German Atv Rules and Standards: Atv Standard ATV-A 106E

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The document outlines standards and guidelines for designing and constructing wastewater treatment facilities in Germany.

The document provides standards and guidelines for planning, designing, constructing, and operating wastewater treatment plants.

The document was produced by the ATV Specialist Committee 'Design and Construction of Sewage Treatment Plants' and Working Group 2.11.1 'Hydraulic Calculation of Sewage Treatment Plants'.



W A S T E W A T E R -

ATV-A 106E

Design and Construction Planning of

Wastewater Treatment Facilities

October 1995
ISBN 3-934984-02-9

Gesellschaft zur Förderung der
Abwassertechnik e.V. (GFA)
Theodor-Heuß-Allee 17
D-53773 Hennef
Postfach 11 65 . D-53758 Hennef
This ATV Standard has been produced by the ATV Specialist Committee "Design and
Construction of Sewage Treatment Plants" and Working Group 2.11.1 "Hydraulic
Calculation of Sewage Treatment Plants". The following members belong to both bodies:

Dipl.-Ing. Abendt, Nürnberg (since October 1990)

Bauassessor Dr.-Ing. Dahlem, Essen
Dipl.-Ing. Dönges, Essen (to end 1986)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dohmann, Aachen (Chairman of WG 2.11.1)
Bauoberrat Ehm, Darmstadt (to beginning 1987)
Dipl.-Ing. Klauwer, Essen (since April 1994)
Bauassessor Koenig, Essen (since September 1987)
Dipl.-Ing. Kost, Duisburg (to end 1994)
Dr.-Ing. Laubenberger, München (Chairman of Specialist Committee 2.11)
Dr.-Ing. Leistner, Frankfurt (to end 1987)
Dipl.-Ing. Lux, Essen (to March 1993)
Dr.-Ing. Reinhardt, Hannover (since October 1989)
Dipl.-Ing. E. Schreiber, Langenhagen
Dipl.-Ing. Sitzmann, Darmstadt (since November 1986)
Dipl.-Ing. Wienhusen, Essen (to March 1993)
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Zäschke, Darmstadt
Ministerialrat Dr.-Ing. Zillich, Hannover

All rights, in particular those of translation into other languages, are reserved. No part of this Standard may be
reproduced in any form by photocopy, microfilm or any other process or transferred or translated into a language
usable in machines, in particular data processing machines, without the written approval of the publisher.

 Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Abwassertechnik e.V. (GFA), Hennef 1995

Original German edition produced by: JF•CARTHAUS GmbH & Co, Bonn
ATV-A 106E
Contents Page

Notes for users 4

Foreword 4

1 Design 5
1.1 Preliminary findings 6
1.1.1 (German) Federal and Federal State Regulations 6
1.1.2 Other regulations and specifications 7
1.1.3 Preliminary studies and investigations 8
1.1.4 Synopsis of fundamentals 9
1.2 Initial planning 10
1.2.1 Determination of basic values 10
1.2.2 Planning variants 11
1.2.3 Proposals for solution 12
1.3 Approval draft (design and approval planning) 12
1.3.1 Explanatory report 13
1.3.2 Calculations 14
1.3.3 Planning documents 16
1.3.4 Submission of the draft design 17
1.3.5 Information on additional approvals 17
1.4 Implementation planning 18

2 Construction planning 18
2.1 Construction preparation/overall construction control/project management 18
2.2 Local construction supervision 20
2.3 Test runs and examination of technical equipment 20
2.4 Commissioning 20
2.5 Final acceptance 20

3 Additional information on important individual tasks 21

3.1 Statics, design, implementation of construction 21
3.2 Mechanical engineering 23
3.3 Energy concept and electrical engineering 24
3.4 Measurement, control and regulation technology 26
3.5 approval Heating and ventilation engineering 26
3.6 Immission protection 27

Logic diagram 28

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Notes for Users
This ATV Standard is the result of honorary, technical-scientific/economic collaboration
which has been achieved in accordance with the principles applicable (statutes, rules of
procedure of the ATV and ATV Standard ATV-A 400). For this, according to precedents,
there exists an actual presumption that it is textually and technically correct and also
generally recognised.

The application of this Standard is open to everyone. However, an obligation for

application can arise from legal or administrative regulations, a contract or other legal

This Standard is an important, however, not the sole source of information for correct
solutions. With its application no one avoids responsibility for his own action or for the
correct application in specific cases; this applies in particular for the correct handling of
the margins described in the Standard.

Water pollution control presents all those concerned with comprehensive tasks which are
only to be solved through interdisciplinary organisation. ATV, the German Association for
the Water Environment, has tasked its Specialist Committee 2.11 "Design and
Construction of Sewage Treatment Plants", to make the complex procedures of modern
planning clearer and more easy to grasp by means of an ATV Standard. The
recommendations produced by the committee apply basically for all wastewater
treatment facilities. With the design and construction of systems for the treatment of
industrial wastewater special aspects have, if necessary, to be taken into account.

The Standard is to provide a framework for the necessary considerations and

engineering tasks with the design and construction of sewage treatment plants; this
applies analogously for other wastewater treatment facilities. The necessary activities
equally concern planners, construction sponsors and approving authorities. The
necessity for the correct planning of wastewater treatment facilities arises from statutory
specifications, and places on each form of wastewater disposal organisation a
responsibility which is not to be circumvented. Only qualified and experienced specialists
should be tasked with the production of planning documents.

The result of the work of the specialist committee is the presentation of the complete
planning, financing, approval and implementation activities as well as the time sequence
and interdependence of all important individual activities.

The Standard is divided into four main sections:

Construction planning
Additional information on important individual tasks
Logic diagram.

This Standard is not to be seen as a performance specification for the contractual

processing of the planning and construction management tasks of planning and
supervisory engineers and therefore deliberately follows neither a systematic form nor
the terms for the performance descriptions of the German Regulations for Professional

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Fees for Architects and Engineers (HOAI), which applies for all fields of engineering. This
HOAI is important for the engineering services with the planning and construction of
wastewater treatment facilities insofar as it regulates the services to be provided and
their remuneration.

The performance of planning and construction management engineers are differentiated

according to the HOAI into so-called "Basic services" and into "Special services", which
are necessary for a successful project. Many of the engineering services described in
this Standard are not included in the "Basic services" of the HOAI; they are "Special
services" within the meaning of § 2 HOAI and supplement and expand the performance
contents of the basic services. The consideration of whether they are necessary or not
must be carried out in the individual case. Furthermore, the HOAI system in "Object
planning" and "Specialist planning", whereby, for example, the special contributions of
the specialist planner for operational and process engineering, the technical fitting out of
buildings and engineering structures, the supporting framework planning, the landscape
planning etc. are to be seen as specialist planning contributions. Even this differentiation
into object planning and specialist planning is not adopted in the Standard, particularly as
the HOAI and its contents are subject to continuous up-dating.

With this Standard there is deliberately no elaboration of the specialist fulfilment of the
HOAI, rather the difficult and extensive dependencies and activities of the various
participants in the planning and construction of a wastewater system are presented in an
interdisciplinary way. The user of the HOAI is not relieved of working out, case by case,
the services and the performance limitations for the planning and construction engineer
from the HOAI, their official justification and the numerous available commentaries on the
HOAI. This Standard can and will not be, from the aspect of contents, the determination
of services in accordance with the HOAI, rather it is designed to ensure the quality of
planning and construction supervision with the building of wastewater treatment facilities,
independent of a framework of professional fees.

The contents of the various (German) Federal State directives on design and
construction planning remain unaffected.

With the publication of this Standard, ATV Standard ATV-A 106 from 1962 "Advisory
Leaflet for the Planning of a Sewage Works" (New edition in 1971 with unchanged text)
is replaced.

1 Design

Preliminary studies, investigations, initial planning and approval planning are to be

agreed between planner, construction sponsor and the approval authorities. The
respective subsequent processing stage should, as far as possible, only begin after
successful agreement.

The design of wastewater treatment facilities must take account of the effects of
construction and operation on other areas of the environment. The assessment must
include comprehensively the environmental effects, in particular with regard to residence
and recreation as well as to flora and fauna. In the interest of transparency of the
decision process, it is recommended that the assessment is carried out in an
independent environmental compatibility study with cost comparison in parallel to and in

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ATV-A 106E
close association with the technical planning. If, for reasons of statutory specifications,
an environmental compatibility examination is to be carried out, the authorities
responsible for this should be engaged at an early date. It is to be established in what
manner and in which scope the statutory requirements have to be taken into account.

The planning documents are to be produced taking into account the generally accepted
rules of technology and, in special cases (e.g. industrial wastewater), according to the
status of technology. Generally accepted rules of technology are, for example,
DIN/Euronorms, technical rules and standards (ATV, DVGW), safety regulations,
construction regulations etc.

1.1 Preliminary Findings

1.1.1 (German) Federal and Federal State Regulations

Regulations under water law and charges law of the Federal Republic and of the Federal
States, in the respective valid version, are binding for design and construction planning.
Federal Republic legal requirements apply in particular to:
− Water Resources Management Law (WHG)
− Water Charges Law (AbwAG)
− Waste Law (AbfG)
− Federal Immission Protection Law (BimschG)
− Law on the Environmental Compatibility Examination (UVPG)
− Federal Conservation Law (BnatSchG)
− Federal Waterways Law (WaStrG)
The Federal States, through their own laws, fill in the laiddown framework and, in
addition regulate such areas, which lie outside Federal competence.

Water Law also applies, inter alia to wastewater disposal. Thus the requirements on the
construction and operation of wastewater facilities are formulated and prerequisites for
the discharge of wastewater given. The Federal States and, in individual cases, offices
determined by them, are authorised by the Water Law to carry out overlapping water
management and wastewater technical planning. As far as appropriate plans are
produced, the constraints for the design and construction planning of wastewater
treatment facilities are derived from these. Thus it is to be ensured that human beings
and the environment are not unlawfully interfered with by the construction and operation
of the wastewater treatment facilities. In particular, the following are to be observed:
− general water resources plans - § 36 WHG
− control plans - § 36 b WHG
− wastewater disposal plans - § 18 a WHG
− minimum requirements - § 7 a WHG
− pollution abatement orders - § 27 WHG
− Wastewater Sources Ordinance - AbwHerkV
− Indirect Discharger Ordinance - IndVo
− Federal State Water Laws - LWG
− Federal State Waste Laws - LAG
− Technical Directive Municipal Waste (TA Siedlungsabfall)

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− Technical Directive Special Waste (TA Sonderabfall)
− Sewage Sludge Ordinance - AbfKlärV
− Technical Directive Air (TA Luft)
− Technical Directive Noise (TA Lärm)

1.1.2 Other Regulations and Specifications

Regional and area development plans of the (German Federal States)

The production of these "regional plans" falls to the regional planning bodies. The plans
contain the aims of regional and federal state planning for the long-term overall
development of the planning region and a firm representation of the aspired
development. In the plans, inter alia, the current conditions, the planning and the
intended measures in the areas of water, agriculture and forestry, traffic routes,
residential and municipal matters etc. are shown.

Construction management planning

In accordance with the Construction Code (BauGB in the respective valid edition) the
municipalities are responsible for the construction management planning (land
development plan and building plan). The municipalities have to produce these plans
matched to the aims of the regional and federal state planning, as soon as and as far as
the are necessary for the urban development. In particular the concerns of environmental
protection are also to be taken into account here (UVPG).

Municipal regulations

The municipal wastewater bylaws are to be observed, inter alia, with regard to the
permitted limiting values for the discharge of wastewater into the public sewer system.

Assets and development

Determinations are to be made on:

− existing drainage and wastewater treatment facilities as well as possibly existing
− status and development of the population, commerce, industry and agriculture.

Discharge possibilities

Given data on water regime and water levels of the receiving waters as well as their
loading capacity and usage are to be adopted. Regulations under water law and others,
anticipated constraints on the discharge of wastewater in to the receiving water as well
as immission protection requirements must be investigated.

1.1.3 Preliminary Studies and Investigations

Sewer network

Wastewater treatment facilities and sewer systems form a wastewater engineering unit.
Planning alternatives must take account of this.

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Individual/group sewage treatment plants

For these decisions are made, inter alia, from the following aspects:
− legally binding specifications from wastewater disposal plans (concepts)
− assessment of the indirect discharger cadastre (register)
− effects on lakes and rivers
− interference with nature and the countryside
− dimensions and population density of the catchment area
− dimensions and operational safety of the treatment plants
− arrangement of stormwater overflows and stormwater overflow tanks
− control
− operational advantages and disadvantages
− overall economic advantages and disadvantages
− treatment of residues
− treatment requirements.

Questions of location
Local and regional prerequisites must be taken into account with the agreement on the
location, in particular separation from buildings, wind conditions, type of buildings,
possible contaminated sites, possibilities for the supply of electricity, if required also of
gas and water, site development, traffic facilities, feed and discharge of wastewater,
safety against flooding and water protection areas. Should the occasion arise, a subsoil
reconnaissance is necessary so that, with the production of the initial draft, there is
already first information on possible foundations.
With the siting of a wastewater treatment facility in the countryside the criteria of
conservation and of care of the landscape are of great significance. In § 8, Para 2 of the
German Federal Conservation Law - BNatSchG - of 12.03.87, it is stated that persons
who occasion an impairment are to be obliged to make good avoidable as well as
unavoidable impairments within a certain period of time, through measures of
conservancy and care of the landscape, so far as this is necessary to achieve the aims
of conservancy and care of the landscape. Use of the countryside is to be minimised.
As a whole, the environmental compatibility of the project at the planned location,
including variants, is to be investigated already in this early stage.

Disposal of residual matter

The correct disposal (utilisation) of all residual matter resulting from the treatment of
wastewater such as, for example, screenings and grit chamber products, sewage sludge,
if necessary outside sludge which has to be treated jointly etc., demands particular
attention. Here, local and regional possibilities frequently influence the selection of the
process and the location for the treatment and disposal of residual matter.
Expansion measures
Expansion measures as a rule involve massive interference with the existing substance
of buildings and with the operation of a sewage treatment plant. The water management
significant rebuilding phases are to be shown in the plans for rebuilding and
commissioning. These construction phase plans should contain a schematic

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representation of existing or already provided plant components and diversions and/or
connection pipelines with details of the direction of flow.
Appropriate operating phase plans are necessary to ensure the treatment performance
of the sewage treatment plant during the rebuilding period. In addition details on the
maintenance of the sewage treatment plant operation with the construction dependent
limitations are to be given. Fundamentally the rebuilding phases are to be so planned
that no degradation of effluent quality occurs.
Feed and properties of the wastewater and sludge
The feed of wastewater, infiltration water and stormwater as well as their timely
distribution (also seasonal operation) are, as far as possible, to be determined by
measurements. Properties are to be determined through wastewater examinations
(assessment in accordance with ATV Standard ATV-A 131). If this is not possible the
values laid down in ATV Standard ATV-A 131 apply for domestic wastewater.
The investigation programme is to be supplemented by surveys of the volumetric flow
and properties of the industrial and commercial wastewater discharges. Loadings from
internal processes (e.g. sludge treatment, filter flushing) influence the treatment
procedure; these factors have a significant influence with later system dimensioning.
Delivered sludge is to be recorded by quantity and properties.
Competent specialist offices are to be tasked with the implementation of wastewater and
sludge investigations.

1.1.4 Synopsis of Fundamentals

For practical purposes this is in tabular form and subdivided according to capacity status
and, as a rule contains the results of Points 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.1.3, in particular:
− numbers of inhabitants and population equivalents
− dry weather feeds (domestic wastewater, commercial and industrial wastewater,
infiltration water
− pollutant loads
− specific daily amount of wastewater per inhabitant
− process water (inter alia internal circuits)
− feed characteristics (hourly average)
− stormwater inflow
− delivered sludge
− details on properties (e.g. pH value, acid capacity, settleable, dissolved and
undissolved substances, chemical and biochemical oxygen depletion, nitrogen
components, total phosphorus).
In individual cases it is to be examined whether further parameters have to be
With the planning criteria requiring particular attention are to be emphasised briefly and
concisely. The fundamentals must be agreed with the construction sponsor and the other
responsible offices.

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1.2 Initial Planning
1.2.1 Determination of Basic Values

Assessment of the preliminary findings

Wastewater and sludge treatment processes as well as the position and height of the
sewage treatment works must be determined taking into account the results from Point
1.1. "Preliminary Findings", in particular the required effluent values, joint stormwater
treatment, operational reliability, local conditions of the selected location (subsoil,
flooding conditions, groundwater etc.) and the effects on the environment.

The subsoil conditions can have an important effect on the arrangement of the individual
structures and thus also on the overall design in the ground plan. The design of individual
structures is also dependent on this.

Possible treatment processes

The selection of the wastewater treatment process is decided by the properties and
quantity of the wastewater, by the required degree of treatment and by the local
conditions. Biological treatment is the normal case.

The joint treatment of industrial and commercial wastewater, which is particularly heavily
polluted or which contains harmful or toxic substances, as a rule, requires pre-treatment
at source or the employment of special processes. With hazardous substances
avoidance and treatment measures in accordance with the status of technology are to be
applied. § 7 of the Water Resources Management Law (WHG) in the valid version and
the thereto relevant promulgated administrative regulations are to be observed.

Reliable details on wastewater treatment possibilities and achievable treatment

performances are, if required, to be obtained from trials plants: this concerns essentially
industrial wastewater plants and municipal plants, with which the requirements go
beyond the generally recognised rules of technology apply.

Sludge treatment

The selection of the process for sludge treatment is, in the same way, determined by the
properties of the sludge and possibilities for the final accommodation of the residual
matter. The required availability and process stability influence the choice of process.

Disposal of residual matter

The disposal or utilisation of the residual matter is to conform with the regional waste
disposal concept.

Operating safety

With planning, precautions are to be taken for the case of operating faults.


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All planning must take into account expansion (connection value and increase in quality)
in its concept. Nitrification, denitrification, filtration as well as biological and chemical
processes for the elimination of phosphorus require, to a particular degree, special

1.2.2 Planning Variants

A technically, economically and ecologically secure planning conception cannot, as a

rule, be achieved without solution variants. Schemes for processes ease comprehension.

An important aspect with wastewater engineering planning is the avoidance of noise and
odour emissions. In depth investigations, depending on the type and separation of the
development are necessary. Above all, in critical cases, noise and odour specialist
reports are to be produced.


The dimensions of the sewage treatment works structures (If required initial statics) are
to be determined with the aid of the essential dimensioning parameters such as flow
rates, surface feeding, sludge and volume loading etc. A hydraulic estimate generally
determines the flow conditions.

General plan

The arrangement of the wastewater treatment facilities in the landscape is based on the
general plan.

Layout plans

Various arrangement possibilities for the individual system components are to be

presented in the layout plans:
− topography of the terrain
− particular local factors such as separation and type of development.
− position of the receiving water, roads and other traffic routes
− position of inter-regional supply lines
− necessary flow paths
− operational accessibility
− internal operational development possibilities.

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Height layout
The height layout is as equally influenced by the height of the inflow sewer, the water
levels of the receiving water, the head losses within the system and the terrain heights as
by the site conditions and the level of the groundwater. The height arrangement of the
wastewater treatment facility influences investment and also the operating costs (e.g.
pump costs).
Plant and operating costs
Estimates on investments are to be carried out based on processed dimensioning data
and planning documents. In addition, operating costs are to be estimated.
Estimate of economic efficiency
As a rule, the suitable solution comes from a result of the examination of alternatives.
With this, the demands of water management functional safety, monitoring and
maintenance have a particular importance. Higher investments can be justified by
savings in operating costs. Attention is drawn to the "Guideline for the execution of cost
comparison calculations" recently issued in 1990 by LAWA [Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft
Wasser - (German) Federal State Study Group Water], which is based on social costs.
1.2.3 Proposal for Solution
The proposal for solution is the result of the examination of variants agreed by the
construction sponsor and the specialist authorities. It is the most suitable with
consideration of all relevant environmental engineering, process technical, economic and
ecological factors and thus the basis for the approval draft and the implementation
The assessment and the comparison should take place based on a catalogue of criteria
using the following points: variations in loading, (e.g. due to foreign traffic) expansion
possibilities, sewage sludge disposal, operating safety, investment costs (personnel
requirements, energy requirements) environmental compatibility (noise protection, odour
and pollutant emissions etc.
The proposal for solution consists of:
− explanatory report
− relevant wastewater engineering and hydraulic calculation
− general plan
− layout plans
− height plan
− general representation o structures (building sketches
− cost estimate.

1.3 Approval Draft (Design and Approval Planning)

The approval draft serves as basis for the specialist technical examination by the
responsible offices of the Federal (German) States. First of all, or at least, in parallel, the
application for permission under water law should be presented. The draft is based on
the proposal for solution for the initial planning. A form of draft is to be sought, which
eases a specialist technical examination by the responsible offices.

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The interaction between the structure and the overall technical equipment is to be
observed within the framework of draft planning (overall planning).

The necessary static verification based on building supervisory regulations are, as a rule
not required for the examination under water management considerations and water law.
It is therefore recommended that the static calculations are produced first after the
approval of the draft. It could be different, if the approval under water law includes the
building approval.

The following statements are to be seen as a guide only. It is necessary, in every case,
to hold discussions with the responsible offices on the scope of the draft before
beginning production of the draft. With this, it is also to be agreed to what extent the
approval draft can be the basis of further approvals (Point 1.3.5).

The approval draft consists of:

1.3.1 Explanatory Report


Here, details are to be given on the subject of the measure, the initiation of the
production of the draft, decisions of the community or city councils, instructions of the
responsible offices, time span for realisation as well as commitments from contracts
(under both private and public law). Attention is to be drawn to already existing drafts
(systems for wastewater discharge and treatment) including initial planning (Point 1.2).

In summary, attention is to be drawn to the initial tasks carried out under Point 1.2.3
"Proposal for solution (inter alia examination of variants). The explanatory report
describes - depending on requirements - the overall situation, the boundaries of the
catchment area (sewerage areas, decision for individual or group sewage treatment
plant, influent, connector and discharge sewers, stormwater tanks, pumping stations).,
the existing water management conditions, water quality, water flow and water levels
etc.), the location of the wastewater treatment facility (general position, development of
the system site) as well as the correct disposal of the residual materials produced.

Bases of the draft

"Synopsis of fundamentals" is to be carried in tabular form in accordance with Point

1.1.4: number of inhabitants, population equivalents, dry weather flow (domestic
wastewater, commercial and industrial wastewater, infiltration water), pollution loads,
process water (inter alia internal circulation) influent characteristics (hourly average),
stormwater flow, delivered sludge, details on properties (e.g. pH value, acid capacity,
settleable, dissolved and undissolved substances, chemical and biochemical oxygen
demand, nitrogen components, total phosphorus) etc. The water management
conception and the selected treatment process are to be thoroughly justified. With
generally unknown treatment processes a functional description is, in any case, required.

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Description of structures and facilities

The individual parts of the wastewater treatment facility are to be described according to
type, size, dimensions and number, according to peculiarities of the structural form and
construction work, according to their mechanical and electrical engineering as well as
measurement and regulation equipment in their functional interrelationships (process
flow diagram).

Emissions from the wastewater treatment facility with possible effects on third parties are
to be presented and essential protective, measures are to be explained (specialists).

Measures with operating faults

The report must contain details on the handling of operating faults and emergency

Operating personnel

Details on the necessary number and qualification of the personnel required for operation
and maintenance are required,

Cost details

Results of cost determinations in accordance with Point 1.3.2 are to be given and
explained in abbreviated form, if necessary in tabular form.

1.3.2 Calculations

Water engineering calculation

For every structure of the different plant components of a wastewater treatment facility,
such as:
− stormwater treatment facility
− mixing and balancing tanks
− pump stations
− mechanical treatment facilities (influent group and primary treatment)
− biological treatment facility (incl. secondary and intermediate treatment)
− advanced wastewater treatment
− sludge treatment
the number, dimensions and the volume of tanks, containers, chambers etc. are to be
verified. These structures are to be presented with the essential dimensions. In addition,
specific detail verification for each system component are also to be kept, such as, for
example, for a primary treatment tank: flow time, surface feeding, sludge yield, volume
and storage time of sludge troughs etc. With this, the specialist literature, firms
publications as well as the associated dimensioning formulas and computer programmes
are to be pointed out. Calculation coefficients are to be detailed.

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Hydraulic calculation

Hydraulic calculation is to be produced within the scope of the approval draft. This
provides, for each monitoring cross-section, the energy level, the position of the water
table and the flow rate. The calculation takes place separately for all relevant influences
taking into account the process water, also for the cases of special equipment. In all
cases, the hydraulic functioning of the system must be ensured; with this the flow rates
which result, play an important role.

The results of the hydraulic calculation are represented in a longitudinal section of the
wastewater treatment facility and the effluent sewer, and these for stormwater flow and
such special cases of operation, with which higher water levels occur. The longitudinal
section contains the bottom and upper edge of channels, tanks and pipes as well as the
water table level presentation takes place, displaced in height.

System costs

Here, inter alia, the following positions are to be recorded: acquisition of land,
development (costs for approach roads, connection of electricity and water, safeguarding
of receiving waters, demolition and levelling tasks, if required rehabilitation of
contaminated sites, route networks and similar), drainage, hydraulic engineering
measures, individual structures including operational accommodation, mechanical,
electrical, measuring and control engineering equipment, landscaping architecture,
engineer fees, site investigation and other ancillary construction costs (approvals etc.).

The overall system costs are absolute and are to be given referred to the total number of
inhabitants and population equivalents (PT) and, if required, to the daily wastewater flow

Annual costs

To these belong:
− costs for operation and maintenance (in each case separate according to personnel
and material costs)
− costs for capital services (depending on the form of organisation of the system
− depreciation
− monitoring in accordance with (German) Federal State Water Law
− wastewater charges.

The total annual costs, as for the system costs, are to be given as absolute and specific
(see above). The costs are to be reconciled both with the planning status as well as with
the operating status.

The calculation of the overall annual energy consumption takes place in kWh/kg BOD5
degradation and kWh/m3 wastewater.

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1.3.3 Planning Documents

Catchment area plan

Scale 1 : 25,000 or 1 : 10,000

A plan with the following contents is to be produced for the catchment area:
− determined and planned water and medicinal spring protection areas, water
catchment and bathing facilities as well as wastewater treatment facilities
− nature preserves and conservation areas
− receiving water (name, direction of flow, official river stationing in kilometres, river
basin indicator) with the limits of flooding areas in the vicinity of the wastewater
treatment facility
− discharge point(s) of the project with maximum and true value(s). other wastewater
− wastewater treatment facility with catchment area
− existing and planned main collectors as well as pump stations with associated
catchment areas
− stormwater overflows and stormwater tanks
− areas with combined and separate systems.

General plan of the area of the wastewater treatment facility

Scale 1 : 2,500, 1 : 1,000 or 1 : 500

In particular, the heights in metres above mean sea level (AMSL), the main dimensions
of the wastewater treatment facility, the route network, possible expansion areas,
discharge(s) to the receiving water as well as the land register plans and owner directory
as at the latest status are to be presented.

Layout plan of the wastewater treatment facility

Scale 1 : 500 to 1 : 100

Contains the arrangement of the individual structures with regard to each other including
dimensions, the route network as well as connecting pipelines for wastewater and

Landscape architecture attendant plan

Scale 1 : 1,000 to 1 : 100

For the examination in accordance with § 8, Para. 4 of the Federal German Nature
Conservation Law (BNatSchG) as well as with the necessary measures for nature
conservancy, for the care of the landscape and for environmental compatibility according
to Federal State laws, a landscape architecture attendant plan/seeding plan is
necessary. A specialist planner should be engaged for this.

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ATV-A 106E
Longitudinal section
The longitudinal section through the wastewater treatment facility and the effluent sewer
up to the receiving water is to be produced in the height scale of 1 : 100 and the
longitudinal scale as for the layout plan.
A displacement scale of 1 : 5 is preferred. The plan is to contain the water table levels
determined in the hydraulic calculation. Additional longitudinal sections are possibly
necessary for the sludge paths - in particular in the gravity flow area.
Structure plans
Scale 1 : 200 to 1 : 100
All important structures are to be represented in plan view and in the various sectional
levels (longitudinal and cross-sections).
Important design heights are to be referred to MSL. Elevations are to be attached for
surface buildings.
Special representations
As a rule, functional plans and flow diagrams are useful.
1.3.4 Submission of the Draft Design
The draft design of the wastewater treatment facility - with the legally binding signatures
of the applicant, the installer and, if required, the owner of the measure - is to be
presented, in the respectively necessary number of copies of the draft to the responsible
office via the official route laid down by the respective Federal State.
1.3.5 Information on Additional Approvals
In close material connection with the facility approval for the construction and operation
of the wastewater treatment facility, is the authorisation under Water Law (§ 7 of the
Water Resources Management Law (WHG)), for the wastewater discharge associated
with this. Such permission is also required for possible process water removal from a
lake or river and for the lowering of the groundwater level or groundwater removal in
connection with the construction. In addition, under certain circumstances, further
authorisations under water law can be required, for example for the erection of structures
in and on lakes and rivers or for measures within flooding or water protection areas.
So far as authorisation under water law for the wastewater treatment facility is not
covered by the examination under building regulations - which will be the case only in
exceptions - building authority has to be applied for additionally. For the storage of oil,
liquid gas and the employment of water hazardous substances, for example with plants
for chemical precipitation, additional approvals are necessary, possibly according to
Federal State regulations. Authorisation from the river and waterways police (§ 31
Waterways Law (WaStrG)), the extension and access authority according to the Federal
Trunk Road Law or the Federal State Road Laws, the exceptional approval in nature
conservancy and landscape protection areas or the forest conversion approval according
to the Federal State Forestry Laws must be applied for additionally in special cases.

October 1995
ATV-A 106E
With government financial aid the appropriate budgetary or other approval must be

Following the availability of the above named approvals, the prerequisites have to be
acquired which allow the conclusion of authorising contracts as well as the conclusion of
contracts with third parties (supply lines for electricity, water, gas etc.).

1.4 Implementation Planning

Implementation planning is the prerequisite for an orderly execution of the construction. It

is developed, after completion of the approval process under water law - taking into
account the therewith connected regulations and conditions, from the draft approval and
is kept updated. All previous planning activities are combined within the framework of the
implementation planning. The implementation plans are the basis for the raising of
performance descriptions and specifications.

Planning details are to be developed from the continuous and joint contacts of all those
involved in the planning and approval.

Within the framework of the wastewater and sludge areas there are, inter alia, questions
to be clarified on the layout of mechanical and electrical engineering installations,
process reliability (reserve plant, exchange, bypassing) as well as on measuring, control,
regulation and information technology, incl. documentation also with regard to operating
faults. For the processing of special equipment such as, for example, own power
generation, heating and ventilation facilities etc., specialist planners are to be involved so
far as the person responsible for planning does not have the appropriate specialist

In the construction engineering implementation planning, there are the initial technical
specifications which are, if required, to be incorporated, due to the reactive individual
data on installation openings, savings, load details as well as statically influenced
modifications of the structural dimensions, arising from tendering action for the
construction, mechanical, electrical, measuring and regulation as well as the heating and
ventilation engineering. In the field of emission protection there are both the remaining
emissions as well as those, which occur temporarily during the implementation phase.
Insofar as modifications compared to the approval planning occur, their influence on the
hydraulics are to be observed.

Planning documents are to be produced to the scale 1 : 50 to 1 : 10 (details).

Implementation plans are to be countersigned by the sponsor or his representative.

2 Construction Planning
2.1 Construction Preparation/Overall Construction Control/Project

Co-ordination point for the execution of the construction project is the overall construction
control agency. It covers an area of performance from the start of construction until
acceptance by the authorities. Project control is the task of the construction sponsor. It
can be delegated to the engineer.

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Organisational planning
− Production of operation plans for construction and commissioning
− limitation of the performance areas
− production of time and cost plans.
Preparation of request for bids
− Determination of the contractual and technical conditions
− determination of quantities - incl. necessary replacement and expense items
− setting up of performance description.
The documents for the request for bids, as a rule, cover the general, specific and
additional contractual conditions as well as the general technical regulations and the
performance description. With the request for bids, the Directive of the Council of the
European Community (EG) on the Co-ordination and Procedure for the Award of Public
Building Contracts (Building Co-ordinating Directive - BCD), as well as possibly existing
regulations for award of the respective customers, are to be taken into account.

As a rule, there is a public request for bids for the services. A limited request for bids is
indicated, if the service by its speciality can be carried out efficiently and reliably only by
a limited circle of firms with appropriate specialist knowledge, e.g. mechanical and
electrical engineering services. If required, a public participation competition is to be
undertaken with subsequent limited request for bids.

Useful for the award of contract is the application of the Federal or Federal State Award
of Contract Handbook for the Implementation of Construction Tasks. Furthermore, it is
recommended that the Common Model for Requests for Tender (in Germany the EVM)
from the contract award books is employed.

Tendering procedures

− Procurement of tenders
− mathematical and technical examination as well as evaluation of tenders and
secondary tenders. The evaluation of secondary tenders also requires the
examination of the technical, economic and legal feasibility and comparability within
the framework of the draft and the request for bids
− production of a price level
− examination of the time and cost plans
− processing of the contract proposal and supplementary contract conditions due to the
contract and/or subcontract.

Back-up during construction implementation

− Monitoring of the fulfilment of the contract by the various contractors in collaboration

with the local construction supervisory board with regard to the

implementation of technical services


October 1995
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− follow-up of technical corrections of one area of performance in other areas of
Structures as well as mechanical and electrical engineering facilities can influence
each other mutually.

2.2 Local Construction Supervision

Local construction supervision (if required with the involvement of appropriate specialists)
monitors the work of all contractors for implementation in accordance with the contract. It
co-ordinates the employment of different contractors on the construction site and
monitors the performance and time plans. Intermediate acceptance, as a rule, is carried
out by the local construction supervision. Results are to be recorded in a protocol.

In addition, the local construction supervision, together with the contractors, examines
the performance measures and checks their calculations.

Certain activities of the local construction supervision influence each other mutually and,
for practical reasons, are carried out together.

In accordance with Federal State Building Regulations a responsible project manager is

to be named for the whole construction period .

2.3 Test Runs and Examination of Technical Equipment

Type and scope of performance verifications (e.g. tightness testing, functional tests) are
to be laid down in advance. Acceptance must be in accordance with the generally
accepted rules of technology.

2.4 Commissioning

The commissioning of the sewage treatment plant takes place, for practical purposes, in
close co-operation between the planer, the overall construction control, the local
construction supervision, the equipment suppliers and the responsible water authorities.

The operation of modern wastewater treatment facilities is to be optimised in the work up

phase. System personnel must be supported by additional specialists for the necessary
measurement, control and regulation as well as wastewater and sludge examinations,
including the documentation of the data.

Inventory plans and operational instructions are to be elaborated for the completed
system. These inventory plans, in particular, contain all modifications compared with the
approval draft and the implementation planning. The operational instructions should take
into account various operating conditions, emergency situations and failure of individual
system components. It should also contain clear formulas and technical handling
instructions with extreme conditions.

2.5 Final Acceptance

Final acceptance, which, as a rule, - in particular in accordance with the Contract

Procedures for Building Works (VOB) - is preceded by individual and intermediate
acceptances, is carried out with, inter alia, the following participant:

− the customer

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ATV-A 106E
− water authorities and associated specialist offices
− building regulation authorities
− responsible professional trade association and/or statutory accident insurance (GUV)
− authorities named in the approval.

3 Additional Information on Important Individual Tasks

From experience, quality assurance must be applied continuously, in particular also in
the areas listed below. Those participating in the construction project must, in every
individual case, incorporate numerous additional aspects and details.

3.1 Statics, Design, Implementation of Construction


The implementation of the wastewater structures is carried out mainly in reinforced

concrete. Therefore only this method of construction is gone into in detail.

The drawings to be produced within the scope of the implementation planning in the
scale 1 : 50 are the basis for constructional drawings which are necessary for the
implementation of construction (formwork and reinforcement plans, structural steel
engineering plans etc.).

Static calculation

The compilation of the static calculation takes place in accordance with the valid rules for
statics and DIN standard specifications (DIN/CEN) taking into particular account:

− loading conditions conditional on operation

− security against foundation water pressure (with structures in groundwater)
− sensitivity to settling
− temperature differences (between container fillings and external air and the ground
with settling tanks, digesters etc.)
− water impermeability of wastewater structures
− reduction or avoidance of the formation of cracks.

Influences on structural statics from the area of mechanical, electrical, heating and
ventilation engineering

The dynamic loading, area loads, individual loads, wind loads, assembly loading etc.,
which arise from the installations must be included in the static calculation. With this, wall
and ceiling openings, recesses and apertures are also to be taken into account. The
raising of floors (floor pavement or paving tiles) as a result of the laying of pipelines and
cables on the concrete surface may also not be left out of consideration.

Design information

October 1995
ATV-A 106E
Wastewater structures are subjected to heavy loading form operation and the
environment. In order that the concrete is able to resist these effects over a long period,
the following design criteria are, in particular, to be observed.

The shaping and dimensioning of components are to be considered equally from

functional, economic and production engineering aspects. Components are to be so
sufficiently dimensioned, that delicately structured designs can, as far as possible, be

Structural joints are to be provided for the avoidance of the formation of cracks. They are
to be carefully presented in the implementation plans (control sheets) and are to be
included in the specifications as a separate entry. Construction joints, which occur with
interruptions to concreting, are to be avoided.

Position and formation of construction joints are to be noted by sewage treatment plant
suppliers. The constructive formation of joints and the selection of materials have a
particular significance.

The composition of the concrete must take into account the peculiarities of the sewage
treatment plant construction. With this, the following important criteria are to be noted:

− water impermeability
− resistance against chemical attack from wastewater, groundwater
− resistance to frost and de-icing salt
− resistance to wear against mechanical attack.

In special cases protective coatings are necessary with very heavy chemical attack.

Concrete covering of the reinforcement is to be carried out in accordance with DIN 1045
(July 1988 Edition). In sewage treatment plant construction the standard dimensions of
Table 10, line 3 (4.0 cm) and line 4 (5.0 cm) are applied.

The Advisory Leaflet "Concrete Covering" (October 1982) issued by the German
Concrete Association (DBV), is to be observed.

An improvement of the properties of concrete can be achieved by final compaction

(vibration) of the still unhardened concrete. The tendency towards crack formation is also
reduced by this.

Further details on concrete processing with the crowning of walls, on concrete quality
with trackways as well as on expansion joints see DIN 19569, Part 1.

The concrete is to be protected against premature drying out, extreme temperatures,

chemical attacks, shocks and vibrations until it is sufficiently hardened. With wastewater
structures it is not so much the core compression strength of the concrete but much
more the water impermeability and strength of the layers near the surface (concrete
covering), which are important. Of decisive significance for the durability of the concrete
is the duration of final treatment. It is to be determined dependent on the ambient
temperature, the cement and the composition of the concrete [for this see DIN 1045 (July
1988), Para. 10.3 and the "Standard for the final treatment of concrete" (February 1984

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ATV-A 106E
Edition) of the Standard Instructions for Registrars and Their Supervisory Authorities

Shuttering, which is installed on sides which come into contact with wastewater should,
for technical operating reasons, have a smooth surface. Smooth, plastic coated
shuttering or steel shuttering can, for various reasons, lead to impairment of the stability
and resistance to frost of the concrete. Water absorbent and other water transporting
shuttering systems are therefore more suitable than repellent shuttering.

Shuttering anchors or spacers (e.g. steel or fibre cement) are to have a good bonding
with the concrete and extend the percolation route of the water. The type of shuttering
anchor and spacer is to be laid down in the performance description.

Implementation of construction and assembly

A detailed construction timeplan, which must be kept continuously updated, is required

for the implementation of the construction measures. Attention is to be paid, that the
assembly of mechanical and electrical engineering equipment can often only take place,
if certain prerequisites such as, for example, enclosed spaces for electrical plant, heating
capability for rooms, lifting equipment etc. are met. With smaller and more medium sized
projects, with a simple number of activities, in general a bar chart, which makes the
critical path clear, is sufficient. This should, if required, be supplemented by the flow of
financial means or other events immediately corresponding with the progress of
construction. For large construction projects with complicated activities, the application of
network techniques is recommended.

3.2 Mechanical Engineering


With regard to process control and design interdependencies between machine and
construction element, there should already be, at an early stage in the process of draft
planning, agreement between the mechanical and electrical engineering side on one
hand and the construction engineering side on the other. The correct selection of the
most suitable machines for the respective employment case has particular significance.
From this results the requirement for space and surface area, location (accessibility for
operation and maintenance), the loads, important apertures and foundations, possible
measures against noise, shocks, heat etc.

Principles for the meshing of construction, mechanical and wastewater engineering,

which are in particular to be observed during planning, construction and operation, are
dealt with in DIN 19569.

Arrangement of mechanical installations

The arrangement of technical facilities is to take place, taking into consideration the rules
of technology (Din Standard Specifications, regulations of the VDE (German Association
of Engineers) and accident prevention of the responsible professional trade organisation
etc.). With this, attention is to be paid, in particular to corrosion protected design, ease of
assembly, inspection, servicing and maintenance as well as technically and economically
optimised layout.

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ATV-A 106E
With the arrangement of mechanical engineering plant one should not work on the
principle of the final layout, but rather the maximum impact on the wastewater treatment
facility during the economic life of the mechanical facilities.

With consideration of plant personnel, the hygienic aspects are to be taken into account
with the selection of the overall mechanical engineering equipment.

Pumps are to be designed taking in to account the requirements of the medium to be

transported (e.g. pollutants, dry substance contents with sludge) as well as the process
technical and operational conditions (e.g. annual running time). Reserve plant must be
held ready in sufficient quantities. The layout of pipelines is to be so arranged that there
are diversion possibilities with operational failures. The same applies for blowers.

Requirements on the functioning and functional process of machines, outputs (such as

work output and output capacity) functional diagrams and control engineering are to be
laid down precisely in the performance specifications.

Firms' details on the dimensions of machines and their loads are required for the
production of design drawings and the static calculation of structures. Scraper bridges
and similar structures are also to be verified statically.

3.3 Energy Concept and Electrical Engineering


The particular requirements of treatment processes on reliability and availability, together

with the requirement for an economic solution, also form the basis for the design of the
energy supply and distribution system. These aspects can also influence the concept for
a system and must be included in the planning at an early stage. The appropriate
regulations of the energy supply concerns, the DIN Standard Specifications as well as
VDE and accident protection regulations are to be taken into account.

For larger systems the development of an energy concept is recommended. The

generation of mechanical or electrical energy from digester gas has gained in
significance in the discussion on the thrifty usage of energy resources. Here, the
economic efficiency of the digester gas and heat utilisation is to be investigated case by
case. The larger the wastewater treatment facility is, the more economic is gas powered
generation. In any case a timely agreement with the power supply concern is required.

Electricity connection

First the power requirement is to be determined from the sum of the nominal capacities
of the individual electricity consumers, the simultaneity factor and the safety
considerations. The voltage level is to be selected according to the power requirement
and possibilities offered by the power supply concern. Here, high currents at make for
large consumers must be taken into account. The layout and arrangement of the
switching plant results from this.

Reliability of supply

Supply from the public network is to be determined taking into account reliability of
supply of the respective network and the type of power supply (supply from open/closed

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ATV-A 106E
ring networks or radial networks, unbalanced/ balanced feed, undergound cable or
overhead lines) based on the reliability requirement of the sewage treatment plant .

As a rule, a balanced power supply from an open ring network - if possible with selective
cutoff - should be demanded. With possible own power supply or an appropriate
emergency power supply, lower requirements can be placed on outside power supply.

Even with own power supply a connection to the public network is necessary - at least by
one cable.

The construction site should, if possible, already be supplied by the final cable. Details on
the power requirements are to be given in the offer. The acceptance of costs for the
usage of power during construction is to be regulated under "Special contract

Electrical engineering facilities

To the electrical engineering facilities of medium and large sewage treatment plants
belong, in general, the medium high voltage switching system, transformers, the low
voltage main switching system, sub-distributors, local control boxes etc.

There is a close relationship to the measuring and regulation requirements, through

which details on the type and scope of control and regulation on site or in a central
control and the flow of data information is determined.

The build-up of the switching system is to be planned according to the requirements on

the operational safety of the wastewater treatment facility. The various solution
possibilities are to be compared with each other based on efficiency and costs, in
particular, however, also with regard to the constructional expenses (space requirements
for transformer cells, switching systems and central control).

The practical selection of individual switching equipment - such as isolating switches and
circuit breakers, protective motor switches as well as the appropriate safety facilities -
has important influences on reliability and costs.

Moreover, questions of overvoltage protection, earthing, reactive power compensation

and current reactions (e.g. through frequency converters) are to be clarified.


To save construction costs the principle of bundling for the laying of cables and pipelines
is to be observed (man-accessible and non-man-accessible drains and sewers, empty
pipe systems). If required, necessary planning for this is to be set up well in time.

3.4 Measuring, Control and Regulation Technology

With the aid of measuring, control and regulation technology (MCR technology),
important processes are automated and information obtained, which enable a reliable
and economic operation. Using process data processing (PDP) this information can be
further processed.

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ATV-A 106E
Equally, fault reporting facilities are also to be installed. So far as external operating
points also influence operating procedures, these are also to be included in the
information system.

With systems with PDP facilities, the type and scope of the automation system to be
installed must be available as early and as completely as possible.

Bases for the selection of the MCR technology are the process description (process
schema, if required, regulation and information schema), the description of the system
conception, the requirements on observation and operation of the system in the form of
measuring point and functional plans as well as reliability and availability requirements.

The result of this planning is described in the performance specification. Here, the terms
of reference are to be refined with regard to the scope of measuring points (e.g.
recording of limiting values), the controls, regulators, transfer of measured values, signal
transmission, signal processing, process presentation, servicing concept, recording, data
security and documentation.

Firm descriptions of all functions, dependencies, data, measuring points, power sets,
controls, regulators, signal transmission and programmes are firmly laid down and the
dates, documentation, constraints for assembly and commissioning are explained
(performance specification for the request for and award of contract), within the scope of
the detailing planning (construction planning)

With complicated systems thought is to be given as to whether maintenance contracts

should be offered, with the request for tenders, for the hardware and software which are
to be employed.

The VDE regulations and ATV Rules and Standards are to be observed.

3.5 Heating and Ventilation engineering

In the first instance digesters, social buildings as well as workshop and garage buildings
are candidates for heating.

Enclosed screening and sludge dewatering plants normally receive only heating
protection against frost. Facilities for the employment of a reserve fuel (oil storage tank,
natural gas connection or liquid gas tank) are to be held ready. With the layout of the
heating system operational buildings are also to be taken into account.

A gas tank and a gas flare are required to balance the varying times of production and
utilisation of digester gas. On wastewater treatment facilities low pressure storage is
preferred for employment. German Association for Gas and Water (DVGW) Standards
are to be observed for the installation of gas tanks. With gas flare facilities for the
disposal of surplus digester gas the Accident Prevention Regulations for the separation
between gas flare facilities and buildings are to be observed.

If there is no digester on small wastewater treatment facilities, the exhaust heat of the
compressed air production facilities (blowers, pressure air lines) can be used with a small
temperature level for the heating of social, workshop and garage buildings.

Particular value is to be placed on a correct aeration and ventilation of the heating, gas
metering, gas engine and blower rooms. Exhaust heat from mechanical and electrical

October 1995
ATV-A 106E
equipment must be removed without harm. With electrical operation rooms the necessity
of air conditioning is to be examined.

3.6 Immission Protection

Noise protection

Care is to be taken with the planning of wastewater treatment facilities that noises
emanating from the facility do not lead to an exceeding of the immission guidance values
laid down, depending on usage, in the (German) Technical Directive Noise. For the
preservation of evidence, the existing noise level should be determined before the
realisation of the measure.


In wastewater treatment facilities there are areas which tend towards increased odour
emission, in particular with unusual operating conditions. In the individual case it is to be
examined whether it is practical to design system components, planned as open
buildings, to be capable of being covered, in order to be able to carry out possible
potential improvements. In such cases the necessity of treating extracted air and
protection against explosion are to be taken into account.

October 1995
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Logic Diagram

1 Draft

Preliminary discussions 1.1 Initial Findings Local and regional Water authorities
Preliminary discussions
Sponsor - planner 1.1.1 (German) Federal and Federal State Regulations with regard to discharge
Sponsor - approval conditions.
authorities - planner Water Resources Management Law (WHG) Federal State planning
Water Charges Law (AbwAG) Location etc.
(Setting of time targets. Commercial supervision
Initial considerations on Waste Law (AbfG)
Federal Immission Protection Law (BimschG) Waste disposal
financial questions).
Law on the Environmental Compatibility Examination
Federal Conservation Law (BnatSchG)
Federal Waterways Law (WaStrG)

Initial negotiations and/or 1.1.2 Other regulations and specifications

agreements with Regional and area development plans of the (German
Federal States)
Construction management planning
Municipalities Municipal regulations
Commerce Assets and development
Industry Discharge possibilities

1.1.3 Preliminary studies and investigations

Sewer network
Individual/group sewage treatment plants Investigations of the
Questions of location wastewater
Disposal of residual matter
Expansion measures Quantity
Feed and properties of the wastewater and sludge Characteristics
1.1.4 Summary of fundamentals

Subsoil survey Trials plant

if required (in special cases)

1.2 Initial Planning

1.2.1 Determination of Basic Values

Assessment of the preliminary findings
Possible treatment processes
Sludge treatment
Disposal of residual matter
Operating safety
Preliminary statics 1.2.2 Planning Variants
Collaboration with approval
if required Estimates authorities and other
General plan specialist authorities
Layout plans
Height layout
Plant and operating costs
Estimate of economic efficiency

Documents on environmental impact assessment (EIA)

Investigations into 1.2.3 Proposal for Solution
acquisition of land Explanatory report
Relevant wastewater engineering and hydraulic
General plan
Layout plans
Height plan
General representation o structures (building sketches
Cost estimate

1.3 Approval draft Costs and financing
Landscape planner (Design and Approval Planning)
Production costs
Cost allocation base
Municipal share
1.3.1 Explanatory Report Industrial share
General Funding
Fundamentals of the draft Loan servicing
Mechanical Description of structures and facilities Operating costs
engineering Measures with operating faults Wastewater charges
Operating personnel
Cost details
1.3.2 Calculations
Water engineering calculation
System costs
Annual costs
engineering 1.3.3 Planning Documents
Catchment area plan
General plan of the area of the wastewater treatment
Layout plan of the wastewater treatment facility
Landscape architecture attendant plan
Longitudinal section
MCR Structure plans
1.3.4 Submission of the Draft Design
Permission to discharge
1.3.5 Information on Additional Approvals wastewater, approval in
accordance with Federal State
and State ordinances

Draft Approval/Construction Approval

October 1995
ATV-A 106E
Approval Draft /Construction Approval


Appropriation of funds
1.4 Implementation planning Authorisation contracts/contracts
with third parties
Comprehensive layout plan

Subsoil investigations Implementation and detail plans of all structures


Implementation planning for all equipment

Initial statics
Height plans of sewers, drains, roads
Shuttering and
reinforcement plans
Incorporation of individual data in reaction to the
results of requests for tender

Test statics


Mechanical engineering

2 Construction Planning
Electrical engineering

MCR technology

Performance descriptions with specifications 2.1 Construction

Interior works Building shell
Mechanical engineering Earthworks Supervision
Electrical engineering Drainage
MCR technology Sewer construction
Heating and ventilation engineering Concrete and reinforced
Acoustics and construction acoustics concrete construction Technical co-ordination
Other interior works Sealing
Technical operating facilities Brickwork Planning and monitoring of
Exposed facilities Wood construction construction progress
Corrosion protection Steel construction Agreement with authorities and
Road and path construction service suppliers
Corrosion protection
Cost plan
Invitations to tender
Award of contract Assessment of the offers

Proposals for award

Determination of supply Updating of implementing drawings

lines in the area of the
wastewater treatment
facility and agreement Examination of installation and recessing drawings from equipment
with the suppliers with firms
regard to connections

Continuous supplementing and expansion of implementation drawings

Continuous examination of the shuttering plan

Landscape planner

Responsible project 2.2 Local construction

manager i.a.w. Federal Implementation monitoring
State construction
Examination of construction cost
calculations Monitoring of construction
implementation for design
Introduction of acceptance fidelity and contract accuracy
including making records
Performance and time control
Introduction of trial runs including
making records Observance of technical
instructions and statutory rules

Acceptance of Work Evaluation and auditing of

invoices for correctness
i.a.w. VOB/VOL and Construction Approval
Acceptance and pressure

Updating of cost and time plans

2.3 Test Runs and Examination of the
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Co-ordination of the
employment of various firms on
Installations with Performance Record the construction site

2.4 Acceptance Monitoring of the commissioning

Inventory drawings 2.5 Final Acceptance Operational instruction

Run-up of the wastewater treatment facility

October 1995

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