Speakout Writing Extra Elementary Unit 12

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ELEMENTARY UNIT 12 4 Complete the email using the linkers in

the box.
linkers review
first of all aer that but and
WRITING TIP finally also then because
As we saw in Unit 9, we use linkers in our writing to join our
ideas together and sequence events. Using them helps the reader Hi Amy,
understand and follow your texts better.
Thanks for your email, it’s great to hear from
you! I’m glad you’re having a good holiday,
1 Unjumble the letters to make linking words mine’s been amazing so far!
I’ve been in Peru for three weeks now and I’ve
1 nad 7 acebeus loved every minute! Last week I had one of the
2 tub 8 fatre tath best experiences of my life – I trekked to
3 yflinla 9 oto Machu Picchu. It was a really tiring couple of
4 os 10 slao days. 1 , we got up at dawn and
took the train to km 104 of the Inca Trail, our
5 tirfs fo lal 11 sa lewl group’s starting point. 2 we
6 enth 12 ro walked for about 5 km along a steep
narrow path through the
2 Which linkers do we use … mountains. It was really hard work,
1 to describe a list of events?
the views were incredible. We
stopped for a picnic lunch and sat looking at
the mountains around us.
2 to add information? 4 to explain a result? 5
, we continued the trail again.
This time we walked for about 4 hours and the
3 to give a reason? 5 to show contrasting ideas? path got higher and higher. One of the people
in our group was very sick 6 we
were so high up so our guide had to give her
3 A Match the sentence halves from a story. oxygen! 7 , we arrived at the
Sun Gate of Machu Picchu and had a great
1 Last night I had a really frightening experience … view of the old city below us. It was beautiful,
2 It was coming from inside a cupboard … incredible and 8 magical! I’ve
3 So, I went into the kitchen … never seen anything so amazing and I don’t
4 First of all, I heard a strange sound … think I will ever forget when I first saw Machu
5 It was big, black and …
Have you had any exciting experiences on your
6 Finally, I ran upstairs … holiday? Please write and tell me about them!
7 At first I couldn’t see anything, then … Lots of love,
8 I opened my mouth to scream …
a) I saw the biggest spider I’ve ever seen!
b) coming from the kitchen.
c) because I came face-to-face with my biggest fear!
5 Write about an exciting or frightening
experience that you’ve had. Tell the reader
d) and tried to find where the noise was coming from.
what happened and why it was so exciting
e) so I nervously opened the door. or frightening. Write 100–120 words.
f) hairy as well!
g) but no sound came out. Plan your writing
h) and went under my bed. • Think about the experience.
B Now write the sentences in the correct order. • What was it? What happened at the
• What happened next?
• What happened in the end? How did
you feel?
Check your writing
• Did you use linkers to connect your ideas and
sequence events?
• Did you check your grammar and spelling?
• Did you find any mistakes?

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