TLE - Computer Programming (.NET) 11 - Week1

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TVL – ICT – Computer

Learning Area Grade Level 11

Quarter Third Date


II. MOST ESSENTIAL 1. Study/select appropriate technologies.
LEARNING 1.1 Determine usage of different technologies based on job requirements
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) 1.2 Select appropriate technology as per work specification
III. CONTENT/CORE • Awareness of technology and its function
CONTENT Curriculum Guide: TVL_ICTP.NET11-12URT-Ie-17 (TLE-ICT-.NET-9-W1)

IV. LEARNING Suggested

Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
A. Introduction 30 minutes In this lesson, the learners will determine the usage of different
Panimula technologies where they will understand and select independently the
appropriate technologies as per work specifications and job requirements.
To start the lesson, the learners will try to answer the inquiry

Directions: Read the given questions below and answer each item by
expressing your own ideas in 2 – 3 sentences per item.
1. How would you describe computer programs in your own words?
2. What do you think are the advantages of using computer programs
in our daily life?
After sharing your own knowledge about the Computer Program that
B. Development 1 hour based on your experiences. The information provided will greatly help you
Pagpapaunlad to understand the basic computer programming and the use of different

COMPUTER PROGRAM is a series of instructions written to perform a

specified task on a computer. A computer needs a program to work. The
program has an executable form that the computer can use directly to
perform instructions. A programmer is a person who writes, develops, and
debugs the computer program.
PROGRAMMING is the art or process and science of creating/writing
programs. It is the process done by programmers to instruct a computer
on how to do a task. It is the process of planning and designing solutions
for a particular problem and then writing the code using a programming
PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE is a tool that allows programmers to write
commands or programs that can easily be understood by a person and
translated into codes that are machine-readable. This is the form of
communication that programmers use to develop applications, scripts or
other sets of instructions for a computer to execute.
C is the predecessor to more complex programming languages like Java
and C#. C is best when you want to work small and when dealing with low-
level applications. It's widely used for embedded systems like the firmware
of your television or the operating system of an airplane, as well as
computer operating systems like Windows.
C# (pronounced C-sharp) is the language used in order to develop
Microsoft apps. C# is syntactically nearly identical to Java. If you're looking
to work on Microsoft apps, C# is the way to go. C# opens a lot of Windows.
IV. LEARNING Suggested
Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
JAVA is top pick as one of the most popular programming languages, used
for building server-side applications to video games and mobile apps. It's
also the core foundation for developing Android apps.
JAVASCRIPT (which, confusingly, is not at all related to Java) is another
favorite programming language because it's so ubiquitous on the web--it's
basically everywhere. JavaScript allows developers to add interactive
elements to their website, and its presence is felt across the internet.
.NET is a free, cross-platform, open source developer platform for building
many different types of applications. With .NET, you can use multiple
languages, editors, and libraries to build for web, mobile, desktop, games,
and IoT.
OBJECTIVE-C is the programming language behind iOS apps. Apple's new
language Swift is rising in the ranks, but Objective-C is still the
recommended starting point for those looking to craft Apple apps for
iPhones and iPads. Next stop--the iOS App Store!
PHP (which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, if you care to know) is often
used in conjunction with dynamic data-heavy websites and app
development. It provides a ton of power and is the beating heart of
monster sites like WordPress and Facebook. PHP is also on the easy end of
the learning spectrum, simply requiring you to embed the code within
HTML. PHP is a must-learn language for aspiring web developers.
PYTHON is a one-stop shop. There's a Python framework for pretty much
anything, from web apps to data analysis. In fact, WordStream is written in
Python! Python is often heralded as the easiest programming language to
learn, with its simple and straightforward syntax. Other applications built
with Python include Pinterest and Instagram.
RUBY (also known as Ruby on Rails) is a major supplier of web apps. Ruby is
popular due to its ease of learning (it's very straightforward) and power.
Ruby knowledge is in high demand these days!
SQL is a database query language (SQL stands for Structured Query
Language) that's ideal when talking big data. SQL lets you siphon helpful
data from massive databases.
.NET is a platform for developing “managed” software. The word managed
is key here-a concept setting the .NET platform apart from many other
development environments.
Computrer Programming Vol. 1, Rex Bookstore

Directions: Write down what is being asked on the table Write your answer
on the space provided below.
3. C#
4. SQL
IV. LEARNING Suggested
Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
Directions: Match Set A to Set B by writing the correct answer on the
space provided before the number.
1. This is the form of communication that A. Objective -C
programmers use to develop applications,
scripts or other sets of instructions for a
computer to execute.
2. A free, cross-platform, open source developer
platform for building many different types of
C. Programming
3. Programming language behind iOS apps.
4. Language used in order to develop Microsoft
apps. D. Python
5. Used for building server-side applications to
video games and mobile apps.
6. An assembly contains intermediate language
and metadata rather than binary code. F. Programming
7. Let you siphon helpful data from massive
databases. G. C
8. It's widely used for embedded systems like the H. C#
firmware of your television or the operating
system of an airplane, as well as computer I. SQL
operating systems like Windows. J. Java
9. It is the process done by programmers to
instruct a computer on how to do a task.
10. Easiest programming language to learn,
from web apps to data analysis.
C. Engagement 1 hour LEARNING TASK 3:
Pakikipagpalihan Directions: Read the Infographics and answer the guide questions below.
Write your answers on the space provided below.

Guide Questions: Write your answer on the space provided. ( 2 – 3

sentences per item)
1. What have you been observed about the infographic?
2. Choose from technologies provided that can be used during
Pandemic to help our government. Support your answer.
IV. LEARNING Suggested
Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
D. Assimilation 1 hours LEARNING TASK 4:
Paglalapat Directions: Relate the lesson by selecting appropriate technology and
integrate its use/s in different fields. Write your answer on the space
As a Student
Grocery Store

Rubric for the Activity

The content and ideas are organized in a clear, 5 4 3 2 1
logical manner.
The answer relates technologies to the given 5 4 3 2 1
fields/work specification.
The work is original and does not contain 5 4 3 2 1
plagiarized content.
Total points (15)
V. ASSESSMENT 30 Minutes
(Learning Identify what is being asked by selecting technology to be used inside the
Activity Sheets box.
for Enrichment, 1. You want to use a straightforward and power app. It is a major supplier
Remediation or of web apps.
Assessment to 2. Simply requiring you to embed the code within HTML. It provides a ton
be given on of power and is the beating heart of monster sites like WordPress and
Weeks 3 and 6) Facebook.
3. Allows developers to add interactive elements to their website, and its
presence is felt across the internet.
4. Use for application software, game development and embedded
5. A language of data science.
B. C++ D. C# F. PHYTON

• The learner, in their notebook, will write their personal insights about
the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.

Prepared by: BERNARD LACBAY Checked by: Rosa Tayamora

ROMINA G. TAÑADA Principal Consultant
Melanie F. Burgonia
Frederick B. Zaide

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