19 Century Novel: (Short Questions) Pride and Prejudice
19 Century Novel: (Short Questions) Pride and Prejudice
19 Century Novel: (Short Questions) Pride and Prejudice
Jane Eyre
1. **Write a short note on ‘Lowood School’. (7c 2017)
2. how was Jane treated in the Reed family? (7c 2017)
***3. Describe Thornfield Hall. (7c 2017)
4. Describe Rochester’s proposal to Jane. (7c 2016)
5. *How did Jane save Mr. Rochester’s life? (NU 17)
6. **Why does Jane come back to Mr. Rochester and marry him at last? (NU15)
7. How does Helen Burns die?
8. *Why does Jane reject St. John’s proposal?
(Broad questions)
Broad questions:
**1. Comment on Dylan Thomas’s treatment of childhood in Poem in October.
**2. Discuss the use of symbols in the poems of Dylan Thomas with reference to Poem in October.
3. Write a critical appreciation of Poem in October.
T.S. Eliot
Short Questions:
1. Why did Prufrock fail to propose the lady? (NU 13) OR What is the problem with Prufrock? OR How
does Prufrock show his incapacity for love? (NU 14)
2. Assess ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ as an interior monologue.
3. Explain the significance of the title ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’.
4. Why is Prufrock unwilling to compare himself to Hamlet? (7c 2017)
5. Why is London called unreal city? (NU 16)
6. What is the significance of three ‘Da’s in The Waste Land? (NU 16)
7. Comment on the life of the Waste Landers. / Justify the title of The Waste Land. (NU 15,17)
Broad Questions:
**1. Show how Eliot’s The Waste Land reflects the disorder and decay of modern civilization. (7c 2017)
*2. Comment on Eliot’s use of myth in The Waste Land. (NU 15)
*3. Comment on the theme of salvation in The Waste Land. (NU 13,17)
4. Discuss how ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ represents the conflict of modern man. (7c 2017)
W.B. Yeats
Short questions:
*1. In what sense is The Lake Isle of Innisfree a poem about escapism? (7c 2017)
**2. Consider The Lake Isle of Innisfree as a romantic poem.
3. How does Yeats express a glowing tribute to the freedom fighters?
3.Write about the symbolic significance of the second coming. (NU 13)
4. What is the significance of ‘Spiritus Mundi’? (7c 2017)
**4. What does ‘Byzantium’ symbolize in the poem “Sailing to Byzantium”? (NU 16)
**5. What is Yeats’s attitude to old age in the poem “Sailing to Byzantium”? (NU 15)
6. How does the poet desire for immortality in Sailing to Byzantium?
Broad questions:
***1. Comment on Yeats’s use of symbols in his poems. (NU 13, 15, 17)
**2. Comment on Yeats’s treatment of history and myth in his poetry. (NU14,16) OR Comment on
Yeats’s concept of civilization.
3. Comment on W.B. Yeats’s use of personal elements in his poems. (7c 2017)
4. Evaluate Yeats as an Irish nationalist poet. (7c 2017)
Sylvia Plath
Short questions:
**1. What is the attitude of the mother towards her child in the poem Morning Song?
2. Write in short on the use of natural imagery to show mother-child relationship development in
Morning Song.
*3. Describe the different stages of journey in the poem Crossing the Water.
4. Comment on the battle of sexes in The Rival.
5. How does Sylvia Plath reveal the emotional journey of her life through the poem Words?
Broad questions:
1. Write a critical appreciation of the poem Morning Song.
2. Make a note on the theme of motherhood in Morning Song.
3. Trace the development of thought in the poem The Rival.
4. “The poetry of Sylvia Plath is intense, deeply personal and quite disturbing.” Do you agree? Give
reasons for answer.
Modern Drama
(Short Questions)
The Importance of Being Earnest
1. What elements of wit and humor do you find in the play The Importance of Being Earnest? (7c 2016)
**2. In What way is The Importance of Being Earnest anti-feminist and anti-romantic? (7c 2016, NU 14 &
3. In what way is The Importance of Being Earnest trivial comedy for serious people? (NU 16)
4. What is the cause of Lady Bracknell’s rejection to Jack Worthing’s proposal to marry Gwendolen? (NU
*5. How is Jack’s identity revealed? (NU 13)
*6. What are the reasons of Jack Worthing’s frequent visits to London? (7c 2017) Trace the farcical
absurdities in The Importance of Being Earnest. (NU17)
7. What actually happened at the end of the play The Importance of Being Earnest? (7c 16)
(Broad questions)
1. Justify Waiting for Godot as an absurd drama. (7c 17)
2. Make a comparative study of the couples – Vladimir and Esatragon and Lucky and Pozzo. (7c 16)
3. **What does waiting signify in Backett’s Waiting for Godot? (NU 18, 15)
4. **Illustrate that Waiting for Godot is a play to show the sense of nothingness. (NU 17,14)
5. Do you find any religious significance in Waiting for Godot? Discuss. (NU 17)
6. Write a note on Beckett as a social critic on the basis of your reading of Waiting for Godot. (NU 16)
Broad Questions-
1. Discuss the plot construction of Look Back in Anger. (7c 2017)
2. Do you think that Look Back in Anger is a play of class discrimination? (NU 13 & 16)
3. How does Look Back in Anger reflect the post-war situation? (NU 13 & 15)
4. Comment on the ending of Look Back in Anger. (NU 14)
5. Discuss the autobiographical elements in Look Back in Anger. (NU 17)
The Caretaker
Short questions:
1. Describe the significance of room in The Caretaker. (7c 2017)
2. **In what sense does Davies represent everyman? (NU 14,17)
3. Do you consider The Caretaker to be an absurd play?
4. Do you find the elements of humour or comedy in The Caretaker?
5. In what way is The Caretaker a comedy of menace?
6. How do Davies, Mick and Aston exhibit their love for power in The Caretaker? (NU14)
7. Why was Davies fired from his job at the Café? (NU 15)
Broad questions
1. What are the major themes of The Caretaker? (7c 2017)
2. **Describe the relationship between Davies and Aston. (7c 2017, NU16)
3. **How does The Caretaker represent the contemporary society? (NU 13,16,18)
4. *How far is The Caretaker a drama of violence and menace? (NU13,15)
5. *How far is The Caretaker an absurd drama? (NU15,18)
6. Compare and contrast the characters of Mick and Aston. (NU 17)
20th Century Novel
Heart of Darkness
Short Questions:
1. Comment on the setting of the novel. (NU 15)
2.What is “Whited Sepulchre”? What is its symbolic significance?
**3. What does the knitting of black wool signify in Heart of Darkness? (NU 17)
***4.Who are the “faithless pilgrims”? Describe their practices in reference to the novel. (7c 2017, NU
5. *What does “Ivory” symbolize in Heart of Darkness? (NU 17)
**6. What does the word ‘horror’ signify in Heart of Darkness? OR Comment on Kurtz’s final words.
**7. What is your impression of the Chief Accountant of the Company’s Station? (7c 2016, NU 18)
Broad Questions:
***1. How does Conrad depict the theme of colonial exploitation/Imperialism in Heart of Darkness? (7c
2017, NU18)
2. Analyze Conrad’s use of symbol in Heart of Darkness. (7c 2016)
3. Explicate the significance of the dying words of Kurtz- The Horror The Horror!. (NU 17)
To the Lighthouse
Short questions:
1. What is Lily’s idea of good picture? (7c 17)
2. what is the significance of the journey to the Lighthouse? (7c 17)
***3. How does Lily Briscoe experience an epiphany at the close of the novel To the Lighthouse? (NU18)
4.Discuss briefly the role of Mrs. Ramsay. (NU 17)
Broad questions:
*1. Discuss the use of symbols in To the Lighthouse. (7c 17)
*2. Discuss the major themes of To the Lighthouse. (NU 18)
**3. Examine the aptness of the title of “To the Lighthouse”. (NU 17)
A Passage to India
Short questions:
**1. Who arranged the Bridge party? Was it a successful party? (7c 17, Nu 17)
***2. Why did the friendship fail between Dr. Aziz and Mr. Fielding? (7c 16, NU17,15)
***3. what is the significance of the friendship between Dr. Aziz and Mors. Moore? (NU18)
4. Discuss the importance of the collision of the boats after the ceremony of ‘Janmasthami’ at Mau. (7c
*5. Describe the Trial Scene in A Passage to India. (NU 16)
Broad questions:
1. How are female characters portrayed in A Passage to India? (7c 17)
**2. Discuss Forster’s use of symbolism in A Passage to India. (7c 17, NU17)
**3. Describe the significance of Marabar Caves in A Passage to India. (7c 17, NU17)
**4. Show how Rony Heaslop, Mr. Fielding and Mrs. Moore represent three different attitudes to India.
(7c 16)
**5. Justify the title of the novel “A Passage to India”. (Nu18,15)
Broad questions:
***1. Critically comment of the theme of racism/colonialism in The Grass is Singing. (7c 17)
**2. Portray the character of Mary. (NU 18)
3. Comment on the significance of the title of The Grass is Singing. (NU 17)
Broad questions:
**1. Discuss Lawrence’s treatment of love and marriage in Sons and Lovers. (7c 17, NU 18)
2. Why does Paul fail to achieve meaningful relationship with either Miriam or Clara in Sons and Lovers?
(7c 16)
**3. Briefly analyze the father-son relationship in Sons and Lovers. (7c 16, NU17)
*4. Comment on the theme of mother-fixation in Sons and Lovers. (NU 17)
5. Examine Walter Morel as a tragic character. (NU 16)
Short questions:
Theories of First and Second language learning
[ 1 question from 1-9]
1.What is “behaviourism” ? or What do you mean by “Language learning is habit formation”?
2.What is Innatism/mentalism?
3.What is ‘Critical Period’ Hypothesis of Maturation Theory
4.*Define Piaget’s notion of “Schema”. 8. Krashen’s Input Hypothesis Or Comprehensive Input.
9.Krashen’s Affective filter Hypothesis.
5.**Define Chomskey’s concept of LAD. –( 7 affiliated colleges 2017. )
6. *How are Schema and LAD related?
7.*Describe Krashen’s Monitor Hypothesis. Or What is monitor? What is its role in SLA? – (7 affiliated
colleges 2017. )
16. Mention the background and the main principles or features of ALM?
***17. What are the significant teaching techniques in ALM? - – 7 colleges 2017 What is the role of the
teacher in the Audio-Lingual Method? – 7 colleges 2017
Contextual Approach-
18. What is a contextual approach? How does it affect pedagogy? 7c 2017
19.? 20.What are the major techniques or teaching learning activities in CLT?
21.**What are the roles of teachers in CLT?
22. **When and Why was CLT introduced in Bangladesh? What are the challenges in implementing CLT
in Bangladesh? What are the main principles of CLT? (NU 16) What are the basic differences between
CLT and GTM. (NU 17)
23.What is Desuggestopedia? What are the main principles of Desuggestopedia?
Natural Approach
24.What are the underlying theory of learning in “The Natural Approach”?
25. **Describe learning acquisition hypothesis. Or How is learning different from acquisition
Post Method Pedagogy
26.*What is Kumaravadilvelu’s concept of the Post Method Pedagogy? Or What do you mean by Post
Method Pedagogy?
27.Describe the characteristics of Post Method Pedagogy.
28.*What is “learner autonomy”?
29. how can a teacher promote learner autonomy?
30.What is tissue rejection?
31. Why does it usually happen?
Four Skills
32.What is scanning? What is skimming?
33.**Explain the Schema theory of reading? How does it affect reading?
34.*What are the main characteristics of spoken language? (with reference to Harmer)
35. Discuss Harmer Model of speaking. What is Intensive reading?
36. How is it different from extensive reading? - 7 affiliated colleges 2017
37.What is contextual approach? How does it affect pedagogy? - 7 affiliated colleges 2017.
38.Distinguish between ‘Acquisition’ and ‘Learning’ - 7 affiliated colleges 2017.
Broad Questions:
Theories of First and Second language learning
1.Compare behaviourism and Innatist’s views of language acquisition.
**2.Make a note on the main principles of Behaviourism theory in language acquisition.- NU
3.*What is Direct Method? Describe its main features, techniques, strengths and weaknesses.
4.**Compare and contrast the Audio-lingual Method and Direct Method.
Natural Approach
5.*Discuss the procedures of the Natural Approach. What are the four basic stages of SLA mentioned in
the Natural Approach? 7 affiliated colleges 2017.
6.*What is Desuggestopedia? Discuss the key features and objectives of Desuggestopedia. Evaluate its
relevance to mainstream Bangladeshi classroom. 7 affiliated colleges 2017
7.**Why is CLT considered an approach rather than a method?
8.What are the roles of a teacher in communicative language teaching method?
9.Comment on the problems of CLT in Bangladesh. Or What are the challenges in implementing CLT in
Bangladesh? - 7 affiliated colleges 2017.
Post Method Pedagogy
10.**What is post method condition? What is Kumaravadivelu’s concept of the post Method Pedagogy?
Discuss Kumaravadivelu’s strategic framework of post Method Pedagogy. – 7 affiliated colleges 2017.
Do you think the post method pedagogy is required to deal with the contemporary challenges of English
language teaching in EFL?
11.What is Situational Language Teaching? Discuss its approach, design and procedure. - 7 affiliated
colleges 2017.
Four Skills and others
12.What are the roles of a teacher in language classroom?
13.*What are the challenges involved in a large class? How can you develop group work and develop
discipline in a large class?
14.What are the social and psychological factors that play in Acculturation Model of second language
development? Discuss.
15.Discuss different ways of teaching pronunciation.
16.*Discuss the major strategies and techniques of developing vocabulary. (NU 2017)
17. What are the ways of improving writing skill? - NU 2017
Introduction to Literary Criticism
Short Questions:
The Study of Poetry
**1. What is Charlatanism?
**2. What is an estimate? Describe different estimates or methods as suggested by Arnold.
3.What are the characteristics of Victorian criticism?
4. What is touchstone method? What are the merits and demerits of touchstone method?
5. How does Arnold describe the 18th century literature? (NU 18)
6. What is Arnold’s view of Chaucer as a poet? (NU 18)
7. what are the influences of Milton and Dryden on the poets of the later ages? (NU 18)
Broad Questions: