates the date when the loan action status activity occurred.
status date)

Details Tab
Select the Details tab.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Image: Direct Loan PNote page: Details tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan PNote page: Details tab. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Borrower Signature Indicates whether the borrower has signed the promissory note.

Signature Date Displays the date that the Borrower Signature check box was
selected, or the actual date the borrower signed the promissory
note if you edited the signature date.

Student Signature This field is unavailable with PLUS loans when the borrower is
not the student.

Signature Date Displays the date that the Student Signature check box is
selected, or the actual date the student signed the promissory
note if you edited the signature date.

Promissory Note Amount Displays the amount printed on the promissory note.

CRC Lender Information Tab

Select the CRC Lender Information tab.

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Image: Direct Loan PNote page: CRC Lender Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan PNote page: CRC Lender Information
tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Loan Action Dttm (loan action date Displays the date and time the loan promissory note status was
and time) posted.

Batch ID Displays the direct lending batch ID.

Instance Displays the number that the system assigns incrementally to

count the occurrences of the processes you run. You can use this
number to select the particular instance of the process for which
you want to view the process results.

User ID Displays the ID of the person who ran the process.

Creating Batch Signatures for DL Promissory Notes

Access the DL Batch Signature page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Create
Signatures in Batch > DL Batch Signature).

Use this page to sort based on aid year by selecting it on the Selection Criteria page.

Note: This page is designed to select a cumulative list of outstanding unsigned promissory notes. To
select the promissory notes to be signed, review the aid year designation in the DL Pnote ID. The two-
digit aid year designation is located after the Borrower's Social Security Number and the M for a Stafford
loan and the P for a PLUS.

Description Enter a description for the current batch of signatures that you
are creating.

Batch Pnote Action (batch Choose the Select option to specify the promissory notes to sign.
promissory note action)

Batch PNote Selection (batch Click this link to access the Loan Pnote Selection Criteria page,
promissory note selection) where you can specify which promissory notes to sign.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Click the lightening bolt to activate the selection.

The group box contains the promissory note ID numbers and names of the students you selected.

DL PNote ID (direct lending Select the unique ID assigned to the promissory note.
promissory note ID)

Name Displays the borrower name that is on the promissory note.

PNote Status Displays the current status of the promissory note. Values are
Accepted, Pending, and Rejected.

PNote Type Specifies the type of promissory note. It displays either MPN for
Stafford loans or PNOTE for PLUS loans.

Borrower Signature Select this check box to indicate that the borrower signed the
promissory note. The system automatically selects this check
box when you sign a batch of promissory notes. Clearing
the check box indicates that the borrower has not signed the
promissory note. Use the date field to enter the date that the
borrower signed the promissory note.

Student Signature This check box is active for PLUS PNOTE types only.

The field that displays to the right of the student signature date field contains the status of the manifest.
When you sign the promissory note, the status changes to Authorize. Prior to signing the promissory
notes, the status is Pending. After the manifest generation process is complete, the status is Batch.

Signing or Un-signing a Group of Promissory Notes

To sign the entire group of promissory notes:

1. Select the Sign option in the Batch PNote Action field.

2. Click the lightening bolt to select all the active signature check boxes. For PLUS notes, both the
Borrower Signature and Student Signature check boxes are active.

To un-sign the entire group of promissory notes:

1. Select the Unsign option in the Batch PNote Action field.

2. Click the lightening bolt to clear all the active signature check boxes.

The group box contains the promissory note ID numbers and names of the students you selected.

Entering Loan Pnote Selection Criteria

Access the Loan PNote Selection Criteria page (click the Batch PNote Selection button from the DL
Batch Signature page).

You can select promissory notes by the borrower's name or National ID number. For U.S. citizens this is
the social security number. You can also specify whether to select promissory notes of a specific type.

Aid Year Select the aid year on which to sort the signature records.

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Last Name FROM and Last Name Use these fields to select a group of students by their last names.
TO Enter the beginning name for the range in the FROM field and
the ending name in the TO field.

National ID FROM and National ID Use these fields to select a group of students by their national ID
TO numbers. Enter the beginning national ID number for the range
in the FROM field and the ending national ID in the TO field.

Loan PNOTE Type Select the type of promissory note to sign. Select MPN for
Stafford loans or PNOTE for PLUS loans. To include both types
of promissory notes, select Both.

Viewing Promissory Note Action History and Loan Disbursement

This section discusses how to:

• View promissory note action history.

• View loan disbursement messages.

Page Used to View Promissory Note Action History and Loan Disbursement
Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Direct Loan PNote Action LN_DL_PNOTE_INQ Financial Aid > View promissory note action
Loans > Direct Lending history. This is information
Management > View the same information as
Promissory Note Actions > on the Direct Loan PNote
Direct Loan PNote Action page, but this page cannot
be updated. You can also
review messages pertaining to
rejected transactions.

Viewing Promissory Note Action History

Access the Direct Loan PNote Action page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
View Promissory Note Actions > Direct Loan PNote Action).

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Image: Direct Loan PNote Action page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan PNote Action page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Actions Tab
Click the Msg (message) link to access the Loan Disbursement Messages page, where you can view
messages that explain the problem with the promissory note.

Related Links
Signing and Reviewing Direct Loan Promissory Notes

Viewing Loan Disbursement Messages

Access the Loan Disbursement Messages page (click the Msg link on the Direct Loan PNote Action

PNt MsqSq (promissory note Displays the number generated from the promissory note record
message sequence) activity. Multiple sequences display , with the most recent
sequence first.

Msg Code (message code) Displays the code that the COD has assigned to this action

Msg (message) Click this link to view the full text of the message.

Descr (description) Displays the description of the action message.

Processing Direct Loan Manifests

If your institution collects signed promissory notes for the direct lending program, you must produce
a manifest to send with the signed promissory notes to the direct lending common origination and
disbursement (COD) processing center. When you receive a signed promissory note, access the Direct

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Loan Pnote page and indicate that the promissory note is signed. The system sets the Manifest Status to
Authorize and the promissory note is included the next time you create a loan manifest.

Next, create the data for the loan manifest by running the Populate Manifest process, which selects
all students' promissory notes that have a manifest status of Authorize. You can review the selected
promissory notes and delete any not to be included in the manifest before printing the manifest.

Then manually sort the signed promissory notes and attach the printed manifest to each group of fifty
promissory notes. Financial Aid creates a manifest for every fifty promissory notes. Separate manifests
are created for Stafford subsidized and unsubsidized and PLUS promissory notes as required by the COD.

This section discusses how to:

• Create a direct loan manifest.

• Edit a direct loan manifest.

• Print PLUS and Stafford loan manifests.

Pages Used to Process Direct Loan Manifests

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Populate Manifest RUNCTL_MANIFEST1 Financial Aid > File Select the students whose
Management > Direct promissory notes are signed
Loans > Generate Direct and ready to be added to the
Loans Manifest > Populate loan manifest.

Direct Loan Manifest LOAN_MANIFEST Financial Aid > View the list of students and
Loans > Direct Lending their loan IDs that are in each
Management > Review manifest. There are separate
Manifest Batches > Direct manifests for Stafford and
Loan Manifest PLUS promissory notes. You
can remove students that
should not be included on the

DL Print PLUS Manifest RUNCTL_MANIFEST2 Financial Aid > Print PLUS loan manifests.
Loans > Direct Lending
Management > Print
Manifest Report PLUS > DL
Print PLUS Manifest

DL Print Stafford Manifest RUNCTL_MANIFEST3 Financial Aid > Print subsidized and
Loans > Direct Lending unsubsidized Stafford loan
Management > Print manifests.
Manifest Report— Stafford >
DL Print Stafford Manifest

Creating a Direct Loan Manifest

Access the Populate Manifest page (Financial Aid > File Management > Direct Loans > Generate Direct
Loans Manifest > Populate Manifest).

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Use this page to run the DL Manifest Generation process for subsidized and unsubsidized loans
(FAMANF01). The DL Manifest Generation process for PLUS loans is FAMAN2.

Select the academic institution and aid year of the promissory notes to be included on the manifest.

Editing a Direct Loan Manifest

Access the Direct Loan Manifest page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Review
Manifest Batches > Direct Loan Manifest).

School Code Displays the Central Processing Center (CPS) code for your

Loan Manifest Date Displays the date you created the manifest.

Manifest Group Number Indicates each manifest group. A new manifest group is created
for each Stafford or PLUS group of fifty promissory notes. You
can view the different manifest groups.

DL Batch ID (direct lending batch Displays a batch ID comprised of alphanumeric characters

identifier) representing batch type, cycle year, school code, date, and time.
This batch ID is used to monitor and control the number of
promissory notes accepted by the Department of Education

Seq Number (sequence number) Indicates the order that you should organize the signed
promissory notes you include with the manifest.

ID Displays the student's ID.

Loan ID Displays the identification number of the loan. The promissory

note type is displayed next to this field.

Delete Row Select this check box to remove a student from the manifest
when it is printed. To include the student in future manifests,
reset the manifest status to Authorize on the Direct Loan PNote

Printing PLUS and Stafford Loan Manifests

Different run control pages are available for printing PLUS loan manifests and Stafford loan manifests.
Use the Plus Manifest page to print PLUS loan manifests and the Stafford Manifest page to print Stafford
loan manifests that you have created. You can print or reprint the manifests by date or by manifest group.

Printing a PLUS Loan Manifest

Access the DL Print PLUS Manifest page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Print
Manifest Report PLUS > DL Print PLUS Manifest).

Use this page to run the Generate Manifest Report process for subsidized and unsubsidized
(FAMANFS3). The process that runs the DL Manifest Generation for PLUS loans is FAMANFS2.

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Loan Manifest Date Select the manifests to print by entering a loan manifest date.
If you enter a value in this field, the From Manifest Group
Number and Thru Manifest Group Number fields are not

From Manifest Group Number Select a group of manifests to print, from this manifest group
number through the group number in the Thru Manifest Group
Number field. The system prints the most current instance of
each manifest for that date selected. All loan manifest groups
are available, even if they have been printed.

Thru Manifest Group Number Enter the ending manifest group number to specify the manifests
to print.

Printing a Stafford Loan Manifest

Access the DL Print Stafford Manifest page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
Print Manifest Report— Stafford > DL Print Stafford Manifest).

Use this page to run the Print Manifest Report Stafford process (FAMANFS3).

Using EC Queue Status with Direct Loan Processing

This section discusses how to review the EC Queue status.

Page Used to Review the EC Queue Status

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

EC Queue Review (electronic FA_LN_EDI_ECQUEUE Financial Aid > File Review and edit the EC
commerce queue review) Management > CommonLine Queue Status for a file in the
Loans > Review CL 4 File staging tables.
Transactions > EC Queue

Reviewing the EC Queue Status

Access the EC Queue Review page (Financial Aid > File Management > CommonLine Loans > Review
CL 4 File Transactions > EC Queue Review).

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Image: EC Queue Review page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the EC Queue Review page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Click the Update Status button to change the EC Queue Status field. The Override button toggles through
the following values: P- processed, E- error, and L- loaded.

The EC Queue Status indicates the load status for the entire file. A file can contain one or many records.
When the flat file is loaded into the EDI Manager staging tables, the EC Queue Status is set to Loaded.
When the data in the file is moved from the staging tables to the database, the EC Queue Status is set
to Processed. To prevent a specific file from being loaded to the database, set the EC Queue Status to
Processed and the system ignores the file on subsequent loads to the database.

To reload a file to the database, set the EC Queue Status to Loaded.

A file with an EC Queue Status of Error is automatically recycled attempted to be loaded to the database
the next time the inbound process is run.

Viewing Direct Loan EC History

You can access Direct Loan EC history for aid years that were removed from the menu; it retrieves Direct
Loan data from 2004 and earlier.

This section discusses how to enter data to review DL EC history.

Pages Used to View Direct Loan EC History

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Direct Loan EC History DL_EC_HIST_TRNSFR Financial Aid > Financial Access Direct Loan History.
Information Aid History > View Archived
Direct Loan Data > Direct
Loan EC History Information

Batch Header DL_HDR_ORIG_01 Click the Originations link on View data on the following
the Direct Loan EC History pages in the Direct Loan
Information page. Origination Export component
for aid year 2001: Batch
Header, Borrower Export
Information, Student Export
Information, Financial Export
Information, and Batch

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Batch Header DL_HDR_ORGACK_01 Click the Originations View data on the following
Acknowledgements link on pages in the Direct Loan
the Direct Loan EC History Origination Acknowledgment
Information page. Import component for
aid year 2001: Batch
Header, Origination
Acknowledgement, and Batch

Batch Header DL_HDR_CHG_01 Click the Changes link on View data on the following
the Direct Loan EC History pages in the Direct Loan
Information page. Change Export component for
aid year 2001: Batch Header,
Change Information, and

Batch Header DL_HDR_CHGACK_01 Click the Change View data on the following
Acknowledgements link on pages in the Direct Loan
the Direct Loan EC History Change Acknowledgment
Information page. component for aid year
2001: Batch Header, Change
Acknowledgement, and Batch

Batch Header DL_HDR_CRD_01 Click the Credit Decisions View data on the following
link on the Direct Loan EC pages in the Direct Loan
History Information page. Credit Import 00/01
component for aid year
2001: Batch Header, Credit
Decision, and Batch Trailer.

Batch Header DL_HDR_PNT_01 Click the PNote View data on the following
Acknowledgements link on pages in the Direct Loan
the Direct Loan EC History Promissory Note Import
Information page. component for aid year
2001: Batch Header, Pnote
Acknowledgement, and Batch

Batch Header DL_HDR_DSB_01 Click the Disbursements View data on the following
link on the Direct Loan EC pages in the Direct Loan
History Information page. Disbursement Export
component for aid year 2001:
Batch Header, Disbursement
Information, and Batch

Batch Header DL_HDR_DSBACK_01 Click the Disbursement View data on the following
Acknowledgements link on pages in the Direct
the Direct Loan EC History Loan Disbursement
Information page. Acknowledgement Import
component for aid year 2001:
Batch Header, Disbursement
Acknowledgement, and Batch

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Entering Data to Review DL EC History

Access the Direct Loan EC History Information page (Financial Aid > Financial Aid History > View
Archived Direct Loan Data > Direct Loan EC History Information).

ID Enter the student's ID.

Aid Year Enter an aid year of 2004 or earlier.

Originations Click to access the Direct Loan Origination Export component.

Origination Acknowledgements Click to access the Direct Loan Origination Acknowledgement

Import component.

Changes Click to access the Direct Loan Change Export component.

Change Acknowledgements Click to access the Direct Loan Change Acknowledgement


Credit Decisions Click to access the Direct Loan Credit Import component.

Pnote Acknowledgements Click to access the Direct Loan Promissory Note Import

Disbursements Click to access the Direct Loan Disbursement Export


Disbursement Acknowledgements Click to access the Direct Loan Disbursement

Acknowledgement Import component.

Processing Direct Lending Origination Changes

This section discusses how to process Direct Lending origination changes.

Page Used to Process Direct Lending Origination Changes

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

DL Student Change LN_DL_EMPL_PARM Financial Aid > Set change parameters for
Information Loans > Direct Lending a particular student. By
Management > Hold/Suspend setting change parameters
Change > DL Student for specific fields, you
Change Information can determine how Direct
Lending change processing
handles the specified fields for
the particular student.

Setting Change Parameters for Direct Loan Origination Changes

Access the DL Student Change Information page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending
Management > Hold/Suspend Change > DL Student Change Information).

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Image: DL Student Change Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the DL Student Change Information page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Specify any change processing requirements for the selected student by entering the fields in the DL
Student Change Parameters group box. The fields are the same fields as on the Ln Dl Inst Parm page.

Note: The above change parameters affect those loans that have been transmitted to the COD. Prior to
submitting loans to the COD, you can change the fields on the loan record without generating a change
transaction. Change transactions occur when you make changes to loans you have transmitted to the

Understanding Direct Lending Change Processing

This section discusses three examples of the Direct Loan Origination Change process. Each example
addresses a different type of change. The processing examples are:

• A bio/demo change.

• An award change.

• A rejected origination change.

Processing a Bio/Demo Change

The following steps represent the process for changing bio/demo data. For this example, the borrower's
date of birth requires a change after you have originated the loan and transmitted it to the COD.

To change bio/demo data:

1. Enter and save a new date in the Birth date field on the Bio/Demo Data page

2. For the Loan Change process to recognize the changed field, you can flag the loan for change
processing. Click the Activate Change button on the Application Acknowledgement page

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

(LOAN_ORIG_STAT_DL0) (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management > Manage
Direct Loan Application > Application Acknowledgment).

Note: Click the Activate Change button to trigger the Loan Adjustment process to review the student
for change transactions. Data changes in the Direct Loan Application component or the Award Entry
page do not require you to manually start the Loan Change process here. Click the Activate Change
button for any other data changes (for example, the student or borrower name) to start the Loan
Change process.

3. Initiate the Loan Change process by running the Loan Origination process. Access the Loan
Origination page (Financial Aid > Loans > Process Loans > Loan Origination) select the
Adjustments check box, and run the Loan Origination process.

4. Review the Application Acknowledgment page. At this point, the Loan Process Status is In Service
and the Loan Orig Trans Stat (loan origination transaction status) is Change Pending.

5. Review the Direct Loan Orig Actions page(Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
View Loan Processing Actions > Direct Loan Orig Actions) to ensure that the change was processed
The latest sequence number should reflect an Origination Change, with an action status of Pending.

6. The change is complete and ready to send to the COD.

Processing an Award Change

The following steps represent the process for changing an award. For this example, you are canceling the
borrower's unsubsidized loan after the loan was originated, transmitted, and acknowledged by the COD.

To process an award change:

1. Make the change to the award on the Student Aid Package page (STDNT_AWARD_ENTRY3). If you
canceled the Unsubsidized loan, for example, the offered and accepted amounts are now zero.

2. Initiate the Loan Change process by running the Loan Origination process with the Adjustments
check box selected.

3. Review the Application Acknowledgment page to verify the Loan Change process completed
successfully. See Step 4 under Processing a Bio/Demo Change. At this point, the Loan Process Status
is In Service and the Loan Orig Trans Stat (loan origination transaction status) is Change Pending.

4. Review the Direct Loan Orig Actions page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
View Loan Processing Actions > Direct Loan Orig Actions) to ensure the change was processed The
latest sequence number should reflect an Origination Change, with an action status of Pending.

5. At this point, the change is complete and you would create the Direct Loan Change Processing
outbound file to send to the COD. View this file using the Direct Loan Change Export nn/
nn component. The COD must acknowledge the change by sending a Direct Loan Change
Acknowledgement file.

Processing a Rejected Origination Change

The following steps represent the process when a change is sent to the COD and the COD rejects the
change. In this example, you attempt to change the citizenship status of a student.

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

To process a rejected origination change:

1. Change the value of the Citizenship Status field on the Citizenship Detail page from the Bio/Demo
Data page (SA_BIO_DEMO_DATA3).

2. For the Loan Change process to recognize the changed field, flag the loan for change processing.
Click the Activate Change button on the Application Acknowledgement page (Financial Aid >
Loans > Direct Lending Management > Manage Direct Loan Application > Application

Note: Click the Activate Change button to trigger the Loan Adjustment process to review the student
for change transactions. Data changes in the Direct Loan Application component or the Award Entry
page do not require you to manually start the Loan Change process here. Click the Activate Change
button for any other data changes (for example, the student or borrower name) to start the Loan
Change process.

3. Initiate the Loan Change process by running the Loan Origination process with the Adjustments
check box selected. Access the Loan Origination page (Financial Aid > Loans > Process Loans >
Loan Origination).). Select the Adjustments check box and run the Loan Origination process.

4. Review the Application Acknowledgment page to verify that the Loan Change process completed
successfully. See Step 4 under Processing a Bio/Demo Change. At this point, the Loan Process Status
is In Service and the Loan Orig Trans Stat (loan origination transaction status) is Change Pending.

5. Review the Direct Loan Orig Actions page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Management >
View Loan Processing Actions > Direct Loan Orig Actions) to ensure the change was processed. The
latest sequence number should reflect an Origination Change, with an action status of Pending.

6. Run the Origination Change Outbound and Outbound EC Agent (EDI outbound) processes to export
the file to the COD.

7. The COD returns the acknowledgement file that includes the error code.

8. Run the COD Inbound processes to import the COD data.

9. Review the Exception Error, the DL Inbound Origination Acknowledgement Errors, and the DL
Rejected Origination Changes reports to determine which records contain errors.

10. Review the Application Acknowledgment page to view the inbound file you determined has an error.
See Step 4 under Processing a Bio/Demo Change.

11. Review the Direct Loan Orig Actions page (LN_DL_ORIG_INQ) to see details about the error. The
latest sequence shows an origination change with an action status of Rejected.

12. Fix the error and resubmit the change record to the COD.

Managing Direct Lending Cash Transactions

This section provides an overview of direct lending cash management and discusses how to manage
Direct Lending cash transactions

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Understanding Direct Lending Cash Management

Managing your Direct Lending cash transactions entails entering information for cash receipts, cash draw-
downs, and return of excess cash, and then reconciling that information with similar information from the
COD. You also reconcile individual student disbursements using the data in your Loan Application tables
and the disbursement information from the COD. Reconciliation ensures on a monthly basis that your
institution reviews and compares its Direct Lending origination and disbursements to student accounts
against the cash balance reported by the COD.

For each reconciliation period, a comparison is made among Financial Aid, PeopleSoft Student
Financials, and COD data. Data from all three sources should match. The Student Financials data shows
dollars actually disbursed to students and the amount of each cash receipt and return of excess cash.

Your institution receives cash receipts from Grants Administration and Payment System (GAPS) and
returns excess cash to GAPS. Usually, the Bursar's Office interacts directly with GAPS to request funds
for Direct Loan disbursements to students. Work with your Bursar's Office or other appropriate office
when using the Cash Reconciliation pages.

Understanding the Direct Loan School Account Statement

The COD sends the Direct Loan School Account Statement (DLSAS) to schools that participate in the
Direct Lending program. The U.S. Department of Education's COD Technical Reference states that
schools must reconcile their Direct Loan records on file at the COD with their internal Direct Lending
records. This School Reconciliation process should be performed on a monthly basis.

Each school is responsible for reviewing the monthly statement to ensure the accuracy of the data. This
data must also be reconciled to the school's internal student account records and bank records.

Managing Direct Lending Cash Transactions

The general steps used in the Direct Lending Cash Management process are:

1. Set up your Cash Transaction page for the aid year.

2. Receive cash receipts cash drawdowns and return excess cash.

3. Enter your cash receipt and return of excess cash information on the Cash Transaction page.

4. Enter your cash receipt and return of excess cash information on the Cash Detail page.

5. Use the online and report information to reconcile your institutional data with the COD data.

6. Repeat Steps 2 - 5 for each Reconciliation Period.

Entering Cash Summary Data

Before you receive the SAS file, you can manually enter cash transactions, including information about
your cash receipts from GAPS, and your excess cash returned to GAPS. The DL-SAS reports use the data
you enter manually to compare and match reported fund levels from the DL-SAS file.

This section discusses how to enter institutional data for cash transactions.

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Note: This page is used for the DLSAS processing.

Page Used to Enter Cash Summary Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Direct Loan Cash LN_DL_CASH_DTL Financial Aid > Loans > Enter your institutional
Transactions DL School Account data for cash transactions,
Summary > Manage DL including information about
Cash Transactions > Direct your cash receipts from GAPS
Loan Cash Transactions and your excess cash returned
to GAPS.

Entering Institutional Data for Cash Transactions

Access the Direct Loan Cash Transactions page (Financial Aid > Loans > DL School Account
Summary > Manage DL Cash Transactions > Direct Loan Cash Transactions).

Image: Direct Loan Cash Transactions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Direct Loan Cash Transactions page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

To report your cash transactions, set up the Direct Loans Cash Transactions page for the new aid year.

Transaction Date Enter the date on which the cash transaction occurred at your

Transaction Type Select the cash transaction that you are entering:

Cash Receipt: Your institution receives a cash draw down.

Return of Excess Cash: Your institution returns excess cash.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Check Number Enter the number of the check sent to the U.S. Department of
Education for returned funds. This information typically comes
from your Bursar's Office. This field is only used with cash
return transactions. You or the Bursar Office can enter the data
in this field.

Transaction Amount Enter the total amount of funds received from GAPS or returned
to GAPS for this transaction. This information typically comes
from your Bursar's Office. You or the Bursar Office can enter
the data in this field.

GAPS Control Number (Grants Enter the GAPS Control Number received from GAPS. This
Administration and Payment System information typically comes from your Bursar's Office. You or
control number) the Bursar Office can enter the data in this field.

Tracking Number Enter the Tracking Number returned from the U.S. Department
of Education as confirmation that they have received a Return
of Excess Cash Transaction. Populating this alphanumeric field
has no bearing on any Direct Loan School Account Statement
processing or reporting. It is for information only.

Importing School Account Statement Data

Use the FA Inbound page to import the SAS file types (DSDFnnOP and/or DSLFnnOP, where nn is the
processing year), and SAS Disbursement Detail On Demand file types (DSRFnnOP, DSMFnnOP and/
orDSYFnnOP, where nn is the processing year). The FA_INBOUND Application Engine process loads
the data into staging tables.

This section discusses how to load the SAS file.

Page Used to Load the SAS File

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Inbound RUNCTL_FA_INBOUND Financial Aid > File Load external financial aid
Management > Import electronic commerce files.
Federal Data Files > FA

Loading the SAS File

Access the FA Inbound page (Financial Aid > File Management > Import Federal Data Files > FA

Use the Inbound File field to set the location and name of the file to be loaded. Make sure that your
application server has access to the location of the file.

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Note: The FA_INBOUND process automatically determines the file type by reading the header row of the
file. It is important that the file be in its original, unaltered state. Opening the file with a text editor that
automatically reformats the file—such as trimming blank spaces at the end of each row of data in the file
—may cause the load to fail.

Viewing School Account Statement Data

This section lists the pages used to view School Account Statement data.

• View header information.

• View Direct Loan School Account Statement Disbursement Detail On Demand information.

• View cash summary information.

• View disbursement summary information.

• View cash detail information.

• View loan level detail information.

• View disbursement activity information.

• View trailer information.

For descriptions of the School Account Statement fields displayed in these pages, refer to the U.S.
Department of Educations's COD Technical Reference.

Pages Used to View Data Import Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Batch Header DL_HDR_DLSAS_nn Financial Aid > Loans > DL View header information from
School Account Summary > the SAS file.
DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn >
Batch Header

DLSAS On Demand (Direct DL_DLSAS_DEMAND_nn Financial Aid > Loans > DL View Direct Loan Student
Loan Student Account School Account Summary > Account Statement
Statement on Demand) DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn > Disbursement Detail On
DLSAS On Demand Demand disbursement,
amount, and total information.

Cash Summary DL_DLSAS_CSHSUM_nn Financial Aid > Loans > DL View cash summary
School Account Summary > information from Sections I
DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn > and II (Fixed Length)—Year-
Cash Summary To-Date and Monthly Cash
Summary (Record Type "T")
of the SAS file.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Disbursement Summary DL_DLSAS_DISSUM_nn Financial Aid > Loans > DL View disbursement summary
School Account Summary > information from Sections
DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn > III and IV (Fixed Length)—
Disbursement Summary Year-To-Date and Monthly
Disbursement Summary by
Loan Type (Record Types "Y"
and "M") of the SAS file.

Cash Detail DL_DLSAS_CSHDTL_nn Financial Aid > Loans > DL View cash detail information
School Account Summary > from Section V (Fixed
DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn > Length)—Cash Detail
Cash Detail (Record Type "C") of the SAS

Loan Level Detail DL_DLSAS_LNLVL_nn Financial Aid > Loans > DL View loan level detail
School Account Summary > information from Section VI
DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn > (Fixed Length)—Loan Detail,
Loan Level Detail Loan Level (Record Type
"L") of the SAS file.

Disbursement Activity DL_DLSAS_LNDAL_nn Financial Aid > Loans > DL View disbursement activity
School Account Summary > information from Section VII
DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn > (Fixed Length)—Loan Detail,
Disbursement Activity Disbursement Activity Level
(Record Type "D") of the SAS

Batch Trailer DL_TRL_DLSAS_nn Financial Aid > Loans > DL View trailer information from
School Account Summary > the SAS file.
DLSAS Import 20nn-20nn >
Batch Trailer

Working with the DL School Account Statement and the DL

Reconciliation Reports
This section discusses how to:

• Generate the DL School Account Statement report.

• Generate the DL Reconciliation report.

Pages Used to Generate DL School Account Statement and Reconciliation

Loan Destination Reports
Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

DL School Account Statement RUNCTL_DLSAS Financial Aid > Loans > DL Generate the DL School
School Account Statement > Account Statement Report.
Generate DLSAS Report > This report prints the data in
DL School Account Statement the DLSAS flat file from the
EDI Manager staging tables.

1372 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

DL Reconciliation Report RUNCTL_DL_RECON Financial Aid > Loans > DL Generate the DL
School Account Statement > Reconciliation Report, which
Generate Reconciliation compares cash detail, loan
Report > DL Reconciliation detail, and disbursement
Report activity with institutionally-
entered information in the

Generating the DL School Account Statement Report

Access the DL School Account Statement page (Financial Aid > Loans > DL School Account
Statement > Generate DLSAS Report > DL School Account Statement).

Use this page to run the DL School Account Statement (FADLSAS) process to print both file types,
DSDFnnOP DL-SAS Import School Account Statement (Fixed-Length, Disbursement Level Loan Detail)
and DSLFnnOP DL-SAS Import School Account Statement (Fixed-Length, Loan Level Loan Detail).
where nn is the aid year.

This report prints the data in the DLSAS flat file from the EDI Manager staging tables. The original data
the COD provides does not identify students by name, but by Loan ID number. When you run this report,
the system matches the Loan IDs in the Loan Detail Records section of the report with the student ID to
identify each student by name.

DL Batch ID (direct lending batch ID) Enter the direct lending batch ID that represents the DLSAS file
to include on this report. This is the School Account Statement
Batch ID defined in the U.S. Department of Education's COD
Technical Reference.

Important! To maintain a historical archive of the DL School Account Statement Report, rename the
files generated by the report. If you do not change the file names, the system writes over the existing files
when you run subsequent reports.

Note: The School Account Statement (SAS) report options are year-specific; update your report options
and preferences with the COD separately for each year to change the defaults. Ensure that you use the
correct program year in the SAS Report Options page before updating your options.

For more information, see U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination and Disbursement
(COD) Technical Reference

Generating the DL Reconciliation Report

Access the DL Reconciliation Report page (Financial Aid > Loans > DL School Account Statement >
Generate Reconciliation Report > DL Reconciliation Report).

DL Batch ID Enter the DL Batch ID of a previously loaded SAS file. You

cannot run this report without first loading one or more SAS

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Reviewing the DL Reconciliation Report

The three main sections in the report are:

• Cash summary information

• Cash detail

• Loan detail

Cash Summary Information

This section of the report contains:

• Year-to-date cash summary.

• Monthly cash summary.

• Year-to-date disbursement summary by loan type.

• Monthly disbursement by loan type.

Cash Detail
The content of this section of the report depends on the information in the SAS file.

If the file contains monthly cash detail (default), the system compares the data from the SAS file to data
in PS_LN_DL_CASH_DTL for the month specified only.

This section reports any mismatches where:

• Cash transactions in the SAS file are not in the database.

• Cash transactions in the database are not in the SAS file.

• Year-to-date cash detail: The system compares the data from the SAS file to all data in
PS_LN_DL_CASH_DTL for the specified aid year.

The section reports any mismatches where:

• Cash transactions in the SAS file are not in the database

• Cash transactions in the database are not in the SAS file.

• No cash detail: The section contains a No Cash Detail message.

Loan Detail
The content of this section of the report depends on the information in the SAS file.

If the file contains monthly disbursement detail without loan summary (default), the system compares the
data from the SAS file to data in PS_LOAN_DISB_ACTION for the month specified only.

The section also reports any mismatches where:

• Disbursement transactions in the SAS file are not in the database.

• Disbursement transactions in the database are not in the SAS file.

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

• Disbursement transactions that match based on disbursement number and disbursement sequence
number have differing amounts or dates.

Note: You can use the disbursement sequence number to compare information from the SAS file
against the database.

• Year-to-date disbursement detail: The system compares the data from the SAS file with the
sum of data in PS_LOAN_DISBMNT where LOAN_PAID_IND = "Y" and with data in

The section reports any mismatches at the loan level where:

• Loan level records in the SAS file are not in the database.

• Loan level records in the database that have a disbursed amount greater than zero are not in the SAS

• Loan level records that match based on loan ID have differing gross, fee, rebate, or net amounts.

The section also reports any mismatches at the disbursement activity level where:

• Disbursement transactions in the SAS file are not in the database.

• Disbursement transactions in the database (that have a disbursed amount greater than zero) are not in
the SAS file.

• Disbursement transactions that match based on disbursement number and disbursement sequence
number have differing amounts or dates.

• Year-to-date loan level detail: The system compares the data from the SAS file with the sum of data in

The section reports any mismatches where:

• Loan level records in the SAS file are not in the database.

• Loan level records in the database that have a disbursed amount greater than zero are not in the SAS

• Loan level records that match based on loan ID have differing gross, fee, rebate, or net amounts.

• No loan detail: The section contains a "No Loan Detail" message.

The format of the loan detail section of the report also depends on the data included in the SAS file.

Reviewing SAS Files with Monthly Disbursement Level Detail Only

For SAS files with monthly disbursement level detail only (no loan level detail), the section contains the
following information for each loan ID:

Field Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4

EmplID From system data.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1375

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Field Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4

Student Name From system loan data. From COD loan data
(pulled from the Total
fields provided on the
disbursement detail

Loan ID From system loan data. From COD loan data

(pulled from the Total
fields provided on the
disbursement detail

Disbursement Number From system From COD

disbursement disbursement
transaction data. transaction data.

Disbursement Sequence From system From COD

Number disbursement disbursement
transaction data. transaction data.

Transaction Type From system From COD

disbursement disbursement
transaction data. transaction data.

Disbursement Date From system From COD

disbursement disbursement
transaction data. transaction data.

Loan/Disbursement From system loan data. From COD loan data From system From COD
Actual Gross Amount (pulled from the Total disbursement disbursement
fields provided on the transaction data. transaction data.
disbursement detail

Loan/Disbursement From system loan data. From COD loan data From system From COD
Actual Loan Fee (pulled from the Total disbursement disbursement
Amount fields provided on the transaction data. transaction data.
disbursement detail

Loan/Disbursement From system loan data. From COD loan data From system From COD
Actual Interest Rebate (pulled from the Total disbursement disbursement
Amount fields provided on the transaction data. transaction data.
disbursement detail

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Field Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4

Loan/Disbursement From system loan data. From COD loan data From system From COD
Actual Net Amount (pulled from the Total disbursement disbursement
fields provided on the transaction data. transaction data.
disbursement detail

Disbursement Actual From system From COD

Net Adjustment disbursement disbursement
Amount transaction data transaction data.

Transaction Date From system From COD

disbursement disbursement
transaction data. transaction data.

Note: Rows 3 and 4 repeat for each disbursement transaction associated with the loan ID.

For SAS files with year-to-date disbursement level detail and loan level summary, the section contains the
following information for each loan ID:

Field Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4

EmplID From system loan data.

Student Name From system loan data. From COD loan data
(pulled from loan level
summary record

Loan ID From system loan data. From COD loan data

(pulled from loan level
summary record

Disbursement Number From system From COD

disbursement disbursement
transaction data. transaction data.

Disbursement Sequence From system From COD

Number disbursement disbursement
transaction data. transaction data.

Transaction Type From system From COD

disbursement disbursement
transaction data. transaction data.

Disbursement Date From system From COD

disbursement disbursement
transaction data. transaction data.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1377

Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Field Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4

Loan/Disbursement From system loan data. From COD loan data From system From COD
Actual Gross Amount (pulled from loan level disbursement disbursement
summary record) transaction data. transaction data.

Loan/Disbursement From system loan data. From COD loan data From system From COD
Actual Loan Fee (pulled from loan level disbursement disbursement
Amount summary record) transaction data. transaction data.

Loan/Disbursement From system loan data. From COD loan data From system From COD
Actual Interest Rebate (pulled from loan level disbursement disbursement
Amount summary record) transaction data. transaction data.

Loan/Disbursement From system loan data. From COD loan data From system From COD
Actual Net Amount (pulled from loan level disbursement disbursement
summary record) transaction data. transaction data.

Disbursement Actual From system From COD

Net Adjustment disbursement disbursement
Amount transaction data. transaction data.

Transaction Date From system From COD

disbursement disbursement
transaction data. transaction data.

Note: Rows 3 and 4 repeat for each disbursement transaction associated with the loan ID.

For SAS files with year-to-date loan level detail (loan level detail only), the section contains the following
information for each loan ID:

Field Row 1 Row 2

EmplID From system loan data.

Student Name From system loan data. From COD loan data.

Disbursement Number

Disbursement Sequence Number

Transaction Type

Disbursement Date

Loan/Disbursement Actual Gross From system loan data. From COD loan data.

Loan/Disbursement Actual Loan Fee From system loan data. From COD loan data.

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Field Row 1 Row 2

Loan/Disbursement Actual Interest From system loan data. From COD loan data.
Rebate Amount

Loan/Disbursement Actual Net Amount From system loan data. From COD loan data.

Disbursement Actual Net Adjustment


Transaction Date

Running Direct Loan Reports

Most Direct Lending reports are generated from a generic run control page, but some reports have their
own run control pages.

This section discusses how to:

• Use the generic run control page for Direct Lending reports.

• Generate the Direct Lending Loan Booking Status Report.

• Use demographic data selection for loan origination.

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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

Pages Used to Run Direct Lending Reports

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Financial Aid Reports RUN_CNTL_DL_RPT • Financial Aid > Generate many of the
Loans > Direct Lending Direct Lending reports.
Reconciliation > The navigation path varies
Disbursement Errors depending on the report that
Report > Financial Aid you generate.

• Financial Aid >

Loans > Direct Lending
Reconciliation >
Accepted Originations
Report > Financial Aid

• Financial Aid >

Loans > Direct Lending
Reconciliation > Loans
on Hold Report >
Financial Aid Reports

• Financial Aid >

Loans > Direct Lending
Reconciliation >
PLUS Credit Decisions
Report > Financial Aid

• Financial Aid >

Loans > Direct Lending
Reconciliation >
Rejected Originations
Report > Financial Aid

• Financial Aid >

Loans > Direct Lending
Reconciliation >
Origination Export
Report > Financial Aid

• Financial Aid >

Loans > Direct Lending
Reconciliation > Change
Pending Status Report >
Financial Aid Reports

• Financial Aid >

Loans > Direct Lending
Reconciliation >
Validation Errors
Report > Financial Aid

• Financial Aid >

Loans > Direct Lending
Reconciliation >
Inbound Errors Report >
Financial Aid Reports

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Chapter 37 Processing Direct Loans

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

• You can access the

Financial Aid Reports
page through multiple
navigation paths in
addition to the paths
listed above.

DL Booking Status Report RUN_CNTL_FADLBOOK Financial Aid > Generate the Direct Lending
Loans > Direct Lending Originations Booking report
Reconciliation > Booking (FADLBOOK).
Status Report > DL Booking
Status Report

Using the Generic Run Control Page for Direct Lending Reports
Access the Financial Aid Reports page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Reconciliation >
Disbursement Errors Report > Financial Aid Reports).

Select the Academic Institution and Aid Year for which to run the report.

Generating the Direct Lending Loan Booking Status Report

Access the DL Booking Status Report page (Financial Aid > Loans > Direct Lending Reconciliation >
Booking Status Report > DL Booking Status Report).

Select the Academic Institution and Aid Year for this report. For the Direct Lending Booked Status, select
Booked or Unbooked loans.

Using Demographic Data Selection for Loan Origination

The loan processes use three types of demographic data, address, phone number, and name. The views
used to access this data are:





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Processing Direct Loans Chapter 37

1382 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 38

Managing Loan Counseling

Managing Loan Counseling Data

Use these pages to manage loan counseling data.

Pages Used to Manage Loan Counseling Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Packaging Status Summary STDNT_AID_PACKAGE Financial Aid, View Display of loan counseling
Packaging Status Summary data depends on selected
Loan Counseling Version
defined on the Financial Aid
Installation Defaults setup.

Entrance/Exit Loan SFA_LN_CNSL_TBL Financial Aid, Loans, Add and manage loan
Counseling Manage Loan Counseling counseling requirements.
Data, Entrance/Exit Loan
Counseling The Loan Counseling Status
link is available when the
Financial Aid, View Loan Counseling Version in
Packaging Status Summary, the Financial Aid Installation
Packaging Status Summary Defaults is set to Expanded.
page, Loan Counseling Status

Add Loan Counseling Data SFA_RUN_LN_CNSL Financial Aid, File Process to automate creating
Management, Loan loan counseling data. Process
Counseling, Add Loan can be used to supplement
Counseling Data the Process COD (Entrance)
Counseling Data and Process
(NSLDS) Exit Counseling
Data processes.

Process COD Counseling SFA_CNSL_UPD_RC Financial Aid, File Load and evaluate COD
Data Management, Loan Counseling data from the
Counseling, Process COD COD staging tables to the
Counseling Data application Loan Counseling

Manage COD Counseling SFA_CNSL_UPD_SUSP Financial Aid, File Review and resolve COD
Suspense Management, Loan Counseling data that did not
Counseling, Manage COD load into the Loan Counseling
Counseling Suspense table.

View DL Loan Counseling SFA_ENTRANCE_SUMM Financial Aid, File View Direct Loan counseling
Data Management, Loan data loaded from message
Counseling, View DL Loan classes DECFENOP and
Counseling Data DLFFEXOP.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1383

Managing Loan Counseling Chapter 38

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Process Exit Counseling Data SFA_RUN_EXITCNSL Financial Aid, File Evaluates NSLDS loan exit
Management, Loan counseling data to match with
Counseling, Process Exit students.
Counseling Data

Manage Exit Counseling SFA_EXIT_CNSL_SUSP Financial Aid, File Review and manage
Suspense Management, Loan suspended NSLDS loan exit
Counseling, Manage Exit counseling records.
Counseling Suspense

View Exit Counseling Staging SFA_EXIT_CNSL_HDR Financial Aid, File View NSLDS exit counseling
Header/Trailer Management, Loan header/trailer data in the
Counseling, View Exit staging table.
Counseling Staging

View Exit Counseling Staging SFA_EXIT_CNSL_DTL Financial Aid, File View NSLDS exit counseling
Detail Management, Loan detail data in the staging table.
Counseling, View Exit
Counseling Staging, Detail tab

Viewing Loan Counseling Data

Access the Packaging Status Summary (Financial Aid >View Packaging Status Summary).

Loan Entrance Interview Status Indicates whether the student has completed a loan entrance
interview for the corresponding aid year. If you select the Loan
Entrance Intervw Req (loan entrance interview required) check
box on the Disbursement Rules: Item Type - Indicators page,
the interview status value affects how the authorization process
treats the student's award.

(blank): The authorization process automatically determines

whether the student has satisfied the loan entrance counseling
requirement using the process activated when you select the
Loan Entrance Intervw Req check box.

Complete: The student has completed a loan entrance interview.

If the Loan Entrance Intervw Req check box is selected, the
authorization process passes the student and allows the award to
be authorized. Set this value after confirmation of the student's
completion of loan entrance counseling.

Inst Req (institution required): Your institution requires the

student to have a loan entrance interview, regardless of whether
the authorization process requires an interview for loan awards.
If the Loan Entrance Intervw Req check box is selected,
the authorization process fails until you reset the status to
Complete or Pending. Students with prior loan history also fail
authorization until you reset the status to blank, Complete, or

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Chapter 38 Managing Loan Counseling

Pending: The student's loan entrance interview is pending.

If the Loan Entrance Intervw Req check box is selected, the
authorization process passes the student and allows the award to
be authorized.

Note: This field appears when the Loan Counseling Version is

set to "Simple" on the Financial Aid Installation Defaults page.

Exit Interview Indicates whether the student has completed a loan exit
interview for the corresponding aid year. This field is for
informational use only because no delivered process currently
uses the value of this field.

Complete: The student has completed a loan exit interview.

Inst Req (institution required): our institution requires the

student to have a loan exit interview. Pending: The student's
loan exit interview is pending.

Note: This field appears when the Loan Counseling Version is

set to "Simple" on the Financial Aid Installation Defaults page.

Loan Counseling Status Click this link to open the Entrance/Exit Counseling page.

Note: This link appears when the Loan Counseling Version is

set to Expanded on the Financial Aid Installation Defaults page.

For a complete description of the Packaging Status Summary page:

See Reviewing the Student's Packaging Status.

Entrance/Exit Counseling Data

Access the Entrance/Exit Counseling Data (Financial Aid >Loans >Manage Loan Counseling
Data >Entrance/Exit Loan Counseling) or (Financial Aid >View Packaging Status Summary >Packaging
Status Summary page >Loan Counseling Status link).

Image: Entrance/Exit Loan Counseling page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Entrance/Exit Loan Counseling page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to enter entrance and exit loan counseling requirements. If you set the Loan Counseling
Version to Expanded in the Financial Aid Defaults page and select the Loan Entrance Intervw Req (loan
entrance interview required) check box on the Disbursement Rules: Item Type - Indicators page, then the
authorization process evaluates this record to determine if the entrance loan counseling requirement has

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Managing Loan Counseling Chapter 38

been satisfied. The combination of a valid Date Completed value and loan counseling type (Annual or
Multi-Year is used to evaluate whether the entrance loan counseling requirement has been satisfied.

Use this page to enter entrance or exit loan counseling requirements.

Loan Code Select user defined Loan Code. Loan Code associated to
the Federal Stafford type impacts the authorization and
disbursement of Stafford Subsidized and Unsubsidized item

Comments Click link to enter any notes about the loan.

Type Select the type of loan counseling: Entrance or Exit.

Requirement Select the interval for loan counseling: Required Annually or

Required Once.

Note: This is only relevant for loan entrance counseling.

When processing COD or NSLDS exit counseling data, the
Requirement field is left blank.

Status Select the status of the loan counseling requirement. The default
status is Pending. Status is up dated to Completed if a valid Date
Completed is entered.

Date Completed Select the date that the requirement was completed. The Date
Completed can be updated during the Process COD Counseling
data process when COD Counseling data is evaluated.

History Click this link to view the student's history of loan counseling

The History link is created during the Process COD Counseling

and the Process Exit Counseling Data for NSLDS. When the
process encounters a condition to update and retain history for a
specific aid year update, the History link appears. Click on the
link to display the history of transactions.

Adding Loan Counseling Data

Access the Add Loan Counseling Data page (Financial Aid >File Management >Loan Counseling >Add
Loan Counseling Data).

1386 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 38 Managing Loan Counseling

Image: Add Loan Counseling Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Add Loan Counseling Data page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to add loan counseling data into the Loan Counseling table, SFA_LN_CNSL_TBL, in

During Population Selection, if any of the Default Value fields are blank or not provided, then the
specified default value is inserted into the field value for each loan counseling record added. If any of
the Default Value fields already contain a valid value from the Population Selection, the default value is

Selection Tool Select from Equation Engine, PS Query, or External File.

Additional parameters are displayed for your selected tool.

Note: You may design your population selection to retrieve

only student ID's and leave all other fields blank. If you do this,
use the Default Values to populate the field values in the Loan
Counseling records. If you retrieve values other than the student
ID's with population selection, all valid values are used to
create the Loan Counseling records, ignoring the corresponding
Default Values. The Default Value for a particular field is only
used to populate a Loan Counseling record if the retrieved value
is invalid or blank.

Query Name Appears only when PS Query is selected. Select a population

selection query that joins with the bind record SFA_LNCNSL_

Institution Enter the academic institution for the students of the loan
counseling data you wish to add.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1387

Managing Loan Counseling Chapter 38

Aid Year Enter the Aid Year of the loan counseling data you wish to add.

Loan Code Enter the Loan Code (for example, Stafford) of the loan
counseling data you wish to add.

Counseling Type Enter the Counseling Type, Entrance or Exit, of the loan
counseling data you wish to add.

Counseling Requirement Enter the Counseling Requirement, Required Annually or

Required Once, of the loan counseling data you wish to add.

Date Completed Enter the date that the loan counseling requirement was
completed. Date Completed is the only Default Value field that
can be left blank. If a Loan Counseling record is created and no
Date Completed is provided, the loan counseling requirement's
Status remains Pending. Pending records can be updated using
the Process COD Counseling Data process.

Comment Enter a comment to update each counseling transaction added or

updated during this run instance.

Processing COD Loan Counseling Data

Access the Process COD Counseling Data page (Financial Aid >File Management >Loan
Counseling >Process COD Counseling Data).

Students can complete Direct Loan Entrance and Exit Counseling on the website and
indicate to which schools COD should send the loan counseling acknowledgments.

There are two types of Direct Loan Entrance Counseling records:

• DLSCounseling indicates that the student has completed Sub/Unsub Stafford Loan Entrance

• DLPCounseling indicates that the student has completed Sub/Unsub Stafford and PLUS Loan (for
Graduate and Professional Students) Entrance Counseling.

There is one type of Direct Loan Exit Counseling that covers all Direct Loan types.

Note: Direct Loan Exit Counseling Data from COD differs from Loan Exit Counseling Data from
NSLDS in that the COD data reports the counseling type and date completed while NSLDS data provides
the information reported by the student in regards to contact information, employer information, etc.

This process evaluates the COD Direct Loan Counseling data from the COD staging tables to add to or
update the Loan Counseling application table (SFA_LN_CNSL_TBL).

For more information on NSLDS Exit Counseling, please see Processing NSLDS Loan Exit Counseling

Override COD Routing ID and Select the Override COD Routing ID check box and enter a
Routing ID Routing ID to process data for a single COD Routing ID. If

1388 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 38 Managing Loan Counseling

you do not select the check box, the process runs for all Active
Routing ID’s mapped to the selected Institution.

Counseling Option Select Both, Entrance, or Exit to indicate which type of loan
counseling data you want to process.

Update/Insert Option Update Only: Select this option if you want to only update
existing loan counseling records that do not have a valid Date
Completed value. When no existing record is found, the COD
Counseling data is suspended with a reason of "No Stafford
record found" for DLSCounseling data or "No Grad PLUS
record found" for DLPCounseling data.

Insert/Update: Select this option if you want to create new Loan

Counseling records as well as update existing loan counseling
records that do not have a valid Date Completed value.

Selection Option Use the Selection Option to choose whether you want to
evaluate unprocessed COD loan counseling records, suspended
COD loan counseling records, or both.

All: Select this option to evaluate both Suspended and

Unprocessed records.

Suspended Only:Select this option to evaluate only Suspended


Unprocessed:Select this option to evaluate only Unprocessed


Use latest awarded Aid Year Select this check box to direct the process to document the
students' exit counseling completions to the most recent aid
year for which the student has been awarded. This overrides
the financial aid award year that is reported in the COD loan
counseling file.

Process GradPLUS For Entrance Counseling, selecting this option evaluates

DLPCounseling records for possible update or insert to both
Stafford and Graduate PLUS loan counseling types. The
presence of a DLPCounseling type indicates that the student
completed entrance counseling as a graduate student. If this
option is selected, the DLPCounseling record is evaluated to
determine if both the GradPLUS and Stafford loan counseling
requirements are met. If this option is not selected, the
DLPCounseling record is evaluated only to determine if the
Stafford loan counseling requirement is met.

For Exit Counseling, selecting this option updates the exit

counseling requirement as completed for Stafford and
GradPLUS. If this option is not selected, the process will
mark only the Stafford exit counseling requirement as being

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Managing Loan Counseling Chapter 38

Select Within Aid Year Select this option to evaluate a specific Aid Year of COD
counseling transactions. Selecting this option activates an Aid
Year field to identify the Aid Year to be evaluated.

Note: The process has logic that accounts for existing entrance counseling data. Here are some examples:
Example 1: A student has an existing Loan Entrance Counseling record for the current Aid Year that is
defined as an Multi-Year requirement and is Complete, the Process determines that student has satisfied
the loan entrance counseling requirement and updates the Unprocessed COD Counseling transaction to
Processed. The Loan Counseling record is not be updated.
Example 2: A student has an existing Loan Entrance Counseling record for the prior Aid Year that is
defined as an Annual requirement and is Completed. If the Process COD Counseling Data process is setup
to Insert/Update, then a new loan counseling record for the current Aid Year (defined in the Run Control)
is added.
Example 3: A student has an existing Loan Entrance Counseling record for a prior Aid Year that is
defined as a Multi-Year requirement and is not equal to Completed. If the Process COD Counseling Data
process is setup to run Insert/Update or Update Only, then the existing record is updated with the date
associated with the COD Counseling record being evaluated.

Managing Suspended COD Loan Counseling Records

Access the Manage COD Counseling Suspense page (Financial Aid >File Management >Loan
Counseling >Manage COD Counseling Suspense).

Image: Manage COD Counseling Suspense page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage COD Counseling Suspense page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to resolve suspended COD Counseling records.

ID Click the search icon to a page to search for a student ID to

match to the COD loan counseling record.

Lock ID Select to lock the selected ID to match to the suspended COD

loan counseling record.

Process GradPLUS For Entrance Counseling, select this option to update or

insert a completion date for loan codes defined as Stafford
and Graduate PLUS loan types when evaluating COD loan

1390 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 38 Managing Loan Counseling

entrance counseling records of type DLPCounseling. The

presence of a DLPCounseling type indicates that the student
completed entrance counseling as a graduate student. If this
option is selected, the DLPCounseling record is evaluated to
determine if both the GradPLUS and Stafford loan entrance
counseling requirements are met. If this option is not selected,
the DLPCounseling record is evaluated only to determine if the
Stafford loan entrance counseling requirement is met.

For Exit Counseling, select this option to update the exit

counseling as completed for Stafford and GradPLUS. If this
option is not selected, the process will mark only the Stafford
exit counseling requirement as being completed.

Use latest awarded Aid Year Select this check box to direct the process to document the
students' exit counseling completions to the most recent aid
year for which the student has been awarded. This overrides the
financial award year that is reported in the file in relation to exit

Skip/Done Select this option and click the Process button to set the COD
loan counseling record as Processed. This removes the COD
loan counseling record from any future evaluation by the
Process COD Counseling Data process. Once checked, all ID
options are ignored and the record is set to Processed in the
COD loan counseling staging table.

Process Click this button to run the Process COD Counseling Data
process for the selected COD loan counseling record.

Counseling Process Status Displays the reason that the COD loan counseling record is

• Student Not found.

• Multiple Student matches.

• No Setup – No setup for Aid Year being processed.

• No Stafford record found – COD record evaluated for

Update Only, but no existing Stafford loan counseling
record exists.

• No Grad PLUS record found – COD record evaluated for

Update Only, but no existing Grad PLUS loan counseling
record exists.

• No Aid Year – Student is not Aid Year-activated for the Aid

Year being processed.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1391

Managing Loan Counseling Chapter 38

Processing NSLDS Loan Exit Counseling Data

Access the Process Exit Counseling Data page (Financial Aid >File Management >Process Exit
Counseling Data).

The Process Exit Counseling Data process provides the option to import the Loan Exit Counseling
Completion report records sourced from the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). This process
incorporates the File Parser utility. As part of system data, File Mapping ID 'Exit Counseling Import' has
been provided to support the import of the NSLDS Loan Exit Counseling Completion report formats:
EXTC01 and EXTC05.

Override OPEID and OPEID Select the Override OPEID check box and an OPEID to process
data for a single OPEID. If you do not select the check box,
the process runs for all Active OPEID’s mapped to the selected

Assign Aid Year Note: NSLDS loan exit counseling data does not include an Aid

Select this check box and enter an Aid Year if you want to
designate the Aid Year the processed loan exit counseling data is
associated with.

If you do not select an Aid Year, the process evaluates record

STDNT_AWARDS to determine the most current Aid Year
and use it to designate the Aid Year the processed loan exit
counseling data is associated with.

Update/Insert Option Select an Update/Insert Option.

• Insert/Update:

If there is no existing row for the Aid Year being used in the
process, insert a new row.

If there is an existing row for the Aid Year being used

in the process, compare the Date Completed. If the new
transaction's Date Completed is greater than the existing
record's Date Completed, then insert the new transaction and
move the existing record to History.

When records are moved to History, a History hyperlink is

displayed on the Manage Loan Counseling Data page. The
History hyperlink is only created during the Process NSLDS
Exit Loan Counseling process.

• Update Only:

If there is an existing row for the Aid Year being used in the
process, the record is updated.

Process Grad PLUS Select this option to update or insert an loan exit counseling
completion date for the loan code defined as Stafford loan type
and the loan code defined as the Graduate PLUS loan type. If

1392 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 38 Managing Loan Counseling

this option is not selected, only the Stafford loan exit counseling
requirement is evaluated.

Selection Option Use the Selection Option to choose whether you want to
evaluate unprocessed NLSDS loan exit counseling records,
suspended NSLDS loan exit counseling records, or both.

All: Select this option to evaluate both Suspended and

Unprocessed records.

Suspended Only:Select this option to evaluate only Suspended


Unprocessed:Select this option to evaluate only Unprocessed


File Mapping ID Use the system-provided File Mapping ID 'Exit Counseling

Import'. This File Mapping ID has been specifically defined to
map the NSLDS EXTC01 and EXTC05 Exit Loan Counseling
report formats.

Managing Suspended NSLDS Loan Exit Counseling Records

Access the Manage Exit Counseling Suspense page (Financial Aid >File Management >Loan
Counseling >Manage Exit Counsel Suspense).

Image: Manage Exit Counseling Suspense page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Exit Counseling Suspense page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to resolve suspended NSLDS loan exit counseling records.

Aid Year Enter an Aid Year. An Aid Year value must be entered to
execute the Process Exit Counseling Data process from this

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1393

Managing Loan Counseling Chapter 38

Load Option Select a Load Option.

• Insert/Update:

If there is no existing row for the Aid Year being used in the
process, insert a new row.

If there is an existing row for the Aid Year being used

in the process, compare the Date Completed. If the new
transaction's Date Completed is greater than the existing
record's Date Completed, then insert the new transaction and
move the existing record to History.

When records are moved to History, a History hyperlink is

displayed on the Manage Loan Counseling Data page. The
History hyperlink is only created during the Process NSLDS
Exit Loan Counseling process.

• Update Only:

If there is an existing row for the Aid Year being used in the
process, the record is updated.

Process Grad PLUS Select this option to update or insert an loan exit counseling
completion date for the loan code defined as Stafford loan type
and the loan code defined as the Graduate PLUS loan type. If
this option is not selected, only the Stafford loan exit counseling
requirement is evaluated.

Skip/Done Select this option and click the Process button to set the NSLDS
exit loan counseling record as Processed. This removes the
NSLDS loan exit counseling record from any future evaluation
by the Process Exit Counseling Data process. Once checked, all
ID options are ignored and the record is set to Processed in the
NSLDS loan exit counseling staging table.

ID Click the search icon to a page to search for a student ID to

match to the NLSDS loan exit counseling record.

Lock ID Select to lock the selected ID to match to the suspended NSLDS

loan exit counseling record.

Process Click this button to run the Process Exit Counseling Data
process for the selected NLSDS loan exit counseling record.

Counseling Process Status Displays the reason that the NSLDS loan exit counseling record
is suspended.

• Student Not found.

• Multiple Student matches.

• No Setup – No setup for Aid Year being processed.

1394 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 38 Managing Loan Counseling

• No Stafford record found – Stafford counseling records

evaluated for Update Only, but no existing Stafford loan
counseling record exists.

• No Grad PLUS record found – PLUS counseling records

evaluated for Update Only, but no existing Grad PLUS loan
counseling record exists.

• No Aid Year – Student is not Aid Year– activated for the Aid
Year being processed.

Viewing NSLDS Loan Exit Counseling Staging Table Data

Access the View Exit Counseling Staging Header/Trailer page (Financial Aid >File Management, >Loan
Counseling >View Exit Counseling Staging).

Image: View Exit Counseling Staging Header/Trailer page

This example illustrates the fields on the Header/Trailer page.

Access the View Exit Counseling Staging Detail page (Financial Aid >File Management >Loan
Counseling >View Exit Counseling Staging >Detail tab).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1395

Managing Loan Counseling Chapter 38

Image: View Exit Counseling Staging Detail page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields on the View Exit Counseling Staging Detail page (1 of 2).

Image: View Exit Counseling Staging Detail page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields on the View Exit Counseling Staging Detail page (2 of 2).

Use the View Exit Counseling Staging component to view all Loan Exit Counseling data evaluated during
the Process Exit Counseling Data process. Pages and sections support data based on the NSLDS report

1396 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 38 Managing Loan Counseling

formats EXTC01 and EXTC05. Reports contain the school-related header and trailer details, student's
demographic data including addresses for borrower, employer references, and next of kin data.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1397

Managing Loan Counseling Chapter 38

1398 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39

Processing Pell Payments

Understanding Pell Payment Processing

This section discusses:

• Pell payment processing.

• Pell processing action codes.

Pell Payment Processing

The Pell payment process begins with the submission of an origination or origination and disbursement
record for payment. You use origination data to verify a student's eligibility, identify possible conflicts
with other institutions, and initiate disbursement record processing. After the origination record is
received and processed, you can import an acknowledgment and response into the Campus Solutions
system. The response contains the status, such as accepted, accepted with corrections, duplicate, or

Use the disbursement record to report a disbursement or expected disbursement for each student. After
origination is accepted, you can process a disbursement record. If you send both records simultaneously,
the system processes originations before disbursement.

Pell Processing Action Codes

This table lists Pell processing action codes:

Process Pell Pell Pell Pell Pell Action Disburse

Type Processing Transaction Origination Origination Disburse Code ment Detail
Status Status Status Action ment Status

After award Pending NA NA NA NA Blank NA

not originated

Origination Selected Ready Originated Originated Originated Blank Originated

Origination Pending NA NA NA NA Blank NA


Outbound Reported Transmitted Transmitted Origination Originated Blank Originated

origination transmitted

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1399

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Process Pell Pell Pell Pell Pell Action Disburse

Type Processing Transaction Origination Origination Disburse Code ment Detail
Status Status Status Action ment Status

Inbound Reported Ready Accepted Origination Originated Blank Originated

origination acknowledg
with action ment
code of A. received.

Inbound Reported Ready Corrected Origination Originated Blank Originated

origination acknowledg
with action ment with
code of C. corrections.

Inbound Reported On Hold Corrected Origination Originated Blank Originated

origination acknowledg
with action ment with
code of C corrections.
and Pell
setup Option
is Hold

Inbound Reported On Hold Rejected Origination Originated Blank Originated

origination acknowledg
with action ment rejected.
code of E.

Outbound Reported Transmitted Accepted Origination Trans. Blank Disbursement

disbursement acknowledg transmitted

Inbound Reported Ready Dep. on Dep. on Disbursed Accepted Disbursement

disbursement origination origination acknowledg
with action status. status. ment
code of A.

Inbound Reported Ready Dep. on Dep. on Disbursed Corrected Disb.

disbursement origination origination Acc with
with action status. status. Corrections
code of C.

Inbound Reported On Hold Dep. on Dep. on Disbursed Corrected Disb.

disbursement origination origination Acc with
with action status. status. Corrections
code of C and
Pell setup
option is Hold

Inbound Reported On Hold Dep. on Dep. on Rejected Rejected Disbursement

disbursement origination origination rejected
with action status. status.
code of E.

Note: A corrected status shows a new row indicating that the corrected row was replaced. A rejected
disbursement record enables the Resend button which resets the Pell disbursement status to Originated.

1400 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Creating Pell Origination Records

The origination record establishes a student's eligibility for a specific annual award of federal Pell
Grant program funds. It includes the student's annual amount calculated by your institution and cost of

This section discusses how to generate Pell origination records.

Page Used to Create Pell Origination Records

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Origination RUNCTL_PELLORIG Financial Aid > Pell Generate Pell origination

Payment > Originate Pell records.
Payment > Origination

Generating Pell Origination Records

Access the Origination page (Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Originate Pell Payment > Origination).

Note: Only one Selection Criterion can be selected: Population Selection or Student Override List.

Population Selection
Population Selection Select this check box to enable Population Selection for this

A Population Selection Context Definition (Context Name

= Pell Origination, Process Name = SFA_PELLORIG) is
delivered for use with this process.

Selection Tool Select External File or PS Query.

Query Name Appears only when PS Query is selected. Select a population

selection query that joins with the bind record SCCPU_STDNT

Student Override List

Use this page to initiate the Pell Origination COBOL SQL process (FAPPLBLO). You can insert a new
row to process additional students.

Student Override Select to originate a Pell Grant for an individual student or a

select group of students.

ID Select to process an individual student or a group of students.

Only students who have been awarded Pell and have a Pell
process status of pending appear in the values.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1401

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Managing Pell Origination

The origination process creates a unique ID for the student, sets the Pell processing status to selected, sets
the Pell transaction status to ready, and displays the date and time that the process was run.

This section discusses how to:

• Review results of Pell origination.

• Review Pell processing status.

• Review Pell origination action detail.

• Review Pell origination message detail.

Pages Used to Manage Pell Origination

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Origination PELL_ORIG_1 Financial Aid > Pell Review results of Pell
Payment > Manage Pell origination.
Payment > Pell Origination

Pell Information PELL_INFO_SEC Click the Pell Info button on Review or change the Pell
the Pell Origination page. processing status.

Origination Ed Use Flags PELL_ORG_EDUSE_SEC Click the Ed Flags link on the View notification that
(origination education use Pell Origination page. modifications have been made
flags) to your database.

Pell Orig Action Detail (Pell PELL_ORIG_SEC Click the Orig Status link on Review Pell origination action
origination action detail) the Pell Origination page. detail, including the ID, action
sequence, and batch number.

Pell Orig Message Detail (Pell PELL_ORIG_MSG_SEC Click the Origination Message Review Pell origination
origination message detail) link on the Pell Orig Action message detail.
Detail page.

Reviewing Results of Pell Origination

Access the Pell Origination page (Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Manage Pell Payment > Pell

1402 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Image: Pell Origination page, Org Detail tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Origination page, Org Detail tab. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Pell Info (Pell information) Click to access the Pell Information page to view or change the
Pell processing status.

Orig Status (origination status) Click to access the Pell Orig Action Detail page to view the Pell
origination ID, action sequence, and batch number.

Update Pell Origination Select to run origination again. This changes the Pell processing
status back to pending. The origination process does not pick up
anything with a status other than pending. The Pell Trans Status
field must be set to Ready to run origination again.

Pell Transac Status (Pell transaction Select a value to reset the status. Values are: Review, On Hold,
status) Ready, Transmitted, and Cancel.

For example, if you receive a rejected record, the Pell

transaction status is set to On Hold. You can correct the record,
change the status to Ready, and resend the origination. After the
system has transmitted the record, this field is unavailable until
you receive an acknowledgment of the process.

Pell Origination Status Displays the Pell origination status when the system transmits
records. Values are:

Accepted: Indicates an accepted acknowledgment record.

Canceled: Indicates a canceled Pell award from the system. Run

origination again to resend.

Change to Origination: Indicates that a change was made to the

student's origination record. The origination build program sets
this status after you run origination. This occurs if you cancel an
award or if you select the student's record using the Update Pell
Origination check box.

Corrected: Indicates an accepted record with corrections.

Originated: Indicates that the origination process ran


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Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Rejected: Indicates a rejected record. If the record is rejected,

the system sets the processing status to Review and the
transmitted status to On Hold.

Transmitted: Indicates that a transmit record has been built

and can be exported. A corresponding response record for the
student must be received before you can run another process for
the student. This includes running the origination build program,
requesting an outbound of a subsequent origination record, or
running the outbound disbursement process.

Pell MRR Status (multiple reporting Displays originations and disbursements reported by more
record status) than one institution for the same student. Use this information
to identify and resolve potential over award payments and
concurrent enrollments before they occur. When you request
multiple reporting records and load them into the system, the
status of the data updates this field.

Values are:

Blocked Institution

Blocked and Concurrent

Blocker Institution

Blocker/Concurrent Enrlm (blocker and concurrent enrollment)

Concurrent Enrollment Institution

Disbursed Institution

None Found

Originated Institution

Shared SAR ID (shared student aid report ID)

Unblocked Institution

Verification W (verification without documentation)

Org Detail
Original SSN (original social security Displays the student's social security number from the original
number) Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Name Code Displays the student's name code from the original FAFSA.
If the social security number and name code do not match the
origination ID, the system rejects the record.

Attended Pell ID Displays the Pell ID of the campus that the student is attending.

Action Code Displays a code to indicate the status of an acknowledgment

record. Values are:

1404 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

A: Accepted—all fields accepted.

C: Corrected—one or more fields corrected.

D: Duplicate.

E: Rejected—record was rejected.

Total Pell Displays the student's total award amount for the school year.

Additional Pell Displays Y if the student has been awarded Pell Grant in an
amount greater than 100% of their Scheduled Federal Pell Grant
amount for the year. In the Pell outbound file, the Additional
Eligibility Indicator displays as TRUE.

Displays N if the student has not been awarded Pell Grant in

an amount greater than 100% of their Scheduled Federal Pell
Grant amount for the year or if the Pell Grant award has been
canceled in its entirety for the year. In the Pell outbound file, the
Additional Eligibility Indicator displays as FALSE.

Only displayed for Aid Years 2010 through 2012 and 2018 and

ED Verfication Status Code Displays the verification status of the applicant's data. Values
(department of education verification are:
status code)
A: Accurate

C: Calculated

T: Tolerance

R: Reprocessed

V: Verified

W: Without documentation

S: Selected but not verified


Note: When the system builds origination, it builds the value

defined on the student aid attribute record or Packaging Status
Summary. When you outbound the data, the system sets the
value to that required by the technical reference record layout.
The system sets the values V, W, S, or Blank.

Enroll Stat (enrollment status) Note: This field is hidden beginning with the 2018 Aid
Year. Enrollment status information is available via the Pell
Disbursement page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1405

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Not required to be reported. Displays the code that applies to the

student's expected enrollment status for the award year. Values

• 1: Full-time

• 2: Three-quarter-time

• 3: Half-time

• 4: Less than half-time

• 5: No Load. This value is not evaluated for 2017 and earlier

aid years.

Pell EFC (Pell expected family Not required to be reported. Displays the student's EFC from the
contribution) Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) or Student Aid
Report (SAR).

Sec EFC (secondary expected family Displays a code to indicate which expected family contribution
contribution) value is used to determine the award amount. Values are:

0: Pell award was reported previously based on the secondary

EFC. Award is now based on the original EFC.

S: The Pell Grant award is based on the secondary EFC.

Citizen Ovrd (citizenship override) Select to report a local override of the student's citizenship
status. This field is display only when the record is transmitted,
corrected, or acknowledged or when a Multiple Reporting
Record file is loaded. Valid values are Ineligible, NonCitizen
and, US Citizen.

Setup Info
Select the Setup Info tab.

Image: Pell Origination page: Setup Info tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Origination page: Setup Info tab. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

1406 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Pell Enroll Dt (Pell enrollment date) Displays the first date on which the student was enrolled in an
eligible program for the designated school year.

Low T&F Flag (low tuition and fees The system uses this field to identify tuition ranges when the
flag) annual tuition falls into the low tuition category as mandated by
the Department of Education for each award year. Values are:
(none), O, Range 1, Range 2, Range 3, and Range 4.

Trans Num (transaction number) Displays the transaction number from an eligible ISIR or SAR
used to calculate the award.

Pay Method Not required to be reported. Displays the payment method


Pell COA (Pell cost of attendance) Displays the cost of attendance used to calculate the Pell award
amount. It must equal the COA calculated by the institution
following the Pell Grant payment regulations.

Sched Pell (schedule Pell) Displays the maximum amount of the Pell award for which a
student is eligible based on full-time enrollment. The student
cannot exceed the scheduled Pell award amount.

Weeks Calc (weeks calculated) Not required to be reported. Displays the number of weeks of
instructional time in which the student is enrolled and paid,
as part of the academic year or program as defined for each
payment methodology.

Weeks Acad Yr (weeks academic Not required to be reported. Displays the number of weeks of
year) instructional time in the program's academic year.

Other Information
Select the Other Information tab.

Image: Pell Origination page: Other Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Origination page: Other Information tab. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Hours Credits Paid Not required to be reported. Displays the number of credit or
clock hours that the student is expected to complete and receive

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1407

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Hours Credits in Acad Yr (hours Not required to be reported. Displays the number of hours or
credits in academic year) credits in the program’s academic year.

Incarcerated Code Displays one of these values:

N: No longer incarcerated

Y: Incarcerated

(blank): Not incarcerated.

Acad Calender (academic calendar) Not required to be reported. Indicates the calendar that applies
to the student's educational program and determines which
payment methodology is accepted. Credit hours with standard
terms of quarters or credit hours with standard terms of
semesters or trimesters are examples of academic calendars.

Ed Flags (department of education The system activates this link when a record is inbound. Click
flags) to view the education use flags from the inbound record. These
are set to inform you of modifications that were made to your
database. Education use flags are also activated when the record
is rejected, and they require immediate action.

Prev ISIR Transac (previous Displays the previous ISIR transaction, if a change has been
institutional student information record made.

Prev EFC (previous expected family Displays the previous expected family contribution, if a change
contribution) has been made.

Prev Sec EFC Cd (previous Displays the previous secondary expected family contribution.
secondary expected family contribution

Prev COA (previous cost of Displays the previous cost of attendance based on a change to
attendance) the student's cost of attendance.

ATB (ability to benefit) Displays a link to Ability to Benefit information if present.

Click the link to view Ability to Benefit data.

See Managing Ability to Benefit.

Reviewing Pell Processing Status

Access the Pell Information page (click the Pell Info button on the Pell Origination page).

The origination process defines the students for Pell payment processing, sets the Pell processing status to
selected, sets the Pell transaction status to ready, and displays the date and time that the process was run.
You can override the transaction after you originate, but you must do this before you run any outbound

Pell Processing Status Displays the Pell processing status. The system changes this
field based on the process that you run for a student. Values are:

1408 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Pending: When a student is awarded a Pell Grant, the system

sets the status to pending, regardless of whether the award is in
offer status or accepted status. When you run origination, the
system looks for students whose status is set to pending and
whose Pell Grant is accepted.

Reported: When you outbound the Pell origination record, the

system changes the status from selected to reported.

Send: The system changes the status from pending to send if the
process was successful.

Transaction Nbr (transaction Select the transaction number. The system retrieves the latest
number) effective-dated row for the student. You can override this by
selecting the ISIR transaction number to originate. For example,
if you have multiple official ISIRs for a student, you can select
the ISIR transaction to send. If you know that the student is
eligible for more Pell awards using a prior ISIR, you can enable
the system to use that transaction instead of the last official one.

Note: When you initially run Pell origination, the system

retrieves the latest effective-dated row with an official EFC
status for the student. After you originate, but before you run
any outbound processes, you can override the transaction by
selecting a value, setting the students' Pell processing status to
pending and running origination again.

The system reoriginates the record with the data from the
selected transaction. The record includes the appropriate student
identifier such as SSN, date of birth, and last name.

Effective Date Select an effective date that matches the transaction number that
you selected. For example, if a student has three official ISIRs,
a transaction number is assigned to each effective date. If you
decide to use transaction 2, select the effective date from the
values with the matching transaction number.

Effective Sequence Select an effective sequence that coincides with the ISIR
transaction number and effective date.

Academic Career Select the student's academic career defined by your institution.

Primary Academic Program Select the primary academic program defined by your

Academic Plan Select the academic plan defined by your institution.

Pell Student Level Override Select to override the payment information at the student level
that you set up on the Payment Setup page.

Low T&F Flag (low tuition and fees The system uses this field to identify tuition ranges when the
flag) annual tuition falls into the low tuition category as mandated by

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1409

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

the Department of Education for each award year. Values are:

(none),O,Range 1, Range 2, Range 3, and Range 4.

Academic Calendar Not required to be reported. Select the academic calendar type.
Values are:

Clock Hour

Crdt Hr NS (credit hour nonstandard terms)




Hr w/o Terms (hour without terms)

Payment Methodology Not required to be reported. Select the payment methodology

or the formula used to calculate the student's Pell Grant award.
Values are: Formula 1, Formula 2, Formula 3, Formula 4,
Formula 5, and (none).

Hours/Credits in Acad Year (hours or Not required to be reported. Enter the number of hours or credits
credits in academic year) in the program's academic year.

Weeks in Program Acad Year Not required to be reported. Enter the number of weeks of
(weeks in program academic year) instructional time in the program's academic year.

Incarcerated Code Enter one of these values:

N: No longer incarcerated

Y: Incarcerated

(blank): Not incarcerated.

Use Fulltime Enrollment Select to use full-time enrollment. The system builds the field
for all originated students using full-time enrollment, regardless
of the student's actual enrollment. For example, if you select this
check box and a student is enrolled part-time, the system reports
the student as full-time. To report and originate a student as full-
time with maximum Pell, you must also select the Originate
Max Pell Award check box.

Originate Offered Awards Select to originate Pell awards with an award status of offered.
If this check box is cleared, the system only originates Pell
awards when the award status is accepted.

Originate Max Pell Award (originate Select to originate Pell awards based on the maximum Pell
maximum Pell award) award defined on the Pell Payment Setup page. The system
originates the maximum Pell amount regardless of how much
the student was offered for the Pell award.

1410 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Reviewing Pell Origination Action Detail

Access the Pell Orig Action Detail page (click the Orig Status link on the Pell Origination page).

This page displays the history of the student's origination record. If the student's record has been
originated, the system displays the status as originated. If the record has been transmitted, the system
displays the status as transmitted. The system maintains a historical record of the action that you take
when processing a student and increases the Pell origination sequence number for each action. The first
sequence is when you originate the record, the second sequence is when you transmit the origination,
and the third sequence is when the origination is received or acknowledged. If a change occurs to the
origination record, the system inserts a new sequence with an appropriate description of the action.

Seq (sequence), Code, and Date Displays the action sequence number, the description of the
action, and the date and time that the action was performed.
Whenever an action takes place that affects the student with
regard to a process, the system inserts a row. For example, the
system inserts a row for the outbound origination and for an

User Displays the name of the person who performed the action.

Origination Message Click this link to access the Pell Origination Message Detail
page, where you can view Pell origination action messages.

Viewing Pell Disbursement Data

This section discusses how to review Pell disbursement results.

Related Links
Understanding Pell Payment Processing

Page Used to View Pell Disbursement Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Disbursement PELL_DISB_2 Financial Aid > Pell Review Pell disbursement
Payment > Manage Pell results.
Payment > Pell Disbursement

Reviewing Pell Disbursement Results

Note: Pell Grant disbursement information for Aid Years prior to the 2018 Aid Year is displayed

Access the Pell Disbursement page (Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Manage Pell Payment > Pell

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1411

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Image: Pell Disbursement page: Disbursement Detail tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Disbursement page: Disbursement Detail tab.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Disbursement Detail
Item Type Displays the code for the financial aid item type.

Disbt ID (disbursement ID) Indicates the ID number assigned to the disbursement record.

Pell Disbt Amount (Pell disbursement Displays the amount of the disbursement.

Pell Disbt Date Displays the disbursement date that is set up in your system for
the disbursement ID.

Pell Actual Disbt Date (Pell actual When you select Disb Prior to Transmitting Rec on the Pell
disbursement date) Institution Address page, this field displays the actual date that
Pell was disbursed to the student's account.

Pell Disbt Status (Pell disbursement Displays the Pell disbursement status, based on origination,
status) disbursement, or any other outbound process. Values are:
Originated, Disbursed, and Transmitted.

Action Code Displays the action. The value is a result of the acknowledgment
record. Values are:

Accepted: All fields accepted.

Corrected: One or more fields corrected.

Duplicate: Duplicate record or field.

Rejected: Record was rejected.

Pell YTD Dsbt (Pell year-to-date Displays the total year-to-date amount of Pell Grant
disbursements) disbursements received and accepted by your institution.

Disbursement Detail Click this link to view the disbursement details.

1412 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Disbursement Detail
Click the Disbursement Detail link.

Image: Pell Disb Action Detail page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Disb Action Detail page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The fields on this page function similarly to the fields on the Pell Orig Action Detail page, except for:

Document ID Displays the document identification that the system assigns to

each student receiving a Pell Grant.

GEPL Action Detail (gainful

employment Pell action detail) Click to view GEPL Action Detail page.

Disbursement Messages Click to view the Pell Disbursement Message Detail page.

COD Info
Select the COD Info tab.

Image: Pell Disbursement page: COD Info tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Disbursement page: COD Info tab. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Item Type Displays the code for the financial aid item type

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1413

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Disbt ID (disbursement ID) Indicates the ID number assigned to the disbursement record.

COD Disbt Num (common Displays the disbursement number reported for a particular
origination and disbursement number) disbursement sequence.

COD Disbt Seq (common origination Displays the number that determines the order in which
and disbursement sequence) transactions must be processed for a particular disbursement

COD Disbt Amt(common origination Displays the amount of funds credited or expected to be credited
and disbursement amount) to a student's account.

Enroll School Code (enrollment school The Enrollment School Code represents the physical location
code) of the student at the disbursement level. The Enrollment School
Code reported is the OPEID of the Campus of the Financial Aid
Term associated with the disbursement ID.

• When the award is originated this field is blank and editable

by default.

• The Enrollment School Code can be overridden on the page

or by Population Update for disbursements not yet reported
to COD.

• When a disbursement is transmitted to COD, the field

becomes display only and is either blank to indicate that the
setup value was used or displays the override value.

See Defining Your Campus OPEID Codes.

GEPL Detail (gainful employment Pell

action detail) Click this link to access the GEPL Details page.

You can enter override values in the GEPL Value fields on

this page until Pell disbursement information is transmitted to
COD. After transmission, the page is display-only. If override
values are entered and transmitted, they appear in these fields
after transmission. GEPL Value fields that are not overridden
display blank after transmission. If you run in Validate only
mode regardless if the fields were overriden, the Validated
GEPL Value fields are populated and display with the Validated

The Transmitted GEPL Value fields show the values transmitted

to COD.

From AY 2021 or later, you can override the CIP Code Year on
this page. This information appears on the GEPL Action Detail

1414 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Changing Career Statuses

This section provides an overview of changing career statuses and discusses how to change a student's

Understanding Changing Career Statuses

You change a student's Pell award based on changes in the student's career. For example, assume that after
you award a student a Pell Grant using an undergraduate career for the year—fall and spring terms, the
student changes to an undergraduate engineering career for the spring term. You must cancel the spring
Pell under the undergraduate career and award the spring Pell again, this time with the undergraduate
engineering career on the award entry page. You can then use the Pell Disb/Career page to make the
change to the career for the spring term before running the origination process.

After you revise the student's Pell award, the system resets the Pell processing status to pending.
However, because no changes have been made to the student's origination or disbursement detail, the
origination process does not find this student. Career is not used by Pell for payment acceptance, so the
system does not outbound this data.

If you do not correct the Career field after a career change, the system picks up the cancelled award under
the old career, and if that award was disbursed, the Pell process returns a negative disbursement.

Note: You should correct the Career field after a career change. Otherwise, the system sends a
disbursement request under the new career. This can result in confusion with the Department of
Education, because you are simultaneously cancelling a disbursement and requesting a disbursement for
the same disbursement period for the same student.

Page Used to Change Careers

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Disb/Career (Pell PELL_DISB_1 Financial Aid > Pell Change a career on any
disbursement and career) Payment > Manage Pell disbursement row that was
Payment > Pell Disb/Career previously processed using an
old career.

Changing a Student's Career

Access the Pell Disb/Career page (Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Manage Pell Payment > Pell Disb/

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1415

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Image: Pell Disb/Career page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Disb/Career page: Disb/Career Detail tab. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Career Displays the code that represents the type of academic work
done by the student.

Item Type Displays the code for the financial aid item type

Pell Dsbt Amount (Pell disbursement Displays the amount of the disbursement.

Pell Disb Status (Pell disbursement Displays the Pell disbursement status based on the origination,
status) disbursement, or any other outbound process. Values are:
Originated, Disbursed, and Transmitted.

Action Code Displays the action code, which indicates an action to be taken.
The action code value is a result of the acknowledgment record.
Values are:

A: Accepted, all fields accepted.

C: Corrected, one or more fields corrected.

D: Duplicate.

E: Rejected, record was rejected.

Pell YTD Dsbt (Pell year-to-date Displays the total year-to-date number of disbursements
disbursed) received and accepted by your institution.

Related Links
Reviewing COD Data

Selecting Pell Data Request Types

This section provides an overview of Pell data requests and discusses how to select data requests.

1416 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Understanding Pell Data Requests

Use the data request record to request multiple reporting, statement of account, year-to-date information,
and reconciliation. You can also use the data request record to receive multiple reporting information
concerning students for whom you originate awards and who might also have awards originated at other

After you select the type of data request and run the Pell Data Requestprocess, you then run the Pell Out
process to stage the data before generating an outbound file.

Pages Used to Create Pell Data Request Types

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Data Request PELL_DATA_REQUEST Financial Aid > File Select the type of data request
Management > Pell Grants > that you want.
Create Pell Data Request >
Pell Data Request

By Institution PELL_DATA_INST_SEC Click the Institution button on Request multiple reporting

the Pell Data Request page. from other institutions.

Year to Date Request IDs PELL_DATA_ORIG_SEC Click the YTD Request List students for whom to
ID button on the Pell Data review year-to-date data.
Request page.

By Student PELL_DATA_STDT_SEC Click the Student button on Request multiple reporting by

the Pell Data Request page. student.

Selecting Data Requests

Access the Pell Data Request page (Financial Aid > File Management > Pell Grants > Create Pell Data
Request > Pell Data Request).

Request Type Select the request type. Values are:

Multiple Reporting: Select for multiple reporting information.

Reconciliation Request: Select for reconciliation information.

Statement of Account: Select to receive your funding levels and

transactions with GAPS.

Year-to-Date: Select to receive a summary of how many

originations and disbursements were sent out and how many
rejections and message codes you received based on year-to-

You can run multiple requests. Insert a row for the next request
and select the type. Each record consists of one request with a
header and a trailer.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1417

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Multiple Report Request Code 1 Select Disbursed Records or Originated Records. For example,
(multiple reporting request code 1) to determine whether a student or all of your students are
conflicting with other schools, you can base the request on
disbursements to see if another school has disbursed to a

Multiple Report Request Code 2 Select All Students, Selected Institution, or Selected Students.
(multiple reporting request code 2) To determine whether a student or all of your students are
conflicting with other schools, you can base the request on
disbursements to see if another school has disbursed aid to a

Reset Click to refresh the page and to display the Multiple Report
Request Code 1 and Multiple Report Request Code 2 fields.

Institution, YTD Request ID (year- These fields are available depending on the criteria that you
to-date request ID), and Student set in the Request Type, Multiple Report Request Code 1, and
Multiple Report Request 2 fields. For example, if you select
Multiple Reporting as the request type, Disbursed Records or
Originated Records as the multiple report request code 1, and
Selected Students as the multiple report request code 2, then the
Student field is available. If you select Selected Institution as
the multiple report request code 2, then the Institution field is
available. If you select Year-to-Date as the request type, then the
YTD Request ID field is available.

Click Institution to request multiple reporting from other

institutions. You can select the institution for which you are
requesting data.

Click YTD Request ID to list students for whom you want year-
to-date data.

Click Student to request multiple reporting by student.

Sending Pell Data Requests

This section discusses how to send Pell data requests.

Pages Used to Send Pell Data Requests

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Out RUNCTL_PELLOUT0 Financial Aid > File Create and populate request
Management > Pell Grants > for data in the outbound
Generate Pell Data Request > staging table.
Pell Out

1418 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Outbound RUNCTL_FA_OUT Financial Aid > File Generate outbound files.

Management > Create
Federal Data Files > FA

Selecting Outbound Pell Data Requests

Access the Pell Out page (Financial Aid > File Management > Pell Grants > Generate Pell Data
Request > Pell Out).

Running this process populates the staging table with your data request.

Pell Data Request Outbound Select this check box to move Pell data request records to the
staging tables where the flat files are created.

Save the page. Then click the Run button to initiate the Pell Outbound Driver process (FAPP0DRO) to
move the selected files from the database to the staging tables.

Verifying Outbound Pell Data Requests

You can review data in the staging tables for Pell data requests and make corrections before sending these

This section discusses how to review Pell data requests.

Pages Used to Verify Outbound Pell Data Requests

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Header PELL_HEADER_00 Financial Aid > File View Pell data requests.
Management > Pell Grants >
View Pell Data Request >
Pell Header

Pell Data Request PELL_DREQ_00 Financial Aid > File Review Pell data requests.
Management > Pell Grants >
View Pell Data Request >
Pell Data Request

Pell Trailer PELL_TRAILER_00 Financial Aid > File View the data that is reported
Management > Pell Grants > and accepted from the
View Pell Data Request > inbound batch.
Pell Trailer

Reviewing Outbound Pell Data Requests

Access the Pell Data Request page (Financial Aid > File Management > Pell Grants > View Pell Data
Request > Pell Data Request).

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Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Image: Pell Data Request page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Data Request page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Request Seq (request sequence) Displays the number of times that the data request was run.

Request Type Displays a code identifying the type of request. Values are:

Multiple reporting

Statement of account



Multiple Report Request Code 1 Indicates whether the institution is requesting originated or
(multiple reporting request code 1) disbursed institutions. Values are: Originated Records or
Disbursed Records.

Multiple Report Request Code 2 Indicates whether the institution is requesting by selected
(multiple reporting request code 2) student, selected institution, or all students. Values are: All
Students, Selected Students, and Selected Institutions.

MRR Student ID (multiple reporting Displays the student's social security number and name code for
record student ID) which a multiple report is requested.

MRR Institution Pell ID (multiple Displays the code for which multiple report listings are
reporting record institution Pell ID) requested.

Pell ID Reporting Displays the ID of the reporting institution.

Attended Pell ID Displays the attending campus ID code assigned to your

institution by the Department of Education.

Pell Media Type Displays the code for the type of tape to use when sending
output data. This is available for aid years prior to 2001.

1420 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

E: Send output by electronic file

Student Demo Information Click to view the student's first name, last name, middle initial,
date of birth, and social security number.

Comments Click to view the message codes on the Pell Data Request
Comment page.

Generating Outbound Pell Data Requests

Page Used for Generating Outbound Pell Data Requests

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA EC File Outbound RUNCTL_FA_OUT Financial Aid >File Run this process to generate
Management >Create Federal a data request file for
Data Files >FA EC File submission to COD.

Generate the Outbound Pell Data Request

Running this process generates a data request file for submission to COD.

Access the FA EC File Outbound page (Financial Aid >File Management >Create Federal Data
Files >FA EC File Outbound.

Outbound File Path Enter the path where the file is to be stored.

Aid Year Select the aid year for which to run the process.

Institution Select the institution for which to run the process.

Receiving Inbound Pell Data Requests

This section discusses how to import Pell data requests.

Pages Used to Receive Inbound Pell Data Requests

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

FA Inbound RUNCTL_FA_INBOUND Financial Aid >File Load inbound data request

Management >Import files from COD to staging
Federal Data Files >FA tables.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1421

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Process In RUNCTL_PELLIN0 Financial Aid >File Move data from the staging
Management >Pell tables to the database.
Grants >Import Pell Multiple
Reporting >Pell Process In

Loading Pell Acknowledgment Files


Access the FA Inbound page (Financial Aid >File Management >Import Federal Data Files >FA

The system provides two run options on the FA Inbound page: Single File and File List.

Run Option Select one of the following run options:

• Single File: The FA Inbound process expects the file listed

in the Inbound File field to be one of the supported EDI

• File List: The FA Inbound process expects the file listed in

the Inbound File field to be a list of files to be processed.

The default option is Single File.

Moving a Pell Data Request to the Database


Access the Pell Process In page (Financial Aid >File Management >Pell Grants >Import Pell Multiple
Reporting >Pell Process In).

Use this page to run the Pell Inbound Driver COBOL SQL process (FAPPIDRO).

Pell Multiple Reporting Record Select to inbound any MRRs previously requested by more than
one institution for the same student. This process is required
only for MRR data requests.

Verifying Inbound Pell Data Requests

COD sends report files based on the data request files submitted by the institution for Multiple
Reporting, Statement of Account, Year-To-Date and Reconciliation. Use the FA Inbound process
(RUNCTL_FA_INBOUND) to load these files into their respective staging tables. The FA Inbound
process determines the type of file based on the content of the Batch ID field in the header. Importing the
Multiple Report Request requires running Import Pell Multiple Reporting Data for load completion. Use
the provided inquiry pages to view the file data. Use the search record for these pages to search by EC

1422 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Transaction ID, where the values match the file message classes. The field value is derived from the Batch
ID by the FA Inbound process and is not intended to match the name of the physical file.

After you request origination, disbursement, multiple reporting, statement of account, or year-to-date
acknowledgment files, you can view the data received before loading the files to the database.

For detailed information about inbound data from COD:

See the U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Technical

Pages Used to Verify Inbound Pell Data Requests

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Header PELL_HEADER_00 • Financial Aid > Pell View the values from the
Payment > Cash inbound process.
Management Reports >
Review Statement of
Account > Pell Header

• Financial Aid > Pell

Payment > Multiple
Reporting > Review
MRR > Pell Header

• Financial Aid > Pell

Payment > Cash
Management Reports >
Review Reconciliation >
Pell Header

• Financial Aid > Pell

Payment > Year to Date
Reports > Review YTD
Records > Pell Header

Pell Statement of Acct Summ PELL_SAR_00 Financial Aid > Pell Review statement of account
(Pell statement of account Payment > Cash summary and GAPS
summary) Management Reports > information.
Review Statement of
Account > Pell Statement of
Acct Summ

Pell Statement of Acct Detail PELL_SARD_00 Financial Aid > Pell Review statement of account
(Pell statement of account Payment > Cash detail, including data about
detail) Management Reports > adjustment amount, report
Review Statement of date, process date, batch
Account > Pell Statement of number, and adjustment
Acct Detail description.

Pell Multiple Report PELL_MRR_00 Financial Aid > Pell Review multiple reporting
Payment > Multiple data for students for whom
Reporting > Review MRR > you originate awards and
Pell Multiple Report who might also have awards
originated at other institutions.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1423

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell MRR Institution Info PELL_MRR_00_INST Financial Aid > Pell View demographic and
Payment > Multiple financial aid administrator
Reporting > Review MRR > data.
Pell MRR Institution Info

Pell YTD Originations (Pell PELL_YTDORG_00 Financial Aid > Pell Review Pell year-to-date
year-to-date originations) Payment > Year to Date originations.
Report > Review YTD
Records > Pell YTD

Student Demo Information PELL_STDT_YTD_SEC Click the Student Demo View the student's name, date
Information link on the Pell of birth, and SSN.
YTD Originations page.

Estimated Disbursement PELL_YTDORG_00_SEC Click the Estimated View approximate

Dates Disbursement link on the Pell disbursement dates.
YTD Originations page.

Pell YTD Disbursements (Pell PELL_YTDSB_00 Financial Aid > Pell Review Pell year-to-date
year-to-date disbursements) Payment > Year to Date disbursements.
Reports > Review YTD
Records > Pell YTD

Pell YTD Summary (Pell PELL_YTDSUM_00 Financial Aid > Pell Review Pell year-to-date
year-to-date summary) Payment > Year to Date summary of originations and
Reports > Review YTD disbursements.
Records > Pell YTD

Comment Code PELL_YTDSUM_00_SEC Click the Comment Codeslink View the number of times
on the Pell YTD Summary that a comment code was
page. returned to your institution on
an acknowledgment.

Pell Reconciliation PELL_RECON_00 Financial Aid > Pell Review Pell reconciliation
Payment > Cash records. Reconcile the total
Management Reports > disbursement amount per
Review Reconciliation > Pell student.

1424 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Trailer PELL_TRAILER_00 • Financial Aid > Pell View inbound data.
Payment > Cash
Management Reports >
Pell Statement of Acct >
Pell Trailer

• Financial Aid > Pell

Payment > Multiple
Reporting > Review
MRR > Pell Trailer

• Financial Aid > Pell

Payment > Cash
Management Reports >
Review Reconciliation >
Pell Trailer

• Financial Aid > Pell

Payment > Year to Date
Reports > Review YTD
Records > Pell Trailer

Importing Pell Grant Reports

This section discusses how to:

• Import and Review Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) files.

• Import and Review School Account Statement (SAS) and SAS Disbursement on Demand files.

Warning! This report functionality utilizes File Parser back-end processing to import grant header, report
detail, and grant trailer data into the system. The delivered Context Definitions and File Mappings should
not be changed.

Important! For detailed information regarding data received from Common Origination and
Disbursement in these reports, reference the latest COD Technical Reference at

Pages Used to Import Pell Grant Reports

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Import Pell LEU Files SFA_PG_LEU_IMP Financial Aid > Pell Import Pell Lifetime
Payment > LEU Reports > Eligibility Used files.
(import pell lifetime eligibility Import Pell LEU Files
used files)

Review Pell LEU Records SFA_PG_LEU_HDR Financial Aid > Pell Review a display of Pell
Payment > LEU Reports > Lifetime Eligibility Used
(review pell lifetime Review Pell LEU Records information.
eligibility used records)

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1425

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Generate Pell LEU Reports SFA_PG_LEU_RUN Financial Aid > Pell Create a PDF of Pell Lifetime
Payment > LEU Reports > Eligibility Used report
(generate pell lifetime Generate Pell LEU Reports information.
eligibility used reports)

Import SAS Files SFA_PG_SAS_IMP Financial Aid > Pell Import SAS and SAS
Payment > Cash Disbursement on Demand
(import school account Management Reports > SAS files.
statement files) Reports > Import SAS Files

Review Pell SAS Summary SFA_PG_SAS_HDR Financial Aid > Pell Review a display of Pell SAS
Payment > Cash Summary information.
(review pell school account Management Reports > SAS
statement summary) Reports > Review Pell SAS

Generate SAS Reports SFA_PG_SAS_RUN Financial Aid > Pell Create a PDF of Pell SAS
Payment > Cash report information.
(generate school account Management Reports > SAS
statement reports) Reports > Generate SAS

Review Pell SAS DOD SFA_PG_SASOD_HDR Financial Aid > Pell Review a display of Pell
Summary Payment > Cash Disbursement on Demand
Management Reports > SAS Summary information.
(review pell school account Reports > Review Pell SAS
statement disbursement on DOD Summary
demand summary)

Generate SAS DOD Reports SFA_PG_RUN_DOD Financial Aid > Pell Create a PDF of Pell
Payment > Cash Disbursement on Demand
(generate school account Management Reports > SAS report information.
statement disbursement on Reports > Generate SAS
demand reports) DOD Reports

Importing and Reviewing Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) Files

Importing Pell LEU Files

Access the Import Pell LEU Files page (Financial Aid > Pell Payment > LEU Reports > Import Pell
LEU Files).

Use the run control page to import Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used files from Common Origination and
Disbursement (COD).

File Mapping ID Select Pell LE Import. The Pell Lifetime Eligibility Report
identifies Pell eligible CPS applicants for the award year that
are approaching or have exceeded the 600.000% LEU limit.
Records displayed on the Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used report
are a snapshot of data on the COD System as of the report run

1426 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Review Pell LEU Records

Access the Review Pell SAS Summary page (Financial Aid > Pell Payment > LEU Reports > Review
Pell LEU Records).

This page displays data import detail for Pell LEU Records.

Important! For detailed information regarding data received from Common Origination and
Disbursement in these reports, reference the latest COD Technical Reference at

Generate Pell LEU Reports

Access the Generate Pell LEU Reports page (Financial Aid > Pell Payment > LEU Reports > Generate
Pell LEU Reports).

This page creates a PDF file of the Pell LEU reports.

Important! For detailed information regarding data received from Common Origination and
Disbursement in these reports, reference the latest COD Technical Reference at

Importing and Reviewing School Account Statement (SAS) and SAS

Disbursement on Demand Files

Importing SAS Files

Access the Import SAS Files page (Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Cash Management Reports > SAS
Reports > Import SAS Files).

Use the run control page to select and import SAS and SAS Disbursement on Demand files from
Common Origination and Disbursement (COD).

File Mapping ID Select one:

• Pell SAS Import: A monthly statement, similar to a bank

statement, which summarizes your school's processing
activity for that month and/or Year-to-Date (YTD). This
statement can be used as a reconciliation tool to compare to
both your financial aid and business office records.

• Pell SAS On Demand Import: An on-demand report

retrieved from requests made through the Reports Request
page on the COD Website. The report is limited to the
Disbursement Level Detail Section.

Review Pell SAS Summary

Access the Review Pell SAS Summary page (Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Cash Management
Reports > SAS Reports > Review Pell SAS Summary).

This page displays data import detail for Cash Summary, Cash Detail, Disbursement Level, or Award
Level information contained in the report provided by COD. Disbursement Level and Award Level
display depends on school report option setup with COD. Award Level reporting is only available to

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1427

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

schools that elect to receive YTD reports. If a school elects to receive both YTD Disbursement Level and
Award Level the reports will come in separate message classes.

Important! For detailed information regarding data received from Common Origination and
Disbursement in these reports, reference the latest COD Technical Reference at

Generate SAS Reports

Access the Generate SAS Reports page (Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Cash Management Reports >
SAS Reports > Generate SAS Reports).

This page creates a PDF file of the Pell SAS YTD, Monthly, or YTD Award Level reports.

Important! For detailed information regarding data received from Common Origination and
Disbursement in these reports, reference the latest COD Technical Reference at

Review Pell SAS DOD Summary

Access the Review Pell SAS DOD Summary page (Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Cash Management
Reports > SAS Reports > Review Pell SAS DOD Summary).

This page displays an on-demand report retrieved from requests made through the Reports Request page
on the COD Website. The report is limited to the Disbursement Level Detail Section.

Important! For detailed information regarding data received from Common Origination and
Disbursement in these reports, reference the latest COD Technical Reference at

Generate SAS DOD Reports

Access the Generate SAS DOD Reports page (Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Cash Management
Reports > SAS Reports > Generate SAS DOD Reports).

This page creates a PDF file of the Pell SAS DOD report.

Important! For detailed information regarding data received from Common Origination and
Disbursement in these reports, reference the latest COD Technical Reference at

Tracking Requests for Funds From GAPS

This section discusses how to:

• Review requests for funds from GAPS.

• Manage item type detail.

• Enter cash transaction notes.

1428 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Pages Used to Track Requests for Funds From GAPS

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Cash Summary PROG_CASH_SUMM_PG Financial Aid > Pell Track requests for funds from
Payment > Cash GAPS. Enter applicable cash
Management Reports > management detail.
Cash Summary > Pell Cash

Item Type PRG_CSH_ITM_PG_SEC Click the Item Type button on Manage item type detail.
the Pell Cash Summary page. Enter specific item type
information for this cash
summary. This enables you
to divide each cash summary
into the item types for which
it is associated.

Cash Transaction Notes PROG_CSH_NT_PG_SEC Click the Cash Txn Notes Enter cash transaction notes
button on the Pell Cash specific to this cash summary
Summary page. detail.

Reviewing Requests for Funds From GAPS

Access the Pell Cash Summary page (Financial Aid > Pell Payment > Cash Management Reports >
Cash Summary > Pell Cash Summary).

Image: Pell Cash Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pell Cash Summary page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Total Nbr of Records in Period (total Displays the total number of cash summary detail records
number of records in period) included in this reconciliation period.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1429

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

Total of all Transactions Displays the total of all the transaction amounts for this
reconciliation period for each cash summary detail record.

Total Cash Displays the total of all cash on hand amounts for this
reconciliation period for each cash summary detail record.

Tot Antic Disb (total anticipated Displays the total of all anticipated disbursement amounts for
disbursement) this reconciliation period for each cash summary detail record.

Total Requested Amount Displays the total of all requested amounts for this reconciliation
period for each cash summary detail record.

Cash Summary
Seq (sequence) Displays a number that increases each time that you insert a new
row. The sequence counts each cash summary detail record in
this reconciliation period.

Tot # Recs (total number of records) Indicates the total number of records in the reconciliation
period. You can change this number to correct a mismatch with
the data.

Conf Cd (confirmation code) Displays the confirmation code for this cash drawdown request,
which is received from GAPS.

Pell Batch ID Displays the batch ID associated with this cash summary detail.

Batch Dt (batch date) Displays the date on which the batch was created. This is
recorded when you run outbound disbursements.

Antic Disb (anticipated disbursement) Displays the amount that you anticipate to disburse to students
for Pell Grants during the reconciliation period.

Recon Cash on Hand (reconciliation Displays the amount of cash that you have on hand.
cash on hand)

Rqstd Amt (requested amount) Displays the amount of money that you requested for this
disbursement period. The requested amount typically equals the
anticipated disbursement minus your cash on hand.

Request Date Displays the date on which you request the amount.

Txn Amt (transaction amount) Displays the amount of the transaction for this request.

Txn Date (transaction date) Displays the date on which this cash summary detail occurred.

Item Type Click to enter specific item type information for this cash
summary. You can divide each cash summary into the item types
with which it is associated.

Cash Transaction Notes Click to enter comments specific to this cash summary detail.

1430 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 39 Processing Pell Payments

Managing Item Type Detail

Access the Item Type page (click the Item Type button on the Pell Cash Summary page).

Select an item type. Edit the other fields as needed. The system updates the User and Cash Action
Datetime (cash action date and time) fields when you insert a new row.

Entering Cash Transaction Notes

Access the Cash Transaction Notes page (click the Cash Txn Notes button on the Pell Cash Summary

Note Seq (note sequence) Displays a number that increases each time that you add a row
for a new note. The system updates the User and Cash Action
Datetime (cash action date and time) fields when you insert a
new row.

Note Text Enter comments about the requests that you made. For example,
you can enter a notation about sending a memo to the main
accounting office requesting an electronic funds transfer.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1431

Processing Pell Payments Chapter 39

1432 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 40

Using Perkins MPN Functionality

Understanding Perkins MPN Functionality

Regulatory changes require that institutions must use the Perkins MPN for new Perkins loans and for
former National Direct Student Loan borrowers made on or after November 1, 2004. The Perkins MPN
functionality enables institutions to participate as an annual MPN or multi-year MPN school by tracking
a signed MPN before a student can receive any Perkins loan funds. For the annual MPN, the borrower
is required to sign a note once each award year for all loans made for that award year. For a multi-year
MPN, the borrower signs a note once for all loans made until that note expires at your institution.

In addition to providing annual or multi-year options, the system provides institutions the means to offer
students the option of completing and signing an electronic Perkins MPN (eMPN). Campus Solutions Self
Service provides students multiple entry points to begin the process to complete and electronically sign
the Perkins MPN. Perkins MPN notifications and disclosures are incorporated into the Perkins electronic
MPN process. The Perkins eMPN process incorporates the guidance and recommendations in accordance
with the Department of Education Federal Student Aid.

The system provides a way to track the date that the MPN was signed by the borrower, the date that the
MPN was received by the school, the date that the school received a request from the student to cancel
an MPN, and the expiration date. Schools can close the status of the expiration date on the Perkins MPN
record if they receive a written request from the student to cancel additional multi-year MPN loans.

Schools can print and track Perkins MPNs by groups, career, or for a single student. They can control
printing of MPNs at the time of award notification (offered award status) or after the student has accepted
their Perkins loan award. They can select a sort order when printing for large groups of students. The print
MPN process utilizes the Forms Engine routine.

The disbursement authorization process accommodates the Perkins MPN record and process, but you
must ensure that the MPN requirement flag is set at the financial aid item type level. For the financial aid
item types that are flagged, the disbursement authorization process assesses whether or not a student with
a Perkins Loan award satisfies the MPN requirement.

Note: This process does not require a checklist to be established for funds to be disbursed. See "Changes
to Authorization and Disbursement for Perkins MPN Awards" in this document.

Determining a Valid Perkins MPN

The Perkins eMPN self-service process, print Perkins MPN process, and disbursement authorization
process all need to determine whether a student who is awarded a financial aid item type with the MPN
required flag has a valid Perkins MPN on file to proceed. Each process determines whether a valid
Perkins MPN is on file for the student by first checking for the type of MPN. If it is a multi-year note or
an annual note, and is signed and not expired, the process determines that a valid MPN exists. If it is a

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1433

Using Perkins MPN Functionality Chapter 40

multi-year or annual note and is signed but expired, the process determines that a valid MPN does not
exist and proceeds appropriately. The expiration date is based on any one of the following:

• The date that the institution receives the borrower's written request for no additional MPN loans.

• Twelve months after the signature date if no disbursements were made under that MPN.

• Ten years after the signature date or the date of institution's receipt of MPN.

Printing the Perkins MPN

This process utilizes the Forms Engine routine. The Forms Engine's primary function is to enable high
speed and high volume printing to PostScript printers. The print Perkins MPN process sends the student
data directly to the printer, which prints out to the Perkins MPN form layout, based on the department
approved note, dated August 2003. This section discusses how to print the Perkins MPN.

Page Used to Print Perkins MPN

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Print Perkins Master SFA_RUN_PERK_MPN Financial Aid > Loans > Generate the Perkins MPN.
Promissory Note Print Perkins MPN > Print
Perkins Master Promissory

Printing the Perkins MPN

Access the Print Perkins Master Promissory Note page (Financial Aid > Loans > Print Perkins MPN >
Print Perkins Master Promissory Note).

Sort by Select from the following to determine the order that the system
prints the MPN:

ID: Select to print by student EmplID.

Name: Select to print by student names. The order is last name,

first name, middle initial.

SSN: Select to print by student social security numbers.

Printer Name Select the printer for which you want to print the MPN. See
Using Forms Engine for more information about defining

Print Via Script Select to allow for multi-platform printing. See Using Forms
Engine for more information about defining printers.

Student Override Select this check box and an individual student ID to print a
Perkins MPN. The search result only displays students with
a financial aid item type with the MPN Required flag and an
award status of Offer or Accept. The process does not allow

1434 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 40 Using Perkins MPN Functionality

you to select students who at a minimum do not have an offered

Perkins financial aid item type with the MPN Required check
box selected on the FA Item Type 1 page.

Tracking Perkins MPN Information

This section provides an overview of Perkins MPN information and discusses how to:

• View Perkins MPN information.

• Review and enter data.

• Review and enter references.

Understanding Tracking Perkins MPN Information

The Perkins MPN record tracks and records key dates and information. The system creates a Perkins
MPN record if a student has been awarded a financial aid item type with the MPN Required flag and
under the following conditions:

1. The MPN format is electronic and the student has completed and electronically signed the Perkins

2. A paper MPN has been generated. You can generate paper MPNs in batch by running the Print
Perkins MPN process or a student can request a paper MPN within the eMPN process.

Pages Used to Track Perkins MPN Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Tracking Information SFA_PERK_MPN_TRACK Financial Aid > Loans > View Perkins MPN
View Perkins MPN > information.
Tracking Information

Data Fields SFA_PERK_MPN_DATA Financial Aid > Loans > View borrower and school
View Perkins MPN > Data information. Reprint Perkins
Fields promissory note.

References SFA_PERK_MPN_REFER Financial Aid > Loans > Manually enter MPN
View Perkins MPN > reference information or view
References information captured from the
Perkins eMPN process.

Viewing Perkins MPN Information

Access the Tracking Information page (Financial Aid > Loans > View Perkins MPN > Tracking

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1435

Using Perkins MPN Functionality Chapter 40

Image: Tracking Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Tracking Information page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

MPN Seq (master promissory note Displays the sequence number. The sequence number tracks the
sequence) number of times the system created an MPN record.

MPN Type (master promissory note Displays the option (annual or multi-year) the institution
type) selected.

MPN Format (master promissory Displays the format that the system used to create the MPN.
note format)

Created Date Displays the date on which the system created the note.

Aid Year Displays the aid year in which the system generated the record.

Signature Date Displays the date on which the borrower signed the note.

Consent Date Displays the date on which the borrower acknowledged consent
to electronically sign the MPN. The consent date appears only
for MPNs signed electronically.

Received Date Displays the date on which the school received the master
promissory note.

Canceled Date Displays the date on which the borrower cancelled the loan.
You (administrative user) can update this field to cancel loans
that may have inadvertently been created, or if the loan was
cancelled after the note was generated. After you update the
Canceled Date field and save, the data on the record becomes
display only. This allows you to account for that note, but it

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Chapter 40 Using Perkins MPN Functionality

does not prohibit you from generating a new note if required.

Because sequence number is a key, the system generates new
notes provided that the student does not have a valid MPN on

MPN Expire Date (master Displays the expiration date for a multi-year MPN. This is
promissory note expire date) required only for schools that are using the multi-year note.
The expiration date is based any one of the following federal

• Date the school receives borrower's written request for no

additional MPN loans.

• Twelve months after signature date if no disbursements are

made under the eMPN.

• Ten years after signature date or date of school's receipt of

the MPN.

Note: The system maintains this field. The user does not update
it. When the system updates a Perkins MPN signature date,
it automatically sets the MPN Expire Date to twelve months
after the signature date. After a disbursement has occurred, the
system updates and changes the MPN Expire Date to ten years
after the signature date.

MPN Closed Date (master Displays the date on which the school closed a loan based on
promissory note closed date) the written request of the student to cancel further loans for the
multi-year MPN.

Reviewing and Entering Data

Access the Data Fields page ((Financial Aid > Loans > View Perkins MPN > Data Fields).

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Using Perkins MPN Functionality Chapter 40

Image: Data Fields page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Fields page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Printer Name Select the printer from which you want to print the MPN.

Print Via Script Select to allow for multi platform printing. You should select
this check box if you are printing from a UNIX application
server or process scheduler environment.

Reprint Promissory Note Click to reprint the promissory note. You must provide a printer
name prior to invoking this process.

Reviewing and Entering References

Access the References page (Financial Aid > Loans > View Perkins MPN > References).

1438 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 40 Using Perkins MPN Functionality

Image: References page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the References page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to enter reference information required for students who have been awarded a Perkins loan.
You can insert rows based on the number of references required by your institution. If the system created
the Perkins MPN record based on the Perkins eMPN process, the system posts the reference information
that the student entered using self service.

Viewing Perkins MPN Data

You can view Perkins MPN data from several pages within the system. This section discusses how to:

• View Perkins MPN loan indebtedness information.

• View Perkins MPN dates, history, and repayment schedules.

Pages Used to View Perkins Loan Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Perkins Loan Indebtedness SFA_PERK_MPN_INDEB Financial Aid > Loans > Review the MPN type,
View Perkins Loan format, dates, and loan
Indebtedness > Perkins Loan indebtedness history that the
Indebtedness student has incurred at your

Perkins MPN SFA_PERK_MPN_SEC Click the Perkins MPN link Review Perkins MPN
on the Financial Aid Status information, loan history, and
page. sample repayment schedules.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1439

Using Perkins MPN Functionality Chapter 40

Viewing Perkins MPN Loan Indebtedness Information

Access the Perkins Loan Indebtedness page (Financial Aid > Loans > View Perkins Loan
Indebtedness > Perkins Loan Indebtedness).

This page provides the key MPN dates along with the student's detailed Perkins loan indebtedness history
at your institution.

MPN Information
MPN Type (master promissory note Displays the option (annual or multi-year) the institution
type) selected.

MPN Format (master promissory Displays the format.

note format)

Created Date Displays the date on which the system generated the note.

Signature Date Displays the date on which the borrower signed the note.

MPN Expire Date (master Displays the expiration date for a multi-year MPN. This is only
promissory note expire date) required for schools who are using the multi-year note. The
expiration date is based on any one of the following federal

• The date that the school receives the borrower's written

request for no additional MPN loans.

• Twelve months after the signature date if no disbursements

are made under the MPN.

• Ten years after the signature date or the date of school's

receipt of the MPN.

Note: The system maintains this field. The user does not update
it. When the system updates a Perkins MPN signature date,
it automatically sets the MPN Expire Date to twelve months
after the signature date. After a disbursement has occurred, the
system updates and changes the MPN Expire Date to ten years
after the signature date.

MPN Closed Date (master Displays the date on which the school closed a loan based on
promissory note closed date) the written request of the student to cancel further loans for the
multi-year MPN.

Loan History
Aid Year Displays the aid year for the expected and actual Perkins award.

Expected Award Displays the expected Perkins award amount.

Actual Award Displays the actual or disbursed Perkins award amount.

1440 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 40 Using Perkins MPN Functionality

Note: The awards in the list are any financial aid item type where the aggregate area is tied to Perkins,
even if the item type is not flagged as MPN required. The system keys loan history amounts by school
code. Therefore, the system consolidates and displays only loan amounts associated to valid school codes
for the institution.

Viewing Perkins MPN Dates, History, and Repayment Schedules

Access the Perkins MPN page (Financial Aid >View Financial Aid Status >Financial Aid Status >click
the Perkins MPN Required link).

Note: The system displays Perkins MPN Required without a link if the system determines that a Perkins
MPN is required and a Perkins MPN record does not exist.

MPN Information
MPN Type (master promissory note Displays the option (annual or multi-year) that the institution
type) selected.

MPN Format (master promissory Displays the format.

note format)

Created Date Displays the date on which the system generated the note.

Signature Date Displays the date on which the borrower signed the note.

MPN Expire Date (master Displays the expiration date for a multi-year MPN. This is only
promissory note expire date) required for schools who are using the multi-year note. The
expiration date is based on any one of the following federal

• The date that the school receives borrower's written request

for no additional MPN loans.

• Twelve months after the signature date if no disbursements

are made under the MPN.

• Ten years after the signature date or the date of school's

receipt of the MPN.

Note: The system maintains this field. The user does not update
it. When the system updates a Perkins MPN signature date,
it automatically sets the MPN Expire Date to twelve months
after the signature date. After a disbursement has occurred, the
system updates and changes the MPN Expire Date to ten years
after the signature date.

MPN Closed Date (master Displays the date on which the school closed a loan based on
promissory note closed date) the written request of the student to cancel further loans for the
multi-year MPN.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1441

Using Perkins MPN Functionality Chapter 40

Loan History
Aid Year Displays the aid year and total indebtedness for the expected
and actual award.

Expected Award Displays the aid year and total indebtedness for the expected
and actual award.

Expected Award Displays the expected award amount.

Actual Award Displays the actual award amount.

Note: The awards in the list are any financial aid item type where the aggregate area is tied to Perkins,
even if the item type is not flagged as MPN required. The system keys loan history amounts by school
code. Therefore, the system consolidates and displays only loan amounts associated to valid school codes
for the institution.

Sample Repayment Schedule

Total Amount Borrowed Displays examples of a total amount borrowed.

Monthly Payment Displays examples of a monthly payment based on the borrowed


Interest Paid Displays examples of the interest paid based on the borrowed

Total Repaid Displays examples of the amount repaid based on the borrowed

Note: The information in the Sample Repayment Schedule group box cannot be changed or updated.

1442 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 41

Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

Understanding Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

This section lists prerequisites and discusses:

• Authorization and disbursement.

• Background authorization and disbursement.

• Online authorization and disbursement.

• Anticipated aid.

• Service impacts on disbursement authorization.

Before you can authorize and disburse a student's aid, accepted financial aid awards must exist for the
student. You must also set up global disbursement rules and financial aid item type disbursement rules for
each eligible career before authorizing or disbursing awards.

Related Links
Defining Basic Global Rules for Authorization

Authorization and Disbursement

After a student is awarded financial aid and accepts the award, you authorize each payment disbursement
and disburse the money into the student's account. That is, disbursing financial aid to students includes
two distinct steps:

1. The authorization process uses rules to determine whether a particular award can be disbursed to a
student's account. The rules can be set up to apply to all students in a particular career or to particular
awards for a career.

2. Disbursement is the transfer of funds from the Financial Aid system to the student's account in the
Campus Solutions Student Financials system.

Financial aid awards can appear on the student's account:

• Before disbursement, as anticipated aid on a student's account.

• After disbursement, as actual awards credited to the student's account.

Related Links
"Entering Groups of Transactions" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student Financials)

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Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid Chapter 41

Background Authorization and Disbursement

Financial Aid enables you to authorize and disburse aid to individual students or to a group of students.
You authorize and disburse aid for a group of students using two background (batch) processes:

1. Authorize awards using background authorization.

• Use the authorization calendar and background authorization run control page to determine which
accepted awards are processed.

• The background authorization process uses the global disbursement rules and any item type
disbursement rules that you set up for the disbursement process, using the award's disbursement
date to select the valid effective-dated global rules to enforce, item-type rules to enforce, or both.

• You can run the authorization process first in test mode to identify potential unauthorized
disbursements After resolving problems by making changes to student records, you can run the
process again in update mode.

2. Disburse awards using background disbursement.

• Authorized awards defined in the disbursement calendar are selected for the batch disbursement

Use the background disbursement run control page to further control the records to be processed.

• Awards that are authorized online but not disbursed online are included in the batch disbursement.

• Awards for which the authorized amount equals the current disbursed amount are skipped.

Online Authorization and Disbursement

Authorization and disbursement can be done online for individual students and the disbursement process
immediately credits the student's account. If the authorization of an award is not successful, the system
provides a message explaining each failure. You can revise the student's record and attempt to authorize
the award again. If you are unable to authorize an award and want to override the rules that are set up
for the career and the award, you can access another page and authorize the award using an override.
Authorizing with an override should be done only in very special circumstances because after the
award has been authorized, it is easily disbursed. An award can be disbursed only after it is successfully

Warning! When the system disburses financial aid in batch, it appears in Financial Aid pages as if
the funds have been applied to the students' accounts. This is not true. The students' accounts are not
actually credited until Student Financials Posting processes apply the funds to the students' accounts. The
scheduling of batch disbursement processing should be coordinated with the student financial office to
ensure that aid is promptly applied to the students' accounts.

Note: The online authorization and disbursement processes do not use the authorization and disbursement
calendars. Security for the online authorization and disbursement pages should be closely controlled
because aid can be disbursed at any time in the aid year.

1444 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 41 Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

Anticipated Aid
When you define financial aid item types, you choose whether the award should be reflected on a
student's account in Student Financials as anticipated aid prior to disbursement. Anticipated aid is
financial aid that you have awarded but not disbursed to a student.

You can view anticipated aid for a student in one of two ways:

• Use the Anticipated Aid by Term page to view the anticipated financial aid for the student, by term,
for a designated aid year.

You can use this page to determine which awards in each term have yet to be disbursed to a student. A
net award amount of zero indicates that the award has been disbursed.

• Use the Anticipated Aid by Item Type page to view a student's anticipated financial aid for a
particular term by financial aid item type.

Related Links
Reviewing Anticipated Aid

Service Impacts on Disbursement Authorization

You can use service impacts to prevent disbursement of financial aid funds. Disbursement authorization
verifies whether an active service indicator exists for the disbursement term. If the service indicator
has been assigned a service impact intended to stop the disbursement of funds, the item type fails
authorization. Generally, negative service indicators should be used to hold disbursements.

Related Links
"Viewing, Assigning, or Removing Service Indicators" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus

Managing User Edit Messages

User edit messages are financial aid office communication records that can be assigned to students for
a given aid year. Financial aid offices can use these messages to track financial aid-related events for
a student to supplement (or to use as an alternative to) the Campus Community 3C's communication

To withhold the disbursement of financial aid funds, assign message codes to global or item type
disbursement rules in user edit messages. User edit messages can be assigned manually, in batch, or
automatically in the NSLDS Transfer Monitoring Alert file process.

This section discusses how to:

• Assign user edit messages manually.

• Assign user edit messages in batch.

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Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid Chapter 41

Related Links
Defining User Edit Messages

Pages Used to Assign User Edit Messages

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Review User Edit Messages STDNT_FA_EDIT_MSGS • Financial Aid > Assign new user edit
Disbursement > messages or update existing
Maintain User Edit ones for a student for a given
Messages > Review aid year and term.
User Edit Messages

• Financial Aid >

Awards > Maintain User
Edit Messages > Review
User Edit Messages

Process User Edit Messages SFA_RUN_EDITMSG Financial Aid > Assign, update, or delete user
Disbursement > Process User edit messages for groups of
Edit Messages > Process students.
User Edit Messages

Assigning User Edit Messages Manually

Access the Review User Edit Messages page (Financial Aid > Disbursement > Maintain User Edit
Messages > Review User Edit Messages).

Image: Review User Edit Messages page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review User Edit Messages page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Msg Type (message type) Enter a message type. Values are:

Error: A severe message type category that indicates a problem

that might necessitate halting financial aid processing for the

Informtnl (informational): Indicates a student event that has no

effect on the student's financial aid processes.

1446 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 41 Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

Warning: Indicates a student event that might negatively affect

the student's financial aid processes.

Msg Code (message code) After a message type is selected, the available message codes
are limited to those with a matching message type.

Msg Dt/Tm (message date and time) Displays the date and time that the record was first assigned.

Term Enter the term for which the user edit message applies. This is a
required field.

Msg Action (message action) Enter the current action taken on the edit message. Values are
None Taken, Pending, and Resolved. Edits set to a resolved
status do not hold financial aid disbursements.

Process User-defined field.

User ID Displays the ID of the user who entered the record.

Dt Compl (date completed) Displays the date that the Msg Action field is set.

Assigning User Edit Messages in Batch

Access the Process User Edit Messages page (Financial Aid > Disbursement > Process User Edit
Messages > Process User Edit Messages).

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Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid Chapter 41

Image: Process User Edit Messages page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Process User Edit Messages page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Population Selection
Population selection is a method for selecting the IDs to process for a specific transaction. The Population
Selection group box is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population
Selection process is available or required for the transaction. Selection tools are available based on the
selection tools that your institution selected in the setup of the Population Selection process for the
application process and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear based on the selection tool
that you select. The fields behave the same way from within the group box on all run control pages and
application processes. If your institution uses a specific delivered selection tool (PS Query, Equation
Engine, or external file) to identify IDs for a specific transaction, you must use it.

Note: For a PS Query, include EMPLID as part of the criteria to be used by the run control. Your query
must also include the bind record PS_SCCPU_STDNT_BND, which requires EMPLID.

See "Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Processing Mode
Update Messages Select this option to have the process update the Msg Action or
Process fields or the comments for existing user edit messages
for a group of students.

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Chapter 41 Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

Insert Messages Select this option to have the process insert new user edit
messages for a group of students.

Delete Messages Select this option to have the process delete existing user edit
messages for a group of students.

Error Reporting Selection

You can select to display error messages only, no messages, or all the messages that the process
encounters as it runs. If you display at least the error messages, you can decide whether to investigate and
resolve the problems.

The fields in the Parameters group box are used differently depending on the processing mode that you

Here is an example of the Parameters group box when the processing mode is Insert Messages:

Image: Parameters group box - Insert Messages processing mode example

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parameters group box - Insert Messages processing
mode example. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The fields in the Parameters group box are used to create the user edit messages for the selected students.

A user edit message is not inserted if a record with the same Institution, Aid Year, Term, Msg Type, and
Msg Action already exists.

In addition, a user edit message is inserted only if the student is active for the aid year of the intended

Here is an example of the Parameters group box when the processing mode is Update Messages:

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Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid Chapter 41

Image: Parameters group box - Update Messages processing mode example

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parameters group box - Update Messages
processing mode example. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The fields that are located above the Update Fields section are criteria fields. Any records that are selected
by the selection tool must also meet these additional criteria to be updated.

Only the fields that appear in the Update Fields section can be updated: Process, Msg Action, and

Here is an example of the Parameters group box when the processing mode is Delete Messages:

Image: Parameters group box - Delete Messages processing mode example

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parameters group box - Delete Messages processing
mode example. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The fields in the Parameters group box are criteria fields. Records that are selected by the selection tool
must also meet these additional criteria to be deleted.

Running Background Authorization and Disbursement

This section provides an overview of background authorization and disbursement, lists common elements,
and discusses how to:

• Authorize financial aid in batch.

• Disburse financial aid in batch.

Understanding Background Authorization and Disbursement

In most situations, you run authorization and disbursement as background processes for all students who
have not had their awards authorized or disbursed.

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Chapter 41 Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

Before running these processes, ensure that all terms and careers are specified in your authorization
and disbursement calendars and that all financial aid item types needed are correctly defined in the
disbursement calendar. You can review a summary of your authorization calendar and disbursement
calendar using the View Calendar Settings (DISB_AUTH_CAL_SMRY)component.

The background processes use the authorization and disbursement calendars and the Disbursement Date
field on the Disbursement ID page to control whether awards can be disbursed. You can also use the
Authorize Aid page and the Disburse Aid page to further refine the group of students and the financial
aid item types. These pages provide more flexibility than using only the calendars and provide an
improvement in performance.

Using these pages, you can redesign a background process previously defined by the disbursement and
authorization calendars as a single run control with multiple rows that runs more efficiently. Also, a
commit to the database occurs as each row of run parameters is processed, rather than waiting for the
entire background process to finish.

The Term and Item Type fields on the Authorize Aid and Disburse Aid pages act as a filter against the
criteria defined in the calendar. For example, you set up your disbursement calendar for aid year 2006
to select all valid terms and all item types. You can set up the batch authorization and disbursement
processes to run for only one of the valid terms by creating a run control row that selects only that term. If
you select specific financial aid item types for processing using the Item Type field, remember that:

• The authorization process allows any financial aid item type to be processed.

• The disbursement process processes only financial aid item types that are defined in the authorization
and disbursement calendars.

If you do not use the Term and Item Type fields, use the authorization and disbursement calendars to
define the records to be processed, and not the batch run settings on the Authorize Aid and Disburse Aid

Related Links
Authorization and Disbursement Calendars

Common Elements Used in This Section

Process Instance Displays the unique identifying number assigned by Process
Scheduler to each active row when the authorization process

Run Date and Time Displays the most recent date and time that the process has been

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Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid Chapter 41

Pages Used to Run Background Authorization and Disbursement

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Disbursement Calendar DISB_CAL_SUMRY Financial Aid > Review your institution's

Summary Disbursement > View disbursement calendar for a
Calendar Settings > particular financial aid year by
Disbursement Calendar effective-dated row.

Authorize Calendar Summary AUTH_CAL_SUMRY Financial Aid > Review your institution's
Disbursement > View authorization calendar for a
Calendar Settings > particular financial aid year by
Authorize Calendar Summary effective-dated row.

Authorize Aid RUNCTL_AUTHRIZE Financial Aid > Authorize financial aid in

Disbursement > Process batch by selecting records
Award Authorizations > for authorization and then
Authorize Aid running the Background Mass
Authorization process.

Disburse Aid RUNCTL_DISBURSE Financial Aid > Disburse financial aid in

Disbursement > Process batch by selecting records
Disbursements > Disburse to disburse and then running
Aid the Background Mass
Disbursement process.

Authorizing Financial Aid in Batch

Access the Authorize Aid page (Financial Aid > Disbursement > Process Award Authorizations >
Authorize Aid).

Image: Authorize Aid page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Authorize Aid page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

You can restrict the authorization process to specific terms and financial aid item types, as well as set up
and process multiple institutions and aid years using the same run control ID. If you do not restrict the
authorization process, the process evaluates all students defined in the authorization calendar that have

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Chapter 41 Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

awards with a status of Accepted (where the current disbursement amount does not match the current
authorized amount—unless the reauthorize option is selected). The process then uses the global and
financial aid item type disbursement rules to determine whether an award can be authorized. If an award
requires manual authorization, you receive an error message during background processing.

Active Select to indicate that this row of settings can be processed.

You can insert additional rows and have more than one aid year
active at the same time. When you run the authorization process,
all active rows are processed. The authorization process cannot
update rows that have this check box cleared.

Update Switch Select to have the background authorization process update the
database. To perform a test run of the authorization process,
clear this check box.

Select Awards in Offered Stat (select This check box is available when the Update Switch check box
awards in offered status) is cleared. Select to have the authorization process review only
awards in Offered status. This option is available only when
you are performing a test run so that you do not inadvertently
authorize and disburse offered awards.

Process Selected Terms Select to authorize only selected terms instead of all terms
defined for this aid year in the authorization calendar. If cleared,
all terms defined in the authorization calendar are authorized.

Term List the terms defined in the authorization calendar for this
aid year that you want to authorize. Only terms defined in the
authorization calendar are available for selection.

Process Selected Items Select to process only selected financial aid item types instead
of all financial aid item types.

Note: The authorization calendar does not define which

financial aid item types to authorize. If you do not select this
check box, all financial aid item types are processed.

Item Type Select the financial aid item types that you want to authorize.

Run Run the Background Mass Authorization process (FAPAUTHS)

when you are ready to authorize students in batch.

Authorization results done in test mode can be viewed on the

Student Authorize/Disburse page.

See Reviewing Authorization and Disbursement Results.

Related Links
Defining Disbursement and Anticipated Aid

Disbursing Financial Aid in Batch

Access the Disburse Aid page (Financial Aid > Disbursement > Process Disbursements > Disburse Aid).

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Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid Chapter 41

Image: Disburse Aid page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disburse Aid page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Only awards that have been authorized (but the disbursed amount does not match the authorized amount)
are included in the batch for disbursement. You can restrict the disbursement process to specific terms and
financial aid item types. You can also set up and process multiple institutions and aid years using the same
run control ID.

Active Select to indicate that this row is active for the current aid year.
You can insert additional rows and have more than one aid year
active at the same time. The disbursement process skips rows
that have this check box cleared.

Honor Disbursement Date Select to have the disbursement process compare the
disbursement date on the Disbursement ID page against the
current date for all selected financial aid item types. The process
disburses only those awards that have a disbursement date that
is earlier than or equal to the current date. Use the Grace Period
(Days) field to allow disbursement dates within a specified
number of days to be disbursed as well.

Grace Period (Days) This field is available only if you select the Honor Disbursement
Date check box. Enter a limit to the number of days before the
disbursement date that funds can be processed for disbursement.
For example, if you never want funds to be disbursed more than
five days before the scheduled disbursement date, enter 5 in the
field. If you want the disbursement date to be earlier than or
equal to the current date without exception, enter 0 in this field.

For example, assume that you are running the disbursement

process on 09/11/00, and you want to process all awards with
disbursement dates of 09/15/00 and earlier. You would enter 4 in
this field for these disbursement dates to be processed.

Process Selected Terms Select to disburse only selected terms instead of all terms within
the aid year.

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Chapter 41 Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

Term Enter the terms defined in the disbursement calendar for this aid
year that you want to disburse.

Process Selected Items Select to disburse only selected financial aid item types instead
of all the financial aid item types selected on the disbursement

Important! The financial aid item types that you select on the
Disburse Aid page do not override the disbursement calendar
settings. For example, if the disbursement calendar indicates
that all financial aid item types except 900000000001 should be
processed, and the Disburse Aid page specifies that only item
type 900000000001 should be processed, then no disbursements
are made.

Item Type Select the financial aid item types that you want to disburse.
Although all financial aid item types are available for selection
in this field, only financial aid item types defined in the
disbursement calendar are eligible for processing.

Run Run the Background Mass Disbursement process (FAPDISBS)

when you are ready to disburse aid in batch.

Disbursing Aid Manually

Although you generally run authorization and disbursement for large numbers of students as a
background process, you can use the Disburse Aid page to authorize and disburse aid online for an
individual student. You can authorize and disburse all of the aid for a term or for a particular award for the
term. The page requires you to authorize each award individually.

This section discusses how to:

• Authorize and disburse aid manually.

• Review authorization and disbursement failure messages.

Pages Used to Disburse Aid Manually

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Disburse Aid STDNT_DISB_PROCESS Financial Aid > Authorize and disburse aid
Disbursement > Disburse manually for a single student,
Aid > Disburse Aid one award at a time.

Disburse Aid - Message STDNT_DISB_MSG_SP Click the Messages link on Review messages for
Detail the Disburse Aid page or the authorization failure,
Disburse Aid with Overrides disbursement failure, and
page. disbursement success, as well
as override messages.

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Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid Chapter 41

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Disburse Aid - Message STDNT_DISB_MSG1_SP Click the Messages link on View further information
Detail: Description the Disburse Aid - Message about the displayed message.
STDNT_DISB_MSG1 Detail page or on the Student
Authorize/Disburse page.

Authorizing and Disbursing Aid Manually

Access the Disburse Aid page (Financial Aid > Disbursement > Disburse Aid > Disburse Aid).

Image: Disburse Aid page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disburse Aid page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

This page displays all of the student's financial aid awards for the selected term. The financial aid award
must have a status of Accepted for the Authorization button to be available. The page shows awards
by term, so you can disburse aid only for one term at a time. This can help prevent disbursing aid for
subsequent terms unintentionally.

Disb ID (disbursement ID) Displays the disbursement ID for the award that falls within
the selected term. If the award (such as a Direct Loan) has
more than one disbursement that falls within the term, multiple
disbursement IDs for the award are on this page.

Disb Date (disbursement date) Displays the date that the disbursement ID is scheduled for

Accepted Displays the award amount that the student has accepted.

Authorized Displays the amount that has been authorized for disbursement
for that disbursement ID. This amount is zero until you
have successfully authorized the award, using either the

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Chapter 41 Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

Authorization button on this page or the background

authorization process.

Net Disb Bal (net disbursement Displays the net disbursement balance, which differs from the
balance) accepted amount if the actual amount that the student receives
is reduced by any administrative fees. This situation occurs
for many student loan programs. The amount reflects the net
disbursement after fees are taken out.

Disbursed Displays the amount that has been disbursed to the student
for that disbursement ID. This amount is zero until you have
successfully disbursed the award, using either the Disbursement
button on this page or the background disbursement process.

Authorization Click to run the authorization process for the disbursement

ID of a specific financial aid item type for the displayed
term. Authorization uses global and financial aid item type
disbursement rules to determine whether the award can be
authorized. If authorization is not successful, the process
generates a message explaining the reason for failure. If
authorization fails, your institution's business processes
determine whether any corrective action is required by the
student, financial aid office, or another department to resolve
the failure. After authorization is successful, the Disbursement
button becomes available.

Disbursement Click to disburse a specific financial aid item type for the
term. This button is available for use only after successful
authorization of the award. Click this button to start a
disbursement program and send a quick post of funds to the
student's account in Student Financials. If the student does not
already have a student account set up, sending the disbursement
also establishes the student's account.

Messages Click to access the Disburse Aid - Message Detail page and
review messages for authorization failure, disbursement failure,
and disbursement success. If authorization passes successfully,
no messages appear.

Reviewing Authorization and Disbursement Failure Messages

Several loan types have special authorization rules that are not set up in the Global Disbursement
(Disbursement Rules: Global - Indicators page) or Item Type (FA Item Type 5 page, Disbursement Rules:
Item Type - Indicators, Groups/Thresholds, Checklists/Tracking) disbursement rules setup pages.

Messages for these special loan item types and missing term data are described in this section.

Error Messages for FFEL, Direct, and Alternative Loan Item Types
The authorization process checks the LOAN_STDNT_AWD record to verify that funds have been
received for the student. If funds have not been received, the following authorization error message is
sent: Funds for this disbursement have not been recorded in the system.

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Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid Chapter 41

After funds have been received by electronic roster or by manual entry in the CommonLine Disbursement
Maintenance page, the authorization process can reevaluate the item type.

You cannot use the Disburse Aid with Override page to override this authorization error.

Error Messages for Perkins Loan Item Types

If a Perkins loan item type is set up in the Financial Aid Item Type page to require a completed master
promissory note, the authorization process checks whether the requirement has been met. If not, one of
these error messages is sent:

• A valid Perkins MPN is required to authorize the loan.

This message indicates that either the school has not yet generated a Perkins MPN or the school
generated the Perkins MPN but has not yet signed and received it.

• Perkins MPN setup for this institution is incomplete or missing.

This message indicates that setup information for Perkins MPN processing has been altered or

You cannot use the Disburse Aid with Override page to override this authorization error.

Error Message for Missing Term Data

If you manually change a student's career, program, or both in the Financial Aid Term record and do not
populate all corresponding fields in that record, you create a condition that prevents disbursements from
occurring. Packaging the student with missing term data causes the STDNT_AWRD_DISB field to be

When you attempt to disburse any monies, you receive the error message: Fatal Error - Business Unit
Not Passed. This indicates that the business unit is missing from the STDNT_AWRD_DISB field. The
STDNT_AWRD_DISB field is populated as part of the Financial Aid Term record and then propagated to
the student award table as a result of award posting.

To resolve this error, you must populate the Financial Aid Term record completely, post the student's
awards, and then authorize and disburse the aid.

Disbursing Aid with Overrides

If you want to disburse the student's award even though it has failed authorization, you can use the
Disburse Aid with Override page to override the authorization rules. Disbursing aid by overriding the
authorization rules should be done only in special cases.

Warning! Because the Disburse Aid with Override page enables you to override both the global and
financial aid item type disbursement rules, you might want to limit the number of users who have access
to this page.

This section discusses how to authorize and disburse aid using overrides.

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Chapter 41 Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

Pages Used to Disburse Aid with Overrides

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Disburse Aid with Override STDNT_DISB_PROC_WO Financial Aid > Authorize and disburse
Disbursements > Disburse aid using overrides. These
Aid with Override > Disburse overrides prevent global and
Aid with Override financial aid item type rules
from being enforced.

Disburse Aid with Overrides - STDNT_DISB_MSG_SP Click the Messages link on Review messages for
Message Detail (inquiry) the Disburse Aid page or the authorization failure,
Disburse Aid with Override disbursement failure,
page. disbursement success; review
override messages.

Disburse Aid with Overrides - STDNT_DISB_MSG1_SP Click the Messages link on View further information
Message Detail: Description the Disburse Aid - Message about the displayed message.
(inquiry) STDNT_DISB_MSG1 Detail page or on the Student
Authorize/Disburse page.

Authorizing and Disbursing Aid Using Overrides

Access the Disburse Aid with Override page (Financial Aid > Disbursements > Disburse Aid with
Override > Disburse Aid with Override).

Image: Disburse Aid with Override page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disburse Aid with Override page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The Disburse Aid with Override page displays all of the student's financial aid awards for the selected
term. The financial aid award must have a status of Accepted for the Authorization button to be available.
The page shows awards by term, so you can disburse aid only for one term at a time. This helps to prevent
disbursing aid for subsequent terms unintentionally.

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Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid Chapter 41

Override Authorization Select to have the authorization process ignore the global and
financial aid item type disbursement rules. Then click the
Authorization button to run authorization and make available
the Disbursement button.

After you have authorized an award with overrides, the system

clears this check box. The only way to determine whether the
amount was authorized with overrides is to click the Messages
link. The message Authorization has been Overridden! indicates
that overrides were used.

Note: If you attempt to override authorization for external loans,

such as the FFEL Stafford, Plus, and Alternative loans, the
funds must be received at your institution or the authorization
process fails, regardless of the override.

The descriptions for the other fields on this page match those on the Disburse Aid page.

Related Links
Disbursing Aid with Overrides

Reviewing Authorization and Disbursement Results

This section discusses how to:

• Review a student's authorization and disbursement activity.

• Review award summary information.

Page Used to Review Authorization and Disbursement Results

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Authorize/Disburse STDNT_DISB1 Financial Aid > Review a student's

Disbursement > View authorization and
Disbursement Status > disbursement activity by
Student Authorize/Disburse term. The page displays
only the awards that you
have authorized or tried to

Reviewing a Student's Authorization and Disbursement Activity

Access the Student Authorize/Disburse page (Financial Aid > Disbursement > View Disbursement
Status > Student Authorize/Disburse).

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Chapter 41 Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid

Image: Student Authorize/Disburse page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Authorize/Disburse page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Disb ID (disbursement ID) Displays the disbursement ID for the award that occurs within
the selected term. If the award has more than one disbursement
that occurs within the term, and these disbursement IDs
have been authorized, use the scroll arrows to view the other
disbursement IDs.

Disb Plan (disbursement plan) Displays the disbursement plan associated with the award.

Offer Displays the award amount offered by the financial aid office to
the student when the student was packaged.

Accept Displays the award amount that the student has accepted.

Auth (authorized) Displays the total amount that has been authorized for
disbursement for that disbursement ID. This amount is zero until
you have successfully authorized the award.

Disbursed Displays the total amount that has been disbursed to the student
for that disbursement ID. This amount is zero until you have
successfully disbursed the award.

You can view any authorization or disbursement messages for this disbursement ID in this group box.

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Authorizing and Disbursing Financial Aid Chapter 41

Reviewing Award Summary Information

You view summary information regarding a student's financial aid awards and the authorized and
disbursed amounts on several pages. These pages all include the authorized and disbursed amounts but
vary in additional information and format.

Award Summary By Date

Use the As of Award Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > View by Date > As of Award Summary)
to review a student's aid information as of a particular date. The page displays information for the entire
aid year, including the financial aid item type, the career, and the offered, accepted, authorized, and
disbursed amounts for each award in that aid year. The information is from student award information and
the authorization and disbursement processes.

See Reviewing Award Summary by Date.

Award Summary Information

Use the Award Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > View Term Award Summary > Award
Summary) to view a student's awards and the offered, accepted, authorized, and disbursed amounts for
each award for the entire aid year. Totals for each type of amount are displayed at the bottom of the
page. Authorized and disbursed amounts might not equal the accepted amount if not all terms have been

See Reviewing an Annual Award Summary.

Award Summary Information By Category

Use the Award Category Totals page (Financial Aid > Awards > View Award Category Summary) to
view awards by award category for the entire aid year. Totals for each award category and information
about unmet need (including both federal and institutional calculations of need) are available. If the
student has been overawarded by either federal or institutional calculations, the unmet need information is
highlighted in red. You can click the drill-down button to view the awards included in each category—and
the award status, offered, accepted, authorized, and disbursed amounts, and career, disbursement plan and
split codes.

See Reviewing Award Summary Information by Category.

Earnings Summary and Awards

Use the Awards/Earnings Summary component to view a student's financial aid awards and campus
earnings. Information for each award includes the associated career, offered amount, accepted amount,
authorized amount, and disbursed amount. The campus earnings information includes hours worked and
gross earnings expressed in year-to-date, month-to-date, and quarterly amounts.

See Managing Work-Study Jobs.

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Chapter 42

(GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Common Elements Used in Student Loans Company

HEI Code (higher education institution Select the code for which you want to load the data.
The prompt view restricts the values from which you can select
to those found in the Student Loans Company Setup component.

SLC Acad Year (Student Loans Select the SLC academic year for which you want to load the
Company academic year) data.

The prompt view restricts the values from which you can select
to those found in the Student Loans Company Setup component.

File Path and Name Enter one or more files to import.

If a file is not entered, the process considers only unprocessed


Note: The definitions for HEI Code, SLC Acad Year, and File
Path and Name relate to importing files.

UCAS Course Code (Universities & Displays the UCAS code assigned to the course.
Colleges Admissions Service course

SLC Course Code (Student Loans Displays the SLC code assigned to the course.
Company course code)

Year of Course Displays the year of the course in which student is currently

Course Tuition Fee Amt (course Displays the course fee that applies to the course.
tuition fee amount)

Tuition Fee Loan Payable Displays the portion of the fee paid by TFL.

Tuition Fee Grant Payable Displays the portion of the fee paid by TFG.

Tuition Fee Student Payable Displays the portion of the fee that the SLC expects to be paid
directly by student.

Course Start Date Displays date that the student commenced the course.

Grant Payable Indicates whether the student is entitled to a supplementary


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(GBR) Using Student Loans Company Chapter 42

Bank Details Held Indicates whether the student has supplied bank details.

Valid NINO Flag (valid national Indicates whether the student has provided a valid national
insurance number flag) insurance number or a valid reason for not supplying it.

Disabled Distance Learner Indicates whether the applicant is a distance learner due to a

Bursary Student Flag Indicates whether the student has a bursary.

FSN Status or Student Status Displays the student notification status as notified by the
awarding authority. Values are:

• B (Living Costs and Fees).

• L (Living Costs).

• F (Final).

• P (Provisional).

• D (Deceased).

• K (Resumption).

• N (Resumption).

• S (Suspended).

• T (Transfer fees to previous institution).

• V (Transfer fees to new institution).

• W (Withdrawn-final).

• Y (Withdrawn-provisional).

• Z (Study in second term only).

Student Support Nbr (student support Displays an identifier assigned by the SLC to a student who
number) applies for financial assistance.

Importing SSAR Files

This section provides an overview of SSAR files and discusses how to load SSAR files.

Understanding SSAR Files

After the SLC receives applications for financial assistance from students, the SLC sends SSAR
reports to the HEIs. These reports list individual students attending the HEI and include biographic and
demographic data, information about the students' courses of study, and the amount of Tuition Fee Grant
(TFG) and Tuition Fee Loan (TFL) assistance that each student can expect. The amounts for the TFG and
TFL are used to offset students' tuition fee charges.

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Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

SSAR reports require a response from the HEI in the form of an SSAC.

When you import the Registration Confirmation report (SSAR) from the SLC, the filename is defaulted
to 'Registration Confirmation Report', and the sequence number field is zeros. Overwrite the file name
before saving or importing the file into your system. Ensure that the file is always imported with a unique
name as per the naming convention. Do not re-import the same data or the same data file more than once
either with same file name or a different file name.

The Import SSAR File process:

1. Loads data into a staging table.

2. Attempts to match on Student Support Number (SSN).

If a match exists, the record is loaded to the application table for use in the system. A student
with a match is aid-year activated for the aid year selected in the Student Loans Company Setup
(SFA_SLC_SETUP) component.

Page Used to Load SSAR Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Import SSAR Files SFA_SLC_RC_SSAR Financial Aid > Student Load SSAR files.
Loans Company > Import
SSAR Files > Import SSAR

Loading SSAR Files

Access the Import SSAR Files page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > Import SSAR Files >
Import SSAR Files).

Image: Import SSAR Files page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Import SSAR Files page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

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File Path and Name Enter the location of the file to be imported. The file name must
be unique.

Warning! Do not attempt to reload a file with the same data or

the same file name.

Managing SSAR Suspensions

This section provides an overview of SSAR suspensions and discusses how to review and manage
unmatched or unprocessed SSAR data.

Understanding SSAR Suspensions

Use the Manage SSAR Suspense (SFA_SLC_SSAR_DTL) component to review and manage unmatched
or unprocessed SSAR data.

The system does not provide an option for adding a new person to the system as a result of reviewing
unmatched or unprocessed data.

Also, this process does not update Campus Community Person biographic and demographic data.

Page Used to Review and Manage Unmatched or Unprocessed SSAR Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Manage SSAR Suspense SFA_SLC_SSAR_DTL Financial Aid > Student Review and manage
Loans Company > Manage unmatched or unprocessed
SSAR Suspense > Manage SSAR data.
SSAR Suspense

Reviewing and Managing Unmatched or Unprocessed SSAR Data

Access the Manage SSAR Suspense page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > Manage SSAR
Suspense > Manage SSAR Suspense).

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Image: Manage SSAR Suspense page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage SSAR Suspense page (1 of 2). You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: Manage SSAR Suspense page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage SSAR Suspense page (2 of 2). You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

After a match is identified, you can load the data in the Student SLC Data table used for SSAC generation
and award packaging.

Status If the status is Processed, you can only view the field.

If the status is one of the following values, you can select a

different value and click Save to update the SSAR status:

• Skipped: This record will not be considered for matching in

any future runs of the Import SSAR Files process.

• Suspended: No match was found for this record. The record

will be considered for matching the next time that the Import
SSAR Files process is run.

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• Unprocessed: The record will be considered for matching

the next time that the Import SSAR Files process is run.

You can update students with a Skipped status to Unprocessed

so they can be considered for matching the next time that the
Import SSAR Files process is run.

Search Match
Search Match Click this link to access the Person Search Match page and
search for a student ID to match the SSAR record.

ID The EMPLID of the existing person with whom you want to

match this record.

ID Lock After you enter an ID, select this check box to force the SSAR
load process to use the ID.

Use Search/Match ID Click this link to populate the ID field with the result from the
Person Search/Match.

Process SSAR (process Student Click to force the SSAR record to be matched with the EmplID
Support Attendance Requests) that you selected. If the match is successful, the SSAR record is
loaded. If the match is not successful, a message appears in the
page header message area:

• Student Not Found

• Multiple Student Matches Found

• Match Option Set to Suspend: A match was found after

Search/Match was run, but the Search/Match rule set the
record to Suspended.

• ID Linked to Another SSN: EmplID already has an external

ID type of SLC.

• SSN Linked to Another ID: The SSN in this record is

already associated with an EmplID.

Max Match Level (maximum match Displays the highest Search Match Level rule that was met for
level) this SSAR record.

Matches Displays the number of matches found by the Search Match


Course/SLC Data
Issue Date Displays the date that the SLC issued the SSAR to the HEI.

Loan Applied For Displays the type of loan for which the student applied. Values

• F (Full Entitlement)

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Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

• P (Part Entitlement)

• N (No loan applied for)

Generating SSAC Data

This section provides an overview of SSAC data and discusses how to:

• Add SSAC data manually.

• Generate SSAC data.

Understanding SSAC Data

SSARs can be received daily and are usually responded to the same day with an extract of data, the SSAC
file, that is sent back to SLC. Occasionally, schools may also need to include students for whom no SSAR
has been received in an SSAC extract. The SSAC confirms the physical attendance of each student on the
campus. The HEIs must ultimately record that a student has been seen and report that information to the
SLC in an SSAC file.

The receipt of the SSAC by the SLC authorizes the beginning of maintenance (living expense) payments
directly to the student by government authorities. This assistance is different from the TFGs and TFLs,
which are for tuition fees only and paid directly to the institution. The HEI does not determine what the
maintenance payments are and does not need to monitor these payments.

For a student to be automatically included in the SSAC extract, the student must:

• Have a SSAR record loaded.

• Have no previous SSAC processed.

• Be included in the selected Population Selection option.

• Meet requirements in the SLC setup:

• If the Use Physical Attendance Flag check box is selected on the Student Loans Company-
Options (setup) page, the Physical Attendance Confirmed check box must be selected for the
student on the SSAC page in the View SLC Student Data (SFA_SLC_STUDENT) component for
the student to be included in the SSAC extract.

• If a checklist is selected in the Use Checklist field on the Student Loans Company-Options (setup)
page, the student must have that checklist assigned and completed to be included in the SSAC

If the Complete SSAR Checklist check box on the Student Loans Company–Options page is selected,
students who were assigned an SSAR Checklist during the Import SSAR Files process and are added to
the SSAC extract have their SSAR Checklists marked as complete.

For a student to be manually included in an SSAC extract, add the student to the SSAC Manual Entry
table using the Manual SSAC Manual Entry page.

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Pages Used to Generate SSAC Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Manage SSAC Manual Entry SFA_SLC_SSACMAN Financial Aid > Student Add a student manually for
Loans Company > Manage inclusion in an SSAC extract
SSAC Manual Entry > file.
Manage SSAC Manual Entry

Generate SSAC Data SFA_SLC_RC_SSAC Financial Aid > Student Define SSAC parameters and
Loans Company > Generate generate SSAC data in an
SSAC Data > Generate extract file.

Adding SSAC Data Manually

Access the Manage SSAC Manual Entry page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > Manage
SSAC Manual Entry > Manage SSAC Manual Entry).

Image: Manage SSAC Manual Entry page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage SSAC Manual Entry page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page when you want to include a student in an SSAC extract but no SSAR record has been
received for the student.

Student Support Nbr (student support Add a new row and enter a student's SSN.
• If the SSN is already in the External System ID table, the ID
and name are automatically entered when you tab out of the
Student Support Nbr field.

• If the SSN is not in the system, you must manually enter the
ID. The name is automatically entered when you tab out of
the ID field. When the row is saved, the SSN is added to the
External System ID table for that student ID.

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Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

The Attendance Confirmed Date, UCAS Course Code, SLC Course Code, and Course Year fields are
optional. If both a UCAS Course Code and SLC Course Code are entered, the UCAS Course Code is used
in the SSAC file.

When the Generate SSAC Data process is run, it includes any unprocessed SSAC manual entries in the
SSAC file that is created by the process. These entries remain on the Manage SSAC Manual Entry page in
view–only mode after being processed and included in an SSAC file.

When the Import SSAR Files process is run and SSAR data is imported for a student whose SSAC data
was entered manually, the process checks to see if a SSAC record exists. If the SSAC record does not
exist, the process creates a SSAC record using the manually entered SSAC data.

Generating SSAC Data

Access the Generate SSAC Data page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > Generate SSAC
Data > Generate SSAC Data).

Image: Generate SSAC Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Generate SSAC Data page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to create an extract file to send to the SLC to confirm a student's physical attendance.

The Population Selection process is used to determine which students are included in the SSAC extract
file that is sent to the SLC. The Population Selection group box appears if you select either the Populate
process option or the Populate and Export process option.

See "Queries for Population Selection" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

See "Equations for Population Selection" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Input Parameters
Process Option Select a process option. Values are:

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• Populate Only: Populate the SSAC table.

• Export Only: Create only an extract file of populated SSAC

data to send to the SLC.

• Populate and Export: Populate the SSAC table and create an

extract file of SSAC data to send to the SLC.

First Attendance Confirmation Select this check box to indicate that you want the SSAC report
to confirm attendance for the SLC First Liability Period.

File Path Enter the location for the extract file.

This field is activated if a value of Export Only or Populate and

Export is selected in the Process Option field.

The file path must end with a backslash (\).

Location Code Enter the location code for the specific location at the HEI. The
values range from 01 to 99.

Importing HEBSS Files

This section provides an overview of HEBSS files and discusses how to load HEBSS files.

Understanding HEBSS Files

HEIs in the United Kingdom can elect to participate in the HEBSS with the SLC. The scheme determines
student eligibility for and disburses various bursaries and scholarships.

Schools can choose to provide criteria to the SLC and let the SLC determine eligibility for and disburse
bursaries and scholarships on their behalf. Alternatively, schools might use financial circumstances data
collected by the SLC and included in the HEBSS report to determine bursary and scholarship eligibility
and disburse these funds to the students themselves. This report does not require a response from the HEI.

The Import HEBSS Files process:

1. Loads the data to a staging table.

2. Attempts to match on SSN:

• If a match exists, the record is loaded to an application table for use in the system.

• If no match exists, the process attempts a match using the Search Match Criteria page in the
Student Loans Company Setup component.

If a match is found, the record is loaded to the application table for use in the system.

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Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Page Used to Load HEBSS files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Import HEBSS Files SFA_SLC_RC_HEBSS Financial Aid > Student Load HEBSS files.
Loans Company > Import
HEBSS Files > Import

Loading HEBSS Files

Access the Import HEBSS Files page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > Import HEBSS
Files > Import HEBSS Files).

Image: Import HEBSS Files page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Import HEBSS Files page.

Managing HEBSS Suspensions

This section provides an overview of HEBSS suspensions and discusses how to review and manage
unmatched or unprocessed HEBSS data.

Understanding HEBSS Suspensions

Use the Manage HEBSS Suspense (SFA_SLC_HEBSS_DTL) component to review and manage
unmatched or unprocessed HEBSS data.

The system does not provide an option for adding a new person to the system as a result of reviewing
unmatched or unprocessed data.

Also, this process does not update Campus Community Person biographic and demographic data.

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Page Used to Review and Manage Unmatched or Unprocessed HEBSS Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Manage HEBSS Suspense SFA_SLC_HEBSS_DTL Financial Aid > Student Review and manage
Loans Company > Manage unmatched or unprocessed
HEBSS Suspense > Manage HEBSS data.
HEBSS Suspense

Reviewing and Managing Unmatched or Unprocessed HEBSS Data

Access the Manage HEBSS Suspense page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > Manage HEBSS
Suspense > Manage HEBSS Suspense).

Image: Manage HEBSS Suspense page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage HEBSS Suspense page (1 of 2). You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

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Image: Manage HEBSS Suspense page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage HEBSS Suspense page (2 of 2). You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: For information about the Status field and the fields in the Search Match group box, refer to the
information provided about similar fields on the Manage SSAR Suspense page.

ART ID (Automated Response The ART ID is an eleven-digit number that is used to uniquely
Technology Identification) identify a student's SLC student finance account. It is
automatically issued when the student applies for financial

Application/Award Information
Automated Award Total Displays the student's total approved automated award
entitlement as awarded by SLC using HEI rules.

Manual Award Total Displays the student's total approved manual award entitlement,
which is manually entered in the SLC system by the HEI.

Overall Award Total Displays the student's total overall approved award entitlement.

Non-Means Test Indicates whether the student is applying for only non-means-
tested support.

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Evidence Verified Indicates whether all financial evidence has been received to
validate the student's application.

Income Assessed Funding Indicates whether the student has applied for income assessed
NHS funding.

Non-Income Assessed Funding Indicates whether the student has applied for non-income
assessed NHS funding.

Course Information
Course Type Displays the course type. Values are:

• ACCELERATED (Course compresses a two year course into

one year of study)






• PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate In Education)

Method of Attendance Displays the method of attendance. Values are:

• Full Time

• Part Time

• PGCE (post graduate)

Qualification Displays the qualification achieved upon course completion.

Commence Year The year that the student commenced studying.

Importing ACR and SISF Files

This section provides an overview of ACR and SISF files and discusses how to load ACR and SISF files.

Understanding ACR and SISF Files

The ACR and SISF files contain TFG and TFL information for individual students.

The ACR file requires a response from the HEI to the SLC. When the HEI responds, it confirms student
data to the SLC, including attendance and course of study information. These files are sent to the HEI
from the SLC starting in December of each academic year.

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Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

The SISF file is informational only and does not require a response from the HEI. It is sent to the HEI
from the SLC in October and November of each academic year.

Use the Import ACR/SISF (SFA_SLC_RC_ACR) component to set up and run the batch import of ACR/
SISF files.

The process looks at the value in the File Type field to identify the type of file that is being imported.

The Import ACR/SISF process:

1. Loads the data into a system table.

2. Attempts to match on SSN:

• If a match exists, the record is loaded to the application table for use in the system.

• If no SSN match exists, the process attempts to match using Search/Match criteria designated in
Student Loans Company Setup component.

If a match exists, the record is loaded to the application table for use in the system.

Page Used to Load ACR and SISF Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Import ACR/SISF SFA_SLC_RC_ACR Financial Aid > Student Load ACR and SISF files.
Loans Company > Import
ACR/SISF > Import ACR/

Loading ACR and SISF Files

Access the Import ACR/SISF page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > Import ACR/SISF >
Import ACR/SISF).

Image: Import ACR/SISF page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Import ACR/SISF page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

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ACR/SISF Parameters
File Type The Import ACR/SISF process uses the value that you select in
the File Type field to identify the imported file as Attendance
Confirmation Reqst, Extended SISF, or Student Information

Liability Period Select the Liability Period for which you want to import
ACR data. This field is required if you select a File Type of
Attendance Confirmation Reqst,

Managing ACR and SISF Suspensions

This section provides an overview of ACR and SISF suspensions and discusses how to review and
manage unmatched or unprocessed ACR and SISF data.

Understanding ACR and SISF Suspensions

Use the Manage ACR/SISF Suspense (SFA_SLC_ACR_DTL) component to review and manage
unmatched or unprocessed ACR and SISF data.

The system does not provide an option for adding a new person to the system as a result of reviewing
unmatched or unprocessed data.

Also, this process does not update Campus Community Person biographic and demographic data.

Page Used to Review and Manage Unmatched or Unprocessed ACR and

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Manage ACR/SISF Suspense SFA_SLC_ACR_DTL Financial Aid > Student Review and manage
Loans Company > Manage unmatched or unprocessed
ACR/SISF Suspense > ACR and SISF data.
Manage ACR/SISF Suspense

Reviewing and Managing Unmatched or Unprocessed ACR and SISF Data

Access the Manage ACR/SISF Suspense page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > Manage
ACR/SISF Suspense > Manage ACR/SISF Suspense).

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Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Image: Manage ACR/SISF Suspense page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage ACR/SISF Suspense page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: Manage ACR (Attendance Confirmation Report)/SISF (Student Information Service File)
Suspense page 2 of 2

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage ACR (Attendance Confirmation Report)/
SISF (Student Information Service File) Suspense page 2 of 2.

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Note: For information about the Status field and the fields in the Search Match group box, refer to the
documentation about the similar fields on the Manage SSAR Suspense page.

File Type Displays the file type: Attendance Confirmation Reqst, Student
Information Service, or Extended SISF.

If the value is Extended SISF, the Extended SISF Data group

box appears.

Course/SLC Data
Course Start Period Displays the period when the course starts, for example AUT

Course Code Displays the UCAS code or SLC code that is assigned to the

Student Status Date Displays the date that the student status was assigned or

New Record Indicates whether the record appeared on a previous ACR/SISF.

Revision Indicator Indicates whether the record has changed since a previous ACR/

Attendance Indicator If an At Fee Code was returned in a previous ACR Response, it

appears here.

Running the ACR At Fee Evaluation Process

This section provides an overview of ACR At Fee Evaluation and discusses how to calculate the At Fee
Code for ACR records.

Understanding ACR At Fee Evaluation

Use the ACR At Fee Evaluation (SFA_SLC_RC_ACR_EQ) component to determine the At Fee Code to
be returned to the SLC in the file created by the ACR Export File process.

The ACR At Fee Evaluation process uses the File Type field to identify the imported file as ACR.

The ACR At Fee Evaluation process uses any equations defined in the ACR Processing group box in the
Student Loans Company Setup component to populate variables that can be used by the At Fee Equation
and also executes the At Fee Equation. The At Fee Equation populates a student's ACR Attendance
Indicator (on the ACR/SISF page), which determines what At Fee Code is returned to the SLC with the
ACR Response.

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Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Page Used to Calculate the At Fee Code for ACR Records

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

ACR At Fee Evaluation SFA_SLC_RC_ACR_EQ Financial Aid > Student Calculate the At Fee Code
Loans Company > ACR At value for ACR records.
Fee Evaluation > ACR At
Fee Evaluation

Calculating the At Fee Code for ACR Records

Access the ACR At Fee Evaluation page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > ACR At Fee
Evaluation > ACR At Fee Evaluation).

Image: ACR At Fee Evaluation page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ACR At Fee Evaluation page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Liability Period Select a Liability Period. You can run this process for multiple
Liability Periods with the same Issue Date.

Issue Date Enter the issue date of the ACR file that you want to evaluate.

The following table describes the At Fee Code values as defined by the SLC:

At Fee Code Description

A HEI agrees that the student is in attendance for the attendance

date, course and course year shown and they agree with the
Course Tuition Fee amount and the Liability (combination
of Tuition Fee Loan and Student Pays). It is important that
the HEI ensure that the fee liability is correct, because using
code A results in the fee loan and/or grant showing on the
Attendance Confirmation Report as being paid.

C The student is in attendance at the institution but for a different

course and/or year of course to those shown on the schedule.
(For example, the year of course is shown as 2 on the schedule
but the student is repeating the first year).

F Student is in attendance; however the HEI disagrees with the

course fee.

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At Fee Code Description

L Student is in attendance at the HEI, for the course and course

year indicated, however the HEI disagrees with the Liability
(combination of Tuition Fee Loan and Student Pays) but
undertakes to make reparations to the student such that the
liability is correctly discharged and no overpayment of Tuition
Fee support to that institution exists.

N Student is in attendance at the HEI, for the course and course

year indicated, however the HEI disagrees with the Liability
(combination of Tuition Fee Loan and Student Pays) but does
not undertake to make reparations to the student such that the
liability would be correctly discharged and no overpayment of
Tuition Fee support to that institution would exist.

X Student is not in attendance on the relevant attendance

date, except where the non attendance is due to the student
suspending their studies.

S Studies suspended.

Running the Calculate FTE Process

This section provides an overview of the Calculate FTE process for SLC.

Understanding the Calculate FTE Process

Use the Calculate FTE (SSR_HE_CALC_FTE) component to calculate students' full-time equivalent
enrollment for reporting via the ACR Response process.

In order to meet the reporting requirements of the SLC Attendance Confirmation Report (ACR) for part-
time students, institutions must calculate a value that represents the student’s academic load for the Aid
Year expressed as a percentage of full-time equivalence (FTE). A student who has been studying full-time
for the period is returned with an FTE of 100. A student studying part-time is returned with a value of less
than 100 to represent the proportion of full-time study they have undertaken. For example, a student with
half the load of a full-time student is returned with FTE of 50.

The FTE result is used by the Export ACR File process to determine whether the student with an
Academic Load of part-time meets the 25% FTE threshold for ACR reporting. The determination of Full
time and Part time Academic load is based upon the HESA Mode of Study value mapping.

Page Used to Calculate FTE

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Calculate Full-Time SSR_HE_CALC_FTE Financial Aid > Student Calculate FTE for students
Equivalence Loans Company > Calculate for reporting with the ACR
FTE > Calculate SLC FTE response.

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Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Calculating FTE for SLC Reporting

Access the Calculate Full-Time Equivalence page (Financial Aid >Student Loans Company >Calculate
FTE >Calculate SLC FTE).

Image: Calculate Full-Time Equivalence page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Calculate Full-Time Equivalence page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This process uses the same FTE logic as the FTE process for student records with the addition of the SLC
FTE Parameters to determine if there is an ACR record which requires a response. For more information
about calculating FTE for HESA and SLC:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1483

(GBR) Using Student Loans Company Chapter 42

See "Calculating Full-Time Equivalence for Students" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Student

For this process to calculate the FTE for SLC ACR reporting properly, you should follow the set up
guidelines in the (GBR) Setting Up Student Loans Company.

In the SCL FTE Parameters group box, all 3 parameters, HEI Code, SLC Acad Year, and Issue Date are

Related Links
Completing Prerequisites for SLC FTE Calculation

Exporting the ACR Response File

This section provides an overview of the ACR Response File and discusses how to export the ACR
Response File.

Understanding the ACR Response File

Use the Export ACR File (SFA_SLC_RC_ACR_EXP) component to create an extract file to send to the

The Export ACR File process uses the File Type field to identify the record as ACR.

The Export ACR File process creates the ACR Response File using the values in the Attendance Indicator
field. This field contains the At Fee Code values.

The process does not export a SISF.

The process does not create a file for an ACR for which a previous response has been created.

Page Used to Export the ACR Response File

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Export ACR File SFA_SLC_RC_ACR_EXP Financial Aid > Student Export the ACR Response
Loans Company > Export file.
ACR File > Export ACR File

Exporting the ACR Response File

Access the Export ACR File page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > Export ACR File >
Export ACR File).

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Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Image: Export ACR File page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Export ACR File page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Issue Date Enter the issue date of the ACR file that you want to process.

Liability Period Select the SLC Liability Period for which you are reporting.

Academic Load Select the Academic Load that you are reporting: Full-time,
Part-time, Both, or None.

Admit Date Override Enter an alternative Admit Term Start Date here if you want to
export information for a part-time population with an Admit
Term Start Date prior to September 1, 2012. The Admit Date
Override field is activated when the selected Academic Load is
Part-time or Both.

File Path Enter a path to indicate where to store the extract file.

Enable Population Selection Select this check box to activate additional Population Selection
parameters if you want to define your own population selection
criteria for this process. This is optional.

Related Links
"Using the Population Selection Process" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Importing Remittance Report Files

This section provides an overview of Remittance Report files and discusses how to load Remittance
Report files.

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Understanding Remittance Report Files

Remittance reports are sent to the HEI from the SLC and correspond with the receipt of Tuition Fee
payments from the SLC to the HEI. These reports do not require a response from the HEI.

The major Remittance Report files are sent to the HEI from the SLC in February and April of each
academic year. The HEI might also receive additional Remittance Report files that contain adjustments to
the data that was previously sent.

Use the Import Remittance Report Files (SFA_SLC_RC_TFRA) component to load Remittance Report
files to a staging table and use them for reconciliation with system data.

Page Used to Load Remittance Report Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Import Remittance Report SFA_SLC_RC_TFRA Financial Aid > Student Load Remittance Report files.
Files Loans Company > Import
Remittance Report Files >
Import Remittance Report

Loading Remittance Report Files

Access the Import Remittance Report Files page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > Import
Remittance Report Files > Import Remittance Report Files).

Image: Import Remittance Report Files page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Import Remittance Report Files page.

1486 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Viewing Remittance Staging Data

This section discusses how to view Remittance imported data.

Page Used to View Remittance Imported Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

View Remittance Staging SFA_SLC_TFRA_DTL Financial Aid > Student View Remittance imported
Table Loans Company > View data.
Remittance Staging Table >
View Remittance Staging

Viewing Remittance Imported Data

Access the View Remittance Staging Table page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > View
Remittance Staging Table > View Remittance Staging Table).

Image: View Remittance Staging Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View Remittance Staging Table page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Payment Date Displays the date that the funds are transferred to HEI.

Payment Type Displays the type of funds being transferred:

• T: Loan

• G: Grant

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(GBR) Using Student Loans Company Chapter 42

This field is blank if the information was not provided in the

Remittance Report file.

Total Fee Amount Displays the total net amount of fees in this roster.

Record Count Displays the total number of records in this roster.

Remittance Report Information

Course Start Period Displays the period when the course starts, for example AUT

Course Code Displays the UCAS code that is assigned to the course.

Revision Indicator Indicates a change in entitlement since a previous ACR.

Fee Amount Displays the fee amount for the student.

Viewing SLC Student Data

This section discusses how to:

• View SSAR student data.

• View SSAR name and address data.

• View SSAC student data.

• View SSAC export data.

• View ACR and SISF data.

• View Attendance Confirmation by Liability Period.

• View HEBSS student data.

Pages Used to View Student Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

SSAR SFA_SLC_SSAR Financial Aid > Student View SSAR data.

Loans Company > View SLC
Student Data > SSAR

SLC SSAR Name and SFA_SLC_SSAR_SEC Click the Name/Address link View SSAR name and address
Address on the SSAR page. data.

SSAC SFA_SLC_SSAC Financial Aid > Student View SSAC student data.
Loans Company > View SLC
Student Data > SSAC

1488 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

View SSAC Export Data SFA_SLC_SSAC_DTL Financial Aid > Student View SSAC export data.
Loans Company > View
Exported SSAC Data

ACR/SISF SFA_SLC_ACR Financial Aid > Student View ACR and SISF student
Loans Company > View SLC data.
Student Data > ACR/SISF

Attendance Confirmation SFA_SLC_ATD_CFR Financial Aid > Student View Attendance

Loans Company > View SLC Confirmation data for SLC
Student Data > Attendance Liability Period.

HEBSS SFA_SLC_HEBSS Financial Aid > Student View HEBSS student data.
Loans Company > View SLC
Student Data > HEBSS

SLC HEBSS Name and SFA_SLC_HEBSS_SEC Click the Name/Address link View HEBSS name and
Address on the HEBSS page. address data.

Viewing SSAR Student Data

Access the SSAR page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > View SLC Student Data > SSAR).

Image: SSAR page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the SSAR page. You can find definitions for the fields
and controls later on this page.

Use this page to view the details of students' SSAR records. The page is view-only with the exception
of the Tuition Fee Loan Payable and Tuition Fee Grant Payable fields. These fields can be updated for
Scottish students whose SSNs begin with SAAS.

Physical Attendance Confirmed Select this check box to indicate that a student's physical
attendance on the campus has been confirmed. This check box
can be selected on this page or set by the institution's custom

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(GBR) Using Student Loans Company Chapter 42

SSAR Information
Issue Date Displays the issue date of the SSAR.

Sequence Displays the internal sequence number used to indicate the

version of the individual student's SSAR file.

SSAR File Seq (Student Support Displays the sequence number, which is unique within the SLC
Attendance Requests file sequence for the HEI, academic year, and file type.

Fee Support
Tuition Fee Loan Payable Displays the portion of the fee paid by TFL.

Note: You can update this field for Scottish students whose
SSNs begin with SAAS.

Tuition Fee Grant Payable Displays the portion of the fee paid by the TFG.

Note: You can update this field for Scottish students whose
SSNs begin with SAAS.

Loan Applied For Displays the type of loan for which the student applied. Values

• F (Full Entitlement)

• P (Part Entitlement)

• N (No loan applied for)

Viewing SSAR Name and Address Data

Access the SLC SSAR Name and Address page (click the Name/Address link on the SSAR page).

1490 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Image: SLC SSAR Name and Address page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the SLC SSAR Name and Address page.

Use this page to help determine whether you are matching to the correct person.

Viewing SSAC Student Data

Access the SSAC page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > View SLC Student Data > SSAC

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Image: SSAC page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the SSAC page. You can find definitions for the fields
and controls later on this page.

You can view the details of SSAC data for students on this page. This page is view-only with the
exception of the SLC Course Code and Year of Course fields. These fields can be updated after the SSAC
data is populated but before exporting the data. After the SSAC data is exported, these fields are also

Physical Attendance Confirmed Select this check box to indicate that a student's physical
attendance on the campus has been confirmed. This check box
can be selected on this page or set by the institution's custom

SSAC Information
Processing Status A status of Processed indicates that the SSAC data has been
exported to a file.

A status of Unprocessed indicates that the SSAC data has not

been exported to a file.

Attendance Confirmed Date Displays the date that the Physical Attendance Confirmed check
box was selected for the student.

Location Code Displays a two-digit location code representing a specific

location at the HEI. The default value is 01 and the range is 01
to 99.

File Sequence Nbr (file sequence Displays an internal sequence number.


1492 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Viewing SSAC Export Data

Access the View Exported SSAC Data page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > View Exported
SSAC Data).

Image: View Exported SSAC Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View Exported SSAC Data page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to view the details of the students' exported SSAC data.

Attendance Confirmed Date Displays the date that the Physical Attendance Confirmed check
box was selected for the student.

Viewing ACR and SISF Student Data

Access the ACR/SISF page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > View SLC Student Data >
ACR/SISF tab).

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Image: ACR/SISF page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ACR/SISF page 1 of 2). You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Image: ACR/SISF page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the ACR/SISF page 2 of 2). You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to view the details of ACR or SISF data for students.

All fields on this page, except for the Attendance Indicator field, are view-only.

ACR/SISF Information
Issue Date Displays the date that the ACR/SISF was issued.

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Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Attendance Indicator This field appears only if the value in the File Type field is
Attendance Confirmation Reqst.

The field contains a list of At Fee Code values that can be

manually set on this page. You can manually set this field
instead of running the Evaluate ACR process.

File Type Displays the file type: Attendance Confirmation Reqst, Student
Information Service, or Extended SISF.

If the value is Extended SISF, the Extended SISF Information

group box appears.

Student Status Date Displays the date that the student's status was assigned or

Course/Fee Information
Course Start Period Displays the period when the course starts, for example AUT

New Record Indicates whether the record appeared on a previous ACR.

Course Code Displays the UCAS code or SLC code that is assigned to the

Note: For this field, and the remaining fields in this group box,
values appear in both the SLC Values and Calculated Values
The values in the SLC Values column come from the context
ACR or SISF record.
The values in the Calculated Values column appear after the
ACR At Fee Evaluation process is run.

Other Information
Revision Indicator Indicates whether the record has changed since a previous ACR/

FTE Details
Override FTE Enter a value here and save to override the Calculated FTE.

Report Zero Select this check box to report FTE of zero.

Note: Once you have overridden a student's FTE or selected Report Zero for a student's FTE for a
Liability Period then that overridden or zero value remains until manually removed, even if the Calculate
FTE process is rerun.

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(GBR) Using Student Loans Company Chapter 42

Academic Load Details

Academic Load Displays the student's Academic Load from the ACR.

Override Value Enter a value here and save to override the student's Academic

Viewing Attendance Confirmation Data by Liability Period

Access the Attendance Confirmation page (Financial Aid >Student Loans Company >View SLC Student
Data >Attendance Confirmation tab).

Image: Attendance Confirmation page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Attendance Confirmation page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

You can use this page to view details of attendance confirmation file information sent for the three
SLC Liability Periods. There is a group box for each of the Liability Periods: Attendance Reporting 1,
Attendance Reporting 2, and Attendance Reporting 3.

Viewing HEBSS Student Data

Access the HEBSS page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > View SLC Student Data > HEBSS

1496 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Image: HEBSS page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the HEBBS page. You can find definitions for the fields
and controls later on this page.

Image: HEBSS page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the HEBSS page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

You can view the details of the student's HEBSS data on this page. This page is view-only.

Note: For information about the fields in the Application/Award Information group box, refer to the
information about the group box in the Manage HEBSS Suspensions section.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1497

(GBR) Using Student Loans Company Chapter 42

HEBSS Information
Assessment Date Displays the date the customer record was entered or updated on
the Higher Education (HE) portal.

File Name Displays the data file name from SLC.

Course Information
Qualification Displays the qualification achieved.

Method of Attendance Displays the method of attendance. Values are:

• Full Time

• Part Time

• PGCE (post graduate)

Viewing HEBSS Name and Address Data

Access the SLC HEBSS Name and Address page (click the Name/Address link on the HEBSS page).

Image: SLC HEBSS Name and Address page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the SLC HEBSS Name and Address page.

Use this page to help determine whether you are matching to the correct person.

1498 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Reconciling Tuition Fee Payments

This section provides an overview of reconciling Tuition Fee payments to HEI's from the SLC and
discusses how to:

• View the Remittance Report File Summary.

• View Remittance Data to Student Award Data Comparison.

• View Student Award Details.

• View FA Disbursement Data to SF Item Data Comparison.

• View FA/SF Details.

Understanding Tuition Fee Payments Reconciliation

You can configure the system to use SLC Tuition Fee Loan and Tuition Fee Grant payment data to pay
students' tuition fees. HEI's can use the system to reconcile actual payments received from the SLC,
represented by Remittance Report file data, with payments that have been made to students.

Pages Used to Reconcile Tuition Fee Payments

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Remittance Report File SFA_SLC_TFRA_SUMRY Financial Aid > Student View the Remittance Report
Summary Loans Company > files that have been loaded for
Remittance Report File a HEI/SLC academic year.
Summary > Remittance
Report File Summary

Remittance Reconciliation SFA_SLC_TFRA_RECON Financial Aid > Student View a comparison of

Loans Company > Remittance data and Student
Remittance Reconciliation > Award Data for an Institution/
Remittance Reconciliation Aid Year/HEI, which maps to
the HEI/SLC academic year.

Remittance /Student Awards SFA_SLC_TFRA_AWARD Financial Aid > Student View the details for student
Loans Company > remittance and award data.
Remittance Reconciliation >
Remittance/Student Awards

Disbursement Reconciliation SFA_DISB_SF_RECON Financial Aid > View a comparison of FA

Student Loans > Disbursement data and SF
Company > Disbursement Item data.
Reconciliation >
Disbursement Reconciliation

FA/SF Details SFA_DISB_SF_RECON1 Financial Aid > Student View the details for student
Loans Company > Financial Aid Disbursement
Disbursement data and Student Financials
Reconciliation > FA/SF Item data.

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(GBR) Using Student Loans Company Chapter 42

Viewing the Remittance Report File Summary

Access the Remittance Report File Summary page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company >
Remittance Report File Summary).

Image: Remittance Report File Summary page

This example illustrates the fields on the Remittance Report File Summary page.

Use this page to learn which files have been loaded for the current HEI and SLC academic year.

Viewing the Remittance Data to Student Award Data Comparison

Access the Remittance Reconciliation page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > Remittance

Image: Remittance Reconciliation page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Remittance Reconciliation page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to compare Remittance data to Student Award Data for a particular institution, aid year, and
HEI combination.

1500 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Remittance Report and Award Grand Totals

This group box lists the totals by payment type, such as grant or tuition. The page uses the values in
the Remittance Report Parameters group box on the Student Loans Company Setup - Options page to
associate item type groups with payment types.

Filter Option
Use the Filter Option group box to filter results by Payment Type, Student Support Number, or ID. Click
the Search button to access the Remittance /Student Awards page.

Viewing Student Award Details

Access the Remittance/Student Awards page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > Remittance
Reconciliation > Remittance/Student Awards).

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Image: Remittance/Student Awards page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Remittance/Student Awards page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Remittance Report Records with no Student ID or Awards

This group box lists Remittance Report data that is not associated with a student ID or does not have a
matching SLC Financial Aid Award. For example, a Remittance Report record was received but could not
be matched with a student in the system. Or a Remittance Report record with a Student Support Number
is matched to a student ID, but that student does not have any SLC Financial Aid Awards. You can view
details about the Remittance Report records in this group box by clicking on the Student Information,
Course Information, and Other Information tabs.

1502 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Student Awards with no Remittance Report Data

This group box lists students who have SLC Financial Aid awards that do not have matching Remittance
Report data.

Remittance Report and Award Data Comparison

This group box lists students who have Remittance Report data and SLC Financial Aid award data and
displays differences, if any, between the two.

Viewing the FA Disbursement Data to SF Item Data Comparison

Access the Disbursement Reconciliation page ((Financial Aid > Student Loans Company >
Disbursement Reconciliation).

Image: Disbursement Reconciliation page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disbursement Reconciliation page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use this page to compare Financial Aid disbursement data to Student Financials item data.

Filter Option
Use the Filter Option group box to filter results by Item Type Group, Financial Aid Item Type, or ID.
Press the Search button to access the FA/SF Details page.

Note: You can use this page to access information about any Financial Aid Item Types. It is not limited to
SLC Item Types.

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Viewing FA/SF Details

Access the FA/SF Details page (Financial Aid >Student Loans Company >Disbursement
Reconciliation >click Search).

Image: FA/SF Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA/SF Details page.

Use this page to view disbursement details.

Updating HEI Course Database Data

This section provides an overview of the HEI Course Database and discusses how to exchange HEI
Course Database data.

Understanding the HEI Course Database

HEIs in the United Kingdom report information on all their courses of study (programmes) to the SLC.
This data must be updated annually.

The course data is general, such as costs or descriptions of courses of study, and is not specific to the
student. The SLC uses this course data when processing students' applications for support.

The SLC provides an XML-based web service to exchange this information with HEIs. The SLC provides
the current HEI Course Database data to the HEI, and the HEI must provide the SLC with updated

The SLC requests the HEI Course Database updates from HEIs each academic year.

1504 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Page Used to Exchange HEI Course Database Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Exchange HEI Course SFA_SLC_RC_CD Financial Aid > Student Exchange HEI Course
Database Data Loans Company > HEI Database data.
Course Database > Exchange
HEI Course DB Data >
Exchange HEI Course
Database Data

Exchanging HEI Course Database Data

Access the Exchange HEI Course Database Data page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > HEI
Course Database > Exchange HEI Course DB Data > Exchange HEI Course Database Data).

Image: Exchange HEI Course Database Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Exchange HEI Course Database Data page. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Course Database Parameters

HEI Code (higher education institution Select a value in this mandatory field.
The prompt view restricts the values from which you can select
to those found in the Student Loans Company Setup component.

SLC Acad Year (Student Loans Select a value in this mandatory field.
Company academic year)
The prompt view restricts the values from which you can select
to those found in the Student Loans Company Setup component.

Action Select a web service action from the following:

• Download Course Catalog:

Select to use the web service to retrieve HEI Course

Database data for the designated HEI code and SLC
academic year and store the data in system tables.

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(GBR) Using Student Loans Company Chapter 42

You can then update data in the Maintain HEI Institution

Data (SFA_SLC_CD_INST), Maintain HEI Location Data
(SFA_SLC_CD_LOC), and Maintain HEI Course Data
(SFA_SLC_CD_CRSE) components.

Selecting this action retrieves Qualification values (the

Fetch Qualifications action) as well as downloading course
catalog data.

Note: Download Course Catalog should be the first action

taken in the HEI Course Database process.

• Fetch Qualifications:

Select to use the web service to retrieve only the valid

values that can be used to update the Qualifications field
on the Maintain HEI Courses page. Select this action if the
Qualifications list of values needs to be updated after the
initial Download Course Catalog completes.

• Submit Data Changes: Select to use the web service to

send updates for any changed Location, Institution, Year, or
Course data.

Maintaining HEI Data

This section provides an overview of HEI data and discusses how to:

• View and update HEI institution data.

• View and update HEI location data.

• View and update HEI course data.

Understanding HEI Data

Use the Maintain HEI Institution Data, Maintain HEI Locations, and Maintain HEI Courses components

• Retrieve HEI Course Database data from the SLC using the web service.

• Maintain HEI Course Database data.

• Send HEI Course Database data updates to the SLC.

Common Elements Used in this Section

Get SLC Data Click this button to retrieve the latest information from the SLC.

1506 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Send to SLC To send updated data to the SLC, add a row, update the relevant
editable fields, and click the Send to SLC button.

When the SLC receives updated information, it sends a result

number and result message.

Result Number Displays the result code number that the SLC sends to the HEI
when it receives updated information from the HEI.

Result Message Displays an explanation of the result reply from the SLC.

Pages Used to View and Update HEI Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Maintain HEI Institution Data SFA_SLC_CD_INST Financial Aid > Student View and update HEI
Loans Company > HEI institution data.
Course Database > Maintain
HEI Institution Data >
Maintain HEI Institution Data

Maintain HEI Locations SFA_SLC_CD_LOC Financial Aid > Student View and update HEI location
Loans Company > HEI data.
Course Database > Maintain
HEI Locations > Maintain
HEI Locations

Maintain HEI Courses SFA_SLC_CD_CRSE Financial Aid > Student View and update HEI course
Loans Company > HEI data.
Course Database > Maintain
HEI Courses > Maintain HEI

Viewing and Updating HEI Institution Data

Access the Maintain HEI Institution Data page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > HEI Course
Database > Maintain HEI Institution Data > Maintain HEI Institution Data).

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(GBR) Using Student Loans Company Chapter 42

Image: Maintain HEI Institution Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain HEI Institution Data page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Institution Year Information

Fee Cap Enter the Office for Fair Access cap for fees.

Predicted Courses Enter the predicted number of courses offered by the institution.

Variable Fees Select to indicate that the institution offers variable fees.

Last Updated Displays the date and time that this record was last updated.

Institution Details
HEI Name, Country Code, and UCAS Enter the institution name, country code, and UCAS college
College Code code.

Live Date Displays the date that the Course became available for selection
in the live portal.

1508 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

Viewing and Updating HEI Location Data

Access the Maintain HEI Locations page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > HEI Course
Database > Maintain HEI Locations > Maintain HEI Locations).

Image: Maintain HEI Locations page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain HEI Locations page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Location Details
Active Select to indicate that the location is active.

Primary Location Select to indicate that the location is a primary location for the

Viewing and Updating HEI Course Data

Access the Maintain HEI Courses page (Financial Aid > Student Loans Company > HEI Course
Database > Maintain HEI Courses > Maintain HEI Courses).

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(GBR) Using Student Loans Company Chapter 42

Image: Maintain HEI Courses page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain HEI Courses page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Course Information
SLC Course Code (Student Loans The value in this field is assigned by the SLC. The value is
Company course code) blank when a HEI sends information about a new course to the

Method of Attendance Enter a method of attendance. Values are:

• FE (Full Time and Extended Attendance)

• FP (Full Time and Part Time Attendance)

• FS (Full Time Plus Sandwich Attendance)

• FT (Full Time Attendance)

• OT (Unknown Method of Attendance)

1510 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 42 (GBR) Using Student Loans Company

• PT (Part Time Attendance)

UCAS Suffix Displays the campus code/location.

Course Type Enter a course type. Values are:

• ACCELERATED (Course compresses a two year course into

one year of study)






• PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate In Education)

Course Status Enter a course status. Values are:

• C (Closed)

• O (Open)

Qualification Select from a list of values that appear by default from the SLC
web service. The value indicates the type of degree to which the
course leads.

UCAS Course Select this check box if the course is a UCAS course.

Year and Term Details

Fee Cap Enter the maximum tuition fees to be charged for the designated
year of the course.

Term Number Enter the term number within the year of the course.

Campus Code Enter the campus code that applies to the term for which you
entered a number in the Term Number field.

Start Date and End Date Enter the start date and end dates for the term for which you
entered a number in the Term Number field.

Other Codes
Code Type Enter a code type. Values are:

• ucas

• jacs

• ucasSuffix

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(GBR) Using Student Loans Company Chapter 42

Academic Career Enter the Academic Career to map to the Course.

1512 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43

Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Common Elements Used in Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Date of Withdrawal Indicates one of the following: the last date of recorded
attendance, the date the student began the withdrawal process,
the date the student provided your school with the intent to
withdraw, or the midpoint of the payment period if the student
unofficially withdraws. The system displays the default date
based on the date that was established in Campus Solutions
Student Records.

Undetermined Withdrawal Date Select for students who have withdrawn unofficially. The
system displays the midpoint of the payment period in the
Date of Withdrawal field if the student unofficially withdraws.
Update this field if you want to use a different withdrawal
date. For example, you can use the date when the student last
attended an academic-related event if this date was verified by
your institution.

Institutional Determination Dt Indicates the withdrawal date determined by the financial aid
(institutional determination date) office.

ID Indicates the unique identification code for the student.

Name Displays the name of the student.

Days Elapsed After an institution determines the date of withdrawal, the

system displays the number of days passed since the student

Managing Data to Calculate Return of Title IV Aid

This section discusses how to manage data to calculate the return of Title IV aid.

Pages Used to Manage Data to Calculate Return of Title IV Aid

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Return TIV Session STDNT_RT_TIV_AID_M Financial Aid > Return Manage return of Title IV aid
to TIV Funds > Return enrollment session data.
TIV Session > Return TIV

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1513

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Return TIV Session Notes SFA_RTN_SES_NOTES Financial Aid >Return Use this page to add
to TIV Funds >Return notes about the student's
TIV Session >Return TIV withdrawal.
Session >Return TIV Session

Return TIV Aid STDNT_RTRN_TIV_AID Financial Aid > Return Manage the return of Title
to TIV Funds > Create IV aid. Add a student who
Worksheet > Return TIV Aid has withdrawn, calculate the
Funds Worksheet > Return withdrawal percentage, view
TIV Aid various dates from different
sources, view the payment or
enrollment period, or view
term information.

Packaging Status Summary STDNT_AID_PACKAGE Click the Student Status link Review the student's need,
on the Return TIV Aid page. budget, and award or
to change the student's
packaging status.

FA Term STDNT_FA_TERM Click the FA Term link on the View a student's term
Return TIV Aid page. information, add a new term
for a student, or build the
student's financial aid term.

Last Updated STDNT_RTRN_TIVSEC5 Click the Last Updated link View the user's ID and the
on the Return TIV Aid page. date and time of the last
update made to the Return
Title IV Aid page.

Managing Return of Title IV Aid Enrollment Session Data

Access the Return TIV Session page (Financial Aid > Return to TIV Funds > Return TIV Session >
Return TIV Session).

1514 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Image: Return TIV Session page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Return TIV Session page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

On the initial add, this page is populated with data from the Term Session table and Student Records.
This data can be adjusted for the first and subsequent withdrawals based on student changes and/or your
school's business process.

Calculate All Click to populate the Period Summary information with the
student's calculated withdrawal information for days and percent

Last Updated Click to access the Last Updated page to view the user ID, last
update timestamp, and other information for the last update
made to the page.

Session Details
Session Enter the Session from the Term in context to populate the
Session Begin Date, Session End Date, and Holiday Schedule

Session Break Displays number of days in Session Break. Session Breaks

greater than 4 days are deducted from total number of calendar
days and completed calendar days, if withdrawal occurs after
the Break. Sessions must be entered in order by start date, then
end date.

Student enrollment in non-unique Sessions may warrant

grouping of Sessions in order to calculate the percent of aid
earned. Sessions that overlap display as a negative number of
days to show that those days are offset in the calculation.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1515

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Note: Completed Days and Total Days are gross days for the
Session Period; deductions for Holiday or Session Break are not
accounted for in this group box.

Status Select the status for the Session.

• Cancel – This status cannot be manually selected but is

populated from Term History Session Withdraw.

• Completed – Student has completed all classes for the


• In Progress – Student is actively attending classes for the


• Not Enrolled – Student not enrolled in any classes for the


• Not Started – Session has not started.

• Rescind – Student previously qualified for and had a RTIV

calculation processed. Due to re-enrollment or proof of
intent to enroll in a future session, the withdraw has been

• Withdraw – Populated from Term History Session Withdraw.

Can be manually selected.

Completed Days Displays number of days completed in the Session.

Note: Completed Days and Total Days are gross days;

deductions for Holiday or Session Break are not accounted for
in this group box.

Total Days Displays total number of days in the Session.

Note: Completed Days and Total Days are gross days;

deductions for Holiday or Session Break are not accounted for
in this group box.

Period Summary
Period Summary is populated from calculated Session Detail information. It summarizes the dates, days,
and percent earned to be used in Create Worksheet to complete the withdrawal calculation process.

Completed Days for Period Displays calculated earned days.

Note: Holiday and/or Session breaks of 5 days or more are

deducted from Completed days based on withdrawal date and
passage of break period.

Completed Days for Period Override Select to override calculated completed days.

1516 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Total Days for Period Displays calculated total days for entire span of sessions as
determined by the institution.

Note: Holiday and/or Session breaks of 5 days or more are

deducted from Total Days.

Total Days for Period Override Select to override calculated total days.

Period Adjustment Displays the adjustment that is required for scheduled holidays
of five consecutive days or more. The system displays 0 if no
holidays are scheduled consecutively for 5 or more days.

Total Session Break Displays the total of all breaks between sessions greater than 4

Period Adjustment Override Select to override the Period Adjustment .

Holiday Schedule and Detail Displays the name of the Holiday Schedule. Click Detail link for
detailed Holiday Schedule information.

Pct. TIV Aid Earned for Displays calculated percent of aid earned.
Period(Percent Title IV aid earned for

Date of Withdrawal Displays highest date of withdrawal from Session Details.

Session Period Begin Date Displays lowest session begin date based on session rows
inserted in Session Details.

Session Period End Date Displays highest session begin date based on session rows
inserted in Session Details.

60 Pct Eff Dt for Session(60 percent Displays the 60 percent date for the Session Period Begin and
effective date for session) Session Period End dates.

Return TIV Session Notes

Access the Return TIV Session page (Financial Aid > Return to TIV Funds > Return TIV Session >
Return TIV Session > Return TIV Session Notes tab).

Use this page to add notes about the student's withdrawal.

Managing the Return of Title IV Aid

Access the Return TIV Aid page (Financial Aid > Return to TIV Funds > Create Worksheet > Return
TIV Aid Funds Worksheet > Return TIV Aid).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1517

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Image: Return TIV Aid page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Return TIV Aid page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The fields are populated with data generated by the Return to TIV Session component.

Student Status Click to access the Packaging Status Summary page to review
the student's need, budget, and award or to change the student's
packaging status.

FA Term Click to access the Financial Aid Term page to view a student's
term information, add a new term for a student, or build the
student's financial aid term. If the student withdraws and the
withdrawal date defined by Student Records changes, you must
rebuild the FA Term.

Calculate All Click to update and populate the fields with the student's
calculated withdrawal information. The system displays the
withdrawal status of the student for the specified term or
sessions within a term and calculates the actual values for the
amount of earned aid, amount of unearned aid, and amount of
aid to be returned. When you click this link, the system uses the
setup and award data specific to the student. If you change the
start and end dates from the Return TIV Aid page or Return TIV
Session page, click the Calculate All button to update the values
on the Return of Funds Worksheet page.

Days Elapsed After an institution determines the date of withdrawal, the
system calculates and displays the number of days passed
since the student withdrew. The days are calculated using the
Institutional Determination Date field as a starting date.

Overall Status Select the student's withdrawal status. The values are:

1518 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Pending: The calculation and the return of Title IV funds

are still in progress. The default status is Pending until you
manually change the status to Complete.

Complete: Indicates that the calculation, the student notification,

and the return of Title IV funds has occurred. After you set the
status to Complete, affected fields and pages become view-only.

Date Form Completed Displays the date when the Calculate All button is clicked on
this page to calculate the student's withdrawal percentage. The
date is set to the current date by default when you change the
overall status to Complete. The Oprid is also updated when you
change the status to Complete and save. You can view the Oprid
updates on the RTIV Calculation History page when you click
the Last Updated link.

FA Term Academic Career Displays the grouping of all academic work undertaken by a
student at an institution. This information is from the Financial
Aid Term table.

Last Updated Click this link to access the RTIV Calculation History page and
view the Oprid, last update timestamp, and other information for
each time the Overall Status has been updated to Complete and
saved on this page.

Access the RTIV Calculation History page (Financial Aid >

Return to TIV Funds > Create Worksheet > Return TIV Aid
Funds Worksheet > Return TIV Aid > click the Last Updated

Period Information
Payment Period Select to indicate nonstandard periods or terms. A nonstandard
period or term is defined as a term that is not a quarter,
semester, or trimester. It can be a payment period or a period
of enrollment. A payment period can consist of more than one

Enrollment Period Select to indicate the academic period determined by an

institution for which charges are assessed. The enrollment
period is the length of the term.

Start Date and End Date Displays the beginning and ending date of the payment or
enrollment period. The system uses the start and end date in the
actual Return of Title IV Funds calculation for term processing.

Note: Because you can change the enrollment period start and
end dates that are used by the system to calculate the Title IV
percentage, you should establish procedures to define how these
dates should be changed.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1519

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Term Information
Term Displays the identification number for the term. A term is a
period of time designated as an instructional accounting period.

Withdraw Date Displays the date the student withdrew from the term. The value
is from the Student Records Student Career Term table.

60 Pct Dt (60 percent date) Displays the default value from the Term Session table. This
is the date when a student would have completed 60% of the
credit/clock hour of the program for the term.

Term Begin Date Displays the beginning date of the term.

Term End Date Displays the ending date of the term.

FA Term Withdraw Date Displays the date the student withdrew from the term. The
Financial Aid Term table provides the FA term withdrawal date.
Student Records determines the date.

Session Information
Session Displays the session from which the student has withdrawn.

Withdraw Date Displays the date the student withdrew from the Session Period.
The value is from the Student Records Student Career Term

Session Withdraw Date Displays the date the student withdrew from the Session Period
from the Return TIV Session Table.

60 Pct Dt (60 percent date) Displays the default value from the Term Session table. This is
the date when a student would have completed 60% of a single

60 Pct Effective Dt (60 percent Displays the 60 percent date for the Session Period Begin and
effective date) Session Period End dates.

Session Period Begin Date Displays the lowest beginning date of the Session Period as
entered in the Return TIV Session table.

Session Period End Date Displays the highest ending date of the Session Period as
entered in the Return TIV Session table.

Multiple Session Details Click this link to access the Return TIV Session component.
This link displays only for Session records and is not displayed
for regular Term withdraws.

Use Session Calculation Data Select to use session information for calculating a session
withdraw. Not selecting results in a term withdraw calculation.

Related Links
Reviewing Student Packaging Status by Date

1520 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Viewing Withdrawal Information

Using the Return of Funds Worksheet

This section discusses how to:

• Generate a valid calculation.

• Recalculate TIV aid information.

• Recalculate percentage of TIV aid earned using credit hours.

• View institutional and budget charges.

• Calculate return amounts.

• Review loan debts for withdrawn students.

Pages Used to Generate a Valid Calculation

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Return of Funds Worksheet STDNT_RTRN_TIV_WK1N Financial Aid > Return of Enter values in the editable
Title IV Funds > Create fields to generate a valid
Worksheet > Return of Funds calculation or to recalculate
Worksheet the totals due by the student
and school.

Calculate TIV Aid STDNT_RTRN_TIVSEC1 Click the Detail link to the Recalculate or view the E.
Information right of the E. Total TIV Aid Total TIV Aid Disb field.
Disb field on the Return of The information displayed
Funds Worksheet page. under Student's TIV Aid
Information is from the
Student Award Disbursement
table and is used to populate
the fields under Student's TIV
Aid Amounts.

Calculate Pct. TIV Aid STDNT_RTRN_TIVSEC2 Click the Detail link to the Recalculate the Percentage of
Earned right of the H. Pct. TIV Aid Title IV Aid Earned field and
Earned field on the Return of view the Holiday Adjustment
Funds Worksheet page. field.

Calculate Charge Information STDNT_RTRN_TIVSEC6 Click the Detail link to View institutional and budget
the right of the L. Total charges.
Institutional Chrgs (charges)
field on the Return of Funds
Worksheet page.

Calculate Return Amounts STDNT_RTRN_TIVSEC4 Click the Detail link to the View amounts to returned by
right of P. Total School Must the institution.
Return field on the Return of
Funds Worksheet page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1521

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Return of Loan Funds STDNT_RTN_TIVSEC7N Click the Detail link for the Enter debt totals for various
R. Student Loan Repayment loan types for withdrawn
Amount field on the Return of students to reviewing loan
Funds Worksheet. debts.

Generating a Valid Calculation

Access the Return of Funds Worksheet page (Financial Aid > Return of Title IV Funds > Create
Worksheet > Return of Funds Worksheet).

Image: Return of Funds Worksheet page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Return of Funds Worksheet page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Use the Detail links to view or recalculate specific amounts.

Click Calculate to recalculate the values based on the adjustments you made to the percentages.

Click Calculate All to update and populate the fields with the student's calculated withdrawal information.
The system displays the withdrawal status of the student for the specified term and calculates the actual
values for the amount of earned aid, unearned aid, and aid to be returned. The system uses the setup and
award data specific to the student.

If you change the start and end dates from the Return of TIV Aid page, click Calculate All to update the
values on the Return of Funds Worksheet page.

E. Total TIV Aid Disb (E. total Title Displays Title IV Grant and Loan Programs amounts to be
IV aid disbursed) disbursed for grants, amounts that could have been disbursed
for grants, net amounts disbursed for loans and net amounts that
could have been disbursed for loans. Totals based on the actual
federal worksheet are also displayed.

1522 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

F. Total TIV Grant Aid (F. total Title Displays grant aid disbursed and amount that could have been
IV grant aid) disbursed.

G. Total TIV Aid (G. total Title IV Displays grant and loan aid disbursed and amount that could
aid) have been disbursed.

H. Pct. TIV Aid Earned (H. percent Displays percentage of period of enrollment completed.
Title IV aid earned)

I. TIV Aid Earned (I. Title IV aid Displays aid earned by the student based on percentage of
earned) enrollment period completed.

J. TIV Aid to Disburse (J. Title IV aid Displays amount of aid that could have been disbursed.
to disburse)

K. TIV Aid to Return (K. Title IV aid Displays amount aid to be returned.
to return)

L. Total Institutional Chrgs (L. total Displays the value of the charges your institution set up in the
institutional charges) Institutional Charges setup page. Institutional costs are defined
as charges—the cost of attendance—a student must pay to the
institution directly. Whether you use the actual or budgeted
charges, the system displays the value for the institutional
charges you defined in your setup.

M. Pct TIV Aid Unearned (M. Displays the amount to be returned based on the percentage of
percent title IV aid unearned) the unearned aid.

N. Unearned Inst Charges (N. Displays the amount of aid that must be returned for unearned
unearned institutional charges) institutional charges. For example, tuition is an institutional
charge. If a student withdraws at 10% of the term, the student
earns 10% of the charges for tuition. The remaining 90% is

O. Amt Due From School (O. amount Displays the amount of aid the institution must return to the
due from school) Title IV program. The institution determines its share of
unearned funds first.

P. Total School Must Return: Displays the total loans the school must return.

Q. Amt Due From Student (Q. Displays the amount of aid the student must return to the Title
amount due from student) IV program. The student returns the difference between the Title
IV aid to be returned and the amount of Title IV aid due by the
institution. For example, if the returned aid is 1000.00 USD
and your institution returns 600.00 USD, the initial unearned
calculation for the student to return is 400.00 USD.

R. Stdnt Loan Repaymnt Amt: (R. Displays the total amount the student must repay, which consists
Student loan repayment amount) of loan funds the student has earned, or unearned loan funds that
the school is not responsible for repaying, or both.

S. Initial TIV Grant Amount: (S. Displays the Initial amount of Title IV grants the student must
initial Title IV grant amount) return.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1523

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

T. TIV Grant Protection Amt: (T. Displays the amount of Title IV grant protected using the value
Title IV grant protection amount) in F. Total TIV Grant Aid and applying the 50 percent grant

U. TIV Grant Return Amt: (U. Title Displays the net Title IV grant funds that the student must
IV grant return amount) return.

Action After you calculate the Return of Title IV Funds, the system
displays a note as a reminder to update the tracking fields
on the Student/School Return page or the Post-Withdrawal
Disbursement page based on what has occurred with the student.

Recalculating TIV Aid Information

Access the Calculate TIV Aid Information page (click the Detail link to the right of the E. Total TIV Aid
Disb field on the Return of Funds Worksheet page).

Image: Calculate TIV Aid Information page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Calculate TIV Aid Information page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays grant and net loan amounts that are disbursed and that could have been disbursed.
Totals based on the actual federal worksheet are also displayed

Recalculating Percentage of TIV Aid Earned Using Credit Hours

Access the Calculate Pct. TIV Aid Earned page (click the Detail link to the right of the H. Pct. TIV Aid
Earned field on the Return of Funds Worksheet page).

1524 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Image: Calculate Pct. TIV Aid Earned page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Calculate Pct. TIV Aid Earned page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Percentage of Title IV Aid Earned

Date of Withdrawal Displays the student's day of withdrawal as entered on the
Return of TIV Aid page.

Period Start Date Displays the first day of the term or payment period.

Period End Date Displays the last day of the term or payment period.

60 Pct Effective Date(60 percent Displays the 60 percent date for the session in which the
effective date) withdraw is taking place as recorded in the Term/Session Table
or as entered in the Return TIV Session table.

Note: This date is not necessarily a 60 percent point in time for

the span of multiple sessions.

Session Period Begin Date Displays the lowest beginning date of the Session Period as
entered in the as entered in the Return TIV Session table.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1525

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Session Period End Date Displays the highest end date of the Session Period as entered in
the Return TIV Session table.

Completed Days for Period Displays calculated earned days for a session.

Total Days for Period Displays calculated total days for a session period.

Total Session Break Displays the total of all breaks between sessions greater than 4

Completed Days Displays the number of days between the Period Start Date
and student's Date of Withdrawal. Enter a value in this field to
manually override and set the Override flag to "Y".

Note: Completed Days are net days considering eligible Session

Breaks. Holiday Breaks are not reflected in this total. They are,
however, accounted for in the Period Adjustment to provide a
point of reference.

Student Adjustment Enter a value in this field to exercise professional judgment by

adjusting the student's completed days.

Note: Completed Days are net days considering eligible Session

Breaks. Holiday Breaks are not reflected in this total. They are,
however, accounted for in the Period Adjustment to provide
a point of reference when making an adjustment to a student’s
Completed Days.

Total Days Displays the number of days between the Period Start Date
and Period End Date, inclusive. Enter a value in this field to
manually override and set the Override flag to "Y".

Note: Total Days are net days considering eligible Session

Breaks. Holiday Breaks are not reflected in this total. They are,
however, accounted for in the Period Adjustment to provide a
point of reference.

Period Adjustment Displays the adjustment that is required for scheduled holidays
of five consecutive days or more. The system displays 0 if no
holidays are scheduled consecutively for 5 or more days. Enter a
value in this field to manually override and set the Override flag
to "Y".

Note: Total Days are net days considering eligible Session

Breaks. Holiday Breaks are not reflected in this total. They are,
however, accounted for in the Period Adjustment to provide
a point of reference when making an adjustment to a student’s
Total Days.

Days Earned / In Term Displays the number of completed days divided by the total
days after performing a calculation.

1526 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Note: This field is reset to zero every time you access the
component. Click Calculate to update.

H. Pct TIV Aid Earned (H. percent Displays the percentage of the period of enrollment or payment
Title IV aid earned) period that the student completed.

Calculate Click to recalculate the percentage of the period of enrollment

or payment period that the student completed if updating
Completed Days, Student Adjustment, Total Days, or Period

Holiday Adjustment
Holiday Schedule Displays the name of the holiday schedule defined on the
Holiday Schedule page (Set Up Common Objects >Foundation
Tables >Organization >Holiday Schedule) for that term.
Student Records associates this schedule to terms and sessions
used in Campus Solutions.

See "Setting Up Holiday Schedules" (PeopleSoft Campus

Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Holiday Displays the date of the holiday. The system lists all holidays,
not just those that are consecutive.

Hours Displays the number of clock hours for the holiday.

Holiday Adjustment (Days) Displays the number of consecutive holidays defined in the
holiday schedule.

Calculate Click to recalculate the adjustment for holidays if you made a

change to the start and end dates of the payment or enrollment
period. The system determines whether there are any changes to
the holiday schedule based on the new start and end dates.

Note: The system does not support clock hours even though you can select clock hours as a program type
when you enter the access requirements to enter the Return of TIV Aid page.

Viewing Institutional and Budget Charges

Access the Calculate Charge Information page (click the Detail link to the right of the L. Total
Institutional Chrgs (charges) field on the Return of Funds Worksheet page).

Charge Type Displays institutional charges for the student associated with an
item type group for the term.

Category Displays the budget category for which the charge type is

Academic Career Displays the grouping of all academic work undertaken by a

student at an institution.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1527

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Item Code Displays a budget item within a budget category.

Amount Displays the charge amount for the charge type.

Override Amount Enter an amount to override institutional charges when 'Use

Actual Charges' is selected in Define Rules for Return .

L. Total Institutional Chrgs (L. total • Displays actual budgeted charges if Use Budget Charges is
institutional charges) selected in setup.

• Displays actual institutional charges or the combined

Override amounts of actual institutional charges if'Use
Actual Charges is selected in setup and Override amounts
are used.

Total Institutional Charges • Displays actual budgeted charges if Use Budget Charges is
selected in Define Rules of Return.

• Displays actual institutional charges if Use Actual Charges

is selected in Define Rules of Return.

Calculate Click to recalculate total institutional charges and to update the

Return of Funds Worksheet page.

Related Links
Defining Budget Items

Calculating Return Amounts

Access the Calculate Return Amounts page (click the Detail link to the right of O. Amt. Due From School
or P. Amount Due From Student fields on the Return of Funds Worksheet page).

School Return of Funds Displays the amount to be returned by the school by aid fund
and amount.

O. By School Displays total amount from the School Return of Funds group

P. School Rtrn (school return) Displays total loans to be returned by school from the School
Return of Funds group box.

Q. By Student Displays initial grant amount student must return.

R. Repayment Displays loan amount student must repay.

Calculate Click to recalculate the totals if you updated or modified the


Reviewing Loan Debts for Withdrawn Students

Access the Return of Loan Funds page (click the Detail link for the R. Stdt Loan Repaymnt Amount field
on the Return of Funds Worksheet).

1528 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Enter the totals for any Unsubsidized FFEL or Direct Loan, Subsidized FFEL or Direct Loan, Perkins,
Graduate PLUS, or PLUS loans for which the student is responsible.

This worksheet is useful when counseling a withdrawn student on loan indebtedness.

Reviewing Grant Funds for Withdrawn Students

Access the Return of Grant Funds page (click the Detail link for the U. TIV Grant Return Amt field on the
Return of Funds Worksheet).

Displays the amount of grant funds being returned.

Tracking Student and School Return Information

This section discusses how to:

• Track return information.

• Track post-withdrawal disbursement.

• View allocation of post-withdrawal disbursements.

• Review post-withdrawal disbursements.

• Enter return of TIV aid notes.

Pages Used to Track Student and School Return Information

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student/School Return STDNT_RTRN_TIV_WK2N Financial Aid > Return of Track return information for
Title IV Funds > Create the student and school.
Worksheet > Student/School

Post-Withdrawal STDNT_RTRN_TIV_WK3A Financial Aid > Return Track post-withdrawal

Disbursement of Title IV Funds > disbursements a student was
Create Worksheet > Post- entitled to at the time of
Withdrawal Disbursement withdrawal.

Allocation of PWD STDNT_PWD_SEC1AN Click the Part IV Allocation Enter post-withdrawal

of PWD link on the Post- disbursement amounts for
Withdrawal page. grants and loans.

Post-Withdrawal STDNT_PWD_SEC1 Click the PWD Detail link on Review post-withdrawal

Disbursements (detail) the Post-Withdrawal page. disbursements. Includes the
amount of eligible aid not yet
disbursed, eligible aid to be
disbursed late, and remaining
eligible aid to be disbursed.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1529

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Return TIV Aid Notes STDNT_RTRN_TIV_WK4 Financial Aid > Return of Enter return of Title IV aid
Title IV Funds > Create notes. Document information
Worksheet > Return TIV Aid regarding the processing of
Notes Title IV Return of Funds.

Tracking Return Information

Access the Student/School Return page (Financial Aid > Return of Title IV Funds > Create Worksheet >
Student/School Return).

Image: Student/School Return page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student/School Return page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Student Return of Funds

Student Notified Select this check box to indicate the student has been notified of
their Title IV overpayment obligation.

Student Return Status Displays the student's return of Title IV funds status.

Pending: Indicates that the calculation and the return of Title

IV funds are still in progress. The default status is Pending until
you manually change the status to Complete.

Complete: Indicates that calculation, student notification, and

the return of Title IV funds has occurred.

Note: You should update the Student Return Status field to

Complete when a student does not need to return funds.

1530 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Notification Date Displays the date the student was notified of Title IV

Q. Amt Due From Student(Q. amount Displays the amount of Title IV funds the student must return. If
due from student) a student owes a return, the system populates this value from the
Return of Funds Worksheet page.

Student Response Information

Response Date Displays the date the student responded to the notification from
the institution about Title IV overpayment.

Repayment Arrangement Select from available values to indicate the student's action
taken in response to repayment arrangements. Values include:

Arrangement not Complied

Make Arrangements DOE

Make Arrangements School

No Satisfactory Arrangements

Pay School in Full

Title IV Loans Only

School Return of Funds

School Return Status Indicates the institution's repayment status as pending or
complete. The default status is pending until you manually
change the status to complete.

Funds Return Date Indicates the date the funds were returned.

O. Amt Due From School Indicates the amount of Title IV funds the institution must
return. If the school owes a return, the system automatically
populates this value from the Return of Funds Worksheet page.

Calculate Click to recalculate the amount the school and student have to
return if you made a change to the percentage on the Return of
Funds Worksheet page.

Tracking Post-Withdrawal Disbursement

Access the Post-Withdrawal Disbursement page (Financial Aid > Return of Title IV Funds > Create
Worksheet > Post-Withdrawal Disbursement).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1531

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Image: Post-Withdrawal Disbursement page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Post-Withdrawal Disbursement page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Calculate Click to recalculate the amount of aid to a post-withdrawal

student if you made a change to the percentage.

Post-Withdrawal Disb Status (post- Indicates whether or not post-withdrawal disbursement

withdrawal disbursement status) calculations are complete or pending.

The Pending status is set when the worksheet is created. Select

Complete when appropriate for the current stage of processing.

Part I, II, III

J. TIV Aid to Disburse (Box 1) Displays the total amount of post-withdrawal disbursement due.
This field is from Step J. Post Withdrawal Disbursement on the
Return of Funds Worksheet page.

Total PWD Credited (Box 2) Enter the total outstanding charges scheduled to be paid from
Post Withdrawal Disbursement.

Box 3 The amount to offer directly to the student is derived from

the TIV Aid to Disburse amount less the Total PWD Credited
amount. Box 3 = Box 1 - Box 2.

Part IV Allocation of PWD (part Click this link to access the Allocation of Post Withdrawal
4 allocation of post withdrawal Disbursement page.

PWD Detail (post withdrawal Click this link to view Post Withdrawal Disbursement
disbursement detail) Allocation details.

1532 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Part V, VI
PWD Notification Sent Select the date that the post-withdrawal disbursement loan
notification was sent to the student or parent.

Response Deadline Select the date by which the student, parent, or both must

Date Response Received Select the date that the response was received from the student
or parent.

Response Received Select this check box if the response was received from the
student or parent.

Not Received Select this check box if the response was not received from the
student or parent.

Late Response Not Accepted Select this check box if the response was received from the
student or parent after the date in the Response Deadline field.

Date Direct Disb Mailed (date direct Select the date for grant, loan, or both that the direct
disbursement mailed) disbursement was mailed or transferred.

Viewing Allocation of Post-Withdrawal Disbursements

Access the Allocation of PWD page (click the Part IV Allocation of PWD link on the Post-Withdrawal

Image: Allocation of PWD page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Allocation of PWD page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Enter appropriate amounts for each column and type of aid:

Ln Amt Sought (loan amount sought) Enter the loan amount school seeks to credit to the account.

Ln Amt Auth (loan amount Enter the loan amount authorized to credit to the account

Aid Credited Enter the aid credited to the account.

Aid Offered Enter an amount of aid offered as direct disbursement.

Aid Accepted Enter an amount of aid accepted as direct disbursement.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1533

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Aid Disbursed Enter amount of aid disbursed directly to the student

Calculate Click this button to total the columns.

Reviewing Post-Withdrawal Disbursements

Access the Post-Withdrawal Disbursements detail page (click the PWD Detail link on the Post-
Withdrawal Disbursements page).

Eligible Aid Not Disbursed Displays aid not disbursed at time of withdrawal.

Aid To Be Late Disbursed Displays aid amounts eligible for a post-withdrawal late

Remaining To Be Disbursed Displays aid amounts eligible for a post-withdrawal late


Entering Return TIV Aid Notes

Access the Return TIV Aid Notes page (Financial Aid > Return of Title IV Funds > Create Worksheet >
Return TIV Aid Notes).

Image: Return TIV Notes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Return TIV Notes page.

Enter comments of any length into the text area.

Tracking Return of Title IV Funds

This section discusses how to:

• Track student return of Title IV funds.

1534 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

• Track school return of Title IV funds.

• Review post-withdrawal disbursement tracking data.

Pages Used to Track Return of TIV Funds

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Track Student Returns SFA_TIV_RTN_TRACK Financial Aid > Return Track student return of Title
of Title IV Funds > Track IV funds. View the status of
TIV Funds Return > Track funds for all students where a
Student Returns calculation exists.

Return of Funds Detail STDNT_RTOF_SEC1NA Click the Detail link from View student aid amount and
the Track Student Returns the return of funds for both
Summary 2 page or Track the student and school.
School Returns Summary

Track School Returns SFA_TIV_RTN_TRACK2 Financial Aid > Return of Track school return of TIV
Title IV Funds > Track TIV funds. View the status of
Funds Return > Track School funds for your institution.

Post Withdrawal Disb SFA_TIV_PWD_TRACK Financial Aid > Return Review post-withdrawal
Tracking of Title IV Funds > Track disbursement tracking data.
PW Disbursement > Post
Withdrawal Disb Tracking

Tracking Student Return of Title IV Funds

Access the Track Student Returns page (Financial Aid > Return of Title IV Funds > Track TIV Funds
Return > Track Student Returns).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1535

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Image: Track Student Returns page: Status tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Track Student Returns page: Status tab. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

View Select one of the following:

All: View students with a status of pending or completed.

Complete: View students who have completed the Return of

Title IV Funds process.

Pending: View students who are being processed.

Status Tab
ID Indicates a unique identification code for a student associated
with your institution.

Name Displays the name of a student.

Return Status Displays the student's return of Title IV funds status. This status
comes from the Student/School Return page. If a student does
not have a return, the student does not appear in the list.

Pending: The calculation and the return of Title IV funds are

still in progress. This status comes from the Student/School
Return page; you can change it manually on this page.

Complete: The calculation, student notification, and the return

of Title IV funds has occurred.

Summary 1 Tab
Select the Summary 1 tab.

1536 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Image: Track Student Returns page: Summary 1 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Track Student Returns page: Summary 1 tab. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Institutional Determination Dt Displays the withdrawal date determined by the financial aid
(institutional determination date) office.

Days Elapsed After an institution determines the date of withdrawal, the

system calculates and displays the number of days passed
since the student withdrew. The days are calculated using the
Institutional Determination Dt field as the starting date.

Student Notified If selected, indicates the student has been notified of their Title
IV overpayment obligation.

Notification Date Displays the date the student was notified of Title IV

Summary 2 Tab
Select the Summary 2 tab.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1537

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Image: Track Student Returns page: Summary 2 tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Track Student Returns page: Summary 2 tab. You
can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Response Date Displays the date the student responded to the notification from
the institution about Title IV overpayment.

Repayment Arrangement Displays one of the student response options from the Student/
School Return page. The values are:

Arrangement not Complied

Make Arrangements DOE

Make Arrangements School

No Satisfactory Arrangements

Pay School in Full

Title IV Loans Only

Q. Amt Due From Student (Q. Displays the amount of funds needed to be returned by the
amount due from student) student.

Detail Click to view the Return of Funds Detail page.

Last Updated Tab

Select the Last Updated tab.

1538 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Image: Track Student Returns page: Last Updated tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Track Student Returns page: Last Updated tab.

Tracking School Return of Title IV Funds

Access the Track School Returns page (Financial Aid > Return of Title IV Funds > Track TIV Funds
Return > Track School Returns).

Image: Track School Returns page: Status tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Track School Returns page: Status tab. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

View Select one of the following:

All: View students with a status of pending or completed.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1539

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Complete: View students who have completed the Return of

Title IV Funds process.

Pending: View students who are being processed.

Status Tab
Return Status Displays the school's return of Title IV funds status.

Pending: Indicates that the calculation and the return of Title IV

funds are still in progress. This status comes from the Student/
School Return page; you can change it manually on this page.

Complete: Indicates that calculation and the school return of

Title IV funds has occurred.

Summary Tab
Select the Summary tab.

Image: Track School Returns page: Summary tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Track School Returns page: Summary tab. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Institutional Determination Dt Displays the withdrawal date determined by the institution.

(institutional determination date)

Funds Return Date Displays the date the user updated the Funds Return Date field
on the Student/School Return page.

O. Amt Due From School (O. amount Displays the amount of aid the institution must return to the
due from school) Title IV program.

Detail Click to view the Return of Funds Detail page.

1540 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Last Updated Tab

Select the Last Updated tab.

Image: Track School Returns page: Last Updated tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Track School Returns page: Last Updated tab.

Reviewing Post-Withdrawal Disbursement Tracking Data

Access the Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking page (Financial Aid > Return of Title IV Funds > Track PW
Disbursement > Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking).

Image: Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking page: Status tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking page: Status tab.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1541

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Note: The Calculate link is not available when you access the Post-Withdrawal Disbursements page from
the Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking page.

View Select one of the following:

All: View students with a status of Pending or Completed.

Complete: View students who have completed the Return of

Title IV Funds process.

Pending: View students who are being processed.

Status Tab
Status Displays the student's post-withdrawal disbursement status.
The system displays a status of Pending to indicate that the
calculation and the post-withdrawal disbursement are still
in progress. A status of Complete indicates that calculation,
student notification, and the post-withdrawal disbursement has
occurred. The status is from the Post-Withdrawal Disbursement

Summary Tab
Select the Summary tab.

Image: Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking page: Summary tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking page: Summary tab.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Disbursement Amount Displays the amount of funds the institution can offer the
student as a post-withdrawal disbursement.

Detail Click to view the Post-Withdrawal Disbursements page.

1542 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Dates Tab
Select the Dates tab.

Image: Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking page: Dates tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking page: Dates tab.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

PWD Notification Sent View or edit the date that the post-withdrawal disbursement loan
notification was sent to the student, parent, or both.

Response Deadline View or edit the date by which the student, parent, or both must

Service Impact Tab

Select the Service Impact tab.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1543

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Image: Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking page: Service Impact tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking page: Service
Impact tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Date Response Received View or edit the date that the school received the response from
the student.

Date Direct Disb Mailed-Grant (date View or edit the date that the direct disbursement was mailed or
direct disbursement mailed for a grant) transferred.

Date Direct Disb Mailed-Loan (date View or edit the date that the direct disbursement was mailed or
direct disbursement mailed for a loan) transferred.

Last Updated Tab

Select the Last Updated tab.

1544 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Image: Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking: Last Updated tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Post Withdrawal Disb Tracking: Last Updated tab.

Reviewing Return of Title IV Funds Student Summary

This section discusses how to review the summary student return of TIV funds.

Page Used to Review Return of TIV Funds Student Summary

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Return of TIV Funds RTRN_TIV_STU_TRACK Financial Aid > Return of View summary of the
Summary Title IV Funds > Review student's return of TIV funds
Summary of TIV Return calculation.

Reviewing the Summary of Student Return of TIV Funds

Access the Return of TIV Funds Summary page (Financial Aid > Return of Title IV Funds > Review
Summary of TIV Return).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1545

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Image: Return of TIV Funds Summary page: Status tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Return of TIV Funds Summary page: Status tab.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

View Select one of the following:

All: View students with a status of Pending or Complete.

Complete: View students who have completed the Return of

Title IV Funds process.

Pending: View students who are being processed.

Status Tab
Status Indicates the student's overall status of the Return of Title IV

Pending: The calculation and the return of Title IV funds are

still in progress.

Complete: The calculation, student notification, and the return

of Title IV funds has occurred.

Go To Worksheets Click to access the Return TIV Aid page.

Summary Tab
Select the Summary tab.

1546 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Image: Return of TIV Funds Summary page: Summary tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Return of TIV Funds Summary page: Summary tab.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Undetermined Withdrawal Date If the student withdrew unofficially, the system displays this
check box as selected. This information comes from the Return
TIV Aid page. The system displays a date to indicate the
midpoint of the payment period if the student unofficially
withdraws. You can update this field if you want to use a
different withdrawal date. For example, you can use the date the
student last attended an academic-related event if this date was
verified by your institution.

Withdrawal/Cancel Date Displays the last date of recorded attendance, the date the
student began the withdrawal process, the date the student
provided to your school with the intent to withdraw, or the
midpoint of the payment period if the student unofficially
withdraws. The system displays the default date based on the
date that was established in Student Records.

Calculation Period Tab

Select the Calculation Period tab.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1547

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Image: Return of TIV Funds Summary page: Calculation Period tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Return of TIV Funds Summary page: Calculation
Period tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Period Used for Calculation Displays the time period the system uses to define the start and
end date of the payment period or enrollment period.

Period Start Date Displays the first day of the term or payment period. The system
uses the payment period or enrollment period start date from the
Return of TIV Aid page.

Period End Date Displays the last day of the term or payment period. The system
uses the payment period or enrollment period end date from the
Return of TIV Aid page.

Date Form Completed Displays the date when you calculated the student's withdrawal
percentage and changed the overall status to Complete from the
Return of TIV Aid page.

J. TIV Aid to Disburse Displays the amount of aid the student may be eligible for as
a post-withdrawal disbursement. If the student received less
than his or her eligibility, the system displays the amount to be

Status Displays the status of the post-withdrawal disbursement

calculation for Title IV aid to be disbursed as Pending or

Worksheet Data Tab

Select the Worksheet Data tab.

1548 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

Image: Return of TIV Funds Summary page: Worksheet Data tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Return of TIV Funds Summary page: Worksheet
Data tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

O. Amt. Due From School (O. Displays the amount of aid the institution must return to the
amount due from school) Title IV programs. The institution allocates its share of unearned
funds first.

Status Displays the school's return status of the calculation for the
amount due from the school as Pending or Complete.

Q. Amt. Due From Student (Q. Displays the amount of aid the student must return to the Title
amount due from student) IV programs.

Status Displays the student's return status of the calculation for the
amount due from the student as Pending or Complete.

Generating Return of Title IV Funds Withdrawal Report

This section discusses how to:

• Generate the Return of Title IV Funds Report.

• View career totals.

Pages Used to Generate the Return of Title IV Aid Report

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Return of TIV Funds Report RUN_CNTL_FATIVRTN Financial Aid > Return of Generate the Return of Title
Title IV Funds > Return of IV Funds Withdrawal report.
TIV Aid Report > Return of
TIV Funds Report

Totals for Career RUN_CNTL_CARTOLS Click the Totals link on the View the total number of days
Return of TIV Funds Report passed for each aging agent
page. category and view the total
number of students processed.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1549

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

Generating Return of TIV Funds Report

Access the Return of TIV Funds Report page (Financial Aid > Return of Title IV Funds > Return of TIV
Aid Report > Return of TIV Funds Report).

Image: Return of TIV Funds Report page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Return of TIV Funds Report page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The report displays the most recent withdrawal dates first and the oldest last. The system displays the
information based on how you define your run control options. It includes worksheet calculations, return
of funds by the school and student, institutional charges, and number of days since the withdrawal date.

Active Select to activate the run control for that row.

Report Structured By Select from the following options how the report was structured:

By Date

By Name

By Date Range/Name

Process Students Select from the following status options.

Completed Withdrawals: Select to view students who have

completed withdrawal worksheets.

New Withdrawals Only: Select to view students who have a

withdrawal date but no withdrawal worksheet records.

1550 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 43 Processing Return of Title IV Funds

New and Pending Withdrawals: Select to view students who

have a withdrawal date, but the withdrawal process is not

Pending Withdrawals: Select to view students whose Return of

Title IV calculations are not complete.

Process Selected Careers Select to process the report by specific careers. If this check box
is clear, the system processes all careers.

Clock Hour Program Select to view records with a program type by clock hours.

Credit Hour Program Select to view records with a program type by credit hours.

Students 0-10 Days, Students 11-20 Used as an aging agent to indicate how many days have passed
Days, Students 21-30 Days, and since the institution determined the date of withdrawal.
Students Over 30 Days

Total Students Processed Displays the total number of students processed for this report.

Process Instance Displays an increment counting of the last time the process was

Run Date and Time Displays the date and time the process was run.

Refresh Click to refresh the totals after each time you run the process.

Totals Click to view the total number records based on career.

Viewing Career Totals

Access the Totals for Career page (click the Totals link on the Return of TIV Funds Report page).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1551

Processing Return of Title IV Funds Chapter 43

1552 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 44

Managing Work-Study

Understanding Work-Study
Managing work-study requires a bridge between the institution's payroll department and the financial
aid office to provide an overall view of student employment. Students who are classified as employees
are identified and accessed in the institution's payroll department to track compensated wages. Wages
may come from various forms of employment such as academic, staff, or work-study. When each type
of compensation is identified, the information is updated and can be viewed within Financial Aid. This
allows the institution to report and monitor student earnings to ensure that total earnings do not exceed the
work-study award.

Work-study is an important part of a financial aid package for students. The federal work-study program
provides jobs for undergraduate and graduate students with financial need, enabling them to earn money
to pay educational expenses. Students receive work-study awards from participating institutions after
filing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine their financial need. Students
can be employed by the institution; by a federal, state, or local public agency; by private nonprofit
organizations; or by private organizations. The program encourages community service work and work
related to the student's course of study.

The minimum requirement to access a work-study placement record is an accepted work-study award.
The hiring department then records the student's placement on the Work-Study Placement page. After
placement, you can review the placement records of students who are active as employees.

Note: If you implement Campus Solutions and a separate instance of PeopleSoft Human Capital
Management, read the relevant documentation about CS-HCM Integration to understand the setup,
functional, and technical implementation considerations.
"Integrating Person Data" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)
"Integrating Setup Data" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application Fundamentals)
"Monitoring Integrations Using the Integrity Utility" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Application
Campus Solutions to Human Capital Management Integration in My Oracle Support (ID 1553319.1).

Managing Work-Study Jobs

This section discusses how to:

• Assign a work-study job.

• View a student's total award package.

• View earnings summary.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1553

Managing Work-Study Chapter 44

• View general job information, work location, and compensation.

• View salary components.

Pages Used to Manage Work-Study Jobs

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Work Study Placement STDNT_WRKSTUDY_AWD Financial Aid > Awards > Assign a work-study job to an
View Work Study Approval > approved student and verify
Work Study Placement that the student has a posted
work-study award.

Award Summary FA_EARNINGS1 Financial Aid > Awards > View the student's total award
View Award Earnings package and the status of
Summary > Award Summary each award. This page lists
each of the student's awards,
providing the financial aid
item type, career associated
with the award, and the
offered, accepted, authorized,
and disbursed amounts.

Award Detail AWARD_DETAIL_SEC Click the Award Details link View offered and accepted
on the Award Summary page. amounts, net disbursement
balance, and authorized and
disbursed amounts.

Earnings Summary FA_EARNINGS2 Financial Aid > Awards > View a student's campus
View Award Earnings earnings. Campus earnings
Summary > Earnings information includes hours
Summary worked and gross earnings in
year-to-date, month-to-date,
and quarterly amounts.

Job Information JOB_SUMMARY Financial Aid > Awards > View job information, work
View Campus Jobs > Job location, and compensation.

Salary Components COMP_JOB_SUMM_SEC Click the Components link on View compensation rate and
the Job Information page. frequency and other payment

Assigning a Work-Study Job

Access the Work Study Placement page (Financial Aid > Awards > View Work Study Approval > Work
Study Placement).

1554 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 44 Managing Work-Study

Image: Work Study Placement page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Work Study Placement page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Item Type Displays the item type number and description for the work-
study award.

Award Status Displays acceptance of work-study award by student.

Offered Displays the amount of work-study earnings offered to the


Accepted Displays the amount of work-study earnings that the student


Disbursed Displays the amount of work-study earned by the student.

Placement Status Select the value that indicates the current status of the student's
job placement. Values are:

Appointment Terminated: The student is no longer in the work-

study job.

Earned Maximum for Award: The student has earned the annual
awarded work-study maximum.

Eligible for Placement: The student is eligible for placement.

Not Placed in Position: The student is not placed in a work-

study position.

Placed in Position: The student is placed in a work-study


Placement Date Enter the date on which the hiring department enters the
placement status.

Community Service Indicator Indicates whether the student's job fulfills the community
service requirement for your institution. Values are:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1555

Managing Work-Study Chapter 44

Community Service: Fulfills a community service requirement.

Not Community Service: Does not satisfy the community service


Note: The following fields become available when the student's placement status is Eligible for
Placement, Placed in Position, or Appointment Terminated.

Empl Rcd Nbr (employment record Select the employment record number that corresponds to the
number) assigned job.

Rcd Effective Date (record effective Enter the date when the student's employment record was
date) initialized.

Effective Sequence Enter the sequence number for the particular employment record

Department Displays the department of the student's job. This value comes
from the employment record.

Job Code Displays the job code for the student's job. This value comes
from the employment record.

Viewing a Student's Total Award Package

Access the Award Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > View Award Earnings Summary > Award

Image: Award Summary page: Offered/Accepted tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Summary page: Offered/Accepted tab.

Authorized/Disbursed Tab
Select the Authorized/Disbursed tab.

1556 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 44 Managing Work-Study

Image: Award Summary page: Authorized/Disbursed tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Award Summary page: Authorized/Disbursed tab.
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Award Detail Click to access the Award Detail page.

Viewing Earnings Summary

Access the Earnings Summary page (Financial Aid > Awards > View Award Earnings Summary >
Earnings Summary).

Image: Earnings Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Earnings Summary page.

Viewing General Job Information, Work Location, and Compensation

Access the Job Information page (Financial Aid > Awards > View Campus Jobs > Job Information).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1557

Managing Work-Study Chapter 44

Image: Job Information page: General tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Job Information page: General tab.

Job Information Tab

Select the Job Information tab.

Image: Job Information page: Job Information tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Job Information page: Job Information tab.

Work Location Tab

Select the Work Location tab.

Image: Job Information page: Work Location tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Job Information page: Work Location tab.

Compensation Tab
Select the Compensation tab.

1558 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 44 Managing Work-Study

Image: Job Information page: Compensation tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Job Information page: Compensation tab. You can
find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Components Click to access the Salary Components page.

Viewing Salary Components

Access the Salary Components page (click the Components link on the Job Information page).

Image: Salary Components page: Amounts tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Salary Components page: Amounts tab.

Controls Tab
Select the Controls tab.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1559

Managing Work-Study Chapter 44

Image: Salary Components page: Controls tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Salary Components page: Controls tab.

Changes Tab
Select the Changes tab.

Image: Salary Components page: Changes tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Salary Components page: Changes tab.

Conversion Tab
Select the Conversion tab.

1560 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 44 Managing Work-Study

Image: Salary Components page: Conversion tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Salary Components page: Conversion tab.

Viewing the Student's Work History

For information about viewing a student's work history, refer to your Human Resources documentation,
see PeopleSoft HCM: Human Resources Administer Workforce.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1561

Managing Work-Study Chapter 44

1562 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 45

Using the Fiscal Operations Report and

Application to Participate

Understanding the FISAP Report

Using the FISAP process, you report expenses for Federal Campus-Based programs—the Federal
Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), Federal Work-Study, and Federal Perkins Loan
programs. The Department of Education uses the distribution of expenditures to evaluate whether
institutions are appropriating their federal allocation of Campus-Based funds to applicants with the
most need. The reported spending levels affect subsequent year allocations. The programs enable you to
transfer certain percentages of funds back to last year or forward to the next year to best use unexpended

For your school to transmit, receive, and report FISAP data, you must submit your FISAP expenditures
to the Department of Education through their FISAP website at Your
personal identification number (PIN) allows you access to information in various department systems.
If you do not have a PIN, go to to apply. You must also have a TG number. The system
uses the TG number to identify your school and your access rights to the eCampus-Based system. If you
do not have a TG number, go to

Use the provided structured query report (SQR) to print and to enter the calculated values into the
Department of Education FISAP for Windows or FISAP on the web. For audit purposes, the Department
of Education requires that you keep data logs and backups of your final FISAP reports and any records
necessary to support their data (for example, the source data for the income grid) for three years from the
end of the award year for which you submitted the FISAP.

The following FISAP report information is generated:

• Part II, Section E. Assessment and Expenditures: Total Federal Pell Expenditures, and Total Expended
for State Grants and Scholarships Made to Undergraduates.

• Part II, Section F. Information on Eligible Aid Applicants for Award Year.

• Part IV, Section C. FSEOG Program: Total Funds to FSEOG Recipients and Non-Federal Share of
Funds to FSEOG Recipients.

• Part IV, Section D. Federal Funds Spent for FSEOG Program: Federal Share of Funds to FSEOG

• Part VI, Section A. Distribution of Program Recipients and Expenditures by Type of Student.

This section discusses:

• Students selected for the report.

• Assessments and expenditures.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1563

Using the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate Chapter 45

• Information on eligible aid applicants.

• Distribution of program recipients and expenditures by type of student.

Students Selected for the Report

The FISAP report includes only students who:

• Have an FA Term (financial aid term) build source of T-Term or M-Manual. You can view the source
on the FA Term Build Statistics page.

• Have an official Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) on file. You can view the status of
a student's ISIR using the EFC Status (expected family contribution status) field on the Federal EFC
Summary page.

• Are eligible citizens based on the Social Security Administration (SSA) Citizenship Indicator
database match, DHS/INS database match, and secondary DHS/INS database match. You can view
the student's citizenship status in the SSA Citizenship Indicator field on the Database Matches page.
Additional logic allows either the DHS/INS Match Override or SSA Citizenship Indicator Override on
the Database Matches page to determine eligible citizenship status. To do this, select either the SSA
Citizenship Override check box or the DHS/INS Match Override check box or both on the Eligible
Aid Applicants for Award Year 20nn-20nn page.

• Have awards with financial aid item types of FSEOG, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Work-Study, or
Federal Pell Grant at the time of disbursement. Even if the institution changes the financial aid item
type of the award after disbursing the award, the FISAP report still counts the student and the award
amount in the proper category.

The FISAP report uses the following rules when categorizing the selected students:

• The most recent effective-dated sequenced ISIR row for students who meet the above report selection

• The student's National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) loan year value determines whether the
report counts the student as an undergraduate or graduate for the FISAP report.

• If a student is less than full-time based on enrollment status in the final term of the award year, the
system counts the student as less than full-time for the entire year for FISAP purposes.

• Total FISAP income is derived directly from the student's ISIR.

• The Central Processing System (CPS) assigns students who meet certain tax filing and income criteria
for an automatic EFC of zero. These students have an automatic zero EFC flag set to yes on their
ISIR. If set to yes, this flag is on the EFC/DB Matches page in the ISIR Corrections component.

To qualify as an Auto Zero EFC candidate on the report, the CPS must process the student's ISIR as
official and must flag it with a Y in the Auto Zero EFC field. If you make changes to the student's
ISIR record, and INAS determines that the student qualifies as an Auto Zero EFC candidate, schools
must have the ISIR reprocessed by the CPS. The FISAP report identifies Auto Zero EFC candidates
as all students with a Y value for AUTO_ZERO_EFC on the ISIR_COMPUTED table and an O value
in EFC_STATUS on the ISIR_CONTROL table.

• The third page of the FISAP report identifies graduate students who received an FSEOG as an
undergraduate student in a previous term in the same award year. This page is for your information,

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Chapter 45 Using the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate

because these students are included and reported in the appropriate sections of Application Part VI of
the Program Summary Grid, based on the Department of Education's instructions. These instructions
stipulate that the funds received by these FSEOG recipients should be categorized in the appropriate
undergraduate category (dependent or independent by income). If the student received only FSEOG,
the student is also included in the undergraduate category for the unduplicated count. If the recipient
also received Federal Perkins or Federal Work-Study funds, only the student's undergraduate FSEOG
funds must be reported in the appropriate undergraduate category.

The student is then reported in the unduplicated recipients column only once by using the student's
career in the final term of the award year (in this case, as a graduate student). For Federal Perkins
and Federal Work-Study students, a student's career for the final term of the award year determines a
student's career for FISAP purposes. To verify manually that these students are categorized correctly,
use the information on the third page of the SQR report. The system does not generate a third page if
no graduate students with an FSEOG exist.

Assessments and Expenditures

Part II, Section E of the FISAP report lists total expenditures in dollar amounts. The report process
gathers award disbursement information based on financial aid item type setup to calculate the total Pell
Grant expenditures for the aid year. Financial aid item type is defined with a Source value of Federal and
a Federal ID value of Pell on the Financial Aid Item Type 1 page. These totals include all students who
received a Pell Grant award, regardless of NSLDS loan year.

The system calculates the total for state grant and scholarship expenditures to undergraduates for the
award year from award disbursement information based on financial aid item type setup. Financial aid
item type setup is defined with a Source value of State and a Federal ID value of Grant or Scholarship on
the Financial Aid Item Type 1 page. For each term, the student must also be an undergraduate according
to their NSLDS loan year (NSLDS loan years 0 through 5). The calculation does not gather award
disbursement information for terms when the student is a graduate.

Related Links
Defining Financial Aid Item Types
Reviewing Authorization and Disbursement Results

Information on Eligible Aid Applicants

Part II, Section F of the report lists the number of eligible aid applicants in an institution by income level.
At various taxable and untaxed income levels, it tracks the following information:

FISAP Report Column Eligible Aid Applicants

A Dependent undergraduates without degrees.

B Dependent undergraduates with degrees.

C Independent undergraduates without degrees.

D Independent undergraduates with degrees.

E Graduate and professional students.

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Using the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate Chapter 45

Distribution of Program Recipients and Expenditures by Type of Student

Part VI, Section A lists the number of students receiving Federal Perkins, FSEOG, and Federal Work-
Study awards at various undergraduate dependent, undergraduate independent, and graduate and
professional income levels. You can view both the number of recipients and amount of funds for each aid
type. This section also lists totals for each aid type and for "automatic" zero EFC students, and provides a
summary of funds and recipients at each income level.

The counts in this section of the FISAP report are unduplicated counts because the system counts each
student once, whether or not a student receives multiple types of awards.

FISAP Report Column Distribution of Program Recipients

A Federal Perkins Loan Recipients

B Federal Perkins Loan Funds

C FSEOG Recipients


E FWS Recipients

F FWS Funds

G Unduplicated Count of Students

Producing the FISAP Report

This section discusses how to:

• Generate the FISAP report.

• (Optional) Use FISAP queries.

Page Used to Produce the FISAP Report

Note: Before you use a FISAP run control component for the first time in a new aid year, be sure to
update your security profiles for correct viewing and use.
The aid year for this page is indicated by 20nn - 20nn in the page name and navigation path, and nn in the
object name.

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Report on Eligible Aid RUNCTL_FA_FISAPnn Financial Aid > Fund Generate the FISAP report.
Applicants for Award Year Management > Generate
20nn - 20nn FISAP Reports > FISAP
Report 20nn-20nn

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Chapter 45 Using the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate

Generating the FISAP Report

Access the Report on Eligible Aid Applicants for Award Year 20nn - 20nn page (Financial Aid > Fund
Management > Generate FISAP Reports > FISAP Report 20nn-20nn).

Image: Report on Eligible Aid Applicants for Award Year 20nn - 20nn page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Report on Eligible Aid Applicants for Award Year
20nn - 20nn page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The system populates, by default, the run controls set up on the Financial Aid Run Controls page. The file
name for reports that are generated by this SQR is FAPFSPnn_XX.PDF, where nn is the aid year and XX
is the processing instance.

Institution Select the institution for which you want to generate the FISAP
report. This list reflects those institutions or satellite campuses
that you have previously identified.

Aid Year Select the aid year for which you are reporting, not the aid year
for which you are applying.

SSA Citizenship Override Select if you want the report to include students with an SSA
Citizenship Indicator override on the Database Matches page as
eligible citizens on the FISAP.

DHS/INS Match Override Select if you want the report to include students with a DHS/
INS Match override on the Database Matches page as eligible
citizens on the FISAP.

Print Student List When you select this check box, the system prints an itemized
list of all students in these two sections: Part II Section F and
Part VI Section A.

Output Type Select from: Both Paper and CSV File, CSV File, and Paper.

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Using the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate Chapter 45

When you select Both Paper and CSV File, the system creates
five separate and distinct comma delimited files in the location
entered in the File Path field. The details are described as

ELIGAPPL: Eligible Applicant Detail: This file is an itemized

list of the student data counted in Part II Section F. The file is
sorted in the following order: by report column letter, by FISAP
Total Income, and then by EMPLID. After the system prints the
details of each report column letter, it prints a row with the totals
for that column letter.

The remaining four files are itemized details of Part VI Section

A by fund.

DISTFWSP: Federal Work Study Distribution Detail

DISTPERK: Perkins Distribution Detail

DISTSEOG: SEOG Distribution Detail

DISTUNDP: Unduplicated Count Detail

The four distribution files are sorted in the following order: by

Student Type, by FISAP Total Income, and then by EMPLID.
Student Type is defined as follows:

1DUG: Dependent Undergraduate Students

2IUG: Independent Undergraduate Students

3GRAD: Graduate Students

4LTFT: Less Than Full Time Students

50EFC: Automatic Zero EFC Students

File Path Enter the file path and directory name where the CSV file
should be written. The process scheduler server must be able to
read and write to this path.

After running this report, check the SQR log for messages. If a student has a blank NSLDS loan year or
a student with an FSEOG award has a graduate or professional NSLDS loan year for the final term of the
award year, the system generates an error in the SQR log when you run the FISAP report. These errors do
not prevent the system from generating the FISAP report.

Using FISAP Queries

These queries are provided as data analysis tools only and are not supported by functionality.

The queries in the following table are available as a baseline data verification tool with which you can
define additional queries to meet your institution's needs. No menu path is available. Instead, access
the People Tools Query. Use the queries to analyze and compare data after the FISAP SQR has been

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Chapter 45 Using the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate

Note: To run the FISAP queries, you might need to add tables to either the query tree QUERY_TREE_FA
or to a custom query tree, which is accessible to the person who runs the FISAP queries. FISAP queries
access the tables in the following list, which are included in the QUERY_TREE_FA. Review your
implemented QUERY_TREE_FA, your custom query tree, or both to ensure that all tables accessed by
the FISAP queries are included in either of these query trees. Add only those tables that are not already

Query ID Query Objective and Description Note


FISAP_ELIG_APP_GRAD_IND This query identifies graduate If necessary, make appropriate line item
professional students for Application adjustments to Application Part II -
Part II - Section F on a detail level. Section F, Column E.

FISAP_ELIG_APP_UGRD_DEP_DEG This query identifies dependent If necessary, make appropriate line item
undergraduate students with a prior adjustments to Application Part II -
degree for Application Part II - Section F Section F, Column B.
on a detail level.

FISAP_ELIG_APP_UGRD_DEP_NOT This query identifies dependent If necessary, make appropriate line item
_FT undergraduate students who are less than adjustments to Application Part II -
full-time in the final term of their award Section F.
year for Application Part II - Section F
on a detail level.

FISAP_ELIG_APP_UGRD_DEP_NO_ This query identifies dependent If necessary, make appropriate line item
DEG undergraduate students without a prior adjustments to Application Part II -
degree for Application Part II - Section F Section F, Column A.
on a detail level.

FISAP_ELIG_APP_UGRD_IND_DEG This query identifies independent If necessary, make appropriate line item
undergraduate students with a prior adjustments to Application Part II -
degree for Application Part II - Section F Section F, Column D.
on a detail level.

FISAP_ELIG_APP_IND_NO_DEG This query identifies independent If necessary, make appropriate line item
undergraduate students without a prior adjustments to Application Part II -
degree for Application Part II - Section F Section F, Column C.
on a detail level.


Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1569

Using the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate Chapter 45

Query ID Query Objective and Description Note

FISAP_DISTRIBUTION_AUTO_0_ This query identifies students who If necessary, make appropriate line item
EFC received Campus-Based funds and adjustments to Application Part VI -
whose EFC is considered to be an Program Summary data, Item #18.
Auto Zero EFC. The Auto Zero EFC is
based on data that is obtained from the
student's ISIR record.

FISAP_DISTRIBUTION_GRAD This query identifies Campus-Based If necessary, make appropriate line item
funds that are disbursed to graduate and adjustments to Application Part VI -
professional students for Application Program Summary data, Item #15.
Part VI - Section A on a detail level.

FISAP_DISTRIBUTION_UGRD_ This query identifies Campus-Based If necessary, make appropriate line item
DEPEND funds that are disbursed to dependent adjustments to Application Part VI -
undergraduate students for Application Program Summary data, Items #1-7.
Part VI - Section A on a detail level.

FISAP_DISTRIBUTION_UGRD_IND This query identifies Campus-Based If necessary, make appropriate line item
funds that are disbursed to independent adjustments to Application Part VI -
undergraduate students for Application Program Summary data, Items #8-14.
Part VI - Section A on a detail level.

FISAP_NO_DISB_IN_GRAD_MAX_ This query identifies graduate students If necessary, make appropriate line item
TERM who did not receive Campus-Based adjustments to Application Part VI -
funds in the final term of their award Program Summary data.
year. This same group of students,
however, received Campus-Based funds
as undergraduates in previous terms in
the same award year.

FISAP_NO_DISB_NOT_FT_MAX_ This query identifies students who did If necessary, make appropriate line item
TERM not receive Campus-Based funds and adjustments to Application Part VI -
whose enrollment status is classified as Program Summary data.
less than full-time in the final term of
their award year.

FISAP_DISTRIBUTION_LTHT This query identifies every disbursement If necessary, make appropriate line item
for all students who have Perkins, adjustments to Application Part VI -
Federal Work-Study, or FSEOG awards, Program Summary data.
and whose enrollment status for the last
term of the award year is less than full-

See also PeopleTools: Query, “PeopleSoft Query Security.

PeopleTools: Security Administration

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Chapter 46

Using Common Origination and


Reviewing COD Setup

Before processing COD files, you must complete the appropriate COD award program setup options: Pell
Payment and Direct Loans. Verify that you have done the setup indicated in the following table.

Warning! Do not change Pell ID Reporting values in the middle of an aid year. The Pell Grant payment
and origination processes reference student awards which are in an Institution context and not directly
related to a Pell ID. The Pell ID Reporting for Pell Grant processing is derived from the Institution using
the Pell Payment Setup.

Process Steps

Pell Payment Select the COD Full Participant check box on the Pell
Payment Setup page (PELL_PMT_OPTION) and enter your
SFA Common School ID.

Enter the corresponding Common School ID for each

Attended Pell ID on the Pell Attending page (PELL_

Direct Loan Select the COD Full Participant check box on the Loan
Institution Table (LOAN_INST_TABLE) and enter your SFA
Common School ID in the COD Common ID field.

Establish reporting/attended school relationships by

associating Attended School Routing IDs with Reporting
school Routing ID on Loan Attended Routing ID page (SFA_

Campus OPEID for Direct Loans and Pell Payments Link Campuses with OPEID codes on the Campus OPEID

See Defining Pell Payment Setup.

See Setting Up Loan Institution Table for Direct Lending COD.

See Setting Up Attended School Routing ID's. .

See Defining Your Campus OPEID Codes.

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Using Common Origination and Disbursement Chapter 46

Creating COD Files

Each COD award program has its own outbound process. Run the appropriate outbound process to create
XML records in the Common Record format for the type of COD award program for which you want to
exchange data.

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

• Create a COD file for Pell.

• Create a COD file for Direct Loans.

• Process COD names and addresses.

Page Used to Create COD Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Pell Outbound SFA_RUNCTL_PL_OUT Financial Aid > File Generates COD Origination
Management > COD Full and Disbursement records for
Participant > Generate Pell Pell, inserts data in the COD
Data > Pell Outbound staging tables, and creates
an XML file that contains
Common Records.

Direct Loan Outbound SFA_RUNCTL_DL_OUT Financial Aid > File Generates COD Origination
Management > COD Full and Disbursement records
Participant > Generate Direct for Direct Loan, inserts data
Loan Data > Direct Loan in the COD staging tables,
Outbound and creates an XML file that
contains Common Records.

Creating a COD File for Pell

Access the Pell Outbound page (Financial Aid > File Management > COD Full Participant > Generate
Pell Data > Pell Outbound).

The Pell Outbound process (PELLOUT) updates Pell origination tables, updates the COD staging table,
and creates an XML file that contains Common Records. You can run this process for multiple attending
school IDs by inserting additional rows. The process has two steps:

1. FAPPLOUT selects all originated Pell grants that are ready for transmission. If all data required to
transmit the award is present, the data is moved to the COD staging tables. Selected records that are
not processed are documented in the message log of the process.

2. SFA_COD_OUT creates the common record XML file in the location and name specified in the run

SFA Common School ID (student Select your institution's identification number.

financial assistance common school

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Chapter 46 Using Common Origination and Disbursement

Schema Version Schema Version is populated based on Aid Year.

Starting with Aid Year 2018, the applicable COD schema

version is 4.0c. Previous aid years use schema version 4.0b.

File Path and Name Enter the file path for which the process should create the XML
file in and the name of the XML file. File names must include '.
xml' at the end of each filename.

Pell Origination Outbound Select this check box to process Pell origination outbound

Pell Disbursement Outbound Select this check box to process Pell disbursement outbound
records. When you select Pell disbursement, the system
automatically activates the Pell Origination Outbound check

Send Disb if Verification "W" (send Select this check box to send the disbursement if the verification
disbursement if verification "W") status code is W (without documentation). This value is used
only for disbursement.

Validate Only Select this check box along with the Pell Origination Outbound
or Pell Disbursement Outbound check boxes to run the process
in simulation mode. Use this feature to check your origination
and disbursement data in Manage Pell Payment component for
statuses and failed validation errors. After you verify your data,
deselect the Validate Only check box, then run your process

Pell Grant Origination Outbound Validation Edits

Validation Edits

Address invalid or incomplete

Citizenship not U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen

Date of Birth format invalid

SSN not all numeric or at least 9 digits

Student Eligibility Code not present or invalid

Pell Grant Disbursement Outbound Validation Edits

Validation Edits

CIP Code not populated

Credential Level is missing

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Using Common Origination and Disbursement Chapter 46

Validation Edits

Enrollment Status is not F, Q, H, or L

Payment Period Start Date format is invalid

Program Length missing or contains more than one value

Special Program Flag is missing

Student Eligibility Code not present or invalid

Weeks Program Academic Year is less than 26

Creating a COD File for Direct Loans

Access the Direct Loan Outbound page (Financial Aid > File Management > COD Full Participant >
Generate Direct Loan Data > Direct Loan Outbound).

The Direct Loan Outbound process DLOUT) updates Direct Loan origination tables, updates the COD
staging table, and creates an XML file that contains Common Records. You can run this process for
multiple Academic Careers within an Academic Institution/Aid Year. You need a new run control row for
each combination of required parameters.

1. FAPDLOUT selects all originated Direct Loans that are ready for transmission. If all data required to
transmit the award is present, the data is moved to the COD staging tables. Selected records that are
not processed are documented in the message log of the process.

2. SFA_COD_OUT creates the common record XML file in the location and name specified in the run

Attended School Routing ID Select appropriate Attended School Routing ID.

Note: DLOUT generates separate files for each unique Attended

School Routing ID. If your institution supports multiple
Attending School IDs, then separate Selection Criteria rows
must be added for each.

Schema Version Schema Version is populated based on Aid Year. Starting with
Aid Year 2018, the applicable COD Schema Version is 4.0c.
Previous Aid Years use Schema Version 4.0b.

File Path and Name Enter the file path where the XML file should be created and
the name of the XML file. File names must include '.xml' at
the end of each filename. File Path and Name must be a unique
XML file based on the unique combination of Selection Criteria
values or the process overwrites the contents of the existing
XML file.

Originations Select this check box to process Direct Loan origination

outbound records.

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Chapter 46 Using Common Origination and Disbursement

Origination Changes Select this check box to process changes to Direct Loan
origination outbound records.

Disbursements Select this check box to process Direct Loan disbursement

outbound records.

Validate Only Select this check box along with the Originations, Origination
Changes, or Disbursements check box to run the process in
simulation mode. Use this feature to check your origination and
disbursement data on the View Direct Loan, Loan Processing
Actions component for statuses and failed Validation errors.
After you verify your data, deselect the Validate Only check
box, then run your process again.

Direct Loan Outbound Validation Edits

Validation Edits

Invalid or missing Student SSN

Invalid Student Birthdate

Invalid Student Name

Invalid Student Middle Initial

Student Address is Incomplete

Student is not eligible (Citizenship Status)

Loan Period greater than 12 months. (Edit no longer evaluated for Aid Year 2009 and beyond.)

Loan Period End Date before Start Date

Disb Date < Loan Period Start Date (-10 Days)

Disb Date > Loan Period End Date (+120 Days)

Sum of Disbursements > Loan Approved Amount

Invalid Dependency Status

Invalid Student Default/Overpay

Incorrect Disbursement Net Amount

Incorrect Disbursement Rebate Amount

Invalid or missing Borrower SSN

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Using Common Origination and Disbursement Chapter 46

Validation Edits

Borrower and Student SSN are the same

Invalid Borrower Birthdate

Invalid Borrower Name

Invalid Borrower Middle Initial

Borrower Address is Incomplete

Invalid Borrower Default/Overpay

Borrower is not eligible (Citizenship Status)

Preprof and Health cannot be selected on same loan.

Dependency Status set to D and Grade Level >= 6

Total Disbursed amount cannot be greater than the lesser of the Award Amount or the Endorser Amount. Applicable only for
PLUS loans (parent and graduate student).

No ATB Record Data is Present. Evaluated beginning with Aid Year 2014 and beyond.

ATB values 03 (State Process) and 05 (Other) are no longer valid reporting values. Effective with Aid Year 2012 and beyond.

No SULA data is available

Published Program Length is missing

More than one value of Special Program Length

Weeks Program Acad Year less than 26

Change to Special Pgm causes Grade Level mismatch

Credential Level does not match Student Grade Lvl

Payment Period Start Dt outside Award Begin/End Dt

Enrollment Status is Invalid

CIP Code is Blank

Change to Grade Level causes Special Pgm mismatch

Special Program is missing

Special Program/Program Length combo mismatch

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Chapter 46 Using Common Origination and Disbursement

Validation Edits

Special Program/Grade Level combo mismatch

Invalid Payment Period Start Date

Credential level missing

Processing COD Names and Addresses

The system retrieves student name information that is submitted to the COD for processing from ISIR
tables and Campus Community. To process a name change, change the name on the Campus Community
Bio/Demographic pages and process an ISIR correction through the Correct ISIR records component
(Financial Aid, Federal Application Data, Correct 20nn-20nn ISIR Records).

COD returns a warning edit (Edit 120) when a complete student address does not exist on the incoming
record. Therefore, both Direct Lending and Pell COD addresses must come from the same sources:

• Campus Community (Managing Biographical Information, Managing Addresses and Phone,


• Address Usage page that is based on your ISIR Address Usage parameters and the owning School
Code that you select.

You cannot override the address using the Direct Loan Address page. Process any changes to the student's
address in Campus Community using the override or correction functionality in ISIR address.

Related Links
Reviewing FAFSA Student Information

Reviewing COD Data

The View COD Data component is used to view all COD data for all COD award programs supported
by the system: Pell Grant and Direct Loan. The View COD Data component presents both inbound and
outbound COD data.

This section discusses how to:

• View COD document information.

• View document response information.

• View COD school information.

• View reporting school summary information.

• View reporting school response.

• View attended school response.

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Using Common Origination and Disbursement Chapter 46

• View student biographical and demographic information.

• View student address information.

• View student phone number information.

• View student response data.

• View a student's award information.

• View responses to award rejections and corrections.

• View additional loan information.

• View loan response information.

• View borrower information.

• View borrower address information.

• View borrower phone number information.

• View borrower response data.

• View disbursement information.

• View responses to disbursement rejections and corrections.

Common Elements Used in This Section

Document ID Displays the date and time stamp with the Source Entity ID.

Document Type Displays the type of document being returned from COD.

Values are:

BN: Booking Notification

CO: Credit Decision Override

EC: Entrance Counseling

ND: Negative Disbursement

PS: Payment to Servicing

PN: Promissory Note

RS: Response

SG: System Generated

SP: PLUS Application Acknowledgement

SU: SULA Calculation Acknowledgement (system generated)

WB: Web Initiated

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Chapter 46 Using Common Origination and Disbursement

Processing Status Displays the status of the batch:

Outbound and Generated for outbound files

Processed and Loaded for inbound files

Reset Available when you outbound a file to allow you to regenerate

the XML file. When you select Reset, the system opens the File
Path and Name field and updates the processing status from
Generated to Outbound. You can correct and update the path
if necessary. You must save the page before exiting to save the
status change. Then when you rerun PELLOUT or, DLOUT, the
system regenerates an XML file using the same Document ID.
Running this process only calls the Application Engine section
of the outbound process (PELLOUT/DLOUT). The system
creates an XML file only for records with the same Document
ID associated with the reset process.

You can update the File and Name path in the run control if you
are certain that these are the only records to be picked up by the

Note: You must use a unique file path and name when you run
the PELLOUT or DLOUT process. If they are not unique, the
new records overwrite the reprocessed records in the XML
file creation. File names must include '.xml' at the end of the

Receipt Date Displays the date and time stamp indicating receipt of the
document at COD.

Document Status Displays the status of the processed document on COD. Values

A: Accepted

R: Rejected

D: Duplicate

Process Date Displays the date the document information was processed at

ID Displays the student's unique identification.

Reporting School ID Displays an identification that provides a logical grouping of

elements related to Reporting School Entity Information.

Attending School ID Displays an identification that provides a logical grouping of

elements related to Attending School Entity Information.

Response Indicator Displays the result of processing the COD. Values are:

A: Accepted

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Using Common Origination and Disbursement Chapter 46

R: Rejected

D: Duplicate

C: Corrected

Address Sequence Identifies the order in which address updates occurred. Values
are 1 and 2.

Phone Sequence Identifies the order in which phone number updates occurred.
Values are 1, 2, and 3.

Response Sequence Number (error Identifies the order in which error codes were received. Values
code sequence) are 1 through 999.

Note: For additional field descriptions in this topic, refer to the U.S. Department of Education Common
Origination and Disbursement Technical Reference.

Pages Used to Review COD Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

COD Document SFA_COD_DOCUMENT Financial Aid > File View information at the
Management > COD Full COD document level on your
Participant > View COD outbound and inbound XML
Data > COD Document record transmissions.

Document Response SFA_COD_DOC_RSP Click the Response View document level response
Information link on the COD rejection or correction
Document page. information from COD.

COD School Information SFA_COD_SCHOOL_INF Financial Aid > File View summary and response
Management > COD information at the reporting
Full Participant > View and attending school level.
COD Data > COD School

Reporting School Summary SFA_COD_RPRTSCHL_ Click the Reporting School View document summary
SUM Summarylink on the COD totals by award type.
School Information page.

Reporting School Response SFA_COD_REPORT_RSP Click the Reporting School View reporting school
Response link on the COD level response rejection or
School Information page. correction information.

Attended School Response SFA_COD_ATTEND_RSP Click the Response View attending school
Information link on the COD level response rejection or
School Information page. correction information.

COD Student SFA_COD_STUDENT Financial Aid > File View a student's biographical
Management > COD Full and demographic information.
Participant > View COD
Data > COD Student

1580 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 46 Using Common Origination and Disbursement

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Address SFA_COD_ADDRESS Click the Address Information View student address
link on the COD Student information.

Student Phone SFA_COD_PHONE Click the Phone Number View student phone number
Information link on the COD information.
Student page.

Student Response SFA_COD_STU_RSP Click the Response View response data for
Information link on the COD rejections or corrections.
Student page.

COD Award SFA_COD_AWARD Financial Aid > File View a student's award
Management > COD Full information.
Participant > View COD
Data > COD Award

Award Response SFA_COD_AWARD_RSP Click the Response View responses to award

Information link on the COD rejections and corrections.
Award page.

Loan Information SFA_COD_LOANINFO Click the Additional Loan View additional loan
Information link on the COD information.
Award page.

Loan Response SFA_COD_LN_RSP Click the Response View loan level response
Information link on the Loan rejection or correction
Information page. information.

Borrower Information SFA_COD_BORROWER Click the Borrower View borrower information.

Information link on the COD
Award page.

Borrower Address SFA_COD_BORR_ADDR Click the Address link on the View borrower address
Borrower Information page. information.

Borrower Phone SFA_COD_BORR_PHONE Click the Phone Number View borrower phone
Information link on the information.
Borrower Information page.

Borrower Response SFA_COD_BORR_RSP Click the Response View borrower level response
Information link on the rejection or correction
Borrower Information page. information.

COD Disbursement SFA_COD_DISB Financial Aid > File View disbursement

Management > COD Full information, including
Participant > View COD disbursement amount and
Data > COD Disbursement disbursement date.

Disbursement Response SFA_COD_DSB_RSP Click the Response View responses to

Information link on the COD disbursement rejections and
Disbursement page. corrections.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1581

Using Common Origination and Disbursement Chapter 46

Viewing COD Document Information

Access the COD Document page (Financial Aid > File Management > COD Full Participant > View
COD Data > COD Document).

This page displays information at the COD document level on your outbound and inbound XML record

Inbound Date Time Indicates the date and time that the file was loaded into your

Outbound Date Time Indicates the date and time that the file was created for outbound
transmission to the COD system.

Response Information Click this link to access the Document Response page to review
document level response rejection or correction information.

Viewing Document Response Information

Access the Document Response page (click the Response Information link on the COD Document page).

This page displays rejection or correction information from COD.

Viewing COD School Information

Access the COD School Information page (Financial Aid > File Management > COD Full Participant >
View COD Data > COD School Information).

This page displays summary and response information at the reporting and attending school level.

Reporting School Summary Click this link to access the Reporting School Summary page to
review document summary totals.

Response Information Click this link to access the Attended School Response page to
review attending school level response rejection or correction

Reporting School Response Click this link to access the Reporting School Response page to
review reporting school level response rejection or correction

Viewing Reporting School Summary Information

Access the Reporting School Summary page (click the Reporting School Summary link on the COD
School Information page).

This page displays document summary totals by award type.

1582 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 46 Using Common Origination and Disbursement

Viewing Reporting School Response

Access the Reporting School Response page (click the Reporting School Response link on the COD
School Information page).

This page displays reporting school level response rejection or correction information.

Viewing Attended School Response

Access the Attended School Response page (click the Response Information link on the COD School
Information page).

This page displays attended school level response rejection or correction information.

Viewing Student Biographical and Demographic Information

Access the COD Student page (Financial Aid > File Management > COD Full Participant > View COD
Data > COD Student).

Undergraduate Sum Actual Sub Displays a borrower's Subsidized Usage for undergraduate
Usage Periods Subsidized Usage with values at a student level. Displayed
values are actual values. meaning that at least one actual
disbursement has taken place.

Non-Credential Teacher Certification Displays a borrower's Subsidized Usage for non-credential

Sum Actual Sub Usage Periods teacher certification Subsidized Usage with consumption values
at a student level. Displayed values are actual values. meaning
that at least one actual disbursement has taken place.

Address Information Click this link to access the Student Address page to review
student address information.

Phone Number Information Click this link to access the Student Phone page to review
student phone number information.

Response Information Click this link to access the Student Response page to review
response data for rejections or corrections.

Viewing Student Address Information

Access the Student Address page (click the Address Information link on the COD Student page).

This page displays address information that you report for the student.

Viewing Student Phone Number Information

Access the Student Phone page (click the Phone Number Information link on the COD Student page).

This page displays phone number information that you report for the student.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1583

Using Common Origination and Disbursement Chapter 46

Viewing Student Response Data

Access the Student Response page (click the Response Information link on the COD Student page).

This page displays student level response rejection or correction information.

Viewing a Student's Award Information

Access the COD Award page (Financial Aid > File Management > COD Full Participant > View COD
Data > COD Award).

The COD Award tab provides detailed data for each COD award program: Pell Grant and Direct Loans.
Each COD award program has its own separate information section.

Note: The system does not process COD web-initiated response files (document type WB) or the System-
Generated PLUS Application Acknowledgment files (document type SP). The COD import process only
loads the COD XML data from these document types into the COD staging tables to view and query.
The system does import Entrance Counseling records (Document Type EC) from COD which are
processed by the Process COD Counseling Data process to update the Loan Counseling application table
The system does import the SULA Calculation Acknowledgement file (Document Type SU) from COD.

See Managing Loan Counseling Data.

Additional Loan Information Click this link to access the Loan Information page to review
additional loan information.

Borrower Information Click this link to access the Borrower Information page to
review borrower information.

DL Subsidized
COD calculates a borrower's Subsidized Usage for two categories of usage: Undergraduate Subsidized
Usage and Non-Credential Teacher Certification Usage. Depending upon whether the Special Programs
tag equals T (Non-Credential Teacher Certification), one or both of these categories may be populated
with duration, consumption, and remaining eligibility values. Also displayed is either anticipated and/
or actual values, depending upon whether at least one actual disbursement has taken place (driven by
Disbursement Release Indicator equaling true or false).

Counseling Information
View data provided on the CRECMYOP message class or document type = EC.

Viewing Responses to Award Rejections and Corrections

Access the Award Response page (click the Response Information link on the COD Award page).

This page displays student award level response rejection or correction information.

1584 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 46 Using Common Origination and Disbursement

Viewing Additional Loan Information

Access the Loan Information page (click the Additional Loan Information link on the COD Award page).

Response Information Click this link to access the Loan Information Response page to
review rejection or correction information.

Viewing Loan Response Information

Access the Loan Response page (click the Response Information link on the Loan Information page).

This page displays student loan award level response rejection or correction information.

Viewing Borrower Information

Access the Borrower Information page (click the Borrower Information link on the COD Award page).

This page displays borrower information and provides access to the borrower's address, telephone
number, and response information.

Address Information Click this link to access the Borrower Address page to view the
borrower's address.

Response Information Click this link to access the Borrower Response page to view
the borrower's response information.

Phone Number Information Click this link to access the Borrower Phone Number page to
view the borrower's telephone number.

Viewing Borrower Address Information

Access the Borrower Address page (click the Address link on the Borrower Information page).

This page displays the borrower's address information.

Viewing Borrower Phone Number Information

Access the Borrower Phone page (click the Phone Number Information link on the Borrower Information

This page displays the borrower's telephone information.

Viewing Borrower Response Data

Access the Borrower Response page (click the Response Information link on the Borrower Information

This page displays the borrower's response to rejection or correction information.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1585

Using Common Origination and Disbursement Chapter 46

Viewing Disbursement Information

Access the COD Disbursement page (Financial Aid >File Management >COD Full Participant >View
COD Data >COD Disbursement).

Response Information Click this link to access the Disbursement Response page to
view responses for disbursement rejections and corrections.
Starting Aid Year 2018 onwards, you can view SULA-related
information under the COD Disbursement Information section.

Viewing Responses to Disbursement Rejections and Corrections

Access the Disbursement Response page (click the Response Information link on the COD Disbursement

This page displays student disbursement level response rejection or correction information.

Loading COD XML Files

This section discusses how to load an XML file. The Import COD Response Data component loads any
COD XML file in the COD tables regardless of the COD award program,

Page Used to Load COD XML Files

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Common Origination and SFA_RUNCTL_COD_INB Financial Aid > File Load a COD response or
Disbursement Inbound Management > COD Full system-generated file into
Participant > Import COD your system.
Response Data > Common
Origination and Disbursement

Loading a COD XML File

Access the Common Origination and Disbursement Inbound page (Financial Aid > File Management >
COD Full Participant > Import COD Response Data > Common Origination and Disbursement

Enter the location and name of the file to import into your system.

The COD Inbound process (CODIN) is a two-step PSJob:

• The SFA_COD_IN process loads the XML file into the COD staging tables.

• The FAPCODIN process is a common process for DL and PELL, and it updates different application
data depending on what document type you are loading.

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Chapter 46 Using Common Origination and Disbursement

Submitting Documents
You can submit common record documents to the COD System using the COD website or by batch
processing. For batch processing, use the SAIG Electronic Data Exchange.

Note: The system does not process COD web-initiated response files (document type WB) or the System-
Generated PLUS Application Acknowledgment files (document type SP). The COD import process only
loads the COD XML data from these document types into the COD staging tables to view and query.
The system does import Entrance Counseling records (Document Type EC) from COD which are
processed by the Process COD Counseling Data process to update the Loan Counseling application table

See Managing Loan Counseling Data.

Note: There must be a one-to-one match between a system generated outbound record and the
corresponding inbound acknowledgement record. For example, a Direct Loan Origination must be
created (and sent to COD) using the Oracle Campus Solutions Financial Aid system. COD provides a
corresponding response acknowledgement record using the same Document ID that is used to match and
update the appropriate document and award programs.

Using Common Origination Message Classes

Various message classes are to be used by Full Participants for sending and receiving data to and from the
COD System for each current processing year. Oracle supports the message classes listed in the following
table. The aid year is indicated by nn.

See the U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination and Disbursement System (COD) Technical

Message Class Description

CRIBnnOP Responses sent from COD System to school to update the

Informed Borrower tag associated to a student for each loan
origination record on COD’s file.

COMRECOP Responses containing data from any or multiple programs for

any or multiple award years sent from COD System.

COMRECIN Common Record Documents containing data from any or

multiple programs for any or multiple award years sent from
school to COD System.

CRAAnnOP Responses sent from COD System to school for data received
in the CRAAnnIN message class.

CRAAnnIN Common Record Documents containing data from any or

multiple programs for the specific Award Year sent from
school to COD System.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1587

Using Common Origination and Disbursement Chapter 46

Message Class Description

CRPGnnOP Responses sent from COD System to school for Pell Grant
data for award year received in the CRPGnnIN message class.

CRPGnnIN Common Record Documents containing Pell Grant data for

specific award year sent from school to COD System.

CRDLnnOP Responses sent from COD System to school for Direct Loan
data for award year received in the CRDLnnIN message class.

CRDLnnIN Common Record Documents containing Direct Loan data for

specific award year sent from school to COD System.

CRAGnnOP Responses sent from COD System to school for ACG data for
award year received in the CRAGnnIN message class.

CRAGnnIN Common Record Documents containing ACG data for specific

award year sent from school to COD System.

CRSGnnOP Responses sent from COD System to school for National

SMART Grant data for award year received in the CRSGnnIN
message class.

CRSGnnIN Common Record Documents containing National SMART

Grant data for specific award year sent from school to COD

CRRCnnOP Receipts sent from COD System to school for the incoming
message classes CRAAnnIN, CRPGnnIN, CRAGnnIN,

CRBNnnOP Booking Notification

CRCOnnOP Credit Decision Override (retired beginning with the

2015-2016 Aid Year).

CRNDnnOP Negative Disbursement

CRPSnnOP Payment to Servicing

CRPNnnOP MPN Response

CRWBnnOP Responses for activity performed on the COD website. Data is

only imported into COD Staging tables

CRSPnnOP DL PLUS Application Acknowledgement. Data is only

imported into COD Staging tables.

CRSUnnOP Subsidized Usage System Generated Response. Sent for

students whose Subsidized Usage Limit Applies flag = Y.
Schools cannot opt-out of receiving these Subsidized Usage
System Generated Responses.

CRECMYOP Entrance Counseling.

PGASnnOP Pell Electronic Statement of Account (ESOA)

1588 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 46 Using Common Origination and Disbursement

Message Class Description

PGMRnnOP Pell Multiple Reporting Record (MRR)

PGRCnnOP Pell Reconciliation Report

PGYRnnOP Pell Year-to-date Record

AGASnnOP ACG Electronic Statement of Account (ESOA)

AGMRnnOP ACG Multiple Reporting Record (MRR)

AGRCnnOP ACG Reconciliation Report

AGYRnnOP ACG Year Year-to-date Record

SGASnnOP National SMART Grant Electronic Statement of Account


SGMRnnOP National SMART Grant Multiple Reporting Record (MRR)

SGRCnnOP National SMART Grant Reconciliation Report

SGYRnnOP National SMART Grant Year

DSDFnnOP Import School Account Statement (Fixed-Length)

DSLFnnOP Import School Account Statement (Fixed-Length)

PGRQnnIN Pell Data Request file

AGRQnnIN ACG Data Request file

SGRQnnIN SMART Data Request file

CROFnnOP Identifies a clean-up of Direct Loan records that COD

identifies as having the wrong interest rate or amount and/or
interest rebate or amount.

CRCSnnOP Credit Status Response File indicates whether the borrower

has met federally prescribed PLUS credit requirements.

PGLEnnOP Pell Grant Lifetime Eligibility Used

PGSMnnOP Pell Grant School Account Statement (Monthly Disbursement

Level Detail)

PGSYnnOP Pell Grant School Account Statement (Year-to-Date

Disbursement Level Detail)

PGSAnnOP Pell Grant School Account Statement (Year-to-Date Award

Level Disbursement Detail)

PSOMnnOP Pell Grant School Account Statement Disbursement Detail on

Demand (Month-to-Date)

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1589

Using Common Origination and Disbursement Chapter 46

Message Class Description

PSOYnnOP Pell Grant School Account Statement Disbursement Detail on

Demand (Year-to-Date)

PSORnnOP Pell Grant School Account Statement Disbursement Detail on

Demand (Date Range)

For more information, see U.S. Department of Education's Common Origination and Disbursement
System (COD) Technical Reference

1590 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 47

Using Forms Engine

Using the Components of Forms Engine

The Forms Engine consists of several components. This section discusses how to:

• Use the application designer.

• Create and modify forms.

• Use the form image text repository.

• Using form image text.

• Upload form image text.

• Review form groups.

• Use output destination formats.

• Specify font names.

• Using PostScript fonts.

• Use the Inquire On Form Data page.

Pages Used with the Forms Engine Components

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Form Editor FORM_EDITOR Set Up SACR > Common Create and modify forms.
Definitions > Forms
Engine > Set Up > Form
Editor > Form Editor

Form Image Text Viewer FE_IMAGE_TEXT Set Up SACR > Common Update Description and Cache
Definition > Forms Engine > From On Printer fields.
Set Up > Form Image Text >
Form Image Text Viewer

Upload EPS Image File FE_UPIMG_RUNCTL Set Up SACR > Common Modify an image that you
Definition > Forms Engine > are rendered on a page by
Process > Upload EPS Image making a new or modified file
File > Upload EPS Image in encapsulated Postscript
File (EPS) format.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1591

Using Forms Engine Chapter 47

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Form Groups FORM_GROUP_TABLE Set Up SACR > Common Use to tie a list of forms
Definitions > Forms together.
Engine > Set Up > Form
Groups > Form Groups

Output Destination Formats FE_OUTDESTFMT Set Up SACR > Common View parameters for various
Definition > Forms output formats usable by
Engine > Set Up > Out Dest programs that use the Forms
Formats > Output Destination Engine.

Font Names FONT_NAME_TABLE Set Up SACR > Common Lists all PostScript font names
Definitions > Forms that you can specify within
Engine > Set Up > Font Form Editor.
Names > Font Names

PostScript Fonts POSTSCRIPT_FONTS Set Up SACR > Common View a list of translations
Definitions > Forms using font names as specified
Engine > Set Up > in the Application Designer
PostScript Fonts > PostScript and translate to a PostScript
Fonts font name.

Using the Application Designer

The Application Designer is not part of the Forms Engine. However, page layouts defined within the
Application Designer can be imported into the Form Editor. You can make all of your changes to a form
using Application Designer. If you use Application Designer to make changes, you do not need to make
changes in Form Editor.

Creating and Modifying Forms

You can create or modify forms using the Form Editor either by importing a page layout from the
Application Designer or by manually adding objects to the page definition. If you import a page layout
from the Application Designer, the entire contents of the form definition are replaced by the imported
page definition.

Access the Form Editor page (Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Forms Engine > Set Up > Form
Editor > Form Editor).

Select Set Page Device to force the form to start on a new piece of paper. This is important when you are
duplex printing (printing on both sides of the paper). If you do not select Set Page Device, a new form
might print on the backside of a piece of paper.

You can add types of objects to forms such as Box, Data Field, Image, Line, Long Text, and Text. You
can set attributes for each of these objects such as color, font, position, length, style, scale, spacing,
justification, line thickness, dashes, image ID, and literal text. Not all attributes apply to all form child
objects. You can specify to have sample text values appear in data fields when you preview the form.

To preview the form that you are editing, click the Preview link. This saves any unsaved changes,
generates the PostScript print data stream, and sends the data to your browser. If your browser is
configured to display this type of data, it displays the image of the form. If your browser is not configured
to display this type of data, you can save the data to a disk directory. If you save the data to a disk

1592 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 47 Using Forms Engine

directory and give it a file name, give it a (.ps) extension indicating that it is a PostScript file. Copy this
file to a postscript printer. The page image renders graphically to that printer.

If you want to view the PostScript preview page image on your browser, click the Get PostScript Viewer
link on the Form Editor page. The system displays a website where you can obtain a PostScript View

Using the Form Image Text Repository

Access the Form Image Text Viewer page (Set Up SACR >Common Definition > Forms Engine >Set
Up >Form Image Text >Form Image Text Viewer).

The form image text is the actual PostScript text that is sent to the PostScript printer. To access the Form
Image Text page, select Design Student Administration > Forms Engine > Setup > Form Image Text.

The only fields that you can update on the setup page are Description and Cache Form On Printer. Cache
Form On Printer indicates whether the form is sent to the printer only once at the beginning of the print
run or each time that the image is needed.

When you save a form layout in the Form Editor, it generates two corresponding entries in the Form
Image Text table. The entry that starts with FEP followed by the form name is the static page layout. It is
automatically set to cache on the printer. The other entry is the one that starts with FER followed by the
form name. It is the runtime portion of the page and is sent each time that the page is printed. The runtime
portion combines the page layout with images and wrapped text.

Uploading Form Image Text

To modify an image that is being rendered on a page, you must create a new or modified form image text
file in encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format and upload it to an FTP site that you choose. You can then
run the process to upload this text into the Form Image Text repository.

Access the Upload EPS Image File page (Set Up SACR > Common Definition > Forms Engine >
Process > Upload EPS Image File).

Follow these steps to upload form image text.

1. Create a run control record.

The URL is the name of the FTP domain to which you had previously uploaded the EPS file. If you
uploaded it to the FTP server called MYFTPSITE, then you would enter MYFTPSITE into this field.

2. Enter the ID and password that you used to log on to the FTP site.

3. Retype the password in the Confirm Password field.

The unique system file name should be a file name in 8.3-format without any blank spaces.

Note: Do not enter path information. For example, MYLOGO.EPS is used for the MYLOGO form
image text file. The remote file name is the path and name of the file that you specified when you
uploaded it to your FTP site. The form image name is the name that Oracle uses as the key to the
Form Image Text repository. Our example is MYLOGO.

4. Submit the process.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1593

Using Forms Engine Chapter 47

5. Access the Form Image Text page after the process finishes successfully. Enter a description for the
image and select the Cache Form On Printer check box.

To create or modify form image text, you can create or modify the corresponding EPS file in the
data directory of ps_home. For example, to create a graphic image called MYLOGO, copy the
FAPSULGO.EPS file from the data directory to a file called MYLOGO.EPS. Use a simple text editor to
edit it and change every occurrence of FAPSULGO with MYLOGO. You can modify the contents of the
image text using a simple text editor and enter PostScript command text to construct an image.

An alternative technique for creating an EPS file for your image is to use some other program to generate
the PostScript file. Some JPG files convert to EPS files that are too large to cache on the printer. You have
to clear the Cache Form On Printer check box if your image is converted from a JPG file.

Reviewing Form Groups

A form group ties a list of forms together. The Form Group Relative Sequence field indicates the relative
order for form groups to be rendered when more than one form group is output into a single print stream.
The forms are tied to the form groups within an application program. Because of this, you should not
modify these settings unless you are customizing a program.

Access the Form Groups page (Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Forms Engine > Set Up > Form

Using Output Destination Formats

Access the Output Destination Formats page (Set Up SACR > Common Definition > Forms Engine >
Set Up > Out Dest Formats > Output Destination Formats).

This page specifies parameters for various output formats usable by programs, which in turn use
the Forms Engine. For example, a program looks at the Print Script field to determine the name of a
command script for printing. In the case of the PostScript output destination format, the print script
PSPRINTFILE.CMD requires two arguments: the printer name and the file name.

Specifying Font Names

Access the Font Names page (Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Forms Engine > Set Up > Font
Names > Font Names).

This page contains the list of all PostScript font names that you can specify within the Form Editor.

Using PostScript Fonts

Access the PostScript Fonts page (Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Forms Engine > Set Up >
PostScript Fonts > PostScript Fonts).

This page displays a list of translations that uses a font name as specified in the Application Designer and
translates it into a PostScript font name. You must install the font names specified on all of the PostScript
printers at your installation.

1594 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 47 Using Forms Engine

Using the Inquire On Form Data Page

This page is normally hidden. You should restrict access to this page. It enables you to view any page
printed by the Forms Engine and retained in the Form Data tables. Functions that refer to this data have
pages and views that restrict the content to data relating to just that function. Use this page to debug

Purging Form Data

To purge form data, you must first write to the Form Data tables and assign an expiration date for every
page printed with the Forms Engine. Schedule a daily purge job to run the process to purge expired pages.
To determine whether such a job exists, use your query tool to issue this query:





If no such process is scheduled to run, you must schedule it. Use the following steps to schedule a

1. Select Design Student Administration > Forms Engine > Process > Form Data Purge.

2. Create a run control.

3. Click the Run button.

4. Set the server name.

5. Set the Recurrence value to a daily purge schedule. If you do not have a recurrence, create a new one
by selecting PeopleTools > Process Scheduler Manager > Use > Recurrence Definitions to create a
new one.

6. Click OK.

Modifying a Form
You can modify a form in two ways. You should use the Application Designer. You can also edit the form
with the Form Editor. If you modify the form by modifying the related page in the Application Designer
(AD), click the Import Page button to import the modified page to the Form Editor.

In the AD, page fields are not tied to record fields, and the page size matches the paper size in units of
ENs. 72 ENs are in an inch. If you want to lay out a page in landscape format, you must change the page
size so that the width is larger than the length. An 8 ½ by 11 inch piece of paper in portrait layout has the
page size of 612 wide by 792 tall. To view or set this, access page properties and select the Use tab.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1595

Using Forms Engine Chapter 47

Currently, no recurring fields are permitted by the Forms Engine. Instead, each field on the page must
have a unique name. View or set the PAGEFIELDNAME in the field properties and select the General
tab. To see all of the PAGEFIELDNAMEs on a page, select the Order tab in AD for the page. You can
rearrange, hide, or delete page fields. However, you cannot move fields to a different page or add new
fields without changing the application program.

Adding Data to the Form Data Tables

To change the application program, you need to understand the nature of the various tables that store the
form data. A computer programmer typically performs the following application program steps.

1. Obtain the next available FORM_PROC_INST by incrementing the field LAST_FORM_PROCINST


2. Insert one row into the PS_FORM_INSTANCES table corresponding to a single batch of output to be
collated into one output stream.

3. Insert multiple rows into the PS_FORM_COLLATEGRP table, one per unique value of the

This is the description of the FORM_GROUP_SEQ field from its property in AD: Form Group
Sequence enables the sequencing of form groups within a FORM_PROC_INST. Each time a group
of forms begins to print, this value is incremented and stays the same within that form group. If the
same form group prints again, it is incremented again, so that it is not the same value if the same form
group prints twice.

4. Insert multiple rows into the PS_FORM_DATA table, one per data value.

If the length of the data value exceeds 40 characters, you must also insert a related row into one of
these tables: PS_FORM_DATA_C128, PS_FORM_DATA_C254, or PS_FORM_DATA_LONG.
Set the value of the FORM_FIELD_LTYPE accordingly. Set the appropriate value for the
FORM_GROUP_SUB_SEQ field. This is the description of that field from its property in AD: Form
Group Sub Sequence is a sequence number within a form group, one per form. When a new form
group begins to print, this sequence number starts back at one.

Setting Up Images
An image must exist in the Form Image Text table. You can use a Adobe PostScript rendering utility to
generate a related bitmap or JPG file. Some examples of utilities that you can use are Ghostscript® or
Adobe® Distiller.

This section discusses how to:

• Set up a background image.

• Set up a foreground image.



1596 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 47 Using Forms Engine

Setting Up a Background Image

If you want to use Application Designer to modify the background image, you must create a modified
style sheet and set the background image there. Refer to the PeopleSoft Application Designer Developer's

If you want to use the Form Editor to modify the background image, enter the image name in the Image
field located to the right of the Background Color group box on the Form Editor page. The name that you
enter here must be one of the names in the Form Image Text table.

Setting Up a Foreground Image

If you want to use Application Designer to add, modify, or create a foreground image, you must first
create an image object, which you subsequently place on your page. Follow these steps if you want to use
the Form Editor to modify or create a foreground image.

1. Insert a row into the list of form field objects.

2. Set form field type to Image.

3. Click the Edit Field Attributes link.

4. Set the image name, position, and scaling factor.

5. Click OK.

Changing a Logo
You can convert an image (for example, the Financial Aid PeopleSoft Univ Logo FAPSULGO) to
encapsulated PostScript (eps) format suitable for use by the Forms Engine. To upload your image in eps
format, you must first convert your logo from jpeg format to eps format. You must also convert your
jpeg to gif format to view it in Application Designer. You must use the same naming convention for all
three formats. The only change to the file name is the format extension (for example, Univ_Logo.jpg/

Note: If you are converting an image other than FAPSULGO, use that name in place of FAPSULGO.

You may want to consult your technical support group before implementing this procedure.

To change FAPSULGO:

Phase 1 – Converting the Application Designer Image to EPS Format

Perform the following 26 steps before proceeding with Phase 2.

1. Install Microsoft Photo Editor, GhostScript ( and GsView, and JPEG2PS
Utility (

2. In Application Designer, open image FAPSULGO.

• To add a new image:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1597

Using Forms Engine Chapter 47

When prompted to select the image, select the gif. (for example, FAPSULGO.gif). The system
displays the message, Image format cannot be displayed in Windows. Do you want to import an
alternate image?

Click Yes and then select the .jpg (for example, FAPSULGO.jpg).

Right click and select image properties.

Enter a description. On the Use tab, omit the Image URL.

Click OK and save.

• To export an existing image:

Click File, Export Image.

Save it to a temporary location (for example, c:\temp\FAPSULGO.GIF) in GIF format.

• Close Application Designer.

3. Use Microsoft Photo Editor to convert the GIF to JPG format. Double-click the GIF file in Windows
Explorer to invoke Photo Editor and open this file. Select File, Save As and select Jpeg format. Use
the MORE button to reduce the size of the jpg file. Alternatively, you can override the scaling factor
in step 13 to avoid losing image resolution.

4. Reopen the jpg file in Photo Editor to confirm that you like the way it looks in jpg format and then
close Photo Editor.

5. If you are using the jpeg2ps utility, issue the command jpeg2ps FAPSULGO jpg > FAPSULGO eps.

6. Edit FAPSULGO.eps in Notepad.

7. Save the file as Note. It is '.ps', not '.eps'.

8. Remove the comments at the start of the file that start with '%'.

9. Remove the language level test and the 'save' line.

10. At this point, all of the lines prior to the /RawData ... line have been deleted. The first line of the file
now starts with /RawData.

11. Remove the 'showpage' line.

12. Remove the 'restore' line.

13. Change the 'scale' line to specify the width (65) and height (54) of the image (for example, 65 54
scale). The width and height can be seen in the image attributes three lines down. You can override
the scaling factors here to resize your image without losing resolution.

14. Change the 'translate' to locate the image on the page. A page of 8.5 by 11 inches would have the
dimensions in Ens' of 612 by 792 (multiply inches by 72). For example, to place the image 1/2 inch
from the top and 1/2 inch from the left, change the translate line to 36 702 translate. The 702 = 792 –
36 – 54 (image height).

15. Insert this comment line after the 'scale' line: % /BBox [0 0 1 1] def.

1598 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 47 Using Forms Engine

16. Although this file does not need a /BBox statement, the Form Editor looks for a /BBox statement
when it is importing a page's image.

17. Add a 'showpage' line at the end of the file.

18. File

19. Display using Ghostview. Verify that this looks like what you want.

20. Print by copying it to your printer from a command line: copy\

21. Confirm that the output looks good.

22. Using Notepad, edit Save it as FAPSULGO.eps (note it is '.eps', not '.ps').

23. Remove the 'showpage' at the end of the file.

24. Comment out the scale and translate lines near the top of the file by inserting a '%' at the front of each
of those lines.

25. Add a comment at the very top of the file starting with a '%' describing this image. for example, %
PeopleSoft Logo Icon.

26. File FAPSULGO.eps.

Phase 2 – Uploading and Editing Form Image Text

Perform steps 1 through 6 before proceeding with Phase 3.

1. Upload FAPSULGO.eps into the form image text FAPSULGO:

• Select Design Student Administration > Forms Engine > Process > Upload EPS Image File.

• URL:

• File Transfer ID: ftpid

• Operator Password: ftppw

• Unique System Filename: FAPSULGO.eps

• Remote File Name: FAPSULGO.eps

• Form Image Name: FAPSULGO

• Submit

2. Edit the eps image file settings. For example, select Design Student Administration > Forms
Engine > Setup > Form Image Text.


4. For the description, enter the description of the image. For example: PeopleSoft Logo Icon.

5. Do not enable the Cache Form On Printer check box.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1599

Using Forms Engine Chapter 47

6. Save.

Phase 3 – Using Application Designer to Establish Field Properties and Create a

New Image
Perform the following 17 steps.

1. Open Application Designer.

2. Open the page FA_AWD_NOTIF_LTR1 in Application Designer.

• In the page field properties, change the existing image to the image that you just created.

• In the Image/Format Size section, set the width and the height. See Step 13 in Phase 1 for values.

• Click OK and save your changes.

3. Right-click the image on the page.

4. Select Page Field Properties.

5. Select the image ID FAPSULGO.

6. Select the 'Size' option on the image.

7. Set the width to 65 and the height to 54. Refer to Step 13 in Phase 1.

8. Click OK.

9. The image on the page in Application Designer should now show the new logo.

10. Save the page.

11. Click OK to all the prompts for Warning: Page field with label ''not related to database field. You can
hold down the Enter key and let it auto-repeat the enter.

12. Close Application Designer.

13. Access Form Editor. Select Design Student Administration > Forms Engine > Setup > Form Editor.

14. Open the form FA_AWD_NOTIF_LTR1.

15. Click the Import Page button.

16. Click the Preview link. This automatically saves the form with the newly imported page values.

17. If the icon looks good here, you are ready to test.

1600 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 48

Using Financial Aid Web Services

Understanding Financial Aid Web Services

Technical developers, consultants and, implementers should use this document to learn about the
technologies used by the web service and to determine the scope of data that the web service can
exchange between a self service user interface (that the academic institution may build) and the Campus
Solutions system. Business and functional analysts should use this document to understand how the web
services function.

This topic is intended for users who are familiar with:

• A tool or technology to build and deploy the user interface.

• PeopleCode.

• Web services concepts, mainly XML, SOAP, and WSDL.

• PeopleSoft Integration Broker .

• Campus Community ‘Entity Registry’ functionality.

• Campus Solutions Financial Aid functionality.

Financial Aid Web Service can be used by end user devices (such as a mobile phone or a tablet),
enterprise applications or any other third party software that can interface through standards based means.

Financial Aid Web Service can be used by:

• Oracle presentation technologies (such as PORTAL, Application Development Framework [or ADF],
and PeopleSoft components and pages).

• Oracle Middleware, such as Enterprise Service Bus and BPEL.

• Oracle Applications, such as Enterprise, EnterpriseOne, and E-Business Suite.

• Third-party presentation technologies.

• Third-party middleware and applications.

Institutions have different needs, requirements and preferences for interacting with their students
during the financial aid process. It is essential that the interaction between the student and institution is
convenient, simple to use, and powerful for both the institution and the student. The User interface (UI)
through which a student interacts with the institution can vary. For many campus audiences the interface
of choice could be a range of current generation handheld devices (smart phone, tablets, blackberry, etc).
However, options like conventional web browser based access (such as Campus Solutions Self Service
Financial Aid) need to also be supported. In order to facilitate this flexibility a new web service has been

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1601

Using Financial Aid Web Services Chapter 48

delivered to support the Self Service Financial Aid process regardless of the user interface technology
deployed at an institution.

The Financial Aid Web Service offers access to the Campus Solutions Financial Aid information through
service operations.

Using the SFA_FINANCIAL_AID Web Service

The SFA_FINANCIAL_AID web service includes different service operations that allow an external user
interface to access student financial aid information.

This section discusses:

• Entity Registry

• Description Language

• Service Operations

• Setting up the Web Service

Entity Registry
The SFA_FINANCIAL_AID web service uses the Entity Registry to provide the structure for returning
student financial aid data. SFA_FINANCIAL_AID provides basic and work entities to represent Financial
Aid student award data. These entities are not directly related to existing records.

Description Language
During setup, the system generates the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) for

The following diagram lists the SFA_FINANCIAL_AID web service operations and their messages:

Image: SFA_FINANCIAL_AID Web Service Operations and Messages

This example illustrates SFA_FINANCIAL_AID Web Service Operations and Messages.

Service Operations
The SFA_FINANCIAL_AID web service provides the following SOAP and REST services that enable
you to access student Campus Solutions Financial Aid information:

1602 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 48 Using Financial Aid Web Services

Service Service Operation Description


view award information for an Institution
and Aid Year.


POST view award information for an Institution
and Aid Year.

The service operations use PeopleTools Integration Broker. Any user interface that is web-service enabled
and complies with web service standards can access the service operations. The SFA_FINANCIAL_AID
web service adheres to open web service standards that are currently supported in the latest release of
PeopleTools. Before you develop your own user interface, it is recommended that you use a SOAP
service tester to become familiar with how the web services process the student account data and user
information. One way to use a service tester is to pass the input parameters to a service operation, and
then view the service operation output.

Setting Up the SFA_FINANCIAL_AID Web Service

The PeopleTools Integration Broker applies to the SFA_FINANCIAL_AID web service and must be set

Review the following documentation as part of your Financial Aid Web Service implementation:

See PeopleTools: Integration Broker Testing Utilities and Tools.

See "Setting Up the Service Tester" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community).

Using SFA_FINANCIAL_AID Service Operations

This section discusses the service operations that are delivered with SFA_FINANCIAL_AID.

Using the SOAP Get Student Awards Service Operation

This section describes the SFA_FINANCIAL_AID SOAP service operation

Note: There is no difference in the request/response messages for SOAP and REST. The information
contained in this section is also true for REST.

SOAP Service Name


Service Operation

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1603

Using Financial Aid Web Services Chapter 48

Allows the student to view award information for an Institution and Aid Year

The Get Student Awards request enables the user to retrieve student financial aid award details. This
operation is designed to return full award data for only one Institution and Aid Year combination at a
time. This data includes:

• Aid Year Totals

• Award (Item Type) Information

• Term Information

• Disbursement Information

Although only one year's full data is returned, the operation also retrieves a List of Values (LOV) of other
Institution and Aid Year combinations where the student has award information available for viewing.
The LOV allows the user to easily know which other combinations are available, which can then be used
to submit a new request in order to see full award data for a different Institution/Aid Year.

The operation determines what award data to pull and how to organize it based on existing Campus
Solutions Financial Aid Self Service setup options and security access.

See Configuration Considerations.

This service can be consumed by schools and third-party providers to render custom user interface on a
tablet, mobile or any other device.

This service operation:

• Accepts the input parameters: EmplID, Institution and Aid Year. The EmplID must match the operator

• Verifies that the operator has financial aid award information available for viewing based on Financial
Aid Self Service options and security access.

• Retrieves and organizes the data requested based on Financial Aid Self Service options and security

The following explains the layout of the response message.


This section contains the highest level of data and summation by Institution & Aid Year.


1604 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 48 Using Financial Aid Web Services

This attribute shows which display option has been chosen: Aid Year or Award Period.

If Award Period is chosen, there is a different STUDNT_AWARD_SUMMARY section for each

existing award period for the student (Academic and Non-Standard). This option controls how the
data is divided within the response.


This section contains the next level of detail from STUDENT_AWARD_SUMMARY, which is the
Award and Award Totals. There is one STUDENT_AWARD_DETAIL section for every Award (Item
Type) that the student has for that specific Institution and Aid Year (and Award Period, if that display
option is chosen).


This section contains the next level of detail from STUDENT_AWARD_DETAIL, which is the
Term and Term Totals. There is one STUDENT_TERM_DETAIL section for every Term associated
with the Award for that specific Institution and Aid Year (and Award Period, if that display option is


This section contains the next level of detail from STUDENT_TERM_DETAIL, which is the
Disbursement Date & Totals. There is one STUDENT_DISB_DETAIL for every Disbursement ID
within the associated Term for that specific Institution and Aid Year (and Award Period, if that display
option is chosen).

Data in the STUDENT_DISB_DETAIL section is only returned for Awards that have a status of
Accepted, Partially Disbursed or Fully Disbursed (see SFA_AWARD_STATUS_LOVDescr attribute).


The List of Values (LOV) section returns ALL Institutions and Aid Years the student has access to
based on their user security, self-service setup and other related setup options. This provides a valid
listing of only those Institution/Aid Years that can have full award data returned by the service.


This section contains the next level of detail from LOV and repeats for each Institution and Aid Year
for which the student has Award data and required security.

Error Conditions
If the student has no award data and/or no security to the award data requested, the service operation
returns the following message:

“'You have no financial aid awards available for viewing.”'

Entity Registry Details for SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWARDS

Entity DB Record Message

StudentAwardRequest (Request Entity) SFA_STD_AWD_WRK SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWARDS_REQ

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1605

Using Financial Aid Web Services Chapter 48

Entity DB Record Message


Entity) RESP

StudentAwardDetail SFA_STD_AWDDWRK

StudentAwardTerm SFA_STD_TERMWRK

StudentAwardDisbursement SFA_STD_DISBWRK

This is this SFA_FINANCIAL_AID Entity Hierarchy display:

Image: SFA_FINANCIAL_AID Entity Hierarchy

This example illustrates the SFA_FINANCIAL_AID Entity Hierarchy.


The following diagram shows the input message structure that the
SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWARDS_REQ service option receives from an application:

1606 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 48 Using Financial Aid Web Services

Image: SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWD_REQ Message Structure

This example illustrates the SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWD_REQ Message Structure.

The following input parameters are required for an application to pass to the service operation:

Data Description

EmplID (Employee ID) Required. Defaults to operator’s EmplID.

Institution Optional

Aid Year Optional

The following is an example of the SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWARDS_REQ message that the

SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWARDS service operation receives from the an application:
<?xml version="1.0"?>


When the Integration Broker receives the SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWD_REQ message, it responds with

The following diagram shows the output message structure that the SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWARDS
service operation passes to an application:

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1607

Using Financial Aid Web Services Chapter 48

Image: SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWD_RESP List of Values Message Structure

This example illustrates the SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWD_RESP List of Values Message Structure.

Image: SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWD_REQ Student Award Summary Message Structure

This example illustrates the SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWD_REQ Student Award Summary Message


1608 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 48 Using Financial Aid Web Services

Image: SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWD_REQ Student Award Detail Message Structure

This example illustrates the SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWD_REQ Student Award Detail Message


Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1609

Using Financial Aid Web Services Chapter 48

Image: SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWD_REQ Student Term Detail Message Structure

This example illustrates the SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWD_REQ Student Term Detail Message Structure.

1610 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 48 Using Financial Aid Web Services

Image: SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWD_REQ Student Disbursement Detail Message Structure

This example illustrates the SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWD_REQ Student Disbursement Detail Message


The following is an example of the SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWARDS_RESP message that the

SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWARDS service operation transmits to an application:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1611

Using Financial Aid Web Services Chapter 48

<ITEM_TYPE_LOVDescr>Lake Michigan Polar Club Grant</ITEM_TYPE_LOVDescr>
<STRM_LOVDescr>2012 Fall</STRM_LOVDescr>
<STRM_LOVDescr>2012 Fall</STRM_LOVDescr>

1612 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 48 Using Financial Aid Web Services

<STRM_LOVDescr>2013 Spring</STRM_LOVDescr>
<STRM_LOVDescr>2013 Spring</STRM_LOVDescr>
<ITEM_TYPE_LOVDescr>Federal Pell Grant</ITEM_TYPE_LOVDescr>

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1613

Using Financial Aid Web Services Chapter 48

<DESCRLONG>You have been awarded a Federal Pell Grant based on a full-time lo⇒
ad, if your
actual enrollment load changes your award will be adjusted accordingly.</DES⇒
<STRM_LOVDescr>2012 Fall</STRM_LOVDescr>
<STRM_LOVDescr>2012 Fall</STRM_LOVDescr>

1614 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 48 Using Financial Aid Web Services

<STRM_LOVDescr>2013 Spring</STRM_LOVDescr>
<STRM_LOVDescr>2013 Spring</STRM_LOVDescr>

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1615

Using Financial Aid Web Services Chapter 48

<STRM_LOVDescr>2012 Fall</STRM_LOVDescr>
<STRM_LOVDescr>2012 Fall</STRM_LOVDescr>

1616 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 48 Using Financial Aid Web Services

<STRM_LOVDescr>2013 Spring</STRM_LOVDescr>
<STRM_LOVDescr>2013 Spring</STRM_LOVDescr>
<ITEM_TYPE_LOVDescr>Direct Subsidized Stafford</ITEM_TYPE_LOVDescr>

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1617

Using Financial Aid Web Services Chapter 48

<STRM_LOVDescr>2012 Fall</STRM_LOVDescr>
<STRM_LOVDescr>2012 Fall</STRM_LOVDescr>

1618 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 48 Using Financial Aid Web Services

<STRM_LOVDescr>2013 Spring</STRM_LOVDescr>
<STRM_LOVDescr>2013 Spring</STRM_LOVDescr>
<ITEM_TYPE_LOVDescr>Direct UnSub Stafford</ITEM_TYPE_LOVDescr>

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1619

Using Financial Aid Web Services Chapter 48

<DESCRLONG>You may or may not be eligible to have the listed awards reinstate⇒
d. Please
submit a counselor request if you think you should have them reinstated.</DE⇒
<SFA_MSG_LONG>You have no financial aid awards
available for viewing.</SFA_MSG_LONG>
<SFA_MSG_LONG>You have no financial aid awards
available for viewing.</SFA_MSG_LONG>

1620 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 48 Using Financial Aid Web Services

<DESCRLONG>You may or may not be eligible to have the listed awards reinstate⇒
d. Please
submit a counselor request if you think you should have them reinstated.</DE⇒
<SFA_MSG_LONG>You have no financial aid awards
available for viewing.</SFA_MSG_LONG>

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1621

Using Financial Aid Web Services Chapter 48

<SFA_MSG_LONG>You have no financial aid awards
available for viewing.</SFA_MSG_LONG>
<InstitutionDescription>PeopleSoft University</InstitutionDescription>
<InstitutionDescription>PeopleSoft University</InstitutionDescription>

Configuration Considerations
The Get Student Awards service operation depends upon a number of existing Campus Solutions system
configuration options. Many of the configuration options used to control which data and how that data
is organized are the exact same options used to control existing Campus Solutions Financial Aid Self
Service. Configuration considerations are at the follow places in the system:

• Self Service Inquiry Options

• Financial Aid Item Type setup

• Student Packaging Status Summary

Navigate to the Financial Aid Self Service Inquiry page (Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Self
Service > Financial Aid > Self Service Options > Inquiry).

1622 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 48 Using Financial Aid Web Services

Image: Inquiry page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Inquiry page. You can find definitions for the fields
and controls later on this page.

Allow Access This option must be selected in order for the response message
to return data for this Institution and Aid Year.

Award Detail This option must be selected in order for the response message
to return award data for this Institution and Aid Year.

Cancelled Awards If selected, the response message returns any award with a
status of ‘Cancelled’ in the STUDENT_AWARD_DETAIL
section. The response also retrieves any message contained
within Message Catalog 14409/547. This is the same message
displayed within Campus Solutions Financial Aid Self Service
for Cancelled awards.

Declined Awards If selected, the response message returns any award with a status
of ‘Declined’ in the STUDENT_AWARD_DETAIL section. The
response also retrieves any message contained within Message
Catalog 14409/547. This is the same message displayed within
Campus Solutions Financial Aid Self Service for Declined

View Data By This option controls how the data is organized within the
response message.

If ‘Aid Year’ is selected, there is only one STUDENT_AWARD

_SUMMARY section within the response message.

If ‘Award Period’ is selected, there can be multiple STUDENT

_AWARD_SUMMARY sections within the response. This is
based on how many award periods the student’s awards are
associated to. If the student has awards only for the Academic
period, only one STUDENT_AWARD_SUMMARY section is
returned. If the student has awards for both the Academic and

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1623

Using Financial Aid Web Services Chapter 48

Non-Standard periods, two STUDENT_AWARD_SUMMARY

sections are returned.

Academic Year Award Period If the View Data By option is set to ‘Award Period’, the value
entered in this field is returned in the SFA_AWARD_PER_
LOVDescr attribute for the Academic award period.

Non-Standard Award Period If the View Data By option is set to ‘Award Period’, the value
entered in this field is returned in the SFA_AWARD_PER_
LOVDescr attribute for the Non-Standard award period.

Award Period If the View Data By option is set to ‘Award Period’, this option
controls the order in which award periods are returned (in the
STUDENT_AWARD_SUMMARY section) when multiple
award periods exist.

Term If the View Data By option is set to ‘Award Period’, this

option controls the order in which terms are returned (in the
STUDENT_AWARD_TERM section) when multiple terms

See "Viewing Financial Aid Awards" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Self Service).

Navigate to Financial Aid Item Type Self Service options (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial
Aid > Financial Aid Item Types, FA Item Type 3 tab)

Image: FA Item Type 3 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the FA Item Type 3 page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Print Letter Option Only Awards (Item Types) that have a Print Letter Option
of ‘Print’ are returned as part of the response message. This
mimics how Campus Solutions Financial Aid Self Service

See Defining Financial Aid Item Types.

1624 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 48 Using Financial Aid Web Services

Navigate to the Packaging Status Summary page (Financial Aid, View Packaging Status Summary).

Image: Packaging Status Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Packaging Status Summary page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Award Access This option controls what value is returned in the

AcceptDeclineAwards attribute of the LOV section of
the response message. For each Institution and Aid Year
combination returned, this attribute displays if the student has
access to Accept/Decline their awards in Campus Solutions Self

Inquiry Access This option must be selected in order for the response message
to return award data for this Institution and Aid Year.

Post Installation Troubleshooting

This section discusses how to:

• Verify web service security settings.

• Publish the web services.

Verifying Web Service Security Settings

For the SFA_FINANCIAL_AID web service, the service operations are delivered with FULL ACCESS to
the HCCPCS01000 – All Pages permission list.

To verify whether the HCCPCS01000 permission list is assigned to a service operation with FULL

1. Access the General page (PeopleTools >Integration Broker >Integration Setup >Service
Operations >General).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1625

Using Financial Aid Web Services Chapter 48

2. Click the Service Operation Security link to access the Web Service Access page.

3. On the Web Service Access page, verify whether the permission list has full access.

Publishing the Web Services

To publish the SFA_FINANCIAL_AID (SFA_GET_STUDENT_AWARDS) web service, access the
Provide Web Service page. Go to PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Web services, Provide Web Service.

1626 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid

Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

Understanding Using CNAS

CNAS application allows entry of full-time or part-time Canadian student loan applications. You invoke
calculation routines from the application pages and can view the results online. Auditing is available for
all fields on the application pages. The system stores calculation results in effective-dated tables.

Defining the CNAS File Load Parameters

This section discusses how to define data load parameters.

Page Used to Define the CNAS File Load Parameters

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

File Load Setup CSL_CONTROL Set Up SACR > Product Define the parameters of the
Related > Financial Aid > file load.
File Management > CSL File
Load Control > File Load

Defining Data Load Parameters

Access the File Load Setup page (Set Up SACR > Product Related > Financial Aid > File
Management > CSL File Load Control > File Load Setup).

Input/Output file Enter the file path and file name of the input/output file that you
want to load.

Error file Enter the file path and file name for the error file.

Name ID and SIN (social insurance Select a check box to indicate which criteria to use in matching
number) incoming student records to existing records in the database.

Record Add Level and Record Indicates the admit level required to add a student record to the
Suspend Level database or place it in suspense. The values are as follows:

0: Load Everyone

1: Recruits or Higher

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1627

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

2: Inactive Admits or Higher

3: Applicants or Higher

4: Active Admits or Higher

5: Accepted/Continuing Only

Student records meeting criteria below the suspense admit level

are not loaded from the OSAP file.

CSL Numeric Variable (Canada Select a value. Variables enable the system to assign load data to
student loan numeric variable), Prov numeric packaging variable fields.
Loan Numeric Variable (province
loan numeric variable), and CSG Note: Verify that the variable chosen is not already in use. This
Numeric Variable (Canada study grant process overwrites any existing data in the chosen numeric
numeric variable) packaging variable fields.

Loading and Viewing CNAS Data

This section discusses how to:

• Load CNAS data.

• View CNAS Load Results 1.

• View CNAS Load Results 2.

Pages Used to Load and View CNAS Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Data Load RUNCTL_OSAP Financial Aid > File Load eligibility data from the
Management > Canadian > provincial Student Services
Process Data Load > Data Bureau into the system.

Load Results 1 OSAP_RESULTS1 Financial Aid > File View data load record layout
Management > Canadian > results, in the format of the
View Load Results > Load new or previous version, that
Results 1 are successfully loaded to
your database.

Load Results 2 OSAP_RESULTS2 Financial Aid > File View new version data
Management > Canadian > load record layout results
View Load Results > Load successfully loaded to your
Results 2 database.

1628 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

Loading CNAS Data

Access the Data Load page (Financial Aid > File Management > Canadian > Process Data Load > Data

Academic Institution Select the institution to populate the load data.

Aid Year Select to process the data load.

Click the Run button to run the process.

On the Process Scheduler Request page, select New OSAP Data Load (FAOSPLDN) to load files
supported by the new record layout. If you select and run the Old OSAP Data Load, your process and
results display in the format of the previous version.

Viewing CNAS Load Results 1

The Load Results 1 page contains the data load results for either format of the record layout for
applications received by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.

Access the Load Results 1 page (Financial Aid > File Management > Canadian > View Load Results >
Load Results 1).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1629

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

Image: Load Results 1 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Load Results 1 page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The system displays the student name, ID, SIN (social insurance number), Aid Year, Institution, and Last
Transaction Date.

App Account Nbr (application The number assigned to the application. A student can have
account number) multiple application rows.

Total Entitled Award Displays the student's total award amount.

CSL Amount (Canada student loan Displays the loan amount from CSL.

OSL Amount (Ontario student loan Displays the loan amount from OSL.

CSG Amount (Canada study grant Displays the grant amount from CSG.

Total OSL Issued (total Ontario Displays the amount issued to the student from OSL.
student loan issued)

1630 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

Total CSL Issued (total Canada Displays the amount issued to the student from CSL.
student loan issued)

Grant Issued Displays the grant amount issued.

Date Received at SSB (date received Displays the date received at SSB.
at student support branch)

Highest Percentage Courseload Displays the course load percentage.

Total Need Displays the amount of the student's total financial aid need.

Total Need Flag Displays the total need flag.

Current Cost Code Displays the current cost code. Cost code is based on the
number of weeks of financial aid and the student's career,
program, and year in school.

Multiple Apps (multiple applications) Indicates multiple applications.

Preprint Indicator Indicates preprint.

NE Code Displays the NE code.

Year Entering Displays the year that the student is entering the program. For
example if the student is entering second year, this field displays
a 2.

Academic Year Displays the academic year.

School Code Displays the school code.

In the Status Codes group box, the system displays any applicable status codes.

Viewing CNAS Load Results 2

The Load Results 2 page contains the data load results using the new record layout for applications
received by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.

Access the Load Results 2 page (Financial Aid > File Management > Canadian > View Load Results >
Load Results 2).

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(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

Image: Load Results 2 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Load Results 2 page.

Managing CNAS Suspense

This section discusses how to:

• Review CNAS suspense.

• Process CNAS suspense.

Pages Used to Manage CNAS Suspense

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Suspense Management FA_OSAP_SUSP Financial Aid > File Manage the applications that
Management > Canadian > did not to load during an
Manage Suspended incoming application process.
Records > Suspense

Suspense Maintenance RUNCTL_SUSP Financial Aid > File Move records that have been
Management > Canadian > marked as add, pending
Process Suspense Files > or delete on the Suspense
Suspense Maintenance Management page.

1632 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

Reviewing CNAS Suspense

Access the Suspense Management page ((Financial Aid > File Management > Canadian > Manage
Suspended Records > Suspense Management).

Academic Institution Indicates the institution for data that you want to maintain.

Aid Year An awarding cycle with defined disbursement periods.

FA Student ID Displays the student's unique identification.

Last Transaction Date Displays the date of the last transaction.

Application Account Number Displays the application account number.

Social Insurance Number Displays the social insurance number.

Date of Birth Displays the student's date of birth.

Student's Admit Level Displays admission level. Values are: 0 - Student Not Found,
1 - Has Not Applied, 2 - Inactive, 3 - Applied/Pending, 4 -
Admitted, and 5 - Accepted/Continuing.

OSAP Suspend Reason (Ontario Displays reason for suspense. Values are: EmplID not matched,
Student Assistance Program suspend SIN not matched, Name not matched, EmplID/SIN not matched,
reason) EmplID/Name not matched, SIN/Name not matched, EmplID/
SIN/Name not matched, and Student not at load level.

ID Enter the student's unique identification.

Add to Results Select to move the student's record from suspense to the load
results table.

Pending Select to keep the student's record in suspense. For example, if

your institution only loads admitted students and you know that
a student is not yet admitted, you would select Pending to keep
the student in suspense.

Delete from Suspense Select to move the student from suspense.

Processing CNAS Suspense

Access the Suspense Maintenance page (Financial Aid > File Management > Canadian > Process
Suspense Files > Suspense Maintenance).

Academic Institution Select the institution for the suspense data you want to move.

Aid Year Select the aid year for the suspense data you want to move.

Click the Run button to run the process.

For Financial Aid Year 2005-2006 and forward, two formats are available for the data load.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1633

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

On the Process Scheduler Request page, select New OSAP Suspense Processing (FAOSPSPN) to process
files supported by the new record layout. If you select and run the Old OSAP Suspense Processing, your
process and results display in the previous format.

Adding an Application Source Code for Canadian Applications

This section discusses how to add an application source code.

Page Used to Add an Application Source Code

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Add Institutional Application INST_ADD Financial Aid > Canadian Add or view the application
Application Data > Add source code for a student's
Institutional Application > full-time or part-time
Add Institutional Application Canadian application.

Adding an Application Source Code

Access the Add Institutional Application page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > Add
Institutional Application > Add Institutional Application).

Application Source Code Select one or more of the options to associate this type of
application with the student. The verification process uses the
application source code.

8: Profile

9: Institutional Application

O: FT Canada Student Loan (full time)

P: PT Canada Student Loan (part time)

Note: Part-time applications must have an Application Source Code of P (part-time) for correct CNAS

Maintaining Full-Time Student Data

Different Canadian financial aid applications are available for full-time and part-time students. Use the
Full-time Application component to enter and maintain data for full-time students.

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

• Enter student personal information.

• Override institutional CNAS options.

1634 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

• Enter student family status and residency information.

• Enter student study period information.

• Enter student financial data.

• Enter parent data.

• Enter spouse information.

• Enter signature and next of kin information.

Common Elements Used in This Section

Student Extensions Click to access the Student Extensions Page where you can
override the institutional CNAS setup options for the student.

CNAS Calc (Canadian Need Analysis Click to calculate an unofficial federal and institutional family
System calculation) contribution and award amounts using CNAS. RFC invokes a
COBOL function to perform the CNAS calculation.

Pages Used to Maintain Full-Time Student Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Student Personal Info INST_STDNT_CSL_A Financial Aid > Canadian Enter and view demographic
Application Data > Create/ and school data for a
Update FT Application > student's full-time Canadian
Student Personal Info application.

Student Extensions STDNT_CNAS_EXT_SBP Click the Student Extensions Override institutional level
button on the Student Personal options.
Info page.

Student Current Stat/ INST_STDNT_CSL_BC Financial Aid > Canadian Enter or view a student's
Residency Application Data > Create/ family and residency
Update FT Application > information.
Student Current Stat/

Student Study Pd Info INST_STDNT_CSL_D Financial Aid > Canadian Enter or view data regarding
(student study period Application Data > Create/ the academic program in
information) Update FT Application > which the student is enrolled
Student Study Pd Info for the study period.

Student Financial Data INST_STDNT_CSL_E Financial Aid > Canadian Enter or view a student's
Application Data > Create/ pre-study and study period
Update FT Application > financial data.
Student Financial Data

Parent Data INST_PARENT_CSL_J Financial Aid > Canadian Enter or view information
Application Data > Create/ about a parent's family status,
Update FT Application > income, and taxes.
Parent Data

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1635

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Spouse Info INST_STDNT_CSL_K Financial Aid > Canadian Enter or view spouse
Application Data > Create/ information.
Update FT Application >
Spouse Info

Signature / Next of Kin INST_STDNT_CSL_M Financial Aid > Canadian Enter or view family and
Application Data > Create/ signature information.
Update FT Application >
Signature/Next of Kin

Entering Student Personal Information

Access the Student Personal Info page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > Create/Update FT
Application > Student Personal Info).

Image: Student Personal Info page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Personal Info page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Date of Birth Displays the student's date of birth.

CNAS Application Date (Canadian Select the date that the CNAS application was filed.
Need Analysis System application date)

Preferred Language Displays the preferred language for the student.

Disabled Displays whether the student is disabled.

CSL Citizenship (Canada student loan Displays whether CSL citizenship is established.

Last High School Date Displays the date that the student last attended high school.

1636 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

Years Out of High School Displays the number of years the student has been out of high

Gender Displays the student's gender.

Prior Postsecondary Studies Select to indicate that the student has prior postsecondary

Prior Postsecondary Date Enter the date the student was last studying at the postsecondary

Prior Canadian Student Loan Select to indicate that the student received a Canadian student
loan in the past.

Defaulted Loan Select to indicate that the student defaulted on a Canadian

student loan.

Driver's License Number Displays the student's driver's license number.

Overriding Institutional CNAS Options

Access the Student Extensions page (click the Student Extensions button on the Student Personal Info

The values on this page override institutional level options.

Note: Although many options can be entered and calculated, there might be only one value used to update
federal need and family contribution (FC) values and only one value used to update institutional need and
FC values. The most recent option entered is used in the calculation.

CNAS Rule Set (Canadian Need Select the CNAS Rule Set to use for this student. Select OSL or
Analysis System rule set) CSL.

Status Select the effective status of the extension. Values include Active
and Inactive. Only active extensions are processed.

CSL-OSL (Canada student loan — Select the type of calculation to perform.

Ontario student loan)
O − OSL: Invokes OSAP special rules for parent tax table use
and parental contribution calculations.

C − CSL: Invokes Canadian rules for parent tax table use and
parental contribution calculations.

Enrollment Override Optionally select a value to override enrollment values for

federal or institutional need calculation. Values are: Full-Time or

Override Standard Category Optionally select a value to override standard category values
for federal or institutional need calculation. Values are:

Married: Indicates the student is married.

Sng Dep: Indicates the student is single and a dependent.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1637

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

Sng Ind: Indicates the student is single and independent.

Sole Supp: Indicates the student is the sole supporter of the


Prestudy Weeks Override Optionally enter a value to override prestudy weeks values for
federal or institutional need calculation.

Prestudy Housing Override Optionally select a value to override prestudy housing values for
federal or institutional need calculation. Values areO − Other or
P − Parents.

Car Allowance Override Enter a dollar amount to override car allowance values for
federal or institutional need calculation.

Asset Allowance Override Enter a dollar amount to override asset allowance values for
federal or institutional need calculation.

Spouse Disabled Select to indicate that the student's spouse is disabled and to
override the values for federal or institutional need calculation.

FM/IM Use (federal methodology/ Select one of the following:

institutional methodology use)
F − FM EFC: Use to calculate family contributions and to store
information in federal methodology fields in Financial Aid.

I − IM EFC: Use to calculate family contributions and to store

information in institutional methodology fields.

B − Both FM and IM: Use to store information in both FM and

IM fields.

Use Cost of Attendance Indicates whether F − fed year coa (federal year cost of
attendance) or I − inst year coa (institutional year cost of
attendance) is used in calculation of need.

Award Period Use Indicates whether A - Academic, B − Both, or N − Nonstandard

award periods are updated with calculation results.

Entering Student Family Status and Residency Information

Access the Student Current Stat/Residency page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > Create/
Update FT Application > Student Current Stat/Residency).

1638 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

Image: Student Current Stat/Residency page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Current Stat/Residency page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Marital Status Displays the student's marital status.

Marital Status Date If not single, select the date of the marriage.

Dependants Other Than Spouse Select if the student has dependents other than a spouse.

Orphan or Ward of the Court Select if the student is an orphan or a ward of the court.

In Workforce Select if the student is in the workforce.

Student's Residence Select the province in which the student lives.

Student's Residence Length Select the length of time student has lived in the province.
Values are:

1: less than 12 months.

2: at least 12 months.

Spouse's Residence Select the province in which the student's spouse lives.

Spouse's Residence Length Select the length of time the student's spouse has lived in the
selected province from the following options:

1: less than 12 months.

2: at least 12 months.

Parent Residence Select the province in which the student's parent lives.

Parent Residence Length Select the length of time the student's parent has lived in the
selected province from the following:

1: less than 12 months.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1639

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

2: at least 12 months.

Dependents 11 and Under Enter the number of dependents aged eleven or younger.

Dependents 12 to 18 Enter the number of dependents aged twelve to eighteen.

Dependents 19 and Older Enter the number of dependents aged nineteen or older.

Child Care Costs Enter a dollar amount if the student pays child care costs.

Entering Student Study Period Information

Access the Student Study Pd Info page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > Create/Update FT
Application > Student Study Pd Info).

Image: Student Study Pd Info page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Study Pd Info page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data in many of the fields on this page default from setup tables and from FA Term data. You can
overwrite the default data on this page.

Anticipated Academic Program Select an academic program in which the student plans to enroll.

Study Period Start Date and Study Enter the dates on which the study period begins and ends.
Period End Date

Course Load Percentage Enter the percentage of a full-time course load in which the
student is enrolled. For example, if the student is enrolled half-
time, enter 50.00.

Cooperative Education Program Select if the student is enrolled in a co-op program.

1640 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

Correspondence/Distance Educ Select if the student is enrolled in a correspondence or distance

(correspondence/distance education) education program.

Merit Scholarship Recipient Select if the student is receiving a merit scholarship.

Degree/Certificate Select the degree or certificate that the student is working

toward at the institution. Values are:

1: Diploma

2: Certificate

3: Bachelor's Degree

4: Master's Degree

5: Doctoral Degree

Year in Program Enter the year of the program in which the student is currently

Total Program Years Enter the total number of years that it takes to complete the

Study Period Housing Select a value to indicate whether a student is living with
parents (P − parents) or living elsewhere (O − Other).

Travel Home Cost Enter an amount allowed for a student to travel home from
school during the study period.

Fed Year Cost of Attendance (federal Enter the federal methodology amount for a yearly cost of
year cost of attendance) attendance.

Inst Year Cost of Attendance Enter the institutional methodology amount for a yearly cost of
(institutional year cost of attendance) attendance.

Number of Terms Enter the number of terms for use in the resource calculation for
Additional Cost Recovery, which is a deregulated program.

Tuition Component Enter tuition and fees data to be used by the Additional Cost
Recovery program.

FA Number of Weeks (financial aid Enter the number of weeks that are considered part of the study
number of weeks) period for financial aid purposes.

Regulated Program Indicate whether a program is regulated (R − Regulated

Program) or non-regulated (N – Non-Regulated Program) based
on criteria from the Ministry of Education and Training.

Entering Student Financial Data

Access the Student Financial Data page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > Create/Update FT
Application > Student Financial Data).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1641

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

Image: Student Financial Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Financial Data page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Income Enter the student's pre-study income amount.

Income Source Select from the following values:

1: Ontario Disability Pgm

2: Family Benefits

3: General Welfare

4: Other

Prestudy Housing Select from the following values:

O: Other

P: With Parents

Bankruptcy Select if the student has declared bankruptcy in the past.

Study Period
Gross Income Enter an amount for the student's gross income during the study

1642 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

Other Income Enter an amount for any other income the student receives
during the study period.

S/B/A Income (scholarship, bursary, Enter the gross income recorded on the student assistance
and award income) application for income from scholarships, bursaries and awards
the student is to receive during the study period.

Income Source Select a source of income received during the study period from
the following:

1: Employment Insurance

2: Loss of Earnings Benefits

3: Extended Care & Maint Alwnc (maintenance allowance)

4: Ontario Disability Support Pgm (program)

5: Ontario Works

6: Family Benefits

7: Natv Post-Sec Stu Sup Pgm (Native Post-secondary Student

Support Program)

8: Canada Pension Plan

9: Other

Vehicle Make 1 and Vehicle Make 2 Enter the makes of the cars that the student owns.

Vehicle Model 1 and Vehicle Model 2 Enter the models of the cars that the student owns.

Vehicle Year 1 and 2 Enter the years of the cars the student owns.

Vehicle Value 1 and Vehicle Year 2 Enter the values of the cars that the student owns.

Retirement Savings Value Enter the student's retirement savings amount.

Investment Value Enter the student's investment value amount.

Entering Parent Data

Access the Parent Data page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > Create/Update FT
Application > Parent Data).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1643

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

Image: Parent Data page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Parent Data page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Marital Status Select from: C − Common-law, D − Divorced, E − Separated,

H − Head of Household, M − Married, S − Single, U −
Unknown, and W − Widowed.

Dependents Enter the number of dependents that the parents have.

Number in College Enter the number of people in college in the parent's household.

Father's Information
Father's Social Insurance # Enter the father's social insurance number.

Father Has No ID Select this check box if the father has no social insurance

Father Actual Income and Expected Enter an amount for either the father's actual income or the
Father's Earnings father's expected earnings.

Father's Pension Enter an amount for the father's pension if he receives one.

Father's Empl Ins Premium (father's Enter an amount of employment insurance for the father.
employment insurance premium)

Father's Tax Paid Enter the amount of tax that the father paid.

Mother's Information
The fields in the Mother's Information group box are the same as those in the Father's Information group

Parent Income Source Select the parent's income source from the following:

1644 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

1: Ontario Disability Program

2: Family Benefits

3: General Welfare

4: Other

Entering Spouse Information

Access the Spouse Info page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > Create/Update FT
Application > Spouse Info).

Image: Spouse Info page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Spouse Info page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Spouse Select the student's spouse. The student's spouse is identified

by an ID number, a relationship number, and relationship name.
If the spouse is not among the options, enter the spouse's
information on the Relationships page.

Spouse's Occupation Select from the following values:

1: Full−time Student

2: Employed, full-time

3: Employed, part-time

4: Unemployed

5: Other

Transfer to Relationships Page Click this link to access the Relationships page to enter a
person's relationship to a student in your system.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1645

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

Living in Canada Select if the student's spouse lives in Canada.

Spouse Full-Time Course load Select if the student's spouse is taking a full-time course load in

Spouse 12 Week Program Select if the student's spouse is enrolled in a 12 week program.

Spouse Institution Enter the name of the spouse's institution if the student's spouse
is enrolled in a program.

Spouse Last High School Date Enter the date that the spouse last attended high school.

Spouse Gross Income Enter the amount of the spouse's gross income.

Spouse Income Source Select from the following values:

1: Ontario Disability Prgm

2: Family Benefits

3: General Welfare

4: Other

Related Links
"Understanding Biographical Information" (PeopleSoft Campus Solutions 9.2: Campus Community)

Entering Signature and Next of Kin Information

Access the Signature/Next of Kin page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > Create/Update FT
Application > Signature/Next of Kin).

1646 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

Image: Signature/Next of Kin page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Signature/Next of Kin page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Next of Kin Select the next of kin for the student. You may need to go the
Relationship page to add a person before you can select the

Release To 1 and Release To 2 Select the first and second person to whom your institution
releases information about the student. You may need to go
the Relationship page to add a person before you can select the

Relationships Click this link to access the Relationships page where you can
enter a person's relationship to a student in your system.

Signature Information
Signer Select a signer. Values are: Applicant, Father, Mother, and
Spouse. You can have multiple signature information by adding
additional rows.

Signature Type Select a signature type. Values are: Collect Income Tax Info,
Collect Personal Info, Part-time Appl Signature, and Release
Personal Info. You can have multiple signature types by adding
additional rows.

Date Signed Enter the date signed for each signature type.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1647

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

Maintaining Part-Time Student Data

Different Canadian financial aid applications are available for full-time and part-time students. Use the
Part-time Application component to enter and maintain data for part-time students. If you have full-time
application data in your system for a student, the system populates this data in the fields on the part-time

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

• Enter student and dependency information.

• Enter student and spousal financial information.

• Enter study period information.

Common Elements Used in This Section

Part-time Student Extension Click to access the Student Extensions page where you can
override the institutional CNAS options for the student.

Pages Used to Maintain Part-Time Student Data

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Status/Residency INST_PT_STDNT_A Financial Aid > Canadian Enter or view student and
Application Data > Create/ dependency information.
Update PT Application >
Status Residency

Student Extensions STD_CNAS_PT_EXT Click the Part-time Student Override institutional level
Extensions link on the Status/ options.
Residency page..

Financial Info INST_PT_STDNT_CD Financial Aid > Canadian Enter or view student and
Application Data > Create/ spousal financial information.
Update PT Application >
Financial Info

Study Period Info INST_PT_STDNT_EF Financial Aid > Canadian Enter or view study period
Application Data > Create/ information.
Update PT Application >
Study Period Info

Entering Student and Dependency Information

Access the Status/Residency page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > Create/Update PT
Application > Status Residency).

1648 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

Image: Status Residency page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Status Residency page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Date of Birth Displays the student's date of birth.

CNAS Application Date (Canadian Displays the date of the CNAS application.
Need Analysis System application date)

Gender Displays the student's gender.

Marital Status Displays the student's marital status.

CSL Citizenship (Canada student Indicates whether the student is a citizen.

loan citizenship)

Dependents 11 and Under Enter the number of dependents aged eleven or younger.

Dependents 12 to 18 Enter the number of dependents aged twelve to eighteen.

Dependents 19 and Older Enter the number of dependents aged nineteen or older.

Part-time Weekly Child Care Enter an amount if applicable.

Student's Residence Select the province in which the student lives.

Course Load Percentage Enter the course load percentage the student is taking.

Part-time Reason Select from the following values:

1: Single Parent.

2: Elderly Dependents.

3: Restricted Mature Student.

4: Disabled.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1649

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

5: Grade Improvement.

6: Excessive Debt.

7: Financial.

8: Course Not Available.

9: Program Almost Complete.

0: Other.

Fed Year Cost of Attendance Enter an amount for the federal year cost of attendance.
(federal year cost of attendance)

Inst Year Cost of Attendance Enter an amount for the institutional year cost of attendance.
(institutional year cost of attendance)

Prior SOG (prior special opportunity Select if the student has a prior special opportunity grant.

SAP for Previous SOG (student Select if the student has a student assistance program for
assistance program for previous special previous special opportunity grant.
opportunity grant)

Perform SOG Grant Calc (perform Select to perform a calculation for SOG eligibility.
special opportunity grant calculation)
Note: Eligibility for SOG is calculated only if you select the
Perform SOG Grant Calc check box.

Next of Kin Select a number for the next of kin. You may need to go into
the relationship page to add a person before you can select the
number for next of kin.

Relationships Click this link to access the Relationships page where you can
enter a person's relationship to a student in your system.

Entering Student and Spouse Financial Information

Access the Financial Info page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > Create/Update PT
Application > Financial Info).

1650 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

Image: Financial Info page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Financial Info page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Occupation Select from the following options: Empl FT (employed full-
time), Empl PT (employed part-time), FT Std (full-time student),
Other, and Unemp (unemployed).

Weekly Hours Enter the student's weekly hours worked.

Gross Income Enter the student's gross income.

Spouse ID Enter the spouse's unique identification.

Weekly Hours Enter the spouse's weekly hours worked.

Occupation Select from the following options: Empl FT (employed full-

time), Empl PT (employed part-time), FT Std (full-time student),
Other, and Unemp (unemployed).

Gross Income Enter the spouse's gross income.

Retirement Savings Value Enter the value of the student's retirement savings.

Investment Value Enter the value of the student's investments.

Prior Canadian Student Loan Select if the student has a prior Canadian student loan.

Prior Part-time Loan Select if the student has a prior part-time loan.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1651

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

Amount of Prior Part-time Loan Enter the student's prior part-time loan amount.

Defaulted Loan Select if the student has defaulted on a loan.

Part-time Aid Requested Enter the amount of part-time aid requested.

Student Signed Select if the student signed the application.

Spouse Signed Select if the student's spouse signed the application.

Entering Study Period Information

Access the Study Period Info page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > Create/Update PT
Application > Study Period Info).

Image: Study Period Info page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Study Period Info page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Study Period Start Date and Study Enter or view the dates on which the study period begins and
Period End Date ends.

Anticipated Academic Program Select an anticipated program for the student.

Tuition and Fees Component Enter a tuition and fee amount.

FA Number of Weeks (financial aid Enter the number of financial aid weeks.
number of weeks)

Degree/Certificate Select a degree or certificate for the student. Values are:

1: Diploma

2: Certificate

3: Bachelor's Degree

4: Master's Degree

1652 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

5: Doctoral Degree

Reviewing CNAS Calculation Results

This section discusses how to:

• View results of CNAS calculation 1.

• View results of CNAS calculation 2.

• View results of CNAS calculation 3.

Pages Used to Review CNAS Calculation Results

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

CNAS Results CNAS_RESULTS Financial Aid > Canadian View results of the
Application Data > View calculations performed. You
CNAS Results > CNAS can run multiple calculations
Results for a single student and view
them by effective date and
effective sequence.

CNAS Results 2 CNAS_RESULTS2 Financial Aid > Canadian View results of the
Application Data > View calculations performed.
CNAS Results > CNAS

CNAS Results 3 CNAS_RESULTS3 Financial Aid > Canadian View results of the
Application Data > View calculations performed.
CNAS Results > CNAS

Viewing Results of CNAS Calculation 1

Access the CNAS Results page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > View CNAS Results >
CNAS Results).

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1653

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

Image: CNAS Results page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CNAS Results page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

CNAS Rule Set (Canadian Need Displays the rule set of the CNAS calculation.
Analysis System rule set)

Student Category Indicates the student's dependency status.

Total Initial Budget Displays the student's budget.

CSL Amount (Canadian student loan Displays the CSL loan eligibility amount.

CSG Amount (Canadian study grant Displays the CSG eligibility amount.

Provincial Loan Amount Displays the provincial loan eligibility amount.

SOG Amount (special opportunity Displays the SOG eligibility amount.

grant amount)

Overaward Used Indicates whether overaward was used in the calculation.

Overaward Balance Displays the overaward balance amount.

CNAS Abort Flag (Canadian Need Displays the CNAS abort flag.
Analysis System abort flag)

Full/Part Time Indicates whether the student is full-time or part-time.

Budget Reduction/Cap Displays the budget reduction amount.

Use Cost of Attendance Displays the type of COA.

FM/IM Use (Federal methodology/ Displays whether the system used FM or IM in the calculation.
institutional methodology use)

1654 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

Award Period Use Displays the award period that the system used for the

Viewing Results of CNAS Calculation 2

Access the CNAS Results2 page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > View CNAS Results >
CNAS Results2).

Image: CNAS Results2 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CNAS Results2 page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Minimum Prestudy Contribution Displays the student's minimum prestudy contribution.

Actual Prestudy Contribution Displays the student's actual prestudy contribution from income.

Prestudy Contribution Used Displays the amount of prestudy contribution used from income.

Study Period Inc Contribution Displays the expected study period contribution from income.
(study period income contribution)

Asset Contribution Displays the contribution amount based on assets.

Final Student Contribution Displays the student's final contribution amount.

Father's Income Used Displays the father's income used for calculation.

Mother's Income Used Displays the mother's income used for calculation.

Parent's ADI (parent's annual Displays the parent's annual discretionary income.
discretionary income)

Total Parental Contribution Displays the total parent contribution.

Parent Contribution for Student Displays the parent contribution for the student.

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1655

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

Family Contribution Displays the total family contribution.

Financial Need Displays the financial need for the student.

Viewing Results of CNAS Calculation 3

Access the CNAS Results3 page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > View CNAS Results >
CNAS Results3).

Image: CNAS Results3 page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the CNAS Results3 page.

Viewing Audits
This section discusses how to:

• View changes made to applications.

• View changes made to extension data.

Pages Used to View Audits

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

Application Audit CSL_AUDIT Financial Aid > Canadian View a history of changes
Application Data > View made to entries for the student
Application Audit > application record.
Application Audit

Extension Audit EXT_AUDIT Financial Aid > Canadian View changes made to the
Application Data > View Student Extension record.
Extension Audit > Extension

1656 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 49 (CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis

Viewing Changes Made to Applications

Access the Application Audit page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > View Application
Audit > Application Audit).

Date and Time Stamp Displays the date and time changes were made to the

Field Name Displays the changed field name.

Old Value Displays the previous value before change.

New Value Displays the new value.

User ID Displays the unique identification of the person who made the

Record (Table) Name Displays the record/table name of the changed field.

Viewing Changes Made to Extension Data

Access the Extension Audit page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > View Extension
Audit > Extension Audit).

Date and Time Stamp Displays the date and time changes were made to the extension

Field Name Displays the changed field name.

Old Value Displays the previous value before the change.

New Value Displays the new value.

User ID Displays the unique identification of the person who made the

Record (Table) Name Displays the record/table name of the changed field.

Inserting an ISIR Row

This section discusses how to create ISIR records for mass packaging.

Related Links
Awarding Online

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1657

(CAN) Using Canadian Financial Aid Applications and Canadian Need Analysis Chapter 49

Page Used to Insert an ISIR Row

Page Name Definition Name Navigation Usage

ISIR Row Insert RUNCTL_CAN_APP Financial Aid > Canadian Create ISIR records for mass
Application Data > Insert packaging.
ISIR Rows > ISIR Row

Create ISIR Records for Mass Packaging

Access the ISIR Row Insert page (Financial Aid > Canadian Application Data > Insert ISIR Rows >
ISIR Row Insert).

Institution Enter the institution for which to run the process.

Aid Year Enter the aid year for which to run the process.

1658 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Appendix A

Financial Aid Reports

Financial Aid Reports: A to Z

This table lists the Financial Aid reports, sorted alphabetically by Report ID.

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


FA753 Print the complete content of Set Up SACR >Common EQTN_PRT_RUN_CNTL

a selected equation. Definitions >Equation
Equation Report Engine >Print Equations
Reporting Tool: Oracle BI

FA801 Reports to whom each Financial Aid > Fund RUNCTL_FA_RPT_801

financial aid item type was Management > FA801 Award
Award Data by Item Type awarded as well as whether Data by Item Type
the award has been disbursed
to the student.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA822 Used to review the award Financial RUNCTL_FA_RPT_822

package for each student Aid >Awards >Mass
Batch Packaging Detail awarded during a Mass Packaging >Mass Packaging
Packaging run. The students Detail Report
are organized by packaging

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA850 Provides a summary of Financial RUNCTL_FA_LN_RPT

Originated records which Aid >Loans >Direct Lending
Direct Loan Origination passed the Origination Reconciliatiin >Origination
Authorization Summary Validation and are ready Auth Report
to be sent to COD. This
report should be run after
running the Loan Origination
and Direct Loan Outbound
processes having origination
and Validate check box
checked on the run control

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1659

Financial Aid Reports Appendix A

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


FA853 Reports originated loans Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA853_RPT

accepted by the LOC. Loans > Direct Lending
DL Accepted Originations Reconciliation > Accepted
Reporting Tool: Oracle BI Originations Report

FA854A Reports loans placed on Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA854_RPT

hold. Loans are placed Loans > Direct Lending
DL Loans on Hold on hold by the system Reconciliation > Loans on
when rejected origination Hold Report
acknowledgement, origination
change acknowledgement,
and disbursement
acknowledgement files are
received. You can also place
loans on hold manually. Use
after every import function.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA855 Reports decision statuses Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA855_RPT

for PLUS loans, allowing Loans > Direct Lending
DL PLUS Credit Decision you to advise the parent Reconciliation > PLUS
whether they qualify, need a Credit Decision
cosigner, etc. Use after you
receive the PLUS origination
acknowledgement file.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA856A Reports origination Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA856_RPT

and origination change Loans > Direct Lending
DL Rejected Originations acknowledgements rejected Reconciliation > Rejected
by the LOC. This report Originations Report
assists you in identifying the
reject reason(s). Use after the
origination acknowledgement
file is imported.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA857 Reports originations Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA857_RPT

submitted to the LOC. The Loans > Direct Lending
DL Transmitted Originations report is a cumulative list Reconciliation > Origination
of originations. This allows Export Report
you to track transmitted
origination files and identify
transmitted origination files
that may have outstanding

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


1660 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Appendix A Financial Aid Reports

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


FA858 Reports transmitted changes Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA858_RPT

made to previously originated Loans > Direct Lending
DL Pending Origination loans. Use after sending out Reconciliation > Origination
Changes Origination Change files. Changes Report

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA860A Reports validation rejects. Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA860_RPT

This report is designed Loans > Direct Lending
DL Validation Errors to assist you in resolving Reconciliation > Validation
potential errors prior to Errors Report
outbounding Origination
records. Use after you run the
validation process.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA866 Reports disbursements Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA866_RPT

rejected by the LOC. Loans > Direct Lending
DL Disbursement Errors The report assists you in Reconciliation >
resolving errors reported Disbursement Errors Report
on the Disbursement
Acknowledgement file.
Use after the disbursement
acknowledgement has been

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA867 Reports disbursement status Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA867_RPT

and booked status for loans. Loans > Direct Lending
DL Disbursement Status Use weekly. Reconciliation >
Disbursement Status Report
Reporting Tool: Oracle BI

FA868 Reports Disbursement Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA868_RPT

Booked and Unbooked Loans > Direct Lending
DL Disbursement Booking status. Designed for use with Reconciliation >
Stat Reconciliation Processing. Disbursement Booking Report
Use weekly.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA870 Reports Federal Pell Grant Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_PG_ESOA
Fund allocations. Payment > Cash
Print Pell Grant ESOA Management Reports > Print
Reporting Tool: Oracle BI Grant ESOA

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1661

Financial Aid Reports Appendix A

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


FA871 Reports students who are in Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_PGOYTD_AL
an origination year-to-date file Payment > Year To Date
YTD Originations sent by COD. Reports > YTD Originations

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA873 Reports students who have Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_PGDYTD_AL
been disbursed as of the year Payment > Year To
YTD Disbursements to date. Date Reports > YTD
Reporting Tool: Oracle BI

FA875 Reports POP (potential Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_FA_875_RPT

overaward payment) and Payment > Multiple
Pell MRR Report by Batch Blocked Institution situation Reporting > MRR by Batch
by specific batches. Use after
the MRR inbound file is

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA875A Reports POP (potential Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_PG_MRR

overaward payment) and Payment > Multiple
Pell MRR Report Blocked Institution situation. Reporting > MRR Report
Use after the MRR inbound
file is imported.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA875B Reports POP (potential Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_FA875B_RP

overaward payment) and Payment > Multiple
Pell MRR Report by MRR Blocked Institution situation Reporting > MRR by Status
Status by specific Status codes. Use
after the MRR inbound file is

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA876 Reports students’ originations Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_PG_OACTN

by action code. Payment > Origination
Pell Originations by Action Reports > Originations by
Code Reporting Tool: Oracle BI Action Code

FA877 Reports students’ Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_PG_DACTN

disbursements by action code. Payment > Disbursement
Pell Disbursements by Action Reports > Disbursements by
Code Reporting Tool: Oracle BI Action Code

1662 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Appendix A Financial Aid Reports

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


FA878 Reports from your Pell Grant Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_FA878_RPT
population what has been Payment > Origination
Pell Origination Records originated and whether the Reports > Origination Import
records have been imported or and Export
exported from the application

Use after you have run the

origination process and after
origination records have been
exported, or after origination
acknowledgement files have
been imported.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA879 Reports originations and Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_FA879_RPT

current origination status. Payment > Origination
Pell Origination by Orig Stat Displays status of all Reports > Origination Status
origination records. You can
run the report for one of seven
different statuses: Accepted,
Corrected, Originated,
Rejected, Transmitted,
Changed to Origination, and

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA882 Reports students in different Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_FA882_RPT

transaction statuses. You can Payment > Origination
Pell Records by Trans Stat run the report by using one of Reports > Transaction Status
five different statuses: Cancel,
On Hold, Ready, Review, and

Depending on the status,

the report can be run after
origination or disbursement
inbound records have been

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA883 Reports which student records Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_FA883_RPT
have either had disbursement Payment > Disbursement
Pell Disbursement Records requests made or actual Reports > Disbursement
disbursements acknowledged. Records
Reports consist of all
disbursement status types.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1663

Financial Aid Reports Appendix A

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


FA884 Reports the status of Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_FA884_RPT

disbursement records that Payment > Disbursement
Disbursements by Dsb Stat have been imported or Reports > Disbursements by
exported. You can run the Status
report for one of seven
different statuses.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA888 Reports all students who have Financial Aid > Pell RUN_CNTL_FA888_RPT
Pell awards (on the Awards Payment > Origination
Pell Awds w/o Orig pages) who do NOT have Pell Reports > Records With No
Origination records. Origination

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA901 Reports FFELP and Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA901_RPT

Alternative loans placed Loans > Commonline
CommonLine Loans on Hold on hold. Holds can be Reconciliation > Loans on
placed automatically by Hold Report
the CommonLine Loan In,
CommonLine Loan Out
and manually through the
CommonLine Loan Orig
Trans page.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA902 Reports originated loans Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA902_RPT

that have failed the loan Loans > Commonline
CommonLine Validation validation process. The report Reconciliation > Validation
Errors selects records that have failed Error Report
validation and those that
failed when run in simulation
mode. Use post validation.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


1664 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Appendix A Financial Aid Reports

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


FA903 Reports all CommonLine Financial Aid >File RUN_CNTL_FA903_RPT

4 application response Management > CommonLine
CommonLine 4 Application records that erred when the Loans > CL4 Load Error
Response Load Errors CommonLine Loan In process Report
was run. The report displays
information necessary to clear
the error conditions so that
the record loads. Use after
loading Application Response

Setting the Load Status to

Processed removes records
from the report.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA904 Reports all School Financial RUN_CNTL_FA904_RPT

Certification requests Aid >Loans >Commonline
CommonLine 4 School delivered on a CommonLine Reconciliation >CL4
Certification Requests 4 Application Response Certification Request Rpt
file. The report provides
the information necessary
to process the loan request.
You must enter enough
information about the
borrower and loan so that
the loan can be originated by
the loan system. Use after
running FA903 and detecting
school certification request
load errors.

Setting the Load Status to

Processed removes records
from the report.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA906 Reports selected financial aid Financial RUN_CNTL_FA906_RPT

item types where the awarded Aid >Disbursement >Recon-
Award vs. Disbursement accept amount does not match ciliation Report
Reconciliation the disbursed amount. Run

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1665

Financial Aid Reports Appendix A

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


FA907 Reports EFT disbursements Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA907_RPT

where the EFT amount has Loans > CommonLine
CommonLine 4 EFT not yet been disbursed. Sorted Reconciliation > CL4 EFT
Reconciliation by EFT batch receipt date. Discrepancy Report

Run daily to insure that

loan funds are disbursed
and returned in compliance
with federal regulations.
Used in conjunction with the
CommonLine Disbursement
Maintenance page.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA913 Reports student disbursement Financial RUN_CNTL_FA913_RPT

records that have failed the Aid >Disbursement >Au-
Authorization Failure Report authorization process. thorization Failure Report

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA920 Reports total offered, Financial Aid > Fund RUN_CNTL_FA920_RPT

accepted, authorized, and Management > Fund Roster
Fund Roster disbursed amounts for the
financial aid item types you
specify. A list of students
and their offered, accepted,
authorized, and disbursed
amounts is provided for each
financial aid item type.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA921 Reports NSLDS Transfer Financial Aid > File RUNCTL_FA921

Alert file records that were Management > NSLDS >
NSLDS FAT Load Errors unable to load into the NSLDS FAT Load Error
database. Users must resolve Report
the error and rerun the
NSLDS Load process to
resolve the error.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA922 Reports students who have Financial Aid > Awards > RUN_CNTL_FA922_RPT
been overawarded. Displays Generate Overaward Report
Overaward Report the amount of the overaward
and information about the
student's COA, EFC, need,
and total over awarded

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


1666 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Appendix A Financial Aid Reports

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


FA927 Reports all ISIRs that Financial Aid > File RUNCTL_FA927
suspended or are set to error Management > ISIR
ISIR Suspense Detail by the ISIR Load program. Import > ISIR Suspense
Data on the report derives Detail Report
from the ISIR Suspense
Management page. Run after
the FAPSAR00 process is run.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA9071 Reports EFT disbursements Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA907_RPT

where the EFT amount Loans > CommonLine
CL4 EFT Received/Paid received does not equal the Reconciliation > CL4 EFT
Amount Discrepancy amount paid. Discrepancy Report

Run daily to insure that

loan funds are disbursed
and returned in compliance
with federal regulations.
Used in conjunction with the
CommonLine Disbursement
Maintenance page.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FA9072 Reports EFT disbursements Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FA907_RPT

where the EFT amount Loans > CommonLine
CL4 EFT Undisbursed EFT received is > 0 and the paid Reconciliation > CL4 EFT
amount = 0. Discrepancy Report

Run daily to insure that

loan funds are disbursed
and returned in compliance
with federal regulations.
Used in conjunction with the
CommonLine Disbursement
Maintenance page.

Reporting Tool: Oracle BI


FADLBOOK Reports all loans for a Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_FADLBOOK

specified booking status, aid Loans > Direct Lending
DL Originations Booking year, and institution. Use after Reconciliation > Booking
Status you inbound the disbursement Status Report
file or whenever necessary.

Reporting Tool: SQR

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1667

Financial Aid Reports Appendix A

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


FADLEXCP Reports mismatched statuses Financial Aid > RUNCTL_FA_EXCEP_LN

between origination, Loans > Direct Lending
DL Disbursement Exceptions disbursements, and the Reconciliation > Report
DLSAS booking status. Use Disbursement Exception
after the DLSAS file has been Summary
imported and processed.

Reporting Tool: SQR

FADLRECN Reports differences between Financial Aid >Loans >DL RUNCTL_DL_RECON

an imported DLSAS file and School Account
DL Reconciliation Report system data. Summary >Generate
Reconciliation Report
Reporting Tool: SQR

FADLSAS Reports the Cash Summary Financial Aid > Loans > DL RUNCTL_DLSAS
Section, the Cash Detail School Account Summary >
DL School Account Statement Section, and the Loan Detail Generate DLSAS Report
Section of the DLSAS file
received from the LOC. Use
after the DLSAS file has been
imported to the EDI Manager
staging tables.

Reporting Tool: SQR

FAISRJAS Reports students who have Financial Aid > File RUNCNTL_FAISRJAS
assumptions and/or rejects Management > ISIR
ISIR assumption/reject that have no respective Import > CPS Reject/
override overrides made to them or Assumption Report
who have overrides made but
no assumptions or rejects.
Use this list to identify
which students need to have
assumption overrides applied
manually. This report is not
aid-year specific.

Reporting Tool: SQR

FAMANFS2 Generates a PLUS loan Financial Aid > RUNCTL_MANIFEST2

manifest. Use after PLUS Loans > Direct Lending
DL Print Manifest Report Plus notes have been signed and Management > Print
received. Manifest Report Plus

Reporting Tool: SQR

FAMANFS3 Generates a Stafford loan Financial Aid > RUNCTL_MANIFEST3

manifest. Use after MPNs Loans > Direct Lending
DL Print Manifest Report Staf have been signed and Management > Print
received. Manifest Report Stafford

Reporting Tool: SQR

1668 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Appendix A Financial Aid Reports

Report ID and Report Description Navigation Run Control Page


FAORIGRJ Reports the origination Financial Aid > RUN_CNTL_DL_RPT

change files the COD Loans > Direct Lending
DL Rejected Origination rejected. Run before you Management > Rejected
Changes inbound the Origination Origination Changes
Change Acknowledgement

Reporting Tool: SQR

FAPELLDV Reports students who have Financial Aid >Pell SFA_PELL_OBERR_RPT

Pell Disbursement validation Payment >PELL Validation
PELL Disbursement errors. Reports >PELL Disbt
Validation Report Validation report
Reporting Tool: Oracle BI

FAPELLOV Reports students who have Financial Aid >Pell SFA_PELL_OBERR_RPT

Pell Origination validation Payment >PELL Validation
PELL Origination Validation errors. Reports >PELL Orig
Report Validation report
Reporting Tool: Oracle BI

FATIVRTN Reports worksheet Financial Aid > Return of RUN_CNTL_FATIVRTN

calculations, return of funds Title IV Funds > Return of
Return of TIV Funds Report by school and student, TIV Aid Report
institutional charges, number
of days since the withdrawal
date, and career totals.

Reporting Tool: SQR

Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 1669

Financial Aid Reports Appendix A

1670 Copyright © 1988, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

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