02 Composite Beam Design

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CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures

Professor Negin A. Tauberg

CE 539
Advanced Steel Structures

Lecture 2
Composite Beam Design
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Week 2 Schedule
Ø Questions on Week 1 participation Quiz?
Ø HW1 due Friday 1/29: submit one compiled pdf
o Check discussion board for HW1
o Questions? ….

Ø Download/test access to RAM Structural System

o We will do a tutorial next week

Ø Today’s lecture: Composite Beam Design

Ø Week 2 participation Quiz due Friday
Ø HW2 due Friday Feb. 5th
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Assignment 1 Questions
Ø Steel Beam Design (noncomposite)
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Review - Steel Beam Design

Design Process:
1. Establish loading (including self-weight)
2. Find factored demand, Mu
3. If Lb < Lp, Zx,reqd. = Mu/ΦbFy
o Make use of AISC Table 3-2

4. Check self-weightàiterate as required

5. Check Shear (iterate as required)
6. Check Deflection (iterate as required)
o Use unfactored service loads
o Make use of AISC Table 3-3 (Ix tables)
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Review - Flexural Members

Ø Flexure Check: AISC Spec. Chapter F
Ø For doubly symmetric compact I-shaped Members:
(AISC 360 Spec. Section F2)

(AISC 360-16) 5
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Deflection Limits per IBC/CBC

Ø IBC Table 1604.3
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Beam Design

CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Most steel framed floors and topped roofs are
composite floor systems
o Steel deck + LWC or NWC topping
o Concrete topping usually reinforced with steel mesh or rebar

(www.civilengineeringx.com )

(Sabol, 2017) 8
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Beam composite behavior is achieved using
shear studs welded through the deck to the beam

(Sabol, 2017) 9
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø The deck is usually attached to the steel beam
using puddle welds or powder-actuated fasteners

(Sabol, 2017) 10
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Thickness of the concrete slab depends on:
o Fire-resistance (often governs)
o Structural requirements
o Type of concrete (LWC vs. NWC)
o Control of floor vibrations (benefit of added mass)
o Efforts to reduce seismic and foundation demands

(Sabol, 2017) 11
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Fire rating of metal deck + concrete fill:
o Hourly fire ratings per IBC Table 601
• ability of the composite deck + slab to contain a fire
and keep it from spreading rom floor to floor
• The “fire” event: per ASTM E119
– Laboratory standard, not a fire in a real building
o For the duration of the fire test:
• the floor must carry the design load
• Not allow a 250 degree temperature rise through slab
• Not permit flames or hot gasses to penetrate

(Sabol, 2017) 12
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Fire rating of a metal deck + concrete fill

(Sabol, 2017) 13
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Advantages of composite construction
o Efficient use of materials
• Concrete in compression
• Steel in tension (web & flange)
o Reduced weight
o Increased stiffness
• Deflection ~ 20-30% of non-composite beam of the same size

o Reduced member depth

o Efficiently supports high live or “post-composite” dead loads
• Such superimposed loads are typically applied after the
steel beam has become composite with the concrete
o Increased reliability: stability limit states usually not critical
(Sabol, 2017) 14
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Composite Beam Phases
o Pre-composite: bare steel beam supports uncured concrete
• Uncured concrete is the dead load
• No super-imposed dead or live loads yet present
• Design beam as noncomposite
o Composite:
• Beam and concrete slab work together through a shear
transfer mechanism
• Composite action is available once the concrete has
sufficiently cured to resist the applied loads

(Sabol, 2017) 15
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Loads:
o Pre-composite loads: loads that are present before
composite action can be developed
• Dead
– Weight of uncured concrete, beam, and deck self-weight
• construction live load
o Composite loads: loads applied after composite action is
available (after concrete has cured)
• Dead
– Superimposed loads (ceilings, floor finishes, MEP, etc.)
• Live load (per ASCE 7, Chapter 4)
(Sabol, 2017) 16
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Shored Construction
o Before composite action has developed, the steel beam must
be able to resist the total weight of the uncured concrete
o If the beam is not strong or stiff enough, it must be shored
• To avoid beam yielding or too much deflection

(Sabol, 2017) 17
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Shored Construction – temporary option but added cost
o Shoring supports the steel beam & the pre-composite loads
until composite action has developed
• Allows smaller beam sizes to be designed

(Sabol, 2017) 18
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Shored construction is rarely used
o Added cost
o Difficult construction logistics
o Usually not worth the potential savings of having reduced
beam weight
o Greater long-term deflections of the concrete due to creep

Ø More common to use unshored construction…

(Sabol, 2017) 19
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Unshored Construction – more common
o The steel beam alone must have adequate strength to resist
all pre-composite loads before composite action is achieved
• Prior to concrete reaching ~ 0.75f’c (~ one week)

(Sabol, 2017) 20
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg


CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Ø Limiting pre-composite deflections through camber

o In many cases, satisfying strength for “pre-composite” loads

often governs the size of the beam, but the most efficient
section for strength may deflect too much
o The composite section usually has more than enough
strength to support the superimposed composite loads
o To improve efficiency: can camber the beam

(Sabol, 2017) 22
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Ø By hydraulic rams or heat
o Trial & error process
o Careful not to buckle beam
o e.g., heat bottom side to camber up

(Sabol, 2017) 23
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Ø Cambering recommendations
o Only consider ~80% of pre-composite dead load to ensure
that the camber will “come out” when the concrete is placed

o Camber≤ 80% of the pre-composite deflection (min. ½”–¾”)

o Camber in ¼” increments
o Limit camber to about 2”-2.5” max. for 30’-40’ long beams
(longer beams may have more camber)
(Sabol, 2017) 24
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Ø Cambering recommendations
o Use a consistent concrete topping thickness
• Trying to level the beam by varying the concrete thickness
may result in excessive deflection due to ponding of
concrete at the beam midspan
o Do not over-camber
• To avoid camber not “coming out” due to over-estimation
of loads or beam fixity conditions
• Best not to camber highly restrained connections
• Careful with interior columns adjacent to longer spans
– unintended low spot at the column
(Sabol, 2017) 25
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Review of Noncomposite
Beam Design

CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Beam Flexural Capacity

Ø Beam flexural capacity depends on the
unbraced length of the compression flange (Lb)
o AISC Specifications, Section F2

CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Pre-composite Condition - Positive Moment

Ø If decking is perpendicular to the beam, can
usually assume that the deck braces the beam
compression flange such that Lb~0 and Mn = Mp
Ø If decking is parallel to the beam, the deck is not
oriented in its strongest direction and the
beam/girder unbraced length is based on
conventional bracing consideration & often Mn < Mp
o e.g., Lb depends on where beams frame into a girder
Ø Composite condition: concrete slab braces
compression flange such that Lb~0
(Sabol, 2017) 28
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Pre-composite Condition- Negative Moment

Ø “Negative” bending: when the beam bottom flange
is in compression and the top flange is in tension
o e.g., cantilever beam

Ø Pre-composite condition – Negative moment

o Lb is based on conventional bracing considerations (e.g.,
location of any perpendicular beams framing in)

Ø Composition condition – Negative moment

• The beam bottom flange is in compression and the
concrete is in tension
o Lb is based on conventional bracing considerations
(Sabol, 2017) 29
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Beam Design

CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø AISC Specification section I.3
o Code requirements for composite flexural members

(AISC Specifications) 31
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Effective Flange Width

Ø The width of slab that is part of composite action
o Concept of effective width is similar to ACI 318 “T-beams”
o Actual stress distribution:
• Concrete stress decreases with perpendicular distance
from the beam
• concrete over the beam flange is the most “stressed”
o AISC assumes constant stress over an assumed width

(Sabol, 2017) 32
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Effective Flange Width

Ø Effective flange width: sum of be values where
be is taken on each side of the beam center line

(Sabol, 2017) 33
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Shear Transfer
Ø Must provide adequate shear transfer so that the
metal deck+concrete and the steel beam work
together effectively
Ø Using shear connectors: studs / headed studs

(Sabol, 2017) 34
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Shear Transfer
Ø Common failure mode: crushing of the slab
Ø Usually can assume plastic behavior in both steel
and concrete (can fully develop Mp in the beam)
Ø Required strength of shear connectors ( V’ )
between point of Mmax and M0 is the minimum of:

effective width x slab topping thickness

(Sabol, 2017) 35
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Shear Transfer
Uniform load
2 studs
per flute

(Sabol, 2017) 36
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Shear Transfer

(Sabol, 2017) 37
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Shear Transfer
Ø Nominal strength of shear connector (Qn):
o No Φ factor

(Sabol, 2017) 38
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Shear Transfer
Ø Rg, Rp:

(AISC Spec Section I2a) 39

CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Shear Transfer
Ø Weak and Strong Stud Positions
o Deck flutes usually have a stiffening rib that requires stud
to be located to one side or the other of the rib
o Stud strength depends on position
• “Weak” position is typically assumed unless otherwise
– specific stud placement is not usually specified)

(Sabol, 2017) 40
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Shear Transfer
Ø Nominal strength of shear connector (Qn)
for one stud per rib in the “weak” position

(Sabol, 2017) 41
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Shear Transfer
Ø Nominal strength of shear connector (Qn)
o AISC Table 3-1

CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Concrete cover and thickness

(Sabol, 2017) 43
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Number & Spacing of Studs
o For uniform loads: best to use uniform spacing of studs
• For uniform loads, a uniform spacing of studs shows
similar performance vs. a spacing that follows shear
distribution (V Q / (I b))
o For point loads: place number of required studs between
the load and the nearest point of zero moment to develop
sufficient strength to develop M+max at point load

(Sabol, 2017) 44
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Number & Spacing of Studs
o For point loads: place number of required studs between
the load and the nearest point of zero moment
o In areas of zero/low shear, maximum stud spacing governs

(Sabol, 2017) 45
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Stud diameter (Φ)
o Φ < 2.5 tf if not over webs

Ø Spacing
o Minimum center to center spacing along beam: 6Φ
o Min. center to center transverse spacing along beam: 4Φ
o If ”formed slab” (no steel deck): 4Φ in either direction
o minimum 1” lateral concrete cover (except where deck is)

(Sabol, 2017) 46
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Typical stud spacing
o When decking runs perpendicular to the beam, studs are
installed based on the flute spacing in the deck
• Typically 12” on center
o When decking runs parallel to the beam (e.g., a girder), the
stud spacing is independent of the deck flute spacing à
• 6Φ typically governs

(Sabol, 2017) 47
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Maximum Spacing requirement:
o Max. spacing < 8 x total slab thickness but less than 36”
o To prevent vertical separation between slab and beam
flange when slab goes into compression
o Applies when composite action is small or a beam has a
point of “zero” shear
• e.g., middle segment of girder loaded at third points)

(Sabol, 2017) 48
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Construction
Ø Partially composite vs. fully composite
o Partially composite beam: only provide enough studs
such that with composite action ΦMn > Mu
• Common approach in design
o A partially composite beam has fewer than the maximum
number of studs required to develop the full composite
strength of the beam + slab system
• Same beam and slab but fewer studs (lower Mn)
o Recommended to have at least 25% composite action
o Sometimes easier for construction/simplicity to specify
studs @ 12” on center even if design requires fewer
(Sabol, 2017) 49
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Flexural Capacity

Ø Flexural Capacity of composite section may be
governed by one of the following limit states
(whichever may occur first):
o Tensile strength of beam
o Compressive strength of concrete slab
o Strength of shear connectors (i.e., if partially composite)
o NOTE: Composite action cannot transfer more shear than
the shear that can be developed by the shear connectors
• If the stud have less strength than the concrete slab or
beam, then this will be the limit on the flexural strength

(Sabol, 2017) 50
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Flexural Capacity

Ø Consider web slenderness
o If web is slender and in compression, it may buckle

(Sabol, 2017) 51
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Flexural Capacity

Ø Consider web slenderness
o If web is slender and in compression, it may buckle

(Sabol, 2017) 52
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Flexural Capacity

Ø Flexural Capacity of Noncomposite vs. Composite
o Recall: Elastic neutral axis (ENA) is the axis at the location of the
centroid (i.e., center of area)
o Plastic neutral axis (PNA) is the axis that divides the cross section
such that the compression force from the material in compression
equals the tension force from the material in tension.
o For non-composite wide flange beams, locations of ENA and PNA
are the same. For composite beams, this isn’t true.

(Sabol, 2020) 53
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Flexural Capacity

Ø The moment capacity of a composite section
depends on the plastic neutral axis (PNA) location
o Possible PNA locations:
a) In the concrete slab (or top of top flange): fully composite
b) In the top flange of the steel beam }Partially composite
c) In the web of the steel beam

(Sabol, 2017) 54
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Flexural Capacity

a) Plastic Neutral Axis in concrete slab (no deck):

Internal moment arm:

Ø If a>t, then PNA is not in the slab à REVISE

assumption and recalculate flexural capacity
(Sabol, 2017) 55
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Flexural Capacity

a) Plastic Neutral Axis with deck + concrete topping:
o Slab is elevated above the beam flange by deck height (hr)

moment arm:

(Sabol, 2017)
Ø If a>hc, then PNA is not in the slab à limit the compression
strength to C = 0.85f’cbhc
Ø If PNA is not lower than t, assume PNA is in “slab”
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Flexural Capacity

b) Plastic Neutral Axis in beam top flange:
o Initial guess: assume PNA is at base of flange:
• C = 0.85f’c ba + Af Fy
• T = (As - Af) Fy (not all of the steel beam is in tension)
o If C ≠ T with initial guess à PNA is elsewhere à recalculate


(Sabol, 2017) 57
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Flexural Capacity

b) Plastic Neutral Axis in beam top flange:
o Set C = T and solve for Mn:


(Sabol, 2017) 58
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Flexural Capacity

b) Plastic Neutral Axis in beam top flange:
o Partial composite action:

(Sabol, 2020) 59
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Flexural Capacity

c) Plastic Neutral Axis in web of steel beam (common):
o Find PNA by equilibrium à sum moments about PNA à Mn

• ΣQn = Cconc : the force that must be transferred across the slab(deck)/beam interface
(Sabol, 2020) 60
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Deflection of Composite Beams

Ø Using Lower Bound Moment of Inertia
o Moment of inertia varies with applied moment & location of
neutral axis because of the amount of uncracked concrete
o If use transformed moment of inertia (Itr) per elastic theory
à underestimate deflections by ~ 15%-30%
• Itr substitutes steel for concrete at the ratio of n = Es/Ec
and then calculates Itr using parallel axis theorem
o Lower bound moment of inertia (ILB) is the moment of
inertia at the required strength level
• Uses the provided shear transfer (∑Qn) & enough of the
slab portion to balance ∑Qn
o Effective moment of inertia (Ieff) per AISC
• Ieff ~ 0.75 Itr

(Sabol, 2017) 61
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Deflection of Composite Beams

Ø Using Lower Bound Moment of Inertia
o AISC offers use of ILB as an alternative

Read AISC 360

Commentary §I3.2

(Sabol, 2020) 62
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Deflection of Composite Beams

Ø Using Lower Bound Moment of Inertia
o AISC offers use of ILB as an alternative

(Sabol, 2017) 63
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Deflection of Composite Beams

Ø Using Lower Bound Moment of Inertia
o AISC offers use of ILB as an alternative

(Sabol, 2017) 64
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Deflection of Composite Beams

Ø Using Equivalent Moment of Inertia
o AISC discusses another approach to consider using Iequiv :

Read AISC 360

Commentary §I3.2

Itr transforms area of concrete

into an equivalent amount of steel

(Sabol, 2020) 65
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Beam Design

Ø Summary:
1. Determine pre-composite and composite loads for
strength evaluation (factored loads) and serviceability
evaluation (unfactored loads)
2. Determine required strength of the beam supporting
pre-composite loads (factored loads)
3. Check deflection of pre-composite beam using unfactored
dead loads; establish initial camber recommendation
(at most, 80% of pre-composite DL deflection)
4. Check beam under composite loads (factored) and
determine required # of studs (Mn depends on # of studs)
5. Check deflection (unfactored loads)
o (pre-composite deflection – camber) + composite deflection < limit
6. Summarize design recommendations

(Sabol, 2017) 66
CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg


10 minutes

CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Beam Design

Example Problem

CIVL 539 – Advanced Steel Structures
Professor Negin A. Tauberg

Composite Beam Design Example

Ø Design a composite beam with the slab consisting
of 3” metal deck + 3¼” LWC topping
Ø 45’ long beam with 10’ tributary width
o Fy = 65 ksi

Ø Pre-composite loads:
o 46 psf for the slab
o No construction LL

Ø Composite loads:
o 150 psf superimposed dead load
o 48 psf live load
(Sabol, UCLA CEE 241) 69

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