Stereokimia: Fasilitator: Dr. Marcellino Rudyanto

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Dr. Marcellino Rudyanto

Chapter 5 1
Rencana Pembelajaran
 Dosen sebagai fasilitator, membantu mahasiswa belajar.
 Sesedikit mungkin kegiatan ceramah.
 Sebelum tatap muka, mahasiswa wajib mempelajari materi: Bab 5
dari buku Organic Chemistry karangan Solomons, Fryhle & Snyder
edisi XII (tahun 2016) halaman 193-239. PPT ini hanya ringkasan.
 Kegiatan tatap muka diisi dengan:
 Diskusi mengenai hal-hal yang ditanyakan oleh mahasiswa.
 Latihan soal, diskusi kelompok.
 Sangat disarankan mahasiswa belajar dengan menggunakan model
molekul (khususnya untuk Bab 5). Model molekul bisa dibeli di
situs-situs belanja online dalam negeri.

Chapter 5 2
Chapter 5
Stereochemistry: Chiral Molecules

Chapter 5 3
In this chapter we will consider:

 How to identify, categorize, and name chiral

 How chirality can affect the chemical and
biochemical behavior of organic compounds

Chapter 5 4
Bahasa Indonesia: butana, 2-metilpropana, 1-kloropropana, dietil eter
Chapter 5 5
 Isomerism: Constitutional Isomers and
 Stereoisomers are isomers with the same molecular
formula and same connectivity of atoms but different
arrangement of atoms in space

Chapter 5 6
 Enantiomers: stereoisomers whose molecules are
nonsuperposable mirror images
 Diastereomers: stereoisomers whose molecules are not
mirror images of each other
Example: cis and trans double bond isomers

Example: cis and trans cycloalkane isomers

Bahasa Indonesia: cis-1,2-Dimetilsiklopentana

Chapter 5 7
 Enantiomers and Chiral Molecules
Chiral molecule
 Not superposable on its mirror image
 Can exist as a pair of enantiomers
Pair of enantiomers
 A chiral molecule and its mirror image
Achiral molecule
 Superposable on its mirror image

Chapter 5 8
Example: 2-butanol
 I and II are mirror images of each other (figures a and b)
 I and II are not superposable and so are enantiomers (figure c)
 2-butanol is a chiral molecule

Example: 2-propanol
 Not chiral

Chapter 5 9
Chiral molecule
 A molecule with a single tetrahedral carbon bonded to four different groups will
always be chiral
 A molecule with more than one tetrahedral carbon bonded to four different groups
is not always chiral
 Switching two groups at the tetrahedral center leads to the enantiomeric molecule
in a molecule with one tetrahedral carbon
Stereogenic center
 An atom bearing groups of such nature that an interchange of any two groups will
produce a stereoisomer
 Carbons at a tetrahedral stereogenic center are designated with an asterisk (*)
Example: 2-butanol

Chapter 5 10
 The Biological Importance of Chirality
The binding specificity of a chiral receptor site for a chiral
molecule is usually only favorable in one way

Chapter 5 11
 Tests for Chirality: Planes of Symmetry
Plane of symmetry
 An imaginary plane that bisects a molecule in such a way that the two halves of
the molecule are mirror images of each other
 A molecule with a plane of symmetry cannot be chiral
 2-Chloropropane (a) has a plane of symmetry but 2-chlorobutane (b) does not

Chapter 5 12
 Nomenclature of Enantiomers: The R,S System
 Also called the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog system
 The four groups attached to the stereogenic carbon are
assigned priorities from highest (a) to lowest (d)
 Priorities are assigned as follows
 Atoms directly attached to the stereogenic center are compared
 Atoms with higher atomic number are given higher priority
If priority cannot be assigned based on directly attached atoms,
the next layer of atoms is examined

Chapter 5 13
 The molecule is rotated to put the lowest priority group
If the groups descend in priority (a,b then c) in clockwise direction
the enantiomer is R
If the groups descend in priority in counterclockwise direction the
enantiomer is S

Chapter 5 14
 Groups with double or triple bonds are assigned
priorities as if their atoms were duplicated or triplicated

Chapter 5 15
 Problem: Are A and B identical or enantiomers?

Manipulate B to see if it will become superposable with A

Exchange 2 groups to try to convert B into A

 One exchange of groups leads to the enantiomer of B
 Two exchanges of groups leads back to B

Chapter 5 16
 Properties of Enantiomers: Optical Activity
 Enantiomers have almost all identical physical
properties (melting point, boiling point, density)
 However enantiomers rotate the plane of plane-polarized
light in equal but opposite directions
 Plane polarized light
Oscillation of the electric field of ordinary light occurs in all
possible planes perpendicular to the direction of propagation

If the light is passed through a polarizer only one plane emerges

Chapter 5 17
 The Polarimeter

Chapter 5 18
 Specific Rotation
An empty sample tube or one containing an achiral molecule will
not rotate the plane-polarized light
An optically active substance (e.g. one pure enantiomer ) will
rotate the plane-polarized light
 The amount the analyzer needs to be turned to permit light through is called the
observed rotation a
 The standard value specific rotation [a] can be calculated
 If the analyzer is rotated clockwise the rotation is (+) and the molecule is
 If the analyzer is rotated counterclockwise the rotation is (-) and the molecule is

Chapter 5 19
 The specific rotation of the two pure enantiomers of 2-
butanol are equal but opposite

 There is no straightforward correlation between the R,S

designation of an enantiomer and the direction [(+) or
(-)]in which it rotates plane polarized light
 Racemic mixture
A 1:1 mixture of enantiomers
No net optical rotation
Often designated as (+)

Chapter 5 20
 Racemic Forms and Enantiomeric Excess
 Often a mixture of enantiomers will be enriched in one
One can measure the enantiomeric excess (ee)

 Example : The optical rotation of a sample of 2-butanol

is +6.76o. What is the enantiomeric excess?

Chapter 5 21
 The Synthesis of Chiral Molecules
 Most chemical reactions which produce chiral
molecules produce them in racemic form

Chapter 5 22
 Molecules with More than One Stereogenic
 The maximum number of stereoisomers available will
not exceed 2n, where n is equal to the number of
tetrahedral stereogenic centers

Chapter 5 23
 There are two pairs of enantiomers (1, 2) and (3,4)
Enantiomers are not easily separable so 1 and 2 cannot be
separated from each other
 Diastereomers: stereoisomers which are not mirror
images of each other
For instance 1 and 3 or 1 and 4
Have different physical properties and can be separated

Chapter 5 24
 Meso Compounds
 Sometimes molecules with 2 or more stereogenic
centers will have less than the maximum amount of

Chapter 5 25
 Meso compound: achiral despite the presence of
stereogenic centers
Not optically active
Superposable on its mirror image
Has a plane of symmetry

Chapter 5 26
 Naming Compounds with More than One
Stereogenic Center
 The molecule is manipulated to allow assignment of
each stereogenic center separately
 This compound is (2R, 3R)-2,3-dibromobutane

Chapter 5 27
 Fischer Projection Formulas
 A 2-dimensional representation of chiral molecules
Vertical lines represent bonds that project behind the plane of the
Horizontal lines represent bonds that project out of the plane of
the paper

Chapter 5 28
 Stereoisomerism of Cyclic Compounds
 1,4-dimethylcyclohexane
Neither the cis not trans isomers is optically active
Each has a plane of symmetry

Chapter 5 29
 1,3-dimethylcyclohexane
The trans and cis compounds each have two stereogenic centers
The cis compound has a plane of symmetry and is meso
The trans compound exists as a pair of enantiomers

Chapter 5 30
 Relating Configurations through Reactions in
which No Bonds to the Stereogenic Carbon are
A reaction which takes place in a way that no bonds to the
stereogenic carbon are broken is said to proceed with retention of

Chapter 5 31
 Relative configuration: the relationship between
comparable stereogenic centers in two different
(R)-1-Bromo-2-butanol and (S)-2-butanol have the same relative
 Absolute configuration: the actual 3-dimensional
orientation of the atoms in a chiral molecule
Can be determined by x-ray crystallography

Chapter 5 32
 Chiral Molecules that Do Not Possess a
Tetrahedral Atom with Four Different Groups
 Atropoisomer: conformational isomers that are stable

 Allenes: contain two consecutive double bonds

Chapter 5 33

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